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Persistence and particlepotion - examples and rules? DEPARTMENT OF DEPROSCHES AND CHECK RATES

Combat and Tempecism

Rule: If the involuntary turnover costs after the defined word, then it is highlighted from both sides with commas: the blue southern sky, darkened from dust, dull. Rule: In the suffix -enn, after hissing under the stress, it is written E (E), although it is pronounced [o]: burned, solved. Rule: In brief suffering gestures, one letter N: Read, told. Rule: If the sacrament is formed from the verbs to use, "then the letters or me: let me write - plowed - plows; To oblige - obliged - obliged. If the sacrament is formed from any other verbs (not to use or), then in front of - and - the letter E: Explore the studied - studied. Rule: In complete suffering gestances with suffixami - and - two letters N (NN), if:

1) Communion has a prefix (except not): Cooked fish, plowed field;

2) Communion has a word dependent on it: a fish fried in oil;
3) Communion of the perfect species: a solved example;
4) The communion is formed from the verbs with suffixes -OV-, -Ev-, (-Yova-): pickled mushrooms, asphalt highway. If the word does not have any of the listed signs, it is written with one n: boiled fish, fried fish.
Rule: Not full of genthes are written separately:
1) If the communion has dependent words, i.e. Forms the involuntary turn: on the table I did not send an email sent by me. - On the table lay a unsent letter;
2) If there is a controversy with the Union A: in the vase they were not faded, and fresh flowers. Not fully written picked:
1) If there is no dependent word: Incessant rain;
2) If the communion is not not used: hate eyes. With brief particle pieces do not write separately: the letter is not sent. The book is not read. (PP.146)

Rule: Particle not He is written with verdicts separately: he answered without thinking.
Cell-affected turnover is always allocated by commas: angrily is fighting cold autumn wind blowing. Blowing, angry, cold autumn wind. Cold autumn wind blows, angry.

Communions have a number of compliance among the adjectives, part of their origin ascending to communions. These include:

1) Actual communities of the present time and adjectives with the same root:
Red - red;
shine - blue;
white - white.

2) communion of the real time of the actual pledge (as well as returnable) and the adjectives with the suffix -ky, -yuly, -Kuchny, jacius, which are by the origin of ancient Russian communities:
Raw - bulk;
sitting - sedentary;
bringing - spiny.

3) the actual selection of the present time (usually with denial) and the adjective, which coincides with the suffering severity of the present time with the negative prefix, non-burning - non-aggravated;
not fading - unfavorable;
not wing - waterproof.

4) Paddative communities of the present time (usually with denial) and adjectives with the prefixes are not and suffixed:
Not allowable - unacceptable;
not defeated - invincible;
not tamped - indomitable.

5) Valid times of past time and adjectives formed from the communities with suffix-chief:
Tanned - tanned;
burnt - merry;
burned - stocky.

6) further from the values \u200b\u200bfrom the communities of the uniform adjectives on-very, which do not have the most appropriate communities; For them, there are only more distant communities with consoles:
Having hated - ripe;
ripe - mature;
the clothesman is sluggish.

7) the suffering passengers of the past time and adjectives that were formed from these communities; Usually the first with consoles, and the second without consoles:
Cooked - boiled;
grated - grated;
broken - broken.

8) valid and affirmative communions and ionic adjectives formed from these communities:
but) Stone brilliant in the sun - a brilliant report.
Cape, outstanding in the sea - an outstanding figure.
Shakaly wandering in the forest is a wandering smile. Director, causing technique - causing tone.
b) Dear by everyone, a respected comrade.
The machine driven by the driver is a controlled balloon.

Communion and Temploying

Communion and Templocoming in Russian - These are two special forms of verb, which are distinguished by the value, grammatical and syntactic features. Communions indicate a sign on action and answer questions What? Which the? What makes? What made? What made? Teperysty denote an extension effect and answer questions What do you do? What made?

Concerning the use and spelling of communion and verbal, the rules with examples are shown in the table.

· The presence of complete and brief form;

-Tee - / - Yusch - / - Ast - / - (valid communion of HB);

-B- / - (valid communion of PV);

- / - Om - / - Im- (Supporting communion of HB);

-nn - / - ENN - / - (Pv PV).

The syntactic role is the circumstance.

The girl went down the street, smiling.

The syntax role is a definition or part of the composite nominal faith.

Features of involved and verbal turns

Involved and adapter - These are syntactic structures that differ in the overall value and function in the sentence:

Participial turnover - This is a verbality with dependent words. In a proposal, as well as single verbatility, perform a syntactic role of a separate circumstance (allocated from two sides with commas) and denote an extension effect.

Test on the topic

Did not like? - Write in the comments of what is missing.

  • 1. Natalia Starostinina - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Nikolai Z - a gift card of a bookstore for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Mikhail Voronin - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • Electronic cards (code), they will be sent in the coming days by VKontakte or email.

    Material in Russian language (Grade 6) on the topic:
    Table "Difference Communion from Deeprichism"

    The table will help to figure out in contractions of the communion from verbalia


    Table 1. Differences of communion and verbalism

    What are the cases of Yuli? What should I do? What do you do? What are you doing?

    AS? HOW?

    What are you doing? What to do in? What to do lice?

    Developing Yuschi, remember VS IY, wrote nn, moving

    I am developing, remember in, writing

    Refers to the name noun (pronoun)

    Refers to the verb (faugible)

    Of the present time: - ((Yush), - Ast- (Lasch) - valid.

    EM-, -IM- - Paddative

    VSh-, -Sh- - valid

    NN-, -Nurn-, -T- - Paddative

    Imperfect species (present time):

    Perfect View (POST):

    Pursuit of the turn - this is a communion with dependent words

    This is a separate definition.

    Conditional turnover - this is a verbality with dependent words

    Up to - this is a separate circumstance

    üna porch stood a man engaged in arms of people.

    ü Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking about what happened.

    On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

    The lesson of the repetition and generalization of the material studied on the themes "Communion" and "Temploral". Students are offered multi-level tasks. The lesson is built using modular technology. Attached to

    The abstract of the lesson in the Russian language to summarize the Star Hour game studied in the form of the game.

    I spent this lesson by participating in the competition "Teacher of the Year." The class I gave a lesson was unfamiliar to me (that was the condition of the test). But thanks to the scene at the beginning of the lesson, the guys a.

    The summary of the generalizing lesson in grade 6 according to the program M.M.Razumovskaya.

    The selected test material allows you to check the knowledge by themes: "Communions" and "Deepprice" is most fully.

    The lesson fixes the skills of the formation of communion and verbalism, the spelling of their suffixes.

    The collection is control tests, testing, allowing to work out the topic complicated for six-graders: "Communion and Templocoming." Tasks work out.

    2.7. Communion and Temploying

    The difficulties associated with the use of a special form of verb in the speech can be divided into two groups: in the formation of the forms of communion and in use of communities.

    Errors in the formation of communities usually consist in incorrect designing of the forming base (Wed: Eating incorrect skinking Instead of regulatory - jount) And in the wrong choice of the forming suffix. Since the choice of a forming basis is common to the hidden and unfurmable forms, it is difficult to use the recommendations given in paragraph 2.6.

    When choosing a form-forming suffix in the formation of a shape of the communion, pay special attention to the following cases.

    1. The harder part of the actual communities of the past time is formed with the help of suffixes - from the basis of the infinitive (last time), ending with the vowel letter:

    write - wrote, decide - solved.

    The suffix is \u200b\u200bused if the infinitive base ends on the consonant letter:

    carrying - Neuschard, Visible - Visest.

    2. In the suffering communities of the past time, suffixes -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t- ( ubrah nn, stinged, dop). In speech, it is often common for an error associated with the use of one suffix instead of the other.

    For example, in the sentence: The room is removed - instead of a regulatory form remove The suffix is \u200b\u200berroneously used suffix -t-.

    3. It should be remembered that when forming the communion should be maintained all word-forming consoles and verb suffixes. The most common mistake is to discard the suffix when they are forming communion from return verbs.

    For example, in the sentence: The wind disappeared the leaves left on the trees - the suffix is \u200b\u200billegally omitted. Grammatically correct will be this option: The wind disappeared the leaves remaining on the trees.

    4. It should be borne in mind that some verbs are characterized by the absence or non-consumption of individual forms of communion. Thus, according to the rules of Russian grammar, persistent communals are formed only from transient verbs:

    It can not be formed by the suffering communion from verbs of the type get up, lying et al., Since these verbs cannot be combined with a vinitive case without an excuse.

    At the same time, the absence of individual forms of communion may not be associated with grammatical laws, but with tradition.

    arrest, take care, beat, take, wake, drive, twirl, vit, carry, knit, stroke, look, cook, warm, smoke, ship, gnaw, crush, keep, sorry, fry, harvest, wait, burn, call, know, have, boiling, put, glue, prick, feed, paint, sculpt, treat, pour, revenge, grind, wash, find, plow, sing, stove, write, saw, drink, span, spawn, hide, tear, cut, chop, saline, put, watch, dry, pour, weave, stew, pull, teach, bury, clean, whisper, sew and etc.

    2) There are no forms of the suffering communities of the past time in transient verbs:

    When using communion in speech, special attention should be paid to the following points.

    1. The opposition of real and suffering communals is associated with their value expressed.

    Valid communities (suffixes -the-, -the, -the, -the, -t-, -sh-) indicate a sign of who (which) directly produces action:

    singing girl drawing a boy.

    Supporting communities (suffixes -, -th-, -In-; -n- (-n-), -n- (-en-), -T-) indicate a sign of one who (what) is experiencing an action:

    readable book purchased magazine.

    In speech, a rather common mistake is the use of valid communities instead of persistent, and vice versa.

    For example, in the sentence: I had one won ticket - illegally used persuasive sacrament, because in this case this design means: I won the ticket, not a certain prize, amount of money, etc. By happy ticket. Grammatically correct in such a situation will be the use of valid communion ( winner ticket), Since the defined noun does not experience, but makes action.

    2. In Russian, persuasive importance can be expressed as persistent communions, as well as valid genthesis from the return verbs with suffix.

    In some cases, both possible forms are used in the literary language:

    having approved by all the project - endorsing all the project.

    In other cases, either only the suffering communion is used, or only a valid communion from the return verb.

    Wed: built house - house under construction.

    Should be rememberedThat the main expressiveness of the meaning of persuasibility is precisely the suffering party, and where it is available, the returnable communion is usually unacceptable.

    So, the turns will be grammatically incorrect: a baby dressed up with a nanny; joiner . In this case, the use of precious communion is obligatory: baby dressed as nanny; Drawer made by joiner

    Returnal communion is usually used when there is no appropriate suffering in the language or it is fixed. For example, they are not formed or are non-considerable forms of the suffering communion of the past time from the verbs of an imperfect species.

    Wed: the report written by the student last year; The report written by the student during the year.

    3. It should also be remembered that in Russian, there is no and can not be the communities of the future. It is impossible to use the communion towards the future! Therefore, grammatically incorrect types of type will be:

    After a few years, we will have a whole complex of enterprises that can cause an ecological catastrophe.

    When the forms are formed, the following points must be taken into account.

    1. The verbalia of the imperfect species is formed from the basis of the present time of the verbs of the imperfect type with the help of suffixes -A / by:

    take - take - taking; Play - cry - crying.

    A number of verbs of the imperfect species also forms a verbalism with a suffix - HUI / -YU:

    being, walking, regret, playing, gouchi, suffocate.

    However, they did not receive any wide distribution in the literary language. Usually forms on -chuchi / -ychi perceived either as obsolete or as a means of stylization of folk and old speech.

    In addition, not all verbs of the imperfect species are able to form a verbalism. As a rule, the verbs do not form the verbs that do not have vowels in the basics of the present time (Wed: weave - Tkut):

    beat, vite, lie, bend, eat, press (hand), has (rye), wait, burn, lie, pour, mive, drink, tear, sly, sleep, weave, rub, sew.

    There are no or do not use verbality from verbs with alternation in the basics of the infinitive and the present time of consonants, S-W (Wed: vsyza - VS UT, PLAY WITH AT - PY W):

    weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, dance, cut, scratch.

    Do not form the verbathes of the verbs of the imperfect species, to say, on - to:

    keep, burn, be able, stove, schish, rush, cut, flow, wither, go out, stumble, fix, blame, mock, smell, sink, pull.

    The verbalia of the imperfect view from the verbs is not used:

    arrest, run, prick, climb, plow, sing, be born, shake, want.

    2. The performances of the perfect species are formed from the basis of the infinitive (past time) of the verbs of the perfect species mainly with the help of Suffix -to:

    buy - buying, deciding - deciding.

    From a number of verbs of the perfect species of verbalia are formed using suffix -A / -I ( log in - Entering, subtract - Lying et al.) Or suffixes, -the, -shi ( having noticed, upset and etc.).

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, the form with suffix is \u200b\u200bused: they are more brief and more harmful. Uncompaired forms of type writing Especially emphasized M. Gorky. But it should be borne in mind that return verbs usually there is only one form - shooting, wrapped. The use of suffix is, instead of suffix, it is also characteristic of many verbs with the basis for consonants: grow - grown; Save - save.

    The use of suffix -A / -A in the formation of the perfect species of perfect species (Wed: putting - Position, having heard - Ice, noticing - notice) It was a fairly distributed phenomenon in the XIX-early XX century. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky: tilting down, going down etc. Currently, many of these forms have come out of use.

    3. The main error in the formation of verbalia is the use of one suffix instead of the other.

    For example, in the sentence: I gained the number, put the tube - Error used the form of a followerity with suffix -a. From the verbs with the basis for the breathtaking perfect species, the perfect species is usually formed using a suffix -a, but the standard will be a form with suffix -B (putting tube).

    Frequently frequency are errors of this kind when using phraseologism. In many of them, there are obsolete forms of verprictions ( put and hand on the heart, sketch I'm head). Arbitrary replacement of such forms on modern forms in some idiomatic expressions ( i rushed out) Is an error!

    Quite regularly in speech, there is also the so-called filling of "empty cells", that is, the erroneous formation of verbalies from the verbs, which in the literary language cannot have considerable forms at all (for example: SPA, he shuddered).

    Proper spelling: What is the sacrament and verbality, the rules with examples

    In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or verb. Some lingules consider them by special verb forms and explain this presence of similar signs.

    Morphological features

    Consider in detail what is the Communion and Temploy. More ancient grammar noted their duality, so they gave them a name meaning "involvement" to the name of a noun, adjective or verb.

    It is inclined, that is, it changes in childbirth, numbers, cases, has a brief and complete form. At the same time, it is inherent in the verb properties. For example, the presence of the form:

  • checking notebook (imperpose) is the one who checks (what does?);
  • checked (perfect view) - the one who checked (what did you do?).
  • Moreover The value of time. This is a permanent sign of these parts of speech having a form or of this Time (creating), or past (Built). There is also a return form (recognized sia).

    It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - the suffering and valid. Padding communities Indicate a sign of an object experiencing an action (received parcel - received a parcel). The actual reflects the symptom of the subject, independently producing the action (the running person is the one who runs himself).

    From all of the above, it follows the conclusion: this part of the speech denotes a sign of the subject by the action manifested in time.


    The term appeared in the 18th century, is " relationships to action", What does the first part of the word" delay "indicate (leader, act). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting available action In relation to the main, pronounced verb. Therefore, this form is inherent verb signs:

  • view perfect (opening) imperfect (closing);
  • return (Pretending sch).
  • Perhaps this is limited to the similarity of the parts of the speech in question, but there are numerous differences.

    What is the difference

    First of all, it should be noted that tempecios does not change, that is, not inclined and does not hide. Therefore in his morphem composition No flexy. On the contrary, the endings of the communities are their distinctive feature.

    Discern these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full sacrament (what (one; -th, -th)?); Brief (what (s; -o, -s)?).
  2. Tempecios (What making? What made? How? How?).
  3. Another difference is a different syntactic role. Tempecility performs the function of circumstances (bent, loop, in the distance of the river.). Brief communion It is only a bit (opened doors to the world of beautiful dreams.). Full can be:

  4. definition (foaming waves were broken about high, impregnable rocks.);
  5. part of the composite nominal fag (bread was moldy).
  6. The formation of communion and verbalism occurs under the suffix.

    Tempecism is formed from the verbs of the corresponding species. Table 1.

In order to give written speech expressiveness, one of the means is used - the involvement of turnover. Examples of its use can be found in the literature already starting from ancient times. After all, he came from the old Slavonic language. This explains the use of involuntary turnover on the letter, because Staroslavansky is the language of church literature. They spoke our ancestors in Old Russian.

Pursuit: Definition

The sacraments and adjacent dependent words are called simple phrases - the involvement of the turnover. Example: girl jumping on the rope. Here jumping on the rope is a personal turn. It consists of several parts: actually communion, dependent words determined by the word. The involvement of the turnover in the proposal is a separate definition. It should be distinguished by a readprint and involvement. Examples:

I finally read the book for a long time drunk on the shelf.

The involvement of the "long-drifting on the shelf" is played by a separate definition (answering the question: what?).

Puppy, frightened us, ran away.

In this sentence, there is a part-off turnover: "frightened us." He is adjacent to the verb-faith "ran away", in addition, answers the question: what to do? And is a circumstance.

Communion - the main component of the involvement

Communion combines signs of verb and adjective. From the verb, this part of the speech took repayment, view, time (present and past) and transitionality. With the name of the adjective communion relatives, the ability to change by childbirth, numbers and cases, the possibility of education of brief form, as well as questions: What? What? For example:

  • thinking (What?) - Indicates who thinks;
  • turningth (what?) - Indicates who turned;
  • built (What?) - Indicates what they have built.

About the communion as an independent part of speech disputes are still underway. Some linguists define it as a special form of verb.

What still contains the involvement

In addition to the communion, the involvement turns on:

1. Dependent words. They are given a direct question from the communion. For example:

Table covered with tablecloth.

In this case, "covered" - communion. Answers the question: what? Indicates a sign of action (one that was covered). From the communion we ask the question to the word tablecloth (covered than? - tablecloth). Accordingly, the "tablecloth" is a dependent word.

2. The definable word is something to which the involvement of the turnover belongs. Example:

Baby running around the apartment.

"Running around the apartment" - the involvement of the turnover ("running" - the sacrament, dependent word - "in the apartment"). We ask this involved turnover question from the word "child." What? Running around the apartment. So, the definable word is "child."

Output rule

Consider the cases in which it is separated (allocated by commas). Examples, the rule is as follows: if a part of speech under consideration is standing after the word determined, it must be designated by commas.

The flower growing on the wastewater was quite beautiful.

Here, the definable word "flower", the involvement of turnover is "growing on the wasteland." A separate definition stands after the word determined, respectively, is allocated by commas.

Consider another example: The flower growing on the wastewater was very beautiful.

In this case, the position of the involvement has changed: the definable word stands after a separate definition, so the commas are not needed.

However, there are cases in which comma formulation is necessary:

  1. It is always isolated under the definable word-personal pronoun involved. Example: Precious Bed, I grumbled for a long time in bed. The involvement of the "Precious Bed" refers to the personal pronoun "I", therefore it is allocated by commas, regardless of the situation. Compare: I, the prefabricating misfortune, grumbled for a long time in bed.
  2. The added value of the circumstance that has a peculiar turn. For example: Blinded with highlights of the sea, we have not decided to enter the water for a long time. Here, the involved turnover "blinded by highlights of the sea" has an additional value of the reason: you can ask an additional question from the fant: I did not decide for a long time why? Because they were blinded by glare of the sea.
  3. Other members of the sentence tear the definable word and involvement. Example: Showing the first rays appears in the sky month. Here, the involuntary turnover is "showing the first rays", and the definable word - "month". Between them still faithful "appears" and the circumstance with the pretext in the sky. In this case, the selection of involved turns is necessary.

When the commas are not needed

There are cases when the commas are not required during the involvement. We have already disassembled one of the options when the involvement of the turnover will not be released: if it is in front of the word-defined word.

The world impressed by the sun surrounded us.

With this position of the involved turnover, commas are not needed.

There are two more cases when you do not need to highlight the involvement. Examples:

1. If it applies not only to the subject, but also to the lean:

Before the tent, we fled to bounce through.

In this case, it is possible to ask the "promotion throughout" in the involvement of the turnover as a pronoun to be "we" (what?), But also from the fagged "fled" (how?).

2. The accusative case of personal pronouns acting in the role of the defined word. For example:

We found it lying on the field of a brutal battle.

The definable word is a personal pronoun "His", which is in the vinegenic case (whom?).

Which of the foregoing can be concluded? If you do not know, separate or not the involuntary turnover, pay attention to such moments:

  1. The location of turnover relative to the defined word.
  2. What is pronounced word and in what form it costs.

In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or verb. Some lingules consider them by special verb forms and explain this presence of similar signs.

In contact with

Morphological features

Consider in detail what is the Communion and Temploy. More ancient grammar noted their duality, so they gave them a name that means "involvement" to the name of a noun, or verb.


It is inclined, that is, it changes in childbirth, numbers, cases, has a brief and complete form. At the same time, it is inherent in the verb properties. For example, the presence of the form:

  • checking notebook (imperpose) is the one who checks (what does?);
  • checked (perfect view) - the one who checked (what did you do?).

Moreover The value of time.This is a permanent sign of data having a form or of this Time (creating), or past (Built). There is also a return form (recognized sia).

It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - the suffering and valid. Padding communities Indicate a sign of an object experiencing an action (received parcel - received a parcel). The actual reflects the symptom of the subject, independently producing the action (the running person is the one who runs himself).

From all of the above, it follows the conclusion: this part of the speech denotes a sign of the subject by the action manifested in time.


The term appeared in the 18th century, is " relationships to action", What does the first part of the word" delay "indicate (leader, act). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting available action In relation to the main, pronounced verb. Therefore, this form is inherent verb signs:

  • view perfect (opening) imperfect (closing);
  • return (Pretending sch).

Perhaps this is limited to the similarity of the parts of the speech in question, but there are numerous differences.

What is the difference

First of all, it should be noted that it does not change, that is, not inclined and does not hide. Therefore in his morphem composition No flexy. On the contrary, the endings of the communities are their distinctive feature.

Discern these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full sacrament (what (one; -th, -th)?); Brief (what (s; -o, -s)?).
  2. Tempecios (What making? What made? How? How?).

Another difference is a different syntactic role. Tempecility performs the function of circumstances (bent, loop, in the distance of the river.). Brief communionit is only a bit (opened doors to the world of beautiful dreams.). Full can be:

  • definition (foaming waves were broken about high, impregnable rocks.);
  • part of the composite nominal fag (bread was moldy).


The formation of communion and verbalism occurs under the suffix.

Tempecism is formed from the verbs of the corresponding species. Table 1.

View Suffixes Examples
Perfect -It, -t, -h Throwing, bent, savings
Imperfect -and I); - Wechi (outdated forms) Counting, stealing

It is the suffixes of communion and verdicts indicate the belonging of words to a particular part of speech.

Important! When forming the forms of the perfect species, suffixes are not used -, ", incorrectly use: Looking for correct: Looking.

Tempecistry are not formed from the following verbs of an imperfect look:

  • ending on to-(take care, burn oven and others);
  • having suffix -nu- (pull, go out, shout and others);
  • run, prick, climb, plow, want, beat, vite, drink, eat, pour, angry, sew, tear, wait, bending, sleep, lie.

The condition of the correct choice of vowels in the suffixes of the communities of the present - knowledge of the rigging of verbs. Table 2.

note! Paddative communities are formed only from transient verbs. There are no forms of the present time at the verbs: protect, shave, wake, call, write, drink.

Table 3.

Table 4.

The choice of vowel before -H (H) is determined by infinitive suffix:

Spelling with ne.

Both parts of the speech are written with NOT Dlya, if not used without it, for example: non-love, hate.

In other cases, leadingness with not written is always separately separate, except for words with the prefix that has a meaning "less than is supposed", "poor-quality", for example - in not sawing after the child. Compare: without watching a movie, that is, without finishing the movie.

"Not" particle It should be written separately with a brief form of communities (not embroidered), as well as with complete in the presence of explanatory words (not published in time Roman), denial (far, at all, never, at all, whit and others) or opposition (not started, and finished) .

Use of one and two letters "H"

Doubted letter In the suffixes of complete communities are written if available:

  • prefix: beveled, cooked (but: uninvited guest);
  • dependent words: steamed in the oven;
  • sufifixes -OV-, -Ev-, -Yova-: Canned, delighted;
  • the word is formed from the verb of the perfect species without a console (exception: wounded): deprived.

At the end of the brief forms, it is always written alone -: based, unpacked.

Sealing syntactically designs

Often it is observed punctuation error - incorrectly arranged punctuation marks in suggestions containing particle prudes and involvement. The reason lies in the inability to distinguish them from each other, to determine the boundaries of these structures, find the word to which they relate.

Find out under what conditions it is allocated partly accompany and involvement. We give existing rules in the language with examples.


Explains the noun or pronoun, is the definition, is isolated if:

  • refers to the personal: Lauginated by the gentle words of the mother, he slept tightly. I, who knows each path in the surrounding area, was appointed senior interlocks.
  • it stands after the noun: soldiers, stunned by a projectile, fell on the battlefield.
  • it has the circumstantial value of the cause or concession: tired after a long road, tourists continued the way. Tourists continued the way (despite what?), Although they tired after a long road. Granted by themselves, the children were in a difficult position.

Children were in a difficult position (why?), Since they are provided to themselves.

Participial turnover

Indicates the additional effect of the verb-fag, is a circumstance, it is always separate: the shimmer waves, the sea raged. The old man walked, laughing on one leg.

Important! The exceptions are the turnovers that have passed into the category of stable expressions, somehow: Having burned the breath, having broken his head, having dried the tongue, after the sleeves.

Compare two suggestions:

  1. Tonging the language, the dog breathed heavily (the dog snapped the tongue).
  2. The boy rushed to hang out tongue (ran quickly).

In the first case, in the sentence there is a perpetrator. In the second, the expression "hanging out the language" is figuratively. It is easily replaced by one word, adorption "quickly", therefore, is not separated.

Common grammatical errors

The most common mistake is the wrong agreement between the sacrificment with the explanable word, caused by the inability to determine it correctly. This can be observed in the following example:

Tikhon was a haired man, fully submitted to his mother - Kabanchi.

The writing asked the question from the word Tikhon, although the Communion "obeying" explains another word - "man." The correct option sounds like this:

Tikhon was a hazard man (what?), Fully submitted to his mother - Kabani.

Often confused by the suffering and valid communion:

Among lottery tickets was won.

From the written it turns out: the ticket won, although the thought is different: the ticket won, therefore, we use the word won.

When used, it is important to take into account that both actions, the main and added, should refer to one person. If this is not done, we get similar phrases: bending the depth of spiritual values, the hero has changed the worldview.

The adding action, expressed by the hero, applies not to the hero, which produces an action, but by the word "worldview".

The correct option: bending the depth of the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the people, the hero changed its worldview.

For the same reason, it is impossible to use this part of speech in impersonal proposals that transmit state, and not an action: deceiving mom, the children became bad.

Communion and Templocoming: What is the difference? Involved and verbal turnover - a simple explanation



The speech of the educated person is impossible to imagine without verb forms. The first help to explore, comprehensively characterize the subject. The second make it possible to simplify speech, replace a number of homogeneous fags denoting not the main action, but the secondary, additive. If you learn to understand in the designers, you can make your speech beautiful, bright, understandable, which is important for achieving success in life.

Communion and adherers are special parts of speech, combining the morphological signs of several parts of speech. They differ from the rest. By the way, many linguistic scientists include the sacrament and verbality to verb forms, and not allocate in a separate part of speech. In this article we will talk about them as independent.

The concept of communion

Communion and Templocoming in Russian combines that both of these parts of the speech enter into some morphological signs of the verb: categories of species, repayment and time.

However, the communion is adjective and expresses a sign of a subject or phenomenon in its action: the reading, listening, system, readable. Replies this part of speech to questions what made? What made?. From the adjective sacrament "inherited" the genus, the number and case - in this way they are consistent with the nouns, to which they include: the written book - written books (many people) - about the written book (proposed case) - written Roman (male genus) .

Also, the communion can be used in full and brief forms. Awarded a diploma - a lot of hand. Unlike adjectives in brief communities, a purely one letter n is written. Misty lowland - Nizina Tumanny (brief adjective); The seeded field - the field is sown (short communion).

Communion, depending on the value, can be valid (denoted by the sign created directly by the action - building) or suffering (signify the sign of the action experienced by the side - the system).

Concept of Tempecism

The verdicticity is in grammatical signs to adverch: the part of the speech took over the immutability of it, but from the verb of Temperysty, there was a view (listening - listening to) and return (washing - washing).

The verbality denotes an additional, additional action, it can be easily replaced by a homogeneous fault.

  • I walked down the street, rejoicing the spring sun. - I walked down the street and rejoiced the spring sun.

The adding action indicates how the main verb acts. He walked, rejoicing, "Rejoicing" to the designer means an additional sign, the emotion with which the basic action was performed.

Communions Valid: Education, suffixes

Communion and adherers are formed from verbs using specific suffixes. As for the actual communities of the present, their base is the verb of the same time. The latter simply marks the end and the characteristic suffix of the communion is attached: - caud - / - Yusch- and - aSTI - / --.

Here it should be remembered that the first suffixes are characteristic of the communcies formed from the verbs of the first auction - aSTI - / -- Use communcies from the verbs of the II of the lining.

  • Sunbathing - sunbathing (verb of the present time, I hide) - sunbathing (real time of present).
  • Glue - glue (verb of the present time, II of the liner) - adhesive (actual communion of the present).

The same communities of the past time are formed from the basis of the verb of the same time with the help of suffixes -The-, -Sh-.

  • Intriprates - carried - suffered, crawling - plenty - crashes.

Also, the unstressed vowel vowel in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bchecked (the word is put in the past time) to yielded - the breath was deemed.

Communions Paddative: Education, suffixes

Sufficient communities of the present need to form from the basis of the verb I or II of the lining with the help of suffixes - - / - Im- respectively.

  • Decide - decide - solved; Wearing - wear - wearable.

Suffixes - enn-, -nn-, -T- Used to form the suffering communities of the past time. Generating the base - the verb infinitive: to decide - resolved; wash - washed; Read - read. It should be remembered that in the suffix - eNN- Always written only the letter E after hissing. For example, burned, resolved.

In addition, there are always two letters in the same suffix n.. These are very different from the exclusive adjectives. The latter do not have consoles and dependent words - they are written with one letter n. Sauer cabbage (separable adjective) - sauerful cabbage mom (sacrament, there is a dependent word) - dusty cabbage (sacrappiness, there is a prefix)

Tempecistry: Education, suffixes

Communion and teppresence are similar by the fact that those and other derivative is the foundation.

If we talk about the verbalies of the imperfect species, the basis of the verb of the present time is taken and suffix is \u200b\u200bassigned to it - but- or - i-.

  • Watchtop - Storam; shiny - brightness; move - moving; Breathe - breathing.

There are a number of verbs, from which the formation of verdicism is not possible: Plow, stove, sew, dance.

If we talk about the designers of the perfect species, they should be formed from the basis of the infinitive. At the same time, suffixes are involved -On-, -the, -h-. For example, write - writing, writing; Bring - bring.

Thus, the spelling of the suffixes of communion and verbalism depends on the type of verb producing the base, its lining. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account the view (especially it applies to verbalism). Switchy suffixes and verbalities of various meanings should be known by heart, then their correct writing of difficulties will not cause.

Spelling is not with communion and verdicts

It should be said about one orfogram, often increasing difficulties. How to write a particle not, Communion and Templocoming. The rules relating to the latter are fairly simple: with verbality, this particle is written separately, except for words without it not used. For example: without making, without thinking, without grabbing, do not bring, but indigeting, hating.

Communion will be written with not separately in the following cases:

  1. He has dependent words. In other words, if there is no single sacrament, and the involvement of the turnover (flowers, not torn yesterday, bloomed in all their glory).
  2. The offer has opposition built using the Union but (It was not faded, but quite fresh flowers).

Ply not With the parties will be written outside the involuntary revolutions: the incessant shower, the NESSAKA field, unreaded book.

Also written ply with not Communions that without this particle are not used: indigrant, hate.




  • summarize and systematize knowledge of the hemplifted and involvement;
  • work out the ability to find and highlight the actual and involved turnover; warn mistakes in the use of verprized turnover;
  • learn to use particlepic and involvement in speech.


  • rise love to the native word, to the native nature.


  • develop the creative abilities of students.

During the classes

I. Repetition

  • What is the height of the actual turnover?
  • How are the verbalism and height gains stand out?
  • What is called the involvement? When will he stand out on a letter to commas?
  • What is the difference between particle and involvement?

II. Fixing

1) Wordwork


  • give the lexical meaning of the word;
  • form the verb of communion and verbalism;
  • make a phrase "follow-up + adverb" with a "not" particle, where the main word is a leadingness;
  • with the phrase "Dummy tight" make a proposal for a New Year's topic.

2) spelling dictation

(No) stopped snowfall, sound (not) is heard, (not) feeling fatigue, (not) despair, (not) Returning back, (not) approached on time, (not) Hoggled path, (not) See from published, (not) Punching birds, strongly (not) dummy.

3) syntactic analysis of the sentence

Shining 3 gretyest beauty of the North, quietly sleeping night, plugged with thin frosty fog 4. (Sieraf.)

4) Explanatory Dictation

  • Indicate graphically particlepric and involvement.

5) Designing of proposals with a particralized turnover

  • Replace verbs in verbalism. Record immediately in a modified form, setting the punctuation marks.
  1. The moon pops up and silver ice on the river.
    The moon, popping, silver ice on the river.
  2. The sky is covered with clouds and acquires a formidable look.
    The sky is covered with clouds, acquiring a formidable look.
  3. The joy of communicating with nature is growing and overwhelms the whole being.
    The joy of communication with nature is growing, overwhelming the entire creature.

6) Perfocontrol

  • Specify in the table number of offers in which he met the height and involvement.
  1. Nature that threw the breath froze.
  2. Snow carpet, changing the usual outfit of the forest, chose fir.
  3. Only the tops of the Christmas trees are visible, lonely growing from the edge.
  4. Wayed vortices, with noise taken from under the feet of the bird.
  5. The night, approaching inexorably, immerses everything in the dark.
  6. It fascinates the type of young birch, pose in the rays of the Red Winter Sun.
  7. Farmers, you will hear different sounds.
  8. An amazing feeling is experiencing every person in the winter forest.
I bet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
deeprich. Turnover + + + + +
and. Turnover + + + + +

7) Editing

  • Correct (orally) errors in the use of verprices.
  1. Tryeb the branch, she slowly stopped.
    The busty of the branch swore slowly.
  2. Suddenly, shook, I flew the hat.
    Suddenly shook, I dropped the cap.
  3. A frightened bird, waving wings, and flew.
    A frightened bird, waving wings, flew.
  4. I preserved her flight.
    I, having traveled to her flight, rolled down from a slide.

8) Test

I. Find a proposal with a peculiar:

  1. The wind passed along the coast, broken off the dry branches.
  2. The river, clogged with white torosa, sparkled slightly.
  3. The sun, sent to the ground the last beam, buried in the Gray Mc.
  4. The joine of snow lying on the branches pressed their book.

II. Find a proposal with an accomplice:

  1. As soon as sunflower snow, the day quickly leaving twilight.
  2. Through the enlighitives are visible to the filament clouds, floating high above the trees.
  3. The storm was all night, suddenly squeezed by the morning.
  4. For a long hardened horses produced in the snow.

III. Find a proposal with a certain turn:

  1. In the frozen heaven, the last cloud covered with a cold sunset.
  2. Lisa rushes in the snow, scattering around snow dust.
  3. Having walked overnight, the forest of calm down, focuses on the branches of the pines.
  4. The eyes are blind, frosty burning day, scattered creamy drifts.

IV. Find a proposal with an accomplice:

  1. Until the spring, the river custled by ice is silent.
  2. The sun brightly flashed with snow-lined hut.
  3. Fluffy snowflakes, easily fluffy and circling, sank to the ground.
  4. Heaven scattered snow down, filling all air movement.

Answers: I - 2, 4; II - 1, 3; III - 1, 4; IV - 3, 4.

9) Creative work

  • Overall-miniature "New Year's holiday".
  1. What are you waiting for this day?
  2. What is your mood?
  3. What does a special family appear in relationships?
  4. How to perceive surrounding strangers?
  5. What makes the biggest pleasure on this day?
  6. What do you want everyone on this day?

Supported phrases

Waiting for something unusual, filled with pleasant troubles, the joy growing in me, smiling faces, helping everyone, anticipating universal delight, admiring the green beauty, wanting all the best.

Wake up on December 31, waiting for something unusual. Ahead is still a long day filled with pleasant troubles, but the joy growing in me is transmitted to others.

Strange people smiling at me seem close.

Helping everyone, I do not forget that I am lying on me the most responsible thing - to dress the Christmas tree.

For me, this is a great pleasure. Anticipating universal delight, I try my best.

Mom will inflict me, and we will stand up, admiring the green beauty. Amazing, fun, a little crazy New Year's Eve ended.

Wanting all the best, fall asleep.

III. Homework.

§30-36, write out of the proposals of fiction 3 sentences with the involvement of the turnover, 3 sentences with an adapted turnover.