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The most radioactive places on earth that you shouldn't visit. Invisible death. The most radioactive zones on the planet

(after the disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima) an accident in which environment got about 100 tons of radioactive waste. An explosion followed, polluting a huge area.

Since then, the plant has experienced many abnormal situations, accompanied by emissions.

Siberian Chemical Plant, Seversk, Russia

Proving ground, city of Semipalatinsk (Semey), Kazakhstan

Western Mining and Chemical Combine, Mailuu-Suu town, Kyrgyzstan

Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Pripyat city, Ukraine

Urta-Bulak gas field, Uzbekistan

Aikhal village, Russia

On August 24, 1978 within the framework of the Kraton-3 project, an underground explosion was made 50 kilometers east of the Aikhal settlement to study seismic activity. The capacity was 19 kilotons. As a result of these actions, a large radioactive release to the surface occurred. So large that the incident was acknowledged by the government. But there have been a lot of underground nuclear explosions in Yakutia. The increased background is typical for many places even now.

Udachninsky mining and processing plant, Udachny town, Russia

Within the framework of the "Crystal" project, on October 2, 1974, an overhead explosion with a capacity of 1.7 kilotons was made 2 kilometers from the town of Udachny. The goal was to create a dam for the Udachny mining and processing plant. Unfortunately, there was also a major blowout.

Canal Pechora - Kama, Krasnovishersk, Russia

100 kilometers north of the city Krasnovishersk in the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region On March 23, 1971, the Taiga project was carried out. Within its framework, three charges of 5 kilotons each were blown up for the construction of the Pechora-Kama canal. Since the explosion was superficial, an ejection occurred. Was infected large area, where, however, people live today.

Onshore Technical Base 569, Andreeva Bay, Russia

Polygon "Globus-1", Galkino village, Russia

Here in 1971, another peaceful underground explosion was carried out under the Globus-1 project. Again for the purpose of seismic sounding. Due to poor-quality cementing of the wellbore to place the charge, substances were released into the atmosphere and into the Shachu River. This place is the officially recognized zone of technogenic contamination closest to Moscow.

Mine "Yunkom", Donetsk, Ukraine

Gas condensate field, Krestishche village, Ukraine

Another unsuccessful experiment was carried out here on the use of nuclear explosion for peaceful purposes. More precisely, to eliminate the gas leak from the field, which could not be stopped for a whole year. The explosion was accompanied by a release, a characteristic fungus and contamination of nearby areas. There are no official data on the radiation background at that time.

Totsk polygon, Buzuluk city, Russia

Once at this test site, an experiment called "Snowball" was carried out - the first test of the effect of the consequences of a nuclear explosion on people. During the exercise, the Tu-4 bomber dropped a nuclear bomb with a yield of 38 kilotons of TNT. Approximately three hours after the explosion, 45,000 troops were sent to the contaminated area. Only a few of them are alive. Is the landfill deactivated on this moment- unknown.

A more detailed list of radioactive sites can be found.

We are exposed to radiation to one degree or another every day. However, in these 25 places you will be exposed to the strongest radiation, which automatically makes these places the most radioactive sites on the ground. If you decide to visit any of them, do not be surprised that when you look in the mirror, you will see an additional pair of eyes ...

25. Metal mining region | Karunagappalli, India.

Krunagappalli is a municipality in the Kollama region of Kerala, India, which is the Indian capital for the mining of rare earth metals. Some of these minerals, such as monazite, end up in beach sand in some coastal areas, increasing the background radiation up to 70 mGy / yr (at a rate of up to 15 mGy / yr).

24. Fort d'Aubervilliers | Paris, France.

Radioactivity tests at Fort d'Aubervilliers have revealed serious contamination. 61 barrels of radioactive waste stored on its premises tested positive for cesium 137 and radium 226. In addition, 60 cubic meters soils are also considered contaminated.

23. Acerinox scrap metal recycling company | Los Barrios, Spain.

During one of the incidents at this plant, a leak of cesium 137 occurred. This caused the emission of a radioactive cloud with a radiation level 1000 times higher than the norm. The radioactive cloud later spread to Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria.

22. NASA Santa Susanna Laboratory | Simi Valley, California.

Simi Valley, California is where NASA's Santa Susana laboratory is based. But this laboratory would not be on this list if it were not for ten nuclear reactors low power, which became the causes of fires about ten times, which repeatedly led to the release of radioactive substances. Currently, the United States is implementing a project to clean up this place, but so far unsuccessfully.

21. Plutonium production plant Mayak | Muslyumovo, Russia.

Because of the plutonium production plant, which was built here in 1948, people in Muslyumovo in the southern Urals suffer from the consequences of radioactive contamination. drinking water which led to chronic diseases and physical disability.

20. Church Rock Uranium Mine | Church Rock, New Mexico.

The breakthrough of the dam at Church Rock led to the ingress of thousands of tons of solid radioactive waste and 350 million liters of radioactive material into the Puerko River. The pollution level was 7000 times higher than the norm, and in 2003 a study found that the river is still so polluted that even being nearby is dangerous to health.

19. Residential building | Kramatorsk, Ukraine.

In 1989, a small capsule containing radioactive cesium 137 was discovered in the wall of a residential building in Kramatorsk, Ukraine. This capsule had a surface level of 1800 R of gamma radiation per year and caused the death of six people and affected the health of another 17.

18. Brick houses| Yanjiang, China.

Yanjiang is notable for its brick buildings. Unfortunately, the sand in this region is mined from hills that contain monazite, which decays into radium, anemones and radon. Exposure to these elements has resulted in high rates of cancer cases.

17. Natural background radiation | Ramsar, Iran.

This part of Iran is known for having one of the highest levels of natural background radiation on Earth. Radiation levels in Ramsar reach 250 mSv per year, with a norm of 20 mSv.

For reference. Sv (Sievert) is a unit of measurement of the effective and equivalent doses of ionizing radiation in the International System of Units (SI)

16. Radioactive sand | Guarapari, Brazil.

Due to the erosion of the natural radioactive element monazite, the sands of Guarapari beaches have radiation levels reaching 175 mSv.

15. McClure | Scarborough, Ontario.

The McClure residential area in Scarborough, Ontario is a radioactive site contaminated with radium since the 1940s. The contamination was caused by radium extracted from scrap metal.

14. Paralana Underground Springs | Arkaroola, Australia.

Paralana's underground springs flow through rocks that are rich in uranium, and research shows that hot springs brought radioactive radon and uranium to the surface a billion years ago.

13. Instituto Goiano de Radioterapia | Goiânia, Brazil.

The radioactive contamination of Goiânia, Brazil was caused by a radiation contamination accident following the theft of a radiotherapy machine from an abandoned hospital. Hundreds of thousands of people have died due to pollution, and even today, radiation is still present in several areas of Goiânia.

12. Federal Center of Denver | Denver, Colorado.

The Denver Federal Center was used to dispose of a variety of waste, including chemicals and radiation waste; they include products of construction and road demolition. Unnecessary materials were placed in a large number places, which led to radioactive contamination of several areas of Denver.

11. McGuire Air Force Base | Burlington County, New Jersey.

McGuire Air Force Base was named one of the most polluted areas in 2007. That year, American military establishment ordered cleaning from pollution, but the place is still "fonit".

10. Complex for storage of radioactive waste Hanford Nuclear Reservation | Hanford, Washington.

Hanford - part American project to create the first atomic bomb. It was here that the plutonium was produced for the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. The enterprise created a huge amount of plutonium, which ultimately turned out to be useless and approximately two-thirds of the plutonium remained in Hanford, which led to pollution groundwater.

9. Sea | Mediterranean Sea.

A syndicate run by the Italian mafia is believed to be using the Mediterranean as a dumping ground for hazardous radioactive waste. It is believed that about 40 ships with toxic and radioactive waste sail through the Mediterranean every year, dumping large numbers of them into the water.

8. Somali Coast | Mogadishu, Somalia.

According to some reports, the soil of the unprotected Somali coast was used by the mafia for the disposal of nuclear waste and toxic metals in the amount of 600 barrels (barrels). This was confirmed when a tsunami struck in 2004 and several old rusty barrels were found, which strongly "phoned".

7. Production Association Mayak | Lighthouse, Russia.

Mayak, Russia, was home to the world's largest nuclear installation. It all began in 1957, when approximately 100 tons of radioactive waste was released into the environment in an accident that led to an explosion and pollution of a large area. This explosion, however, was not known until 1980, when it was also discovered that, since the 1950s, the waste from the plant was simply dumped into the environment, including Lake Karachay. The pollution, according to experts, could lead to illness or death of more than 400,000 people.

6. Sellafield Power Station | Sellafield, UK.

Sellafield, UK, was the site of the production of plutonium for nuclear bombs before becoming commercial territory. Today, about two-thirds of the buildings in Sellafield are considered radioactively contaminated. This facility releases approximately eight million liters of contaminated waste every day, slowly killing everything around it.

5. Siberian Chemical Combine | Siberia, Russia.

Like Mayak, Siberia is home to one of the largest chemical sites in the world. The Siberian Chemical Plant contaminates approximately 125,000 tons of groundwater with solid radioactive waste. The study also shows that wind and rain carry these pollutants into long distance leading to high mortality rates among animals.

4. Polygon | Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.

The test site in Kazakhstan became famous thanks to the testing of atomic bombs. This uninhabited place has been transformed into an object where Soviet Union detonated his first nuclear bomb. Approximately 200,000 people are currently suffering from the effects of the experiments carried out at the test site.

3. Western Mining and Chemical Combine | Mailuu-Su, Kyrgyzstan.

Mailuu-Su is considered one of the most polluted places in the world. Unlike other radioactive sites, this site received its radiation not from nuclear bombs or power plants, but from large-scale mining and processing of uranium, resulting in approximately 1.96 million cubic meters of nuclear waste.

2. Chernobyl nuclear power plant | Chernobyl, Ukraine.

This is one of the most polluted places in the world. The accident at the nuclear facility in Chernobyl caused a release of radiation that is comparable to more than a hundred nuclear strikes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

1. Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant | Fukushima, Japan.

The consequences of the earthquake, which led to the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, are still felt by the entire planet. The largest accident at a nuclear facility since Chernobyl caused the destruction of three reactors, which led to a serious radiation leak, traces of which are found even on West coast USA.

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Accidents at nuclear power plants or atomic bomb tests are all harmful to the environment. It is because of them that the level of radiation in some places on the planet is higher than in others.

Radioactivity is the ability of unstable atoms to decay spontaneously. Often, human activities accelerate this process. A striking example such an activity is the testing of nuclear weapons by several states at once. Below is a ranking of places where radiation levels are significantly above average.

9. Goias, Brazil

This bizarre incident took place in 1987 in the state of Goias, Brazil's Central West Region. Scrap collectors have stolen a radiation therapy machine from a local abandoned hospital. A device that emitted an unusual blue color attracted attention. However, subsequently the entire region was in great danger, since unprotected contact with this device led to the spread of radiation.

8. Sellafield, UK

Sellafield is an atomic complex for the production of weapons-grade plutonium for atomic bombs. The complex was founded in 1940, and in 1957 there was a fire, which resulted in the release of plutonium. The tragedy claimed thousands of lives and caused great material damage to the owners. The survivors soon died of cancer.

7. Hanford Complex, USA

Hanford Nuclear Complex, located in Washington state, on the Pacific Northwest coast. Founded in 1943 by the US government. The main task complex was the generation of nuclear energy for the production of weapons. Now the complex has been taken out of operation, however, the radiation emanating from it will remain on the territory for many more decades.

Unfortunately, neither local residents nor the country's authorities are responsible for the spread of radiation in Somalia. According to the available data, the responsibility for this lies on the shoulders of the management of European companies based in Switzerland and Italy. The authorities of these companies took advantage of the unstable situation in the republic and dumped radioactive waste on its shores. The consequences of this discharge have had a very strong impact on the people of Somalia.

5. Denver, USA

Compared to other regions in the world, the Denver region of the United States has been proven to have high level radiation. However, some scholars attribute this to the fact that the city is located at an altitude of one mile (1609.344 m) above sea level. As you know, in high-mountainous regions the atmospheric layer is thinner, respectively, and protection from carrying radiation sun rays is not that strong. The region also contains large deposits uranium, which also play an important role in the spread of radiation in the region.

4. Semipalatinsk test site, Kazakhstan

During the Cold War, nuclear weapons were tested on the territory of the test site, which at that time belonged to the USSR. 468 tests were carried out, the consequences of which are still reflected on the residents of the surrounding area. According to the data, about 200,000 people have been affected by the radiation in this region.

3. Lighthouse (production association), Russia

During the Cold War, the Mayak production association built several nuclear power plants throughout Russia. The largest station was located in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40 (now Ozersk), Chelyabinsk region. On September 29, 1957, a catastrophe occurred at the station, which experts attributed to the 6th level on the international scale (the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was attributed to the 7th level). The death toll in this disaster is still uncertain. Attempts to cleanse the region from radiation are unsuccessful, it still belongs to the number of regions uninhabitable.

2. Fukushima, Japan

In March 2011, the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, or Fukushima Daiichi, located in Japan. As a result of the accident, the area around the nuclear power plant became empty. About 165 thousand local residents were forced to leave their homes, which existed in the zone around the plant, which has now become the exclusion zone.

1. Chernobyl, Ukraine

The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant left its mark on the entire territory of Ukraine and beyond. On April 26, 1986, the world was shocked by the news that an accident at a nuclear power plant occurred in the city of Pripyat. The vast territories of Ukraine, as well as the neighboring territories of Belarus and Russia, were threatened with contamination. There was a large release of radiation into the atmosphere. And although, according to official figures, there are only 56 people killed, true number victims are still questionable.

The use of atomic energy inevitably leads to accidents and radioactive contamination. Read on to find out about the nine most radioactive places on the planet. Ranking of the ten most radioactively contaminated places on the planet.

The very word “ radiation»Frightens many - it cannot be seen, touched or felt, one can only observe destructive consequences. Fukushima became a sad reminder and confirmation that the world is ruled not by man, but by nature.

Do you know ten places on the planet with the highest radiation levels? Maybe one of them is in your immediate vicinity?

No. 10. - located in the state of Washington. For decades, the complex has been producing plutonium, which the United States of America has used in its nuclear program. Today, most of all radioactive waste is located in this place. The complex has long been closed and not in operation, but this does not mean anything for 900 thousand m3 of liquid and solid contaminated waste, as well as for 520 km2 of contaminated groundwater.

№9. Mediterranean Sea- an interesting place, isn't it? The tourist paradise has become a place for the disposal of radioactive waste: it is no secret to anyone that the Italian mafia has been repeatedly accused precisely for using the waters of the sea for the disposal of radioactive waste. Approximately forty ships with such a load lay on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. It is difficult to imagine the scale of the catastrophe when, after a while, containers with waste begin to collapse.

No. 8. - also became a victim of the actions of the Italian mafiosi. The coast, not protected by the state, has turned into a reservoir for six hundred barrels of radioactive waste. The UN believes that containers of radiochemicals were thrown onto the Somali coast in 2004, during the tsunami.

№7.Production Association "Mayak" - Russia... One of the largest nuclear disasters took place here. A powerful explosion sounded in 1597, as a result of which one hundred tons of radioactive elements were released, which polluted a colossal territory. The catastrophe was carefully concealed almost until the beginning of the nineties of the last century. In addition, PA "Mayak" deliberately dumped pollutants into the river and the extraordinarily beautiful lake Karachay.

No. 6. - is located on the coast of the western part of Great Britain, therefore, even such a prosperous country is under the threat of radiation pollution. Initially, the station produced plutonium for nuclear warheads. Later, the station was redesigned, and it moved from a military purpose to a commercial one. And yet, Sellafield Station has become a waste dump - almost two-thirds of its buildings have become sarcophagi. Every day the Irish Sea is "replenished" with 8 million liters of toxic waste, for which it received first place in the ranking of the most radioactive seas on the planet.

No. 5. - another radioactive dangerous place in Russia. Poisonous waste has been stored on the territory of the enterprise for more than forty years. The condition in which the barrels with toxic waste are located are in such a deplorable state that at any moment they may leak and, as a result, the soil and groundwater can be contaminated.

No. 4. ... Here is a former nuclear test site, which the collapsed Soviet Union "gave" to Kazakhstan. At one time, this place was recognized as the most ideal for testing nuclear weapons. The population was about seven hundred thousand people. For forty years of tests, a record number of them - 465 nuclear explosions - were carried out in Semipalatinsk.

No. 3. - uranium mines of Kyrgyzstan. The raw materials that are mined at these mines are immediately processed, as a result, about forty landfills, which store very dangerous toxic substances, pose a real threat. The main danger is the possibility of earthquakes and delays in the region; they can provoke large-scale environmental pollution.

No. 2. ... This is a terrible reminder to all people about how destructive radiation is for all living things. The disaster left its imprint on at least six million people, of which, according to different sources, from four to ninety-three thousand died. To date, Chernobyl has not recovered from the consequences of the radioactive release, which is a hundred times higher than the indicators revealed during the dropping of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

# 1 .. The consequences of devastating tsunamis and earthquakes may turn out to be trifles compared to a possible environmental disaster in the area of ​​the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. The extent of the harm done is still being established. Even at a distance of three hundred and twenty kilometers from the accident site, the level of radiation was recorded. Scientists have yet to analyze the consequences of the disaster and draw conclusions about all possible consequences for future generations. It may very well be that the coast of the Country rising sun, will be out of competition in terms of radiation levels on the planet.

Do you think that the dose of radiation can be obtained only from the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant? A huge mistake!

Within the territory of the former USSR a huge number of infected objects. The traces of the largest accidents are still active today, 25 years after the fall of the country.

Often we do not even think that there is a huge radioactive burial ground, a nuclear test zone or an outcropping of geological rocks with a thousand times higher background very close.

Active objects of radioactive contamination

1. Production Association "Mayak", Ozersk, Russia


Infected areas: Chelyabinsk region

The Mayak accident in 1957 is the third in scale, after Chernobyl and Fukushima. But the enterprise for the production of components and the regeneration of nuclear materials functions to this day.

Lake Karachay nearby is the dirtiest radioactive zone on Earth. The background here exceeds the Chernobyl one by 1000 times.

Nevertheless, numerous emergency situations contaminate the atmosphere and soil of the entire Urals. The last major blowout took place in 2017. The radioactive cloud reached Europe, having lost a significant part along the way.

2. Siberian Chemical Plant, Seversk, Russia

Coordinates: 56 ° 21′16 ″ s. NS. 93 ° 38'37 "in. etc.

Infected areas:Tomsk region

In 1993, at this plant for the processing of solid radioactive materials, radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere, 2 thousand people were injured - the area is still characterized by an increased background.

Official sources say that the case in 1993 is the only one. However, according to GreenPeace, small emissions do occur regularly.

3. Mining and chemical plant, Zheleznogorsk, Russia

Coordinates: 55 ° 42′44 ″ s. NS. 60 ° 50'53 ″ in. etc.

Infected areas:Krasnoyarsk region

Until 1995, the enterprise produced weapons-grade plutonium necessary for the creation of nuclear warheads. In subsequent years, the enterprise was retrained for the storage of nuclear waste.

Discharges of radioactive materials into the Yenisei are a fairly common and undeniable event. Fortunately, the overall background downstream does not exceed the permissible limits too much.

However, at the moment, the enterprise is a source of infection. All hope is for the creation of a complete reprocessing cycle, in which the waste will become fuel for a new nuclear power plant.

4. Western Mining and Chemical Combine, Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan

Coordinates: 41 ° 16'00 ″ s. NS. 72 ° 27'00 ″ E etc.

Infected areas: Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan; Andijan and Namangand regions of Uzbekistan

Uranium was mined here until 1968. Over time, the deposits were exhausted, the industry was reoriented to the production of radio tubes, which also lost their value.

Today, the world's largest radioactive waste storage facility is located next to the settlement. The general background radiation is such that Mailuu-Suu is one of the 10 most polluted cities in the world.

Places of accidents with large-scale radioactive releases

5. Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Pripyat, Ukraine

Coordinates: 51 ° 23'22 ″ s. NS. 30 ° 05'59 ″ east etc.

Infected areas: Bryansk, Oryol, Tula, Kaluga regions of Russia; Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev regions of the Republic of Belarus

The tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant led to the largest radioactive contamination of territories in the history of mankind. Clouds of active gases passed through Russia. Eastern Europe also got it - Romania, the Balkan countries.

And the troubles are not over yet.

Areas contaminated with cesium-137 will poison residents for at least another 30 years. And the radioactive background in many areas and settlements Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula and Gomel regions exceeds the permissible value at times.

6.569th Coastal Technical Base, Murmansk, Russia

Coordinates: 69 ° 27 ′ N NS. 32 ° 21 ′ E etc.

Infected areas: Murmansk region
In 1982, a radioactive water leak occurred here, at Andreeva Bay. As a result, 700 thousand tons of water flowed into the Barents Sea - more than from Fukushima.

Andreeva Bay is not the only “dirty” place in the Murmansk region. But she is abandoned, unlike the others.

Disposals of spent nuclear fuel and onshore bases of nuclear service vessels located in the Murmansk region attract researchers from all over the world. The radiation level is increasing every year.

7. Chazhma Bay, Nakhodka, Russia

Coordinates: 42 ° 54′02 ″ s. NS. 132 ° 21'08 "in. etc.

Infected areas: Peter the Great Bay (?), water area of ​​the port of Nakhodka

As a result of the accident on the nuclear submarine K-431 in August 1985, an area of ​​about 100 thousand square meters was contaminated.

Although the background is gradually decreasing, Pavlovsky Bay is still dangerous to visit. In addition, leaks are likely to spread hazardous isotopes into seawater.

8. Village Aikhal, Russia

Coordinates: 65 ° 56'00 ″ s. NS. 111 ° 29'00 "in. etc.

Infected areas: The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The Kraton-3 project, within the framework of which an underground explosion was made near the village of Aikhal on August 24, 1978 to study seismic activity with an accidental release into the environment, making the area uninhabitable for 50 km around.

In addition, in Yakutia, similar experiments were carried out (but without airborne contamination) within the framework of the projects "Crystal", "Horizon-4", "Kraton-3/4", "Vyatka", "Kimberlite" and a whole series of explosions in the area of ​​the city Peaceful.

Official sources claim that the explosion sites have a standard natural background. Whether this is really so is unknown.

9. Kamsko-Pechora Canal, Krasnovishersk, Russia

Coordinates: 61 ° 18'22 ″ N NS. 56 ° 35'54 ″ E etc.
Infected areas: Perm region

A series of surface explosions for the construction of the canal led to the contamination of the nearby Pechora forests back in 1971.

Since then, the territory, even the crater itself, has become habitable.

However, the most important property of radioactive contamination is observed here: radiation still occurs, although official measurements cannot cover the entire territory, the main places of checks are clean.

10. Udachny mining and processing plant, Udachny, Russia

Coordinates: 66 ° 26′04 ″ s. NS. 112 ° 18′58 ″ in. etc.

Infected areas: Yakutia

A radioactive cloud resulting from an aboveground explosion as part of a project to create a dam for the Udachny mining and processing plant covered neighboring settlements.

Most of the territory today has a natural background, but in some places the so-called “dead forest” is preserved - areas of dead vegetation without any signs of life.

11. Gas condensate field, Krestishche, Ukraine

Coordinates: 49 ° 33'33 "s. NS. 35 ° 28'25 ″ in. etc.

Infected areas: Donetsk region of Ukraine

An attempt to eliminate a gas leak from a gas condensate field using a directed nuclear explosion was unsuccessful. But there was a release of radiation, the echoes of which are found nearby today.

Both immediately after the experiment and today, there are no official data on the radiation background.


12. "Globus-1", Galkino, Russia

Coordinates: 57 ° 31'00 ″ s. NS. 42 ° 36′43 ″ in. etc.

Infected areas: Ivanovo region

The release from the peaceful underground explosion of the "Globus-1" project in 1971 is still the cause of contamination of the surrounding area.

According to official data, today the background level is approaching the permissible level (although some of the adjacent territories are still closed).

However, in addition to this place, in the Moscow region there are several old radio cemeteries, and in the west there is an increased background, which appeared as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

If the authorities recognize the infection, they will have to pay benefits and provide benefits (including free higher education).

13. Semipalatinsk Test Site, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
