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Wireless mini soldering iron with your hands from USB. Homemade miniature low-voltage soldering iron. Making mini soldering iron

Somehow walking through the expanses of AliqPress, saw a USB soldering iron on sale. Surprised. Can a normal soldering iron be powered by USB, where the supply voltage is only 5 volts? But for Curiosity, I still ordered this instance.

Comfortable little soldering iron. Great lies in hand.

You can test this soldering iron This link.

Weighs only about 20 grams

Includes a cord of 1.5 meters with such connectors at the ends:

as well as a support for the soldering iron

As a collection, it looks like this:

USB power supply take such a power supply so that it gives out current current of at least 2 amps

Energy consumption by soldering iron

In order to find out USB consumption consumption of USB consumers, I have this device.

Clinging a soldering iron to block through this device

When you turn on the soldering iron on it the red LED lights up

So, the voltage that is supplied to the soldering iron is 4.9 volts

The strength of the current eating a soldering iron is 1.44 amps

Consequently, the power consumption of the soldering iron is: P \u003d IU \u003d 1.44 x 4,9 \u003d 7 Watt with kopecks.

Checking a soldering iron in work

Such a soldering iron is very quickly heated due to its small dimensions. Failed fine nickel sting will be a long time to serve you faithfully. In extreme cases, it can be bought on Alisepress

Solder melts at times and two!

And of course, the most chip: automatic shutdown. If you do not touch the soldier, then after 25 seconds it automatically turns off! As soon as we want to take it in hand, a contactless sensor is triggered on it, and the soldering iron is ready for battle again. Well, honestly, did not expect this from the Chinese.


Well, what else can I say about this soldering iron? Wash large-sized parts is unlikely to succeed, but different small things pulls completely. Is it possible to feed it from USB computer Or laptop? Mmm ... Well, I stuck in a laptop and he worked fine for me, but I strongly do not recommend this! Still, to power the soldering iron, it is better not to use USB ports of your computers. As you remember, they are intended for other purposes. If you buy a Power Bank to give it to him, you can solder at least in a clean field. It is much more convenient than using a bulky and smelly gas soldering iron.

Such a soldering iron will be an excellent acquisition for young radio amateurs, since many of them forget to turn off a soldering iron from the outlet, and also in such a USB solder does not "walk" a voltage of 220 volts, which is considered unsafe. So, parents, if you still want to buy for your child good soldering iron, Look you precisely to this USB to the soldier. I use it periodically for a month. He showed himself with best side. Feedback on the Internet about him are also good. Further use will show that this soldering iron is capable of long-term ;-)

On the channel Aka Kasyan, one of the options for manufacturing the battery soldering iron is considered. A similar soldering iron in online stores costs from 15 to 50 dollars, but it is not for our pocket, so it will be cheaper to make it with your own hands.

See from 1:50 minutes

A sting with the heater, how to do it is shown in the video at the end of the publication.

Lithium ion Battery of the 18650 standard, capacity, the more, the better. Charging fee one bank lithium battery With protection based on the TP4056 chip. The MT3608 DC-DC Module of the MT3608 converter. Case from cheap charging of the battery of the standard 18650, in which the soldering iron will be collected. A small switch with a retainer, if only the dimensions were compact. Current about 3 a and above.

Where to buy radio components, etc.

Buy rechargeable soldering iron You can in this Chinese store. DC-DC Converter will find there by typing in search: MT3608 2A MAX DC-DC STEP. Buy charge charge in search by request: Li-Ion Professional 5V Micro USB 1A 18650.
Before you, the soldering iron scheme. Why everything is so difficult, you will understand later.

Scheme of battery soldering iron

Manufacturing of the body of the soldering iron

At the very beginning, we prepare the building. Slightly processed, removed everything too much. This option is convenient because the battery can be changed or replaced if necessary. The housing can be different, if only the battery entered. A pair of medical syringes of 20 milliliters is perfect.
The work part of the soldering iron had to be adapted. Recorded on the terminal made from Ebonita. If you work as a soldering iron continuously for ten minutes, the ebony begins to slightly stink. But plus the use of this button is that it has a brass thread bushing and no additional rims for fixing the working part are not necessary.
The plastic housing and that the ebonite retainer does not give it away, decided to cut the front part of the case and replace the implant from the fiberglass. Then all these parts glued by the Chinese epoxy resin.

DC-DC converter

Why is it needed? The fact is that the heater is designed for working voltage of about 9 volts. You can do without a converter. If you use 2 batteries connected sequentially. But in this case the costs increase, dimensions And the weight of the soldering iron. In addition, it will become problematic to charge a soldering iron from the usual yusb of the connector.

And why the master did not make the heater, sharpened under one bank of lithium ion batteryalready explained in the first video.
Let's return to the converter. Pretty popular thing. The maximum output voltage can be about 28 volts at a current of up to 2 A. But the real tests have shown that it begins to boil already in 1 A. If the weekend rectifier diode and the chip are heated godlessly, but at some point the temperature ceases to grow, then with the throttle In general, things are bad. After a while it starts to stink. Therefore, I decided to replace it. Under hand, it turned out to be non-working Chinese voltage stabilizer module on 3 A. Simply replaced one throttle to another.

Power Inverter

Next, connect the inverter to the lithium battery, and even better, to the laboratory power source. The course of the voltage is 3.8-4 volts. By rotation of the line resistor we achieve 9 volts of the output voltage.
On the charge charge of the lithium battery has not changed anything. The charge current is in the area 1 A, which is quite suitable. The only thing that did, replaced the 2 LED indicator. Used a two-color LED, which brought to the prominent place. By the way, this board is provided with protection that will turn off the battery when the latter will be discharged below the critical level.
If needed for a long time to work in field conditionsYou can grab a pair of charged batteries with you and quickly replace them if necessary.

Connection is unrealistic to confuse if you navigate the picture above.
In addition to the charge indicator, the LED added, lights up when the soldering iron is turned on.

Testing soldering iron

And now, when the assembly device, you can test. The sting may heat up to a temperature of 350 degrees, but the best thing is that the inverter allows you to adjust the output voltage, therefore, the heating temperature of the sting. So, if there is a desire, you can withdraw a variable resistor in comfortable spot and get a battery soldering iron with the ability to adjust the temperature. This is one of the advantages of using the inverter.
Of the minuses. We lose 5-10 percent of the transformation power. This is minus, given the fact that the tool is portable and every millivatt in this case of roads.
Soldering iron can be used as a USB charger for the 18650 standard - also a small bonus.

Homemade battery soldering iron

How to make a sting for the soldering iron

A familiar to many USB soldering iron is a device for soldering parts, feed from a specialized computer connector.

The package of this device, in addition to the device itself, includes a connecting cord of a one-meter meter length, as well as a small metal stand And somewhat twisted in the spiral of solder turns.

Externally, the soldering iron looks like a wireless product, equipped with a special connecting cord. The mini soldering iron is also equipped with a special plastic plug that protects its working edge from accidental damage.

As for the semi-a-one-meter connecting cord, one of its ends is made in the form of a classic USB connector, and the second ends with a conventional feed "Jack" by 3.5 millimeters.

Manufacturer plant portable USB The soldiers on the domestic market are guaranteed the following performance:

  • small dimensions and compactness of the device, substantially facilitating the treatment of it in the process of soldering;
    High heating rate of sting (it takes no more than 15 seconds);
  • quite fast cooling of the working point (usually enough 25-30 seconds);
  • the power consumed power does not exceed 8 watts;
  • working powered - from USB connector with a voltage of 5 volts;
  • the presence of a timer automatically turning off the mobile device through a programmed time interval.

Turning on the soldering iron is carried out at the time of touching with its hand to its enclosure (due to the built-in touch sensor).


The main advantages of the soldering iron USB (almost instant heating and the presence of an automatic switching mode) in practice are turned into disadvantages, which requires its refinement.

These shortcomings are expressed as follows:

  • severe overheating in the absence of forced cooling;
  • premature switching on the soldering iron associated with the increased sensitivity of the sensor and also leading to overheating;
  • the delay in turning off the device in separate samples reaching 45 seconds, as a result of which the same overheating and the output of the device fails.

These deviations from the norm are found in most reviews about the operation of the heating devices of this class and require changes in their electronic circuit.

Based on the above, the independent alteration of the soldering USB device should be reduced to the following.

First, it is necessary to slightly reduce the sensitivity of the built-in sensor, which should work clearly by touching the hand. For this, it is enough to fall between the sensory contact and the earthen of the power supply of the additional capacitor with a capacity of about 2.2 NF.

Secondly, it is necessary to reduce the delaying time of the soldering iron after returning to the stand, which will eliminate hazardous overheating. To this end, it is necessary to reduce the rating of the current resistor connected to the NE555 timer from 200 to 47 kΩ.

Upon completion of all these improvements, work with USB soldering iron is greatly simplified, because after decreasing sensitivity, you can control the heating of the device directly during operation. These enhancements also allow the service life of the heating element.

Positive reviews

Among custom feedback On the work of USB soldering iron, such advantages are especially noted, as a practically pocket format, allowing you to store it directly in working clothes.

The advantages of this device also include high speed Heating sting and automatic shutdown from the power line. The soldering iron is conveniently located in the hand and allows you to melt solder in any spatial position.

Separate users are not limited to technical advantages USB soldering iron, and also celebrate the beautiful design and convenience of using the solder device.

Particular attention is evidenced by the fact that a USB-powered device is quite mobile and can be used when repairing onboard power supply systems of modern cars equipped with appropriate connectors.


To the shortcomings of the mini soldering iron, some users do not have enough power developed heating element.

It is sometimes lacking for warming up the soldering area and, especially when working with large and thermally resistant metal products.

Analysis of user reviews showed that many of the radio amateurs prefer to apply a USB soldering iron to work with small parts and most often connect it to a computer, but to a separate adapter or block.

And this is explained, first of all, the fact that the corresponding computer connector is desirable to use according to its intended purpose, without loading a fairly powerful consumer.

Such an adaptation is optimally suitable for the initial learning of young radio amateurs, since there is no high voltage in its scheme.

In addition, children after soldering are often forgotten to turn off the usual electric soldering iron from the network, which is automatically done in this case.

Summing up all the above, we note that in general the soldering device with a USB connector fully corresponds to the characteristics declared in its technical description.

However, the greatest returns from such a soldering iron can be achieved only after a small refinement of it. electrical circuit, the procedure for which was described earlier.

Portable homemade usb soldering iron. Comfortable and compact soldering iron with your own hands working from USB. Quickly heats up and cooled. Payay, where you want by connecting Power Bank.

Now in the network a lot of various homemade soldiers. I decided to do that there is a mean, simple performed and take the best of the homemade myself.

The goal was to make a soldering iron compact, quickly heating, light and most importantly portable.
From the built-in battery I decided to refuse to reduce weight and convenience. The wire does not interfere. You can fasten the light bulb to illuminate the workspace with a separate button.

For the manufacture of homemakes we will need:

1. Wooden barber (I took 7cm x 1,5cm x 1.5 cm);
2. Copper wire with a diameter of 1mm and 9cm length (can be longer);
3. Nichrome wire with a length of 7cm (took from the old soldier);
4. Blot or self-tapping screw with a flat hat (you can put a pyucky);
5. Switch;
6. 2 thin wiring (I took from a twisted pair);
7. USB plug with wire required lengths;
8. Isol, heat shrink and super glue;
9. Fiberglass.

From tools:
1. soldering iron;
2. Pliers;
3. Screwdriver under the bolt or self-tapping screw.

Making soldering iron

First of all, you need to prepare a bar. Fit down the length so that it is convenient to keep, throwing the corners.


We take copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm from 9cm to 12 cm and bending pliers at one end ring to break the bolt or self-tapping screw.

We take a nichrome wire with a length of 7cm and wrap over the spiral (more denser, but not to come into contact with each other) to the right end of the copper wire, leaving workplace for soldering. The photo was done when there was no fiberglass at hand. Keep in mind that the isolation should be, even though I have worked fine without it.

Finish two copper wiring to nichrome wire as shown in the photo.

We glue the switch to the bar, we solder the wiring to the switch and wind up low part Bruck isolant to fix the wires.

We are tightening the wire with the wire to the bar and that's all.

We proceed with the test of the soldering iron.

Sometimes there are situations where the owner is simply not to do without a simple soldering iron. For example, you need a stranded cable for a socket, or from a burnt device. At such moments, it is necessary or counted the tool, or to postpone the case indefinitely. After all, it does not want to buy an expensive soldering iron or soldering stationif it is not a repairman. However, from this situation there is a simple way out - to assemble a small soldering iron yourself, it is just suitable for small work. The manufacturing process does not take much time and forces, but you can save some amount of money and get invaluable experience. Next, we will tell you how to make a soldering iron with your own hands at home. You will be offered several designs, and you can choose the one that will suit you the most.

Idea number 1 - we use a resistor

The first and most simple technology Manufacturing electric soldering iron with their own hands - using a powerful resistor. The device will be designed to work at a voltage from 6 to 24 volts, which will allow you to feed it from various sources Current, and even make a portable variant feeding from the car battery. In order to independently make a tool, you will need the following materials:

To make a soldering iron from the resistor at home, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In the end of a thick copper rod, you need to drill a hole and drive a thread under the screw with a tap. It is also necessary to cut the groove under the retainer, which in our case is the ring ring. This can be done with a triangular appliance or hacksaws for metal.

  2. From the second end, drill the hole with a diameter, like a thin bar, which will act as sting mini soldering iron.
  3. All elements of the rod must be collected in one as shown in the photo.
  4. The resistor is prepared for fastening the soldering iron fastening, which you need to insert and lock the rear with a puck with a puck.
  5. From the textolite or plywood plate, you need to make a comfortable handle with a landing space for a resistor and wire. To do this, with the help of a jigsaw, drink two identical half of the handles and do holes and recesses under the screws and nuts.

  6. To the outputs of the heater, you must connect the cord for power. It is necessary to fasten it to the screws so that the contact is reliable.
  7. Ready homemade Sarel Twisted and checked.

We draw your attention to the fact that such a portable gun can easily solder chips and even with your own hands. It can not only work from the power supply, but also from the battery. On the forums, we met a lot of reviews where this version of the homemade was connected from the cigarette lighter by 12 volts, it is also very convenient!

Please note that when you first turn on, all soldering iron can smoke and stab some time. It is normal for any model, as some elements burn out paint coating. Subsequently, it will stop.

Video instruction managing the simplest electrical appliance

Idea number 2 - the second life of the ballpoint handle

There is another unusual, but at the same time simple idea how to make a soldering iron with your hands from the girlfriend for soldering small parts or sMD components. In this case, we again come in handy, but now it is no longer a PEV (as in the past version), and MLT, with a capacity of 0.5 to 2 watts.

So, first of you must prepare the following materials:

  • Ball handle simple design.
  • Resistor with characteristics: Resistance 10 ohms, power 0.5 W.
  • Two-way textolite.
  • Copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm, it can be opened with an old choke or buy in the store Electricians Single copper wire in isolation and gently remove it with a stationery knife
  • Steel or copper wire with a diameter of no more than 0.8 mm.
  • Wires for connecting to the network.

Make a soldering iron from the handle at home is quite simple, you just need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the paint layer from the resistor's surface. This operation can be carried out with the help of skins, downtile or file, in extreme cases, a knife. The main thing is not to rearrange, so as not to damage the resistor. If the paint is poorly removed, plug the product to the adjustable power source and slightly heat.
  2. The barrel comes out 2 wires, one of them cut and drill in this place a hole under the copper wire (diameter of 1 mm). So that the wire does not come into contact with the cup (it is necessary to avoid it), make the spinning of a thicker drill, as shown in the photo below. In addition, it is necessary to make a small propyl for the wire right on the resistor's cup. In this, the triangular feet will help you again.
  3. Examine the steel wire on the shape of a handle with a mount in the form of a ring, diameter, like drank on a cup. If you have a copper wire, then you need to hold the cup in it and make a twist with the help of the passage so that the contact is reliable, but do not overdo it, otherwise you remember the housing. Remember that the wire must be without wasting isolation.
  4. Gently from the two-way textolite cut the board with your own hands, exactly the same as shown in the example in the photo. It is not necessary to buy exactly a new sheet of textolite. You can feed a suitable piece from any unnecessary bilateral board. Or do it without it without it: twist the wire with wires, and attach them to the handle using a super block. The main thing is to pay attention to the distance between the heating element and the handle more than 5 cm, otherwise plastic can melt.

  5. Next, you need to assemble a homemade soldering iron from the handle that should not cause difficulties.
  6. It remains to establish a subtle sting in planting place. So that the copper wire has not burned the resistor, you need to make a protective layer from a piece of mica or ceramics between back wall and sting.
  7. The last thing you need to do is to connect the homemade to the power supply to 1 A and the voltage of no more than 15 volts using wires.

That's all the technology of creating homemade mini soldering iron at home. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of this tool, and you can easily handle it, and all the materials can be found at home, breaking the old technique or searching for them in the covers.

How to make a more complex model of mini soldering iron at home?

Video review device S. nichrome wireoperating from 12 volts

Idea number 3 - Powerful pulse model

This option will suit For those who are already more or less familiar with radio engineering and can read the relevant schemes. The master class on the manufacture of a self-made pulse soldering iron will be provided for the example of this scheme:

The advantage of this tool is that the sting is heated after 5 seconds after turning on the power, while the heated rod can easily melt tin. At the same time, it is possible to make it from the pulsed power supply unit from the daylight lamp, a little improved the board at home.

As in the previous examples, first consider the materials from which you can make a soldering iron with your own hands at home. Before assembly, you must prepare the following techniques:

All you need is to connect the sting to the secondary winding, which is essentially it is part of it. After that, one of the titles of the ballast must be connected to the primary winding of the transformer and consolidate all the elements of the scheme in a reliable housing that will save you from random lesion. electric shockSo in the scheme there is a life-threatening voltage of 220 volts!

The principle of operation of this design is that the ballast from the lamp creates an alternating voltage, which is supplied to the primary winding of the transformer and decreases to low values, while the current increases many times. One turn, which is, in essence, the sketch of the soldering iron acts as a resistor, on which heat dissipates. When you click on the button, the current is fed to the circuit, and it takes a quick heating, after the button is released, the sting quickly cools, which is very convenient, since it is not necessary to wait for heating and cooling the tool for a long time.