Repair Design Furniture

Geuchera, geucherella and tiarella in the garden for a colorful palette. Heuchera landing. Heuchera care. Geuchera, geyherella and tiarella. growing and care Is it possible to grow geyhera, geyherella and tiarella as houseplants

I have been growing flowers and other plants for many years, but until now, one of my favorite perennials are geyhera and geyherella. With their bright and multi-colored leaves, they remind me of gems that “sparkle” in the garden until winter. Even under the snow, they retain their beauty, and in the spring they are the first to open the season. Once settled in your garden, geyhery And geyherella can become its "highlight" and even influence the garden fashion in your area. What are these beautiful girls with such bizarre names?

Geykhera (Heuhera) - a bright star among perennial decorative and deciduous plants. She came to our gardens from North America only 10 years ago and in this short time fell in love with flower growers and designers. Its evergreen, brightly colored, heart-shaped, rounded leaves form a bush 40 cm high. From June to July, this plant blooms, throwing up flower stalks with inflorescences of small bells. Many people remove flower stalks from these plants, but I always let them bloom. Although geyhers are valued for their leaves, but, nevertheless, flowering makes them more interesting.

There are more than 30 types of geyhera, the most famous of which is the blood-red geyhera (H. Sanguine Engelm.). IN Lately many hybrids have been bred with a longer flowering period (from June to August). One of the most popular varieties is Stormy Seas. Its wavy leaves really resemble a storm on the sea.

Do you know that...

The botanical name "Heuhera" was given to the plant in honor of the German professor of botany, Johan Heinrich von Geucher. And in America it is called spotted geranium. The Indians used this plant as medicine. They applied crushed boiled geyhera roots to wounds and ulcers, and a decoction of the roots was used for fever and diarrhea.

Geykherella (Heuherella) - a hybrid of geykhera and tiarella, differs long flowering from June to August and an amazing ability not only to keep fit throughout the season, but also to become prettier day after day.

Geyherella, like geyhera, boasts unusual variegated foliage (there are leaves with brown-chocolate, purple, green, white and other various patterns). The leaves of the geyherella are strongly dissected, resembling maple leaves. This is what distinguishes it from geyhera with rounded leaves. From tiarella, geyherella inherited a paniculate inflorescence of white, pink or brown flowers resembling stars. by the most beautiful variety geyherella is considered a variety of "Alabama Sunrise", which changes the color of its large leaves during the season: in spring they are golden with wine-red veins, in summer they are green with red veins, at the end of the season they are orange.

Heuchera And geyherella hosts are not inferior in their merits: they are decorative, changeable during the season, unpretentious, winter-hardy and resistant to diseases. These plants look great at any time of the year and in a small garden, and in large open spaces. Geuchera and geyherella reach their peak of decorativeness in autumn, when many plants already lose their beauty. These beauties are combined with almost any plant, be it flowers, shrubs or cereals. Only from one geykher and geykherella it is possible to make magnificent flower beds - a magical variety of leaf colors allows this! These plants are a real find for both venerable designers and beginner flower growers. Geucher and geyherella are quite easy to grow, but, nevertheless, in order for them to become a true decoration of your flower garden, you need to pay attention to them.

Do you know that…

Geichera repels snails and slugs.

Both inflorescences and leaves of geyhera and geyherella can stand in the cut for more than three weeks!

Basic requirements of geyher and geyherella

"Openwork" shading. These plants are best planted on open space, but in a light "openwork" penumbra from bushes and trees. I recommend growing young plants not in a school, but in containers that can be moved from place to place, protecting them from heavy rains or the scorching sun.

Deep drainage. Geichera And geucherella do not tolerate stagnant water, so they need well-drained, moisture-intensive and loose soils.

Moderate nutrition. In the spring, take your time to feed the plant. Wait for new leaves to grow, carefully and gradually removing last year's leaves. And only when the bush is renewed, feed the plants with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Kemira (20 g / 10 l). After flowering, repeat feeding, and this will be enough. It is better to underfeed geyher than to overfeed.

Moderate watering. In hot summer weather, these plants need moderate watering, without extremes. Try not to get water on the leaves, otherwise under the influence sun rays they will burn.

Mulching. To maintain soil moisture, mulch the bases of the rosettes of leaves annually. This must also be done because the bush eventually begins to rise above the ground.

Hilling. bushes in autumn geyhery And geyherella needs to be rounded up. But do not cut off their leaves, as they and the stems contain nutrients for wintering. In the spring, some plants are often "squeezed" out of the soil. Bury them and pour warm water over them.

Shelter fallen leaf. Light-leaved varieties and young plants should be well covered with fallen leaves before wintering, but not tightly, otherwise they may rot.

Removal of old leaves and flower stalks. During the whole season it is necessary to remove old, dry and damaged leaves. And after flowering, you need to remove faded flower stalks as soon as possible, which not only take away the strength of the plant, but also worsen its decorative effect. Some flower growers generally prefer not to let the geyhers bloom, this allows them to keep the beautiful shape of the bush longer.

These plants are practically disease free, but sometimes stagnant water or very acidic soil can cause root rot. In this case, cut off all the dead parts, and urgently cut the healthy part of the stem or outlet.

Regular transplant. Unfortunately, geykher retain the decorativeness of the outlet for 2-3 years, after this period, as a rule, the bush breaks up and exposes the middle. This is a signal that the plant needs to be divided and transplanted. By the way, geyherella are more durable than geyhera, and can grow in one place without division and cuttings for about 4-5 years.

Growing geyher and geyherella

Reproduction by dividing the bush. These plants are most often propagated by dividing the bush or by rooting lateral rosette cuttings, which take root quickly in sufficiently moist soil. It is not recommended to divide the bushes in the fall, as autumn divisions are difficult to root and do not tolerate winter well. It is necessary to start dividing in spring (before flowering) or at the end of summer (after flowering). To do this, dig a bush and divide it into several outlets, while shortening the bare stem to a young tissue, leaving only the “heel”. Cut off the dried shoots to live small brood buds, they are in the axils of the petioles of old dried leaves. Shorten long roots, and carefully cut all areas on the rhizome with signs of decay to a healthy white tissue and powder the cut with crushed charcoal. To speed up the rooting process, you can use the root.

Landing geyher and geyherella

When planting, add any complex mineral fertilizer, such as Kemira-universal and ash, to a planting hole measuring 30x30 cm, since geyhers prefer neutral soils. After planting, water the plants and shade from the sun. After a month and a half, when roots grow in young plants, they can be planted in a permanent place.

"Heucherella "Stoplight"

GEICHERELLA- a new hobby of flower growers who collect Heuchera, Tiarella and Tellim.

Geucherella is a hybrid obtained by crossing Geichera and Tiarella heart-leaved and named Geucherella White. And if the leaves and inflorescences of Geyherella are very reminiscent of Tiarella, then the pink color of the flowers, the compactness of the bush and the absence of stolons (whiskers) came from Geykhera. There are a lot of Geyherella varieties that differ in color and leaf shape.

"Heucherella Sweet Tea"

Geucherella is a perennial herbaceous plant with palmately divided leaves, pointed or rounded, similar to small maple leaves. Paniculate peduncles with very small pink or white flowers rise above the bush up to 20 - 30 cm in height.

One of the most difficult tasks of a grower is to create beautiful flower beds for different areas of the garden. To get acquainted with ready-made author's ideas for their creation and photographs of the colors used, we suggest watching this video course!

"Heucherella "Daigle Pink""

The most popular varieties of Geyherella:


The color of the leaves is bright orange to red, with dark brown veins. The leaves are elongated, strongly cut, rounded.


The color of the leaves is bronze or red-brown with a bright green or yellowish border. The shape of the leaves is rounded.


The color of the leaves is bright orange or bright yellow with crimson widely traced veins.


"Heucherella Sweet Tea"

"Geiherella "Solar Eclipse"

"Geiherella "Golden Zebra"


The color of the leaves is bright yellow-green with crimson streaks not to the end of the leaf.


Bright green leaves, strongly elongated and pointed, sometimes with a silvery coating. The veins are finely traced in brown.


Dark crimson leaves with bronze and bright pink spots, rounded.


"Heucherella "Stoplight"

"Heucherella "Kimono"

"Heucherella "Berry Fiz"

Growing Geyherella - planting and care:


In the penumbra. It grows poorly in the sun, requires constant moisture, the leaves can burn.

The soil:

Prefers neutral loose fertile soils.

Winter hardiness:

Quite high, but for the winter, like Geicher, it is necessary to mulch, as the rhizome grows up and can freeze. The frost resistance of many new varieties has not been studied, so it is better to cover with non-woven material.


In spring, it needs mineral supplements. In the spring, wintering leaves may suffer from "physiological drought", so it is advisable to shed the plants to quickly thaw the earth and cover them with lutrasil from the sun.


Dividing the rhizome into rosettes in the spring. With seed propagation, sowing of independently obtained seeds, but seedlings may not retain the characteristics of the mother variety.


Quite diverse - in the borders and penumbra, the coastal zone of reservoirs, rock gardens and rockeries. Under large shrubs or in the foreground of flower beds in partial shade.

It was made by Charles Clusius (1601). A plant that grows in North America and was brought to Europe was called Mountain Undergrowth. Its beauty was immediately appreciated by French gardeners, and in the first half of the century the new plant could already be seen in the gardens of French aristocrats.

History reference. The genus Heuchera, with more than 70 species, was named after the German botanist physician Heuchera (1677–1746).

Descriptions of species of the genus Geichera were supplemented by botanists during their travels in North America. In Mexico, they found blood-red geyhera (Heuchera sanguinea), which became the progenitor of most plant varieties. It is known as red or coral bell.

Rice. 1. Gehera Coral Bell

During a transcontinental expedition, Frederic Pursch described 5 species of geyher. David Douglas discovered the Cylindrical Heuchera (Heuchera cylindrica) and the Small-flowered Heuchera (Heuchera micrantha) on the banks of the current Washington State River. Kinds wild plants conventionally divided into forest and mountain.

wild Heuchera

Species plants are long-term rhizomatous grasses up to 0.5 m high. Its serrated leaves are collected in a five- to nine-lobed basal rosette. On a plant in different time many peduncles grow and bloom with small flowers collected in a long (up to 20 cm) paniculate inflorescence. On site a faded flower a box with seeds is formed, their number reaches 20,000. The plant attracts attention with colorful foliage and panicles of inflorescences with small pink, red, snow-white flowers.

Forest species have more decorative properties, they adapt more easily to garden soil rich in fertilizers. Therefore, they can be found more often in cultivated areas.

Until the 20th century, species geyhers were planted in gardens, they were not widely used. The situation has changed after the breeding of numerous hybrid varieties.

History reference. The turning point that marked the beginning of extensive work on the development of new varieties came when the French breeder Lemoine crossed g eichera blood-red and small-colored. The resulting new plant, Heuchera brizoides, and hybrids bred using it, created the basis for further selection.

England took over the baton for launching new geyhers. For almost 70 years of breeding, crossing the American, small-colored, cylindrical, hairy geyhera, Alan Blum received 13 lines of new plants. The complex Bressingham Hybrids he bred remains popular to this day.

Popularity and wide distribution came to plants of the genus Geicher when US breeders got down to work and, using the rich genetic potential, bred varieties of amazingly beautiful plants.

hybrid varieties

IN landscape design geyhers are used for bright accents, with them they create colorful compositions, planted in the garden to fill the voids on Heuchera have an attractive appearance all season, they are originally painted, unusual shape leaves and peduncles save the flower beds until the neighboring flowers have blossomed and when they have already faded.

Healthy. A variety is a group of plants within the same species, which are characterized by a certain set of characteristics (decorativeness, productivity, endurance ...)

Comet (Heuchera Сomet)

The plant is perennial, resistant to frost and drought. Its leaves are dark green in color, rounded and with teeth along the edge, lowered. Peduncles of Comet with bright red bell-shaped flowers stand out against the background of green leaves, they cannot be overlooked in a flower bed. Rosette of the Comet is compact, its height reaches 20-25 cm. Peduncles stretch up to 40 cm in height, 20 cm of which is an elegant oblong inflorescence of bright flowers.

Blooms 60-90 days from June to August.

Variety Heuchera Comet is planted along the borders, used in group compositions, grown for cutting for bouquets. The neighborhood with irises, sedums is especially impressive.

Rice. 2. Heuchera Comet

Rice. 3. Heuchera Comet

Palace Purple

The leaves of the gerhera Palace Purple are large, glossy. They are mixed shades of dark burgundy and brown. During flowering (June-August), the peduncles stretch up to 50 cm. The variety blooms with creamy small flowers.

Purple Castle (Micrantha Palace Purple)

The secret of the popularity of the Purple Castle variety is associated with a decorative pattern of ivy leaf veins, rich in dark purple (especially bright surface sheet below), changing shades depending on weather conditions. Sometimes the leaf darkens to black.

Inflorescences of peduncles with flowers-bells of a delicate cream color look picturesque in nature and in a bouquet. The long hairs of the stem change when dry. White color to brown.

Geuchera Purple Castle rises to maximum size for 3-4 years. Its sockets have a neat rounded shape, reaching up to half a meter in diameter. Beautiful plant-tape, in compositions with varieties with leaves in shades of red, yellow, green, in abundant planting geyher of one grade Micrantha Palace Purple. The variety is combined with other plants that tolerate shade well - periwinkles.

Rice. 12. Micrantha Palace Purple

Rice. 13. Micrantha Palace Purple

Rice. 15. Micrantha Palace Purple

Marvelous Marble (Marvelous Marble)

Marvelous Marble geyhers complement the flower garden with shades of noble bronze: geyher leaves are brownish silver with jagged edges and a green edge. In late spring, the bush throws out unremarkable flower stalks with rare snow-white flowers.

The plant is winter-hardy, not afraid of bad weather and pests. When the temperature drops, the foliage turns into shades of purple. The variety is suitable for mixborders, planted as a tapeworm and in group plantings, grown in decorative pots.

Advice. Marvelous Marble plants need moderate watering in hot weather. They do not like excessive moisture.

Melting fire (Melting Fire)

Varietal adult Melting Fire plants develop into a compact rosette up to 45 cm wide. The color of the leaves depends on the age of the plant - in young geyher they are raspberry or purple-raspberry. With age, the color changes to purple-brown, sometimes present in the color of the leaves. green color. In plants of the Melting Fire variety, the leaves are unusually decorative - they are wavy with an edge of small teeth.

During flowering from June to July, the plant throws out erect flower stalks with small white or pale cream flowers collected in an openwork inflorescence.

Because of different color leaves, compositions only from Heuchera Melting Fire are interesting, intense purple-red young rosettes are good for accents, older ones with dark leaves are combined with varieties with light leaves.

Geyhery are used in group compositions, border plantings, grown for cutting.

Rice. 20. Melting Fire

Rice. 21. Melting Fire

Rice. 22. Melting Fire

Rice. 23. Melting Fire


The Hercules variety is characterized by green leaves with white, creamy strokes. The plant blooms profusely up to 2 months bright flowers(pink, red, coral). A flowering plant gives color to flower beds, and an abundance of bright flower stalks resembles festive fireworks. At in large numbers flower stalk from rain and wind leans to the ground, and gardeners consider this a disadvantage.

Advice. The ideal conditions for growth will be partial shade and soil with good drainage without blockage.

Rice. 24. Hercules

Rice. 25. Hercules

Rice. 26. Hercules

Rice. 27. Hercules

Rice. 28. Hercules


Obsidian geyhera leaves have an amazing plum color, almost black. Their color does not change throughout the season. The shape of the leaves is rounded, the surface is glossy, leathery. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm, and the peduncles stretch up to 60 cm. The plant blooms with small cream flowers, rarely scattered over the peduncle. Obsidian loves openwork sunny penumbra.

Fact. To date, the Obsidian variety is considered the darkest variety of geyher.

Rice. 29. Obsidian

Rice. 30. Obsidian

Rice. 31. Obsidian

Rice. 32. Obsidian

Rice. 33. Obsidian

Rice. 34. Obsidian

Rice. 35. Obsidian

Amethyst Myst

The color of the geyher Amethyst Mist resembles a dark gem. The wine shade of the leaves contrasts with the silver edging. The most advantageous plant looks in the sun.

Rice. 36. Amethyst Myst

Rice. 38. Amethyst Myst

Rice. 39. Amethyst Myst

Many varieties of gerberas have been bred with leaves of different shades. The work of modern breeders is reduced not so much to increasing the decorativeness of the leaves, but to increasing the size of the inflorescences and the number of flowers in it.

Fact. Cut flower stalks stand in bouquets and decorate interiors for up to 3 weeks.

Below in the gallery are other interesting, albeit rarer varieties (18 photos).

‘Amber Waves’

'Berry Smoothies'

'Berry Smoothies'

'Delta Dawn'

Geucherella (Heucherella) - herbaceous perennial of the Saxifrage family, which attracts attention throughout the year with its unusual leaf color. They meet green, orange, red and purple shades that can diversify flower beds and balcony plantings.

Geuchera and geyherella - the same thing?

Some people identify plants such as geyhera and geyherella, but they are not the same. Geucherella arose as a result of the work of breeders by crossing geuchera and tiarella. It differs from mother plants in compactness and long-term preservation of decorative properties. Geyherella does not need such frequent rejuvenation, and it spreads over the soil more slowly. Foliage and flowers are miniature, openwork, more attractive.

Botanical description

The root system of geyherella consists of superficial thick roots. The stems are flexible, creeping or ascending, painted in pink tones. Very decorative leaves are attached to them on long petioles. They have a speckled coloration of a mixture of bright green, purple and yellow. The foliage is dense, strongly dissected, covered with villi from below and along the petioles. The plant keeps the leaves all year round. His maximum height is 70 cm.

Flowering occurs from July to August. At this time, small panicles of fluffy flowers are formed on high peduncles (20-45 cm). Miniature bluebells are snow-white, red, yellow and contrast with multi-colored foliage. Ovaries in flowers are not formed due to their absolute sterility.

Varieties and varieties

Breeders are constantly cultivating new plant varieties that differ in height, leaf and flower color, and care requirements.

  • Bridget Bloom characterized by coral-pink flowers and bright green leaves. The highest point of the plant are its inflorescences, they reach a height of 45 cm.
  • Rosalie with a height of 45 cm, it has a darker, coral-pink color of inflorescences and yellow-green leaves in spring. During the season, the foliage changes color to dark green with red-brown veins.
  • Solar Power has bright yellow leaves with a brown core.
  • Quick silver at a height of 60 cm, it is distinguished by an ash-silver tint in the colors of foliage and petals. Intense brown peduncles.
  • Kimono. On bright green leaves there are burgundy stripes in places of veins. Inflorescences are also characterized by a burgundy color.
  • Redstone Falls has even brighter foliage. It combines abstract brown-orange patterns with dark green borders.
  • Alabama Sunrise very different decorative coloring leaves. The main tone in them is yellow with hints of light green. Along the veins is a bright brown pattern.
  • Bras Lantern. Strongly dissected large leaves combine an orange-peach outer edge with a red-brown core and veins.
  • golden zebra has variegated foliage. Bright yellow edges are adjacent to the pomegranate core and veins. Inflorescences are snow-white, sredneroslye.
  • Suite ti throughout the season, foliage resembles autumn color maple leaves. They are bordered by shades of red, pink, orange and burgundy.
  • Tapestri has deeply dissected leaves with bluish-green edges and a narrow burgundy pattern of veins. The bush is very compact, up to 25 cm in height and up to 40 cm in width.
  • Honey Rose. This low (up to 30 cm) bush shimmers with all shades of pink, which resembles a large lollipop. The leaves are pink, darker with red veins, the stems are coral and the buds are creamy pink.
  • Stoplight or traffic light is one of the latest developments. Oval wide leaves are light green, almost yellow, with thin red veins. The height of the bush with white inflorescences reaches 60-65 cm.

In the video, some of the varieties of geyhera and geyherella

Planting geyherella

Since it is impossible to obtain seeds from geyherella flowers, it is most often propagated vegetatively, for example, by dividing the rhizome. The procedure is carried out after mid-July, when the bulk of the flowers fade. At this time, the roots actively give young shoots, which does not happen in the spring.

It is necessary to dig up the mother bush, cut off the dried ends of the shoots and cut the root into several parts with buds. Young delenki are immediately dug into the ground to prevent drying out. This method is also used for rejuvenation. If the number of plants suits, then the rhizome is simply dug up and the lateral processes are removed.

In April or May, cuttings can be cut from young shoots. They root very well in moist open ground and by the cold weather they have time to gain strength for a successful wintering.

Cultivation and care

Geicherella is classified as a very undemanding plants. It is enough to choose the optimal place and the right soil. Bushes prefer shady areas of the garden. In the open sun, the leaves often dry, and their bright colors fade considerably. Fertile and well-drained soils, neutral to slightly alkaline, are preferred.

In hot weather or after transplanting, the plant must be watered regularly, but moisture stagnation should be avoided. To prevent the soil from drying out, the soil is mulched with fallen leaves at least once a year. Growing, the rhizome raises the ground, so mulching will create sufficient protection and increase the decorative properties.

Fertilize geyherella better organic fertilizers or phosphorus. Due to the excessive amount of nitrogen, the leaves grow strongly and expend all the forces of the plant necessary for a successful wintering.

Although the bushes are very compact and retain their beauty for a long time, they need rejuvenation every 4-5 years. Without this event, the bases of the stems lose their foliage and stretch out, and the edges become smaller and dry. It is necessary to dig up the roots, cut off the ends with extra shoots and plant them in renewed fertile soil.

The bushes are evergreen, that is, they do not shed their leaves even under the snow. Therefore, for normal wintering, the plant should be covered with non-woven material. This will protect the roots and shoots from frost. One more important point lies in the fact that when the sun hits, even in the middle of winter, the leaves immediately begin to evaporate moisture, but sleeping root system does not feed the stems. Without reliable shelter, the plant will simply dry out by spring.

So that at the beginning of the season the rhizome awakens more quickly and begins to grow, you can pour it with warm water.


A variety of varieties of geyherella allows you to create interesting compositions in the garden. Moreover, you can not become attached to the flowering period, since the foliage has more beauty than flowers. The plant is suitable for decorating borders, balconies, shaded areas of the garden and the banks of ponds.

Geyherella look spectacular in rockeries, rock gardens and large flower beds in the foreground. Compact plants can be planted in large flowerpots to decorate terraces, gazebos or verandas.

All through the summer over beautiful leaves These winter hardy evergreen perennial herbaceous plants form inflorescences consisting of tiny pink bell-shaped flowers. The leaves are green, rounded, lobed, up to 12 cm in diameter, with brown spots when young, turning bronze later in autumn. Plants have an elegant spreading form of growth. This includes all artificially obtained hybrids of geyhera and tiarella.

N. alba "Bridget Bloom" (G. white)

Flowers are pearly pink. The leaves are bright green and form a rosette at the base of the plant. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x30 cm.


The variety has darker pink flowers.


N. tiarelloides (G. tiarello-shaped)

The flowers are bright pink, formed on red-brown stems. The leaves are pale green, form embossed rosettes. The plant spreads, forming creeping shoots. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x50 cm.


The plants are planted in autumn or spring in any well-drained but moisture-retaining soil, preferably in full sun or partial shade, although they will tolerate full shade.

Water the plants well in dry weather to preserve the foliage, if this is not done, the plants will recover after the next heavy rain.

In the spring, to ensure strong growth, feed the plants with well-rotted compost.


In spring and autumn, plants are divided and transplanted.

Pests and diseases

Usually not affected.