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Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery dictation. Repetition studied in VI class

The methodology of the Russian language is known to various types of working on the development of speech, which are successfully used in school practice (presentation, essay, etc.) along with the composition and presentation in the Russian methods are developed by certain types of dictations, playing an important role in the development of students' speech. A special place among them is occupied by a creative dictation, which serves simultaneously to the tasks of the development of speech and spending spelling.

S.P.Rodozubov, N.S. Pozdnyakov attributed to the creative dictation such a type of exercise, in which "students make up and write down proposals with the words" A.V. Teuchev indicated that "Creative dictation is a collective name of various exercises of a creative nature. It is carried out, as a rule, in order to develop speech skills of students. Here is the scheme of exercises such as a creative dictation: words are invented or written - examples on a specific orthogram. One or a few words are written on the board. From recorded words, students make up proposals. " From the point of view of M.V. Ushakov, creative dictation "suggests such a record of the dictated, in which students enter certain words or phrase into the text or replace some forms of words others." TA Ladyzhenskaya, Following M.V. Ushakov, refers to the creative dictation "Such a type of exercise, in which students insert the word or phrase text or phrase by the teacher by the teacher to other grammatical categories."

According to M.R. Lviv, "called" Creative Dictation "implies different exercises. One option: In accordance with the studied grammatical - spelling theme, words are selected and disassembled; With them are proposals and connected text on a given topic; These words can be used both in source and in a given form. Another option: the text is read, the required word is distinguished; The text is then written by students freely, creatively, but the specified words should be used. The creative dictation has a lot in common with the statement of supporting words, with a consolidated dictation. "

It seems that, with some change, the capabilities of the creative dictation can be expanded. Creative dictation can be defined as one of the types of grammatical and stylistic exercises on the development of schoolchildren's speech, which involves partial independent designing of the text (on a given basis) in order to clarify the stylistic functions of grammatical categories.

Creative dictation as one of the types of grammatical and stylistic exercises on the development of speech students contributes to the merger of learning and education into a single organic process, allows you to solve educational and educational tasks in a lesson in a close relationship. Creative dictations are especially effective to insert words in the picture, since preparatory stage Before writing an essay by picture.

If the creative dictation is carried out as a control, the stylistic editing of the text and the improvement of the written written occurs in the next lesson (after checking the student works). In the future, schoolchildren can offer to write an essay - a description of nature in the picture K. F. John "The end of winter. Noon". After such training, the composition of students are characterized by the wealth of content, imagery and expressiveness.

Thus, in the creative dictation laid large lingvometallic opportunities for the development of schoolchildren's speech in the learning process native language. I would like teachers to regularly use this kind of dictation in the practice of our work at school.

Russian language lesson. Speech development.

Class:6th grade.

Theme lesson:Creative dictation in the picture K.F. Jouta "The end of winter. Noon".

Objectives lesson:

  1. Raising - to educate independence, creative activity, aesthetic perception works of art, love for nature; bring up a sense of beauty, interest in oral folk creativity, painting and music.
  2. Training - teach students to use certain groups of words (adjectives), teach them exactly, beautiful and brightly describe items with the help of words and phrases; Help them master the skills of the description of the landscape depicted on the picture; To form students the ability to build text in a certain compositional form, teach to systematize the assembled material and determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement; Prevent speech shortcomings and grammatical errors in the works; Prepare for an essay by picture.
  3. Developing - to develop attentive attitude to the meaning of words and their use in oral and written speech; develop the ability to consciously use expressive tongue in their own statements; Develop a sense of wonderful.

Equipment:picture K.F. Jouta "The end of winter. Noon ", book" K.F. Jun ",

Epigraph lesson:

"Smile clear nature
Through the dream meets the morning of the year. "
A. S. Pushkin.

During the classes

1. The introductory word of the teacher.

We continue to work on the description. We will build this work on the material of the landscape - in the picture.

2. Questions Class:

How is the description of the description?

What are the tasks of the artistic description?

The specificity of the description, the transfer of the author's attitude to the objects of description, emotionality and image imagery. The originality of the description in the picture is that it is necessary to understand the design of the artist, to understand how the artist managed to embody this idea (the originality of the composition of the painting, paint, lighting), and transfer their attitude to the landscape in the picture, those feelings, thoughts, desires that this Landscape causes you.

So that your description is colorful, expressive and accurate, what artistic means need to be used? (comparisons, metaphors, words in a figurative value).

What part of speech helps you exactly and brightly describe the signs of items? (Adjective).

3. Teacher's word:

Today, guys, we will get acquainted with the work of a wonderful Russian artist, the creator of deep national images of the Russian nature Konstantin Fedorovich John, with his picture "The end of winter. Noon". We carefully consider this picture and will try more and more accurately talk about it, and then you write a creative dictation for this picture.

K.F.Uon (1875 - 1958) was born in Moscow, here he graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. The artist loved the Central Russian nature very much, so his canvases differ in poetry and cheerfulness. But the most Jouu loved to portray the end of winter, the beginning of the spring, the joyful awakening of nature from the winter sleep. Gentle blue sky, bluish-pink snow, bright spring sun, fabulously magical decoration of the winter forest - all this appears on the canvas K.F. Jouta. His paintings "Russian Winter", "Winter Sun", "The end of winter. Noon "create a festive, cheerful mood.

4. Conversation in the picture.

Consider the picture K.F. Jouta "The end of winter. Noon".

What is the good impression of the landscape, sad or joyful? What feelings, desire give rise to a landscape? Have you ever observed something similar?

What do you think the artist's idea? What is this picture about? Why is she called "the end of winter ..."

This picture is about the peculiar mood, what a person is experiencing in winter: everything is destroyed and waiting for warmth and light, but still a pity of the outgoing winter, with her beauty and fun. This picture and the beauty of snow on a sunny winter day. No wonder it is called "the end of winter. Noon".

How does the foreground drawing reveals the artist's main idea? What is the role of lighting on the front las? What do you think most like the artist in the foreground? What did the painter dare so that the snow is well lit? What position in relation to the sun did he occupy? What objects seem to be (everything except snow)?

Everything stretches to warmth and light. Chickens of the delusito dig snow. The sun lured them. Birch, slender, statute, pull their hands-branches to the sun. The sun is golden firewood and caresses birch trunks. Skiers set the face of the sun. The artist sat against the sun, why all the items in the picture are shaded, there are no bright spots. Nothing should distract from the main plan - to show the beauty of snow illuminated by the sun.

What does snow look like in the foreground of John's painting? How did the sky painter portray?

The sky is gentle, everything glows, shifts the gentle pink color. The snow absorbed the paints of the sky. It selects gentle, pearl shades of pink, blue, green. In the snow, short dark shadows from birch trees, deep blue human trails. (A teacher shows schoolchildren sea shells, draws attention to their painting: they are white, the colors of the ivory, pearl. Difficult to write words are written on the board. Comparison of the color of the shell and snow is carried out.)

What role in the embodiment of the artist's plan plays the background of the picture? What paints prevail in the background? Why did the author gave the background in the dark, cold colors?

In the background the kingdom of winter. The sun does not penetrate the thicket, snow e trunuts, stors are snowing. By contrast, the author emphasizes the tenderness and beauty of snow in the foreground.

5. Listening to the musical play.

The wealth of the paints and sounds of Spring attracted both a wonderful artist K. F. John, and the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who in 1876 he wrote "seasons" - an album consisting of 12 musical plays, one of which you now hear. This is "March. Lyonk song.

After a small pause, the class answers questions:

  1. What do you imagine when hear this music?
  2. How does the melody sound in Music P. Tchaikovsky?
  3. Did you like this music and what?
  4. What is common between the picture of John and the musical play of Tchaikovsky?

Tchaikovsky handed over in sounds the same as Jouk with paints - the awakening of nature, the offensive of spring.

6. Work with poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles about the spring.

Remember the proverbs, sayings, riddles of spring. What poems of spring do you know?

The teacher draws the attention of children to the epigraph of the lesson (it is recorded on the board):

Smile clear nature

Through the dream meets the morning of the year.

(A. S. Pushkin)

Why A. S. Pushkin calls the spring "in the morning of the year"? How does nature meet the spring?

7. Speech preparation. (Walking).

Our speech should be not only rich in content, but also correct in shape, figurative. It is very important to avoid unjustified speakers of words.

Exercise 1. We will select synonyms for words.

The artist is a painter, master brushes, a landscape player.

Picture - canvas, reproduction.

(Picture) Wonderful - wonderful, beautiful.

Creates - writes (but does not describe and does not draw).

Blushes - sparkles, shines, sparkles.

(Heaven) Blue - Ladurn, light blue.

(Birchings) Slender - Static.

(Mood) festive - cheerful, cheerful.

Task 2. Is it possible when describing the picture to use the following images? Explain why it is impossible?

Snow like a color carpet; Snow-white carpet.

Task 3. Specify, in what cases will it be appropriate to use a figurative meaning, enter an impersonation? (Snow plays, the sun pours light, thoughtful birch trees, harsh winter ...)

Try to use different meansTo make your description for shaped, expressive.

8. Reading dictation text.

We draw attention to the fact that the text is very impoverished by the picture. This is due to the fact that it has almost no adjectives that indicate signs of depicted items.

But the picture description can be made more complete and bright, if you enrich the text with certain words that call the signs of depicted objects and actions.

Our task is to disseminate proposals by definitions (adjectives), but so that the consuming words correspond to the picture shown in the picture so that the definitions are bright, shaped and expressive.

Before reading the dictation, two proposals recorded on the board are disassembered. Suggestions: (Winter Sunny) Day. Air (quiet, transparent, blue, warm).

Adjective names are emphasized.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the spelling of the dialects denoting the location: here, on the right, on the left, near, near, away, etc. ( they are recorded on the poster).

K. F. John most liked to portray on his canvases (Russian Spring) Nature. Spring's offensive he devoted the picture "The end of winter. Noon".

(Winter sunny) day. Air (quiet, transparent, blue, warm). Sky gentle, everything shines, shifts (pink, bluish) Color. The picture does not depict the sun, but we feel (Golden, Sunny) Light on (Thin, Slender, Statted, Tableless, Pensive)birchings (lush, prickly) Eyes, on the logs of a rustic hut. Even skiers faced the Sun!

In the center of the picture (Motley, funny, businesslike) Chickens are looking for grains in (melting, loose) snow. Ristulable on the right (islandic, fluffy, evergreen)spruce Left (big, log, wooden) House, from his roof slides ( huge, white-white) Snow cap. But most of all in the foreground the picture is attracted by snow. The artist specially sat down against the sun, to better show the beauty of snow in (Sunny Winter) day. Here, in the picture, the snow, as it were, absorbed all the paints of the sky and selects pearlescent shades (Pink, Blue, Green, Turquoise, Lazorovo)like sea shell.

The distance is visible (big, dark) forest. There is still the kingdom of winter. The sun does not penetrate the thicket, so snow (white-white), like chalk. By contrast, Jun emphasized the tenderness and beauty of snow not foreground.

All like this (Wonderful, wonderful, beautiful) picture. She creates (Spring, festive) Mood. The artist well showed the end (long, harsh) winter.

9. Record text dictation.

10. After recording dictation, two-three students read the resulting text.

What conclusion can you now do? How and why the text of the dictation changed? (It is concluded about the meaning of the names of adjectives in our speech.)

One of the proposals of dictation is re-recorded after discussion.

Styling. Improving written.

The teacher dictates new proposals:

  1. In the snow, it is clearly reflected (short, dark, bluish) shadows from birch.
    The entire class is discussed by insertions, and all write text with the most appropriate adjectives.
  2. In the center of the picture, in the sun, stand (whittle, slender) birch with (bare, thin) branches and are waiting for spring.
  3. The artist wrote his picture about the offensive of spring (bright, sunny) paints, so it causes a sense of joy from everyone who looks at her.


  1. Ladyzhenskaya TA Creative dictations. - M., 1963. - S.5.
  2. Lviv M.R. Dictionary-Directory on the method of Russian language. - M., 1988. - s. 205.
  3. Redozubov S.P., Pozdnyakov N.S. Methods of teaching Russian. - M., 1952. - p. 49.
  4. Teuchev A.V. Methods of Russian in high school. - M., 1980. - s. 272.
  5. Balashova T.Yu. Creative dictation in speech development lessons. Russian language magazine in school 1998, no. from. 17 -21.

Objectives lesson:

  • maintaining the skills of working with text based on the analysis of the texts of a single subject: determining the topic, text ideas, highlighting keywords;
  • the development of oral and written speech, the ability to communicate and competently express their thoughts, to give a detailed answer to the question registered;
  • the development of the ability to compare, allocate the main thing;
  • aesthetic education of students through the works of Russian painting;
  • civilian education of students through the understanding of the portrait essay of P.M.Tretyakov.

Equipment: Computer presentation of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists located in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Pre-homework: Read the texts number 11, 35, 36 ("Collection of texts for the written exam in the Russian language" - the author is the compiler L.M. Rybchenkova, V.L.Sklarov), identify the topic, the idea of \u200b\u200beach text, entitled them, allocate keywords In each text.

Individual tasks:

  1. Text No. 11- Select difficult for understanding the word and explain their lexical importance in the sensible dictionary.
  2. Text No. 35- to make a plan of the text in the form of issues and ask them to comrades in the lesson.
  3. Answer the question about text number 35: "What features the character of the artist testifies to this text?"
  4. To tell about his impression of the picture of Savrasov "Gracchi flew".
  5. Prepare a compressed retelling of text No. 36.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Registration of records in the notebook.

Today we hold a regular training lesson for the examination. However, this is not just a lesson, but a lesson - a trip to the Tretyakov Gallery (Slide No. 1).

2. Perform individual tasks at the board.

A) insert missing letters, explain the spelling of words graphically.

B. fromkORS. t.naya love
N. e.schoomal money by-prince
Antimerchant merits
Choose iR.aT for G. l.erei
Museum of National wow claim sStV
Etc ande. z.stick in Moscow

B) graphically explain the formulation of punctuation marks in sentences (Text is given without punctuation marks).

P. M. Tretyakov - Founder of the Museum of National Art in Moscow.

The author wants to interest us with the personality of P.M. Tretyakov, who devoted his whole life to the creation of the National Art Gallery. It was a man of fantastic hardworking, deep inner nobility, rare modesty and amazing demands for himself. Life P.M.Trevyakova is a real civil feat, because he retained the masterpieces of Russian painting for future generations.

3. Class. Wordwork.

Let's start a lesson from a vocabulary with a subsequent self-test (during the work, the interpretation of the lexical meaning of difficult words).

Russian painting
Huge collection

Tretyakov Gallery
Historical picture
Unexpected Associations (Association is a relationship between individual ideas, in which one of the views is different.)
Light and color
Oil paints
Prepared sketchynik

(Etudnik is a special flat box with painting, drawing, drawing and place for the placement of etude. Etude - drawing, picture or sculpture, made from nature and usually representing a part of the future of a large work.)

What do you think, why did we write these words today?

Answer: These phrases from the texts we acquainted at home. They are key and combine all these texts.

What topic unites texts number 11,35,36?

Answer: All these texes are associated with topics, they are told about the masterpieces of Russian painting, which are in the Tretyakov Gallery.

So, today at the lesson we go on a tour of the Tretyakov Gallery. (Slide number 1)

4. Main part of the lesson.

1. Determine the topic of text 11.

Topic: A story about Pavel Mikhailovic Tretyakov - the founder of the Museum of National Art in Moscow, who carries his name Tretyakov Gallery, or Tretyakovka. (Slide number 2 - I.E.Pepin. Portrait of P.M.Trevyakova, Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, 1883)

2. Determine the style, type of speech and genre of this text.

The text refers to a publicistic style, the type of speech - the narration, the genre is a portrait essay.

3. Who is the hero of a portrait essay?

A specific person possessing those or other advantages or disadvantages.

4. How is a portrait essay? Is there any specific plan?

The author can tell about his hero through the creation of an external and domestic portrait.
How does L.Volynsky, the author of the text, reveals the Personality of Tretyakov before us? (through actions, attitude to art, to artists)

5. Checking an individual homework: allocate difficult to understand the words and explain their lexical importance in the sensible dictionary.

Venerable patrons

  • welject - noble
  • rich patronage - rich patron of science and arts

Disinterested love

  • disinterested - alien peg
  • care - Benefit, material benefit

Vanity - arrogant desire for glory, to worship

Vain - loving fame that exhibits its advantages

Humanism - humanity in social activities in relation to people

Mobile - advanced, democratically tuned artist - Realist of the second half of the 19th century, a member of mobile exhibitions

Place of pilgrimage

  • pilgrimage - travel to familiarize
  • with some sights

masterpieces of painting

  • the masterpiece is an exceptional work of art, literature in its advantages.

6. Checking an individual task A.

Explain spelling words.

Disinterested love
Did not shit money by prince
Anticpeant advantages
Choose for the gallery
Museum of National Art
Who came to Moscow

What features of Tretyakov struck you?

Task class:find in the text and read offers in which these words and phrases are used.

7. Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthis text.

The author wants to interest us with the personality of P.M. Tretyakova, a man who devoted his whole life to the creation of the National Art Gallery. It was a man of fantastic hardworking, deep inner nobility, rare modesty, amazing demanding to himself. He committed a real civil feat - transferring to Moscow Gallery, and therefore all of Russia, he retained the masterpieces of Russian painting for future generations.

I would like to give the statement of the artist M. Snesterov: ".. He appeared at the time of P. M.Tretyakov, do not give it a whole big idea, do not start collecting together Russian art, his fate would be different, perhaps, and we would not know Neither "Boyari Morozova", nor the "transpar", nor all those, large and small, paintings, koi are now decorated with the famous Tretyakov Gallery. Then, in those distant years, it was a feat .. "

(View Slides number 3, 4, 5 - chairs of the Tretyakov Gallery; Slides number 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 are some pictures in it:

N.N.G. Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexey in Peterhof, 1871
I.I. Chishkin. Morning in a pine forest, 1889
I.I. Chishkin. Ship Grove, 1898
V.M.vasnetsov. Alenushka, 1881.
I.I. Levitan. March, 1895)

Checking an individual task b - punctuation analysis of the proposals.

8. How did you entitle the text?

Creator of the Tretyakov Gallery.
A matter of life.
Life dedicated to art.
Great civil feat.

9. Text number 35.

A) What is the story about this text? (On the history of the creation of the painting "Fear of Morozov" by the artist Surikov) (Slide number 11 - V.I. Surikov. Boyarnya Morozova, 1887)

B) In order to understand the content of the picture, we need to contact the historical help. Who is that boyfriend Morozova?

Morozova Theodosius Prokofievna - Boingman (year of birth is unknown, the year of death - 1672), it is one of the largest figures of split, or old-believe. Old Believement is a religious movement against church reforms of Patriarch Nikon, who has begun a change in liturgical books, church rites. Old Believers are adherents of the old faith, opponents of church innovations. In the literature lessons, we talked about the Protopope Avvakum - the leaders of the Old Believers.

By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the richest estates and all the property of Morozova were confiscated, and she herself was exiled to the Borovsky Paftyev Monastery and was enclosed in Ostrog, where he died. Surikova is depicted at the picture when Morozov's boyfriend is departed from Moscow to the link.

C) Checking an individual homework: to make a plan of text No. 35 in the form of issues and ask them to comrades in the lesson.

How did Surikov worked on the picture? (Slides number 12, 13 - V.I. Surikov. Head of Boyruyni Morozova, 1886. Etude for the painting "Fear of Morozova"; V.I. Surikov. Haradshnya in blue fur coat, 1887. Etude for the painting "Fear Morozova").

D) Checking an individual homework.

Answer the question about text number 35: "What features the character of the artist testifies to this text?"

10. Text number 36.

A) What picture was written by A.K.Savasov in the village of Polvitina?

Answer: Savrasov wrote the picture "Graci flew" and happened more than 130 years ago. Now this village is called Susannino settlement (Kostroma region). Residents of this village are very proud of this event. However, now the rags are not nesting near the church, as there are no longer former birch trees, they had to cut themselves because of old age, and new people somehow did not bother to plant. However, after all, in the village of Graci arrive.

A.K.Savasov very well managed to convey the feeling of the arrival of spring, the joy of renewal of nature. It is no coincidence that the artist after the picture name put not a point, but an exclamation mark.

(Showing Slides number 14 - A.K.Savrasov. Grachics flew, 1871, Slides number 15.16 A.K.Savrasov. Grachics flew. Fragment, 1871)

B) Checking homework: Compressed leakage of text number 36.

C) Tasks to text №11 and number 36 are echoing.

№11 Tell us about your impression of any picture from the Tretyakov Gallery.

No. 36 What picture was created by the artist in the village of Molitina? Write about your attitude to her.

Checking an individual homework:

to tell about his impression of the picture of Savrasov "Gracchi flew".

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov is one of the famous Russian landscape players. During 1871, Savrasov and enthusiasm worked on his main work - "Graci flew". The first etude to him by the artist wrote in March in the village of Polvitino, then a long painstaking work on the composition of the painting began. His picture "Graci flew" familiar to us since childhood. Before us appears a nonsense landscape of the usual Russian village. Serious spring day. We see the old church with a bell tower, a long boardy fence, roofs of wooden houses; In the foreground, a few non-zezed thin birches. They come with nests coming graphchi. Everything is simple and familiar here. Air is clean and air is clear and transparent. Snow has become completely loose, proedalins appeared. The artist does not use bright colors. Savrasov surprisingly accurately conveyed the offensive spring, not only see her, but hears and feel. Savrasov said: "Art and landscapes are not needed, where there is no feeling. If there is no soul, then there will be nothing in painting ... but the landscape does not have a goal if it is only beautiful. It should have the story of the soul. It should be a sound that meets heart feelings. "

5. Outcome lesson.

What did you know the new on the lesson? What did you learn? Has this lesson helped to understand the texts?

6. Homework: An essay to choose from the themes "Excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery", "I want to tell about the picture ...".

For students of the 9th grade, control dictations are offered for two half months and the end of the school year. You can schedule control in the working program with a support for selected texts. For some dictations, additional tasks on the syntax of a complex offer are given. Trainers seize the skills to draw up schemes of proposals with different types of communication, to give a characteristic.

Control dictation according to the first half of the year

Pupil people

Pupil people respect the human person, and therefore always indulgent, soft, polite. They are compassionate not to alone with beggars and cats. They are sick and from what you will not see a simple eye. They are comprehensive and fear lies like fire. 4 They are not lying even in trifles. They are not drawn, keep themselves on the street as well as at home, do not let dust in the eyes of a smaller brethren. They are not talking and do not climb with frankness when they do not ask them.

They do not humiliate themselves to cause sympathy in each other. They do not play in the strings of other people's shower so that they sighed them in response and nursed them with them. They do not say: "I do not understand me," because it beats on a cheap effect.

They are not skid. They do not occupy such fake diamonds, as familiarity with celebrities.

To educate and not stand below the level of the medium in which it was not enough to read the Pickwick. Here you need a continuous day and night work, eternal reading, willing the will. 4 (by A. Chekhov.)

(152 words.)

Grammatical task

Eagle's Nest

Once a herd of precious wild spotted deer, moving towards the sea, came to a narrow cape. We extended them across the entire cape of a wire mesh and blocked the path in Taiga. The deer for food there was a lot of herbs, and shrubs, we had only to guard our dear guests from the predators-leopards, wolves and even from Orlov. four

From the height of the mountain, I began to look at the rock at the bottom and soon I noticed that the very sea, on a high cliff, covered with beloved herb, graze a deer female. Near it in the shadow lay some yellow circle. Looking at binoculars, I soon assured that it was a deer.

Suddenly, where the surf throws his white fountains, trying to get into the dark green pines inaccessible to him, a premium eagle rose, he risen high and rushed down. But the mother heard the noise of a falling huge bird, quickly grabbed and met her: she got up to the hind legs against the cub and the front empties tried to get into the eagle, and he, one of the unexpected obstacle, began to attack him. 4 (163 words.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.


Luxurious tropical day ended. The scorching burned down, and from the escaped ocean, the tender coolness was released.

The sun quickly rolled to the sunset and soon lit a burning glow of a distant horizon, wearing the sky with magical overflows of all sorts of paints and flowers, then bright, neventy, and pouring purple and gold and the ocean strip, and the tops of volcanic mountains high The green island, sharply outlined in transparent air clarity.

Punching black smoke clubs from their white pipe, Korshun approaching the foam drunas, which wava-stand with silver ribbon be whiten by the island. This mighty ocean waves are divided into a barrier, which has risen due to the vector artwork of small polyps from the invisible depths of the ocean, about a narrow surface strip of ring-shaped coral reef to the island itself.

A slowed down, "Korshun" flew through the narrow passage of Ri-Fa, left the ocean from behind and found himself in the lull of lagoon, smooth, as a mirror, and blue, like turquoise. This lagoon, surrounded on all sides, is an excellent harbor, in the depth of which, drowning all in greenery and sparkling under the rays of the walking sun with a red-golden glitter of his looks, due to the mighty foliage of white huts and red buildings of the embankment , Little city was sheltered - the capital of the queen on the islands. (176 words.)

House in the garden

The huge old male, towering over all the southern part of the garden, prominent from everywhere, has become even more and more visible: dressed fresh, thick greens.

Above and more visible became the main alley. The tops of her old lip were covered with a pattern of young foliage, rose and stretched over the garden with a bright green ridge.

And below Klyona lay something solid, curly, flank, butter.

All this: a huge magnificent peak of Clean, a bright green ridge of alleys, a wedding white apple tree, pears, a black, blue sky, and all that has grown in the gardens, and in the hollow, and along the side lime alley and tracks, and under the foundation South Walls - everything was struck with his dense, freshness and novelty.

On a pure green yard from the impending from everywhere of vegetation, it became crazy, the house became as if smaller and more beautiful. He seemed to wait for the guests: for all day doors and windows in all rooms were opened, and windows in all rooms: in a white hall, in a blue old-fashioned living room, in a small sofa, hung by oval miniatures, and in the solar library, a large and empty corner room with old icons and low bookcases. And everywhere in the room we looked at the time-like green, then bright, then dark, then emerald trees. (179 words.)


The night was dark. The moon though even climbed, but it was hidden by dense clouds that covered the horizon. Perfect silence reigned in the air. Neither the slightest breeze rippled the smooth surface of the river fell asleep, quickly and silently killed his waters to the sea. Someone only heard a light splash at the steep shore from the land separated and dropped into the water. Sometimes a duck flew over us, and we heard a quiet, but a sharp whistle of her wings. Sometimes Som popked into the surface of the water, he tuning his ugly head for a moment and, whipping on a jet tail, descended into depth. Again everything quietly.

Suddenly he was deaf, pulling the roar and no longer passes, as if frozen in a silent night. This deer wanders far and far and calling the female. The heart trembles from this sound at the hunter, and before the eyes of it is clearly drawn a proud rod, quietly disruptive in reed.

The boat meanwhile slides, which moved by cautious shots. The high fixed figure of Stepan is unclearly evaporated on the horizon. White long paddle it moves silently back and forward and only occasionally is transferred on one side of the boat to another. (By I. Bilfeld.)

Horn sounds

In this morning, for the first time in my life, I heard the game hitting me on the shepherd horror.

I looked into the open window, lying in a warm bed and opposing from the chill of dawn. The street was filled with a pink light of the sun sheer. The gate of the courtyard, and the gray-haired master, in the anointed guoking and a high hat, similar to the cylinder, came out to the middle of another desert street. He put his hat at his feet, crossed himself, put a long horn to her lips with both hands, puffed thick cheeks - and I shuddered from the first sounds: the horn played so loudly that even in the ears they got back. But it was just first. Then he began to pick up above and suddenly and suddenly played something joyful, and I had fun.

They laughed away the cows and became a little bit to sew, and the shepherd was all stood and played. He played, throwing his head, as if forgetting about everything in the world. The shepherd translated his breath, and then admiring voices were heard on the street: "This is the master! And where in it in him so much! " The shepherd, probably, also heard it and understood how he was listening, and he was nice. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(172 words.)

Mikhailovsky Dom

At home, you can judge his owner, and often, looking at a person, you can imagine his house. But sometimes it happens that the house and his owner by nature and appearance They are the exact opposite of each other, and then the house and his inhabitants look like. There is some kind of concern for all concerns about everything. But it also happens that the person will become so pleasant to his housing, which is difficult to understand where the habitat ends and the inhabitants begin.

Restoring the Mikhailov house, I thought a lot about Pushkin's dwelling, trying to really imagine how it was satisfied and what looked. After all, Pushkin himself and his friends who were in his village, so there were stories on the stories about this house!

And somehow it introduced me: it was still there, in the south, Pushkin made the heroes of his "Onegin" live in the same village, surrounded by the same nature, among whom he had to live in Mikhailov himself. There, in the south, he dreamed of the old Ukrainian house, which would be located on the hill's skate, surrounded by meadows, the meadows are always noisy thick groves, a river, a huge launched garden ... (S. Geichenko.)

Control dictation for the first half of the year


In the thirties, the hills, the famous man, a writer, an artist, a naturalist, built a housing in the neighborlist and pines on the swirling juniper and pines. He himself drawn the construction plan, he himself chose Brenna and stones, on a par with carpenters, did not let out of the hands of the ax. Docted, uncomfortable place he chose to live the rest of the days in nature, not a melted person ...

The house came out rather extensive, similar to Asian - with a flat roof and long, from the unwanted wing pole on the piles. Everything is brought here with the taste and lifestyle of the owner. The window is large and close by a very tiny, looking out of a stone masonry like an ambrusura. The porch is forced by wooden, Indian work figures of some partners, puchglase people and bright red angry bears.

Here a large roomfull of books and paintings. Chair near the table with a carved greeting: "Welcome, my friends!" In this chair, the guests were sitting: artists, writers, scientists who came here. But more often in the chairs were the Indians. They lived here on the hills, and the house doors were open to them at any watch.

Letters to Indians and friends to the east Seton-Thompson sometimes did not sign, but painted the mark of the wolf - this meant the signature. (According to V. Peskov.)

(172 words.)

How did Chekhov worked

Chekhov's life was subordinate to writing work. Those who lived next to Chekhov guess that inner work was always boiling. It seemed that his senses were incessantly fixed in the memory of expression, conversations, paints, sounds, smells.

Much of the lettered around themselves, Chekhov cited in a notebook, made a note at home, at dinner, at night, on the boat, in the field. When this book did not turn out to be at hand, he wrote down on what: on the piece of paper, business card, on the back of the letter addressed to him.

Chekhov said that the topic is given by the case. It meant that Chekhov did not invent topics sitting in the office at the desk. But he did not wait when the case comes to him. The writer himself went to meet the case, looking for him always, stubbornly eating the topic, like a hunter eats a game.

Much in the life of Chekhov was explained by the search for these cases: Sudden abdes from home, unexpected departments, watches spent in night tea, hospitals, hotels of county towns, railway stations. Rows from record books turned into an outline to future works, then in a draft, circle covered with fixes, inserts. The manuscripts of all real masters are crossed along and across. Chekhov knew well that it was just hard to write. (According to A. Raskin.)

Near the house

If you are afraid of a strange knock in the glass and, raising, you will see the blue chassis on the windowsill, do not be surprised - Guest granted from the forest. If you want to wake up a bell tick every morning (and this is the best out of the alarms), put a piece of sala (necessarily unsolicited) - the constant friendship of the dogs, woodpeckers and is provided with you.

This neighborhood people are not at all burden. It is easier for a person in the cold and in bad weather if these are fussy and gullible beggars. Any manifestation of life has a soul ...

In the fall near the house there is a lot of livestock. Swallows in front of the departure, the Skvorts, before disappearing, be sure to visit the nest or native rebound - they are sitting, they are disapplied. Not as in the spring, - quietly, whistling thoughtfully, as if something remembered. If the house is growing with a rowan or a moody bush - expect throwns, waxes, bullfight. And on the ground, look: the mice came, the jurassic caress, the hunger hunter, the Yozh at night rustles in the garden with leaves. And old and reliable our friends - the sits are almost not removed, all day in sight. You hear them - and sigh deeper, and once again you will smile. (According to V. Peskov.)

Outcome control dictation for academic year

Dangerous Path

As a lieutenant, neither rushed fighters in the last kilometers of the way, still dawn found them in a naked snow-white field at approaches to the highway. four

Using the predestal twilight, Ivanovsky passed another kilometer. With an ever-increasing risk, he approached the nearly noticeable on the slope of the road and suddenly saw her the car descending on it. The lieutenant almost screamed from the annoyance: not enough of some fifteen minutes to slip on the other side. 4 In consolation, he first thought that the cars would soon pass, and they really quickly disappeared away, but some equestrian travel appeared, then there were two black squat passengers from behind the hillock. It became clear: the movement intensified, to move the highway unnoticed nothing to think.

Then Ivanovsky, not approaching the highway, but without removing from him, it took steeply to the side, on the nearby naked hillock with a slightly grilled shrub.

I spend the last forces, skiers climbed on the slope of the hillock, almost scoring the wounded out of the Volumes, and the lieutenant, overcoming the habitual pain, was tired of rolling to the nearly the shrub. (165 words.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Forest Lake

Behind the roadside shrub raised a mixed forest. On the left side mysteriously glittered black water. We only waited for paths to rush in the depths of the forest and find out what. And here the path came across.

We did not have time to make two hundred steps on it, like a sliding evil impulse of a dog stopped us. Nevdralex stood the hollow of the forester.

The forester invited us to the house and wanted to order about the table. But we said that we did not need anything and that we turned from a big road only to find out what kind of water glitters between trees.

Water began steps fifty on the threshold, but it is much lower, as the house was standing on the bug. A narrow boat for which we sat down was so easy that under the severity of four people plunged into the water at the very edges. Unusual beauty lake surrounded us. Dark-green oaks and limes, which thickets overlooking the lakes, were clearly reflected in fixed water. 4 rare and clear, as if the stars, the flowers of white lilies were resting on the water. So abruptly made every flower in the blackness of the lake mirror, which we noticed it usually for two hundred and three hundred meters. 4 (according to V. Soloukhin.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Determine the types of apparent parts in complex proposals.

Mikhailovsky Park

I was removed almost the whole country, I saw many places, amazing and compressive hearts, but none of them had such a sudden lyrical strength as Mikhailovskoye. There was deserted and quiet. In the embroidered clouds walked. Under them, on green hills, on lakes, on the tracks of the age group, the shadows were held.

Mikhailovsky Park - Hermit Herit. This is a park created for loneliness and reflection, where it is difficult to have fun. 4 He is a bit sullen with his age-old firs, high, silent and unnoticed goes into the same majestic as he himself, centenary desert forests. Only on the outskirts of the park through the dusk, always present under the arches of old trees, suddenly the glade will open, overgrown with shiny butterfly, and a pond with a quiet water.

The main charm of the Mikhailovsky Park in the cliff over the sin and in the nanny Arina house ... The house is so small and touching that even scary to rise to his dilapidious porch. four

And from the cliff over the sinus, two blue lakes, a wooded hill and our energical modest sky with clouds fell on it ...

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Warm evening

Warm windless day Ugas. Only far on the horizon where the sun went down, the sky is still molded by crimson stripes, accurately it was smeared with wide blows of a huge brush, washed into the blood. On this strange and terrible background seamless wall The coniferous boron distinctly drawn rude, dark silhouette. And in some places the transparent round tops who protruding over her, seemed to be drawn on the sky with light strokes of the tender greenish carcass. A little higher above the pink glowing sunset gossip is imperceptible to the eyes switched to a weak shade of the faded turquoise ...

The air has already been darkened, and the trunk of each tree was distinguished. Sometimes heard, as a thick bass buzzing, fleeing somewhere very close, an invisible beetle and how he, drying about some obstacle, immediately silent. four

Something through the thickets of the trees flashed silver Nights Forest streams and swamps. The frogs fell into them their own, deafening cry; Toads fired them more rare, melodic wuhan. Sometimes over his head, the duck flew over the head, yes, it was heard, as with a loud and short bleaching flights from the place of the Bekas Barans-Baranchik. 4 (by A. Kuprina.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Determine the types of apparent parts in complex proposals.

World of Nature

A man depletes his spiritual life if he arrogantly looks from top to bottom to all the living and non-living, not endowed with him, human, mind. 4 After all, the life of people, no matter how difficult for it, no matter how far our power extends over the world around, is just a particle of nature of nature. After all, the fact that we know about it today is so little compared to the mysterious, amazing and wonderful that we still have to learn about it. four

Maybe, to know exactly today, when a person is important to tie in his consciousness the latest data on elementary particles, about the "black holes" of the universe with the snow-white chamomile on the forest glades, with luxurious, pulsating constellations over their heads, somewhere in the midst of the endless steppe.

We are still interesting for the habits of animals and birds - the wonderful overseas and our familiar since childhood. We are interested in much: why such a dense beast, like a bear, easily leaving for training; Does not threaten gray Wolf. Looking into the Red Book (there scientists enter animals, which threatens disappearance from the face of the planet); How quickly grow crystals of mining crystal and why is considered a healing sheet of ordinary plantain. (By I. Akimushkin.)

(169 words.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Determine the types of apparent parts in complex proposals.

Native, cherished

Posumyev's abundant shower, sneaking with lightning, fell into the forest thunderstorm cloud. There still raises, it continues to sow rain, short, summer. Around brightened, splashed sun rays After clouding, and in Fullba became a seven-color rainbow over the forests. four

For me since childhood, she carries two riddles. First, where did this word come from - from the arc or from joy? Secondly, where and how can I find her foot?

According to an old belief, there, at the foot of the rainbow, buried the treasures of irrelevant treasures. Is it because she so brightly overflowing? Not because only a smile is able to call? I thought what kind of happiness is to visit the cherished foot! Only in no time there was no man who visited there.

Over the years, much changes. I have long been not looking for the foot of the rainbow. I firmly know that it rests on the rainbow to the native land, rich in reasonable treasures. 4 That's why it is overwhelmed, because it sounds in its very name of the echoes of joy.

Much changes, and the rainbow remains unchanged. And not dull. Also beautiful, as in the years of childhood. In this and happiness. (According to F. Polenov.)

Grammatical task

Perform a syntactic analysis of these proposals.

Find a complex proposal with several additives, make a scheme of this proposal.


1) So, she came - the long-awaited winter! 2) Running around the frost in the first winter morning! 3) Streets, yesterday, still in autumn dull, completely covered with burning snow, and the sun ships in it with a blinding glitter. 4) Freaky frost pattern Loe on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, the frost covered the branches of the poplars. 5) Whether along the street stretching smooth ribbon, you look around, look around yourself - everywhere all the same: snow, snow, snow ...

6) Occasionally risening the breeze plots the face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! 7) What delicate, soft snowflakes smoothly spin in the air! 8) Like neither barbed frost, he is also pleasant. 9) Not for whether we all love the winter, that it is the same as spring, fills the chest with an exciting feeling.

10) Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. 11) So easily breathes and so good in the soul, which is involuntarily smiling, and I want to say in a friendly of this wonderful winter morning:

- 12) Hello, winter long-awaited, cheerful! (143 words.)

Grammatical task

1. From Proposals 3-4, write down the word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

From Proposal 7, write out the word with a vasten-checked voice in the root.

Write the phrase (offer No. 7), based on management.

Write down the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 8.

Write down the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 10.

From Proposition No. 3, write down a separate common considerable definition.

From Proposition No. 5, write down a separate common considerable definition.

Among the proposals 8-11, find a complex with writing and supervisory link. Write the number of this offer.

Among the proposals 6-7, find the complex. Write the number of this offer.

Specify the NGN number with the apparent circumstances.

Name the way of education of words in a friendly, tightly.


1) When I remember my father, always feel repentance. 2) It seems not enough to appreciate it and loved. 3) Every time I feel guilty that I know too little life. 4) did not care for knowing it when it was possible! 5) I try and can not understand that he was per person.

6) And he was amazing some wonderful talentedness of his nature.

7) That winter I was twenty years old, and he was sixty. 8) just bloomed, despite anything, my young forces. 9) And his whole life was behind. 10) And no one understood into that winter as he, that I had in my soul, I did not feel the connections in her grief and youth.

11) There was a sunny day, and lightly lit yard affectionately looked into the Cabinet window.

12) Father took the guitar and began to play something his beloved and native. 13) His glance became hard and cheerfully in the way with gentle fun guitars, with a sad smile muttered about something expensive and lost, that everything in life passes and should not be trees. (By I. Bunin.)

(152 words.)

The task

From Proposals 8-10, write out the word with a non-pronounced consonant in the root.

From Proposals 11-13, write out the word with a non-pronounced consonant in the root.

Write the phrase (offer No. 7), based on coordination.

Write the phrase (offer No. 11), built on the basis of adjustment.

Write the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 4.

Write down the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 13.

What part of speech is the word anyone and some? Name their discharge.

Among the proposals 11-13, find a complex proposal, which includes a complicated. Write the number of this offer.

Among the proposals 7-10, find a complex proposal, which includes a comprehensive one. Write the number of this offer.

Among the proposals 1-4, specify the NGN number with the apparent definition.

Among the proposals 6-10, specify the NGN number with the apparent exemption.

Name the way of education of words talented and not enough.

Fram and Heron

1) In the windy weather, the nest fell out of the nest, but did not know the chick, which did not differ from adult birds.

2) I caught it and, carefully keeping the long sharp, like awl, beak, brought home. 3) The burning eyes of the young Heron seemed unkind. 4) I finished the beak of the caught heron, fearing that she would give me an eye. 5) I arranged it on a small glass veranda, where my dog \u200b\u200bwas placed in the corner.

6) The heron located in another corner seemed to not pay attention to it. 7) Soon she got used to her inhabitants and would have eaten the fishhead, which she was brought. 8) When the flam in the clay cup was given food and he began to throw the bones, a funny picture was repeated: the heron was not in a hurry to go to the rubble. 9) He rubbled his teeth and Lyal, and she did not pay the slightest attention to it. 10) Slowly approaching the grade, examined the cup, the ablosted bones, turned out and also slowly left. 11) I shortly kept this bird and released it to the will. 12) She waved wide wings and soon disappeared.

13) I then realized that all the lively demands care. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

(164 words.)

The task

From Proposals 2-4, write out the word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

Write the phrase (offer No. 13), based on management.

Write the phrase (proposal No. 9), based on coordination.

Write down the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 5.

Write down the grammatical foundations of Proposition No. 7.

From Proposition No. 2, write a separate circumstance.

From Proposition No. 10, write down a separate circumstance.

Find in the text of complex offers with apparent identity and recreational determinants. Write the numbers of these offers.

Write the introductory word from the text.

Write a comparative turn from the text.

Name the way to form words to think and slowly.

Grass Lubika

1) At noon, I found himself in a rackestive throat, where there was a silence, condensed with twilight.

2) I rose to the pass. 3) Soon branchy ferns appeared, at the form of which, as always something shifted in the heart. 4) It does not make it possible, but it is waiting for some wonders. 5) So as a child, it was compressed when the narrator brought a terrible fairy tale.

6) The sun crumble towards me with a yellow sheaf. 7) I opened my eyes: the crowns are visible ahead in pine cleverings. 8) The ribbed ridge was in scratches. 9) on top and reduction all buzzed from bees and aspen wings. 10) Wild peonies were forgotten bones. 11) Among the forests, she flashed with mica petals of a Labor, almost not coming by the children.

12) I would collect this grass in all the forests and swamps, I would insist her roots and would have a person who would be filled with respect to each other and would understand that it would be loved - this is a human destination, whitewash. (According to V. Astafyev.)

(132 words.)

The task

Write out of offer No. 5 all words with long solid sounds.

Write out of Proposition No. 6 all words with a mismatch of the number of sounds and letters.

Call the method of word formation words, and filled. Write down the word from which they are formed. Call the method of word formation of these words.

What part of the speech are words on top, pione, towards? What part of speech in another context can they still be?

Specify than complicated offers No. 1 and No. 11.

From Proposals 4-5, write out words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

From Proposals 7-10, write out the word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

Write the phrase (offer No. 4), built on the basis of adjustment.

Write the phrase (offer No. 3), built on the basis of coordination.

Find a complex time in the text. Write the number of this offer.

Find in the text complex with the apparent determinants. Write the numbers of these offers.

Birth of a day

1) The best in the world is to watch how the day harvested! 2) Here the first ray of the Sun flared. 3) Night shadow is quietly hiding in the gorges of the mountains, and their tops smile a tender smile.

4) Sea waves highly raise white heads and bow to the rising sun. 5) "Good day!" - Says the sun, climbing over the sea.

6) Flowers burdened by dewyfully swaying. 7) They stretch to the sun, and his rays are burning in drops of dew, shower petals and leaves with brilliance of diamonds.

8) Golden bees are spinning above them, eat sweet honey, and their thick song is poured in the air.

9) Krasnogruda Malinovka woke up, the first meeting the sun. 10) In the bushes jump readings, chasing the swallow midges.

11) people awaken and go to the fields to their work. 12) The sun looks at them and smiles. 13) It knows best of all how many people are made on Earth. 14) it once saw her desert, and now the earth is covered with the great work of people. (According to M. Gorky.)

The task

How many solid sounds in the word Sun in Proposition number 7? Write these sounds.

How many soft sounds in the word burdened in sentence number 7? Write these sounds.

Name the method of word formation of the word quietly in Proposition No. 3. Write down the word from which it is formed.

Name the way of word formation of a word once in sentence No. 14. Record the word from which it is formed.

What part of the speech are the word better in sentence number 13? What part of speech in another context can it be yet?

What part of the speech are the word playfully in sentence number 6? What part of speech in another context can it be yet?

Specify than the proposals No. 7 and No. 8 are complicated.

From proposals 6-8, write out the word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

From Proposals 1-4, write out words with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

Write the phrase (offer No. 1), built on the basis of management.

Write the phrase (offer No. 14), based on coordination.

Find 1-5 consequences in offers with an extremely empty. Write the number of this offer.

Find in offers of 9-14 complex with the apparent emptying. Write the number of this offer.

I did not see the eye more charming than Belinsky. Blue, with gold and sparkles in the depths of pupils, these eyes, in normal time Semi-closed with eyelashes, expanded and sparkled in minutes of inspiration, in minutes of freakness, they took their capture expression of friendly kindness and careless happiness. (I. Turgenev.)

Small stations of Russia,

Field, north of forests,

In the topoline blizzard in the spring,

Golden autumn, winter

In blue snowdrifts near the moon

Take a train, flashed in the window -

And the earth will seem beautiful.

Because behind your back

Small stations of Russia

On the way to large cities.

(A. Chepurov.) (84 words)

If in the earlier spring light to look at the white birch, then the white bark in comparison with the white snow will seem a little bit of pink. And the whiteness of snow under the birch will seem bluish.

It happens, wandering through the eyes of blue snow, you will see a yellowish stain with two black buttons. This turns out to be under the pink birch on the blue snow, yellowish hare-white.

This is how the same white color changes, if you compare different white creatures in the forest, while the whole forest does not dress in a green common color. (M. Svavin.) (80 words)

House in Lavrushinsky Lane

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov can hardly be called a collector in the right sense of the word. He devoted his whole life to picking up paintings, gave this case all the forces and funds. Tretyakov is the creator of an extensive assembly of art objects. All my life, he acquired paintings, the best in Russian national painting, and then presented them with Moscow.

We will move mentally in the middle of the last century on Sukharevka. We will see Pavel Mikhailovich, completely young, he walks with a pack of engravings that just bought. For all, he is a Zamoskvoretsky merchant, the owner of the house in a quiet lavrushinsky lane. Pavel Tretyakov was also not even thirty years old when he stepped on the path from which almost four decades did not go. All his further life was devoted to the collection of Russian painting. (117 words)

Pavel Tretyakov did not pursue any mercenary purposes.

They took possession of the idea to create a museum of national painting. He wrote about this at the dawn of gathering. Then they had already drawn up a letter of testament.

The first paintings were purchased in 1856. This year he considered the date of the gallery.

Tretyakov had an unmistakable taste. He was not afraid to buy works of young, still unknown artists.

At the beginning of our century, in the drawings of the artist Viktor Vasnetsov, the facade of the building was built, which knows the whole world.

Famous Russian art historian V. V. Stasov wrote in an obituary: "Tretyakov died famous not only for the whole of Russia, but also to the whole of Europe. Whoever came to Moscow, he appalrated that day when he certainly needs to go to the distant corner of Moscow, in Laurelian lane, and see with admiration and gratitude all those treasures that were accumulated by this amazing person throughout his life. " (According to E. Sturgeon.) (137 words)

Gogol does not write, but draws, its images breathe live paints of reality. You see and hear them: every word, every phrase expresses his thought, and in vain would like you to come up with another word or another phrase to express this thought. This is a syllable that only great writers have.

Gogol confessed that nothing knows how to create in imagination. He only comes out well that he took out of reality, noticed in nature; He sensates any detail. Gogol's notebooks are full of descriptions of Russian life, customs, nature, dwellings, clothes, even eats ... He is constantly looking for words to tell about the infinite world of things that surround a person, about their company, color, smell, about the appointment of them; A man who owns and enjoys them. (According to V. Prudominsky.) (120 words)

The verb is not a separate concept as a noun, this is a message about something. This is not a description of appearance as the adjective name. When the verb called any word. Remember from Pushkin: "Glagol Loggy of the Heart of People." The verb is an action that the life repeats. We are already fascinated by Pushkin's prose, Nege has every third word - verb. The verb is the most necessary part of speech. It is among the verbs few borrowing.

In our language, as in any other, the verb is closer to other roots to the folk image, it is more accurate and faster reflects the needs of conversation and thought. After all, the purpose of the verb is to express the effect, the course of thought. (According to V. Koleovo.) (93 words)

Grade 9.
Russian language
Control and measuring materials
Composed Karpachev S.V.

Control dictation No. 1 on the topic "Repetition studied in 5-8 classes"
Through the cherry chimer makes themselves to the shore. The end of June, and she just dressed in spring. Raissed a raged in a lilac color burning, and the birch, without believing the summer, stands naked.
Taiga, seeing the exposure of Baikal, rolls to him on the hills of greenery taryrs and the water fell silent. Fielding water, larchs, birch trees and pines swollen swimming, stopped, and the taiga heats the back, could not stop. Because of the banks lie on the shore, the giant trees lie, tanning the road to the lake.
Surprisingly see here April and June immediately. Behind the back of the exaggeration of summer, and on Baikal - exactly the Volga in the spill. The same boundless water space, the same ice floes.
Baikal is open late, and until the end of May wearing ice rafts. In June, they stick to the shore and here, at the boulder, slowly settle, unexpectedly scoring beasts from the aqua.
Clean, like a tear, Baikal water does not tolerate garbage, and in stormy weather he pops on the shore of the boat fragments, squigs. No sorts of water!
Far Blue Sopgia merge with utal strips, and the evening haze slowly clouds.
(According to V. Peskov)
RR Control Outline №2 "My friend" UPR.84.85
A friend of mine. (UPR.84)
We met on fishing, I liked each other and began to meet about once a week.
It was the rarest mental subtlety man. His colleagues said that he was a first-class biologist, the pride of the institute.
Friends considered him an unusually gullible person. I also saw it and could not understand until the end. What is it? The lion's courage of the Spirit, who is not afraid of life strikes and does not put any watchdogs? Charm of nature generous, good, never seeking to jump out ahead and scold a bigger from life and therefore does not comply with yourself enemies? I think it is.
The option of lies and evil just never came into his head. Of course, there were people who cheated it or led with low, mercenary goals. To such people, he was experiencing chronic disgust. He did not takemerle them, but they were not for forgiveness forever. It was some kind of musical evil.
Once in the company, he went on a person known in the city, who almost forcibly shoved his mother into a nursing home.
"What are you surprised?" Said my friend. I studied with him at school. This scoundrel in the seventh grade threw a cat from the third floor. "
Coming to my home, he usually told funny stories about himself, his colleagues-eccentrics, about the debtors - and he lent him to right and left. He told a lot about his trade union boss.
Once, my friend was sitting in a filled bus, and the driver had already closed the door when he noticed in the crowd of the excretion of the bus of the trade union boss. He, shaking the highly raised portfolio, let's know the driver that the importance of content requires immediate portfolio delivery in conjunction with its owner.
Shefer held for some time, and then his heart fluttered, and he opened the door, where people were hung.
As soon as the trade union boss found himself on the bus, he immediately began to scold the chaffin the fact that he imparts people into crowded transport. "The classic example of the torn of consciousness", "He focused on his story.
But most of all I loved our conversations with him after fishing. We talked with him about the Mediterranean, about the golden dream of Novgorod, about the effect of mutagenic substances on hereditary processes, on the art of the 20th century, on the writings of Plato, about the intuition of Stolypin.
How I loved him in this watch! "No," I thought, "the country in which there are such people can be contacted!"

RR Control Essay No. 3 in the Essay genre (Ex. 258)
Write an essay in the essay genre on the topic "On time and about yourself."
PP Control Outline No. 4 in the text of Y. Nagin "Clean ponds"
Clean ponds ... For others it is just a street, a boulevard, a pond, and for me - the center of the finest than my childhood was fulfilled. There was a time, I knew every tree, every nettle bush, every light inscription "Beware of the tram!", Blinking red on the transition. In the word "Beware", the last three letters did not light up, it turned out beautifully and mysteriously: "Tram Coast" ...
Clean ponds are a miracle of the first skate sliding, when "Snow Maiden" becomes suddenly obedient, straight, slightly cut the snow with a wide blade, and you seem to have wings.
Clean ponds are a whole world of wonderful surprises. Cute, modest wonders of my childhood! Clean ponds were for us a school of nature. How the yellowness of the first dandelion was worried! Tenderness and carery taught us their downs, fragile balls. We caught fish here. And it was a miracle - catch fish in the city center. And swimming on the old, fascinating boat, and bold throws into the cold May water, and the heat of the spring earth under a bare foot - it was a fine wealth for urban boys.
No less generous was our chisture autumn. Boulevard shattered in false foliage, yellow, red foliage Berez, Osin, Maplen, Lip. We gained huge ohaphkins of Foli Foliah, and carried the wonderful, sad bouquets, and they themselves were impregnated with their bitter odor.
In the frame of pure ponds imprinted for me and the strongest image of my youth. It was at the time of fierce fighting in Spain. From everywhere it looked from the portraits a beautiful, frantic face Dolores Ibarruri, many young men wore pilots with a red cat and a brush, and it seemed to us that the most air was saturated with Spain, her sounds and aromas, her struggle, her angry intransigence. Spain was in our heart.
Clean ponds are the source of our youth, the beginning began.
Control dictation No. 5 (test) on the topic "Compact Offer"
Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.
The world famous for the world, in which works of art, created by the outstanding artists of Russia, is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov,
A rich, well-educated merchant, he decided to consume his wealth for the benefit of the people. "In all European countries, there are rich museums where the creations of the best artists of these countries are collected, he said." It's time and we have the same. "

First, for the gallery inspection, the Tretyakov itself was required. Later, when he gave her city to Moscow, the entrance was opened for everyone. (141 word).
The task.
1. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence.
1st option. 3rd paragraph, last sentence.
2nd option.4th paragraph, last sentence.

Control dictation No. 6 on the topic "Nezuzoyny complex proposal"
Summer day.
Good summer misty days, although hunters do not like them. At such days it is impossible to shoot: a bird, having fluttered from under your feet, immediately disappears in a busy Millet Millet. But how quietly, as is inexpressible quietly everything around! Everything woke up, and everything is silent. You pass by the tree - it will not get drowned: it is not enough. Through the subtle pairs, smoothly spilled in the air, drawn the long strip in front of you. You take it for a close forest; You approach the forest turns into high Groke wormwood on bounce. Above you, around you - everywhere fog ... But the wind will move slightly, and the shreds of the pale blue sky vaguely will be vague through the thinner, as if of a smoking couple, the golden-yellow beam bursts suddenly, will fuse with a long stream, hit the fields, stroke into the grove - And again everything worried. This struggle continues for a long time; But as extremely gorgeous and clear is becoming a day when the light triumphs and the last waves of the warmed fog, they roll and spread out the tablecloths, then wriggle and disappear in the blue gently shining embroidery. (153 words).
1. Play the syntactic analysis of the non-union complex proposal, indicate the semantic relationship between simple proposals; Make a circuit: 2nd proposals (1 option); Offers You pass by the tree ... (2nd option).
2. Disassemble the composition of the word:
1st option: (c) the embroidery, the thinner, is spread;
2nd Option: Block, smoking, will triumph.
3. Find words with the spell:
1st option: "Not with adjective, adverbs, verbs", explain the validation not in each case;
2nd Option: "Letters of the ISPA end of the consoles", explain the choice of letters.
4. Machine the morphological analysis of the verbs:
1st option: drawn;
2nd option: come.
Final control dictation.

Tasks B1, B2, B4, B7 - B9, B11, B12, B14 with answers.

Write down the text under the dictation, numbering all offers.

Morning in Taiga.
1) Taiga breathed, waking up, grew.
2) My heart fluttered and froze from joy: on every sheet, on each cup of, grass, in the wedges of inflorescences and on live trunks of trees - everywhere flicker, lighting and playing, drops of dew.
3) And each dropped a tiny globe of light, but, sprinkling together, these blasts were filled with the radiance of a triumphant life all around.
4) Neither the single ray of the sun has not selected a sharp needle of the sheepskin taiga, but it broke up over the sky, and the white minced heaven was all melted, melted, exposing gluing, transparent ice wald blue, in which all tangled eyes could have been visible, forces not gaining heat.
5) Live spirit replenished forests, bushes, herbs, leaves.
6) Round the trunks of the trees and the stones of railway bugs and ladybugs again; The chipmuncture washed her paws on the cory and carelessly died somewhere; Our fire, barely trembled, took, picked up once-another, scattering coals, and he took fire to himself.
7) The sun in the whole shine rose over the forest, thoring it from the edge to the edge of bundles of fragile spokes, rekurding in the rapidly current waters of the sponge.

Complete tasks to the text.
Tasks B1, B2, B4, B7 - B9, B11, B12, B14

Task for 1 option:

1. From Proposals 1 - 2, write words with alternating vowels at the root.
2. Specify the number of grammatical foundations in Proposition 4.
3. Write down the grammatical foundation from Proposition 7.
4. Replace the phrase ray of the sun (from Proposition 4), built on the basis communication Control, synonymous phrase with communication coordination.
5. Replace the word DRAL (supply 6) stylistically neutral synonym.
6. Among the proposals 5 - 7, specify the numbers of those in which there is a separate circumstance.
7. Among the proposals 2 - 5, specify a complex proposal, one part of which is joined by another subordination link.
8. From Proposals 6 - 7, write out the word in which the spelling of the vowel in the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the souffixes of the nouns after hissing under the stress, it is written about, without stressing - e."
9. In Proposition 3, numb all commas. Specify the numbers of those that allocate a separate circumstance.

Task for 2 options:

1. From Proposals 2 - 3, write out words with an unreleased consonant.
2. Specify the number of grammatical foundations in Proposition 6.
3. Ensure the grammatical basis of the last simple supply as part of a complex offer number 4.
4. Replace the phrase of the taiga sheepskin (from Proposition 4), built on the basis of the verification of the management, synonymous phrase with the connection with the coordination.
5. Replace the word fluttered (proposal 2) with stylistically neutral synonym.
6. Among the proposals 5 - 7, specify the numbers of those in which there is a separate definition.
7. Among the proposals 2 - 5, specify a complex proposal, one part of which is joined by another non-union bond.
8. From Proposition 4, write out the word, whose writing is determined by the rule: "It is not written with communion separately if there are dependent words with it, contrasting with the Union A or reinforcing the word denial."
9. In Proposition 7, numb all commas. Specify the numbers of those that allocate a separate circumstance.
10. In all the text, find a complex offer with different types of communication. Specify the number of this offer.
1 option
1. Grew, froze
2. 4
3. The sun rose
4. Sunlight
5. Unsunned
6. 6,7
7. 4
8. Richonki.
9. 2,3
10. 4
Option 2
1. Heart, glitter
2. 3
3. Seveled heat
4. Taiga Sheepskin
5. Found
6. 6,7
7. 2
8. So far I have not scored
9. 1,2
10. 4

Questions to the Topics:
1. "Union Complex Offers":
1. What groups are complex suggestions?
2. What suggestions are called complex?
3. How are complex suggestions for alliances and meaning? Give examples.
4. What suggestions are called complex?
5. What groups of complexized proposals do you know? Tell us about their meaning and structure (what exactly is the apparent proposal, what is joined, what place in relation to the main thing). Give examples.
6. Name the main types of complex suggestions with several apparent. Give examples.
7. What are the basic rules for performing punctuation marks in complex and complex proposals?
8. What punctuation signs can be considered copyrighted? What is the purpose of them used?
2. "Non-Union Complex Offers":
1. What complex suggestions are called non-union?
2. In what cases between parts of the non-union complex offer is the comma? Give examples.
3. In what cases between parts of the non-union complex offer is the point with a comma? Give examples.
4. When a colon is placed between the parts of the non-union complex sentence? Give examples.
5. When is the dash between the parts of the non-union complex offer? Give examples.
6. Name the syntactic synonyms of non-union complex proposals. Give examples.
3. "Complex proposals with various types of communication":
1. Tell us about punctuation marks in complex proposals with different types of communication. Give examples.
2. What is understood under the copyright punctuation signs?
3. What is the purpose of using their writers? Give examples of proposals with copyright punctuation signs.
4. "General language"
1. Tell us about the place of the Russian language in the modern world.
2. Why do Russian language refer to world languages?
3. Tell us about styles literary language, On the sphere of their use and linguistic signs.
It is necessary to know the spelling, pronunciation, the lexical meaning of the following words:
And the communique pseudonym
Autobiography compression R.
Agent to compromise radio
Accompaniment Abstract regularly
Accompany to abstract director
Active coffee reserves
Amphitheater L result
Analytical laboratory resources
Arrest Labyrinth Abstract
Asphalt Linguistics Referendum
B Loskut Review
Ballet M is born, born, born
Indulge, pool, indulge the worldview with
Spoil, spoiled world symbony sensation
Concrete mosaic silhouette
Future n synthetics
In intention to systematize
Verba hire, hired, hired, hired systematically
Social necrologist gate
East Slavic Sokolasty (edge) Scholastic
G Something T.
Gasification Nothing theses
Giant, Giant Novel Terrorism
Living room about tragedy
Engraving to facilitate the tradition
Human denouncement is warm
D Glinding Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Active encourage streamline
Defis to sharpen F.
The diaphragm borrow a farce
Chorphian Okek Dispensary
Operation Opera Faketon
Contract Operator Phenomenon and Phenomenon
Report Opposition Fiasco
Document optimist philosophy
Touch greenhouse x petition
Dunda Landmark Cement
And nimble human
Ideological condemnation, convicted, convicted, convicted to honor
Ideology n w template
Predated Lacian E.
Illustration Parliament Ecological, Ecology
Indicator parliamentary expert
Indo-European Peripetia Expressiveness
Tool pessimist expression
Initiative systematic electrification
Intelligent understanding, understood, understood, understood, understood epidemic
Intelligent popular etymological
Intense presentation etymology
By President Effect
Canonada forecast Ya
Rubber forecasting language fact phenomenon
Cafe Progress Language Organ, Sausage
Cough progressive
Quarter enlightener
Clichr to glorify
Cocal Prototype
Coloring potential
Colossus, colossal funeral, funeral, funeral
Comedy project
Comment, commentator projection
Word Dictates
1. Notifying about the arrival, loves poetry, ahead of events, the worldview of the writer, progressive processes, have bliss, to proclaim the declaration, admire painting, annoying breakdowns, the strictest ban, participate in the debate, to attain ideology, enormous achievements, expand the vices, bless children, spare Mother, make a favor, sweep the collar, worker, contemporary, repeat exactly in-point.
2. 1 Option 2 Option
Picture Chatsky
embodies inadless
opposes vacancies
Foreigners Clients Low Picture
Calm living room
Galomania bribery
Living room gallery
Decembrist Galomania
Life ideals worldview
Art calendar
Low Picture Institution
Ferfieldfelle Fastener
Office Careerism
Pobedaenitsa Sanovnik
Projects crazy
Chatsky dedication of antiquity
Crazy Character
Socio-political carbon
Secretary to silent
Gallery conflict
Karbonaria Pobedamenty
Character ancient presenier
Scammer ideal
Expression of the Office
Art enlightenment
Window projects
Feldwebel portray
silent social political
Jobs embody
3. Predicting the situation, the experiment of the director, a luxurious landlocker, ancient tradition, analyze systematically, to accommodate the amphitheater, played comedy, to get a pleasure from overcoming obstacles, a poet's peer, an effective method, a pessimistic view for the future, ideological struggle, a well-known commentator of television, attend conference , take an active position in the discussion of environmental problems, progressive views, the worldview of the writer, humane attitude.
1 option 2 option
Future abstract
Ecological tradition
Hero Mosaic Hero
Orangery Future
Effect Actual
Reserves Abstract
Ballet living room
Optimism intense
Pessimism Ecology
Ideological comment
Accompany progressive
Abstract colossal
Declare resources
Human Opera
Gasification worldview
Electrification Pessimist
Tradition effective
Intense humane
Progress worldview
Popular world view
Colossal celebrate Hero
Commentator ideology
Living room accompaniment
Active optimist
Abstract Orangery
1 option 2 option
Silver Oplea Dal Tuman
Fightering with prejudice
unprinted novel
hate lies sandy shore
could not ask anyone to ask the greenhouse
Picture gallery is unhealthy again
Surrounded by mountains in spite of
a small but sweet apple inexpensive, but beautiful sitz
not yet written story seed seeds
Shot Cartridges no wide highway
The hike took place, despite the bad weather
Not an interesting movie Wailed product
Self-lost time humane act
genuine art without thinking about what happened
Transfigured city melting icicles
Lecture Looking at the future
lining the pages of the brochure not afraid of danger
Reming Flags Nude Trees
Great-affected by beauty is correctly oriented

Through the cherryami threatening make their way to the shore. The end of June, and she just got dressed in spring. A fenced lilac color is burning a row, and a birch, without believing the summer, stands naked.
Taiga, seeing the exposure of Baikal, rolls to him on the hills of greenery taryrs and the water fell silent. Hoking the roots of water, larch, birch and pines swollen swimming, stopped, and the taiga heats the back, could not stop. Because of the banks lie on the shore, the giant trees lie, tanning the road to the lake.
Surprisingly see here April and June immediately. Behind the back smells of summer. And on Baikal - exactly the Volga in the spill. The same boundless water space, the same ice floes.
Baikal is open late, and the ice herds are worn through the water. In June, they stick to the shore and here, at the boulder, slowly settle, unexpectedly scoring beasts from the aqua.
Clean, like a tear, Baikal water does not tolerate garbage, and in stormy weather she pops on the shore of boats, squigs. No sorts of water!
Far Blue Sopgia merge with utal strips, and the evening haze slowly clouds. (165 words)
(According to V. Peskov.)

2. "The word about the regiment of Igor" was fitted only on several pages of an ancient manuscript, but for two centuries, the people of Russia, the pronounced parties and the attacks of nomads, were remembered, they quoted the wise patriotic lines.
By the time of Igor's hike, the secret of the devotion to the Don and inappropriately lost his army, the honor of the commander, Russia broke up into several independent principalities. The reset of the princes passed into bloody wars, and the walled tribes of Polovtsy, who constantly committed raids into Russian lands. The ancient path of "Varyag in Greeks" cut and violated Russia's economic ties with southern and eastern lands. Their raids were accompanied by the ruin of cities and an injury in the captivity of the inhabitants, but the princes, lost a sense of patriotism, were not able to cause a decisive blow to Polovtsy, due to continuous rivalry.
Chronicles, as a rule, only recorded events, and only some of them were solved on the assessment of certain deeds of the princes. But none of the old Russian scribes rose as the author of the "Words", to the height of wise historical generalizations. The poem gradually, however, was forgotten, and only at the end of the 18th century, after the detection of the only surviving list, it sounded with a new force.
(166 words.)
(According to B. Rybakov.)

3. Andrei Rublev
In continuation of the long clock, Andrei remains alone with his teacher Daniel Black, who opens the peace of the mystery of painting.
Daniel, apparently, was the painter of the first magnitude. However, his biggest merit is that he not only saw the giftedness of Rublev, but also brought up an independent creative thought and manor in him, did not suppress his authority, realizing that everyone had to go his way. To do so - it means to show a truly great mind, striking respect for the person, inexhaustible love for life. After all, the master is not easy to reconcile with the fact that his own student has disputes with you, and not only not to make attempts to cut it, but to encourage this dispute to continue this dispute.
Rubleva was lucky that near him from the very first steps was such a spiritual and experienced senior comrade. Andrei rated this and carefully carried appreciation and respect for his teacher throughout life.
From that distant time, a miniature was preserved, on which Rublev is captured with proudly raised head. An unknown author in Rublev did not see the pride, which in Russia was considered the greatest sin, and deserving respect for dignity. (167 words.)
(V. Glable.)

4. Every year in one of the most famous flower gardens of the world, which is located in Denmark, is a tulip exhibition. Motherland Tulips - Turkey, and not Holland, as many think.
Tulip, a cup of which resembles a turban, originally grown as a wild flower, then in continuation of centuries was used in Turkish art as a decorative element. In the capital of the Ottoman Empire, huge gardens planted with tulips were created.
The first bulbs of the precious flower brought into Europe travelers and diplomats. When the tulip fell to the continent, he fell in love with passionately, he was erected into the cult. The tops of fame, he reaches in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb equated to the cost of the picture or sculpture of the famous master. Tulip was considered one of the miracles of nature, which should be represented in the garden of every respectful collector.
The Dutch began to grow it with such a diligence that in a certain sense they assigned this flower. The search for the rarest tones and shades, including the mythical black (blue and black tulips, does not exist in nature), incredible experiments to obtain hybrid varieties are only part of the legendary history, the hero of which is this gentle flower. (163 words)
(Based on the materials of the magazine)

5. Kusaka has long rushed in the footsteps of the people who have left people, Ducked up the station and - the wet, dirty - returned back. Here she did something that no one, however, did not see: climbed onto the terrace and, having raised to the rear paws and looked into the glass door, screamed the claws. The rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.
Frequent rain began, and the darkness of the autumn night began to go away from everywhere. Quickly and deaf, he filled out an empty cottage; He silently crawled out of the bushes and, together with the rain, pulled out from the unwriting sky. On the terrace with which the canvas was lifted, which she seemed strangely empty, the light was still sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but he soon lost and he.
And when there was no doubt that night came, the dog was abusive. The ringing, sharp, like despair, notework burst into the monotonous noise of rain, teething to darkness, and, having silent, cursed above nude fields.
And to the one who heard him seemed to moan and rushes to the light herself the irreversible and dark night, and wanted to warm, to the bright fire, to a loving heart. (160 words.)
(By L. Andreev.)

6. Right from the way, the nicricane plain was spread, dark green from constant dampness, and on the edge of it were cast gray houses, similar to toy; On a high green grief, at the bottom of which the silver strip shone, the church stood, white, too, as if the toy. When the train with a ring metallic scree, suddenly strewn, flew into the bridge and accurately hung over the mirror stroke of the river, Petka even shuddered from the scare and surprise and recoiled from the window, but immediately returned to him: was afraid to lose even the slightest details of the path. Petkin's eyes have long ceased to seem sleepy, and the wrinkles disappeared, as if someone had a hot iron on this face, smoothed them, and made her face brilliant and white.
During the first two days of staying Petki in the country, wealth and the strength of new impressions that have fallen on top and bottom, crumpled his little and timid dinner. He often returned to the mother, pressed against it and, when the barin asked him. Is he good at the cottage, smiling, answered: "Good!" And then he went again to the forest and quiet water and as if he was silent something. (170 words.)
(By L. Andreev.)

7. Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery
Famous to the world Gallery, which presents works of art created by outstanding artists of Russia, is the name of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.
A rich, well-educated merchant, he decided to consume his wealth for the benefit of the people. "In all European countries, there are rich museums where the creations of the best artists of these countries are collected, he said. - It's time and we have the same. "
The two first paintings that were purchased in 1856, marked the beginning of this wonderful meeting. Tretyakov carefully chose his collection. When he appeared on the opening of some exhibition, focused, silent, it seemed that he was only listening to what others say, but the artists were amazed by his accumulative comments, loyal of paintings. If I liked the picture Tretyakov, he immediately acquired it and did not give up anyone.
First, for the gallery inspection, the Tretyakov itself was required. Later, when he gave her city to Moscow, the entrance was opened for everyone. (141 Word.)
(According to V. Perevominsky.)

8. November - a month of the struggle of autumn with the winter, during which the colds with snow are intermitted with heat and bad weather periods. Although it is believed that winter enters into its own rights in early November, the return of heat happens in the third decade of the month.
In November, you can partly predict what will be the upcoming winter and future harvest, since these signs are apparently among themselves in connection and obey the laws, the key to which may be, will give learning and comparison. folk admission with scientific observations.
From observations on December, it follows that normal, and therefore, a favorable and snow December is considered to be favorable, with frequent inlets and winds.
From the winter solvent (from the twenty-second December) there is an increase in the daylight, although it is very imperceptible at first. In the following days, throughout December and even in the whole winter, they are especially observed for the fallout of the Inea, which is considered a harvest of crop. If the days and nights are clear and the sky are starving, and the weather is cold, you can expect a prosperous for the people of the year. (154 words.)

9. Pass
Contrary to the prediction of my companion, the weather cleared and promised us quiet morning; The dance of the stars were wonderful patterns on a distant chaise and one after another Gasley as a pale gallopa of the East poured into a dark-purple severity, illuminating steep echoes of the mountains covered with virgin forests.
To the right and the left of the blacks are dark, mysterious abyss, and fog, sebble and wriggling, like snakes, slipped around the crowds of neighboring rocks, as if feeling and frightening the approachment of the day. It was quietly in the sky and on Earth, only occasionally raided the cool wind from the east, raising the mane of the horses, covered by it.
We tried on the road; With difficulty, five thin klyach dragged our wagons on a winding road to Hood Mountain; We walked back, putting the stones under the wheels when the horses were shed out of his strength; It seemed that the road was led on the sky, because how many eyes could see, she got up and finally disappeared in the cloud, which in the evening was resting on top of the Gud Mountain, like Korshun, waiting for prey. Snow crunched under his feet; The air became so rare that it was painfully breathing, the blood joined the blood. (164 words.)
(According to M. Lermontov.)

10. In the morning I looked around, full of fresh strength, came out on the watch. What is good, when the smell of iodine and the ocean spreads around, like a green silk.
In the fresh air, it was felt, however, an impose of some strange smell, and I could not understand what smells. Looking at the horizon, I noticed the dark strip in the distance, sort of like a puffy tuchka. The sky still shone blue, and yet there, on a shiny surface of the sea, something dark. Come to the other depth or approaching the storm? Walking in guesses, I suddenly see: Dolphins rushing to meet us. In a clear building, then emerging, then disappearing, they flashed along the left side, and it seemed to me that they were running as if fleeing something.
Navigator, for a long time he looked into binoculars, finally guessed: oil! It is clear what smell was mixed with the freshness of the ocean. Oil divorces met in swimming more than once, but this I saw for the first time: there was a solid oil field ahead. First, rainbow divorces appeared - orange, blue-purple, then some silver spots that became more and more. Soon we saw: it was a dead fish floating up the belly. (170 words.)
(According to A. Sobolev.)

Argument punctuation signs
1. Loading distant mountains and monotonously yellowing the hills seasoned from the snow. Protein Songs sings Yes nuts all nibbles. The moon climbed the bugber and frowning stars also frowned. All the same foggy haze is now more thicker shrouded the fields and everything is also strange and not clearly looked at nature. In silence, the bells on the necks of the deer dangle the cold streams. Not that rain went not the sparrows ran on the roof. Mother looked into the window The girl also looked at the street. That falling down February-shalun snow hut on the edge of the forest, then suddenly will build a huge snow hill in the middle of the road. In the morning they went fishing or after lunch, he together with his father went to the nearest forest.
2. Again, I visited that corner of the earth where I spent two years of invisible externique. I felt calm and satisfaction here so that I was cloning to sleep. Here the bottom of the crater was so rolled that the stones were cracking from the heat. I found those letters that brother wrote Mother's life throughout life. I was glad that she treated me in a friendly. On the steep shore where the pine forest began to be sat down, strawberries apparently invisible. Suspension of Pechorina is so deep that it can not be injured in real even love. The wall opposite where he was sitting low. We decided to go at night as Buran made us linger on the way for two days. Having taught the corner of the garden where the bushes of the raspberries grew up and whoking the foliage of foliage, we took up the collection of berries abundantly scattered by bushes. The more the girl grows up the greater she became like her father.
3. Arrange the punctuation marks, make a scheme:
There, happiness is not Divo where worry workers work. Folk tales Pushkin admired persistently advising young writers to read them "to see the properties of the Russian language." The stupid one does not change because the time does not bring him development and the experience does not exist for him. Since I live in the world, I did not read anything boring this article. The longer the detachment went through the way even more impassable. He didn't just cry like urban children crying, he shouted the louder of the most throat man. No matter how much the sun lights through this window always seemed gray and cold as in the fall. I would like to live and die in Paris if there was no such land - Moscow. The novel was written in verses apparently because then in Russian literature almost everything was written by verses. He did not tell about this strong impression of anyone because no one would believe him. It was in May when the trees were already dressed in foliage.
4. Put the punctuation marks, make a scheme, determine the type of complex offer:
The worshipers and darken bushes of the fruitless forest as if the forest itself collects his Duma by night.
I loved you - you did not love me. In the windows, the snow pins the storm swings in the gate. Walked the sounds of wonderful songs do not hear them again shelter singer singer and craft and on the mouth of his print. Wet snow pins with flakes I dug my legs and sodoga to the bones. The whole difference between smart and stupid in one first will always think and rarely say the second will always say and never think. Gained the leaf began to be fastened.
5. Petka was very afraid to go into the water, but when he entered that did not want to get out of her and did the look that floats. The frost was intensified and when Sasha passed in a light circle that was formed from a lit lantern, he saw a little dry snowflakes in the air. Together with the mother, he was afraid to be late although the train remained good half an hour and when they got into the car and went to Petka adhesion to the window and only the head of his head was driving on a thin neck as on a metal rod. The sun shines so if close a minute of eyes. Throwing tight eyelids see a flame veil of a fire. From somewhere because of the Volga found clouds and before the boys managed to sit in the open stroller stroked the thunder and closed large drops of rain. There was a ninth hour and though the inhabitants have long stood up people on the street there were a little.
Get an additional assessment:
Card number 1.
Insert the missing letters; Determine which part of the speech are words with missed letters:
Recalled this (c) consequence ..; pr.. in the (c) of the flow .. year; I read a lot (c) continue .. summer; New heroes introduced (c) continue .. the film; (c) continue .. Books of pr .. new facts; about .. a real person, pr..h (s) time, learning .. in competition .., about .. there is a poetry, Chu .. about bitter .., bl .. HOST .. in good deeds, strong Section..the, vest..the of science, science .. in the kid, the region. There are vices, uch..dibiy, Decl .. as a man.
Card number 2.
Insert the missing letters; Write in the column of single words. How many columns will be? Why?
M..roto..zing the artist; approx .. dresses; deputies ... from delight, approx .. doubling friends; mind .. from grief; Deputy .. Dry Plot; USM..rong beast; Deputy ..rath unexpectedly.
Additional questions: Find registered phrases, specify the main and dependent words in them, the method of communication of words in phrase.
Card number 3.
Spariate, arrange the punctuation marks, insert the missed letters. Determine what a member of the sentence is the word, with the help of which the apparent is associated with the main thing. Design the proposals schemes.
He invited a comrade who lived (not) away from him.
The river on which we sailed was very wide.
The old man from (no) expect (H, NN) Ask oisi dropped from hand to the basket held in his hands.
Card number 4.
Put the punctuation marks, make up the proposals schemes. In complex suggestions, determine the appropriate applies to the main, the type of pressures:
Interest in the history of Karamzin was especially manifested in 1790 when he was in Paris.
Karamzin acutely felt the public need of historical understanding of themselves the place in his native and world history that grew along with the approach to the Russian borders of Napoleonic troops.
Card number 5.
... But people do almost always contrary to what their experience teaches them.
And so inexhaustible was his [Chekhov] The spiritual generosity that many people he was ready to endow the wealth of his own personality.
Knowledge However, I got a solid and this helped me more successfully pass the exam at the Institute.
Card number 6.
I ask .. for a month (c) of the lifestyle .. which he (not, no) once (not) was with us.
We go to the side where the roads are given (T, th).
Snow was still lying in deep forests and t .. the Saint ravines, but in the fields, the donkey became loose and dark and from (under) him (where) the big owls of Pokh .. there is a lot, fat, couples .. in the sun land.
Card number 7.
Open brackets, insert the missed letters. Unions, Union words. Determine what members of the proposal are allied words, the appendage of the apparent. Arrange the punctuation marks.
In late autumn, I got on the lake ... is called change (n, ny). Time has come ... Sinitsa .. St .. I settle (T, T, SI (PO) closer to human housing. (Not, nor) when (not, nor) in one of the literatures of the world (not, nor) was an example ... One great poet Pokhv..thel the banner of poetry was issued. Who was from the hands of another.
Card number 8.
Make the proposals schemes.
On a clear day, you will see in the forest like an autumn web glitters in the sun.
Three pines who loved Pushkin in Mikhailovsky now.
In place where they once grew planted young pines.
We asked when we arrive again.
It is known that elephants in the wonder we have.
The sun has not yet managed to rise and it was cold in the garden.
In the rosy meadows, the rich broke that I was so sweet.
In that place where the Sun of the Sky went, the heaven still melted with crimson strips.
We are located on vacation in that tree that grows near the water itself.
What measure the measure is the way that you passed.
Card number 9.
Text analysis.
More and fewer sounds in the night, and they are all quieter. And the fields are silent, and falling asleep, and everything in a circle. The night, as it were, gradually poured silence, and now I was already poured, to the very edges.
- Cover the text. Determine its type. Specify the verbs used in the portable value.
- Specify the lexical means. With the help of which the author transmits the motive of silence in nature.
- randomly, from your point of view, the use of single-roof verbs perfect and imperfect species In one sentence?
- Read 2 offer, lowering the repeated union and compare with the recorded. In which case, the state of rest is transmitted with greater expressiveness, silence?
- What else indicates the duration of what is happening?
1. Test on the topic "Complexed suggestions".
1 option

A. Snow rustles under his feet and he is no longer white on the pavement.
B. opened the door to the garden, and from there he was treated with a thin and viscous smell.
V. Quietly breathes the winter forest, having honed the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.
G. In the forest quietly and smell like pine and grass.
1. Specify the offer in which an error is made in the punctuation mark.
1. A 2.B 3. B 4.G
2. Specify complex suggestions
1. A 2. B 3. in 4. g
3. Find a proposal with a general secondary member.
1. A 2.B 3. in 4. g

[Uncertain-personal], and [impersonal]?

That suddenly let the troll of the nightingale, then cries the duck.
A. Simultancy of phenomena B. Sequence
B. Alternation of the city of contrast
6. Find a sentence with the Union However (the punctuation marks are not affixed).
A. The bushes rang out the rustle, but soon he fell.
B. The bushes rang out the rustle soon, however he fell.
Option 2
Check out suggestions, perform tasks.
A. Stand down to the waves, and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.
B. The end of winter and on the trees without silent shouts.
B. In the forest solemnly and quietly and the air smells in spring.
G. I approached the seashore, plunging deeper into my thoughts and suddenly saw the ship.
1. Find a proposal with a punctuation error.
2. Specify complex suggestions.
A B C D.
3. Find a complex proposal with a general secondary member.
A B C D.
4. The structure of which proposal is complied with the scheme:
[definitely personal], and [twisted]?
5. What is the importance to an alliance in a complex proposal
The first locomotives shook my imagination, and I wanted to create these clever machines?
A. Simultaneous action
B. Sequence
B. Alternation
G. Contrast
6. Find a sentence with the Union too
A. We hardly got to the forest, to the hut of the forester, then (s) traveled for a long time.
B. Days after ten, already ending the campaign, we again fell into (that) the village.
2. Test on the topic "Combined proposals".
1 option

A. Mountain, grumbling over the city, glittered the whole, like glazed cake.
B. In the time of Vladimir Monomakh, Polovtsy moved from the southern borders of Russia, however, and later more than once had to reflect their raids.
B. From the CHACTRY all the time there were unclear rustles, and therefore the boys could not calm down for a long time.
G. The hunter, shudder, quickly looked around, because in the bushes he heard some kind of noise.
D. We went to the river when it began to rain, soon turned into a shower.
2. Specify the proposals in which the appropriate with the main thing is related to the help of an allied word.
A. The closer to the south, the more often the Cossack watchdogs with pickets met.
B. Makar and did not notice that it became light.
B. Pay attention to the kidneys of the willow, who are slightly swollen.
G. Only now I realized that this thing meant it.
D. Old man was so amazed by him in words that he threw his hands.
3. In which sentences is the apparent in the middle of the complex?
(Punctuation signs are not affixed.)
A. For the first time I heard how the slash leaves the falling late fall from the tree.
B. Today at five o'clock in the morning when I opened my eyes into the window of my room turned the smell of flowers.
Q. Must be each of us thought about forest streams that flee under Bessel about shimmering stars.
G. I could hear as a mother rang with glasses spilling tea.
D. fly to the arrows of the butterfly bees because their fragrant servants attract them.

I do not know when it will be. We will learn friends and close in an hour when it faces trouble. When the twilight came to return home. There are autumn nights of the lights and dumb when weaves stands over a black wooded edge. When the sun went down to the horizon, the smooth yellow light reflected in the thick autumn cobweb covered meadows. Since the brother returned home, he never remembered what happened.

There, under these slopes, we expected to smash the night camp.
The Lena River begins with high Baikal mountains and everywhere and on the right and on the left and on the left of the left.
Option 2
1. Find complex proposals.
A. According to Brother Pushkin, Alexander was gifted by "Unusual Memory."
B. Almost every verse of Comedy Griboyedov appealed to the proverb or saying and is suitable for use, then to another society.
B. Sounds are in a hurry, the second to each other, and the forest immediately responds with a ringing and clean extermination.
G. Fixed warm, sunny weather, which happens in the mountains only in October.
D. The sky in the east began to darken, although the sun has not yet left behind the horizon.
2. Specify the proposals in which the apparent with the main thing connected by the Union word.
A. I must first express what has not decided to confess myself.
B. In order not to get lost in the forests, you need to know the signs.
B. All night we lay by the fire and listened to the river noise.
G. We went on the path that led straight to the river.
D. than a person enlightened, the more useful to her Fatherland.
3. Find SPPs in which the apparent stands before the main. (Punctuation signs are not affixed.)
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