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Astral travel in a dream. Dream interpretation: why the journey is dreaming

You already know that dreams are accompanied by an astral exit. This situation is fraught with a serious problem: as a rule, a person quickly forgets everything that he saw in a dream. This property of human memory is all the more annoying, since the masters of antiquity recommended this very method for teaching astral projection.
The essence of the matter is to keep the consciousness awake while falling asleep at the physical level. Some people are capable of this and do not even think about their gift.

I remember how, as a child, I talked for a long time with my sleeping younger sister; moreover, she not only perceived my remarks, but clearly answered the questions posed. The most interesting thing was that in her dreams my sister always spoke the truth. The family knew about this and, not without success, found out her true intentions and thoughts.

As an adult, I from time to time instilled in sleeping people positive attitudes. Sometimes such an impact took place in the form of a dialogue, despite the fact that my interlocutors were fast asleep. In most cases, I brought them to a state close to wakefulness, and only after that I began to give the positive attitudes that they needed. However, only a few of my patients were able to understand and consciously answer questions in their dreams, as was the case with my sister.

Many years later I recorded a special cassette to help people who want to travel astral in their sleep. I am sure that to make such a " tutorial"Will not be difficult for you either. You need to start with progressive relaxation, putting you to sleep, and at the same time follow the set phrases that help you leave the physical body and go to the astral plane.

At the beginning of my practice, I would sit at the head of the bed and put the person to sleep. After that, I started giving settings upon exiting physical body... My actions were conditioned by the fact that people fall asleep in different ways: it is easy for some to plunge into nothingness, while others, before falling asleep, experience serious difficulties. However, I soon became convinced that after doing the progressive relaxation technique, almost everyone fell asleep within ten minutes, and there is nothing wrong with the voice continuing to give instructions, while the person has already plunged into a drowsy state. This discovery allowed me to expand the range of my experiments by recording the installation text on a cassette tape.

If you are recording the cassette yourself, calm, soothing music will serve as a good background for your voice, the sounds of which should not evoke memories and associations.

It is not at all necessary to literally transfer the version I proposed to film. It is likely that you have already chosen the relaxation method that works best for you, and if it is effective, use it. If you prefer my texts, you can choose one of those suggested in this book. In other words, choose the installation material to your liking.

So, turn off the lights, go to bed and turn on the tape recorder. Do not make any special efforts to fall asleep. Any conscious effort will work against you. While listening to the recording, your thoughts from time to time will switch to foreign objects. In this case, try to focus on your voice. There is nothing wrong with some words eluding your conscious perception; in any case, the subconscious mindset will be made.

When you wake up, do not hesitate to write down your impressions in a diary. It doesn't matter what you think about the success of your experiment. Perhaps it is during the presentation of nightly events on paper that the realization that your experience was nothing more than an astral journey will come to you.

This astral exit method is very effective. Personally, going out into the astral plane, I immediately wake up and, accordingly, fall asleep upon returning to the physical shell. For some people, this experience seems more like a dream than a reality. They claim that they did not wake up at all, although the next morning they are able to reproduce all the twists and turns of the night adventure.

I am periodically asked whether such a nighttime experience was an astral flight. Without a doubt, such an experience is a full-fledged astral journey, during which everything that happens around is perceived completely consciously. Moreover, the colors are seen brighter and richer, and one's own well-being is no different from usual. This does not happen in a dream.

Going to the astral plane with the help of setting records, a person is asleep, but his sleep is fundamentally different from an ordinary dream, since in essence it is an artificially evoked, induced astral flight. That is why the memories of such experiences do not fade away, but remain in the memory.


How pleasant it is to lie in bed waiting for sleep. This night you will fall asleep easily and quickly and immediately go on an astral journey. You have a clear idea of ​​the purpose of your journey.

At this point, you should be silent for 15 seconds to give the person time to remember the purpose of the upcoming trip.

Take a deep, smooth breath and feel a blissful wave of relaxation roll over your body and spread from the back of your head to the tips of your toes.

How nice it is to relax in bed. You are already completely ready to find yourself in the arms of Morpheus, and with each breath your body relaxes more and more. The more you relax, the more you want to sleep. The more drowsy you are, the more you relax.

Take a deep breath again and visualize yourself asleep with your inner gaze. You can see how your ribcage rises and falls rhythmically and slowly. You breathe smoothly and deeply. You see that the body is completely, completely relaxed, peaceful and immersed in deep dream- restorative, healing sleep, charging vital energy every cell of the body. How wonderful is the state, peace and tranquility.

How nice it is to sail on this wave and soar, obeying the flow, and to be free from everything. With each breath you plunge deeper and deeper into the fairy-tale world of complete, total, absolute relaxation.
It seems to you that you are floating on a fluffy cloud, and, watching the earth from above, you relax. It’s a wonderful feeling with every breath you get more and more relaxed.

Imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable rocking chair. You are on a shady veranda, and your gaze is presented with an indescribably beautiful picture. The day is hot, but you are pleased to sit in the shade and watch the beauty of nature half asleep.

Slowly rocking in the chair, you feel how the eyelids are filled with weight, another wave of relaxation rolls over the body and lulls you to sleep.

Yes. You are ready to fall asleep and are still rocking in your comfortable chair. Your eyes are closed, you are not thinking about anything and completely surrendered to the power of the soothing movement.

You can feel the seat gently rise a few centimeters into the air, and the feeling of flight relaxes you even more.

The chair slides slowly towards the steps leading down to the gorgeous green lawn, and a blissful feeling enters you.

Oh, how pleasant and calm it is to sit in a chair slowly rising higher and higher above the ground. A wonderful, magical landscape lies under your feet.

And then the chair starts to pick up speed. It is very funny and as the speed of the flight increases, you will relax more and more. Relaxation is complete, all-embracing. You feel complete peace, quiet joy and all-pervading relaxation.
You feel the gentle breeze cool your toes and the relaxation spreads throughout your body. The breeze begins to caress the feet. His touches are quivering, gentle and reminiscent of a light, warming massage that has a relaxing effect.

The breeze touches your ankles and knees, you know how wonderful it is to soothe, relax and unhurried flight through space in a comfortable rocking chair.

You fly across a dazzling blue sky towards fluffy clouds, admiring their elegant dances.

A wave of relaxation rushes to the hips and you feel that your legs are completely relaxed; so relaxed that the sensation becomes illusory, unreal. Any movement of your legs seems undesirable and meaningless to you.

Looking down at the land, you can see the coastline far below. You can clearly distinguish between the beach and the waves rolling on the sand. Looking at the continuous, eternal movement of the rolling waves, you relax. Relaxation is increased a thousandfold.

A gentle and gentle sea breeze penetrates the stomach and rises to chest level, and relaxation from the legs goes to the stomach and lungs.

Under the kisses of the wind, the muscles of the shoulder girdle relax, and the relaxation penetrates into the hands. They become heavier, and the last traces of tension disappear from the palms and fingers.

How calm and pleasant it is to relax in this wonderful chair flying over the sea surface.

The breeze pleasantly cools the neck and face, and relaxation penetrates into every cell of the body. Feel the muscles in your face relax and the tension around your eyes relax. A wave of relaxation rises to the back of the head and plunges the whole body into blissful languor.

You are so relaxed that you are about to fall into a dream, and when it comes, you feel the chair slightly lower and take you through space and time into blissful distance, leaving worldly worries far behind.

Now right below you lies a tropical island of fabulous beauty, framed by golden sand shining in the sun. You see the waves crashing against the coral reef. The sound of a wave rolling on a rock has a calming effect on you.

The rocking chair sinks gently onto the golden, warm sand. Having collected a handful of sand, you watch how it flows through your fingers. How good it is around. How nice it is to relax and not think about anything.

You can hear the breeze stirring the leaves of the palm trees. You can hear the rustle of waves slowly rolling over the coastal reefs. Under the rays of the gentle sun, you relax more and more fully.

You experience unspeakable bliss. Now you will fall asleep and it will better sleep in your life. In a dream, you will taste exotic fruits and drink their life-giving nectar-like juice. The turquoise lagoon beckons you into its waters, while the warm sand on the beach awaits your touch. In the morning you will wake up refreshed. and full of energy.

You are now completely relaxed. The muscles of the body are soft, pliable, and as if made of cotton wool. The whole body is relaxed, completely relaxed - from the back of the head to the tips of the toes.
Now you can go to sleep. Immerse yourself in a healthy, pleasant, joyful and healing sleep. The rocking chair sways slightly, and its movements will lull you to sleep. As soon as you fall asleep, it will again carry you upward, to heavenly distances, higher and higher. With the rise, the swinging amplitude will increase, and you will feel yourself on a giant swing, the movement of which will plunge you deeper and deeper into sleep.

And now you are in the mountain heights, high above the surface of the ocean, but you barely realize it. Your only desire is sleep, sleep and sleep again. Gradually descending, you soar above the surface of the earth and slowly return to the cozy coolness of the shady veranda. How much water has flowed under the bridge since you were last here!

Gradually, you look around. Having mastered, you remember all the details of your amazing and beautiful journey, similar to a dream.

Oddly enough, you clearly remember everything that happened to you, and you are overwhelmed by a feeling of satisfaction and complete peace. You are full of this feeling. It is a feeling of comfort and complete security. It is like a feeling of love, mutual love and demanded. Pure, unselfish love that brings you hitherto unknown joy.

The thought that you have traveled in a rocking chair amuses you, but you know you can go anywhere, anytime.

Look at yourself, sleeping peacefully in a rocking chair, and you will see how your astral double separates from the body and rises higher and higher, observing the physical shell left below, which is fast asleep in a comfortable chair.

As you climb higher and higher, you notice how the figure in the chair decreases. At this point, you realize that you are free to go wherever you want.
Enjoy this feeling of freedom. From the height of the flight, you can see the fields, gardens, villages and cities lying below.

Your sensations are so delicious that you are ready to soar like this all night long. But you remember that you have a specific goal, and you know that you can find yourself in a pre-selected area in the blink of an eye, you just have to think about it.

So think about it now!

Pause (15 seconds).

Great, you are already in the place you thought of.

Take a look around. Not the slightest detail should escape your attention. All contours should be clear and colors should be saturated. Feel the surrounding landscape with every cell of your being. Smell smells, feel the temperature of the air, listen to sounds and be fully aware of what is happening.

Realize that all the details and events of this astral journey will remain in your memory. Remember that you are free from the fetters of the physical body and are free to do whatever you please. You are absolutely not in danger, you are protected and in complete control of the situation. You can go back at any time, but nothing prevents you from extending your pleasure and exploring your surroundings in more detail. If you want, you can go to another place, you just have to think about it. You are the master of the situation.

After completing your wanderings, think about returning, and at the same moment you will regain your physical form. When you return home, immerse yourself in a deep, pleasant and healing sleep. Waking up in the morning will feel like a million dollars. You will be cheerful, cheerful and ready for any accomplishments. Upon awakening, you will vividly remember all the details of your nighttime adventure.

Miracles should not be expected from the first experience. It is good if you still have vivid memories of the night experience. It may turn out that when you wake up, you do not remember anything at all.

Let's say your first experience hasn't yielded tangible results. Sit down, grab your writing materials, close your eyes, and try to focus on your nighttime experiences. Transfer to paper any image or sensation that occurs in your head. This will help stimulate your memory and make you remember the details of your astral journey. Further, if in this case nothing comes to mind, do not be discouraged and persist in the next attempts. Sooner or later you will be able to remember absolutely everything.

The exit of the soul from the physical shell is described in detail in various Buddhist practices. It is worth noting that in this case they do not resort to our usual understanding of sleep. One is immersed in this state through meditation. Most often, Buddhists focus on sensations inside the body, trying to completely abstract from external noise. In this case, meditation is carried out in the lotus position. For beginners, it is suggested that you lean your back on a pillow or wall so as not to fall and disrupt your journey.

Despite the fact that many are actively pushing for such a study of their own capabilities, astral travel in a dream is fraught with many dangers. There are cases when people have not been able to return to the physical shell. In fact, their body was dead, while the soul roamed our planet or other worlds. In order to guarantee safety for the "traveler", it is best to go to a guru and practice under his guidance.

Among other things, remember to protect your Spirit while traveling. Getting into another world, not knowing the Laws of the Universe, in case of an unforeseen situation, you risk dying, not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Any trip in a dream hints that big life changes are approaching. But in general, this is a favorable symbol that promises an increase in well-being, good luck, both in the business sphere and in the personal sphere. Dream Interpretations offer the most up-to-date transcripts.

According to Miller's dream book

Had a long trip? Expect big luck in your personal or business life. Seeing an unpleasant journey through dark places is worse. This means that you can get sick or be in great danger.

Why dream of traveling on bare rocks? The dream interpretation is sure that success will be followed by a streak of troubles and losses. If the highlands were green and blooming, then on the contrary, happy times are coming.

Had a dream about traveling by car alone? The planned trip will be troublesome and hectic. If in a dream you happened to travel by car with strangers, then the dream book guarantees interesting acquaintances and a series of bright events.

Why dream if acquaintances or friends are going on a trip? Get ready for a kind change. But if parting is colored with sadness and grief, then in reality you have to part with someone for a long time. In a dream, managed to unexpectedly quickly return from a long journey? In reality, complete a big deal successfully.

According to the modern combined dream book

Traveling in a dream promises profit and pleasure in reality. If the dream trip took place in an unknown and dangerous place, then get ready for illness and attacks of enemies.

Traveling in the mountains or the desert means that great success will be replaced by disappointment and sorrow. It is good to see a journey through fertile, flourishing places. This is a sign of imminent happiness and prosperity.

Why dream if it happened to travel alone by car? V real world really go on a trip, but you will not like it. Had a dream about traveling in a transport packed with strangers? In reality, you will meet many interesting people and have a good time.

Why dream of traveling to another country, abroad, cruise

See trip around the world in a dream it is possible for similar events in reality. Had a dream about visiting other countries while traveling? This means that you are dreaming of a pipe dream.

Sometimes cruise along different countries hints at completion life path... Why dream of a fascinating trip abroad? In real life, a decisive choice has to be made. But the plot suggests: despite the indignation of loved ones, you will leave them for a long time.

Dreamed of traveling by transport, car, ship, plane

In a dream, a sea cruise symbolizes a real opportunity to go on a long trip and visit unknown countries. It happened to see a very long cruise? There is a possibility that you will receive a huge inheritance.

Why dream of traveling by plane? Luck will only beckon you, but then the hard times will come again. You can travel by car in a dream in front of a hectic road in reality. But if other people were present in the car, then real events will be fun and memorable.

Travel in a dream - other meanings

For full interpretation sleep, you should remember such nuances as the purpose of travel, route, transport, etc. For example, if you know exactly where you are going, then in reality a successful undertaking is coming. If you do not know the route, you will receive an offer of an indefinite nature. Moreover:

  • a journey with a clear purpose is a fateful event
  • aimless - self-knowledge, experience
  • to get to the right place is to achieve what was planned
  • traveling with friends - meetings, acquaintances, joy
  • with strangers - unforeseen circumstances, gossip
  • alone is a hectic ride
  • see off another character - separation in reality
  • travel across the plain - prosperity, luck, happiness
  • in the mountains - short-term luck
  • in gloomy places - danger, threat to life
  • flowering hills - prosperity, stability
  • around the city - bustle, bright events
  • airplane travel is a short joy
  • on a cart - stability, reliability
  • on foot - you will have to postpone something important
  • travel to America - you need to think about yourself
  • to Africa - your secret will be revealed
  • to the Vatican - unexpected support
  • to Italy - an invitation to a holiday
  • to Paris - empty dreams, unfulfilled expectations

If in a dream it happened to see an unfamiliar traveler, then in reality, uselessly waste time and energy in the planned business. But if you dreamed of how you happily returned home, then successfully complete the long and painstaking work.

Going to travel is an auspicious dream, especially if it was a trip with a loved one. Everything will move smoothly and without delay. The main thing is that everything that you saw on the road and everything that happened to you there does not carry any negative in itself.

If the trip fell apart in a dream, you should not hope for a favorable development of events in reality.

Go on a journey and see gloomy terrain, sheer cliffs, dangerous passes - such a dream warns of difficulties and disappointments.

Traveling to the sea in a dream is also favorable only when it is not fraught with danger and is comfortable according to the conditions. For example, if the ship in which you traveled on the sea in a dream was unreliable or crowded with people, all current affairs will be associated with difficult living conditions.

I dreamed of a lonely traveler - sad events lie ahead.

Travelers who are heavily loaded with backpacks and other camping equipment dream of - you will be charged with obligations that will greatly darken your life.

Going on a trip in a dream is a pleasant change.

A trip to another country is dreaming - there is a long separation from loved ones ahead.

A long, past trip is dreamed of as a warning that in the future something that caused some difficulties may be repeated.

Travel, Loff's dream book

By by and large, the whole human life is a kind of journey, therefore dreams about travel can be associated with our future, and in some cases with the past.

The most important questions in such dreams are where we went, with whom, for what reason, and what sensations both the preparation for the trip in a dream and the trip itself caused us.

If in a dream we begin to plan a trip, then in real life we are faced with the need to solve some problem. The circumstances of this preparation will indicate what circumstances will accompany this mission in real life.

If we travel by plane, the dream clearly indicates to us the rapid achievement of the goal, while the means become not so important.

Traveling by car in a dream is the most interesting for interpretation and comfortable for the sleeper. On the way, we see the terrain that we pass, and this provides rich food for deciphering. First of all, were the surrounding landscapes pleasant to the eye, or did they cause anxiety, a sense of danger, and secondly, did this area seem familiar to us?

Often a person dreams of a trip to places close to his heart, but long non-existent places, this is a dream from the past. We should analyze what connected us with this area and try to connect it with those fellow travelers who accompanied us.

The personality of the driver and passengers is very important, whether they were random fellow travelers or you were connected by a common purpose of the trip.

An interesting plot of a dream in which a journey is made on foot (with a stranger, alone or in a company with someone you know in reality). On foot we move slowly, experience great inconvenience, get tired. Did you understand the purpose of such a trip in a dream?

If the dreamer wanted to go on a trip, but failed to leave, it is important to remember why the trip failed. Did it upset you a lot? What was the ultimate goal?

I dreamed of a trip to another country - perhaps this reflects the inner search for the true essence of the human soul, which does not tend to be at rest. Peace and tranquility are different concepts, and this dream can serve as a sign of the separation of one's own "I" from those requirements that are put forward by the environment and expected by loved ones.

Traveling to the sea in a dream is a more accurate indication of the dreamer's inner desires. This is either a desire to relax, or a desire to forget something.

If you dream of a trip with a loved one, this positively characterizes their relationship, indicates a community of interests and that in real life the dreamer is completely satisfied with today's life partner.

Why travel dreams - a modern dream book

A trip to the sea is a dream of joy, relaxation, if you knew exactly the place where you should come. If you hit the road to some abstract place where the sea is good, sunny and lapping, then the dream only indicates the severe fatigue and emptiness of the sleeping person.

If young man dreaming of a trip with a girl - it's time for him to think about creating a family.

Traveling along the river symbolizes our life. Did you go with the flow or fight it? Was the river fast and full of water or slow and overgrown with mud along the banks? Many clues can be found in such a dream.

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard dream book, Doff's dream book, Freud's dream book, Miller's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, Assyrian dream book, Hasse's dream book, Wangi's dream book, Azar's dream book, Zhou Gong's dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Old Russian dream book, English dream book, Esoteric dream book, French dream book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's dream book, Culinary dream book, Slavic dream book, Dream interpretation of Meneghetti, Muslim dream book, Persian dream book, Correct dream book, Small dream book, Dream book of Solomon, Dream book of Stealing Veles, Family dream book, Intimate dream book, Children's dream book, Modern dream book, Love dream book, Lunar dream book, Electronic dream book, Dream interpretation of food, Dream interpretation of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Canaanita, Dream book Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

The travel dream predicts profit combined with pleasure. Travel to rugged unknown places - portends dangerous enemies and, possibly, disease. If you are traveling in a desert or mountainous area, then in reality, success will quickly be replaced by losses and disappointments. Walking along the blooming fertile hills means extraordinary prosperity and happiness. To dream that you are traveling alone by car is a sign that in real life, you may have a journey full of events, but the progress of things will upset you. Traveling in a crowded car predicts successful adventures and cheerful new companions.Doff's dream book
The longer we live, the more clearly we realize that life is not a destination, but a road in search of truth, understanding and happiness. And although we do not call own dreams travel, sometimes we compare our real trips with the most remarkable dreams. In many cases, the TRAVEL in a dream from one point to another is dictated by the need to complete a task. Then the journey becomes a real test, unfavorable and favorable circumstances arise. A vehicle can be magically powerful and fast, or absurdly unreliable. We can walk through a field or along a road, climb a mountain, wade through a thicket, or climb ROCKS. At the same time, the terrain can be familiar and inviting or unexplored and dangerous, etc. In any case, it is important to know the purpose of the trip and your fellow travelers. Travel is a symbolic attempt to find a way to bring life into a state of balance, the eternal goal of finding your place in the world. Travel is the archetypal search for your true SELF. The human soul is rarely at rest, and travel is the path to tranquility of the soul. In real life, such anxiety manifests itself in the form of a constantly arising feeling that says: I want a change. The process of separating one's own self from the expectations of others evokes certain feelings. In our dreams, we often travel alone, leaving others at will or by necessity to find out what our next goal is. What kind of people you meet on the way, in what events you are participating - the answers will tell you in which area of ​​your CONSCIOUS Self the inner struggle is being waged. On the way you may meet STRANGERS - rivals or nice people. Mystical images are not excluded, which will open unknown forces in you or, on the contrary, deprive you of special abilities. In any case, travel is a personal goal, therefore, how you relate to others while traveling, largely characterizes your relationship with people in the world of reality. Do others know where you are going? Or do you keep your final destination a secret? Are you invited to join or, on the contrary, do you invite someone with you? Or are you traveling alone? Can others guide and guide you, or are you yourself leading them in an unknown direction? Answers to these questions will give clues to the interpretation of the dream.Miller's dream book
If you dream that you are traveling, it means that success will accompany you both in business and in your personal life. If you dream that you are traveling to gloomy unfamiliar places, then you are in danger and a serious illness. If you climb bare sheer cliffs, then you will undoubtedly be in luck, but loss and disappointment will follow. If the mountains and hills stretching in front of you in a dream are green and blooming, happiness and prosperity await you. If you are traveling alone in a car, this is a sign that your upcoming trip will not be very calm. If you are traveling in a car crowded with people, it means that exciting adventures and new interesting acquaintances await you. If you dream that your friends are happily going on a trip - this dream promises you pleasant changes in your life. But if friends are moving away from you sadly, it means that in reality a long separation awaits you. Return quickly and unexpectedly from a journey that promised to be difficult and long - to the successful completion of a great job.Dream interpretation Hasse
Commit - see distant friends; on foot - to postpone an important matter; on a cart - lasting happiness; in the company of someone - they will entangle you with gossip; an airplane is a short joy.Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong
Traveling, moving away from your body - recovery from illness; to travel and see the palaces of the inhabitants of heaven is happiness; traveling while sitting in a carriage - success and benefit in all situations; long journeys in all directions - happiness.Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Knowing where - new things;
not knowing where is a proposal.
Also see Leaving.Old Russian dream book
to know where - - new things; not knowing where is a proposal.Esoteric dream book
You are going on a trip - fascinating trips await you in reality. You are traveling - everything that you see on the journey is your life, and you treat it with interest and joy. Therefore, good luck awaits you periodically.Dream interpretation of Meneghetti
Means any existential project in action. More often it is a positive way, useful and beneficial for a person, although sometimes it can be negative depending on where the subject is going.Small dream book
Travel dreams foreshadow profit and pleasure. If you dream that you are traveling through the jungle, then you should be wary of enemies and diseases. Traveling in the desert or in the mountains means a change of fate. Walking through endless flowering fields, valleys or hills means prosperity and happiness. A dream in which you are traveling by car alone promises an interesting trip. If there are a lot of people in the car, then wait for adventure and new acquaintances.Family dream book
A dream about distant countries or distant places portends you that you will soon receive news from those who live far from you. Admiring unfamiliar places in a dream means that soon some amazing and pleasant event will happen in your life. You may receive an advantageous offer related to good income... Finding yourself in desolate places in a dream is a sign of loneliness and loss. Such a dream portends that difficult times will soon come in your life. Fly in an airplane over beautiful places in a dream - a sign that your joy will be short-lived. If you dream that you are traveling and have visited a lot different places, then a whole string of pleasant events, news, meetings and impressions awaits you. See interpretation: terrain, fly. If you dream that you are going on a journey to a certain place, then soon you will have to start a new business that you have been thinking about for a long time. In a dream, going on a trip, knowing the ultimate goal - the desire for change. If in a dream you reach the final destination of your journey, then you will be successful in business. A dream in which your journey will seem endless and aimless to you foreshadows disappointment and longing for you.English dream book
If you dream that you are going on a trip to a distant country, this portends great changes in your financial situation. If the journey in a dream is pleasant and calm, then the changes in real life will be favorable, and if it is difficult and unpleasant, this is a sign of trouble in the future.Sonic the Canaanita
Travel - to make - to see distant friends - on foot - to postpone an important business - on a carriage - lasting happiness - in the company of someone - you will be entangled in gossip - in an airplane - short joyDoff's dream book
Time travel is a common dream event. It rarely has a time machine. Rather, the action in the dream simply unfolds in a different time era, in the past or future. These dreams are often either romantic episodes that we have experienced in the past, or hopes that we hope to realize in the future. You may find that such a dream is caused by your desire to identify yourself; with people of certain mores of a certain time period or to influence certain events. If you spontaneously dream about moving backwards along the river of time, then most likely this is a dream about romantic WILL PERFORMANCE. It seems that the "good old time" creates in the imagination images full of heroism, nobility, morality, and in general life, which arouses your admiration, although it does not quite correspond to reality. Sometimes you feel that your PERSONALITY has such facets that could be inherent in a discoverer, statesman or some other stereotyped image in history. In most cases, time travel is strongly associated with a specific archetype of the acting character in the dream. For example, if you dream of a warrior / HERO ARCHETYPE, then in a dream you can identify yourself with a medieval knight.
Word ▲Description

There are very unusual dreams... Even skeptics who do not believe dream books can become very interested in a dream in which they had to travel somewhere.

This unusual vision has so many important meanings that it is simply impossible not to interpret it! Let's check what the journey is about, and what real events await in reality after such an unusual dream.

To explain what dream travel means, first remember the entire plot and scenario of your dream. All the details are very important here - you traveled to or from, went to another city or abroad, or even slipped into. The journey itself always means some important change, but the details can indicate what kind of events lie ahead. The options are:

  • Travel in dreams in cities or abroad.
  • Get ready or get ready for the journey.
  • Go fast or slow, fly an airplane, sail a ship, and so on.
  • Travel in time.
  • Go to nature, to the forest, to the mountains.
  • Alone or with someone.

There are many more options, and as soon as you remember yours, you can reliably and thoroughly explain it.

A long way is dreaming ...

Do you remember what your trip was like in a dream, how and what you rode, and other details? Let's find out what this might mean.

As the dream book says, travel in itself is a very serious symbol. A new stage of life, big and serious changes awaits you ahead. They will not just happen, but you yourself choose something in your life that will lead to changes. Good, positive changes, and you don't even know how much your life will change. It can be meeting a new person, or your decision to enroll in new courses, new job- anything. But this will change your future life.

Getting ready, planning a trip in dreams is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are dissatisfied with your lifestyle. It's time to change something, at least do one small step... The Universe supports you, gives you strength and indicates that you have accepted the right decision... Change something!

Driving somewhere very slowly, for a long time, means a long and happy life. It is a symbol of longevity. If you recently started a new relationship or got married, it will be happy and very long. If you were driving very fast, then soon you will have great success and even glory. Everything will change rapidly, you will begin to grow professionally and spiritually. And earn great respect!

A dream in which the journey ended successfully, you reached your goal and arrived exactly where you wanted - a wonderful sign. In reality, you will brilliantly achieve your desired goal, if you do not change course and do not back down. Go ahead as planned, do not lose faith in your purpose. And soon you will achieve what you want!

If you arrived in a dream not where you wanted, this too good sign... This suggests that in reality everything will turn out much better than you expect. There will be something unexpected, not planned, but it will be a very pleasant surprise.

Traveling in dreams and returning back is a pleasant surprise. Something will surprise you, fate is preparing a surprise. You will be happy! Did you go somewhere at night? Beware of adventures, they can end badly. You are warned higher power and they tell you not to take risky steps, even if it seems tempting.

And if you dream of a trip in someone's company, then in reality a new romance will come, which will turn into long, serious relationship... Perhaps this means a long marriage, or maybe cooperation, which will be long-term and very fruitful.

Where are you going?

If you remember not only the fact of the trip, but also where you happened to travel, the dream book will tell you many interesting details.

If you dreamed of a trip to unfamiliar places, or some unusual one, then in reality you are afraid of everything new. This is in vain! Because you have good prospects ahead, and if you are not afraid to take a step, then there will be great happiness and a sea of ​​pleasant changes.

What is the dream of a trip in nature, by or? Dream Interpretations say that this is for happiness and good. The more beautiful the landscapes were in dreams, the more rosy, happier and more eventful your days will be. If you went in a dream to another city, interesting changes in your personal life or work will soon come. The boring routine will be replaced by bright and unusual events, life will become more colorful.

And a trip in a dream to another country, abroad is a sign of imminent significant changes related to finances and business sphere... The changes will be big and will open new doors for you. Did you drive your own car? Perhaps soon you will start your spiritual development, you will change yourself and your inner world.

Have you been on a ship? Soon you will fall in love and your life will be bright! And if you are already in a relationship or married, it will soon come new stage, renewal of feelings. To go somewhere in public transport (on, in) means that changes in life will be associated with people and communication. New team or dating, communication, all this will bring interesting results. Don't avoid people or shut yourself up.

It is very interesting what the dream of traveling in a time machine is about. If you have gone to the past, then delve into it. Look for answers to your questions in the past. If you have problems, then you, having analyzed well your actions in the past, will be able to find answers and solutions.

If you were in the future, then in reality start making plans. But do not engage in empty fantasy, but make real plans, which you will then need to adhere to. You will achieve success in this way.

All life is a great and exciting journey. Do not be afraid to move forward, take bold steps - after all, this is the only way to come to your dream!