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Interesting statements from a little prince. The best quotes of Exupery from the "Little Prince. Adults - striking people

In proof of the reality of the existence of a small prince, clarifying arguments. Nice, the fun young man of royal blood always wanted to have a lamb. Who has such a wonderful desire, he really exists.

"Prints me," said Fox to a small prince. - Then we become indispensable and we will not be able to do without help and live in separation, gaining attachment and loyalty.

It is correct to live in actions, leaving the body for a while. Then maybe you will gain balance and yourself in action and dynamics.

Man initially for everything in response. A sense of responsibility forms a real person.

When they grow up with a soul, you are tamed - you gain emotionality and sensuality that implies disappointment, offense, annoyance and bitter sobs.

Adults are jumping over the tops, not being understood in the essence of the processes. Children tedious and long extinguish with adult elementary essence of being.

Who love surrendered without a balance, but then everything was confused, he could not find consolation in noble privacy. Returning it to life can ordinary attachment and habit of being someone necessary and important.

Continuation of beautiful quotes Exupery read on the pages:

The victory goes to the one who rotates the last. And both opponents rot albeit.

The kingdom of human inside us.

Adults imagine that they occupy a lot of space.

Yes, "I said. - Whether it is a house, a star or a desert - the most beautiful thing in them is what you will not see my eyes.

All roads lead to people.

Words only interfere with understanding each other.

What gives the meaning of life gives meaning and death.

I didn't want to hurt you. You wished me to tame you.

Your rose is so expensive to you, because you gave her the whole soul.

People are already missing time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends.

He did not answer any of my question, but when you blush, it means yes, right?

Lamps must be preserved: the gust of the wind can repay them.

He did not answer any of my question, but when you blush, it means "yes," right?

In our world, all living things to themselves are similar, even flowers, clone under the wind, mix with other flowers, swan all swans are familiar - and only people closes alone.

What is the sense in political teachings that the man's bloom, if we do not know in advance, what kind of person will they grow up?

In the grateful hour life decays like a pod, giving the grain.

Well, when something new, more perfect, but monstrously, when they devour each other are born in a dispute between different civilizations.

Working only for the sake of material goods, we will build a prison ourselves.

If you are able to correctly judge yourself, then you are really wise.

Laughter like a spring in the desert.

But I, unfortunately, I do not know how to see the lamb through the walls of the box. Maybe I am a little like adults. Probably I am older.

Is it really really I will never hear how he laughs? This laughter for me is exactly a spring in the desert.

We are responsible for those who have tamed ...

The most important thing is what you will not see the eyes ...

Tosca is when you thirst to see something, you yourself do not know what ... it exists, it is unknown and desirable, but not express it with a word.

Adults never understand anything themselves, but for children very tiringly without end them to explain everything and extinguish.

Kings look at the world very simplistic: all people are subject to them.

I did not know what else to tell him. I felt terribly awkward and clumsy. How to call, so that he heard how to catch up with his soul, escaping from me ...

A person will know himself in the fight against obstacles.

And if you come every time at another time, I do not know what hour to cook your heart ...

And then he also silent, because he was crying ...

The calling helps to free the person in itself - but it is necessary that the person can give will his vocation.

We are all - who are vague, who is clearer - we feel: you need to wake up to life. But how many false paths are located.

When you really want to make sure, sometimes you will brings.

Some children know what they are looking for. They give the whole soul of a rag doll, and she becomes very, very expensive, and if they are pleased with them, children cry ...

To judge itself much more difficult than others.

Perhaps this is beautiful - to die to conquer new lands, but the modern war destroys everything that it seems to be.

The truth of man is what makes him a man.

From the molten lava, from that test, from which the stars are blinded, from the miracle of the originable living cells we went out - people - and rose all the above, step behind the step, and here we write contacts and measure constellations.

I would like to know why the stars are glowing. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find her again.

Ah, kid, baby, how I love when you laugh!

Too much in the world of people who have helped to awaken.

When we understand our role on Earth, let the most modest and imperceptible, then only we will be happy.

You can be faithful to the word and nevertheless lazy.

It is stupid to lie when you are so easy to see!

The Earth helps us understand yourself how no books will help. For the earth resists us.

Old friends are not creating.

Whether it is a house, a star or desert - the most beautiful thing in them is what you will not see your eyes.

Truth is not that provable, truth is simplicity.

Luminaires must be preserved: the gust of the wind can repay them ...

Zorkko one heart. The most important eyes will not see.

It is very sad - when you forget friends. Not any friend was.

You can truder the Germans with sneaks from the fact that they are Germans and compatriots Beethoven. So you can turn your head and the last pipeline. And it is much simpler than in the carverity to awaken Beethoven.

And when you compete (in the end, always comfortable), you will be glad that I knew me once. You will always be a friend. You want to laugh with me. Sometimes you will open the window like this, and you will be nice ... And your friends will be wondering that you are laughing, looking at the sky. And you tell them: "Yes, yes, I always laugh, looking at the stars!" And they think that you went crazy. This is what kind of joke I will play ...

Water is needed and heart ...

All roads lead to people.

Salting oak, it is funny to dream that soon you will find the shelter in his shadow.

When you give yourself to tame, then it happens and cry.

All our wealth - dust and ash, they are powerless to deliver to us, for what to live.

Adults love the numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. Never tell you: what is his voice? What games do he like to play? Does it catch butterflies? They ask: how old is he? How many brothers have it? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that imagine that they learned a person.

When I asked about something, he as if heard. Only little by little, from random, by the passion of the obscured words, everything was opened.

Why do we hate each other? We are all at the same way, worn by the same planet, we are a team of one ship.

Each person has his own stars.

Salvation is to take the first step. One more step. It all begins again.

Eyes blind. Search need a heart.

Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing to add, but when nothing can be taken away.

Children should be very indulgent to adults.

One spirit, touching the clay, creates a person from it.

You are forever responsible for those who have tamed.

Some children know what they are looking for. They give all the souls of a rag doll, and she becomes very, very expensive, and if they are pleased with them, children cry.

It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you are able to correctly judge yourself, it means you are truly wise.

Each person has his own stars.

Do you know why a good desert is good? Somewhere in it hide Springs.

An unknown world dies with the death of each person.

Everyone needs to ask what he can give. The government must first be reasonable.

Truth does not lie on the surface.

It is painful not the ugliness of this shapeless human clay. But in each of these people, it may be killed Mozart.

Flowers are weak. And ingenuous.

From that hour, as a weapon was the plane and Iprit, the war was just a slaughter.

Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma. My flower drank all my planet with fragrance, and I did not know how to rejoice.

My friend never explained nothing to me. Maybe he thought I was the same as he.

People are closed in speed trains, but they already do not understand what they are looking for. Therefore, they do not know peace and rush in one direction, then to another ... and everything in vain ...

So was my first fox. He did not differ from one hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only light in general.

After all, the vain people imagine that they all admire.

Trying to cover the world today, we draw from a dictionary that has established in the world yesterday. And it seems to us that in the past, life was conspite human nature - but this is just because it is conspite our language.

Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

Water is needed and heart.

When you say adults: "I saw a beautiful house from a red brick, in the windows he has Geran, and on the roof of the pigeons," they can't imagine this house. They must say: "I saw a house for one hundred thousand francs." And then they exclaim: "What a beauty!"

Flowers are weak. And ingenuous. And they try to give themselves courage. They think if they have spikes, they are all afraid.

An animal and in old age saves the grace. Why is the noble clay that is so isooving, from which man is flattered?

After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country is tears.

Love is not to look at each other, love - it means to look together in one direction.

There is such a firm rule. I got up in the morning, washed, I led myself in order - and immediately bring my planet in order.

Quotes from the "Little Prince" of Exupery became covered phrases. They are even familiar with those who have not read the famous French pilot book. They are often uttering, believing that they are proverbs or sayings. But in the words of the characters of this allegorical work, it contains truth that helps to look at the world with completely different eyes.

Of the wise philosophical properties, the philosophical story, which St. Exupery wrote in 1943. From the monologues of which they became part of modern culture - a character, symbolizing sincerity, purity and love.

Bring your planet

In the story, a meeting of the hero with a fabulous prince depicts Antoine Exupery. "Little Prince", quotes from which are philosophical sayings, is a book about children's wisdom and foolishness of adults. What is this a strange boy who met the pilot after the crash of his plane? What do his strange speeches about elephants, roses, sheep and baobabs mean? Perhaps the member of the hero with a mysterious prince is the return of the author to his own childhood ...

"Baobab's Baobab!" - Says a boy. And in these words, there is a hint of stupidity and an adult man who, staying in his delusions, does not see evil that he grows and kills everything in the district. Baobab seeds symbolize in the story harmless, at first glance, micro-evil.

The government must first be reasonable

Little prince lived on a tiny planet. But he liked to travel. On another, the same small planet, he met the monarch, who had no subjects and no one was to give orders. But, in spite of everything, the local king was confident in his

With the help of their characters, great human mistakes and errors described Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "Little Prince", quotes from which, as a rule, are the sayings of a strange boy, a resident of an unprecedented planet, has become adults around the world about what they live, that in their lives is the main thing, and what is secondary.

Ambulance deaf to everything but praise

A vain person lived on the second planet. "Adults are a strange people," the prince thought after acquaintance with the ambition. This man did not want anything except admiration and honors.

The most common vices of modern society depicted in his book Antoine Exupery. From the sayings of which turned into wise winged phrases, personifies the ideas that a person over the years deprived of the ability to understand simple things and is growing increasingly in their own illusions.

Adults - striking people

The little prince visited the planet of the drunkard. The unfortunate man did nothing but drank. And he drank himself because he was ashamed ... After visiting this insolent planet, the prince went to visit a very busy person, because a lamporian, and after - to a geograpure. But none of these people were happy. And then the hero of Exupery decided to visit the planet Earth. After all, she is very big, and she has a good reputation.

You are responsible for those who have tamed

Not all famous quotes from the "Little Prince" Exupery are the sayings of the philosopher-traveler. On the ground, the fox met the fox. He opened the most important secret.

Man is always responsible for whom he has tamed. People have forgotten this simple truth. They do not seek to tame someone at all. Moreover, they do not spend time to understand and explore something, but prefer to buy things ready. But the trouble is that there is no such store in which friendship or love would be sold.

There is good where we are not

Quotes from the "Little Prince" of Exupery people today utter, not seeking to know these words.

The prince met on the ground of the shooter, sorting passengers. People hurried to get into the train, but not because they were late. Hurry and fuss have become an integral part of their lives. Only children in the train carriage leaning towards the window and watched the runaway landscape. After all, only they know what they want.

Each person has their own stars

Quotes from the "Little Prince" Exupery are associated with such concepts as love, friendship, devotion. After acquaintance with the fox, the boy begins to understand what is the simple human attachment. And comprehending the essence of love and friendship, he becomes a real man. It takes a year, and the little prince must leave the planet Earth. It can do it now, only abandoning his physical shell, namely, he must die.

The beauty of the surrounding world is impossible to evaluate if in the heart of emptiness. "I won't see the main eyes," says Lis Prince. And perhaps this phrase is key in the philosophical work of the French writer. After all, the prince on Earth discovers that Rose, which remained on his planet, is not the only one of its kind. There are thousands of people like it. But a small prince needs only one, that he tamed.


In my century, I met a lot of different serious people. I lived among adults for a long time. I saw them very close. And from this, admit, did not think about them better.
And all roads lead to people.
Whether it is a house, a star or desert - the most beautiful thing in them is what you will not see your eyes.
Adults ... Imagine that they occupy a lot of space. They seem majestic themselves as Baobabs.
I felt terribly awkward and clumsy. I did not know how to call, so that he heard how to catch up with his soul, escaping from me ... After all, she was so mysterious and unknown, this country tears.
Adults love the numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: "What is his voice? What games do he like to play? Does it catch butterflies?" They ask: "How old is he? How many brothers have it? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn?" And after that imagine that they learned a person. When you say adults: "I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, in the windows he has geranium, and on the roof of the pigeons," they can't imagine this house. They need to say: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs," and then they exclaim: "What a beauty!"
It is very sad - when you forget friends. Not any friend was.
It is stupid to lie when you are so easy to see!
And I am afraid to become such as adults who are not interesting, except for numbers.
Adults never understand anything themselves, but for children very tiringly without end them to explain everything and extinguish.
You can be faithful to the word and nevertheless lazy.
In the same way, if I say: "Here is the evidence that the little prince actually existed: he was very, very nice, he laughed, and he wanted to have a lamb. And who wants a lamb, he definitely exists, "if they say so, they will only move shoulders and look at you, as on an inconspicuous baby. But if you say to them: "He flew from the planet, which is called an asteroid in 612," they will convince them, and they will not bother you in question. Such people are these adults. Do not be angry with them.
Children should be very indulgent to adults.
When you give yourself to tame, then it happens and cry.
When you really want to make sure, sometimes you will brings.
Kings look at the world very simplistic: all people are subject to them.
Astronomer then reported on his wonderful opening at the International Astronomical Congress. But no one believed him, but all because he was dressed in Turkish. So the people are these adults! In 1920, that astronomer again reported on his opening. This time he was dressed in the last fashion, - and everyone agreed with him.
The most important thing is what you will not see the eyes ...
The little prince has never seen such huge buds and premeditated that he will see a miracle. And an unknown guest, still hidden in the walls of his green room, everything was preparing, everything was injected. She carefully chose paints. She dressed in leisurely, one after another trying the petals. She did not want to appear on the light of the met, exactly some poppy. She wanted to seem in all the brilliance of her beauty. Yes, it was a terrible coquette! Mysterious preparations lasted day after day. And now, finally, one morning, the sun barely sat down, the petals opened.
Water is needed and heart ...
His half-open lips drown in a smile, and I told myself more: the touching everything in this sleeping little prince his loyalty to the flower, the image of a rose, which shines in it, like the flame of the lamp, even when he sleeps ... And I realized that he is even more fragile than it seems. The lamps should be preserved: the gust of the wind can repay them ...
Is it really really I will never hear how he laughs? This laughter for me is exactly a spring in the desert.
And then he also silent, because he was crying ...

Little Prince

If you go straight and right, you will not leave ...
Well, if you have ever had a friend, even if you need to die.
There is such a firm rule. I got up in the morning, washed, I led myself in order - and immediately bring my planet in order.
We woke up the well, and he got ...
You know ... When it becomes very sad, look good, as the sun comes ...
And people lack imagination. They just repeat what they say ... I had a flower at home, my beauty and joy, and he always spoke first.
People are closed in fast trains, but they already do not understand what they are looking for, "said the little prince. - Therefore, they do not know peace and rush in one direction, then to another ... and everything in vain ...
I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a crimp. He never understood the flower in his entire lives. I have never looked at the star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. It is busy only one: he folds the numbers. And from morning to night, one thing is true: "I am serious man! I am serious man! " - just like you. And it is clearly inflated from pride. And in fact he is not a man. He is a mushroom.
People grow five thousand roses in the same garden ... and do not find what they are looking for.
But what they are looking for, can be found in a single rose, in the throat of water ...
I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on affairs. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run. For these miserable hectares and tricks it was necessary to guess tenderness. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I was not able to love yet.
Do you know why a good desert is good? Somewhere in it hid the springs ..
Some children know what they are looking for. They give all their days with a rag doll, and she becomes very, very expensive, and if they are pleased with them, children cry ...
Each person has his own stars. One thing - those who are waged - they indicate the path. For others, it's just small lights. For scientists, they are as a task that needs to be addressed. But you will have stars, what no one has. Only you will have stars who know how to laugh!
Eyes blind. Search need a heart.
Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.
Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma. My flower drank all my planet with fragrance, and I did not know how to rejoice.
It is like a flower. If you love a flower, which grows somewhere on a distant star, look good at night in the sky. All stars bloom.
I imagined that I own the only flower in the world, which no one else and anywhere, and it was the most ordinary rose. Only everything I had that there was a simple rose and three volcanoes in the knee in the knee, and then one of them is a wonder and maybe forever ... what am I after that prince ...
I would like to know why the stars are glowing. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find her again.
When he lights his lamp - as if another star or flower is born. And when he exhausted the lantern - as if a star or flower is falling asleep. Great lesson. It is truly useful because it is beautiful.
If you love the flower - the only thing no longer on any of many millions of stars, this is pretty: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say yourself: "Somewhere my flower lives there ..." But if the lambs eat it, it's still as if all the stars went out!
You know ... My rose ... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! And so innocent. She only has that four pathetic spikes, she has nothing more to defend themselves from the world ...
We are responsible for those who have tamed.


Zorkko one heart. The most important eyes will not see.
No in the world of perfection!
Words only interfere with understanding each other.
You are forever responsible for those who have tamed.
You can only find out those things that tame, "the fox said. - People have no time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends.
"If you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will become the only world. And for you I will become the only world," the fox told a little prince ...
Boring my life. I will hunt for kuras, and people hunt me. All chickens are the same, and people are all the same. And I live is boring. But if you tame me, my life, as if the Sun will be lit. Your steps I will distinguish between thousand others. Having walked down the human steps, I always run away and hiding. But your gait will call me, exactly music, and I will leave my asylum. And then - look! See, Won there, in the fields, ripens wheat? I do not eat bread. Colosum I do not need. Wheat fields do not talk about anything. And it is sad! But you have golden hair. And how wonderful will be when you tame me! Golden wheat will remind me of you. And I will love the rustle of the cross in the wind ...
"People forgot this truth," said Fox, "but you don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed." You are responsible for your rose.
Looking to look again on roses. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world.
Your rose is so expensive for you because you gave her the whole soul.

rose flower

I love you! .. And my fault that you did not know that.
I decided to leave - so go.


- Where are people? - finally spoke again the little prince. - In the desert, all the same lonely ...
"Among the people is also lonely," said Snake.
Little prince looked at her carefully.
"You're a strange creature," he said. - not thicker to finger ...
"But I have more power than in the king's finger," the snake objected.


Everyone needs to ask what he can give. Power, first of all, should be reasonable.
If I lead to my general to turn around with marine seagull, he used to say, - and if the general does not fulfill the order, it will not be his wine, but mine.
If I order some general to fuck a butterfly from a flower on a flower, or compose the tragedy, or turn around the sea seagull and the general will not fulfill the order who will blame for this - he or me?
It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you are able to correctly judge yourself, it means you are truly wise.


There's good where we are not.


Because the flowers are ephemery ... This means: the one that should soon disappear.

It has long been going to make a selection of winged quotes from my favorite book "Little Prince".

Here is my selection of 46 quotes. Above each can reflect and find layers of meanings.

1. "Starting is stupid when you are so easy to see."
2. "There's good where we are not."
3. "When I was six years old, adults convinced me that the artist from me would not come out, and I did not learn anything to draw, except for the booths - outside and inside."
4. "Millions of years in colors grow spikes. And millions of years of lamb eat flowers. "
5. "After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country is tears."
6. "- If you want you to have a friend, tame me!
- What should I do for this? - asked a little prince.
"We need to be patient," answered Fox. - At first, Sit Won there, gone, on the grass. Like this. I will look at you to look at you, and you are silent.<…> But every day sit down a little closer ... "
7. "I'm trying to tell about him in order to not forget."
8. "Quite just move the chair a few steps.
And you look again and again for a sunset sky, it's only wanting ... "
9. "My friend never explained nothing to me. Maybe he thought I was the same as he. "
10. "And people lack imagination. They just repeat what they say ... "
11. "- And how is it to tame?
- This is a long forgotten concept, - explained Fox. - It means: Create ties.
- Title?
"That's it," said Lis. "
12. "You are forever responsible for anyone who has tamed."
13. "When you take yourself to tame, then happens and cry."
14. "Wax people always seem to be admired by them."
15. "When you speak adults:" I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, he has geranium in the windows, and on the roof of the pigeons, "they can't imagine this house. They need to say: "I saw a house for one hundred thousand francs," and then they exclaim: "What a beauty!" "
16. "We all come from childhood."
17. "- You are beautiful, but empty," the little prince continued. - For the sake of you, I will not want to die. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, say that she is exactly the same as you. But I am one more expensive for all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. Her, and not you covered with a glass cap. She was blocked by a screen, protecting from the wind. "
18. "Your rose is so road, because you gave her the whole soul."
19. "I saw them very close. And from this, admit, did not think about them better. "
20. "Earth - Planet is not simple! It has one hundred eleven kings (including, of course, and Negroean), seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand Deltsov, seven and a half million drunks, three hundred eleven million ambitions - and about two billion adults. "
21. "Kings do not own anything. They only reign. "
22. "Vain people deaf to everything except praise."
23. "Children should be very indulgent to adults."
24. "All adults were first children, just few of them remember this."
25. "Adults never understand anything to themselves, and for children it is very tiringly without ending them to explain and express them."
26. "- Your Planet is very beautiful," he said. - Do you have oceans?
"I don't know this," said the geographer.
- Oh-oh ... - disappointed a little prince.
- Do you have mountains?
"I don't know," said the geographer.
- And cities, rivers, deserts?
- And I also do not know.
- But you are a geographer!
"That's it," said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I'm terribly lacking travelers. After all, not geographers lead the cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. Geographer is a too important person, he has no time to roam. He does not come out of his office. "
27. "All roads lead to people."
28. "- I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a crimp. He never understood the flower in his entire lives. I have never looked at the star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. It is busy only one: he folds the numbers. And from morning to night, one thing is true: "I am serious man! I am serious man! " - just like you. And it is clearly inflated from pride. And in fact he is not a man. He is a mushroom. "
29. "- On your planet," said the little prince, "people grow five thousand roses in the same garden ... and they do not find what they are looking for ...
"Don't find," I agreed.
- But what they are looking for, can be found in the only rose ... "
30. "Be it a house, a star or a desert - the most beautiful thing in them is what you will not see your eyes."
31. "People? Oh yeah ... I saw them many years ago. But where to look for them - unknown. They are wearing wind. They have no roots - it is very uncomfortable. "
32. "... kings look at the world very simplistic: for them all people are subjects."
33. "" I'm not grass, "the flower quietly noticed."
34. "Adults love the numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. Never tell you: "What is his voice? What games do he like to play? Does it catch butterflies? " They ask: "How old is he? How many brothers have it? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? " And after that you imagine what a person learned. "
35. "Every person has its own stars. One thing - those who wake up, they indicate the path. For others, it's just lights. "
36. "- Do you know why a good desert is good? - he said.
- Somewhere in it hide Rodes ... "
37. "- I wish I would know why the stars are glowing ... probably, then so that sooner or later everyone can find her again."
38. "People already have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But there are no such shops where they would be traded by friends, and therefore people no longer have friends. "
39. "- People are closed in fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for, so they do not know peace, they are thrown into one direction, and then to another ... and everything is in vain ... blinds blind. I need to look for a heart. "
40. "You live in our actions, and not in the body. You are your actions, and there is no other. "
41. "I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order."
42. "- Some children know what they are looking for, - said a little prince. "They give all the souls of a rag doll, and she becomes very, very expensive, and if they take it away, children cry."
43. "- And on that planet there are hunters?
- Not.
- How interesting! Do you have any chickens?
- Not.
- Not in the world of perfection! - sighed Lis. "
44. "Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes. "
45. "To judge itself much more difficult than others. If you are able to correctly judge yourself, then you are truly wise. "
46. \u200b\u200b"I have to delete two or three caterpillars, if I want to get acquainted with butterflies."

"Little Prince" is the legendary work of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This children's fairy tale for adults was first published in 1943, since then there is no man in the world who would not know her main character - a boy with gold hair.

The "Little Prince" is translated by more than 180 languages, films were removed by his replaced, music was written. The book has become part of modern culture and scattered on quotes.

"But if this is some kind of bad grass, you need to snatch it with the root, as soon as you know"

In the allegorical narration of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the planet is a soul, the inner world of man, and a bad grass - his bad thoughts, actions and habits. From the seeds of "bad grass" should be merged immediately until she put roots, did not make a feature of character and did not destroy the person. After all, if the planet is very small, and the baobabs are very much, they will ruin it on the nurses.

"I have to delete two-three caterpillars, if I want to meet with butterflies"

Some people are unpleasant to us, "slippery" and dodgy, like caterpillars. But this does not mean that inside they have nothing fine. Perhaps they are just looking for their own way, and someday turn into beautiful butterflies. It is necessary to be tolerant to the shortcomings of others and be able to see the beautiful even in an impartial one.

"How to call that he heard how to catch up with his soul, escaping from me ... After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country is tears ..."

Sympathize someone else's pain, sincerely and delicately, it is difficult. Almost just like asking for forgiveness when offended. All words seem unnecessary and wrong. "Country of Tears" is really incomprehensible. But the main thing is not to try to empathize, do not be in a chance, unscrewing the next non-dusty bolt.

"After all, all adults were first children, only few of them remember this."

Children are amazing. While they do not teach them to think "right", beautiful ideas are born in their heads. Their fantasy is endless and clean. It is a pity, adults do not remember how innocent and beautiful "planet" of a child. Antoine de Saint-Exupery throughout the book reminds you how it is important to keep the child inside myself and keep your children's dreams and talents to the ground.

"Words only interfere with understanding each other"

People pronounce billions of words. Most are unnecessary and empty. And how many words have to regret? But the world is so arranged - without words, there would probably be a society. We just need to not forget what force they possess - one phrase of a person can make a happy or unhappy, make crying or laughing. Be careful. And take care of people who are comfortable to be silent - it is invaluable.

"Your rose is so expensive for you because you gave her all your days"

"Earth - the planet is not easy! People occupy no place for Earth. " We are 7 billion. Even more. But each of us has a couple of truly close people. No matter how cynically, we love not people, but the time spent with them. Common experiences and adventures - this is what makes your rose unique, unlike thousands of other roses.

"When you take yourself to tame, then happens and cry"

Lone easier. Himself for myself, but it does not suffer, it will not hurt. Trust difficult. Rather very scary. If there were still shops where they traded friends, many would have become permanent buyers. But, fortunately, they are not. And you have to "tame." Damn scary. After all, we all know that rare friendship costs without tears.

"Then the judgment itself," said the king. - This is the most difficult. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you are able to judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise "

If someone is truly wise, this is de Saint-Exupery. People love to "endure sentences" each other (especially on the Internet - do not feed bread, give it to write a condemning comment). It's so easy. He told a man what he was wrong, and no longer need to do anything. Another thing is to judge yourself. At a minimum, it will have to rush Baobabs.

"Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes "

"Listen to your heart" - this phrase can often be heard in songs and films. Perhaps it is the second in popularity after "I love you." From this we do not perceive her seriously. But it does not cancel its depths and wisdom. It is impossible to believe only external, it is impossible to be rational and everywhere. Trust your heart - it will not let it down.

"You are forever responsible for all who tamed"

These are words that do not require reasoning. Never for a minute, for a second one cannot forget about loved ones. We are obliged to do so that they never fall into the country of tears. We are obliged to cover them with a glass cap of their concerns.