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Principles of modern Russian spelling. Main sections and principles of Russian spelling


Spelling (from Greek. ORTOS - Direct, Right and Grapho - I write) is a system of rules that establish uniformity of writing, mandatory for this language. Spelling can also be called a section of science on language learning spelling words at a certain stage of development of this language.

Modern Russian spelling includes five sections:

1) the transfer of phonam composition of words;

2) mens, separate and defisal (weapons) writing;

3) consumption of uppercase and lower case letters;

4) Word transfer methods;

5) graphic shortages of words.

The rules for transferring the sound side of speech through letters can be built on various principles. The principles of spelling are the basis on which the writing of words and morpheme is based in the presence of a choice of letters provided by graphics.

Orthogram (from Greek. ORTOS - direct, correct and grámma - letter) is a correct writing that should be chosen from a number of possible. For example, in the word railway stationorphograms are letters about (Letter can be written but), to (Letter can be written g.), l. (It is possible to write lL). Certain orphograms are associated with each of the five sections of spelling. So, for example, first, a certain letter in the Word: she. sweat and shabout rOH, farmabout live and farmbut go et al., Secondly, compatible, separate and defisite (half-capacity) Writing words: slowly, in an embrace, spring; Third, uppercase and lower case letters: Motherland and motherland; Fourth, word transfer: sister and sister, on-quit and over-break: Fifth, graphic cuts: etc. (etc), and etc. (other), cm. (Look).

The Russian letter, as well as the letter of most peoples of the world, is sound, that is, the meaning of speech in it is transmitted by transferring the sound side of the language conditionally accepted graphic notation - letters.

In the letter, the sounds of the Russian language are transmitted by means of a certain number of letters, which together form the alphabet. Learning the letters, as you know, is engaged in the schedule. Specographic systems of the world differ depending on how they use charts. For example, certain difficulties may arise when in various phonetic conditions, one letter (due to their meaningful) means different sounds. Such a situation may occur during high-quality reduction (in the word river letter e.denotes the sound [e], and in the word river through the same letter e. denotes the sound [and e]), as well as fortunate consonants in the absolute end of the word (in the word luga letter g.denotes the sound [g], and in the word meadow The same letter g. denotes the sound [K]). In such cases, the choice of letters is determined by spelling rules. Thus, it is spelling that regulates the spelling of a letter that means the background in a weak position.

In modern Russian language, there are three principles of spelling: morphological (phoneminatic, phonemetic, morphoforectic, phonena-morphological), phonetic and historical (etymological, or traditional).

The morphological principle is the main, the leading principle of Russian spelling. According to tradition, this principle is called morphological, although it would be more correct to be called it morphoforematic, since, firstly, the same letters of the alphabet denote the background in all its modifications, and secondly, this principle provides the same writing Morphem (consoles, root, suffix and endings) regardless of their pronunciation, for example, the root-livery is equally, regardless of the position, in words sea, Morso׳ y, sailter etc.

On morphological principles, the following spelling rules:

    writing unstressed vowels, checked by stress: (in the root of words: inabout ׳ bottom - B.about yes׳ – inabout diana - Nau.about junction ; In service morphemes: about׳ t-Mel and from-fight, wise-E.׳ c. and star-Ec, on the table'I. on the chair).

    writing ringing and deaf consonants at the end of the word ( lu.g. - LU.g. a, Louto - but) and in the root of the word before consonants ( lain ka - oK, Skovorod. ka - Skovorod. oK);

    writing verified non-pronounced consonants ( byhere nii - OPUhere aT, b);

    writing consoles for consonants, excluding consoles on z. (aboutt. to give as aboutt. catch, on thed. build as on thed. break etc.);

    eating letters e. After hissing in the shock position in the roots of words, as well as in the suffixes of verbs and exclusive words ( nighte. in at nighte. watch, She. pot - She. patty, sizee. bC - sizee. vat);

    writing hard and soft consonants in combination with soft consonants ( mOart iR - MOart , but insm and - oh);

    writing unstressed endings of nouns, which are usually checked by the structural endings of the extension of the same declination and in the same case (Wed: in the tree 'out, in PA' RCU - in the saddle '; in Ra' reach - in the steppes'; in Not 'Be - in the bucket', etc.).

The phonetic principle (or phonetic writing) is that the writing transmits the sound of the word, the letter in this case is not the phoneme, but the sound. Phonetic writing is close to phonetic transcription (as you know, transcription is the transmission of sounding speech on the letter).

The phonetic principle found the following writing:

    writing consoles ending on z. (it is, the occasionally, occasionally,-) with the letter from before deaf consonants and with the letter z.before all other consonants and before vowels ( check - Changing, Return - Him, Get up - Climbing, Low - Speak, Distribute - Distribute, Calcity - Off-road, Emergency);

    writing letters but in an unstressed console once- (races)despite the fact that under the stress in this prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten about (distribution׳ t - Speak, Place׳ h - painting, Rass׳ call - ro.׳ snaps, Races׳ mint - Ro.׳ reference);

    writing letters s After the consoles on the consonant (excluding the prefixes of inter-, super- and borrowed consoles) before the initial letter and Root (Wed: Background - search - over interesting). In addition, after solid consonants in comprehensive words, the letter and (Medin Institute, Sportor) are preserved;

    writing letters aboutin suffixes -One -One After hissing (bear, hatchonka, etc.);

    writing letters safter the end of the names of nouns and adjectives ( streets, cucumbers, palenolitic, poultry, cuckuck, etc.);

    lack of letter bin adjectives with a suffix -sk, formed from noun, ending on b (Mozyr - from Mozyr, brutal - from the beast; Wed: September - from September, December - from December).

    Writing individual words (Wedding - Wed: Swat, Welding; Hole - Wedway: Cold; Kalach - Wed: Kolo et al.).

Traditional (historical) principle of Russian spelling is that something or other writing is due to the laws of the language at a certain stage of its historical development. In modern language, such writing persists by tradition.

To traditional (historical) writing include the following:

1) writing words (more often borrowed) with unverified unstressed vowels a, O, E, and, I (boots, laboratory, panorama, team, smell, vinaigrette, conductor, deficit, intellectual, confusion, month, hareetc.);

2) Writing the roots with alternating vowels a / o, e / and (zarya - Illumination - dawns; Tan - sunbathing - Prigar; Touch - touch; Bow - lean down - declination; Offer - Apply - Canopy; Plant - Rostock - grow - grown; slip - jump - jump; Collect - Colon; Surprise - Uder; glitter - shine; Unlock - spit, disseminate - spread; Witch - wipe and etc.);

3) writing letters and, E. after letters well, Shand C. (As is known, the sounds [F], [W] were soft to the XIU century, and [C] - to the Hui century): six, tin, skiing, width, rosehip, goal, whole, qualification, quotation, circus and etc.

4) Writing double consonants in the roots of borrowed words ( kilogram, coral, highway, baroque, antenna, assimilation and etc.);

5) writing letters g. On the site of the sound [in] in the end -Oh, -eo PAGE PADEE OF ADVENTION AND PRESIDENTS ( strong, blue, goingand etc.);

6) writing letters b After solid hissing well, Sh In the end of the verbs of the 2nd face of the only number in the form of an expiratory ignition ( go, look, read) and in the forms of imperative inclination ( eat, cut, smear). In addition, the tradition is written bafter hissing at the end of the mock, with the exception of words already married, insensitive (only, completely, exactly in-point, after the navigation, manifest and etc.);

7) writing words with unverified vowels in combination oro, Olo. (milk, cow);

8) writing individual words ( backpack, asphalt, station and etc.) .

Differentiating (differing) writing explains the spelling of various words and word forms relating to homonyms. It is due to the presence of differentiating writing, ionics, omophorms, and mistons differ differently. So, for example, writing letters but or about helps to understand what the words are used in what value tobut mPANI "Event, event" and toabout mPANI (a group of people). The value of homonyms may vary by writing a single and double letter: ball (festive evening) and score (estimate); writing uppercase and lower case letters: Novel (male name) and novel (literary genre), Eagle (city) and eagle(Bird), etc.

The following spellings include:

1) presence or absence letter b in words with the basis of the hissing (availability b At the words of the female kind: daughter, oven, rye, power; absence b At the words of a male race: guardian, march, cloak);

2) writing letters about or e. To delimit the names of nouns and verbal words ( oK.about g, Podzhabout g. - National names and oK.e. g, Podzhe. g. - verbs in the form of the last time of the male genus);

3) Writing some roots with alternating vowels whose choice is determined by the semantics of the word (Wed: to make a feather in ink - to die in the rain; fired (to do smooth) - aligned (made equal);

4) writing consoles pre- It also depends on the semantics of the word (Wed: take a friend - give a form, successor (follower) - receiver (apparatus));

5) writing endings -Yo, -E. In the form of an efficient case of the only number of nouns on - oV, -in.denoting the names of people and locality of settlements (Wed: with Sergey Borisov - with the city of Borisov);

6) Writing kommersant depends on the location of these letters in the word ( wed: Store, volume, preditionable, immense - Sparrows, Binds, Bench, Bench, Bench);

7) some combined, separate or dephysic writing, with the help of which the lexico-grammatical values \u200b\u200bof homonymous words are specified ( wedway: too (Union) - also (pronoun with a particle), became- the adverb or part of the Union, on- pronoun with the pretext, etc.).

Despite the fact that general rules for separate writing are sufficiently simple (the words are written separately from each other in phrases and suggestions, and there are many cases in the word), there are many cases when it is difficult to make a choice: we have selected words or parts of words, for example : deeplywateror deep respected, noor none, bad weather or not the weather etc.

Many writing are very contradictory, so, there is still no single approach to writing the adverbs, and they are written that it is poured, then through a hyphen, then separately (Wed: to the top - before the failure, slowly - in the spring). There are also nouns and adjectives of the same type in different ways (Wed: block-item - Blockpost, People's Activities - People's Democratic etc.).

The principles of Russian spelling are a kind of set of rules and standards that are foundation for the entire Russian language system. Each principle is based on the Rules Complex. It is the specified set of rules and communicates the principle with actual phenomena in the language.

The basic principles of Russian spelling have four directions: morphological, traditional, phonetic and differential. You will get acquainted with each of the directions in more detail.

The morphological direction is based on the requirement of identical writing by Morpham. As a morpheme, consoles, roots and suffixes of homogeneous words. Its essence can be determined in other things. Morphemes retain their structure on the letter, regardless of the pronunciation, which, based on different phonetic conditions, can sound completely different. The basis of spelling is exactly the given principle. There is a certain bond of morpheme with pronunciation. It manifests itself in the form of a letter of letters for each individual sound with different location. So, for example, vowel letters can be pronounced completely differently depending on the emphasis, the consonants change their sound, being close to vowels, or thus, regardless of the sound, the morphemes of the same word should be left unchanged.

A huge variety of tongue and a wide range of sound and letter combinations makes the morphological direction is the most valuable of all others. It allows you to study the grammar and spelling of the language without any difficulty.

In addition, the principles of Russian spelling assume the presence of a phonetic direction, which is especially popular among students. It is based on the fact that the oral pronunciation of the word must fully comply with writing. It is thanks to this principle in Russian, an alternation of letters appeared within the same morpheme.

The traditional direction is based on writing words, which is fixed by the established standards and rules, regardless of pronunciation and other factors. Examples can serve as the words that came to Russian speakers from other cultures and languages \u200b\u200bthat do not meet the rules for doubling vowels and not subject to the rules of verification. Also, this direction is based on a big difference between the word sounding and written by the version. All other principles of Russian spelling can be explored, but the words submitted to this principle must be remembered.

The differentiating principle of the letter is based on the need to separate the semantic load of words, depending on their writing. At first glance, the same word can carry various meanings. The change in one of the letters allows to distribute between semantic loads.

The principles of Russian spelling and punctuation are formed on the basis of all existing rules in Russian, and are a foundation for competent presentation of speech on paper. The whole language consists of a complex of the basic principles, the most weighty of which is morphological.

An important component of the speech is the principles of Russian subsidiary spelling. These include the principles of doubling the consonants, the principles of the merchant and separate writing of prepositions, as well as the principles that combine the rules for the use of hyphen. It can be concluded that the wide range of spelling principles led to a variety of Russian. The exceptions are the words of foreign origin, which are not subject to the rules, and for their correct writing they should be remembered. It is thanks to many principles and rules, Russian speakers are among the most minor.

In contrast to the orthoepic standards that allow options that are evaluated as equal, spelling norms always offer only one word writing and prohibit others. Spelling - The system of generally accepted letters of writing for any language. So, from possible writing: "Tilifon", "phone", "phone" - the rules of Russian spelling is responsible only to the last writing. Following the rules of spelling, we write "rye", since we have a noun feminine kind, but the "knife" is a noun male genus, although in both cases I say at the end of the solid sound "sh". If we want to use the verb in the form of the present time, you will write "sits"; But it will be quite different way to look at the letter the same verb in an indefinite form - "sit down", although in both cases I say [Saditsa], and so on.

Usually allocate four main principles of spelling.

  • 1. Phonetic: On the letter, each letter retains the value that it is assigned in the alphabet, and the word is written in this way, "how hears." For example: in the related words "painting" and "detection" under the stress in the console is written "O", and in an unstressed syllable, as heard, "A".
  • 2. Morphological: Writing of significant parts of the word persists in all positions. This means that in some cases the word is written not as pronounced, but how it is written in other cases. For example, the root is activated through "O" in words: "Water", "Flood", "underwater", although the sound [o] is clearly pronounced under the stress in the last word.
  • 3. Ideographic: Writing "b" in the words of the female kind on "h", "sh", "g", "sh" (mouse, quiet, rye, etc.) to distinguish them from the noun male genus. In Russian, we write the word "ball" without a mild sign, and the word "night" - with a soft sign. This principle matters meaningful. So the rule is formulated: "If the word of a male kind is there is no soft sign, the female kind is a soft sign."
  • 4. Historic: Already the existing writing of a word is preserved out of any dependence on its live language; We write words as hundreds of years ago wrote. In Russian, an example of the action of this principle, the rules of writing "and" can be considered an example of this principle (instead of the pronounced sound of the "s" type) after hissing, or the rule of writing the word "dog" through "O".

Why are the spelling principles are so important for Russian? Probably, the principle of "always write, as you hear" to someone seems to be the most democratic, most convenient, simplest one. I learned the alphabet - immediately and read, and write! But not everything is so simple. The fact is that this proposal would be acceptable if we talked about the small group of persons, for example, about any one family or the inhabitants of one village ... And the language, as we have already found out - the social phenomenon and serves for Communication of a huge number of people. Among millions of these completely different people, there must be significant fluctuations in the pronunciation of words. Therefore, the principle of "write, as you hear" would soon lose sense. Spellingerror is wrong writingwords, it can only be allowed on the letter, usually in a weak phonetic position (for vowels - in an unstressed position, for consonants - at the end of the word or in front of other consonants) or in junk-separate-defisite writing. This error can only be seen in the written text, it is impossible to "hear": it is verbally to say "about Xin [and] m of the sky [and]", but it is possible to write this phrase only through "E" - "On the Blue Sky".

INdifference from her grammaticalan error can be admitted both in writing and oral speech, it is not only visible, but also heard: Milnographed people can, for example, say "they fucked", "he lies" instead of the right "they run", "he lies" .


Russian spelling has a long history, and this explains some of the difficulties of our spelling. In Russian, significant changes took place, and now many words are pronounced as they say.

A lot of rules appeared that define certain orphograms. Is it really so difficult to learn Russian? Maybe the spelling of other languages \u200b\u200bis much easier than ours? This is what tells in his wonderful book "Word about the words" L. Uspensky: "There is an ancient Greek word, the name of one of the countless goddesses of the Ellinsky Olympus:" Psuheh ", or" psychhe ". It means "soul, spirit, breathing." Almost in all European languages \u200b\u200bit stuck this word; We encounter it in Russian in the name of Science "Psychology" and in the words of "psychologist", "Psychic" ... The very name of the Greek Goddess "Psuheh" is transmitted as "Psyche", in France - Psischoe, In the Germans - Psuheh. It is not surprising: written by Latin letters, it looks like "Psyche". The British this word is written almost the same as the French, "Psyche", but it is pronounced - "Saiki." Yes, it is "Saiki", no more and no less! In the written word there is no "A", nor "th", nor "K", and in the sounding all this is evident. On the contrary, in the written Word there is "P", there is "Igarek", there is a "price", there is "x", and in the sounding there is nothing there is no sign. This is a spelling!»"

Discussing read

  • 1. Does any sound be called the phone? Justify your answer.
  • 2. Do the phoney have independent significance? How do you understand the expression "independent significance"?
  • 3. What is intonation and is it important in Russian?
  • 4. What is the difference between the vowels and the consonants of the Russian language?
  • 5. What do you think, why the Moscow language has become the basis for the formation of the pronunciation of the Russian literary language?
  • 6. What is the difference between orpheepic standards from spelling standards?


  • 1. Tell us about the functions that perform in the language speech sounds. What is the difference between sound and letter?
  • 2. How many vowels in Russian? Compare their quantity with the number of alphabet's vowel letters.
  • 3. How many consonant sounds in Russian? Do all the consonant sounds form a pair of hardness / softness? And by deafness / bells?
  • 4. As, in your opinion, the ending should be pronounced in a highlighted adjective and what is the associated pronunciation:

« He listened to Lensky with a smile.

Poet toastful conversation

ANDmind still in judgmentinhibit

And forever inspired eye -

Onegin everything was new ... "?

  • 5. Tell us about the main principles of spelling. Give examples of implementing these principles in Russian.
  • 6. Insert the missed letters, read the phrases, guided by modern orthoepia norms:

last mod ... l, underground tunn ... enemy ... Scribes, countryside ..., potato puree, black kof ..., unpleasant incident ... NT, Fast ... Voluaction , swimming bass ... w on the historic music ... th, folklore .... pos, strict d..kan, di ... tichetic food, slim force ... t.

7. Record the phonetic transcription and make a phonetic word analysis:

podberezovik, northeast, long, berry, listed, television, hedgehog, green, gardener, cheesemist, love.


  • 1. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1950.
  • 2. Avanesov R. I. Phonetics of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1956.
  • 3. Matusevich M. I. Introduction to general phonetics. M., 1959.
  • 4. Peshkovsky A. M. Intonation and grammar // Selected Works. M., 1959.
  • 5. Reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics. M., 1967.
  • 6. Trubetskaya N. S. Fundamentals of phonology. M., 1960.
  • 7. Scherba L. V. French phonetics. M., 1953.

Chapter 3.

Morfemic and morphology; word formation and morphological norms; grammatical categories and ways of their expression in modern Russian

  • Ortography (from Greek. The words of Orthos - "Right" + GraPhe - "Letter") - spelling.
  • Uspensky L. V. Decree. cit.

The word "spelling" (gr. Orihos is the right thing, Grapho - I write) means "Proper Writing". Ordography is a rules system that establishes a uniform writing words and their forms.

Russian spelling is based on three principles: morphological, phonetic and traditional.

The leading principle is morphological. It lies in the same writing (regardless of their pronunciation) Morpham - meaningful parts of the word (roots, consoles, suffixes, endings). For example, the root of the house- in all cases is indicated by these three letters, although in words the home and house sound [o] the root is pronounced in different ways: [yes] Mashers, [dъ] Move; The prefix is \u200b\u200balways written with the letter T: vacation - ■ Start, hang up - [hell] battle. The morphological principle is carried out in subfixes; For example, the adjectives of the lime and oak have the same suffix -On-, although it is pronounced in these words Nonodynakovo: LIP [ъV], oak. Unstressed endings are designated in the same way as shock, although vowels in an unstressed position pronounce otherwise; Wed: in the ground - in the gallery, under the ground - under the gallery. The morphological principle of spelling helps to find related words, set the origin of certain words.

In the phonetic principle, it is based, for example, the spelling of the consoles ending on the s: non-, variable, distinction (through-). The final [s] of these consoles before the deaf consonant root in oral speech is stunning, which is reflected in the letter; Wed: Tearless - heartless, argue - to raise, expel - to eat, deploy - to descend, break - saw, excessive - the seizurement.

The traditional principle is that words are written as they were written in the old days. Traditional writing is not justified by nor phonetically nor morphologically. Writing words like a cow, dog, ax, carrots, sorcerer, giggling, noodles, drum, feeling, holiday, etc., I have to remember. Among the words with traditional writing a lot of borrowed: acidophilic, flavor, component, intellectual, terrace, neat, opponent, etc.

In the system of Russian spelling, differentiating spells occupy a special place. These are different writing equally or similar sounding, but different words: score ('score') and the ball ('dance evening'). Cases of differentiating spelling in Russian Learn: a company ('group of people') and campaign ('event'), crying (Eating) and cry. (Ch.), Burn (SUM.) And Ogor (ch.) and others.

The semantics of words is also founded by the use of uppercase letters. For example, unlike nominal words, a venerable person, a warm fur coat Names are written from a capital letter: respectable, fur coat (surnames). (For details on the use of uppercase letters, see § 47-49.)

In addition to these principles in the Russian spelling system, the principle of a mens, separate or dephysic (weapons) writing is used. Dlya or through the hyphens are written words: blue-eyed, one, one; Separately - phrases: dazzling bright. But in practice, the choice of one of the writing is associated with the degree of lexing the elements of the phrase. Some phrases have already become words and therefore they are written in a pony: squeezed, others still obey the rule of separate writing of phrases: a narrowly utilitarian approach.

The rules for the transfer of words are not directly related to spelling, as caused by the need to place words in the string. But the chaotic breakdown of words with the transfer makes it difficult to read, so it is recommended to transfer words on morphemes and syllables. (For more information, see Section. "Word Transfer Rules.")

Brief information from the history of Russian spelling

In ancient Russia (X-XII century), the letter was phonetic: they wrote as they said. In the XII-XVII centuries. In the phonetic systems? The Russian language has significant changes: the drop of reduced [ъ] and [b], the development of akanya, the loss of high-quality differences in the pronunciation of sounds indicated by letters ѣ and e. This led to the fact that writing began to differ significantly from pronunciation. The pronunciation begins to influence the letter: the writing of the healthy VM appears. Congitory, Gdѣ Vm. Khadg and others. By the XVI century. The text begins to shine in words (before that they wrote without intervals between the words), the capital letters are introduced.

In the XVII century The first work on Russian spells appeared, among which the most popular grammar M. G. Forersky was. It proposed spelling rules, often artificial. However, such an attempt to unify spelling was a positive phenomenon.

Especially acute spelling problem stood in the XVIII century. Writers of that time complained about the variety of spelling. For example, A. P. Sumarokov in their article "On the spelling" noted that "now the scribes have lost all measures and write not only without having fun, but below looking around: and the dying of ignorance everything has surpassed." In the treatise V. K. Krepekolovsky "The conversation between an alien man and Russian about the spelling of ancient and new" (1748) was offered a phonetic principle of spelling based on the literary pronunciation ("write on the calls").

Considering the absence of a single national pronunciation (the existence of a set of dialects), M. V. Lomonosov stands for a reasonable combination of morphological (by this time who has established in the language) and the phonetic principles of spelling, taking into account the historical tradition. In the chapter "On spelling" ("Russian grammar", 1755, publ. 1757) Lomonosov gave the rules for spending roots, consoles, etc., in which the morphological principle was consistently carried out. In some cases, Lomonosov recommended retaining traditional writing.

In the first half of the XIX century. The grammar of N. I. Grech, A. X. Eastokova, I. I. Davydova, F. I. Buslaeva, who played a positive role in the unification of spelling. Nevertheless, the Russian spelling remained unordered.

A significant event in the development of Russian spelling was the work of the Bogot "controversial issues of Russian spelling from Peter the Great Donne" (1873). The work of the grotto consisted of two parts: the historical and theoretical description of spelling and analyzing difficult spelling cases.

In addition, the grotto made a reference book "Russian spelling" for schools (1885). The work of the grotto to a certain extent streamlined Russian spelling.

In 1904, the Academy of Sciences creates a spelling commission. The subcommission was distinguished from it (A. A. Shakhmatov, F. F. Fortunatov, A. I. Sobolevsky, F. E. Korsh, I. A. Boduen de Courta, etc.) to work on the simplification of Russian spelling. Subcommission published a project to simplify Russian spelling, but he was not adopted.

Russian spelling was simplified only by the decrees of the Soviet government. The following spellings were established on the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on October 13, 1918. The following spellings were established: 1) the ending-one (it) in the form of a genitive case of adjective male and medium kind [earlier it was written -Igo (-Hago) in an unstressed position: Krasnago scarf; -Oh) - in the shock: a gray man]; 2) ending-one (-th) in the form of a nominative case of a plural number of adjectives, communion and pronouns in all kinds [earlier wrote (-I) in the words of female and medium kind: Red roses; (-I) - in the words of a male genus: red tulips] -, 3) Writing the prefixes of the beyond, variable, from-, bottom, (once), highly (through-) on the phonetic principle: Before deaf consonants, it was recommended to write with (they used to write s in all cases: homeless, unlimited).

But all the private contradictions of Russian spelling could not be eliminated decree. For example, it was not settled by the spelling of the adoles formed from the pretext and nouns (they wrote uncontrolled and without retaining), there was no unified writing of double consonants (he wrote a gallery and gallery), etc. Practice required further simplification of spelling and systematization.

In 1929, the Commission was engaged in spelling issues in the Slavkock Drugproof. The "project" of Slavnayuki on the new spelling (1930) was not accepted, since the proposals made in it did not relieve the scientific foundations (they were proposed for writing chorus, cut, revolution, kind, delaysh, etc.).

In the 30s, several commissions were organized (the Commission for the Scientist of the Committee of the Nark Committee, the Commission at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Government Commission for the Development of Unified Spelling and Punctuation of the Russian Language), which were engaged in the streamlining of spelling and punctuation. As a result of the work of the Commissions in 1940, the project "Rules of Unified Spelling and Punctuation" was published with a brief spelling dictionary. The draft "Rules" was first given an exhaustive statement of the basic rules of Russian spelling, the experience of the written language practices of schools, higher educational institutions, publishers was taken into account. However, the project "Rules" needed some refinement and clarification. Great Patriotic War for a long time interrupted this work. Only in 1947, the Government spelling commission was able to publish a new project "Unified Code of Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation". Discussion of 1950 by linguistics touched upon the spelling issues. This caused a revision of the project "Unified Code of Rules".

In 1951-1954 The spelling commission continued to work on improving the project "Unified Code of Rules". In 1954, a broad discussion on Russian spelling was conducted on the pages of the Russian language in school on the Russian spelling in connection with the project "Unified Code of Rules". Teachers of schools and universities, researchers, staff staff took part in the discussion. During the discussion, various opinions were expressed about the project "Unified Code of Rules", according to the general and private issues of Russian spelling. A number of proposals were reflected in the USSR Academy of Sciences approved by the Presidium, the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punction" (1956). Thus, it was customary writing after the prefixes on the consonant (simprovizing), writing in the form of a proposed case of single-staped nouns on -y (about KII), writing through the hyphen of complex adjectives denoting the shades of colors (pale-pink), non-noun expressing new concepts (neurxist, non-specialist), etc.

"Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" were of great importance for improving the spelling of the Russian language; They became the first officially approved consolidation of Russian spelling rules, mandatory for all institutions and citizens. In accordance with the "Rules", the "Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language" was drawn up (Ed. S. I. Ozhegova and A. B. Shapiro, 1956). In 1982, the 19th edition of this dictionary was published (Ed. S. G. Barhudarova, I. F. Protzhenko, L. I. Skvortsova).

"Rules" played an important role in the unification of spelling. However, many of the most complex questions of Russian spelling were not solved in them: the spelling of complex words, adverbs, particles not, etc. In 1964, the commission on the improvement of Russian spelling at the Russian language institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences published new "Proposals for the Improvement of Russian Spelling" . A wide discussion in the press of this project has shown that many of its provisions cause objections. The spelling committee continues its work.

Spelling questions constantly attract the attention of linguists. A lot of research is devoted to the scientific substantiation of Russian spelling: Ivanova V. F. Hard cases of consumption and spelling of particles are not and nor. M.-, 1962; Questions of Russian spelling. M., 1964; About modern Russian spelling. M., 1964; Problems of modern Russian spelling. M., 1964; Own name spelling. M., 1965; Butin B. 3., Kalakutskaya L. P. Complex words. M., 1974; Unresolved questions of Russian spelling. M., 1974; Ivanova V. F. Hard Questions of Spelling. M., 1975; Her Oce. Modern Russian. Graphics and spelling. M., 19FJ6; Her. Principles of Russian spelling. L., 1977; Kuzmina S. M. Theory of Russian Spelling: spelling in its attitude to phonetics and phonology. M, 1981.

Non-state educational institution

Church-parish school "Kosinskaya"


"Basic principles of Russian spelling"


russian language and literature teacher

Ganeva Victoria Nikolaevna

moscow 2014.

Basic principlesrussian spelling.

Spelling (Greek orthos - Right, Grapho - i write) literally means `spelling`, i.e. the correct letter corresponding to the standards. But the meaning of the words "spelling" and "spelling" do not coincide; The second word has a wider value, including punctuation.

Russian spelling is a system of writing words. It consists of five major sections: the transmission by letters of the phonam composition of words; compatible, separate and dephysic (weapons) writing words and their parts; consumption of uppercase and lowercase letters; Word transfer methods from one row to another; Graphic cuts of words.

Transfer by letters of a phonam composition of the word.

This is the main section of spelling. It is directly associated with graphics. Graphics sets the rules for the correspondence of letters and phonemes in a perfected strong position. Spelling area - ingnecific to weak positions by phone. In some cases, the spelling "interfere" and in the area of \u200b\u200bgraphics - the area of \u200b\u200bstrong positions. The graph defines the values \u200b\u200bof the letters in their combinations with each other, regardless of specific words. Ordography gives the rules for writing letters in words and morphems.

The main rule of spelling of unstressed vowels: in unstressed syllables are written the same vowels as under stress in the same morpheme. We are writingo in the word water (although I pronounce [Vada]) because, under the stress in this root, [about] and writesa: Water, water. Word pronounced [l`is] we writea fox, if you check the first vowel wordfoxes and watering the forest if you check the wordforest. So we define what a phonemon corresponds to the sound of a weak position, and we write the letter denoting this background.

The same general rule is valid for ringing and deaf consonants. At the end of the word and before the noisy consonant, the same consonant is written as the vicinity and calling consonant in the same morpheme. We are writingb in the words tooth, teeth Although I say [ZUP], [Zpk'i], because before the vowel and in front of the sonorous consonant in this root pronounced [B] and spellb: Teeth, dental. We write a request Although I pronounce [Pros`b], because before the vowel in this root pronounced [C`] and writesc: ask.

The principle of checking here is the same as for vowels: the sound of a weak position is checked by a strong position; Thus, the phonem is determined to which this sound belongs, it is indicated by the corresponding letter. The same letter denotes the background in a strong and weak positions - this is a phonamatic principle, the basic principle of Russian spelling.

The phonematical principle determines the writing also solid and soft consonants: B denotes not the softness of the sound, but the softness of the phonam, because of the position that does not depend on the position. For example, in the wordclimb pronounced [C`] before [t`], but the softness [C`] is due to the following [t`] (the same position before [t`] is caused by the deafness [C`]). In a strong hardness of the position of the position - at the end of the word - this softness is not:les. The phoneme is solid here, so in the formclimb not written b after . In the form of an imperative leaving Also pronounce [s` by], but the phoneme is soft, since the softness of the sound is saved at the end of the word:les - Le. [C`]. The softness of the phoneme is indicated by a soft sign. In a wordanya pronunciation [CA`H`], but when replacing [N`], the replacement of [C`] on [s]:in [CH] y . Therefore, the softness [C`] is not independent here, it is not denoted by the letter. In a wordice pronounced [L'D`], when replaced [d`] on [d] soft [l`] persists: [l`e]s . Here the softness of the phoneme is indicated by a letter to a soft sign.

The phondematic principle determines the writing of all morph the words: consoles, roots, suffix, endings. In a wordsit down pronounced [Pzc-], but the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten under- Since the check shows the phonemes:p [O] DC, by [d] steering . In the suffix of wordsbirch, aspen pronounced [Kъ], but writtenabout, Since in the same suffix in a strong position, pronounces [o]:oak. In words on a chair and bullets the final vowel is the same - [and], but in the first case it refers to the phonemon (cf.on one hundred [L`E`]), and in the second - to the phonemon (cf.from Zem. [L` and`]). After soft consonants, the letter is denoted by the lettere, the phoneme - and.

The phondematic principle provides uniformly writing the same morpheme in different forms of the same word and in different words. So in the wordcity as part of different words, it is written in the same way, although it is pronounced in different ways: [Snove], [Pelvic]a, [Grad] A, [Grat] KI, with [Harp], with [Goot], otherwise [Garden`], [grats]. Writing city in all these cases, the phonam composition of this root is reflected. The same writing of the same morpheme makes it easy to recognize words with these morphems, and this contributes to a rapid understanding and reading.

The basic principle of Russian spelling is also determined as morphological. The morphological principle consists in the requirement of the uniform writing of the same morpheme. In fact, the same morphemes on the letter are often transmitted not equally: the historical alternations reflected in the letter destroy the unity of writing by Morpham. So in wordscity and town dweller The same root is written in different ways. In roots and in many affixes such non-refined alternations are common; cf. :zhysh - Zhizhya - Dish Lady - For Zigi AT - Under Bog; Much of Okou Ong A - Much.

Historical alternations are transmitted on the letter (consequently, the single writing of the same morpheme is not preserved), and the phonetic alternations are not transmitted on the letter (therefore, the same letter denotes the whole range of positionally alternating sounds, i.e. the foundation in the understanding of the Moscow phonological schools). Thus, the uniform writing of the same morpheme usually there is a manifestation of the phonumatic principle of spelling.

In some cases, our spelling is constructed on a morphological principle, in spite of the phramematic. So, the graphic uniformity of the morpheme is withstanding when writingher) under the stress after hissing:yellow - Swimming, Zhony - the acorn, bake - crying, Chaln - a shuttle, a cheek. In these cases, after hissing under the stress, the phoneme is speaking, but writesher) To preserve uniformity with the same morphems, where it alternates with or may be in an unstressed position:shelot () - whispers () - whisper ().

The morphological principle is also responsible for writingdisinformation, Pobrong, Pedigree Institute, SPORTHIDAL - with I. After the consistent corresponding to the solid phonemes. The appearance of the root is preserved here, contrary to the rules of graphics to writes After such consonants (Wed:unceoid, prehistory).

The phonematical principle acts when the phonem is in a strong position (this is actually the principle of graphics), and then when the phonem is in a weak position and can be determined by a strong position. Such writing 80%.

In some cases, the check is impossible, since in this Morphem foundation does not occur in a strong position:c O BAKA, T POR, SAPOT, C AND PAY, PE RESOLE, FORESCULATE AND AREA, YOUNG E, IN OK, FU T BOL, COLL, Z Dorovier, Sidi W., Sid In this case, the hyperphone is:from a tank, with the pole, fu bol and so on. The phonderatic principle here limits the choice of letters, but does not give an unequivocal solution: you can write a dog andsabak, Football and Foodball . Writing in such cases are carried out on the basis of the phonematics and traditional principles.

The traditional principle of spelling is that the spelling is used, fixed by the tradition. The choice of letter is not motivated by modern linguistic laws. From the point of view of sound correspondences, for example, indifferent,oh or A. write in the nasty syllable in wordsboot, dog . Traditional writing need to memorize.

The traditional principle acts not only in cases where the foundation cannot be put into a strong position, but also when there is an alternation of the phone in a strong position of the same morpheme:zarovo - Zori. . In an unstressed position here is also a hyperphone: zi. Choosing the letter in wordsanray, ovar Determined by tradition. Vowels in rootclone-clan- can be shock: blind, bow. Choosing about for unstressed syllables is based on traditions:tilt, incline.

In most cases, the traditional principle does not contradict the phhemective, but complements it; such writing 15%. But in some cases, the traditional principle is contrary to the phonderatical. In a strong position, this writingshe in the word assistant, h in words of course, boring and others. In a weak position, this, for example, the spelling of the rootsgor- Gar-, Plov- Plallingin which under stress only [a], and without emphasis is written andoh, and a.

In contradiction with the phoney, the phonetic principle, which lies in the fact that the letter is not the background, but the sound. According to this principle, the final consonants are written in consoles.without / influenza, variable / nis-, variations, variably / interleav-: cloudless, bladder, vigorous - useless; find, cut, publish - payand others. The final foundation of the consoles here, this is evidenced by the pronunciation [s] before vowels and sonorous consonants, but the letter is writtenz. if pronounced [z], andfrom if pronounced [s]. The phonetic principle is carried out here not quite consistently: in wordsblessing, tasteless At the end of the console, pronounced [s]; in wordssilent, fried pronounced [sh, f]; in wordssplit, split On the spot S. sound zero. Thus, the phonetic principle is complicated by the traditional.

Spelling about or in the console especially / Rose- / Ros- also meets the phonetic principle -about written under the emphasis when pronounced [o],but written without stress:reliable, wrapping, paint; Split, looking for, scatter. And here the phonetic principle is complicated by traditional (Wed:spot ). According to the phonetic principle is writtenafter C: Gypsy, cucumbers, kuritsyn, pale.

Differentiation spellings are based on distinctive on the letter of words or forms that coincide according to the phonam composition:ож ож г ож ож г Г, PRG about M - Podzh Ya g, crying - crying, rye - rye, carcass - Tuch b, ko p chik - ko b chik, to about Mpania - to and Mpania, oh Ryl - Oh Ryl.

Also in Russian there are rules of fusion, separate and dephysic writing.

List of used literature

  1. Granik G. G. Secrets of spelling. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
  2. Kustareva V. A. History of the Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982.
  3. Christmas N. S. Properties of Russian spelling as the basis of the methodology of his teaching. - M., 1960.
  4. Modern Russian literary language. / Ed. P. A. Redeanta. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1988.
  5. Totsky P. S. Orphography without rules. - M., 1991.
  6. Filina L.V. Russian. Encyclopedia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979.