Repair Design Furniture

Wallpaper paste. How to make wallpaper paste. Casein glue for leather, wood and even puzzles

Despite the crazy pace of life, we are increasingly striving to use natural products and materials in different areas life: whether it be food or everyday moments. Flour and starch paste is a completely natural product that is used both in repairs and in making crafts with children - where you need an adhesive, but you don't want to use synthetic materials... You can cook it yourself, but how much justified is such a hassle with cooking? How to properly prepare the paste and how else can you use it?

Application of paste

Homemade glue is suitable for the following jobs:

  • papier-mâché crafts;
  • wallpapering and gluing decorative elements interior;
  • for handicrafts (for example, creating textile jewelry);
  • when sealing cracks in old wooden frames;
  • when sowing seeds.

If everything is clear with crafts and repairs, then how and for what is the paste used when sowing seeds? It's simple: in many plants, the seeds are very small, so it is difficult to distribute on the furrow. Laying them out in advance on soft, loose paper will save yourself the hassle of summer. There will be no need to thin out the plants, and the yield will be higher. For this, natural glue is used. Its application:

Manufacturing nuances

What flour is suitable for making paste

More often, housewives use wheat of the highest grade, since it is in every home. But if you purposefully select ingredients for making glue, keep in mind that the coarser the flour is, the higher the level of its viscosity. Coarse rye flour is ideal, but may bleed through when working with light-colored materials. dark spots... On sale you can find whole grain wheat flour (wallpaper). It is perfect for any job.

Corn flour can also be used to cook paste, just like starch. The advantage of starch glue is that it is completely transparent. Therefore, it is used where accurate work is needed.

Please note: an adhesive prepared on starch acquires a specific smell after a few hours, so it must be used immediately.

Summing up, we can say that rye flour glue will withstand even heavy vinyl wallpapers... But it can stain light-colored material. Coarse wheat flour is suitable for both handicrafts and repairs. And where fine work is needed so that no traces of glue are visible, you can use starch.

Additional ingredients

To improve the properties, depending on the purpose, add to the paste:

Please note: when working with light-colored materials, you should not add wood glue, and for children's crafts, it is better not to use any additives at all when making the paste.


The proportions of water and flour depend on the purpose of the paste. The heavier the parts to be joined, the thicker the composition should be.

How to bring the paste to the desired consistency

If after manufacturing it seems to you that the adhesive mass is not thick enough, do not rush to add water to it. Cool the mixture to 40 ° C and watch. If the glue is still watery, mix the flour and water separately and pour into the finished mixture, stir and boil.

Attention: do not pour flour directly into the paste - lumps will appear.

In the opposite situation, when the paste turned out to be thick, without waiting for cooling, add a little boiling water and stir the mass. So bring it to the desired consistency.

Kleister, thickens over time. If you need to dilute it before use, do it gradually, stirring the mixture thoroughly with a mixer. Then boil it again.

How to cook a paste from flour and water: instructions and video

Homemade adhesive can be applied to both wallpaper and walls as a primer. In the first case, use chilled paste, and in the second, hot.

Cooking wallpaper glue

Based on 1 liter of water, you will need 200 g of flour. It is better to take enameled dishes. Considering that you need a lot of paste to paste over a room, you can take a bucket - enameled or galvanized.


  1. Boil water in a bucket.
  2. Add flour. Do this gently, little by little, stirring constantly.
  3. Bring to a batter.
  4. Cool and strain the paste to loosen any lumps.

The most effective is a warm mixture - 40 o C.

How to cook for fabric crafts

Here you will need water: flour, vanillin and sugar.

Operating procedure:

  1. Dissolve 4 tbsp. l. flour in a glass cold water.
  2. Separately dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in 3 glasses of water and put on fire
  3. After boiling, pour the flour and water into the sweetened water.
  4. Cook until thick.
  5. When the mixture thickens, remove from heat and add a pinch of vanillin, stir and cool.

How to make for papier-mâché

In addition to flour and water, salt is needed here.

Operating procedure:

  1. In a glass of cold water, add a glass of sifted flour and 0.5 tsp. salt.
  2. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into this mixture, stir.
  3. Put on fire, and after 10 minutes. after boiling, remove.

To soak paper in the adhesive, prepare a mixture of 100 g flour per liter of water.

Storage period

Considering that the composition is natural, you will not be able to store the solution for a long time. With each passing day, the adhesive properties deteriorate.

If you still plan to use the remaining paste, pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate. Shelf life of the product, without loss of properties, day. To prolong it, add a little carbolic acid during cooking (for 10 liters of paste - 25 g).

In addition to being cheap, the paste has a number of other advantages: it does not cause paper to soak, does not leave stains, does not cause allergies, adheres to surfaces treated with drying oil and oil paint... The only drawback of homemade glue is its low moisture resistance, so it cannot be used in a humid room.

In the modern world, most people believe that to conduct renovation works around the house, ordinary glue purchased from a hardware store is enough, and paste is for those who want to save money. But this is not at all the case. The paste is in many ways superior to the merits of the purchased glue.

  • First, it is an environmentally friendly product;
  • Secondly, nothing can replace paste when performing a number of jobs, such as papier-mâché.
  • Thirdly, it has the advantageous characteristics:
    • glues heavy wallpaper;
    • holds glued objects much longer;
    • it can be used for different surfaces;
    • leaves no traces;
    • the paste can be removed if necessary.

All these advantages make it clear that it is better to opt for a paste, rather than a commercial glue, which contains a number of chemicals. The only flaw in homemade glue may be a low level of moisture resistance.

But, this does not mean at all that if neighbors flood you, your wallpaper will flow down the walls. To give the paste the properties of industrial adhesives, it is necessary to add certain ingredients to its composition.

Knowing how to make a paste means creating a high-quality adhesive solution that will be endowed with all the properties of an industrial glue, while being absolutely safe and effective.

You can use paste for different purposes:

  • For papier-mâché crafts;
  • For wall decoration with wallpaper;
  • For needlework;
  • For gluing decorative interior items.

Flour and water paste - the most popular recipe

To prepare it, you should be guided by the following sequence:

  1. Pour flour into a bowl and add water there (water to flour and not vice versa).
  2. Next, thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl with a whisk (make sure there are no lumps).
  3. Next, pour water into an enamel or galvanized pan and put on fire.
  4. Bring water to a boil.
  5. Add substance from the first bowl, stirring constantly.
  6. After obtaining the consistency of a batter, remove the pan from heat.
  7. Let the solution cool.

Use the ingredients with the calculation: for 1 liter of water 4 tablespoons. flour. As for the choice of flour, it is preferable to use varieties of wheat light.

It is endowed with the best adhesive properties and does not leave marks or marks.

You should not buy expensive varieties, because it will be irrational, and besides, low-quality flour is more viscous, which will help prepare a high-quality glue solution. Before adding flour to boiling water, sift it.

A composition of flour for windows is effective. It perfectly seals gaps in wooden frames. The main thing is not to use this solution hot, but to give it time to cool down. Otherwise, it may damage the processed materials.


Another recipe for making homemade glue is starch paste. It is cooked similarly to an adhesive solution from flour and water, but after cooling, PVA glue is added to it to impart moisture resistance.

To make wallpaper paste, you need the following items and ingredients:

  • Capacity for the cultivation of paste;
  • Potato starch;
  • Water;
  • Sieve;
  • Stirring spoon or stick;
  • PVA glue;
  • Gauze.


Homemade starch paste is cooked in this way:

  1. Sieve starch through a sieve to remove dirt and lumps.
  2. Add sifted starch to boiling water, while constantly stirring the solution.
  3. Having obtained the consistency of a batter, add PVA glue.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Strain the hot paste through cheesecloth. There should be no lumps in the solution.
  6. Cool the paste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Heat the potato starch on a baking sheet.
  2. Cool the starch until it hardens.
  3. Grind brown lumps into powder.
  4. Dilute the powder with boiling water in accordance with the proportions.
  5. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved.

These three recipes adhesive solution show how to make glue at home, while saving money and getting really effective glue. It can be used like children to create original crafts with their own hands and adults to carry out repair work around the house.

The main thing is to observe proportions and be guided by a sense of intuition. Everything for which you use the paste will be distinguished by durability, reliability and strength. From the adhesive material, you will be able to create real works of art, as well as refine the interior of an apartment, office or summer cottage.

Modern construction specialists involved in pasting rooms, with an abundance of various expensive compositions on the shelves, do not even think about how to make glue from flour for wallpaper. But even now many people, especially in the provinces, do not have funds for an expensive product, and try to cook it on their own. If you know how to cook starch wallpaper glue, you can even paste over a room with damp walls.

The main components of the formulations

In many old buildings, seeing perfectly papered rooms, we cannot imagine that twenty years ago the preparation of wallpaper glue was carried out in the kitchen of this apartment. The main components of the compositions were:

The adhesive properties of potato starch and flour gluten have been known since ancient times, and with the addition of additional components, they increase significantly.

DIY flour wallpaper glue

If you spend a little time (about half an hour), you can make an inexpensive high-quality product that is not inferior to an industrial one. Its basis is wheat flour gluten, which is sold in stores and is very cheap.

The first composition is a paste for wallpaper and paper:

  • we take flour (calculation - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water);
  • pour warm water into a container and stir flour in it;
  • put on low heat and cook for about five minutes.

With this tool, wallpaper is glued, and also paper and cardboard are connected.

The second composition is flour wallpaper glue:

  • we take flour (calculation - 1 part for 3 parts of water);
  • pour flour into a container (large saucepan or bucket);
  • pour plain water and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • put the container on the stove and cook over very low heat until boiling, stirring constantly;
  • after boiling, remove from the stove, filter and cool;
  • the composition is ready.

As you can see, this work is not time consuming and simple. You can check the quality like this: we take the resulting mass with two fingers. The composition must drain. If this is not the case, add some warm water and stir.

Squeeze the composition in your fingers, and then gently unclench them. If you feel some stickiness and elasticity when you open your fingers, then the composition is ready. If this does not happen, add flour and repeat the process again.

DIY starch wallpaper glue

Some of the ingredients (such as turpentine) used in potato starch formulations are now very difficult to obtain. Therefore, it is easier to make glue using alcohol.

For regular walls:

  • knead 750 g of potato starch in 200 ml of denatured alcohol or wood alcohol;
  • pour in 1.5 l of water and mix;
  • add boiling water 8-9 liters;
  • bring the mixture to a boil;
  • separately from this, dissolve in 0.3 l of water 100 g of alum;
  • add the alum solution to the resulting mixture and stir;
  • the resulting composition is cooled and filtered.

For damp walls.

Due to the fact that today on the market of materials for decoration, repair and construction, truly huge selection, there are no problems with the choice of wallpaper glue. Nevertheless, time has its own adjustments, and with the advent of the economic crisis, many people have a logical desire: to save money. How to cook a paste for gluing wallpaper, making it yourself at home, using such a simple and available materials like ordinary flour and starch? Let's figure it out.

Despite the seeming difficulties, making a paste with your own hands is quite possible.

Attention! In addition to economy, wallpaper paste has another significant advantage, thanks to which it has always been and remains a very popular adhesive composition. Sometimes we are faced with the need for urgent repairs: we need to glue the unstuck sheets or, simply, make a small redecorating... It often happens that there is no time for a visit to a hardware store. Or, as an option, a person can live in remote areas, in a country house or in a village where there are not always shops of the corresponding profile. From such moments, it is a simple paste that will come to your aid!

What other advantages are there in favor of the decision to use this simple but highly effective adhesive? Let's see:

  • Under its influence, most wallpaper does not get wet, which leads to safer gluing (wallpaper cloths do not break or deform).
  • Of course, an important advantage is the low final price of the paste. Basically, the main ingredients are starch and flour, which are sold in any store and are inexpensive. In addition to them, you will need water, which costs, if not free, then close to it.
  • If necessary, you can easily peel off the wallpaper that was glued with this adhesive composition... You just need to moisten the wall surface with warm water, wait for a while, after which it will be possible to dismantle the coating without any problems.
  • Perfectly adheres to most surfaces that are used for interior decoration, especially if it comes about paint. Not every glue (even an expensive one) can boast of such a level of adhesion.
  • Long service life, during which your wallpaper will be reliably glued to the wall surface.
  • The versatility, thanks to which you can glue with the paste almost all types of wallpaper presented in stores of building and finishing materials.
  • Lack to be withdrawn. This cannot be said about some other species. wallpaper adhesives with similar characteristics.

Note! Despite the obvious and numerous advantages, the paste also has some disadvantages. The most obvious deficiency of this composition is its not the best moisture resistance. At the same time, there are a number of ways by which it is fashionable to significantly increase the resistance of the paste to moisture. For example, you can mix ordinary wood glue, also commonly known by the name PVA, into the composition (5% of the paste volume should be sufficient.

How to cook with your own hands: instructions

So how do you make wallpaper paste? In this article, we'll look at 2 of the most common recipes. As for the gluing process itself, you can find out more information about this.

We do it using starch

It is this composition that leaves behind the least amount of stains, even with a somewhat sloppy gluing. To be more precise, it does not stain at all. It is for this reason that they can glue wallpaper of any color: from dark to light colors. So here short instruction for its self-preparation:

  • Having bought ordinary starch (you can do this in any store), the first thing to do is sift it. As for the volume of the future paste, for each kilogram of the composition you will need 100 grams of starch.
  • After sifting, it is necessary to add water to the starch, stirring the composition a little. As a result, you should have a substance of a uniform consistency, which resembles sour cream.
  • After cooking, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since this glue hardens quickly enough.
  • Pour the contents into metal dishes(use a bowl or bucket) and stirring actively, add a small amount of boiling water. After everything is mixed, you can strain the composition through cheesecloth to sift out lumps. This will help improve adhesion and avoid bubbles on the wallpaper.
  • Alternatively, the paste can be welded using the water bath method. During the cooking process, it must be mixed until bubbles appear on the surface. Then turn off the heat and cool the contents of the dishes.

Interesting to know! It is quite possible to use paste as a primer when preparing walls for wallpapering. However, it can be diluted with additional water.

How to make from flour

So, we have considered the first method. Now let's learn how to cook wallpaper paste using flour. By the way, it is better to take flour rather coarsely grinding (1st grade), since it is from it that the most high-quality adhesive composition is obtained.

Remember! It is advisable to prepare the paste right before gluing the wallpaper. The fact is that the longer it stands without being used, the worse its adhesive ability becomes. After about 24 hours, this glue practically loses its basic qualities. Therefore, if it has stood for too long, the best solution will be the preparation of a new composition. At the same time, it is desirable that its temperature be close to 40 degrees.

So, here is a short instruction, which includes the main stages of work:

  • First of all, as in the case of starch, the flour must be sieved. It helps to get rid of lumps, which affects more high quality composition in the future. To do this, you can use an ordinary flour sieve, which is available in almost every kitchen.
  • Take 0.25 kg. sifted flour, gradually add water, while stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • After that, gradually pour in boiling water (stirring the composition). The total volume of water should be about 1 liter. Look at the state of the composition: if it is too thick, add water. If it is too thin, you can add a little flour and stir again until it dissolves.
  • After that, the paste must be put on fire and "cooked", stirring constantly until bubbles appear.
  • Then remove the pan and refrigerate the mixture. During cooling, a film will form. It is necessary to get rid of it.
  • After filtering through cheesecloth or a sieve, the paste is ready for use. As in the case with the first recipe, you can additionally use PVA glue to improve the water-repellent characteristics.

You can learn additional instructions on how to make wallpaper paste in the video tutorial:

At home, you can make glue from ordinary flour that is in no way inferior in quality to that made in an industrial environment. It can be used not only for crafts, but also for pasting paper wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of flour paste

Flour paste is intended only for gluing lightweight materials. Moreover, in terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to store adhesives. Plus, if, to increase the shelf life of such compositions, manufacturers add chemicals that are not very useful for human health, then a paste cooked at home is absolutely safe. It does not cause allergies, it is easily washed off the skin with water even without soap, and after it the hands do not crack or peel off.

A properly cooked paste can also be used for wallpapering. True, with the help of it only lightweight paper-based canvases can be glued. Since such compounds are easily soluble in water, old wallpaper will be easily removed from the wall - you just need to wet them with water and then remove with a spatula.

Advice! Be sure to pay attention to the percentage of gluten in flour. The higher it is, the better the glue will be. Perfect option- 25-28% gluten.

For the paste, you need flour with a high gluten content.

Manufacturing instruction

So, here's how to make flour paste in detail:

A couple of rolls of wallpaper will need about a liter of water (5-6 tablespoons of flour are added to this amount of water); in consistency, it should resemble a fairly thick jelly:

First, we dilute the flour in a small amount of water;

In a thin stream, gradually add, stirring (it is more convenient to do it with a whisk), boiling water into the mixture;

We put it in a water bath and cook for 5-7 minutes so that it thickens;

Cool, filter from lumps if necessary;

To improve the adhesive properties, PVA can be added to the cooled glue;

The glue is ready to go.

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to cook such glue, there are some subtleties in its manufacture:

It can be made not only from flour, but also from starch;

To prevent lumps from forming in it, it is better to sift the flour through a sieve;

Pour it in gradually, otherwise it will immediately grab into a large lump;

If the glue is liquid, it doesn't matter; put it back in a water bath and boil it a little again;

A homemade paste is not stored for a long time, therefore it is not prepared for future use; It is better to store the remnants of unused glue in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.