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Healie wisers. In stress and emotional instability. When and where to apply wise

The human body consists of 5 elements. Fire, land, water, air and ether (space). Our fingers represent these elements. For example, an index finger represent an air element, and the middle fingers are an element of space.

Connecting your fingers in various combinations can be increased, reduce or balance these 5 elements. These wise combinations are designed to counteract specific diseases. In addition, each element is associated with a specific chakra. Thus, wisers also help in activating chakras. . For example, the ring finger represents the element of the Earth and the root chakra. Using a certain wise activates the root chakra.

Surely you still heard about Acupressure and Reflexology. In the hands there are biologically active points that correspond to a particular organ. Similarly, wise helps to treat problems arising in a particular body.

In the past century, people did everything with their own hands, on which all these active points are located and were much healthier than our generation, since they do all the electrical appliances.

Therefore, let's start learning these miraculous, but very rare on the Internet the healing wisers who kindly provided us with Himanshu healer

Let's start with such a funny wise. We call it "Figa".

Kashypa Muda - Mudra for Balance and Protection against Negative Energy

Kashypa Mudra is a male and female start, creates a seal from negative energies. Use it when you fall into a conflict situation or when you are in a group of negative people. You can keep this muder when visiting a place with a dark past. As the union of male and female, this wise helps in creating balance and grounding.

Make a fist and keep the finger tip between the middle finger site and the nameless, as shown in the picture. Sit comfortably with palms up. Breathe deep and relax a torso. You can keep this wise within 5 to 15 minutes.

Approval in the form of affirmation: I am protected and experiencing bliss.

Kamajayi Mudra - Mudra to convert excessive sexual energy into creative spiritual energy

Kamajayi wise helps in transformation of sexual energy. The outflow of sexual desire (Kama) and passion through feelings are directed inside and up helping thereby increase creative and spiritual abilities. This muder should not be practiced from the sense of guilt. This mudra is also create wonders with digestion and suction of nutrients.

You can make this wise when walking, sitting or lying. To do this, you need to squeeze the thumb with the tip of the index finger. The remaining fingers remain in a casual state.

Approval: I am here for the highest goal. I am creative, spiritual and peaceful man.

Chandrakala Mudra - Mudra for detoxification of light and colon

Chandrakala wise wise is used in Indian dance. Mudra, in addition, has several health benefits. Using this wise for 10-15 minutes in the morning or evening hours removes with lungs and colon accumulated garbagewhich manifests itself in the form of cough in lungs and undigested food in the colon (fermentation, bloating, gases). It is very useful for people suffering. from asthma and chronic constipation.

To make chandrakala wise, you must expand the index and thumb, as shown in the picture. Large and index finger will be perpendicular to each other. Other fingers pressed against the palm.

Approval: I am cleed. In the next few minutes, I will be clean, fresh and energetic.

Kapittha Mudra - wise for sexual healing and improving sensitivity

Kapittha wise leads to communication between the heart and the pelvis. This wise helps in developing devotion to the partner. Kapittha Muda is a sexy union. Her practice leads to sexual healing, liberation of guilt and spoiled attitude towards sexuality. It stimulates libido, improves sensitivity and leads to unity of hearts with a partner.

To make Kapittha wise, you need to insert a finger between the index and middle fingers, as indicated. The remaining fingers closed in a fist (ordinary fig). This wise (sitting in a comfortable position) left hand will be placed on the heart, and the right hand drops on the pelvis. Close your eyes, relax and breathe naturally.

Feel the unity of sensuality and spirituality and fusion of two streams of energy. You can make this wise for 10-15 minutes or if necessary.

This wise is great for people who come to the Socia with a partner or for those who feel cold in relationships due to stress and anxiety.

Additional information about - when you eat and drink.

When the air lights the sun, this is the right time to take food (indicator - when breathing flows through the right nostril), and when the air lights the moon, a person should drink water or sleep (that is, when breathing flows through the left nostril).

It turns out - - heat inside the body increases when breathing flows through the right nostril, thereby creating an ideal medium for digestion. Hello, heat inside the body decreases when we breathe through the left nostril, which makes it an ideal place to cool liquids or recreation.

Kangula Mudra - to identify hidden talents and intuition development

Kangula wise regulates human biorhythms. Without it with the Rhythm of the Earth. It helps in identifying hidden talents, awakening intuition and improvement of digestion.

To make Kangula waders, you just need to turn the ring of two fingers on the palm (big and the little finger), and the other three fingers fold inside, touching the fingertips of the palm, as indicated. Keep both hands with palms up on hips. Breathe normally, holding your attention on the navel. You can practice it within 10 - 30 minutes.

Approval: I have a huge hidden potential and it is revealed.

Bronchial wise - for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis

Bronchial wise is useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis caused by allergies due to environmental pollution, lifestyle or due to a unbalanced diet. People suffering from these diseases are experiencing sadness, weakness, loneliness and depression.

Bronchial wise, along with Asthma Mudra, helps to eliminate the problem. These wisers act as an additional treatment. In addition to these wise, patients must change their lifestyle and comply with the diet.

To make the bronchial wise, you need to press the little finger to the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the fold between 1 and 2 the phalanxes of the thumb, and the middle finger on the ground is the thumb. The index finger will remain straightened. This is a difficult wise. Take using the second person to fix your fingers at the specified points. Do it within 5 minutes three times a day along with asthma wise.

Approval: Each breathing is holding energy. I was healed by this energy.

Makara Mudra - to activate the stock of energy

Makara means crocodile on Sanskrit. The crocodile is known for its strength. After a long period of rest, the crocodile can convert its energy supply quickly and pounce on his sacrifice with lightning speed. A person should have a similar reserve of energy. Makara Mudra helps in the accumulation and realization of the stock of energy. Makara Mudra is especially useful for people who feel depressed, in disappointment and too large suffering tests about it can be easily judged by bags under the eyes and dark circles around them. Makara Mudra helps if you have similar physical symptoms. Makara Muda soothes mind. It gives you strength and calm.

We have fingers, as shown in the photo. You can use this wise three times a day for 5 to 10 minutes.

Along with Makara wise, you must take a nutritional diet and practice deep breathing in open green spaces.

Vajrapradama Mudra - Mudra to strengthen confidence and self-confidence

Vajrapradama Muda works, taking space energy and gives a feeling of his own confidence. There are moments when we feel empty. Our mental, physical and emotional state seems to be completely unable to solve even the smallest everyday problems. We want to run somewhere. Vajrapradama Mudra, along with meditation and some breathing exercises comes to salvation.

This mudra helps create the necessary confidence and trust from the inside. Connect the fingers of both hands, as shown in the figure and keep them in the front of the chest. Soon some time in meditation and concentrate on calm breathing.

Approval: I am full of confidence, equilibrium and independence. Nature gives and supports me with its energy.

Ushas Mudra - Mudra for the disclosure of creativity and the center of pleasure

Ushas wise leads to change. Ushaus Mudra activates the second chakra (Svadchistan). The second chakra is associated with sexuality and creativity. Ushaus Mouse sends the sexual energy of the second chakra upwards, enriching her higher chakras.

Ushas Mudra helps us wake up in the morning. The practice of this wise for 15 minutes every day. Ushas Mudra gives clarity, improves mental activity, strengthens the pleasure of impulses and produces your creative potential.

How to make Mudra Ushas: Connect your hands to the lock. At the same time, for Men, the big finger of the right hand will be over the thumb left, and for women, a large finger of his left hand will be over her thumb right hand. Apply a small pressure from the dominant fingers.

Approval: I show pleasure and joy. I am creative, attractive and beautiful.

Additional information: To remove stress and voltage - massage clockwise, as shown in the picture.

for strong sleep without snoring.

Pour a few drops of almond clean oil into each nostril before bedtime. Good night - this is one of the simplest remedy for insomnia.

Lubricate almond oil nostrils are very useful for people living in a dry climate and for people who live with air conditioning. Almond oil prevents the occurrence of an allergic ride, from polyps in the nose, sinusitis and premature layers of hair.

Ganesh Mudra - Mudra to strengthen and activate the heart

Ganesh Mudra is devoted to the God of an elephant, Ganesh. Ganesh helps to remove obstacles. Ganesh Mudra is very useful for people who have diseases associated with the weakness of the heart and excess cholesterol, in a state of depression, in the absence of trust and openness. Mudra Ganesh opens bronchi, improves blood circulation and helps in the opening of cardiac chakra (anahat chakra). This leads to the disclosure of love, compassion, courage and openness.

How to make ganesh wise

Keep your left hand before breasting palm outward. Bend your fingers. Use the left hand, the right hand, which is placed with the rear out. Move your arms at the chest level (close to heart). Evaloch and pull your hands to the sides, not letting the clutch to the tension of the muscles shoulders and chest. Inhale and release all the tension. Repeat it 6 times, and then carefully put both hands on the sternum in this position. Focus on sensations in this part of your body. Then change the position of the hands. Your right hand will be palm outward. Repeat the exercise 6 times in this position. Mark in this state. Take this procedure it once a day.

Approval: I am a man with a good heart that loves everyone and everyone loves me. I meet people with outstretched hugs. I have a colorful life and I live with a definite goal.

Gian wise / Chin Mudra Change - knowledge gesture

Giang Wise / Chin Mudra is formed by combining the tip of the index finger and the thumb. When the fingers point to the sky, it is called the Giang Wise, and when the fingers are directed down to the ground, it is called Chin Mud. The connection of the index and thumb symbolizes the elevation of consciousness, the ultimate goal, harmony of consciousness or infinity. Three elongated fingers symbolize Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Guna.

The change (shown in the figure) is formed by attaching to the nail of the index finger of the thumbnail, which puts pressure on the nail of the index finger.

Chin Mudra is used in mental disorders, insomnia, high blood pressure and depression, improves the memory and increases concentration, helps in the opening of mental centers and stimulates the sidhekoid gland.

Chin Mudra can practice from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.

Laughter wise - Mudra for prosperity and wisdom

Mutra laughter is manifested by wisdom and ease of behavior. You feel like a queen. Mudra was named Laugh Mudra, because a succeeding person always laughs and smiles. Mudra will bring prosperity.

You must join the tip of the thumb with the tips of the index finger, the middle and unnamed. The little finger will remain straightforward. You can keep this wise for 10 minutes while sitting on a chair.

Approval: I am wise, prosperous and attract all good in life.

Shakti wise - to cause sleep and removal of menstrual discomfort

Shakti Muda is good for causing sleep. It helps people suffering from chronic insomnia. Shakti Muda relieves stresses in the pelvic area, counteracts spasms in the intestines and helps a woman during menstrual discomfort. To do this, connect the nameless fingers and the little fingers, as indicated. Index and middle fingers fold free over the thumb. The thumb will be bent inside the palm

Sitting on the bed, close your eyes and make shact wise for 10-12 minutes. Slowly, feel like physical and mental tension relaxes.

KaleSvara Mudra - Mudra to change the character traits and overcoming dependencies

KaleSvara wise helps us calm conflicting thoughts and makes us calmer. It helps us in contemplation and observing your character, eliminates the dependence on the addictions and bad habits, opening the doors to change. Kalesvara wise can practice any wishing change. This should be carried out for at least 15 -20 minutes.

To make KaleSvara wise, join the middle fingers together as indicated. Click on the first two joints of the index finger and touch the fingers. Bend the rest of your fingers inside. Drink your fingers to the chest and divert the elbows to the sides. Just over your breath and lengthen the pause after inhale and after the exhalation.

Focus on dependencies you want to quit smoking or changes you want to do, and I assume that it is already happening.

Matangi Mudra - for supplying power to the solar plexus and development of harmony

This wise helps from the excited heart, restless feet and the wandering mind symptoms that arise in connection with the weakening of breathing around the solar plexus. Matangi wise Enhances the respiratory rhythm around solar plexus and energy balance in this area.

Two hands in the lock, except the middle fingers who press the entire plane to each other. Keep the position of the hands near the solar plexus. Start your breath in the diaphragm area and watch the solar plexus and breathing at the same time. You can practice this wise as needed within 4 to 5 minutes.

Matangi wise strengthens digestion organs. - stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys. Revolving and excitement decreases. You feel calm and composed. Digestion improves.

Ksepana Mudra - For vacation and removal of negative energy

If you got an emotional splash from a person, feel the feeling that you sill in the presence of extraneous, that you are choking and you do not have strength, and life seems unfair, i.e, if you experience strong discomfort, then this wader will help you in unfair moments . Ksepana Mudra helps in exemption negative emotions, contained energy and toxins from the body. This wise helps in cleaning through the skin (sweat), light (exhale) and a thick intestine. Do it for 2 minutes, hands down to the ground and feel how they are charging.

For this wise, you must connect your fingers in the lock, except for the index, which are pressed with the entire plane to each other.

I confirm "Negative energy from my body and mind follows. I now absorb positive and fresh energy"

according to the materials of the

Westers - Exercises for the fingers of the hands, which are endowed with a huge energy. Westers - a kind of yoga for hands. Performing these simple actions, you can manage your body and consciousness: increase and lower blood pressure, affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, brain. In a psychological plan, performing wise, you can develop confidence, femininity or masculinity, to achieve sincere equilibrium. Some wisers are familiar to everyone, for example, Mudra Knowledge. Other wise are not so popular, but no less effective. Mudra "Saving Life" can be a salvation in a heart attack, until the ambulance arrived.

Mudra Fire, Air, Earth, Water

In the Indian understanding of the world, all that powerful energy surrounds is surrounding us. Undarble and familiar are the energies of the four elements: fire, earth, water and air. To maintain and strengthen each of the elements in the body, the corresponding wise are folded.

Mudra Fire has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, fights with depression and apathy, increases immunity and improves eyesight. All these processes obey the energies of fire. You need to fold the wise, connecting large and medium fingers on each hand.

You need to fold the wise, connecting large and medium fingers on each hand.

Earth is an element responsible for the condition of the skin, hair, nails, bone fabric, increases endurance and makes a person more physically and psycho-emotional plan. The wise execution is simple: combine large and unnamed fingers.

The wise execution is simple: combine large and unnamed fingers.

The air is responsible for the respiratory system in the body, helps to make a dream, as well as fight laziness.

Mudra element air folds index and thumbs.

Varuna Muda (waders of water) Regulates in the body all that is associated with water. It helps in the work of the kidneys, stomach, struggling with dehydration and affects the composition of blood. For women, it is useful to fold this wise to preserve the skin of fresh and moistened, fighting wrinkles. In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect thumbnails with the maizins.

In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect thumbnails with the maizins.

Mudra against headaches

Headache may be so unbearable that traditional medicine becomes powerless. Then the healing wisers for fingers come to the rescue. By changing the energy balance in your body, you can get rid of headaches. Mudra "The Wisdom window" helps the spasme of the head vessels, the atherosclerosis of the vessels. Spasm is removed, therefore, retreats pain. To fold this wise, you need to perform such a sequence of actions:

  1. Click on the ring finger of the left hand with a thumb to the palm;
  2. Put the remaining fingers wide;
  3. Repeat actions for the right hand.

Mudra "Window of Wisdom"

With migraine, another wise is helped - "Bowl of Chandman". It is best to act if you perform it in a room, flavored Bergamot essential oil. Folding algorithm Next:

  1. Keep both hands in the field of solar plexus;
  2. Tightly squeezed index, medium, unnamed fingers and maples of each hand;
  3. Put one palm to another, forming a bowl;
  4. Straighten the thumbs and retain them on the parties.

Folding healing wise needs to be easily, without pressure.

Mudra "Bowl Chandmann"

Westers with heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases are very common not only among the elderly, but also among young people. Heart disease - one of the most frequent causes of death. In the heart attack, you can not lose a minute. While driving an ambulance should be tried to try to give first aid. Heart health wise can help in this.

Mudra "Saving Life"

Mudra "Saving Life" not in vain received such a name. Its execution during a heart attack can save life. Heart vessels are expanding, the heart beats smooth, rhythm. Mudra performance technique:

  1. Bend the index finger and press it to the palm;
  2. Combine the pads of large, medium and index fingers;
  3. Misinians leave straightened.

Mudras are performed on both hands.

Mudra god Ganesh

Ganesh - Indian God in the image of an elephant. The wise of God Ganesh has a therapeutic effect in heart disease.

  1. Left hand palm outward, right - inside;
  2. Catch the fingers in the castle;
  3. Smoothly pull to the sides.

The main thing when performing the wise of Ganesh is not to do sharp movements.

When arrhythmia, hypertension and angina will help wise entities called "Dragon Temple". Dragon - on Indian mythology - magical, magical creature, combination of all elements. Hands in this wise form the temple, each finger symbolizes the part of the Dragon body: the thumbs are the head, the Mizinza - the tail of the dragon, the body of the dragon - the middle fingers.

Wise performance:

  1. Bend unnamed fingers and connect them;
  2. Connect the remaining fingers straightened.

Mudra "Dragon Temple"

Mudra is performed by two hands and requires concentration on healing from dental pain and care. It is better to do the exercise lying, holding hands at the level of solar plexus.

Fingers fold in this way:

  1. The tips of the fingers, the large left hand and the middle - right, are connected;
  2. The index finger of the left hand is placed between the middle and index fingers right;
  3. Cross medium and unnamed fingers of both hands together;
  4. Connect the thumb right with a ring finger left;
  5. Place the little finger on the mother's right.

Healing wisers from high pressure

Indications for the execution of the wise of pressure: increase pressure, sleep disruption, heart disease. With this exercise, improve the emotional state, cope with irritability, apathy and fatigue. It is enough to fold the large and index fingers of each hand, and the remaining fingers straighten.

Wise from high pressure

Another wander from pressure is performed as follows:

  1. Cross medium and unnamed fingers of hands;
  2. Cross the little men so that the right is on top;
  3. Bend the right thumb;
  4. Put an index finger of the left hand on the bent finger right;
  5. Straighten the index finger of the right hand up;
  6. Straighten the thumb left aside.

Mudra Strela Vajra personifies the fight against the disease, defeat the hearth disease, as if the arrow. Yoga for fingers with hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system recommends this exercise:

  1. Combine thumbs over the entire length of the side surfaces;
  2. Connect the tips of the index fingers;
  3. Cross the remaining fingers among themselves.

Shakti - wise for female well-being

Shakti - wise

Shakti - a revered goddess, beloved Saviva spouse. Shakti is the personification of mother nature, the universe, all living on earth. Shakti - wise fills the energy of a female start.

An indication for folding this wise is insomnia and emotional excitation.

  1. Connect the tips of nameless fingers;
  2. Connect the tips of the little fingers;
  3. Place bent thumbs inside palms;
  4. Bend loose fingers around big.

Perform Shakti - Mudra needs to be lying in a convenient position. Shakti requires smooth breathing. Yoga for fingers does not tolerate fuss and distracted thoughts. Folding the wise from insomnia is the best medical assistant in the struggle for a calm dream.

Sense organs

In case of hearing disorders, Mudra Ether often helps (Akasha Muda). Yoga for fingers helps well with impairment of hearing, inflammation, pains in the ears. Mudra sky (ether) is performed like this:

  1. Connect the tips of the fingers of the middle and the large fingers of the left hand;
  2. Repeat for the right hand;
  3. Straighten the remaining fingers.

Akasha - Mudra is indispensable for older people suffering from a decline in hearing.

Use healing eyes for eye health is made not only in India, but also everywhere where the yoga is practiced. Enhance visual acuity, relieve eye fatigue, increase endurance and improve the overall state of health will help wits of life. To fold this position, you need to connect the cushions of the little fingers, nameless and thumbs on each hand.

Emotional tension

Shakya Cap - Muni

Unusual healing wisers for emotional and psychological health help relax and relieve tension. Muda called "Shakya - Muni's hat" helps with depression. The value of the wise of Shakya - Muni is difficult to overestimate. Shakya - Muni Hat Fitting Technique:

  1. Connect the pillows of middle fingers and maizins;
  2. Connect the bent phalanges of unnamed and index fingers;
  3. Big fingers straightened and connected by side surfaces.

In addition to the wise hat, Shakya Muni hat applied Mudra Fearless. This is the position of fingers helps to develop confidence in their forces, confront negative impact and overcome fear. Mudra Fearless is done not with fingers, but palms:

  1. Right palm at the chest level, aimed forward;
  2. Left palm horizontally at the level of solar plexus.

Staircase of the Heavenly Temple

Sometimes depression and depression arises as a result of the fact that a person does not see the exit from the situation seems to be stuck on the same level. The magic staircase of the Heavenly Temple comes to the rescue. This wise helps go to a new level, find a way out of the situation, develop.

  1. Cross the fingers of two hands, so that the fingers of the right hand are from below and imitate the stairs;
  2. Straighten the maizins;
  3. Place your hands at the solar plexus level.

Aphan - Mudra helps to achieve harmony and spiritual well-being. The Energy of the Apana helps at temperatures, inflammation, fever, removes toxins and slags. Fulfill the Mudra of Apan needs to sit in the lotus position, relaxing and visualizing the glow around its body. The technique of execution of the Wise of Apana:

  1. Combine unnamed, large and medium fingers of hand between themselves;
  2. Straighten the index fingers and maizins.

In case of injuries

Shield Shambala

When a person suffered physically, it needs a "shield", protection against external factors to properly restore. The same applies to psychological injuries. . Shield, shelter, fencing against negative energy - all this means wise, which is called "shield Shambhala". Shambhala shield personifies security and peace. Such a shield will help recover after injuries and fractures or stress. The shield shambal is performed as follows:

  1. Squeeze your hand in a fist (women - right, men - left);
  2. Second palm to align at the level of solar plexus;
  3. Put a fist to the palm that personifies the shield.

The healing properties of the wise are tested by centuries, with proper execution you can heal serious psychological and physical illnesses without drugs.

Wise - they are also called "Yoga for fingers" - this is a special position of hands, combinations and figures of fingers, with the help of which energy is distributed in the right directions, due to which the pain is removed, the causes of the disease are eliminated, a wellness effect is created.

Did you notice how in difficult situations, especially when you nervous, many involuntarily "break" their hands, is it difficult to binding your fingers? In the countries of the East, sincecorability knew the healing force from the addition of a special way to fingers in various situations.

Knowledge about wits go from the depths of centuries and always used in yogic and spiritual practices, as an affordable way of healing the body, achieve a special state of consciousness and solving problems of psychological and emotional nature.

It is known that our body is a complex energy mechanism, closely related to the energy of the Earth and the Solar System. Each finger of hand corresponds to the energy sector of a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body:

The thumb - relates to the will, logic, love and "ego" of a person.
Index - is associated with knowledge, wisdom, credit and self-confidence.
Middle - makes equilibrium, as it is associated with patience and ability to control feelings.
Unnamed - responsible for health, activity and vital energy.
The little finger - relates to the creative abilities of a person, the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful.

How do wise work?

The vital activity of our body is supported not only by food, but also the energy that we get from space. This energy circulates by special channels-meridians, providing "delivery" to all organs and tissues of the body. If a failure occurs in one or several meridians, the energy "fuel" ceases to flow to the place of its purpose, and the work of the internal organs is broken. Causes can be different - adverse external conditions, poor heredity, stress, and the result is one - the person begins to hurt.

The six main energy channels associated with the heart, light, brain, liver, spleen, vascular system, thick and small intestines, pass along the hands and fingers of the person. That is why the hand has such a huge healing force. Connecting fingers in certain combinations, you can activate the meridians and send the energy throughout the body, to restore the stream of energy and eliminate the "breakdowns" in patients.

For the greatest effectiveness of the action of each wise, it is not sufficiently mechanically to fold your fingers. First of all, it is necessary to focus in thoughts and a general understanding of what is happening in the body when you perform this or another muder, because they affect the energy flows in our organism. The second prerequisite is the regularity of performance and compliance with the execution time of each wise.

Who are wise for whom?

For all, however, from a variety of people you can especially highlight groups that it is simply necessary:

Children having problems with school;
Older people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
Patients who want to recover as soon as possible;
Anyone who wants to strengthen their immunity.

What mudras maybe?

  • help to find inner strength and peace of mind
  • eliminate chronic fatigue and sense of anxiety
  • significantly improve the emotional state of the person
  • get rid of fear and anger
  • contribute to peace conscious
  • facilitate and cures many diseases
  • beneficially affect the entire human body

When and where to apply wisers?

You can perform wise at any time and any place until your hands are busy and when you feel the need for energy replenishment. But the most favorable time is the morning and / or evening (the optimal version is twice a day). You should not make wise immediately after eating, it is possible to proceed to classes not earlier than in an hour.

If you can, it is better to find a secluded place where no one will disturb you, although this is not a prerequisite. In bed, during severe ailment, watching TV or simply communicating with someone, for a walk, in transport, at work during a lunch break You can use wisers as a successful addition to ordinary gestures. At the same time, it is completely unimportant to you, stand or go, although the best position, of course, is sitting with a straight back, in the "lotus" position or lying. The main thing you should not have any tension and pain. Westers better to do face east. In the hands it is desirable not to have jewelry - rings and bracelets.

How long to perform wisers?

As practice is mastered, the duration of the execution of the wise increases from 3 minutes at the beginning to 30-45 minutes upon receipt of sustainable skills.

Most wise gives an immediate effect - you immediately feel the tide, clarity of mind, peace. If you have more serious problems, discipline and perseverance will be required. The disease never passes in one night, but the time to restore the energy balance will be required less. Remember this every time you are lazy and try to disrupt the regularity of the mud. The wise chosen by you will need to perform for several weeks before you feel positive changes in your health.

How to work with wise?

A huge value is the mood with which wise are performed. Getting Started, you must be absolutely calm and confident that therapeutic gestures will bring you relief. Forget about troubles and disadvantages, mentally ask for forgiveness from those who you offended, and try to forgive those who offended you. If you are a believer, before starting the exercises, read the prayer, ask the highest strength to help you, and after the end of the classes, do not forget to thank the one who appealed for help.

When using therapeutic gestures, energy flows are normalized not only in the body of the one who performs them, but also in the surrounding space. This means that wise can be treated at a distance. The main thing is to experience sincere desire to help someone who needs it. If this person is next to you, calmly, trying not to attract attention, come to him and begin to make Mudra, which is most suitable in this situation. If you are far away, imagine the addressee and mentally hold your image in front of you for the entire time while you do exercise.

Not only adults can learn mudes, but also children for whom to fold fingers in intricate shapes - a game and pleasure. To force them in no case! - Let exercise only at their own desire (but under the supervision of adults). Teach the child to several major wisers - "saving life", "raising" ... In a difficult situation, he will always be able to help himself and his loved ones.

1. Mudra "Sink"

Indications: Diseases of the throat, larynx, voice hoarseness. When performing this wise, the voice is enhanced, so the singers, artists, teachers, speakers are especially recommended.

Performance Method: Two connected hands depict the sink. Four fingers right hand hug a big finger of the left hand, then with a thumb right hand to touch the cushion of the middle finger of the left hand. Unused 3 fingers without tension hug your fingers right. Hands must be in a relaxed state.

2. Mudra "Cow"

Indications: Rheumatic pains, radiculitic pains, diseases of the joints.

Methods of execution: the little finger of the left hand touches the heart (unnamed) of the right hand, the little finger of the right hand touches the nameless finger of the left hand. At the same time, the middle finger of the right hand with an index finger of the left hand is connected, and the middle finger of the left hand with an index finger of the right hand. Big fingers are arranged. Hands are in an arbitrary condition.

3. Mudra "Knowledge"

Indications: Insomnia or Excessive Drowsiness, High Blood Pressure.

Method of execution: An index finger is connected to a thumb with a pin. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense).

This wise is one of the most important. Removes emotional tension, anxiety, anxiety, melancholy, sadness, longing and depression. Improves thinking and memory, activates potential opportunities. This mudra revives us again.

Indications: For persons suffering from diseases of the ears, decline in hearing. The execution of this wise in some cases leads to a very rapid increase in hearing. Long-term occupation leads to almost the complete cure of very many ear diseases.

Methods of execution: The average finger bend so that he touched the base to the base of the thumb, and we press the curved medium with a large finger. The remaining fingers are straightened and not tense.

Indications: rheumatism, radiculitis, trembling of hands, neck, head. When performing this wise, in a few hours you can see a significant improvement in the state. In chronic diseases, Mudra should be carried out alternately with the wise life. Exercises can be stopped after improving and starting the disappearance of signs of the disease.

Method of execution: The index finger is stacked so that it gives the pillow to the base of the thumb. With a thumb, slightly hold this finger, and the remaining fingers straightened and relaxed.

6. Mudra "Rising"

Indications: With all sorts of colds, inflammation of the throat, inflammation of the lungs, cough, cold, hyimorite. Mobilizes the body's protective forces, increases immunity and promotes rapid recovery. If you have extra weight, you need to remove it. Simultaneously with the implementation of this wise, you need to follow the next diet: during the day drinks at least 8 glasses of boiled water. The daily diet should consist of fruits, rice, sources.

Too long and frequent use of this wise can cause apathy and even lethargy - do not overdo it!

Method of execution: Both palms are connected together, the fingers are crossed together. The thumb of one of the hands is set and is surrounded by index and thumbs of another hand. Hands arrange arbitrarily, prevent voltages.

7. Mudra "Saving Life"

Indications: Heart pain, heart attacks, heartbeat, discomfort in the heart area with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction. With these states, it is necessary to immediately begin the fulfillment of this wise with both hands at the same time. The relief occurs immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin. The fulfillment of this wise must learn everything - its timely use can save life.

Methods of execution: index finger bend in such a way that it affects the cushion of the terminal phalange of the base of the thumb. At the same time we fold the pads of medium, unnamed and thumbs, the little finger remains straightened. Perform a wise until the condition improves.

Indications: The condition of fast fatigue, 6ness, violation, improves visual sharpness, eye disease treatment. The fulfillment of this wise lines the energy potential of the body, increases the vitality and performance, improves overall well-being, gives vigor and endurance, relieves fatigue, improves eyesight, treats eye disease.

Methods of execution: the pads of the nameless, maiden and thumbs are connected together, the middle and index fingers are freely straightened. Performed with both hands.

Indications: deterioration of the psychophysical condition of the body, the state of mental weakness, stress. The fulfillment of this wiser improves an objective assessment of his own personality, confidence in itself, and also protects against negative external energy impacts.

Method of execution: Unnamed and thumbs are connected by pads with a little pressure. The remaining fingers are straightened. Performed with both hands.

Indications: With an excess of humidity in the body or water and mucus in the lungs, the stomach, etc., as well as during diseases of the liver, colic, bloating.

Methods of execution: the little finger of the right hand will be flexing in such a way that it touches to the base of the thumb, which the little finger is slightly pressed. Left hand clasp the right bottom, while the thumb of my left hand is located on the big finger of the right hand.

Wise - This is a very simple energy exercise to control the physical activity of the body and the condition of consciousness. Everyone can master the practice of wise without much difficulty.

Energy meridians connecting all organs and parts of the body into a single system have a duplicate signal channels. They are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bhands. Accordingly, with the help of certain positions of the hands and fingers, we can redirect streams of these energies by changing the energy balance throughout the body. Westers and there are these special positions of hands developed in ancient China several thousand years ago and since then successfully used in traditional medicine.

But wise are capable not only to change the energy saturation of any organ, but also combine the energies of various qualities. This method can eliminate the problems associated with a disadvantage or excess of the energy of a certain quality in the illicit place, thereby speeding up the process of recovery. Another wise ability is used to change the emotional and spiritual state.

Performance of wise:
There should be no metal objects on your hands to the elbow.
With wises it is better to work in a relaxed home environment or in nature, after having previously relaxation. But if you work well, and you feel it, you can practice everywhere.
Very helpful to combine the performance of a wise with respiratory gymnastics
Westers, except for a few, do not give quick effect and are directed to a long-term positive effect. The effect of the execution of a wise accumulates, and you will feel relief even in the most running cases, but only if the practice of wise will be constant and long.
No need to consider wisers as a complete alternative to other treatment! The result obtained by Wise is excellent prevention and support.

Major wisers:

1. Mudra "Sink"

Mudra "Sink" - "Shankha" - the attribute of God Shiva, the name of Naga Snake,
Living in the underground kingdom. Indications: all diseases of the throat, larynx,
Herbon voice. When performing this wise, the voice is enhanced, so
Especially recommend singers, artists, teachers, speakers. Methodik
Performances: Two connected hands depict the sink. Four fingers right
Hands hug a big finger of the left hand. Right-handed
Touching the pillow of the middle finger of the left hand.

2. Mudra Cow

In India, the cow is considered to be a sacred animal.

Rheumatic pains, radiculitic pain, diseases of the joints.

Method of execution: the little finger of the left hand is concerned to the heart
(Unnamed) Right Hand Finger; The little finger of the right hand concerns the heart
Finger left hand. At the same time, the middle finger of the right hand is connected with
with a clear finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand with
index finger right hand. Big fingers are raised.

Z.Mutra Knowledge

This wise is one of the most important. Removes emotional tension,
Anxiety, anxiety, Melancholy, Per Cal, longing and depression. Improves
thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential

Indications: insomnia or excessive drowsiness
high blood pressure. This mudra revives us again. Many
Thinking, philosophers, scientists used and enjoy this wise.

Method of execution: The index finger is easily connected to
Pillow of thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not

4. Mudra Sky

The sky is associated with the highest forces - with the "Upper Man" -

Indications: For persons suffering from diseases of the ears
Reduced hearing. The execution of this wise in some cases leads to very
rapid improvement of hearing. Long-term lesson leads to almost complete
Healing very many ear diseases.

Methods of execution:
the middle finger of the bend so that he touched the base to the base
thumb, and cuddled medium with a thumb. The remaining
Fingers straightened and not tense.

5. Winds wind

In Chinese medicine, under the wind, they understand one of five elements. Her
Violation causes wind disease.

Indications: rheumatism, radiculitis,
Hand shake, neck, head. When performing this wise after several
Watches can notice a significant improvement in the state. With chronic
Mudra diseases should be carried on a ped-belt with a wise life.
Exercises can be stopped after improving and starting disappearances
Signs of pain (improvement of objective indicators).

Methods of execution: index finger put so that it
The cushion took the base of the painful finger. Large finger slightly
We hold this finger, and the remaining fingers straightened and relaxed.

6. Mudra "Rising"

Indications: With all sorts of colds, inflammation of the throat,
Inflammation of the lungs, cough, cold, Guy-Morite. Performing this wiser
Mobilizes the protective forces of the body, increases immunity and promotes
Fast recovery.

If you have overweight, then it is necessary
Remove. One-time with the execution of this wise must be observed
Diet: Drink at least 8 glasses of boiled water during the day. Day
The diet should consist of fruits, rice, prostroprious.

Too long and frequent use of this wise can cause
Apathy and even lethargy - do not overdo it!

Methods of execution:
Both palms are connected together, the fingers are crossed together. Thumb
(one of the hands) set and surrounded by index and thumbs

7. Mudra "Saving Life"
(first assistance in heart

The fulfillment of this wise must learn everything, since it is timely
Application can save your life yourself, as well as the life of your loved ones,
Native and friends.

"Indications: heart pains, heart attacks,
heartbeat, discomfort in the field of heart with anxiety and longing, heart attack

With these states need immediately
Start the fulfillment of this wise with both hands at the same time. Relief
comes immediately, action is similar to use

Method of execution: index finger bending
So that he touched the pad of the end-of-War Fale
thumb. At the same time we fold the pads medium, nameless and
Big fingers, the little finger remains straightened.

8. Mudra Life

The execution of this wise lines the energy potential of everything
The body contributes to the strengthening of his life forces. Enhances
Performance, gives cheerful! Endurance improves overall health.

Indications: the state of fast fatigue, 6ness, violation
Vision, improves visual sharpness, eye treatment treatment.

Performances: The pads of unnamed, maiden and grand fingers are connected
Together, and the remaining freely straightened. Following both hand
At the same time.

9. Mudra Earth

According to Chinese natural philosophy, the land is one of the per-benefits, from
which our body is built, one of the sequins, determining the type of personality and
Next to certain diseases.

Indications: Worsening
the psychophysical state of the body, the state of mental weakness,
stress. You fulfill this wise improves an objective assessment of the sob
personality, confidence in itself, and also protects against negative
external energy impacts.

Methods of execution:
Unnamed and thumbs up with pillows with a little
Press up. The remaining fingers are straightened. Both are performed

10. Water waders

In the Indian mythology of the god of water they call Varun waders of water - wander of God

Water is one of the five first elements that form our body and
Planet. Element of water gives a certain color to people born in
the zodiac group of this element, as well as a tendency to certain
Diseases. In general understanding, water is the basis of life, without which
Unsured-Mo all alive on the planet.

Indications: With an excess of humidity
In the body of water or mucus in the lung, stomach (increased mucus production
with inflammation), etc. Excessive accumulation of mucus in the body may,
According to Eastern concepts, cause the energy blockade of everything
organism. The execution of this wise is also recommended for the disease.
Liver, colic, bloating.

Methods of execution: Mysiline
right hand flex so that he touches the ground
Thumb, which is slightly pressing the little finger. Levy hand
clamping the right bottom, while the big pa-log hand is located
On the big finger of the right hand.

11. Mudra Energy

Without energy, life is unthinkable. Energy fields and beam
permeate the whole universe, interacting with each other, radiating and
absorbing to revive again.

Ancient Hindus called stream
The energy of prana, China-tsy - qi, the Japanese. Concentrated I.
The directional energy is capable of making the wonders of the creation and heament,
So destruction. The polarity of energy is the basis of motion and life.

Indications: to ensure anti-haired effects, as well as
derived from the body of various poisons and slags that poison our
organism. This mudra treats the obvious of the genitourinary system and spine,
leads to the purity of the body.

Performance Method: Pillows
medium "nameless and thumbs connect together, left
Fingers are free straightened.

12. Mudra "Wisdom Window"

Opens vital centers promoting development
Thinking, activating mental activity.

Violation of cerebral circulation, sclerosis of brain vessels.

Performance Methodology: Heart (Syanless) Finger Right Hand
pressed the first phalange of the painful finger of the same hand. Similarly
Fold your fingers left hands. The remaining fingers are freely placed.

13 wise "Temple of the Dragon"

In Eastern mythology, the dragon is an image that co-units five
Elements - Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood, Water. He symbolizes strength
Flexibility, power, longevity, wise. The temple is a collective image of thought,
Forces, mind, association and discipline. Connecting all this into one thing, we
So-in-building the unity of thought, mind, nature and space. Fulfillment of this wise
Direct our actions on the path of knowledge and worship the highest reason for
doing good deeds; It will help a person to become noble - will create
He has a feeling of unity with space.

Indications: arrhythmic
heart disease, discomfort in the heart, arrhythmia; contributes to the rest of I.
concentration of energy and thoughts.

Performance Method: Middle
Fingers of both hands bend and pressed against the inner surfaces
palms. The remaining fingers of the left and right hands are connected in
straightened position. At the same time, cancer and nameless fingers
Interconnected over the bent average fingers. So running
Mudra "Dragon Temple". Indexing and unnamed fingers SIM-imaginary
Denote the roof of the "Temple", thumbs - go-fish of the dragon, and the Misinians -
Dragon Tail.

14. Mudra "Three Columns of Cosmos"

The world consists of three bases, or layers - lower, middle and higher,
which symbolizes the past, present and future. Unity of these three bases
gives birth, life and death. All this keeps on two opposites
- Yang and Yin, who, connecting, give movement, rebirth, stream of life,
moving in a circle. This image (miniature reflection of life) gives
Understanding your place in the world and space, its intended value, prompts
To the cleansing and reverence before you, the mind and wisdom of nature.

Indications: violation of metabolic processes, decrease in immunity,
Upgrade forces.

Methods of execution: medium and ring fingers
Right hand are put on similar fingers of the left hand. Mysinaire left hand
put near the base of the rear surface of the middle and nameless fingers
Right hand, then everything is fixed with the little finger of the right hand. Fa-Lang
The index finger of the right hand is clamped between large and index
fingers left hand.

15. Mudra "Staircase of the Heavenly Temple"

The intersection of paths and fate is the basis of the world's relationships and
Man, the relationship of society and man, his views, contacts between
by itself.

Indications: psyche disorder, depression. You are full of this
wise improves mood, relieves hopelessness and

Methods of execution: fingertips fingertips pressed
Between the tips of the fingertips of the right hand (the fingers of the right hand is always downstairs).
The maizins of both hands are free, straightened, turned up.

16. Mudra "Turtle"

Turtle - Sacred Animal. On the Indian mytholo-gia turtle helped
gods to get amrita (sacred on-mite of immortality) from

Closure all fingers, we overlap the basics of all manual
Meridians. Forming a closed circle, we thus prevent leakage
Energy. The dome of the "Turtle" forms the energy bunch, which
It is disposed of organism for its needs.

Indications: Asthenization,
Overwork, violation of the function of the cardiovascular system.

Methods of execution: the fingers of the right hand are closed with the fingers of the left
hands. Big fingers of both hands are interconnected by forming a "head
Turtles. "

17. Mudra "Dragon Tooth"

In the eastern myths, the dragon tooth symbolizes the power and power. Performing wise
"Death of the Dragon", a person, as if, acquires these qualities, increases its
Spirituality and consciousness.

Indications: on confused,
violation of the coordination of movements, under stress and emotional
Unstable bones.

pressed against the inner surface of the palms. Third, fourth and fifth fingers
Bend and pressed to the palm. The index fingers of both hands are straightened and
Troop up.

18. Mudra "Bowl of Chandmann"
jewels ")

In the eastern mythology "nine jewels" symbol-lying spiritual
Wealth of life. From nine preciousness, tapes consists of body, mind and consciousness
man, as well as surrounding the world. Collecting all nine jewels in
one bowl, we affirm the unity of the soul and body, the unity of man and
Space. The filled bowl symbolizes well-being and wealth.

Indications: promotes digestion, eliminates stagnant phenomena in

Method of execution: Four fingers right hand
Support from below and clamp similar palters of the left hand. Large
Folders of both hands freely rested a few shoes, forming a handle

19. Mudra "Shaky-Muni hat"

The most common image of Buddha Shakya Muni. Most often
Depicts Sitting on Diamond Tro-not and Higher Enlightenment. His
Major wise: assurance, wheel of life. Symbol - Nishchenskaya Bowl, Color -
Golden, throne - red lotus.

Brain - the most perfect form
perception of thought and crawl, the basis of all the processes of vital activity,
The regulator of all functions, the most important control panel to all organ-bottom.

Indications: Depression, vascular pathology of the brain.

Performance technique: Unnamed and index fingers
right hand in the bent position are connected with similar fingers left
hands. Average fingers and maples of both hands are connected and straightened. Thumbs
Side the side surfaces together.

20. Mudra "Dragon Head"

The head is a center of perception and thinking. In Tibet Head.
Associates with a dragon sign, upper light. Top light
identifies the basis of spirituality.

Indications: Lung Diseases
Upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Methods of execution:
The middle finger of the right hand worst and presses the end phalanx
Pointer finger of the same hand. A similar combination is performed with
fingers left hand. We connect both hands. Thumbs of both hands
Connect the side upside down. The remaining fingers crossed
between themselves.

Use the wise "Dragon Head" as for
Profilat whiskers of colds and in case of illness. Chita
The fulfillment of this wise of your children.

21. Mudra "Sea scallop"

This mudra is a symbol of life, wealth. Scallop is power, power,
Energy saturation. Everything means both boors, strength, fullness
(perception, sensation of energy).

Methods of execution: thumbs of both hands
Contact with their side surfaces. The remains are crossed
ways that are concluded inside both

Regular execution of this wise will increase the appetite and will
Contribute to the normalization of digestion and improving appearance.

22. Mudra "Strela Vajra"

Vajra - "Thunder Arrow" - the weapon of the Groovnik Groovnik's indra. Mystical
This is a special strength contributing to liberation; Lightning - the symbol of peace and
Power of the Spirit. "Vajra Strela" is a concentrated energy in the form of
Thunder discharge, bunch of energy.

Indications: Muses are very
Effective for persons, country-giving cardiovascular pathology,
hypertension, not-sufficiency of blood circulation and
blood supply.

Methods of execution: thumbs of both hands
connected by their side surfaces. Pointer fingers straightened and
Also connected together. The remaining fingers are crossed between
by itself.

The execution of this wise concentrates healing energy.
channels and directs it mentally for the normalization of vascular

23. Mudra "Shield Shambhala

Wise invisibility and unrecognizable forces of evil - les-gear shambal,
This is a country of higher entities, pros, and virtue and well-being.
Shambala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and achieving high
Du khovniy. Shield - protection of life, health, wealth,

Indications: Wander "Shield Shambhala" guards you from
negative impacts of someone else's energy. If you are not protected by your
Spirituality, these impacts may have very grave consequences.

Method of execution: fingers right hand C-bent and compressed in a fist
(hand). Brush left hand straightened, thumb pressed to the brush.
The straightened brush of the left hand covers and pressed to the back surface.
Fist right hand.

24. Mudra "Parenting Lotus"

Lotus - a water plant that serves as a religious symbol, especially
In India and Egypt. Lotus goes its roots in the ground, his stem
passes through water, and the flower is revealed in the air, under the rays of the sun
(Element of fire).

So, consistently passing through all the elements, he
Oliece creates the whole world and five elements. Its flower is not wetted by water, not
concerns land. Lotus is a symbol of the Spirit. Simer Lotus Face Cleaner
intertwined with the symbols of the Great Mother.

Lotus flower serves
The throne of the gods. He symbolizes involvement in Buddha and Divine

Life principle embodies purity, wisdom,
fertility. Fruit flower, thanks to vivigious van-ge, brings
Happiness, well-being, eternal youth and St. tin.

With the disease of the female sexual area (inflammatory processes), as well as
In case of diseases of illegal organs (uterus, stomach, intestines, gall

Performance technique: Big fingers of both hands are connected,
The index fingers are straightened and connected by con-commiss phalanges. Middle
Fingers are interconnected. Unnamed fingers and maples of both hands
crossed with each other and lie at the base of the average

Regular use of the wiser "Farming Lotus" can
You get rid of the diseases of the genitals and nor-facial

25. Mudra "Flute Maitrei"

Earth Buddhas are: Dipajaar, Kasyan, Shakya Muni, coming
Buddha Maitreya and Buddha Healing Bhai-Sjate Tour, or Manla.

Fleute Maitreya should announce the offensive of the whole light,
pious, spiritual; The victory of light forces over dark.

Indications: Wind disease - diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs;
State of longing and sadness.

Method of execution: Both fingers of both
Hands are connected together. The index finger of the left hand lies on the basis of
The index finger of the right hand. Middle finger right hand is located
On the middle and mother's left hand. Unnamed finger of the left hand under average and
Unnamed finger right hand. Mysilineal right hand placed on the end
The phalange of the middle finger of the left hand. Mysiline Left Hand is located on
index and nameless finger of right hand and fixed by middle finger
Right hand, which is located on it.

Perform this wise
Early in the morning with all diseases of the lungs and sharp respiratory
diseases, as well as under the states of sadness, longing and sadness.

26. Mudra, designed to maintain health

This wise is used as a prophylactic agent and
additional healing agent for different

Method of execution: Connect big tips
fingers. Connect the ends of the little fingers. Bend the nameless fingers of both hands and
Direct them inside. Indicative finger of the left hand to arrange between
Middle and unnamed finger right hand. Straighten index finger
right hand.

27. Mudra, designed to promote health

This wise is carried out with prophylactic purposes.

Performances: Unnamed finger of the left hand to connect with a thumb left
hands. Middle finger of the left hand put on the ring finger of the left hand.
The little finger of the left hand press to the nameless finger of the left hand. Pointing
Finger straighten. Unnamed and middle fingers right hand bend and press
To palm. Mysinetty, index and thumbnails rectifier.
To put the right hand on the left hand at the bottom of the brush.

28. Mudra, intended for the treatment of neurasthenia

As a medical agent, this wise applies in the case of a common
Weakening the nervous system.

Performance Method: Right hand
impose on the left hand at the level of the brushes in such a way as
Hands in touch with the tile sides. Connect the tips of the middle and
Big fingers of each hand separately. Catch the tips of the indicative
fingers and right hands. Catch the tips of the little fingers of the right and left hands.
Unnamed fingers of the right and left hands remain in a free state.

29. Mudra, intended for the treatment of chronic

As a therapeutic agent, this wise is applied at
Intestinal inflammatory diseases.

Methods of execution:
Connectors of the unnamed and thumb left hands. Connect
The tips of the middle and large fingers of the right hand. Impose a little finger right
Hands on the little finger of the left hand. Middle finger left hand impose on the tip
Unnamed finger right hand. Indexing fingers right and left hands

30. Mudra, intended for the treatment of tracheitis

As a therapeutic agent, this wise applies when inflammation
The mucous membrane of the respiratory throat (trachea).

Performances: Connect the thumb left with the tip of the index
Finger left hand. Press the middle finger of the right hand to the base of the big
finger right hand. Connect big finger right hand with tip
Middle finger left hand. Unnamed finger left hand impose on
Indicative finger of the right hand and bent middle finger right hand.
Unnamed finger of the right hand put on the ring finger of the left hand.
Mysiline Left Hand Locate between a nameless finger and the Mizinyz right
hands. Mizinych right hand claw from above the mouth of the left hand.

31. Mudra, designed to reduce increased
Blood pressure

As a medical agent, this wise is applied with hypertension -
chronic disease, which is characterized by constant or
Periodic increase in blood pressure related to the structure
nervous regulation.

Performance technique: medium and unnamed
Fingers, as well as the little fingers of the right and left hand crossed. Mysilineal right hand
Must be outside. Straighten the index finger of the left hand.
Straighten the thumb left. Bend cloaking finger of the left hand,
and press it to the base of the index finger of the right hand. Thumb
right hand bend and post up for a bent index finger of the left

32. Mudra, intended for the treatment of bradycardia

As a therapeutic agent, this wise is used in bradycardia
(Slowing heart rate).

Methods of execution: connect
The tips of the big fingers right and left hands. Right-handed finger
Locate on the instrument finger of the left hand, under the middle finger left
hands. Middle and ring fingers right hand placed on the middle finger
left hand, under the nameless finger of the left hand, placing their tips
Mizinza left hand. Straighten the little finger of the right hand.

Nobody remembers who the Creator of these gestures is, but all familiar with them personally people with confidence can declare that they have a healing effect on the human body, able to change his life for the better, relieve the troubles, to fulfill cherished wishes, fill the body of life Energy, and the mind - wisdom. Before those who can correctly fold wise wise on all occasions, the whole world opens. Such people acquire inner peace, begin to live in harmony with others and always achieve their life goals.

Medical wise or "Yoga fingers"

According to the ancient legends, the wise of yoga fingers appeared many centuries ago in India, and from there spread to other Buddhist countries. Today to the question "What is wisers?" Not everyone can answer, but any practitioner of this art of gestures will tell with confidence that these simple exercises help to change the life of a person, heal its body from most well-known science of diseases and achieve goals set in front of them. Yoga Mudra is an amazing combination of skill, which allows you to master the language of magical gestures, with the ability to draw the energy of the Universe and direct its strength to the implementation of concrete desires.

Yoga argue that the healing effect of the Wise is based on the reflex communications of the fingers and sections of their palm surfaces with certain parts of the human body, its organs and entire systems. Thanks to this, everyone can learn how to manage energy flows in its body and, thereby, gradually heal from all diseases.

Magic Maha Mudry

Maha Mudra is immediately wise and asana yoga. It refers to the category of exercises, which allows you to control the internal energy streams. Mach contributes to the purification of energy channels and their discovery in front of the universe forces. Mudra Maha can also be performed by women, men, regardless of their age and physical fitness. Representatives of the beautiful sex of Maha allows you to forget about problems related to diseases of a gynecological nature forever, and men can have the effect of expanding the prostate gland.

Yoga recommend Maha to people who wish to get rid of diseases that are manifested by violations in the work of digestive organs, headaches, hemorrhoids, and overcome tuberculosis, dizziness, sense of gravity in the heart area and much more. This exercise practically does not have contraindications, so everyone can practic it. Maha Mudra is not desirable to perform people with high pressure and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, since the exercise can provoke the exacerbation of these pathological conditions and bring more harm than the benefit.

Maha Mudra should run sitting on the floor with straight legs. Gradually, you need to bend the right leg in the knee and direct the heel in the crotch area. The foot of the elongated leg must be seized by the index and thumbs of both hands, while trying to straighten the back to the maximum, squeeze out the chin to the chest and relax the neck, head, shoulders. Mach is performed with closed eyes. After a deep breath, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the lower sections of the abdomen, in parallel to pressing the crotch and anus. To delay the breath for a few seconds, and then exhale and relax the muscles, without bending the backs.

Mach is done 6-10 times each leg. The duration of the entire procedure should be about two minutes.

Shiva-Ling Ling Mouse for Pregnancy

To conceive a child, there is a unique wander, whose name is Shiva Ling. This exercise carries men's power and can eliminate all the obstacles that the woman prevents the woman to become pregnant. Yoga is sure: only destroying old blocks and moving forward, you can achieve the desired one. This is the main goal of the wise of the child's conception. This exercise, which is under the auspices of the Shiva God, allows you to implement the holy cycle of revival, overcome life obstacles and not be afraid of change.

The technique of fulfilling the wise conception of a child is not difficult. To implement it, you must put your hands at the level of the abdomen, bent them in the elbows. One of them should be opened with a palm surface to the universe, which will symbolize the readiness of a woman to having a child, and the other, squeezing into a fist with a thumb raised upwards, put conception on the "bowl" (open palm).

The wise of the child's conception is one of its most powerful. It should be done with closed eyes, imagining how powerful space energy flows flow over the thumb into the open palm, which personifies the female womb, ready to give birth to a healthy and strong child.

Mudra conception can be done daily, as long as she wishes itself.

Mysterious Khchari wise

Khchari Mudra is one of the most mysterious practices that experienced yoga consider the founder of all other wise. Khchary is not a wise in the usual understanding - does not use the fingers. Mouda is aimed at lengthening the language, which would later overlap the nasal channels and meditate.

Khchary can only be performed by a person that agreed to undergo special training for the elongation of the language, cutting into its bridle and expand the sky. The preparatory set of events should be carried out under the strict guidance of the experienced Guru, which is a real master and knows everything about Khchari Mud. During the preparation for six months, the guru will be cut to his student to the bridle of the language to lengthen the body. For the same purpose, milking movements are performed, aimed at pulling the muscles of the tongue, until his tip covers the area between the eyebrows.

After preparation, a person can move to the main procedure. To do this, it is necessary to be a language so that it touches the sky and blocked the nasal moves, stopping his breath. The view should be sent to the interburist space. This is Khchari Mudra, which by legends frees yogis from the feeling of thirst, hunger, all diseases and death.

Ashvini Muda or the way to skill in yoga

The unique healing properties possesses Ashvini Muda, which most yogis is considered to be the key to this skill. It is also not a wise performed with the help of fingers, but we cannot get around it. It is Ashvini Mudra that is able to save a person from many diseases associated with disturbance, which is manifested by constipation, losing hemorrhoidal nodes, as well as prostatitis and rebirth of the prostate gland.

Ashvini Mudra is performed pretty easily. To implement it, you can take any position of the body, but it is better to use the rack on the shoulders or the pose of "birch". The essence of the technique consists in periodic pulling and relaxing anal ring. During the procedure, it is recommended to close your eyes and normalize breathing. The number of cycles should not cause discomfort and the more painful sensations, so the beginners should not be abused by exercises and dwell on 50 compression per day.

Like the other healing practices of yogis, Ashvini Mudra makes it possible to fill the body with vital energy, helps to disclose, contributes to improving the mood, tide of cheerfulness, is the key to inner peace of mind and magnificent well-being.

Ashvini Mudra is performed separately or in the Moula - Bandha complex.

The winds of the wind is shown to those people that suffer from rheumatism, radiculitis, as well as a bloating of the belly and trembling limbs. It is a special combination when the index fingers of the hands relate to the hill of large with the straightening of the remaining fingers. A significant improvement in the state is able to feel an hour after doing this manipulation, so this wise is considered very effective and is widely used in everyday life.

Wind wise should be performed about 15 minutes. It is this time that is considered optimal to ensure that the human body can enjoy the positive energy of the wind and send it to sick places. Mudra can be done daily, and in cases of chronic pathological processes or launched disease forms - several times a day.

Abha temple will save from fear

Mudra Abhaya or protection can be observed in the images of Buddhist gods. This simple combination personifies the divine strength and the opportunity to take advantage of the patronage of higher matters.

Abhaya will be especially useful topics that wish to establish good relationships with close and surrounding people, get rid of bad mood, gain freedom from fear and plunge into the world of calm.

For the implementation of the abha tea wise, it should be right hand at the chest level and to direct it with the palm surface forward, performing a wave-like brush movement. At this time, the left hand should be on the heart, you can also put it on the thigh or knee on the left side. Abhaya is a strongest gesture, the energy of which is aimed at the disclosure of the internal potential of a person, strengthening his self-confidence and the achievement of equilibrium with the external world m.

"Sea scallop" - symbol of life

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This wise personifies life, wealth and wealth. The sea scallop gives strength, contributes to the restoration and saturation of the human body with healing energy. To perform this wise, it is necessary to enter your fingers in the lock on both hands so that they are inside the palms. Big fingers should be free and come into contact with the side surfaces of the distal phalanx. During the implementation of this combination, the fingers should not be tense, and the hands need to keep relaxed rather than intense.

The sea scallop is a healing wise and is able to benefitly influence the organs of the digestive tract, improve the absorption of beneficial substances in the intestine, raise appetite, relieve offhit, bad mood, fatigue, and also positively appeared on the sighted form of a person, to give him a tide and the desire to act on Ways to success.

Shunya - Queen Sky

Mudra Sky or Shunya At first glance is a fairly simple combination, familiar to many, even very far from the art of gestures to people. In practice, it is implemented by flexing the middle fingers in the direction of the hill of large, while the latter must hold the first to be rented. Other fingers need to straighten, and their hands themselves raise to the sky. Mudra "Shunya" should be performed simultaneously with both hands, thinking about pleasant and in a relaxed state.

This wise will be especially useful to those people that suffer from diseases of the ears, poorly heard, have problems with the vestibular apparatus, which are manifested by dizziness and disruption of coordination of movements. The combination of fingers should be folded daily and after a month it will be possible to estimate its positive effects.

Mutra Ajali

Ajali is Mudra Prayer, which soothes the human mind, exacerbates a sense of devotion, leads to equilibrium physical strength and mental energy. It looks like Muda Ajali simple enough. It lies in the addition of the hands of the palm surfaces opposite the central part of the chest. Ajali, despite its modesty, is the powerful wise wise, opening the channels to produce space energy flows, which are capable not only to heal the human body, but also provide him with the opportunity to achieve inner harmony, tranquility and feelings of peace.

Having folded the fingers in the castle, the person gets enough energy of the universe, which in the future will help to reveal his creative potential, and the ends of the fingertips of both hands will improve its memory and activate intuition. Westers of creativity and intuition will help when a person loses the ability to create and intuitively perceive the world around him. The fulfillment of desires and realization of the conceived necessarily holds a powerful wise of success, which is able to implement the desired and bringing a person to his cherished dream.