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Factors affecting wheat yields. Gross harvest of grain crops

Yield limit, or raising wheat yield (part 1)

"The history of mankind from the very beginning was the history of the struggle for the urgent bread," the Brazilian scientist and public figure Jozhe de Castro. This struggle continues now. In recent years, in many corners of the planet, she even aggravated. To provide people with food, each country requires deep with social transformations, accompanied by scientific and technical progress in agriculture. This is especially important for developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Today, only a small part of the sushi is used for agriculture. Of the 13 billion hectares of Sushi, only 3 billion is assigned to meadows and pastures and only 1.5 billion hectares - under Pashny. Thus, each person accounts for the hectare of agricultural land, the third of which is arable land. To meet the minimum annual food demand requires 500 kilograms of grain per person. At the same time, a significant part of the grain is spent to obtain animal products.

The main grain crop is wheat. It is cultivated on all continents. The boundaries of the areas occupied by wheat reach the northernmost and southern breadth. It is most common in the steppe and forest-steppe areas of Europe, Asia, America, Australia. The enormous popularity of this culture is determined primarily by its agricultural meaning. After all, she is the main bread grade. Wheat grain is also an indispensable raw material for pasta and confectionery industry, from it prepared different kinds Croup, starch, alcohol and so on. Waste flourishing production - valuable component of animal feed components. In the feed cattle goes and straw. In the energy and nutritional balance of man, wheat occupies a leading place. To have bread in sufficient quantityIt is necessary to obtain grain harvest on average 15 centners from each hectare of Pashnya. Is it possible?

The agriculture of antiquity, growing wild wheat-one-seater and double-mehannka, was pleased with the grain harvesters at 3-3.5 centners with hectares. With the feudal strictly, due to the hissing of the crop of wheat, the cave was already 4.5 centners with hectares. After the invention of the Iron Plow, this figure has increased to 7 centners. At the beginning of the century, 8.2 centners with hectares received grains in Russia. In the 70s, the average harvest in the USSR was 16.6 centner with hectares, and in some places there are much more - 35-40 centners with hectares. Record crop Dala winter wheat In Kyrgyzstan, 126 centners with hectares in Kyrgyzstan. But this is not a yield limit. The more grain is contained in each spike of the plant and the more such productive plants will be on the field, the higher the harvest will be. 400 centners of wheat from hectares - this is the prediction of the Swedish breeder of J. Mac-Kay. Impressive, isn't it? According to the estimates of Professor N. V. Turbine, the theoretical limit of plant productivity is still below - 200 centners with hectares.

Our country is the largest manufacturer of wheat. The accelerated and sustainable increase in grain production is a key agricultural problem, emphasized in the food program. In the coming years, increasing needs in high-quality food and fodder grain must be ensured.

One of the most affordable ways to increase the yield of grain crops is the introduction of new, more yield varieties and hybrids of the so-called intensive type into agricultural production.

The genuine revolution in the domestic crop production made academician P. P. Lukyanenko, creating a famous winter wheat eating 1, and on its basis - the varieties of Aurora and the Caucasus with a yield of up to 100 centners with hectares.

After multiple group and massive selections of plants, an intensive type of Mironovskaya 808 was created by Academician V.N. Crafts. Its Mironovskaya 808 grades improved, Mironovskaya jubilee, Illichivka possess an exceptionally high potential yield - up to 100 centners with hectares. At the same time, they have many economic and valuable signs: resistance to sharp winter temperatures and the main disease of the cereals - brown leaf rust, as well as drought. Grain in new Mironovsky wheat has high technological and bakery qualities.

The food program puts for the next decade before the breeders in the creation of varieties and hybrids that meet the requirements of industrial technologies. New varieties must be created resistant to unfavorable factors media, immune to disease and pests, with high quality grains. At the same time, their potential yield should be for winter wheat not lower than 60-90, and the spring is 45-60 centners with hectares.

What does it mean: "New grades of intensive type"? First of all, these varieties have many economic and valuable signs, which allows high yields. But, in addition, there is another feature, perhaps the main thing - most of them have a short stem. If in old grades, the mass of grain was four times less than the mass of solomin, then in the varieties of intensive type, this ratio is approximately the same. Short-Suitable, Falls Dwarf, varieties have a durable stem, do not run during rain and wind and give high yields.

With the dwarf and semi-class varieties of wheat, the events called the "wheat coup" are associated.

In the late 60s - early 70s, in the most populated countries of Asia, where mass hunger seemed inevitable, grain production sharply increased. There was a wheat coup. This name is connected with the name of the world famous breeder N. E. Borloug, awarded in 1970 by the Nobel Prize for the creation of highly productive dweller wheat, which now occupy huge areas. The scientist has achieved success, working in Mexico. By numerous crossbars of local varieties with Japanese Droke Wheat Norin 10, he received a group of dwarf varieties of Rokho 64 and Sonor 64. If in 1945, wheat yields in Mexico were low and accounted for 7 centners from hectares, then in ten years they have increased to 30-40 centners. From hectare, which made it possible to fully provide the country with grain. We became a reality of two harvests per year at the first sowing in December and the second - in May.

Indian scientists, irradiating a red mexican wheat, also received dwarf varietiesBut possessing grain golden-amber color, increased protein content and high yields - up to 45-50 centners with hectares. N. Barlogu and Indian breeders managed to disrupt the genetic connection between the length of the chaser and the stem. Such wheat has changed the type of plant growth. New varieties have a more durable stem, they do not run, give high yields. Creating dwarf wheat demanded changes in old agrotechnology. They need small seed seeds and high fertilizer doses. They are more sensitive to moisture and clogging by weeds.

Confidently short-seater forms

Wheat is the most common cereal culture, besides quite ancient. There are no accurate information about her origin, but it is assumed that she is known to humanity for more than ten thousand years, remaining for a person one of the main sources of plant protein. For centuries, this culture has changed, the most valuable forms of the plant were selected, they crossed artificially, and appeared as a result of new varieties and forms. Now they are already up to 30,000 samples in different countries.

Flour from it is a beautiful bread, a variety of confectionery flour products (cookies, gingerbread cookies, waffles, cakes), cereals (manna, poltava). She is a valuable export product for a variety of states.

Therefore, there are huge area of \u200b\u200bwheat in Russia. Among other crops, she has the most honorable place in the commercial sphere, and in food. It is not always possible to get the desired yields when cultivating this culture, it is so demanding to soil and climate.

Growing wheat and demand in the world

This Zlak is an integral part of food support of any country. The demand for grain is steadily growing all over the world.

For many decades on the global market of agricultural products, wheat retains a leading position. Its production is growing every year.

Fig. 1. Dynamics of changes in grain production in the world, million tons

Exactly there is also an increase in the consumption of this culture.

Fig. 2. Dynamics of changes in grain consumption in the world, million tons

Growing demand is possible to satisfy, only increasing sowing areas or increasing productivity on existing areas. The global grain market is recognized as one of the most dynamically growing, and wheat is the most popular and actively traded.

IN industrial scale It is organized by its production in more than one hundred countries. And Russia, according to the results of 2016, is inferior only to EU, China and India, leaving behind the States, Canada, Australia and other largest producers. But the export of Russian wheat in volume is the first in the world.

If you believe forecasts of the US Department of Agriculture, Russia in 2017/2018 will retain world leadership, its share already has about 17% of world exports.

"We simply can't compete with Russia in price issues in these markets - the yield of American wheat this year has influenced drought and late blizzards. Russia, on the contrary, grown it under favorable weather conditions. Over the past five years, yield has grown by 70%.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, this year, American wheat will be 15% of global exports. ... According to forecasts of the department, this season, American farms will produce twice as fewer wheat than Russian. " (Representative of the Association of Steve Merzer).

Wheat in Russia

Russia is the North Country, but its agriculture has always grown, collected and recycled wheat and rye. These cereal plants are the main food product and the most important goods in the global grain market. Of these, the most common and more valuable wheat. And in crop production of the country, and in the economy of agriculture of the Russian Federation, it plays a primary role


Since 2000, more than half of all sowing spaces, allocated under the grain, were singing, and in 2010, this figure reached 61.6%.

Fig. 3. The proportion of wheat in the sowing areas of grain crops, in%
Source: Rosstat

It was in the history of the RSFSR 1955, when by order N. S. Khrushchev Kukhouse was destined to become second bread, and the fields massively seeded with this cereal culture. But wheat "kept", did not pass his position. And after 60 years since the "corn campaign" started, the Government of the Russian Federation recommends to draw the attention of the Agrarians on this culture, motivating the fact that the crop, it is more useful and, importantly, has a positive effect on animal production, and meat and dairy productivity. .

The size of the sowing space in the Russian Federation in 2016 amounted to 27704 thousand hectares, it is 58.8% common Square, inhabited grain.

Source: Rosstat

Grow wheat in the Russian Federation:

  • yarovoy

    sore spring;

  • ozimia

    summed up late autumn or in winter. The advantage of it is that the soil moisture and heat is better used, as well as a sufficiently long period, so that the grain will turn around. Thanks to early shoots, it is less clogged by weeds. All this allows you to get winter crops higher than spring.

Fig. 4. Changing the structure of wheat sowing areas, in%
Source: Rosstat

Last years In Russia, more and more of this grain culture is going, and more and above the yield rate. According to the results of 2016, the gross collection is recorded in the amount of 73.3 million tons, and the yield was 26.6 centners with hectares.

Source: Rosstat

According to operational data, 85,819 million tons of wheat collected (Rosstat) in 2017.

In terms of yield, winter wheat exceeded Svorovaya since 2010 more than doubled, and at the end of 2016 2.4 times (15.7 and 37.6 c per hectare).

Fig. 5. Dynamics of the yield of winter and spring wheat varieties, centners with hectares
Source: Rosstat

Grain regions of Russia

Until the middle of the 20th century, wheat was sown predominantly in the black earth alley. With the elimination of new, more winter-hardy and early grades of crops, they are moving north, to areas where they were not cultivated.

Today, the Russian Federation has better soils for wheat - these are blacklooms, fertile virgin and sealing lands. And all the grain that is grown and going to Russia is classified by botanical form - solid / soft.

Wheat different varieties and species in their characteristics requires special conditions of cultivation, and therefore produced in different regions of Russia:

  • Soft - the climate prefers more wet, grown mainly in the central chernozem, in the Western regions of Siberia, individual areas of the North Caucasus. These edges "love" and spring, and winter wheat.
  • Solid grades - more demanding climatic conditions. The best harvests are obtained in the Altai Territory, Orenburg, Saratov, Chelyabinsk regions.

Each third ton of wheat is grown in one of three subjects in the south of Russia: Rostov region (absolute leader - 12.6% of gross collection for 2016), Krasnodar (11.6) and Stavropol Terrays. It was collected 25,27 thousand tons.

If the regions on the collection and yield of this cereal culture will be obtained as follows:

Tab. 3. Gross collection

Thousand tons

Rostov region

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Volgograd region

Altai region

Saratov region

Voronezh region

Omsk Oblast

Kursk Oblast

Republic of Tatarstan

Orenburg region

Oryol Region

Tambov Region

Lipetsk region.

Krasnoyarsk region

Republic of Bashkortostan

Novosibirsk region


Source: Rosstat

Wheat as export goods

"Russia was able to become the main world exporter of wheat at the expense of investments and a weakened ruble" (WSJ).

Excursion in history

On the outcome XIX. Century Russia has become the leader in the food market in Europe. Almost half of the profit from foreign trade accounted for income from the sale of grain. By the beginning of the 20th century, the country became an absolute leader. In global grain production specific gravity Was:

  • rye - more than 50% of production;
  • wheat - 20%;
  • barley - 33%;
  • oats - 25%.

During the period of collectivization (1929-1930) there was a sharp decline in the production of all agricultural products (it was touched, first of all, bread), which is fully explained by the beggars in the implementation of communist ideas, intensified chaos.

Since the 1930s, the country tried to return the lost positions of the main exporter of Europe. Especially since it was necessary to replenish the country's foreign exchange reserves. Industrialization of the country could be at risk, if it was impossible to purchase equipment and technologies abroad.

And even the drought of 1931 did not stop the supply of grain abroad. Such a position was maintained up to the second world.

Already behind were the war years, but until the very end of the 1950s, the best grain was exported. Restoration of the peopled complex, the industry lifting should have been provided. And this is despite the fact that bread has their citizens acquired strictly on cards.

At the turn of the 50-60s, finally, ensuring the needs of the population forced from export to go to the import of wheat.

There was even a period when exported it stopped at all. It was 1990-1993.

Fig. 6. Dynamics of export and import of wheat and Messalin, thousand tons
Source: Rosstat

Reference: Accounting for exports and imports of wheat in statistics is conducted heading 1001 "Wheat and Messalin" "Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities" (TN VED).

Mesalin is a mixture of wheat and rye, usually in the proportion of two to one.

The high-quality jump was marked in the 2002 yield. For the first time in decades, more than 10.5 million tons of grain were sent for the first time in decades. Russia entered the top ten countries - wheat exporters. And already new XXI The age was marked by the steady increase in the volume of wheat exports and the consolidation of leadership positions. Russian Federation On the global grain market.

The share of Russian imports of wheat in the world in 2016-2017 was 15.3%, the forecast for 2017-2018 is 18.1%. (T. Kovtun, deputy director of the Novorossiysk branch of the FSBI "Center for Assessment of Grain Quality" on the Forum "Grain of Russia - 2018").

According to FAO forecasts, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, first place in 2017/2018 for the Russian Federation, "which will increase the annual supply of this culture to foreign markets up to 32.2 million tons of wheat and wheat flour (in terms of grain)." The second position will retain the EU countries, and the United States, losing the leadership of Russia, will take the third string.

The yield of grain in the USSR compared to the Russian Empire rose from 6-7 centners / ha at the end of its existence to 15 c / ha at the end of the existence of Soviet power. That is, two to two and a half times. The main rise fell on the reign of Khrushchov and Brezhnev - due to the chemicalization of agriculture and the use of new grain varieties. (In Russian exercise, the wheat is massively produced in the climatic conditions, from which white bread is obtained, and rye, from which black bread turns out; white bread was "for the Lord"; Introduction to the daily use of people white bread - So, he almost replaced his bread black - this is the merit of the conscience; However, there are also disadvantages: rye would give more abundant yields in Russia and less considerable to climatic conditions). And at the same time, the USSR, we recall, still imported somewhere 20 million tons of grain per year! And the grains lacked the USSR to develop their own animal husbandry - that is, first of all for the production of meat. Increased yields during Putin's reign - it seems to be the result of favorable climatic conditions: the use of chemical fertilizers decreased, sowing areas decreased, the security of the village has deteriorated by agricultural machinery - from which then the crops will increase. So while Putin is lucky with the weather. It also can be seen that the degradation (i.e., the elimination of "strong owners") and collectivization, as well as the massive scope of livestock (which resulted in a decrease in the number of obtained organic fertilizers) On average, almost no way affected the crop yields - that is, on the efficiency of the management. It should also be considered that the increase in the yroatisti "eaten" an increase in population - so that, on average, the growth of grain production in Russia was not so significant; However, the increase in production of grain still overlapped the growth of the population.
Tako explain: how did the Russian Empire of the devils fed from the whole world exporting bread and from what basis during Putin Russia again began to export grain, if the USSR at the end of its existence imported 20 million tons of grain and was not enough for the development of animal husbandry at the end of its existence? ! The answer is simple: "unfinion, but take out." This principle, apparently, and adhered to St. Nicholas II and its predecessors on the throne.

The original is taken by W. polit_ec In the yield of breads in Russia for 200 years

Who knows how many centners from hectare is the harvest "Sam-six"? What progress the Russian peasants have achieved after the cancellation of serfdom and what Stalinsky collective farmers? Interesting data on grain yields in our country for the period from 1795 to 2007 were published in an academic monograph: Crowbanikov V.G., Derdygina I.V. Bread yields in Russia. M., 2009. This is no longer the first work of famous specialists on the problems of the history of agricultural statistics. It is assembled and analyzed a huge array of information that allows you to trace the trends of such an important indicator as the yield of grain, more than two centuries of Russian history.

For historical comparisons, it is extremely important to use comparable data. Meanwhile, the method of agricultural statistics in our country has repeatedly changed.

It is known that the royal statistics significantly underestimated the real volumes of production. The problems of accounting were also affected, and the reluctance of peasants to disclose the "bosses" the true situation of their farms. On the contrary, the statistics of the Soviet time are known for large-scale registry - and not only individual leaders who wanted to report on the successful implementation of the plan, but also at the state level to prove the advantages of socialism.

For example, in the Stalin's years, a harvest is taken into account, which "represents the entire harvest in the field, to the last grain. This is the harvest that can be assembled, if absolutely absent losses and theft of grain during harvesting and scramble of bread. " In Khrushchev, the time passed to the accounting of the barn harvest - in fact assembled and entered. But since 1966, the category "Collection" was introduced instead, which again led to the "clasp falsification" of statistics. In the last pre-chief years, in the conditions of increasing food difficulties, data on the fees and crop yields disappeared at all disappeared from the pages of the USSR CSS statistical books. The ban on their publication was removed only in 1985.

What does this disaster behave? Quite and nearby can see how one author cites data from pre-revolutionary publications; another of the archival documents of the 30s; The third operates late Soviet statives; And none suspects how much the calculation methods used in these sources differ. It is clear that there can be no speech about any intelligible comparison. Therefore, the monograph in question, where information about the yield, which is called, is "given to a common denominator," is of tremendous interest.

I can not naturally go past my favorite topic - comparisons Russian Empire and stalinsky USSR. The book analyzes the dynamics of yield in different historical epochs.

Since the end of the 18th century, and before the cancellation of serfdom, the average yield of grain in Russia has not grew. From the 1860s to the revolution itself, a steady increase in yield was observed, and by the end of the period he walked around the increasing. The most vintage years of the Russian Empire is the legendary 1913 and ... Military 1915.

With the establishment of Soviet power, the growth of yields again stopped three more than decades. There was such an old anecdote: how to decipher the name of the VKP batch (b)? Answer: Second serfdom (Bolsheviks). If you judge the dynamics of grain yield, in this joke there is a large proportion of truth. Soviet power, as well as serfdom, led to the stagnation of yield.

Only from the mid-1950s, the yield began to sustainably exceed the indicators of pre-revolutionary Russia. If before this level of 1913 was surpassed exactly once, in a fabulous yield of 1937, the next time this happened in 1956, and after 1964, Soviet yields never fell below 1913. Chemistry finally got to Russia. But, as in other areas of life, the Soviet government led to a loss of 30 years for the development of our country.

Since 1979, a new period of stagnation began, which continued until the end of the 1990s. In the same period, the difficulties in the economy are growing, in food supply, in ensuring the standard of living of people who eventually led Soviet Union To crash. And only from 2000, together with the general rise of the economy of Russia, the growth of crops resumed.

Here is the history of Russia in miniature paints us a yield curve. If you think about the coincidence of the trends of the development of agriculture and the whole society is not at all surprising.

For comparison: Wheat yield data in 1914 by the US Department of Agriculture

US MCS data (USDA) on crop yields in 2014 in individual countries and on average in the world.

These figures were published in mid-August 2014 at the basis of the scatter of the level of productivity of wheat growing in different countries, there is a natural-climatic factor, the production of grain wheat production, as well as the general technological level of soil cultivation and crops in different regions.

The greatest wheat yield is traditionally marked in Europe: in Germany - at 7.95 t / ha; In the UK - 7.8 t / ha; In France - 7.3 t / ha. Among European outsiders - Bulgaria and Romania with wheat yields, respectively, 4.18 and 3.57 t / ha.

Among the Asian countries in terms of the level of yield, China is allocated, where the hectare is collected more than the average in the world - 5.23 t / ha. On the other side of the Himalayan ridge, in India, wheat yield is much lower - 3.13 t / ha. In the arid countries of the Middle East, wheat yield is even lower: inventory of 1.95 t / ha, in Iran - 1.91 t / ha.

In the US and Canada, wheat yield is almost the same. In 2014/15 S.-H. In the US, wheat yield is projected by 2.95 t / ha, in Canada - 3.01 t / ha.

In Argentina, the yield of grain wheat is comparable - 2.98 t / ha. Regarding these countries, relatively low yields in Australia: in 2013 - 2 t / ha, in 2014 - according to the forecast of 1.88 t / ha.

Among the three major grain Eurasian countries, the highest yield of wheat is marked in Ukraine - 3.49 t / ha. In Russia, yields - 2.48 t / ha. In Uzbekistan, high, wheat yield due to irrigated agriculture, - 4.86 t / ha. And closes this group of Kazakhstan countries. According to the data of the expert group, wheat yields in Kazakhstan more than 3 times lower than its average, namely, - 1.06 t / ha. At the same time, the termal yield of this grain in the world was 3.22 t / ha
That is, in Germany, wheat yields - 79 c / ha, and in the UK - 78 c / ha.
But how in Russia managed to get 24 c / ha - it is not clear; Archage, 15 c / ha at the end of the existence of the USSR is, apparently, the average yield of all cereals in general, and not only wheat only.

Here is a wikipedia plate on wheat production

thousand tons.
