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Knife from circular saw with your own hands. How to make a knife from a circular saw disk with your own hands? Manufacture of a knife from a disk saw

Want to create a unique knife? Do you need a cutter for a tree or a sharp blade for hunting? Make a good product more than real. The main thing is to have a skill working with metal and know what you want.

Making a knife: where to start?

First prepare all the necessary details and tools, fold them in one place. Decide which material you will use exactly. If you need a sharp and durable product - make a knife from the saw.

Take the workpiece. The wood saw blade or metal is best suited for these purposes. As a material for the manufacture of handles for the blade, use a tree (any, according to your desire), textolite, plexiglass.

What instruments will be needed in the process of manufacturing a knife?

To get started and make a knife from a saw for metal, you will need:

  • file;
  • electric drill;
  • marker;
  • line;
  • sandpaper;
  • paste for polishing surfaces;
  • copper or aluminum for rivets.

How to make a workpiece?

We'll figure it out how to make a knife from a saw. Prepare a metal cloth for the manufacture of a blade. Draw on it the workpiece of the future tool using the marker for these purposes.

Remember that the knife is considered to be cold weapons if the blade length exceeds 2/3 of the total length of the product. If you incorrectly construct a knife from a saw and challenges it like cold weapons - wait for punishments.

Outside the contour of the future product, take on the shape of the form. It is important to draw the form so that the cutting part of the future product is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe saws. Due to the wiring of the saw, if you do volatile in this place, you will have to perform additional work on the rapidness.

What needs to be taken into account

Do not start to complete the knife without learning. Take an ordinary piece of metal and try to process it. To spoil the piece of iron is not so scary how to lose a good workpiece. You should not only adjust the power of pressure at the sharpening, but also monitor the temperature so as not to steal iron. High temperature not only spoils the type of metal. Even if it does not change externally, its structure can seriously suffer: the metal will be much softer and more fragile. A knife made of poor-quality metal will have to be sharpe more often.

To check if iron is not beginning to overheat, drop a couple of water drops to the workpiece. If she immediately evaporates, rather cool the workpiece for the future blade. To avoid possible troubles related to the overheating of the metal, set the container with water and periodically cool the future knife from the saw.

Working with the procurement

Forming the basis of the future knife, proceed to the most important and complex stage of work - the removal of descents. Descent is a surface on a knife, smoothly narrowing towards the blade. The purpose of the knife directly defines the angle and width of the descents. Therefore, choose the average if you want to get from the saw.

Before you start working on the machine, draw the alleged descents on the metal canvase using the marker for this. Stop carefully, slowly, not to spoil the future knife. Recommended as in the previous step, practice on the spare part. The descents should be symmetric and lie under the same angle on both sides. At the same time, the blade should be understood: leave an indent of about 0.25 mm.

To hone the blade, use the stacker 8-10 stiffness numbers is best suited for such purposes. It is better to sharpen a knife from a saw from a saw on a wooden bar. To prepare an improvised sharpener, take a bar and stick to it sandpaper.

Using a major sandpaper, you will give the blade the necessary sharpness, and taking smaller, fluttering the metal blade completely.

At the final processing stage, polish the blade. The same wooden bar is covered with felt or skin, soda and polish until it is reached the desired effect.

How to make a knife

The easiest way to glue the handle from two cut and prepared pieces of wood or plexiglass. Make it is much easier than fixing the knife on the tail. Naturally, you can choose an imperious option and climb a handle with a tape, but why so much try to ultimately spoil the aesthetic kind of knife?

And now comes the most responsible stage of work. So it will have to drill in the knife shank, can easily burst. Therefore, be alert and careful.

Steel is solid, but at the same time fragile material. With a uniform distribution of pressure, when the saw is in operation, it is almost impossible to break it. But with point drilling, the pressure increases, and the metal can easily split. Therefore, drove a hole better with small speeds of the machine and do not forget to pour oil into place of drilling. In this case, the screwdriver is the perfect tool for performing the goal, as it is less, the possibility of breakdown the part is not so high.

After completing the previous step and doing the holes in the handle, the same drill in the halves of the handle. Make a copper or aluminum rivet. For insurance, you can cross the area where the rivet will be, glue, but better if you have epoxy resin.

Is it possible to simplify the process?

Masters say that the hole can be done and without using drilling tools. The blade together with the shank is covered with a layer of varnish. Where there should be a hole, you need to clean the surface from varnish. It should be placed a knife from a tree saw into a solution of electrolyte and omitted into a container with a harvesting wire with a negative charge, and a positive connection to a power source, which can be used as a conventional battery.

As a result of this impact, the hole in the metal is, however, it will not be perfectly round, but it will not work out to damage the blade in this way.

Other methods of processing details

If for some reason you cannot make a knife from you, there is no necessary material - replace it. For the manufacture of the blade, the automobile spring is fit, the metal of which is softer than the saw. To process such a workpiece, it is not necessary to use sharpened, but you will need a saw for metal to cut the shape of the blade. Since the metal is easier to handle, the edges of the workpiece can be adjusted with a file. Working on the manufacture of a knife in this way will have longer, because each stage of processing includes manual operation.

Production of a knife from a saw is a time-consuming process, but the result is worth it. Having made a knife from a saw, you will get a high-quality and unique blade.

: Production Features

Want to create a unique knife? Do you need a cutter for a tree or a sharp blade for hunting? Make a good product more than real. The main thing. Have a skill working with metal and know what you want.

Making a knife: where to start?

First prepare all the necessary details and tools, fold them in one place. Knife from Mehpila do it yourself. Fulding knife with your own hands. How to drill fur saw. Decide which material you will use exactly. If you need a sharp and durable product - make a knife from the saw.

Take the workpiece. The wood saw blade or metal is best suited for these purposes. As a material for the manufacture of handles for the blade, use a tree (any, according to your desire), textolite, plexiglass.

What instruments will be needed in the process of manufacturing a knife?

To get started and make a knife from saws For metal, you will need:

  • file;
  • electric sharpened;
  • electric drill;
  • marker;
  • line;
  • sandpaper;
  • paste for polishing surfaces;
  • copper or aluminum for rivets.

How to make a workpiece?

We'll figure it out how to make a knife from a saw. Prepare a metal cloth for the manufacture of a blade. Draw on it the workpiece of the future tool using the marker for these purposes.

Remember that the knife is considered to be cold weapons if the blade length exceeds 2/3 of the total length of the product. If you incorrectly construct a knife from saws And it will be regarded as cold weapons - wait for punishment.

Outside the contour of the future product, take on the shape of the form. It is important to draw the form so that the cutting part of the future product is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe saws. Due to the wiring of the saw, if you do volatile in this place, you will have to perform additional work on the rapidness.

What needs to be taken into account

Do not start to complete the knife without learning. Take an ordinary piece of metal and try to process it. To spoil the piece of iron is not so scary how to lose a good workpiece. You should not only adjust the power of pressure at the sharpening, but also monitor the temperature so as not to steal iron. High temperature not only spoils the type of metal. Even if it does not change externally, its structure can seriously suffer: the metal will be much softer and more fragile. The knife from the circular saw, made of poor-quality metal, will have to be accusable more often.

To check if iron is not beginning to overheat, drop a couple of water drops to the workpiece. If she immediately evaporates, rather cool the workpiece for the future blade. To avoid possible troubles related to the overheating of the metal, set the container with water and periodically cool the future knife from the saw.

How to make a knife from the disk cloth circular saw and sheath to it

How to do knife From the disk circular saw and sheath to it.

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How to do knife of saws. Manufacture knife from Soviet steel. The knife from the circular saw made from making a knife from the saw with their own hands. Unbelievable knife simplest survival

Working with the procurement

Forming the basis of the future knife, proceed to the most important and complex stage of work - the removal of descents. Descent is a surface on a knife, smoothly narrowing towards the blade. The purpose of the knife directly defines the angle and width of the descents. So choose the average if you want to get a universal knife from saws.

Before you start working on the machine, draw the alleged descents on the metal canvase using the marker for this. Stop carefully, slowly, not to spoil the future knife. Recommended as in the previous step, practice on the spare part. The descents should be symmetric and lie under the same angle on both sides. At the same time, the blade should be understood: leave an indent of about 0.25 mm.

To hone the blade, use sandpaper. For such purposes, the stack of 8-10 rigidity numbers is best suited. It is better to sharpen a knife from a saw from a saw on a wooden bar. To prepare an improvised sharpener, take a bar and stick to it sandpaper.

Using a major sandpaper, you will give the blade the necessary sharpness, and taking smaller, fluttering the metal blade completely.

At the final processing stage, polish the blade. The same wooden bar is covered with felt or skin, print the gay paste and polish until the desired effect is achieved.

How to make a knife

The easiest way to glue the handle from two cut and prepared pieces of wood or plexiglass. Make it is much easier than fixing the knife on the tail. How to make a knife from a saw with your own hands? Features of the manufacture of tourist knives from the circular saw disk and saw saw. Naturally, you can choose an imperious option and climb a handle with a tape, but why so much try to ultimately spoil the aesthetic kind of knife?

And now comes the most responsible stage of work. So it will have to drill in the knife shank, can easily burst. Therefore, be alert and careful.

Steel. Solid, but at the same time fragile material. With a uniform distribution of pressure, when the saw is in operation, it is almost impossible to break it. But with point drilling, the pressure increases, and the metal can easily split. Therefore, drove a hole better with small speeds of the machine and do not forget to pour oil into place of drilling. Circular table made of hand circular saws with their own hands. In this case, the screwdriver. The perfect tool for performing the goal, as it is less, the possibility of breakdown the part is not so high.

After completing the previous step and doing the holes in the handle, the same drill in the halves of the handle. Make a copper or aluminum rivet. For insurance, you can cross the area where the rivet will be, glue, but better if you have epoxy resin.

Is it possible to simplify the process?

Masters say that the hole can be done and without using drilling tools. The blade together with the shank is covered with a layer of varnish. Where there should be a hole, you need to clean the surface from varnish. It should be placed a knife from a tree saw into a solution of electrolyte and omitted into a container with a harvesting wire with a negative charge, and a positive connection to a power source, which can be used as a conventional battery.

As a result of this impact, the hole in the metal is, however, it will not be perfectly round, but it will not work out to damage the blade in this way.

Other methods of processing details

If for some reason, you can't make a knife from the saw on the metal, there is no required material. Replace it. For the manufacture of the blade, the automobile spring is fit, the metal of which is softer than the saw. To process such a workpiece, it is not necessary to use sharpened, but you will need a saw for metal to cut the shape of the blade. Since the metal is easier to handle, the edges of the workpiece can be adjusted with a file. Working on the manufacture of a knife in this way will have longer, because each stage of processing includes manual operation.

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If you can find the source of the saw disks used, you can make excellent knives from them. This steel should succumb to hardening, at least many assure that high carbon steel are used in the manufacture of saws.

The knife is pretty simple according to the classic scheme. Maybe you will learn from this instruction for yourself something new. The author does not use in the manufacture of a grinder, grinders and other trusted tools, everything is done manually, not counting devices for quenching.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of knives:
- saw blade;
- marker with a thin tip;
- cardboard, scissors, drawing tools for the manufacture of template;
- metal hacksaw;
- Files of different graininess;
- vice;
- drill with drills;
- wood and brass pins for the manufacture of handles;
- clamps;
- Water stone for sharpening;
- sandpaper of different grain and more.

The process of manufacturing a knife from the saw blade:

Step one. We carry the template for metal
First of all make a paper template. Type of template Choose your taste. In the first case, the template can be created on fine paper and cut. And then this template is simply glued to the workpiece and then cuts out.

In the second case, the template is made of thick paper, such as cardboard, and then dried on a sheet of paper with a marker. It is this option that chose our author. The marker must be used with the highest possible tip, as in the future there will be problems when processing.

Step second. Cut out the workpiece
Work is carried out by an ordinary hacksaw of metal. You can use the grinder or ribbon cutting machine, the author just makes the knife amateur, so to speak "on the dispute." At first, the hand-hacksaw can cut a very rough profile, it cuts just straight lines. For further work you will need vice or clamps.

Next, when the main profile is ready, you will need to cut rounded places. For these purposes, the author makes several transverse cuts to the profile line, and then cuts these places by sections. This allows you to cut the desired forms with ordinary hacksaw.

Step Three. Steadpled
Further work is made to perform at least sharpening or grinding, and ideally on a belt grinding machine. The author does everything, armed with good files. With the help of it, they stead all the tubercles, irregularities that remained after the coarse work with manual hacksaw.
Using a file, you can still produce some of the plane measurements if there are those on the blade.

Files Here you need to use different than you have more, the better. You will need not only flat, but round, semicircular and others. You need to navigate here on the felt-tip pen, in the end this line should be covered and disappeared. Well, or you can carry metal to it, here who is already as chooses.

Step fourth. Drills holes and outlined blade profile
At first, the author wanted to make long wide spaces, but the saw disk metal turned out to be too thin, and they had to be reduced. So otherwise, to create smooth beeps you need to post them on the workpiece all the same marker.

You still need the drill of the same diameter as the thickness of the workpiece. Having attached it and drill on a flat table, spend along the entire length of the blade line. This will allow it to be clearly divided into two halves. Then it will be very convenient to pull the backs.

At the same stage, the author was out and drilled in the metal hole under the pins, which will keep the handle. Drill he, of course, used not manual mechanical, and wireless (on the battery). Well, electric drill, I think everyone has.

Pitch fifth. We form a profile and grind blade
The most responsible and heavy stage in the manufacture of a knife comes, because all the cutting data will depend on it. For the formation of the SCOS, you will need a securely fixed bar and a pair of self-tapping. Attach the billet to the bar and screw it with two screws. Now, armed with a file, you can slowly generate squeaks. Do not hurry and make sure that the squeezes are smooth.

When the SCs are made, the blade can be shone. It will remove scratches from the file. Here you need emery paper with a grainy of 220. The sandpaper will need to attach to the bar for convenience.
That's all, the workpiece is ready for the next step - quenching.

Step six. Metal quenching and vacation
So that the knife turns out the most durable and long kept sharpening, you can harden it. Although in some cases, in the manufacture of knives, they do not boot them from the saws and at all. You will need a good bonfire for hardening, or you can use a small homemade furnace, as in this case. To get the desired temperature for heating, you need a regular household hair dryer and a piece of a long tube (suitable from the vacuum cleaner). Well, then, like, what and where, I think you can guess. By the way, the vacuum cleaner will fit instead of the hair dryer.

Metal we need to heat until it is no longer attracted by a magnet. If you do not have experience, keep the magnet and check. Another degree of heating is evidenced by the color of the metal. The cross section should be bright.

When the knife is evenly warm, it's time to cool it. For cooling, the author used peanut butter. However, any other vegetable should be approached. When cooling, a lot of smoke and spray will be highlighted, so do it at a safe distance and in general, stick to all safety rules.

An integral part of the hardening is metal vacation. If you ignore it, the blade will be strong, however, it can operate into pieces when falling on a solid surface, as the metal will be too fragile. To make a knife resistant to mechanical stress, you need to let it go a little. The usual household oven comes to the rescue. It must be heatled to a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius and then an hour to put the blade into it. After this time, the furnace needs to turn off and give it to cool with a closed door. This is happening a metal vacation. Further work is carried out when the metal will cool.

Step seventh. And spiny again
As you guessed, after hardening on the metal there will be a lot of burning oil and other contaminants. They will need to consider and bring the metal to the brilliance. Here you need a sandpaper with a grainability of 220 and 400. The process of cleaning significantly accelerates WD-40.

Step eighth. Manufacturing knob
The author does the author from walnut, there is some nuance in the manufacture. Since the workpiece was too thick, the author then cuts along the hacksaw. As a result, two halves are formed. There will have to suffer a little to get a smooth cut.
As a profile of the handle, we use the knife itself, simply supply it with a felt-tip pen or a sharp item, applying to the tree.

Changing the workpiece and cutting it along, the author then forms a rough handle profile. Even at this step, it is important to take care that the plane of the handle, which fit to the knife, were smooth, it will provide good bonding, and indeed the handle will be high-quality. So take the workpiece and chase them on a piece of sandpaper well or a grinding disk.

In the same step, we drill two through holes for installing pins. The pins should enter the handle with some effort, but be careful, with too small holes, the handle can be easily split when clogging the pins. Pins can choose copper, brass or others to their taste.

Step ninth. Printe the handle
Before gluing, do not forget to clean the metal sandpaper carefully so that the glue reliably connected the handle. Well, then take the epoxy, lubricate two halves, install the pins, and the handle is clamped with clamps until the glue dryness. Usually, epoxy is completely frozen after 24 hours, but it also happens to such a glue that dries faster.

In order not to smear the blade with glue, it can be stuck.

Having made a knife from the saw, you can get a cutting device at your disposal, whose performance is much better than that of factory analogues. By making a knife with your own hands, he gives him exactly the form that most suits the masters. Factory knives are beautiful, but not always reliable. There is no guarantee that they will not let go in the most responsible moment.

A homemade knife from a disc, wood-hacksaws or saws on the metal will serve many years regardless of storage conditions and use. Consider how to make a knife from the metal parts of the factory production, which is necessary for this and what special attention should be paid.

The raw material for the manufacture of a homemade knife can be any new or old cutting detail of tempered steel. It is better to use cutting discs for metal, hand-made and pendulum saws as a workpiece. A good option is the old chainsaw. From its chain you can shoot and pull the blade, according to your quality and appearance, not inferior to the famous Damascus steel.

In order to make a knife with their own hands, such equipment and materials will be required:

  • bulgarian;
  • grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • line;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • bruks for sharpening;
  • files;
  • kern;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • copper wire;
  • marker;
  • bucket with water.

Separately, you need to think about the question with the handle. The finished product must be comfortably lying in your hand.

For the manufacture of the handle it is better to use:

  • non-ferrous metal (copper, bronze, brass, silver);
  • tree (oak, alder, birch);
  • organic glass (plexiglass, polycarbonate).

Raw materials for the handle must be whole, without traces of cracks, rot and other defects.

Metal Rules

In order for the blade to be durable and elastic, in the process of its manufacture, it is necessary to comply with the rules for working with the metal. They are as follows:

  1. Billets should not have visible and hidden damage. Before making a knife, the workpiece must be inspected and tapping. One-piece item sounds ringing, and defective deaf.
  2. When designing a blade form, you must avoid corners. In such places, steel can break. All transitions must be smooth, without fuss. Sevets, handles and fuses should be covered at right angles.
  3. When drinking and sharpening, it is impossible to overheat steel. This leads to a decrease in its strength. The superheated blade becomes fragile or soft. During processing, the workpiece must be constantly cooling, completely immersing it in a bucket with cold water.
  4. Making a knife from the canvas of the saw, you need to remember that this product has already passed the hardening cycle. Factory saws are adapted to work with the solid alloys. If you do not overlay the web in the process of pulling and finishing, it does not have to harden.

The shank blade can not be done too thin. It is on this part of the product that the largest load will have.

Making a knife

If the web is large and does not have strong wear, then you can make several clins of different purposes from it. The strengths and time are worth.

The knife from the circular saw is done in such a sequence:

  1. On the canvas applied molds, the contours of the blade are applied. Scratches or point lines are applied on top of the marker. So the drawing will not erase when drinking the workpiece and fit under the desired form.
  2. Billets are cut from the circular saw disk. To do this, it is better to use a brandy with a disc on metal. You should leave 2 mm from the contour. It is necessary in order to remove the material burned down. If there is no grinder at hand, it is possible to sharpen the workpiece with the help of vice, hammer and chisel or hacksaws for metal.
  3. On the grinding machine is all unnecessary. This process will have to spend a lot of time so as not to cross steel. To prevent this, the workpiece must be regularly omitted to the water until completely cooling.
  4. Challenges the blade. Here you need to be attentive to keep the knife contour, do not burn it and withstand angle of 20º.
  5. Align all straight areas. It is convenient to do, applying the workpiece to the lateral part of the sharpening circle. Transitions are given to the rounded form.
  6. The item is cleaned from the burr. Grinding and polishing blade is carried out. To do this, use several replaceable circles on the grinding machine.

Separately should be parted on how the handle is made. If wood is used, then a monolithic fragment is taken, which makes longitudinal cutting and through holes. After that, the dwarf is attached to the blade, it outlines holes for fasteners. Fixing the handle on the blade is made using rivets or bolts with nuts. In the case of a bolted compound, the hts of hardware are cooled in wood and poured with epoxy glue.

When the handle is collected from the plastic, 2 linings are used, which must be symmetrical. To give a knife of originality, plastic linings are painted on the inside. In lining, you can make cavities filled with decorations, products from non-ferrous and precious metals, small compasses and photographs.

After fixing on the blade, the handles are swapped until they purchase the necessary shape and smoothness.

Chain knife from chainsaws

Chains from saws are made of high-quality alloy, which perfectly transfers long-term friction and high temperature. The process of manufacturing a blade is long and time-consuming, but the result is a beautiful, unique and very durable knife. It will take a heavy anvil, mangal and charcoal for work. To make it easier to handle a hot blank, you need to purchase blacksmithing tongs.

The manufacture of a blade from chains from chainsaws should be carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Prepare clothing and mittens from dense fabric and protective mask. Purple charcoal to the hearth and set fire to it with a special fluid.
  2. Fold the workpiece from a solid piece of chains. In the place where the handle is, you can add several segments from the chain. It should be remembered that the result of the work should be a single monolithic product. Separately, the handle is not done to the knife.
  3. Put the workpiece on the corner. Provide air flow to raise the temperature. Wait until steel gets dark red. In such a state, it becomes forging, without losing quality characteristics.
  4. Get a hot chain from the fire and put it on the anvil. Together with a few strong blows to flatten it so that the links welt among themselves, turning into a single monolithic part.
  5. Stepodno, heating the workpiece in the furnace and giving it the necessary shape to her, to shoot a knife, which denotes the handle and blade. After cooling the workpiece to spend it sharpening and polishing.
  6. To harde the product. To do this, it needs to get hot and lower it to cold water. After that, you can spend a knife finish. For this use acid and engraving machine. The finished blade is again polished and ished in a warm soap solution.

With independent manufacture of the blade, you must adhere to certain parameters so that the finished product does not fall under the category of cold weapons.

How to make a knife from a saw with your own hands

Having made a knife do it yourselfYou can get a cutting device at your disposal, whose characteristics are much better than factory counterparts. Having made a knife do it yourselfHe gives him exactly the form that most suits the owner. Factory knives are beautiful, but not always reliable. There is no guarantee that they will not fail in the most responsible moment.

Home Knife S. disk, hacksaw for a tree or saw for metal will last for many years, regardless of storage conditions and use. Think how to make a knife made of metal parts of the factory production, which is necessary for this and what you need to pay special attention.

Tools and materials

The raw material for the manufacture of a homemade knife can be any new or old cutting detail of tempered steel. It is better to use metal cutting blades, hand and pendulum saw blades as a workpiece. A good option is the old chainsaw. From its chain you can fake and cut the blade in quality and appearance, not inferior to the famous Damascus steel.

To make a knife with your own hands, you will need such equipment and materials:

  • Bulgarian;
  • meat grinders;
  • electric drill;
  • line;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinding rods;
  • files;
  • core;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • copper wire;
  • marker;
  • bucket with water.

Separately, you need to think about the handle. The finished product must be conveniently located in the hand.

Related records

To make a handle, it is better to use:

  • non-ferrous metal (copper, bronze, brass, silver);
  • wood (oak, alder, birch);
  • organic glass (plexiglass, polycarbonate).

Raw materials for the handle should be integer, without cracks, rotting and other defects.

Metal Rules

In order for the blade to be strong and elastic, in the process of its manufacture, it is necessary to follow the rules for working with the metal. They are as follows:

  1. Blanks should not have visible and hidden damage. Before making a knife, you need to check and take the spaces. One piece sounds sound, and the defective sounds boring.
  2. When designing the form of the blade, it is necessary to avoid corners. In such places, steel can break. All transitions must be smooth, without inflection. The sections of the joint, handles and fuse must be grounded at right angles.
  3. When cutting and honing, steel can not be overheated. This leads to a decrease in its strength. Overheated blade becomes fragile or soft. During processing, the blank should be constantly cooling, completely immersing it in a bucket with cold water.
  4. When making a knife from a saw blade, it is necessary to remember that this product has already passed the solidification cycle. Factory saws are adapted to work with the solid alloys. If you do not overheat the cloth in the process of rotation and finish, you do not need to soften it.

Knife is circular Saw "Tiger" do it yourself

How to make a knife from disk saws

Blade shank can not be too thin. It is on this part of the product that will be the greatest load.

Manufacture of knife from canvas

Related records

If the canvas big and does not have strong wear, then you can make several clins of various purposes. The strength and time is worth it.

Knife OT circular saw Made in the following sequence:

  1. Fabric is superimposed on the canvas, the blade contours are outlined. Scratches or dotted lines are placed on top of the marker. Thus, the drawing will not be removed when cutting the workpiece and fit it to the desired form.
  2. Billets are cut from a round saw disk. To do this, it is better to use a crusher with a metal disk. Leave at a distance of 2 mm from the contour. This is necessary to remove material burned by Bulgarian. If the Bulgarians are not at hand, then the workpiece can be cut with vice, hammer and chisels or handhelters for metal.
  3. On the grinding machine, everything is worn out. This process will have to spend a lot of time so as not to hit steel. So that this does not happen, the workpiece should be regularly omitted to the water until completely cooling.
  4. It is planned to blade. Here you need to be careful to keep the knife contour, do not burn it and hold the angle of 20º.
  5. All direct sections are aligned. It is convenient to do, applying the workpiece to. Transitions have a rounded form.
  6. The part is cleaned of burrs. Grinding and polishing blades are performed. To do this, there are several replaceable circles on the grinding machine.

Separately, we must dwell on how the pen is made. If wood is used, a monolithic fragment is taken, in which longitudinal cuts and through holes are made. After that, the disc is inserted into the blade, it marked holes for fixing. The fixation of the handle on the blade is performed using rivets or bolts using nuts. In the case of bolted connection, the equipment cover is heated in wood and filled with epoxy glue.

When the handle is assembled from plastic, 2 pads are used to be symmetrical. To give the knife originality, plastic pads are painted inside. In the lining you can make cavities filled with ornaments, products from non-ferrous and precious metals, small compasses and photographs.

After fixing on the blade, the handles are grouped until they receive the necessary shape and smoothness.

Chainsaw knife

The chains of saws are made of high quality alloy, which perfectly transfers long friction and high temperature. The process of manufacturing the blade is long and long, but the result is a beautiful, unique and very durable knife. It requires a heavy anvil, mangal and charcoal to work. To simplify the processing of the hot part, you need to buy blacksmith mites.

The manufacture of chainsaw blades must be performed in the following order:

  1. Prepare clothes and mittens from dense fabric and protective mask. Fill the coal in the focus and ignite it with a special fluid.
  2. Fold the workpiece from the solid chain. In the place where the handle is, you can add several parts from the chain. It should be remembered that the result of the work should be one monolithic product. Separately handle to the knife is not performed.
  3. Place the workpiece on the corners. Provide air supply to increase the temperature. Wait until the steel becomes dark red. In this state, it becomes fake, without losing quality characteristics.
  4. Pull the hot chain from the fire and put it on the anvil. Some strong blows to smooth it so that the connections merged together, becoming a single monolithic part.
  5. Step by step, heating the workpiece in the oven and giving it the desired shape of the hammer, fake the knife pointing to the handle and blade. After cooling the workpiece, grind and polish it.
  6. Do hard up the product. To do this, he must rejuvenate again and lower it into cold water. After that, you can finish the knife. For this use acid and engraving machine. The finished blade is again polished and erased in a warm soap solution.