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Venus Women in Trinos to Pluto Men Rock Love. Venus in a square, opposition, connection, in trine, sextile with Pluto. In Natal Map, in Sinastria and Transit. Astrology

June 18th, 2015, 09:00 am

I recently had to participate in the discussion dedicated to this transperseal planet. My St. Petersburg colleagues, having heard that I am writing a big seminar on love astrology, shouted with knowledge:

- We are imperative that marriages between the same year are undesirable, they have Pluto in connection, and this is a conflict aspect.
- You are not a fan of Sixopalov, why are these conclusions suddenly?
- He has good map parsing schemes, they like them.

That's the whole answer.

First, the schemes for the analysis of the Sinastria from Svsh are really good, I once studied on them, but very quickly came to the conclusion that they are not perfect. "Very quickly" is approximately 5-7 trial layouts of synastriors of people close to me.

Secondly, it is worth remembering that in Pluto is considered to be a runtime of Aries, and, it means, the signifier I is the house of the horoscope, the house of personality and character! If you follow this logic, the connection is really with a large tension can be considered a conflict aspect.

Why? If Pluto partners are strong at advantage, then, relying on the logic of OVS, we get two proud of doves that will be next to each other until they are against anyone to be friends. If Pluto partners are weak, the situation is even worse: there is a risk that partners will see each other reflection of their own unnecessaryness to this world.

I adhere to the classics in my work and considering Pluto as a ruler of Scorpio and a signifier VIII at home, houses of other people's resources, unrestrained (not romantic, on V home!) Sex and business. In other words, the connection of Pluto in classical love astrology is just a plusion to understand the sexual sphere. Partners, deciding to experiment, will find a common language.

Of course, they will find, they are almost one year old (up to 2 years difference)!

Cuscify: Pluto - 0 - Pluto is not a sexy aspect! This is the element of "peppercorn", no more.

Higher planets in the Sinastry I generally almost never consider. In the end, they are also transpersonal, which act on the generation of people. You can not, for example, to say that everything Your classmates / classmates cause you trepidation? ;)

- tender power; unceremonious sensitivity; charm at the level of magical abilities; excessive emotional activity; uncontrollable capriciousness; the factories of the deposits; obsessive desires; lack of restrictions in love; intensity, negativism of emotions, destructive emotions; transformation of emotional life; Strong sexual attraction, magnetism. Emotional experiences associated with death, attraction to death; Overly emotional attitude to the issues of power, coercion; tendency to vicious pleasures; Superfloodness. Penetration into senses of other people, their transformation and death. Distrust and ignoring feelings of other people;
- the desire to impose His will in partnership; The destructive influence of girlfriends, lovers, wealth, luxury; Death of girlfriends, lovers, partners. Meeting with beloved in extreme conditions. Love for surgeon, butcher, criminal. Loss of money, clothes; Passion for overlooking and reworking clothes. Tailor-overlinker, a bidder of old things, a collector pornography;
- It is possible to delay the development of emotional life, diseases of the thyroid gland, venereal disease, diseases of the urogenital system and gynecological.
B. Israate

Connection: In this case, love is not satisfied by the established rules and seeks to find its own forms, a different level, get rid of all artificial. A man who has this aspect in the horoscope is looking for absolute sincerity in the love relationship and therefore does not regret the forces to solve the other, to penetrate his secrets. Often there is something mysterious in it, it is extremely sexy. Catherine Obnee

Passionate, often karmic emotions. In highly developed, this saving, renewing love, associated with spiritual power, when the will manifests itself on high level. There may be a strong talent in art, especially acting. Negative position - Unrestrained sex. Francis Sakian

Opposition Venus - Pluto

- a contradiction between passivity and energetic, fasciance and desire to insist on their, peaceful and unceremoniousness. Blocking the attractiveness by instinctive unconscious, sensuality - depression and apathy. Hard emotional assessment in deepening. Oscillations from the romantic condition to the state of severe apathy. The tendency to self-dissemination by emotional experiences. Attempting to influence the feelings of other people and suppressing other people's senses - emotional coercion; Assembly in relations with girlfriends, sweethearts. A tendency to succumb to sexual seduction, jealousy, difficulties of managing sexual passions;

- Attempts to be harmonious someone are suppressed, someone magic abilities Block the restraint of a person, attraction to death prevents person to be passive. Mass catastrophes block human emotions. Loss of sense of justice in matters of large finance. Involvement in unpleasant partnerships, conflicts with partners. Loss of girlfriends, beloved, death of beloved. Death in the theater, art gallery. Inability to self-control in entertainment places. Criminal groups are used against a person manifestation of his greed. Rallies, demonstrations interfere with communication with partners. The manifestation of cruelty in relation to artists, fashion model, conflicts in the fashion house. Surreal artist; contraceptive designer; seller in sex shop; sex fashion model; pimpery; Lingerie stylist; detective to investigate sexual crimes; Mafios in art objects; fence;

- deviations in the psyche due to the overload of emotional life; Diseases of taste receptors. Remove almonds. Diseases bladder, sexual system, gynecological diseases, miscarriages. Defeating the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, carotid artery, jumps in work endocrine system.
B. Israate

Opposition, quadrature: Jealous, demanding, sometimes painful feelings. A person is waiting for the love of everything, love becomes a symbol of life itself. Some authors believe that these aspects mean a perversion, but most often it can be about the emergence of a sense of guilt related to everything that relates to sex that prevents the free development of the person. Catherine Obnee

Danger of intense emotional and sexual relations that are detly. The irredisability of erotica, sexual problems create a lot of difficulties, will be consumed and regenerating force. Often the connections are unpleasant. In extreme cases, prostitution and sizes for earnings. Problems in marriage due to dictatorship. The desire to change your partner, and not yourself. Difficulties to taxes, insurance, common finances or inheritance. The karmic effect on life that manifests itself in sexual obsession. Danger of suicide due to unfortunate love. Francis Sakian

These aspects increase sensuality, make a person eccentric and emotionally unstable; Skandals on the soil of sex, erotica, tendency to low erotica, vacuum, striptease, prostitution. Demonstrative immorality. Positive side - high emotional heat can contribute to creativity, talent, artistism, the ability to conquer popularity among others. S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (TRIN) Venus - Pluto

- magnetism, mysteriousness; strong passions; sensual eloction; increased sexuality; harmonious transformation of emotions; Gift to improve and transform people's emotions; Inner force, covered by the softness of manifestations; Understanding the emotional experiences of other people; subtle perception of shades;
- diplomacy; Successful enterprises in business related to art with corporate money. Collecting the subjects of the magic ritual, weapons, posthumous masks. Possible artistic talent with a dramatic bias;
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
B. Israate

Trin, Sextile: In this case, love is not satisfied with the established rules and seeks to find its own forms, other levels, get rid of all artificial. A man who has this aspect in the horoscope is looking for absolute sincerity in the love relationship and therefore does not regret the forces to solve the other, to penetrate his secrets. Often there is something mysterious in it, it is extremely sexy. The ability of feelings for regeneration and modification. Catherine Obnee

Emotional nature capable of higher love forms. Often spiritual revival from love, or their marriage and love are predetermined. Intimate relationships play a big role. Strong ability to love favorably affects everything. Francis Sakian

Love for the world and people, the desire for an excellent ideal; Charming, ability to carry other people, conquer their attention, charming, skill and talent, practical benefit. Negative side Such aspects are in love. S.V. Shestopalov

Venus Square - Pluto

- intense emotional life; Powerful subconscious pressure at desire; Inquiries suppress the will of man. It is difficult to control sexual needs. Direct and sharp expression of emotions; Tendency to self-dissemination by emotions. Suspiciousness to your own feelings. Conflict estimates. Interest in sex, secrets, other people's money;
- criminal love relationships; output outside the rules and rules in interpersonal relationship; thirst for power and wealth; The desire of full and unlimited power over the feelings of other people. Loss, death of beloved, loss of girlfriends. Sexual incompatibility in marriage, jealousy. Conflicts in stores associated with money; rape, sexual damage; Danger of extortion and violent with financial affairs. Detective to investigate violent sexual crimes; a prostitute; sex bomb; pornstar; Mafios in art objects; fence;
- lesions of adipose tissue, carotid artery; fracture of the lower jaw; thyroid disease, endocrine system; diseases of the kidneys, bladder; miscarriages; Gynecological diseases.
B. Israate

Opposition, quadratura: jealous, demanding, sometimes even painful feelings. A person is waiting for the love of everything, love becomes a symbol of life itself. Some authors believe that these aspects mean a perversion, but most often it can be about the emergence of a sense of guilt related to everything that relates to sex that prevents the free development of the person. Catherine Obnee

Will make it get to get in touch with emotional and sexual questions. Perhaps poor influence. May cover a sexy passion that is stronger than them. In novels, something fatal, karmic. The public or impersonal cosmic accidents can cross the personal happiness and not give satisfaction in love (the groom dies on the front). Contribution of Taurus and Scorpio can give craving for wealth. Sex and erotica will turn into financial considerations, which can lead to prostitution. Marriage also smears to be for the sake of finance. Creative inspiration, expressive strength, sublimation, emotions. Magic can be involved to shock or achieve fame. Secret love ties. Francis Sakian

These aspects increase sensuality, make a person eccentric and emotionally unstable; Skandals on the soil of sex, erotica, tendency to low erotica, vacuum, striptease, prostitution. Demonstrative immorality. Positive side - high emotional heat can contribute to creativity, talent, artistism, the ability to conquer popularity among others. S.V. Shestopalov

Sextile Venus - Pluto

- potential magnetism, charm; intense emotional life; constructive transformation of emotions and artistic abilities; Big creative power manifested in art; a deep understanding of the laws of harmony and equilibrium;
- The ability to influence the relationship of other people, understand the partner without words. Good luck B. financial enterprisesassociated with art, entertainment, luxury objects. Actor Thiller; show businessman; psychologist;
- Venusian diseases, hormonal imbalance.
B. Israate

Who are the fatal people?
- How to get rid of love for a fatal man / woman?
- Why can't I forget some man for years, although nothing, it seems that, does not bind?

Pluto is the highest law. This is what should happen, happen, and not to go anywhere. And if a person, for example, Venus (love) stands in the aspect to Pluto (Rock), say, in the compound, then it is probably a fatal man or a rocky woman. What it means and what to do with it (owners of such aspects or victims of the owners) - see below, after a short story about Tatyana.

He lived, was Tatiana. She had a husband, an unattended job, a car, apartment, even cottage. With your cucumbers and violets.
The girlfriend envied her: Vladimir - a wonderful husband, such a reliable, such ... Powered if not to say obedient. And Tatiana is such an entire right, with other men seems to not upset her husband. At work, they are calling out every day, and women colleagues die each time. Tatiana dresses simply, almost always pants, free (but comfortable!) Sweaters, no wrapping shoes: Vladimir loves her any, why strain? Why paint? Vladimir suits naturalness. Why to curl at night with the secret of him, to surprise curl in the morning? No, he is not interested in him. The main thing is her personality! That's lucky, so lucky Tatiana!
And once she comes to work after the ideal family weekend, and ... sees a man.
She sees him in the corridor, right at the printer, he makes xerox. And she just needs to make a couple of copies!
He is low and not so beautiful outwardly, but ... it goes from him men's power, such an energy that Tatiana ... freezes. She feels like her stuck with the waves of an incredible power! Incredible brightness! So he looks at her with his piercing by brown eyesIn which the bottom is not visible, and she suddenly feels like him a real, beautiful woman, not exactly what it is used to be! A man smiles at a mysterious smile, but in his eyes it is visible steel shine:
- Can I help you?
- Uh .. yes ... no! Thank you I...
And confident, calm, weathered Tatiana, who knows everything about his life, suddenly turns into a small girl under this look. She ended all the words, all thoughts, now there is only he ... and what is happening between them.
Fortunately, the boss takes by.
- Yes, Tatiana, Meet: This is our new employee, Oleg.

In the evening, Tatiana comes home everything is not his own. Vladimir asks her:
- All right, honey?
- Yes Dear!
- Tomorrow your shirts do you mean? I bought a new iron, as you asked.
- Yes Dear...
- And more: you do not mind if I sit tomorrow with colleagues after working in the restaurant? We will not drink, except that the very redmashchka ...
- Of course, not against, dear ...
- How wonderful it is! You have the best!
- And you, dear ....

In the morning, the husband goes to work, and Tatiana suddenly ... throws to her closet. She convulsively seek any minimal decent dress, Pudrenitsa ... And why? And because at work - Oleg! She does not confess to himself, not confess to the fact that he wants to look beautiful woman, not in a formless sweater! .. So that he appreciates it ... No, what nonsense? How can such thoughts come into mind a decent woman?

Tatiana comes to work. Colleague is amazed:
- Tan, what did you do it?
"My husband has an increase in work today, celebrate in the evening," the truthful Tanya is lying.
- Wow! I thought you always celebrate at home, in the comfort, and do not love all these ceremonies ... in business ...

On the lunchtime, Tatiana sees Oleg. He talks with some other woman, he is calm, and she is embarrassed as a girl in his presence and all the time pulls the hair strand. Tanya is stitched through the electric charge of the current: it is jealous !! What if now he is suitable?! And when is this Mamra (Mamra? Tanya, this is your accountant, a pretty woman, besides, married, why do you?) Done from him?!
Mymra dugs, and Oleg is free. He goes to his office and seems to not see Tanya. But at the last moment suddenly turns sharply in the door of the buffet and comes to her. Tatyana begins to bother trembling.
- Today. After work. I have in my office.
He is completely serious, no game! And he has such a low courageous voice! And so strong beautiful handswhere the expensive hours are ticking ... Tatiana Maja, it is embarrassed, blushing, she is bad. Oleg No matter what happened from the buffet. Everything is in order with him.

Continue? After working, Tatiana rises to him into the office. Some unknown force makesone forget about everything: about the rules of decency, about perfect husband, which is considered every desire, about such a thing as loyalty ... Everything that she feels is that now she is a woman who craves real feelings, she, for sure Vakhanka, is going towards Dionysus, - complete freedom, No framework, no boundaries ... Freedom and passion! Her body is already anticipating his male arms, oh, a fatal man! She knows his only one day, but does it have at least some meaning now? It rises on an office elevator higher and higher, because it works on the most recent floor ...

Our heroine has two options for the further development of events. The first is to succumb to these feelings, sleep with this man and come home, realizing that the former life is broken. Husband need or tell the truth, or keep quiet about her long years, and Oleg, most likely, will forget about it tomorrow. She understands it perfectly. Such men do not need women like her. So men do not need women. That's how it will be more correct.

But there is another option! Only real heroines are capable of it. And this option is to think about what actually happens to her. To admit that she lives in fact not as she would like that her happiness is false, and it is necessary to change his life. Get out of this swamp of rules, doll relationship with a boring husband, from stability.
If Tatiana was a very advanced woman, she would understand that she was tired of behaving like a man, but I want to be feminine, real ... But is her husband to blame? And if she came to him in beautiful dressMaybe my husband would lie differently? Maybe it is to blame for their lives, and her husband just loves and adapts to her?
But our Tatiana is not from such fools to ask themselves such questions. She is a social woman, and therefore she will not deal with personal growth, but just will suffer from Oleg. Forever. It doesn't matter whether something or not, it will suffer and suffer. And remember every word. And how she felt next to him. Even if he quit from this work. Anyway - she felt that there was a real woman! Attractive woman. This feeling is given fatal men.

I described a fairly banal and very rough situation, but the meaning of it is as follows: a person, having met a fatal man or a woman, ready to quit his whole life to his / her feet.

Did you read the popular novel "50 shades of gray?" I read somewhere half, out of interest to what now causes people feelings, since they read this book so massively ... So, it seems to me that this book clings first exactly what the fatal man is described there - the main character, And all those feelings that the girl is experiencing to him. It is just a typical plutonic man, and people like to read about such. (I'm not talking now that this novel is also erotic).
Well, and the classic of fatal heroes in artistic literature "This is, of course, Mrs. de Marti and Viscount De Walmont from" Hazardous Relations "in the French novel Schodero de Laklo," two seductors, a man and a woman for whom others are a heart - toys in their hands.

It is in Pluto who goes rocky love, - love for which a person, as they say, is ready to sell his soul. This is the end. This is such a love that has no salvation. She seems completely hopeless. A person cannot resist such love, although she may be insanely to torment him.

About Venus and Pluto in Scorpio.

There are women who have Venus in conjunction with Pluto. There is a whole generation (1984-2000), who has a Pluto in the sign of Scorpio, is absolutely impossible power, because Pluto is a governor of Scorpio, and there he feels excellently. And since Scorpio is a gerger of sex, then imagine what it turns out if Venus stands in Scorpio, and even with Pluto! The most real rocky woman, and sexually rocky!
There are both men with such an aspect, but even more dangerous men who have Mars (that is, the most men's power and energy) stands in conjunction with Pluto! In scorpion! These are fatal men.

But you need to explain what is meant. Fatal - does not mean necessarily insidious seductors, like Oleg (although these energies have necessarily there). The fatal means carrying themselves through (Pluto), who changes other people through (through!). Must change. Transform.
If a woman falls in love with such a man, the meaning of these feelings is that it changed, and who wants to change? Tatiana needs to completely change its lifestyle. She needs to start wearing dresses, understand the relationship with her husband (or divorce him) and understand that he needs spontaneity and livelism in life, and not complete control and routine! She falls in love with Oleg, because he gives her to feel what she really is. Oleg has a huge power over women, because Pluto himself gave him her, - but if Oleg will use this power for mercenary purposes, nothing good will be with him. Pluto brutally will revenge him for failure to fulfill obligations.

If a woman has enough spirit and strength to save their own life, having met such a person, and change the most, without losing the family, it will acquire a lot. In particular, she will lose fear that one day she falls in love with another person and sobs a husband - if it happens and lived, she gets like immunity. Many are not capable of it. Fathers for this and are given: they are black teachers, the strongest temptation for another soul.
There are people who are called "snake-splitter" or "snake-direction". Often these are people with the opposition (that is, the confusion) of Pluto to Venus. Such a man appears in the life of a woman, she falls in love with him, divorced her husband, but as a result, a fatal man leaves, and she remains alone. Fate sends rock when a woman is time to change his life so much that it has to be destroyed. And it is impossible to say that someone is to blame, - no, just a snake-splitter is a kind of man's mission. Pluto says through him. Opposition of Venus Pluto is the aspect of Lolita. A young girl, in which mature wealthy men fall in love with the fatal way.

I have some familiar girls with the connection of Venus Pluto in Scorpio. And several young people with the Mars-Pluto compound. These are people in which others are in love, it will definitely for a long time and hopelessly, - until the unfortunate becomes changing. That is, for example, if a simple mortal happens to a romance with a fatal man, then often after their rupture the fatal man goes on, but his partner remains to suffer feelings, and a very long time cannot forget the novel, and suffers ... he must change. Then this situation will be released. In the depths of the soul, he understands it.

But the owners of such aspects should be neat and responsible. Such forces, such energies they are given not for their own pleasure. And in order to help people change, nothing specifically for this does not, simply without using it.

One of my familiar guy is a fatal man - the one with whom the girls change their guys and husbands. He lives in the world of betting. And he knows that it makes no sense to hope for a beautiful and loyal wife, "he is still convinced, all beautiful changes. Why? Because they change with him.

I have a familiar girl with the connection of Venus Pluto. She feels great that the highest law stands over it, and can only enter into close relationships. Otherwise, Pluto does not allow her. Sometimes for years. But she has no problems with treason. So it happens in any way.

All this is very difficult, but, in any case, just nothing happens. And if there are similar people in your life, and you are tormented by feelings for them, it means that you need to change ... change a lot. And it is not necessary with such people in general to try to make novels, although it seems that this is the only possible option. Just remember: the fatal, they are fatal, but they are also people, and except for pluto in them there are many other planets, other traits. And if you look at them only hopeless eyes in love, they are just boring after some time. They also sometimes want to just comfort, just warm. In addition, they, if they fall in love, the fatal way. Otherwise do not know how.

Square Venus and Pluto in astrology can be compared with Shakespeare tragedies. As in the works of the Great Author, in the history of these two loving hearts Also not everything is smooth. In the myth of Pluton, it is said about separated halves of one whole. They are trying to find each other all the time to restore lost integrity.

Rock love and the aspect of Pluto Venus are woofer and produce obsessed love. The most severe cases aspect are the compound, quadrature and opposition. Any option as a result can lead to unrequited love and suffering. How to deal with the Sinastry Venus and Pluto, read below.

What is Sinastria?

Through the use of a variety of astrological agents, modern astrologers can make an objective assessment of the interaction potential between two people. This implies a synastric aspect. In addition to people, with the help of Sinastry, you can disassemble the relationship with their domestic pets or with organizations where people work.

Sinastry methods are divided into 2 groups:

  • The first studies natal maps and their derivatives in two partners. The easiest way is to impose a map of one person on another card and after analyzing the resulting aspects. That is, it is a synastry with decoding.
  • The second is studied by an integrated map that is an average. This map is very detailed by the analysis of all aspects of the Sinastry and summarize the results of the possible prospects for relations between partners.

Most often, astrologists make up a grid or a table with planets of one person vertically and the other horizontally, thereby watching what aspects begin to emerge in certain intersections.

Connection of Venus with Pluto

The connection of Venus and Pluto in Sinastria guarantees a romantic relationship, and physical attraction to each other occurs involuntarily. If the aspect is negative, the personality in which Pluto prevails, usually shows zealous and proprietary feelings for their partner with a retrograde Venus. Pluto man seeks to control him and even trying to adjust to himself, "dive." These variants of the Square of Venus and Pluto in Sinastry are very negatively affecting intimate life, especially if partners are spouses.

If the aspect is positive, then the relationship is rebuilt on the spiritual way. Pluto man becomes a certain assistant or conductor of human venera in material plan. This option allows people to build an excellent tandem in business associated with finance, culture, art or social insurance. And parallel spiritual development allows us to achieve mutual respect and unity in personal relationships.

What is sextile, trin and quadrature in astrology?

In an astrological forecast, there are also positive and negative variants of the development of events. So, a harmonious aspect, which means good luck, is a sextile. Its action mitigates the situation and provides opportunities that will help achieve the desired result. The opposite will be quadrature. This aspect is very tense and carries disharmony. Obstacles and open conflicts come to life.

Next, in the astrological forecast, you can meet trigon or trin. Translation of this word means "triple" or "triangle". This aspect, on the contrary, is the most balanced and stable. It is he who helps to smooth the emerging conflicts or remove acute problems. With the help of Trina, all human traits come to harmony.

Already mentioned above, this is an aspect that distorts the energy of one planet with the energetics of another, such as the square of Venus and Pluto in Sinastria. That is, the energy of one of these planets blocks or destroys natural properties Another planet.

Square is always one hundred percent conflict of interest. Square shows the worst events in natal map. It can predict troubles or losses, as well as severe suffering or fatal coincidence. Planets, which are in a beneficial aspect in contact with a square, will indicate difficulties in relations, such as Venus will talk about unfortunate love, unsuccessful marriage and love suffering.

Connection, sextile or trine Venus to Pluto

How is Pluto and Venus connected in Sinastria? Pluto man places great demands based on jealousy to their half-Venus. He will completely absorb her and rule as the owner. But Sextile and Trin show well-being. These aspects usually bring a profitable partnership in social spheres or economic Development. However, when combining such a couple, both of both life values \u200b\u200bmay occur.

If there is a square of Venus and Pluto in Sinastria in the marriage union or close business relationships, financial problems may arise, which most often lead to deceptions and poor consequences for Venus man. And if the relationship is only a romantic nature, then there is already a venera person to be subject to the process of mental decomposition or degradation due to the development of debauchery, vulgarity and vulgarity in his life. It will end this can direct sexual harassment. But in all such cases, the square should be considered in detail. transit Pluto To Natal Venus in the maps of both people.

Male Venus in Connection with Pluto Woman

In this aspect, a man identifies himself with his life start, while actively developing. The woman, stepping on his heels and being literally his "shadow", usually remains unnoticed in his affairs, but it becomes an expression of the trends that a man loves. After time, the intense female passion increases, forming a mystical connection with a man and extending to heart depths.

Woman Venus in Connection with Pluto

As can be seen, aspects of Venus and Pluto in Sinastry differ depending on the strength of one or another planet in the Natal map of a certain person. According to astrology, Woman Venus in conjunction with a Men-Pluto usually feels all the response men's reactions in her straight, but it cannot be expressed openly, that is, keeps in themselves. There is a passion between two people, and the past is forgotten as horrible dream. Such love is usually endowed with some secret quality, just it is a magic string, which keeps the original essence of love.

Since the most often in life love passes over time, in this aspect she is mystically reborn like a fantastic Phoenix bird. This is because the Venus woman finds himself, and Pluto's man is aware of its original "I" associated with space energy.

Quadrature Venus to Pluto

With the square of Venus and Pluto in the Sinastria between two people, a physical attraction arises, which prevails over romantics, so the couple always appear problems accompanied by jealousy and proprietary savings. Pluto's personality will always try to control the Venusian, as well as strive to be dominant in emotionally plan. Plus, the plutonian in such an aspect is the main finance.

Venusian will always consider plutonian too aggressive not only in ordinary lifeBut also in intimate, and in response, the plutonian will see excessive frivolism in the Venusian. In case of business relationships, there will be no success in such a combination.

Quadrature Men-Venus to Pluto Woman

In this case, the male nature is feminine and soft, and female, on the contrary, impulsive. The square of Venus and Pluto in Natal in a man means a threat to his inner self-confidence, since the Pluto woman mocks over things that, according to men, can soften her temper. And the more he will respond to its suppressed inner "I", the more you will feel my humiliation. However, such an aspect increases sexual attraction due to the flexibility of female nature.

Quadrature of Women Venus to a man -Putonian

A woman feels all the qualities that a man inside himself cannot consider. But the intensity of male nature in such an aspect knocks out a woman from equilibrium, and the more Venusian woman tries to help the partner in the male transformation, the more destroys the way last Life. In such an aspect, spiritual growth is inevitable, but the disorder arising from the plutonian will bring difficulties in marriage.

Trin Venus to Pluto

In this variant, a romantic and physical attraction is well shown in the pair. Such a combination will be lucky in relationships, where financial issues are dominated. Venus's personality benefits plutonian in the development of diplomatic qualities, and Pluto's personality pushes Venusian to spiritual development and positive setup. Pluto brings mysticism here.

Woman Venus in Trina to Male Pluto

Here a woman can reach his vertices due to the plutonian. Before her mind, the music, pouring from the male subconscious, is she who attracts a woman so much. Colorful shades of impressions arise literally from nowhere. Male subtle subconsciously fully seizes with a veneranon, as a result, it simply dissolves in it, getting higher goodness. She becomes music, and he is an inspiration that falls about love. It is in the melody that form a stream of consciousness, and these relationships proceed.

Male Venus in Trina to Pluto Woman

If such an aspect is considered in the relationship, the depth of the woman is complemented by the warmth of the man. When she is at the very bottom of his well, the saving light from the partner gets to it. It contributes to the transformation of its lowest nature, entails self-knowledge and recognition. Transformations occur in a soft key, so a man also gets its share of growth and development. He recognizes and realizes his ability to love and be loved. In turn, the light over the well, who sees a woman is a male unconditional love.

Opposition Venus to Pluto

If there is such an opposition, no matter how surprising, but the romance prevails. However, Venus man will consider Plutonian Dominant and a terrible owner, and in reverse side Venusianets will get the stamp of superficial and enough frivolous man. Only the personal manifestation of Pluto in a separate horoscope can show the true strength of his influence. Positively romantic and love relationship Can be endowed with a spiritual aspect that will stimulate the creation of something more.

Thanks to this development, mutual extension is developing between partners. Common interests are manifested in art and culture. But if partners, being married, decided to divorce, the process will be accompanied by scandals, cries and serious conflicts associated with the material sphere and general capital.

Male Venus in opposition to Pluto woman

This option combines passion and instability simultaneously. This aspect usually leads to breaking relationships. Everything happens because the Male-Venusian sees femininity within himself and tries to kill all its manifestations towards himself, as it considers it weakness. A woman, on the contrary, perfectly sees himself in a man, but does not understand his destructive power and continues to beat the wall, fighting with such a male nature. Despite difficulties, partners through such aspect can achieve the strongest transformations.

Women's Venus in opposition to Male Pluto

In this aspect, Venusiance acutely fits not only a passion with her plutonian, but also his impermanence, originating at the lowest levels of development. However, in this way, it seeks good work on oneself and rather labor-intensive changes. As long as a woman gives a man her love, he tries to destroy everything that prevents her growth.

A new awareness to a woman can come only if it can endure the coup and expectation of approval from the partner. Due to the problematicness of this aspect, not all pairs are withstanding such a power of passions, therefore often disagree even if there are other positive strengths.

Signs of Venus and Pluto side by side, scales and scorpion. Venus also rules the Taurus, a sign that opposes Scorpio. When signs side by side and oppose each other, they differ as they can be. Venus symbolizes harmony, beauty, pleasure and love, while Pluto symbolizes transformation, gender, death, revival and intimacy.

In Sinastria, Pluto introduces intensity, obsession, property and the desire for proximity. Pluto wants to deepen deeply to reveal what is under the surface. The surface does not turn to Pluto; He wants something deep. He wants something transforming, something superior border between two people. Not in Neptune, spiritual, but more physical, psychological sense. Venus, on the other hand, wants balance and harmony. Venus is known as a superficial planet, as it craves beauty and cooperation over everything.

When Pluto meets Venus in Sinastria, the beast meets beauty. Pluto is not impressed with the favor and flower flavors of Venus. Yes, he extremely attracts her charm, grace and beauty, but attraction occurs far beyond its external beauty. Pluto sees directly in the psyche of Venus. He wants to reveal his layers and wants to know her the deepest and dark secrets. He wants to take Venus in the depths of the proximity, where true ties occur and proximity. First Venus stunned; She is scared and intrigued by Pluto. Its flats his attention and interest in her acquaintance, but his intensity scares. She loves her passion, as she makes her feel desirable and beautiful. Venus knows that she can not hide from Pluto, and the temptation is difficult to resist. If Pluto feels that its level of intensity does not correspond to Venus, it will increase its intensity until they are at one level.

As in all aspects of the Sinasta of Pluto, Pluto's man has "top", and Venus is a humble partner. As relationships develop, the couple becomes demanding to each other. The fear of losing each other affects them both by giving rise to a feeling of uncertainty, jealousy and property. Pluto wishes full domination and control over Venus, while Venus really wants to please Pluto. Pluto will continue to dig and dig the mind of Venus until he is satisfied with the love of Venus. "All or nothing" characterizes this union. Pluto does not want to share the Venus and uses manipulative tactics to provide him with the belonging of Venus and it only.

Pluto makes the Vienuru see something about himself that she wanted to hide. His role is to convert Venus, exploring the depths of proximity and sharing. Relationships are very sexy, and chemistry is addictive. This level of passion is the highest that you will have in your life, as they explore and play the deepest, dark secrets and fantasies each other. This aspect can lead to sexual exploitation, as well as to the dominance of Pluto over Venus and the desire of Venus to please Pluto in any possible way.

If you have ever read the "fifty shades of gray", you have a good understanding of Venus-Pluto in Sinastry. The book is a young, beautiful millionaire, Gray, meets a young, innocent virgin Ana, and both begin sexual relationscharacterized by dominance and humility. Gray calls shots in a relationship, speaking to her that relations will only be sexual. Gray tests ana sexual restrictions that detect the sexy side of her, which she never knew, existed. Ana is finally depleted with relationships and leaves gray, but the level of passion and the proximity of the two divided will never be forgotten.

One final note: Venus Pluto in a synastic aspect can also lead to financial operation. In addition to love and beauty, Venus also regulates finance and personal belongings. Pluto can take advantage of the desire of Venus to please him by taking her finance.

Previous description applies, in particular, to tough aspects between Venus and Pluto in Sinastry. Sextile and Trin encapsulate positive side Venus Pluto; There is intensity and obsession, but it is less consumed and negative than we find in tough aspects.