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Islamic dream book Alphabetically interpret dreams. What information carry dreams. Muslim dream book see a deceased man, a deceased grandmother or another relative

Words on the letter And Muslim dream book

APRICOT"If a person sees in a dream, that he eats apricots, he either get sick or makes something important in life.

AGONY- Self in a dream Agronia is a dying person - happy and joyful life.

HELL- said Muhammad, who told Muhammad Ibn Yakub Al-Karabisi, who heard from Sabita Ibn Abdulla Ibn Abda Bakr from his father, and he from his grandfather, who claimed that if anyone sees in a dream, he is burning, he is in hell. If someone sees, as if Malik (Guard of hell) took him by the hair and threw into the fire, his sleep foreshadows him. If someone sees in a dream Malika cheerful, smiling, he will be delighted with a policeman or ruler's executioner. If he sees hellish flame near, he will fall into trouble or a serious test, from which he will not be saved, based on the words of Allah Almighty: "And the sinners saw the fire and thought that they would get there. And did not find from this deliverance. " And he will suffer exorbitant losses, from the words of Allah, he is great and Slary: "After all, the punishment of imbar." His sleep-admonishness to him so that he repairs in sin, which he committed.

If someone sees in a dream, as if he got into Geenna, he would commit obscenity and mortal sins that require punishment. And somehow it was said that he dies sustained in the presence of people.

If he sees it as if he is injected into the hellish fire, then the one who twists his fire will knock him down and will lead to an obscene act. And if he sees, as if he left the fire is unharmed, he will overcome the concerns of this life and he shifts in sins.

If he sees that he drinks hellish boiling water or eats from a hellish tree, he will strive to know what will be misfortune for him. And someone was said that his cases would find it, and he shed blood.

If someone sees in a dream, as if his face was smoked in hellish fire, it indicates that it will communicate with the enemy of Allah and will be pleased with his bad affairs, and his face will be contemptuous and black in the eyes of people, but the consequences of these Actions will not be praised.

If someone sees in a dream, as if he still continues to be in Geenne, and does not know when and how he got into her, he will remain an unfortunate poor man in this life, who left the prayer, post and all the responsibilities.

And if he sees, as if it passes through the hot coals, he will deliberately overlap the heads of people at meetings and meetings.

Every dream of hellish fire foreshadows the ambulance, with the words of the Most High: "Try our test! This is what you are in a hurry! "

If someone sees in a dream, as if he pulled his sword and entered the hellish flame, he would say indecency and bad. And if he sees, as if he went there with a smile, he will disperse and enjoy the earthly pleasure. Who will see how the fire approached him, it will be comprehended by difficulties and tests.

ADAM A.S.- Who will see in the dream of Adam, A.S., in the present image, and in all its greatness he will acquire great power, being worthy of her, because the Almighty said: "I will put it on the land of the governor." (Sura Bakar, 30 ).

If anyone sees in a dream, that he speaks with Adam, A.S., he will become a scientist, an expert. Almighty said: "He taught Adam to all the names."

They also say that he met in a dream with Adam, A.S., can be seduced by the words of some of his enemies, but after a while he will simulate and free from deception.

The phenomenon of Adam, A.S., in a dream, in a changing appearance, means moving from one place to another, and finally, return to the original place.

Azan (Calling for prayer) -schens on Hajj. It may also point to the DUA (Eating a Moluba to Allah), piousness, ministry of the Most Highness and the committing of good or tranquility and getting rid of the goat Shaitan (Satan).

ABC -Who will see the ABC in a dream, he will show undoubted success in mastering knowledge.

STORK - In the Muslim Dream Interpretation, see a lot of Aista-foreshadows the collection of a large number of people in a certain place.

To see a favorable marriage and a good journey in a dream of a flying stitching.

If the storks in a dream gathered together, then you will have to communicate with criminals and thieves and beg with them.

Ayuba (Job, A.S.) - a vision in a dream indicates tests, troubles and a favorable outcome. If he saw him sick, he will healed from his illness, and perhaps will receive an answer to those of his desires and requests that Allah prayed.

Acrobat, gymnast - To see in a dream of an acrobat means the unreliability of a place occupied by a person in life.

ACTOR - Will in a dream actor means that there are cheaters and hypocrites among your friends.

SHARK - Wear in a dream of shark-to the ambulance with a secret or explicit enemy.

AKHalf, Own Grandma - Perhaps the vision shows it to exemption from prisoner prisoner and getting rid of the alarms and lifeliques.

ALLAH (He hires and great) - if someone in a dream would be seen that Allah was satisfied, pleased with them and addressed him with his face, then the same meeting with the Most High Allah will be the same meeting. It also points to the adoption by the Almighty Lord of the benefits performed on this light, as well as for the remuneration for them by the Most High Allah, as the reward for his godded affairs, if the Most High Creator will dream of him, and he will be able to look at him. If he sees that the creator gave him any of the worlds of worldly life, he will comprehend some trouble or illness, because of which he will award paradise on the world. If a person sees Allah in a dream in some famous locality on earth, then it means that justice reigns there and that good, joy and help will come there. Who will see that the Lord speaks with someone interested or warning from anything, he is a sinner who needs to repent immediately. If he sees that Allah's Most High descended to him in a dream and thanked him, he will be endowed with the ability to create miracles (Karamat) and will receive the grace of Allah. Similar sleep can see only the favorites. But if you see Allah, he is great and sounded, in the form of some of his creations or with any shortcomings, then this is a false person, deliberately insignificant to the Lord, as well as the next statement in religion and let him see such a dream. .

Almaz, Brilliant -Thistener of family joys.

Angels -If someone will see an angel in a dream, then in life he will reach honors and glory. If he sees the most honorable from the angels, he will comprehend the benefit, the happiness and grace of Allah, will stop the rain, his earthly will increase, and he will comprehend the death of Shahid (martyr for faith). If he sees that the angels descended in the mosque, then this command is to create a lot of good, to carry out Allah Molba (DUA), distribute alms (gardens). If they dropped into the streets, then this is an appeal to him that he stopped to create evil, and this is the command of observing accuracy in measurements and in the scales. If you see the angels on the graves, it is interpreted as the spread of cholera's disease (Vaqa) among Alimov (scientists of theologians) and the death of ascets, which in the name of Allah refused the benefits of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: "We were informed that in Mecca Abul Fadl Ahmad Bin Imran al-Sharavi, yes Keeping His Almighty Allah, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar Bin Al-Heat Ash-Sheikh Salich saw in the dream of the Prophet, S.A.С . He said that next to the Prophet, S.A.S., was sitting by a group of poor askets. Suddenly, -He-he, -Hebesy turned around, and, accompanied by Angels, Archangel Jabrail, A.S. Angels kept thais and jugs with water. They began to water the waters of the poor people and wash their legs.

When my turn came, he said, "he handed his arms and heard some angels spoke to others:" Do not water his hands with water. He is not from their number. " Then I turned to the Prophet, S.A.С, and said: "About the Messenger of Allah, let me not from their number, but I love them." And the Prophet, S.A., replied: "Believer, together with those who love them." And spilled on my hands the water so that I was able to wash them.

The appearance of angels in the dreams known as angels bringing, meaning signs warning about the upcoming major changes in the lives of those who are in dreams with angels. These individuals expect greatness, strength, power, joyful event, victory after hazing, cure after illness, calm after fear, successful after difficulties, wealth after poverty, exemption after the burden. The man who saw in the dream of angels would have to make a hajj or take part in Gazavate and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream, as he fights Gibril and Mikail, A.S., or leads a dispute with them, this means that in a similar position he will have to experience the anger of the Most High, for his opinion coincides with With the opinion of the Jews, Fean God!

If in a dream of someone Dzhibril, A.S., will give a sleeping some kind of food, it marks that this man, Inshallah, will fall into the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Djibril, A.S., with a sad or concerned person is a sign that the person who saw in the dream of this angel is expected to be difficult and punished. It is known that Djibril, A.S., is also an angel of punishment.

Meeting in a dream with Mikail, A.S., suggests that who saw this dream will reach the desired in this and future life, if he is pious and raid, and if he is not so, then let him get lost.

If you see in a dream that Mikail, A.S., appears in any city or village, then the inhabitants of these seats expects a latter rain and lower prices. If Michael, A.S., speaks with a sleeping or will give him some thing, then this is to prosperity, happiness and joy, because Mikael, A.S., Yagel Mercy. It is said that such a dream indicates the arrival of justice after tyranny and the death of crucial tyranans in this country.

If someone sees in the dream of Israfila, A.S., with a saddled face and buzzing into the pipe, the sounds of which are heard, according to this dream seeing, only to him alone, then this man will die. If he believes that the sound of the Pipe of Israfila, A.S., heard residents of this area, then there will be an ambulance.

Meeting in a dream with the Angel of Death (Azrail, A.S.), whose person expresses joy, means that sawing a dream will give his life in the struggle for faith.

To see in the dream of angel of death angry foreshadows death without repentance. If anyone see a dream as if he struggled with the angel of death, and he overcame him, then this man will die. If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that a dream saw will be in the hairs of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that he has seen in the dream of the angel of death awaits a long life.

They say that Hamza Az-Take said: "I saw in a dream of angel of death and asked, contacting him:" About the angel of death! I spell you with the name of Allah! Tell me, is it written by the Most High something good in my opinion? ". He answered: "Yes! And the sign of this is what you will die in Heluan. " And indeed, Hamza Az-Take died in Heluan.

To see in a dream that one of the angels foreshadows someone's birth of a son, means that this person will have a son who will be a scholarship, a kind and noble person, from the words of the Most High: "Truly Allah illuses you with good news," as well : "I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a boy's pure."

Angels (Islamic Dream Interpretation) "If you see in a dream of angels with fruit dishes, it will mean that seeing this dream will take away from life as deceased for faith.

To see in a dream one of the angels included in someone's house-warning about the possible penetration into this house thief. If someone sees in a dream, as an angel takes his weapon from him, then this means the loss by this person forces and well-being, it is even possible that he will discern with his wife. If someone sees in the dream of angels in any place that causes his fright, then in the area there may be the emergence of University and War. The phenomenon in the dream of angels on the battlefield marks the victory over the enemies. And if anyone sees in a dream, as angels fall in front of him in front of him or beat him bows, then this person will achieve the execution of cherished desires, will rise in his affairs and will become famous. If someone sees himself in a dream, as if fighting an angel, he will fall into a difficult and humiliating position after the oldest. And if the patient sees in a dream, as one angel beats with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance of angels descending from heaven in the dreams to the land of angels in natural form marks the elevation of people with expem, humiliation of people unworthy, as well as the victory of Mujahidov (taking the desire, effort to spread Islam-spiritual, psychological and in extreme cases physical). To see in the dream of angels the image of women means spread and lies, built by Allah. Almighty about this belongs to the following words: "Does your Lord only provided you with sons, and to myself took from the angels of women? Truly you say dangerous word! " And if someone sees in a dream, as he flies together with the angels or rises with them to heaven and not returns back, he will acquire dignity in this life, and then he will perish for the right thing. If sleeping will see that he looks at the angels, his misfortune will suffer. This corresponds to the statement of the Most High: "On that day, when they see Angels, will not be joyful for sinners." If the suspicion disintegrates that the angels curse him, it will mean the condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if they dreamed that the angels are noisy or screaming, this means that the sleeping house can fall apart. And if anyone sees in a dream, how are a few angels in some city, terrain or village, then this means that the associate will die there or the unfairly offended person will be killed, or someone will fall on his inhabitants.

If someone disintegrate that the angels produce the same products that sleep makes it, it will marvel their benefit from their craft. The appearance in the dream of angel speaking: "Read the Book of Allah Allah", foreshadows a lot of honor, if you see this dream from the good pious people. If he does not belong to the people of good, then let him be on the challenge, because in relation to him there is a word of Allah: "Read the record of your affairs, now you yourself are able to demand a report."

The appearance in the dream of angels in any place on the horse marks the death of there a powerful person or tyrant.

Flying in a dream of unknown birds means that the birds are not flying, but angels. To see it in a dream in any place means retribution at oppressors and assisted oppressed.

If anyone see noble scribes in a dream, angels on both sides of a person who record all his good and bad acts), this means joy and happiness for him and happiness in the current and future life and the happy end of life. This is provided that seeing sleep belongs to the number of citizens of righteous and virtuous. If it is not so, then it should be feared for him, because the Most High said: "Noble scribes know what you are doing!" Some of the people who know in this sense say that the appearance in the dream of angel in the image of Sheikh (old man) narrates About the past, in the image of a young person, says about the present, and in the exit of the exit - indicates the future. If anyone sees in a dream that he seems to be in the image of an angel, it foreshadows him, if before that he was in trouble, or liberation, if before that was in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of large vertices of power. For the patient, this dream means the approach of death. If someone sees a dream in which the angels welcome him, it means that Allah gives this person insight in life and will provide him with a happy outcome. It is told that a certain Jewish trader named Shamuhul, being on the way, led in a dream, as angels bless him. He appealed on this to the interpreter of dreams, and he answered him: "You use Islam Allah and Sharia of the Messenger of God, S.A.S, from the words of the Most High:" It is he and his angels bless you to bring you out of darkness to the light ! ". This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him on the true path. The reason for the adoption of it islam was that he hid a poor debtor from his lender.

BARN "It means a dream that wealth and income, and if it is used, then this is a wonderful praise it. If in a dream, the barn is empty, then ruin awaits you. Full barn to wealth.

A PINEAPPLE -Wened in the dream of a pineapple precipitant of the fact that success begins.

Orange, Mandarin -Aelxin or Mandarin, seen by man in a dream, promises him good health.

PHARMACY "If the patient sees a pharmacy in a dream, he will soon recover, if a healthy person sees it, maybe it takes.

Arafat -Who see in a dream that he is on Mount Arafat on the day of Arafat and someone from relatives does not have (or disappeared), he will return to him joyful, and if he quarreled with anyone, he will reconcile with Him. Arafat may also indicate Hajj.

WATERMELON -watermelon in Islamic dream book He foreshadows pregnancy for a woman and a quick marriage for a girl.

If a person in a dream extends his hand to the sky and eats watermelon, then soon he will receive what is eager to buy. Yellow watermelon is a disease, and the green watermelon-earthly lot.

If a person throws watermelons into his house, then each abandoned watermelon-to the death of someone from relatives.

PRISONER - Wear in a dream the arrested-omname of what troubles can be expected.

Asceticism, piousness - Well, this is a manifestation of love and respect from people.

ASTRONOMER - This is a liar.

Ayati Korana - If these are Ayati, speaking mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the grace of Allah. But if this is the Ayati containing direct or indirect sense of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are Ayatami exhortation, then warned the one who saw them, from the commission of sin, and if they are subject to anything about anything, they foreshadow for him good and good.

The interpretation of dreams for Muslims is of particular importance: in the Hadith from Abu Khruire, it is said that in front of the world, absolutely all dreams of Orthodox Muslims will be things. In Islam, it is believed that only chosen people endowed with the wisdom by Allah themselves can correctly understand. Therefore, the most accurate and correct interpretations give only Muslim dream book on the sacred Quran and Sunna.

What is a dream for Muslim?

Sleep always played a big role in the upbringing of Muslim and delivering it from sins. Imam Al-Gazali wrote the book "Alchemy of Happiness". In particular, in it he mentioned and invented dreams. It was a kind of "Muslim dream book from A to Z" antiquity. On dreams in the "Alchemy of Happiness" said literally the following. In a dream, five senses of man are closing (figuratively represented as five doors), and our soul becomes open to comprehend the foreclosable information about the past, present and future. The information that a person receives from the astral world come to it either in the "pure form" or in the shell of memories or imagination. Images that are "dictated by" memory correspond to the inner essence of a particular event. If a person sees something in the meaning of a dream, the Prophet sees the same thing, but in reality. Our site presents the Muslim dream book on the alphabet, which will help you understand the meaning of your dreams, to be deeper into their essence. What is our Muslim Dream Interpretation? The interpretation of dreams, first of all, is based on the Quran and Sunne, as well as on the works of the Great Imam Muhammad Ibn Syrian Al-Basry and such scientists as Imam Ja Headlights and An-Nabulus.

Three types of Muslim dreams

Muslim dream book for men recognizes three types of dreams: good and favorable, bad and unpleasant, as well as dreams associated with the actions or thoughts of a person in wakefulness. How does the Muslim Dream Muslim Dream interpretary interpret? Interpretation on the Quarrel: A good sleep is a joyful message from Allah itself and one part of the prophecy out of 46. The very first favorable sleep, according to the Qur'an, there was a vision of Eve Adam. Unfortunately, a person can see bad and unpleasant dreams. Muslim dream book on the Qur'an and Sunna believes that all such dreams come from Shaitan (this is a Muslim analogue of the devil). Shauntana is a joy mirroring over a faithful Muslim, settling fear and horror in his soul. Dreams that are caused by Shaytan can encourage a person to make sins. Such dreams can be stupid, and can cause and pollutions, but most often a person is shot by nightmares. If you want you to dream only a pleasant dream, you need to pray to Allah before going to sleep. It is impossible to eat before bedtime and think about something obscene. The third type of dreams includes dreams related to human activity or his thoughts. So, the teacher can see himself in a dream leading lesson, and a lonely man - surrounded by beautiful girls. You may ask: Do I need to pay money for what "tell" your Muslim Dream Interpretation? Interpretation of dreams for free and will continue to remain so in the future! So do not go through the sites where you are offered to send SMS to find out the meaning of your sleep - our online Muslim dream book is free and the most truthful!

Sleep is a special condition of the organism, which is characterized by a reduced reaction to external stimuli, as well as specific brain activity.

Sleep can be three types:

1) Good favorable sleep means that Allah Schlet is a good joyful message.

2) Bad, restless sleep sends a man Shaitan, these dreams are always filled with something bad. And he means that Allah will blame a person for something. Such dreams come to a person who falls asleep with unkind thoughts.

3) Dreams that repeat the events that occur.

Dreams who do not enter into none of the above items are called confused, meaningless., They are unrealistic to understand and all the more exaggerating.

If you dreamed good, kind, favorable sleep, then Ibn Sirin's dream book recommends 4 things:

1) Thank and praise Allah for the good news.

2) Live and expect good.

3) Tell the sleep near a person who wishes to him well.

4) Exchange it accurately and good. After all, how the dream is expanded by it comes true.

If, I had a bad dream, you must definitely perform 7 things to not to angry Allah.

1) Praying the Most High about help and forgiveness.

2) to ask Allah to protect from the Shaitan, three times.

3) Swim through the left shoulder three times.

4) Change the position in which a person rests at night.

5) Make Namaz.

6) Silent about your dream and not tell anyone.

7) Never express it for yourself.

Interpretation of dreams Ibn Sirina, alphabetical pointer

Apricot - disease, tear apricot from a tree - loss, buy - permanent financial difficulties;

Stork - By holiday, celebration.

Hell - committing an irreparable mistake, sin in front of Allah. Frame in hell - maybe someone will betray from the true path.

ABC - Development of the horizon, success.

- Dangerous competitor in the work sphere, or rival in love. If the shark bites the sleeping - the enemy will strike.

Barn - prosperity in material plan, abundance.

A pineapple - carnal pleasures, success in affairs.

Pharmacy - get sick in real life. If the sleeping person dreams that he works in a pharmacy - perhaps in his life he will spend a very large amount for treatment.

Astrologer - Huge troubles, betrayal.

Prisoner - Sleeping man fears arrest in real life. The dream can be slandered.

Ram- Buy a ram in a dream - get rich, become famous. Barana sacrifice - get rid of debts, recovery. If the ram attacks, comes to public insults.

Velvet - To a long fascinating journey.

Disease - It is necessary to carefully follow health in life, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Pregnancy - If a man sees his pregnant wife in a dream, this is a favorable sign, possibly replenishing the family in reality. See yourself pregnant - material benefits.

Infertility - Difficulty in achieving goals. A large number of obstacles, tests sent by Allah for sleeping.

Camel - To sorrow, experiences and grief. Participate in the battle riding on a camel, conflict in real life with a close person. Kill the animal - to remove from business. Fall - a pitiful life. If the dreams are sick at that moment when the dream is dreaming with a camel - most likely he will die soon.

Rope - symbol of faith. To keep all the might for the rope is proximity to the Almighty, spiritual growth. If the rope is tied to the neck means that sleeping is small.

Wind- Cold and nasty to concern without reason, sincere throwers. Busty wind to the trouble of huge scales. Calm, caressing - to pleasantness.

Libra "If Allah weighs bad and good actions of the sleeping and a good deals with good, it's fortunately, if on the contrary, then most likely sleeping is not sure about its faith and removes Allah. Weigh in a dream of coins - live in disgrace.

Water - Pure to joy in life, dirty to disappointment. Drink water from the source - peace of mind, tide of strength and energy. Drinking ferrous water to blindness. See a lot of water around foreshadows a rich harvest.

Wine - Drink wine in a dream - get rich dishonestly, to make wine - serve for the benefit of the people in reality.

War - To troubled, or terrible diseases and epidemics.

Wolf - To see the wolf in a dream, which entered your home - to loss of property.

Hair- Sleep in which the dreams is combed foreshadowing out of the seals and worries. If the girl dreams that she has suffered this to betrayals and treason. Hair hair to big expenses, bankruptcy.

Magic - Making magic in a dream foreshadows the disintegration of the family, in which there will be a dream guinea. See magic - you are surrounded by traitors and deceivers.

Sparrow - Catch the bird to business success.

Thief- Warning of trouble. This is a sign from Shaitan. If the thief makes stolen things from the house - someone will die in this house very soon. If the thief went away with anything is a good sign.

Voron - Elimination of a cruel person. Catch a bird in a dream - getting income in a dishonest way. If Raven is sitting on the sleeping house - the commission of the act, which the dreams will regret the whole remaining life.

Wrench- Get rid of them - permission to problems. Bite to public humiliation and insults.

Viper - Large sizes to quarrels with households. Kill snake to reconciliation.

Harem- Newness adultery adulters in real life.

Gazelle - For a man, it foreshadows an ambulance, for a girl - obscenity in behavior.

Nail - The dream has a powerful patron.

Hero - Victory over enemies.

- The dream has a romantic mood, sleeping deeply believer.

Eyes - Muddy eyes mean a lie, the ability to get rid of the true path. Lose eye - misfortune and a love disease. Green eyes foreshadow sinful drop. Blue or blue eyes - a new interesting acquaintance, hobby.

Mountain- It is on the top of the top foreshadowing career growth.

Sin - sin in a dream, it means to be a debtor in reality.

Mushrooms - Sleeping many unscrewed talents and abilities. To eat raw mushrooms - to rush to the delights of life.

Goose - Fasting geese in a dream - familiarity with a safe-rich family, which will play an important role in the life of the sleeping. If the goose is bathed, the child's rapid birth in the family is possible.

Caterpillar - Non-successors everywhere, under the masks of friends.

Doors - Open, the ability to find a new way of income. Closed - to financial losses. Included in the doors - the dreams will finally be able to manage his own life.

Palace- Celebration, holiday, fun event.

Girl - If the girl of heavenly beauty is a good sign. Sadness and in rags - unkind news. In obscene clothes to an obscene meeting, a dating, short-term pleasure. Without clothes - failures at work. Virgin - By luck in all endeavors.

Grandfather - Excellent health, longevity.

- Silver coins foreshadow scandals and quarrels in the family and at work. Get money to conflict.

Wood - Palma foreshadows pleasant events. Collect fruits from trees - a favorite person gives sleeping. Trees are all in colors - incredible luck. Spin the tree to loss. If the dreams sees himself sitting under a tree, which grows in paradise, it foreshadows immense pleasure in real life.

Children - Life in wealth and prosperity.

Rain - Warm foreshadows well-being. Polyting to the opening of new opportunities, receiving new knowledge.

House - Build a house in a dream, a comfortable existence and sleeping and his relatives. Little house - losses, a huge house to profit. Big - to obtain monetary profit and committing long-awaited shopping. To destroy the house is to be on the side of evil. Go to an unfamiliar house and see other people in it, the dreams will soon find out about other people's secrets either dedicate to his secrets of the people unfamiliar to him.

The Dragon - Dangerous enemy somewhere nearby. See yourself in the incarnation of the dragon symbol of longevity.

Euphrate - If the dreams drinks water from this river to prosperity.

Jew - Getting the inheritance from distant relatives.

Food - To eat from gold-plated dishes to unhappiness. If the dreams uses food with the right hand from a regular plate - a person follows Sunna. If left is the temptation of temptations. If in a dream, the stranger invites me to the meal, sleeping waits for a tiring and exhausting journey. Eat raw meat to spoiled reputation. If the food in a dream is tasteless, it foreshadows poverty.

Hedgehog - There will be a meeting with an unpleasant man.

Riding (riding or driving) - Recognition. Uncertain driving - to go about your weaknesses.

Iron - To power and recognition. Korot Iron - to war.

Pearl - Sell pearls in a dream - the dreams with disregard refers to faith and religion. Throw pearls to the water - the dreams will soon become a famous person. Find pearls on the seabed - earning in real life money will also be hard.

Marriage- If the bride is a beautiful girl is a sign that Allah is favorable to sleeping. In the role of the bride, the slutty lady is to adultery. To marry a sick girl - a dream awaits ungrateful work.

Female - If it is too close to the dream - interference with life, poor influence. Many women surrounded - too much in the real life of temptations. Dark, smiling woman fortunately. With pale leather to trouble.

Fence - If the dreams in a dream rests on the fence - in real life it needs support and attention.

Sunset - Changes for the better, both in heart matters and work.

Slaw (tax in favor of the poor) - Profit.

Earthquake - human phobia symbol.

Mirror "If a man sees himself in the mirror while his wife is pregnant - this is a sign that they will have a boy and will be a complete copy of the Father. When a pregnant woman sees himself in a mirror, she will have a daughter similar to her and character and outwardly. For not pregnant women to betrayal beloved.

Gold - symbolizes a relaxed peaceful state. Build a building from gold to fires.

Teeth - Loss of teeth - a sleeping person will survive all its family members, longevity. If the cutter fell - to the death of a close relative. To see the teeth in silver to losses, ruin. Golden - surrounded by sleeping there are very talented people. White teeth symbol of wealth.

Needle - break when used to unfulfilled dreams. In the thread in the needle and not to get to the implementation of plans.

The game - Symbol of deception. Gambling games foreshadow quarrels with loved ones and failures.

- Prayer in this place foreshadows the receipt of inheritance. Leaving Jerusalem to a long road in reality.

Ikota - Diseases, neurosis.

Pan - cooking for unexpected money, profits.

Whale - Symbol of trouble, anxiety, anxiety.

Horse - a healthy animal to glory, patient for troubles. To see the death of the animal - the dreams will soon die. Jump on a white horse - fulfillment of desires. Flying, winged horse to respect for this and on the light.

Lactation - If a sick woman dreams like she feeds the baby with breasts, then in a short time she will soon recover.

Rat- symbolizes the damage from an evil person.

Swimming (ritual) - Sleeping rushing in sins. Dip in the ice hole to care and troubles. In the cold time to swim in warm water - healing from the disease.

Swallow - High position symbol in society.

A fox - intrigues, gossip.

The spoon - Fair ruler, whose actions are directed only for the benefit of society.

Frog - State service in people with high position in society.

Prayer - Sunna to purify the dream soul. Pray at your own accord for carefree life. Make a compulsory prayer to unsuccessful work. Hide and pray - to the commission of evil deeds. Do not find a place for prayer - wrecking hopes.

Milk - new knowledge.

Flour - Wheat - symbol of leaning in man. Corn to luck. Knead the dough - a trip to relatives.

Mule- Sleeping is waiting for an unpleasant conversation with a man.

Legs - If you dream that the legs of different are long, then the dream is waiting for a long unpleasant journey. Chrome to loneliness.

Sheep- Symbol of health.

Donkey - The enemies will be exposed.

Cleaning - Symbol of mercy to others.

Bran - troubles, suffering, hard fate.

Fingers - Feel pain in my fingers is misfortune, troubles with the children of sleeping. If such a dream dreamed of a woman without children is a symbol of sin. A man loses the ring finger on his right hand to the birth of a son, the middle finger is the death of a famous man. If the dream has no four fingers - a man will take four ARAKOK in his wife, but they will soon die. Chop off someone finger - to harm this person in reality. There is no finger on the leg - to losses.

Cloak- The greatness of the dream.

Underground - risk.

- There is no possibility to get to the paradise - sleep does not make a hajj. The doors of Paradise slammed - to the death of parents. Enter the gate of Paradise to death. If the dream was ordered to enter the gate, but he did not do it - in real life, he will soon refuse his faith.

Fig - Pleasant care and life in wealth. Eat crude rice to the disease.

Mouth- The smell of your mouth to vanity. The smell from the mouth of the interlocutor to insults and slander. A whole genus of food is anxiety, stress. Spread food - avoid trouble. Hair fell into his mouth with meals - difficulties in real life.

A fish- Fried fish symbolizes the necessary acquaintances. Buying fresh fish to good luck, according to the Qur'an. Herlenka - Profit.

Garden- To be in the Paradise Garden - Allah Sleeping spiritual purity will be given.

Sugar - Acquaintance with a pleasant and pretty woman.

Pig - Huge and fat - foreshadows victory over enemies.

Death- If the sleeping died, and then rose it foreshadows the commission of a crime, in which a person is immediately repent. To dream of dead man - regrets about the past.

Dog- Lai dogs to conscience remorse.

Salt- discontent with their position.

Table - removed to loss, covered to profit. Sit down one at a large table to leadership. Lying on the table - dreams of evils and Zhaden.

Tiger- Alcal male man.

Dealer - Very unpleasant conversation.

Knot - Souring against relatives.

Vinegar - Money profit symbol. Pour vinegar into a glass to a sharp impairment of health. Drink vinegar - terminate friendship.

Ugliness - Sleeping is missing chastity. Ugly face to illness.

Ears - If the old man cuts off his sighing ears, he is waiting for the payroll. If the sleeper cuts off the ears of the stranger - the symbol of betrayal.

Coal - Danger.

Hive - Harmony in everything.

- To the change of weather. There is profit. Separate dates from the bone - the birth of a boy. Weigh - to material well-being. Collect the dates from the palm trees - marriage on a beautiful religious, modest woman. To tear immature fruits - non-crushed instructions.

Furunkula - on the body of sleep - material well-being. A lot of furunculus is wealth.

Bread - Black - to sufficiency. A barley - a person will devote his life to the Almighty. Solid bread symbol of an unfavorable period. Eat white bread - wealth. To see the mold - the insensitivity of a person in real life due to a hazardous existence.

Walking - The life of the dream according to the laws of the Most High. Walking in the market - financial profit. Barefoot walk - a symbol of religiosity.

Scratch - Damage to the family or sleep itself. Scratched forehead - a sign of unexpected death.

Scabies - Care.

Plague- War, devastation.

Language - Wearing - Sleeping first says, then thinks. Sliced \u200b\u200btongue - slander to sleeping. If a beggar is disinterested without a language, a person who does not deserve it. If the sleeping feels that his tongue is adhering to the sky, the secrets of the sleeping will become public.

List of references:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Modern problems, 1913.
  • Fromm E. Forgotten language: Introduction to the understanding of dreams, magical fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC "Format", 1994.
  • Exegetics dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Muslims in a dream warn about problems in relationships with others. Dream interpretation reminds of spiritual cleansing, the ability to correct his mistakes, intense, why these characters are shot.

What does Miller say?

People who do not profess Islam, who dreamed of Muslims announce a meeting with a kind and sincere person. To see himself a Muslim, speaks of the opportunity to learn knowledge, learn useful information.

A young woman, such a picture, takes a meeting with a man of strict morals and customs. Miller prevents romantic, spiritual impulses, explaining what the mosque dreams.

Correct the mistakes!

Modern combined dream interpretation, explaining what the Muslims praying to the Muslims, heralds to correct its relationship with loved ones. You do not have enough support and attention to the dear heart of people, but you can achieve harmony and understanding, I am sure Ezop.

About values \u200b\u200b...

Business people, see in a dream of Muslims praying in the Mosque, according to the Eastern Dream version, should be a little distinguished from the financial side of life and think about spiritual values. Your race for money has become the meaning of your existence, whereas for happiness need harmony in the family and in relations with others.

A woman, to see himself leaning before Mullah, who reads a prayer, should listen to the advice of adults and experienced people. Your obscene behavior affects the authority of her husband, assures a female interpreter of dreams.

What on the love front?

Muslims, which in a dream had to be bowed to the icon of the Saint Orthodox Matrona, revenge will have to adapt to the beloved. The young lady with a disrepeted episode indicates possible relations with a foreigner or an ambulance pregnancy.

About the opponent warns the dream book for the bitch, intense, what a Muslim dream is. If a man dreamed that he squeeces the young of the Islamic Faith, which means, in real reality, will make a dismissal act to felt his own pride.

The launch of the Christian faith, which was led to see himself as Muslims, will have to defend the right of his own opinion and personal time in reality.

Be careful!

See Muslim, who carries an Orthodox cross on the neck, means a threat to be drawn into a deception or an asphae. Business people, similar to the picture, caution about possible problems with partners.

Muslim, see the snake in his house, according to a complete interpreter of dreams, should beware of his enemies. A similar interpretation has a night vision, which happened to see Islamic men with jim crosses.

It's time to change!

Dream interpretation of a wanderer donated Muslims on camels compares with unexpected help, wonderful recovery. A deceased character in a dream is a symbolic display of the end of a life period. Horon Muslim by the customs of the Orthodox Church, promises a grandnie grandmother's change.

Muslim dream book is one of the most ancient, it exists not the first century and during that time the secret values \u200b\u200bof dreams of the billions of people said. Many researchers converge in the opinion that the dream book was written in Persia and Mesopotamia. At the same time, they believe that during the creation of the dream of Muslims experienced the peak of the development of their culture.

The main feature of this interpreter is the fact that the symbols are considered in it on the Quran and Sunne - the main books of Muslim dogma. Many interpretations are straightforward, the images are attributed to the images with which they are usually associated in life. For example, an eagle is interpreted as a symbol of power and a dream strength, and hare - cowardice. At the same time, in interpretations you can meet many descriptions of the values \u200b\u200band traditions of the Muslim people.

In Islam, it is believed that truly believers practically come to the truly religious Muslims. To interpose them is not needed. But for people who have not yet reached this level, and interpreters were written.

History of writing

Currently, many people who are confessing other religions do not turn to the Muslim dreams for the disclosure of their dreams - they believe that this source does not like them. However, this is a big misconception. When writing a book of Muslim, of course, basically relied on the interpretation of dreams along the sacred Quran, but they also took into account scientific knowledge.

Also, everyone knows that Eastern culture has largely influenced the customs of the whole world, including the Russian mentality. This happened because while other empires were just beginning to form their culture, a developed system of values \u200b\u200band traditions had already existed in Muslim. Many countries relied on these achievements, trying to imitate the leading culture of the time.

  • As a history textbook, acquainting the culture of Muslims.
  • As an ordinary dream interconance, which reveals the values \u200b\u200bof your dreams.
  • As scientific articles reflecting the laws of the Universe and Human Psychology.

It is important to note that the location of the symbols in the dream interpretation initially did not correspond to the classic alphabet. Muslims have facilitated values \u200b\u200bdepending on the extent of their importance and shared on specific sections. However, in the current version, we see this publication in the usual and convenient form for a modern person - Muslim dream book from A to Ya.

Types of dreams

In the modern world there are several options for Muslim dreams. In bookstores or on the Internet, you can meet both small brochures and huge books of interpretation of dreams. However, in order to find out the exact value of the dream, it is not enough to read information in the dream book - it is important to determine the type of sleep.

A real Muslim knows that there are four types of dreams: good, bad, sleep-experiences and confused dreams. To determine the type of dream is quite simple - for this it is necessary to recall their main signs.

Good dreams come from Allah and are considered prophecies. You can dream of a bright future, your successes or successes of your family members, happy and smiling friends. In order for dreams from the dreams to come true, after waking, you need to thank the Most High and tell about your Gresses a person who loves you and take care of your well-being.

Confused dreams are vision having incoherent content. There is absolutely no sense in these dreams. They come to a person most often in moments of fatigue or a turning point in life. Muslim dream book recommends not to interpret such dreams, but it is better to devote the time to rest.

The next man's first task is to understand the type of sleep and take certain actions so that the predictions come true or not. Next, to obtain a more accurate value, you need to go to the disclosure of specific characters. To do this, you can buy a printed version of dreams or find interpretation free online. Posted by: Ekaterina Lipatova