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Dream Interpretation: Staircase in a dream. What dreams a staircase? Full interpretation of sleep staircase. Medele's sorcerer's dream book. Staircase in male and female dreams


The stairs were conceived in order to move in space, so the dream of the steps hardly would be presented to a person in a state of complete rest. In your life, it is definitely happening or prepared to happen from day to day something significant. Just what exactly will this dream dream? To the rapid take-off or painful fall? Let's try to find out.

Most of the interpreters converge on thought - the staircase itself is not so important in itself as the direction in which you moved along it.

  • According to the dream of Filomen, a slender series of steps serves as an embodiment life path Snnow, and sleep details indicate the most significant events for a person for a real period.
  • Miller's dream book: Movement on it symbolizes career successes or misses depending on whether you climbed up or descended.
  • Wang Dream Interpretation: Rock up the strong and reliable stairs promulit different areas Life starting from enhancing the service and ending with personal happiness. But the descent from it or the type of destroyed staircase with broken steps marks the failure of the conceived enterprise and serious losses.
  • Freud's dream book: the dreams, walking along the steps up, enjoys high attention from the opposite sex, and also has every chance to succeed in affairs. But fled down or falling will experience disappointment in a partner because of its overestimated requirements for it.
  • Esoteric dream book: The rise to the top promises success in all endeavors, prosperity and glory; Descent predicts losses and deterioration of the material situation. The same one who sees themselves in a dream coming from the very last, lower step, risks to be in deep poverty.
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse: If the dreams moved up, his pride will be satisfied, thanks to the recognition gained from others. But the one who walked down will suffer from black ungratefulness. If you happened from the stairs to fall, suddenly flowing passion will make you lose your head and do nonsense.

    Each step - new opportunity Make a step forward

  • Dream of Tsvetkova: Drawing steps embody the opportunities opening in front of a person in reality. Do not miss them!
  • Gypsy Dream Interpretation: The staircase itself points to grand plans The dream, the rise in it will proper success, and the descent is troubles and even friction with the law.
  • Dream interpretation of the XXI century: moving up, you get happiness and wealth, down - care.
  • Dream Interpretation from A to Z: If you rose to the upper steps, the planned company will bring the expected fruits if they dropped to the bottom, impatience will prevent you from bringing to the end.
  • Medele's dream book: The rise says about the development of your intelligence and logic, and the descent broadcasts about the increased ability to self-analysis and attempts to understand the caches of his soul.
  • True, there are interpreters, confident that the appearance of a staircase in a dream in any case does not foreshadow anything good.

  • Noble dream book Grishin: Rushing along the steps up means being in danger, down - to be attacked failures.
  • Lunar dream book: Walking on the stairs in any directions symbolizes the perishes of the mind.
  • Sleep explanation depending on its parts

    Which only stairs are not - stone and wooden, screw and folding, wide and narrow, broken, multicolored, dirty ... What was the one, what did you dream? What did you do with her? In what circumstances did you see? Dream interpretations for any detail there is their interpretation.

    For the actions of the dream: climb, go down, run and others

    The dream in which you had to climb the stairs, in most cases interpreted positively. Your plans will be implemented, love will be mutual, works will receive a worthy remuneration, welfare will increase, and happy accidents will occur with an amazing frequency.

    The higher the staircase, the more impressive success

    However, there is in such a dream and minuses:

  • if on the top of the stairs, you got a head, a sudden success will make you be uploaded and become arrogant, because of which relationships with friends and the second half will suffer;
  • if you have stumbled when you are stumbled, your plans are under threat of a breakdown, and not least because of the envious hiding under the mistress of the goodwires;
  • if something prevented your promotion, expect obstacles to the goal to the goal, to overcome which will have long and with tremendous efforts;
  • if during the lifting on the stairs next to you, a familiar person was marched, friendly relations It is strengthened with him;
  • if it turned out to be a stranger, your relationship with your loved one will be improved;
  • if you climbed the stairs with a child, you will be able to successfully combine career and family, and neither the one nor another sphere will suffer.
  • When one of the spouses dream is that it rises the stairs of his hand with his second half, the interpreters prominses the pair of a difficult period associated with numerous tests. But all for the better: surpassed problems will only strengthen the marriage and make spouses to appreciate each other more.

    But the dream with a descent of steps can be interpreted in two ways:

  • you are waiting for failures, disappointment and loss;
  • you will have to engage in self-analysis, looking for the deep reasons for your actions, desires and fears.
  • If you fled on the stairs ...

  • ... up - too easy and quickly achieving success, you risk forget about people who were with you at the beginning of the way, and pay them thanks to you for support;
  • ... down - the case you started will expect a bad end;
  • ... running away from the pursuers, we wonder the avalanches of woven and shame. However, there is a real chance to avoid both of the other, if you climbed the steps in a dream.
  • Falling from the stairs promises some trouble. At best, you will be disappointed in someone, you have not called any doubt, you will have a victim of betrayal at worst, or destroy carefully built plans themselves, yielding to emotions.

    It seems you threaten serious trouble!

    And if you fell from the stairs because the step was with a defect, it means that the error lies somewhere in your plans and they need to be revised while there is a possibility.

    Does someone else rolled on your eyes on your steps? If it was:

  • a man - the coming problems can be prevented by showing carefulness;
  • woman - you are deceived;
  • the lady in the position - your professional reputation will be threatened;
  • the child - the career will stall, and finances will come to a deplorable state;
  • if some of your loved ones fall from the stairs, most likely, in reality, you are alarming for this person.
  • Pay attention to the effects of falling! Have you been safely risen to your feet? All troubles will dispel how smoke. The gifted bruques over the steps ended in a serious injury? It is better to "disseminate straw" where only you can, and prepare for the invasion of problems.

    If in a dream you just stood on the stairs, you will be able to carry out the planned plans and achieve your goals, but only some time after some time. Most likely in this moment You lack motivation for a reinforced jerk forward, because big account, you and so everything suits in your life.

    Good sign - Gree, in which the dreams swept or soap the staircase. It is believed that fate will provide such a person with a real chance "reissued" from his life of ill-wishers and difficulties, and at the same time push up a career, to establish relations in the family and exercise the dream long in the soul.

    Carry the staircase - come to help a friend, which was in trouble.

    Ship it into the car - go on a long journey both in entertainment purposes and by official need.

    Disassemble into parts - to deprive rivals to harm you.

    Felt on the stairs from the conclusion - overcome obstacles on your way and achieve enchanting success.

    If you observed from the side how someone rises and descends the stairs, you are time to take fate in your hands: while the rest are building plans and act, you are in peaceful contemplation. Decide long-minded changes, or they never come! At the same time, a large crowd, revealed back and forth on steps, is considered a sign of future stability and prosperity. Another reason is not afraid of change.

    By type of stairs

    Steps leaving highly up, symbolizes the execution of cherished desire, especially when such a dream is repeated several times. But if they lead down, the failures are waiting ahead and, as a result, a sharp drop in self-esteem.

    The staircase in a deep dungeon symbolizes the decision to take which will have to risk for life

    It is worth paying attention to the material from which the staircase was made:

  • gold symbolizes good and happiness;
  • copper - Pleasant pastime, fun;
  • silver - treason, adulter;
  • iron - exhausting work and severe promotion to the top of the career;
  • wooden - lie and mistakes when she looks dead, and a good period in life if the steps seem durable;
  • stone predicts the exaltation of a dream over others, which, however, will make it a tough and more difficult;
  • marble predicts major success in cases, conjugate with some "chill", settled in the family;
  • the retractable fire staircase speaks about you as a man's reliable, enterprising and capable of much;
  • veropive prophesies success in his personal life and indicates a strong life grip;
  • ice predicts the period of stagnation when all efforts made almost will not make results.
  • According to Islamic dreamy, Greta about the rise in black bricks stairs predicts a dream of a world-class fame. And according to other interpreters, the same value has a dream about steps isolated from red bricks. White staircase, from which material it is neither completed, marks a successful bright band in life.

    Broken or destroyed in your eyes the staircase dreams before the colossal collapse, after which you will have to come to myself and "lick the wounds." Cook courage and do not fall in spirit!

    Steps, deprived of the railings, give the dustiness of the dream in the current state of affairs or in the future.

    The spiral staircase serves as a sign of a circular path, which will have to go to the goal. Be prepared to invest in your project a maximum of forces, and perhaps, and find another way of action for its incarnation.

    Put great goals, you are worth it!

    An incredibly high staircase can symbolize a grand success, but also warn about serious risk.

    Very cool staircase - a danger signal. Take care that at hand is always reliable "railing" for support: Friends, patrons, climbed about the stock amount.

    Narrow staircase - a sign of a complex problem that you can overcome, unexpectedly finding primitive, but an effective way Her decisions.

    The one who climbed up a wide staircase deserves universal respect and honor.

    For other details

    Staircase in the entrance general house Many interpreters perceive as a symbol of human social life: depending on the fact that there were steps, you can judge if the dream has a problem with communication and the search for your place in society. However, dream interputes are confident that such a staircase predicts career successes or falls, depending on whether you moved or down; And its complete absence speaks of the appearance of difficulties where everything seemed reliable and stable.

    Ladder Symbolizes an unrealized man who can bring you at the most unexpected moment.

    The stepladder will prophete either a speedy success or choice.

    Escalator promises changes that will occur by themselves. And whether they will be good or bad, will determine the direction of movement.

    Surreal infinite staircase is an unpleasant symbol, indicative, about the loss of meaning and goal in life, which is why the dreams of stagnate trample on the spot and does not know where to go.

    The staircase leaving the sky predicts a big, almost incredible success.

    Numbers dreams are great importance

    If in a dream you climbed the stairs inside the house, try to remember if the floor number flashed before you:

  • 1 symbolizes confidence in its forces and self-sufficiency;
  • 2 - completion of a certain enterprise or period in life;
  • 3 - friendship or profitable partnership;
  • 4 - freedom, albeit with several blurred prospects;
  • 5 - climax:
  • 6 - obsession with passions and lack of excerpts;
  • 7 - rest from work;
  • 8 - tide of strength, peak form;
  • 9 - Final jerk, after which the goal will be achieved.
  • Two-digit numbers of dreams advise to divide into two independent figures and only after that draw conclusions.

    If, with the help of the stairs, you climbed into the attic, you will be awaiting a return to the past - events, memories or people, connections with which they managed to "climb into dust."

    Depending on the floor of the sleeping

    A young man or a girl, in a dream, the staircase asked the top of the ladder, promised execution cherished desires, excellent perspectives in the future and happy marriage with a loved man.

    Young sleep about the stairs prophesate happiness

    Light rise in the stairs testifies to your strong health and harmonious sex life. But the difficulties in movement point to:

  • problems with potency in men;
  • difficulties with the achievement of orgasm in women.
  • Fear tested when trying to step from stage to step, gives:

  • fears of men to be insolvent in bed;
  • fear of women get pregnant.
  • Fall from the stairs:

  • it is considered the prototype of the interrupted sexual act, which practices a girlfriend of a dream man;
  • predicts a dream of sexual harassment from a person who has power over it; Perhaps the chief.
  • If a woman or a man sees a representative of the opposite sex in a dream, a few steps above the staircase, in reality she / he feels a tendency to a person, to the relationship with whom can not be abused by virtue of some conventions.

    There is another curious interpretation: if a pregnant woman sees in a dream, as she climbs on the 9th floor and finds something interesting there, remembered a bright detail, she will give birth to a boy. If nothing significant happens, a girl will appear on the world.

    So, what staircase dreamed of you? What was it made, what did it look like, where did you learn? Analyze, ponder, compare the data and, may, in fact, get an important tip for the future. Sit and reflect - even if it is always useful.

    The dream "staircase" dreams quite often and therefore no wonder that there is a lot of questions about the stairs seen in a dream. In the overwhelming majority in a dream, people go upstairs, climb along the steps and are experiencing certain difficulties. In order to find out the interpretation of sleep about the stairs, you need to remember which there was a staircase (marble, wooden, rope, etc.), what qualities it possessed (a good, staggering, broken, etc.), it is also very important to remember where It was the staircase in a dream (at home, on the street, near the wall, resting in the sky, thrown out of the window, etc.). All this greatly affects the decoding of sleep about the stairs. Below are answers to the questions that I can arise after a dreamy saw in which one way or another appeared the staircase.

    General interpretation of sleep "Staircase":

    Different stairs in a dream

    Dreamed climbing the stairs

    The staircase of Penrose was dreamed

    • What dreams of the endless staircase of Penrose? Dream Interpretation: Infinite Penrose Staircase in a dream symbolizes your condition - you do not know what to do next, you have no goal and specific ideas, you are confused, you cannot find your place in life.

    Who is interested, we explain what Penrose staircase is: "The model is impossible infinite or as it is also called" eternal stairs "developed Mathematics Roger Penrose with his father with a biologist Lainel Penrose. This is one of the basic impossible figures that could be submitted to real world. The essence of the infinite staircase is as follows: starting to go on the stairs of Penrose from anywhere and passing the 4th stair span, you find yourself in the very place from which you started your way. And it doesn't matter whether you climbed along the steps or descended, in any case you will find yourself at the starting point. Walk through this impossible staircase Penrose infinite. "

    Dreamed the staircase escalator in the subway (see)

    • What dreams the staircase escalator in the subway? Dream Interpretation: The staircase escalator speaks about changes in life.
    • What dreams "descended by escalator"? Dream Interpretation: Descend the escalator stairs in a dream - it means there will be a change in the bad side.
    • What dreams to climb the escalator stairs? Dream Interpretation: Climb the escalator stairs in a dream - it means the changes will be in a good direction.
    • What dreams a broken staircase escalator? Dream Interpretation: A broken escalator in a dream - it means that the closest people closest you will be deceived.

    Dreamed rope-ladder

    • What dreams the rope staircase thrown through the window? Dream Interpretation: The rope staircase in a dream says that the ones made by NamA will have a surprisingly favorable outcome.
    • What dreams of weave the rope staircase in a dream? Dream Interpretation: Weave the staircase from the rope in a dream - change the genus of my classes and do not do what you do not believe. (Cm. )
    • What dreams to get on the rope ladder? Dream Interpretation: Take the rope staircase in a dream - it means that I will completely satisfy your vanity in both work and love.
    • What dreams to run away on the rope staircase from the window? Dream Interpretation: Surprise on the rope staircase in a dream - it means that I will experience a shame.
    • What dreams to run from prison on the rope ladder? Dream Interpretation: Run from prison on the rope staircase in a dream - it means after a dangerous and risky business, you are waiting for a deafening success.

    Dreamed Jacob staircase

    • What dreams of Jacob staircase? Dream Interpretation: Jacob Staircase in a dream dreams of what is like Jacob you will achieve the highest happiness, honor and well-being, and God will always be with you, protect and defend you.

    Who is interested, we explain what Jacob's staircase is: "I saw the staircase in the dream of Jacob, which stood on Earth and went to the very sky. The staircase consisted of 12 steps and at each stage of this staircase were angels who climbed or descended. And at the very top of the Lord God was and he said Jacob: "... I am Lord, God Abraham, your father, and God Isaac. The land on which you lie, I will give you and the offspring of yours ... And here I am with you, and I will save you everywhere, where you will go ... "(Bible, (Gen. 28: 12-16). Jacob was awakened and announced The place where I slept in the House of God. That's why Jacob's staircase in a dream can dream of a staircase leading to the sky. And to the one who will dream of the dream "Jacob staircase" she promises grace and happiness itself on earth.

    Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

    Small Velezov Sonnik

    • Dream Interpretation: To see the staircase in a dream - it means that I will face a deception and treason.
    • In a dream to see the stairs up - in reality.
    • To see a staircase down - flour to experience, failures will be.
    • In a dream, fall from the stairs - bad sign, wonderful.
    • Dreamed the broken staircase - theth.
    • Go down the stairs in a dream - it means that I will get a reward reward.

    Female dream book

    • Dreamed the staircase in a dream - Dream Interpretation says that the staircase symbolizes the movement, and if she dreamed of you in a dream, then thanks to their energy you will achieve a lot.
    • He dreamed of "climbing the stairs", then you will have everything well, prosperity, material well-being and happiness.
    • The dream "broken staircase" dreams of failure in your endeavors.
    • The sleep "Climbing the stairs running out of prison" says that after a dangerous and risky event awaits you success.

    Jewish dream book Azara
    Dream Interpretation: Rope staircase in a dream - will end a very difficult affair. (Cm. )

    Dream of Freud.

    Dream Miller

    Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)

    Vintage Russian dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: What dreams the staircase up - to the honors, respect, successful deeds.
    • Dream Interpretation: Climbing the stairs in a dream - get a loud glory.
    • The dream "go on the stairs down" has two interpretations, first - you will experience torment and hard work; The second - will be the road.

    Dream Cleopatry
    Dreamed the rope staircase - Dream Interpretation says that your hope was a harp, unfortunately, it will not be justified. And in general, change the generation of the activity and do not count on what you yourself do not believe. (Cm. )

    Imperial dream book
    The key opens the castle, mests the door leading to the sky on the Platonic staircase. In his life, a person opens this door twice: at birth - the door from the sky to the ground and at death - the door from the ground to the sky to close it after herself. This door closes behind the left apostle Peter, who sees this door to heaven. The Apostle Peter in Christianity is depicted by an old man who holds two keys in hand. With a golden key, he opens the door to the newly born, and Black closes behind the departed. (Cm. )

    Dream Dream Hope and Dmitry Winter

    Dream Meridiana
    Sleep "Staircase Up" dreams of success, you have positive sexual aspirations, chat more with a sexual partner, know yourself.

    Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

    • To see in a dream "go on the stairs up" - it means that you at the moment there is a development of the mind and your intuition.
    • To see in a dream "descend on the stairs" - it means that I will rely on the secrets of your own soul.
    • Sleep "Rise and descend the stairs, which is endless" says that you cannot find places under the sun, you have uncertain plans and there is no specific purpose.

    Dream of flowers

    • The dream "staircase in the house" is interpreted on the basis of whether you climbed it or descended. The steps of the stairs themselves symbolize your capabilities and if they are broken, bitten or some other way spoiled, then such broken steps in a dream talk about enemies that undermine your capabilities and do not give you to completely "open" in their business.
    • What dreams of climbing on a high staircase? Dream Interpretation: Climb on a high staircase in a dream, which means that I will raise in life, successful affairs and luck.
    • What dreams down to descend down the stairs? Dream Interpretation: Go down the stairs down in a dream, which means that there will be failed affairs, failures and lack of success.
    • What dreams wooden staircase up? Dream Interpretation: Rise on a wooden staircase in a dream - aware of your mistakes too late. Need to think over all moves and possible consequencesbefore doing something.
    • Sleep "Rope staircase" dreams of personal need.
    • The sleep of "staircase is cool" dreams of a quick relief.
    • The sleep "Stone staircase" dreams of overweight.

    Combined dream book

    • Dreamed the staircase in the house - an increase in the service staircase. If you rose, you will get if I went down again, then take a position also suddenly, as they give. (Cm. )
    • What is the dream of an iron staircase up? Dream Interpretation: The Iron Staircase is up to a heavy exhausting work that you need to achieve a high position in the service.
    • A marble staircase was dreamed of a dream book says, will be a success in work, career growth, but the family will begin in the family, the cold relationships and the lack of heat between loved ones.

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    • In a dream, the staircase is dreaming - a symbol of social staircase, sexual intercourse, top and down in life.
    • To see in a dream how to rise the stairs - it means you are on the way to develop your intuition and mind, awareness of your own "I".
    • Did the staircase down? Dream Interpretation: Go down the stairs in a dream, which means that you will attempt to understand your unconscious.
    • Did the staircase leading to the sky? Dream Interpretation: The staircase in the sky in a dream symbolizes the social staircase.
    • Did you dream on the stairs up and down? Dream Interpretation: Run up and down the stairs in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse, which means that you really want sex.

    Dream of the XXI century

    Dream Stranger

    • Why dream stairs? Sleep wants you to show how you will foresee or not, will be successful or not, as well as warn about a possible collapse or on the contrary, the success at work and in life.
    • They dreamed of stairs, steps in a dream are your features.
    • A sharp staircase was dreamed of a very close relief.
    • The staircase was dreamed of the staircase - success is completely close.

    French dream book

    • Walking on the stairs in a dream - there is a sleep-transverse, which is interpreted back seen. If you dreamed that you get up on the stairs, it means real life There will be a decline of forces, disorder in affairs and failures. To see in a dream "descend the stairs down," it means that I will come to my success, you will find the key from the "closed" door.
    • Dreamed that fell from the stairs - a very bad sign.
    • Sleep "Fireflower Staircase" warns: you will be ungrateful, and it strongly overshadows your life and will cause many problems and failures.
    • The sleep "Staircase on the Hallows" warns: your plans are collapsed, and acts will lead to terrible consequences.

    Dream Interpretation Psychologist Loffe
    What does it mean if the staircase is dreaming? The staircase is life heights and a difficult path to them, also symbolizes the hard-to-reach values \u200b\u200bof life and the world as a whole. Very often dreaming "Falling from the stairs" and this is not from the right. The staircase is necessary toolWhen you need to get or get to something located below or above our level. This method is shaky and hard-to-reach, but the only one and therefore valuable. Lifting or dropping the stairs, we approach the target target. Otherwise, we will not be able to get what they wanted and we will experience a shortage or lack of something. In life, we strongly feel the earthly attraction and the impossibility of getting a higher, highly hanging or other without a utility tool of the staircase. Only in a dream we can take off and do without a stairs. Therefore, the dream "staircase" means your desire for something inaccessible, but at the same time very welcome.

    Esoteric dream book

    Ukrainian dream book

    • Staircase in a dream lift up - means success.
    • Sleep "Descent on the stairs" means failures.
    • Sleep "Destroyed staircase, broken steps" speaks of enemies, obstacles and ill-wishers.

    Intellone dream

    • Which means if the staircase is dreaming - happiness, success, wealth.
    • Dreamed descending the stairs down - loss.
    • Dreamed climbing the stairs up - works.
    • A staircase collapsed in a dream - loss or care and troubles.
    • Dream Interpretation: walking on the stairs is aimless in a dream - the mind of the mind.
    • Sleep "Screw staircase" means that you have to go to the goal difficult circumference.

    Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

    • What dreams a spiral staircase up? Dream Interpretation: A spiral staircase in a dream says that you will succeed if you go difficulty circumference.
    • Sleep "Cool stairs, go up and down on them" warns: maybe the mind is possible.
    • To see the staircase of the rope - there will be a difficult thing, but it will end successfully.
    • Sleep "Lifting on the Rope Staircase" says that your pride will be completely satisfied.
    • Dreamed the dream "The staircase is under the window" - you need to beware of thieves.
    • In a dream, drag the staircase - you will assist others.
    • To see in a dream, "fall from the stairs," it means that you begin because of passion you become careless.
    • To see in a dream "climb the stairs up", then will be successful and you will achieve your goal.
    • To see in a dream "run down the stairs down", then there will be losses and humiliation.
    • Sleep "Staircase in the sky" says that everything goes according to your plan and intentions. (cm. )

    Modern dream book

    ABC Interpretation of dreams

    • What dreams staircase steps up? Dream Interpretation: Staircase up in a dream symbolizes your development of mind and intuition.
    • Dreamed to run down the stairs - dear in the secrets of your own soul.
    • Dream Interpretation: What to dream the staircase is an endless, circular or which cannot be seen not at the end - you have uncertain plans, there is no specific purpose, you cannot find a place in this life.
    • Dream Interpretation: Go up the stairs up in a dream, then you will rise by service or luck will smile.
    • I dreamed that I descend on the stairs - would lose respect and confidence in the future.

    Dance Deniz Lynn

    • What does the staircase in a dream mean? The staircase symbolizes the achievement of higher consciousness, any heights that will achieve in life.
    • Sleep "Jacob Staircase" says that Jacob ascended the kingdom of angels on the stairs, and you will go up to absolute happiness, wealth and honor.
    • What does it mean to "climb the stairs" dream? Dream Interpretation: Climb the stairs in a dream - it means that you will get an increase and achieve unprecedented heights.
    • Is it often a ladder leading down? Dream Interpretation: If you often dream the leading staircase, then your subconscious mind wants you to penetrate him and dealt with your desires. Also, such a dream says that the chances of success are reduced every day.

    American dream book
    Dreamed the staircase in the house if you went upstairs, then the success will be, if down, then failure.

    English Dream

    • Dream Interpretation: High staircase, rise to the very end in a dream - I will achieve very much. If the dreams are a young man, a girl or an unmarried woman, then there will be a wedding with that man who you have sought for a long time.
    • Business man Sleep "Stairs Stairs Up" promlit profitable businessAnd there will also be brilliant prospects at work. This dream promises wealth, honor and worldly glory.
    • Peasant or Farmer The meaning of the sleep "Staircase up" the following: There will be a rich harvest, the rating, successful deals, selling goods and wealth.
    • A scientist or a student go up the stairs in a dream means that the exercise of your highest desire.
    • Widow sleep "climb up the stairs" dream new Love and new family happiness.
    • In a dream, stand at the top of the stairs and look down, then you will not be able to transfer fame-walled on you, wealth and high position, you get up and soon will again become the one who first first.
    • What dreams to climb the stairs up, and under the legs the steps rushes and the railing is rolled? All hopes for a bright future are collapsed, dreams will remain only with dreams.

    Eastern Dream

    • What dreams of the staircase upstairs? Eastern Dream Interpretation: The staircase is up to the top of luck and happiness.
    • Sleep "Staircase down" promises troubles in personal and business life.
    • What dreams fall from the stairs down? Dream Interpretation: Fall from the stairs in a dream - we will become an object of envy in ill-wishers.
    • What dreams the old staircase staggering? Dream Interpretation: The old staircase staggering in a dream calls you to be a little more careful to people around you at work, behave more carefully with colleagues.
    • Sleep "Wide Staircase Beautiful" promises wealth, happiness and glory.
    • What dreams to sit on the steps of the stairs? Dream Interpretation: Sit on the stairs in a dream - it means you will achieve wealth, and prosperity, but not soon, do not wait for quick results.
    • Sleep "People descended by the stairs" says that you will have unpleasant changes in your life.

    Dream Ezopa
    Sleep "Rope Staircase" says: Change the genus of your classes and never anymore what you do not believe. (Cm. )

    Intimate dream book

    Lunar dream book
    What dreams the staircase, walk along it up, then down? Dream Interpretation: Staircase, climb and go down the stairs in a dream - it means that you will have an octopia of the mind.

    Family dream book

    • Sleep about the staircase means moving up and symbolizes your energy and abilities to help achieve a high position in the service.
    • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed the staircase, which was carrying - you will be waiting for prosperity and happiness.
    • If you dreamed "Staircase, fall from the stairs in a dream," then all your efforts will be useless.
    • If you dreamed in a dream broken staircase, then you will be waiting for a full failure in business.

    Dream of Future

    • What does the dream "climb the stairs at the entrance of your own home"? Dream Interpretation: Climbing the stairs at the entrance of your home in a dream - it means that you will have a lot of work that will be the result of which will be honorable, respect and well-being.
    • What dreams a staircase down? Dream Interpretation: A cool staircase down in a dream speaks of a difficult road and possible failures and failed affairs.
    • What dreams the staircase up without railing? Dream Interpretation: If the staircase was dreamed without a railing, then I would like to have a drop in your dignity and fail.
    • He dreamed that running the stairs and fell down - you will have unsuccessful attempts, unsuccessful actions and in the end all this will end with complete despair.
    • Dreamed by a broken staircase in a dream - Dream Interpretation says that this is a complete failure of affairs.

    Dream interpretation for lovers
    The meaning of sleep "climb the stairs" the following: happiness in love, success among representatives of the opposite sex.
    What dreams to raise the steep stairs and feel dizziness? Dream Interpretation: Close the steep stairs in a dream and feel dizziness, which means that you, having achieved some success, will behave arrogantly, capriciously and begin to command your loved one.

    What dreams the staircase into the sky? Dream Interpretation: A staircase in the sky in a dream will propheted sensational success.

    Sonnie Grishina

    Dream interpretation for bitch

    • What dreams go down the stairs up? Dream Interpretation: Sleep "Climbing the Stairs Up" dreams to career growth.
    • What dreams go down the stairs down? Dream Interpretation: Sleep "Staircase down" dreams to the decline in affairs.
    • What dreams a long staircase? Dream Interpretation: A long staircase in a dream will tear honor, glory and wealth.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Dream "Fedorovskaya

    • Dreamed the staircase - interpretation of the dreams as follows: wait for good changes, good luck and success.
    • He dreamed that I was going on the stairs up - in the near future, all the cases will be successful.
    • The dream "Staircase, go down the steps" promises you frustrating and failed affairs.
    • Dream Interpretation: Repair the staircase in a dream - it means that you will be engaged in serious problems that you have in the family.
    • Dream Interpretation: Certain the ladder man in a dream - you will help solve the serious problems of your native people.
    • To see a wooden staircase in a dream - all your hopes are collapsed.

    General Dream Interpretation

    • Sleep "Staircase Iron" speaks of severe exhausting work.
    • Dreamed climbing the iron staircase in a dream - career growth will be accompanied by exhaustive hard labor.
    • The Sleep "Marble Staircase" suggests that success in affairs, in a career, business, but in the family lack of "heat" and "cold" in relations.
    • Sleep "Staircase Wood Up Squeezing" warns: To avoid errors, it is necessary to think over and view the possible options.
    • Dream Interpretation: Wooden staircase, climb along a strong wooden staircase in a dream - it means that there will be a successful period in life, career growth and respect.
    • Dreamed the wooden staircase burns - the hopes are all collapse and spread as smoke.
    • The Penrose Staircase was dreamed of a dream saying that you are in confusion, do not know what and how to do next, you do not have a specific goal.

    Dream Sheremeinskaya


    Summing up the whole foregoing I want to once again note that the "staircase" dream is interpreted differently on the basis of what you did in a dream and what a staircase was. But almost all dreams are converged in one: the sleep "up the stairs" dreams of success, good luck, career growth and in general to everything is good. So let you often dream of dreams, in which you are easy and calmly climb the stairs.

    What dreams of the usual stepladder? In reality, get a slight increase in income or successfully start some kind of business. Dream interpretation reminds: that the decoding of a dream depends on many nuances, as well as what is remembered in a dream most.

    Features decryption

    Dreamed portable staircase? Dream Interpretation is confident that interpretation of sleep is similar to the value of a big design, but rather indicates a short-term of a certain event.

    Moreover, the mobile staircase symbolizes mobility and the ability to change the situation when applying certain forces. This dream image mainly acts as a prevention and tip, and not final prediction.

    Your choice?

    What is the ladder and a stepladder? You are prepared by a road that will not bring a conceived result. At the same time, in a dream, the string makes it clear that the victory is completely close.

    Did the shaky and unreliable stepladder? It reflects just as unpredictable connections and relationships. In addition, the dream book believes that you will have to make a choice literally between bitter truth and sweet lie.

    It happened to see the panel ladder? Get ready for ungratefulness and some interference in affairs.

    According to Miller

    What dreams of a stepladder, according to Mr. Miller? In a dream, this image reflects targeted movement literally through samples and errors.

    Catch a chance!

    Did the iron string lying on the ground dreamed? Look carefully on the sides and try not to miss a unique opportunity. Dream interpretation is confident: such a chance falls extremely rarely.

    In a dream, the Iron Lestenka, which is able to endure with difficulty, symbolizes your help to someone in a very unsightly and difficult situation.

    To see how the ladder is carrying others, means that someone my mood will spoil your behavior. It turned out that the iron string leads to the abyss or on the scaffold? Beware - your own inappropriate steps will bring life to full collapse.

    What are you looking for?

    I had to rise in a dream along the lap up? For sick dreams, this is a symbol of emergency recovery, for others - life success. Accordingly, descending down - to completely opposite events.

    What dreams, if during one night I had to go up, then go down? Dream interpretation believes that such an interesting ways are being searched for their place "under the sun". The same plot indicates some doubts and indecision in choosing.

    Did you dream that you climbed to the very top and felt a slight dizziness? Introduce respect and honors as proper, and you will not be proud and coming.

    What they were doing?

    To finally understand what the banal stepder is dreaming, the dream book recommends remembering the other actions with it.

    • Just to see standing - avoid failures.
    • To do - hardworking will bring success.
    • Repair, repair - difficulties in relationships, betrayal.
    • Installing vertically - lucky in gambling.
    • Excess - deserve respect.
    • Climb up - close success.
    • Fall down - defeat, loss of hope.

    Modern visible dream book

    If you see a lying or retractable stepladder - This means that you must use the opportunity to see you in some kind of.

    If you carry a stepladder - You can help someone in an unfavorable situation or contribute to someone's success; if the staircase carry others - There is a danger that someone will spoil your mood.

    See falling stepladder leaning to the window - means that you will avoid failures; fall with stairs - a sign of possible serious lesion; to climb up the stairs - to loyal success, to go down - To failure.

    See a broken or swinging - A sign that you need to leave the planned matter, since it is impossible to achieve a desired goal through losses and disadvantages.

    Try to use a faulty stairs - Means that your attempt to become an entrepreneur will not bring success.

    Newest dream book G.Ivanova

    Ladder - Successfully start your career.

    Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

    If a bad dream dreamed:

    Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

    Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in an open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

    Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

    Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

    Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

    Split linens inside out.

    Do not tell anyone bad Son. before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

    Rose in a dream on the stairs foreshadows success in achieving the target goal, go down the stairs down - lose patience at the last moment and thus spoil the whole thing.

    Feel dizziness and weakness by climbing the fire stairs at home to height last floor- Such a dream foreshadows that the trust and honor you have perceived quite calmly and how tributary.

    The rope staircase abandoned from the window predicts the wonderful outcome of the case taken.

    To climb on it - you will satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love. I wonder on it from someone else's bedroom - to the shame.

    Leaded to the roof one-storey house The staircase is a warning to fear thieves and machinators; If it falls at you - it became, in real life you will pay black ungratefulness for help or a good advice.

    Fall in a dream with a staircase means that passionate feeling will turn your head and makes careless before recklessness.

    A staircase broke down under you in a dream foreshadows collapse in all matters and a falcon mood.

    Replace the staircase means to fall into even greater despair from the betrayal of a friend in a difficult moment for you.

    Raise the stairs - to prosperity and good luck in gambling.

    Carrying the staircase - your energy and businesslikeness will be seen, are evaluated and will help you quite soon move significantly in the sphere of your professional interests and even take one of the leading provisions.

    The staircase leading to the sky says that everything is planned to come true.

    The staircase, leading to a bottomless abyss, maybe even in the hellest way, means that success can only be achieved by the price of a lot of risk, putting a life for conversion.

    Going along the ladder from the aircraft or the vessel - to disappointment in entrepreneurship and throwing in search of another case, climbing along the ladder - to put in a successful, quiet, but profitable place.

    A spiral staircase in a dream indicates that it will achieve its goal with a steep way.

    Forestry-stepladder foreshadows the choice between the truthful lies and the unjust truth.

    The escalator staircase is good changes, if you drive up, and bad - if you go down.

    The broken escalator is deceived by loved ones.

    Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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