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All Beaches Samui: a detailed review with a photo. Samui in June, July and August. Weather, Waves and Reviews on holidays in Samui in the summer

So in order. I will tell you about those beaches on which from my point is worth visiting. I liked the following beaches and I personally visited everyone. Some are good for parties, some for meditation and relaxes, on most you can enjoy swimming.

Beach ChawengChaveng Beach - The most center and popular on Samui, a kind of analogue of the beacon of Patong. Located on the east coast of the island - you can meet dawn. As for me, Chaweng is suitable for swimming since the central part of it and further south. A good gently sloping at sea, clean bottom without stones, is more suitable for family couples with children. In favor of this soft and fine white sand along which it is pleasant to wander. Along the far from the water edges of the beaches, everything is forced by sun beds and cafes, you can use sun beds only if you live in an appropriate hotel. Not a fan of lying on the beach - so it was not disturbed at all.

Excellent infrastructure, a bunch of expensive and not very hotels, as a result, many batch tourists are resting here. On Chawenge is crowded even in the "low" season. As a consequence, many merchants will sing all. The storm is mainly from November to January, the rest of the year calmly.

There are a lot of marine entertainment - aquabay, bananas and catamarans.

Silence on Chawenge comes in the morning - from 9.00 to 11.00 in the morning you can safely enjoy high-quality sand, sea and silence. At this time I recommend to visit.

Beach Chaweng Nooy Chaveng Noi Beach) - In essence, this is the southern part of Chaweng Beach. She is not at all similar to Central Chaweng and personally I vote for this beach with both hands. It was here that I lived. Pros: There is no such movement as on the central Chawenge, not as small and gentle less people, Practically no merchants. Close to Lamai Beach and to the market on which we purchased seafood for the grill. Our hotel was above the road and this was not at all strained - we were not tied to a specific beach and looked 75% of everything that can be seen on Samui.

Lamai Beach Lamai Beach) - Another popular beach that is more preferred by independent travelers. Basic bungalows and hotels in the vicinity of the beach. Sand is larger and for some reason you get off, on Chawenge bed and morestar, nevertheless, something was hooked. Probably because it is less commercialized than Chaweng. There are no special beauty, palm trees over the sea are present. Spacious and serenely, the people are much less than the Chawenge. In your ranking, I put it on the 2nd place. From here the most convenient to get to many landmarks of Samui - waterfalls, temples and just beautiful places.

Coral Cove (Coral Cove)

Very picturesque bay, between beaches Chaveng Noi. andLamai Beach.. Total 130 meters of sand. The main feature of the beach is huge beautiful boulders of coral origin. The landscape resembles the Seychelles, between the boulders are full of secluded places. Ideal for fans of silence, only the sea, sand and boulders, there is nothing more here. The nearest bar-restaurant is at the top, along the Samuisk Ring Road, the Coral Cove is also located there, from the bungalow of which offers a great view of the Siamese Bay. You can get to the beach only through the territory of the hotel, many people think that the beach also belongs to the hotel - it is not. There are no private beach on Samui, you can walk freely and sunbathing. Nevertheless, this beach is almost not to go to this beach - which makes it just an ideal place for a secluded atmospheric recreation.

The big plus of the beach is a lonely place, but to active parties and nightlife, it is completely close to the nearest parties to Lamai or Chaweng on Songteo (local public transport) in 10 minutes for a small amount.

Tongtakian (Thongtakian)

This is the most beautiful bay on Samui, as for me. Especially beautiful it is on top. It is easy to find it, after Coraal Cove if you go to the south, the annular road turns cool in the area of \u200b\u200bThongtakian's area, there is also a Cristal Bay Resort, La Me Meer Samui Resort and Samui Yacht Club. Everywhere pointers, so skip is difficult. The track to the beach goes towards the sea, we go to the lockers of hotels and get to the beach.

The bay is also called Silver Beach (Silver Beach) or Crystal Bay (Crystal Bay). On both sides pictorial rocks, and under water a coral reef. If you are lucky, you can find turtles or small skates. Mask and flippers are mandatory. The beach itself is extremely green, except for palm trees full of other deciduous trees that create a comfort and a private atmosphere.

Here white is very small as a powder sand and clean sea. In the left side of the bay of Milibok literally immediately, near the boulders, to the right shallow water - ideal for the defensive, for families with children here Razdat.

On the shore there is a cafe, away several restaurants of good level, including the famous The Cliff, naturally with a steep sea view.

LEAM Set (Laem Set)

The place is very quiet and minor with a mass tourist. Located south of Hua Tonon's beaches, on Cape Laem Set (Laem Set). Very rude entrance to the water, as a result, a non-primary look at strong slings. The unconditional plus can be considered a long coral reef away from the coast. In addition to snorkeling, the beach is ideal for exercising active sports - kaiting or windsurfing.

The place is not far from the Megapopular Beach of Lamaiy (Lamai). In the eastern part of the beach, a great place to observe the sunrise.

From here it is convenient to get to the waterfalls of Na Muang 1 and Na Muang 2, near the aquarium, butterfly garden and Tiger Zoo.

More attractions include Buddha (Buddha's Footprint) (see map)

Bang Kao and Natien (Bang Kao, Natien Beach)

This is the most south of Samui island. From the west, the beaches closes Cape CO (Laem SO), where there is the southernmost point of the island, and from the east - the beach with laware set (Laem Set).
Cape CO is the best place to observe the sunset, although beauty prevents the coast of Surattani, which is from here as on the palm. In addition to sunstairs, the sunrise is clearly visible from here, which is often no less beautiful than the sunset.

On Bang Kao gentle entrance to the water, soft and pleasant sand. Ideal for morning walks and relaxation alone. Nearby - a small coral reef where you can renew.

Not far from the beach in the Gluffen Island - Wat Khunaraam Temple. He is famous for a mummified monk, who died more than thirty years ago during the next meditation in the lotus position.

Another attraction - Laem Sor Pagoda, looks very beautiful in the evening light on the background of the Turquoise Sea, it is located on Cape CO (Laem Sor). On the same Cape Belaya Pagoda (Khao Chedi)


This is the most expensive island bay, the northern bay, and also from here the closer to another paradise island to Phangan. Two hundred meters of large yellow sand and picturesque rocks, gradual rise in depth - a brief description of Beach. About this bay, few tourists know, so it is called the secret bay.

Nearby is the airport and airplanes - the only thing that disturb the rest here, however, they get used to them.

Here is the most expensive Hotel Arayaburi Boutique Resort. Entrance to the beach through the hotel, cars can be left upstairs and not worry about anything. The beach is miniature, less than 200 meters long and very picturesque. This is the most silent beach on the island, around full tables where you can sit and watch the sea. It is better to swim in the sneakers, there are sharp wreckage of corals and shells.

In addition, the Cape Sonong has a couple of beautiful beaches.

Choeng Mon)

Located in the north-east of the island. The beach is surrounded by greens, in length near a kilometer. Sand small coral places alternates with sand grealous. The beach is conditionally divided into two bays, the entrance to the water is comfortable with a gradual increase in depth. The water is transparent, and the bottom is cleaned of small coral and gamble. Plus the beach - calm and transparent water.

The coastline is fascinated by hotels in the main temple level. The beach is equipped with sun beds, shower and toilets. Full cafes, restaurants and naturally massage corners. Suitable as many Samuie beaches for family holiday And lovers dinner right on the beach in a restaurant.

There is no active nightlife and appropriate entertainment. Not far there is a golf club. The beaches are a huge Football player's fiablaist with M'yachiv, made of coconuts of nuts.

Beach Maenam (Maenam)

This beach is located in the north of the island. It also overlooks the island of Phangan. Large yellow sand, a gentle entrance and length of about 5 kilometers. Water is frantic, since two rivers fall into the bay in the bay. When moving the bottom does not bargain, the depth is enough. Not far from the beach is the morning market, in general, the concentration of local residents here is the highest. This area is good for long stay on the island. It is here that Ideally observe the life of local residents and this in my opinion the most authentic place on Samui. It is suitable for those who want to immerse them on Wednesday and live a little among Thais.

Boputy (Bophut)

Boput Beach is located in the north of the island, east of the beach Beach Maenam (Maenam)and borders with neighboring beaches - Manem and Big Buddha.

The length of the sandy braid is about three kilometers. Sand here is about the same as on the man.

Boput Beach is famous primarily by its unique cafes, copyright restaurants and conceptual boutiques.

Along the main street of the beach there is a lot of small Thai benches, most of the believers - handmade. The place is quite crowded, but pleasant. Here is the most delicious thai soup Tom pits.

The famous Fisherman Village is located on this beach (Fisherman's Village) or the "fishing village". Local fish in this market buys most of the chefs of famous Sami restaurants.

Most of the hotels are expensive, but you can find and the middle hand is decent enough.

Last modified Sunday, 07 December 2014

Description of districts, beaches of Samui. Where is it better to rest and live?

The island is like a big village, there are no cities here - dividing on the areas is on the beaches) there are almost no condominimons, single and two-story houses, full island relax.

However, on the island there is almost everything you need for comfortable life: Large shopping centers, banks, hospitals, very atmospheric bars, cozy cafes and luxury restaurants.

Which area is better to live on Samui?

The choice of the district of Samui depends on whether you want a privacy or vice versa, live in a lively place. And are you planning to use a bike or car.

If you do not drive a bike, it is better to choose more "Caught Areas". In my opinion, the most optimal choice - Lamai. There are supermarkets, and cafes, and sea within walking distance. And some sights.

Other areas located along Ring Road are suitable: Chaweng, Bo Poot and Maenam.

And also, if you are interested in renting housing on Samui, you can contact IslandhouseForrent.

Description of the beaches of Samui

On Samui many beaches, they are all beautiful, but not everyone is suitable for swimming.

The most beautiful sunsets on Samui can be observed in Naton and Linden, on Bang Cancer (ranging from Big Buddha and east), and on Play Lime. The most beautiful dawns at Chawenge and Lamai.

Lipa Noi Beach (Lipa Noi)

Lipa Noah - the beach in the west of Samui Island, is located just south of Naton.

There are not a lot of houses for long-term accommodation, but there are beautiful villas and hotels.

For example, Nikki Beach. There is an excellent beach club, where you often spend different parties, show movies in the open sky. And on the ordinary day it is very cool to lie down in the shade on a sun bed with a cocktail in the hands.

On the linden most beautiful sunsets.

But with infrastructure, everything is not very good. There are several cafes, shops 7/11 Family Mart, and here to large supermarkets are far enough.

Swim on linden it will be only in winter time, In the low season, strongly fed and the sea goes far from the coast.

Nathon Beach (Nathon)

Naton is just north of Lipa Noah. This is the administrative center of the island and is suitable rather for 1-2 overnight stays than for long-term accommodation.

There is no beach for swimming, with the exception of a small patch.

In the noezer - strong foals.

But here are gorgeous sunsets, bus station, ferry crossing, cheap market, banks and public hospital.

Bang Bang Beach (Bang Bor)

Bang on is in the north-west Samui, above Naton. This is a very quiet, secluded place.

There are quite a lot of houses that give up both the daily rent and for a long time. There are very few cafes and other benefits of civilization, except 7/11.

But you can live near the sea!

In winter, the sea is quite deep for swimming. Natural garbage is found (what attacked palm trees), but in general, clean. In summer, strong falsions.

Ban Tai Beach (Ban Tai)

Ban Tai - a favorite place of rest and wintering of Russian families, especially with children)

This is also a rather quiet place. There are several massage salons, a pair of cafes, 7/11. Before all the rest, you need to go on a bike, car or.
Beach Ban Tai is very beautiful. Baununi with curves of palm trees, white sand and gentle inlet water (but not so much that it is a kilometer to the water).

Beach Maenam (Maenam)

Maenam is a popular area and for recreation, and for wintering. There are a lot of housing, from the bungalow right at the water to the luxurious condo in the mountains.

There are cheap hotels and the beach here is excellent.

I was more pleasant to swim here. Moreover, in winter, and in summer. There was no strong waves, as in Chawenge and sings, as on many other beaches.

Soul Beach, only pleasant memories.

Beach Bo Poot (Bo Phut)

Also a great place to relax and wintering. There are a lot of housing and a pretty good infrastructure.

Very close to large supermarkets. The sea is suitable for swimming independently of the season, but sometimes at the bottom of Il.

Many cafes, both cheap and very expensive (especially in the Fisherman Village area).

On Fridays on Fisherman, Walking Street is held, several times a week you can watch Fire Show right on the shore. In principle, at any evening a pleasant stroll.

Bang Cancer (Big Buddha)

District Bang Cancer undeservedly costs many tourists. And in vain, it is very convenient - we have lived there for half a year, it was great)

Close to shops, close to the sea, a lot of things in walking distance. After the birth of Lev, I didn't go to the bike almost a month and was tied to a patch where we lived. So, almost everything you need within walking distance.

The beach is cool, but there is no feeling of a bounty because of piers, numerous ships and Londhelov.

But the waves and lowers are not scary, it was possible to swim almost every day.

And also, there are excellent housing prices. And cool swings on the beach.

Beach Play Laem (Plai Laem)

The area on the other side of the statue of Big Buddha.

The beach itself is small, housing there is a little surrender, there are big and very beautiful hotels. But the place is so-so for living - the sea there is not very good for swimming, in summer, strongly fed. There is almost nothing in the area.

But here you will definitely be beautiful sunsets.

Chong Mont Beach (Choeng Mon)

Chong Mont Love and adore for many winter workers, especially with children.

But I didn't like this beach: too finely, even in winter. Water heats up to temperature warm bathbut swim there is unreal - you have to sit like in the bathroom)

At the bottom there are wreckage of corals, barefoot is better not to swim.

There is both Tai-styled houses and expensive villas by the sea. Closely Chaweng (but you can't get on foot).

Chaweng Beach (Chaweng)

Chaweng is the busiest place on Samui. Here are all major stores (Central Festival, Tesco Lotus, Big C and Makro), if desired, you can walk on foot.

A huge number of bars, discos, restaurants, shops, massage salons. Night market, walk on Walking Street on Saturdays. Hospitals Sih and Bangkok Samui Hospital - also here.

Accordingly, there is plenty of housing proposals - as budget options For backpackers, and expensive hotels.

It's nice to walk along the sea right along the beach.

In winter, the beach is not very good for swimming: strong waves, currents (sometimes rip), sometimes fed.

But when there is no waves, the beach is chicarem. Especially in the area of \u200b\u200bChaweng Noah.

Lamai Beach (Lamai)

Lamai is the second most popular beach with a fairly developed infrastructure. Located a little south of Chawenga.

There are many cafes and restaurants, including right on the seashore, a fire show is often held on the beach. Nat market, Tesco Lotus and Makro supermarkets.

Close to the main attractions of the island.

Here lives a lot of expata, including Russians) But not only, enough Italians, the Germans, and the French, and Australians.

Houses for long-term accommodation are mostly located not on the shore, but a 5-10 minutes ride on the bike. If there is transport, you can get closer to the mountains and enjoy the view every day!

On the beach large sand yellow colorIn winter there are strong waves and it is not always possible to swim. In the spring was excellent.

Hua Tonon (Hua Thanon) and other southern beaches

Hua Tonon and the rest of the south of the island to Lipa himself can be combined into one group.

It is very quiet (sometimes even wild) places will suit people who really want to relax about the society and the main benefits of civilization)

Here are quite a lot of houses for long stay, there are beautiful expensive hotels. To large stores, the cafe will have to go to the bike for a long time.

The sea is beautiful, but not suitable for swimming. There is always finely, in the summer - sifted.

In the area of \u200b\u200bHua Tonon there is a Muslim village, you can travel for fresh fish and seafood.

My conclusion

  • If you do not want to move around the island on the bike, it is best to choose Lamai. Here everything is within walking distance - and the sea, and big shops. Close attraction.
  • I want to drive - to Chaweng.
  • With children well on Ban Tae, Maename. You can consider Chong Mont.
  • For wintering, they are good by Maenam, Bo Poot, Big Buddha (Bang Cancer), Chaweng and Lamai.
  • If you arrived at the height of the season, everything is busy or expensive - try searching for Bang cancer.
  • For complete solitude - south or on Linda.

In general, on Samui everywhere well. Ciao!

Island Samui For wintering or remote work personally, it's just an ideal option for me - if we talk only about Thailand and compare with Phuket, Pattaya or North of Thailand. Here the serenity and relaxes reign here, but at the same time, if you find, you can quite actively freelance (work remotely). Lately I come on Samui to live for a couple of months, when I accumulate a lot of work and I want to plunge into a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and remake all the things in Makh.

On Samui cozy, there can be no tsunami, there is a sea, bike for rent and delicious food - what else is needed for life? There are noisy parties, shops, bars with nightlife, and there are truly quiet places and houses right on the seafront or in the jungle, where lovers of silence live and where I lived for some time.

On Samui you can buy everything you need for life (well, or almost everything, to read what is not on Samui you can). There are three large supermarkets, markets, cafes and in huge numbers everywhere. In general, in terms of civilization everything is OK, even the island is rather a large tropical village. And if your choice is inclined in favor of Samui, let's press you with another choice - from which area will be actually.

Large supermarkets, where you can buy food and clothing, are on the beaches of Chaweng and Lamai. All night parties - there. Calm family life - Maenam, Bang. Something among the calm and society is Chongmon. And privacy for quite a long stay - the whole south of the island and lindana. Further - read more about every beach of Samui.

(map of Samui Big Size there is at the end of the post)

Chaweng (Chaweng)

Chaweng- The most part is on Koh Samui. At the same time, if you try, you can find a calm house for life here, as well as there is a huge number of noisy hotels, spa salons, restaurants, markets, shops. Chaweng is a place where life boils - and the day and night. Nightlife Centers: Green Mango, Ark Bar, Sound Club. Although these points are very exemplary, written from the words of acquaintances, I myself am much better to understand secret places than in those where so many people are going.

  • On Chawenge is not very favorite Samui International Hospital.
  • There are also my most necessary space for the life - it's tosko with Fudcourt, which sells the best fresh juices and Starbucks next to Big-s.
  • When I live in the Big-C district, then everything is necessary for my life personally is very close to me.

On Chawenge is an excellent beach, about 7 km long. In bad weather there is a strong wave, and in high season a huge number of people.

Lamai (Lamai)

Lamai- Deep, seats stony beaches. In the bad weather there is a very high and beautiful wave (I do not compare with Bali, there is no surfing on Samui, but you can meet windsurfing). Lama has a lot of hotels, bungalows, restaurants. This is the second activity of a party.

  • Many Russian and other expatoves live on Lamai. There are a lot of homes for long stays both on the shore and in the jungle.
  • There are many yogis and vegetarian restaurants on the lamas.
  • During heavy rains and floods in the area, everything is not so bad and even probably better than in other areas. Although during the flood of 2011 it was worse, but the infrastructure here seems to be improved.
  • Weather on lamas for some reason better than in the northern part of the island. It is noticed in person personally, but I have worked many times so that I leave from the north under the shower, which goes for several hours, I come to Lamai, and there is dry.
  • In Teso on Lamai, the most delicious (in my opinion) Tom-yam on Samui is sold. And in general, the "cloth courtyard" is very good here :)

Lipa Noi Beach (Lipa Noi) on Samui

Lipa Noi - Beach in the west island. It is a little north of Naton. Here the calm sea and beautiful sunsets (the beach is in the West). On Lipa Noi there are few houses for long stay, hotels and expensive villas. A small number of restaurants and cafes, not too active Tussess life, basic supermarkets are far away - half an hour and more rides on the bike / car. In general, a calm beach suitable for a short holiday on Samui and for lovers of a calm and shallow sea.

* In the summer, the sea on Lipa Noi becomes very small, it is possible for bathing. You will have to go to other beaches.

Nathon Beach (Nathon)

Naton - Administrative center for Samui. Pier, bus station, market, banks are located here. 15 years ago, it was possible to change the currency or cashing out money here only here (now in any area). And about 40 years ago, the children from all of Samui came here to school and lived at school all week, leaving home for the weekend, because at the Samui at that time there were not only electricity, but also no vehicle except bicycles and boats.

Now on Naton a lot of cheap hotels, the cheapest clothing market and an inexpensive evening thai food market. This is a good place for those who arrived at Samui for a long time and did not book accommodation in advance. In this case, you can stay in an inexpensive hotel right near the pier and explore the island yourself by renting a bike here on Naton, a car or traveling to mototxy or Tuk Tuka. * Taxi on Samui Very expensive.

The beach on Natone is mostly not dumping, but rather a worker, with the exception of a small piece of the beach (with a wonderful white sand!) In the left far corner, if you face the sea.

In the summer, very small and often there are meters for 50-100.

In the evenings, fishing vessels and seafood can be purchased in the evenings on Naton Pershes, you can buy "first-hand" - the most recent and inexpensive. In the evening on Naton, straight near the pier works markets, where you can try inexpensive and delicious Thai food.

Bang Bang Beach (Bang Bor)

District Bang Po It is a 10-minute drive from Naton, in the north-west of the island. This is one of the quietest areas where many houses for long-term stay right on the seafront. The sea on the Bang is petty, but you can swim - deeper it becomes winter, completely small in the summer months.

From March and until the end of the summer, when the fighters are very strong and harnessed the corals, it is interesting to swim on Koyyak. Underwater, corals, algae and multicolored fish are visible. For swimming at this time of year on Bang very fine.

From April, there are very beautiful sunsets and dawns here - the sun sits within the visibility of "into the water" and goes backwards within the visibility of the water line.)

Bang Bang - My favorite area. There are quite a few Russians and Europeans living here, but it seems they all do not have too avid tusks and in general there is real silence and calm. Chaweng with the main partitions and supermarkets is 30 minutes away by the bike.

There are many low-cost cafes with Thai food and restaurants on the shore. There are cheap rooms and bungalows within 500 baht per day.

During the flooding of BANG software turned out to be one of the most favorable areas. We had quite dry and there were no electricity outages.

Maenam (Maenam)

Maenamlocated on the northern coast Ko Samui. The length of the beach is 5 km. In this district highly Many houses and on the coastline and towards the jungle from the ring road, which can be rented for long-term accommodation. There are cheap hotels. Good beach. On Thursdays here is "Walking Street" - when one of the streets turns into a large market with very cheap clothing and food.

Menama Beach can be said great - deeper than on Bang in, places clean and moderately calm.

During flooding here there were a lot of flooded places. The most complex (flooded) plots on the ring road were on Maename.

Boputy (Bophut)

Boput- Beach in the north to Samui. Between Maenam and Chong Mont (the most northern of the island). The length of the beach is 2 km. Good, deep sea, not too much people. In the boput area there cheap houses For long-term accommodation, but many of them are out of step accessibility from the sea (ride the bike minutes 5-10). Behind the east part of the boput is Fisherman Village. - Very calorite town, with affordable hotels, excellent restaurants and the market. The market is not cheap, but here you can find a lot of interesting things.

Chong Mont (Choeng Mon)

Chong Mon. - It's small on the length of the beach, just near a kilometer. The area itself is quite large, with a lot of houses and villas of different price categories. House in Thai style in the Thai village can be found from 7 thousand baht per month. Closer to the sea are villas from 30-60 thousand baht per month. In some places you can find small and not very expensive houses right on the shore.

Chong Mont is a suitable place for those who arrived at Samui for a long time, loves active partitioning life and the opportunity to retire in their home between the Tuskov. All party places are not far from Chong Mona, but they need to go to the bike (10-25 minutes).

Hua Tonon (Hua Thanon) and the whole south of Samui

Hua Tonon And the southern shore of Samui to Lipa Noah is a quiet area where there is a huge number of houses for long-term accommodation.

For a beach holiday, this is not a very suitable place - here it is quite finely, and in the summer and strongly slowdowns and many fishermen, but there are very beautiful beaches in the territories of hotels and not only. In these places there are completely advanced foreign long-livers - in inexpensive houses and quiet solitude.

In Hua Tonon there is a village of the Muslim community and a mosque. Residents of the Muslim village are mainly fishing and in the evenings here you can buy inexpensively fresh seafood.

About sunrises and sunsea

The most beautiful sunsets on Samui are Naton and Lipa Noah, in some places Bang, Maenama and Chong Mona. Dawns - on Chawenge, Lami, some places in Chongmona.

In this picture you can see where the sun rises on samui And where it sits down and looking at the map, threw on what beaches (Bang on, Maenama, Chongmona) you can observe both sunmates and sunsets, or something one.

From some beaches of Bang in and Maenama, you can watch as the sun gets up and sits down. Most of all, it is probably in June, less than in December, when the points of sunrise and sunset are on all of each other.

Hotels on Samui

I hope now you are more or less imagine what area of \u200b\u200bSamui to choose for life. Any blogger reviews about specific hotels are quickly obsolete - hotels wear out and others appear, so choose and book a hotel on Samui of course best through the Internet and hotel search engine.

To date, for the search for hotels, I use, in which there are options at once all the search engines known to us (Buking, Agoda, etc.) - you can see discount shares, compare prices and choose the most favorable options.

And today we will talk about the most best beaches Islands of Samui. Despite the fact that the territory of Samui is small, there are quite a lot of diverse beaches, starting with the most part and ending with wildly intolerable places. Therefore, everyone can find the beach to his taste. All beaches on the island are free and you can freely get on any of them, even if it is located on the hotel or restaurant.

I will describe Samui beaches from north to south, you can trace the map where there is a place. We will talk about the 14 best beaches, most of them are located on the eastern part of the island, in principle, the tourists stop there. The rest of the beaches can be attributed to wild, there are practically no infrastructure and they are not adapted to tourist rest.

Bang on is on the northern part of Samui Island, its length is 6 kilometers. This is a rather quiet place, here a lot of housing is rented and prices for it are much lower than in popular tourist areas. Therefore, if you arrived at the wintering and want to save, then this area is ideal for you. The beach is clean sandy with a smooth entrance to the sea, great for family holidays with children. There are few people, there is no entertainment on the beach, but a large number of different cafes and restaurants along the coast, so you will not stay hungry. Thai children are often played on the shore, there are also many fishing boats.

Ban Tai (Ban Thai Beach)

I loved Ban Tha Tha for a small soft snow-white sand. However, the sea is almost everywhere with algae, which is uncomfortable for swimming. Only at the end of the beach is the only place with a clean bottom and transparent water, it is in this part of the beach there is a big cluster of vacationers. The entrance to the sea is so smooth that it is necessary to go through a hundred meters so that the water reaches the neck. But from there, it opens just an incredibly beautiful view of the beach. On the shore there is a Mimosa hotel, often the beach itself is called the name of this hotel.

Maenam (Maenam Beach)

Most often I lived in the Maenam area and attended this beach. This is a pretty quiet place, a few, no water entertainment and merchants. Sand on the shore is yellow and larger than on Ban Tai. Entrance to the sea smooth, water is clean. Along the coast, many cafes and restaurants, palm trees grow through the entire coastline, which create a natural shadow on the beach. Read more about this beach.

Beach Hotel W-Resort (W-Resort Beach)

Separately, I want to highlight the beach, which belongs to one of the most expensive hotels of Samui W-Resort. It is well maintained, with all the amenities for the hotel's inhabitants. There are various sun beds here, a restaurant on the shore and even huge chess. Despite the fact that this private territoryThe access is open for foreign people. Many come here to make cool photos.

Bo Phut (BO PHUT Beach)

Bo Phut - Another Northern Samui Beach. Its shores are numerous hotels and access to it is either through their territory, or on the Fishermann Village embankment. There are many tourists on this beach, the infrastructure is well developed here, a large amount of entertainment is offered. The sea is clean, the descent into the water smooth, sand on the beach is yellow and soft. On Fridays there is a worker market that runs along the beach.

Bang Rakh (Bang Rak Beach)

Bang Cancer is a calm beach in the north of the islands, the airport is located nearby. Infrastructure is pretty well developed, water entertainment is available. The beach is close to the road and large stores Big C and Tesco Lotus. The sea is clean, the sand is soft on the shore, however, the bottom in some parts of the beach can be stony, which is not very comfortable for swimming. People are usually a bit here.

Tong Sleep (Thongson Beach)

Tong Son - a quiet bay on the island of Samui, along which there are quite expensive hotels. The sea is petty and clean, soft sand. Perfect place For recreation with children. Infrastructure is underdeveloped, people a little. Tong sleep is considered the most romantic and secluded place, here is beautiful nature and magnificent sunsets.

Chong Mont (Chong Mon Beach)

On Chong Mons is quite crowded, especially in a high season. There are many water entertainment and merchants. Because of the small sea, it is great for children's holidays. The sea is clean, no waves, the sand is petty and grayish. Along the coast there is a lot of cafes, bars, massage salons, you can rent a chaise longue.

CHAVEN (Chaweng Beach)

The most popular and part beach on the island of Samui. Many batch tourists and young people are resting here. A huge number of cafes, restaurants, massage salons, bars and shops. Entertainment for every taste, on the beach often spend parties. Chaweng is considered the most part and noisy place on the island. Sand on the beach. Small and snow-white, sea clean and shallow. Read more about Chaweng Beach.

Chaweng Noi (Chaweng Noi Beach)

Chaweng Noa is considered younger Brother Chawenga, but he is less and calmer. Beautiful, well-groomed beach, white and soft sand, sea rather deep. Along the coast, there are hotels and the beach can be hit only through their territory. All infrastructure is provided by hotels, there are water entertainment.

Coral Cove - small, but very beautiful and cozy beach. He became a favorite place for many who visited here. Despite its inaccessibility, people on the beach are always quite a lot. The descent from the main road to the COVER COVE is pretty steep, so it's worth going from it carefully. There is practically no entertainment here, only a couple of cafes on the shore. The sea is deep and clean, the bottom is sandy, despite the fact that the beach is surrounded by rocks. In winter, there are often waves, but they are small.

Crystal Bay (Crystal Bay)

Bay Crystal is also called Thong Takian Beach and Silver Beach. This is a crowded, but very beautiful place. Sand white, sea azure and shallow, waves almost never. Families with children are often coming here. On the shore there are hotels, restaurants and cafes. Despite the fact that the beach is popular with tourists, it is quite calm here, there are no entertainment and youth parties.

Lamai (Lamai Beach)

Lamai - the second most popular Beach after Chawenga. It has an extended coastline, which is 4 kilometers. The best place to relax and swim is the center of the beach. Sand shallow, light yellow, sea clean. In winter, there are often big waves. There are always many people, a varied selection of entertainment. On the shore are cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, massage centers. The beach is perfect for outdoor activities. Read more about Lamai Beach you can read.

Hua Tonon (Hua Thanon)

Hua Tonon is a picturesque place, here often gather to play volleyball or go to the morning jog. Along the shore there is quite a lot of hotels as expensive and cheap. Hua Tonon is a popular site for kaitsurfing. There are no many people here. Near the beach there are aquarium, butterfly park, tigers zoo.

All the beaches that I described in this article enjoys the most popular among tourists, the rest or dirty, or not at all suitable for swimming.

And what beaches of Samui did you like more? In which area do you most often relax? Write in the comments.

But mistakenly fell on Samui. IN last years Even the Chinese appeared on Samui, but they are not so much yet, as in other parts of Thailand.

Why do such different people go on Samui?

1. Competent PR

2. Developed infrastructure

3. Pleasant climate and good beaches, especially for recreation with children

4. The island is big, here really everything is: calm and moving beaches, a few clubs, supermarkets with markets, schools and kindergartens, mountains, waterfalls, temples - can be found something to do.

Here everyone will find something to do

Samui is a big village. There are no such heights like in Pattaya. If you settle in the area where Thais live, the risks to wake up from the screams of someone else's rooster.

They constantly came to me on the porch, then cats, then huge gecko, buffaloes embrace near the house, and in the evenings he was heard of the dogs. I love animals, so this aspect of life on Samui was a plus for me, but someone may not like it.

Even if you live in a closed area in modern apartmentBeyond its limits will still be a village. If you are going on Samui, waiting to be in Dubai, the island will disappoint you. You need to go here for Relax and houses in two floors.

Hi, neighbor!

Season on Samui

December 15th-MarchHigh season. Many people price rises. Until the middle of January, strong rains can go, often cloudy. From February mostly sun, from March to September, only thin ridges remain from large waterfalls, the rain can not be a month. On the northern beaches (Maenam) and in Lamaya in winter there may be waves. Most of the houses are busy or surrendered at overpriced prices.

April MayHeat. Dry and very hot. Really very hot. In the West, the island sometimes rains, the permanent sun shines in the east. House of any quality can be found without problems.

Lamai in May - almost no waves

June AugustLow seasonbecause wintering workers and tourists went home. Weather solar, sea without waves on all beaches, accommodation can be found absolutely any at a discount - everything is free.

September-mid-DecemberRain season. This means that the rain goes one or several times a day, sometimes floods the streets. Overcast, gray, sometimes the sun appears before lunch. The sea can be storm. In October-November, it is quite possible to find a house or a hotel at an affordable price, there are few good cheap options in December.

Beach Maenam (North Samui) in December. Sea dirty, on the shore of algae

How much money to take on Samui

Let's catch up how much will it cost vacation on Samui And how much money take with you. For example, you fly on Samui for 10 days together.

Flight tickets

360$-400$ - the minimum cost of the road to back to island Samui From Moscow for 1 person ( 300$-340$ Tickets Moscow-Bangkok-MSK + 60$ Bus + steam on Samui from Bangkok).

This is provided that you have not missed any sales, bought flights to Bangkok in advance and are ready to spend the night in the bus.

More likely alignment is from 500-650$ and more in two sides with a person


7$ - Room in the hostel

13-20$ - Modest bungalow

17-20$ - modest, but clean hotel or house

20-30$ - Condo

30-50$+ - good hotel

TOTAL Plus-minus 250-400 $ for two in 10 days and higher

In the peak season, prices can be significantly higher, it is better to check the relevant prices for the accommodation of the right class on Rumgur and Bucking.

Examples of housing prices on Samui


From 1100 rubles or 17$ per person in 10 days. For two - 34$

Most insurance companies have increased fares for insurance for Thailand due to frequent appeals. It is here that the greatest number of insured events happens.

I bought my insurance through the site where you can compare prices and conditions of popular insurance companies, chose Liberty. I did not regret whose, because insurance paid off after the first visit to the doctor.

I usually do not care, but in Thailand, because of the air conditioners and the local virus, two months walked with a cold (could not talk). Treatment Stoil 400$ All expenses paid insurance. ☞.

One of the hospital accounts paid at the expense of the insurance policy

Prices in the cafe on Samui

2$ /50-70 BAT - Food in Makashnitz (Pad Tai, Tom Yam, Rice with chicken)

3-7$ / 100-250 baht - Basic dish (soup, meat) in a cafe

2-4$ / 70-120 BAT - salad

2-3$ / 50-100 bah. - Fruit shake

15-30$ / 500-1000 baht - Dinner in the first-class fish restaurant on the shore

On average lunch for two in a cafe (two dishes and two drinks) - 12-15$ /400-500 BAT

If planning there is only a cafe, count on the fact that the day on the food will go away from 15$ /500 bah. per person. Plus to this water, fruits, snacks

TOTAL 20-25 $ on food with a person per day or 400-500 $ for two in 10 days.

You can meet in 200-300$ For two, if you eat in local eaters or in the evening markets. Costs for food are too individual to predict them.

Fish in garlic for 500 baht


This article costs each has its own. Bottle of beer in the store on average 50-70 BAT


If you rent a bike, then 200 * 10 \u003d 2000 baht + gasoline somewhere 1000 baht

TOTAL 90$ For 10 days for two.

If on public transport to actively ride on the island, it will be more expensive, if only a couple of times to go to neighboring beaches, and not to dangle on the island, it will turn out cheaper.


7-12$ /250-400 BAT - Massage session

2$ / 50-100 bah. - Login entry

Temples - free

20$ / 700 bah. adults / 400 baht Children - Safari on elephants from a waterfall on Muang-2

If you drive around the island on the rented bike for natural attractions, it will be cheap.

Climb on the back to the elephant you can 700 baht

How much is a vacation on Samui?

Tickets minimum 300-340$ , more often from 500-650$ per person for two from $ 600 to 1300 $

Housing plus-minus 250-400 $ for two

Food and alcohol - from 400 to $ 1000 for two and above

Transport (bike + gasoline) - 90$

Entertainment - from 0 to infinity

TOTAL: Minimum - 1400$ , average - 2000-2600$ and more on the two in 10 days

If suddenly you found a tour on Samui for 1000-1500 $ for twoMost likely it is more profitable to buy a tour and fly on a ticket, where the air ticket, the hotel and transfer are already included in the price.

How much is wintering?

The expenses of the winterer will be significantly lower if he lives on the island for a long time, removes the house, knows all inexpensive places, purchased in the markets and in supermarkets, prepares food at home.

During life on Samui Island I spent 700-800 $ per month (visa, rental houses and scooter, food, fruit). This is with rather modest queries.

With less modest requests, expenses will be significantly higher. For example, if you take a comfortable modern apartment or a house with air conditioning season, eat fruit, seafood, dining and dinner in a cafe for tourists, rent a car, then the amount of expenses will be from 80-100 $ a day for two.

On Samui winter warm and fun!

Beaches Samui

The beaches on the island of Samui a lot, but not all of them are equally suitable for swimming, although they will not tell this on the Internet on the Internet.


Chaweng - the center of the night and resort life, where the main bars, discos and restaurants are located. Young people are sitting here.

In winter, the beach is not as good as in the summer, tides and flows are noticeable, there are reverse flows and waves. When there is no waves, the water is transparent and clean, on the bottom of the white sand, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the shore is finely.

It may be noisy if you live in a central street. If you want to buzz until the morning every night, then you are not very with it. Most Cenweng institutions are closed at 3 o'clock in the morning, dancing until the morning are arranged only during the Saturdays and Wednesdays season.

Near Chawenga there is a small Festival shopping center, a Tesco Lotus supermarket, Big C and Makro supermarkets are also relative to it.

Evening at Chawenge

Chaweng Noah


The second most popular Beach South Chawenga. Lamai Beach Length - 5 km.

Lamai is a pretty big beach with a developed infrastructure. The family couples and Euro-pensioners are mostly resting, there are young people. Enough Russians, as well as Italians, French and Germans.

Full cafe and restaurants, including near the sea, there is a market (sell fruits, vegetables and fish), Supermarkets Tesco Lotus and Makro, McDonalds.

Near the sea you can rent a chaise longue. I usually went to the stones on the southern tip of Lamas - there are smaller people in the peak of the season.

Lamai Beach on Samui

On the shore larger yellow sand.

In winter and spring on Lamaya there may be strong waves - this is perhaps the only minus of this beach, if the waves for you are a problem.

Because of the waves, water becomes muddy and opaque, algae can float.

Waves in April on Lamai

Ban Tai

North Island, Beach in Mimosa Resort & Spa. I just wound in the area. Without a bike, it makes no sense without a bike.

From the infrastructure there are two massage salons, a few cafes on the beach and on the way to the beach, 7/11 and two stores where you can buy nuts, fruits, cervix. The market for 7 minutes on the bike. In the supermarket you need to go about 20 minutes on the beaches of Chaweng or Lamai.

Beach Ban Tai and Mimosa on Samui

But on the ban of a very clean sea, no waves, tides and fits are not very noticeable, the entrance to the sea is flat, the shore is finely. It is necessary to go to the depth to meters 10. Here, too, mostly come families with children.

White sand, palm trees are straight by the sea (it is better not to sit under them, because the coconuts fall regularly). Ban Tai - Paradise in all the senses of this word. It is suitable only to lovers of a very relaxing holiday.

Ban Tay Beach in March

What beach to choose?

The selection of the beach on Samui is a primary task, especially if you are going on vacation for a week or two and do not know how to drive a scooter.

For your vacation, I would choose:

Lamai - There is a market, supermarkets, cafe-bars, shops with clothing, attractions nearby, there are foreigners, minus - in the season there may be waves and muddy water

Chaweng - Supermarkets, Tusovka, Discos, Youth Rest, Minus - noisy in season

Chaweng Noah Or some small beach between Chaweng and Lamay. For example, Tongtakian (White sand, pure water, beautiful views) or romantic Coral

For kaitsurfing

Ko Na Thiam. In the south-east and beach of the Hotel Resort Orchid.

For rest with children

Ban Tai - Cool and quiet, just for children, but without a bike there is nothing to do. Just a few cafes, two massage salons, steam 7/11

Maenam - There is a market, cafe, many houses for rent. The minus is that there are no supermarkets. Without a bike uncomfortable. Personally, I do not really like Menam (the sea there is frantic and opaque), but many choose this area.

Chaweng Noah - There is infrastructure, beautiful sea, in season many people

Some choose to rest the refined boput and the Big Buddha area, but I would not go there (beaches and the sea in the season so-so).

There are still beaches of the West and South-West: for example, Taling Ngam (Hotel Imperial), but there, too, with infrastructure tight. If you go there, then sit in the hotel or be sure to take a bike.

For wintering will fit Lamai or Maenam. I walked around Ban Tai and Mimosa Spa & Resort. I love the area, but this does not mean that he is the best.

How to get to Samui

There are no direct flights from Russia to Samui, so Samui is not the most comfortable and cheap place in terms of getting here. It is more complicated by Thai Loados and Asian Loadost Airasia on Samui.

IN airport Samui Flying only Bangkok Airways. - Decent Thai airline with indecently high for Asia prices for tickets. One side ticket Bangkok Samui will cost 90-100$ .

Cheap flights to Bangkok can be found using search engines and (☞).

You can buy tickets for tickets to Bangkok or Phuket on the sites Emirates, Qatar, Etihad, Shrilancan Airlines, China Southern, Aeroflot, or subscribe to the relevant groups in social. networks that publish news about sales.

Direct flight Moscow-Bangkok lasts 9 hours. The flight with a change can last 11, and 18 hours.

Tickets Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow Sale sold on 300-350$ Behind the flight there and back again. Tickets are not on the sale price 400-500$ in two sides.

Bangkok Samui how to get

1. Bus + steam or train + bus + ferry, $ 40

Ticket Bangkok Samui by bus + steam costs 30-40$ One way, travel time - from 12 to 16 hours.

From Bangkok or Phuket, you can buy a bus package + steam on Samui Island with help on local vehicles (railway, ferry, bus).

Of course, if the means allow you to better buy a ticket to Samui and not to suffer. If you get there and back from Bangkok on Samui on earth, and not by plane, it turns out save more $ 100 per person, so many choose this method.

Distance from Bangkok to Samui Already 762 km!

2. Airplane to Surattani + bus + steam, from $ 30

This option is faster than the first. You can fly from Bangkok to the city of Surattani ( 19 $, 1 hour), From there to get to the ferry crossing and take the ferry to Samui. Bangkok-Suttany tickets can be found all on the same

The problem of this method is that the plane from Russia arrives at the airport Bangkok Suvarnabhumi, and all local flights are made from the airport Bangkok Don Mung..

From Surattani we are going on the bus to the ferry crossing, and then sail on Samui. One ticket is worth 10-17$ traveling from 3 to 5 hours.

Such a ferry will bring you on Samui

Visa to Thailand

For Russians. Visa is not needed if the term of stay in Thailand is no more 30 days. At the airport put a free stamp.

If you plan to fly to Thailand without a visa with a one-way ticket, be sure to book a return ticket or buy a ticket from Thailand to a third country no later than through 30 days.

A ticket reservation without payment is most often rolled, and sometimes at the airport is asked to present a paid ticket. In order not to risk, you can on the site airasia. buy cheap Ticket In Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia - anywhere, just to show that you fly away from Thailand.

Visa conditions for wintering workers every year worse. To consolidate, as before, 6 times in winter, it is impossible. Look for up-to-date information on this topic. If you plan to spend several months in Thailand, it is better to make a Thai visa in Russia in advance.

For Belarusians. The visa is needed, is issued at the consulate in Moscow or through mediators in Minsk for 80-150$ . Give a one-time visa on 60 days, you can extend it, without leaving Samui, still on 30 days per 1900 BAT (60$ ).

If you do not want to make a visa in Moscow, you can do it in any neighboring country with Thailand. For example, I received Thai visas in Malaysia and Vietnam.

If you fly with a visa in your passport, then the return ticket home can be after 60 days or even 90 days (the main thing is that no more than 90).

Rental housing on Samui

Holiday Hotel or Bungalow

If you are traveling for a couple of weeks, especially in a high season, it is better to read about the beaches and regions of the island in advance (below the text about all the beaches of Samui), choose for yourself a hotel on the right beach, book it online to come and relax And not waste time in search of a bungalow or hotel.

Housing for rent in place is as much as on the Internet on Rumguer or on Bucking.

Examples of prices for bungalows and hotels

I heard (a) that in place is cheaper!

There is cheaper on site if you take off the housing for several months. With the daily rental of normal housing on site, the price is the same as on the Internet.

The coastline of popular beaches is built up with housing for tourists (bungalows, hotels, villas, several condo complexes). Why do the Thai take such housing cheaply when you can not cheap?

On unpopular beaches you yourself are unlikely to want to live, because there is dirty and there is no sea (in the south-east and in the west of the island there may be strong falsions).

There are exceptions when complexes of modest houses built in a kilometer-two from the sea are surreated by the day for 8-15$ And you can only remove them in place if you know exactly where these houses are. Not knowing where they are located, it is practically impossible to find them (I found such places only with the help of friends living on the island and knowledgeable housing fund).

Such a spacing room with air conditioning and a bathroom can be removed in place for $ 10-12, if you know where to look

House on Samui for a long time

For the time of wintering usually remove the house or apartments for several months. If this is your case, then two options.

Path 1 - all themselves

1. Preparation

Find on the Internet an article about home in Thailand, the sites of real estate agencies on which there are examples of houses with addresses or with reference to the map, make the mark on your map in or on the Google map.

2. Hotel for 2-3 days

Rental prices at Samui

5000-7000 BAT - Thai-styled houses in the south of the island, in Naton or on Maenam far from the sea

My Tai-Style House on Samui for 8000 baht

12-14,000 baht - Modern single houses With air conditioning, kitchen, fridge, low season You can rent a house for such a price near the sea, in high season 2-4 km from the sea in the alleys

15-18000 BAT - modest bungalow on the shore or a decent house with two bedrooms and living room away from the sea

20-30,000 baht and higher - good house season near the sea

25-30,000 baht - Modern spacious studio or apartment with renovation, swimming pool, sea view near the beach

30-40,000 baht - Modern house with 3 bedrooms, its territory and swimming pool near the sea

60,000 baht - Villa on Lamai or Chawenge near the sea

House on Samui for 50,000 baht per month per season


The Internet - 500-600 BAT per month (depending on the house, maybe for free)

Electricity and water are usually paid separately. If according to state. Rates, T. 4 baht per kWbut the rates can be 5-10 baht per kW. It is necessary to specify the owner and watch that the contract for electricity is indicated in the contract.

I paid for electricity 600 BAT per month in the house where only the fridge and fan worked, and my friends living in the house with air conditioning and a swimming pool - 5000 BAT per month.

Rent a car and bike

Without a bike on Samui sad. With the bike, too, can be sad if it is constantly falling, but without a bike in general sorrow.

Rent prices Bike on Samui

5-9$ /150-300 BAT per day depending on the model of the bike (Honda Click, Scoopy) and the arrogance of the landlord

12-30$ / 400-1000 bah. For motorcycle Kawasaki or Yamaha

90-130$ / 3000-4500 BAT. per month depending on the model bike

Car rental prices on Samui

23-30$ / 800-1000 BAT per day for a small car

30-35$ / 1000-1200 BAT per day for pickup

30-40$ / 1000-1400 BAT per day for sedan

45-60$ / 1600-2000 BATper day for jeep

350-600$ / 12-20000 baht per month depending on the class of cars

Daily can be rented through international rollers, comparing prices for Rentalcars. If you need a car for a month, it is better to look for local minor rentals.

Thai chase on pickups

Public transport

From public transport on Samui there is songteo and a taxi. Tuk-Tukov, buses or Moto-taxi on Samui do not.

Travel to Songteo is worth 1.5-2$ / 50-60 BATbut from tourists drivers ask and 3$ / 100 , I. 6$ / 200 BAT (Depends on the driver's arrogance).

Take with you small money. With 100 baht do not give out. Do look that forgot. Fare is negotiated in advance.

From the airport you can get to the taxi. From 10$ / 350 BAT to nearby beaches to 25$ / 800 baht on distant beaches. Transfer can be ordered directly at Samui airport or in advance on the Internet.

Songteo looks like something like that, only with the roof, and instead of the cells of the passenger shops

Pluses of life and relaxation on Samui Island in Thailand

1. Not bad transport links with Russia. There are no direct flights from Russia to Samui, but you can fly directly to the island from Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi and other cities of Thailand and the countries of Southeast Asia. Cheap flights can be found using search engines and.

2. Developed infrastructure. The presence of several large supermarkets (Tesco Lotus, Big C, Makro), massage salons, restaurants and cafes on any wallet. In many catering establishments there is a menu in Russian.


4. Many markets where you can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, inexpensive fish. If you wish, seafood are separated when you are divided and fasten on the grille right on the market or in the supermarket.

Market in Thailand

5. There are raw food and vegetarian cafes and restaurants (if it is important for someone), also absolutely in any cafe and on any market there are vegetarian dishes.

6. Service in Russian and english. The Russian-speaking community on the island of Samui is large enough, and naturally there are many companies and specialists offering services in Russian. For example, Motobike will come directly to the ferry, you can order in advance. On Samui, the organization of weddings, photo sessions and other events are delivered.

7. Many attractions, about each Selfi Sightsee will be a separate post:

- Stunning Nature: Tropical Jungle, Mountains, Palm Grips, Long Beaches

Jungle Islands Samui

- Waterfall on Muang and a few more waterfalls smaller:

Waterfall on Muang (Waterfall 2)

- Safari Park on Muang, where you can ride in elephants

I put 20 baht in the trunk elephant for the pleasure of standing by the side of Muang Safari Park and elephant riding

- Many viewing sites and swimming pools overlooking the sea

Pool overlooking the sea
Observation platform on samui

- Naton is the main city of the island, where you can see how Thais live.

Thais drink meter beer at the bazaar in Naton

- all kinds of tours to other islands or other parts of the country, and the journey can be organized independently or buy an excursion in one of the travel agencies

8. The proximity of the two other islands - to Pangan and Tao. On pangans gorgeous beaches, wildlife and. On to Tao - diving and snorkeling on a coral reef

Phangan Island in Thailand

9. Well developed medicine. Pharmacies on every corner, there are several hospitals: Samui International Hospital, Bangkok Samui Hospital and Thai International Hospital in Chaweng Beach area, Bandon International Hospital near Boput near the Big C supermarket, Municipal Hospital in Naton Samui Government Hospital (He is the cheapest, mostly Locals are treated there). In addition to hospitals, on the island of Samui there are many private offices and clinics, where they take all the same doctors who work in hospitals at another time.

10. Automotive and moto-salons where you can buy or rent a car or a motorcycle, both for rent and for a long time.

11. CENTERS OF SALE OF APPLE products and other gadgets, and the price of 20 percent is lower than Russian, and the VAT can later return.

Apple Salon on Samui

12. Kaitsurfing. On Samui there are several schools where you can learn kaitsurfing, and the beach of Hua Thanon, where the branch of Kiteboarding Asia Kiteboarding School in the Samui Orchid Resort area in the southeast of the island is located in Thailand. The beach is very wide, covered with soft sand without stones, it is convenient to run from it, and the depth of the sea for 500 from the shore is hardly reaching the belt. The cost of one classes is 4000 baht, 3 classes - 11,000 baht. There is a Russian-speaking instructor. About kaiting on Samui will also be a separate article with video.

Hua Tonon Beach (Hua Tonon), where Kaitsurfing is learning
Kaitsurfing on Samui

13. I do not know, plus it or minus, but on Samui just an orgom number of Russians. For a month I never spoke to someone in English (the thais is almost not understood in English).

14. Affordable accommodation prices and food. Of course, higher than in Bangkok or in the north of Thailand, but compared with Russia is quite good. The house on Samui can be found with any budget, especially if you get acquainted in advance and do not wait for a high season (from November to February). Housing prices on Samui begin with 8000 and higher. You can rent a villa for 40,000 - 60,000 baht per month with a swimming pool and all amenities. Hotel on Samui can be booked in advance, and the house for rent for a long time will have to look in place.

15. Almost everywhere there is an Internet, and the speed of 3G to someone reaches 50 megabits, so Samui is suitable for long-term accommodation and wintering, if you need high-speed network access.

16. Beach island Samui - This is probably the main plus. Here everyone will find for themselves both a calm sea and a wave, as a quiet, grace, so a party and movement. Beach on Samui Great many, here will list only the main areas and beaches:


East Islands. The center of the night and resort life, where the main bars, discos and restaurants are located, the youth shares exactly here. The beach is not so good, as in other areas, tides and flows are noticeable, there are reverse flows and waves. It may be noisy if you live in a central street. If you want to buzz until the morning every night, then you are not very with it. Most Chaweng institutions are closed already at 3 o'clock in the morning, the main guide, until the morning occurs on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

Chaweng Beach on Samui
Party on the beach Chaweng
Nightlife on Chawenge, Samui Island

Bang Rak (Bang Cancer)

Northeast. Beaches starting from the statue of Big Buddha.

Statue Big Buddha


Northeast. There is a central street with cafes and restaurants, sufficient number Hotels. Personally, the beaches of the boput are not very much like, because the water in the sea is muddy.

Sea on boput


North. This is one of my favorite areas. The water on the beaches of Menama is clean, tides and flows are not particularly noticeable. This area is suitable for families with children. There are no clubs there as such, but there are bars, restaurants and cafes.

Waves and algae on Maename in January.

Bang Bang

Northwest. Clean beaches White sand, calm sea.

Have fun with friends on Samui beaches. In a photo with me, Igor Dzuba is a friend and a neighbor.

Taling NGAM (Taling NGAM)

Southwest. There are mainly hotels and villas of higher price categories. In the InterContinental area of \u200b\u200bthe best sunsets on Samui.

Taling Ngam Beach (Taling Ngam) on Samui's Osrow in Thailand

Hua Thanon (Hua Tonon)

Southeast. The beach is suitable except for bathing with children. There is a kaitsurfing school, many hotels, a Muslim village and several cafes with overpriced prices.

Muslim village
Kiting on Samui

Cons of Samui Island in Thailand

Naturally, all these minuses are very conditional and, perhaps, for someone else, on the contrary, they will seek the advantages.

1. Prices are slightly higher than in other parts of Thailand, but lower than on Phuket and in Pattaya

2. Many Russians, no feeling of what you are abroad

3. Too civil. There are relatively many cars and bikes, traffic jams in the evenings in the area of \u200b\u200bChawenga and Lama. You can get stuck on the road for 20-30, if you are driving the car.

4. Many people (depending on what to compare, of course). Compared to the pango, a lot, and compared to the beaches of Odessa, there are no people on Samui at all.

5. There is no public transport. There are only a taxi, the so-called Sugteo, move on which is expensive and inconvenient. Exit - rent a scooter.

6. Samui is an island, so you can only get out of it on a plane or ferry (go on a schedule from different purses several times a day), or rent a boat. That is, it is impossible to break at any time and go where the eyes look, you have to take into account the schedule of ferries.

7. Autumn rainy season, but here as lucky.

8. Most of the vegetables and fruits are imported. Only coconuts, Durians, Mangostes, bananas and pineapples grow on the island itself. The island directly depends on deliveries from the continent, so the prices for fruits are higher than in other parts of the country.

9. As in all Thailand, there are practically no dairy products on Samui, and the prices for any cheese are unreasonably high. Moreover, cheese, which is positioned as expensive (for example, Brie), is mad money, but at the same time it is an ordinary salted melted cheese painted paint.

Output: Thus, Samui Island in Thailand is ideal for both short-term leave and long-term accommodation, regardless of how old you are, you are going alone, a couple, the whole family with children or to take off the company. You can find both a quiet place and a moving, to provide yourself with a comfortable meal and accommodation, as well as not to get bored, visiting a variety of excursions and natural attractions.

Paradise islands! Yours faithfully,

FAQ holidays on Samui yourself - prices and beaches