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How to reveal your femininity. How to discover the woman of your dreams or the strategy of female self-development

Five practices and ten ways from this article will help:

  • Release clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse yourself of negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love.
  • Calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul.
  • Become more self-confident as a woman.
  • Improve your female self-esteem.
  • To form and consolidate in the subconscious the image of a new self.
  • Become more seductive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Expand and enhance your sensuality.
  • Harmonize male and female energies in the body.
  • Awaken your inner Goddess, meet and communicate with your Inner Woman;
  • make your three most cherished desires so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

Meditation "Awakening the Inner Goddess"

Revealing your potential, and in particular your femininity, is an endless process. Any quality can be revealed or developed in oneself. It's just a matter of time and effort. This small and very easy meditation will help you get in touch with your true femininity, "nourish" the feminine energies, get to know and unite with the inner Goddess. In the process of performing the practice, you will be able to communicate with your Inner Woman and, if desired, ask questions of interest about what steps should be taken now in order to develop the missing feminine qualities as quickly and efficiently as possible? What exactly should these qualities be?

Even if you do not get the answers to these questions now, in the process of meditation, later they will certainly come either from the outside world - in the form specific situations, or you will be drawn to do something that did not even occur to you before, or perhaps it will be someone's random remark, after which there will be an "insight" that "yes, this is exactly what I need now" or you will see the answer to your question in a dream. There are many options. The subconscious mind will surely find a way to communicate everything necessary, on this moment, information.

Doing this practice on a daily basis is, in principle, not necessary, but it is advisable to repeat it periodically for best results.

Exercise "Pearl" to reveal femininity.

An exercise that helps to calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul, raise your self-esteem, reveal femininity and sexuality and, as a result, become more attractive to men. This exercise, in order to achieve a sustainable positive effect, it is advisable to do it regularly for a certain time from 21 to 40 days, and maybe longer, until the state of one's own dignity, uniqueness, value and love for oneself becomes stable and habitual in everyday life. ...

An excerpt from Lana Davis's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

Woman's Awakening Meditation

This practice will help to release clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse from negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love. And, most importantly, this practice will allow you to meet and unite with your Inner Woman and make three of your most cherished desires so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

An excerpt from the speech of Victoria Volevach.

Practice "Integration into a woman".

A practice that helps to reveal and accept your Inner Woman, your Goddess. This practice, in principle, is very similar to the previous two and has as its goal the acceptance of oneself as a woman, unification with one's feminine principle, raising the mood, and increasing self-esteem. After completing this practice, you will become more attractive to men, additional production of female hormones will begin, which will have a positive effect not only on the internal state, but also on appearance and health in general. The fact that this practice is strong enough in its effect and effect you will see almost instantly if you do it before leaving the house. For a good long-term effect, it is better to repeat it periodically.

An excerpt from Victoria Volevach's webinar.

Practice to harmonize masculine and feminine principles.

A small and effective practice that, if done regularly, will help balance the male and female energies in the body. The masculine and feminine origins have been known for a long time and a lot has been said. Our whole world is dual. The symbols of the feminine, yin principle are the moon, water, earth, and the masculine - fire, air, sun. For normal functioning, the full development of these energies is necessary so that they can harmoniously interact with each other. It is also better to perform this technique daily for a certain time. Desirable from 21 to 40 days, and maybe more.

An excerpt from the speech of Elena and Yuri Svetlov at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

What else? 10 ways to develop femininity.

First. Very often we are afraid to express ourselves in a feminine way, because some negative or painful experience of the past is associated with this. It could be a childhood trauma, painful love in adolescence, a failed first marriage, or something else. Ask yourself and your subconscious mind about this. What can be scary or painful for you if you begin to show yourself exactly as a woman right now? How to deal with negative experiences of the past is described in detail in the articles Cleansing Emotional Dirt. Expanded Formula of Forgiveness ... and How to let go of the negative past.

Second... The next obstacle can be ineffective or false attitudes about women and femininity. For example, in my family, my dad was very dismissive of my mom. He always stressed that he wanted a boy and the word "woman", in our house, was most often used in a derogatory context. There were phrases like: "What can you expect from a woman?" or "What can be demanded of her? She is a woman and a woman in Africa." and so on in this spirit. Think that you could have it. Ask yourself: "What ineffective patterns and attitudes, false beliefs about women and femininity are preventing you from expressing yourself in your life, in the world, in society as a woman?" Perhaps you will see situations in which you made ineffective conclusions about yourself as a woman. Write down any negative beliefs you may have made in these or similar situations. After that, make up directly opposite statements in meaning and repeat, like affirmations, at any time convenient for you until you feel that they have become a part of you, but not less than 40 days in a row. Or write them down on your phone and listen when you eat in transport or at night. If you don’t want to do this, you’re lazy or just forget, then there is internal resistance and to overcome it, put yourself a reminder on your phone every half hour. And every time you hear it, repeat it positive statements... Examples of other affirmations aimed at developing femininity can be found in the article Affirmations for the development of femininity.

Video tutorials in mathematics.

Third... Next comes the nice part.) A woman blossoms when she begins to love herself and take care of herself and her body. Manicure, pedicure, massage, hair, face and body masks. Only it is better to do it not from the position of "this is how it should be", but out of love for oneself. Doing a hair mask - praise or say something pleasant to your hair in your mind. Do a massage - relax, throw away all unnecessary thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the sensations of the body. Get the maximum physical pleasure out of your body. After all, taking care of yourself and taking care of yourself and your body is very interesting and pleasant. Develop your sensuality through physical sensations. Even when you are eating, or we can say that even more so when you are eating, try to fully concentrate on the taste of the food and the sensations that you experience. As already stated in the article Eating disorder. Abdominal brain ... Our language is a special organ. It is he who participates in two most important acts - eating food and making love. Irritation of the tongue gives a person sexual pleasure. That's why it doesn't matter what foods you put in your mouth. The tastier and more aromatic the food, the more it irritates the nerve receptors of the tongue and the more pleasure it delivers. Therefore, train yourself not to be distracted by secondary activities while eating, such as watching TV, reading, or sitting at the computer. Focus on the sensations and your meal will be even more enjoyable. In addition, this will help to lose a couple of extra pounds, because saturation will begin to occur faster, if, of course, this is relevant for you.

Fourth. Yoga and dance classes. Yoga, with a properly selected program, very well normalizes the hormonal background and balances the energies in the body. Dances, especially Arabic, Latin, classical and the same strip dance, develop flexibility, plasticity, grace well, promote the production of endorphins, improve mood, and give self-confidence. In addition, regular exercise is an elementary concern for your health, which is just as important.

Fifth. Classes in creativity. By creativity here you can mean anything you want - cooking, drawing, composing music, tending to houseplants, sewing, knitting, and so on. It should be something that brings joy to the process itself, regardless of the outcome. The result, as such? may not be at all. You can, for example, tie something, then look at the result, understand that you did something wrong and dissolve, then start over. It does not matter. It is important that you enjoy the process itself.

Sixth... Clothing. Skirts, dresses, shoes with heels are all feminine and very sexy. There is also such a thing as "female" colors in clothes. You can read about what these colors are, as well as what skirt to choose to look seductive, but not vulgar in the article. Which skirt to choose? First date rules.

Seventh. Lexicon. How and what we say is very important. Many women have a habit of talking about themselves in masculine... There are also women who use mat in their speech. It doesn't have to be. Nobody says that you need to express yourself only with the ideal. literary language... No, you can insert "jargon" into your speech. With them, she is perceived as more emotional and rich, but talking about herself is better in feminine"I went, I came." This "-la" at the end is so sonorous, playful and immediately clear what the WOMAN is saying. You can learn about how the words we pronounce affect our life from the video "The magic of words. About the influence of speech on the events of our life." Also in this video there is a very useful and effective practice, if you repeat it at least periodically, "Step into a new self". With the help of this practice, at the level of the body, you can feel what it is like to be one who has already achieved her goals and is living an "ideal" life, from your point of view. In this exercise you will be able to communicate with your "future" self and figure out what steps you need to take now to achieve this. And you can, at the same time, ask what is stopping you (see points 1 and 2).

The magic of words. About the influence of speech on the events of our life.

An excerpt from Arina Polyakh's speech at the conference "Secrets Disclosure 2.0"

Eighth. Household chores, childcare, home improvement. No matter how trite it may seem, all this also develops femininity and feminine energies in us. Fill your apartment with pleasant feminine scents. Such as jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang (by the way, the latter is a powerful aphrodisiac, so be careful with it). You can also read about the influence of odors in the article. Aphrodisiac oils and a test for female sexual energy.

Ninth. Nutrition. Food should be healthy, balanced and of high quality. The natural smell of our clean body largely depends on this. In addition, products are also divided into yin and yang. You can learn about this in detail from the video Chinese Dietetics. Secrets of harmony and longevity. It is advisable to remove meat from your diet. If there is absolutely nothing without meat, then leave only poultry and fish in your diet. Meat slags the body. By the way, a strong craving for meat products speaks of the presence of a hidden, suppressed aggression in the subconscious. And this is already a reason to think.

Tenth... And another very joyful item for any woman is shopping and communication with other women. Shopping is fun and exciting. Try on beautiful things, spinning in them in front of the mirror and admire what kind of beauty you are. Even if there is no money right now, go for a walk and just try on whatever you like. Admire yourself, enjoy your reflection in the mirror, arrange a show from this and a holiday for yourself. In addition, this way you can better understand which things suit you and which ones do not, find your own style, if you haven’t done it yet. After that, sit with a friend in a cafe, chat about all sorts of pleasant little things, drink aromatic coffee with something tasty (yes, yes, yes, in this case healthy image life can wait a little)).

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Be windy, light, emotional, funny, positive, gentle, affectionate, caring, naive, passionate, be capricious and illogical at times, be a WOMAN, it's so cool! As they say in the audio tuning "affectionate Amazon" by Alexander Sviyash.

  • I am happy that I was born a woman!
  • I came to this world to celebrate my femininity!

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Eating disorder. Abdominal brain.

Which skirt to choose? First date rules.

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Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women tend to look emphatically feminine. Psychologists have paid attention to this fact. What is the reason for this? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. With their emphatically feminine appearance, they declare: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me! "

But most men are looking for in women not only beauty, but femininity. Because next to weak and soft femininity, a man feels stronger and more masculine. An Amazon woman, even amazingly beautiful, but strong and active, makes a man tense and demands from him efforts to be stronger than his chosen one. Constant tension and competition is quickly exhausting, and a man directs his gaze to where he is a priori a man - to femininity. The attraction of opposites to each other is conceived by nature itself!

Can a woman be unfeminine?

Non-feminine women are as much a paradox as feminine men. "Doll", "dork", "gray mouse", "blue stocking" - such offensive epithets are awarded to women who lack femininity. Even luxurious cold-blooded beauties with impeccable appearance suffer from a lack of femininity: “Good! But femininity is lacking. "

Before describing the characteristics of a modern feminine image, it is very important to fully understand the very concept of "femininity" and determine what kind of phenomenon it is. What is the main secret of femininity? What is its nature? Femininity is directly related to psychology and energy exchange. The source of femininity is undoubtedly energy.

How is femininity expressed in temperament?

Femininity always disposes to itself, attracts. Feminine means kind, wise, sweet, pleasant. Soft. Delicate. Neat. Calm. Attentive. Compliant. Cautious. Thoughtful. A feminine lady, in principle, cannot be shocking. Femininity is always submissive to masculinity and does not strive for rivalry and domination.

Aggressive. Rough. Domineering. Manner. Hysterical. Cold prickly gaze. Demonstrative bitchiness. Unrestrained. Selfish. Stubborn. Indifferent. Daring. Impulsive. Even an outwardly beautiful lady can be unfeminine. This is just a banal cultivation of external gloss in isolation from the female energy. You can "make" a face and a figure, and at the same time look completely unfeminine and not at all have the charm that a delicate feminine beauty possesses.

Of course, this is an example of the most polar and opposite qualities of a woman's temperament. In life, each of us possesses feminine and unfeminine traits at the same time. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Each personality is different.

Is it possible to somehow reveal femininity in yourself?

In the absence or lack of femininity, you should not be upset and angry with yourself. Everything is fixable.

The fact is that femininity is given to us by nature itself from birth. This is a natural state of mind that can be disturbed under the weight of life's circumstances. But nature has given us an amazing ability to recover. Femininity can be restored. True, this will require a lot of effort: you will need a thorough and long-term work on yourself, and even a change in lifestyle.

To reveal your natural femininity, you will need a complete reassessment of your thoughts, goals, habits and activities. We'll have to voluntarily abandon male roles and male behavior. To "build up" femininity, it is necessary to cultivate qualities that are opposite to masculine ones. Defenseless, timid, passive, harmless, gentle - are you able to completely trust and depend on a man? Indeed, only in this case your femininity can be fully revealed!

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What is the social role of women?

In the modern world, the gender roles of men and women are so intertwined with each other that it is already difficult to distinguish between which functions are considered masculine and which are exclusively feminine.

Our world is changing rapidly. Under his pressure, the social roles and expected patterns of behavior of men and women are changing. You can argue on this topic indefinitely, but we will act differently. We will very briefly, literally in a nutshell, describe the concept by which our ancestors lived for thousands of years: a man is responsible for work in the outside world, and a woman is responsible for everything that happens in the house. It turns out two conditional circles, two worlds - family (woman's world) and society (man's world). This very reasonable division of responsibilities and social roles protects a woman from stress, allows her to retain and accumulate a large amount of positive energy. The woman becomes the keeper of the “aura” at home, forms the microclimate in the family and the mood of all its members. A man brings everything necessary for life into the house, and with the help of female energy he recovers his strength, disconnects from the outside world for a while, normalizes his psychological background. Proceeding from this, a woman by nature herself bequeathed to do household and family affairs - to raise children, do magic in the kitchen, take care of the house, create comfort, plant flowering gardens, do handicrafts and other types of creativity. The female psyche must be protected from the aggressive outside world. Only such work, such work helps us to reveal our femininity, find peace, spiritual harmony and that inner beauty, which, like a magnet, attracts men to us. A woman is a keeper of the hearth, and no matter how this formula seems to us outdated, irrelevant and impossible in modern reality, only this order of things reveals in a woman her true natural femininity.

Want to be more feminine? Try not to take on male concerns and social roles. Of course, a modern woman cannot live without society, without communication and without professional growth. But there should be a reasonable limit to everything. Find ways to do purely female affairs - often close the door to the outside world, forgetting about its aggressiveness and competitiveness. Spend more time with your family. Create a magical mood and psychological comfort in your home. Enrich your inner world only with bright emotions and positive information. Do any creative work... Leave the solution of difficult problems of survival at the disposal of the stronger sex - and you will see how your inner world will be transformed!

What else helps to reveal femininity?

Creative hobbies and spiritual health practices - yoga, oriental and Latin American dances, etc., help to reveal and develop femininity in oneself. Regular dance classes, especially classical ones, instill fluidity of movement, royal posture, stateliness and academic calmness.
The habit of moving beautifully will bring lightness and airiness to your gait, shy girls will give self-confidence and the desire to dress brighter. Regular dance classes will open up completely new sensations - you will want to wear more feminine dresses and skirts, high-heeled shoes, pay attention to makeup and hairstyle - and this will not in any way reduce your professional competence.

Why is it so important to be feminine?

The energy of femininity is your psychological health and happiness in your personal life. Maternal qualities are directly related to femininity. Femininity is an inexhaustible source of happiness and positive energy that helps all family members feel psychologically protected. Helps to heal mental wounds, to forget about tragedy and trauma forever. The female energy, like a magic healer, pacifies and pleases everyone, soothes and softens. Femininity is a quiet, radiant beauty that brings peace of mind and a sense of harmony.

Femininity is attractive to everyone! Attractive to men, children and everyone around. In this ocean of serenity and peace, all worries, worries and fears are drowned. It is to this harmonious and calm world that a man strives to return again and again!

Sometimes, in order to develop feminine qualities and more clearly feel like a woman, you need to change your lifestyle - take a big break in your career, give up professional growth for a while, really get carried away with household chores, move away from the aggressive outside world and fill your world with harmony and beauty ... Such a metamorphosis, which characterizes the changes in your life, can only be compared with the gentle sea after a storm. Calm the stormy sea of ​​your soul. Create all the conditions so that it turns into a quiet, peacefully sleeping giant, illuminating everything around, warming everyone with its radiance and warmth.

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In vain are many women afraid to quit their jobs and careers, believing that domestic "isolation" leads to degradation and dependence on men. It is good to observe the measure in everything. And in our life today, the balance of power plays a decisive role. Of course, modern men highly value smart, successful and well-rounded women. But they love the charming and feminine, soft and compliant! This is why it is so important to skillfully balance and properly combine activities and activities. Women have already sufficiently demonstrated their abilities both in business and creativity. Only from this, perhaps, we did not become more feminine. An aggressive competitive environment, in fact, destroys femininity. Business is, in fact, a war in which the most aggressive survive. Being overly carried away by business, a woman deprives herself of femininity, which means she deprives herself of happiness. Her soul seems to be emptied. After all, femininity is a spiritual strength that is only expressed through softness and "weakness". In fact, it is the pivotal axis of the family and society. Taking care of home and family, a woman accumulates light and warmth in herself, which is invaluable for a man and for children. A feminine lady attracts with her warmth, harmony of her inner peace... The feminine woman is the center of the family, its source, its heart and soul. And this soul should be filled with beauty and love.

In fact, the feminine image is based on natural femininity and only emphasizes it, makes it more explicit, more charming. All the accents and touches of a feminine image (even the smallest) allow you to brighter and stronger convey the energy of femininity, and even develop it. Decorating ourselves with sophisticated feminine elements, creating a slightly sublime image, we raise our bar to a higher level and imperceptibly “pull up” to it - the image obliges! Maintain posture, control gait, restrain facial expressions and gestures. In a light flowing dress to the floor, with placers of pearls, with sparkling rhinestones in her loose hair, fluttering on the thinnest gilded hairpin, you really feel like a Woman! In this way, it is impossible to allow yourself to be rude, aggressive and stoop to any vulgarity and disgrace. Feminine image obliges us to be feminine!

Shapeless T-shirts, unisex jeans, rigid minimalism in clothes and dreary gray in shades - this is not a feminine image. It is strongly discouraged to get too carried away with the "unisex" style, sports style - all this is good in moderation, and if abused, it threatens with the loss of elegance, beautiful gait, sophistication in movements and all those lyrical qualities that distinguish women from men.

By the way, femininity is an emphasized belonging to the same gender. This is not the case when you need to search " the golden mean". A feminine woman does not bear any masculine features in her image. Only smooth lines. Soft, more often pastel shades in clothes. Rounded shapes. Refined accessories. Femininity is the closest "relative" of romance. It is melodic and pleasant, like lyrical classical music. Sentimental, defenseless and gentle.

The classic feminine silhouette is the silhouette of a flying bird. Light, sophisticated, brooding, graceful. Or the silhouette of a flower with thin bright petals and a flexible stem.

The dress
Dress is the most feminine type of clothing. But female talent and the divine art of a fashion designer knows no barriers and does not recognize conventions! Modern feminine images are born, at times, regardless of the type of clothing. Feminine fit transforms a tailored trouser suit into a stunningly elegant ensemble for a stylish feminine lady. Feminine clothes can be either tight-fitting or loose, flying, flowing.

A feminine face is adorned with gentle, sensual lips. Bright scarlet lipstick does not always add femininity. Although, it largely depends on colors in which you "sound" and on your temperament. Scarlett Johansson is one of the most successful examples when red lipstick can be harmoniously combined with a feminine look. The classic feminine image does not like excessive makeup, moderation is preferable here.

High heel
High heels make us more feminine. An indisputable fact! Comfortable sneakers and soft moccasins certainly give a lot of pleasant sensations - it is easy to move long distances in such shoes. But, alas, this is reflected in our gait. An energetic, athletic gait can hardly be called feminine. The high heel makes us move more restrained, careful and graceful. We seem to be more fragile and vulnerable. As a result, the gait becomes more feminine.

Color palette and decorations

What shades are preferable to work with when creating a feminine look?

One of the common misconceptions is that a feminine image is something dull, modest, almost ascetic. This is not true! The color palette of the feminine look is royally luxurious - this is a charming cream, exquisite champagne, noble ivory, delicate pistachio, etc. The colors "ecru" and "ivory" are considered incredibly feminine shades.

Taking into account the color palette, the appropriate jewelry and accessories are selected. Outfits in ivory and ecru colors are ideally combined with golden pearls and gold. Pale pink or beige dresses look amazing when paired with cream pearls, gold and colored precious stones... Along with the color "champagne", choose jewelry of only cream shades, and in no case - not cold. Dresses in cream or ivory color look very feminine with elegant adornments of white coral, cacholong and rock crystal. Jade jewelry and rose quartz jewelry always look very delicate.

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By the way, pearls are recognized as the most feminine among stones. It is difficult to find a piece of jewelry that would emphasize female beauty as favorably as pearls. Someone will object: what about diamonds? Diamonds are, of course, globally recognized as the pinnacle of excellence. But centuries pass, and diamonds are still inaccessible to most of the population of our planet. But pearls are available to everyone. Despite its inexpensive cost, real queens bow to its magic, nobility and beauty! At the same time, the stone has a completely unique aura! Surprisingly, pearls are suitable for owners of any type of appearance - you will not find a woman in the world who would not fit pearls! The main thing is to choose correct shape and shade.

The classic feminine look, more than any other, uses floral motifs. The entire flower palette is involved, which not only decorates a woman, but makes her smell of flowers. Use all shades of delicate fragrant roses, velvet violets, charming irises, refreshingly lush chrysanthemums, elegant lilies.

Talented work with shades of wardrobe - required condition to create a unique feminine look. After all, each color has a specific wavelength and frequency of radiation. In the world around us, everything vibrates - and each color vibrates in its own way, so we like one color, and another can cause unpleasant sensations. Feminine shades vibrate especially delicately, very softly and delicately, radiating waves of peace and serenity into space.

The feminine image is not shrouded in standard rectilinear colors, but in complex and multifaceted shades - use not one-dimensional blue color and radiant ultramarine, glowing cornflower blue, romantic lavender. Flat yellow in a feminine way, replace with golden, amber and honey. Instead of orange, choose barberry, caramel, ripe mango.

Sweet and “tasty” tones, which evoke the most pleasant associations - strawberry, raspberry, peach, cherry, apple shades, take a special place in the feminine look. Such a "fruit" set refreshes the beauty, energizes the sun and earth.

The feminine image does not like flat and straight shades. Femininity conveys a special, very sensual dimension - lively fragrant colors, inspired compositions, flowing silhouette lines.

Modern feminine look

Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women tend to look emphatically feminine. American psychologists paid attention to this fact. What is the reason for this? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. In American psychology, this phenomenon is called "regendering" - a new definition of gender roles. Dressing emphatically feminine, the fairer sex expect masculine men to pay special attention to them. This “signaling behavior” is read by men as an appeal: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me! "

At the same time, modern femininity receives a new interpretation and new forms. On our appearance noticeably influenced by the wave of feminism that swept the world in the last century. Political, cultural and sexual revolutions gave women freedom and emancipation, new clothes and new jewelry. A new world opened up for a woman - a world of images, styles and multifaceted beauty. Competition with men brought many male characteristics into the female image. Already at the end of the last century, the style in women's clothing for a short time became almost neutral, devoid of clearly expressed gender characteristics. Remember those oversized suit jackets and jeans with the same cut for men and women? And only recently into the world womens fashion femininity has returned, but already brighter, boldly declaring itself!

Today, a woman has the right to demonstrate her freedom and look the way she wants. Modern fashion does not dictate any strict rules to us, it allows us to choose a style, images, accessories. We create our feminine image ourselves, relying on our ideas about beauty and style. Wherein modern fashion allows a combination of elements of the most different styles... Femininity today is not necessarily lofty academicism and aristocracy. Today you can be feminine, but at the same time present it in a businesslike, and even playful, playful manner.

Modern women are not going to give up their ambitions and independence. Today's femininity is meant to remind men that no matter what, a woman is always a woman. She can run a solid company, be successful in business, work on an equal footing with men and at the same time look frankly feminine: wear skirts and heels, emphasize the beauty of her figure in every possible way, use bright color contrasts and bright makeup. Modern femininity is incredibly versatile and talented. She, as a creator, skillfully plays with different roles and images.

Modern femininity can afford an elegant trouser suit and a luxurious dress of any length. At the disposal modern women a huge arsenal of jewelry, with the help of which they can broadcast their femininity even more clearly and expressively.

Dear Ladies! Remember that femininity is the key to your well-being.
Femininity makes us happier, because only supremely feminine women are worthy of supremely masculine men!

Five practices and ten ways from this article will help:

  • Let go of clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse yourself of negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with feminine energies, as well as energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love.
  • Calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul.
  • Become more self-confident as a woman.
  • Improve your female self-esteem.
  • To form and consolidate in the subconscious the image of a new self.
  • Become more seductive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Expand and enhance your sensuality.
  • Harmonize male and female energies in the body.
  • Awaken your inner Goddess, meet and communicate with your Inner Woman;
  • make your three most cherished desires so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

Meditation "Awakening the Inner Goddess"

Revealing your potential, and in particular your femininity, is an endless process. Any quality can be revealed or developed in oneself. It's just a matter of time and effort. This small and very easy meditation will help you get in touch with your true femininity, "nourish" the feminine energies, get to know and unite with the inner Goddess. In the process of performing the practice, you will be able to communicate with your Inner Woman and, if desired, ask questions of interest about what steps should be taken now in order to develop the missing feminine qualities as quickly and efficiently as possible? What exactly should these qualities be?

Even if you don't get the answers to these questions now, in the process of meditation, then later they will certainly come either from the outside world - in the form of specific situations, or you will be drawn to do something that did not even occur to you before, and perhaps it there will be someone's random remark, after which there will be an "insight" that "yes, this is exactly what I need now" or you will see the answer to your question in a dream. There are many options. The subconscious mind will surely find a way to communicate all the information it needs at the moment.

Doing this practice on a daily basis is, in principle, not necessary, but it is advisable to repeat it periodically for best results.

Exercise "Pearl" to reveal femininity.

An exercise that helps to calm down, relax, restore balance in the soul, raise your self-esteem, reveal femininity and sexuality and, as a result, become more attractive to men. This exercise, in order to achieve a sustainable positive effect, it is advisable to do it regularly for a certain time from 21 to 40 days, and maybe longer, until the state of one's own dignity, uniqueness, value and love for oneself becomes stable and habitual in everyday life. ...

An excerpt from Lana Davis's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

Woman's Awakening Meditation

This practice will help to release clamps and tensions in the body, cleanse from negativity, start the processes of internal rejuvenation, fill with feminine energies, as well as the energies of joy, happiness, positive and unconditional love. And, most importantly, this practice will allow you to meet and unite with your Inner Woman and make three of your most cherished desires so that they come true in the fastest, most comfortable and safe way for you.

An excerpt from the speech of Victoria Volevach.

Practice "Integration into a woman".

A practice that helps to reveal and accept your Inner Woman, your Goddess. This practice, in principle, is very similar to the previous two and has as its goal the acceptance of oneself as a woman, unification with one's feminine principle, raising the mood, and increasing self-esteem. After completing this practice, you will become more attractive to men, additional production of female hormones will begin, which will have a positive effect not only on the internal state, but also on appearance and health in general. The fact that this practice is strong enough in its effect and effect you will see almost instantly if you do it before leaving the house. For a good long-term effect, it is better to repeat it periodically.

An excerpt from Victoria Volevach's webinar.

Practice to harmonize masculine and feminine principles.

A small and effective practice that, if done regularly, will help balance the male and female energies in the body. The masculine and feminine origins have been known for a long time and a lot has been said. Our whole world is dual. The symbols of the feminine, yin principle are the moon, water, earth, and the masculine - fire, air, sun. For normal functioning, the full development of these energies is necessary so that they can harmoniously interact with each other. It is also better to perform this technique daily for a certain time. Desirable from 21 to 40 days, and maybe more.

An excerpt from the speech of Elena and Yuri Svetlov at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

What else? 10 ways to develop femininity.

First. Very often we are afraid to express ourselves in a feminine way, because some negative or painful experience of the past is associated with this. It could be a childhood trauma, painful love in adolescence, a failed first marriage, or something else. Ask yourself and your subconscious mind about this. What can be scary or painful for you if you begin to show yourself exactly as a woman right now? How to deal with negative experiences of the past is described in detail in the articles Cleansing Emotional Dirt. Expanded Formula of Forgiveness ... and How to let go of the negative past.

Second... The next obstacle can be ineffective or false attitudes about women and femininity. For example, in my family, my dad was very dismissive of my mom. He always stressed that he wanted a boy and the word "woman", in our house, was most often used in a derogatory context. There were phrases like: "What can you expect from a woman?" or "What can be demanded of her? She is a woman and a woman in Africa." and so on in this spirit. Think that you could have it. Ask yourself: "What ineffective patterns and attitudes, false beliefs about women and femininity are preventing you from expressing yourself in your life, in the world, in society as a woman?" Perhaps you will see situations in which you made ineffective conclusions about yourself as a woman. Write down any negative beliefs you may have made in these or similar situations. After that, make up directly opposite statements in meaning and repeat, like affirmations, at any time convenient for you until you feel that they have become a part of you, but not less than 40 days in a row. Or write them down on your phone and listen when you eat in transport or at night. If you don’t want to do this, you’re lazy or just forget, then there is internal resistance and to overcome it, put yourself a reminder on your phone every half hour. And every time you hear it, repeat positive affirmations. Examples of other affirmations aimed at developing femininity can be found in the article Affirmations for the development of femininity.

Video tutorials in mathematics.

Third... Next comes the nice part.) A woman blossoms when she begins to love herself and take care of herself and her body. Manicure, pedicure, massage, hair, face and body masks. Only it is better to do it not from the position of "this is how it should be", but out of love for oneself. Doing a hair mask - praise or say something pleasant to your hair in your mind. Do a massage - relax, throw away all unnecessary thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the sensations of the body. Get the maximum physical pleasure out of your body. After all, taking care of yourself and taking care of yourself and your body is very interesting and pleasant. Develop your sensuality through physical sensations. Even when you are eating, or we can say that even more so when you are eating, try to fully concentrate on the taste of the food and the sensations that you experience. As already stated in the article Eating disorder. Abdominal brain ... Our language is a special organ. It is he who participates in two most important acts - eating food and making love. Irritation of the tongue gives a person sexual pleasure. That's why it doesn't matter what foods you put in your mouth. The tastier and more aromatic the food, the more it irritates the nerve receptors of the tongue and the more pleasure it delivers. Therefore, train yourself not to be distracted by secondary activities while eating, such as watching TV, reading, or sitting at the computer. Focus on the sensations and your meal will be even more enjoyable. In addition, this will help to lose a couple of extra pounds, because saturation will begin to occur faster, if, of course, this is relevant for you.

Fourth. Yoga and dance classes. Yoga, with a properly selected program, very well normalizes the hormonal background and balances the energies in the body. Dances, especially Arabic, Latin, classical and the same strip dance, develop flexibility, plasticity, grace well, promote the production of endorphins, improve mood, and give self-confidence. In addition, regular exercise is an elementary concern for your health, which is just as important.

Fifth. Classes in creativity. By creativity here you can mean anything you want - cooking, drawing, composing music, tending to houseplants, sewing, knitting, and so on. It should be something that brings joy to the process itself, regardless of the outcome. The result, as such? may not be at all. You can, for example, tie something, then look at the result, understand that you did something wrong and dissolve, then start over. It does not matter. It is important that you enjoy the process itself.

Sixth... Clothing. Skirts, dresses, shoes with heels are all feminine and very sexy. There is also such a thing as "female" colors in clothes. You can read about what these colors are, as well as what skirt to choose to look seductive, but not vulgar in the article. Which skirt to choose? First date rules.

Seventh. Lexicon. How and what we say is very important. Many women have a habit of speaking masculinely about themselves. There are also women who use mat in their speech. It doesn't have to be. Nobody says that you need to express yourself only in perfect literary language. No, you can insert "jargon" into your speech. With them, she is perceived as more emotional and saturated, but it is better to talk about herself in the feminine gender "I went, I came." This "-la" at the end is so sonorous, playful and immediately clear what the WOMAN is saying. You can learn about how the words we pronounce affect our life from the video "The magic of words. About the influence of speech on the events of our life." Also in this video there is a very useful and effective practice, if you repeat it at least periodically, "Step into a new self". With the help of this practice, at the level of the body, you can feel what it is like to be one who has already achieved her goals and is living an "ideal" life, from your point of view. In this exercise you will be able to communicate with your "future" self and figure out what steps you need to take now to achieve this. And you can, at the same time, ask what is stopping you (see points 1 and 2).

The magic of words. About the influence of speech on the events of our life.

An excerpt from Arina Polyakh's speech at the conference "Secrets Disclosure 2.0"

Eighth. Household chores, childcare, home improvement. No matter how trite it may seem, all this also develops femininity and feminine energies in us. Fill your apartment with pleasant feminine scents. Such as jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang (by the way, the latter is a powerful aphrodisiac, so be careful with it). You can also read about the influence of odors in the article. Aphrodisiac oils and a test for female sexual energy.

Ninth. Nutrition. Food should be healthy, balanced and of high quality. The natural smell of our clean body largely depends on this. In addition, products are also divided into yin and yang. You can learn about this in detail from the video Chinese Dietetics. Secrets of harmony and longevity. It is advisable to remove meat from your diet. If there is absolutely nothing without meat, then leave only poultry and fish in your diet. Meat slags the body. By the way, a strong craving for meat products indicates the presence of a hidden, suppressed aggression in the subconscious. And this is already a reason to think.

Tenth... And another very joyful item for any woman is shopping and communication with other women. Shopping is fun and exciting. Try on beautiful things, spinning in them in front of the mirror and admire what kind of beauty you are. Even if there is no money right now, go for a walk and just try on whatever you like. Admire yourself, enjoy your reflection in the mirror, arrange a show from this and a holiday for yourself. In addition, this way you can better understand which things suit you and which ones do not, find your own style, if you haven’t done it yet. After that, sit with a friend in a cafe, chat about all sorts of pleasant little things, drink aromatic coffee with something tasty (yes, yes, yes, in this case, a healthy lifestyle can wait a little)).

Earnings on recipes! FIND OUT HOW !!!

Be windy, light, emotional, funny, positive, gentle, affectionate, caring, naive, passionate, be capricious and illogical at times, be a WOMAN, it's so cool! As they say in the audio tuning "affectionate Amazon" by Alexander Sviyash.

  • I am happy that I was born a woman!
  • I came to this world to celebrate my femininity!

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Useful materials:

Eating disorder. Abdominal brain.

Which skirt to choose? First date rules.

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Hello dear blog readers! Everyone knows that a woman is not born, she becomes, at a certain period, passing through the so-called initiation. But there are a number of reasons why not every girl is able to successfully complete it. Why, in spite of her age, she behaves like a girl, or assumes masculine traits. And today we will look at the ways with which you can transform, become more gentle and caring, even if you are used to being assertive and domineering. The development of femininity begins from the earliest years, with the help of the mother. But it's never too late to do it yourself in order to become identical to your nature.

Initiation stages

Let's first define what stages exist, and what each woman needs to go through before she becomes one.

1. Girl

First of all, the world is a little girl who needs help and protection. It was during this period that trust in the world around, other people was formed. Initial identification occurs, that is, she distinguishes herself from the boys and realizes that she belongs to the female gender.

This stage is basic, and very important, as is the role of the mother, which explains how beautiful their nature is. The psychology of girls who, in childhood, did not feel maternal love or adequate support, usually grow up physically, but do not have maturity, which is why they behave like little ones, take offense at any reason, demand love and hysteria.

2. Girl

A girl becomes a girl at the moment when her period begins for the first time. This is the time for the formation of the first relationship with the opposite sex, and again, her future depends on the mother, directly which companion she chooses in the future. Will you be able to accept your essence, sexuality, and also become the keeper of the family hearth?

She only learns herself, her attractiveness, begins to understand that she is individual and unique. Interest in guys, cosmetics wakes up. If the mother positions that women's fate is unfair and difficult, then it is in suffering that she will then be. For example, choosing an alcoholic as her husband, and not just choosing, but considering that this is her cross, she will be with him until the end of her days, without making any attempts to live freely and happily.

If mom says that menstruation is dirt and something unclean, the girl will not be able to accept her essence and body, being ashamed of it. And this threatens with serious sexual problems in the future. Then, in order to restore self-esteem and identity, it will be necessary to work a lot, both with a therapist and attending trainings and seminars.

3. Woman

Appears at the moment of the first physical intimacy, provided that the first stages have been successfully completed and completed.

4. Mother

It becomes, of course, at the moment of the birth of a child, and with each subsequent, it is revealed more and more. But it reveals itself and gains strength only in the case of awareness and maturity, only then is it able to bear responsibility for new life drawing on the knowledge of a kind. It transforms, becomes softer, more beautiful and more sensitive.

5. Wise mother

Appears at the time of menopause, then she becomes able to transfer experience to the younger generation, help to go through any kind of initiation, supporting and sharing knowledge.

Top ways

If, when you were a girl, your mother did not initiate female world, you can easily do it yourself by following the recommendations below. After all, as you know, if you set a goal for yourself and do not retreat before difficulties, a person is able to achieve anything. So let's get started?

1. Start by accepting your own body

Touch it with love, even if you have a big belly, which you are ashamed of - it is a part of you, and for some reason it was formed. Realizing this, it is not necessary that you will turn into your ideal of beauty, but you will certainly become freer and happier, but isn't that what you want, wanting to remake yourself? Therefore, go for a massage to disperse energy and enjoy, relax. Take a scented candlelit bath, buy delicious body creams, and more.

2. Hobbies

Sign up for makeup courses, handicrafts, cooking circles, and more. The main thing is to do girlish things, not only important and necessary, for example, building a career, but also just for the soul.

3. Clothes

Wear dresses, skirts, no matter how gorgeous they look in trousers. This allows you to restore connection with the energy of a kind, to know the nature of your origin. And it is not for nothing that there is a saying that if there is a desire to charm a man, you should come to him on a date in a dress, and at least 7 times in a row. And not in vain, if it is, of course, correctly selected, the gait changes, which becomes unhurried, and the movements are smooth, soft - this is how femininity looks like along with sexuality.

4. Movies

Watch films that can inspire you to change your style of behavior, clothes, makeup, etc., show all the beauty and power of the feminine principle. I recommend paying attention to such pictures as "Pari Match", "Malena", "Muse" and "Parisienne", they are different, but each the main character there is a lot to learn.

5. Photos

Use the services of a photographer. What woman doesn't want to be beautiful? Or the heroine of some fairy tale? Stories? Even if you are not particularly photogenic, they will tell you which pose will be more advantageous, and what to do in general to get pictures with a real beauty. And then hang your favorite photos in a conspicuous place.

6. Smile

Smile, this not only attracts attention, disposes to yourself, but also cheers you up. And smiling in the mirror, say positive affirmations, tuning your subconscious mind in the right way. What it is, as well as instructions for use, you will find in the article.

7. Courses

If you do not have the opportunity to attend trainings, or do not know where to apply, then go link... This is a site with online courses, which will help not only discover their feminine origin, but also teach how to deal with men, other women, how to become more gentle, caring, in general, feminine. You can also sign up for various practices, energetic, sexual ...

8. Girlfriends

Chat with your friends more often, you are all different, and there is certainly a lot to learn from each. In addition, this will allow an exchange of energy, thanks to which you can understand what is happening and where to move on. And even with difficulties, it is generally important for ladies to just speak out, since the sensitivity is higher, and the range of emotions experienced is wider than that of men, so most people need another person in order to know themselves.

9. Care

Take care of yourself and do not spare the money. It is clear that it is worth making a reasonable choice, and not buying a face cream for the entire salary, depriving children of nutritious nutrition, but saving money, denying oneself everything, for the benefit of others, is also not worth it. No extremes. If your financial condition does not allow you to visit beauty salons, do your manicure yourself, lack of money or time is not a reason to look unkempt.

10. Art

Due to the fact that girls have a more subtle mental organization and the ability to notice beauty, focus on details and admire, they are often successful in art. It is very important for absolutely everyone to splash out the accumulated emotions, to create something beautiful too. Therefore, do not despair if, for example, you do not know how to draw, there is such a direction in psychotherapy as art therapy.

Thanks to her, you will not only become more aware, but also feel relief, freed from the burden of life's problems, you will become more free, energetic and happy. And by the way, go to the theater, admire the works of art in the galleries, read the classics and do what you like, but let the beauty into your life.

11. Caring

Show care, but please do not confuse her types, so as not to treat your husband like a child and vice versa.

12. Flirting

Flirt, it does not oblige you to a relationship, but it raises both self-esteem and mood. And this does not mean that it is worth flirting with every seller or cashier, flirting is very relevant even in a family, it helps to maintain that very spark, interest and excitement, and also gives a feeling of one's own attractiveness. Is it difficult, setting the table in the evening, inadvertently touching the husband's shoulder with your chest? I'm sure not, but dinner will certainly be a pleasure.

13. Books

Read, be sure to read books, so you will not only develop, but also learn your essence, identity, especially if you choose literature psychological nature... Look at any of the books Tatiana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, they complement each other perfectly and are written in simple understandable language, about important and complex.

14. Music

Listen to music that relaxes and immerses you in a meditative state, cheers, invigorates, makes you want to dance or just dance to the beat. Music will allow you to express feelings with the help of the body, which will make you more free and alive, in the sense, emotionally alive.

15. Go shopping

Try on different looks, play with style and be moved, fall in love with things that you will then definitely want to “walk” in order to shine and beckon. Preferably with girlfriends, men usually do not share a passion for new collections and so on. It’s such a girl’s walk with elements of therapy.

16. Action plan

Make a plan of action for the whole month with any amenities and tasks that will help you develop femininity and feel happy. Do something new, because living in the old way, without changing anything, you cannot change. So take the risk, get acquainted, jump with a parachute and collect the herbarium, but be sure to strictly adhere to the plan, without coming up with excuses.

17. Weakness

Allow yourself moments of weakness, seek help from strong men... This will not be a symbol that you are not worthy of something or did not cope, but simply admit that you need support in this period of time. Even if you are an authoritative leader, in whose subordination 40 employees, this does not mean that you should open the door for yourself and not allow outer clothing to be served.

18. Practice yoga, meditation

You should not choose a male trainer during group classes, with him you will pump your body more, but you will not exchange the energy necessary for the development of femininity.

19. Sensitivity

The most striking feature that betrays a woman. And if you cannot boast that you can easily foresee some events, feel danger or do right choice- it does not matter, do the exercises indicated in the article, and over time you will discover new knowledge, as well as the wisdom of the family.


And that's all for today, dear readers of the blog! This list can be continued and continued, but the main thing is that you be happy, and only you know what is needed for this! Therefore, get to know yourself, and take care! And femininity will manifest itself in the process.

The article was written by Zhuravina Alina.

Let's say you made up your mind. You want to change. Want to delve deeper into the female way. Become more feminine. And where to start? What medications and what is the schedule for taking?

I love orderly guides to action (a long "masculine" past affects :)). In fact, it's really important to see step by step plan, to understand where to strive, to what and how. Understand what is in the way and what is ahead.

If we are talking about steps towards a goal, then:
1. The first is to give up trousers. Because it changes a lot. Your attitude towards yourself, your image, the flow of energy, the attitude of other people. It often seems delirious, but it works for me too - for almost 3 years (can you imagine? Almost 3 years without trousers!). And the girls, who were afraid at first, and then threw everything away and switched to dresses. And how many letters come from men who are delighted with such changes! Even those whose wives were otherwise perfect, but wore jeans, go crazy with happiness when the wife switches to dresses and skirts. Therefore, this is the first step. Minimize the wearing of trousers. At least at home to wear beautiful sundresses to the floor ...

2. Moving forward on the "Look like a woman" course. And here it is worth thinking about the little things of the female image - accessories, jewelry, scarves (and how beautiful a lady looks with a scarf on her head instead of a hat in winter!). Recently - my husband became interested in Instagram - this is a network where people post their photos. So recently we saw a photo of Tina Kandelaki, a famous woman who came to Grozny. And they invited her on one condition. She had to put on a handkerchief. You should have seen the number of "likes" under these photos, how many nice words they said to her! And how stylish and mysterious she looked in a scarf! Not only did she not lose her beauty, but she also acquired a special charm. Therefore, think about what is not enough in your life - facial care, correct makeup, accessories, shoes?

3. When we already look like a woman, it's time to start behaving like a woman. Skirts will partly help us to slow down, because they won't run like that anymore. But in addition, it is important to add smoothness to our life deliberately. Slow down your speed. Reduce the turnover. Start eating, walking, living more slowly. Stop rushing and being late. Difficult, especially in metropolitan areas. But probably. If you understand that it is impossible to do everything. And what's important is to do the most important thing first. All that is superfluous will disappear by itself. Everything has its time - in nature and in life. Running very fast will not bring us closer to our goal any faster. Sometimes women grab the knowledge of femininity in bulk - they listen to ten lectures a day, but nothing changes. Because speed doesn't solve problems. Need smoothness, immersion. Feminine. How fast do you speak? Do you often rush? Do you go on the run? Do you drink coffee on your way to work? Do you run for buses? Just stop doing it. You will see - the world will not fall apart. And by the way, if food is cooked in the house on the run, then the relationship develops in the same way - quickly and of poor quality.

4. And then it is important - correct communication. Find yourself like-minded girlfriends. You can do this on our forum, for example. Communication with women is an exchange of feminine energy. It is always important and valuable. And talk not about what kind of bastard husband. And about eternity, knowledge, love. How to get better. Sometimes cry. Sometimes to cheer someone up. What female friendship can give you cannot be replaced by anything.

5. Find for yourself half an hour a day. Every day for half an hour do what you like, what pleases you. Baths, masks, personal care, books, drawings, dances, songs, handicrafts - there are many such activities. As many as 85! And it is important to do this every day, increasing your resources.

These are the first five steps towards female happiness. The first five. Only the first - but very important ones.

What can hinder us on this path?

1. Inappropriate communication. If all your girlfriends are embittered feminists, it will be difficult for you. If you share it, you will get it in the head. Do not share - where else to carry it? The worst thing for a woman who grows a flower of femininity in herself is to invite pests into the garden. The worst pests are unfortunate women. Not out of malice. They are simply unhappy - which means that they can only share this - anger, bile and so on. After all, we give the world only what we have. This does not mean that everyone should be abandoned and replaced. Just chat with them on neutral topics. And for close communication - look for like-minded people!

2. Generic scripts. How much I talk about this - that until we see our ancestral ties, it is difficult to change. And when we see that women in the family have become strong after the grandmother lost her husband in the war, we can already forgive, let go and start Our Life.

3. Excessive desire to achieve. When we try to do everything ourselves. When chasing money, career and connections. This is practically incompatible with feminine qualities. Alas and ah. A woman in this life can receive everything through her husband. If she is feminine, she will learn to love and serve. Feminine. No manipulation.

4. Misinterpretation. For example - "A man is an unfinished woman" - I often hear this from those who began to develop femininity. Since we do them, then without us they are zeros without a stick! We are queens and men are servants! The most wrong of them all possible interpretations... It kills the relationship, and therefore femininity is not real. A real woman deepens and strengthens relationships. Because he sees that we are different. Not better, not worse. She does not manipulate, but learns to love herself.

5. Irresponsibility. Would you say that responsibility is a masculine quality? Yes, when we talk about being responsible for others. But each of us is responsible for ourselves. For their actions, thoughts, reactions, relationships. And often we slide into “I don’t want to decide anything. I am a girl and I want a dress! " It's all cute and somewhat true. But remembering that true femininity is maturity and wisdom is important. We are responsible for what we do with ourselves and our loved ones. For doing your duty. For what we give to other people, how we treat them.

Here are five obstacles. The main ones. Not all. This is what we most often run into. And we break down….

To prevent this from happening - forewarned means forearmed. You now have a small map of the first steps. What will you do with her? You decide.