Repairs Design Furniture

The third hand and the stand under the soldering iron do it yourself. Homemade stand for the soldering iron. How to make a support for the soldering iron with your own hands? Making Soldering Stands

The main working tool of the radio amateur or installer of equipment is an electric soldering iron that cannot be used in the absence of a suitable and reliable to operate the stand.

The homemade stand for the soldering iron is most often used in radio practice, the design of which is selected depending on the specific conditions of use.

As a rule, it consists of the base and two reference racks where the sting and the handle holder of the heated soldering device are placed.

Make your own hands a high-quality stand used for soldering of various products and metal parts can be from any submitted means corresponding to the following requirements:

  • reliability and sustainability of the base;
  • fireproof material of support racks;
  • the presence of space for tanks with rosin and solder.

The simplicity of the device under consideration does not mean at all that for its assembly you can use poor-quality parts and treat it as something not particularly important.

On the contrary, for the manufacture of a coach for a soldering iron, strong and reliable materials suitable for operation in high temperatures are required, as well as the accurate calculation of the base size with holders placed on it and tanks.

Fastened on the basis of jars with rosin and the solder should be located in order corresponding to the sequence of operations performed when soldering operations and do not interfere with the soldering iron.

Some masters are placed on such supports soldering tanks along with the power regulator, which markedly complicates the design of the entire device as a whole.

Unlike small in size of factory samples, independently manufactured supports must have dimensions sufficient to place all elements listed above them.

Sometimes such devices are equipped with a special holder for the soldering iron (the so-called "third" hand), allowing to fix the processed billets or parts. One of the simplest options for the product is a crocodile type holder.

Simple version of execution

For the assembly with their own hands, a simple convenient stand with a minimum of parts may require the following consumable material:

  • a wooden flat billet from beech or oak is about 25 by 12 cm, necessary for the manufacture of the base of the soldering iron stand;
  • duralumin plates with a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm;
  • miniature metal tanks (brass cups from the old-type telephone call can be used for their manufacture).

After all this material is prepared - you can proceed to the assembly of the coast of the soldering iron, starting with the preparation of seats under the tank with rosin and the solder.

In the case of the use of brass cups from the calling device (call), they simply screwed to the wooden platform in a predefined place.

After that, the support elements of a triangular or oval form are made from the duralumin plate (the distance between them is selected along the length of the soldering iron).

The supports molded in this way are attached on the basis of a stand through self-tapping screws or large screws.

If necessary, the height of supports for the placement of the soldering iron can be increasing, extending them due to short metal racks with threads at the ends.

All prepared details should be carefully treated with a file, and then clean their surface with sandpaper, which will make it smoothed sharp edges and remove dangerous burstles.

Third hand type holder

For soldering of individual parts or products, it is very convenient to fix them in a certain position, freeing the hand in which the soldering iron should be located. For these purposes, a special device is used, which is sometimes referred to as the stand under the soldering iron "Third" hand.

For its assembly, materials and tools depicted on the given photo will be required. The list of required parts includes crocodile clamps, holders from decorative candles and any suitable spring.

As a basis of such a design, a Chinese production product can be taken, equipped with a magnifying glass and having all the necessary elements in its composition.

When assembling such a stand, at a certain distance from the center of the base, a spiral holder for a soldering iron is attached, after which the hollows are inserted into the pre-dried niches.

Before they are commissioned, it is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the cups chosen from the reasons of optimal thermal conductivity. And only after that it will be possible to insert them into the already prepared niches, smearing the bottom of the bottom with glue, and then align the edges flush with a wooden base plane.

After installing the containers, the "crocodiles" can be fixed by the "crocodiles" by the spiral. The height of their location is chosen in such a way that work with the soldering iron and the detail did not cause any difficulty.

For the convenience of soldering in the design of the helix, the position of the clamps vertically can be adjusted.

If necessary, a magnifying glass (magnifying glass) can be additionally introduced into the collection support for the soldering iron. However, the experienced operation of such devices has shown that simultaneous installation on the stand of the auxiliary clamps and the magnifier creates certain inconveniences in working with them.

The choice of standing options with their own hands is rather diverse, and depends on the materials that will be at the disposal of the wizard.

In case of reluctance to do the most, the finished stand can always be bought in the soldering supplies.

The main tool of the home radio amateur is a soldering iron. Unlike other devices, it is impossible to just put on the table (workbench) during operation. Why? Right! He is hot. Therefore, you will need a special stand.

There is a lot of diverse tools on sale, from a simple holder to a whole complex called the soldering station.

In most cases, the soldering iron is needed to perform urgent repair work. If you are not a professional "self-relocine" - the tool is usually dust in the box on the balcony, appearing on the world once or twice a year. In such cases, many use the first item as a stand.

However, if you make a very little effort, the stand for the soldering iron, made with your own hands will look no worse factory. Especially if you regularly seize electrical stakes.

Required minimum for stand

  1. Sustainable base. It is performed from the material, poorly conductive, or equipped with legs
  2. Power Supports
  3. Capacity for rosin (flux).
Additional options"
  1. Site for tinning
  2. Capacity for solder
  3. Fixture for cleaning sting
  4. power controller (maybe two types: smooth adjustment, or a step limit on the break time in operation).

Listful old logs

In old radio magazines, you can find drawings, how to make a stand with an economical load switch.

  • As a basis (1), a board with a selected middle, or a P-shaped structure of plywood strips and two bars for long edges
  • Under the surface, there is a 220 volt relay contact group (2,4,5) with large current-piece pads. Connection diagram moves power or directly or through a diode. The radio element "cuts" the half of the 20 volt alternating voltage semidiment, reducing it to the value of 110
  • Through the thrust (6), spring-loaded (7) button (8) clicks on the contacts when the soldering iron lies on the stand. Electricity is spent twice as smaller, while the soldering iron is almost instantly heated to full power. The thrust is attached for the console (9)
  • The tool itself is located on the brackets (3) and (10)
  • In the back there is a rosette for the soldering iron, connected to the output contacts of the relay. Power wire is connected to the input
  • Between racks, they usually nailed a tin jar from a shoe cream or vaseline, to storing rosin

The design is simple, but convenient and efficient. If you do not want trouble with contacts - we make a simple functional stand. Again from the experience of Soviet radio amateurs.

  • We take a piece of plywood or chipboard from the old furniture. Cut the rectangle, process
  • From a piece of galvanizing, cut out the workpiece with the size of the palm, for support type "Lastochka Tail"
  • Bend the plate, get the finished element. By the way - such a detail can already be used as a primitive stand
  • To hold the coil with the solder, screw in the base of the steel heel
  • The third element is a universal brother. You can use as a table for a mezzani or storage for rosin. On this design is ready.

Third hand - work with comfort

During the soldering on the weight, the need arises to hold two parts and a soldering iron at the same time. Hence the term "third hand" appeared. In the next review, the homemade stand with such a device. Materials and tools that will be needed for manufacture depicted in the photo:

Details of the factory execution are "crocodile" clamps, decorative candles (more precisely cups from them), a flexible leg from an old mini lamp and a spring holder. The donor served as a Chinese soldering iron stand with a magnifying glass.

Although you can make such a spiral with your own hands, winding the steel wire on the pipe or the screwdriver handle. The rest of the workpieces are also replaceable, homemade is conditionally free, from a girlish trash. Crown for drywall milling removal for cups from candles. Two niches for rosin and solder, and one niche for cleaning cloth.

In a comfortable place (not centered), we mount a spiral holder for the soldering iron. Practice has shown that such a scheme is more convenient than the classic rooded stand for a soldering iron. The electrical appliance is inserted with one movement, without fears, that it will fall on the table.

We install aluminum cups in the prepared niches, cut the edge to the closure with a board. The use of thin-walled tanks justifies itself when working with low-power solders. The smaller the metal - the lower the heat capacity. The thick walls of the cup with a solder can cool the small sting of the soldering iron when touched. And the thin aluminum foil, surrounded by a tree, on the contrary, the heat saves.

Crush the "crocodiles" on a flexible bar, and fix the "third hand" on the stand. There are designs with magnifying glass. Work experience shows that the soldering iron stand on which clips and magnifier are installed, inconvenient in work.

Optimal options

  • mupa unites with the "third hand", soldering iron separately
  • "Third hand" on a stand with a soldering iron, a magnifying glass on a separate pedestal (our option).

It just lacks the ability to change the temperature modes of operation. This is especially true when installing LEDs.

Stand and power supply regulator

The easiest and most relaxed option is the acquisition of the Chinese soldering station kit. You will collect similar kit on your own, so we will take it to homemade.

It can be collected in the support housing or as a separate device. The convenience of this design is indisputable, but we consider the least costly options. The soldering iron on 220 volts is almost in every home, it remains to assemble the power regulator.

Important! Dimmers for incandescent lamps can be used, taking into account the power of the soldering iron.

But they will again have to buy them. Consider a simple scheme of the self-made regulator with a capacity of up to 200 W.

You can use the autotransformer, but it is a cumbersome device with low efficiency. Let us leave similar "devices" for the Museum of Radio Engineering. Our scheme on the simistors of miniature and economical.

The following elements will be needed

  1. variable resistor (voltage regulator) R1 with a nominal value up to 500 ohms
  2. the second part of the divider is a constant resistor R2 with a nominal value of 4.7 com
  3. C1 - alternating current condenser 0.1 μF
  4. VD1 - Diode type 1N4148
  5. LED element VD-2 for power indication
  6. distor Series DB3 (in Scheme - VD3)
  7. the main element is the BTA06-600 Simistor, indicated as VD4.

The scheme provides long-term work with a load of 200-300 W. A short-term load is allowed to 500 W.

Drawing of the circuit board for self-etching:

Gently collect the fee, carefully pecking the legs of the parts. When contacting the contact, you can get uncontrolled voltage jumps at the output.

The circuit is compact, it can be easily fit on the soldering iron stand. With power up to 100 W, the cooling of the simistor is not required. Brighter load - a small radiator is fastened to the housing.

After reading the material, you yourself will decide what stand to make it. Or see a visual video lesson for making a stand of your own hands.

Stand for the soldering iron with your own hands - a sign of a good job style link to the main publication

Homemade soldering iron stand with their own hands

Many offline and online stores sell good and fairly comfortable stands for the soldering iron, and inexpensive. But if you wish, you can make them and do it yourself.

It turns out cheaper, plus you can adapt the stand under your own needs.

There are a lot of ideas for making, so we decided not to be limited to one, but make a selection of the most interesting in our opinion homemade stands for a soldering iron made by your own hands.

Stand for a soldering iron from a wire.

Let's start with the budget, simple and widespread option. In it, the soldering iron mount is made of thick metal wire in the form of a cone spring and is attached to a wooden or other base.

Instead of wire, you can use thin metal hangers for clothes that are practically in every home.

A similar stand can be made more convenient if you install additional buns, for example, a metal sponge for cleaning the soldering iron, a tin box and a rosin or a soldering holder.

From the wire you can make another self-made support for the soldering iron, slightly less convenient (although this is a matter of taste) and as simple in the manufacture.

Stand for soldering iron from fuses.

Another option is very simple in the manufacture and not requiring cash costs stand. The base is made from a wooden bar or textolite, on top of the fuse sponge of the desired size.

Mobile stand.

The self-made mobile stand for a soldering iron, made of sheet metal obtained from the burned power supply unit from the computer. The stand is designed primarily for people who are often soldered out at home. It is quite comfortable and functional, while easily placed in a bag or even in the pocket of the jacket.

Having such a stand, you do not have to wear separately tin, rosin and clamp for soldering small parts. Where and what is stored well shown on the video, we recommend to see.

Well, with the instructions for the manufacture, you can find here.

Complex coasters for soldering iron do it yourself.

Complex multifunctional stands are a matter of taste. Some of them very much like, others prefer simple designs that we showed above. In any case, complex supports deserve attention, as they are made cool.

We will show only a few of them most interesting in our opinion.

The first stand has everything you need for a comfortable work, namely, a place for tin and rosin, a clamp for soldering small parts, a sponge for cleaning the sting, a built-in regulator, well, and actually fasteners for fast, but reliable soldering iron fixation.

See the manufacturing process here.

Well, two more and no less interesting ideas in the video format.

The simplest stand.

If it urgently needed a stand for a soldering iron, then it is not the best idea to make something complex, since a hurry always leads to a hack. It is better to temporarily make a simple design, and after changing it to something more worthy.

The best option that is done literally in a couple of minutes is a wooden bar with four long screws. The soldering iron on it is good to bed, easily pulls out, but at the same time it does not fall out.

Stand for the soldering iron do it yourself

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Good day to all lovers of homemade. Each radio amateur or just a beginner in this business knows how to work with a soldering iron, and for its convenient use you need a stand. It is in this article that I will tell you how to make a self-made budget support for the soldering iron.

In order to assemble our stand you will need:

* List chipboard, thickness 18 mm, it is possible and thickening, but it seems to me that the thickness is the most optimal. * 4 Self-press 20 mm and 4 bolts in bed. * Sanding paper coarse. * A couple of rubber stoppers from chemical tubes. * Hoven for metal. * Cross Screwdriver or screwdriver. * Thin screwdriver, also fitted. * Pliers. * Iron plate. * Metal mount from the antenna. * Tires from the old receiver, which closes the board. * Spring out of the fountain pen. * Soldering range for checking. The first step will be grinding Already drunk sheet chipboard. We grind carefully, and give the edges a rounded look. We bring the workpiece to the stand to this type. The photo shows what the workpiece was before grinding, and what after.

Thinking that many purchased stands are so simple that there are no legs, it was undertaken to make legs from rubber for their stand. We saw rubber jams taken from chemical tubes with a metal with a thickness of the metal, we make their thickness the same with the help of sandwich, if you cut off exactly.

After that, we screw in each leg 20 mm-ohk.
And in, pre-harvested hole twist the leg with a screw.
We screw the first leg. Analogically fastened the second, third and fourth. Stretched with legs, now the stand is not going anywhere and does not scratch the table.

The next thing I did it bent the iron plate in the shape of a hook, as in the photo.

Using a screwdriver for small parts, a hole has done a hole for two bolts that will keep this hook.

Spin the bolts as you can see the hook keeps well.

We try on how the soldering iron will sit.
With the help of pliers, withdrawn one edge of the hook, it should look like this.
So, the heating part of the soldering iron is now not going anywhere, so we go to the back of the soldering iron, or rather to the handle. For a long time, I decided to make this holder for a long fastening on the antenna, the holes there are already there.
There is also a notch where the handle of the soldering iron is placed. We screw this fastening on two screws.
And now the soldering place, since the tin from somewhere is needed, then for the convenience, we will take it closer to the suggestion of the soldering iron. I pierced in the record that I got out of the radio, a hole and twisted the bolt in it, he reliably pressed it to the stand.

From the ballpoint handle, which just already ended, I took off the spring and decided to put on our hook, first there was one end of her end, then I did a hole with a screwdriver in the stand board and launched this end of the spring, and upstairs soldered it to the hook. The stand is almost ready, the following that I did, it melted tin on the site of the soldering, now, if necessary, you can hear this place and lead there wires. The final stage was the decor, I glued to the stand old signboard from the electric shaver. On this self-made stand for the soldering iron is ready, to solder with its help is more convenient and more comfortable, and the rubber legs will not let you jump with a slippery surface and do not scratch the table. All interesting and unusual ideas for new homemade. Become an author of the site, publish your own articles, descriptions of homemade with payment for text. Read more here.

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Budget stand for the soldering iron with their own hands.

This article, I suppose will, first of all, is useful for those who make only the first steps in the world of electronics, but I do not exclude that it is found in it, and something for radio amateurs with extensive experience.

And so start with a brief background. As it, I went to our local radio market once again for the purchase of components, and I did not have eyes there a soldering iron Epsn "Rexant" with a capacity of 25 watts. He immediately attracted my attention. Herself an idea to update your tool. It passed, more than half the year of its operation from the date of purchase and so far I have no complaints. Then the seller suggested both the stand for him. But I politely refused, referring to the lack of funds. Actually, it is a cast-iron casting in the form of a stand. Of the advantages, this is the massiveness and relatively comfortable position of the tool on the table, there is a small tray of arbitrary shape (for which it is not clear). Of the minuses are too heavy (in my opinion), the unprocessed surface of the sole is easily scratching the table (you can successfully use instead of the Rashpil).

Previously came across to my eyes very decent stands, but the cost of them was several times higher. I must notice that this soldering iron is quite easy. Easy so much that the power cord is lying to drag him somewhere aside. Actually the thought of making a comfortable stand attended me repeatedly, but here I still matured. First of all, set itself the task, the device must be as cheap, easy to manufacture and convenient, do not take a lot of space on the table and be as functional. Wrapped the Internet, reading, with the fact that it offers trade today in terms of models, forms and technical solutions. At the same time, the suitable and suitable schemes for adjusting the temperature of the soldering iron began. Actually, for such a low-power soldering iron, the temperature adjustment of the sting and is not particularly obligatory. But in the future I am going to acquire more powerful soldering tanks on this firm. Began manufacture, first of all from the electronic part, since it would be necessary to dance and with the size of the case. Attracted the scheme on the basis of chip K1182PM1. The diagram is taken from the dataset. The microcircuit is intended mainly to control the voltage of incandescent lamps, although the range of use is much wider.

True management scheme somewhat modified due to certain causes and destination. With this microcircuit, I ranked for the first time, and it is difficult to say how much the scheme from the dataset with the control on Simistor is correct. But in this version, the work of the scheme did not suit me, and after some experiments, she gained the following appearance.

Simistor added to the scheme for greater reliability of the device, although they write, the chip confidently can "pull" the load up to 150 watts. The R2 resistor establishes the required minimum tag of the soldering iron. The R3 resistor sets the temperature of the sting in the "waiting" mode. Well, R4, R5 had to put a paired with a nominal value of 2 × 20 com, including them sequentially. It simply not turned out to be a potentiometer of a suitable design with the desired rating. As the practice has shown, the maximum resistance of the potentiometer should be 33 to 35 com. The board drew in DipTrace 2.4. I have been using this program for many years, I started from version 1.4. The interface of this program is quite simple and convenient. I tried other tracers, but this one came up with the soul. But here, as they taste and color ... This time I decided to make a fee on the old technique (drawing from hand), since it is not great. Actually, I did not want to be very fooling with a mold or a photoresist on a glass of fiberglass. Bilateral fee and simple, because the drawing of the tracks took about 20 minutes. To do this, I always have markers and a self-made pattern of transparent plastic with a "ruler" of holes.

Markers I use Scholz and are very pleased. Once, bought a bunch of markers of different firms, and spent the etching test on them, this showed the best result. Edding and Centropen behave somewhat worse. By the way, he dries almost instantly. Because of this, it is necessary to store them in the refrigerator in the vertical position of the pen down. This secret was shared by the seller.

Etching lately I spend in a solution of citric acid, hydrogen peroxide and a cook salt. This recipe, in my opinion, is slightly inferior at the etching rate with chlorine gland and persulfates. But the most affordable, cheap and safe. It's all safe, relatively, as it gets into the body is undesirable. There is a risk of copper curtain poisoning. The truth is there and minus, a solution of one-time and long-term storage is not subject to. This is how the electronic part of the device looks like.

The correctly collected scheme works without problems. Before the first inclusion, in order to avoid electric smoke and fireworks it is desirable to check the correctness of the installation. When configuring, it is better to use the incandescent lamp for visual control of the device.

All elements of the device are under the influence of network voltage, therefore it is necessary to comply with all precautions. Special attention is paid to the isolation of all electrical chains.

When the electronic part dealt with the electronic part, took up the manufacture of the stand. The body under the electronic part made from a square tube with a size of 60 × 60 mm and the thickness of the wall 2mm. The top and bottom of the body sold the threaded sleeves for fastening to the base and fastening the upper cover and with everything that is on it. Soldered by the PC60, a mixture of a solution of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride (ammonia) was used as a flux. Soldering iron 100 watt and additionally to help a small gas burner to speed up the process.

After soldering, such a flux must necessarily rinse all soldered parts with water with a detergent and well suck in order to avoid corrosion of parts in the future.

If it is very sorry for his health, the soldering with the use of active fluxes should be carried out in the ventilated room or outdoors.

As a "boiler", used a thin-walled pipe with an outer Ø 34 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. Along the pipe from four sides drilled ventilation holes. At the bottom of the pipe solder tube for attachment on the axis. It is also attached to the pipe attached, which through the rod of the pusher presses to the terminal when installing the soldering iron into the "boys". The pipe itself is taken from the lobs of the stack of a passenger car. Inside the pipe, installed a conical spiral, which Silica from galvanized wire Ø 3mm. At the end of the pipe pasted a "stockullet" of a bicycle chamber outside and from the inside. Now the soldering iron is fixed tight, but not a tight without fear of being accidentally rolled out of the stand. The shelf for replaceable blinds, too, from a square pipe, carved in the form of the letter "P" and solder to the lid of the device. To her, the solder feed knot is attached. For marking, it became very convenient to use a solution of copper sulfate. A tampon or brush solution is applied to the purified surface of the metal, and after drying, you can proceed to markup. At the same time there is no need to make deep risks. For high-quality markup of the centers of future holes, it is convenient to use kerner with a lens, for example, this is.

Trays made from an aluminum thin-walled pipe, but for saving the place gave them a rectangular shape. Made it very simple, the circumference length was counted into the necessary rectangular perimeter. Next, cut the beech bar of approximately 25 cm long and gave it a lightweight wedge-shaped form with roundings. Light blows of a hammer in a bar, a blank, leaning in the sponge of the vice, sat down on the bar and the necessary form is attached. It is necessary to alternately in passion and sides. I took the whole process for 10 minutes for each item. Next trays Okaril and polished.

As a base, a MDF plate was used with a thickness of 10 mm. This material is easily processed and very cheap, (when repetition, it is possible to use waterproof laminate for flooring). Cut two plates with dimensions of 130 × 60 and 190 × 60 mm. In a smaller plate, the windows were cut under the trays and after fitting, it cleaned them with Kleiberit 300 glue. This glue is something similar to PVA, but in its characteristics it exceeds, mainly used in carpentry production. The glue seam is transparent and very durable, the time of complete drying 5 is 6 hours. After the surface, the car was covered with putty and after drying, carefully squeak. He painted all the details of acrylic authemal with the addition of varnish and hardener.

For convenience, the work made a simple solder supply unit, which was seen on the Internet. But later, the operation showed its disadvantage. He was in the fact that it was necessary to periodically pull the solder from the tube. It is quite uncomfortable to do it with one hand, then I had to invent something. Ordinary standard feed mechanisms did not suit me, it turned out too cumbersome. And I wanted simplicity and compactness! I learn on the Internet on this topic, but also there is a complete bummer, nothing new and interesting. This is really the right folk wisdom that morning the evening is wiser! As it, in the morning, leisurely going to work and once again, thinking about this problem, I painted my thought. I almost disrupted from surprise and surprise that, why did not think before that before. An hour for experiments and the next day I took up the improvement of the node. It turned out simply and compact, and most importantly, you can use a wire solder with a diameter of 0.4 to 1.5 mm, without any adjustment of the node.

The slider of the feeder is made of steel tube with an external Ø 4 mm and inner Ø 1.6 mm. The pipe is soldered with a steel plate with a thickness of 2mm. The plate bent twice, then divorced the edges in opposite sides and a file gave the desired shape. Details laughed in themselves by PSR with Bura. Solder is a thin tube filled with powder borants. The soldering spent over the flame of the gas stove and additionally places soldering warmed with a mini burner. In the flame of the soldering lamp, it would be preferable and faster as I understood later, but for some reason it was too lazy. The places of future compounds pre-crossed the same shift. After the solder item began to risen about 30 minutes in the water, to remove the residues of the borants and sucked well. The supervisors removed the extra solder and did the cut in the tube as shown in the photo. The drop of solder fixed in the cutlery plate, from the spring contact carved in the form of a wedge and curved crescent.

The thickness of the spring plate is chosen experimentally and should be in the range of 0.25 mm. In the backside of the tube made deep acute inner chamfer. A similar section of a 6 mm long tube with a chamfer is inserted into the copper tube at the bottom of the roundabout. The chamfer is needed to better pass the solder wire while refueling the node. Also in the rounded part of the copper tube inserted a segment from a plastic tube. Between the plug and the slider return spring with an external Ø 3.8 mm. In the tip there is a rubber gasket with a thickness of 4 mm with a hole, the task is to stop the wire at the reverse course of the slider. In general, the mechanism works like ratchet, and at a time submits 2 cm solder. Now the stand has become a lot more convenient. According to the final, in the financial plan for the manufacture of the device, nothing was spent at all (the cost of the chip, simistor and potentiometer) and a lot of spent with pleasure for this time. In addition to beginner self-delices, I can recommend the following literature: N.I. Makienko "Flooring" and "Handbook of Solder" A.V. Lacceedamevsky. Editions any, but the latter is still preferable. In the first many entertaining and useful information on working with a measuring instrument, markup, processing of metals and other materials by various methods and many other fitter operations. In the second, there will also be much interesting for beginners and professionals.

And in conclusion for beginners, not everything is immediately obtained. Therefore, do not disappoint if something does not work immediately. Over time, hands become smooth, and movements of exact. Experience and knowledge come over the years.

Basic and Auxiliary Options Stands for Soldering

For the manufacture of the device you need to use materials that are not strongly heated, it is practically no heat. A good alternative is equipped with a homemade stand with special legs. The minimum design functionality is:

  • convenient support for preheated during the operation of the device;
  • the presence of a container for a flux that provides the comfort of the use of the soldering iron.

In addition, you can also add a number of additional functions to which:

  1. Equipment of the standing platform for a mezzani.
  2. Adjusting the power of the device. It can be performed either smoothly using a thermostat or stepwise.
  3. Installation of a simple device to remove the solder residues.
  4. An extra container for solder.

How is the stand for the soldering iron with their own hands? Below we give some simple ways from which you can choose the most suitable for you.

Stand with the device "Third hand"

This design allows you to work as comfortably with a glass, not spending effort to keep the soldering iron and two parts connected simultaneously. It is quite deservedly called the "third hand." For its manufacture, the following techniques will be required and accessories:

  • two cups from decorative candles;
  • leg from the old table lamp or a small lamp;
  • two clamps "crocodile";
  • mupa, which will help to work much more convenient to work with small details;
  • spring retainer, which can be made with your own hands from the usual steel wire;
  • wooden base.

First of all, you need to prepare the basis for the future stand. For this, three niches are freserving in it. The first two will be
Used to install cups from candles, and the third is for a cleaning cloth that removes the solder from the soldering iron. After that, all work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. We mount the cups into the prepared niches.
  2. Mount on a flexible bar from the "crocodile" clamps lamp. The distance between them is best done adjustable.
  3. Spiral soldering iron holder are installed in one of the corners of the base.
  4. Drills holes and screwing the bar with clips to a wooden stand.
  5. If you wish to the top of the "third hand" you can attach a magnifying glass. Also very often it is made removable, or installed on a separate bar.

Such a stand does not require significant financial investments, but makes it easier to work with the soldering iron.

Power regulator stand

In Chinese online stores, you can order ready-made kits for home soldering stations that are quickly assembled into the system adjustment and tool power monitoring. You can also make a regulator with your own hands using such components as:

  • a constant resistor, the denomination of which is 4.7 ohms (in the scheme - R2);
  • a variable resistor by which the power will be configured (up to 500 ohms, R1);
  • condenser at 0.1 microfrades (C1);
  • dB3 Distor (VD3);
  • simistor BTA06-600 (VD4);
  • 1N4148 diode (VD1);
  • lED that will light up when power is turned on (VD2).

How to make a power regulator from all this? The answer to this question you will find in the scheme below.

The board can be made independently. It drills holes for parts and conductive tracks are performed.

If you have a minimum experience in working with circuit boards, the manufacture of the regulator will not be difficult. Install it can be directly on the soldering iron stand. If the device is planned to use the power to the power above 100 W, it will take use an aluminum radiator that will divert the excess heat from the simistor.

A soldering iron with a power regulator will allow working with small parts and LEDs, will provide the ability to adjust the device under your needs. In addition, it will help reduce the load on the device and extend its life.

The stand in this case itself can be made of a rectangular screaming of a board or chipboard. A steel plate is screwed to it with self-tapping screws, an inverted letter "P" with cutouts to install the soldering iron. Additionally, it is possible to install tanks for rosin and solder (all the same cups from decorative candles).

The main tool of the home radio amateur is a soldering iron. Unlike other devices, it is impossible to just put on the table (workbench) during operation. Why? Right! He is hot. Therefore, you will need a special stand.

There is a lot of diverse tools on sale, from a simple holder to a whole complex called the soldering station.

In most cases, the soldering iron is needed to perform urgent repair work. If you are not a professional "self-relocine" - the tool is usually dust in the box on the balcony, appearing on the world once or twice a year. In such cases, many use the first item as a stand.

However, if you make a very little effort, the stand for the soldering iron, made with your own hands will look no worse factory. Especially if you regularly seize electrical stakes.

Required minimum for stand

  1. Sustainable base. It is performed from the material, poorly conductive, or equipped with legs
  2. Power Supports
  3. Capacity for rosin (flux).

Additional options"

  1. Site for tinning
  2. Capacity for solder
  3. Fixture for cleaning sting
  4. power controller (maybe two types: smooth adjustment, or a step limit on the break time in operation).

Listful old logs

In old radio magazines, you can find drawings, how to make a stand with an economical load switch.

  • As the basis ( 1 ) A board with a selected middle, or a P-shaped design of plywood strips and two bars for long edges
  • Under the surface there is a 220 volt relay contact group ( 2,4,5 ) with large current-piece pads. Connection diagram moves power or directly or through a diode. The radio element "cuts" the half of the 20 volt alternating voltage semidiment, reducing it to the value of 110
  • Through the craving ( 6 ), spring-loaded ( 7 ) Button ( 8 ) Pushes to contacts when the soldering iron lies on the stand. Electricity is spent twice as smaller, while the soldering iron is almost instantly heated to full power. Thrust is attached for the console ( 9 )
  • The tool itself is located on the brackets ( 3 ) and ( 10 )
  • In the back there is a rosette for the soldering iron, connected to the output contacts of the relay. Power wire is connected to the input
  • Between racks, they usually nailed a tin jar from a shoe cream or vaseline, to storing rosin

The design is simple, but convenient and efficient. If you do not want trouble with contacts - we make a simple functional stand. Again from the experience of Soviet radio amateurs.

The main tool of the home radio amateur is a soldering iron. Unlike other devices, it is impossible to just put on the table (workbench) during operation. Why? Right! He is hot. Therefore, you will need a special stand.

  • 1 required minimum for stand
  • 2 Listful old logs
  • 3 Third Hand - Work with Comfort
    • 3.1 Optimal options
  • 4 Stand and Power Controller for Soldering
    • 4.1 The following elements will be needed.

There is a lot of diverse tools on sale, from a simple holder to a whole complex called the soldering station.

In most cases, the soldering iron is needed to perform urgent repair work. If you are not a professional "self-relocine" - the tool is usually dust in the box on the balcony, appearing on the world once or twice a year. In such cases, many use the first item as a stand.

However, if you make a very little effort, the stand for the soldering iron, made with your own hands will look no worse factory. Especially if you regularly seize electrical stakes.

Required minimum for stand

  • Sustainable base. It is performed from the material, poorly conductive, or equipped with legs
  • Power Supports
  • Capacity for rosin (flux).
  • Additional options"
  • Site for tinning
  • Capacity for solder
  • Fixture for cleaning sting
  • power controller (maybe two types: smooth adjustment, or a step limit on the break time in operation).
  • Listful old logs

    In old radio magazines, you can find drawings, how to make a stand with an economical load switch.

    • As a basis (1), a board with a selected middle, or a P-shaped structure of plywood strips and two bars for long edges
    • Under the surface, there is a 220 volt relay contact group (2,4,5) with large current-piece pads. Connection diagram moves power or directly or through a diode. The radio element "cuts" the half of the 20 volt alternating voltage semidiment, reducing it to the value of 110
    • Through the thrust (6), spring-loaded (7) button (8) clicks on the contacts when the soldering iron lies on the stand. Electricity is spent twice as smaller, while the soldering iron is almost instantly heated to full power. The thrust is attached for the console (9)
    • The tool itself is located on the brackets (3) and (10)
    • In the back there is a rosette for the soldering iron, connected to the output contacts of the relay. Power wire is connected to the input
    • Between racks, they usually nailed a tin jar from a shoe cream or vaseline, to storing rosin

    The design is simple, but convenient and efficient. If you do not want trouble with contacts - we make a simple functional stand. Again from the experience of Soviet radio amateurs.

    Third hand - work with comfort

    During the soldering on the weight, the need arises to hold two parts and a soldering iron at the same time. Hence the term "third hand" appeared. In the next review, the homemade stand with such a device.
    Materials and tools that will be needed for manufacture depicted in the photo:

    Details of the factory execution are "crocodile" clamps, decorative candles (more precisely cups from them), a flexible leg from an old mini lamp and a spring holder. The donor served as a Chinese soldering iron stand with a magnifying glass.

    Although you can make such a spiral with your own hands, winding the steel wire on the pipe or the screwdriver handle. The rest of the workpieces are also replaceable, homemade is conditionally free, from a girlish trash.
    Crown for drywall milling removal for cups from candles. Two niches for rosin and solder, and one niche for cleaning cloth.

    In a comfortable place (not centered), we mount a spiral holder for the soldering iron. Practice has shown that such a scheme is more convenient than the classic rooded stand for a soldering iron. The electrical appliance is inserted with one movement, without fears, that it will fall on the table.

    We install aluminum cups in the prepared niches, cut the edge to the closure with a board. The use of thin-walled tanks justifies itself when working with low-power solders. The smaller the metal - the lower the heat capacity. The thick walls of the cup with a solder can cool the small sting of the soldering iron when touched. And the thin aluminum foil, surrounded by a tree, on the contrary, the heat saves.

    Crush the "crocodiles" on a flexible bar, and fix the "third hand" on the stand. There are designs with magnifying glass. Work experience shows that the soldering iron stand on which clips and magnifier are installed, inconvenient in work.

    Optimal options

    • mupa unites with the "third hand", soldering iron separately
    • "Third hand" on a stand with a soldering iron, a magnifying glass on a separate pedestal (our option).

    It just lacks the ability to change the temperature modes of operation. This is especially true when installing LEDs.

    Stand and power supply regulator

    The easiest and most relaxed option is the acquisition of the Chinese soldering station kit. You will collect similar kit on your own, so we will take it to homemade.

    It can be collected in the support housing or as a separate device. The convenience of this design is indisputable, but we consider the least costly options. The soldering iron on 220 volts is almost in every home, it remains to assemble the power regulator.

    Important! Dimmers for incandescent lamps can be used, taking into account the power of the soldering iron.

    But they will again have to buy them. Consider a simple scheme of the self-made regulator with a capacity of up to 200 W.

    You can use the autotransformer, but it is a cumbersome device with low efficiency. Let us leave similar "devices" for the Museum of Radio Engineering. Our scheme on the simistors of miniature and economical.

    The following elements will be needed

  • variable resistor (voltage regulator) R1 with a nominal value up to 500 ohms
  • the second part of the divider is a constant resistor R2 with a nominal value of 4.7 com
  • C1 - alternating current condenser 0.1 μF
  • VD1 - Diode type 1N4148
  • LED element VD-2 for power indication
  • distor Series DB3 (in Scheme - VD3)
  • the main element is the BTA06-600 Simistor, indicated as VD4.
  • The scheme provides long-term work with a load of 200-300 W. A short-term load is allowed to 500 W.

    Drawing of the circuit board for self-etching:

    Gently collect the fee, carefully pecking the legs of the parts. When contacting the contact, you can get uncontrolled voltage jumps at the output.

    The circuit is compact, it can be easily fit on the soldering iron stand. With power up to 100 W, the cooling of the simistor is not required. Brighter load - a small radiator is fastened to the housing.

    After reading the material, you yourself will decide what stand to make it. Or see a visual video lesson for making a stand of your own hands.