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How a man of Aries with a scorpion woman lives. What does the perfect couple look like: Woman Aries - Male Scorpio

In compatibility, Woman Aries and Scorpio Male - very hot and passionate SoyuzBut, unlike most other emotional unions, it is most often very strong.

If Aries and Scorpio decided to live together, then it is for a long time. They feel very thinly each other and look in one direction. Both of these signs appreciate the honesty, reliability, loyalty and love of justice. Besides that they are both owners strong charactersso it's also a romantic nature that have a beautiful sexual compatibilityMaking their life together unforgettable and bright.

The heavy water of Scorpio pacifies and tames, while enhancing it, while honesty, direct and the uncompromisingity of both serve as a key to long and deep relations, in which both partners find what they have been looking for other signs of the zodiac. This is one of the best unions.

Compatibility Woman Aries - Male Scorpio - Pluses

In the Union of Men-Scorpio and Women-Aries there is everything you need: love, passion, mutual understanding, support, psychological harmony, a subtle feeling of each other. This is the Union of Warrior and Amazon. When they are together, then no one has doubts that it is a couple, they are so harmonized with each other, are two halves of the whole. They are one of those couples whose conflicts end in rapid sex and beautiful reconciliation, where the husband brings flowers to his wife just like this, and the wife gives her husband forces and energy, inspires him to promote career stairs, clogging nails into the wall and other household feats. They strengthen each other, mystically giving each other depth and meaning, asking new goals.

Woman Aries here finds a man who not only does not burn in the fire of her temperament, but it will be equal to it, but perhaps something and surpasses.

Compatibility Woman Aries - Male Scorpio - Cons

One of the serious stumbling blocks in compatibility of ASIAN and Scorpio is jealousy, and relating to both. Scorpion in no way can give reasons for jealousy. It has very good memory and all your "errors" will remember all my life. Woman-Aries, tying a scorpion man, it is worth remembering that this charismatic man will always attract the female glances of all ages, and the reasons for jealousy can be abuse.

Also, difficulties in this union come when the woman-Aries begins to fight for leadership and pointing scorpion, as to act in that or otherwise. Scorpio is a strong and self-confident man. Such a woman's behavior is considering as a challenge, abandoned by his authority and doubt that it is properly performing his male responsibilities. In this case, because Scorpio will be dissatisfied with all that makes his woman.

So that the couple was an ideal woman-ray It is necessary to give leadership in the family man, those more, scorpion, which perfectly copes with its male duties. It is clear that the woman-Aries got used to everything to do, independently solve its problem, but in this case it will cause a storm negative emotions from the partner.

Also, the spouses can be touched by stormy quarrels due to the smallest detail (even the most minor), since both often from the principle cannot compromise.

Horoscope Aries-Scorpio - Compatibility and Harmony

The compatibility of the horoscopes of Aries-Scorpio, since, Scorpio and Aries have strong emotions - their family life does not pass without quarrels. Woman Aries is only with great difficulty inferior to the male scorpion leadership in the family.

How harmonious this union is, largely depends on Women-Aries. Astrologically the union is beautiful, you can congratulate you, you found your own an ideal man, and he found an ideal woman. You both appreciate the truth, honesty and sincerity. But, as everyone knows all there are stumbling blocks and to your perfect Soyuz It was not collapsed, the woman-Ove will have to learn how to go to the background. Also Amazon-Avane should learn to open and trust. In the event of a conflict, you are calm and thoroughly talk to your man, in case of failure, it is not criticized, but accessible and reasoned to clarify what he is wrong.

Lie. This man's intuition can be more than yours, and he instantly shakes a lie, remember it and freezes you with reminders of her. Male Scorpio also adores to be a patron, and therefore, if you show him your weakness strong womanYour relationship is guaranteed to move on new level. You will find those strong real feelings that were looking for so long.

How to conquer a man-scorpion woman

To conquer a male scorpion, honestly, the task is not from the lungs. Male Scorpio is waiting for full return and submission from his chosen. He requires your feelings, your loyalty, your willingness to go behind it to the very end. A woman who decided to create a family with a scorpion, should look with him in the same direction, and God forbid to see left or disarmed in opinions on fundamentally important issues. You must be bright and seductive, but at the same time, faithful as the Decembrist's wife, a witty laughter in society and a philosopher at home. Yes, it is very difficult, but if you can do it all, you will be rewarded. The result is your effort.

And the girl-Aries and a scorpion guy, both have a big creative potential, energy and charisma. Because justice is true, both it is important to feel your strength and know that a person who will never betray and leaves. If you prove your behavior, you deserve it.

Sexual compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Aries-Scorpio is one hundred percent here. In any company, these people see each other from afar and they pull them to each other like a magnet, sexual attraction occurs instantly. Both passionate, temperamental and romantic nature. Woman Aries and Male Scorpio are created for each other. Sex is very important for this couple and a woman must bring something new to their sex life from time to time so that the Flame of Passion does not overcome.

Compatibility of Women Aries and Scorpio Men in Friendship

Friendship between the signs of Aries and Scorpion is rare, as both are struggling for leadership, both are too jealous and bright. Both possess strong charisma and envy the success and attention, not to their own person. Therefore, in friendship, the possibility of competition. But despite this, friendship still happens and often develops into a passionate novel. In order for friendship to be durable, the woman-ray will have to put up with the insight of the Scorpio Men and strive to avoid any competition. They soon will have something like a union based on mutual support and non-aggression treaty. As for the change, they are capable of it, but it is unlikely to break out with their "halves" to start full-fledged relationships with each other.

Compatibility of Women-Aries and Scorpion-Men in the Business Sphere

Aries and Male Scorpio perfectly understand each other, but the struggle for power will inevitably happen between them, since both leaders are, both performing ideas generators, not performers, and both incredibly ambitious. But if this couple decides to unite to achieve a common goal, doing a joint business, they will roll the mountains.

When a woman-Aries and a scorpion man - colleagues or partners - then, the competition is inevitable, the struggle for leadership and power, since both of both the air, you need to promote the career ladder. But, if Aries and Scorpio work in the art or development of new technologies, they will have a powerful creative union. True, scorpion, more conservative type and can not always accept the innovations of Aries.

If a woman-Aries is a boss, and the scorpion is a subordinate - a good union, although difficulties may arise if Scorpio will feel your incompetence. Then you can sit and build "Kozny". If the decisions of the boss-Aries will seem not sufficiently thoughtful, he will argue and swear. But if Scorpio will understand that a woman-Aries is really a talented leader, he will work for conscience, and together you can achieve tremendous success in whatever area.

When a woman-Aries is a subordinate, and a scorpion man - the boss - a good business union. The main minus of this union is that the woman-Aries loves to argue and do everything in his own way. This character trait is clearly not in her favor. Scorpio Intuitively realizes all the advantages and disadvantages of Aries, appreciates energy and zealing its employee.

Since both signs of the zodiac - and Aries, and Scorpio are under the control of passionate Mars (and the Scorpio in addition under the influence of an even more passionate pluton), there are hot relations between them. Usually they notice each other very quickly: some common spark helps them identify each other. The period of courtship is usually not delayed for a long time (although, admitting, a male scorpio loves to pull the rubber - he is so more interesting), these two kuyt iron rather quickly. She strikes him with his openness and straightness: for example, he might prescribe the first date - she understands his desires well and acts decisively. He allows her to relax and penetrate into the depths of the subconscious: Male Scorpio is able to introduce into a trance, which will significantly contribute to rapprochement. Their relationship will not be enough stability - but who said she needed it?

Sex between a woman-autumn and a scorpion man - Divine. They understand each other with a half-seater, feel that it is impossible to express in words. Their intimate life is full of passion: Mars and Pluto are the sexiest planets. A Woman Aries and Scorpio Male can hardly experiment for a long time, pulling out something completely crazy - and will go for the accepted borders, as there are no prohibitions in sex for them. Male Scorpio will skillfully inspire a woman-ray his wildest fantasies, she will be an energetic embodiment. There is a risk that one day they just get tired and no longer be able to have sex - so intense them sexy life. But then they will simply take a timeout and then continue again with new forces and ideas.

Family and marriage

A Woman Aries and Male Scorpio marry quite often: they are drawn to each other with such a force that they are decided to spend a whole life together (and even more - as Mistika Male Scorpio would add). The only minus them family life It will be inability to compromise (and in family life without compromises will not leave). Both are hot, wayward, so it will be an Italian family: with loud flights of flights and the same loud reconciliation.

They can be friends if they do not decide to translate attitudes into a different direction - closer. If they still hold on to become lovers (although it's not, why not?), Woman Aries and Male Scorpio will be able to become excellent friends. The most important thing is that they will be able to provide each other - this is mutual support. We will take each other under any circumstances, if assistance is required. Devotion is the quality that female Aries, and a scorpion man, so they will truly loyal and devoted friends.

Work and business

This is a tireless union of two fighters. Whatever they do together, the case will literally "burn." Tireless enthusiasts, Woman Aries and Male Scorpio will be able to give the necessary impulse to any project - but the work of the details will be given to them with great difficulty. Moreover, if a male scorpion can still concentrate on something that requires a more thorough study, a woman-Aries can just get out of himself. However, if the goal is really standing, it will be able to self-organize and achieve the desired result.

They have so many reasons to become happy together. And no less - to turn into irreconcilable enemies. Her honesty and straight attracts and worries him, he knows: this woman will never sick, lie or try to manipulate them. She is not avennant and not malicious, it is open to the world, positive and full of optimism. The most amazing thing is that he likes the qualities opposite to his own! - Scorpio then is critical, suspicious and incredulous. He recognizes retribution as a fundamental life principle. In everyday life it is facing this way:

- Oh, how cool! - Tea is so hot, lemon - unusually fragrant!
Scorpio, seals from the same cup:
- Cool boiling water, you can burn your mouth. And the smell of lemon is too strong, is there any additives? I will remember what tea I got treated here. Someone wanted me to choose?

But how different they think, they feel so equally equally. Emotionally scorpion and one wave. Intimate relationships in this pair are always more than ordinary compassion. Tenderness and passion that cannot be quenched, throw them into the arms of each other again and again. This feeling may not fill up before old years. The extraordinary sexual potential of Scorpio is indisputable, although it is sometimes incorrectly interpreted: this man is not a lovedant porn, it will not change the right and left. The concept of love, built according to the rules of the Pluton Patron Planet, requires him purity and honesty. It's cold and impartially, he will reject any seductive, if everything is stable in his relationship with another. The infidelity of the scorpion can provoke only the very girl of Aries.

At some point, after a variety of tests (scorpions of the Master to ask questions and receive answers!), He decides: she can be trusted. And letters back the world. Enchanted, she is unable to oppose and obeys him. This is surprising, the only sign, in front of which Aries loses its fighting pad and dust, it is scorpion. There is something magical in this Tract the Aries. Sometimes it will be confusing its coldness and impassivity; But, in fact, it's just a mask behind which Scorpio hides its feelings. When she understands it, she will become calmer, the relationship will become smaller. Aries will annoy its secrecy and silence, more careful than her, attitude to, reinforced concrete principles. She just needs a drip of patience until he leaves the dark waters of his thoughtfulness. But where to take it? - Patience, this is the virtue that has never been to Aries.

Sheep must think well and show wisdom, is it ready to relationship with a man managed by Pluto. Scorpio is not capable of semi-dimensions and compromises. If any relationship caused pain, it is not enough to break them enough. He will destroy the institution of marriage himself, consistently and methodically will dismiss, curses and makes suffering from everyone around.

For Scorpio unacceptable her emotional instability And passion for trait. It confuses her busy fun in the company, the desire to communicate and be in the center of events. Unless he learn how to look through the fingers on the Martian attacks of aggression, jealousy and eternal requirements of attention - it will find the perfect ideal in Aries, the limit of his dreams. But the trouble: Scorpions do not know how to look through the fingers ... still creates wonders: Pluto and Mars, united, make everything possible, even earthly happiness!

It is no secret that the zodiac sign under which born man, affects his character, thoughts, actions, relationships with other people. As astrologers say, the person is looking for a partner, in something similar to himself, and here a lot depends on horoscopic compatibility. In our article we will talk, who are a scorpion man and a woman-Aries. Their compatibility B. different spheresah of life - how much is it possible from representatives of this sign?

General characteristics of a male scorpion and a woman-aries

The compatibility of the data of the signs of the zodiac is interesting, though not easy. As you can characterize each of them - we will find out below.

Men-Scorpio Men's Character Features

Men scorpions, in their nature, bright and dynamic. They will not throw words to the wind and do what contradicts their principles and morality. If they want something, the opinion of the surrounding them will not be more interested in. A man born under the sign of Scorpio, independent and independent. In life, he will achieve his goals, he is quite hardworking. His dedication does not always suit others, but he does not pay attention to it. Men scorpions are free in spirit, very much in their reputation, always pleasant interlocutors and work partners.

Men Scorpio is very demanding. This applies not only to the business sphere, but also the whole environment. He is a perfectionist, in all seeking to achieve the ideal. It may seem from this that it is difficult to work with him. This is not true. If it is fine to feel his mood, be able to opening time Suggest something your own - it's a pleasure to work with him. Together with a male scorpion, business vertices can be achieved. They know exactly what they want.

Whatever the male Scorpio - the barriers do not exist for him. Whatever it was difficult, he famously bypasses all the obstacles to his goal. This applies not only to work, but also a personal life. He is falling in love with scorpion seriously and for a long time. He will do everything to the object of his adoration to be with him.

A man born under the sign of Scorpio is always attractive, he watches his appearance, a figure, preferred dear things. Also likes to do dear gifts. He truly knows how to make an impression on others, thanks to his confidence and independence of thinking. In the second half, it seems similar character traits - only a strong person may be near such a person.

Features of the character of a woman-aries

Women-Aries are very busily and active. They are always in motion, ready for new acquaintances, impressions, at work they seek to be the first. Woman Aries is very independent and vain. It has a strong will and energetic. All that she did not touch, communicate to the end, any matter to her. If something goes not according to plan, then the woman-Aries will do everything possible and impossible to turn into a situation in the desired one to her. She always seeks to keep everything under control.

Such a woman to people are very demanding. It is difficult to work with her - it is necessary to complete returns, she will not tolerate weakness. As the head of a woman-aries - a man is difficult. In colleagues, she appreciate hard work and self-confidence. People are sluggish and accustomed that others decide for them - they are not delayed with it.

Woman Aries is straightforward, meticulous, and in family life also strives for leadership. Do not give up to her meaning to go ahead, but she does not love it. At the same time, a woman born under this sign is a wonderful mother and hostess. She is looking for a man that he was at the same time, thought in one direction. Only common goals can bring closer with such an indomitable woman.

Prying a woman-Aries is meaningless. It will be much better if a man next to her will constantly provide her signs of attention and maintain it. Then such a union will be durable and long.

Male Scorpio and Woman Aries:two smart charismatic leaders form a passionate and strong pair

Compatibility of scorpion and female aries in different spheres

As we see, the leader in nature is both a scorpion male, and a woman-friend. Compatibility of these two people is quite complicated. Consider this issue from different spheres of life.

Male Scorpio and Woman Aries in Love

In this union, they truly boil passion. Both of these signs have clearly pronounced. leader qualities, outstanding mind and charisma. And male scorpions, and women-Aries are excellent interlocutors, with them there is always something to talk about. Thanks to its intelligence and leadership, they often become managers. However, it is not difficult to guess that two such bright and extraordinary people are quite difficult to get along together. In love between these two partners, quarrels often occur, mutual claims and insults. Its "place under the sun" they do not want to give up to anyone. Everyone strives to be the first and leave the right to vote. Unlike a male scorpion, a woman-Aries will more often show discontent and look for a reason for the scandal. A male scorpion is restrained, because the clarification of the relationship will be quite difficult to pass.

Both sign is very jealous. The object of their passion should be very accurate in communicating with the opposite sex, otherwise not to avoid conflicts. And the male scorpion, and the woman-Aries - people are very sensual and vulnerable, despite self-confidence. In love, they demand complete returns and are not ready to share their soul mate with anyone. But one thing can be said accurately - the love between these two people is strong, despite passions that raise in their relationship.

Male Scorpio and Aries Woman in Marriage

Many tend to believe that the marriage of such bright and extraordinary personalities can not last long. However, it is not. Male Scorpio and Woman Aries - Both strong personalities, Heavily going on concessions, but at the same time knowing how to love. A woman under the sign of the Aries is pleased with impulsten, but thanks to the restraint of Scorpion, it is often possible to get away from the conflict, although it is not easy. This man is given with great difficulty, since he himself in kind of his leader. Much in such respects depends on a woman-Aries. She must remember that the man is always the head of the family. Otherwise, the marriage of these two characters will simply disintegrated.

And Scorpio, and Aries - are betrayed by their spouse, they are extremely rare on treason, only if marriage no longer promises anything good. And the scorpion male, and a woman-aries value stability. Thanks to this, they manage to negotiate and come to a common denominator. In marriage, relationships between these two signs have good forecasts.

Male Scorpio and Woman Aries in bed

It was the bed in the relationship between the male scorpion and women-Aries becomes the very power that brings them closer after the quarrel. In sex they dominate the turn. Woman Aries can be militant and go towards her partner. In turn, the man tries to please her.

Refusal from the proximity by the partner for a woman-Aries can become very offensive, although the male scorpion sincerely does not understand why. The reason for the refusal can be the elementary bad mood of her husband or fatigue at work. In this case, a woman should show an understanding, and not flirt with unfamiliar men.

The intimate side of the relationship of these two signs of the zodiac is very harmonious. They both arrange each other in everything, both are beautiful lovers. Sex in their relationship occupies one of the leading positions, this is what it brings them closer. At the same time, proximity is impossible without real feelings. Only in love they are able to surrender completely, and relax. Intimate life should be rather diverse, they will not be bored.

Male Scorpio and Aries Woman in Friendship

It is quite rare to meet two friends, one of which is scorpion, and the other is Aries on a horoscope. Between these two characters is constantly fighting for leadership. This concerns the business sphere, the company of friends, common interests. At the same time, they may well become good friends And forget about competition.

Friendship between a woman-autumn and a man-scorpion phenomenon is infrequent. To be friends with the jealousy to successes of another, high attention is not to them, but to a partner. Of course, in such situations, the first place is not friendship, but the desire to conquer leadership positions. It is personal ambitions often spoil the relationship between these two people. They need to learn how to live not only by their interests, but also the interests of their friend - only then friendship will be possible. It is best - these are mutual support and common goals.

Male Scorpio and Woman-Aries is not easy to be friends also because there may be a passion between them. Therefore, their second halves should be treated with this kind of friendship. However, it is rather an exception than the rule.

Male Scorpio and Aries woman in work

IN business sphere Male Scorpio and Woman Aries perfectly get along, while they are at equal positions. For such a union, simply no unattainable goals. To achieve the desired, both are ready to make maximum effort. A particularly effective business union turns out when a woman-Aries dictates conditions, and the male scorpion is ready to perform them. Such a tandem has no chance of losing. Aries are able to be innovators, offer new ideas and ways to solve them, and scorpions, in turn, have intuition for money, profit, know how to negotiate and be excellent companions.

Partnership of such opposite, but at the same time similar people are very productive. Male Scorpio is able to suppress the flareness of the colleague and at the right moment being restrained. Woman Aries will generate new ideas.

Only the collaboration of these two characters can lead to business success, they must be equal. Otherwise, two leaders do not find a compromise.

Male Scorpio and Woman Aries - Two signs capable of not only complement each other, but also give a lot of their partner. The unity of two strong and independent characters can become truly powerful. Compatibility Men-Scorpio and Women Aries is obvious - they know how to be friends, love, work, if at the same time respect the rights to a friend's friend and know how to listen to their second half.

Scorpio and Aries are the first and eighth signs of the zodiac, their parity does not coincide. Constellations are under the auspices of the elements of fire and water that poorly interact with each other. But at the same time, their horoscopes are managed by a common planet - Mars, which gives its representatives impulsive, quick-tempered and irrepressible temperament.

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Male Scorpio and Woman Aries are strong, decisive and fearless personalities, have self-esteem and do not like compromise. Their characters differ in many ways from each other. Aries is an open, straightforward, but a positive person who sees goals and does not notice obstacles. Scorpio is a closed and calculating dramatic actor. He never demonstrates his true relationship. A man deftly puts on optimistic masks, although in his soul there is a real hurricane passion.

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    Features of relationships

    Male Scorpio and Woman Aries are an excellent pair, which is 63% compatible. Partners are characterized by activity, energetic, determination, desire for a reasonable adventurism. They will never sit without affairs, will not be relying on fate, they are not scared of responsibility. Fire and water are powerful elements that can create and destroy. Calm fire warms, water - gives the necessary moisture.

    This pair never happens to be completely calm. There are outbreaks between partners there are outbreaks and passions, which are then replaced by quarrels and scandals. None of the lovers will be quietly worried, without expressing his indignation of the second half. But these manifestations of emotions are short-term, partners are instantly departed from anger and continue to love each other with even greater force. The marriage of Men-Scorpio and Women-Aries can continue all his life and be happy and harmonious.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Union:



    • constellations are under the auspices of one planet;
    • partners have the same temperatures;
    • the quickness of the woman is quenched by the tranquility of the man;
    • spouses are initiative, active, hardworking;
    • woman becomes more "home";
    • a man will be easy to rise;
    • Scorpio will always finish the fact that the beginning of Aries;
    • in the family there is a proper distribution of roles;
    • material security;
    • excellent sexual compatibility;
    • marriage - durable and happy;
    • conflicts are quickly resolved
    • struggle for leadership;
    • rivalry;
    • jealousy on both sides;
    • mustache Scorpio;
    • irritability and cavity of the Aries;
    • dislike and stubbornness;
    • uncompromising;
    • egoism of a woman;
    • male authoritarianism

    Huge importance in relations has the level of spiritual development of each partner. If he is tall, in love will not cost anything to find a reasonable decision of any question in the most adverse circumstances and save his love. If the level is low, even minor misunderstandings will force partners to part enemies.

    How to conquer a man?

    Male Scorpio draws attention to bright extravagant women, so Aries will not be difficult to pay attention. The further action of a woman should be a cute conversation with a demonstration of the excellent sense of humor. The girl should agree with a guy on all fundamental positions, in no case to reassure and not exercise excessive emotions. Scorpio loves reasonable women with whom he will be comfortable. The high intellectual level and self-esteem is in the first place. The girl should be proud, but not arrogant.

    A man will appreciate the serious plans and women's intentions, the lack of excessive coquetry and explicit desire he will like. A pleasant surprise for a guy and a profitable action for the girl will be her caring and compassion. For example, if Aries will tell how it helps animals or disadvantaged people, scorpion will be amazed and will never let her go.

    How to conquer a woman?

    Won a woman-Aries is very difficult, but this does not apply to a scorpion man. His appearance (not even the most beautiful) is always courageous, manners and movements self-confident and proud. The guy never exhibits special activity, trying to attract attention. He knows the price and is confident that all dating depends solely on his desire. This is exactly what attracts the girl who herself is a conquer. She is not interested to deal with a man who immediately manifests her feelings for her.

    Scorpio is worthwhile to behave as it is used to, keeping its calm and internal emotions (it will immediately feel attraction). It should be gallant, polite, to demonstrate its admiration for the beauty of the Aries. She will be flattered and glad that he managed to attract the attention of such an impressive groom. In the future, people will behave on equal terms, since the girl is very genuine and open to communicate.


    Scorpio and Aries almost perfect compatibility in love relationship. They are attracted to each other not only on psychological, but also on some kind of mystical level. These are those in love, between which the spark broke out is still stronger every day. Accidentally emerged quarrels only spray their passion, so the truce is accompanied by bright sex. A man is nice to deal with a smart woman who understands him with half a half and never hypocrishes (scorpion feels any of the slightest manifestation of falsehood).

    The girl is delighted with the chosen one who is a worthy partner, does not burn in her fiery temperament, and in some moments even exceeds. Love this pair can last long years And not "crashing about life."

    Aspects of:

    • Leisure. With regard to leisure, lovers do not have differences. They are very active, so rarely bored near the TV. People go on travel, to rest in exotic countries or just in nature. Attend cultural and mass establishments, go to visit and with pleasure take friends at home. Scorpio and Aries love sports and extreme, so they can often be seen in sports halls or in stadiums as fans.
    • Intimate sphere.Sexual relations of this pair, astrologers are considered perfect. Firewoman Full passion and dustiness, sex for her occupies one of the main places in life. A water man is the sexiest of all the signs of the zodiac, so it is in this union that he will find what has long been looking for. In the bed of partners there is a ferventness, brightness, quality, experiments and expression.

    A family

    Family life of an ideal pair looks like the spouse just met. Being in marriage, a woman is laid out on the complete for her chosen one to be comfortable. It does not matter whether it works or not, the girl always has a full order in the house. Aries is distinguished by incredible ability to work, business and all kinds of skills. She knows how to appreciate the good and tries to repay with a hundredfold for his happy life.

    A man always takes the material side for himself. He knows how to work efficiently and make money, so his family always has prosperity above average. He appreciates his wife for the effort and tries to overcome it in any aspect. The guy helps in the economy, providing moral assistance if necessary (soothes a quick-tempered wife), guaranteeing it stability and reliable protection. None of the partners do not even think about treason, because these signs are always honest and are committed in relationships. They love each other, raise children and thank fate for family happiness.

    Problems and ways to solve them

    The main problem of this family is the desire of a woman to take a leadership position. Aries is a real Amazon, which is used to keep everything under control. In the case of a scorpion partner, the number will not pass, as a man will never allow the wife to command. It will become aggressive, authoritarian, scandalous and vengeful. The more the girl will demonstrate his power, the unbearable will be their living together. In such an environment, both partners will not stand for a long time, so people will soon break out, leaving in the soul a feeling of insult and disappointment.

    The girl needs to move to the background and not to prevent the owner in the house a man. Scorpio will be happy to such a mission, he will become good and caring (the guy loves to defend his loved ones). It will never demonstrate his strength and authoritarianism, since his men's ambitions will be satisfied.

    Other problems:


    Never provoke her husband, it is fraught with problems

    Aries rarely changes its spouse, sociability is not betraying


    Only caressing and tenderness can be achieved from scorpion all of what I want

    Do not put a hard framework, everything will come gradually


    Scorpio appreciates honesty and sincerity, so it is worth voting all your claims

    Aries are straightforward and valid, so do not be afraid to voice problems


    This should be forgotten, the husband does not suffer

    Not the most the best decision questions

    Hot temper

    It is necessary to control their emotions.