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"One world of Mazana" - the meaning and origin of phraseologism? One world of Mazana: how dangerous generalizations


The same; One is no better than the other.

Meaning that Persons ( H.) Possess the same weaknesses, disadvantages, negative features of nature. speech standard. X-s one world of Mazana . Named neism. subject to you uPOTR. in sign "You and all the rest." Often with the word everything. In the role of the name tale.less likely - self. expressed Order components fixir.

About one of the smashed spinning with geranium for dusty glass was sitting by a navel old woman of Javronia. ... I greeted. ... - How to burn something here, ask? - she sank. ... - Eh! Nor a day, then joy, and the tears does not decrease. Tomorrow is all one thing yesterday. Non is all sinful, such a thing is to judge. There is no topever right man - everything one world of Mazana. Teachership newspaper, 2003.There is some kind of nonical similarity between mom and dvorechikha .... in something like that, that they mean when they say: we are all people ... or one, they say the world of Mazana ..., in something, the word, which is very, very general, generally to all people. B. Pasternak, Childhood lover.

What do you think everyone has such saws? Or is it alone such a diversity? - No, all one world of Mazana, - answered for Ganku Luka. K. Sedoy, fatherland.

"Take, go to the brigade and remember who you have, all of them, Sukina children, one world of Mazana..." V. Maksimov, Ark for Uninvited.

Kapa, \u200b\u200bhe said. - Tonya left me ... With whom it has it ... - I do not know. "Pal Palych looked at Kapu ... and silent." - You all one world of Mazana, - He finally said, "you don't know everything. Y. Herman, our friends.

And later - come up! - from her corner said Seisdow. - your own committever kum ... All of you one world of Mazana. Y. Hermann, Russia.

I am not better and no worse than others. We all one world of Mazana. (Speech)

cultural comment: Initially phraseole. Had a "one faith". ( Shan N.M., Zimin V.I., Filippov A.V. School phrasebook Russian language. M., 1997. P. 158.) Image phraseole. goes back to the Christian rite of world conjunction - to the sacrament, during which the participants "Majut" mir - special fragrant oil, consisting of olive oil with red wine and incense, consecrated to the Great Quarter to commit the Miropomazia sacrament, as well as to consecrate the thrones and antimons (used to cover the thrones of silk feet, in which the relics of the saint and on which is depicted position in the coffin of Jesus Christ). ( Skarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. Spb., 2000. P. 139.) Miro It marks the multi-deceased of the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit, reported through the sacrament of the world-formation to everyone. ( Brief church-permanent dictionary. M., 1997. P. 260.) V. phraseole. component miro Recalls with an artifactive-real culture code. Component phraseole. one Related with the numerical code of culture and closely connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, unity, one whole. Component smear Related with the activity code. Form phraseole. generally associated with the idea of different people As about one whole. cf. Expressions everything is like one like one person in one voice, the whole world etc. In the church, on the road, in the bath - in the places of association of people, where they are not taken into account, their individuality is lost, man behaves like everything as one world man. ( cm. About this B. kn.: Ayrapetyan V. Russian interpretation. M., 2001. ) Based on the image phraseole. Lies a religious idea that all the sinful people and on the basis of this are equal to each other. cf. With the text of the Gospel: "Which of you without sin, the first to leave the stone" ( In. 8: 7). In modern use phraseole. subjected to desacralization, i.e. Initial value phraseole., rethinking as a result of the loss of religious life skills, has simplified, has been brought to everyday life. Probably contributed to the partial homonymy of the word miro and forms tV. P. units. h. the words peace. Component phraseole. miro perceived by modern carriers of Russian as peace "Community of people." The affiliation of people to one circle is rethinking as their similarity in their negative manifestations. phraseole. In general, acts as a stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bpeople with the same qualities or disadvantages. S. V. Kabakov
  • - all for one way; No better than other Wed. "Facularities all." Cf. The mother's representatives of the salons always responded with an envious mockery and contempt, saying that they are essentially one with her field of berries .....

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - Tѣm Mārome Mazana Sun on one LAD; no better than others. Cf. "Snaps of Sun Tѣm Mazana Māzana" ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - Iron. Similar to each other in nature, according to behavior, in terms of its qualities, etc. - adventuristic company, Grigory Ivanovich. She can make up and negotiate with Astor and the rest of the Bostonians ...

    Frameological dictionary Russian literary language

  • - smear one world who. Ack with one world of whom. . Expres Consider someone similar to each other in their qualities, properties, position, etc.; find them standing each other ...

    Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Charging. 1. Without censure, punishment. Old man! Go with the world. But be cursed, who will go for you! . 2. ONED ...

    Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • "The world is covered with peace with the world." See life -...
  • - They are everywhere in the world of Mazana ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See the bride -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See craft -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Sib. Live together in harmony. FSS, 112 ...
  • - about very similar, similar to Qualities people. DP, 854; BTS, 513, 545; F 1, 289; Mokienko 1989, 44; Glukhov 1988, 116 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Kursk, Psk. Jelly About the same, very similar to each other. Ivashko, 1993; Botsan, 106. / I\u003e Moore - glaze for clay dishes. Ivashko, 1993 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - See similar .....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"One world of Mazana" in books

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One day

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Two follows one

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One world of Mazana

From the book Moscow words, words and winged expressions Author Muravyev Vladimir Bronislavovich

One world of Mazana "one world of Mazana" - now usually talk about people who are united by some inner in the eyes of society negative traithidden by statements and external decencies, but in the end necessarily manifested in their actions. IN

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5. One of the names of Andronika-Christ was Euclide, and one of his classes was geometry in "History" Nikita Honiata contains an indirect, but unequivocal indication that Andronika-Christ was called Euclide. Talking about the embassy of the German king Henry to Isaac

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6. Fundamental differences between the world of rationalist and the world of mysticism

From the book Introduction to the Philosophy of Judaism Author Polon Pinhas

6. Fundamental differences between the world of rationalist and the world of Mystic 6.1. Creation and emanation. At the rationalists, the main term will be creation, and the mystics Emanation. What is the difference between these concepts? Creation is the creation of something else than the original one. God

The expression is it ancient history. More than once, I was convinced that those for whom it is favorite, with this story of the unfamiliar. It is not about the world here, as many people think, but about the special oil of the world, which in the church made a world-building. Cooked it once a year, in Pure Thursday. But the oil is usually added to the old one. So an expression "in one world" appeared. Previously, they said: "We are one of the Mazana world," which meant "we are one faith."

Now this frameological turn acquired an extremely negative character. All of them are one world of Mazana. Or just: all of them there! .. The rest is clear. Freaks, ribs, fraudsters, rascals, lords, murderers. What do you not say in the hearts? Do not focus.

But the stability of turnover in lately He began to cause resistance in me, and sometimes even fright. A number of those who are "all in one world", growing day by day: officials, police officers, doctors, judges, teachers, Uzbeks, Caucasians, pharmacists, deputies, oligarchs, actors, athletes. It turns out whole army enemies, and everything is directed against one, defenseless person.

These moods are understandable. Unpunished evil, unforgettable wealth, self-government, cruelty, lawlessness - all this causes indignation. Not less than any of you glad when they are judged by a bribe, a fraudster or a policeman who scored a teenager to death. And, on the contrary, it hurts me and disgusts when they give a term innocent and issued to freedom of criminal authority. And therefore the development civil society, and the organization of civil institutions, and political activity we need as air.

But "all of them there" - the position is still very bad. I'm not talking about that she is trying. When "all of them there" means no one. This position is irresponsible because it is impossible to fight with a whole social layer, the whole professional group Or with whole people. If you, of course, do not wear a bloody revolution in a quiet soul.

In addition, and maybe, first of all, it is unfair. In my own life, we know that people of one profession, one official status, one nationality - very different people. Output is a rudiment of generic, clan thinking. Our and not ours. Also, exactly the son of a cool official or oligarch will talk about those who drive on the subway: all of them cattle. We understand that he is cruel, stupid and brazenly wrong. But, in essence, this is just a tracing with everyday "all of them there." Nothing good. How do guest workers treat residents of Russian cities?

But okay - position. I'm talking about the state of the soul and consciousness. It is extremely harmful to the psyche, deprives the person of rest. We say words, I do not suspect sometimes that they have inverse. I watched people friendly by nature, funny, what is there - just, in everyday good kind and always ready to come to the rescue. "All of them there" were uttered with them fun, without malice, mainly to emphasize, for example, that we are not so. But there were situations that, from time to time, he throws us life, and the finished aggression took place in their eyes. Own words were postponed in consciousness as an installation. Go next to them at this moment of plague people in the pogrom, they, perhaps, would join them. In the impulse of the holy evil. But ... This and the whole thing - the holy malice does not happen.

"All of them there" does not imply an analysis, awareness, attempts to figure out what what, and why, and who is who, and what to do. And now imagine that the teenager hears it since childhood. Words pronounced mindlessly, with great probability will turn it into a thoughtless, aggressive being. Argued with such people what is called, herself is more expensive. "Are you justifying them? Are you for them, or what? " The answer "I am not for them, I do not bring success for the truth. The one who throws the reproach, emotional, he burns, he is in a rush (here is a man!), And you, it turns out, indifferent to the snack trying to get over the fight. Here we need patience and goodwill, which your companion in this moment Just not enough. If you are familiar with history and follow the events, the arguments should be. It is only necessary to learn how to clearly articulate them.

It would seem that your behavior to the essence of the relationship does not have. It has. It is about reducing the number of evil. Rush with rage opponent - it means not to convince, but to offend, that is, to cause a response protest and aggression is no longer the meaning of the said, but on intonation. Do we want it?

One world of Mazana


The same; One is no better than the other.

Meaning that Persons ( H.) Possess the same weaknesses, disadvantages, negative features of nature. speech standard. X-s one world of Mazana .Imennaya part neism.subject to you uPOTR. in sign "You and all the rest."Often with the word everything.In the role of the name tale.less likely - self. expressedOrder components fixir.

About one of the smashed spinning with geranium for dusty glass was sitting by a navel old woman of Javronia. ... I greeted. ... - How to burn something here, ask? - she sank. ... - Eh! Nor a day, then joy, and the tears does not decrease. Tomorrow is all one thing yesterday. Non is all sinful, such a thing is to judge. There is no topever none of the right person - all one world of Mazana. Teachership newspaper, 2003.There is some kind of nonical similarity between mom and dvorechikha .... in something like that, that they mean when they say: we are all people ... or one, they say the world of Mazana ..., in something, the word, which is very, very general, generally to all people. B. Pasternak, Childhood lover.

What do you think everyone has such saws? Or is it alone such a diversity? - No, all one world of Mazana, - answered for Ganku Luka. K. Sedoy, fatherland.

"Take, go to the brigade and remember who you have, all of them, Sukina children, one world of Mazana..." V.Maximov, Ark for uninvited.

Kapa, \u200b\u200bhe said. - Tonya left me ... With whom it has it ... - I do not know. "Pal Palych looked at Kapu ... and silent." - You all one world of Mazana, - He finally said, "you don't know everything. Y. Herman, our friends.

And later - come up! - from her corner said Seisdow. - your own committever kum ... All of you one world of Mazana. Y. Hermann, Russia.

I am not better and no worse than others. We all one world of Mazana. (Speech)

cultural comment: Initially phraseole. Had a "one faith". ( Shan N.M., Zimin V.I., Filippov A.V. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1997. P. 158.)Form phraseole. goes back to the Christian rite of world conjunction - to the sacrament, during which the participants "Majut" mir - special fragrant oil, consisting of olive oil with red wine and incense, consecrated to the Great Quarter to commit the Miropomazia sacrament, as well as to consecrate the thrones and antimons (used to cover the thrones of silk feet, in which the relics of the saint and on which is depicted position in the coffin of Jesus Christ). ( Skarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. Spb., 2000. P. 139.) Miro It marks the multi-deceased of the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit, reported through the sacrament of the world-formation to everyone. ( Brief church-permanent dictionary. M., 1997. P. 260.) V. phraseole. component miro Related with the artifactive and real code of culture. Compact phraseole. one Related with the numerical code of culture and closely connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, unity, one whole. Component smear Related with an activity code. phraseole. In general, it is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent people as about one whole. cf. Expressions everything is like one like one person in one voice, the whole world etc. In the church, on the road, in the bath - in the places of association of people, where they are not taken into account, their individuality is lost, man behaves like everything as one world man. ( cm. About this B. kn.: Ayrapetyan V. Russian interpretation. M., 2001. ) Based on the image phraseole. Lies a religious idea that all the sinful people and on the basis of this are equal to each other. cf. With the text of the Gospel: "Which of you without sin, the first to leave the stone" ( In. 8: 7). In modern use phraseole. subjected to desacralization, i.e. Initial value phraseole., rethinking as a result of the loss of religious life skills, has simplified, has been brought to everyday life. Probably contributed to the partial homonymy of the word miro and forms tV. P. units. h. the words peace. Component phraseole. miro perceived by modern carriers of Russian as peace "Community of people." The affiliation of people to one circle is rethinking as their similarity in their negative manifestations. phraseole. In general, acts as a stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bpeople with the same qualities or disadvantages. S. V. Kabakov

The story that is relevant now. I really like this text ...

Afthirs-offshore, Rospila-kickbacks, lemons-epaulets ... State campaign to combat corruption ... Seeing on TV Another presentation of the brilliant trio of the prosecutor-lawyer accused, we often say " yes they are one world of Mazana! ».

What does this phrase mean? What is this "world"? And why "Mazana"? And what does this phrase have to do with the history of Moscow?

No matter how strange it sounds, but the expression is - invoking Moscow. It was born in Moscow. And the point is not at all in the level of corruption in our capital! I don't even consider this version! In other cities and weighs, it is no less than ...

And while the competent authorities lead one investigation, why don't we have something else with you? Such, you know the historical and philological excursion. You can not imagine how many historical information can fit in eighteen signs with spaces!

Well, let's start ...

Historical memory can be captured not only in bronze in squares or in stone Stel and obelisk. From ancient times to this day, all events, great and small, are transmitted primarily through the word. Speech, written or oral - the main carrier of information.

Therefore, to get to the truth, it is extremely important to understand the meaning of each word of interest to us. This is not as simple as it seems.

What do we understand from this phrase? It follows from the context that a certain amount of not the most decent people are blurred by the same substance, and this fact is united by all.
It would seem - all clear. But, nevertheless - what is this substance is the world? I personally have such a substance not familiar ...
Or maybe this phrase has some other - hidden - meaning?

Let's turn to the dictionaries. I take the oldest one of all the dictionaries available from me: the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Vladimir Dalya 1881 edition. This wisdom storehouse got into inheritance from your favorite grandfather editor.

And! ... Surprises start immediately! Word " peace" in different times in different situations looked different interpretations: « the whole universe», « our planet as part of the Universey "," all people like human race», « community as a society of peasants», « loan to address issues" All this is very interesting, but does not give answers to our questions. "Cold" - the children would say so.

Open the second explanatory dictionary, which edited by Professor D.N. Ushakov. He is a little newer, published in 1938.
« Peace as universe" Not that. " Peace as planet" Again not that. " Community" Already read this interpretation. " People" He said, read. Give something more relevant!

Allow! " Agreement between the warring parties, the same as the peace treaty" An interesting interpretation, especially in the light of the anti-corruption campaign. Take note.

« Silence, peace, calm" Pleasant condition, but this is not our case. Rest only in our dreams…

« Friendship between someone and as a consequence the lack of serious disagreements" Already "warmer", because anyway does not catch anyone.

« Some separate sphere of life or area of \u200b\u200bobjects or phenomena». « World of Plants», « animal world», « world of children's soul"... Mmm, in itself entertaining, but again not that.

« Miils and their life as the opposite of monastery life and church" Cold!

As can be seen from the list, there are some interpretations that are quite suitable in context. Quite, but not completely. None of the many listed worlds can "smear". Is the search was in vain?! Maybe we made a mistake somewhere?

There was no search !! Learning language is an interesting occupation. And our error was that the ending, characteristic of nouns names, was deceived. male single number In the hardware case. For those who are confused, I will explain clearly and highlight the color - peace [oh. ].

Not " peace"We need, and something similar to sound and writing! And in sensible dictionaries, indeed, there is a search word! And not one, but two more! Here they are, in the neighborhood are - " myrrh"And" miro" Yes, and the meaning of each of them is much more suitable for us, as they mean an oily liquid.

So, the words are two. The meaning of this and the other suits us. The question remains, which of these words we need? Open the dictionary and read:

« Mirra "is special view fragrant resin obtained from a number of African and Arabian trees, and consumed in medicine and perfumery" Izmazy resin? As easy as pie! But we are not in the Arabian desert. But almost the goal, right?

"Miro" - artificially cooked oily beneficial agent used in Christian church detachments, in particular, in the world-building or at wedding to the kingdom " . Hot! Very hot!!

The words " miro"And" myrrhAlthough it sounds like, and mean a pleasantly smelling liquid, but there is a difference between them. And it is she who gives the phrase "one world of Mazana" the correct meaning! Welcome to the "Moscow" part of our narration ...

Noon spring, river silver,
Their temples came out.

Yes, dear friends, was in our history period when visiting church service It was the same natural case as it is or to sleep. Simple, but very effective formula "Eat. Pray. Love "was discovered long before the birth of Elizabeth Gilbert. And there would be our people next, following these words, but one day "Red Seventeenth Year" came.

Why did I suddenly remember the church and about the past centuries? Just because we clearly presented the context of that time, that life, that Russia. Everything was different - both the church and the attitude towards it - the whole life was different.

The sacrament of "Miropomania" is one of the seven existing in Orthodoxy . The meaning of this sacred is that through the world, applied by the cross, God's grace goes to man. It is noteworthy that the word forgotten " anointed God"Also rises with its roots to this sacrament, however, when weddings to the kingdom, it could not be different. Who is the king? The protege of God on Earth, his anointed.

For some time, until the XVII century, Miro boiled throughout Russia. Then it was decided that from now on and forever the miroderation will occur in one-sole place. And Incenly - in the Patriarch Palace of the Moscow Kremlin.
The monitoring process itself deserves a separate mention. And in the "worldly", and in church life all the newly created is regulated various rules. But in contrast to the guests or that, the standards of mirmentation do not change in centuries!

First day Passionate week The Patriarch himself and his closest surroundings were visited by the Patriarchal Palace, where they conducted special worship services. After him, holy water was sprinkled by everything that relates to the process of mirling. And when all the components (and their almost thirty species!) It turned out inside a special boiler, the fire beneath him was dyed by Patriarch himself.

The question is quite natural: what about the world? What smells of God's grace?

Of course, this is a fir. Of course, it is incense, and not one, but three are white, black and pink. Of course, it is wine; But not red, and white grape. But that's not all. Not everyone.

Take time to listen to the list of fragrant oils, mandatory with mirodement: rosemary, cinnamon, orange, clove, nutmeg, ladder, lignorodia, pink, bergamot, lavender and lemon oil. Add to this Bogorodskaya grass oil, violet roots (white!), Ginger, pocket and caulgano roots.

Not yet tired? Then let me complete this list by Sandarak, basil, mastic, pink colors, styrax, Peruvian balm and Venetian turpentine.

What happens after his holy holiness lit a fire under silver vessels? All three days of the passionate week, from Monday, on Wednesday, the fire is continuously burning under these boilers. And the gospel is also read continuously over them. This process should not be interrupted for a second!

In the evening, the world was spilled on the vessels so that it was in the Uspensky Cathedral, where he was consecrated in a passionate Thursday. After the consecration of the vessels with this fragrant substance went on a journey throughout Russia. And we…

We arrived at the end station of our time travel. Press in facts: and the composition, and the place of mirling, the same. And if so, in the literal sense, all the parishioners were one of the world of Mazana, that is, one faith !

How did it happen that the meaning of the expression changed to the opposite direct?

Middle of the XIX century. In the lexicon of people, the word is increasingly and more often nihilism" It means the absence of any authorities and the denial of moral and cultural landmarks. Moreover, the meaningfulness of human existence is declared an obsolete concept. There is no God, he is no longer needed.

It is curious that some of the ideologues of Nigilism came from the clergy. Read the biography of Nikolai Dobrolyubova or his twirl, Utopist Blackshevsky with his eternal "What to do?". Both of these far from stupid people were born and grew up in the families of clergymen. Moreover, they were given names in honor of Nikola's Wonderworker, one of the most popular in Russia's Rus!

But ... the word is hidden! The new rulers of the Dum, perfectly (by heart!) Who knew the church texts, they reincarnated them in their speeches. That's exactly what the rally lies, why the expression, initially completely bright, acquired such a clearly misfired meaning. And hidden from the uninitiated and directed against the order of established over the century, the energy came out from under control.

Quiet Cossacks are talking,
Genno stand old men.
And the uncommon they are shown soon
Filter these days.
The world will call this stupid and old,
Everything will say, it is necessary on the layer,
And useless paper will be
Money with a double-headed eagle ...

On this "clipboard," I would like to finish today's story. And before telling you "to new meetings!" Let me please contact you with the words of my favorite writer, the author "Golden Rose":

Love for the Motherland is unthinkable without love for his native language.

No language - no and homeland. Take care of them!
To new meetings! All light !!

Moscow Words, Lords and Winged Expressions of Muravyov Vladimir Bronislavovich

One world of Mazana

One world of Mazana

"One world of Mazana" - now usually talk about people who are united by some inner negative trait, hidden by statements and external decencies, but in the end necessarily manifested in their actions. In Novameh explanatory dictionary This expression has a categorical litter of its stylistic use: disapproving.

Before the saying "one world of Mazana" did not have such a shade, but was stylistically neutral, denoting just the community of any group of people. For example, the famous writer of the 1950-1960s Galina Nikolaeva, saying about the work factor, that they are honest, good, hardworking people, summed up their statement: "All the world of Mazana".

This duality of the saying led to its origin and the fact that it is about things in it and the circumstances, which is now known only to a minor circle of people.

Played a role and modern spelling, abolished some letters spent in the traditional "Russian alphabet": "Yat", "Fit", "Izhitsa", "and - with a point or a decade." Thus, it was created difficulty in understanding the meaning of some words in which these letters had the meaning of a distinctive value. These are the words "world" - the state, the opposite war and the "world" - the Universe, society. The first was written with "and" ordinary, second - through "and with a point." The name of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" in modern spelling gives the right to interpret it in both values: years of war - and the years of the world, as well as the war - and society. The thick "world" is written through "and", the author's intent was displayed not only in the content of the novel, but also in his name.

But in the title of the poem V. V. Mayakovsky "War and Peace", written in 1916, the word "world" was printed through "and with a point", we are talking About the war that covered all countries, the whole world.

Now in the expression "in the world of Mazana" the word "world" is perceived by some incomprehensible manner with the words that were discussed above. In fact, here the word "world" has no one with those two nothing in common, except for the sound. The confusion again made the reform of the former spell: in the word "world" the sound "and" was indicated by the letter "Ipsylon", or, as it was called in the Russian alphabet, "Izhitsa", moreover, this word in the nominative case consists of two syllables - Miro .

Miro is a specially prepared incense, which is used in rites christian churchesThey in certain cases are anointing, that is, the application of the world with a special tassel on his forehead, eyes, mouth, nostrils, ears, chest, hands and legs. The grace of God is reported to the world, and it is one of the Christian sacraments.

Therefore, the original meaning of the saying "one world of Mazana" means the belonging of people to one faith.

In the XVII century, the Russian Orthodox Church was decided to prepare - cook - Miro for all Russia only in one place - in Moscow, in the Kremlin, in the Patriarchal Palace, because in provincial cities there were difficulties with obtaining necessary for the world composite elementsthat did not allow it to prepare it in all the rules.

Composition of the world orthodox churchconsisted of a certain set of incense resins, herbs and oils. It included the following substances: fir, white grape wine, styrax; Ladan - Rosna, simple white and black; mastic, sandarak, pink flowers, basil; roots - violet white, ginger, icy, caulgano, cardamomon; Olive oil, nutmeg, Balsam Peruvian, Terpetin Venetian; Glamor oils: bergamot, lemon, lavender, clove, Bogorodskaya grass, rosemary, lignorodia, pink, cinnamon, masonry, orange and nutmess liquid.

In this list, the modern reader will meet whole line The substances about which he did not hear, but can also get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe incredible complexity of the composition of the world.

The Mirmentation process itself occurred in the Patriarchal Palace Patriarchal Chamber of the Kremlin, who was also called Microvarova, and on a special, strictly observed by the ritual.

The Cross Chamber, built in the middle of the XVII century, was decorated with paintings and icons of the best royal artists - Simon Ushakov and Fyodor Kozlov. The Chamber was illuminated by a large copper panicadyl.

In the midst of the Chamber, there was a stone focus under the Senyu, the focus was made by two silver boilers murdered for the jar of the world, there was a large silver range to drain the world, covered with a silver lid. There was a wooden stepped pyramid, on the steps of which the substances needed for the preparation of the world were laid out.

Mirodery was produced by Personal week. On Monday, the Patriarch with the senior clergy committed worship, water binding, sprinkled with holy water, all cooked for mationary. Then all the components of the world were placed in the boilers, the Patriarch itself lied fire under the boilers.

Miro was pregnant continuously for three days, the deacons in the vestments were made by Miro, and the priests were continuously reading the gospel. In the evening, on Wednesday, Miro was poured on special vessels, on Thursday when the bells procession Miro delivered to the Assumption Cathedral, and on the liturgy it was consecrated. On how important an event in the Russian Orthodox church, this act was considered to show reports about him in the largest newspapers, for example, in the Moscow Vedomosti dated April 11, 1902: "In the Assumption Cathedral, the consecration of the newly prepared world was held."

Sanctified Miro returned to the patriarchant religion, and from there it was sent over all dioceses. Therefore, all Orthodox throughout Russia was anointed by the same world.

That was born in orthodox Russia The saying "one world of Mazana", and it really was so.

An ironic shade is beginning to acquire in the middle of the XIX century with the distribution of materialistic and nihilistic views in the society. Since the figures of the revolutionary-democratic camp in childhood, as a rule, received traditional Orthodox education, besides, a significant part of them, for example N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov, took place from spiritual estate, they, good knowing church texts and sayings , quoted them in speech by investing in them a different meaning.

At the Soviet times, atheism became state policy, the atheists in their propaganda used religious texts and images in a humorous and satirical, blasphemous context. So in society and established "disapproving" the meaning of the expression "in the world of Mazana", which recorded the Soviet linguistic.

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