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Frequency converter 220 V for a pump. Organization of automatic water supply using frequency converter. Where to install the transducer for the pump

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Frequency converter for pump 220V (for single-phase pumps) - This is an electronic device that controls the power on and off, adjusting its operation depending on the feed conditions that exist in each particular period of time. This device is designed specifically for household systems, where water supply is required for a relatively short time and usually has a pronounced consumption schedule.
. Protection against "dry stroke" arising from insufficient amount of water on suction.
. Automatic reboot after turning off the pump due to "dry stroke".
. Digital indication Pressure on the device screen.
. The LEDs and display on the board are signaling about the operation modes of the device, as well as about the occurrence of errors.
. Emergency shutdown and message failures in the system.
. Digital input device for the float or connection to an external control device.
. Electrical connectors for easy cable connection.

The pump begins to work at maximum turnover, and then gradually configured to work depending on the pressure that is required in the system. Thus, the outlet pressure is permanent, providing more comfortable consumption.
The pressure is adjustable at the maximum time interval (this value is set using the "Cool Mode" parameter from 5 to 30 minutes, in accordance with the type of pump) during which the water supply to the consumer will occur. After the established period, if the need for water supply is still saved, the pump engine begins to work at maximum speed to avoid overheating caused by reduced ventilation.

When all consumption sources are closed, turning off the pump and the subsequent cooling of the engine reduce the control time for the next pump cycle (from its inclusion). This time is calculated depending on the time of pause and the time of work (one minute of resting the pump corresponds to one minute of regulation in the next cycle).

. Electronic devices Control flow and pressure.
. Frequency converters (inverters) to monitor constant pressure.
. Protection against dry stroke.

Networking Networks: Monophasic 230V ± 10% - 50 / 60Hz.
Output voltage: monophasic 230V ~.
Maximum engine power: 750W. 1l.s.
Maximum current for line: 6A, 230W ~.
Maximum allowable pressure: 800 kPa (8 bar).
Maximum fluid temperature: 30 ° C.
Pressure loss: 0.7 bar 150 l / min.
Turning pressure adjustment range: 1.5 ÷ 5 bar.
Hydraulic compound: carving NAR / NAR 1.
Modulation range electric voltage: 230 ÷ 170 V.
Protection class: IP65.

The use of frequency converters to control pumps is currently a necessity, not a luxury. Due to the frequency regulation, it is possible to reduce the consumption of electricity at the moments of reduced water consumption, as well as rid overpressure On the network, which, often, is the cause of accidents. Thanks to the use of frequency converters, it became possible to maintain the constant water pressure from the consumer.

How does frequency conversion take place in relation to pumps?

Take a pump that works from a two-pole motor at the speed of rotation of the shaft of 2800 revolutions per minute, while at the outlet of the pump we get a nominal pressure and performance. Now, with the help of a frequency converter, we will lower the frequency that entailing a lowering speed of the engine, which means that the pump performance will change. Using the sensor, the pressure information in the system will go to the frequency converter unit, and therefore, on the basis of data from the sensor, the frequency fed to the electric motor will change.

What frequency converters can be applied to pumping units?

There are various manufacturers offering specialized Frequency converters for pumps, among which Vacon 100 Flow (new from the Finnish manufacturer Vacon), Innovert Vent (China), and other models. They differ compactness, have a convenient interface and can be executed in various protection degrees (IP 21, IP 54, IP65). The highest degree of protection is IP 65, which is moisture and dust-absorbing, but it has a higher price.
The power range in which frequency converters are pretty wide: from 0.18 to 315 kW and more, with 220 and 380V power supply from the 50-60Hz network.

The use of frequency converters for borehole pumps

In order to select a frequency converter for borehole pump, It is necessary to take into account the depth of the well. For example, with an artesian well, more than 100 m depth, it is necessary to use chokes that allow you to increase the wear-resistance of the cable insulation and reduce other unwanted effects.

Pumps are necessary to adjust the power of the engines. As a result, the pressure in the system is supported at the proper level. Quality converters are able to save a large number of Electricity. And it should be considered. At the same time, the pumps can be used a wide variety. The most common is the systems for supplying water to the house. Also converters are necessary for circulation pumps. Additionally, they can be installed in fountains and aquariums.

Features of converters

A distinctive feature of all converters for pumps is their simplicity. At the same time, they do not need any maintenance and operate absolutely automatically. Additionally, it is possible to control them through a personal computer. You can also establish individual device work schedules. At the same time coefficient useful action They have about 90%. You should also know that for pumps with transducers do not need expansion tank. Thus, pressure is always supported at an optimal level.

What characteristics do converters have?

An important characteristics of the converters are the input voltage, as well as power. Additionally, the manufacturer always indicates the type of management. To date, the scalar and vector control of the device is distinguished. The parameter of the nominal current depends on the power of the model. You can still select the output frequency. It is usually indicated in the range from 0.1 to 600 Hz. The overload capacity is calculated as a percentage. The degree of protection of the casing of the converter is indicated by special marking. Operating temperature device manufacturer also in obligatory Indicated. Among other things, you should select the overclocking time parameter, as well as braking.

Reviews of converters "Danfoss 2800"

Danfoss frequency converter is quite easy to maintain, as well as operation. At the same time, a dense installation of equipment is allowed. This is largely due to reliable system cooling. Special sensors are provided to control the pressure level in the device. Separately, it is worth mentioning about a high-quality PID controller. The inlet is 220 V, and the power equals 0.2 kW.

The output frequency varies around 0.1 to 600 Hz. The frequency converter control is carried out in a vector method. The total overclocking time takes an average of 30 seconds. The degree of protection of the hull is the class "IP20". The dimensions of this unit are as follows: height - 174 mm, width - 73 mm, and the depth is 135 mm. It is worth the DANFOSS 2800 frequency converter about 11 thousand rubles.

Model Invt GD10: Characteristics and Reviews

Many buyers appreciated these frequency converters for pumps for a large number of discrete inputs. Among other things, select the presence of relay output. This converter can be used at temperatures from -10 to +50 degrees. The manufacturer provides a built-in type PID controller.

Also, many S. positive Ratched a multifunctional keyboard. With it, you can quickly get access absolutely to all parameters. Input voltage this device Rated power The engine is 0.2 kW, and the frequency varies around from 0 to 400 Hz. The parameter of the nominal current is 1.6 A. The degree of protection of the hull is the class "IP20". The overload capacity of this converter is 150%. This model will cost 12 thousand rubles.

Transducer "Vesper E3-8100"

The frequency converter "Vesper E3-8100" can boast of its modest sizes. Among other things, he has special communication adapters that are intended for the network. It should also be noted a convenient optional console. It is equipped with modern software. Printed circuit boards Devices for protection are covered with varnish.

Tight installation of instruments manufacturer is allowed. Management type in this converter vector. The rated power of the device is 0.75 kW, and the output voltage is 22 V. The output frequency of the instrument varies in the 200 Hz region. The total overclocking time is 30 seconds, and braking - 50 seconds. The degree of protection of the hull is set by the class "IP20". A unit can be operated at a temperature of -10 to +50 degrees. It is the frequency converter "Vesper E3-8100" 13 thousand rubles.

Invt GD15 converter parameters

Voltage control in this converter occurs in automatic mode. There are five discrete inputs. The PID controller is installed built-in type. Also, the manufacturer provides support for all standard programs. The keyboard has a multifunctional and provides quick access to the system. Separately, it is worth mentioning the EMC filter, which is built into the case. This single-phase converter control has a scalar type.

The input voltage of the device varies from 205 to 235 V, and the engine power is 0.4 kW. The output frequency is at the mark of 300 Hz. In turn, the rated current indicator is 2.5 A. within 10 seconds. The overload capacity of the converter is 180%. Dimensions This model has the following: height - 140 mm, width - 80 mm, and depth - 134 mm. This device will cost the buyer of 14 thousand rubles.

Reviews about the model Invt GD20

These frequency converters for pumps are in great demand and have good system protection. Analog inputs and outputs by the manufacturer are provided. It should also be noted the built-in C485 port with support for many standard programs. The brake module is installed built-in type. EMC filter is available C2 class. The transmitter protection system is quite successfully coping with of different kind interference.

If necessary, the remote control can be easily disconnected. The dimensional dimensions are quite compact and at the same time its mass is only 1.5 kg. The rated power of the unit is at the level of 0.7 kW, and the frequency fluctuates around 200 Hz. The parameter of the rated current is 4.2 A. The device can be used at temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees. Separately, it is worth mentioning about good transshipment. The type of management, in turn, has a scalar type. There is a given frequency converter (market price) approximately 12 thousand rubles.

Opinion of buyers about the device "Hyunda 700E"

From other devices, this Hyundai frequency converter is characterized by a high-quality PID controller. In this case, the brake module is installed built-in type. The control panel is quite comfortable and equipped with a potentiometer to control the speed of rotation. Suitable this model Not only for pumps, but also for fans. Among other things, it is often installed on various conveyors. EMC filter has a built-in type.

Drives for this model are suitable from different manufacturers, and it is very convenient. The device is installed quite simple and comfortable maintenance. For commissioning, you can use "Flashdrope". The type of control in this model is classified as a scale. The input voltage of the device ranges from 200 to 240 V. At the same time, the operating power of a single-phase engine is 0.37 kW. Separately, mention the wide range of output frequencies. The parameter of the nominal current is at 2.4 A, and the overload capacity is 150%. The degree of protection in the converter is set by the class "IP20". The height of this unit is 202 mm, the width is 75 mm, and the depth is 142 mm, with a mass of 1.1 kg. There is a frequency converter Hyundai 700E in a specialized store of 12 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the "Schnider AT12" converter

Connecting the frequency converter "Schnider AT12" to circulation pumps is quite simple. This model from other devices is characterized by compactness and increased performance. Among other things, the multifunctionality of the device should be noted. Much attention The manufacturers additionally paid the security system.

The parameter of the overload ability leaves 150%. The engine is installed single-phase, with a power of 0.18 kW. At the same time, the parameter of the nominal current is 1.4 A. The total overclocking time takes 20 seconds. And braking - 55 seconds. The output frequency indicator on average is at 250 Hz. At the same time, the maximum can rise to 400 Hz. In turn, the input voltage of the converter is 220 V. It is worth this model in the 14 thousand store.

Model "Lovar H3"

Frequency converters for the "Lovar H3" pumps have acceptable characteristics, but have one drawback. It is connected with the formation of condensate. In many respects it depends on unprotected contacts. The possibility of synchronous work in this model is provided. It should also be noted the multifunctionality of the device. Start and stopping the engine can be done remotely. Receiving current signals is carried out from 4 to 20 mA.

Temperature ambient Must be from 5 to 40 degrees. Depending on the pressure in the system, the engine speed is controlled automatically. The supply voltage indicator is at 400 V. Rated power three-phase engine equals 3 kW. This model will cost 15 thousand rubles.

FC-051 converter

FC-051 frequency converter is actively used for pumps and ventilation systems. This model differs with a high-quality control unit. It should be noted a good device interface. You can connect this converter to a personal computer. Blocking the mechanical seal occurs in automatic mode.

If necessary, the remote can be easily disconnected. In this case, the launch of the device can be performed remotely from any distance. For increased pressure instantly triggered protective system And blocks the engine. It also removes the system from various voltage jumps. Indication in this model provides LED. In this case, there are only the most necessary indicators on the control panel. The noise level of the electric motor is within the normal range. This was largely achieved at the expense of a qualitative variator, which issues a stable frequency at the level of 8 kHz.

To cool the entire converter there is a powerful fan. It is installed at the base of the frame and securely fixed. In this case, the device can be operated for a long time and not overheat. Additionally, it should be noted that the tracking system constantly controls the external pressure. On the centrifugal pumps This model can be installed. The maximum control sensor is withstanding the output signal up to 20 mA. There is a given frequency converter (market price) approximately 16 thousand rubles.

The base element that ensures the functionality of the pump is an electric motor. Previously, the workflow adjustment was due to the automation, now this task is solved by the frequency converter for pumps.

Functional Purpose Frequency Converter in Pump Design

The inverter (frequency converter) provides the regulation of the pump operation much better than the relay. It works at the same time as a stabilizer, automation and workflow control. Thanks to him is provided high efficiency Device:

  • The level of electricity supply is reduced, if necessary, and frequency of rotation of the engine, which helps to protect the pump from premature wear.
  • Education is prevented in overpressure pipes.
  • The problem with the voltage jumps is solved, which also definitely increases the service life of the pump.

Mostly during the assembly process of the pumping station is implanted. The models of the very famous pump of Grundfos should be attributed to the number of similar devices.

Visually, it is a box equipped with electronics (several boards, a measurement sensor, and an inverter that levels the voltage level) and a small-sized screen.

More expensive samples are equipped with microprocessors. Batteries, additional equalizers and so on can be built.

The converters used may be single-phase or three-phase type.

According to the principle of operation, the frequency converter is quite simple. Wave electric current Served on the device boards. Inverters and stabilizers located there provide its alignment. At the same time, the sensor reads pressure data and other meaningful information.

All information is redirected to the automation unit. Further, the frequency converter is evaluated by determining the power level to be submitted, and, accordingly, submitting the amount of electricity required to continue operation.

As a result, the frequency converter can adjust the smoothness of the launch of the electric motors, the water pressure level and the work stop in the critical situation. The list of all assigned duties is constantly expanding in view of the improvements produced by developers.

The process of controlling the actions of the converter is carried out by only by pressing the desired buttons to the data on the data displayed on the screen. More expensive devices are able to recognize more commands. The most high-quality models are designed for several dozen operating modes with a change in speed and program.

The cost of installing and buying the converter is fully compensated for one year of operation.

List of positive frequency converter functions:

  • The ability to level the input voltage.
  • Ensuring the power adjustment of the pump.
  • Creating conditions that save electricity.
  • Increase the duration of operation pumping equipment.
  • Providing work opportunities without a hydroaccumulator.
  • Stabilization of intrasystem pressure.
  • Reducing the noise effect of the pump.

He also works as a deputy automation.

Negative moments:

  • High cost of instrument.
  • Configuration and connection is usually available only to specialists.

The frequency converter works in the pump design as follows: with a significant drop in the pressure level in the hydraulic panel (determined by the relay), the frequency of the corresponding signal receives the corresponding signal and gives the command to start the electric motor. In this case, everything is carried out "without sharp movements", the capacity is growing gradually, providing insurance against hydraulic overload. Currently, the converter models provide the regulation of overclocking time from 5 to 30 seconds.

While overclocking the converter is increasingly obtaining information about what the pressure level in the pipeline is carried out. As soon as this level reaches the desired value, overclocking stops, the engine operation continues on the frequency achieved.

How to choose and install equipment?

Standard complete set of pumping station consists of:

  • Submersible or surface pump;
  • Pressure gauge;
  • A hose equipped with a stainless coating;
  • Hydroaccumulator;
  • Water pressure relay.

TO additional equipment Believe:

  • Uninterruptible power sources;
  • Sensor;
  • Blocks;
  • Managers relay etc.

If the design of the already existing pumping equipment is not equipped with a frequency converter, then it can be done independent installation. Usually, in the documentation pump attached to the model, there are indications as to which the transducer can interact the pump of this type.

In the absence of such information, it is necessary, based on significant parameters, choose the converter yourself:

  1. Power level.

Matching is required between the power of the electric drive and the converter.

  1. The input voltage value.

Specifying at what strength the current converter works. Here it is necessary to consider what can be potential fluctuations on the network (low voltage level provokes a stop, high - breakdown).

  1. Pump engine category.

Single phase, two-phase or three-phase.

  1. The boundaries of the frequency control range.

The well pump requires 200 - 600 Hz (depending on what the primary power of the pump), for the circular pump - 200 - 350 Hz.

  1. Compliance of the number of inputs / outputs of operational needs.

What they are more, the greater the possibilities of managing the workflow.

  1. Choice suitable way Control.

In the case of a well pump - a remote control control, which allows you to control directly from the house, and circulation pump Work perfectly with remote control.

Determine the reliability of the purchased devices needs to be indirectly by the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, than it is more, the better quality.

Where to install a transducer for the pump?

Frequency converters having a hydraulic connection are installed directly on the pressure line. Without such an connection, only the water pressure sensor connected to the IF is attached to the highway.

Convert is located as close as possible to the pump, but only inside the heated room. The overall diagram of the power connection is simple and does not cause difficulties.

Models of transducers for pump

  • Grundfos Cue.

Transducers manufactured by the company located in Denmark and the producing pumps. As a result, these frequencies are designed to maximize the design of the pump models from Grundfos. The device is responsible for the thin regulation of the entire mechanism, the execution of protected and control functions. CUE system converters are distinguished by a variety of high-quality models (more than 15 types in assortment), but their value is appropriate. In addition, the price directly depends on whether the frequency converter is required for the mechanism. Among the spectrum of models, you can find converters and for a single-phase pump (), and for three-phase (Micro Drive FC101).

  • ERMAN E-9

Converters of this company are characterized by budgetary. They are responsible for compensation for the torque, the smoothness of the launch, pressure control and possess different control modes of the number up to 24. Power matching is individually selected. There is a protective housing that protects against dust and dirt exposure.

  • Hyundai N 50.

Single-phase type frequency converter. Can be used in household appliances. The power level is 0.7-2.5 kW. Small-sized, making it easy to install in any devices. Notable in that it provides a fine setting due to several setup modes and 16 discrete speeds. It is about twice as much more than the previous model.

  • PowerFlex 40.

Models of this brand are distinguished by universality and are very popular. Them distinctive feature - Quality drive and vector control. The drive besides otherwise, shifts during the engine operation, automatically picks up the speed of rotation electric engine, protects the entire mechanism from overload and overheating, provides a smooth start. According to the cost comparable to Grundfos Cue..

Using the pump in autonomous water supply and heating systems

The pump models of this category are considered very productive, but differ excessively high levels Energy consumption that, of course, makes it difficult. Reduce the volume of energy consumption, the pressure level and extend the service life allow you to explain the same frequency converters.

Most of modern pumps Designed in accordance with the principle of throttling. Electrical motors of these mechanisms are in operation on the upper power limit, that is, literally on wear. Often due to the lack of smoothness, when turned on, powerful hydraulic blows are observed, spoiling the pump design. To accurately configure such a mechanism, it is also pretty to try.

The calculation of data for pumping equipment is always based on the maximum power level, although the maximum load does the mechanism experience only episodically during the peak water consumption, which happens infrequently. The rest of the time to work at the limit of possibilities is completely unjustified. Just at such moments, the frequency converter for a circulating and downhole pump reduces energy consumption by 30 - 40%.

Among other things, the use of a frequency converter in the pump station providing water delivery allows you to prevent the problem of "dry stroke". It is relevant in cases where there is no water inside the system, and the engine is running on. Due to the "dry stroke", an engine overheating and the breakdown of the mechanism as a whole can occur. This once again proves the need to use the converter.

Single-phase frequency converter for the pump within the water supply system

Ergonomics of instruments is a very significant indicator within the framework of domestic services. Improving this parameter for the water supply system using a low-power single-phase pump model is difficult, since this requires a transducer with an input / output voltage level of 1x220V, and find such difficult.

Typically, household pumps do not have complaints of energy consumption, but this does not compensate for the purchase costs, due to its rare operation.

However, the installation of the converter does not lose relevance, since it helps maintain permanent network pressure. In other words, here is a request for comfortable operation.

This option is especially important when using hot water. That is, the use of the frequency eliminates the temperature surges and changes in the pressure of the pressure.

Single-phase converters are suitable for both submersible and surface pumps.

Single-phase frequency converter for home use

Standard type converters are usually not equipped with hydraulic connections. An attempt to independently modernizing the device under such needs can be useless, even if a specialist will take out for the case.

Realizing this problem, manufacturers engaged in the release of frequency converters created a special single-phase frequency converter for a pump providing household systems water supply.

One of the similar converters is equipped with a hydraulic connection and capable of performing all standard Tasks PLATES.

Automation of pumping equipment, can be considered the most an important aspect in the field of technical development of water supply and drainage systems. This is important not only for stations providing water settlements.

The smart pump for the well will make the same comfortable operation of the autonomous water supply. To do this, it is very important to correctly make the calculation of the downhole pump, and according to the calculated calculations, pick up the frequency converter for it.

The video in this article will help you do it with your own hands.

Advantages of automatic water supply

To achieve the most gentle mode of operation of the equipment, on pumping stations Automate everything - starting from starting and stopping the units, and ending with water flow control. Devices that help carry out total control over the system transmit signals to the scoreboard in the control room.

Approximately, only on a smaller scale, occurs and in the case of automation of the home pump. Let's consider what advantages gives the system automation.


  • Most importantly, this is: a smooth start and stop of the pump engine, reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of hydrowards to zero, and the careful mode of operation contributes to the extension of the service life of any equipment. At the same time, the costs associated with the operation of water intake are reduced.
  • First of all, this is the consumption of electricity. Its price is growing steadily, and all this is felt: both individuals and enterprises. Frequency regulation The operations of the pump engines makes it possible to reduce the volumes of cumulative tanks, and even completely refuse them.

In such cases, the device is used, which is called: "Inverter control unit for a well pump" - you can see it in the photo from above. The inverter combines various combinations control deviceswhich is not equipped with the pump itself, including, has a built-in frequency converter.

Functionality and selection of the frequency converter

It is clear that the maximum water consumption occurs only at certain points, and most of the time the pump power is excessive. The frequency converter allows you to customize the system so that the pump issued a pump in the "rush hour" full powerAnd the rest of the time has reduced the turns.

  • From the number of rotations at a certain time of the pump wheel time, the pressure developed by them, and, accordingly, performance. The essence of the use of the frequency converter is to force the motor shaft at a specified pace. In this frequency alternating currentobtained from the power grid changes its magnitude.
  • Modern converters have a wide range, and are able to convert the voltage both higher and below the characteristics of the power supply. The diagram of this device is divided into two parts: a power consisting of a group of transistors or thyristors, and control, in essence, which is an electronic key.
  • It consists of a control part of digital microprocessors, and performs all control and protective functions. Since the structure of the power part has characteristic differences, frequency converters are divided into two groups. One of them includes appliances with a DC intermediate link.

  • The second group of this link does not have, and is called "frequency converters with direct link." Devices without intermediate link have a higher efficiency, and are able to "curb" the most powerful high-voltage engine. Despite the fact that the price of this option is higher, the system in which it is embedded, on costs, it turns out an order more economical.
  • Due to what is the savings? The fact is that such converters have a small frequency range, and it cannot be equal, or exceed the characteristics of the supply network. The regulatory frequency of the current in the network is 50Hz, and the device converts it to 30 Hz and below, right up to zero. Therefore, the consumption of electricity is reduced - here you are saving!

Such a limited range does not allow the use of transducers of this type in industrial scale. But for household pumps, this is exactly what is needed.

Slection of pump for well

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the power characteristics of the pump must exceed the calculated consumption. That is, there must always be a power reserve.

Calculation is based on such data:

  • Depth I.
  • Diameter of casing
  • , and if it is simpler - the distance from the water mirror in the well, to the surface of the earth with the pump running
  • The total daily flow consumption for the family, the content of animals and watering (calculated on the basis of existing standards)
  • Well remote home
  • Water height (the flood of the building is taken into account)
  • Diameter of pressure pipeline

The pressure pump pressure, from which the water will be supplied directly to the house, is the sum of the length of vertical and horizontal distances multiplied by the pipeline resistance - this coefficient is a permanent value, and is 1.15.

  • If there is a cumulative capacity in the water supply system, then the pressure of the hydraulic is added to the distance of the distances. Pressure is expressed in the atmospheres, and each atmosphere is equal to 10 vertical meters.
  • Consider how the calculation will look like specific example. Suppose you have a well with a dynamic level of 35 m. It is 20m from two-storey house 7 m high. In this case, a hydroaccumulator was installed in the house with a capacity of 60 liters and a pressure of 3 atm.

The pressure calculation will look like this: H \u003d (35 + 20 + 7 + (3 * 10)) * 1,15 \u003d 105 meters.

If you take into account a small margin, you can buy a pump with a pressure of 110-115m. As you can see, this calculation does not represent this calculation. Now let's talk about the criteria for selecting the frequency converter, abbreviated by PE.

Selection of the converter

Concerning technical characteristics PE, then they should relate to the type and power of the electric motor to which it will connect. Next, you need to take into account the necessary range of regulation, as well as the level of accuracy of setting up and maintain torque on the motor shaft.

  • Constructive features of the inverter, that is, its dimensions, configuration, built-in or remote control, are also important. Overwhelmingly installed asynchronous engines. ChP is selected to them in power, and better if this characteristic of the converter is an order of magnitude higher than that of the pump.

  • There are converters with vector control that allow you to maintain the speed of rotation with variable loads, as well as work without reducing revolutions in the zero range. Such converters most accurately monitor the torque and the frequency of rotation of the shaft. This is especially important when two pumps work on the network.
  • In general, frequency converters have their own classification. Like any other electrical equipment, they can be single-phase and three-phase. The embodiment of the inverters can be household, for the 220V network. There are also industrial converters, up to 500V, and high-voltage - up to 6000V.
  • The degree of IP protection is also different. According to the type of management, PE is divided into vector and scalar. All leading manufacturers of pumping equipment are offered to the consumer and inverter blocks. Typically, manufacturers link converter models to specific pump modifications, and provide recommendations for their use.

The buyer and think is not particularly necessary above the choice: the seller's consultant will indicate you a model of a converter suitable for this pump, and will explain to you that the features of its use are concluded.