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Thai soup with coconut milk. Acute Thai soup with coconut milk chicken and mushrooms acute soup on coconut milk

Recipes coconut soup There is a huge variety - traditional Thai coconut soup, coconut soup with seafood, carrots, pumpkin, mango, etc. Coconut milk is obtained from unripe coconuts - this sweet white emulsion inside the nut is thick together with its ripening and becomes the pulp. Coconut fluid has a lot of useful properties - for example, it is able to "knock down" the temperature, it also has a diuretic effect, normalizes the work of the kidneys, saves from dehydration. Another plus coconut milk is very low-calorie, so coconut soup is well suited to those who follow their figure, but wants to eat diverse and tasty.

Recipes coconut soup

Thai coconut.

Ingredients: 1st.L. Rapeseed oil, 2 Stem Lemonongrass, 2st. chopped fresh ginger, 1 clove of garlic, 3h.l. Red curry, 6 cups of chicken broth, 3st. Soy Sauce, 1st.L. Sugar, 0.5l Coconut Milk, 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Bank of Mushrooms, 3st. Lyme juice, salt, ½ cups of kinse, green onions, greens.

Cooking: Lemongrass Stems Clean and finely lie, scroll garlic, cut the chicken breast with slices, rinse and dry the mushrooms, disturb the greens. Add lemongrass stems, garlic, ginger and stir for 30 seconds in a skewed in a saucepan. Then add curry, stir another 30 seconds. Next, add some chicken broth to stir the curry, pour the rest of the rest, add sugar, soy sauce and turn on a strong fire. Dog fire after the soup boils, close the lid and leave tomorrow for 20 minutes. Then add coconut milk, breast, mushrooms, lime juice and boil until chicken meat is ready. Sung down, add greens.

Coconut soup mashed carrots.

Ingredients: 2 cups of coconut milk, 1 bulbs, 5 pieces of carrots, 1.5st. ginger, 1st. Curry, 0.5h.l. Dry chili pepper, 3.5 glasses of vegetable broth, black pepper, salt.

Cooking: warm the coconut milk, add a large onion into it, boil 7 minutes, then add a large chopped carrot, pour broth, boil 5 minutes. Add curry, chili, ginger, boil 10 minutes with a capped lid until the carrot is soft. Beat the soup by blender, add spices when applying on the table decorate the plates with a greenery soup.

Coconut soup with seafood.

Ingredients: 400g frozen mixture of seafood, ginger root, 1l coconut milk, 400 ml of 15% cream, 2st. Olive oil, salt, pepper, parsley greens.

Cooking: In the heated olive oil, fry the fine colored garlic to a golden color, then add crushed ginger and roasting for more than 40 minutes. Add seafood, cover with a lid, extinguish 4 minutes, pour cream, coconut milk, add salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Ready ukr when serving on the table decorate crushed greens.

Milk for coconut soup can be bought in canned form almost in any major supermarket. Or you can buy a whole, ripened coconut, grate it white flesh, pour it with boiling water, mix and leave half an hour, then strain or use straight with the pulp for cooking soup.

Many tourists when visiting Thailand try such a dish as soup on coconut milk.It has a unique creamy taste with acute, and in different countries the dish formulation is different. Can cook at home with seafoodUsing simple advice. Of course, in modern supermarkets you can find sets with already ready-made ingredients, but it's all not that. Much better to do soup Toms in Home Conditions from Fresh Products.

What is it and how to cook

Do not have any questions about "What are that stems?", "What are soup from?", "How do a dish serve?". The answer is simple - these are shrimps, as well as sharp pepper. However, it takes no cream for cooking, but coconut milk in which there are a lot of useful substances. Cooks use various spices, they are sometimes difficult to find in our country, so you can replace with similar. The cooking time of this dish is from 35 to 65 minutes, depending on the products used.

A classic recipe provides for the use of Galangala root (something like a ginger root), Lemograms, Lyme leaves and a different type of ginger - collapse. All this is poured with two liters of water and boiled. Next, they add coconut milk, seafood, season all chili pepper, fish sauce. Depending on the recipes, shrimps, mollusks and other marine inhabitants can be used, as well as mushrooms, vegetables and spices. How to cook Does the house, using the Thai version? Real recipeensures use:

  • broth (2 liters of water with all the necessary plants);
  • shrimps - 400 g;
  • fish sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • oysteries - 300 g;
  • coconut milk - 500 ml;
  • chile sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • lime - 1 pc.

Westerns wash and throw in boiling broth, there is a finely chopped onions in the same way. Mix with two spoons of chili paste, reduce the fire and leave boiled under the lid for 10 minutes. At this time, the shrimp should be cleaned, and then add them to the soup. Pour fish sauce, lime juice, mix and wait for boiling. At the very end, pour coconut milk, boil the dish and turn off the fire. Throw Soup on coconut milk with shrimpson plates, decorated with fresh greens.

Served original soup Tov Yang inThailand, as well as other countries. Dubai dish differs in taste. For him take such ingredients:

  • broth with herbs - 2 l;
  • shrimps - 350 g;
  • crab meat - 150-250 g;
  • squid - 2 small carcasses;
  • coconut milk - 400 ml;
  • chile paste - 1-2 art. l;
  • sing one lime.

Boil the water with herbs and to purify shrimps and squid. It is cut by stripes, and crab meat - squares. If failed to find crab meat, then you should not use crab sticks. They have nothing to do with a natural product and very much spoil the taste is ready to dishes. In boiling water, throw seafood and chili paste, salute a little. Cooking soup will be about 10 minutes, at the end you should squeeze the juice of Lyme and let break for a few minutes. Next, pour coconut milk, prevent and boil once again.

The dish has different ways of cooking, depending on the country. In many books of cooking, you can find recipes for various difficulties that the authors have adapted for cooking at home. Instead of Galangala and Cracha take ordinary ginger, and instead of Lime - Lemon. It cannot be said that all these recipes are tasteless and have no right to exist. Each version of cooking is good and original, so you should try to cook soup with coconut milk and chicken, seafood or vegetables.

First recipe Tom Yana, which is easier to implement at home, involves the use of chicken. In addition, chicken fillet is more accessible than fresh seafood. What you need to take:

  • chicken fillet - 3-4 pieces;
  • coconut milk - 0.5 l;
  • the ginger root is crushed - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • chicken broth - 250 ml;
  • chili pepper washed - 2 hours l;
  • fish sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1.5 h. l;
  • kinza is a small bundle.

Chicken broth put on medium fire, add coconut milk and crushed ginger. It is necessary to boil about 8-10 minutes. At this time, you can prepare fillet: wash and cut into small cubes. Throw a chicken into a saucepan, cook another 7-8 minutes, then stir with chili pepper, fish sauce, sugar (preferably to use brown) and bring to a boil. Subtle soup on coconut milk with chicken,decorating finely naked cilantro.

Vegetarians will have to taste another coconut milk recipein which animal products are not used. In such a soup, only 63 kcal, from the ingredients take:

  • leek Shalot - 5 pcs.;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • cauliflower - 1 pc.;
  • chile Pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • oysteries - 150 g;
  • broth with herbs cooked according to the traditional recipe;
  • tomatoes - 6-7 pieces;
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp. l;
  • basil - a small beam;
  • coconut milk - about 150 ml.

First you need to cook broth out of two liters of water, Lemongrass, Galangala root, Lyme. Onions, carrots, garlic, chili pepper and sweet wash, crush and pass on a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil to golden color. Fasted vegetables cast in a saucepan, wait for boiling, cover the lid and reduce the fire to a minimum. People wash, remove the insides and cut into thin stripes. Mushrooms can be left entirely if they are small. Tomatoes are pre-wrapped in boiling water and remove the skin, seize cubes. All vegetables add to broth and cook around 7-10 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, coconut milk, lime juice and soy sauce are poured. Bring to a boil and suck with a crushed basil.

The fastest way

As already mentioned, bags are sold in many stores with a ready-made set, from which it is easy to cook soup. However, in them only the basis for the broth, other ingredients will have to add to their taste. Recipe soup Tom holes on coconut milk with shrimps Requires the following ingredients:

  • base for broth - 1 package;
  • kinza - a small beam;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • royal shrimps - 150 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • oyshemks (you can take champignons) - 100-200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • coconut milk - 100 ml.

Shrimps defrost, wash and clean. From garlic remove a husk and skip through a special press, peel onion and cut into small squares. Cherry tomatoes cut on quarter. Pour some vegetable oil, fry chopped garlic, onions and tomatoes. In boiling water dissolve the basis for soup, add passable vegetables and boil a few minutes. Then send mushrooms into a saucepan, seafood and finely angled kinse. Boil until shrimp, at the end pour milk and mix.

Soup with pumpkin

Another option of an adapted dish - pumpkin soup With shrimps I.curry. It turns out bright orange, has a sweet taste and tender consistency. The soup with a puree should be liquid, so no need milk. Ingredients for 4-6 servings:

  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar white - 1 h. l;
  • coconut milk - 0.4 l;
  • chicken broth - 1.5 l;
  • curry - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • cognac - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • ground ginger root - 1 tbsp. l;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp. l;
  • shrimps - 200-300 g;
  • salt, greens (kinza and green onions) - to taste.

First of all, you need to prepare a pumpkin, as it is brewed longer. It should be washed, clean from the peel and seeds, then chop up 1.5-2 cm cubes. Slightly fry on the vegetable oil, pour water and put out to half-ready, then pour a teaspoon of sugar. Next, you need to pour cognac (you can do without alcohol, but it attaches a dish tartness) and put out a few minutes. Add a grated ginger in a saucepan, curry and continue to cook pumpkin to a soft state. Pour into the container with ingredients chicken broth, bring to a boil, pour fish sauce and coconut milk. Tomber on slow fighter 10 minutes. At this time, boil shrimps and cut them into them with small slices, leaving several pieces for decoration. The last step in cooking is the grinding of a dish in a blender (if the mass is very thick, you can dilute with warm broth), add seafood. Serve shrimp soup and Filmed cilantro.

Thai Soup Tom Young. Easy to do yourself, since there are many recipes for home cooking. Optionally cook broth from inaccessible products, it is possible to buy a ready-made set for soup. It only needs to add seafood, chicken, various vegetables and spices.

Tom Kha Kai, a sharp soup of Laos and Thailand, are preparing often with coconut milk, chicken, a delicious variety of vegetables, herbs and spices. Tom Kha.K.aI Translated from Thai as "chicken and ginger soup." Kha. - this is a ginger root, traditionally used as an aroma, and Kai. - This is a chicken. Thai coconut soup, described below, is based on the basic technology Tom Kha Kai, however, the ingredients that are used here can easily purchase in any grocery store. For example, you are unlikely to be able to find Calgan, but ordinary ginger can also give similar taste and aroma.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bThai coconut soup is to enjoy a thin mixture of various spices. It is for this reason that the recipe requires a large number of taste additives, from hot pepper Halapeno to more saturated garlic, from ginger to the spicy grade of Lyme and fresh religious coriander. By the way, the proportions of these ingredients can be adjusted depending on personal taste preferences: to make soup soft, simply reduce the number of halapeno, and to make more sharp, increase.

On a note! In Thailand, the traditional volume of Kha Kai is prepared from a crude chicken breast. Moreover, almost all organs, paws and even blood are added to the dish, thanks to which the soup has a more saturated and interesting taste.

Another advantage of using these parts of the body is that you can add your ration rare, but very nutrients.

If the residues of the boiled chicken were launched in the refrigerator, you can save time to significantly. In this case, also act according to the recipe, but skip step 4 and wait for Step 6 to add meat. So it will absorb spicy fragrance, but will not be digested. The cooking process using the finished chicken will take no more than a few minutes, due to which this dish is perfect for fast and light dinner.

Thai coconut soup - recipe

Portions: 4 Preparation: 15 min. Preparation: 30 min.


For such a soup, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 450 g of chicken breast (without skin and bones);
  • 1 bunch of finely chopped green onions;
  • 1 red chili pepper, sliced;
  • 4 cloves of garlic (crushed);
  • 5-centimeter ginger piece (purified and finely sliced);
  • 1 large carrot (purified and crushed);
  • 1 Pepper Chalapeno (finely sliced);
  • 240 g of shiitake mushrooms (sliced);
  • 1 l chicken broth;
  • 1 Coconian milk bank (about 400 g);
  • little Lyme Zestra;
  • fresh crushed herbs (kinza or basil);
  • 1 lip lick;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 15 ml of fish sauce (for example, we are plan).

This ingredient, like fish sauce, should be paid special attention. Consider what the Thai sauce represents us.

We are plan

Cooking soup

For the preparation of Thai soup with coconut milk, act according to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Pour vegetable oil into a large saucepan and warm it up on medium heat.

Step 2.Add a bow, garlic and ginger there. Constantly stirring, boil them about 5 minutes (until the vegetables become soft).

Step 3. Add carrots, red pepper, halapeno and mushrooms, boil another 3-4 minutes before softness.

Step 4. Add chicken chicken, chicken broth, coconut milk and fish sauce.

Step 5. Bring the soup to a boil, after which reduce the fire and boil until the meat is ready (it will take another 15-20 minutes).

This Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken and mushrooms saturated creamy taste, it is very spicy, with a gentle sweet-skilled note and a suspended citrus aroma. If you have never previously tried Thai cuisine dishes, start your acquaintance with her from this chicken soup with coconut, it is called Tom Kha Guy.

I love sharp food, so I did not bake a good portion of Cayenne pepper. He is really very sharp! If you are sensitive to sharpness to add it with caution. If you do not find coconut milk and do not want to prepare it yourself, use the usual one. Even with him soup will be great.

The preparation of Thai cuisine in our latitudes may be an unbearable task. Not because they are difficult or for their preparation requires some kind of special technique, but because many ingredients are very exotic. We do not have neither Thai quarters with their small grocery stores, and in the markets and in supermarkets it is difficult to find a red curry paste or fish sauce, but the search for leaves of Galangala or Kafeir Lyme can turn into a tedious quest.

In order not to knock down their feet in search of exotic components, we decided to cook our own Thai style soup using those products that would probably find. We tried to reproduce this unforgettable, delicious Thai taste, make it accessible even if there are no Asian markets nearby. The most exotic ingredient on our list is Lemongrass (his special fragrance brings the taste of soup to perfection), but even we were able to find in the store selling spices. If you do not find lemon grass, do not worry, the soup will be very tasty and without it.

See also:

Recipe - Thai soup with coconut milk and chicken


  1. 1 liter of chicken broth.
  2. 400-500 grams of chicken breasts.
  3. 3 green onion stems sometimes.
  4. Two lemon grass stems chopped by quarter.
  5. 2 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger.
  6. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.
  7. 1/4 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper.
  8. 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms.
  9. 60 milliliters coconut milk.
  10. 2 teaspoons of sugar sand
  11. 1 teaspoon of the grade of Lyme.
  12. 1 lime juice.
  13. Kinza.

Optional equipment:

  1. Pan
  2. Skimmer
  3. Half

Cooking method:

Prepare ingredients for Thai soup

  • Chicken breasts cut on five centimeter strips.
  • Sutter two tablespoons of fresh ginger.
  • Clean and rinse the onions sometimes, and cut it with rings.
  • Lemon grass stems cut into four parts.
  • Pour chicken broth in a pan, add the meat of chicken, ginger, pore, stems of lemon grass, soy two tablespoons of soy sauce and Cayenne pepper.

Bring broth to boil

  • Put a saucepan on fire t bring to a boil. Dog fire up to the middle level and let the mixture get drunk for 30 minutes.

Cut mushrooms and add to a saucepan

  • Shiitake mushrooms cut into thin slices, put them in a saucepan and mix.

Pour coconut milk soup

  • Deliver under the saucepan temperature to the minimum.
  • Take the coconut milk (previously on the pages of our blog we wrote), intensively shake the jar. Pour into Thai soup Paul coconut milk cups, add one teaspoon of Lyme and two teaspoons of sugar. Stir.

Add Lyme Juice Thai Soup

  • Increase the fire to the middle level under the pots and prepare for another 15 minutes stirring. Make sure that the liquid in the saucepan is not too intense.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the Thai soup with coconut milk from the fire. Add freshly squeezed lime juice and finely chopped cilant leaves. Noise, remove the stems of lemon grass out of it. Try and if you need a very sharp soup, add more Cayenne pepper and soy sauce into it.

Serve Thai soup hot. You can put in the boiled rice plates and pour it with coconut soup in this way you will increase the number of portions to 8

Bon Appetit!

Soup with coconut milk are especially popular in Thailand.

It is there that there are hundreds of recipes of unusual, but very tasty and fragrant first dishes.

Add exotics to the diet!

Soup with coconut milk - General preparation principles

Do not attempt to get milk for soups from nuts, if, of course, you did not break the box of unnecessary coconuts. It is much easier, cheaper and more convenient to purchase a clean product. It needs not very much, as the basis of soup will be broth. Milk is added at the very end of cooking, usually make five minutes to turn off the plate.

What are the coconut soups are preparing:


Onions, carrots and other vegetables;

Lentil, beans.

In Thai first dishes, products from different groups can be combined at the same time: chicken, shrimp, mushrooms plus a variety of vegetables and spices. All this is refilled with coconut milk. No matter how strange it sounds, it turns out very tasty, satisfying, fragrant.

Species play a special role in coconut soups. Acute pepper, ginger, curry - frequent guests in Thai dishes. They give soups bright notes, and coconut milk smoothes taste.

Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken, shrimps and mushrooms

The recipe of the famous soup with coconut milk, which is preparing not only in Thailand. The dish is prepared on chicken broth with shrimps and mushrooms. Despite the interesting combination, it turns out very tasty.


1 fillet from breast;

400 ml of coconut milk;

2 outer heads;

1 carrot;

150 g of mushrooms (champignons);

1 chili pod;

0.5 lemon or lime;

A piece of ginger;

100 g of shrimp;

Parsley greens, can be kines.


1. Fillet need to rinse, cut into small pieces up to two centimeters.

2. Carrot cut straw, mushrooms with plates, onion with small cubes. Ginger need to lose. We need 2 teaspoons. Put the finely chili pen.

3. Fill the chicken with water, approximately 1.2 liters, bring to a boil. Remove the foam.

4. Now add onions and carrots, let me boil again.

5. It's time to add mushrooms.

6. You can save a soup.

7. Now we throw the ginger, chili pepper. Cooking soup on a small fire of a quarter of an hour.

8. During this time I will issue juice from Lyme. You can use lemon. Cedra remove, crushing. Rubym greens.

9. We also purify shrimp. The recipe goes 100 g of the already prepared product.

10. Pour coconut milk, let me boil.

11. Add a citrus juice with a zest in a pot, throw shrimps.

12. We welcome the soup for another minute, refuel the greens, cover and turn off. Insist 10 minutes before feeding.

Soup with coconut milk and pumpkin

Recipe very bright soup with coconut milk. In addition to pumpkins, it will take the seasoning curry and the fresh root of ginger, the quantity of seasonings can be reduced to its taste.


800 g pumpkins;

100 g of carrots;

100 g onions;

50 g of oil;

300 ml of coconut milk;

20 g of ginger;

0.5 h. L. curry;

Salt pepper.


1. Use a saucepan with a thick donkey, in which you can fry vegetables. Put the oil into the sudine, put on fire.

2. Cut onions and carrots, alternately drop roasting with an interval per minute.

3. While vegetables are twisted, you need to do a pumpkin. Clean, cut into cubes, remove everything too much. Put in the saucepan.

4. Add grated ginger root.

5. Add 300 ml of hot water or any broth, close and boil until the mow is soft.

6. Remove the saucepan from the fire, open and allow the boiled pumpkin with vegetables a little cool.

7. Purirate the blender soup or simply thoroughly smoke pieces.

8. Put on the stove again.

9. Add coconut milk, spray, season and curry.

10. Heat the dish after boiling for two minutes.

11. Dispose on plates. When filing, add greens, cream.

Soup with coconut milk and chicken "Tom Ka"

Another recipe for the Thai soup, for which the fish sauce will need. Although many are preparing and without it, it is also worthy.


1 Chicken breast;

2 tomatoes;

150 g of champignons;

300 ml of coconut milk;

2 spoons of fish sauce;

2 garlic teeth;

Lemon juice 2-4 spoons;

Different greens;

2 onions heads.


1. Rinse chicken breast, cut straw, throw in a saucepan with a boiling liter of water. Step up a couple of minutes after boiling. It is advisable to remove the foam that will appear from above.

2. Cut the champignons, throw to the chicken.

3. Track, add chopped bulbs.

4. In a couple of minutes, add chopped tomatoes, cover the saucepan and boil 12 minutes.

5. Divide the fish sauce in coconut milk, add to the soup.

6. Immediately launch spices, chopped garlic, salt.

7. Two minutes later add lemon juice, turn off. Greens can be added to a saucepan or serve separately.

Soup with coconut milk, shrimps and rice noodles

An option of saturated soup, which is added rice noodles. Shrimps are better to use small, the recipe indicates the amount of purified product.


500 ml of coconut milk;

100 g rice noodles;

1 tsp. starch;

500 g of purified shrimp;

1 pinch of chili pepper;

3 carrots;

2 garlic teeth;

0.5 h. L. grated ginger;

Lime, green onions, salt and olive oil.


1. We cut the peeled carrots with thin pieces, rub garlic, squeeze the juice from Lyme.

2. Heat the olive oil in the saucepan, put the crushed ginger, add garlic and chili pepper, fry for a few seconds.

3. We add carrots, fry a couple of minutes.

4. Pour coconut milk in soup and 800 ml of hot water. Cover, cook ten minutes.

5. Open, add salt, put the rice noodles, prepare for many more three minutes.

6. Mix starch with 100 ml of water, send to the soup.

7. Put purified shrimps.

8. Two minutes, we try to salt, if necessary, add more. We pour Lyme juice, throw a chopped onion and turn off.

9. We give soup to stand on a warm stove for a few minutes to reveal the tastes added at the end of the ingredients.

Soup with coconut milk and lentils

An option is simple in the preparation of soup, but sufficiently satisfying and tasty. Lentil for him can use any. Reserved prescription tomatoes are added.


200 g of tomatoes;

200 g of lentils;

200 ml of coconut milk;

2 garlic teeth;

1 Owka head;

2 spoons of oil oil.;

800 ml of broth;

Salt, sharp pepper.


1. Rinse lentils, launch in boiling broth, boil the dot of readiness. On average, about half an hour, but it all depends on the variety, sometimes it takes a little more or less time.

2. In the creamy oil, fry garlic cut into several pieces. Remove pieces.

3. Add the onion into the garlic oil, fry until golden color.

4. It's time to add canned tomatoes into the frying pan. Remove the skin, cut the tomatoes.

5. Prepare onions with tomatoes five minutes, turn off.

6. Purchase pasta vegetables to a welded lentil, add coconut milk.

7. Sung wash, cover and cook a coconut soup for a couple of minutes.

8. Green, acute pepper and lemon juice Add to taste.

Acute citrus soup with coconut milk

Option of a spicy first dish. Despite the name, the orange is added quite a bit. The bottom of the dish is carrots with canned beans.


400 g of carrots;

2 bulbs;

400 g of beans canned;

1 orange;

1 tsp. Ground pepper chili;

1 liter of broth, water;

200 ml of coconut milk;

2 spoons of oil;

Salt, greens;

2 cm ginger root.


1. Cut onions and carrots by any pieces, but not thick. Fry in a saucepan with a couple of oil spoons.

2. Add broth or just hot water.

3. Immediately add sharp pepper and a piece of ginger, chopped fine or grated. You can reduce the number of sharp ingredients or still lay only part, and later add to taste.

4. Squeeze juice from orange in a pan, you can also add a cedal. Boil the soup to the softness of carrots. Remove from the fire.

5. Give a dish a little cool, then purilate. Return to the fire.

6. Sung wash, add canned beans, pour coconut milk, negotiate a minute.

Sweet soup with coconut milk

Option of a sweet soup based on coconut milk. Wonderful breakfast dish, punch or just like that. Dried fruits can be added any, optionally use only the dried and raisins.


400 ml of coconut milk;

100 g rice;

400 ml of water;

50 g of raisin;

50 g of kuragi;

1 spoon of nuts;

1 spoon of coconut chips;

2 spoons of sugar or honey;


1. Put water on the stove, salt.

2. While the liquid boils, override and rinse the rice, shift to the saucepan and negotiate on small heat almost until readiness. The grains should not be powered.

3. Add coconut milk to the saucepan.

4. Rinse the dried fruits, grind cubes or straw, you can simply cut into four parts. Add to the saucepan.

5. Heat the soup for another three minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Turn off.

6. Boil the sweet dish in plates, add roasted nuts, coconut chips.

Soup with coconut milk - Useful tips and tricks

Thai soups with coconut milk are distinguished by sharp and aroma. But it is not necessary to lay all the ingredients on the list. If you do not like sharp dishes or do not transfer some component, you can simply exclude or reduce the amount.

When serving coconut soup, the greens can be added directly to the plate, like lemon juice. You can submit these products in a separate dish and put in taste.