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Old covenant Exodus read. Bible. The book is an outcome. Chapter XIX. Cooking Jews to Sinai law

Old Testament
Second book of Moiseeva. EXODUS

Second book of Moiseeva.

1 Here are the names of the sons of Israel, who entered Egypt with Jacob [their father], entered each of [all] home:
2 Rouvim, Simeon, Levi and Juda,
3 Issahar, Zavill and Veniamin,
4 Dan and Naffalim, Gad and Asira.
5 of all the souls that took place from Crest Jacob were seventy [five], and Joseph was already in Egypt.
6 and died Joseph and all the brothers him and the whole genus;
7 And the sons of Israel broke up and multiplied, and increased and increased extremely, and the land was filled with them.
8 and rebelled in Egypt a new king who did not know Joseph,
9 and said to their people: here, the people of the sons of Israel are numerous and stronger than us;
10 Overwhelming him so that it does not multiply; Otherwise, when the war happens, he will be connected with our enemy, and they will arma us against us, and will come out of the ground [ours].
11 and put the heads of work over him, to be exhausted by him with grave work. And he built Pharaoh from the Pyf and Raamses, the city for reserves, [and he, otherwise or popol].
12 But the more exhausted it, the more he multiplied and the more increased, so [the Egyptians] feared the sons of Israel.
13 And because the Egyptians with cruelty forced the sons of Israel to work
14 And there was life of their bitter from the gravity of work on clay and bricks and from all the work of the field, from all work, to which they forced them with cruelty.
15 Tsar Egyptian commanded the rebel grandmas of the Jewish, from which one is the name of the cipher, and the other fua,
16 And said [to them]: When you will learn from the Jewel, then observe with childbirth: if there is a son, then squeeze it, and if my daughter, then let him live.
17 But the overwhelming grandmothers were afraid of God and did not do as the King Egyptian told them, and left the children alive.
18 The King Egyptian called on the heaven-on grandmothers and told them: what do you do this thing for what you are alive?
19 Overweight grandmas said Pharaoh: Jewish women are not as Egyptian; They are healthy, for before they come to them the obesive grandmother, they already give birth.
20 For this, God did good to obertoval grandmas, and the people multiplied and quite intensified.
21 And since the overwhelming grandmothers were afraid of God, he gave them houses.
22 Then Pharaoh has commanded to all the people, saying: all newborn [Jews] Son throw in the river, and leave all daughter alive.

1 Someone from the Levina tribe went and took his wife from the same tribe.
2 Wife stated and gave birth to her son and seeing that he was very beautiful, hid him three months;
3 But they do not need some more to hide him, took a basket from the cane and degraded it asphalt and stem and, putting a baby in her, put in the cane near the river bank,

4 And his sister began to observe what it would be with him.
5 And the daughter of Pharaoh on the river washed, and her servants went along the river bank. She saw a basket among the cane and sent his slave to take her.

6 opened and saw a baby; And here, the child cries [in the basket]; And it was squeezed over him [the daughter of Faraonov] and said: this is from Jewish children.
7 And said his sister of his daughter Pharaoh: Does not to go and not to call for you a feed from the Jewelka, so that she fouls to you?
8 The daughter of Faraonov told her: go. The girl went and called on the mother of the baby.
9 The daughter of Faraonov told her: Take the baby from this and soon for him; I will give you a fee. Woman took baby and fed him.
10 And the baby grew up, and she led him to the daughter of Pharaoh, and he was in her instead of his son, and he was named his name: Moses, because she said, I took it out of the water.
11 after a long time, when Moses grew, it happened that he went to the brothers to his [the sons of Israel] and saw the grave work of them; And I saw that the Egyptian beats one Jew from his brothers, [Israel's sons].
12 Watching there and seeing that there is no one, he killed Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
13 And he came out the other day, and now, two Jews quarrel; And he said offending: why do you beat your neighbor?
14 And he said: who set you the boss and the judge over us? Do not you think to kill me, how did you kill [yesterday] Egyptian? Moses scared and said: Right, they learned about this business.
15 and heard Pharaoh about this business and wanted to kill Moses; But Moses ran away from Pharaoh and stopped in the land of Madiam, and [having come to the land of Madiam] from the well.
16 The priest of Madiam [was] seven daughters, [who grazed the sheep of the father of their Iofor]. They came, embraced water and filled the trough to drink the sheep of her father [Iofor].
17 And the shepherd came and moved them. Then Moses got up and defended them, [and embraced the water to them] and drinking their sheep.
18 And they came to Raguil, his father, and he said [Him]: What did you come so soon today?
19 They said: Some Egyptian defended us from shepherds, and even embraced the water to us and drinking sheep [ours].
20 He told her daughters: Where is he? Why did you leave him? Call him and let him eat bread.
21 Moses liked to live in this man; And he gave out his daughter's daughter for Moses.
22 She [hooked and] gave birth to a son, and [Moses] naren his name: Girs, because he said, I became an aliest in someone else's land. [And conceived yet, gave birth to another son, and he nare him name: Elizer, saying: God of my father was a helper and delivered me from the hand of Pharaoh.]
23 Long time, the king of Egyptian died. And the sons of the sons of Israel from work and crying out, and their cry left for God.
24 And God heard the wanderings of them, and remembered God covered her with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
25 And he saw the God of the sons of Israel, and godsed their God.

1 Moses pass sheep at Iofor, the testing of his, the priest of Madiam. Once he spent her herd far into the desert and came to the Mount of God, Choriv.
2 And the Angel of the Lord in the flame of fire from the tern bush environment. And he saw that the crust was burning with fire, but the bush does not burn.
3 Moses said: I will go and look at this great phenomenon, why the bush does not burn.
4 The Lord saw that he was looking at, and God called him from the Wednesday of the bush, and said: Moses! Moses! He said: So I, [Lord]!
5 And God said: Do not come here; Discover your shoes from your feet, for the place where you stand, there is a holy earth.
6 And said [to him]: I am the God of your father, God Abraham, God Isaac and the God of James. Moses closed his face, because he was afraid to look at God.
7 And the Lord said [Moses]: I saw the suffering of my people in Egypt and heard his cry from his prefathers; I know his grief
8 And go to save him from the hand of Egyptians and bring it out of the Earth to this [and introduce it] to the ground a good and most expensive, where milk and honey flows, in the land of Cananev, Hitteayev, Amorreyev, Ferrezews, [Gerezheev,] Eveev and Yeevuseev.
9 And now, already the cry of the sons of Israel reached me, and I see oppression, how oppress their Egyptians.
10 So go: I will send you to Pharaoh [King Egyptian]; And bring my people, the sons of Israel from Egypt.
11 Moses told God: Who am I, to go to Pharaoh [King Egypt] and bring the sons of Israel from Egypt?
12 And said [God]: I will be with you, and here you have a sign that I sent you: When you bring the people [my] from Egypt, you will manage God on this grief.
13 And Moses said to Moses: here, I will come to the sons of Israel and I will tell them: God of your fathers sent me to you. And they will tell me: how did he name? What to tell me them?
14 God told Moses: I am a day. And he said: so tell the sons of Israel: the following [Jehovah] sent me to you.
15 And God said to Moses: so tell the sons of Israel: the Lord, the God of your fathers, God Abraham, God Isaac and God Jacob sent me to you. Here is my name forever, and remember about me from the kind in the genus.
16 Go, collect elders [sons] Israel and tell them: Lord, God of your fathers, appeared to me, God Abraham, [God] Isaac and [God] Jacob, and said: I visited you and saw what was being done with you in Egypt .
17 And said: I will bring you away from the oppression of Egyptian to the land of Cananev, Hitteayev, Amorreyev, Ferrez, [Gerezheev,] Eveev and Yievuseev, to the ground, where milk and honey flows.
18 And they listen to your voices, and you will go and elders Israel to [Pharaoh] King Egyptian, and tell him: Lord, the God of Jews, called us; So let us go to the desert, for three days of the way to bring the victim to the Lord, our God.
19 But I know that [Pharaoh] King Egyptian will not allow you to go, if you do not force him with a hard one;
20 and east of my hand and amazed Egypt with all the wonders of mine who will do among it; And after he will let you go.
21 and let the people of this grace in the eyes of the Egyptians; And when you go, you will not go with empty hands:
22 Each woman will score from her neighbor and in her house living in the house of silver and things gold, and clothes, and you dress with them and sons of your and your daughters, and wander the Egyptians.

1 and answered Moses and said: And if they do not believe me and do not listen to my voices and say: the Lord did not appear? [What to tell them?]
2 And the Lord told him: What is it in your hand? He answered: Wand.
3 The Lord said: Throw him to Earth. He threw him to the ground, and the rod turned into a snake, and Moses ran from him.
4 And the Lord said to Moses: send your hand and take it for the tail. He pulls his hand, and took it [for the tail]; And he became a rod in his hand.
5 This is to believe [you] that the Lord appeared to you, the God of Fathers them, God Abraham, God Isaac and the God of Jacob.
6 also told him the Lord: put your hand to my sinus. And he put his hand to his sinus, took it out [out of her sinus], and now, his hand turned from leprosy, like snow.
7 [Above] said [His Lord]: Put your hand again your sinus. And he put his hand his eyes in the sinus; And took her out of her sinuses, and now, she again became as the same as his body.
8 If they do not believe you and do not listen to the voices of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the other;
9 If they do not believe two SIM signs and do not listen to your votes, then take water from the river and pour to the land; And the water taken from the river will be made by blood on land.
10 And Moses said to the Lord: Oh, Lord! I am not speaking man, and it was still yesterday and the third day, and when you started talking to your slave: I'm hard to speak and kosnaya.
11 The Lord said [Moses]: Who gave the mouth to man? Who does a dumb, or deaf, or moant, or blind? Isn't I Lord [God]?
12 So go, and I will with your mouth and teach you what to talk to you.
13 [Moses] said: Lord! Send another you can send.
14 And the anger of the Lord of Moses was built, and he said: Doesn't you have Aaron Brother, Levityanina? I know that he can say [instead of you], and now, he will come to meet you, and seeing you will rejoice in his heart;
15 You will talk to him and put words [my] in his mouth, and I will be with your mouth and with the mouth of him and I will teach you what you do;
16 and he will say instead of you to the people; So he will be your mouth, and you will be instead of God;
17 And this wand [who was facing the snake] take your hand: they will create signs.
18 And Moses went, and returned to the Iofor, I test my own, and I told him: I will go, and I will return to my brothers, who are in Egypt, and see if they are still alive? And said Iofor Moses: Go with the world. [After a long time, the king of Egyptian died.]
19 And the Lord said to Moses in [Earth] Madiam: go, return to Egypt, for all the souls of yours died.
20 and took Moses his wife and sons of his own, put them on the donkey and went to the Egyptian land. And the rod of God Moses took his hand.
21 And the Lord said to Moses: When you go and return to Egypt, see all the wonders that I entrusted you, make it before the face of Pharaoh, and I fierce his heart, and he will not let go of the people.
22 and tell Pharaoh: So the Lord says [God Jewish]: Israel is my son, my firstborn;
23 I tell you: let me go to my son so that he makes me serving; And if you do not let him go, then, I'll kill your son, your firstborn.

The well-being of Israelis gradually ended after the death of Joseph.
And the measure of the lawlessness of the Canaan peoples by that time was filled: a period of 400 years, predicted by God to filling the measure of their lawlessness - began to expire.
It's time for Jehovah to fulfill the promise he gave Abraham - to bring his descendants from the ground, where they lived with aliens, and introduce them to the Milk Milk Earth (Genesis 15: 13-16, ISX.3: 8)

1:1- 7 Here are the names of the sons of Israel who entered Egypt with Jacob, each with her house: 2 Rouvim, Simeon, Levi and Judas, 3 Issahar, Zavill and Veniamin, 4 Dan and Naffalim, Gad and Asira. 5 of all the souls that took place from Cresll Jacob were seventy, and Joseph was [already] in Egypt.
6 and died Joseph and all the brothers him and the whole genus;
7 And the sons of Israel broke up and multiplied, and increased and increased extremely, and the land was filled with them.
Just from seventy Jacob occurred in the Egypt Egypt (Delta district) numerous people
(about seventy see the analysis of being 46:8,27 )

1:8 And rebelled in Egypt a new king who did not know Joseph,
Joseph's activities related to the Upper Egypt and was known to the pharaohs of the Memphis dynastic line.
The following is known about the new pharaoh from history, Geneva:
Apparently, this is Yahmmm I, who has established a new dynasty (eighteenth). Yahmmm I belonged to the FVAN (South Egyptian) dynastic line, unlike Pharaoh, who accepted Joseph. The pharaoh of the rules in Memphis (Northern Egypt) during the separation of Egypt to the top (southern, capital of the freighlation) and the lower (Northern, the capital of Memphis). Yahmmm I overthrew the Board of Gixos and marked the beginning of the unification of Egypt into a single kingdom.

1:9-14 and told their people: here, the people of the sons of Israel are numerous and stronger than us;
10 Overwhelming him so that it does not multiply; Otherwise, when the war happens, he will be connected with our enemy, and they will arma us against us, and will come out of the ground [ours].
11 and put the heads of work over him, to be exhausted by him with grave work. And he built Pharaoh from the Pyf and Raamses, city for stocks.
12 But the more exhausted it, the more he multiplied and even more increased, so they feared the sons of Israel.
13 And because the Egyptians with cruelty forced the sons of Israel to work
14 And there was life of their bitter from the gravity of work on clay and bricks and from all the work of the field, from all work, to which they forced them with cruelty.

In order for numerous Israel to be out of the obedience of the pharaoh of Egypt, it began to be raised with serious work. However, Israel was physically strong people and hard work only harded even more and strengthened it: the number of Israel did not decrease this, which was seriously disturbed by Pharaoh.

1:15-22 The king of the Egyptian commanded the rebel grandmas of the Jewish, from which one is the name of the cipher, and the other fua, 16 and said: When you learn from the Jewish, then watch it: if there is a son, then squeeze it, and if daughter, then let him live. 17 But the overwhelming grandmothers were afraid of God and did not do as the King Egyptian told them, and left the children alive. 18 The King Egyptian called on the heaven-on grandmothers and told them: what do you do this thing for what you are alive? 19 Overweight grandmas said Pharaoh: Jewish women are not as Egyptian; They are healthy, for before they come to them the obesive grandmother, they already give birth. 20 For this, God did good to obertoval grandmas, and the people multiplied and quite intensified. 21 And since the overwhelming grandmothers were afraid of God, he gave them houses. 22 Then Pharaoh has commanded to all the people, saying: all newborn [Jews] Son throw in the river, and leave all daughter alive.

Pharaoh (king) of Egypt does not endure the prosperous multiplication of Israel despite the physical exhaust and solves this problem in a different way: gives an order with overwhelming grandmas to kill all newborn boys so that the Israel's military replenished with a strong floor.
However, the grandmothers were afraid of God and did not fulfill the order of the king. God, seeing their good deed, staged their homes: it took care that they and their families do not need them.


In the Hebrew language, the name of this book sounds like "Hell-Shemot" ("Here is the names"), being identical to the first two words. This name is also found in the abbreviated form "Shemotes" ("names"). The Russian name "Exodus" corresponds to the Septuagint. The outcome from Egypt is described in the book at 13:17 - 15:21.


The outcome was written by Moses in a period of time of his stay at the Mount of Sinai, or shortly after that. The Bible itself is unequivocally evidenced in favor of this fact. So, it is clear from the Bible that Moses was able to execute a similar case ("and the Moses of the whole wisdom of Egyptian", Acts 7:22). The Book Exodus does not leave doubt in the authorship of Moses. God ordered Moses to record, as was the military clash of Israel under the command of Joshua Nawin with Amalikians ("Write this for memory in the book"; Ex. 17:14).

In addition, Moses recorded everything that the Lord told him in Sinai (and wrote Moses all the words of the Lord; Ex. 24: 4). These of his records were called "Book of Covenant" (24: 7). On Mount Sinai, the Lord told Moses: "Write to yourself the words of Sia" (34:27), and Moses "wrote on the scrubbles of the word covenant, decade" (34:28).

The authorship of Moses testifies to what we read in other parts of the Pentagine. In Deuteronomy 31: 9 it says that "wrote Moses the law of this and gave it to priests." The words from Deuteronomy 31:24 "Moses inscribed all the words of the law to the end in the book."

In other books, the Old Testament also find confirmation that the author of the outcome was Moses. So, David bequeathed Solomon to obey the God's definitions and regulations, "as written in the law by Moiseyev" (3-king. 2: 3). I read from the "Book of the Law of Moiseeva" (ne. 8: 1). In addition, the Pentateuch was called "Book Moiseeva" (ne. 13: 1).

Writing time.

In 1-king. 6: 1 period of time between the outcome of the Jews and the beginning of the construction of the Solomon Temple (he began to build it in the fourth year of his reign) is determined in 480 years. Since the fourth year of the reign of Solomon accounts for 966 to R. H., then the outcome was to happen in 1446. In addition, by the time of Jaeffa (approximately 1100 BC) Israel was already in the land promised 300 years (court 11:26). If by 300 years to add 40 years of staying in the desert and for a while that was required to conquer the Esuvon, it would turn out that the outcome took place in the middle of the 15th century to R. Kh.

These archaeological excavations in Egypt relating to this period correspond to what is written in the Book Exodus. For example, Tutamum IV became the heir of his father Amenhotep II, although he was not his eldest son ("Firstborn" Amenhotep II was killed by the Lord on the night of the first Easter, Isch. 12:29). It is known that at the beginning of his reign Amenhotep II (1450-1425 to R. H.) suppressed the uprising of dissatisfied in his kingdom; that the semites were forced to make bricks (compare 5: 7-18); that several Egyptian pharaohs from the 18th dynasty (approximately 1567-1379) a lot and actively built in the north of the country. Since the pharaohs from the 18th dynasty very often conducted war in Palestine, it becomes clear, for which they were placed military garrisons and built "cities for stocks" (1:11) in the Delta area: they needed it to facilitate movement between the Siro-Palestinian settlements and Egypt.

In addition, the events occurring in Palestine around 1400 to R. H., correspond to the conquests that Jesus Navin headed. These archaeological excavations suggest that Jericho, Ain and Asor were destroyed in about 1400. One of the scientists comes to this conclusion: "All the remnants of material culture discovered on the territory of Palestine speak about the same as the data known from the literature: said conquests occurred at the time that biblical historians definitely testify" (Bruce K. Voltka ).

To move from Egypt to the Sinai Desert, the Israelites needed exactly three months (Ex. 19: 1-2). It is logical to think that Moses amounted to his book while they are located there camp or shortly after that (1446 to R. H.). It is logical that described in it begins at some time interval until the birth of Moses in 1526 (Chapter 2) and continues to events that took place in the vicinity of Sinai Mountains.

The purpose of writing.

The initiation of the book is the wonderful liberation of Israel from the Egyptian slavery and the formation of the state of the state with a theocratic manner under the guidance of Moses. The Board was carried out through the new "Constitution" of Moiseeva Testament (19: 3-19). Junker notes:

"The Book of Exodus is aimed at focusing on the great act of delivering the descendants of Jacob and the institutions of them the theocratic state, located in the Sinai Mountain. God, which until that time was connected with Israel only through his covenant with Abraham, which he confirmed Isaac and Jacob, now attracts Israel to himself as a people by delivering it from slavery. In addition to him as a selected people, through which the Redeemer will have to be, Jehovah, also connects him with the Uzami Moiseev covenant and settled among him under the cover of the clouds of glory

Thus, the outcome is a link between the source of the origin of the people, which has a promise given by God Abraham (Gen. 12: 2), and the beginning of the theocratic statehood of this people under the control of Moses. The people who received the promise was miraculously exempt from slavery and "placed" under the Senage of Moiseeva Testament so that he could become the "People's People" (Ex. 19: 6) and pave the way to blessing pagans (Gen. 12: 3; Compare "Let's put you ... into light for pagans", Is. 42: 6). So, two points are allocated in the Book of Exodus: Atonement and Dedication.

Historical setting.

1. History of Egypt before the exodus of the Jews. Ancient Egypt extended at about 900 km away. From Assuana (ancient Siena), the first threshold on the River Nile, north, in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. Its territory included the narrow valley of the Nile (from Assuana to Memphis) and the Delta, an extensive triangle, stretched from Memphis to the sea.

South of the assista lay the ancient land of Kush. The name "Egypt" of Greek and Latin origin, but with their roots, it goes to the ancient Word of Hakuptaa, the initial name of Memphis, the capital city, located immediately north of Cairo. In those days, when Memphis was the capital, foreigners called him the name called the whole country. And the local population called it otherwise "Tamery", which means "beloved earth", or "Kemet" - "Black Country", giving tribute to fertile soil on the banks of the Nile.

The history of ancient Egypt is divided by scientists for three periods: DODINASTIC (approximately 3500-3100. To R. H.), the period of the first dynasties (approximately 3100-2686 to R. H.) and Dynastic (2686-332 to p . H.).

In the diverse period, the rural population, living along the banks of the Nile, became more and more settled. The arising civilizations of the upper (southern) and lower (Northern) Egypt were combined by Narmer, the first pharaoh of the Upper Egypt. The association it marked the beginning of the first dynasties. They were part of two.

The dynastic period continued from 2686 to the conquest of Egypt Alexander Macedonian in 332. 29 dynasties The country rule throughout this period.

Time 3-6 dynasties (about 2686-2181. Before R. H.) was characterized by rapid progress in the field of culture and technology. In these century, the name of the ancient kingdom period, the great pyramids were built, and Pharaohs, absolute monarchs, ruled from Memphis by an iron hand.

The first transition period (dynasty 7-11; 2181-1991) corresponded to the time of decline. Then the period of the Middle Kingdom (dynasty 12; approximately 1991-1786) occurred, when the country expanded its borders and moved the capital to the city of Break. The centralized board was again restored at Amememphiet I, the founder of the flourishing of 12 dynasty. It was the "golden age" of Egypt, when the art and crafts were again reached, the welfare of the population increased. And in this happy Era appeared in Egypt, Joseph, who became Prime Minister of Pharaoh, and after him came there Jacobs and his sons (1876 to R. X.; Life. 46: 6).

The second transition period (about 1786-1567) corresponded to the Board of 13-17 dynasties. In the period 13 and 14 dynasties, Egypt began to tear down to decline. And at 15 and 16 dynasties, the countries conquered Gixos, the people of Semitic-Asian origin. Thanks to its military equipment, who surpassed Egyptian, (gyksos had iron chariot and Asian bows in service), they owned the Egyptian land over the age of one and a half centuries and ruled it from Averis, located in the Nile Delta. But gradually Giksos began to push out, and it began about 1600, when Geneir II rose, Prince FiVsky. What happened with the descendants of Jacob during gixos, not quite clear.

With Yakhmos I rule in the philas, the period of the new kingdom began (about 1567-1220; 18-19 dynasty), which was destined to become one of the most brilliant periods in the history of Egypt. Egypt was made by the Great Power, whose influence extended outside the Euphrates River. In the years of the 18th dynasty, the events described in the Book of Exodus took place. It was a time when the new wave of Egyptian nationalism began to reveal the previously imposed attitude towards the innings characteristic of gixos.

In order to defense, the Egyptians began to create an empire and advanced their borders deep into Palestine. Not wanting, apparently, the Semitic population has already been eradicated at all, the pharaohs have already mastered the seven in their slaves and began to enjoy their work when erecting defense facilities and tsarist palaces.

2. The history of Egypt is shortly before the exodus of the Jews. Amenhotep I rules in the context of the new centralized power from 1546 to 1526. (In fact, this centralization began at his father Yahmos I). The heir of Amenhotep was his son Tutmos I, ruled from 1526 to 1512. Moses was born in his reign (approximately 1526) or at the end of the reign of Amenhotep I. The famous daughter of Tutamos I, Hatsepsut, perhaps, was the princess that found Moses in the thickets of Nile References. When the son of Tutmos I died, Tutamos II (1512-1504), the power passed to the Tahnos III. Since he was too young, then the actual government was with it (in 1503) Hatsepsut. The "co-guarantee" of Tutamos III, it remained until 1482.

During the brilliant reign of Hatsepsut Egypt flourished. At this time, the young years of Moses, spent at the royal yard. But after the death of Hatsepsut in 1482, Tutamos III rules are solely until 1450. Pharaoh, who did not like Hatsepsut, not only abolished her courtyard, but also tried to erase her name from most monuments in Egypt. Probably at that time and ran Moses from the unfriendly now to him of the royal environment in the mussel. And Tutmos III became the powerful builder of his power, Syria was included in whose limits.

The heir to Tutmos III was Amenhotep II (1450-1425), which was the "pharaoh of the Exodus" (1446). It seems that, in contrast to his father's conqueror, Amenhotep II even lost some Egyptian lands, because it was not able to conduct significant military campaigns. And maybe his weak combat capability explained that all his chariots, or most of them, he left in the waters of the Red Sea.

On the so-called "Stelle of Sleep", belonging to Tutamos IV, it was written that God Harem-Ahtgraded him, the young Tsarevich, in a dream that the day would come when he was made by the king. If Tutmos IV was the eldest Son of Pharaoh, he would not need to confirm his right to the throne. It is logical, therefore, to assume that he was one of the younger sons of Amenhotep II. And it corresponds to recorded in Ex. 12:29 that the eldest Son of Pharaoh died on the night of Israel's first Easter night.

So, Tutmos III was Pharaon, in which the Jews brutally oppressed, and Amenhotep II - Pharaoh, in which they came out from Egypt.

History of Egypt after the period of the new kingdom and up to the conquest of the country of the Greek disintegrates during the periods of the late new kingdom (20 dynasty; about 1200-1085), the third transitional (1085-663; dynasty 21-25) and late period (663 -332; dynasty 26-31).

3. Exodus place. Regarding how Israel followed, leaving Egypt, there are many discussions. The case is complicated by the inaccurate translation of the Jewish "yam soup" as the Red Sea (the Cherry Sea), instead of the "sea of \u200b\u200bpapyrus" or the reed sea. This place is somewhere between the Suez Bay and the Mediterranean Sea, on the line of the modern Suez Canal, where many swampy lagoon and lakes.

There are two points of view about a possible place of outcome. Supporters of the "Northern point of view" refer to it to the lagoon near the Mediterranean Sea, and supporters of the "southern" (or central) point of view - to the south of Sokhof, "putting" him near Lake Balah or Lake Timsah.

God led Israel to the side from a well-known and fortified trading path, Stranded to the north, away from the "Road of the Filfish Earth" (13:17); He led them to the desert, so as not to face them with the Egyptian warriors.

Supporters of the "Northern Point of view" believe that Mount Sinai was in the vicinity of Cades Varni. The available data indicate, however, in favor of the fact that it is about Mount Sinai in the southern part of the peninsula.

After all, the Israelis came out of Ramses and went to Sokhof, passing about 50 kilometers to the southeast (Ex. 12:37; number 33: 5). Near Sokhof, they were miraculously delighted from Amenhotep II Army, pursuing them on chariot. In favor of the "southern point of view" says the fact that the desert Sur (Ex. 15:22), where Israel turned out to be moving through the Red Sea, located straight to the east of Sokhof. And yet: on water in the lakes of Balah and Tims, strong oriental winds could act exactly as described at 14:21.

Plan of the book:

I. Relief of God's people from Egypt (chapters 1-18)

A. Testing Israel in Egypt (Chapter 1)

1. The situation in which events proceeded; Israel and Egypt (1: 1-7)

2. HAVE: Israel under the rule of pharaohs (1: 8-22)

B. Israel's liberator (chapters 2-4)

1. Birth of Moses in Egypt; He - under the protection of the daughter of Pharaoh (2: 1-16)

2. Flight Moses in the land of Madiam (2:11 - 4:17)

B. Return of Moses in Egypt (4: 18-31) V. Wrestling Moses with Egyptian Pharaoh (5: 1 - 12:36)

1. Collisions Moses with Pharaoh (5: 1 - 7:13)

2. Ten ships of God over Egypt (7:14 - 12:36)

Delivery of Israel from Egypt (12:37 - 18:27)

1. Quick transition through the territory of Egypt towards the sea (12:37 - 13:22)

2. Transition through the Cherry Sea (Chapter 14)

3. Song of Moses and Mariam on Relief (15: 1-21)

4. Transition to Mount Sinai (15:22 - 18:27)

II. Revelation of God's people on Sinai (chapters 19-40)

A. Testament of God with his passion (chapters 19-31)

1. The situation in which the law was given (Chapter 19)

2. Decade (20: 1-21)

3. Testament Book (20:22 - 24:11)

4. Ritual rules and setting (24:12 - 31:18)

B. Fall and restoration of God's people (chapters 32-34)

1. Israel violates the covenant (32: 1 - 33: 6)

2. Renewing the covenant by God (33: 7 - 34:35)

B. The construction of the tabernacle (chapters 35-40)

1. Preparation for the construction of the tabernacle (35: 1 - 36: 7)

2. Tribute construction (36: 8 - 39:31)

3. Completion of the construction of the tabernacle (39: 32-43)

4. Skill equipment from the inside and outside (40: 1-33)

5. Stay of God with its people (40: 34-38)

The word "Bible" means "books", that is, this is a big book that consists of several. Indeed, the entire Bible consists of many parts that not only differ in the content and style of presentation, but also were written by various authors for several centuries.

First of all, the Bible is divided into the New Testament and the Old Testament. The brief content of each part, or rather a small annotation to each book, you can read in the law of God or Orthodox encyclopedia. The Old Testament begins with the Book of Genesis.

"Being" is a book that tells about the creation of the world, the sin of a person, the history of dough civilization, the history of the Flood. In about the middle of the book, the story switches to the history of the same family: Family of Abraham. It was the descendants of Abraham that became the attirements of the whole Jewish people. It was this small people for centuries who kept faith in a true God, so his stories paid special attention. Twelve sons of Jacob, Joseph and the arrival of Jews in Egypt are the main points of the last Heads of Being.

Exodus (Old Testament), summary

The book "Exodus" is the second book of the Old Testament. She was written by Moses, like "being", and begins the story from the moment when the life of the descendants of Jacob in Egypt became unbearable.

"Exodus" - the history of the elected people from Egypt and the search for their land. In the desert, Moses will be given the commandments, those are the dead commandments that children are still taught in Sunday schools. Stories about the broken sea, Manna, who comes from the sky, and about the Golden Taurus - all from the book "Exodus".

Books in the Old Testament 39, and all of them are very different. Not all of them are historical or legitimate, as "being" or "outcome." There are also poetic writings, such as "Ecclesiast", there are prophetic, for example, the "Book of the Prophet Isaiah".

Perhaps the most famous and frequently used book is a psalter (Old Testament). The brief content of this book is difficult to convey, since the whole it consists of poems. These verses were written, of course, not in Russian, so when transferring rhymes and the size is lost. But still poetic images, repentant or joyful mood, reasoning about the will of God remained.

In general, the Old Testament is the books of the Jewish people. Christians consider their prophetic, find many instructions in the text that Christ is the Messiah. For them, the essence of the Old Testament is to bring the Jewish people to Christ, to adopting it as a Savior. Modern Jews do not agree with this. For the Jews, the composition and text of these books is somewhat different from the Christian version.

Is it worth reading the Bible, and if it is worth it?

First of all, the Bible is a book about God. If a person is interested in faith, if he wants to find out for himself the meaning of his life and in general what is happening, it is worth reading the Bible.

Many characters of paintings, books and even musical works are mentioned in the Bible. In order to refresh in mind the act of the king of Saul or quickly remember all the executions of Egypt, you can read the brochure: "The Bible. Old Testament. Summary". But still everyone should at least once read this book completely.

23 For since that time I came to Pharaoh and began to tell your name, he began to act worse with the people of Sim; Get rid of, - you did not save your people.

1 And the Lord said Moses: Now you will see what I will do with the pharaoh; According to the action of the arms, he will let go of them; According to the action of the arms, it will even quit them from their Earth.

2 And God said Moses and told him: I am the Lord.

3 I was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with _IENEE_ "God almighty", and with the name _Moim_ "Lord" did not open them;

4 And I set my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land of the wandering of them in which they were watched.

5 And I heard the wedding of the sons of Israel that the Egyptians hold them in slavery, and remembered my covenant.

6 So tell the Sons of Israel: I am the Lord, and to bring you from under the Egyptian yoke, and get rid of them from slavery, and you will save you with the muscle shit and the courts are great;

7 and I will take you into the people and I will be God, and you will learn that I am the Lord, your God, who missed you [from Egyptian land] from under Egyptian Egypt;

8 And I will introduce you to the land that I, lifting my hand, _named_ to give it to Abraham, Isaaku and Jacob, and let you give her heritage. I am the Lord.

9 Moses retold this to the sons of Israel; But they did not listen to Moses on the failing and severity of work.

10 And the Lord said to Moses, saying:

11 Sign, tell Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, so that he let go of the sons of Israel from his earth.

12 And Moses said before the Lord, saying: here, the sons of Israel are not listening to me; How does Pharaoh lunch? And I do not know.

13 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, and gave them commands to the sons of Israel and to Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, to bring the sons of Israel from the Egyptian land.

14 These are the chiefs of generations of them: the sons of Ruvim, the firstborn of Israel: Khanokh and Fallla, Hetsron and Harmi: This is a family of ruving.

15 Sons of Simeon: Hemil and Jamin, and Ogat, and Jacin, and Tsohar, and Saul, Son Hananeyanki: This is a family of Simeon.

16 Here are the names of the Sons of Levi by childbirth: Girson and Kaaf and Merari. And the years of life Levi was one hundred and thirty seven.

17 Sons of Girson: Livni and Shmey with their families.

18 Kaafow's Sons: Ammora and Intsgar, and Hebron, and ul. And the years of life Kaaf was one hundred and thirty-three years.

19 Sons Merari: Mahli and Mushi. This is the Lei Family according to their birth.

20 AMRAMS took the Johawed, his aunt, his wife, and she gave birth to Aaron and Moses [and Mariam, their sister]. And the years of life Amrama was one hundred and thirty seven.

21 Sons of Isgarov: Korea and Nephlage and Zichri.

22 Sons of Usuchov: Misail and Elzafan and Sifri.

23 Aaron took himself to his wife Elisaven, daughter of Aminadava, sister Nazon, and she gave birth to him Nadav and Aviuda, Eleazar and Ifamara.

24 Sons Korea: Asira, Fuel and Aviaph: This is the Korean families.

25 Eleazar, the son of Aaron, took himself to his wife _Ondu_ from the daughters of Futulov, and she gave birth to him. Here are the chiefs of generations of Levitsky according to their families.

26 Aaron and Moses, these are those who said the Lord: to withdraw the sons of Israel from the Egyptian Earth for the militia of them.

27 They told Pharaoh, the King Egyptian to bring the sons of Israel from Egypt; This is Moses and Aaron.

28 So at the time when the Lord spoke Moses in the Egyptian land,

29 The Lord said Moses, saying: I am the Lord! Tell the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, everything that I tell you.

Moses said before the Lord: here, I'm not hidful: how does Pharaoh listen to me?

1 But the Lord told Moses: Look, I put you by God Pharaoh, and Aaron, your brother, will be your prophet:

2 You will talk [to him] All I will love you, and Aaron, your brother, will tell Pharaoh to let go of the sons of Israel from his earth;

3 But I fierce the heart of Faraonovo, and I will give many signs of my and miracles of my in the Egyptian land;

4 Pharaoh does not listen to you, and I will put my hand to Egypt and bring my military, my people, the sons of Israel, from the Egyptian Earth - the courts are great;

5 Then they will recognize [all] the Egyptians that I am the Lord, when I eat my hand to Egypt and reveal the sons of Israel from their medium.

6 and made Moses and Aaron, as the Lord commanded them, so they did.

7 Moses _Bell_ eighty, and Aaron [Brother His] eighty-three years, when they began to say to Pharaoh.

8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, saying:

9 If Pharaoh tells you: Make [Sign or] Miracle, then you tell Aaron [Your brother]: Take your rod and throw [on the ground] before the pharaoh [and before slaves], - he will be a snake.

10 Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh [and to his slaves] and did the Lord's Lord [it]. And the Aaron threw his own before the Pharaoh and before his slaves, and he became a snake.

11 and called the Pharaoh of the Mudretsov [Egyptian] and sorcerers; And these Magitis Egyptian did the same with their charms:

12 Each of them threw her rod, and they became snakes, but the rod of Aaronov absorbed their rods.

13 The heart of Faraonovo has hardened, and he did not listen to them, as he said [to them] the Lord.

14 And the Lord said Moses: Stubbornly, the heart of Faraonovo: He does not want to let go of the people.

15 Go to Pharaoh tomorrow: here, he will come to the water, you will be on his way, on the banks of the river, and the rod, which turned into a snake, take your hand

16 And tell him: Lord, the god of the Jews, sent me to tell you: let me go to my people to make me serving in the desert; But here you have not listened to you.

17 says the Lord: From this you know that I am the Lord: here is this rod, which in my hand, I hit the water, which is in the river, and it will turn into blood,

18 And the fish in the river will die, and the river is raised, and the Egyptians will disappear will drink water from the river.

19 And Lord Moses said: Tell Aaron [Your brother]: Take your rod [your hand] and move your hand on the water of Egyptians: on the rivers them, on their streams, on their lakes and for all accommodation of them, - and turns in blood, and there will be blood throughout the Egyptian land and in wooden and stone vessels.

20 And made Moses and Aaron, as the Lord commanded [it]. And raised [Aaron] rod [his] and hit the river water before the eyes of Pharaoh and before the eyes of his slaves, and all the water in the river turned into blood,

21 and the fish in the river extinct, and the river was variable, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; And there was blood throughout Egyptian land.

22 and the Magi of Egyptian speakers did their same. And the heart of Pharaoh has hardened, and did not listen to them, as the Lord said.

23 And Faraon turned around, and went to his house; And his heart did not move and sim.

24 And they began to dig all the Egyptians near the river _Tobel_ _Night_ water for drinking, because they could not drink water from the river.

25 and marks seven days after the Lord struck the river.

1 And the Lord said to Moses: go to Pharaoh and tell him: so the Lord says: let me go to my people so that he makes me serving;

2 If you do not agree to let go, then, I am amazing the whole area tobami;

3 and enhanced the river toad, and they will come out and enter your house, and your bedroom, and your bed, and your homes of your slaves and your people, and your furnaces, and yours, yours,

4 and on you, and your people, and on all the slaves of your toads will come.

5 And Lord Moses said: Tell Aaron [your brother]: Establish your hand with your ride on the rivers, on the streams and to the lakes and bring the toad to the Egyptian land.

6 Aaron shoot his hand on the water Egyptian [and brought the toad]; And the toads came out and covered Egypt's land.

7 The same did the Magi [Egyptian] spells with their own and led the toad on Egyptian land.

8 And called Pharaoh Moses and Aaron and said: Pray [for me] to the Lord, so that he removes the toad from me and from my people, and I will let the people _zraelsky_ to bring the victim to the Lord.

9 Moses said to Pharaoh: Assign me myself when to pray for you, for your slaves and for the people, so that your toads disappear from you, [your people,] in your homes, and remained only in the river.