Repairs Design Furniture

Drawings from plywood for artwork feeding with a jigsaw. Miracle Lobzik for drinking that you can cut off by the plywood electrolybike drawings

  1. Hand tool
  2. Electropolitanzik
  3. Preparation of stencil
  4. Sawing technology technology
  5. Defects in work

Lobzik wood carving is rapidly gaining popularity: many wish to acquire an interesting piece of decor to decorate home, furniture and even clothes! Carved items from plywood of various thicknesses organically fit into any interior style, often people acquire photo frames for photography with ornament, bought words and letters or order intricate shelves and other interesting products. Few people know that the felting felting from plywood is a matter, affordable to any person, even unprepared and inexperienced. It is only necessary to understand how to work with a tool.

What is Lobzik: General Description

Lobzik is a tool designed to drink from plywood of various contours, including curvilinear. It is equipped with a blade with small teeth, capable of making a piece of plywood smooth without the formation of significant burstles.

Hand tool

The airlock of this type of instrument is a manual jigsaw. It is a metal arc in the form of the letter "U", between which the sawing blade attached to the clamps is stretched between the ends. They reliably hold the pink when working and allow you to adjust its tension. On one side of the frame is a handle.

The clamps on the instrument can rotate, creating different planes for sawing, thereby provide an opportunity for a thread on a tree of different complexity.

When drinking from plywood, you need to be neat: its design is rather fragile, with intensive work, the blade is often torn from the effort and heating, therefore it has to be replaced. For this, each master must have several dozen spare pylons.

When working with a jigsaw for carving internal contours, it is convenient to use such auxiliary plank, as in the photo: it will help and protect the table, and solve the problem of the convenient location of the workpiece.


The tool is running from the electrical network. It is a housing in which the working mechanisms are placed, the handle for control is made on it. The sawing authority is located in the front bottom. The blade is often protected by a paw that allows you to cut the outline exactly along the line without deviations. Advanced and professional jigsaw models have different nozzles that facilitate the process of cutting and leveling the edges of plywood.

Blades can have different teeth in shape and size. It is necessary to select the appropriate sawmills to be processed so that damage does not occur and damage the plywood leaf during the operation of the mechanism.

Classification of electrolovki in power and use:

In the instructions, how to use the electroller, or in a technical password should be the main parameters of the instrument, which must be taken into account when using the mechanism.

Tools for wood thread

Drinking the jigsaw - the process is creative, but requires preparation and additional equipment. What will be required for work:

Preparation of stencil

Drawings for drinking with a jigsaw can be of different sizes, depending on the scale of the product being manufactured. To create a shelf scheme, an element of furniture or composite bulk toys, you can take a large watman A1 or A0 sheet, and the remaining wallpapers are also suitable, for small figures take ordinary A4 paper or other suitable format.

On the surface of a bright pencil or marker draw the contour of the future product, sticking to the sizes. It can be an element for assembling furniture, shelf or another product of large size.

Lobzik drinking patterns are represented in the network so wide variety that choose the right one can be difficult. It is much easier to come up with their patterns for drinking and transfer them to paper.

Transferring images to the surface of plywood or boards

Before you start drinking the jigsaw, you must move the image from the stencil on a wooden or plywood blank. To do this, cut out a piece from the sheet, we apply it to the surface of plywood and accumulate carefully. It is desirable that the line is smooth and accurate. We use a simple pencil so that if necessary, it was possible to fix the line, erased by its eraser.

The contour is applied from the back to the finished product there is no remnants of lines. The internal area can be shaded so as not to cut down too much and designate inviolable areas.

It is important to transfer the pattern in such a way as to minimize the pipe dipping along the fibers - it is so difficult to get a flat line.

Sawing technology technology

How to use the jigsaw, for sure, many have heard. Working with the tool will not cause difficulties if it is properly prepared for it.

Plywood carving begins with internal pattern contours. To do this, make slots to insert the blade of the instrument:

  • Plywood is often taken fine, and when cutting a large circuit, there will be no problems, and in a small residue, voltage may occur. Dipping inside inside can damage the product - chips, sowing, dissection;
  • It's easier to work: you always have, for what to keep the workpiece. With a big sheet, it is much easier to handle how to try to keep a small drinking product during the formation of its inside.

How to cut the electrolovka:

The operation is much easier than the manual tool, it does not need to make physical efforts and the process is faster.

How to cut the bulbs:

Nothing difficult, as you see, in this process there is no.

Defects in work

If you have not followed the technology, the tool was incorrectly, the saw can simply shift from the line. Why Lobzik saw crookedly:

  • tilted the tool during operation;
  • weakened the tension of the peel;
  • in the electric it is possible to weaken the fastening of the saw.

To avoid such problems, be sure to check the saw tension and fastening all the working items. If the blade screamed and stuck, it is better to start everything first and make a line parallel to defective.

A little about safety technician

Safety when working with a jigsaw for drinking plywood and tree Simple:

  • Use protective equipment - glasses, gloves, bathrobe. These things will protect you from dust and shallow shavings.
  • The sawing manual jigsion should be taken carefully, so as not to damage the fingers to the saw. Observe the distance between the body and the tool.
  • If you are new, carefully read the instructions, how to use the electrolovka, the main characteristics of the tool. This information will help to avoid random injuries and breakdowns of the aggregate.

The wood carving is electrolovka requires accuracy and attention. Your health, and the integrity of the finished product depends on these qualities.

What can be done from plywood: interesting ideas and drawings

Drinking on a tree by an electrolybiz or hand tool - a creative process. You can create a variety of decorative products of different directions:

Dutch drawings from plywood do not have to be performed in exact size. Even taking an example from the Internet and changing the dumb proportion, you will get a unique product, which is not exactly anyone in this form.

Crafts from plywood you can paint or leave or leave in natural color, you can glue buttons, beads, ribbons and other decor to liven up the product. To do this, it is worth attracting children, their fantasy is the bottomless storehouse of interesting ideas.

We offer you schemes with photos for cutting with a jigsaw of plywood.

You can come up with yourself that you can cut off, using a manual or electric tool, make your own sketch and transfer it to paper, then on a wood fabric or plywood.

Thread jigsaw on plywood requires certain knowledge and skills. If you do not have them, consider the following rules:

Other sorts of crafts from plywood and wood, made by craftsmen, are valued very high all over the world, causing universal admiration. Undoubtedly, the carving is creativity and art, but you will certainly be able to master it, putting efforts, and constantly honing your skills. This is the optimal hobby associated with wood and plywood, will require you not too much of free time and equipment, not very expensive. Of course, there is a phewl carving with the help of jigsaws!

Openwork thread

She is rapidly gaining its popularity: to whom I do not want to personally make yourself a great subject of decoration, decorating a housing, furniture, creating an artistic entourage! The carved products of different thicknesses are optimally embedded in many existing decor styles, and we get, for example, frames for photo cards with ornamentation, words, individual letters, curly shelves, made by the jigsaw thread on plywood. In addition, such creativity is an action that is accessible to everyone interested in the process, even a newcomer. You just need to get an idea about how it works. " And you can start to create!

Manual jigsaw work quite just

Video where to start:

Choose this material from a tree for such reasons:

  • moisture resistant;
  • temperature drops do not have a negative impact;
  • rather low cost;
  • easy in learning filling the jigsaw;
  • small weight of products.

It is also necessary to choose the 1st and 2nd grades for crafts. The rest for creativity are not suitable: there are cracks on the surfaces with bitch and chips (except, can be used for internal substrates). More than all suitable for cutting birch plywood (3-10 mm thick).

At this time, this material is divided into a fairly large number of subspecies - each for specific purposes.

  • Specialists and folk masters advise the use of a sheet produced by carbamide formaldehyde. Such material is labeled "FC". This kind of paneur can buy "clean" or - covered, for example, varnish. On the untreated sheets of plywood, it is convenient to carry the drawing for drying the jib.
  • Plywood, marked "FOF", is intended for the production of furniture, and more often produced over 12 millimeters in thickness.
  • The brand "FB" was originally developed as a boating material, therefore the cost of it is high (but if there is an opportunity to use, then it is suitable for drinking with a junk).
  • But the "FSF" masters are not recommended to acquire. Having an attractive form purely externally, it has toxicity, as it is made with the participation of the composition of phenolic resins.

Released Working Materials

Falley Thread Types

It is divided into:

  • Openwork
  • Patterned, on a painted sheet of plywood,
  • Discharge
  • combined method.

What will need additional materials and tools

  • Stencils and drawings with drawings for work. They can come up with themselves or copy on the network.
  • Copied to translate patterns and lines according to the drawing;
  • Glass paper and emery, set of files - for grinding parts;
  • Carpentry (as an option, casein) composition, to glue parts;
  • Transparent varnish - for coating;
  • To do the holes inside the material to make the blade - drill as well as sewn.
  • Before starting work on filling the jigsaw, carefully sew the material with glass paper, and only after translate patterns according to the drawing.
  • The elongated shapes of drawings having narrow elements, translate to the phaneer so that they are located along the fibers of the "face" of the material.

Lobzik artwork: drawing, stencil and work

Get acquainted with devices

Lobzik - toolkit, which is designed for work on different circuits. The device includes a blade equipped with teeth, enough small, to make cuts of work material, practically without forming sowers and chips.


The "founder" of the genus is definitely a manual jig. All ingenious is simple: a metal U-shaped arc, and between the endings stretched the working blade, which is fixed by the clamps. They hold the pinks when working, the tension is also adjustable using them. The handle for convenient work is located with one side of the frame. The tool clamps can be rotated, thereby creating a different plane for carrying out work, providing opportunities for threads on plywood jigsaw high complexity.

  • When creativity, with a manual device, you must observe the maximum accuracy: the design is fragile enough, and with intense pressure, the blade is sometimes rushes, and it must be replaced. Each novice master must be supplied with additional work out.
  • When working the jigsaw, it is convenient to use auxiliary plank: it and the table protects, and solves problems on the convenient location of the blank from plywood.


This device works with electricity. It is a hull, where the mechanism is located, the control handle is located there. The sawing element is located at the bottom of the front of the front. The blade is protected, and it allows you to cut along the contour very smoothly, without deviations. Professional equipment models have many nozzles that greatly facilitate the work process, for example, aligning the edge of the material. Electrolovka blades can also have teeth that differ in forms and sizes. It should be selected according to the material for the filling, so that there is no damage to the plywood sheets during operation.

  • Household jigsaw electric for non-productive purposes, as a rule, low power (from 350 to 500 W). For beginners - this is the most common out of options when you just learn to cut crafts and figures from plywood (usually a small thickness). It is quite safe to work this device, especially when it is equipped with protection.
  • Professional electrolybiz is intended for industrial purposes, has a capacity of more than 700 W, high speed and precision cutting. It can cut sheets with a thickness of more than 10 cm, aluminum, thin steel.

Video: Simple Electrolzik:


Sometimes this device is used for thread. It is a kind of manual instrument species, with the assistance of which in domestic conditions can be performed by a different type of wood and plywood. However, it requires a certain skill to work with it; But the masters, deftly controlled with this equipment, can create the most real highly artistic masterpieces of folk art.

Cooking stencil

Drawings for creative works are of different sizes, depending on the scales of manufactured products. For example, for a shelf or fragment of furniture, a sheet of Watman format A1 should be taken for a bulk toy, and the remaining roll of wallpaper can be approached, and for small figures (type souvenirs), we take office paper (A4 or A3 format).

On the surface of the paper with a marker or pencil applied the contours of the future object, sticking to the specified sizes. Templates are presented in open access in a wide range, choose the appropriate (for beginners, as a rule, not too complicated). And it is possible and come up with your options for drinking the jigsaw and after transfer to the paper basis.

Then we carry out the transfer of images to the surface of the working material (plywood, boards). To do this, cut out the piece of paper, we apply to the plywood and carefully circuit in the contour of the pencil. Lines must be accurate and smooth. If necessary, correct, erased by eraser.

The contours are applied "with the rear" of the material so that there are no remnants of the drawing on the finished form. Internal areas can also be shrinking, so as not to cut an extra piece, thereby designating an inviolable fragment.

Examples of drawings


How to carry out threads on plywood

Working with the device will not be difficult if you properly prepare for the process of creativity.

  • Place to work should have good lighting;
  • The working plane must be protected from damage. You can, for example, lay a plywood sheet or clamp it with a film;
  • All the necessary tools as well as spare blades should be prepared in advance. And you can start.

The first step should begin with the application of the inner circuit of the pattern or drawing. To do this, carry out slots in which the blades of the device will be inserted. Usually, with a cut of large contours, the problem does not occur, but in small residues, the work with a jigsaw from the inside is capable of applying chip, sowing or dissection. You should act very carefully.

Operation electric bison

How to cut a manual logby

  1. Lock a piece of plywood with one hand, the second hold the device for cutting for the handle.
  2. Start moving along the applied circuits, weighing the jigsaw up / down. So should do around the perimeter of the picture.

Manual Lobzik work

As you can see, there is nothing superpower in this work. And you will gain the most real creative hobby, learning how to manage these devices.

How to cut puffer pubesy

Drinking electrical or manual jigsaw on plywood - the process is undoubtedly creative. And you can personally create decorative products of various directions: from fabulous characters from cartoons for children to decorations for furniture and home.

Stock Foto Gallery of examples of work

Wood and sheets (plates) on its basis are one of the cheapest and fuel materials. For lovers to work with a junk, interest primarily represents plywood.

It is her homemade craftsmen most often choose for the manufacture of various crafts. If you correctly organize work, you can create real masterpieces.

Crafts from this material are performed for various purposes, but mostly they can be divided into two groups - to decorate the premises or territory (for example, fences on the inside, garden plot, and so on).

A variety of plywood

If you focus on the optimal combination of such indicators as quality and price, the production of FSF or FC is selected. It is characterized by resistant to dampness and temperature jumps. This one is quite enough for the durability made by their own handicrafts was provided. But between these varieties of plywood there is a fundamental difference - in the component composition of the adhesive, which the layers of the veneer are fastened.

In the first case, it is toxic, so FSF sheets are applied only with external work. But for crafts intended for the room in the house, the Plywood FC is quite suitable. Its analogues are much more expensive because they are not considered as a material for simple, lungs performed by crafts.

Type of grinding sheets

It is easy to understand: sh1 and sh2 - respectively, one- and double-sided; NSh - Rough Processing Plywood. That is, the cradle will still have to "bring to mind", grind. The choice of this parameter depends on how it is planned to be placed in the future and place. Sample fixed on the wall and, for example, a statuette (stand, vase, toy or other), which is viewed from all sides - things are different.

Plywood texture

Here a lot depends on personal preferences. If it is planned when applying a protective coating of the crafts to preserve the natural look of the tree, then under the lacquer it is better to purchase Phaneur from the birch veneer. But for subsequent coloring it is desirable to choose pine.

For various crafts from plywood, it is desirable to navigate on an oil or acrylic basis. The explanation is simple - they are less susceptible to burnout in the sun, because they do not have to often update the external coating; It will not change the initial appearance for several years.

Crowded plywood

Choosing a sheet for crafts, it must first be inspecting for bumps and inclusions. Significant defects will not only complicate the cutting material, but also initiate the appearance of cracks or "holes" (as a result of the loss of the same bitch). Next is the inspection of end surfaces. In the process of plywood cut, dynamic loads (vibration) are subjected. If at least the signs of cutting of the veneer are noticeable on the side parts, such a material should not be purchased, even if its price is too seductive.

In the future, in the process of making a craft, many problems will arise. As a result - the rejection of plywood and its increased consumption. In total expression, this for money will be released about the same as compared to the acquisition of the high-grade material, and at the time spent and the quality of work is a big minus.

Thickness of sheets

If the crafts are cut with an email / tool, it is limited to 30 mm. For the jigsaw hand, it is advisable to use a relatively thin paneur; Three-layer maximum. That is, no more than 9 mm thick.

What will take for work


This is a priori, since it is about making crafts with such a tool. The question is different - what exactly to work. Electrical models are much more expensive than manual analogs, but have a lot of advantages. About in.

For example, high speed and accuracy of cutting, purity of the edges, the ability to change the parameters of the cut and a number of others. If the handling of plywood is not a one-time, short-term passion, then it is worth spending money on El / Lobzik. He is universal, and in the economy it is not useful, since, depending on the type of the appearance, it can "work" not only with a tree, but also with non-ferrous metals, plastics, org.

Some more complicated with the jigsaw manual. Its design is quite simple - frame with screw clamps and handle + pink.

The nuance is that the cutting canvases are quite easily broken (from excessive pressure, changes in the position of the hand tool), and therefore it is desirable to be purchased with a reserve; Fortunately, they are cheap.


It is only needed at one stage - with a labeling sheet at a separate fragment. Do this manual jigsaw - the occupation is low-job and unprofitable; Time and Pilot will spend a lot.


Nobody will keep the cutting plywood on weight; It's clear. Cut the details, putting a sheet on the table top - the risk to damage it. It is in order to ensure the "safety" of the latter, the stand and is needed. With your own hands, it can be made of a screaming board. What a fixture looks like (one of the options), visible in the picture.

The fixation of the stand based on clamps (on a non-working table) or self-drawing (in case there is a joiner's workbench in the extension, shed, the garage). Although this is not the only mounting options. How to do, it is easy to understand, confirming with local conditions.


An ideal tool for thin wood processing is. But for crafts from plywood, which are not distinguished by large areas, it does not fit. Therefore, only sandpaper; Middle-complete - for primary grinding of blanks and with small grain - for the finish.


  • Files and Nadfili.
  • Awl.
  • Simple pencil and copied.
  • Adhesive, if the aircraft is created composite or multi-level, that is, with the fixation of two or more figure fragments in some sections.
  • Varnishes, paints, veil.

Examples of drawings and sketches of plywood crafts

Copy "one to one" in this case is unlikely to be advisable. Any work performed by your own hands is a process with a creative component. That is why the sizes should be determined independently, depending on where it is supposed to be placed (or how to use). For example, whether it will "look" in a particular place, whether it is organically fit into the interior of the room.

Even if the drawing liked and liked, it is easy to change the geometry of the figure, applying the scaling rules. Moreover, when it comes to drawing a contour on a plane by a simple pencil; Any error is fixed, in some sections, something is easy enough to correct. Not much more difficult and modifying any sketch, bringing something original to the sample, original.

There is a different solution - you can download any pictures from the Internet that you like. Print it on the right scale is not a problem. It will remain only with the help of a copy paper to transfer it to the phaneer and shade the plots that you need to cut. This is if it comes to the craft of figured. The contour sample is even easier; Remes exactly along the line - and everything is ready. It will only remain aware of the artistic design of the product.

Basic Rules Lobzik

  • Laying under a tight substrate sheet. It is in order to ensure the hardness of the surface under plywood, and the stand is used. The sheet, even small, is fairly easily (under pressure) bends, because without this adaptation of high-quality cut, strictly along the line, will not work.
  • The working body of the jigsaw (fender) must be strictly perpendicular to the leaf end. Moreover, throughout the entire process of cutting material.
  • The tool is supplied along the line of translational motion, but without effort. Otherwise, the pink will immediately break. As well as when it is deviated from the "vertical".
  • Drinking holes "Deaf", that is, somewhere on the sheet of plywood, with an indent from its edge, is made as follows. At any point of the outlined circuit, the "hole" is dried with a little displacement to the center of the fragment. The diameter is chosen such that the pedel has easily entered it. After its attachment on the frame of the tool, you can carry out in any convenient direction.
  • Figured drank in the plywood assumes sharp turns, smooth bends and so on. First, at the point of change in the direction of the jigsaw, without changing his position, it is necessary to do a small hole in the material. For this, the saw should be continued, strictly withstanding the orientation of the instrument, and at the same time turn a piece of plywood. As soon as the cutting part plane coincides with the required direction of further cutting, it can be guided by the planned line.

Having mastered the manufacture of rather simple crafts from plywood, you can take it for more complex options. As an example - self-assembly of furniture (racks, shelves, original pendant shelves). With a skillful approach to the case of plywood, excellent countertops are obtained, cutting boards, platbands on the windows and so on. From this material it is easy to make chair-"clamshell", and various modifications. Who is interested in this.

From plywood, excellent paintings for paintings are also obtained. Those who have a plot can be engaged in decorated construction articles; The same gazebo, a house above the well or something else. Variants are set. The main thing is to want to learn.

In the process of preparing for drinking, you do not need to forget that all drawings and drawings are nothing more than the basis for developing your project. A little fantasy, time, effort, and from plywood you can make a real masterpiece.

Electric jigsaw applied by domestic masters for creating beautiful products from plywood and tree. Such crafts are used in various purposes. They can be decorative or serve as items. Each home master who is interested in this occupation should be aware of the features of working with the tool.

How to use a "miracle logs", and that it can be cut with it, you should learn more.

Lobzik's subtleties

The jigscription is a universal device that is used for cutting figure products from various materials. All that will need is to choose the cloth correctly. It is important to figure out, and how to cut the figures of complex forms. Many novice masters need to be understood how SCs are manufactured at boards and various component elements of crafts. Electric jigsaws are best working with a cutting tree of coniferous rocks. However, the thickness of the elements from which cutting is performed should not exceed 3.8 cm.

The canvas that will be inserted into the jigsaw, quite often bent and leave the beveled edges. Straight res is usually obtained when using a well-sharpened blade. It should not be added too much to the instrument during operation.

First, start the saw at the highest speed, and then select the angle of the blade. This will allow to obtain a smaller number of chips. In materials with high fragility, it is necessary to drill holes. This will allow without unnecessary risk to saw the workpiece. As a result, the parts are not formed.

To cut the cutting quickly, the coarse blades should be used. However, it should be borne in mind that when choosing such consumables subsequently, they will be heavier to sand. Blades for electric jigsaws are manufactured in such a way that the cut is performed when the cloth is up.

The right choice of blade

The choice of blades for electric jigsaw is the main point when cutting wood and plywood. Often, Lobzik lies without a business in the household of a homemade master. However, when you need to perform a complex pattern, this tool is necessary as never.

Quite often, electric jigsaw is used as a tool for cutting holes in a tabletop or when mounting a kitchen sink. This tool is used for metal cutting. When using other saws, it is often impossible to perform tasks. Lobzik is a universal device. It can work with him both a newcomer and an experienced homemade master. As a result, you can get excellent results using different materials - plastic, wood, plywood.

How to work with a tool

Lobzik is used for a variety of tasks. Its main function is cutting curves of shapes in wooden products. Get smooth bends when using this tool is quite simple. The base of the tool should be kept smoothly on the workpiece. When the preparation is completed, you can start the main work. Then the engine is turned on and the device is slowly moving in advance of the line, at a distance of 2 mm from it. Thin grinding is performed later.

The saw should be moved in this pace so that the blade is easy to cut the material without any deviations. The jigscription works great with the transverse cutting board. Emphasis must be applied if you need to get the perfect cut. Mocked cuts using jigsaw is quite simple. Before work, it is necessary to firmly consolidate the workpiece.

If inclined or vertical cut is performed, the distance between the blade and the focus is established as on the circular table. If necessary, perform an accurate and long reside workload is hardly difficult. In this case, the circular saw is first used. The final cutting of the element is performed by the jigsaw. It must be firmly pressed against the inside of the marked line.

Where to start

First, the workplace competently is organized. Perform this condition is especially important for high-quality cutting. If the space is equipped correctly, it will work conveniently and comfortably. This condition is necessary to create a quality product.

A stubborn design is a special machine. In the people, he is called "Lastochkin Tail." This table is performed from the rectangular board. It has a wedge-shaped section that goes into the working area. Swallow tail is attached to the edge of the table.

The work of the electric jigscomb is carried out standing or sitting. The billet should be located at a distance from the eyes of 40 cm. It is necessary that the lighting lamp is installed in front of the wizard. It is placed at an angle to the surface.

Tool preparation

The sawing canvas in the jigsaw must be recorded in a strictly vertical position. Teeth should look down. Before work, it is necessary to pull the canvas well. The degree of tension must be adjusted using a frame compression. The device needs to be resting to the edge of the table. Then you should tighten the lamb with passats. When straightening the frame, the canvas stretches.

To drink a logged part of a small size, or shape with sharp circuits, you need to choose a small sawmill. It is required to use the canvas with a large number of inch patterns. When using them, the jigscription does not hide when performing turns. Cropped creates neat and thin. If products are performed from large plywood, it is required to use the canvas that have large teeth.

How to drink a logby

To obtain a neat cut, you must perform a number of conditions:

  • A hand that holds the jigsik should only move vertically.
  • All movements must be made as smoothly as possible, without jerks. In addition, they must be performed with the maximum amplitude. This is necessary to use the entire canvas.
  • The second hand in the process of work the blank is rotated.
  • It should not be too pressing with a filling on the workpiece. Unacceptable lateral pressure on the blade.
  • The artwork is carried out only when the pedel moves from top to bottom. For this reason, the opposite movement must be performed without pressure.

When working a manual jigsion, it must be conducted not by the marked line. The canvas should be carried out on the inner side of the contour. This is due to the presence of drank after drinking. After completing the work, one of the clamps should be loosen. The frame of the device should not lose elasticity.

Jewelry box

Make a beautiful and spacious jewelry box you can visit the day of lovers or on International Women's Day. To perform such a craft, you will need to use the accurate drawing. Work is divided into several stages.

Preparation of the working area

Before starting cutting out the details of the box, you should prepare your workspace. This establishes a special table. A snaps will be created on it. This is complied with such rules:

  • While working at the table should not be unnecessary items.
  • The device for cutting should always be at hand. For him, a certain place is given.
  • Crafting table. It is placed in a ventilated room. The room should be light and spacious.

However, it is not always possible to install the table for drinking the jigsaw in the right place. To the ordinary apartment, the vestic is usually placed on the balcony if it is insulated. At the same time you can work on crafts in any weather.

Choosing plywood

For the box, it is necessary to use a plywood sheet. When the workpiece is selected, you should pay attention to quite often appearing defects - cracks or knots. The workpiece is selected with a thickness that is specified in the scheme. To translate the drawing on the material, follows:

  • Processing the workpiece of the sandpaper. Starting with a coarse material. Ends such treatment with sandpaper with small grains.
  • It is necessary that the surface is smooth. To do this, lock the sandpaper in the grinding device. If it is not, you can take a small bar, and wrap it with sandpaper.
  • Grinding along wood layers.
  • The workpiece is grinning until its surface becomes as smooth as possible.

After such training, the template draft should be transferred to it.

Transfer pattern to plywood

Before starting cutting, you should transfer the prepared drawing to the plywood blank. First you have to print a drawing on paper. For transfer it is necessary to have a traction and handle. First, the template is attached to the workpiece of scotch. Having a blank, you should think about how to cut different elements of the box, saving the existing material as possible.

Dumping the casket

During drunk, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Lobzik should be perpendicular to the product.
  • It is necessary to ensure that all movements are performed as smooth as possible. Do not rush while drinking - you can make a mistake and spoil a piece of material.
  • It is necessary to use a piping table.
  • First you need to drink internal elements. Only then proceed to cutting the contour.

When leaving the cut line, you must adjust the supfyl line during the assembly of the product.

Tip! In the process of work, the hands will be tired. Performance drops significantly. Fingers and eyes are seriously tired. All this can lead to hand injuries. That is why it is necessary to take breaks in work.

Assembling boxes

Before assembly, you must familiarize yourself with the drawing of the product. Combining the details of the casket for jewelry does not require fine work. Before gluing different elements, you must make sure that they can easily collect together. After several assemblies, the product without the occurrence of difficulties should begin gluing parts. Typically, the composition of the PVA is used for this purpose. During operation, it is necessary to eliminate the lodges of the glue.

Assembling model of steam locomotive

When the material is prepared, and the drawing is printed, you should proceed to the process of transferring the scheme to the workpiece. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some rules of work. Many domestic masters tend to translate the drawing to the Faneur only using copy and pencil. However, you can use both "black ribbon". When choosing this tool, the drawing gluits with the workpiece. The diagram is then washed off with plywood with water, which allows you to leave only lines of markup.

You can then perform holes in the details of the future locomotive. In details of the locomotive there are parts of the grooves, cut off from the inside. To perform such elements, it is necessary to make holes in them with a manual drill or a seboard. Holes must be performed at least 1 mm in diameter. So that when creating holes, do not spoil the surface of the table, should be put under the workpiece.

Now you can drink parts. Do not hurry when drinking. The main rule is to hold the jigsaw at a right angle to the workpiece processed. All items must be performed smoothly, not allowing irregularities.

To start drinking the jigsaw, the schemes and drawings are prepared before. When creating furniture, interior elements (shelves, doors) and the execution of finishing works may require fuel pumping skill. This process requires care, clarity of movements and accuracy.

Drinking the jigsaw may be required when finishing works, but most often in the process of manufacturing furniture with their own hands, shelves and other things.

Preparatory work

Pre-master transfers the drawing to the plywood sheet. During drinking, it is necessary to keep the instrument correctly, observing security measures.

From how precisely the master will do work at each stage, the quality of the product depends.

For drinking parts, the logs will need:

Usually, in the presence of experience, the wizard immediately apply drawings on the surface, but for beginners it will take special adhesive paper, cottka.

  • tracing and adhesive paper (needed to accurately apply drawing on wood);
  • a sheet of plywood (moisture-proof or usual, depending on which product is required);
  • lobzik manual or electric (the first is used to dry out carved elements, patterns, small parts, the second is used if it is necessary to work with a lot of wood, large parts);
  • silo or drill (with their help holes for propilov, the diameter of the hole should allow inserting the pylon into it; the choice depends on which the tool is more convenient to work with which tool);
  • files (special sets are sold in stores, with the help of which, if necessary, cleaned the ends and edges of the product);
  • resistant plate (required for fixing plywood and tools);
  • pliers;
  • compass;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil;
  • knife with sharp replaceable blades.

When collecting furniture and creating large parts, straight rods are performed without artistic wood cutting. In this case, experts recommend using electric jigsaw. When drinking small parts and curly elements, a manual tool is used.

When choosing a tool, attention should be paid to ensure that it matches the work being performed.

To cut a high-quality part with your own hands, use quality raw materials. Electric jigscription must be kept vertically, without tilting and not loosening, making smooth movements up and down during operation.

At the same time, plywood moves towards the tool. The master must ensure that the electrolybiz does not vibrate. Otherwise, wood split. Incorrect use of the tool can lead to its jam in wood or break the pink.

In the first case, the product will be corrupted, and in the second master can get injured. Before drinking internal contours, it is necessary to make holes with a seboard or drill. Then the tool is inserted into the holes and the drinking begins. Experts are recommended to monitor the location of the peel tooth and make turns without stopping the cutting. The blade should be sharp, well stretched, correctly located and firmly fixed to avoid injury.

Carefully applied to the surface of plywood pattern - half of success when creating high-quality part.

Carefully applied to the surface of plywood pattern - half of success when creating high-quality part. For this use pre-prepared sketches and tracing. The cost of carting is low, but the process of transferring the image on the Faneur will require high concentration and accuracy of movements.

Transferring patterns to a tree with a tray can be replaced by projection of the image. On a sheet of plywood using the projector, the required pattern is displayed. The working surface must be firmly fixed so that the drawing is not shifted. The minuses of the method are the need to acquire a projector, the value of which is an order of magnitude higher tracing. This technique is used to transfer small images. The third way to transfer the drawing to the working surface is self-adhesive paper. The leaf with the image is glued on the fane. With this technique, you can get accurate lines.

Cutting simple figures

Cutting from plywood of simple figures is quite simple, it is only necessary to clearly stick to the lines.

To cut simple figures from plywood, it is recommended to correctly transfer the drawing to the surface, observing the rules for working with the hand tool (taking into account the lines deposited on wood).

Arcs and smooth lines cut down, without turning the tool, but directing the teeth strictly along the line. Make neat stupid and sharp corners can be if you know several nuances. Stupid angles cut off, using the equipment of the turn on the spot (the wizard performs a straight cut, and then turns the plywood sheet).

The loop formation is suitable for creating sharp corners. To do this, you must cut one side of the angle, and then the loop is cut on the outer contour, which allows you to create a 2nd side of an acute outer angle immediately. Make neat internal feeders helps the sequence of actions:

  • make holes for cutting;
  • cut the sheet by pattern to the top of the corner;
  • return Faneard to its original position;
  • cut the 2nd side of the corner.

To create decorative elements with the help of a jigsaw, the master will need plywood, tools, good lighting, eye meter. The work is performed slowly and gently. Hurry can lead to the fact that the corners will turn out uneven, and slices are oblique.

The newcomers will help step-by-step instructions, advice of professionals (for creating artistic elements, special techniques of work with the jigsaw) and regular practice should be known. Lobzik drinking requires patience and hardness. Decorative wooden products made by their own hands, you can decorate the interior of the house and office.