Repairs Design Furniture

The spelling of the suffixes of verbov -ov-, -Eva. Glading suffixes in Russian. Spelling of verb suffixes. Verbal suffix -OV

"N and NN in adjectives" - V.) Pupil? Rise up - (owls) Choem? To elect - (sov. in suff. -New, -New, fiery, fiery, lecture, campaign, revolutionary. V.) Phareshenian? Pudritis - (Nesov. Severe martyr. Torture - (Nes. P.) is always written - the commission is written. - (TV.P.) (someone formed - brief.

"Full and brief communities" - unfinished, and the meeting begun. Replace in writing a combination with a valid combination with a stratifying communion. The rated, me, roar, left, forced, look back. Brief and complete communities. Communions enclosed in brackets, put in the desired kind, number and case. Formation of the cognitive abilities of the student.

"NN and N in the adjectives" - the state - the State Tradition - the traditional economy - economic courage - a courageous lecture - lecture. Which part of speech do the words of the right columns? Foldly cold winter - winter sonic morning clay-clay. Delicious sleepy crystal lunar summer autumn.

"Proposals with communities" - checking homework. GREAT WATER. " Education communities. I'm in the cold, exposure _ (n, nn) \u200b\u200benclosure. I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". Task 2. In these offers, insert the letters and missing punctuation signs. Sample response plan: We conclude about the role of communities in the artistic text.

"N and NN in suffixes" - training exercises. N and NN in suffixes of different parts of speech. Windy - drank windy, the gloomy - she looked dusk. Insert the missed letters. In the exclusive adjective n salty, stewed, painted. N and NN in the subjective suffixes. The key to the exercise: Unexpected - came unexpectedly, implaced - did not come true.

"Communion" - the sacrament - an independent part of speech. Valid communion. Full shape. Persistent communion. The involvement of turnover is a communion with dependent words. Present time. Past time. Valid communion of past time. Participle. Brief. Imperfect species. Declination of communities.

1. In an indefinite form and in the past time, suffixes are written -OV, -Eva -, if in the 1st person of the only number of this or future simple time, the verb ends onto a / -th: head - head - headed; Night - spent the night - spent the night. If, in the specified form, the verb ends on the failed, ",", in an indefinite form, and in the past time, the same suffix is \u200b\u200bpreserved: I intelled to explore - explored; Building - Build - Built up.
2. The verbs ending on the hit-up, "I have, have in front of the suffix - in the same vowel, as indefinitely, without this suffix: overcome - to overcome, fill up - pour. Exception: Stuck - stuck, eclipse, extend, etc. Do not mix the verbs to fit - exhort (with a hitheat - it -) and dodge - dodge (with unstressed-in).
3. In the verbs (o), it is treated in the verbs (o), (o) to drop, (o) to the roofing, (o) glass, (o), columnite has a composite suffix -Enet.
4. Publications and and in suffixes similar to the origin of the verbs of transitional and non-transparent. One-tempered verbs with suffixami should be distinguished - and-and-and - when used with consoles O-, mono- (weiss). In uncompressive verbs, denoting the condition that flows in itself, he writes suffix -E -: Our edges, before the beast, are now completely deforated. In transitional verbs indicating the impact on the subject, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - and -: Frequent fires completely deforated our edges.

M.Yu. Okhlopkov
International University of Nature,
society and man "Dubna", Dubna, Moscow region.

Spelling of verb and verb forms

Spelling of the personal endings of the verb


1. In the verbs with the console you- The lifting is determined by the shut-off verb:

they will sleep - sleep (2nd lining)
he grows his son - Grow (2nd Hiding)
his son grow up - grows (1 Hiding)

2. Remember the differenceproken verbs: want, run, honor (honor, read), torture (dawn will be forced, zori forces).

3. Glaglas on " Refer to the 1st Husion: devour, bleach, yield, repent, bark, cherish, start, hope, to ride, sow, melting (not to be confused: hide - "hide"), find fault.

4. Verbs recovery, conjugate, beyond, mold The literary language changes in the 1st singe (Watch out, entering, expressing, molding).

5. Literary and spaticrous forms are different: torture (Liter.) - manty (spacious.); measure (Liter.) - measure (Spacious.).


№ 1 . Determine the lining of verbs: take(1), wilt(1), vite(1), own(1), hear(2), strut(1), hang(2), be able to(1), offend(2), to want(Singlepr.), whistle(2), rub (1).

№ 2 . Fill in the table with these verbs by sample: glue, hate, build, shave, grind, hope, break, melting, thrust, want, hide.

№ 3 . Spariate, paste the missed letters, specify the touch.

1. Drops in the puddles of the shouldchem are dimension and mumble_t your psalm. 2. tremble_t Vitya unwitting: it sees the old battlefield. (A. Pushkin) 3. He laughs - everything is laughing, frowning eyebrows - everyone is silent. (A. Pushkin) 4. The sky is pale-blue breathing light and warmth and welcome_t Petropol unprecedented September. 5. People clearing the tracks, Natopch_t, inherit, and the snow will again go and all the baton_t almost weighty down pillows.

Spelling Suffix Glagol

-OVA - (- Eva-), - Wheel - (- Iva-)

-I-, - in the verbs with the prefix mona (C) -

vowel -L-

-OVA- (Eva) In the form of units. h Aligned with -, -Yu- ; -You - (- Iva-) Save

Before - Purchase a vowel root (do not confuse - from -Eve-, (-willow- )

In the transition verb is written -and- , in non-transparent -

Before -L- Powered by a vowel infinitive

Conversations ovatb - conversations w.yu

OBB andt - Obv and- Waiting

Athlete disassession andlee (heavy training)

Hung e.l - hung e.t.

Discarding yvat - Visses yvayu

REP e.t - Zap. e.- Waiting

athlete disassemble e.l (after speaking)

Snesh butlya - Slash buttsya


1. When selecting the form of the 1st person. h To check the spelling of verbs with suffixes -OVA - / - Eva, - Wheel - / - Iva- It is necessary to take into account the type of verb.
Dispel (not. at.) - dispelled (not. at.) (Wrong dispelledbecause verb owl. in., from dispel).
Explode (not. at.) - intelligence (not. at.) (Wrong wechingbecause verb owl. in., from explore).

2. Pay attention to the spelling of verbs with the root - :
confess - confession; preach - preaching; Head - head; reject - wept; to visit - we will visit; Remove - remove.

3. Remember Writing verbs: toss e.vat (although toss it.); essay e.vat(although essay andt.); time e.vat (although time andnut); protst e.vat (although protst andt.); grown e.vat (although grown andt.); intelligent e.go (There is no pair of owls).

4. Distribute verbs exam e.vat - "persuade, advise" and usov andvat - "Conslast, shame".

5. Split verbs flech e.vat - "treat" and union andvat - "Sleep".


№ 1 . Put the verbs in the form of imperative and expressive challenges: repeat, wait, expel, outstretch, crawl, say, see.

№ 2

Flag RE_T. Petrel Re_l. No one will see. Nothing does not look. Success hangs from the efforts. Drew from parents. Tucha dreamed. The box is bad. The conversation is not Clear. All appeared.

№ 3 . Spinit, inserting missed letters.

Advice to relax, research card, not limited to persuasion, preach with mercy, essay the sun; Mount Mount Jacks, singer Negogolos_l, the peasants settled, the village of Demochid_l.

Education and spelling of communities

Valid communion
(indicate a sign of the subject that the action itself produces)

Padding communities
(indicate a sign of the subject to which the action is directed)


(from non-tax.)

Past time

(from owls. Views and Nesov. View)

In the formation of the suffering genthesis of the past time, it is important to correctly choose the form of the infinitive (only owls only) and take into account the lexical meaning of the word (see table).

Infinitive, Sov.vid.


Contextual check

Give short weight
Roll out

Winged window
Hashed door
Completed by the seller buyer
Spray tea
Sounded dough
Barrel dug
Constituted Caban

Window curtains andlie
Door canopy andlie
Buyer body kit andlie
Tea Weave andlie
Trash tall andlie
Dough Zack andlie
Barrel pumping andlie
Kabana Pottell andlie

Hang away
Roll out

Walls hung with buns
Wall-mounted posters
Flag-free ships
Wailed everywhere underwear
Drowned in the snow
Sushed in an unpleasant story Rocked from a barrel water
Running rifle

Wall Wall butlie
On the walls of Navnesh butlie
Ships Obruš butlie
Lingerie Vessel butlie
Handwood collapsed ilee in the snow
Nurse butwhether in an unpleasant story
Water otkuch butlie
Shooter ilee rifle


№ 1 . From these verbs, form all possible forms of communion: love, lying, make up, laugh, create, dress, glue.

№ 2 . Specify the verbs, which cannot be formed by the suffering communion of the past time: buy, declare, surprised, to be built, open, insisted: 1) on something, 2) patio.

Answer : These are verbs built, surprise, insisted1.

№ 3 . Among the forms on -Mom Indicate the communion: dependent, audible, combustible, readable, tireless, distinguishable, overcome.

Note. Communions on -Mom - These are the suffering communities of the present. They are formed from transient verbs of an imperfect look. Consequently, forms formed from non-transparent verbs or from the verbs of the perfect species will not be common.

Answer: Heard, readable.

Training tests

Test No. 1.

Specify the numbers of words that are written with the letter y (y) .

1. They are border
2. They are tremper_t.
3. They are species
4. They are MAD
5. They are wisp
6. They hope
7. They are Lele_T.
8. They are broach_t.
9. Snow Ta_T.
10. Herbs quasch
11. They are mercies
12. Dogs La_T.
13. Sheep Ble_T.
14. They are boring

Test number 2.

error is allowed .

1. He is glue
2. He shave
3. He melts
4. It is asleep
5. He is chasing
6. He is mell
7. He is Stelites.
8. He is cherished
9. He's pegs
10. It rinsing
11. He is pyshet
12. He rustles
13. He hears
14. He hopes

Test number 3.

Specify the numbers of words in which error is allowed .

1. Preach
2. Head
3. Extend
4. eclipse
5. To dwell
6. Outlined
7. Recovered
8. It was sidewrd
9. Opening
10. Sleep

Test number 4.

Specify the number of suggestions in which the letter is missing. and .

1. When you see it, pass this letter.
2. If you do not deliver garbage, it is punished.
3. He will not see anyone.
4. The conversation is not Clear.
5. If hard hold the handle, the hand is quickly tired.
6. He will grow a son.
7. You will soon recover.
8. Tuchi essay the sun.
9. He will not last long.
10. The campaign bladted about tourists.

Specify the numbers of words in which errors are allowed.

1. They are forces
2. They are worn
3. They hold
4. They are chasing
5. They are cherished
6. They are stele
7. They are glue
8. They are bublochet
9. They fight
10. They are pegs
11. They are latch
12. They hope
13. They bleat
14. They teshtsya

Specify the numbers of phrases and suggestions in which errors are allowed .

1. They hope not to be mistaken.
2. The guys taped the book.
3. He advice to be treated.
4. Investigate the secrets of the Earth.
5. No one hoped for success.
6. Horses barely drag.
7. The tournament existed an athlete.
8. Dawn slightly forces.
9. If you tell you too much, regret.
10. Constantly spinning.
11. The grass pegs in the wind.
12. For a long time.
13. Sweeze sweet.
14. Examing a friend.
15. Water bubble.
16. They mumble.
17. did not depend on parents.
18. Rent a vacation.
19. Something is happening ahead.
20. If you see, tell me.

Spelling of communiments

Test number 1.

Write down the missed communion (if the communion can not be formed, put a dash).


Act. and.

Suffer. and.


Past time


Past time





4. Hope


Test number 2.

From these communities, choose the suffering communion of the past time. Specify numbers.

1. Burned
2. Student
3. Offending
4. Strony
5. Adhesive
6. Driving
7. infused
8. Motable

Test number 3.

Specify the numbers of words in which letters are missing but or i .

1. Kolysh_
2. Clear
3. Bor_noye
4. Bre_name
6. Mel_
7. Overall
8. tremble_
9. Nest_noye
10. Ma_
11. Steel_name
12. Thought_
13. Ka_
14. Skach_GER

Test number 4.

e. .

1. Swash_name with roof rope
2. Evalted in the dirt ball
3. Shooting the beast
4. Mixed ingredients
5. Watches crafts_name flags
6. Obravnaya seller
7. Shooter_name
8. Wavy_name in the closet
9. Navodnye door
10. Vessel_noyar
11. arrows_lobay
12. Spacing from the barrel of barrel
13. Suspend in a crime
14. Wheels of Ruch_name paintings
15. Valled the garbage
16. Suspending solution
17. Nasturn on herbs
18. Promising help
19. Ove_name
20. Hearing a conversation

Test number 5.

Specify the phrase numbers in which the letter is missing and I) .

1. Clear pencil
2. Mix_ card
3. S subset a notebook
4. Rasta_The snow
5. Tai_ Snow
6. Suspend_no dough
7. Vessel_naya product

Test No. 6.

What part of speech are the highlighted words? Choose the correct answer:

A) communion, b) adjective, c) noun.

1 part watching
2. Think O. past
3. closedsyllable
4. devastated human
5. devastated city
6. wastened poplar
7. flooded bush
8. Room for waiting

Answers to training tests

Spelling of endings and verb suffixes

Test No. 1: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Test number 2: 1, 5, 7 (from grind), 12, 13.
Test number 3: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17.
Test No. 4: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
Test No. 5: 3, 4, 7, 14.
Test No. 6: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 17, 18.

Spelling of communiments

Test number 1: 1. Decided; 2. Decided; 3. Adhesive; 4. Hopeful.
Note: The communion of the present time is formed only from the verbs of the imperfect species, and the suffering communities are only from transient verbs.
Test number 2: 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15.
Test number 3: 2, 5, 12.
Test No. 4: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16.
Test No. 5: 2, 4, 10, 14. (in No. 7 Perhaps a twofold writing: wailed goods. the one who was waving, divided by weight; wailed goodsThose who have faltered posted on some space.)
Test No. 6: A: 5, 6, 7; B: 3, 4; Q: 1, 2, 8.


1. Russian language: Tutorial for in-depth study in high school / Bagryantseva VA and DR. M.: Publishing house MSU, 2000. P. 58-84.

2. Vina N.S., Svevysheva V.N.Russian language. ORFography and punctuation. Rules and exercises. M.: Neolithic, 2000. P. 107-122.

3. Tsarenkova TA Collection of tests in the Russian language. Dubna: International. University of Nature, Oba and Man "Dubna", 2002.

4. Steinberg L.Ya. 1000 questions and answers. Russian language: Tutorial for applicants to universities. M.: Book House "University", 1999. P. 57-70.

18 Feb 2016.

Lesson of the Russian language: "Spelling of Sufifixes of the verbov ov-Eva and Yva-Iva"

Objectives lesson:

to get acquainted with the spelling of Suffix -Okov - (- Eva-), - "- (- Iva-);

learn to write without errors of verbs with the specified suffixes.

Appendix: Materials for classes,

materials for student testing

The course of the lesson in the Russian language:

1. Motivation and actualization of knowledge.

What topic are we studied at the last lesson?

You performed home exercise. Who performed himself, and who asked for parents?

Do you have any questions?

Cut the self-test.

Who was not mistaken never?

Have questions come up now?

What is the cause of your difficulty? (did not learn the rule, did not apply the rule, could not choose the test word).

2. Creating a problem situation.

Since we still have errors, let's continue the training. Before you, insert the missed letters. Distribute words to groups and write down the columns.

What unites these words?

How many columns happened? Why?

In 3 column words not by rule. How did you write them?

Formulate the ultrasound at the lesson.

3. Hypothesis

Consider the words of 3 columns. Did you write correctly?

Try to formulate a rule. Consider options. Choose the right one.

4. Checking the hypothesis. Summarize.

What conclusion we came to. (There are 2 different rules).

Let's make a crib in vapors on both rules. But, call, what signs should she have? (Fullness, brevity, clarity)

Imagine your option. Let's estimate the specified criteria.

But I can say that the crib is not complete. There is a word-exception in this rule: to extend, eclipse, stick.

5. Training.

Look at the crib and tell me what skills should the student have to properly write verb suffixes? (Select a suffix and root, know the rule, form an indefinite form and 1 person. h. verb).

Let's check if we possess such skills.

Task 1. Determine in which part of the word is an orphogram. Highlight morph.

ᴖ E. ᴧ E. ᴖ I. ᴧ I.




To heal





What words are written in 1 rule, and what about 2.

Task 2. Replace the phrase with a word with an orfig. Write down the words, designate an orphogram.

Took part - participated, I did the record - I wrote down, gave the teams - I commanded the conversation, I talked, I felt joy - I was pleased, I asked questions, I cheated, I was confused, I was confused, I was tried, I came later than you needed, I came down together With the performer - he fed, lived at the specified address - she lived, he was repaired - he glanced, went out of fashion, became old - outdated, often sick - sick, drank a liquid together with meal - I was drinking, to make food hot - warm up.

6. Reflection.

What was UZ? Did we manage to solve it?

Want to check it out?


In what word there is no suffix -eva?

A. in ... will

B. Zabor ...

V. Bush ... will

Night ...

What word is the suffix -wi?

A. Zakruch ... shaft

B. Dump ... shaft

V. Zab ... Shaft

Mr. Worst ... shaft

What word is written in?

A. Chant ...

B. Raskid ... will

B. Irode ... to go


What word is spelled in?

A. Address ...

B. Write ...

V. Dogad ...


In which case in the verb is written?

A. If under uncertain form there is suffix E.

B. If the verb of 1 linguage.

B. If in the form of 1 person units There is an alternation with Y.

In words - exceptions.

Determine what skill do you have "plays"?

Remember what difficulties you had at the beginning of the lesson. Did these difficulties disappeared? You are satisfied with your work.

7. Homework

Annexes to the lesson

The spelling of suffixes is closely connected with morphology. There are various rules for writing this morpheme, they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Consider what glazed suffixes are.

Suffix -OV - / - Eva, -Yava - / - Iva-

These suffixes form the verbs of the imperfect species, to which the question is called "What to do?" For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -OV- / Eva form the verbs of an imperfect view from other parts of speech, usually from noun:

  • team - command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - envy;
  • excitement - worry;
  • consumption to spend;
  • mount - Sorry;
  • conversation - talking;
  • participation - participate;
  • feeling - feel;
  • sympathy - sympathize;
  • strike - Strike.

The spelling of these morpheme is checked at the form of the first person's verb. numbers in the present time. In order to put the verb in the right form, you need to ask a question: "I'm doing now?" The answer will be:

  • i'm dancing now;
  • i am drawing right now.

As can be seen, the verb ends at one. In this case, Suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - / - Eva.

Examples of words in which the verbal suffix is \u200b\u200bdistinguished - / - Eva-:

  • I envy - envy, welcome - welcome, explore - to explore, organize - to organize, the cum - a crow, worrying - to worry, the key is to peck, attacked - to attack, pursue - to persecute, use - to use, enjoyment.

Morphem -Yava - / - Iva- also form verbs, to which the question is "What?" For example: bite off.

Sufifixes -Iw - / - Iva- produce verbs of an imperfect view from the verbs of the perfect species:

(What to do?) Test - (what to do?) Testing.

The spelling of these morphems also depends on the 1st l. Unique. Numbers. time. Recall the question: "I'm doing now?" And the answer will be: "I'm resetting now", "I'm finishing now."

After that, we define that at the end - I, Ivy.

Examples of words in which it stands out:

I chose - wanting, inventing - to invent, I wake up - to wake up, I bring up, I refuse to bite it, I refuse - to refuse, I search - they sink, staring - paint - paint, cutting it, cutting, unwinding - unwind, absorb - Melt, drawing up - to draw, loosen - rally, spread - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, I feel - test, shudder - shudder, I think about it - think.

Suffixes in communion

Morphemes - ov - / - Eva, -Iw - / - they are saved in valid parties.

This is due to the fact that the communion, indicating the sign of the subject in action, is formed from the verbs, and the spelling of the verb suffixes in them is preserved. For example:

Verbal suffix -was and vowels in front of him

In the event that the emphasis drops to the final part of the verb, it is impossible to separate -OV- / Eva, -Iw - / - Iva-, since the suffix will be different. He is always a shock, and it differs from the previous word-forming morpheme. For example, it is distinguished in words:

  • osybe-Va'd;
  • recove-Va'd;
  • poly-va'y;
  • proda-Va'D;
  • veja-va'y.

This suffix forms an imperfect view from the perfect, it appears in the form of nonsense. in. and disappears in the verbs of owls. in. This will help allocate it in the word:

  • weaken (Sov.V.) - Oslabe-Va-th (Nesov. in.);
  • stove (Sov.V.) - Recove-Va-T (Nesov. VID);
  • pour (owned) - poly-va-th (Nesov. VID);
  • to go (owned.) - Produce-Va-T (Nesov. VID);
  • peal (Sov.V.) - vest-va-h (Nesov. VID).

Appearing in the verbs, he takes on the emphasis, and the vowel in front of it is unstable and turns into an orphogram. For its choice, the rule applies: to properly write a vowel before the impact suffix, it is necessary to skip this suffix.

Suffix -e-

This verbal suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in non-transparent verbs, which cannot be added to the vinitive case:

  • black-to-eat (what?) from grief;
  • perception-e-h (what?) From problems;
  • rusted-e-h (what?) From humidity;
  • ware-e-h (what?) From old age.

In such verbs, the value of the action that occurs without an extraneous influence, and this value is brought by suffix.

Vowels in front of the suffix -l-

The verbal suffix of the past time is usually located after spelling-vowels: ve ... l, ve ... l, hung ... l, measured ... l, detour ... l, squash ... lsya, glued ... l, se ... l, clean ... l.

To choose vowels before -L, it is necessary to put the verb in the initial form. That vowel, which is worth before, will continue and in front of it:

  • vertete - Spit;
  • you can have sleigh;
  • start - started;
  • depend on it;
  • measure - measured;
  • repeatedly sworn;
  • bowed - bowed;
  • cherish - cherished;
  • hope - hoped;
  • ride - traveled;
  • despair - desperate;
  • stick - glued;
  • valid - Reyal;

  • listen - listened;
  • sow - sowed;
  • clean - cleaned;
  • say - Chul.

It is a reference. It is also kept in the verbalists before-and-and -t-: desching-lice-shed, gluch-in, break-in, sow-in, twist-in.

Task for fixing

So, when it is known what kind of verb are and how they are written, you can go to the practical part.

In this text letters are missing. It is easy to restore if we recall some of the studied rules governing the spelling of verbs.

It is interesting to watch monkeys living on trees. You can consider them ... to give and the photographer ... to rob, because they do not feel ... Waiving fear, freely traveled ... Different wonders of dexterity. They do not jump ... are, but an endile ... bang from branches on a branch, ROKAC ... are bruised and tumbled on the Liaans. Everything that seems to be attractive for them, monkeys are breaking, coverage ... they have their tenacious legs, Osmatic ... Bathing, hunting ... bang and try to try ... to leave, even bring to the ear to leave ... q. Something they are mortgage ... We have a cheek, and something screamers ... are like inappropriate.

Without all sorts of constraint, there are a lot of constraint ... Giving hotels, a high-speed ... We have the most beautiful things, and here do not yawning, keep your ear eld.