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Work on yourself How to improve inadvertent speech. Workout for diction. Species for the clarity of words and phrases

Voice, dictation and speech are important components for any successful public speech. Many people have a challenged speech, a quiet voice and a chromatic diction. The reasons for this countless. Below we consider the most basic reasons for such "Diseases", As well as consider ways to help you develop your voice, develop diction and speech on your own. If this topic is interested, please read this article carefully and fulfill all the exercises set forth in it.

Causes of quiet voice, poor diction and vague speech

I only know a few reasons for a quiet voice, bad diction and vague speech - this is low and. There is I. genetic reasonsBut we will not touch them. Why do I believe that the main reasons of all this is insecurity, and the complexity? And how do you think, confident people, with high self-esteem Have a quiet voice? Do they say quietly? Do they have a chance? In most cases, such people do not have problems with speech. Look at politicians, actors, singers. All of them are confident people, constantly oppose the public. Therefore, they are developed, and the voice is loud and there are no problems with diction.

Now take a shy person. During communication, this shy person experiences insecurity, he believes that something is wrong with him (complexes), covers the feeling and, as a result, his voice, it is illegible, and it is simply impossible to listen. Therefore, if you want develop voice, if you want to develop diction, if you want to decle talk, You need to carry out a huge work on yourself. Without difficulty and voice will not be loud. Now we will go to the exercises that will help you achieve what you want. Let's start everything in order.

How to develop a voice?

So, as we have already found out, the development of votes is an important task for people whose profession is related to public performances. The statement of votes is important not only for public people. Developed and loud voice will facilitate your communication in everyday lifeAnd you will not ask you forever: "AAA?", "What?", "What?" And other annoying questions. Performing a number of exercises for voice development, you will eliminate many defects and disadvantages. So, proceed.

1) For the voice to be lying, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you just started developing your voice, then breathing exercises This is the first thing you should do. Stand up, straighten the spine, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, put one hand on the chest, another on the stomach. When inhale your nose, push the tummy ahead (expanding the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe chest). Freely and easily exhale air through the mouth, returning the stomach and chest at the initial position. So you are developing a diaphragm.

2) The second breathing exercise is associated with air delay. Quickly breathe air through the nose, and then hold your breath for three seconds. Then exhale the air through the mouth. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

3) Inhale the maximum air, then smoothly begin to exhale it, uttering vowel letters (A, O, O, and, E, S). Try to sound the sound letter sounding as long as possible and as long as possible. Also, you can, when exhaling, smoothly jump from one vowel letter from the other - aaaaooooooowyuy.

4) with a closed mouth during the exhalation start "Wash" - uttering MMM. Try to wash so that there is a tack of lips. In addition, be sure to change the volume of the sound - with a quiet sound to a loud and vice versa. This exercise will help develop the articulation apparatus, which will give the power to vote.

5) Now start growling, pronouncing RRRRR. This exercise is also developing the articulation apparatus. Change the volume of the sound, as well as intonation from thin to coarse.

How to develop diction?

Dickey is the quality of pronunciation of words (distinction), the manner of speaking words. Diction is very important for actors, singers, politicians, teachers.

For the development of diction, patter will suit. You can easily find them on the Internet. Here you have a video for example!

In order to start developing diction, you must first develop a language, lips, face muscles and articulation machine.

1) Let's start with the language. Suck the language forward as far as possible, then shove it back (just do not swallow it). Start forcing your tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

2) Pointing tongue. Start prickly alternately your cheeks. First grate left cheek, then right. Perform 7-12 minutes. This is an excellent exercise for training language.

3) Good exercise in language is "Teeth cleaning". You start to rotate the language in a circle. The mouth should be closed. Make 20-30 rotations hourly and counterclockwise.

4) Then, jump the tongue and start twist it in a circle. Make 10-15 caps of the hourly arrow, then counterclockwise. After that, extend (Viterite saliva from the lips).

5) with lips almost the same. Exercise is called "Tube - Smile". First you pull the lips forward, after 3 seconds you start smiling as wide as possible. First lips forward, then back. Do this exercise at least 7 minutes.

6) Next, pull the lips into the tube and start lifting the heels first upwards, then down. Then start doing the same thing, only to the left, to the right. Then start to twist the Piglet in a circle, hourly and counterclockwise.

7) Next exercise - "Bubble". You decore the cheeks and start twist this bubble in a circle.

8) Start upset the upper lip with your teeth. Do it carefully, do not bite yourself. Then start picking up the bottom lip. After that, start the upper lip to wipe the top teeth. Try to wipe so that the lower lip does not move. It is difficult, but perhaps. Do this exercise before the mirror to control yourself. Then start wipe the lower teeth with the bottom lip, the upper lip should also move.

9) after performing this workout, stand up near the window and say the following phrase: "The street is good weather, and I have a beautiful, clear, clear speech". Say this phrase loud, clearly and intelligible. On the street you must hear.

10) For the workout of the facial muscles, start to mive the face as it fell. Cort the faces, bulk your eyes. From the side it looks not beautiful, but it is funny and very effective.

11) In order for the pronunciation of words to be distinct, it is necessary to pronounce the end. Many people swallow endings, especially "T". Start trying the following row:




Bi - PI - BE - PE - Ba - Pa - Bo - BU - PU - ...

PI - BE - PE - BE - Pa - Ba - By - Bo - Pu - Bow -


Zdri - Zdre - Zdra - Zdro - Zea - Health

Zhdrey - JDRE - Handsman - Zhdro - Zhdra - Zhdry

This series develops your dickey. Do not forget about the patter.

How to develop speech?

For the development of speech, you will need discipline, conscious control and constancy. Good speech Nowadays it is met less and less. One person can listen for hours, and I want to escape from another. Your professional and personal life depends on the quality of your speech. Half success depends on the ability to communicate, but to be able to communicate, not only erudition is needed, but also developed speech.

1) for speech development, the first thing I advise you is to read newspapers, magazines ,. And you need to read out loud. During reading, try to forcing intonations, do not allow monotony. Also, change the speed and volume of reading. Proponize all the end, follow the punctuation marks. Reading out loud is the main exercise for the development of speech.

3) Third, as when reading out loud, follow the tempo of speech. Enrich it with intonation. Select pauses important moments conversation. Pause should be relevant and not tightened.

4) fourth, replenish your vocabulary. You can do it when watching movies, trainings, reading books. If you on TV heard the speech of the president, or another policy, why don't you try to say the same at home. Imagine that you are in front of the public as president. Tell your imaginary people about the political and economic setting in our country. This is a very exciting lesson for the development of speech and replenish the vocabulary stock.

Training a voice, diction and speech on the above technique, your speech in three months will be transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, do not be surprised if the acquaintances begin to tell you that something has changed in you. And the voice, dictation and speech changed. Practice every day and then your efforts will entail a reward.

How to develop a voice how to develop diction how to develop speech


A beautiful clear speech is not only pleasant hearing, and therefore causes the location to a person who can speak well. In some cases, it is absolutely impossible to do without this skill. For example, it is difficult to submit a central television speaker, which is unable to distinguish sounds.

Good articulation will be useful to anyone who is forced to talk a lot, for a wide audience: lector, teacher, politics, YouTubra. Regularly performing exercises for dictation can be achieved notable success in the first weeks of classes.

Diccia has no relationship directly to the voice, its innate characteristics. Diccia is what can and need to "put" by regular training and special exercises. Under the "right diction" understand the relevant language of the language, a distinct and sonorous utterance of all the phonemes. To a large extent, it depends on the correct statement of the provisions of the articulation bodies (lips, language), to breathe correctly from the ability. Expressive expressiveness, rich emotional color speech.

Attention! To achieve a long effect, diction training should be in a habit, because without regular repetition of exercises, the skill is quickly lost.

The vague pronunciation, swallowed sounds - about such a person they say "He has porridge in his mouth." The meaning of the said words is hard to understand, the necessary expressiveness is lost, the motion. In professions who require frequent speaking in the public, it is simply unacceptable.

If the voice is not a working tool, ownership skill beautiful speech No less useful. Consider clearly, it is clearly and accessible to express your thoughts out loud, it is much easier to arrange a business partner, an employer, to achieve victory in the competition or get the desired place in the casting.

Types of exercises for the development of speech diction and clarity

What should I start how to improve the diction and clarity of speech? There are several diverse techniques to achieve amazing success with careful and regular exercise. Among them:

  1. - Probably the most famous, common way to combat speech defects, consisting in the rapid repetition of phrases and poems, drawn up in such a way as to train the clarity of the articulation of difficult-acting sounds and sound combinations.
  2. Cleaners - have a similar function with patter, their pronunciation also contributes to the development and consolidation of the skill of pronunciation of complex backgrounds, but they differ in the form, representing a set of rhymed rows.
  3. - Set speech therapy exercise To develop lip mobility, language, with the aim of "teaching" to take them right, for clearly pronouncing the syllables, the situation.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics - endurance of lungs and voice ligaments, breathing uniformity have a great influence on speech as a whole, therefore, when mastering the skills of proper speaking, you cannot neglect the training of these tools.

Important! Performing exercises for diction and voting training, it is useful to record the process of occupying on the recorder. This measure is needed in order to control the correctness of execution, fix errors, problem placesThose who have yet to work.

Features of exercises and how to perform them correctly

It should be remembered that the beginning of work on pronunciation and adult age is conjugate with a number of difficulties. Get rid of habits for years, change the entire system of speech to the foundation is quite difficult.

Experts recommend starting from the development of articulation, training muscle endurance, speech bodies to set proper position, Improve the timbre and voice tone. For this, the following exercises are perfect, which can be performed at any time and anywhere, the more often - the better:

  • as a workout, heating is recommended to publish a long standing soap;
  • elements of respiratory I. articulating gymnastics contain an exercise during which you should publish a variety of sounds, hitting yourself with palms in the chest;
  • clearly, with an expression, making pauses, read poems, changing the voice tone - increasing and lowering it alternately;
  • read the texts of poems and prose simultaneously with the execution of jumps through the rope, while running, trying to keep breathing as smooth;
  • press the words and entire proposals, stretching facial muscles in a smile, withstand the clarity of pronunciation;
  • read out loud, after closing a small oblong item between the teeth, for example, a fountain pen, while the exercise strives to clearly utter symbols and sounds;
  • well helps the development of articulation, muscle training The use of small rounded items (for example, walnuts) invested over one or both cheeks during reading poems and artistic texts.

Much attention should be paid to the daily gymnastics of speech bodies, as it is impossible to put speech and diction on their own without it:

  1. opening the mouth as wide as possible, move the lower jaw forward, backwards and on the sides;
  2. with open mouth to let maximum length language by folding it "sting";
  3. slightly spreading the jaw, to smile wide, spend the tongue on the upper and lower row of teeth, touching the tip before each tooth sequentially;
  4. tense tongue tongue to touch from the inside of both cheeks, first with open, then with a closed mouth;
  5. from a dutched mouth, tighten the "shovel" the most relaxed language;
  6. having folded his arms on his chest, rushing forward, in the inclined, slightly bent position to pronounce vowel sounds as low as possible: "O", "s", "y". Having finished pulling one sound, straighten and get out again to perform the next right.

Important! The duration of one exercise is at least 10 seconds. Within one classes, 4-5 approaches are performed.

The formation of the correct pronunciation is inseparably connected with breathing, because without it is not possible. The air jet, touching the tense ligaments, makes a sound whose shape is attached by other organs of the speech apparatus. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to improve diction, including, includes a lung training, the development of a diaphragm.

The ability to breathe is an integral part of life, but not everyone can do it right. The following complex of classes will help strengthen the voice, give him a more pleasant, melodic timbre:

  • take a comfortable body position - lying, standing or sitting, press left palm To the stomach, the right - to the bottom of the sternum on the side, draw the air to the air, controlling the expansion of the diaphragm with their hands, slowly exhale to the end;
  • slowly smoothly inhale the nose, delay the air for a couple of seconds, exhale through the mouth;
  • briefly breathe, in exhalation, stretching as much as possible, say any lasting vowel sound;
  • explosion account from 1, trying to pronounce the maximum number of numbers without a rush;
  • exhausted to pronounce combinations of vowel sounds, for example: "oooooooowuuuuuu," aaaaaya ".

Since it is impossible to develop a diction in one day, starting to train, you should be patient. At the very beginning it will be useful will be a plan for classes, outline the range of problems that will have to eliminate the sake of obtaining the desired effect. As you improve the speech to correct and supplement the original outline with new details.

You should not neglect any opportunity to perform exercises, since it is in their regularity that the key to success lies.

The declamination of poems, pronouncing patterings and cleanrs will help you quickly "warm up" before the performance, when there is a long and important conversation. They must be learned and pronounce aloud, at least several times a day.

Invaluable assistance in the right pronunciation will be operated by acting courses or rhetoric.

Studies on stage speech, supported by exercises on diction, among other things, give the sound and charm to voice, make it more expressive.

According to experts, up to 30% of people suffer from disorders of diction. Moreover, apparently, most of them are set to work in airports to declare delays in radio flights. Even if you are not going to join them, you will not hurt to learn how to pick up in the restaurant dishes with difficult names or surprise those surrounding the lightning-spoken by Estonian patter.

GHE, Slavs!

"Most light Defect Pronunciation is a gacing, "says Alexander Cabin, director and teacher of the stage speech of the theater association" Interlude ". This frkinative "g" can be picked up in adulthood. The owner of a good phonderatic hearing after a two-week trip to Eastern Ukraine or to the south of Russia, in virtue, communicating with the locals, imperceptibly will begin to talk for himself as Nastya Zavorotnyuk in the image of an excellent nanny. However, after returning to his homeland, the emphasis in a couple of weeks will come to no and will not appear until the next business trip. If your "HHE" is congenital, to acquire a non-explosive sound of the fourth letter of the alphabet, take off in the pronouncement of phrases with an abundance of "g". Provise them slowly, and at the sound "g" at first do a pause to highlight.

Read the expression

  • Magnat Egor on the mountain sunbathed, the magnet fell on the magnate.
  • Brilliant heterosexual Gogh Goga loves Gali.
  • Where is the Gastarbaiter gene? This reptile Herbarium is dried!


In addition to the surname, Zinbelshukher has a lot of others, more respectful, the reasons are not to pronounce the sound "p". This sound is the most complicated articulation. There are 30 options for its distortion. The most frequent is the absence of "P" ("Phezovative Cobank") and a thorough sound pronunciation called moldability. "Sometimes the cause of the defect is a shortened approaching bunch that limits the rise of the language. This requires a small surgery of the surgeon, "Alexander notes. But more often, the habit and weakness of the muscles of the tongue has consolidated since childhood.

To develop a tongue, first molten it on the bottom lip, while it is notable to sentence "P'-P'-PI". (It sounds stupid, but what to do?) When the language gets used to lying relaxed, teach it to cover it upper lip. The front edge of the language must close the entire top lip from the corner to the corner of the mouth. (With especially the weak muscles, the first time helps the tongue to hold up the teaspoon at the top.) Watching the language remains as wide as well as the top teeth. Now exercise to pronounce "Dr.", hitting the front edge of the raised language along the inner surface of the upper front teeth. After a few hours of these exercises, alternated with patters, you will begin to break through the sound "P".

Read the expression

  • Tell me about the patter. What kind of patters? About the patter, about the patter, about the twisters of mine!
  • Our Tanya cries loudly, dropped the ball into the river. Greek turned his hand into the river, the ball by the hand of the Greek - DAC!
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not rub firewood, but saw firewood.

Is such a "cher?"

Check, do you have a bite, is your teeth in place and there is no piercing language. If everything is in order, a weak language is guilty in your whispered speech.

"Sometimes to develop the language and restore the correct pronunciation of consonants is quite more often reading out loud," says Alexander. In the intervals between reading, perform two simple exercises.

one . Stretching in a basic smile of the angles of mouth so that the teeth are visible, and squeeze on the tip of the tongue to obtain a whistling noise typical of the sound "C".

2. Practice to pronounce the syllable "SA". At the same time, the sound "C" must be strain through the teeth, and open the mouth on the sound "A". If you seize the right pronunciation you will not succeed, go to Poland. There you will not feel flawed: Polish is replete with hissing.

Read the expression

  • Masha was walking along the highway and got under the bus.
  • Tell me about sausages! What about sausages? Maybe about purchases? And, yes, about buying.
  • Soviet specialists hurry to help specialists from socialist countries.

Obvious but inadvertent

Put in your mouth a spoonful of porridge and say: "Get out of me, monsters." Now tell me the same without porridge. No differences? All clear. You carelessly pronounce sounds, especially consonants. But the significance of the consonants above the vowels, because they carry more information, performing a senseless function.

If you are used to saying "Check" instead of "man", "Kochiew" instead of "shorter" and "DNA" instead of "deoxyribonucleic acid", do not be offended by specialists who call such a speech in an ineffective, inestic and inexpressive *.

Of course, it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of telling jokes, parallel to the hasty kebab, but at the rest of the time try to speak clearer. To develop this skill, Alexander advises you to chant poems, picking up a clear rhythm with hand on a table or a hammer on the battery.

Start collecting words with a "bouquet" of consonants (awake, agency, post-promptum, partvosnos), as well as phrases from one-step words, which require muscular tension ("Where the table was doubly, there is a coffin"). When words and phrases are gathered enough, make a small story of them and came to us. Poker?

Read the expression

  • Super-strangled centerorvard Mountains srop.
  • Brand's transplantation gave amateurism.
  • Everyone was any prov, I fell into the trance.
  • And you Brute?


To improve diction and speech at home, without acting courses and individual work With a teacher, I recommend using the "voice recorder", and then two techniques. One 10 minutes a day, another from 10 to 45 minutes a day.

To complete the "recorder" task, which will help you to see yourself from the side, surprised yourself and wanted to start actively with your speech, we need a voice recorder. It can be a separate device or simply mobile phonewhich can execute the recording feature.

So, we are armed with a voice recorder and write our conversations with other people. After that, listening to them and in the evening report lay out your conclusions to the dialogue.

After recording yourself to the recorder, you will want to improve your speech. To help you two techniques.

The first technique.

Species for 5 minutes a day with nuts in the mouth. Only five minutes, and the result will be stunning. Make everything in the sequence I will say now to immediately see the result.

1. We take a voice recorder and write yourself at him. We undertake anything for a minute. About how the day passed or what the window is happening. No difference.

2. We listen to what they spent.

3. Take nuts in your mouth. Walnut, hazelnut ... anyone. 5 minutes speak the patters.

The ship flashed stranded. Sailors Two weeks caramel on Meli ate.

Greek rode across the river. Sees Greek: in the river Cancer. Greek put a hand in the river, cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on cucusulok hood. How in the hood it is ridiculous.

Carl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

On the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood, not Ruby firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

Eagle on Mount, feather on Orel, mountain under an eagle, eagle under the pen.

4. We take a voice recorder again and weching there again, anything. After that, listen to the recording and amazing the cleanliness of words and sounds ...

Second technique.

We read the book out loud. Every day from 10 to 30 minutes. As you can, if you can 45 minutes, it will be even better. Naturally do it with 200% zeal!

Everyone wants to change something in his speech.

Few people think of how much powerful tool Communication is a voice.

And it's not just that "we say they." The timbre and diction have a tremendous impact on how the listener perceives you. It is proved that people better perceive the information filed with a low chamber than high. A voice with too high the challenge to listen not only harder, but also less nice than low.

Good dictation is even more important than the voice. If you are not a well-deserved doctor of science and not a professor, you have to take care that the listeners understand you without too much effort.

For me, there is always a terrain to push speech in the morning. I am Owl and it is hard for me to think to lunch. By the way, scientists say that until 12:00 human body is still in a half-condition state, including the facial muscles and vocal cords.

To avoid inseparable flow while performing, it is recommended to make a five-minute charging of the workout out of 10 exercises.

1. Lower the lower jaw down. Slowly move to her right and left.

2. Lower the lower jaw. Move it back and forth. Do it very slowly, smoothly and carefully.

3. Source position - standing, hands on the chest. Looking forward, on exhale, say the vowels "y" and "o" for a long time and long, so low voice as you can.

4. The mouth is open, lips in a smile, moving the language to the corners of the mouth to the right and left. Follow the jaw and lips are still, the language does not slide on the bottom lip.

5. The mouth is open, lips in a smile. Clear the tongue of the tongue to the top lip from one corner of the mouth to another. Follow the language to reach the corners of the mouth, the movement was smooth, without jumps, the jaw did not move. Also lick the bottom lip. Then lick the lips in a circle.

6. The mouth is closed. Lick your teeth under the bottom, then under the upper lip. Follow the jaw and lips did not move.

7. The mouth is open, lips in a smile. Smoothly spend the tongue on the upper teeth, touching each tooth, recalculating them. Follow the jaw did not move. Same movement - at the bottom teeth.

8. The mouth is closed. The busy tip of the tongue is resting in one, then to another cheek. The same, but the mouth is open.

9. Roth is open, lips in a smile. Raise a wide tongue to the nose and lower to the chin. Watch that the lips do not stretch into teeth, the jaw did not move, the language did not protrude.

10. The mouth is open, lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tutor is put on the alveoli behind the lower teeth on the inside, then raise on the tubercles behind the upper teeth, too, from the inside. Follow so that only the language worked, and the lower jaw and the lips remained motionless.