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Help on the number of military personnel missing during the Great Patriotic War. Losses in the Great Patriotic War. Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

Instructions for finding information about soldiers not returned from the front.

Every 9 may "immortal regiment" is held. I would also like to participate, but I don't know almost anything about my front-line relatives. Where to look for information?

In the Great Patriotic War, more than 6.3 million soldiers died, 4.5 million were missing. The fate of the dead and missing is not known for each family. The reasons for this can be completely different. But, fortunately, today this information can be found, even if no documents and photos of the soldier are not preserved. Most of the archived work of the Great Period Patriotic War Already digitized and stored in publicly available databases on the Internet. With their help, you can trace the fighting path of the soldier, learn about his injuries, awards, place and circumstances of death, burial place.

Mom's father my husband was called up to the front in July 1941 and died in one of the first battles, "said the journalist of the portal Prikirovsky Valentina Rogacheva. - Mother came the funeral - "died." But neither the burial place, nor in general there were no information. Then the village where the family of my mother-in-law lived, the Germans burned during the retreat, and no data remains about her father: no photos, no documents burned down. All his life, she dreamed of even something to learn about the Father. And so, to the 70th anniversary of the victory learned in the news that the data was digitized by the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. We started looking for information on the Internet. Everything that we knew is the name, year of birth and the year of the call. In one of the public databases found it in the lists of buried in the fraternal grave on the territory of Belarus and the approval that he died in battle. And although the burial place is not entirely defined, now at least it is clear that he was not in captivity, but in battle that he was buried, albeit in a fraternal grave.

So, everything you need to know for the first stage of the search, the last name, first name and patronymic of the deceased or missing, his date and place of birth. This can be found from relatives. It is also desirable to know where the soldier called.

What databases can be used

There are four main databases with document digitized from archives that are constantly updated:

  • . A generalized data bank on the dead and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. Contained in them personal information accounts for more than 20 million entries;
  • . The data bank contains 12.5 million entries on rewarding orders and medals "for the courage" (about 4.6 million people were awarded) and "for military merit" (more than 5.2 million people were awarded), as well as 22 million credit card accounting card cards and files of awarding the orders of the Patriotic War I and II degree to the 40th anniversary of the victory;
  • . The portal was created by the Ministry of Defense by decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee. It is summarized in the Memorial data banks and the "feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Here you can see historical maps and combat lots;
  • - The site of the All-Russian Movement "Immortal Regiment". Users independently download data on their front-line relatives. On the this moment In the base of the "immortal regiment" more than 400 thousand records.

Screenshot from OBD-MEMORIAL.RU

However, it is worth keeping in mind a few moments. Firstly, the name of the soldier when entering the front could be recorded incorrectly (for example, Snigires instead of Snegirev, Kiril instead of Cyril), the same applies to the date of birth (some of the recruits themselves asked to change the age to get to the front). So if you can't find a person on exact name and date of birth, you can try to write the surname as it would be perceived by rumor, and a year of birth to change for a couple of years aside an increase or decrease. Secondly, if you are looking for information on the site of call or birth, it must be remembered that the administrative-territorial division of the regions of the RSFSR has changed. For example, Oparinsky, Lalsky and cosynian areas were included in the Kirov region only in 1941, and before that they treated the Arkhangelsk region. You can check the administrative division on the site, and in more detail about the intricacies of the search for databases, you can find out.

In addition to databases on the Internet, there are still memory books. These are large printed publications in several volumes, in which the victims of the Great Patriotic War are expelled (according to the alphabet). There are such books in each region: in Kirov, they can be asked in the Herzen Library. Maybe so that the name of your relative is not in any of the databases or in the memory book. In this case, you can try to send official by mail (!) To the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. But for this you need to know more accurate information about the dead (for example, in which part it served) and the answer will have to wait about six months.

By the way, in rare cases, you can find letters from the front. For example, on sites and or in digitized "letters from the front" (you need to view manually). But to look for the surname and initials.

What if the soldier disappeared?

Counting missing during the Great Patriotic War is still being conducted. Different researchers call numbers from 4 to 7 million people. It is difficult to determine the exact amount, since in front-line reports of the missing sometimes, they were sometimes united with prisoners either contributed to lists with a total number of losses. About 500 thousand people were mobilized in the first days of the war, but were not enrolled in the lists of troops. Some families did not receive either letters from the front, nor "funeral".

Information about the missing can also be stored in one of the open databases. First of all, it's all the same OBD "Memorial". If you have information that the soldier came in captivity, try to gain his name and surname Latin (Ivan Petrov). In addition, there is a separate electronic data of prisoners of war - Saxon memorials.

The captive captured in it are listed in alphabetically. If a German camp in which the prisoner of war was released soviet troopsAfter the end of the war, such a person could get into the NKVD check-filtration camp. Alas, the electronic database of prisoners of PFL is only in natives Perm region. Filter-inspection cases and trophy German cards can be tried to find it through the state archive of the Kirov region

Also in finding information about missing can be helped by search engines. Since 1989, in the regions where military actions were conducted by "Memory Watch", during which the search engines raise the fallen fighters, identify their individuals and then they are looking for relatives throughout the country. In some preserved documents that help identify a person, in rare cases - letters to relatives or personal items with a signature (for example, a spoon). But, as a rule, identifying a person succeeded in a soldier's medallion - a small metal capsule in which a sheet of paper with a fighter's data was invested.


It indicated the name, military title, year and place of birth, the place of mobilization and family address. Archive of records from all the found medallions can be found on the Internet: they are recorded in special books - "names from soldiers' medallions", which are published on the search movement of Russia. Favoring a familiar name in the lists, you can find out when, where and who was found fighter. If there is evidence that the relatives of the deceased are found, you can request their contacts in the search detachment. Also, information on the surname of the fighter can be sought.

And now briefly:

1. We learn from relatives of the deceased full name, the place and date of birth, as well as the year and place of the call.

2. We are looking for information in databases. First of all, through the OBD "Memorial". We try to type name with errors: as they are perceived by rumor.

3. Looking for additional information: We learn the combat path of the soldier and award on the site "Memory of the People".

4. We are looking for digitized or decoded front letters On the Internet by the name of the fighter.

If you have questions that you cannot find answers, they us, and we will definitely take them into development.

Calculations of the amounts of missing Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War are still underway. However, given the insufficiency of information and the inconsistency of some information, it will not be easy to do.

Completeness of counting

Almost every Russian family has relatives missing during the Great Patriotic War. Learn the fate of many of them is no longer possible. So, the talented military pilot Leonid Khrushchev, the son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (in 1953-1964) of Nikita Khrushchev, is considered to be the missing.

In 1966-1968, human losses in the Great Patriotic War led the General Staff Commission, in 1988-1993, the team of military historians was engaged in information and verification of materials of all previous commissions. Despite this, we still do not definitely know how many Soviet soldiers and officers died in this war, the more accurate data on the number of missing.

Today, data on the losses that were published in 1993 by a group of researchers under the leadership of the consultant of the Military Memorial Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Grigory Krivosheev are officially recognized. However, doctor historical sciences Mahmut Gareev does not consider this data final, finding a set of flaws in the commission counts. In particular, some researchers in the total losses of the Soviet Union during the war of 26.6 million are called incorrect.

The writer Rafael Grugman points to a number of pitfalls, which the Commission did not pay attention to and which will be difficult for any researcher. In particular, the Commission did not take such a category of persons as policemen and the Vlasovs killed by partisans and those who died in battles with the Red Army. What types of losses to attribute them - dead or missing? Or at all count to the enemy camp?

Often in the front-line reports of the missing united with the prisoners, which today makes a considerable confinement when they count. For example, it is not clear to whom to consider the soldiers who did not return from captivity, because among them were the dead, and joined the enemy, and the remaining abroad.

Very often missing brought into lists with a total number of losses. So, after the Kiev defensive operation (1941), the missing was carried out to the killed and captured - only more than 616 thousand people.

To date, there are many nameless graves where Soviet soldiers are buried, and it is completely unclear how many of them are in the missing. We should not forget about deserters. Only according to official data, about 500 thousand mobilized disappeared on the way to the military office.

Another problem is almost complete destruction in the 1950s of the accounting cards of military-ridden stock and an ordinary composition of the Red Army. That is, we do not know the real number of mobilized in the period of the Great Patriotic War, which makes it difficult to calculate the real losses and allocating among them the categories "missing".

Such different numbers

results fundamental research Krivosheev Group Losses of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR in combat actions for the period from 1918 to 1989 were published in the book "Vulture of Secrecy Shot. Losses of the armed forces in wars, combat actions and military conflicts. "

In particular, it says that during the years of the Great Patriotic War (including during the campaign on Far East Against Japan in 1945) General irrevocable demographic losses (killed, went missing, they were captured and did not return from it, died from wounds, diseases and as a result of accidents) of the Soviet Armed Forces together with border and internal troops amounted to 8 million 668 thousand 400 people.

But there are researchers who bring the scale of Soviet losses to completely unthinkable values. The most impressive figures give a writer and historian Boris Sokolov, who appreciated the total number of those killed in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces in 1941-1945 at 26.4 million people with German losses in the Soviet-German front of 2.6 million (ratio of 10: 1) . He counted in the Great Patriotic War of Soviet citizens, he counted 46 million.

However, the official science of such calculations appears absurd, since no more than 34.5 million people were mobilized for all the years of war with a pre-war number of military personnel, from which the direct participants of the war were about 27 million. Based on Sokolov statistics, Soviet Union I finished the enemy forces of just a few hundred thousand military, which does not fit in any way with the realities of war.

Not returned from war

Krivosheev Group conducted a statistical study of a large array of archival documents and other materials containing information about human losses in the army and on the fleet, border and internal troops of the NKVD. Initially, the number of all irretrievable losses of soldiers and officers during the war was determined approximately 11.5 million people.

Later, 939.7 thousand military personnel were excluded from this number, taken into account at the beginning of the war as missing, but secondly designed to the army on the territory liberated from the occupation. The researchers and 1 million 836 thousand former military personnel were deducted from their calculations, after the end of the war they returned from captivity.

After long-term calculations, reconciliation with various sources, in particular, with the reports of troops and data of the repatriation bodies, the category of irretrievable losses was given by the figure of 8 million 668 thousand 400 people. The number of missing and prisonered commission estimated at 3 million 396.4 thousand people.

It is known that in the first months of war there were significant losses, the character of which was not documented by documented (information about them was subsequently collected, including in German archives). They amounted to 1 million 162.6 thousand people. Where to attribute them? It was decided, to the servicemen who disappeared and turned out to be in captivity. In the end, it turned out 4 million 559 thousand people.

Russian publicist and journalist Leonid Radzikhovsky calls this figure overestimated and writes its own - 1 million 783 thousand 300 people. True, it includes not all prisoners, but not yet returned home.

His or others?

A lot of Soviet citizens in the first months of the war turned out to be in the occupied territory of the USSR. According to German sources to May 1943, 70 thousand Soviet citizens, mainly from the number of prisoners of war, served in police police and about 300 thousand - in police teams. Only representatives of the Turkic and Caucasian nationalities in the German military formations were about 150 thousand people.

After the end of the war, some of the Soviet citizens who switched to the side of the enemy were repatriated and excluded from the category of losses. But some part disappeared, driving or not wishing to return to their homeland. Here there is a methodological problem with which researchers face. If, at the time of getting into captivity, the Soviet soldiers ranked with a full basis to our losses, then, therefore, after entering the service to the German army and the police can be credited to the opponent's account? While this is a discussion question.

It is even more difficult to qualify already counted for the missing Soviet prisoners of war, some of which deliberately moved to the direction of Reich. Among them, including about 100 thousand Latvians, 36 thousand Lithuanians and 10 thousand Estonians. Is it possible to consider them irretrievable losses? The clarification of this issue will have a significant impact on the results of counting missing.

Return the names

In January 2009, in St. Petersburg at a meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", data on the number of missing were voiced by the President of the Russian Federation. Those who could not be found among those killed or among the former prisoners of war were 2.4 million people. Also, there are also unknown names of 6 million warriors from 9.5 million, which are in registered 47 thousand fraternal graves in our country and abroad.

It is curious that data on the number of missing Soviet soldiers coincide with the number of those in the German army. In the German radiotelegram, originating from the Wehrmacht's loss accounting department of May 22, 1945, opposite the category "missing" a number of 2.4 million people were marked.

Many independent researchers believe that the real figure of missing Soviet soldiers is significantly higher than official. This may indicate the analysis of the memory books, where about half of the citizens designed to the ranks of the Red Army and not returning from the war, noted as missing.

Candidate of Military Sciences Lev Lopukhovsky believes that the official data of the results of the work of the Krivosheev group are underestimated by 5-6 million people. According to him, the Commission did not take into account the enormous category of militia of the militia who died, missing and captured, and this is at least 4 million.

Losses in the "missing" category Lopukhovsky urged to compare the Ministry of Defense with the data of the CartigCentral archive. Only the number of missing sergeants and soldiers there exceed 7 million people. The last names of these servicemen are recorded in the reports of commander of the military units (1,720,951 people) and in the credentials of the military registration and entertainment (5,435,111 people).

All this suggests that a more or less accurate figure reflecting the number of missing Soviet military, no. Today, missing soldiers and officers, as well as unnecessary properly, but recorded military personnel and are the main object of activity for the Russian search movement. It should be noted that by now the Russian search details have returned the names of about 28 thousand soldiers who have previously discouraged.

Now the Russians have much more likely to find missing on the battlefields of relatives than, for example, 20 years ago, when military-patriotic search organizations did not exist, and state military archives were not available. So, how exactly can the search for missing relatives or relatives? You can start an independent investigation by raising military archives or using electronic databases.

Before starting searching

Collect the maximum of information about the person you want to find.

Any data will be useful:

Date and place of birth;

The place where a person was sent to serve, and also - important! - the place where he was called into the army and what the military office was called upon;

Number of military unit;

Type of army;

Any notice of the army, as well as any (even unofficial) notifications of possible capture;

Personal letters from the front, especially those in which there are information about the number of field mail or military unit.

These data can facilitate the search for data on archive documentation.

Electronic databases

1. The main resource of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on which the maximum of information on the defenders of the Fatherland, who died or missing in the military and post-war period was collected - "Joint Memorial Data Bank .

Information 38 of Archival Affairs of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the regional archives of Rosarhiva and 42.2 thousand passports of existing places of military burials in the Russian Federation and abroad are collected. On this site, you can find out the place of burial site of the warrior and see a digitized entry of a person from the card files. Also this resource will help to find medical workers And civilians who were at the front or visited captivity.

2. There are various unofficial archives collected by private individuals or organizations. In the network you can find many links to such databases, but it should be remembered that the archives cannot be subordized to the state cannot provide an official response to the request. Nevertheless, such sources of information can help in finding a person missing in the war. For example, you can use the resource or site "The fighting of the Red Army in the Second World War" .

Russian archives

If you can not find information about the missing relative via the Internet, you may be able to find data on your own using specialized archives.

You can contact the Russian state military Archive in Moscow Or, if you do not know exactly, in which of the stateships can contain the information you need, navigate by the guidebook or archive List .

In addition, you can seek information in the following archives:

Find archive data can be tried independently, but you need to keep in mind that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance - the card files are huge, you will have to look required documents According to describe, it may take a lot of time. In addition, to enter the reading room, you will need to write a statement in which you will need to specify your passport data and information collection purposes, as well as designate which documents you may need.

German archives

Information about the German prisoners of war and those killed on the territory of Germany, the warriors can be tried to find in German archives. Thus, the main archive of Germany is the state archive, the main building of which is located in the city of Koblets. Branches of this archive are in Berlin, Freiburg and some other German cities.

Make a request for the provision of information from the state archive.

In addition, there are local urban archives, in which information on the Soviet military, concluded, can also be contained. For example, in the city of Dresden, you can try to contact the Documentation Center when union

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is terrible honey, wounds from which still bleed. In those terrible years, common human losses in our country are estimated at about 25 million people, and 11 million - soldiers. Of these, "officially" dead are approximately six million.

In this case, it is believed to be close, poorly known where their native man died and buried. All others are missing / disturbed and not returned from it. Statistics are terrible. Not only that we have lost so many soldiers, we still have no idea where half of them! Anyway, relatives of the dead and missing are not despair and continue to search. For what they praise.

But how to find a deceased soldier in the Second World War, especially if you don't have any decent experience in this? In this article we collected the most general recommendationswho, nevertheless, can help you in this particular matter. By the way, the remains found the remains of German soldiers are recognized in Germany approximately by the same algorithm. Of course, with amendment for more accurate and complete information of archives.

What should I remember

First, immediately tune in to heavy and painstaking work. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, only in 2004 in Russia there is no minimum of 40 thousand people! Just think about these numbers: in the age of digital technologies, total tracking tickets for trains and aircraft, people "manage to" disappear in indeed industrial scale. Many of them do not find.

And now think about how difficult it is to find a person who disappeared into the midst of hostilities (especially in the initial period of war). So do not despair, having experienced the first difficulties.

Where to start

You must clearly know the name, surname and patronymic. Since it is very difficult to find the deceased soldier in the Second World War, you must remember this data especially clearly. Try to remember: Was there any habits have a habit of reincarning your name or surname? It happens that because of this soldier could not find several decades, until they accidentally remembered that Elisha called himself Alexey, proofed in the hands of the writer turned into Peter ...

If the surname of a person for rumor could be perceived wrong, look for and among all little suitable options. So, carriers may well be moderate. In a word, finding the soldier of the Great Patriotic War is very difficult.

Other initial information

In addition, you need to know where the person was called from. As a rule, these data find relatively easy. If there is at least some letters, postcards, official documents of those years, in which the part was mentioned in which the soldiers fought, collect them all. Enter on the map, trace the route of the military unit, check with official sources. So you can find a soldier of the Second World War, having only the most general information.

Of course, it is difficult to say when a person died, from which letters have ceased to come: it is quite possible that the postal service simply fell, and the soldier was alive for several more months during which the part had time to go through many hundreds of kilometers. But in some cases, such a search gives its results.

Pay special attention to the fact of obtaining severe wounds. It is known that a lot of people died from wounds. As a rule, they buried them in sanitary burials in close proximity to the hospital. Sometimes documents on the fact of the burial persisted, and sometimes no. Simply put, if the last letter from the soldier came from the hospital, when a person wrote about his injury, it is possible that he died there.

Alas, but in this case you have to upset you: looking for such places of burials is very difficult. We will have to rummage in the archives and track the route concrete first, it is very long and difficult. Secondly, the guarantees for success are not enough. And further. Most often in sanitary burials, soldiers were buried massively, and often in one yight. Neither medallions, no marks on the map ... So it is often possible to count except for a more or less accurate burial place.

Type of army

Oddly enough, but this information is often attached to the most recent meaning. Attention! Before finding the deceased soldier in the Second World War, find out exactly as much as possible, in which troops he served: information about the dead is stored in different archives. Summarize. At first, it is necessary to find out the most basic information: F. I. O., the date and place of the call, the number of the part in which the soldiers served, as well as at least the approximate date of his death.

We are looking for on the Internet

IN lately This direction has gained great popularity, but it is not necessary to hope for it: there is no common database, various sources Draw information from the archives, etc. However, it's still worth trying. If you did not find any data, do not rush to despair: contact the owners of the resource, describe your problem. In the case when they work directly with documents, experts may well know some nuances, or give useful advice, Up to help in your search.

So (theoretically) you can find the soldier of the WWM in the name. Of course, more likely to success if this name was quite original. Otherwise, you will have to go through hundreds of options.

Also, do not forget to visit sites on genealogy, archive resources. Send requests to the Ministry of Defense: It is possible that there are at least some information about where and when a serviceman served in front of its death or disappearance. And further. For the accuracy of information on such sites, no one is responsible. There are no guarantees that the information will be valid.

By the way. Before finding the deceased soldier in the Second World War, try to find out at least something about his colleagues. It often happens that people who died in one day are buried in the same place. And about some of them, the data to the relatives reached, while other relatives remained in complete ignorance of the fate of their relative.

Try to get out of our like-minded people who are also engaged in finding their loved ones who fought in those places or the same part. Together, it will be more convenient for you to coordinate efforts: someone can search on the Internet, while the rest will deal with archives.

Memory books

In almost every local local history museum, there is information about the soldiers called and the dead. In places on which the front line passed, in these documents it is often possible to find the lost list of soldiers who died and buried here. Also pay attention to the monuments: they also have granite steles, on which the names and surnames of those soldiers who died when the specific settlement was released.

No matter how paradoxically, this information is often increasing much more detailed than the information from full of official sources. Remember that the book of memory is almost every more or less major city. Contact people at the city's city forums: if one of them has access to this document, it may well check the presence of information about your suggestional relative in it. This is how you can find the soldier of the WWM in the last name.

Inquiries in archives

For some reason, it is believed that all information about the dead is stored only in the central archive of the Ministry of Defense, but this is not the case. If your relative served on the fleet, in the fleet of aviation or some coastal services, then the information about it should be sought in the archive of the Navy, located in the city of Gatchina.

The most difficult thing happens in cases where a person belonged to military personnel different parts NKVD. Their archive is in Moscow, in the State Military Archive. But some of the information on the employees of the NKVD and Soloch is still classified, so the probability of issuing such data is very low. In any case, it is impossible to find the grave of the soldier of the WWM from special parts.

It is extremely difficult to find the fact that far from always relatives knew about the real specific specifics in such parts. Often, according to the documents, they served in ordinary infantry parts, but they themselves fought in a completely different area.

To get information about the soldier from these archives, you need to write (it is extremely desirable to print) a letter in which are indicated brief information About the soldier, his name, patronymic, title ... Word, all basic information. You must attach a clean envelope and stamps to the letter, as it will significantly speed up receiving a response message.

If you do not know the military rank of missing, or you have reason to assume that he could have been awarded the rank of officer, write to the following manner. "Please check also information on 6.9 and 11 department." The fact is that these sections of the archive stored information on all military titles and ranks. Immediately warn that the financing of this institution is very sensible, and therefore the answer from it is quite possible to wait until six months and longer.

Simply put, when you have the opportunity, it is best to visit the archive personally and already there to ask all your questions. Of course, to find a soldier by the name (if you do not have other data) so it is unlikely to succeed, but if you have more informationThe chance for success is great enough.

Analysis of the results of the query in the archive

It should be understood that even in the conditions of the war, the loss was indeed fixed in detail and these were sent for storage. In the central headquarters, each part regularly reported on irrevocable losses, and the reports indicated the name lists, the title, date and place of death, information about the relatives and the burial place.

If the soldier is attributed to the category of missing without means that for some time he was absent in the location of the part, and his search, which (theoretically) had to take 15 days, did not give any results. Very much missing in the initial period of war. This is due to the fact that at that time many parts were completely defeated, all their documents were lost or deliberately destroyed by command during the retreat.

Note that finding a soldier missing, in this case is almost impossible. There is only a search for regional and local memory books.

Important! It was very often happened that man, wounded and retarding from his part, leaving in the hospital, fought in another part. At this time, the funeral came from the first. So it was often happening that the living did not turn out to be, the person actually "disappeared." Try again to search among the entire CIS. Often a relative find soldiers, "dead" long ago.

The man was demobilized, realized that he had nowhere to go, and therefore stayed in the place he liked. Relatively recently, one family found his grandfather, who was considered long ago dead (two funerals), but since 1946 lived calmly in Estonia. So it will not hurt to contact the local governments of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, the Czech Republic, etc. In general, find a Soviet soldier who died in the territory of these countries, it is very difficult.

Options for answers from archive

Thus, from the archive in response to your request, four options for answering can be done:

    The most desirable option when information about F. I. O. Fighter, his rank, part, date and place of death, about the burial site.

    The message in which the military unit is indicated, as well as the date and place of the disappearance.

    A response can be received, which indicates the presumptive place of the disappearance (the first months of the war) and the presumptuous number of the military unit, which was often obtained from close relatives based on the results of their survey (the part number was on postal stamps from the last letter, if it was).

    Message on the complete absence of data on a serviceman in a card file of irretrievable losses. As we have already said, this is due to the death of the fighter in the first months of the war, when the reports of the part were simply not sent due to its complete death.

If you came the first two options of answers, then consider yourself lucky: from now on you can arm cards and look for the place of restoring your ancestor (at least presumable). This is how you can find the burial of the soldier of the Second World War.

Other cases

These include death in the hospital (which we have already mentioned), death in german captivity Or the probable liberation of the fighter from it, followed by the inspection by the NKVD staff.

If you have an assumption that the soldier died from wounds in the hospital, it is necessary to send a request to the Military Medical Museum (more precisely, his archive). If in last letter It contains information about the injection (written by a friend from words, for example), but there are no information about treatment, you will have to arm your reference books and cards and find out what specifically the military-field hospitals acted in those places.

In the case when you assume the captivity of the serviceman, then you should also send a request to the central archive of the Ministry of Defense: To date, there are just over 300 thousand soldiers' cards, which died in German captivity. Perhaps you will be lucky.

Many are asked about where to find Pda of the missing soldier? Pda in this case is a personal matter of amnestied, more precisely, the "filtered" fighter. The fact is that the soldiers freed from captivity were tested by the NKVD bodies. If there were no reasons for it, then often individual documents were not compiled at all. In all other cases, duplicates of cards must be in the archives of the FSB.

Here is how you can find a soldier who died in the Second World War. We really hope that our tips at least something helped you.

Information technologies disclose tremendous opportunities. Now we can find a person via the Internet without leaving home. Some people use this chance to find out at least something about the participants of the war 1941-1945. After all, how much destinies then lost, disappeared. Today, relatives are trying to restore the information, find out the details of what happened. Previously, find the veteran of the Patriotic War by last name or other information was very difficult, but now it is quite possible. For this, there are many electronic resources and databases. We will write about them below.

Where to find information about the participants of the Second World War?

Get ready to solve a non-easy task. Below we list the largest electronic resources, created with the support of the government and central archives:

  1. Memorial is a project that is a generalized storage. There are more than 33 million records about the fate of soldiers and boron places. Site search is carried out, both by the surname of the person and for any other indicators. You can designate a year of birth, place or title. You can additionally use the " Advanced Search" By default, the system will work with consolidated entries compiled for each person from the available documents;
  2. "Memory of the people" is another project dedicated to the heroes of the Second World War. To search you need to enter the name in the string located at the top of the page " Heroes of War" You can also use items: " Combat operations», « Military burials», « Documents of parts" They can see the addresses of the burial and the names of the fallen soldiers, material about combat operations, the fate of its participants, etc.

Both sites are easy to use. Here is kept by a colossal number of unique documents in in electronic formatnot anywhere else.

Search for war veterans by award

The electronic archive of the "feat of the people" contains information more than 6 million issued awards for taking, defense, liberation of cities and territories.

You can search for both the name and dates, the names of the orders. And if you have any documents on your hands, you can enter the text of them in the corresponding fields through the " Advanced Search" Then the resource will issue all premium sheets and orders in which this set of proposals is found.

You can also use the portal "On". It contains more than 20 million awarding records.

List of military archives and departments

There is an option to go directly to military storage facilities and departments, interested there:

In addition, projects on which you can read are very popular old Wartime Newspapers. They often laid out texts with photographs about the achievements of our troops on the front to raise patriotism from the people, listed the surnames of the heroes and frontiers:

Perhaps you have to spend a lot of time, but the more resources you will visit, the more you leave the applications, the most likely the success.

How to find dead or missing in war 1941-1945?

Here we will list the resources that have the opportunity to learn about the fate of people who remain in the battlefield:

  • Project "Archival battalion" Created to restore information about the participants of the 20th century wars. You can leave a request on the site with a request to conduct a study of the exploits of your hero, where and how he fought, died. It is also possible to contact the office directly to employees. The address is here;
  • Book of memory "Immortal Regiment". The platform allows you to get information about Muscovites as those who returned home and the dead;
  • Electronic Memorial "Remember about" - This is a social site for those who are trying to preserve the memory of relatives and loved ones participating in the Second World War. You can create a mema's memory page here, tell his story, publish photos and documents. And also search for a search;
  • On the playground