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Why we live in poverty: genetic causes. Why we live so bad
5.03.2015, 13:19 [#155154]

Question: Why do we live in this world?

Answer: In childhood, every child asks about it, starting from 5-6 years and until the problems of puberty begin.

We are asked by these questions, since inside us is the so-called "solved" - spiritual gene, requiring its development, which presses on us from the inside.

This gene, this desire must be filling, the answer to the question: "Why do we live? Why do you live? What is the meaning of life?". Subsequently, we forget about this issue and in the race of our life do not return to it, we do not have time to think about it, we consider it a useless reflection.

But we see that this question is exciting us all the time, in all sorts of situations in our lives. And in our time, according to the number of people who are in despair are bred, they consume drugs, take medicines from depression, we see that all the same, this issue is very strong.

This gene is laid in us, because in the end of our development, our evolution, we must achieve a state in which everything will ask you: "Why live? What is the point? Is there any need to live?"

You can ask otherwise: why nature, so perfect and targeted, created a person with such great opportunities and left him unanswered to the question: "How to build a life? What to achieve in life?"

We see what huge wisdom is laid in each cage, in each body, in connection between them. And how much we have not revealed! But even from what we reveal with the help of science, we see what stunning wisdom lies throughout this richest mechanism.

And we, like a vertex, as the result of all this stunning system, do not see the point in your life. How is it possible?! Of course, there is a goal in our existence, but we still do not know about it and should reveal it.

Therefore, the one who wonders about the meaning of life in the end comes to Science Kabbalah.

From the program on the radio station 103FM, 01/18/2015


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"Starting from 1926, when Max Sheer introduced the term" philosophical anthropology ", a lot of attempts were made to answer the question of the essence of a person while maintaining a philosophical point of view. Most important opening Philosophical anthropology is that the essence of a person is his ability to build itself, and therefore, constantly change the content of the answer to the question of his own essence. "

This quote, as it is impossible, more accurately reflects the understanding of a person, we are talking about below.

So, the essence of a person is his the ability to build oneself. Here is meant conscious the ability to form oneself based on of your own desires and aspirations - self-education.

Self-education for some reason directly contradicts determinism modern culture In the existential sphere of human existence.

"Ultimately, the fact that the previous generation did something (or that it did something so, and not otherwise), the fact itself cannot be a sufficient basis for reproduction (repetition) of these actions in the future."

The main difference of this type of person from the described thing is that it ceases live-out, and starts live. He becomes a man who lives as he lives, coming as he comes, thinking as it thinks. And for this he does not need any external circumstances. He is, because such wants to be, there is such a way and finds a way to be. His development, movement in life, its being depend only on himself, his aspiration.

This is "a person in itself, being in himself for himself - not in need of any support, programming from outside. Nothing he does not need to be as he wants to be. "

That is, O. fully, in all without exception to their manifestations conducted from the inside.

In each person, there is a so-called "core of the person", which constitutes the complex of course of the granted norms. North of emerging norms appear in the process of experience subjective truth - When a person takes something with full confidence that this is exactly the case, and not otherwise. These truths are laid in a person since childhood mainly through the authority of the parents, then continue to develop in the process of socialization.

There is a problem of freedom, because Truths are laid from outside without a person's knowledge, and no one after I will not explain to him the relativity of all these truths for the simple reason that the transmitter of these truths himself experienced them once like truthsand therefore can not relate to them critical.

In order for a person to become fully due to from the inside, the "extraction" of all introduced and designing its own reality will occur. As a rule, quite often the removal of a person from the state of cultural conditionality is carried out using Other As an intermediary, a peculiar bridge between the reality of the subjective and reality of objective (cultural), and it is important what happens to a person with a transition, - when can a person take a metaposition in relation to culture and itself?

This feature appears when a person falls into an existential vacuum, a metaphysical emptiness - when everything that he relied, all the laws by which he lived - everything suddenly becomes unreal, ridiculous, the fact that in Hinduism is called mayan (illusion of the world).

How can a person get into an existential vacuum? One of the reasons can serve as a modern cultural situation. The pace of change in public, social, state life is such that they created prerequisites for the change in the nature of human cultural conditionality. Doubt on B. different countries Increasingly, the entire system of previous conditioning is set, that is, situations arise when a person can notice the things that he was not able to notice before.

Why? Because new views appeared on the necessary aspects of external conditionality. There was a mutual collision of all sorts of aspects of conditionality. And I myself, and the world turns out to be more naked for me for a period of time.

Here and the possibility of "exit from the mechanisms of life and from the mechanisms of itself into a certain empty space and the birth of a new life. That is, "doing" or is happening, or does not happen ... but after all, "the thing will happen", a person can realize that there is no "actually", everything Values, goals and meanings relativeFrom now on, only he himself is a measure of all its surrounding things and phenomena - he is one of the criterion of truth.

Here, the transition "Outside" to "inside" can begin. A very important role in this transition is played by creativity.

"When you follow (if you go; it is, of course, no moment, this is a process), no one will offer you anything. Not about to choose, nothing to look for, nothing to adapt to - you need to do everything. There is nothing ready ... everything must be done, all that used to be prepared before. You will be like a fish that myself should do the sea, or a pond, or river. No one offers nothing, solid creativity. And not in the portable, but in the literal sense, because even if you take something ready, then it should somehow transform it - fill this form to its content. "

Thus, a person begins to create his own reality, his own history - the one he consciously consciously Chooses. That is, a person is not created by nature and evolution. Man is created. Continuously, again and again is created. It is created in its own history, with the participation of his own individual efforts - with its participation. He seizes the culture and creatively overcomes it - self-realizes.

This process acquires a continuous character, because A person is trusted constantly to go beyond his limits, constantly change. With this approach, continuing education acts as a modus for the development of the personal existence of a separate person.

Generally speaking, each person is in continuous education. The life of a person is his reality, and all that he experienced in her learned, did, etc., one way or another, in a rough or subtle form, it is imprinted in all aspects of its existence - psychological, physical, mental - any. The only difference is that some people do not realize this, and some are aware.

In the second, this formation is characterized by self-education, because They control the surrounding space and filter all the information coming from society in "inside" and "from the inside to the outside" (at least as possible - as much as it is in principle possible).

If such control is present, a person can perceive himself as a text that reads - because He somehow affects the surrounding space and anyone who is included in his behavior. And your own life as text - as the most important text written by them.

Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200b"continuity of education" or the idea of \u200b\u200b"self-education" is directed against the presence and control of the image, feelings and thought, and therefore against culture as the basis of non-critical education.

This was also said to P. G. Shchedrovitsky:

"... The processes of self-determination, the processes of formation ... always flow in a cultural, sociocultural environment, and therefore, rely on certain sociocultural institutions ... However, as this space arises, we are more and more faced with the fact that sociocultural And the spatial environment is not equipped for development, and those guides that create this environment will diverge and contradict the goals and values \u200b\u200bthat we are with the subjects, practicing development, put forward "

The conclusion from the whole viewed will be a description of the concept " epimeleia. » – « caring for oneself"- Foucault introduced by Michel. He considered the concern about himself to the essential necessity and the ultimate goal of the life of any person. A man taking care of himself characterizes the following:

1. A peculiar and individual manner to look at the world, act and join the relationship.

2. Transferring a look from the external surrounding world to himself. It assumes a kind of observation and control over their own thoughts, actions, etc.

3. A certain image of actions carried out by a subject with respect to itself - the action he changes, clears, converts and transforms itself.

"A person must strive ... to acquire the status of the subject, whom he never had before. The non-subject should be given the status of a subject, which is determined by the completeness of its relationship to its "I". Need to create yourself as a subject ... ".

Approximately the same said Merab Markdashvili.

"People are exempting exactly so much as they themselves did their way of liberation from the inside, because all slavery is self-confusion. "Internal freedom" is not underground freedom in any social sense, nor in the sense of spiritual underground. This is a really revealed freedom in the sense of human liberation within himself from the shackles of its own ideas and images, the release of human independence and being. "

We often dream of: about holidays, about vacation, about new meetings, shopping. Paintings of imaginary happiness activate in our nervous system Neurotiator Dopamine. He refers to the system of promotion and thanks to him, dreaming, we feel joy and pleasure. Dream is simple and easy way Improve mood, distract from problems and to be alone. What could be bad in this?

Sometimes Marina remembers the previous trip to the sea. She was so waiting for her, he dreamed about her. It is a pity that not all that she has accounted for, coincided with reality. The room was not the same as in the picture, the beach is not very, the town ... In general, there were a lot of surprises - and not all pleasant.

We rejoice, looking at the perfect pictures that our imagination has created. But many notice the paradox: sometimes dreams are more pleasant than possession. It happens, having gotten the desired, we even feel disappointment, because the reality is rarely similar to what our imagination has drawn.

Reality collapses us unpredictable and diverse. We are not ready for such, we dreamed of something else. Confusion and disappointment when meeting with a dream - fee for the fact that we do not know how to enjoy everyday life From real things - such as they are.

Marina notes that it is rarely here and now, in the present: she dreams of the future or moves memories. Sometimes it seems to her that life passes by that the wrong to live with dreams, because they often turn out to be ephemeral on the calibration. She wants to rejoice at something real. What if happiness is not in dreams, but in the present? Maybe feel happiness is just a skill, which marina is not?

We are aimed at implementing plans and many things we make "on the machine". Immerse yourself in reflections about the past and the future and stop seeing the present - what is around us and happens in our soul.

IN last years Scientists actively investigate the impact on the well-being of a person's conscious meditation - technique based on the development of awareness of reality.

These studies began with the works of Professor Massachusette University of Biologist John Kabat Zinn. He was fond of Buddhist practices and could scientifically prove the effectiveness of the use of conscious meditations to reduce stress.

Practice of awareness - this is a complete transfer of attention to the moment, without evaluating yourself or reality

Psychotherapists of the cognitive behavioral direction began to successfully apply individual techniques for conscious meditations in working with clients. These technicians have no religious orientation, the lotus posture is not required for them and some special conditions. At their basis - conscious attention under which John Kabat Zinn understands "the complete transfer of attention to the moment - without any evaluation of oneself or reality."

Conscious the present you can ever: at work, at home, on a walk. Attention can be concentrated in different ways: on its breath, the environment, sensations. The main thing is to track the moments when consciousness goes into other modes: assessments, planning, imagination, memories, internal dialogue - and return it back to this.

Research Cabath-Zinn has shown: people who have taught conscious meditations, better cope with stress, are less worried and sad and in general feel happier than before.

Today Saturday, Marina does not rush anywhere and drink morning coffee. She loves to dream and not going to abandon it - dreams help Marina hold the image of the goals to which she seeks.

But now Marina wants to learn to feel happiness not from anticipation, but from real things, so it develops a new skill - conscious attention.

Marina looks at her kitchen, as if he sees her for the first time. Blue door facades lights sunlight out of the window. Outside the wind window shakes the crowns of trees. Warm beam hits hand. It would be necessary to wash the windowsill - the attention of Marina escapes, and she begins to plan the usual. Stop - Marina returns to the excreable immersion at the present.

She takes a mug in her hand. Looks at the pattern. Browsing in irregularity of ceramics. Makes a sip of coffee. Feeling shades of taste, as if he drinks his first time in his life. Notes that time stops.

Marina feels alone with him. As if she traveled for a long time and finally returned home.

about the author

- Clinical psychologist, a member of the Association of Cognitive-Bihewic Therapists, works in the clinic "Doctor Near". Read more on It site..

The science

The universe in which we live is not the only one of a kind. In fact, it is just one unit of an infinite number of universes, the totality of which is called Multivesened.

The statement that we exist in the multiverse may seem like fiction, but behind it real scientific explanations. A huge number of physical theories independently indicate that the multiverse really exists.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most famous scientific theories confirming the fact that our universe is just a multiverse particle.

1) Infinity of the Universes

Scientists are not exactly sure which form has space-time, but most likely, this physical model has flat shape (as opposed to spherical form or shaped donut) and extends infinitely. If space-time is infinite, at some point it should be repeated. This is due to the fact that particles can line up in space and time in certain methods, and the number of these methods is limited.

So, if you look far enough, you can stumble upon another version of yourself.Rather, the infinite number of options. Some of these twins will do what you are doing when as others will wear another clothes, they will have another job, they will make another choice in life.

The dimensions of our universe is difficult to submit. Light particles overcome the distance from its center to the edge for 13.7 billion years. It was so many years ago a big explosion took place. Space-time outside of this distance can be considered as a separate universe. Thus, numerous universes exist alone next to the other, representing an infinitely giant patchwork blanket.

2) bubble giant universe

In the scientific world there are other theories of the development of the universes, including theory entitled Chaotic theory of inflation . According to this theory, the universe quickly began to expand after a large explosion. This process reminded inflatable balloonFill gas.

The chaotic theory of inflation was first suggested by Sosmology Specialist Alexander Vedekin. This theory suggests that some parts of the space cease when as others continue to expand, so allowing you to form an isolated "bubble universe".

Our own universe is just a small bubble in the huge space of space, in which there is an infinite number of the same bubbles. In some of these bubble universes the laws of physics and fundamental constant may differ from our. These laws could seem to us more than strange.

3) parallel universes

Another theory that follows from the theory of strings is that there is a concept of parallel universes. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of parallel worlds is associated with the likelihood that there is much more measurements than we can present. According to our ideas today exist 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporary.

Physicist Brian Green. of University of Columbia Describes it like this: "Our universe is one" block "from a huge number of" blocks "floating in space with a variety of measurements."

Also, according to this theory, the universes are not always parallel and are not always out of our reach. Sometimes they can embrypace each other, causing repeated Big explosionswhich return the universes to its original position again and again.

4) Subsidiary Universes - Another theory of the formation of the universes

The theory of quantum mechanics, which is built on the concepts of the tiny world of subatomic particles, suggests another way to form multiple universes. Quarter mechanics describes the world in probability conditions, while avoiding the final conclusions.

Mathematical models, according to this theory, can assume all possible outcomes of the situation. For example, at the intersection where you can turn right or left, this universe forms two subsidiariesIn one of which you can go right, and in the other - to the left.

5) Mathematical Universes - the hypothesis of the emergence of the Universe

Scientists for a long time argued whether mathematics useful tool To describe the universe, or it itself is fundamental reality and our observations are just imperfect ideas about true mathematical nature.

If the latter is true, perhaps a certain mathematical structure that forms our universe is not the only option. Other possible mathematical structures may exist independently in separate universes.

"The mathematical structure is what you can describe completely independently of our knowledge and concepts, - He speaks Max Tegmark, Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of this hypothesis. - Personally, I believe that somewhere there is such an universe that can exist completely independently of me and will continue to exist, even if there are no people. "

Often the reason for poverty is laid in people in the subconscious. They see and hear what parents report, and act according to the template, unconsciously. This is how genetic poverty is produced, which poisoning the lives of many generations, which cannot escape from the chain paws of stereotypes and the laid behavior principle.

How often did you draw attention to people? We noticed that some behave relaxed, smile, rejoice in life and are always in high spirits? And there is another type of people - always hurrying, with a low-lowered head, grumpy and untidy dressed. Do you feel the difference? And after all, often in such behavior, blame not the people themselves, but those who showed and said that so correctly.

Causes of genetic poverty

To understand what is hidden behind the term "genetic poverty", it is necessary to be in the essence of this process and understand the mentality of the people who themselves delay in the swamp of insufficient life, not understanding that it is possible to live differently, just breaking the pattern.

Reason first: mentality

Imagine the situation: you come to visit a person and are affecting what is happening in his house. Dirty floors, old wallpapers, shabby sofa, unwashed windows ... And your brain begins to draw your pictures of what you would do with this room, as if removed, which changed. Dirt is one of the signs of poverty. Where there is an uncertainty, optional and desire to smear your hand, there is this poverty. The mentality of people is different, but those who are used to living in the mess, poor soul and are unlikely to change their lives for the better. This behavior often appears in those who lived all their lives, looking at such a life of their parents or relatives.

Cause Second: Mesh

Remember your childhood. Surely many of you will remember how they were inspired that it was impossible to touch a new one. Here is a servant, there is a new beautiful dishes in it, but it cannot be touched, because it is for guests. And you continue to drink tea from a sterbaty mug with a slot handle, sigh over yellowed soup with small cracks and scratches. And so in many families: everyone is waiting for some special occasion, continue to admire the beautiful bought items, but do not allow themselves to use them. This negative program is transmitted to children who will adhere to the same line of behavior, limiting themselves in anticipation of festive dayWhen beautiful and new things come out. That's just and they turn into garbage and trash over time, but they continue to be kept carefully. The brain no longer perceives them as a garbage, and draws pictures of fresh, just purchased towels, sheets ...

Cause Third: Solid Savings or Cinderella Syndrome

The terrible word "accumulation" pursues many throughout life and is transmitted to "inheritance" children. Savings and desire to accumulate on something and benefit, but it is much more common that the Nishchen understanding of this process is found. People refuse themselves in everything, do not buy good products, we carry the same clothes for years. Such an understanding is far from a happy life. The desire, for example, to buy a cottage or car commemorated, but do not forget about yourself. Live the injignment in order to become a happy owner of the cherished house in the hustr after a lot of years? Does this bring happiness in the end? Often at the moment when the cherished goal is achieved, people can no longer live differently and continue to limit themselves in everything. Their children, brought up by the principle "we do not afford it" begin to lead the same way of life, mercilessly saving on necessary shopping And shy to buy yourself new thingbecause parents raised them so much. This is the name of a genetic poverty, the fear of spending money for himself and not refuse to buy the necessary items of life.

Case Fourth: Subconscious Programming

Children as they grow are watching the behavior of their parents and get used to that setting that they are surrounded. If parents do not bother to make order, do redecorating And even wash, wash clothes and care for shoes, children perceive such behavior for normal. They copy the behavior to the manner and carry it throughout life, programming their offspring for such poor life in captivity of their own senior relations. Agree, because it is not necessary to spend huge amounts so that the house looks comfortable. Inexpensive, but clean furniture, fresh wallpaper, clean floors, windows - all this creates purity and in minds.

Methods of getting rid of genetic poverty

From any situation there is an output. People themselves can help themselves break out of a closed circle and spread with negative habits and mentality. After all, we see, hear and feel the delicious aroma of fresh bread, the smell of cleanliness and freshness after cleaning and venting, smiles and pride from the proceeding. We ourselves make our lives comfortable in your own understanding.

If you need to change something - be sure to change! Get rid of old trash on the balcony. Believe me, the ski stick, which you "for something useful", lies in the corner for years. Roll it down. And here are these plastic bottles - How much do you still buy water or juice? And what, every plastic container you need? So the impoverishment of the mind begins - with the storage of allegedly necessary and necessary things. But this shirt? Yes, love, but she has been many years old, she looks like a sex rag. Do you really not notice this? So wipe the mirror, wash the windows and look around.

If you saw that your home looks more like a bench of antiques, and the wardrobe is without a small couple of dozen years old, then you urgently need to get rid of these things. Not immediately, gradually, habitual to a new state of freedom and independence from the older and trash.

In one beautiful morning, take that the most notorious new cup And pour your favorite drink in it. It will be much better of what you drank yesterday, but from the old cup. Do not believe - check!

Turn on your favorite music and remove the curtains from the window (they are still time to wash). Go to the store and buy yourself a new clothes. One, not expensive, but new. With a label. Put it right in the store, and old thing Throw into the trash. Yes, so you can!

Love New linens And listen to your feelings in the morning - the mood has improved, slept sweet and comfortable. It acts!

Disassemble the ruins of unnecessary things. Just do it. Not immediately, gradually. Throw out this old newspaper, and the mountain of dusty books that you do not taste. Give them, put on the street with a note, sell - just get rid of what takes place in your home.

Start the transformation in everything and soon you will feel great relief and joy from every new day. Remember that poverty in the heads, and in your power to get rid of this obsessive and sticky sense of dependence on someone else's opinion imposed on you. Your life is your rules. Once you start your transformation, life will begin to present you pleasant surprises, believe me! We wish you happiness and success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and