Repairs Design Furniture

Lobzik drinking - Vase "Shell. How to make your own hands Art Vase from glued plywood vases for flowers from plywood drawings

Vase from plywood

For work, you will need: Lobzik, Pilking, Dumping Machines, sandpaper, drill or saw, pliers, pliers, screwdriver, hammer, glue BF-2 or carpentry, circula, line, pencil, copy paper, buttons, plywood 4 mm thick, round stick with a diameter of 14 - 18 mm, thin cord, slightly small nails and screws, oil paint, colorless la to, acute knife or scissors I. device for burning.

Move first the scan of parts through a copy across the Phaneur, not forgetting about the economical spending of material. Direct drinks will read with a ruler, round - circular. In the drawings, the centers of the circles are marked by points, and their radii are arrows.

It is very important to take into account, in which direction on the details the fibers of the top layer of plywood will be located! When drinking at the edges with outside There should be a thin track from the pencil line. Rib details carefully clean the file, and inaccessible places - Nadfil. The spikes in the grooves of the mating parts should be tight. All surfaces in conclusion carefully process emery paper.

Spend a preliminary (without glue) assembly of products: you need to make sure that everything is done correctly. Only after this part lubricate the glue and connect. Do not forget to remove speaking droplets.

Queue for painting. If you decorated the details of the ornament using you are a fat apparatus, it is better to cover them with a colorless varnish in 2-3 layers. And those that without decoration, first paint oil or aniline paints, and then varnish.

Wall Vase. Drink the details 1 - 10. In the grooves and slots parts 1, insert the part 2 - 9. Insert a clean bank from under the mustard to the resulting cavity. The bottom of the banks should be based on the detail 7. From the bottom side of the part 10 to the wall, take the nail. Sweep the cap with the noddes so that the remaining crazy performed on 8 mm. Insert this piece of groove (without glue) into the part 1 so that you can periodically remove the bank. Vazochka is collected. Han it on the wall using the hole at the top of the part 2.

Suspended vase. Drop the items 11 - 14. In one of the grooves of the part 11, pose the part 12. Take a clean bank with a capacity of 0.33 liters and put on its top part 13, and put the bottom of the banks to the part 11. Then the upper part of the part 12 passes into the detail. 13. Insert the remaining parts with glue 12 and all items 14. Vase is collected. After final processing A vase with flowers for the "ears" can be suspended on three twins in the bookshelf.

If your new passion has become cutting into a variety of decor elements, burning or wood carving, then our advice will start with such material as plywood.

To do this, there are several significant causes at once:

With plywood enough just work.

If in your hands it turns out good tooland you start with figurines small size, then their manufacture will take you only a couple of hours.

The material is universal in use, so you can make it literally all that you wish: Furniture, toys, minor decor elements.

All this can be an excellent addition to the interior of your home.

Work features with material

What is plywood sheet. It consists immediately of several veneer sheets that are interconnected with glue.

IMPORTANT: Plywood can be different species: Based on beech, birch, pines.

From what exactly you choose, not only quality depends finished productBut even its structure and color.

If you are going to drink various figures using a jigsaw, then you need to choose the highest quality grades of plywood.

They are characterized by a special strength that ensures that the plywood will not crack, spoiling the entire appearance of the product in the most unpredictable moment.

If you are going to start work immediately, immediately on the day of purchase, then choose only dry sheets of wood.

They will not break the pubsik pylon every 10 minutes.

To work with plywood you will need to get a number of tools.

In principle, they are constantly alone for all types of products, so you will need only a unite attachment:

  • Lobzik
  • Pilking for jigsaw
  • Manual or electrician
  • Rule
  • Grinding machine
  • Egypt.


If you want to make your home beautifully or present someone from loved ones original gift, do it yourself a frame of plywood.

The preparation process will not take much time with you, because you only need to get the necessary materials.


They are standard for all cases, and we have already mentioned before.

We will offer you master classes of light crafts from plywood. You can make both an ordinary direct frame, and extend various patterns and figures on it.

First you need to make a template, and after that you can cut it, cover the contour with a pencil on plywood and proceed to the manufacturing process.

This stage is not only the most responsible, but also the most exciting. If you put a part of the soul into work, everything will definitely work out. Ready design It is necessary to open lacquer. Ready!

Puppet furniture

This task will be a real test for parents.


The so-called test of the acquired skills in design.

Feature of creation puppet furniture It is that children do not tolerate false.

If they see that the furniture is not worked out in detail, but instead kitchen Plate For your favorite doll, you brought a regular bar rectangular shape, I just can not be avoided serious offense and children's disappointments.

The second feature of the manufacture of such a handicraft from plywood using a jigsaw is that all this furniture should be carefully worked out by sandpaper or grinding machine.

Your child will be constantly in contact with these self-tasks, and in the case of poorly treated edges - can be bored.


Well, the last feature of crafts from plywood and at home is that materials for such furniture should be absolutely non-toxic and normal for permanent contact with the child, because he can drag it into his mouth or take a bed with him.

This is not a simple applique or handicraft from paper, so things need to be taken seriously, following the entire list of actions necessary for implementation.

Performance of plywood

how simple furniture It is made equally, and then going to one piece of interior, so crafts from plywood with their own hands should be performed separately.

For this, the first thing to prepare special drawings of crafts from plywood, in which specify the dimensions of all parts and their mounting.

Take the finished plywood sheet and attach it a paper detail template.

Circle the part of the pencil and extend the jigsaw along the contour.

After that, each detail needs to be cleaned with sandpaper or grinding machine and only then collect the furniture element.

When you finish with the whole set, open it with varnish.

Below provided different variants and photo crafts from plywood. Choose the one that you like.

Stock Foto Crafts from plywood

When the question arises: what to give mom and make it with your own hands? Take a closer to the colors vase original product, besides, drinking with his hands from plywood will serve great gift And please your loved ones. The work of the average difficulty, follow the instructions, be consistent and everything will turn out.

This work belongs to Lyudmila Pelic, teacher german languagedevoted for a long time Such hobby as a fed filling with a jigsaw.

In order to make such a vase with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

Preparation of workplace

As usual, the first thing you need to equip your workplacewhere you will work. The rules are not complicated: on the table there should be no extra things, the entire tool must lie in their places and be at hand. Not everyone has its desktop and surely you have already thought about creating it. Make the table is not difficult - it is harder to choose a place in the house for it. A good option - This is a warmed balcony where you can start working on a cradle at any time. If you have a specially equipped room with a workbench, then you can say lucky. In a separate article, you can read about where I tried as you can describe the entire process of its creation. After the workplace creation process has completed, you can proceed directly to your future handicraft.

Choosing plywood

The main elements will fit on the Fannery of A4 format, as some details are required to do in several copies, then you will need several blanks. The plywood thickness should be from 2.5 to 3 mm, and depending on the thickness, it is necessary to drink on an internal or outer contour, it is relevant for the grooves in which the elements of the craft are inserted. Before translating the drawing to the Faneru, pollute the workpiece with a large grain, and then small. Observe wooden barber emery paper, and then proceed to grinding. Grind the harvested Phaneur along the layers, and not across. A well ground surface should be smooth, completely smooth, glossy-matte on light and silky to the touch. Pay attention to the location of the fibers, swirls, dents and other vices. Quality and color. If the plywood is not very high quality and is stratified when drinking, read the Recommendance Recommendations.

Figure Pattern

You need to translate the drawing accurately and carefully: the drawing will fasten with the help of the buttons, two-way painting tape or simply hold the left hand. Check if the drawing is suitable for dimensions. Separate parts place so that the plywood sheet is more economical. It is not worth a hurry, because your future handicraft depends on the drawing. If the time is not enough, then to speed up the translation process, you can use the technique of quickly translating the drawing, for this I suggest familiar with the article in the Tips section :.

Dumping Vase from Plywood Lobzik

Rules for drinking a lot, but need to be based on the most common. First, you should cut the internal elements then start the discharge of the circuit. When drinking is no need to hurry. The main thing, when drinking, keep always right at an angle of 90 degrees. Put the details on exactly the lines. Lobzik movements should always be smooth up and down. Also, do not forget to follow your posture. Try not to allow SKOs and irregularities. If when drinking you left the line, you should not worry. Such squeezes, irregularities in the subsequent can be removed using a flat file or "coarser-grained" skins.


When drinking, fatigue occurs. Often tired fingers of hands as well as eyes that are always in tension. When working, of course, everyone gets tired, but in order to reduce the load, make a pair of exercises. You can watch exercises. Take several times during the work.

Build Vase from plywood

Assembling details of the vase in this work is simple. When assembling, look at the drawing. If some details are not included in needed details - Sign them. When the craft is going without any problems - glue it. Bloom the dish is needed with the help of "PVA" or "TITAN". You do not need a lot of glue.

Laccination crafts

At the request of the dish, it is possible to cover with a marilka under valuable wood species or simply transparent, it is not necessary to do this, but it will give a large personality to your craft. Try to choose good and high-quality varnish. Produce using a special brush, do not hurry. Try not to leave visible divorces of bubbles and vile from the brush.

Wooden vases look very beautiful. Usually done by turning machine. But 90% of the tree turns into a chips.
There is a technology that allows you to make a vase from a flat shield.

That's what it turns out:

Long chose the material for the sample. On the one hand, I want something interesting, on the other - so that it was not sorry to ruin.
As a result, I stopped on the nut, with inserts from oak and wenge.

Walnings 75mm width and 15mm thick cut into 3 parts.
Oak 4mm veneer must be cut to 15mm dice.

How to do it if not circular sawBut there is a pair of clamps and cutting saw?
This is how - the pist is clamped between walnut dies ...

And sawing.

As a result, it turns out a smooth cry of the required thickness:

Blooming the nut into the shield with spacers - two oak dies, between them a thin veneer wenge. (who saws on the same technology)
Spent scratches from saws. Small inaccurability, plus solid oak, which saws along the fibers.
It is not scary, still the shield will have to grind to align the stroke errors.

And again gluilding with spacers, leave for the night:

Ribbon grinder Align the shield, remove the remnants of the glue. Probably, it was worth making a wenge continuous:

It turned out a 14 mm thick shield. Each side left 0.5 mm.
Based on the shield and the desired dimensions of the vase, an angle and step is selected:

Print the drawing, with the help of sewing combining the centers of the shield and drawing, sticking the drawing:

I drink a small rake at an angle of 38 degrees:

Fixing the shield by clamps on the table Lobzik and using the rail as a guide, drill a 2mm boring bormer at an angle of 38 degrees:

I felt in the hole Pilk:

And go!
Slap the first ring:

And here it is donyshko!

Wood very firmly, drank slowly, slightly flink - the carriage bursts. To replace the peel, you need to return the table into a horizontal position, unwind the fastenings of the sawmill, to make the shield, set up 38 degrees again, adjust the tension ... and the pedel is almost always rushing, when 3 cm remains until the ring is completed.

The second ring, the picture begins to emerge.

View from below:

And after the fourth rings, the pinks ended. Spent one and a half packs. No more, I postpone on tomorrow.

I drove the store, bought 8 packs of pylons (so that I certainly had enough), sawed:

Shift rings:

Agility of hands and no fraud, rings fold in a vase:

You can combine with a shift. You can make inserts between layers. Options mass.

I start glued until without the bottom, so that it is more convenient to grind the inner surface:

Checking the alignment of the layers:

Leave for the night under load:

Result. The surface is rough, but alignment of lines without serious disorders.
Damage - traces from drying with an ultra-thin sawdow (41 inch tooth), which was tone in sawdust and the tree was burning.

It is necessary to level the inner surface.
Attempting number one is a steel rod with a twin-sided scotch flap.
Not an option, too flexible.

Attempt number two, grinding drum on the same spindle.
Also does not fit, the machine is easy (as I thought about it). Does not hold, plus it is inconvenient to work.

Attempt number three. Grinding drum on a bending sleeve.

The drum is small, sawdust fly to where the least needed, but you can work:

For thin grinding, we collect petals 400 sandwits:

But it does not grind. I continue my hands.
It takes a lot of time, the surface is far from the ideal.
I detect the error - the penultimate ring is inclined with a displacement of 180 degrees.
Well, will be a reminder ... In the end, it could be much worse. Let the charm give - it will be a cut. The main thing, spacers are normally combined.

The sweat, pouring eyes and falling on the vase.

The respirator was once snow-white:

Insert the Donets. To accelerate the process as a press, I use my weight with dumbbells in your hands ... Vase is withstanding more than 100 kg without a screet, despite the lightness and thin walls. Now I think, and what would be if the Vaz had scattered?

Description drawings Vases from plywood

Draft drawing of a vase small for cookies - a vase from plywood in the form of a sports cup drawings and tips. Vases Plywood Products Drinking LobzikomBorizyerizer! The complexity of the selection of plywood is posted in: interior items, drawings. The approach and structure of the vase changed the root. For drinking you need to have a piece of plywood drawings. To work, you will need: jigsaw, peelings, drinking machine sawing Vase from plywood. The site contains a collection of drawings of products, photo of work. Interesting ideas And drawings on drinking. For the manufacture of a vase requires a little sheet plywood we give you drawings of all. Now crafts from plywood do it yourself. Staircase with her hands from plywood drawings. Vases made of glass hold amurates and voluptuous. The site contains a collection of drawings of products, photo of work. Box do it yourself from plywood: manufacture. Drawings for drinking with jigsaw of plywood boxes, animals: video - memo. Can i full drawing Vases in JPG format. On trimming plywood literature on filling the jigsaw of plywood. Four existing types Plywood is suitable only first, in the extreme case, the second. Homemade vase For fruits made of wood, made by their own hands Master - class, drawings. Most books contains sketches and drawings for drinking with detailed description. Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Dipping by a jib from plywood. The video shows the technique and the assembly process. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of chandeliers, sconce and luminaires from plywood. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of products from plywood for drinking. Lobzik gives a chance to perform various internal holes on this page you will find Drawings Homemade and Drawings. Plywood thickness Big selection Books and magazines on drinking jigsaw of plywood. Crafts from plywood with your own hand drawings. Cutting from plywood pubesomes: a set of tools, material, drawings and cutting technology Image Result for crafts from plywood drawings. The skeleton cabin itself Wooden projects Vases. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of products and homemade from plywood. Such a drawing of this work is presented in the Drawings section; Boxes, vase plywood, corners. Drawings Boxes for drinking jigsaw from plywood download for free. Putting upside down from plywood drawings drying with a jigsaw out. The drawings are collected the largest collection of drawings for drinking from plywood. 1 Free Drawings for drinking jigsaw and much more you will find exclusively on Saw - MAN. Designed for the execution of a vase of 4 mm plywood and a drawing for 6 mm. Literature on drinking jigsaw from plywood. Selection of material on the topic Box of plywood DXF drawings. Publications of users Art dupile Lobzik. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of plywood products.