Repairs Design Furniture

Dried LDSP at home without chips. How to do a smooth dsp SP at home? How to cut a chipboard without chipped saw

When you look at the store on furniture price tags made from chipboard, you are amazing how expensive it is! But chipboard is one of the most available materials To construct furniture with your own hands. The benefit is now on sale all the necessary fittings. And furniture projects that on the Internet that in "paper" magazines now you can find for every taste. So what is the problem? The main problem is to carefully cut the chipboard.

From home tools The most suitable for cutting chipboard is a manual disk saw. But when the chipboard with its help, a number of problems arise: 1) It is very difficult to follow strictly in a straight line, saws wishes; 2) Skoles are formed.

Are there any ways to solve these problems? There is. It is about them that we will tell today. By the way, all these tricks apply to the cutting of plywood.

Tip 1: cutting chipboard on the floor with full support

Cutting with full support means that when you bring the saw to the end, the DSP leaf cut will not disappear immediately.

If you want to get a very smooth and clear slice, Chipboard better Total cutting on the floor. So you will get 100% solid, sustainable foundation. The chipboard is not shunken, even if you make up on it from above to finish the cut. You will also be sure that the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece will not fall off, it will not split and will not fall.

Put the 5 × 10 cm of the chipboard under the chipboard of the PDP perpendicular to the section. Brucks will have to sacrifice, since the saw will pass through them. The more stable your sheet of chipboard will lie, the increasing will be cut.

Tip 2: Adjust the depth of the cut

Suitable depth of propyl affects the quality of the cut.

Adjust the depth so that the LDSP or plywood is no more than half of the disk tooth (see the photo above). It may seem not important to you, but believe me, the depth of propyl significantly affects the cutting quality. With this tuning, the tooth cuts the material, and does not chop it, and also stabilizes the saw so that it is less vibrating in the process of cutting. Both of these factors make traces from the saw on the selection of chipboard less noticeable.

Position the saw along the edge of the chipboard, lift the guide and see with close distanceTo set the right cutting depth. By the way, at the same time it would be nice to check the saw disk for damage, because it saw with bad teeth will make a rough cut. Another point: the saw is arranged in such a way that its move goes upward, so the chips are most often formed on that surfaceswhich is drawn up, and the side of the surface, looking downwards, is cleaned. Consequently, place when cutting a chipboard of a good, front side down.

Tip 3: For longitudinal cutting, use a rigid long straight subject as a guide

As a guide to perform a smooth straight cut, it is convenient to use a narrow long piece of chipboard, 16mm thick and about 30 cm thick, which was cooked professionally in a specialized workshop. All you need is to pull it out of the clamp.

The main difficulty is to arrange it in the right place to accurately. To do this, it is necessary to measure the distance from the edge of the saw reference platform to the disk (see photo below).

Add the value to the width of your slice, make marks to the chipboard from both edges and impose the guide board. You also need to take into account the thickness of the saw disk in its dimensions.

It is usually best that the metal reference plate of the disk saw to rest in the edge of the guide, so the maximum stability of the saw is achieved during cutting.

Tip 4: Check the guide before making a cut

This, so to speak, accurate setting. Make a pencil mark - a line with a length 5cm, thus determining the width of the cut part. Then start the saw, press the support platform saw to the guide and the track. Candle chipboard. Make sure that the saw disk began to rotate in the air, even before the leaf was touched, otherwise the edge of the sheet could be splitted. Now measure the distance from the edge of the sheet to the end to make sure that you have done and calculated correctly. Better, as they say, measure seven times ...

Tip 5: Draw at constant speed without stopping

Draw without stopping, and maintain a constant speed. If you stop, a trail will remain on chipboard or plywood.

The cutting speed depends on the set of factors, including the type of saw and the sharpness of the disk, as well as from the material that you cut. In general, the sharp disk passes through the sheet of chipboard with a small resistance, as if he smelves the tree. If you feel that you have to make efforts and push the saw, it means that either you saw too fast or disc is stupid. Too fast cutting River Fiber Chipboard and leaves noticeable traces on the cut. Too slow can cause disk overheating and wood ignition.

Then you will receive and celebrate and burning track on the cut. That is why it is best to cut on the floor when you make a long cut. You can crawl on your knees right through the chipboard, following the movement of the saw, you will not need to stretch or bend.

Just calculate in advance whether you will have the length of the electrical cable.

Tip 6: Take the disk with large quantity teeth

The more teeth on the disk, the clearer will be a cut. And, naturally, the disk should be sharp.

In principle, all the disks from the picture above are capable of making a good incision according to the chipboard and plywood. As we wrote above, the more teeth, the better the cut. However, minus disk with 140 teeth is that it is quickly tupping than the other three types. Especially if you cut a chipboard. Take a disk with 40 or 56 teeth. And it is better to keep another about the reserve. Disk with 56 teeth is usually used for cutting.

Tip 7: The transverse section is best done using adhesive tape

The transverse incision is perpendicular to the fiber of plywood, and even the sharp blade easily leaves the chips. This is a big problem, the best decision Which, buy a disc for cutting laminate, about which we wrote above. However, you can perform this task and using other discs. To do this, turn on both sides of the cut line of the adhesive tape. It will prevent the formation of chips.

It is necessary to delete it neatly, pull it in the direction perpendicular to the cut (see the photo below) so as not to damage the Laminating chipboard.

And one more advice is finally. If you need to cut out the dear material from the front side, stick the saw platform in the adhesive tape so that it does not leave scratches on the surface.

Everyone knows that LDSP is our wood-chip plate, which is covered with a paper-resin film. The lamination process goes under special conditions: pressure 25-28 MPa, temperature 140-210 ° C. The surface is solid, smooth, beautiful. LDSP coating is very resistant to mechanical effects and thermal. Because of these qualities, LDSP has become simply necessary for furniture manufacturing And for finishing the premises inside.

Some masters love to make furniture on their own. They acquire LDSP are good Quality from manufacturers either in special construction stores. Since the color gamma LDSP is very rich, you can choose without any difficulty need material. The surface of the LDSP also has the most diverse structure, since it is smooth, imitate a tree different breeds or stone.

In order to make a special furniture or a unique interior with your own hands, it is not enough to buy a little LDSP and spread it on the details. LDSP coating is very thin, the structure is fragile. If you cut the LDSP rough and incorrectly, the incision will be ugly, ribbon, and sinks are formed on the edges. To be able to cut the LDSP correctly and not to get chips and cracks, you need to know some small "tricks" of work.

Rules of sawing Ledsp

To cut the LDSP houses use a hand saw with small teeth, disk Saw. or electric logs. To perform work without problems you need to do the following:

  1. Secure a tight adhesive tape exactly along the cut line. The tape will not allow the teeth of the saw to damage the film of the coating.
  2. Cut out sharp knife The coating and layer under it on the cut line. In this case, the saw will cut only the inner layer of the chipboard, and the covering is covered only by tangential.
  3. The hand saw when it works with it, should be placed at an angle (very sharp) to the surface of the plate.
  4. For cutting with an electric tool, you need to use a minimum feed.
  5. When the part is cut, you need to make a cut edge of the coating at an angle of 45 ° with a sharp knife.
  6. Cuts are grinning with a small file, the slice is processed to the center from the edges.

The edge of the sawn browp should be closed with a special overlay so that there are no chips or cracks in the future. To protect the sleeper, you can use a self-adhesive melamine tape, or an invoice Cant C-shaped, or T-shaped edge.

It is believed that without professional instrument High-quality wood or sheet materials Do not perform. Today we will tell about the ways to perform pure smooth cuts without chips, on their own and without using expensive equipment and consumables.

Tools for cutting and mechanics of their work

If not to take in the calculation of stationary machines for cutting, alternatives for handmade not so much. From the available tools, it is possible to offer circular and pendulum saws, in common, called ending and electric lobby. It is also possible to perform a fairly high-quality cut with an ushm, which is installed on a tree saw blade with winning teeth. But this is not the most efficient and, moreover, not a safe option.

In the process of cutting by any type of power tool, the working bodies move at a very high speed, and therefore processing mechanics remains as if behind the scenes. However, its understanding is the key to obtaining a clean edge without chips. The simplest principle is based on the work of the pendulum saw. The cut is carried out with the direct movement of the pink web, while the magnitude of the removable fragments is completely dependent on the value of the tooth and its wiring.

Skoles appear due to the heterogeneity of the material being processed, in particular due to the solid peel of laminated sheet materials or for the reason that fibers whole tree have different density. Squares can be formed from different sides of the product depending on the shape of the tooth, the effort of the supply and speed of the working body. When working with a jigsaw, the appearance of chips is due to either due to the fact that the teeth are pulled out large fragments from the wrong side, or due to the top of the upper layer, at which it is not cut, and is climbing in large fragments.

Work of teeth circular disk in many respects it looks like a jigsik for only the exception that their movement is aimed strictly in one direction, and they move with very high speed. Also, a significant factor is the direction (angle) of the applied force: if the padlie saw is moving strictly perpendicular to the surface, the circular cuts under an arbitrary angle, depending both from the diameter of the disk and the parts of the part. It can play hand: The skeleton immersion of the tooth contributes to a more accurate cutting of the shavings, but with back side Due to the movement of the cutting edges, quite large fragments can escape on the tangential. Of course, the circular saw will be performed only directly.

Selection of saws and canvases

When cutting cleanliness and processing speed - back dependent values. It is worth noting that the chips on the cut will appear in any case, so the main task is reduced to a decrease in their size to such a value when they can be easily eliminated by subsequent processing. The size of the chips will be the less than the less the size of the tooth and the closer to straight cornerunder which the cutting edge concerns the surface of the material. To select Circular saw Disc these are two most important factors From three.

The third one can call the size of the wiring - the displacement of neighboring teeth, which is enough to simply determine by attaching to them a ruler. To ensure a clean cut, the wiring must be minimal, but do not forget that in this case, when trying to cut a thick board or a sheet of plywood, the disk can tritely clamp or the end will be burned from strong friction.

The saw blades for the jigsaw are more diverse. For cutting without chipping, a series of pyline-pylons, for example, Bosch has a line of crafts with the name Cleanwood. The main difference is the small size and lack of a pronounced direction of teeth. They, as a rule, have the shape of an equifiable triangle and carry out cut in both directions of movement.

Also, saws for pure cuts are distinguished by almost complete lack of wiring and the opposite direction of sharpening of neighboring teeth. So that with low wiring to provide the opportunity curly cutThe peelings have a very small width, because of which they become quite fragile.

For finishing cutting of sheet materials can be used and canvas designed to work with metal products. These pinks have the smallest size Teeth of known, therefore, the cut is performed slowly, but with the highest quality indicator. Due to the considerable width of metal, clean figure cut can be carried out only with a significant bend radius, an average of about 60-80 cm.

Also note that the blurring of teeth, characteristic of low-quality pylons with the "mileage" of 3-5 meters, also leads to the formation of chips. Therefore, do not scare, acquiring consumables if the quality of processing is really important.

The technique of "zero clearance"

Masters of joinery, the principle of refinement of the sole cutting toolconcluded in reducing the gap between the working body and the clamping platform. It is almost guaranteed to eliminate the effect of "breaking" of the crust in top layer material.

The zero clearance is achieved due to the fastening of the plaque on the tool supporting sole. The pad has only one narrow hole (or slot), tightly adjacent to the cutting organ. Because of this, even with a large force of supplying, the teeth will be guaranteed to cut down a fine chips, and not turn the chip in the upper layer of the part.

When using linings, it is extremely important that they do not scratch and damaged the surface of the part. Therefore, they are most often made of material, which is inferior in hardness to be processed, such as MDF or plasterboard. Unfortunately, there is not enough such a lining for a long time, because of which it has to be changed every 4-5 meters of cut.

More durable linings can be made of sheet plastic (PVC, fluoroplastic), fiberglass or metal. In the latter case, the surface of the lining must be thoroughly polished and use soft metals like aluminum or durally to reduce vibration.

Use of adhesive tapes

By the same principle, you can protect and the back side of the cropped material. On the line of the cut, you should stick the tape that will protect against the breaking of large fragments. The surfaces of the surfaces are one of the few ways to ensure the purity of the figure cut by the electric bison. Unfortunately, the raner tape is not suitable for this. the best way Due to its low strength.

The most high-quality cut can be obtained when the details of aluminum or reinforced fiberglass Tape tape. It should be so width to cover 15-20 mm on each side from the cut line. The sticker density is also important: the ribbon must be well made a dry rag tampon and eliminate the formation of folds.

It is worth avoiding tapes with a very chain glue. In the process of tearing, they may inject small fibers and fragments of the laminated surface, dissected by microcracks, which are formed during cutting. Also pay attention to how easily the traces of glue are removed and the adhesion is sufficiently high enough adhesion to work with rough materials like unlightened plywood or OSP.

Providing perfectly clean cut

For most parts, it suffices to reduce the particulate size of up to 0.2-0.5 mm. Such small irregularities of the edge edge are not kicked up, if desired, they can easily be eliminated, removing the chamfer essay bars or sailing a wax pencil-corrector. End grinding is also possible emery paperIf with cutting it was given enough allowance.

However, even at home to actually achieve the quality of the cut, comparable with the result of the work of a backdrop with two high-speed discs. This is possible only when the instrument is moving along the guide rail, as a last resort, the temporary stubborn bar.

At first, you need to make two slots of a depth of 0.5 mm on both sides of the part to indicate the thickness of the cut. At the edges of the cut line, you need to scratch two furrows under a flat line. This is done either a segment or oblique shoe knife (for chipboard and wood without coating), or acutely honed drill or a winning cutter (for laminated materials).

The depth of the furrow should be at least half the thickness of the outer layer, inhomogeneous with respect to the main array of the material. This method requires high precision Comparison of furrow and the cut line, but only so really provide a perfectly smooth edging end that does not require additional processing.

Furniture in the store is beautiful, attractive. Road. And it does not always turn out to be exactly the desired supplement to the interior, which it was drawn in, not at the joke of walked, imagination.

Another thing is to order furniture. Master came (at least, they called themselves so much) I remember everything, I asked everything, I appreciated everything, went to execute the order. Sometimes for a long time. Less often - not exactly what was required. But the price of custom furniture is often even higher than on its analogue, which languishes in the store.

Guided by such considerations, the heads of Russian families with an average intraction often think about the fact that it would be not bad to find the skills of the legendary Pope Carlo and to master the masterpieces of furniture architecture right on the place of their future stay. That is, at home.

Starting, as a rule, with "light infantry" - stools, bedside tables, stands - simple workers of the hacksaw and an ax inevitably face one problem. Her name is a smooth dsp. Making reciprocating movements by the same hacksaw, or (which is worse) leading the vibrating electrolybiz along the batteled markup line, they get any way, just not even cut material. Well, perhaps and smooth. But this is a rare rarity.

But for cabinet furniture geometrically flawless ends wooden plates Have, you can say a critical value. This is the quality of fitting elements among themselves, and the appearance of the decor and in general so on.

What kind of ways have achieved a level of processing our more skillful ancestors in this matter?

When working with hacksaw, the tool itself is primarily important: its choice depends on the material being processed, its qualities and properties. For a widespread chipboard, it is extremely desirable to use a hacksaw with small teeth divorced by half the thickness of the canvas. A greater divorce will give a wide propyl and unwanted chips; Narrow - jam the tool in the sheet of chipboard, which leads to a light psychosis. In addition, if the hacksaw is armed with teeth tempered, it goes only in the "plus" - and the wiring is preserved better, and the sharpening is lost slower. It is important.

Nevertheless, the sawing of such a knife length for its length is fraught with significant fatigue, since small and frequent "teeth" are quickly clogged with woody dust and are no longer able to effectively perform their functions. But still at home the use of the tool is exactly the parameters most preferably. The sawmill should be made under the maximum sharp corner of the cutting edge of the hacksaw to the sawn plate. It is less tiring, and in addition, it gives the desired smooth cut.

From electrified devices in this area are known such figures as electric logsik And tracing saw.

The first is characterized by a rather inclined character with uncontrolled its work on the billet. Receptions on his restriction of freedom are fairly simple and simple. This is primarily:

  • guide - smooth and straight, preferably metal ruler, fixed with clamps along the markup line. Relieving in her sole, the tool practically perfectly passes its distance, without "duties" and chips.
  • pillet itself - its parameters, it is rigidity and purpose - for simple chipboard - With small teeth, directed up and without wiring, for wood - divorced large teeth, predatoryly sticking into different parts of the canvas side. But about the first should be remembered that, after about the meter, it was cut, the canvas would inevitably warm up, will lose its qualities and "rushing" to the side. Almost always this happens with the inevitability of 100%;
  • scotch passed from the outlet of the teeth to the surface. And better - on both. Little ... in these places and chips appear. However, it is notended to follow the power of the fastening of the tape itself with the treated surface: when it is mandatory subsequently removal, it is capable of releasing the characteristic flaws, even faster than the peel;
  • two parallel cut in the joinery knife on both sides of the markup line for the entire length of the alleged cut. It also saves from chips, and especially relevant for Laminated sheets of chipboard.

After sawing, you can modify the cut by a milling mill or grinding machineHowever, firstly, it is in circumstances, and secondly, too much tools are already required for the cabinet, which will appear in life once and for many years.

Pro fantasy saw. You can only say one thing: you need.

Any homemade sampler sooner or later faces the need to cut the chipboard. It can be the manufacture of furniture with your own hands or walls mDF panels or chipboard. As you know, sawing chipboard is easy, here to make it smooth and without chips - this is not a simple task.

Do it yourself or order?

Customized cutting will be even

High-quality sawmilling of the chipboard is difficult to produce manually due to the large size of the sheets. Dimensions of the standard plate 2440 × 1200, and this is not the limit. However, if you are quite often working with chipboard or MDF, it makes sense to acquire an expensive tool and work in his pleasure. If you need to cut out only a few sheets, you can go in two ways:

  • Cut the plates yourself using the available hand tool;
  • To order cutting DSP in a specialized workshop.

What to choose, solve only to you, and we will look at each of these options.

Cutting panels at home

Split manually sheet chipboard or chipboard is quite real. True, you hardly have to avoid the appearance of chips and burrs, but you can try to reduce their quantity and size.

There are several rules that should be held with the LED panels:

  • cutting sheets must be produced on a flat solid surface. For cutting of large panels, you can adjust two big Table. (The height of them should be the same!);
  • in order to eliminate the appearance of chips, stick a sticky tape or good greasy tape over the cut line, which will hold the edge of the laminated layer;
  • for sawing with hand saw Choose a cloth with Melim tooth. Saw teeth should be well sharpened. You need to conduct a saw with a slight pressure, under an acute angle to the surface, constantly controlling its position;
  • for cutting plates of chipboard and chipboard, with the help of an electric batch, the heap line should be sprinkled or even cut through. It is best to use a sharp knife to cut through the durable layer of laminate;
  • install the pet with a small inverse tooth;
  • choose the maximum speed of the jigsaw, turn off the "pendulum";
  • secure a flat rack along the line of sleep and lead the jigsaw strictly along it;
  • the jigscription should be tightly pressed to the sawn surface.

All these recommendations help to split and cut the chipboard, but chips, nevertheless, it is completely impossible. Therefore, if it is so important to get a perfectly smooth, smooth line of cut, without chipping and traces of a saw, you should contact specialized workshops, where you will cut any shape for a moderate fee from the List List.

Accuracy and quality

Accurate cut - the key to success

Format-cutting machines for sawing LDSP and chipboard have high quality Reza, which allows to reduce the subsequent costs of cutting cutting (grinding, elimination of chips and burrs and so on). That is why on such machines can be carried out crucified any complexity and configuration, and this means almost inexhaustible possibilities in the manufacture of furniture. Fantasy children's furniture, comfortable table tops computer tables, curly through carved jewelry In the door kitchen facades - All this is possible when using machines.

Panel cutting machines are two types:

  • vertical, which are strong hard vibration-resistant welded bed (frame), installed vertically with a deviation back to 50 °, with guides, located on top and bottom, which moves the saw beam. It is a bracket for the saw block, which moves along the beam down and up, and also rotates 90 °, which allows you to perform both vertical and horizontal cuts. The accuracy of the cut is striking. For sawing laminated chipboard, as well as solid, wavy or porous plates, a special sub-sized knot is used. The frequency of the saw reaches 15 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • horizontal consisting of a table plate, carriages to move the saws along the saw mechanism and the actual saw mechanism consisting of one or two cutting nodes. The cutting nodes themselves are equipped with the main and cutting saw. The principle of operation is simple: the main saw deeply cuts through the chipboard plate, and the sub-cut exactly and clearly rebuilt the lower edge (veneer or laminated surface). The saw node can also be tilted to 45 °.

Fantasy saw is a "domesticated" and strongly reduced copy horizontal machine. Split a wide sheet of chipboard or chipboard on it will not succeed, but with small details it will quite cope.

Saw other types of panels

Cutting MDF differs from the cutting of the chipboard panels. High density The material quickly tupits the teeth of the saw, so it often has to be told or change it at all. Cut the non-aggregated MDF can be on conventional machineHowever, the laminated plate requires a machine with an additional bottom saw. This is especially important when sawing plates with a double-sided finish coating.

Cutting DVP can be carried out at home using electrical or hand Lobzika. Of course, the Pilka must be acute, with a small tooth, on the electric bike it is necessary to set maximum turns. Install the Fiberboard horizontally on a support that should not interfere with the sawing (between two tables or chairs, for example), fasten, if necessary, clamps.

Electric jigscription should be kept with two hands, tightly pressing to the surface, moving smoothly, strictly along the markup line, without jerks and pressure. The same applies to work with manual jigsaw.

In the case when you need to cut a lot of material sheets, it is more convenient to contact a specialized firm. It will save your time and strength.

Video cutting chipboard using a disk saw

Beautifully and without chips to cut the chipboard is not always easy. See how to do it right: