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Love Jewish and Nazis. This is not a script for the film, but a real story of life! Sex unions and "Jewish question as modern Jews relate to the Germans

According to the census from June 1933, the Jewish population of Germany consisted of about 500,000 people, which constituted less than one percent of the entire population of Germany, which had 67 million people. Conducting the census, the Nazis adhered not to conventional methods, but racist criteria established by Nuremberg laws of 1935 and a number of subsequent decrees: the Jews attributed those whose ancestors in the second knee professed Judaism. As a result, thousands of people who passed from Judaism to another religion were equated to the Jews, right up to Catholic priests and nuns, as well as Protestant pastors, whose ancestors in the second knee were Jews.

Eighty percent of German Jews (about 400,000 people) had German citizenship. The rest for the most part had Polish citizenship, and many of them were born in Germany and constantly lived in it.

In the urban areas of Germany, there were a total of about 70 percent of Jews. Fifty percent of all Jews lived in the 10 largest cities in Germany, including Berlin (about 160,000), Frankfurt am Main (about 26,000), Breslau (about 20,000), Hamburg (about 17,000), Cologne (about 15,000) , Hannover (about 13,000) and Leipzig (about 12,000).

Key dates

April 1, 1933
National Boycott owned by the Jews of enterprises

At 10:00 am, the attack aircraft (CA) and the members of the SS (the elite guards of the Nazi Reich) are located near the enterprises belonging to the Jews throughout Germany and warn everyone that the owners of these enterprises are Jews. On glass windows often write "Jude" (it. - Jew), on the doors they paint the yellow-black star David. Next to them leave anti-Jewish inscriptions. In some cities, Ca members marching the streets, shouting anti-European slogans and mowing party songs. In other cities, the boycott is accompanied by violence; In Kiel kill a lawyer Jew. Boycott ends at midnight. Boycots locally continued during the 1930s.

September 15, 1935
The introduction of Nuremberg laws

At the annual congress of the party, the Nazis adopt new laws, announcing Jews by citizens of the second grade and abolishing most of their political rights. Moreover, Jews prohibit marriage or have sexual relations with "German or related blood". "Desecration of race", as they call, equal to a criminal offense. Nuremberg laws define the Jew as a person with three or four Jews in the second knee of ancestors or a practitioner Jewish religion. Thus, the Nazis equates thousands of people who have passed from Judaism to the Jews to another religion, right up to Catholic priests and nuns and Protestant pastors, who in the second knee ancestors were Jews.

November 9, 1938
"Night of broken windows": nationwide pogrom

In response to the murder of the German diplomat of Ernst Background, the Minister's Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of Germany, pronounces the faithful supporters of the Nazi Party in Munich, who gathered on the anniversary of the unsuccessful "beer coup" in 1923 (the first attempt of Adolf Hitler to seize power). The speech serves as a signal for an organized attack by members of the CA, SS and other organizations of the Nazi party, such as "Hitlergenda", for Jewish houses, enterprises and temples. Although the Nazi authorities later call the pogrom spontaneous act of public violence, the participation of the population in the pogrom is minimal. The Jewish pogrom continues until the morning on November 10 and is part of the story called "Crystal Night" ("Night of broken windows"). At least 91 Jews killed, up to 30,000 were arrested and enclosed in concentration camps. After the pogrom everywhere there is a transfer of enterprises owned by the Jews "Aryans", the so-called "artization".

"Hermann (Lat. Germani) - a group of related tribes (numbered
dozens of tribes) belonging to the Indo-European language family and
engaged in the territory of modern Denmark and the southern coast of Norway and
Sweden (usually this period of history is referred to as Teutonic). To V century AD
the German tribes settled the extensive territory between the Rhine and the Bolt
from the West to the East, the Danube in the south and Borisphen and Meotsky Sea on
Southeast. "
Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia.

As you know, at present, the term "Indo-Europeans" is considered to be the majority of Europe inhabitants, as well as having the Aryan roots of residents of the Caucasus, the Middle East, the territories of Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, North Africa, North China and other territories. Previously, they were called the Aryan peoples or "Indoarias", but after the "Aryan Stupidity" of the "Great Führer" of Germany - Adolf Hitler, the word "Aria" (in the terminology of Hitler's Germany - "ARIET") in the world, it became almost abusive and shameful, so For the designation of the Aryan peoples, another term was invented - "Indo-Europeans", which is radically wrong, since not all modern Europeans are descendants of Arii.

The Indo-Europeans began to receive unicoral nations - Germanians, Finno-Ugrov (Finns, Estonians, Karelov, Hungarians), Basque, Spaniards, Portuguese, etc.

Immediately make a reservation and I note that under the term "German" I mean all the modern peoples that have occurred from Germanic (not Aryan !!!) tribes, namely: Germans, Austrians, Belgians, Dutch, Luxembourgs, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Swiss , the British, the French (partially, as partially the French are descendants of Western Arya: Galov (Galatov) or Celts), as well as borants (white Africans in South Africa), Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, i.e. The peoples of the German (mainly English) origin.

However, the Germans, first of all, the Germans to emphasize their "Aryskost" (it is not clear only, for what basis?) Call themselves "Indo-Hermann" instead of "Indo-Europeans", and completely without any reason. After all, this is not the case, because the Germans and all the other Germans are not descendants neither the industries or other Arya (or Indoarians, that the same thing), but are the descendants of seven-khamitic (or seven-hurrites) tribes and the closest relatives modern Jews and Arabs, i.e. Not related to Indo-European, but to the Afrazian (or Afro-Asian) language family.

Proof of this is a lot of facts.

So, let's begin.

It is known that Indy or Sindia (Hinda) is one of the Aryan tribes, who lived first in Europe, and then went to India (it was this tribe gave the name of the terrain where it was gone - "India", as well as the India River, which was also called Sind), bringing Sanskrit to India - the language of the ancient Arius, which is now known as Hindi (except Hindi in the territories of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan there are a number of languages \u200b\u200bthat occurred from Sanskrit Vedic Ariyev:

indoary - "Nepalese" ("Nepali"), "Singalsky" ("Sinah"), "Maldives" ("Dhipihi"), "Bengali" ("Bengali"), "Gujarati", "Marathi", "Padjabi", "Orya", "Sindhi", "Urdu" and others;

indoiransky - Persian language (Farsi), Tajik, Dari, Kurmanji, Supil, South-Four, Leku, Beluji, Centralian, Pashto, Vaneci, Shugnansky, Rushansky, Bartangsky, Ossetian, Yagnobsky, etc.

All Arias talked in Sanskrit language, which is now considered to be "dead", but is in very close relationship with the Russian language (as well as with its local adversaries, which are currently individual languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian and Ukrainian) and in a slightly lesser degree of relationship with others. , more western, Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Polish, Czech, Slovak, Rusinsky, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, etc.

At the same time, all Germanic (German, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, etc.) Languages \u200b\u200bare not descendants of Sanskrit, being very far from him, which puts doubt on the correctness of the term "Indo-Hermann", which unites two completely different language families - Indians (Sindov, i.e. Ariyev) and Germanians (i.e. seven-coats).

The Celtic peoples are very interesting in this regard - Scots, Irish, Icelanders, who are very strongly Germanized arias, especially Icelanders. Their languages \u200b\u200bretained many Aryan words, even the Aryan holidays were preserved (for example, the Scottish feast of the sauna (or Camene, or Samine), which is the Aryan holiday diwali (holiday lights), and the elements of the Aryan culture (for example, the Scottish brandy tool "Volyanka", which also There is also in Slavic Galicia, Western Ukraine and Slovakia), but culture, mythology, faith, languages \u200b\u200bhave largely resemble the German.

As you know, Arias gave rise to all Indo-European peoples, except for the Germans (who are actually already said, the descendants of seven-co-khamites) and Gypsies (Daraish residents of India - Dravids, who moved to Europe and other parts of the globe). But relatively "pure" arias were preserved only on the indigenous Aryan lands (in the territories from the Aryan River Vistula to the Aryan River Volga (ranhers), from the Black (Russian) Sea to the Baltic (Varangian) Sea (called also in its time the Venneda Bay), in The rest of the same regions were the colossal mixture of Ariii with alien racial and language elements; at the same time, the mixing of Ariii with local residents of this or that territory contributed to the emergence of new peoples and peoples, languages \u200b\u200band their dialects. Arias spread:

Across Europe (in Spain and Portugal were subsequently ousted by Semity-Sephards who came from North Africa), including the Canary Islands - the mysterious Blonde and Blonde and Blue-eyed people "Guangchi", which was subsequently destroyed by the Spaniards, who are also the semit-Khamitian people together with Portuguese and basks, but already, versedly, as a result of the mixing of Ariii and Semitov-Sephardov, while the basks of them are more "clean" semitic people;

In Asia, except for Southeast Asia (Small Asia, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Siberia, the territory of modern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, the northern part of China);

In North (Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) and Northeast Africa (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia).

Aryan culture underlies almost all cultures.

Arias who have gone from their lands to the southwest of Europe, including England, Ireland and Iceland, gave rise to European (Greek, Roman, French, Scottish, Irish, Icelandic, etc.) cultures.

Arias who left their land to South (Africa and the Middle East) gave the beginning of the ancient Egyptian (which subsequently went to the basis of Arab culture), the Ancient Ethiopy, Old Hommer and Ethiopian cultures.

The Arias, who left east, gave the beginning of the Persian, Afghan, Indian (both India or Harapp, and Vedic) and Chinese cultures.

The Arias also reached Japan (Aina are descendants of Ariyev) and even came to North America (the remnants of iron production were found there, which the Arias knew and did not know the local Indians until the arrival of Spanish conquistadors, the Indians knew only the technology of obtaining gold), and also visited Mysterious O.Pashi (it seems very similar to the stone women of the island of Easter is the goddess Ariyev, since at the time Ariev was a matriarchy).

Arias who have gone from their lands to the north of Europe as a result of the departure of the glacier in 10 thousand BC. And later, in the future they influenced the development of the North-European (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Estonian) cultures, new peoples and cultures (Lithuanian, Latvian) appeared as a result of the mixing of Finno-Ugroms, Germans and Ariev.

Arias living in the territory of Hungary and modern German states in the center of Europe (modern Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland) influenced the culture of these Finno-Ugric (Hungarian or Magyarsky) and German peoples.

At the same time, the Germans (their ancestors, as seven-coats, were related to the Afro-Asian family - that is, the "Neroid" race) and Hungarians, together with their "relatives" of Finns and Estonians (their ancestors were treated to the Altai family, t .. To the "yellow" race) turned out of African Asians and Asians in Europeans (European), i.e. Now they are referred to by the "white" race as a result of the colossal mixing of the Afrazians-Germanians and the Asians of Finno-Ugrov with the autochthonous population of Europe - the Ariami-Core windows.

Arias, who remained living in their former place (on its historical praodine - in the territories from Vistula to the Volga), put the basis of the Slavic (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Slovenian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian) cultures ( Naturally, at the same time, "neighboring" peoples - Germanians and Finno-Ugry were their influence on Slavic culture.

With the spread of Ariii, the spread of religion, science, copper production, bronze, and then iron, combat chariots, fortress cities, horses and cattle are connected. At the same time, the Aryan tribes called all the unicoral peoples of Dasa or "Letting."

Dasa - Sanskrit term (on Sanskrit - ;;). In "Rigveda", it is used in its initial value of the "enemy" to designate non-Aryan tribes, hostile to the Aria (Vedic) tribes. Also in the "Rigveda" enemies are called another term - "let's". Later, the Aria's enemies began to be called "Lying" (literally "handing", "people of the wrong word"; from here, in the future, the Russian word "enemies" occurred - i.e. "Naria", because the arias never lied), and the word " Dasa "acquired another meaning -" Slave "," servant ". This happened because unless (non-uniced) tribes began to fall under the authority of the Ariev as a result of the conquests of the last other territories.

In historical notes, there were records of the mysterious tribe "Chud", which lived in the vicinity of the Church of the Lake (probably lake and got his name on the name of this tribe). This tribe distinguished himself in the history of the battle, called the "Ice Baby" on the ice of the Lake Mice on April 5, 1242, in which Chud fought on the side of the Germans (!) Against the Russian troops of Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky's nimbled in the people "for his victory over The Swedes on the River Neve July 15, 1240): "The Germans and Chud, piercing a pig through the shelves" ("Livonian rhymed chronicle"). But then this tribe suddenly disappeared from the history to nowhere. Traditions of this tribe "Cui" most often mentioned in the Finno-Ugric ethnic groups. In the Siberian Territories, in Altai, as well as in the Urals there remains a large number of legends in which it is narrating that the mysterious tribe "Chud" also lived in these territories. Therefore, scientific circles believed exactly the Finno-Ugric peoples and comi-perm descendants of this tribe. But the Finno-Things themselves were not called themselves so, but called the "miracle" a completely different people. So who is this people called "Chud"?

Aryan society and Aryan culture began to develop in the era of the great glaciation. The beginning of the collapse of the Aryan community is the end of Neolithic. So in the Neolithic of Arias lived in the country, the Kotya was called "Arijavart" - the country of Ariev. AliaVedja was also called their country of Aria - "Aryan Prostone" or "Brahmavart" - "Country of God Brahma".

Aria belonged to the northern branch of the White race. They had white skin, round face, blue or blue-gray eyes, strongly protruding straight or slightly smoky nose, hair white or light-blond. Aria believed themselves as descendants of the Sun God. Yes, and their very name ("Ariavanta" - in the Aryan version; "Arya" or "Ari" - originally indicated the "sun") means "solvent", "wearing Sun sign" ("Hwwan", "Harwant" - in the Persian version , "Croat" - in the Slavic version, originated from the Aryan God of the Sun of Horsa) and gets closer to the expression "Dazh-God's grandchildren" (one of the Slavic names of the God of the Sun - "Dazh-God" or "Layout -Bog "), i.e. Sun grandchildren.

In the era of the great glaciation on the planet Earth, a pole displacement occurred. And Arjavart was in the zone of the tundra (data from Veda and Avesta). Arias settled on a narrow strip of land between the great glacier (which ended several south of modern Kiev in Ukraine) and the Black Sea. In the era of the great glaciation in Ariavart, winter lasted 10 months, summer - 2 months. The year was like one day and one night, i.e. The Arias knew the polar day and the polar night (this is reflected in the sacred versals, where the distant Northern Praodin Ariev is mentioned, which is misleading many scientists, "Arielogov", for example, Croatian archaeologist Verkovich Stephen Ilyich and Indian scientist from the Brahmansky family of Gandhara Tilak who speak about the outcome of Ariii from the north, believing that the ancestors of the Slavs (i.e.ari) had no time for the polar circle, where the mainland of hyperboro or Arctic was left under the water).

Polar motifs can be found in Indian Epos Ramayana. There are such lines: "Near the Milk (Ice) Ocean is the island of Svetvipa, where mighty people are inhabited, beautiful, like the moonlight. They are slim and shoulder, endowed with great physical and spiritual strength, their voice is similar to Thunder. " The messenger of the Gods Bird Garuda flew into that land and saw there "Captive Waters", that is, ice, as well as the Northern Lights.

It is known that Tundra is the same desert, just not hot and anhydrous, but cold and overwhelmed. Therefore, everything that concerns living in the desert (for example, Tuaregov) is true for the arions of that time. And from Tuaregov, and Ariyev had a matriarchy. The harsh living conditions lead to a large loss of men, so women were carriers of knowledge and traditions. They also owned writing. At Ariev, it was a nodule letter; Proof of this - in the Russian tales of Baba Yaga gives the hero of the tangle, which rolls and leads it to the goal, i.e. The hero reads what is written on the tick of the tangle, unwinding it (according to nodules). (The very word Baba Yaga means a virgin victim (and not an evil old woman-witch), which is associated with an ancient Organ cult (which still has in Nepal) of the Goddess Kumari (other names of the Goddess - Aditi, Durga) - Virgin ("Virgin "), Which was sacrificed (the victim was also called" Kostroma "or" Vestka "(" Vesta "). This fact suggests that Arias at its second outcome to India in the III-II thousand BC, Captured not only the northern, but also southern India, because the southern tip of India is called Kumari Cape (i.e. Cape of the Virgin Mother of the Aryan Goddess Aditi (Durga), the mother of the Aryan gods); but in South India, Aria (which was little) mixed with numerous local Dravidian peoples and have lost their own peculiarity. However, modern locals in the south of India - Tamila - still prefer the cow (!) Milk, and not a buffalo. Now, to hide these historical facts, testifying to the conquest of the arias of the whole (including including the southern part) of India, try to change historical Cape Kumari name for the meaningless name "Cape Komorin"). Each node or group of nodes meant a syllable. The letter of Ariyev was a slug. A novel letter was read and left-right, and pleasing. The right hand took the beginning of the thread, the left - tangle and started reading right-left. With the opposite arrangement of hands - on the contrary. When, instead of a nodile letter, it began to write on Berré, bearing skids, wax, skin, stone, two syllable letters of writing appeared: Brahimi and Kharoshtha. Kharoshthi wrote to the right left, Brahmi - from left to right. Thus, Arias wrote and read both from left to right and right to left (afterwards the winner of Ariyev was released by Brahmi's alphabet and his descendant - Devanagari, as a result of the Slavs, and the Hindus write and read from left to right).

Knowing that Arias wrote and read in both directions (both from left to right and right left), let's try the word "chum" to read the opposite. What do we get? And we get our word "DURN", i.e. Almost the word "Doych" - "German" ("Doych" (Deutcsh) is the self-sizing of the Germans). And in relation to the word "Doych" there are the Aryan words "Dasa" and "Dasoy" - is not true, are very similar?

A. Aas in his book "The Great Secrets of Russia. History. Pranodina. Ancestors. Shrines "mentioned the German tribe of Ducks. However, according to Wikipedia "Daci (lat. Daci) - a group of Thracian tribes. The central region of the settlement of Dakov was located north of the lower flow of the Danube (on the territory of modern Romania) - now it is called Dakia (Diaca). " In IX century The self-determination of this people as "Romani" was recorded, that is, Romanians (there is no doubt that the words "Duck", Dakia originated from the word "dasa").
The Roman Dacia is also known (Lat. Dacia Romana) - the Roman province formed in 101-106. AD descendants of Ariyev-Venenov Emperor Trajan (Traian - the name of the Russian God, see "Word about the regiment of Igor", also known as the king of pea, the Ariev is known as Tratona or Tarhon (Tarh), Scythians - Targ, Targy) The conquest of the Romans (which was then represented by the Aryan community) of the central part of the territory of the historical and geographical area of \u200b\u200bDakia, before the population inhabited by the people. Ducks are attributed to Indo-European origin, which is very doubtful, because in English "Duck" (DaRK) is dark, and the arias were light (white leather, blonde, blue or gray-groove eyes). The word "Dark" and in other languages \u200b\u200bsounds almost similar: Basque - "Dark", Gelsky (Scottish) and Irish - "Dorcha", Icelandic - "Dukk", German - "Duster" (denotes the "gloomy") .
Therefore, A. Aasya is still right: initially "Daki" - it was the German tribe, which was called "Daki" in the color of their dark skin, because the ancient Germans (ancestors of modern German peoples) were dark semit-co-khamites who came from the Middle East.

And now it is necessary to pay attention to the self-sampling of the ancient Germans - "Thiuda", i.e. Almost Russian "Chud". And what will be the word "deutcsh" on the contrary? And it will be so - "hcstued" - is it not true, it looks like "thiuda"? And what will happen if you remove the first two letters in the word "thiuda"? And will be "IUDA". It doesn't remind anything? After all, now the Jews in Germany are called "Jude", i.e. "Jew". At the same time, the modern Russian name "Jew" comes from the word "Jew": "Jew"; "Eudey"; "Eurea"; "Jew". By the way, the word "liquid", which now is called the Jews in the Slavic States Poland and Slovakia, and also called in the former Russian Empire, happened from the word "Jude", which was read like "Jude" or "Zhud" (in English manner) and then transformed into the word "flu".

From history, it is known that part of the seven-khamites (ancestors of modern Germans) is still in Neolithic (the end of the VI - the beginning of the V thousand BC) broke through Malny Asia and the Balkans to Central Europe. At the same time, in the subsequent, the Aryan tribes, settle down on new lands, began to crowd out seven-coat-khamites from Central Europe, drove them to other territories - mainly on the Scandinavian Peninsula (here is where modern German-speaking Norwegians and Swedes appeared) and dropping south of Europe . At the same time, some of the seven-khamites settled in the vicinity of the Church of the Lake, next to Slavic tribes. Thus, on the shores of the chief of the lake, a part of the seven-co-khamites came to Europe was settled - this is the mysterious tribe "Chud", which is mistakenly ranked at the Finno-Ugric tribes.

The fact that Germanians are not Aryan (i.e. not Indo-European), and the semit-Khamita (i.e. Afro-Asian) origin also testifies to the ancient Germers. He had two forms: severe and weak.

The weak form of ancient Germansky language arose later as a result of borrowing from the Aryan (Slavic, Celtic, Romanesque languages) and is typical Indo-European. The weak form underlies all modern German languages, at the same time, there is a similarity of suffixes and prefixes (see Junction), which Germans borrowed from Slavs (direct descendants of Ariyev, some of which were opened), Celts (descendants of Ariii, who came to the West of Europe, And then partially Germanized) and Latinan (descendants of Ariii, who founded the Roman Empire and completely Germanized later), like its closest neighbors.

The strong form of the ancient Germanic language appeared earlier and in ancient times was more common, and now remained in Germanic languages \u200b\u200bas a rudiment, for example:
in English:
compare English words: Foot [foot] - foot feet (the only chilo) and Feet [Fit] - feet feet (multiple number);
or another example: Young | yan | - Young, young and Youth [Jus] - youth, youth;

and Arabic words :;;;;;;; [Cataba] - write ,;;;;;;;;; [Act-bu] - I write ,;;;;;;; [Chinese] - book ,;;;;;;; [Cutubu] - books ,;;;;;;;; [Katiba] - Writer ,;;;;;;;;; [Kuttaba] - Writers ,;;;;;;;;;;; [Maktabatu] - Library).

In the strong form of the ancient Germanic language, the word-byfection (word formation) went in the same way as in modern seven-co-khamitic languages \u200b\u200b(Arabic, Jewish Hebrew and others) - due to the replacement of one vowel sound (or several) in the root of the word to another (or other) ), i.e. The internal structural change of the word (internal flexion) was carried out with the help of transfix, forming the entire paradigm of the root of the new (formed) words.

In the Aryan (Indo-European) languages, as a rule, flexy is located, mainly at the very end of words and is called the "ending" (this is one of the types of postfix, having a forming function); "Ending" has a relational (i.e. indicating communication with other members of the proposal), due to its various forms of words (male, female, medium genus, multiple number). The word formation (derivation) in the Aryan (Indo-European) languages, as a rule (for example, in Russian), was carried out and carried out with the help of suffixes (affixes, located after the root) - a different species of postfix, having a word-forming function (although sometimes suffixes have a forming function) , and prefixes (affixes, located in front of the root), called in Russian "Prefix".

There are languages \u200b\u200bthat do not consume prefixes (Turkic, Finno-Ugors), and all grammar express postfixes. In some other languages, for example, Swahili (Bantia, Central Africa), prefixes are used and post-fixes are almost used.
Aryan (Indo-European) languages \u200b\u200bto which the Russian language belongs, and prefixes (consoles), and post-fixes (suffixes), but with a clear advantage towards the latter.

And in the strong form of the ancient Germansky language, the subfixes, suffixes and endings were not!

According to the rules of seven-khamitic languages \u200b\u200bin English, the multiple form of the words "Man" and "Woman" was also formed: Man (Rus. [Maine]) - man, the second meaning is a man, and Men (Rus. [Maine]) - People Men (MN 1); Woman [Wʊmən] (Rus. [Vaumen]) - Woman and Women [WɪMɪn] (Rus. [VIITIN]) - Women (MNCH). Moreover, the following is noteworthy - the words "Woman" and "Women" are formed by adding to the words "MAN" and "MEN" of the WO- "lettering, perhaps this is English" WOE "| Wʊʊ | (Rus. [VEU] - "Mount" (i.e. Mount-man), but more likely it is shortened over time the verb "Woo" - "Woo" (i.e. "Woman" and "Women" - respectively " A man for Watanya "and" the people who walked to wrap up ", i.e." Woman "," Women "). Over time," WO- "began to write on the short-circuit version" WO- "(in order to simplify writing" disappeared " One letter "O"), but continued to read as "Wu-", and the second half of the words continued to read as "-MEN", but "E" is shorter, i.e. "Vaumen" - "Woman". To denote the same The multiple number (women) came up with the word "Women", in which the letter "WO-" began to read as "Wi-" instead of "WU-", and in the second half of the word, changing the writing "A" to "E" (by analogy With "MAN" and "MEN"), "-Men" began to read as "-min", i.e. it turned out "Wif" - "women".

In addition, in the German language "Ovez" is "HAFER", and "yeast" will be "hefe" in German.

First, again it draws attention that these words are formed by the rules of seven-khamitic languages \u200b\u200b- internal flexions; it means German, like English (see above), is a "relative" of Arab and Jewish languages, and the Germans themselves (as well as the British, Austrians, Dutch, Luxembourgs, Belgians, Swedes, Norwegians, Swiss, partially French) - Descendants Semit-khamitic tribes who came to Europe.

Secondly, this fact is direct evidence that the German peoples are yeast for the production of beer served oatmeal (!) Malt. The Aryanian tribes drank beer from barley (!) With the addition of hop (therefore, the beer in Ariyev was considered a black drink). For the manufacture of beer of Aria, barley (!) Malt (germination of the bunch of barley) was made. Then the malt was dried, Moli and put wander. There was a braga that could be drunk immediately. To get beer from the braga, it was necessary to add more and hop in the cooking process as yeast. And the German tribes cooked beer not from barley, but from oats, and without adding hops. At the same time, now the six-pointed star Zoiglstern (Jewish Star of David) in Germany is a symbolic designation in Germany brewing, like crafts: the unity of elements and components. Star Zoiglstern and today is depicted on the signs of German brewers selling their own beer. On the other hand, in the south of Germany, there was an idea that the first brewer was the biblical king David and the name of the beer in the south of Germany - "Bei; L" [Baisl] comes from the distorted Jewish word "house" sounding to Yiddish ;;;; [b; Is], in Hebrew ;;; [B; IT] (in Arabic ;;;;; [Bate]; The diminitious suffix [l (b)] is characteristic of the Language of Yiddish and South German dialects) and biblical motives remain in the symbolism of brewing until today. Cerevisia is a completely special beer of oats (!), Which drank pilgrims in holy places. Cerevisia Nonalis - "Nine-hour beer", which was supposed to have a mandatory to drink at 9 am - just at 9 am Jesus, experiencing thirst, went to Calvary. In Nuremberg in 1290. The law was published that beer should be boiled only from barley. It is strictly forbidden to cook beer from oats (as well as wheat and rye). Nevertheless, the Brewers of Hamburg and Nuremberg on the ancient (seven-khamitic) tradition continued to cooked white beer from oats. All these facts testifies to the Nariysky, and the seven-khamitic origin of the Germans and the other German peoples.

Now consider languages, modern Jews are talking on the cat. And they speak in two languages \u200b\u200b- Idish and Hebrew.

Yiddish language (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, yidish or yidish - literally: "Jewish") - the Jewish language of the German group, historically the main language of Ashkenazov's Jews (Ashkenazi - subectothnic group of descendants Jews of Central Europe, who are not semi-by-people from Spain, Southern France, Turkey and partly Italy), at the beginning of the 20th century, about 11 million Jews spoke around the world. The term "Ashkenazi" comes from the Jewish name of medieval Germany ("Ashkenaz"), perceived as the place of resettlement of the descendants of Ascenaz, the grandson of the Japta (here is the true reason why I personally could not understand in my youth - why all the Jews ride in Germany "Jewish diaspora" (?), not in Israel or any other country, densely intense with Jews, like, for example, the United States?). And, earlier, the Jews called their Language Ashkenez (;;;;;;;;;, "German language") or Takez (;;;;;, initially: "German"; not really, "Takes" is very similar to "Doych" is the self-calibration of the Germans?!), Without separating it, thus, from the Netsman-Christian language.

Thus, the German understood and understands the Jew-Ashkenaz, speaking Yiddish, and vice versa. Moreover, the similarity of the Language "Yiddish" with the ancient Germansky language was much more than the modern German.

Language "Ivry; T" (;;;;;;;;, the modern pronunciation of "IV '; IT" - "Jewish language") - the language of the Semitic family, the state language of Israel, the language of some Jewish communities and diasporas; Modern Hebrew is revived and adapted as a conversational and official language of the state of Israel in the 20th century.

It is more modern and was artificially created - perhaps even in order to "hide the" Jewish "roots" German "nation. Therefore, at first, the language "Hebrew" had nothing to do with German (German) languages, creating independently and distinguished from German and Language of Yiddish. However, the Second World War (including the mainly Holocaust), assimilation of Jews in the West and in the USSR, including the closure of Jewish schools, and the desire to introduce Hebrew in Israel with a rapid pace - all these factors led to almost widespread the disappearance of cultural life on Language "Yiddish", and rapid reduction also and its everyday use. Due to the fact that Gebraist ideology has negatively related to the use of phrases in Hebrew and words from other Jewish languages, the Idiang expressions "pretended" to foreign. In this way, a lot of borrowing from Idisch regarding the "blittlefluous" entered into modern literary hebrew, as well as in Hebrew Slang 1940s and 1950s. Havver quotes Josef Guri, who notes that about a quarter of a thousand idiom of colloquial Hebrew are trains from Yiddish. (However, Havver does not apply to all the difficulty of a changed attitude towards Idish in Ishiv after the European Jewry catastrophe).

At the same time, A. Hitler, being a Jew himself (according to various sources on a quarter, half or even entirely), complicated and configured for the whole world the obvious relatives of the Germans and Jews. As a result of destruction in the 30s-40s of the 20th century by the German-Jew, A. Hitler of the Jewish population of Europe and the USSR, no one believes in the relatives of these two peoples, considering it impossible! Probably, Western civilization, which is no longer one century leads war, both physical and ideological, against the Russian civilization, which it calls "Russian barbarism", which, moreover, was painted during this period in the red color of socialism and communism, With a parallel attempt by the destruction of Germany of the Soviet Union, A. Gitler and another mission (could not develop the "theory of true Aryans" himself so well, it is clearly someone "Vyl" and "helped" ideologically ) - due to the destruction of simple Jews to instill hatred planet and disgust for the ariams (which they dubbed the word "Aryans", which the Arias were never called themselves; the self-confusion of Ariyev - "Arias", i.e. "Aria", but not "Aryans "), The direct descendants of which are Russians and all other Slavic peoples, thus trying to cross and betray the Aryan past, since the Germans have failed to" prove "their Aryan roots with various holes for many years Mandic, Swedish and other "German" theories that they tried to develop hard and push in the scientist, especially in Russia, - after all, there are still a lot of evidence of the direct "Arhipsity" of Russian and other Slavs.

It is as a result of the "theory of origin of the true Aryans" A.Gitler, the new Jewish language Hebrew was very close to the old language of Jews Idish (belonging to German (!!!) languages).

In addition, there is another very interesting fact - a number of people in Europe are peculiar to faith in fate-rock. Slavs (like Arias) did not believe in it, they believed in Fortune - i.e. Did not believe in inevitable inevitability, but believed in an actively variable fate. Faith in Rock, Fatum - Vera Nearby Population of Europe (Semites) and Semit-Khamites of the Middle East.

The origin of the Germans (and other Germans) and Russians (and other Slavs) also testify their traditional colors, including the colors of state flags - Germany and Russia. Aria lived to the east, and seven-co-khamites (the ancestors of the Germans, Arabs, Jews, Ethiopians, etc.) - west of their common border of settlement. Initial color - white - was monopolized by arias. Traditional Arabs Colors - Green, White, Black, Red. Green appeared later than all as the color of Islam. The remaining colors of the Arabs are associates, i.e. Arabs in general, Arabs as a people. Arabs, like Aria, retained white, but it was added more black to him, as they lived to the west, "in the country of Mraka." The red color is the color of independence, blood color to those shed in the struggle for independence. By the way, the flag of Prussia and the German Empire is three stripes: black, white, red, like many Arab states.

Hermann, as relatives of Arabs, deified, first of all, black. The Teutonic Cross - black and yellow, the flag of the "Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation" - black and yellow, the flag of Austria of the 19th century - black and yellow. The flag of modern Germany is three stripes: black, red, yellow. Thus, Germanians cannot be arias. After all, Aria considered themselves the descendants of the Sun and deified white color. And the black color was considered the color of evil (obviously because of the permanent wars with the Germans and others "let"). The Aryan attitude towards white and black color corresponds to the attitude towards these colors from the Slavs. That is why in Slavic (especially Russian) folk fairy tales and there are always a struggle of good with evil, white with black, bright forces with dark forces. And good (i.e. aria) always won evil (i.e. gentlemen). However, in German fairy tales and legends such a struggle is not described - they have no white struggle with black, good with evil. Consequently, the Slavs and there are descendants of Arii.

Now another proof. Why did the Orthodox Christians of the Altari in the eastern part of the Church, Catholics in the western part of the church? The impact lies again in the White (Aryan, Slavic) and black (seven-Khamita, German) colors. Orthodoxy was distributed among Arii (Slavs), Catholicism - among the Germans. Christianity (both Orthodox and Catholic) was forced to take local customs, the elements of the previous (pagan) religions, introduce them to the Christian religion (asked - under other names) and declare Christian. This led to the inevitable split of Christianity in the 9th century (who first lasted from 863 to 867 years, and on July 16 and 20, 1054, the patriarch and three papal legate were mutually identified) and the emergence of Catholicism and Orthodoxy in it.

Arias (Slavs) prayed to the east, God to the Sun (Aria, as the Northern People, were sunken-plates, because lived in cold areas, so the sun for them was the source of light and heat, their crop depended on the sun). Therefore, Altari in Orthodox churches are located in the eastern part. Therefore, one of the colors of Ariyev is white, symbolizing the day, t. The time when the sun shines and the daylight spreads.

And the gentle pagans, the degeniding black color prayed to the West, worshiping the darkness, nights (the southern peoples, to which the seven-co-khamites, lived on hot territories, where the sun fry and baked, so the southern peoples hated the sun and deified the night that brought They get rid of day heat - night coolness, nice night, cold darkness); Subsequently, the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation was the state of Germans and support of Catholicism. Therefore, Altari in Catholic temples are in their western part.

All this once again confirms the seven-kamyst origin of the German peoples (by the way, the presence of the same flowers in Georgians (red, white and black) says that initially Caucasians (in the language related to Chinese and Tibetans, constituting with them one, Altai over-family ) Were in the language of seven coats).

So where is the Pratrodina of the Germans-semites?

In the German epic, it is said that the Pranodina Germans is Scandinavia. They were crowded there with arias as a result of the permanent wars of the Aryan princes with Germans, including the famous Aryan Prince Vandala, whom the Germans called Kun Gal ("Kuhn" in German - bold, brave, brave, daring, risky, daring).

Here we will stop in more detail. Currently, the Aryan Prince Vandal with someone's light hand began to identify it is incomprehensible on what basis with some kind of Chinese Gunn (Hunna, Sunna) by the name of Attila (or Atilla).

Where did such a bold Kitaj Hunna come from in the very center of Europe?

Where is his army and how much did they come to Europe?

If there were a lot of them (and there should be a lot of them if they passed such a distance from China and won the Aryan territory), as he kept his army - paid sorry for soldiers, fed people and horses, etc.?

How he was able to subjugate the local targeted Ariev and include their territory in his empire, called Gunnskaya now (after all, it was the Aryan Empire, known as Arjavarta or Ariavedja)?

Where subsequently this is the numerous Gunnogo army, where all the Chinese who came with him were going on without a trace?

Or or Hunn Attila rushes from China himself to manage the local population, which was the Aryan tribes of Shakhya (Sakov, Shekov), Windhya (Venenov, Vandals), Curvas (Curivates, Curivichi), etc.?

How did he he himself get from China to Europe? Then the trains and buses did not go, the planes did not fly. And went to go on foreign territories inhabited by other hostile people and tribes. Or did he fly on the special carpet-plane carpet old man Hottabich for his powerful spell "Fuck-Tibidoch"?

Having answered or not responding to these questions, you realize that modern "historians" is written by the full nonsense of the crazy and unfortunate nonsense of contused relatively, the so-called, "Hunn Attila" - the "Chinese" conqueror of Europe. This could not be! No Chinese Hunne-Syunna Attila has never been !!!

Moreover, it turns out that Attila-vandal in Europe, there was an uncle - the prein-prein rule of Attila named Roa (Rugila, Ruia, Ruga; Lat. Rua, Greek ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; in the official version died in 434).

As you know, "Aria" on Sanskrit was called "Arya", on Latin, it will look like this - "ARYA". And uncle Attila on the Latin will be recorded as "RUA" or as "RYA". Those. He is the prince of Aria (which Germans called and Rugila, and Rouou, which is very similar to "Aryas" - self-sizing Arya, and Ruga).

It turns out very interesting - China Attila came to Europe for her conquest, and here he turned out to be Aryans (Russian) Uncle Rugila! Probably, the kind of Chinese Stirlitz, embedded in the heart of Europe and attending his tribe Attila, when he already jumps out of his distant China and will conquer all the weak Europe, which the extensive spyware network of uncle Rugilitsa has already slept!

Well, just a masterpiece of world brahni !!!

And actually it turned out that's what. It is known that in Latin Vandals - Vandili, Wandali, Uuandali, in Greek - ;;;;;;;;;, in the ancient Germanic languages \u200b\u200b- this is Velanov (Wendel, Wentil). Those. In German, it was "Kuhn Wentil" ("Kun Val" - "brave vandal"), which turned over time in "Gong A (H) Tyl (a)".

At the same time, someone is very very (!) It is necessary that the Aryan (Russian) prince vandal (or Wesned) become someone else, even if the Chinese "Huang-Xu-Pisyuna", and at least a foolishness with tail, horns and with hooves, in the end, just not to Arise (and not Russian). If not to show the real world, the true history of Arii and their descendants - Russians. After all, it was the most real Aryan (ie, Russian!) Prince, who is horror in all the German-Semitic tribes enhanced to Europe and holding away from the wilting Horde of the Germans-Semites of the frontier of the original Arie (Russian) lands, which then occupied Central and Eastern Europe from the Laba River and the Volga River (Ranhi) and the Ural Mountains!

In German myths (EDDA), it is mentioned about the struggle of ASS with Vanya. As a result of this war, the city of Ass - Asgard was destroyed. Then Assa and the baths came up and began to step on the north-west together. But this is the version of the Germans themselves who tried to hide their defeat in this war with Vanya and once again wrote in their sagas brazen lies!.

In fact, it is completely wrong - the war is described here between the Germans, i.e. Asami (Assa, Asura, the gods of the Germans; By the way, the name of the continent Asia is the Aryan name, which means "the land of the Asov", because the Nariy people lived there, probably , comes from the "dasa" when disappearing in the word of the first letter "D") and arias, i.e. Vanda (Wanda, Vanda, Vedeny, Vandals). Vanya (i.e. Aria) attacked and destroyed the city of Ass (Germans), conquered them and continued to conquer Scandinavia, the Praodina of the Germans ("Asgard" - this is the Russian word, literally "the city of Asov", i.e. the gods of Germanians). But Vanov did not work out to win the whole Scandinavia (although the South, Eastern and West coast of Scandinavia were Ariysky), as later, the German tribes from Scandinavia, who realized that they had to be very tight, overrain the Aryan tribes among themselves, and then gradually began to retire themselves Central Europe, slowly and confidently destroying the Slavic tribes of encouraged, Pomorov, Luthich, Ruyugen, etc. Thus, in Central Europe, the German states appeared on the institutes captured by Herman-semites (Slavic) lands, and part of the Slavic tribes was Germany (turned into Christian Catholics) - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Croats, Kashuba, Ludge Sort, Ruyang (Ruyang Subsequently, were completely destroyed, currently there is a destruction by the Germans of Luzhitsky Sorbov).

All the above shows that the Jews and Germans are in very close relationship and are among themselves the closest relatives who originated from the general ancestor - the ancient seven-Khamitic tribes who came to Europe and subsequently called the "Germans".

As the Christian religion spread, part of the seven-German-Germans became the Germans - "Thiuda", and the other part - remained by Jews - Ashkenazami, retaining the native Jewish faith, becoming later by Jews - "Iuda" ("Juda").

But with everything, at the same time, now most Germans are very similar to Slavs (most of them - white-skinned, blond, blue-eyed), and the Jews (their main part) are similar to Eastern Natility - dark-haired, dark-haired, carbonous.

And explains it is quite simple.

Germans, having come from the Scandinavian Peninsula (which is considered to be Pranodina), where they were driven by the militant Aryan tribes in their time, the conquest of Western Europe, who traveled to Ariyev (Slavs) from their native areas of residence - from the rivers Odra (Oderea) and Laba ( him. Elba, by the way on a modern Arabic - "Lake", - "Sea"), from Pomerania (Pomerania), from O. Ryuan (Ryugen) and others. At the same time, the Germans (who later became the Swedes, the Germans, including The number of Belgian and Austrian, Danes, the Dutch, Luxembourgs, Swiss), constantly taking the wife of Aryan women (Slavs), received offspring, very similar to Ariyev, which led to the fact that the Germans and Slavs became very similar to the extern (examples: Famous actor - Swede Lungren Dolph (Hans), Famous Actress and Model - Swedie Malin Maria Acckerman; German singer Dieter sick, etc.), which will not say about another part of European seven-coats, which were destined to become Jews - most of them they kept the conservative External traditions and retained "cleanliness of marriage", thus retaining Afro-Asian appearance (although there are currently a lot of Jews, who are also similar to Slavs as a result of mixed Arya-Semitic offspring).

Here I remember the phrase M.Yu.Lermontov from his famous work "Hero of our time" (1840): "Nowadays, the doctor went to me in the morning; His name Werner, but he is Russian. What is surprising here? I knew one Ivanov, who was German. "

All German peoples are descendants of the seven-Khamita (Semitic, Semit-Hurrites) tribes who came to Europe from the Middle East in Neolithic - about an end of the VI-beginning V thousand BC.

All German languages \u200b\u200bare not Indo-European, but are descendants of seven-khamitic languages.

All Germanic people are neither "Indo-Europeans" nor "inodoaryaria", since they do not have European origin (all Germans are descendants of seven, i.e. afro-Asians) and are neither arias nor the Aryan tribe of Indians (Sindov, Hindov ), because are the descendants of the semitic tribes in Europe.

The term "Indo-Hermann", invented by the German peoples themselves, is a scientific beliebenda, abracadabra, verbal perversion of historical reality, i.e. Privitant lies.

As a result of the adoption of Christianity, some of the European seven hundreds became Germanians (Germans, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, the British, etc.), and the part remained sevenites - the Jews-Ashkenazamas of the Jewish (prechristian) faith.

As a result of the mixing of the seven-seven seven, the arias, part of the Germans-Semites and Semitic-Ashkenazov, the Arias, and the Culture, writing, and the Language, were not the Aryan, and Semitic, although changed in this or, A more degree under the action of Aryan culture.

Something similar happened to the Western Arias, which are now known under the name "Celts" or "Galla" ("Galati"), but this is the subject of writing another article.

S.P. (using Materials A.P), 07/20/2018

I apologize to the readers. None of the chapters are finished: I write this book not from the draft, but right on the
Part 2 Gallery Onhen Jews and Germans with Jewish ancestors.

Part 1.

Three groups of Germans in the Russian Empire and Jews.

Of the six presidents of the General Evangelical
Lutheran Consistory, German Own
Lutheran and Calvinist churches of Russia, (institution,
concerned with Orthodox Synod), three were close
descendants of those who have broken Jews. The irony of this fact is still
that grandfather two of them, Ostsee Barons Brothers Ikskul Background
Guildenband, was Abram Peretts, once the actual leader
Jewish community of St. Petersburg. However, surprise
There is nothing here. During the first Russian revolution, the Germans
Formed their batch. Historians consider her appearance
manifestation of the awakening of the national self-consciousness among
Germans of the Russian Empire. Headed her son we switched to
Lutheranism of the Jews Felix Scottlander. All children in his family
Parents married or married the Ostsey nobles.
Despite the support of the powerful speech compulcancy, the situation
Jews in Prussian Elbing was still fragile. They lived
surrounded by envious, evil people-Germans deprived
Even by the standards of the Middle Ages of the Elementary Human Feeling
sympathy to other people and at any time ready for
His prosperity or just from hate to someone's success on
meanness and crime. Apparently, wanting to protect yourself and your
offspring, having such neighbors, the ancestor of the kind of Prussian junkers
Loelhoeffel von Lowensprung was baptized.


As you work on my study, new topics arise. One of them is Jews who assimilated with the Germans and the Germans-descendants of the Jews. This topic is complex. Although I studied the period until 1917, on the history of the Netsymen's relations to the Jews and to other nations, the shadow of Nazism is always hanging. It would be dishonest to deny that the roots of German crimes in the 20th century go to the depths of German history, reflect the national character and moral "values" of the Germans. The Germans of Hitler, the bold of the blood of Europe and the Leningrad murriched hunger, did not crawl out of nowhere, were not an accident in German history. At the same time, it is incorrect to see the history of Germany and Germans only as a march to Nazism. Therefore, I chose epigraphs to this essay two seemingly excluding each other information.

In fact, there is no big contradiction between them. Doskrests and their descendants for the adoption by the Germans had to pay a high price of a complete refusal not only from Jewish roots, but also to becknowledged to persecute Jews. This happened not only in Germany, but also in German communities in other countries. The same pennies, occupying high posts, were known to protect the interests of the Ostsey Barons, but did not do anything to weaken the state anti-Semitism, and the German party headed by Felix Scottland supported the Anti-Indian Policy of Nicholas II.

The first question arising from the study of the Germans in the Russian Empire: who is considered to be a German? The most outstanding Germans of Russia took place from birth of not German origin. French Bullelov, Italians Klodta, Danes Wrangel, Swedes Girs, Scots Barclay de Tolly, British Pestlets, Friezes Ikskul Background Guildenband, Dutch Rosings, Jews Blocks. I only call one kind of each of these nations, but there were much more. Gifts of German origin, despite their numerical superiority, put forward much fewer personalities and talents of such a scale.

This is seen from the history of the Russian army. Many Germans held general posts in it throughout generations. The Patriotic War of 1812 became the starry hour, as well as the entire Russian imperial army, and followed by the campaign of the Russian army to Europe. The most distinguished Germans in these wars took place from births of not German origin. There are two of them. The name Barclay de Tollya is widely known, the other Baltian is unjustly forgotten, who made a worthy contribution to the organization of the Russian victory over Napoleon, the head of the main headquarters of the Russian army Karl Tol. Tol of Dutch origin.

Before proceeding with the essay on Jews among Russian Germans, we will shortly stop at the assimilation of Jews in Germany itself. Before the formation of German racism, the appeal of Jews in Christianity was maintained, often with enthusiasm, Catholic and Protestant churches. Over the centuries, "thousands and thousands of Jews" adopted Christianity and merged with the Germans. Even the Nazis were forced to recognize this fact. According to Nazi racial laws, in order to confirm the Cup of the Aryan purity, German nationals had to submit to the authorities about their ancestors for no further than grandparents. This classification also spreads to servants, even on top of higher gravis. Otherwise, as noted by the German military historian Adolf Kaspari, an irreparable damage to the Higher Echelon of the Prussian Military Caste-Fed Range of the German Army would be applied.

To the Germans who wanted to advance to leadership posts in the Nazi party and the state, the Nazis presented a more hard gambling, they should have prove that their ancestors were baptized no later than 1645. Even the pathological German racists did not decide to deepen deeper in time. Under each of them, the abyss could unfold.

An interesting case with Erich Ludendorf, the former de facto commander-in-chief of the German army in the First World War. Having lighted the war, Ludendorf created a myth that Germany de winned war, but she was hit in the back of the internal enemies of Socialists and Jews. This is despite the fact that in the proportion to their share among the population, the Jews received more than the Germans, high award-winning iron crosses. In response to Anti-Semitism Ludendorf, his opponents found documents about the Jewish line among his close ancestors.

No wonder at the dawn of German racism in the 19th century, some of his founders, claiming scientific objectivity, noted the lack of the large number of Germans "racial purity", especially in the inhabitants of the cities. As an example of the mixing of the Germans, "Aryans" and the SEMITS Jews, these rasologists pointed to racial type, as one of them wrote, the "greatest German geniuses" Luther, Goethe and Beethoven.

After the Nazi authorities demanded information about their ancestors from applicants for high state and party posts, lists of converged Jews in Berlin have been created after 1645. Sources served as records of baptism in Protestant churches. These lists amounted to about 60 volumes (!) And this is only in Berlin and for a relatively short period in the centuries-old history of Jews in Germany.

The genealogical studies about the German descendants of the Jews are almost not, on the contrary, both German authors and descendants of the Jews, with German anti-Semitism they were ready to falsify the pedigrees. Nowadays, in modern Germany, since the 1960s, among the new generation, the Germans appeared in many ways free from prejudice and lies of their ancestors, the occasional work is published, although they can be counted on the fingers.

Among them are a study of medieval Cologne with "striking" facts. In the city, the main economic center of medieval Germany, two kinds of baptized Jews entered the ruling patriacian elite. Having studied the pedigree lines, coming from them on women's lines, as far as it worsels under the preserved documents, the German historian concluded that their descendants are a significant part of the Cologne patrician, the Westphalian nobility and industrialists of the Prince of Germany, the most important economic district of the country.

("The baptized Jew as the ancestor of the Cologne patrician and the Rhine Nobility").

I glimpse several pedigree lines coming from the Jewish childbirth mentioned in its research, and drew attention to the famous names in Russian history, Wittgenstein and De Kra. Their genealogy led me to the Commander of the Russian fleet in the battle of the head of the Count Logan Heiden, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 by Field Marshal Peter Wittgenstein and to Petrovsky Field Marshal Duke Karlou-Eugene de Cru. Login Gayden arrived in Russia from Holland was a Dutchman, but his roots went to the border with the Netherlands Westphalia. Wittgensteins Westphalian aristocratic genus. Father De Crup was Wallon, the mother of the Dutch Countess, one of whose ancestors was married to the German aristocrat with ancestors from Cologne.

When I became more detailed to explore the pedigree lines going from Cologne Jews, the result turned out to be completely unexpected. The largest group of Germans in Russia with Jewish ancestors, which can be traced, was the elite of the Germans-Baltic barons, descendants of the crosses. The Westphalian nobility was the color of medieval German knighthood, the main shock force in the German "Natisk to the East". The descendants of Cologne Pictures played among the knights a significant role. The most outstanding head of the Teutonic Order, who led him to the peak of military power, economic and cultural prosperity and international influence, there was a great statesman, a diplomat and one of the best commander in German history. A close descendant of Cologne Jews both by Father and Mother Vinrih von Kdprida. in the 14th century.

The head of another Order of the Crusader-Livonsky in the 16th century was another descendant of Cologne Jews Gerhard Ketler, who turned the Order in his personal ownership of Kurland Duchy. It is safe to assume that by the time of the conquest of the Baltic states, there was not a single old Ostsey nobleman, in which the blood of Cologne Jews would not flow. From the Ostsey nobles, the descendants of Cologne Jews, who moved to Russia, even before Peter I, there were giving birth to the Russian postal nobility of the Sokhnik (of them, the famous Kohlovna Morozova's famous driving was released), skin and pricklies.

The feudal staircase of Germany was distinguished by extreme immobility. The social gap between the feudal tip-of-law and urban patrician was impassing. The descendants of Cologne Pictures on the women's lines made a rare for the urban patrician climbing the social vertex of Germany: reached the monarch of the troops. By the beginning of the 18th century, they sat on the thrones not only to Kurland, but most of the hereditary monarchies of Germany. From Germany, their princess was married to Romanov. The first of them was the wife of the son of Peter I Tsarevich Alexey, her son Peter II became the first descendant of Cologntsev in the Russian throne.

He died as a teenager, Empress became Anna Ioannovna, dying she handed over the TRON of the Russian Empire to her niece the descendant of Cologntsev Anna Leopoldn. That rules for his son of the malicious emperor-infant Ivan VI, but not long. She overthrew the daughter of Peter the Great Elizabeth, who won Russia to another descendant of Cologntians to his nephew Pretru III. Starting from him, the Russian throne was no longer overwhelmed up to the crash of the empire. Even when Chusper Catherine Great committed with an unlucky husband Peter III, Russia remained in their hands. Catherine was also the descendant of Cologne Jews. Subsequent Romanovs continued to marry princesses of the same origin, but without fatal outcome.

Apparently, the situation with Jewish ancestors in Swabia is similar to Westphalia. The authoritative German edition of the second half of the 19th century, speaking against the growing anti-Semitic racism, as an example of a favorable mix of mixes with the Jews, noted that the "all" born Schwabska nobility was a descendant on the female lines of one old nobility clan, but I did not reach my Studies to Schwabia.

Another interesting work is devoted to the era of the founder of the Prussian Military Power of the King Friedrich the Great. His military adventures led to Prussia on the edge of financial collapse and he did not contain the army. Over Prussia hung the threat of defeat and territorial losses. In the desperate situation, Friedrich, who, on the Yudophobian tradition of Prussian monarchs, was not encouraged by the settlement of the Jews in his capital, dramatically changed politics. He invited several families of famous entrepreneurs of Jews to Berlin, provided them with freedom for business and gave them to their disposal of the Financial affairs of the Kingdom. Jews pulled Prussia from the financial crisis, saved her. Until the last decades of the 20th century, German historians deliberately did not notice this fact. Events in Prussia are interesting in themselves, but no less impressive and what happened to the daughters of these Jewish families. There were more than 20 and everything, except for one (!) Married the Germans, almost all for the Prussian Junkers, two or three for university professors-respected profession in Germany.

Prussia is a relatively small country, you can imagine how much the number of descendants of these Jewish Prasters among the Prussian elite in the 20th century was. Especially significantly increased the number of German aristocrats with Jewish ancestors within the 19th-early 20th centuries. Among the impoverished Prussian nobility was made brides from rich families of the Jewish bourgeoisie. Historians indicate that the number of such marriages was calculated by hundreds. The famous German writer Theodore Fontan even argued in 1891, that very few generals from the aristocracy in the veins would not flow by Jewish blood. The creator of the German Empire Bismarck was a supporter of the marriages of the Germans with Jews, believing that it would increase the mental abilities of the Germans about which he was low. Ironically, he himself married a Pomeranian aristocrat descended on the female line from the Jewish boron boron. His eldest son-on the descendant of another aristocratic race from the Jews-imperial graphs of Shprintzteinov.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 19th century, a new phenomenon-rejection of baptized Jews arose in Germany. He began with a group of Yarya Nationalist reactionary, opponents of reforms modernizing Prussia after its defeat of Napoleon. In the 19th and early 20th centuries as German racism, directed against Slavs and Jews, this nasty spirit of Christianity hatred of many Germans, even to baptized Jews, developed in racist anti-Semitism.

German states, united Germany and church authorities did not support him. In the second half of the 19th century, despite the growth of racist anti-Semitism, the silent Jews reached important ministerial posts in Prussia. Karl Friedental-agriculture and internal affairs, Heinrich von Friedberg-justice. He was also the imperial minister of Justice of Germany. (In the German Empire, there was no imperial ministry of agriculture). Edward von Simison became the first president of the Reichstag of the German Empire. For comparison, in the Russian Empire 19-early 20th centuries there was not a single minister of Jew. There were ministers of mixed origin, but only on women's lines. (Note.
In Russian pre-revolutionary and modern editions, Jews are often called the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chancellor Chancellor Karl Nesselrod and the Minister of Finance of Egor Kankrin, in fact they were the Germans with Jewish ancestors).

What is the meaning of the assimilation of Jews with the Germans to study the Jews among Russian Germans? A significant number of Russian Germans were descendants of the Jews. They could take place from the most different layers of the German population of Germany from the nobility, hereditary military and clergy to the bourgeoisie, artisans, peasants.

Three Germans in the Russian Empire.

The German population of the Russian Empire is clearly divided into three groups. The Baltic (Ostsey) Germans and the Germans peasants-colonists who lived with compact ethnic groups mainly in agricultural areas of the Volga region and the Black Sea region are ethnic Germans, although some of them came from immigrants from other nations assimiced with the Germans. The third Russian-Russian German Germans who settled among the Russians are most interesting and important for the history of Russia. These were German emigrants or natives of the Baltic States.

Russian Germans were not ethnic, but cultural and religious community. Moreover, it was an amorphous community with the current composition. It developed from people of different ethnic origin, which connected among themselves belonging to Lutheran or Calvinist-reformist religion and German culture and education obtained in German schools. Russian Germans were largely invented community. Scandinavians, Dutch, Scandin residents, European and even Russian Jews were often identified by the Russians with the most numerous Protestant population of the German country, but the community of religion and some elements of culture still does not mean that people did not speak German, even if they robbed themselves . Often they were indignant if they were called the Germans. People of that time were proud of their own-founding ancestors and loved to emphasize the ethnic roots of their birth.

Sergey Witte, the most outstanding "German" in the history of Russia (on the Ostseza Father), who was superior to the talents and the achievements of German Empress Catherine II, never mentioned his German ancestors, emphasizing the Dutch roots of the genus Witte. Like him, the childbirth of the Scandinavian and French origin, even if they were actually Germany, as it happened with the Swedes Girs, one of whom Fedor Girs The Germans were elected by the President of the General Evangelical Lutheran Consistory. Along with the brothers Ikskul von Guildbands, he is one of the three close descendants of the Jews, who headed this organization. Another descendant of Scandinavians, an outstanding physicist Sergey Frisch, telling about his ethnic roots in the post-Thalinsky times, when it was possible not to be afraid of anti-enecane repression, stressed that although Frishi was considered the Germans, they are actually Swedish descent, but numb themselves in Russia.

Jews in the Baltic States and among the peasants-colonists.

Not only Russian Germans, but even in the Baltic States, the Germans were mixed origin. Crusaders from many Catholic countries helped the Germans in the enslavement of the Baltic States, later the Ostsee Germans for the willing of representatives of other European peoples for their prosperity, which were more developed or strong than the Germans, and there were many such peoples in Europe. At the same time, the Baltic Germans with single exceptions refused to be rebuilt with the indigenous population, although Estonians and Latvians were addressed to Christianity. Even the priests of Estonians and Latvians who received German education were practically not allowed to serve in German churches. For the Germans, Latvians and Estonians were just a working cattle. This attitude of the Germans to the peoples of the Baltic states was so distinguished from the position of other conquerors in Europe, who took the brothers in Christ from the conquered peoples in their Lono, that some historians call him German racism before the very appearance of racism in the 19th century as political idealogies.

What was the attitude of the Baltic Germans to the Jews? Crusaders who owned the Baltic States, forbade Jews to settle on their lands. There is no doubt that Bescheny Jews settled in the Baltic States, but they disappeared among the Germans and we do not know about them. The Russian Genealogue of the 19th century Yevgeny Karnovich, who studied the Ostsey Nobility, noted that some of the births, elevated to the Aristocracy of Germany, actually took place from baptized Jews who took the names of noble German childbirth. Unfortunately, it is clearly wanting to avoid loud scandals, he did not call these birth. Baltic was for medieval Germans with something like America for the Spaniards and the British, the edge where it was possible to start life first and rewrite his biography. It is not surprising that the approval of some of the noble isgei clans about the origin from the old aristocratic genera of Germany is unreasonable, but which of these impostors were the Germans, and who are unknown with abusive Jews. Karnovich most likely collected his information in conversations with the essays.

In the conquest of the Baltic States, the German Crusaders were ahead of Denmark, the former time of the strongest power on the shores of the Baltic Sea. In the 13th century, the army of the Danish Crusaders, which consisted of Danish and the Westernobalti Slavs-Vassalov Denmark won North Estonia, where the Danes founded the port city of Revel, the current Tallinn. Danes, no less jealous in the Christian faith than the Germans, but movable by a simple human susceptibility, allowed to settle in their possessions to the Jews. Did there be no difference in the human qualities of the Germans and Danes? Seductively look for the reason for the differences in relation to the Jews between the Germans and the Danes in the fact that the Danish conquest was headed by the secular power-Danish king. The German Crusaders were a religious order, under the banner of which fanatics entered, but it shows the complete disregard of the Germans to the teachings of the church in their politics in relation to the baptized Latvians and Estonians, the Germans did not differ in the true loyalty to Christianity. After the weakening Denmark sold its Estonian lands by the German Livonian Order, the authorities of the Revil, who kept the significant proportion of autonomy in the conduct of urban affairs, continued tolerant politics of Denmark.

Jews were able to settle in the Baltics after the transition of part of it under the power of Poland in the 16th century. Their number grew even under the Swedes who were crowded from the Baltic state of Poland. Swedes sought to baptize the Jews and tried to achieve this introducing all sorts of restrictions against Jews. German nobility and some cities, opening economic benefits from the activities of the Jews, supported them. Peter the Great and its closest receivers, understanding the contribution of Jews to the welfare of the region, facilitated the Jews settlement in the Baltic States. Grave times for the Jews came at Hanezh Empress Elizabeth. Elizabeth, daughter of Catherine I Skavron, published from baptized Jews, in every way demonstrated his rusticity of Orthodoxy in every way, but, being a man of Christianity, egoistic and primitive in his understanding of Christianity, she allowed himself a rough to break the Christian covenants, but sacrificed forgiveness from the Lord for her sins Pursuit of Russian Old Believers and Inoverts. She almost brought the traditionally loyal Russian Tatars to the uprising traditionally loyal Russia. In a short time, the Russian authorities destroyed 418 out of 536 (!) Mosques in one Kazan county.

Shortly after the capture of the throne, Elizabeth ordered all the Jews from the empire. The Lifelard provincial office, the Riga magistrate and the military office of Malororsia made it possible to resolve the Jews at least a visit to the fairs, pointing to huge losses of the treasury and individuals in the event of a breakdown with Jewish merchants. The Senate adopted the arguments of local authorities and presented the relevant report Elizabeth. The empress on the report wrote: "I do not want interesting profits from the enemies of Christ." About the well-being of his subjects of Christians who suffered from the expulsion of the Jews, Elizabeth and did not think. Jews were supposed to leave the Russian Imperius. They confiscated all the property, especially objects of gold and silver, and money. Part of the Baltic Jews, being in a hopeless condition, was baptized and merged with the Germans. No one explored their fate after baptism and the history of their offspring. A. buchholtz. GESCHICHICHTE DER JUDEN IN RIGA BIS ZUR BEGRUNDUNG DER RIGISCHEN HEBRUNGEMEINDE IM J. 1842. RIGA 1899, p. 51-52, "From the history of Estonian Jews I-V. Sections of the book of Clap Yokton" http: // Hashahhar.; E. Gurin-Low, Gramberg. Estonian Jewish community. Tallinn. 2001, p. 9.

Only since the late 18th century we know about the Jewish origin of some Baltic "Germans", those who achieved fame. Among the great cellist Karl Davydov, his brother mathematician and a mechanic with the European name August Davidov, the hero of the Japanese war Captain of the first rank Vladimir Ber (Bare), who refused the title of counter-admiral in order to stay with the armor team, which he commanded and who was included in the ecader directed to the Far East. From the German Jews settled in the Baltic States, thanks to his descendant of the grandfather of the Nobel laureate in Igor Tamma physics. N. Kuznetsova. "Fate nautical weave ...". Estonian youth, (N. Kuznetsova In an interesting journalistic article, Vladimir Bera is mistakenly called Vladimir Bara. They are named after).

The German peasant-colonists, settled in Russia, were the most closed group of Russian Germans, but they were mixed on ethnic origin. A noticeable part of them was the Dutch, hen in these colonies. The wide masses of Russians found out about these Dutchts from the popular TV series about the most famous German in the USSR pop singer Anne Herman. Her mother was a Dutch. How it will not seem unexpected, on different continents, where the German peasants moved, among them the enclosure of Jews would often fit. It would seem that who stood farther from each other than residents of German villages and Jews, because the Jews were forbidden to own land. Therefore, each person has little less a friend with the history of Western Europe, at the mention of Jews, images of Jewish ghetto always arise in the cities, but in Germany the dilent part of the Jews lived in rural areas.

Due to the restrictive anti-European legislation in German states, which prohibited the Jews access to the "respected" professions, the Jews had no other way out, how to fulfill the most ungrateful in the opinion of the Christian church of the work. They played a vital role in the functioning of the rural economy, speaking a mediator between its neighbors with German peasants and the market. The lesson was risky. Traders, purchasing the goods, could turn around, not finding sales, so the Germans did not do this dangerous business, providing him with Jews. Living throughout generations in the villages, some Jews were baptized and mixed with German peasants. From such a family, the mother of the genius chemist and reformer of the organization of scientific research of Ystus Libiha, who did not have equal among German scientists in turning backward Germany among the leading scientific and industrial powers of the 19th century.

German peasant emigration was not a matter of brave soles. The German peasants starred from their native places and moved into distant countries with whole villages, it allowed them to transfer lives in their homeland to the places of new settlements, and easier to adapt to new conditions, especially since the Germans often received land in the border areas of inviting them states. The Germans willingly became robbers who have lost the indigenous population of his states of land for existence. All the villages were easier to defend themselves from the attacks of angry neighbors.

In the Russian Empire, the majority of the German lands received from Catherine II. She did not blind her tribesmen, sending them to the Volga steppe, where "Kyrgyz", as the Russians called the Russian revolution, grazed their herds, it was their land. For a long time between the Kazakhs and the German colonists, bloody clashes in which the pious Christians of the Germans were far exceeded the cruelty of the steppe nomads-descendants of the Golden Ords of the Golden Horde. This is written by the famous writer of the 20th century Boris Pilnyak, nee, whose father took place from the German peasants of the Volga region. The "wild" Kazakhs did not kill the Germans and did not even cripple them so that the Germans would lose the opportunity to work and feed themselves and their families. Cossacks cut the Germans to the Germans, seeking to intimidate aliens and stop them from the invasion of their pastures. The Germans burned the Kazakhs alive in hay stacks.

The disappearance of whole villages who left their native places, left without a source of earnings Jewish families who lived in these villages throughout generations. Because the possibilities for the Jews to make money on a piece of bread in Germany were extremely limited, along with their fellow villagers starred from emerged places and Jews. On new lands, they continued to perform the same job of entering the markets for the sale of German products or also became farmers. They changed and religion. In new countries, Jews were impossible to observe the faith of fathers. Unlike Germany, there were no Jewish communities in the district and in Jewish families who were lost among the masses of the Germans, there was no other way out, how to take the only religion that they could confess in new conditions, Christianity of their neighbors.

The history of the Jews, assimilated with the German peasants-colonists, was actually not studied, it remained only in the family memory of descendants of the Jews. When the modern American historian Brian Mark Rigg, whose ancestors were German farmers who moved to the American border of the time in Texas in the 19th century, published a book about the fate of serving Mixed Jewish-German origin in the Nazi Germany, she aroused his interest in his past among some Americans descendants of German pharmaceuticals of emigrants. People shared the stories of their families, mentioning that among their ancestors were Jews. Rigs himself kicked up in a pedigree of his family, discovered that one of his grandmothers was from the kept Jews who moved to Texas with the German village.

On another continent in South Africa, the South African government building still rises a four-meter statue of James Barry Duke (1866-1942), but the new Negro South African authorities moved it from the main place near the Government Building on the backyard, and instead they were drilled by the nine-meter statue of the founder of New South Africa Nelson Mandela. The change of places for these statues is symbolic. The statue of the Duke-reminder of the White South African Self-Delivated State of Afrikaner Burrov White Colonists, immigrants from Holland with admixture of French Guenotov and Germans. Unlike Russia, in South Africa, the Germans constituted a minority compared to the Dutch and assimilated with them.

James Barry Duke is a lawyer for education, after the attack of the British Empire into small independent republics of the Burrov in the early 20th century, became the famous partisan general in the war of Burur for independence. In the peace years that followed the war years, the duke played the role of a genuine father-founder of the political nation of Afrikaner. For 15 years, he headed the government of South Africa, conducting reforms that are beneficial for White Africans. The duke took place from the old Burr family of Farmers of Germans, but the ancestors of this family were the Jews that moved to Africa together with the Germans. As for Russia, Boris Pilnyak, writes in his autobiography that the Jews were among the ancestors of his father.

Russian Germans.

Most Germans of the Russian Empire, who had Jewish ancestors belonged to the multi-ethnic community of Russian Germans, but some of them can be determined as the Germans? Is it possible to attribute to the Germans to the Germans and the Barons of the Holy Roman Empire, with their colorful and confusing family history? Initially, the bodes were backed by the French Jews, but they lived in France for a long time because they refused to state the legitimate religion of Catholicism recognized by the state, became Calvinists-Huguenotes and were forced to flee from government persecution to Protestant Germany. In Germany, four generations of baud married local brides, the first of them was Flemish, other Germans. It would seem to be broken, but they didn't identify themselves with the Germans, never forgetting about their French roots. One of their branches was able to return to France. The founder of this branch married a notable and very energetic Englishman, she helped him, using his connections, to get a city in Lena, located on the French territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Life bode in the homeland was short-lived. Soon the Great French Revolution also broke out and the aristocrats of Bodes had to run again, this time in Russia.

Russian bode considered themselves the French, proud of their ancestor of the British, they handed it to the famous biologist to Timiryazev's famous biologist, whose mother was Baroness Bode. I wrote about my origin of Timiryazev "I am Russian, although a significant proportion of English is noticed to my Russian blood." He loved to visit England, was friends with Darwin and other English scientists. In Russia, Bodes blizzles, switched in Orthodoxy, on the Germans on the whims of love or for the sake of marriages, did not marry, the only one of their wives, had the "German" roots, was from the Russian race of the Arms of the Austrian Jews of the Barons of MORENheim, but, remembering the four generations of Bode who lived in Germany, lawfully mention at least the first of the Bodes settled in Russia among the Russian Germans.

Similarly, the fate of another Protestant French family of Jewish origin. The name Salom is only recently attracts some attention in Russia. In German-speaking countries, it is widely known thanks to the legendary Lou Salome Blondery Beauty, an intellectual, writer and a scientist, a former inspirer, friend or beloved of her great contemporaries Friedrich Nietzsche, Rainner Maria Rilke and Sigmund Freud. Like a bode, Salom first fled to Germany, but they did it later, after the Great French Revolution. In Germany, they were not delayed, and found shelter in Russia, happily accepting French royalists. For Protestants Salome was natural in Russia to join the German Protestant community, but, like a bode, Salome with the Germans did not identify herself, although the father Lu Soloma chose his wife from the family of German-Danish origin who had seighted in Russia, and their brilliant daughter moved to Germany and wrote Your books in German.

She called himself Russian, not a German, remembered his ancestors from France. It is not by chance that all three of its great "German" friends in their human qualities were far from the Germans. Nietzsche, although the German by origin, the Germans despised for their moral base. He even came up with the Slavic Polish ancestors, just to have nothing to have common with the Germans. Mother Rilke came from the baptized Jews and the greatest poet of Germany since the times of Heinrich Heine acutely felt his difference from the Germans and German anti-Semitism, which turned into racism. Freud was a Jew. Despite the unwillingness of the Salome themselves to count themselves to the Germans, they, like the first badges settled in Russia, can also be attributed to the Russian Germans, if we proceed from religious and cultural criteria.

As for German Jews who adopted Protestantism and their offspring, they are probably the only Germans among Russian Germans who hid their real ethnic origin and called themselves the Germans. In the end, they merged with the Germans. They were registered by the Germans in official documents even in the early years of the USSR, when the Soviet authorities were not discriminated by Jews. Some of them even became victims of government repression, which touched the Germans: The Germans were suspected of suspicion of their USSR loyalty on the eve of German attacks on the USSR. So died leading to the USSR radio engineering, the creator of the Soviet broadcasting Maxim Mark (1897-1937). The Irony of Fate. In contrast, the descendant of the numbered Jewish family, the famous Pianist Heinrich Negauz, German, who has escaped anti-enecantic persecution, presenting the authorities that his mother is a Jewish. In fact, it originated from the mixed family of other famous musicians: the Jews of Blumenefelds and Poles Shimanovsky, but to be a Pole in the USSR in those years was also dangerous.

Moreover. Thick Jews turned out to be more successful than the Germans in the dissemination of German nationality among the Russian nobility. In the Russian Empire, there are only two Russian nobles who have undergone a germanization, as the Russian government for all his favor to the Germans, did not want the Russians inquiries. Both of these Russians are Germany, entered into marriage not with the Germans, but with the daughters of those who trapped in Lutheran and the numbered Jews. The first of these marriages was between the representative of the ancient Russian genus Matyushkin and the daughter of Fedor Asha, a native of Silesia, a brilliant scout, produced by Peter first in the baron.

Their son, despite his loud Russian surname, was Lutheran with the name of Friedrich, who, according to the customs adopted in the Russian Empire, to reincarnate German names to the Russians, called Fedor. He is the father of an outstanding polar explorer and combat admiral of Fedor Fedorovich Matyushkina, who opened the Island of Wrangel and threw the attempt by the English fleet to break through to St. Petersburg during the Crimean War. Unfortunately, his merits are forgotten and he is known for descendants only as a friend of Pushkin. Y. Orlov. "Fedor Fedorovich Matyushkin - Combat Admiral, Traveler, Hunter"

Another marriage does not apply to the events that happened in Russia. The Russian nobleman Plato Ustinov, who lived in Palestine, moved to Protestantism and married the daughter of a native of the Polish city of Krakow in the then Austrian Empire of Morita Hall, who became the Yarym Protestant missionary. Their son of Ion Ustinov grew up in Germany, a pilot-fighter fought for the Germans to the First World War. After the war, he visited Russia, where I found a wife-rubing Frenchwoman Benouua, on the game of fate who took place from the kind of those who had broken Jews, famous for the whole of Pleiamnory architects and artists.

In the post-war Germany, Ion Ustinov became the leading journalist in Germany. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs appointed his press attache of the embassy in London. The defeated Germany needed his help in improving relations with England, but after the Germans led the Nazis to power, he was forced because of his Jewish ancestors to stay in England. The genus of Ustinov broke with the Germans and was English. (With the Germans because of their crimes against humanity, some of the few preserved the humanity of ethnic Germans were rushed. Example-famous economist and social thinker Friedrich August Hayek, whose family even ceased to use German).

In the service of England, the former German hero-pilot of Ion Ustinov showed the talent of the scout. He-English Zorge, unsuccessfully warned Tupica Chamberlain about the true plans of Hitler in the Munich collusion. His son is one of the most famous actors of the 20th century Peter Ustinov.

For many Jews, the adoption of German Protestantism was only the first step to the division. In Russia, an interesting process took place. Foreign and Baltic Jews, having moved to Russia, were associated with Russian Germans, and then, having mastered Russian society, assimilated with Russians. However, the "indigenous" Germans were merged with Russians as well. It is even more difficult to determine how many Russian Jews transmitted to Lutheranism.

The history of the well-known Jewish public figure and an entrepreneur Abraha Perette is an example of the assimilation of Russian Jews with the Germans. Ovdov, Jew Penets, disappointed in attempts to mitigate the anti-Jewish policy of Romanov, made a betrayal: he moved to Protestantism. Lutheran Perenove married the hereditary Russian nobility, the German Gugugotov. His daughters married the Germans-Lutheran, Ostsee Barons. The majority of Russian Jews who accepted the Lutheranism were not married not on the Germans, but if they took German wives, they did not become Germans. It is enough to remember the Jewish grandfather of Vladimir Lenin. Although his wife was a German for his father and numbed Swedish on the mother, the Germans did not become the Germans, but he was rejected with Russians.

It is also unreasonable to consider how the German and Russian authors are doing now, the Germans of the Baltic Jews and Jews with German names that were baptized in Orthodoxy, among them the Riga family of Eisensteins. Jews who accepted Orthodoxy identified themselves with Russians. Among the most striking example of a deliberate disinformation is the essay of P. A. Golovnin about the genus Wulf, known due to the relationship with Alesander Pushkin and the fact that the granddaughter of Wolfs was Anna Kern, the most famous muse of Russian poetry. "I remember a wonderful momentum." Although a well-known document, the statement of the baptism of the founder of the genus from the Jewish faith in Orthodoxy, the head announces its German. P.A. Head "Noblemen Wulf in Russia", Germans in Russia. Vol. 7, p. 153-175, d

Is there a place in this chapter Denis Fonvizin, whose Prashas was the Sabaltian German? For his generation, Fonvizins were long-rized and received from Russian ancestors a share of Jewish blood. The genus was German, but no more. Is it possible to count to the Germans of the classic of the Russian avant-garde of Prosaika Konstantin Vaginov, the neborn Wagengeyma? German Jews that moved to St. Petersburg, Wagengeima were forced to accept Lutheranism, because Nikolai I decided to expel Jews from the capital. German ancestors did not have Vaginov. Vzagegeima's granolates were taken from the same families with the Lutheranism of German Jews. The exception was the mother of Konstantin Vaginov, which took place from the family of Russian Jews, who adopted Orthodoxy and breeding with Russian Siberians.

Is the owners of the colonial goods shops in North Palmir, the owners of the Hamburg Lutheran Bergman, famous for Valentin Serov, famous for Valentin Serov's brilliant grandson? They accepted Christianity before they moved to the East Coast of Baltic. In Russia, Bergmans belonged to the Lutheran community of Germans, but quickly bliss, while not interrupting related ties with the Jews. Two of the three daughters Lutheran Bergmans married Orthodox. One of the son-in-law Bergmans-well-known doctor and teacher Yakov Simononovich was a baking Jew, the mother of another son-in-law of Russian Alexander Serov, the famous composer, took place from the family of German Jews who took Lutheranism. Only the third daughter of Bergmans married Germans, who was one of the leader of the Moscow German community. The Germans chose her husband of a baptized Jew, not a few senior of the Moscow German Club. This marriage once again emphasizes the multi-ethnicity of the Russian Germans and show the place of the Jews among them. Is it possible to calculate the Orthodox Bergmans to the Russian Germans, knowing that they are Jews and bliss already in the second generation?

Does the Germans belong to the German dynasty, which took the name of the Romanov, his ancestors on the female line? Founders of the genus Peter III and Catherine II-German Princes, their descendants married German princesses, Peter III was the only son of the Russian mother among the emperors, but the Romanovs are not Protestants and, except for those who did not like Russia and Russians III and Alexander I, they were all sincerely called ourselves Russian. Defining the national origin of Vagents Bergmans and Golucian Romanovs, we are faced with a paradox. Wagegemi, including Father Konstantin Vaginov and the first generation of Bergmans-ethnic Jews. Golucket Romanovs, despite their Orthodoxy and Russian culture, because of the German origin of their kind and their marriages, almost exclusively with German Germans, but Lutherans Vagengei and Bergmans were part of the cultural and religious community of Russian Germans, and the Orthodox novels are not.

A mansion from the Germans of Protestants is the German Catholics. Unlike the Germans-Protestants, they did not dominate numerically among their units. Moreover, the Germans of Catholics were often assimilated with the Poles of the largest ethnic group of Catholics in Russia. Among the Jews of the Jews of Catholics, who emigrated to Russia from German-speaking countries, Polka and French, and not the Germans. Nevertheless, based on the fact that in their native countries, these Jews or their ancestors, adopting Catholicism, left the Jewish communities and assimilated with the Germans, I relate them to the Russian Germans.

An indistinguishability of numbered Jews from the Germans.

MAIN NOTE. Although the gallery presented by me is impressive by the number of loud names, most of the kept German and Baltic Jews who moved to Russia are undoubtedly unknown to us. In Russia, they called themselves the Germans and hid their Jewish origins. After all, they changed the faith of ancestors and their people, left their countries to avoid anti-Semitism of their German neighbors. Russia in Jarr Anti-Semitism in Germany was not inferior, but in a new country where the German and Baltic Jews did not know about them, who issued themselves to the Germans could start their lives with a clean sheet, get rid of belonging to driven Jews.

There are practically no research on this topic. Exception, the most interesting article 1990 of the outstanding German historian Eric Amburger on some Protestant and Catholic "German" families of Russia, originating from baptized Jews. The family of Erica Amburger itself is an example assimilation of Jews with Russian Germans. Amverres Germans, but grandfather and father Eric Ampurger chose a wives from families of mixed Jewish-German origin. Because of his Jewish ancestors, Eric A Amburger was discriminated against Nazi Germany. The work of the Ampurger is not translated into Russian, so Russian publications in complete ignorance call the Germans of many of the metastial people who were Jewish origin. It is enough to indicate the disputes in the Russian press about the father of the poetess Olga Berggolts, the heroine of the Blood Leningrad, whom Russian authors call the German, then Latvian.

As for the Jews and German-speaking countries, we know about their real origin only when they were famous people, and in most cases they safely went to the Germans. The intelligence officer of Peter the Great Fedor Asha, contemporaries call German. Only his surname speaks to those skilled in the art that he was a Jew. Unfortunately, purely Jewish surnames in German-speaking countries were few.

The difficulty of studying the numbers of childbirth of the Jews is that they often did not convey to the descendants about their ancestors of Jews. This is the case with Konstantin Vaginov, he sincerely believed that his father-gendarme officer was German. Similar to this case with the descendants of a military doctor who has served to the court medica of Johann Conrad (Ivan Kondratyevich) Messing. His descendants and their relatives retained about him as a gentleman. Following them with their words about the German Messing write the authors of the work, reporting about the pedigree descendants of the message to the historian of art Dmitry Rovilovsky and three brothers Lyapunovy-composer Sergey and academicians of Mathematics Alexander and Philology Boris. The rare exceptions of the numbered Jews who missed the Jewish roots of their birth were the greatest explorer of the Russian language Vladimir Dal and the writer Georgy Blok, the nephew of Alexander Blok.

The same with the birth of German origin, which had Jewish ancestors on women's lines. Their Jewish ancestors had to be people of incredible fame so that we would know about them. Among them, Prussian Jewish Esther Manue. Her rectares of the brilliant actress Tatiana Piletskaya, on the Father, Russian German, the neborn urlaub. Events left the name Esther Manue in history began with the fact that she and the German guy passionately fell in love with each other. Esther had no other way out, how to adopt Christianity. The marriage was happy, children were born, but the events of world importance intervened in the fate of the beloved. The Russian army, driving Napoleon from Russia, joined Europe. Prussia at that time with Napoleon did not fought, waiting to whom she would be more profitable to join. Husband Esther-German Patriot, entered the service in the Russian army. Wanting to be next to the beloved, Esther Manoue changed the man, like in Russia the hope of Durov, in coincidence also had Jewish ancestors, and was recruited into Prussian Ulan, after Prussia entered the war on the side of Russia.

The Jewish fought for the freedom of anti-Semitic Germany, much bravely than the majority of her German associates of men were wounded, received a high combat award of Prussia Iron Cross and won the glory of the German heroine. Her husband died in the last days of war. The widow, leaving children in Germany, moved to Russia, where she found a new family happiness with another German-Lutheran. Tatyana Piletskaya their great-grandfather. If it were not for the loud name of Esther Manue, we would never know about the Jewish ancestors of the Germans of Urlaubov and the urlaubs themselves and their descendants would never mention them. Among other descendants of the German heroine, large scientists Geolog Maria Bhorodayevskaya (nest. Cesshenih), which created the scientific school of researchers from the geology of ore fields and copper deposits, and her brother Radiophysician Vladimir Kesenih.

Ballet genius Ludwig Mint and white spots in pedigree.

Often we just do not know about the Jewish origin even famous people if their parents were baptized Jews. A vivid example of the world-famous Austrian Ballet Coryweet Composer Ludwig Minkus. For a long time, biographers argued about his ethnic roots, attributed to him the origin of several peoples, but not from the Jews. Only recently, European researchers found a testimony that his parents of Jews who adopted Catholicism. Such a long unknown remained the origin of the Minkus-native of Vienna. In Russia, especially in many cases, the ethnic belonging of outstanding immigrants from German-speaking countries was unknown.

How little we know about the Jews, which are called the Germans in Russia, says the fact that only in recent years after the fall of the Anti-Semitic USSR, the Russian researchers, studying the life of some celebrities, found that Jews, except Vaginov, were previously considered by the Germans Ivan Chemnitzer , one of the creators of the new Russian literature in the 18th century, the founder in it Genre Basni, Dmitry Ivanovich Meyer, a lawyer and teacher, the Father of Russian Civil Law and Alexander Lakier, founder of Russian heraldistikin.

Even having information about the Jewish ancestors of those or other Germans, we do not always know what line these ancestors were. It does not speak Pilnyak. The Baltic Germans remember that they were Jewish descent, although the surname was known in the German nobility. Most likely, Toglebov's kind was German, in one of his marriages who had chosen his wife, had the Jewish ancestors, which gave the occasion to the German neighbors of Toblebov the Jews.

How many such wives of the Jewish died without a trace in the Russian Germans? We only know a few names. Lauret Nobel Prize in Physics Russian German Andrei Game, speaking about his origin, mentioned that his mother had a Jewery Prababka. If it were not for the honesty of Boris Pilnyak and Andrei Game, we would never have been about the Jews in their birth. How many ordinary, non-famous baptized Jews moved to Russia, called themselves the Germans and disappeared without a trace among the Russian Germans, and then among the Russians? After all, the Jews were already among the population of the Moscow German Sloboda in the 17th century. How many Germans who came from this Sloboda to the service of Russia were by the origin of Jews or descendants of mixed marriages? None hostility of the Germans of the Russian Empire to the crueling Jews we invisible. Just the opposite. There are very many mixed marriages with the Germans known to us. Having adopted Christianity, the Jews quickly merged with the Germans, because they took them.

A large number of Russian Germans received Jewish ancestors, having breeded with Russian noble childbirth-descendants of the Jews. Above mentioned Denis Fonvizin. On the pages of my essay on the descendants of the Jewish clan in Moscow-Shafirovy and the five other other than the nobility of the nobility of the Jews, a lot of the names of Russian Germans. Blanks (from the numbers of French Guenotov, and not the ancestors of Lenin), Borhi, Buddha, Witte, Ghana, Grottoes, Gul, Delvigi, Kelliers, Kleinmichheli, Kranelgi, Launitsa, Medela, Meller-Komelsky, Mengden, Messengers, Niromen, Nolken, Pepel , Rausch von Traubenberg, Siverses, Time, Ferzena, Freigangi, Engelgarda, etc.

Crazy German Jews in England and in Poland.

Have analogies with Russia in other countries? Something is known about England. Unlike Russia, in England, generality is not formed, similar to the Russian Germans. Emigration of natives of Germany in England was insignificant compared to Russia. The British exceeded the Germans in all areas of activity, so England did not need German professionals or artisans. Like Russia, we know about the Jewish origin of Christian-emigrants from Germany if they or their British descendants were famous. Otherwise, they disappeared as Jews and they were considered the Germans.

The brilliant genus of the immigrants from Germany, about the Jewish roots of which are known due to their glory, there were guideones, hermels, arnolds and birboms. Russia was no exception to either in an outstanding role of Jewish stouts from German-speaking countries in its development, nor in the fact that their biographers are called the Germans and that these Jews often scattered their accommodation.

Samson Gideon (1699-1772) came from the Family of Portuguese Jews, who were located in the German port city of Hamburg. His father, a successful merchant, emigrated to the British West India, then became the second Jew, to which the London City Business Center of the city allowed to settle since the time of the medieval expulsion of the Jews. Samson Gideon, although he participated in the trade affairs of the Father, became not a merchant, but a banker. He was de facto financial advisor of the royal court and government. His financial genius played a decisive role in maintaining the financial stability of England during the uprising of 1745 in Scotland for restoring the Stuart dynasty and in a ruinous seven-year war. Although Gideon for his merit used respect for the courtyard and in society, acquired large land estates, still socially he felt limited: because of the Jewish religion, he did not accept him into English aristocracy.

In her desire to enter a full member to the Higher English Society, Gideon stopped halfway. He married the Englishman-Anglican and although he had remained Judea himself, he stopped his membership in the synagogue. Nevertheless, he sacrificed annually with his former synagogue amount of annual membership payments. He baptized his children. All of his attempts to separate themselves from the Jewish community goals have not reached: Gideon intensified from the government to build him into the nobility with the title of Baronet. Despite its courtesy and government ties, Gideon received a refusal. In England, no one could disrupt the existing laws that continued to discriminate by Jews.

Having rejected the claims of Samson Gideon, stretching him with a spoonful of the party, the government simultaneously gave him a barrel of honey. All that I could not get Jew Sampon Gideon was given to his only 13 year old son Christian, who also worn the name Samson. The teenager was built to the nobility with the title of the baronet. Having reached the male age younger Samson Gideon received a higher title of Baron and a place in parliament. He married in the English Aristocrat from Family Wilmot, her father was the third to rank with the highest judge in the country, and replaced the name Gideon on a more "frantic" name for the British the name of his wife Irdley. He kept the cozy life of a typical English aristocrat, enjoying a huge inheritance received from his father, his life would be happy if his both sons did not die by children. The genus guidees, the newly new Barons of Irdley ceased, but from his daughters, a numerous offspring went to the aristocrats.

Gidenov's giders were members of parliament, warriors, (one of them died under Sevastopol in the Crimean War), priests, judges, some of them occupied prominent state posts, but the impression remains that most of them did not seek a big career: they were valued and rich, and the fact that many of them served with honors in the army, then this is the debt of the aristocrat. Nevertheless, descendants of Hideon were given by Great Britain of one of its largest political and statesmen of the second half of the 19th century Hugh Childers (1827-1896). Distinguishing with outstanding administrative abilities and in its nature, prone to improvements and reforms, during his long career, the Childers headed the key ministries: military-Moscow fleet, military, finance, internal affairs. The only highest office he did not achieve is the post of prime minister. The father and mother Hugh Childers were descendants of Hideon, but the relative kinship of parents did not affect his mental abilities. His daughter Emily (Milli) Chaylers (1866-1922) The only feeon of Hideon, allocated in the world of music, she is a famous painter, famous for portraits, landscapes and paintings depicting the inner architecture and decoration of Christian cathedrals.

In addition to Hugh Childers, Francis Freemanntl (1872-1943) is most remarkable among siblings of Gideonov members of parliament. The brave doctor who has passed all the war England of his generation in various parts of the world, he won the authority of the country's largest specialist in the field of organizing and choosing the directions of development of health and medical profession. "Fremantle, Sir Francis Edward (1872 - 1943)". Plarr "s lives of the fellows online, Religious public figure of a world scale was the grandson of the younger Samson Gideon, Kulling Irdley Smith (1805-1863), leading a champion of religious freedom and evangelical Christianity in the West countries.

Hermers for three generations put forward world importance scientists. Among them is a giant figure of William Herschel (1738-1822), the father of modern astronomy. An outstanding astronomers were his sister of Carollina Herschel (1750-1848) and his son John Herschel (1792-1871) -Od from the last great encyclopedists in history. In addition to astronomy, he made a huge contribution to mathematics, chemistry, biology, the creation of photography, philosophy and popularization of science, was a magnificent lecturer and a speaker, transferred to English Iliad Homer. His son Alexander Stewart Herschel (1836-1907) The largest researcher of the astronomy of meteorites and one of the pioneers of the new one for his time section of the physics of spectrology, studying the spectra of electromagnetic radiation. The Jewish origin of herreshel was known in the life of William Herschel and did not attract attention to England: he was a Protestant.

Arnolds for four generations were given England leading intellectuals, and the masters of the word, and one of them, lunating the politician, became the military minister of Great Britain in the early 20th century. The first glory of the family was brought by two "Great Victorians" (so they are respectfully called historians) Father and son Thomas and Matthew Arnold.

Thomas Arnold (1795-1842) lived only 46 years old, of which only five years at Queen Victoria, but won the name of one of the creators of ideas that had a huge impact on the life of the British in the Victorian era-time of the highest flourishing of England. A young man at the age of 33, he led the Swarm school in the town of Rugby and turned it into a sample for all general educational schools of England. Later, the Frenchman Pierre de Cubenen impressed by the ideas of Arnold founded modern Olympic Games. The most popular brand behalf, the author of several thousand sermons, Arnold began the movement for the reform of the Anglican Church, which turned her to the masses. At the same time, he found time for the classes of modern and Roman history.

His works brought him the authority of one of the leading historians of his generation and the professorship of the historian in England in England in England in the University of Oxford. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) Poet, Esseist and Cultureologist, during his lifetime, won the recognition of the classics of English poetry and together with Alfred Tennison and Robert Browning Lavra of one of the three great poets of the Victorian era. They did not inferior to them in the achievements and glory of the granddaughter of Thomas Arnold, an incredibly popular novelist and the head of the British soul fusionist Mary Ward (nest. Arnold) and the sons of her native sister's world-famous brothers Huxley Writer Oldos and Biologist Julian.
G. W. E. Russell. Mathew Arnold. London. 1904, p. 162-3; H. Belloc. The Jews. London. 1922, p. 47, 49; D. S. Katz. God "S Last Words: Reading Th E English Bible from the reform to Fundamentalism. New Haven. 2004 p. 264. See notes.

Interesting the fate of information about the Jewish ancestors of the most significant poet of the Victorian era of Robert Browning. Browning-English Rod, but Jewish ancestors were at the poet both from the Father's rods and from the mother. For the topic of this chapter, only browning ancestors from the mother are interesting. Most of the authors of the standard breunuting biographies are usually written that its family-sugar industrial industrialists settled in Scotland in the 18th century were the Germans of emigrants. These biouradia confuse the country of origin with nationality. In fact, the first Wildeman, emigrated from Germany, was Jewish stout. He married the plaid. His daughter Sarah became a poet's mother. "Sarah Weideman, Mother of Robert Browning, Born in Dundee On 13 June 1772", Scotlands People. Connecting generations. J. L. Borges. Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature. New York. 2013, p. 164. About Jewish Browning Saving without specifying for what line, see Belloc, The Jews, p. 47, 49; D. S. Katz. God "S Last Words, p. 365. See Note.

The poet with world lifetime glory, whose influence in the English-language world was similar to that Lion Tolstoy won in Russia: not only a master of the word, and the teacher of life and moral authority, Robert Browning did not hide his Jewish ancestors. He publicly emphasized his Jewish origin, allocated him in the hope that the huge respect he won in society will spread to the Jews, weakens the anti-European prejudices that have struck in England since the times of medieval obscurantism. In this, he was distinguished from most other descendants of Jewish stools. The same "Great Victorians" Father and Son Arnold forgot about their liberalism and not only informed about their Jewish origins, but also known by public anti-Semitic statements. The most suitable in their position was that in its anti-Semitism, these Arnolds walked against the cordial force and in the end of the events winning the British for the provision of equality to Jews. Matthew Arnold Despite his anti-Semitism, sought friendship with the Jews allocated in the world of literature and philosophy. In his epistolary heritage, the phrases of the anti-Semitic rhetoric and admiration for talent and understanding of art by his Jewish friends.

In the family of birboms, the desire of Jewish sparks from Germany to hide their Jewish origin reached a caricature expression. The glory of birboms also began in the Victorian era with the two Herbert Birboma brothers (1852-1917) and Max Birboma (1972-1956). The eldest of the brothers on the aggregate of their activities did not have equal in the history of the English theater, he is the best characteristic actor, theater director and organizer of England of the late 19th early 20th centuries. The younger brother is a famous Satir writer and an artist-cartoonist who has become a recognized classic in literature and art in life.

The founder of the English family Birbon was a baptized Jew from Memer in Eastern Prussia. With a young man, he moved at the turn of the second and third decades of the 19th century to England, married the Englishman, succeeded in grain trading. Although he was born in Germany, for some reason his famous sons were given him not for the Germans, but for the Dutch. Whether the family of birboms were pronounced from the Germans in Memela, or they didn't resemble the Germans toward the Germans and were more human than the Germans, like the British, Dutch.

However, the Jewish origin of the famous brothers of birboms was well known to their contemporaries and did not have any anti-Semitism from the British. See the pre-revolutionary Jewish encyclopedia; C. Lubinski. "The Jew in Drama, Theater and Film", Runes, The Hebrew Impact, p. 593-594. The British of that time-neither the Germans with their envious animal anti-Semitism. Historians note that the behavior of the famous and lucky brothers was characteristic of the "hidden" of the Jews. The irony of the situation is that the son of "Dutchman" Max Birbon, married twice, not only both times chose a Jewek. In conversations with friends, he praised the wonderful human features of the Jews and stirred about the fact that his fate was delivered: he himself does not have Jewish ancestors. At least the birboms did not roll to the anti-Semitism of Arnolds. A. Gornik. "The Comparable Max. Max Beerbohm's Cult of the Diminutive." The New Yorker. August 3, 2015, / 2015/08 / 03 / The-Comparable-max; "Theater. Contribution of Jews in the World Theater", Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia,

The most striking thing is that the examples of Robert Browning, who remained the most popular poet, despite the emphasising of his Jewish ancestors and careers of the younger Samson Gideon and his descendants, in England, unlike Germany or Russia, there was no public anti-Semitism, forced the Jews to hide his The origin of how birboms did or are you peeping anti-Semites, as it was with Arnolds.

Gidees, Herscheli, Arnold, Veldemans and Birbians were relatively late immigrants from Germany. We know little about earlier 18th century of barscheny Jews from German-speaking countries in Britain. It is hardly possible that German Jews are not emigrated to England to the 18th century. There is no doubt that they were and doused among those who consider the Germans, in the depths of the centuries, the Jewish origin of their ancestors was forgotten and these descendants of the Jews brought unkought Germans with their works in the name of England.

It would seem in Poland a neighbor of Germany there was a lot of baptized German Jews, but in the capital study of Mateush Mises on the Poles of Jewish origin we meet the mention of only two-three kinds and again, as well as in Russia and England, the Jewish roots of these births are known Only due to their outstanding descendants. The most interesting story about the ancestors of Joachima Leleshel, the largest Polish historian and the ideal of the national movement of the first half of the 19th century, which has deserved novels the Patriarch of Polish Democracy.

After suppressing the surveillance of the anti-Russian height of 1830-1831, Lelevel emigrated to the center of Polish emigration Paris, where he became friends with a young like-minded Yana Chinsky (1801-1867). During the uprising, Chinsky was the head of the headquarters of a large military unit, in the emigration he quickly won the fame of the leading patriotic journalist and publicist. Lellel and Chinsky became friends, Chinsky became the helper of the Lelevel in his political activities.

Then they quarreled. Jan Chinsky was born in the family of the Jews who were kept in the Catholicism, but did not refuse his Jewish origin, as it was usually with the rosters. He vigorously advocated the provision of complete equality with the Poles Christians. Chinsky hoped he could convince the need for the Jewish Emancipation to the Polish elite among which he was respected for his dedication to Poland. Against the supporters of the Equality of Jews, an influential voice rang out. The rulers of the Duma of the Polish Society of Lelevel, despite his calls for general equality, said that the Jewish Emancipation in Poland is impossible.

Lelevel announced that due to the fact that the oppositeness of Christianity was deeply rooted in Jews, descendants of baptized Jews, even in the sixth generation, do not become faithful Catholics and Poles. Wedopobia of the years has degenerated into frank racism. In his irreconcilable Yudopobia, Lelevel even sorted up with the position of the Catholic Church, who spent the complete equality of the rustles with the "old" Christians and with most Polish society. The Lelevel himself in his daily attitude towards people from baptized Jews, besides Chinsky, for example, completely refuted his anti-Jewish theories.

Hello-angry with anti-Semitism, Chinsky publicly exposed the secret of the genus of the relevant. Germans, the ancestors of Joachima Lelevly, Prussian nobles Loelhoeffel von Lowensprung came from Jewish stools. It is the fact that the descendant of the Jews became their enemy, outraged Ginsky in the anti-Semitism of themelevil. Anti-Indian psychological attitude was really often characteristic of the rising and their descendants, it suffices to mention the same Victorian Liberals of Thomas and Matthew of Arnolds. In this brilliant intellectual Ioachim Lelevel was completely neoriginal.

There was nothing new in the publication of the Chinsky about the Jewish ancestors of the Leelevil. Chinsky publicly said what others were only mentioned in private conversations. Rumors about the Jewish origin of Loelhoeffel von Lowensprung were distributed among the Poles. The Eastoprug City of Elabing, from where the ancestors of Joachim Relaveley had lived and where the generations did not have the ancestors of the Polish border, had close intercourse with Poland and the Poles knew a lot about their German neighbors.

We note the most important fact confirming the Jewish origin of the Lelevel. The baptized Jew from Prussia could be genital only from Albing. The German crusaders who won the lands of Prussians, banned the Jews to settle in their possessions, but from the 15th century, Eastern Prussia was influenced by Poland friendly to the Jews. The Jews constituted an important part of the merchants in Poland, the Germans had to agree to the presence of Jewish merchants in Eastern Prussia, but the Jews were forbidden to settle in the country. The only exception was Elbing, who was not far from the border with Poland. Already in 1440, there was a Jewish community in it. S. W. Baron. Social and Religious History of Jews: Late Middle Ages and Era, p. 401.

Chinsky was not a latter polemicist, but a man of facts. His high reputation of the political writer, which he deserved not only among the Poles, but also in the European press, was based on his honesty. He would not say about the Jewish origin of the ancestors of the Lelevuel as the cause of the sodophobia of that if it were not confident in the truthfulness of his accusations. Otherwise, by the part of Polish society would follow the crushing response to the defense of Polish idol of Lelevly and Chinsky would irrevocably lost the trust of readers. It is one thing to mention the Jewish roots of theuel in the close circle of acquaintances, as it took place among the Poles, another thing to declare this in public, pointing to the origin of the Lelesel from the rustles as the cause of his opposition to the Equality of Jews.

The Lelevel did not refute the message of the Chinsky about the origin of a kind although usually the descendants of Jewish stools publicly denied their Jewish roots. Perhaps Lelevel did not want to attribute even greater attention to his origin than before. It might turn him into the parable of warwood. You can not doubt the feeling of advantage of the years: lie, in order to hide the Jewish origin of a kind, he would not. In the future, he sincerely change his anti-Jewish position and will become a solid supporter of the Jewish Emancipation. MIESES, Z RODU, p. 153-154. I will note that after going out in 1938, the book of Mises, none of the many descendants of the kind of referee made a refutation of Mises, despite the anti-Semitism in the independence of Poland. By that time, the genus, famous for the name of Joachim Lelevel, became even more famous in Poland. His descendant was the most readable Polish writer in Poland and in the world, who challenged the heroic past Polyakov, Henrik Skekevich.
So, the situation with information about the genus of Jewish origin in Europe did not differ from what happened in Russia.

List of numbered Jews and Germans with Jewish ancestors, see Smambatuni. "List. Germans of Russia-Jews and descendants of the Jews." Part 2.

Rod Eberler was measured a hundred years after baptism, but his offspring on women's lines was huge and spread throughout the world. Most of them are natives of German-speaking countries. The human qualities of the Germans are such that following the branches of the pedigree of German childbirth, much more often we meet with disgusting personalities than to study the genealogy of representatives of other peoples. Among the German descendants of Eberler was the second person after the Fuhrer in the Nazi Germany Herman Gering.

On the time of the baptism of Herschelles there is no consensus among biographers. The first famous representative of the genus Hans Herschel was born in Moravia, moved to Dresden in Saxony, where he opened the brewery. Some authors believe that he was baptized into Protestantism, others insist that his grandson Isaac Greshl-Father of the Great Astronomom was baptized. The Christian name Hans does not testify about the Protestantism of the first of the Herschel. In German documents, the Jews often used Christian names, since the Germans were unfamiliar to the Germans.

It is unclear about the origin of the wife of Isaac Herschel Anna Ilse Moritzen (Anna Ilza Moritzen or Moritz). Previously, she was considered a gentle-Protestant. Now the researchers of her biography indicate that her surname is characteristic of the numbered Jews who created their German surnames, using German names in something consonant with the Hebrew had their fathers. The name Moritzen (Simplified Moritz) comes from the Hebrew nickname, meaning translated into Russian "Moses". G. Gilbert. "Jews in Photography A Significant Contribution to Civilization", Hebrew History Federation, http: // www.; The Project Gutenberg Ebook of The Story of the Herschels, by Anonymous. 2004,

Among the descendants of Gershel, Lieutenant General Alexander Hamilton Gordon is allocated to the women's lines (1859-1939) from a noble Scottish family, who perfectly commanded the corps in the First World War.

The biographers of numerous famous descendants of the birboms were repeatedly repeated this pedigree fairy tale or "corrected" her, declaring the birbones by the exit not only from the Dutch, and since they are natives of Prusia, then they are coming from the Dutch-German family, other authors showed even greater awareness in geography. Since after World War II, Memel departed to Lithuania, then these authors write about the Dutch-German-Lithuanian origin of the first birboma in England. All these fantasies are not substantiated on anything, but indicate the sad fact of the desire of the strokes to hide their Jewish origin even in Liberal England and the unscrupulousness of the authors of their biographies.

Matthew Huxley Son Oldhos Huxley-outstanding American epidemiologist and anthropologist.

Because of the proximity of the languages \u200b\u200bof Holland and Germany, the Jews often recalled from one of these countries to another.


I. Steimanis. History of Latvian Jews. New York. 202, p. 10-
For more information about the resettlement of Germans of the colonists, see A. A. Herman. History of the Germans Volga region. Tutorial. 2002, p. 10-11.
G. I. Sinkevich. Georg Kantor and the Polish School of Set Theory. St. Petersburg. 2012. This interesting work contains an error in which there is no author's guilt and which is once again showing the deplorable state of Russian knowledge about Jewish stale. The family of Mother George Kantor, famous Musicians of Bem, is called Hungarian because she confessed Catholicism. In fact, the Bems were accepted by Catholicism with Jews.
Her. Dmitry Meyer - Son of the court musician.
Sources about each person mentioned in this chapter are given chapters of browse essays.

(Esther Manue). V. Kogan. "Memory of Iron Time - 4", Kiev Telegraph, socio-political weekly,
(Books). B. Klein. "Knippers - Chekhov", Jewish world
Newspaper Russian-speaking America,
The note. On the baptism of Jews in Germany S. M. Clarc. The Politics of Conversion. Missionary Protestantism and The Jews In Prussia 1728-1741. Oxford. 1995, p. 20-21 in Hamburg from 1656 to 1708 passed into Protestantism at least 154 Jews.

On the attitude of Neetah churches for the baptism of Jews. Martin Friedrich.
Die Stellung Dere Deutschen Evangelischen Theologie Zum Judentum Im 17. Jahrhundert. Tubingen /
1988. VI,
Beitrage Zur Historischen Theologie 72

Part of the bibliography on the Jews, which transferred to Christianity and those who merged with the Germans, Dan in G. CARL, A. Schaser. "KonverseSberichte Des 17. BIS 19. JAHRHUNDERTS ALS SELBSTZEUGNISSE GELESEN: Ergebnisse und ForschungSperspektiven", p. 7-8.

From Ikskuli and the Scottlander did not stand much: they were loyal to the anti-Semitic regime dominated in Russia. The person of another political camp of Joachim Lelevel, the Polish descendant of German junkers Loelhoeffel Von Lowensprung, Democrat, who defended the brotherhood of the peoples, the author of the noble slogan "for our and your freedom," expressed anti-Semitic views until they were torn.

See Sbat Bagratuni at
"1. Ancestors from the Jewish ghetto. Catherine II and the rulers of Europe.
"4. Ancestors from the Jewish. Ghetto. Russia"
"German ancestors of Pushkin with Jewish roots"

Alexander II, actually leaving his legitimate German wife, chose himself into the Morganic wives Russian princess Dolgorukov, her roots were also in Cologne. Her ancestor was the famous Okacterininian Century, the organizer of the Russian Education Ivan Beetskaya. His mother was a Swedish baroness from Cologne Germans.

Eberllers accepted Christianity to tragic for Jews Basel time. Having envious to their more hardworking, capable and simply twisted in personal hygiene, the Jewish neighbors, who made it in modern language, disproportionately a lot for the welfare of the entire population of the city, the Germans destroyed the Jewish community. In 1439, during the plague epidemic that covered the entire epidemic, the horde of the peasants came to the city in order to kill the Jews, accusing them in the poisoning of Christian Chuma. Because of the compliance with the rules of hygiene prescribed by the Jewish religion? Jews were much less suffered from the plague than the Germans living in the mud. City authorities, aware of the contribution of Jews to the prosperity of Basel, tried to protect the Jews, but the handicraft guilds were supported by the robber peasants and demanded violence over their Jewish neighbors. The fathers of the city did not have strength to stop the crowded crowd. They gave the Jews to the killers. The Germans beat Khlev and burned 600 Jews, including children. Just like centuries later, the Germans-colonists are burned in stacks of the Kazakhs. 140 Jewish children were forcibly addressed to Catholicism. Their follow-up is unemployed, but if the Eberler family has a huge offspring in nomedic-speaking countries, then how many Germans were the descendants of these 140 Jewish children.

Example-Flemish origin by the family of great mathematicians Bernoulli, who has seen in German Switzerland, who has no equal among other German families in their contribution to science. Mathematics historians calculated that Bernoulli gave 8 (!) Great mathematicians. Three of them worked for some time in Russia. Jewish ancestors were lucky to be seen in the pedigree Bernoulli, because they have a loud name. They-Eberllers from Basel, one of the most famous Patrician gifts of high bourgeoisie in Switzerland, overstating the borders of Switzerland and rendered the status of Essen equal to English Lordam in the neighboring German state. Eberler has a huge offspring of the female line in many countries of the world. If, instead of Eberler, Bernoulli would have a different, imperceptible Jewish family, then we would never talk about it.

After the genocide, the city of Basel issued the law, which forbidden to the Jews to settle in it for 200 years, but without Jews, Basel's income can cat lightened and the revenue Basel began to ask the return of the Jews who had time to leave the city. Among the Jews, who returned to Basel, the most significant was the brilliant financiers Eberler, originally from the neighboring Alsace. They did not have time to reiterate in Basel, as the German envy praised again. Rounds who have decided to get used, accused the chapter of the family in insulting Christianity. Eberleraram had to leave the city and settle in Alsace. Fathers of the city nevertheless continued contact with Eberlers. The head of the family died, the Baselians promised his son all sorts of good if he was baptized and returned to the city of Christian. The tragedy broke the younger Eberler. He was baptized, married a nobility and rapidly entered the ruling elite of Basel. Moreover, Eberllers were erected into the feudal aristocracy of neighboring Germany, which was extremely rare elevation for the Swiss bourgeoisie.
A. Steinberg. Studien Zur Geschichte Der Juden in Der Schweiz Wahrend Des Mittelalters. 1902.

Similarly, with Martza Metallurg Georg Gennin, the creator of the mountain and metallurgical industry in the Petrovskaya empire, tested his biographers to the secret of his origin. They considered him that Dutch, then the German, and he was a baking Jew. It is safe to argue that there is a much larger number of those we know in Russian history as the Germans, in fact, were Jews who hollowed their ethnic origin, or by the Germans with Jewish ancestors.

Plevy Cankrin


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On the eve of the most important regional elections in Germany - in Bavaria and Hesse - the leading opposition national-conservative party "Alternative for Germany" (ADG), which, according to polls, has already become the second most popular in the country after the KDS / HSS block and the first - in the former GDR, was able to get rid of the naval, who prevented her to achieve even more success.

The most important and completely unreasonable claims of the German establishment to this young party is the accusation of its members and leadership in anti-Semitism. With the creation of October 7 in Wiesbaden in the Outdoor Group "Jews in ADG", this estimate ceased to be at least any convincing.

Jews together with Russian Germans also voted for this party - "anti-Semites" and "Fascists". As they see in ADG, the only political force that can really protect them in the country, where to be a Jew - because of the mass influx of migrants from Muslim countries - becomes unsafe, and there is no strength to collect suitcases in search of a new homeland, no effort. Now this is just their party. While others defend the Jews only in words, ignoring usually the ugly behavior of "refugees", which intend to force German Jews to completely pay for all real and imaginary sins of Israel in the Middle East. Moreover, under conditions, when the German authorities can only fight with anti-Semitism with practically incurred by anti-Semitism, which is emanating from marginal robust circles, where there are more provocateurs from special services than real anti-Semites.

Old and new anti-Semitism. What is more dangerous?

Simple Jews and Germans, especially from Russia, perfectly understand that this, already almost the existing type of anti-Semitism is not hazardous. But they are extremely concerned that the German tops and the "progressive community" - along with the leadership of the tied and humanitarian structures tied on globalists - they do not want to see the terrible anti-Semitism of "refugees" and the country's oscalization emanating from them. And since the German majority of the Nazi crimes crimes are crushed by the "sense of guilt" for the Nazi crimes of the past for Germany and Europe by the Migration Policy of the Supportual Elite, it is Russian Germans and Jews that are in the forefront of the struggle for the true interests of Germany.

The rapid growth of ADG is explained only by one: this party does not break the head in the sand and sees everything as it is. Photo:

These "non-political" descendants of those who were shot by the masses and traveled in gas chambers, referred to the Kazakhstan steppes in the worse than the Gulag, the labor army, who suffered from Hitler and Stalin, and often from both together, today they are fighting not only For their own and German interests. They are also ready to defend Democratic Germany - and Europe, where they are specifically launched in huge quantities of "refugees" from Islamic countries, so that after a while under the pretext of the fact that they do not want to integrate and stand on the path of terror, "at the request of workers" to turn the EU in Totalitarian, police state.

What does the Jewish platform wishes in ADG?

Therefore, a press conference of 24 Jewish politicians who declared the creation of a "Jewish platform" in the "Nazi" ADG that took place in the capital of Hesssena, who announced the creation of the "Jewish platform" in the Nazi. On this carefully guarded police of the event, fifty journalists from Germany, Israel, USA and Russia were present. Significant interest in the forum was also called because the ADG is also called in Germany also the "pro-Crerelevskaya" party, which is also a big lie, because adequately understood German national interests are German interests, and not Russian, even if in something They coincide. It is possible to say for sure that neither the torn Russian officials, nor offensive pensions, nor miserable wages, Russian Germans and Russian Jews do not want for themselves. They wish Germany to remain as they arrived in what they had come to themselves to escape from the country, where they let deep roots and which were loved, to Russia or Israel, which some had already had to do. Well, the fact that, like ADG as a whole, both "national" platforms in this party believe that between Germany and Russia should be the most close relationship, it is natural.

A very interesting report on the event was placed by the official "German wave" (DW), the correspondent of which visited the event in Wiesbaden, where two refugees from Iraq and Syria had been abused and killed a 14-year-old Jewish girl. Entering the hall, the journalist saw a "elderly man in a pile and with a star of David on his neck, who gave a strong Russian accent interview with the film crew" and heard the phrase fragment: "... I want to finally live in a normal country." In response to the request of the FrankFurter Allgemeine Zeitung correspondent, this person stated: "I am not talking to a false press."

After that, the following scene followed: "And with the Russian version of Deutsche Welle?", I wonder in Russian. No, I heard in response, because we are lying ... well, in general, too, we write about the Angela Merkel too flattering. And then, leaving, this, it seems that the co-founder of the "Jews in ADG" group straight as the order shouted "Putin IST Gut!" ("Putin is good!") Yes, and also added our Crimea.

True, then, a journalist DW, at a solemn meeting, "the conversation was already in a different tone and in a completely different intellectual level", and about Russia there was "very little": "Mostly it was about the general Jewish-Christian culture of Germans and Jews , Israel and anti-Semitism in Germany. About anti-Semitism Muslims. "

The tone is set natives to the USSR

The politician who speaking at the event convincingly exposed false guales on anti-Semitism of ADG, which appeared due to the phrases of representatives of the party and the activities of several provocateurs in its ranks, for this punished. Since not in words, but in fact, ADG, as the deputy of the Bundestag Bundestag, Müntz, is the "political defender of the Jews in Germany."

Wolfgang Ful, the ex-member of the Board of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, stated that "ADG is a higher degree of the design party," reminding that this is the "only party in Germany, who advocates the recognition of Jerusalem with the capital of Israel."

On anti-Semitism in Germany, the chairman of the Board of the Jewish Platform in Arabic, a native of Uzbekistan, a native of Uzbekistan, stopped in Germany from the "Refugees" from Arab countries. She stressed that "the people from the Soviet Union play a big role in the Jewish community of Germany" and that "four members of the Board speak freely in Russian," despite the fact that it consists of seven people. Thus, the USSR natives in the "Jews in ADG" leadership are most.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board of Arthur Abramovich, a native of Kharkov and a graduate of the University of Freiburg, very clever presets attempt to attribute ADG a pro-Russian orientation, saying that part of the German Jews who support the party are immigrants from Ukraine, and that says it all.

According to one of the organizers of the Jews in ADG group, Dmitry Schulz, a native of Kyrgyzstan, who has among his ancestors and Russian Germans, and the Jews, they will cooperate during the forthcoming land elections in Hesse, agitation will be in Russian. This was confirmed by the chairman of the German platform in ADG Albert Bryninger, who specially arrived at Wiesbaden to this event. He stated that "now the main argument about the allegedly existing anti-Semitism existing in ADG.

In Germany, there are increasingly powerful manifestations of immigrants from Muslim countries with threats to German Jews. Photo:

The Jewish Elite of Germany disagrees

This event, naturally, caused a sharp criticism from the rich part of the Jewish community of Germany, tied to the service of globalist politics, because the richer in Germany there is a man in general, and the Jew in particular, the smaller he has the opportunity to deal with new, Middle East of the origin of anti-Semitism. If you live in a rich area, and do not divide with Muslims one staircase. If your children do not go to the public school, where they are constantly degrading the Muslim majority, beaten, and it is satisfied with the symbolic executions, and they visit an expensive private school, where discipline is supported, then there is still strong anti-Semitism in Germany. Well, what to read in the newspaper, that somewhere there was a demonstration in support of the Palestinians under the slogan "Jews in the furnace", which rabbi was dyrged into the stomach with a knife, and the Orthodox Judea, daring to appear on the street in its specific use, dismissed and obsessed with impunity Muslim youth.

But this happens with others, and the natural irritation caused by this and fear can be recycled on right extremists, although they have almost left almost left. And the problem here is not that these people do not see what they see all the others, but in the fact that they are too angry with the interests of the Jewish Rights on the globalism and are committed to the relevant ideology.

In the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, deputies from the rest of the parties of the ADG representatives defiantly ignore, as if it were not people. Photo:

Therefore, the heads of Jewish students of Germany Dalia Greenfeld requires under any circumstances do not consider ADG "Friendly Party". And the Vice-Chairman of the Fractions of the KDS / HSS block in Bundestag Stefan Harbart calls ADG "hypocrisy" and accuses the party that she de "speaks too little about the crimes of national socialists." This is not surprising, since the ADG positions itself as "True XDS" and constantly beat the voters from the party "Chancellor of Refugees" Angels Merkel.

In general, 17 Jewish organizations, including the Central Council of Jews in Germany, still consider ADG "Racist" and "Anti-Semitic" party. So, the former head of the German community of Germany Charlotte Knobloch, who survived the child "Crystal Night", is perplexed in an interview with the BILD newspaper, as "Jews can justify their membership in this party." And all because ADG calls on the Germans to stop constantly repeating the crimes of the past and more closely to look around themselves, and today there are very grave crimes today, as a result of which Germany will simply won't be in the foreseeable future.

Some circles really do not want to lose the opportunity to blackmail the Germans that have repeatedly for this. Even in the face of a new terrible threat - wild Middle East anti-Semitism. I do not like the Knobloch and the Executive Director of the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism Levi Salomon, the Statement of the co-chairman of Aleksandra Gaulda co-chairs that "Hitler and National Socialists are only a bird litter on more than a thousand years of successful history of Germany." However, these and other high-ranking representatives of the Jewish community, including prominent journalists, are unlikely to be right that the Jews "do not buy this trick," will not vote for ADG. First, they already vote, and very active, despite the prohibitions of their community leadership. Secondly, now they will vote even more. Because these Jews live in the real world, walk through the streets of ordinary areas and are constantly faced with the threat, which for the rich Jewish elite seems so far not so obvious.

What is the difference between Jews simple and elite?

Simple Jews do not know the true reasons why millions that are not able to integrate and prone to violence of migrants from Muslim countries launch to Germany and Europe as a whole, but they know well who will be their first victims. Not the Germans, the French and the British, and they. In fact, in our eyes, he repeats, although not in such a dramatic form, the tragedy of European Jewry during the Second World War, which, above all, was organized, first of all, the American elite with powerful Jewish participation to establish its global domination. The Globalistic Circles of the United States grown Hitler since 1922, well knowing about his pathological anti-Semitism. However, it was done because it was very convenient in all other relations. The domination over most of the world in the world as a result was obtained, but European Jewry, who did not have time to go to the Middle East or move over the ocean, was almost destroyed, sacrificed. The current European Jews, far from global intrigues and not fulfilled by the suggestions of the leadership tied to the supranational elite, are sharply feeling a new threat over them. And they turn to those who are ready to protect them really from it, and not only in words than the leaders of all other "systemic" German political parties are engaged, with a great jealousness of the adg insignificant initiative.

And so in all of Europe

By the way, the influence of right-wing conservatives in anti-Semitism is characteristic not only for Germany. The same accused in France Marin Le Pen, the leader of the French Party "National Association", which took the name "National Front" until June 2018. The same lie applies to the leader of the Dutch Right Party of freedom of Gert Wilders, a large Patriot of both Holland and Israel. The rights of Jews and all indigenous Austrians to their homeland against Islamization defend the right Austrian Freedom Freedom (APS) Stroha Stroy. It is sometimes called neo-Nazi, because after creating at the end of World War II, it was difficult to find Austrian, who was not before that a member of the NSDAP.

Another malicious European "Anti-Semit" - Prime Minister of Hungary Victor Orban, a leading uncompromising struggle for preserving the identity of his country and Europe, in which the Jews live several thousand years. Speaking of the same position adhere to the "Swedish Democrats", the Belgian Party "Flemish interest", as well as the Italian League, which has become ruling.

Therefore, on how the struggle between the "politically correct" jobs of a new world order and "non-procurement" realists seeing what is happening in true light depends on the future of Europe, including its Jewish population. In Germany, as you can see, in the forefront of the struggle for the best European future, there are immigrants from Russia, trying not for the sake of the Kremlin, although they fully share their concern, but for the sake of their future and their children.

On May 11, 1935, the Führer of the Grayscherman Reich Adolf Hitler attended the collapse ceremony of one of his closest associates of Emil Maurice. Emil Maurice was an hourly watchmaker. He joined the party back in 1919 and had a membership card of SS №2. Hitler drew attention to an attractive and fun young man.

He did Maurice with his driver. Emil Maurice took part in the beer coup, also sat down in prison and served his sentence with Hitler. Emil served Hitler, followed his wardrobe, gave things to washing. He commanded the first groups of attack aircraft who guarded the Fuhrer and arranged fights with the Communists.

Hitler adored fast ride, and he liked the driving manner of Emil, who chased with the highest possible speed at that time. Emil Maurice liked women. He had an affair from Gheli Raubal, the niece of the Fuhrer, to which Hitler himself was Putaling special feelings. Hitler jealous. He persistently advised Emily Mauris to marry, promised:

When you marry, I will come to you every day.

Before the wedding, since Maurice consisted of SS, he was obliged to submit to the Main Directorate of the SS on the issues of races and settlements of the evidence of the immaculateness of his own origin and the purity of the blood of the bride. The State Security Apparatus, not doubting that the case is purely formal, checked the genealogical tree of the groom and ... discovered the presence of Jewish blood in his veins.

Henry Himmler proposed to expel Maurice from the MOP. Adolf Hitler asked to make an exception for his former driver and bodyguard. Then the gimmler compiled a strictly secret document:

1. The SS Standentenführer Emil Maurice, as his pedigree testifies, cannot be considered an Aryan.

2. I reported to the Führer, which, in connection with this, Maurice should be excluded from the composition of the SS.

3. The Führer decided that only in this and the only case would be made an exception. Maurice and his brothers can stay as part of the SS, because Maurice was the first graduate of the Fuhrer, the brothers Maurice and their whole family served the movement of the brave and devoted in the first and most difficult months and the years of its existence.

4. I order: Maurice cannot be included in the SS pedigree, and none of the descendants of Maurice will be adopted in the SS.

5. Head of the Main Directorate for RAC and settlements will receive a copy of this note that should be kept secret ...

6. For yourself and all my successors, I as the first Reichsführer SS decree: only Adolf Hitler personally has the right to make an exception in the question of blood ...

Aryan paragraph

The history of a person from the nearest environment of Fuhrer was stored in deep secret reflected the complexity of the situation with which the Nazis collided. They came to power with the program whose core was anti-Semitism. Jews began to dismiss from work. On April 1, 1933, the Nazis declared a boycott to all German Jews. Some Germans have indignant such frank racism.

On April 4, President Paul von Hindenburg, whose authority among national thinking Germans were exposed to his opinion.

He wrote Hitler: "Civil servants, judges, teachers and lawyers who were injured in war or generally fought at the front, and their children, as well as those who have lost their sons at the front, if they did not give a reason to treat them differently, should Get the right to work further ... "Adolf Hitler did not dare to argue with the President of the country and General Field Marshal, the hero of war. The next day, the Führer notified the president: "During the week, the law will be ready to take into account those Jews who served in the army who suffered in war and who serves as a state for a long time; they will not dismiss."

On April 7, 1933, the law "On civil servants" appeared. This law allowed to expel all the Jews from the public service, from jurisprudence, armed forces and from the education system. As was promised to Hindenburg, the exception was made for those who were admitted to the civil service before the First World War, for those who fought, and for those whose fathers or children died at the front.

But the Nazi apparatus has problems with the implementation of racial policies. It turned out that in Germany there are many people who rightly served the Fatherland in the Kaiser Army and shed their Jewish blood at the front. Exceptions had to do too much, and in three months, July 14, 1933, Hitler explained to his subordinates: "Exception to do only for those who directly participated in the battles, and not just been at the front, in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities. Whenever you need To find out the military past. "

We have been familiar to us on Soviet times the graph "Nationality" in German documents was absent. Nazis studied records in church books, focusing on religious affiliation. But in contrast to medieval times in Nazi Germany, religion did not matter, only blood was taken into account. A Jew, who adopted Christianity, for the Nazis still remained a Jew. But the Christians who switched to Judaism were equated to the Jews.

The composition of the blood was determined, digging in the pedigree, they figured out what religion was his great-grandfather and Prapradeda. After 1871, the birth, marriage and the death of the Personal Empire was recorded at the Bureau of Civil Recording Activities. During registration, religious affiliation was noted. The descendants of all who confessed then Judaism were considered Jews.

Führer ordered to check the Aryan origin of all officers. The task turned out to be unbearable for the Nazi apparatus. Hitler did not even imagine how many soldiers and officers with Jewish blood served in the Reichsver. Moreover, they served at their own desire, considering military service by the execution of debt to the birthplace and vocation. When the Nazis began to find out who in the army and on the Fleet of the Jew, and began to dismiss them, the personnel officers who dedicated themselves to the service of the Fatherland, simply did not understand what they were guilty before their homeland.

On September 15, 1935, racial laws adopted at the party congress in Nuremberg. The laws were deprived of the Jews of German citizenship, they could not vote, marriages between the Aryans and the Naricians were forbidden. The exceptions that the deceased President Hindenburg was demanded, were no longer done. By December 31, 1935, all Jews, even the heroes of the First World War, were expelled from the army.

The first degree, the second degree ...

Immediately after making racial laws in the party apparatus and in the state security bodies, the dispute arose, how to deal with children from mixed marriages? Read them with Jews? The Nazis introduced the concept of Der Mischling - a methis, a hybrid or a mix, "representative of a mixed race".

They took advantage of the agricultural term denoting the animal or plant, derived from the crossing of various breeds or varieties. On November 14, 1935, the Imperial Ministry of the Interior issued comments to the Nuremberg laws that introduced the concept of "Mix the first degree", are those in whom fifty percent of Jewish blood, and the "mix of second degree" - 25% of Jewish blood.

If the "representative of a mixed race" professed Judaism or married with a Jewish man, it was considered as an aggravating circumstance, and such a person was considered a complete Jew with all the concentrations from this.

The emergence of laws allowed the set of Nazi officials to find a lesson in the shower. They were instructed by a fascinating case - to seek hidden Jews and count the percentage of Jewish blood from the "Mix".

Wilhelm Stucker, State Secretary of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior, argued that the German (German), who was married to the Jewish (Jew), loses its German; Children of the "mixed race" must equate to the Jews. He argued his minister Fritus that the German, at least once, who had entered into an intimate relationship with the Jew, could no longer be able to give birth to one hundred perception of Aryan children.

The words of the pool could not not find a response from Hitler. In December 1942, he forbade military personnel to marry the Germans, who were married to the Jews in the previous marriage.

In the Wehrmacht it was impossible to become an officer, without having a "certificate of origin." Sometimes this document was called Ariernachweis - "Certificate of Aryan origin."

It was also necessary to have ahnenpass ("Palport Passport"), in this little little book, the entire pedigree was indicated until 1750. This document was needed to enjoy all the rights of a citizen Reich.

Horst von Oppenfeld, who was suspected of the presence of Jewish blood, in 1938 sent for documents about his ancestors. In the hometown of Shttttin, a local government official, a veteran of war, saw that the father of the opponnel, captain of Cavalry, and his three brothers fought in the first world and two of them died at the front, slammed the folder with the words: "What stupidity!" And issued a saving reference.

In the first world a hundred thousand men, the Jews were put on a gray uniform of the German Reich and went to the front. A third of them received state awards, over two thousand became officers. At the front, defending Kaiser Germany, twelve thousand Jewish soldiers died. This is more than the killed Jews in all wars led to Israel.

Franz Joseph Strauss, being Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany, wrote the preface to the book of letters of the German Jews who died in the first world war: "The youngest volunteer of the German army Joseph Cippes, fourteen years, was a Jew, just like Wilhelm Frankl - one of the first Kavalers of Prussian Order "For Merit" in German aviation. Frankl died in 1917 in air combat. In twenty years, his name could not be found in the list of cavaliers of the Order of Merit. It was crossed out, since, according to the official opinion of the Hitler's state, the Jews are not Could be brave. They could not even like wildly it sounds, die for Germany. The names of the dead Soldiers-Jews, as the national socialists wanted to disappear even from the obelisk in honor of the heroes ... "

The XIX century brought German Jews although incomplete, but equality. They quickly integrated into German society, it led to a large number of mixed marriages. In the XIX century, about seventy thousand Jews in Germany and Austria-Hungary moved into Christianity. On the fracture of the centuries, the number of cristed in Christianity has increased significantly. German society willingly accepted Christian Jews. Anti-Semitism was predominantly religious. There was no complaints to the Christian Jew.

Hundreds of thousands of German Christians had Jewish roots. These families have long lost contact with the Jewish community. They did not consider themselves the Jews, many have not even suspected of their Jewish ancestors, while Hitler did not remind them about it. They rightly served the country, because their ancestors lived in Germany over the centuries. They sincerely considered themselves German patriots. In 1933, most of them did not belong to the Jews, but when the first racial laws were adopted in 1935, they suddenly realized that they were Jews.

Arrive after the failure of the beer coup in November 1923, Adolf Hitler raised the clock in the circle of his new fans, developing the ideas of the future reorganization of Germany and getting rid of "defective races". And until late at night, he dictated his book "Main Campf" Rudolph Hess, he printed on a typewriter. It is rather boring, although the pretentious book. Hitler then said that if in 1924 he knew that he would become Reichancler, he would not write her.

One striking when reading - the gloomy hallucinations of Hitler and its concentration on sexual problems, and he thinks and speaks exclusively about perversions and inception. This book is written by a person whose puberty took place first in the male hostel, and then in the prison cell.

Jews have become for Hitler by the personification of all vices and crimes. One of his buddies argued that in his youth, Hitler fell in love with a blond girl. She rejected the future Fuhrera and chose a more pretty Youth Jewish. And since then, the chosen Hitler has seen the paintings of the seduction of the blond German girls by foreigners.

German Jews argued their love for Germany in the army service. In 1760, the Prussian King of Friedrich the Great was produced by the Jewish Konstantin Nathanael von Designon to the generals.

His son also became a Prussian officer. After the battle at Waterloo, where the Napoleonic army suffered a defeat, 72 Jews were awarded with iron crosses. The first world issue of ethnic origin was not asked at all. In the Kaiser Army there were several generals and admirals - semi-hospiters.

It is known that there is nothing more dangerous for the purity of the purity of their origin than reality. Germans are especially mixed by various ethnic groups, although many of them did not want to hear about it. The study of its own pedigree has become a blow even for some faithful Nazis. They did not suspect that Jewish blood flows in their veins.

To identify everyone who has an admixture of Jewish blood, it was difficult, although the party apparatus and experts of the racial department worked with full load. They found that a lot of people visible and influential in society are married to Jews.

German aristocratic families did not refuse marriages with Jews. The country's united and the first German chancellor Otto von Bismarck just welcomed.

When the Nazis came to power, they found all the forms of the assimilation of the Jews attempt to undermine Germany from the inside. Hitler considered the assimilated Jews the most dangerous, because they would not immediately recognize and they from the inside decompose society.

"Break down!"

In April 1940, Hitler forbade the semi-leaders to serve in the Wehrmacht. The victim of this order Ulrich Engelbert wrote Hitler that his father served as an officer in the first world and received the iron cross of the first degree that his grandfather served in the army during the war with France in 1870-1871, and the great-grandfather volunteer joined the German army during War for independence in 1813. And he is considered the enemy of Germany? Wehrmacht officers were ordered to submit documents not only about their origin, but also a pedigree wives. On March 1, 1936, Minister Blomberg demanded from all officers to prove the Aryan origin of his wives. It turned out that many are married to women with a share of Jewish blood. Married on the Naricians offered to make a choice between a military career and his wife. On January 20, 1939, Hitler ordered to dismiss all officers married to Nariaricov.

After the adoption of Nuremberg laws, some Aryans men did not find the courage to stay with their Jewish-wife. Jewish wives themselves offered husbands to leave so as not to break their lives. Some committed suicide to rid a husband from themselves who lost its work, and then cards.

Nazi ideology destroyed families and related feelings. Valerie von Bergman, aunt "Mix" Dieter Bergman, who joined the party, told her nephew: "My dear boy, in order to keep our country to keep her purity and overcome the Marxist-Jewish plot, people like you should be destroyed . Sorry me, my boy. You know how I love you ... "

In army parts, the commander ordered to everyone who has Jewish blood, fail. Some remained on the spot and hid their origin. The mystery was revealed when their parents began to send to camps, and party officials and employees of the Gestapo, drawing up documents, found out that the son of deported serves in the army.

As a rule, colleagues did not give out those who hid their origin, said: "You know, with Jews, of course, something is wrong. But you are not like other Jews." You are the right guy. "

The remaining in the army "Mix" tried to prove that they are real Germans, and at the front demonstrated their courage and dot in battle. They walked into the army, hoping that the military service would save them from the Gestapo. They wanted to refute the racial theory, to prove that they could be brave and courageous soldiers. And at the front quickly convinced that they were no worse than one hundred percent Aryans.

Streamed in the fact that he has a quarter of Jewish blood, the soldier of the Wehrmacht Fritz Binder recalled:

It was fun to see the representatives of the race, the Lords were injured in his pants when the battle began.

One of the researchers of this complex topic, the American military historian Brian Rigg, studied the fate of thousand six hundred seventy one soldier of the Wehrmacht with an admixture of Jewish blood. He found that two of them are two hundred forty-four were awarded the iron cross, nineteen - the Golden German Cross and the Eighteen - Knight's Cross, this is the highest military award in Germany.

Many sought to stay in the army by any means to preserve the life of parents. They came home in shape, and it was until time to help their parents.

In March 1941, Hitler ordered not to touch the parents living in a mixed marriage if their son died in battle. Several people it saved life. In early 1945, the Gestapovians appeared in the house of Marianna Gerdner to send it to the concentration camp. She showed a testimony of her son's death at the front. Gestapovets evil grunted: "Your son saved your life ..."

Milha trick

Many women trying to save the children, insisted that the true father of their children was not a legitimate Jew's husband, but a lover-Arian.

This way was recognized as 100% Aryans General Field Marshal Aviation Erhard Alfred Richard Milch, Statis Secretary of the Ministry of Aviation. His mother, who originated from the noble family, married Anton Milha, the Jewish blood flowed in whose veins. Erhard Milch participated in the First World War, was awarded the Iron Cross of the first and second degree. After the war, he moved to civil aviation, in 1926 he headed "Lufthanza".

Milch met and became close to Herman Gering. Seeing the power in the Nazis, provided Hitler the Lufthanza plane. In 1933, the Imperial Ministry of Aviation was created. Goering became Minister, Milk - State Secretary, i.e. his deputy.

Since Gering, who parked to the highest power, did not like to work pathologically, Milhuh as a skillful organizer was instructed to lead the creation of military aviation.

Hitler said Erhard Milhua:

I know not very long ago, but you know the case. And this is the main point. We have few people in the party who are known about aviation as much as you. Therefore, they stopped at you. You must take up this business. You need Germany.

Successful career now prevented only the ambiguity of the origin of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Aviation. His mother of Clara Milch turned to his crossed son Fritz Henry Herman, a local policeman, with a statement. It said that the father of her six sons is not a legitimate husband Anton Milch, and her deceased uncle Karl Broer.

On November 1, 1933, Gering discussed the racial problems of his deputy with Hitler, the Deputy Fuhrer in the Party of Rudolf Hesse and Military Minister Blomberg. Returning, Goering said Milhu, that everything is in order. Hitler ordered to consider the statement of his mother genuine. Erhard Milha recognized Karl Broyer's son, that is, he automatically turned into Aryans.

It is striking that the leaders of the Nazi party did not indignant the obvious incest (cohabitation of uncle with a niece!). They closed their eyes to it, but the admixture of Jewish blood was a grave crime.

Reichsmarshal Herman Geering disseminally spoke to his wife, which does not believe in the racial theory that the Jews are the same people as everyone. And at the same time took an active part in the destruction of the Jewish people. But kept in myself in the apparatus of those who needed him.

Just like the mother of General Field Marshal Milha, thousands of Germans acted throughout Germany, trying to save their children born from the Jews. But Nazi courts retained vigilance. When the mother of Wolfgang Spiera said that both her son, and the daughter of Ruth were born not from her husband, but from the novel with the Aryan's lover, the court sent both to the Hamburg Rovo-Biological Institute. There they were measured for a long time and studied and decided that the root was really Arya, but Wolfgang had Jewish features, and he remained a pick-up.

Controversial issues were transferred to the experts of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior. As part of the Fourth Department (People's Health) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs formed submissions "racial issues".

When someone from the "obstacles" appealed with a request to recognize His Aryans, only the Führer could give such permission. If Hitler did an exception to someone from the "representatives of the mixed race", then personally signed the relevant documents.

Those who did not have patrons waiting for a terrible fate. The Austrian Pickwear Feldmarshal Johann Friedlander refused to divorce his wife-Jewish, so he was listed in the lists of complete Jews. He tried to prove that his real father was Aryan-lover, and not the Jewish husband of the mother. But nothing helped. His wife was sent to Teresyienstadt. She died there. In 1944 he was sent to Auschwitz. January 20, 1945, when he could not resist his feet, the Siberian guards shot him down.

On October 2, 1940, the Senior Military Adjutant of the Fuhrer Rudolf Schmundt wrote the head of the personal office of Führer Reichxlyer Philippe Bowler, that all the "Mix", which distinguished themselves at the front and received awards, should immediately receive a testimony that they are Aryans. But on May 10, 1942, Hitler complained to the headquarters of the Operational Guidelines of the Wehrmacht General Alfred Yod, which he did too much exceptions. The Führer was worried about that thus Jewish blood would move from generation to generation.

He led to the example of the famous Party Libiha. Fuhrer suspected a foreign party in it. It seemed to him that the comrade had a party of Jewish features. All assured Hitler that he was mistaken and the background of Libih - Pure Arian. Hitler continued to doubt, and after a long research, racial experts still found that in 1616, one of the ancestors of Libiha married the Jewish. Even a drop of Jewish blood, Hitler triumphed, can determine the essence of a person!

Hitler was not sure of his blood purity

Hitler annoyed that too many officials are trying to ask for the pardon of familiar Jews:

The Rahsführer of the SS Himmler objected to the arise, because it allows the Jews to gain protection. But "representatives of the mixed race" will not stop biologically from being Jews, therefore, the party secretaries should be careful, recommending someone for arise.

Adolf Hitler attached great importance to appearance. Each thing was attached to the photographs of the FAS and in the profile. Without photographs, Führer did not consider a pet. If he found the appearance of Jewish, followed the refusal.

Hitler became mistaken. Most German Jews did not differ from the Germans - no way of life, thoughts. Perhaps there were no big German patriots than German Jews. And externally they were the same as the Germans. Photography of the Epreitor Werner Goldberg appeared in the army newspaper with the signature of the "Exemplary Soldier of the Wehrmacht". In reality, he was a pick-up.

Why did Hitler who prevented in Jews allowed someone from the "representatives of the mixed race" to be considered an Aryan? Some historians believe that the reason was ambiguity in his own biography. Maybe the Führer thought that his grandmother on his father could become pregnant, working in a Jewish family? It is known that Hitler invariably came to anger when he learned that some German was working as a servant in a Jewish family. Others believe that Hitler was needed soldiers, and he closed his eyes on their origin. Rather, the reason in the other.

Adolf Hitler fell into the trap, which he put himself. He proved so long that certain qualities are characteristic of a certain race, which could not retreat from this. He argued that Jews are bad soldiers and panties, and only Aryans can be brave and courageous. When it comes to the heroes of war, blond, with blue eyes, he did not have anything, how to recognize the "representatives of the mixed race" by the Aryans.

Brave and courageous soldiers could only be Aryans! Hitler preferred to declare a soldier with Jewish blood Aryans, just to preserve the racial theory, the basis of his worldview.

Hitler has problems even during the 1936 Olympic Games. He was confident that only Aryans could be real athletes. In the sports department, they received an indication to set an 100% Aryan team, but among the most prominent athletes in Germany were pickled.

However, some athletes needed Germany. In order to get them, the Nazis walked on everything. In 1935, the fencer Helen Meyer, who had already left for the United States, asked for a German team. She was a pick-up. Helen Meyer replied that he would speak only if she, and her family returned to the German citizenship they were deprived. Helen was not going to return to Nazi Germany, but it was a matter of principle. Hitler had to agree. She won a silver medal.

After the women's competitions for fencing Hitler refused to congratulate Helen Meyer, as well as athletes who won the gold and bronze medals. All three had Jewish blood! For Hitler it was a blow.

Goebbels capitulated

After the destruction of all Jews, the Nazis intended to sterilize, and then destroy all the semi-erections.

Historian Daniel Gouldhagen wrote an extensive book that the Germans would have participated in crimes. Not because it hardly lived, not because the country experienced humiliation after the defeat in the first world, and not because of a special psychological device, but simply because they hated "strangers." Therefore, they killed unarmed women and children, destroyed millions of innocent people without regret ...

Essentially, the historian called the Germans "nation of murderers." A striking way the book had enormous success in Germany. Many Germans responded to his work. Missed the whole book of letters Daniel Gouldhgen.

The Germans found out the truth about themselves, and in a certain sense it became relief for them. As in the classroom at the psychotherapist, when it turns out that there are plenty of people with the same problems.

And only a few Germans even in Nazi times obeyed conscience and their moral principles.

A fantastic history occurred on Rosenstraße, not far from Alexanderplatz, in the very center of Berlin, in February 1943. Joseph Goebbels as the head of the metropolitan party organization ordered to clear Berlin from the last Jews. The capital of the Third Reich was supposed to become Judenfrei, "free from the Jews". Goebbels was pleased: "Finally, we got rid of them!" Few preserved Jews were the husbands of the Germans, who passed through incredible suffering, but retained families. All were brought to Rosenstraße, the former center of the Jewish community. From there, a deportation began to the concentration camp. And suddenly it happened incredible. Wives deported, several hundred Germans, gathered on Rosenstraße and began to demand to return to them with her husbands. Children, other relatives joined them. They stood there all day, from early morning. This little street was clogged by people.

There was a police and the SS. Women were not afraid of them, shouted: "Killers!" For the Nazis, it was an Afront, an unthinkable scene. Families did not diverge the whole week. The most striking is that, facing the protest of women, the Nazi authorities capitulated. Goebbels ordered to let go of those who waited for deportation. Several people even returned from Auschwitz. Someone this story will seem justifying Germans - not all in the third Reich were the Nazis.

In reality, this story crosses universal confidence that it is useless to the totalitarian regime.