Repairs Design Furniture

Sigway do it yourself in Russian. Segway do it yourself. Collection of mechanical details

Let's talk about how to use Arduino to create a robot that balances as a sigway.

Sigway from English. Segway - a two-wheeled vehicle standing, equipped with an electric drive. They are also called gyros or electric scooters.

Have you ever wondered how the sigway works? In this lesson, we will try to show you how to make Arduino's robot, which balances yourself just like Segway.

To balance the robot, engines should counteract the fall of the robot. This action requires feedback and corrective elements. Feedback element - which provides both acceleration and rotation in all three axes (). Arduino uses it to know the current orientation of the robot. The corrective element is a combination of the engine and wheels.

As a result, it should be approximately such a friend:

Robot scheme

Engine driver module L298N:

Motor gearbox direct current Wheel:

The self-balancing robot is essentially an inverted pendulum. It can be better balanced if the center of mass is above relative to the wheeled axes. The highest center of mass means a higher moment of inertia mass, which corresponds to a lower angular acceleration (slower drop). That is why we put the battery pack on the top. However, the height of the robot was chosen on the basis of the presence of materials 🙂

The completed version of an independently balancing robot can be viewed in the figure above. At the top there are six Ni-CD batteries for nutrition pCB. In the intervals between the motors, a 9-volt battery for the engine driver is used.


In the theory of management, holding some variable (in this case, the position of the robot), a special controller is required, called the PID (proportional integral derivative). Each of these parameters has a "increase", commonly called KP, KI and KD. The PID provides a correction between the desired value (or input) and the actual value (or output). The difference between the entrance and the output is called an "error".

The PID controller reduces the error to the smallest possible value, constantly adjusting the output. In our self-balancing arduino robot The input (which is the desired slope in degrees) is installed by software. MPU6050 reads the current tilt of the robot and supplies it to the PID algorithm that performs calculations to control the engine and holds the robot in a vertical position.

The PID requires that the values \u200b\u200bof KP, Ki and KD are configured to optimal values. Engineers are used software, such as Matlab, to automatically calculate these values. Unfortunately, we cannot use Matlab in our case, because it will complicate the project even more. Instead, we will customize the PID values. Here's how to do it:

  1. Make kp, ki and kd equal zero.
  2. Adjust KP. Too little KP will force a robot to fall, because the corrections are not enough. Too much kp makes the robot go wild and backward. A good KP will make that the robot will completely deviate back and go ahead (or slightly oscillates).
  3. As soon as KP is installed, adjust the KD. The good value of KD will reduce oscillations until the robot becomes almost stable. In addition, the correct KD will hold the robot, even if it is tolting.
  4. Finally, install Ki. When you turn on the robot, it will vary, even if KP and KD are installed, but will stabilize in time. The correct value of Ki will reduce the time required to stabilize the robot.

The behavior of the robot can be viewed below on the video:

Arduino Code Self Balancing Robot

We needed four external libraries to create our robot. The PID library simplifies the calculation of the values \u200b\u200bof P, I and D. LMOTORCONTROLLER library is used to control two engines with the L298N module. The I2CDEV library and the MPU6050_6_AXIS_MotionApps20 library are designed to read data with MPU6050. You can download the code, including libraries in this repository.

#Include. #Include. #include "i2cdev.h" #include "mpu6050_6axis_motionapps20.h" #if i2cdev_implementation \u003d\u003d i2cdev_arduino_wire #include "Wire.h" #endif #Define Min_abs_speed 20 MPU6050 MPU; // MPU Control / Status Vars Bool DmpReady \u003d False; // Set True if DMP init was successful uint8_t mpuintstatus; // HOLDS ACTUAL INTERRUPT STATUS BYTE FROM MPU UINT8_T Devstatus; // Return Status After Each Device Operation (0 \u003d Success ,! 0 \u003d Error) UINT16_T PACKETSIZE; // Expected DMP Packet Size (Default IS 42 Bytes) UINT16_T FIFOCOUNT; // Count of All Bytes Currently In FIFO UINT8_T FIFOBUFFER; // FIFO STORAGE BUFFER // Orientation / Motion Vars Quaternion Q; // QUATERNION CONTAINER VECTORFLOAT GRAVITY; // Gravity Vector Float Ypr; // Yaw / Pitch / Roll Container and Gravity Vector // PID Double OriginalSetPoint \u003d 173; Double Setpoint \u003d OriginalSetPoint; Double MovingAngleOFFSET \u003d 0.1; Double Input, Output; // Adjust These Values \u200b\u200bto Fit Your Own Design Double KP \u003d 50; Double kd \u003d 1.4; Double ki \u003d 60; PID PID (& INPUT, & OUTPUT, & SETPOINT, KP, KI, KD, DIRECT); Double MotorsPeedfactorleft \u003d 0.6; Double MotorspeedFactorRight \u003d 0.5; // Motor Controller int e ENA \u003d 5; int in1 \u003d 6; int in2 \u003d 7; int in3 \u003d 8; int in4 \u003d 9; int eNB \u003d 10; LMOTORCONTROLLER MOTORCONTROLLER (ENA, IN1, IN2, ENB, IN3, IN4, MOTORSPEEDFACTORLEFT, MOTORSPEEDFACTORRIGHT); Voltile Bool MPUINTERRUPT \u003d FALSE; // INDICATES WHETHER MPU INTERRUPT PIN HAS GONE HIGH VOID DMPDATAREADY () (MPUINTERRUPT \u003d TRUE;) Void setup () (// JOIN I2C Bus (I2CDEV Library Doesn "T Do This Automatically) #if i2cdev_implementation \u003d\u003d i2cdev_arduino_wire Wire.begin ( ); Twbr \u003d 24; // 400KHz i2c clock (200khz if cpu is 8mhz) #elif i2cdev_implementation \u003d\u003d i2cdev_builtin_fastwire fastwire :: setup (400, true); #endif mpu.initialize (); devstatus \u003d mpu.dmpinitialize (); // Supply Your Own Gyro Offsets Here, Scaled for Min sensitivity mpu.setxgyrooffset (220); mpu.setygyrooffset (76); mpu.setzgyrooffset (-85); mpu.setzacceloffset (1788); // 1688 Factory Default For My Test Chip // make sure it worked (Returns 0 if so) if (devstatus \u003d\u003d 0) (// Turn on the DMP, NOW THAT IT "S READY MPU.SETDMPENABLED (TRUE); // Enable Arduino Interrupt Detection Attachinterrupt (0 , DmpDataReady, Rising); mpuintstatus \u003d mpu.getintstatus (); // Set Our DMP Ready Flag So The Main Loop () Function KNOWS IT "S Okay to Use it DmpReady \u003d True; // Get Expected DM P PACKET SIZE FOR LATER COMPARISON PACKETSIZE \u003d MPU.DMPGETFIPAKETSIZE (); // Setup PID PID.SetMode (Automatic); PID.SETSAMPLETIME (10); PID. Setputputputits (-255, 255); ) ELSE (// error! // 1 \u003d initial memory load failed // 2 \u003d DMP Configuration Updates Failed // (if it "s going to break, usually the code Will be 1) serial.print (F (" DMP Initialization FAILED (Code ")); serial.print (devstatus); serial.println (F (") "));)) void loop () (// if Programming Failed, Don" T Try to Do Anything If (! DmpReady ) Return; // Wait for MPu Interrupt or Extra Packet (s) Available While (! MPUINTERRUPT && FIFOCOUNT< packetSize) { //no mpu data - performing PID calculations and output to motors pid.Compute(); motorController.move(output, MIN_ABS_SPEED); } // reset interrupt flag and get INT_STATUS byte mpuInterrupt = false; mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus(); // get current FIFO count fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount(); // check for overflow (this should never happen unless our code is too inefficient) if ((mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || fifoCount == 1024) { // reset so we can continue cleanly mpu.resetFIFO(); Serial.println(F("FIFO overflow!")); // otherwise, check for DMP data ready interrupt (this should happen frequently) } else if (mpuIntStatus & 0x02) { // wait for correct available data length, should be a VERY short wait while (fifoCount < packetSize) fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount(); // read a packet from FIFO mpu.getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, packetSize); // track FIFO count here in case there is > 1 Packet Available // (This Lets US Immediately Read More Without Waiting For An Interrupt) FIFOCOUNT - \u003d Packetsize; MPU.DmpGetQuateRNion (& q, fifoBuffer); MPU.DMPGETGRAVITY (& gravity, & q); mpu.dmpgetyawpitchroll (Ypr, & Q, & Gravity); INPUT \u003d YPR * 180 / M_PI + 180; ))

KP, KI, KD values \u200b\u200bcan work or work. If they do not do this, follow the steps described above. Please note that inclination in the code is set to 173 degrees. You can change this value if you want, but note that this is an angle of inclination that should be supported by a robot. In addition, if your motors are too fast, you can adjust the values \u200b\u200bof Motorspeedfactorleft and motorspeedfactorright.

That's all. See you.

Gyroscur inside

Main details

What is the gyroscur? If you look from the side, the gyroscur is an interesting device. The first is a work platform or board. It is at her a man gets up and trying to keep the balance, manages, drives or falls. On the sides of the platform there are two wheels, they give us the opportunity to ride and move forward or backwards.

First we will deal with the platform. The working platform is divided into two parts, on the right and left part. Just for the right and left legs. This is done in order to have the ability to turn right or left, just by pressing the toes on these platforms.

How is the gyroscuter?

Mini-sigway device


There are two wheels on the sides. Typically, there are 4 types of gyroscurists, and they differ in the class and size of the wheels. The first class of gyroscuturs is a children's gyroscur with wheels in a diameter of 4.5 inches. Small size The wheels make a gyroscur very uncomfortable and not passable in some parts of the road.

The following class is a 6.5-inch gyroscutor. It has a larger diameter of the wheels, but everything is also intended only for riding smooth surfaces. Gyro 8 inches, is a golden middle among all the guillers. He has optimal size Wheels that can travel almost on any roads.

And the biggest is the SUV of all mini-sigveev - a gyroscur 10 inches. This is a model that has interesting featureIn addition to large wheels, these wheels have a chamber system. That is, inflatable wheels, they have a smoother course, and such wear-resistant gyroscipes than the prototypes are smaller.


The case has all the gyroskuters from different materialsBut with the same feature. Everywhere the case closes the wheels, protecting against splashes, dirt, water, snow and dust. Gyro carcutters with small wheels 4.5 and 6 are usually made from conventional plastic. Since these models are designed for riding on a flat road, and not such high speed, the engineers decided not to put expensive plastic and no increase in the price of the gyro.

A gyroscutor with 8 inch wheels, housing make from different materialslike out simple plasticand from carbon, shockproof magnesium plastic. Such plastic is able to withstand almost any physical impact and blows. Carbon for example also light material, thereby it reduces the load on electric motors and reduces the battery discharge rate.


After you remove the lid, on the sides closer to the wheel you should see the electric motor. Electric motors are different power. The average value among all mini-sigveuses is an indicator of 700 watts on both wheels. Or 350 watts per wheel. The fact is that the electric motors in gyroscurists work independently of each other. One wheel can drive at one speed, and the second one on the other, or they can move in different directions, one back, other forward. Thus, this system gives a controllability gyroscutor.

It becomes more sensitive to high speed turns. You can also unfold at 360 degrees. The higher the power of the engine, the higher the carrying load and the higher the speed, but not always. It should be understood that the higher the mass of the load on the platform, the lower the speed and faster the battery is discharged. Therefore, Gyroskuters C. powerful engines It is more expensive.

Balancing system

The balancing system consists and includes quite a lot of components. First of all, these are two gyroscopic sensors that are located in the right and left part of the platform. If you remove the cover of the housing, you can see two auxiliary fees, there are gyroscopic sensors that are connected to them. Auxiliary boards help handle information and send it to the processor.

Further, you can see the main fee on the right side, it is there that there is a 32-bit processor and all controls and calculation is carried out. There is also a program that responds to any change in the platform on the right or left.

If the platform leans forward, the processor, processing information, sends a signal to electric motors that physically hold the board in the level position. But if the platform leans stronger with a certain pressure, the wheel starts forward moving forward or backward.

It is necessary to remember that in all current gyroscutters there must be two auxiliary fees for gyroscopic sensors and one basic, where the processor is. In old models there may be a two-bill system, but since the autumn of 2015, a change was made to the standard and now all gyroscurists, mini-sigvei are made with 3 boards.

In Chinese fakes or poor-quality gyroscutors, one board can stand, the main one. Unfortunately, such a mini-sigway has bad characteristics in management. Can vibrate or overturn the driver. And later, the whole system can fail at all.

Scheme internal device The control of the gyroscur is not so complicated as it seems. The whole system is made to respond as quickly as possible to any behavior of the platform. The calculation goes in a fraction of a second and with amazing accuracy.


The gyroscot power system is carried out from two or more batteries. In standard inexpensive models, a battery with a capacity of 4400 mA / h is usually set. The battery is responsible for the work of the entire system as a whole and ensuring its electricity, so the battery must be high-quality and branded. Typically use batteries of two brands - this is Samsung and LG.

Also, the batteries differ in class. There are low-level batteries 1C, 2C. Such batteries usually put on gyroscurines with 4.5 and 6.5 inch wheels. All for the same reason because these gyroscipers are designed for smooth roads, even asphalt, mramora or floor.

Gyro carcutters with 8 inch wheels usually put the batteries of the middle class of type 3c, this is a more reliable battery model. It will not be disconnected with a sharp stop or at the expense of the curb or to the pit.

In the large-scale 10 inch models, 5C class batteries are usually set. This gyroscur is able to ride almost on any roads, land, puddles, puddles. Therefore, the battery needs more reliable.

The main principle of the device of the gyroscutor is due to the holding of equilibrium. With a large weight driver, a gyroscutor need more electricity for maneuvers and movement.


Many gyroscuters also put a Bluetooth system and speakers. With her, you can listen to your favorite music and ride friends. But this system also makes it possible to connect its smartphone to the gyroscutor and monitor the state of its vehicle. You can monitor the average speed, watch which distance you have overcome. Customize the maximum allowable speed and a lot more.

A backlight is still on many models, it covers you the path in the dark, and it can also blink to the tact with music. But you need to remember that the music and illumination is very sledding. Many generally disconnect the backlight to increase the reserve of the stroke.


The design of the gyro is made so that it is compact and easy, but at the same time quick, powerful and durable. The main thing to buy a gyroscur from proven suppliers who have all necessary documentationso that I did not have to disassemble it after unsuccessful riding.

Now the increasingly large-scale platform with two wheels is becoming increasingly popular, the so-called Cigve, who invented Dean Kamen. Note the difficulties faced by a person in a wheelchair when climbing on the pavement, he saw the opportunity to create a vehicle that could help people move without much effort. Kamen applied his idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a self-balancing platform in practice. The first model was tested in 2001 and it was a means of movement with buttons on the handle. It was designed for people with disabilities and allowed them to independently move even by rough terrain. The new model became known as the "Sigway RT", and already allowed to steer, tilting left or right lever. In 2004, she began selling in Europe and Asia. The price is the most advanced modern modelsFor example, Segway PTI2 is about $ 5,000. Recently, Chinese and Japanese companies create devices with various modifications and an innovative design. Some even make such vehicles only with one wheel, but let's consider the classic sigway.

Segway consists of a platform and two wheels placed transversely with a drive from two electric motors. The system itself is stabilized by a complex electronic circuit, which manages the engines, taking into account not only the slopes of the driver, but also the state vehiclethat allows him to always remain in a vertical stable position. The driver standing on the platform controls the speed simply moving the handle forward or backward, when the slope is right or left - turn. The control board monitors the signals of the corresponding motion and orientation sensors (similar to those that allow smartphones to change the orientation of the screen) to help the onboard microprocessor accurately orient the platform. The main secret of Segway is not so much in the electro-mechanical part, as in the code that takes into account the physics of movement with significant mathematical accuracy of data processing and prediction of behavior.

The sigway is equipped with two brushless electric motors made using a neodymium-boron alloy, capable of developing power up to 2 kW due to a lithium-polymer battery.

Details for Sigwea

To create Sigwe, you need two gear gear with wheels, battery, electronic circuit, platform and steering wheel.

Engine power inexpensive models Approximately 250W, which provides speeds up to 15 km / h, with relatively low current consumption. Directly turn the wheels can not, because the high number of revolutions of these motors do not allow to get the necessary thrust. Similarly, what happens when you use your bike gear: due to an increase in the gear ratio, the speed will be lost, but the force applied to the pedal will increase.

The platform is located below the axis of motors. The battery, the weight of which is high enough, are also under the footboard in a symmetric position, which guarantees even without a driver on board the sigway remains in a vertical position. In addition, internal mechanical stability will help the electronic stabilization unit, which is fully active when the driver is present. The presence of a person on the platform raises the center of gravity above the wheel axis, which makes the system of unstable - it will already compensate for the electronics board.

In principle, such a thing can be done by himself, buying the desired block Electronics on the Chinese site (they are on sale). Installation of all parts is carried out with screws and nuts (not screws). Special attention should be paid to the proper tension of the chain. The battery mount is carried out through U-shaped clamps with small rubber gaskets to ensure the necessary pressure. It is recommended to add double-sided tape between the battery and the platform, so that there is no slipping. The control panel must be inserted between two batteries and is attached to special struts.

The control lever may be, or maybe not - after all, the Sigveev models are now popular (MiniSigway). In general, the thing is interesting and not very expensive, since according to information from acquaintances - the purchase wholesale price in China is only $ 100.

This article will consider the creation of self-balancing means of movement or simply "Segway". Almost all materials for creating this device easy to get.

The device itself is a platform on which the driver is worth. By inclination of the body is controlled by two electric engines By chain of schemes and microcontrollers responsible for balancing.


-Product XBee control module.
-Cricrocontroller Arduino.
- Akkumulators
-Datcher Invensense MPU-6050 on the "GY-521" module,
- Drainy Brucki
-two wheels
etc., specified in the article and in photos.

Step One: Determining the required characteristics and design of the system.

When creating this device, the author tried to fit into such parameters as:
-Privacy and power required for free movement even by gravel
-Kumulators sufficient capacity to provide at least one hour of continuous operation of the device
- Follow the possibility of wireless control, as well as fixing the data on the operation of the device on the SD card to detect and troubleshoot.

In addition, it is desirable that the cost of creating a similar device is less than the order of the original off-road gyro.

According to the diagram below, you can see the circuit of the electrical chain of the self-balancing vehicle.

The following image shows a system of operation of the drive of a gyro.

Selection of a microcontroller for controlling segregation systems is diverse, author aRDUINO system Most preferable due to its price categories. Such controllers are suitable as Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano or you can take ATMEGA 328 for use as a separate chip.

To power the dual bridge control of the engines, the supply voltage is needed in 24 V, this voltage is easily achieved by a sequential connection of 12 in car batteries.

The system is built so that the power on the engines is fed, only while the start button is pressed, so it is enough to release it enough for a quick stop. In this case, the Arduino platform must maintain a serial connection, both with a bridge control circuit, and with a wireless control module.

Due to the INVENSENSE MPU-6050 sensor on the "GY-521" module, processing the acceleration and carrying functions of the gyroscope, the inclination parameters are measured. The sensor was located on two separate extension boards. A link with the Arduino microcontroller is supported via L2C bus. Moreover, the tilt sensor with the address 0x68 was programmed in such a way as to perform a survey each 20 ms and ensure interruption microcontroller Arduino.. Another sensor has address 0x69 and it will be pulled directly to Arduino.

When the user gets on the scooter platform, the terminal load switch is triggered, which activates the algorithm mode to balancing segregation.

Step Two: Creating a Housing of a Gyro and Installing Basic Elements.

After determining the basic concept of the scheme of operation of the gyroscutor, the author began to directly assemble its housing and installing the main details. The main material was served wooden boards And bars. The tree weighs, which will have a positive effect on the duration of the battery charge, and the wood is easily processed and is a insulator. From these boards, a box was made to which batteries, engines and chips will be installed. Thus, it turned out u-shaped wooden detailTo which wheels and engines are attached at the expense of bolts.

The transmission of the power of the engines on the wheels will go due to the gear transmission. During the laying of the main components in the segway housing, it is very important to ensure that the weight is distributed evenly when bringing segregation into the working vertical position. Therefore, if you do not consider the distribution of weight from heavy batteries, the device balancing operation will be difficult.

In this case, the author has placed the batteries behind, so that compensate for the weight of the engine, which is located in the center of the device case. Electronic components devices were laid in place between the engine and batteries. For subsequent testing, a temporary start button on the segway handle was also attached.

Step Three: Electrical diagram.

According to the diagram, the entire wire in the segway housing was carried out. Also, in accordance with the table below, all conclusions of the Arduino microcontroller were connected to the engine control pavement scheme, as well as to the balancing sensors.

In the following scheme, the slope sensor installed horizontally shown, the control sensor was installed vertically along the U.

Step fourth: Testing and configuring the device.

After the previous steps, the author received a segregation model for testing.

When testing, it is important to take into account such factors as the safety of the test zone, as well as protective equipment in the form of protective flaps and helmet for the driver.

Chinese sigway - photo of appearance

Until recently, I didn't know how it was called "Well, such a wheelchair on two wheels, riding standing." Recently found out that this electrosokat on two wheels is called Segway or Sigway, in English - Segway.. Who still did not understand what it is about - photo on the left.

You can learn more about this Wonderful two-wheeled scooter in Wikipedia or on sellers sites, I will describe it short, and go to the main - device and repair of Sigwe. There will be many photos as well detailed description Electric circuit Sigwe.

This wonderful device allows a person to easily move on two wheels. At the same time, the Sigwem control system includes a balancing system, almost eliminating the possibility of falling.

The word "practically" always alarming me. And this time.

But first things first.

Breakdown Sigwea

My story began just with the fact that the man in Sigwe fell. I was driving at a decent speed, and the nose into the asphalt!

I began to understand what the matter is. It turned out that when the ignition key turns out of this key, sparks were sparking, and the wheels were injected at the same time. There were no errors on the display, but this is just because the device actually could not turn on - sparkling in the contacts of the lock led to the fact that the contacts were covered with nagar, and the current from the battery did not enter the scheme.

It is strange that the contacts are not burned and did not stick together, however, then the wiring would be burnt, because With current, about 100 amperes were not provided, and the regular fuses remained well.

Yes, it is worth saying that this Sigway was cheap fake, and bought days ten to breakage. Everything was written in Chinese (as far as I understand Chinese), except "Warning!" However, the quality of the assembly can be judged by the photo.

The reason for breakage - the power transistors were burned through which the engines were fed. But about it in more detail later.

Device Sigwe. Disassembly

What I specifically liked - this is wheels with solid treads. That is, it is assumed that this scooter can be used in difficult conditions.

However, the fees are generally not protected from the impact of moisture, there is no lacquer. And in general, no rubber gaskets from moisture are provided ...

The steering wheel is screwed, you can unscrew it during transportation:

Fastening the steering wheel. Front view.

But the rear view:

Fuses and charging connector

Two fuses of 50 A (SIGVEA scheme will be slightly lower), the battery charge connector, over all of these - "headlights" in the form of LEDs on 12 V.

Top panel. On it - the main controls and indications:

Top Panel Sigwea

At the top - the display that shows the battery charge below - warnings that need to be carefully read before becoming behind the wheel. If something is incomprehensible - call by phone)

Three LEDs indicate segway status: 1 - Rotate left, 2 - Rotate to the right, 3 - horizontal position (position in which a person can become and start moving)

And what is fresh in the VK group ?

Subscribe, and read the article further:

Remove the wheels.

Removed wheel

Sigway with removed wheels

Remove the front panel.

Remove the top cover

It looks very unprepared, but it is only the beginning.

Front panel from behind. Wires are thrown back. The lock is removed.

To the steering column, the steering wheel, which turns only to the right and left, has a variable resistor that recognizes the tilt of the steering wheel, and the signal to the controller on the rotation.

Variable steering tilt resistor

Resistance - 10 com, linear characteristic.

So I want to say - "Drag"

As I said, the build quality is disgusting. Although, there are no special complaints about the mechanics.

Electronic filling Sigvea

Now consider the electronics of Sigwe.

Here is the photo connection card.

The device is larger and connected board

Power transistors - IRF4110:

Power Transistors Management Board

It is a couple of these transistors and burned down. At the same time, this pair closed the battery power, forming a KZ.

Electronic Sigway Scheme - general form

Consider the elements of the scheme more.

Electronic Sigway Scheme - General View - Another Rachis

The scheme is generally not big, we break it into several parts - receiver, controller, electronic gyroscope, Transistor drivers, power transistors, power supply.

IC3, IC4 microcircuit is a radio channel that allows you to control Sigwege from the remote. That is, set it up, calibrate, block, diagnose.

IC2 microcircuit - ATMEGA 32A controller. This is a heart of Sigwe, more precisely, the brain. There is also the most important thing - a program, the algorithm of work. It is this program that controls the rotation of the wheels and does not give a person to fall.

If the controller is a brain, then the gyroscope is the organs of feelings. Gyro is a small InvenSence MPU6050 microcircuit. This wonderful device is a three-channel position meter in space (tilt over three axes) and a three-channel acceleration meter. If anyone remembers from physics, acceleration is the speed of change of speed. Honestly, I do not understand how such meters can be stuck in this chip. I still knew electromechanical gyros, and accelerometers knew only electronic. Now I learned what they are and are used very widely, mainly in mobile and automotive electronics.

In the last photo, two CD4001 buffer chips are also visible (this is 2i-not). This is for the junction of the controller and the rest of the scheme. Next, the control signal enters the IR2184S driver, which serves voltages on the shutters of power fields, the photos of which I gave above.

The XL7015 power supply is a DC-DC converter, from the floating constant voltage of about 48V, it by transformations at a frequency of several kilohertz issues a stable constant voltage of 15V. Next - the usual roll 7805 gives 5 volts. The yellow axis jumper was, I have nothing to do with it. But the burnt track at the top on the right is the path of nutrition 0 in control, it had to restore it.

The low-current elements of the SIGVEA schema are connected through a cross-card:

Signals come to this fee: from the steering potentiometer, from the buttons for the presence of a person, to the LEDs of the control panel. And the wires go to the main fee.

Here is the engine with gearboxes, on the axis of which the wheels are attached directly. Completely done, only no identification signs:

Wheel Engine with Reducer

The battery also does not contain any inscriptions:

Battery 48V.

There are two wires for charging (fond) and two output wires.

See Funny places? The battery is not fixed at all, dangles in Sigwe, and beats about sharp edge Ribs hardness.

In general, done on ... In short, poorly done, and one way or another, the ambulance breakage was inevitable.

Still a row - the converter, also lying on the bottom, washed into a film. Since the dimensions of the overall lights are calculated on the voltage of 12 V, and the battery is 48 V, then the DC-DC 48-12 V in DC converter is used:

Sibwema scheme

Repair Segway

Sibwe will repaired to replace power transistors, their drivers, and strapping resistors. Also restored the blown track, the key with the key is replaced with conventional sinks, and the protective automatic machine on 63 A. I hope, in the case of which it will save the burnout scheme.

Only in this case again will suffer someone's nose.

So the forecast is pessimistic, buy only high-quality things, especially if we are talking about security! Now it is clear why on all the photos of the ride on the sigwee with the helmet ...

Riding on Segway.

Riding on a similar original off-road cigwe (in calm) is shown in the video:

Also in the video described in detail about specifications This wonderful device.