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The order of referenceing redevelopment. How to legalize the redevelopment of the apartment - the project, package of documents, stages of design and registration

In order not to have problems with government agencies, do not risk their property, finances, personal tranquility and time, make redevelopment in the apartment needed by law. To do this, it is necessary to notify the responsible authorities, create a draft planned work and obtain permission in the established Housing Code Russian Federation order. Since the redevelopment of housing concerns changes in the design of the apartment and often affects the bearing walls, it is important that all construction works And the project itself answered safety standards and were recorded at the technical inventory bureau. After their registration you will be issued a new technical certificate and plan.

The redevelopment project should not worsen housing conditions in the apartment, so before starting construction work, you need to refer to licensed, qualified specialists.

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Preparation of papers

Make redevelopment of apartments in all requirements in short term fail. This is due to a visit to a variety of institutions and fees. necessary documentsthat are issued not one day. Therefore, it is advisable to do the preparation of papers as early as possible. The owner of the apartment for this will be needed:

In a number of individual cases, the owner may require additional documents, for example, if a residential building in which the living space is located, refers to architectural monuments.

Where and when to turn

Legal redevelopment of the apartment implies inevitable visits to state institutions and instances in set sequence. First of all, before the project of planned work is created, the owner of the housing will need to visit the technical control bureau. There it is necessary to take a package plan of a residential building, in which there is a living space, as well as the technical conclusion that its state of redevelopment allows. The conclusion will be issued when a designated employee personally examines the premises.

After the technical inventory bureau, the owner is sent to the fire supervision and a sanitary and epidemiological station, where he also receives the conclusions they need, allowing to make redevelopment in the apartment. Next, you should visit the Architectural and Planning Department and the Housing Inspectorate, which will explore the project and documents submitted to it will be given.

However, sometimes you can get a written refusal to indicate the reasons. In this case, the owner of the apartment has the right in three months to re-collect documents and write a statement with a request to revise the decision, and after re-refusing to apply to the court.

Resolution and refusal

When receiving a written, motivated failure, which prohibits the owner to make redevelopment in its apartment, the latter has the right to challenge this decision of the authorized body. You can get a refusal on any of the steps, despite ready project and permission of previous organizations. Having received a refusal, the owner must carefully analyze the reasons described. If he does not agree with them, then three months after the refusal it will be necessary to prepare the required documents again. They need to be supplemented with papers confirming the misunderstanding of the decision, and write a re-statement in which in addition to the request to allow work should be indicated why the owner does not agree with the refusal.

The entire process of the owner of the apartment must record, making copies of applications, the accompanying papers, repeated appeals and all the answers received. They will be needed if the re-appeal to the institution does not give the result and will have to go to court.

How important is the coordination

Make B. own apartment Reference to the law does not represent a special complexity, but requires a lot of time to solve issues with responsible organizations. The project qualified specialists also will not quive in one day. To speed up the process, the owner of the housing is important to prepare carefully to it, collect all the documents that may be needed, to know the sequence of actions where, for which and when he needs to appeal. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the project may be simple, with minor changes, and therefore his consideration will take less time. If the supporting structures are affected, window and door loansThe project is considered complicated and needs longer consideration.

The housing code current today establishes that redevelopment coordination is mandatory for all property owners. If construction work is carried out by Self, without the prevention of authorized bodies and obtain permission, to legitimize changes after will be possible. However, in violation of construction rules, it may require the return of the previous form to return the premises, obliging the violator to pay a fine.

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Buying new apartment Or planning repairs, we want our house to become more comfortable, cozy and answered the requirements of the whole family. It is difficult to achieve in a typical building. Since apartments are developed taking into account the needs of some averaged family.

Therefore, many owners are solved on changes in space, which is difficult to imagine without redevelopment of the apartment. The concept is rather wide - starting from small changes in the size of window or doorways, ending with the demolition of the walls and partitions - all this is combined into one concept - redevelopment.

So, if you still decided on, let's find out how to do it right. After all, an unauthorized change in space can lead to penalties, complicate the process of selling, exchange, privatization or gender transfer by inheritance. No public service legalizes the transaction in an apartment with an inconsistent redevelopment, and the hillpox has the right to force the owner to restore the initial layout.

I did not collect reject redevelopment, at least now.
"Gas stove, kitchen-living room, mortgage (the bank also needs permission to ask). Well, nafig" - I thought, and so there is enough concerns ... and started repair, and specifically remove the walls

Of course, I previously read a lot of information and knew that it was possible and what could not, I decided to do everything according to the rules, but without formalities.

But here there was a "wonderful" neighbor, which began to dangle to my builders and dripped them on the brain: why the repair is so loud. Well, they are something accustomed to them, they don't care, scold / do not swear. Work in the clock established by law, non-carrier walls. This "cute" woman realized that she would not argue here and went to the DUK ... Complaining the noise and pogrom in my apartment. The chief engineer came to us, and we have a single wall :) asks the approval? My workers are silent like fish. He left the phone, caused me to him. Well, very good woman I came across, understanding, I, however, didn't apply that, yes, coordination in the process, he also had no idea which way to run ... :)

Naturally, the first thing that came to mind to look for information on the Internet. On request, the coordination of redevelopment in Yandex is not only issued, a lot of information, in parts, with each other, arguing. In short, I saw a line: the coordination of the redevelopment, I turned the link, turned out to be a design organization in our city, I call, I explain the situation that I was so, the gas and a kitchen-living room (I was most worried about this question), I asked the girl only the city district and said that everything should be ok, in our area coordinate without any partitions, but in a pair of other areas without them they do not agree .... I threw it to the planning before and after (that, from hand drawn). She says everything is good, you only need a project, we will do 5000 rubles.

I ordered the project from them, they did somewhere 2 weeks, they simply redrained that I had and sizes put, all sorts of specifications were painted, put their licenses. And for the project, I needed a technical passport, they could have been a copy, but they said that the original would come in handy further, so it was better to order right away, I ordered it in BTI (cost about 2000 rubles, 10 days were applied). When they gave the project, they explained to me which way to move on. And then I needed to begin with this project to begin with this project (someone has a management company, I have a DUK) sign on the plan after redevelopment, which is familiar with it and put the print.

Signed the most important engineer. Made. Now it was necessary to ask the permission from the bank (Sber), I come to them, they say, we will accept the application for consideration, but you need to ask for permits from the insurance (with a mortgage at the selection there are mandatory housing insurance, Solisovskoye too). Living people who can give this paper in the insurance, sit only in the head office in Moscow (in our bank branches simply sell policies), in general, I sent it to Moscow to the electronic request, with a copy of the project, answer (positive) in in electronic format Dali very quickly, every other day, and the original was sent by registered mailA week later came. In order not to waste time, I went to the bank with a printed resolution, filled out a statement there, put a project, a copy of the technical support. Considered an application somewhere. Allowed.

With these documents, I have already gone to the district administration:
Permission from the bank, the original of the vehicle to the apartment; The project (signed by the chief engineer of the Duka), well, also, of course, a copy of the passport and testimony.

The girl looked everything, said that the period is 40 days calendar, but I did not have a hard case, so call a month.

I understand that everything is OK, and write a piece of redevelopment to resolve - this is only a formality that takes 30-40 days, I continued to repair and put walls on the project.

A month later I called, said everything is ready, come. Came, there is permission, only with the final about the act on the hidden work on the floorproofing of the floor in the bathroom. She (waterproofing) I, of course, is and not only on the floor, and done well (still done for himself), but the tile is already laid ... :)) what to do? I will not be able to sign an engineer from the oak (because the waterproofing under the tile is no longer seen :) or it was necessary to order waterproofing from the organization with a SRO tolerances that could give these acts. I did ordinary private traders.

In general, he raised his friends to her ears, made me acts for the Bottle of Viskar (from the company with the admission of SRO, made me copies of licenses there, license to the waterproofing material itself).

She finished repairs, went to invite the BTI to measure and drafting the technical plan after redevelopment. There was a permission from administration, certificate, sale contract, passport. It is worth this measurement about 3000 rubles. The woman came, in the agreed day measured, after a week they gave new plan, Old plan and help.

When the administration was given permission to redeveloped allowed more acceptance acts empty - 6 pcs, they need to be filled out on the basis of the data of the new plan and sign with the seal: at the chief engineer of the Duk, the representative of the project organization (those who did the project), the representative of BTI (me Signed the director of BTI), on again in the administration ...

We rent: an act for hidden work, a copy of permission issued by the administration, acts of acceptance signed and documents issued in BTI after redevelopment.

After 30 days, the signed acts of the commission from the administration and permission to accept works were received.

We go with these documents again in BTI: acts, resolution, declaration for real estate (I fill it right in the BTI under the sensitive manual of the employee :) and the cadastral passport (it was pre-ordered in the cadastral ward, it was reached 10 acts 300 p seems). Well, as usual, another testimony for an apartment, a sale and passport agreement (originals, they themselves make a copy). We rent documents, pay 4800 rubles. And we are waiting for changes to the serviceport and documents, a period of 10 days.

Then it was necessary to receive a new testimony, because Square has changed before it was without accounting for a loggia of 48.4 m, now it became the same with the loggia, but this I suspect something earlier when making data to the supasport, I could not evaporate the meter, The walls became less. Certificate New Now we do not give us out, they issued an extract, they said the testimony of the old one can throw out, it is no longer really, the area is different. I received an extract on the cadastral passport. With this discipline came to the bank, and now they tell you now a new estimate must be done, because the area has changed (the same one that is done when buying in a mortgage). And reworked the mortgage. Made an assessment again and mortgaged rejected. Well, I understand that this is in my interests, in these two documents it appears that the amount (more precisely 90% of this amount), for which my apartment will be sold if Che ... (If suddenly I stop paying a mortgage in the sense). And it contracted after repair, and decently. Here, in fact, everything is honest, not everything is so scary, I did, not in a hurry when there was time and desire. If I had to repeat the same right now, I would have done calmly. But, of course, before the start of repair, I agreed (at least justified for permission, if we accepted, it means everything is already OK), because there was a little "on joke" until the documents were taken to the administration of the district.

Planning before

Approximate planning - my hand

In short, if you do a layout in the law, you should not be afraid, it's just better to consult in advance from the specialists of your city (you can probably even directly to the administration, to come to the construction department and consult that it is possible and that it is impossible, because the laws can be In the Russian Federation, the same, but somewhere allowed small overgrown in the form of a non-mandatory wall between the kitchen and the living room :) Prices for receiving papers (technical support, etc.) wrote exemplary, because I don't remember exactly, if different, then for 200- 300 rub. I do not know why many say that it's easier and cheaper through court all this - if redevelopment has already been made and not very legal, then, probably, through the court. I didn't see the Commission in the eyes, the only one who had I was, this is a woman from BTI to compile a new bthine passport.

To make it clearer, here is a photo of a kitchen-living room.

For living conditions become more comfortable, people make reorganization and apartments. At the same time, such changes are not always occurring within the law and are properly agreed.

Ideally make any actions to change the configuration inside the residential premises without negotiation with the relevant structures it is impossible.

Redevelopment is a change in the configuration of the residential premises. Reconstruction - change engineering systems indoors. Both are required to compile a separate project and its further harmonization with services responsible for the state of communications, as well as local governments.

Resolution on redevelopment is necessary in the following cases:

  • Partial or complete dismantling, installation, transfer of walls and partitions within one room;
  • Change location gas stove or its replacement for electric;
  • Transfer, association, separation, extension of the bathrooms;
  • Dismantling, transferring, change of door sizes and window Operactions;
  • Changing floor designs.

There are a number of prohibited redevelopments. Coordinate them will not work under any circumstances. Moreover, reveaning such changes, authorized structures will write out the owner of the apartment with a fine and will oblige to return the room at the primordial appearance.

These refreshments include:

  • Any changes to B. carrier structures building;
  • Combining the room with kitchen, changes in ventilation system in a gasified house;
  • "Masting" in the walls of gas supply pipes;
  • Transferring a kitchen or bathroom if the apartment is located above the first floor;
  • The device of floors with heating, operating from the communication systems.

There are rules for redeveloping apartments. For example, in Moscow, they are established by Government Decree No. 508 dated November 25, 2011, and then adjusted by Resolution No. 840 dated December 26, 2012.

How to legitimize the redevelopment of the apartment?

Depending on the region, the package of documents for coordinating already carried out may differ somewhat.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to know which institutions are engaged in legalizing the redevelopment and how it passes this process.

Options for legalization of work performed can be two:

Through the city administration

In this case, the owner of the apartment will have to go through the instances and collect the following package of documents:

  • Passport of the owner of the room;
  • Documents confirming the right to hold the premises;
  • Conclusion of a construction and technical expertise in which it will be indicated that redevelopment meets all construction standards and does not pose a threat to the building;
  • Cadastral object passport;
  • The written consent of the neighbors (living in apartments located around the perimeter) for redevelopment of residential premises;
  • Help from the header, if the house is recognized as a historical monument.

Simultaneously with the specified package, it is necessary to apply for the coordination of redevelopment, which all owners of the apartment must sign. If housing is rented under the contract - responsible tenants.

Authorized representatives of the administration for one and a half months from the date of the provision of all documents decide on coordination or refusal to coordinate the work performed.

In case of refusal, the owner of the premises may apply to the court, before this make sure that the redevelopment does not apply to prohibited.

With a positive decision, the owner remains to coordinate the work done with firefighters, SES, representatives of the housing inspection and management companyBy issuing relevant acts. Then the techniques of BTI goes to the object, premises are made and draw up a new cadastral passport.


This is the second official way to match the already executed redevelopment. For action, this method requires all the same documents as when coordinating the "alterations" through the administration.

Additionally, it will be necessary:

  • Create a claim in which the owner of the premises is the plaintiff, and the defendant acts as an administration;
  • Pay and provide a receipt to court.

Most likely, the court session will be appointed no earlier than in a month. If the changes produced in the room do not relate to the prohibited, there are all the chances that the court will take the side of the owner.

According to the LCD of the Russian Federation (Art. 29), on the basis of the court decision, the residential premises can be maintained in the renewed and (or) redeveloped state, if the rights and legitimate interests of citizens are not violated, or this does not create a threat to their lives or health.

Thus, the following facts will be established in the legal process:

  • Whether the rights and interests of citizens living in neighboring apartments are not violated;
  • Does not create a redevelopment threat to their health and life;
  • Are the work performed by sanitary and hygienic, operational and technical and construction standards, as well as fire safety rules.

All this information will be present in technical and acts drawn up after redevelopment work.

How to legalize not yet redevelopment?

Ideal when the redevelopment is coordinated before the start of work.

To do this, you will need the following package of documents:

  1. Passport of the owner;
  2. The consent of all owners (and in some cases - both neighbors) on redevelopment;
  3. Documents confirming the right to the premises;
  4. Cadastral passport of apartments and techniques of BTI;
  5. Project of future changes. You can order it in an organization that has a license to draw up similar projects. Depending on the type of redevelopment, the project should be agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological, fire, gas and other services;
  6. With these documents, the applicant addresses the administration of the city or district, in whose territory there is a residential building. Within 45 days, authorized administration officers make a decision to allow or refuse to redecessing.

If the project is approved, the owner can start construction work. Upon their completion, it is necessary to re-apply to the administration, where a specially created commission with the participation of representatives of the management company will check whether it was not done in the apartment of something superfluous and whether the redevelopment of previously approved documentation is compliant.

After that, the owner can:

  • Call the BTI technicians who measure indoors and produce a new one;
  • Transfer information about changing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in Federal Service state registration Cadastrocartography.

Since July 2016, evidence of real estate is not issued. Now confirming the right of ownership of real estate the owner can be disciplined from the USRP, in which the object is described.

References for weaponing

The amount of redevelopment ledging costs directly depends on the type of work performed or planned in the residential premises.

Different cost and by regions of Russia.

If you agree through the real estate agency or Representatives of project companies that fulfill a full range of works: from receiving certificates to obtain a new cadastral passport, the ultimate digit can turn out quite impressive - several tens of thousands of rubles. Self-coordination of redevelopment will cost much cheaper.

Main Expenditure Article - Production of Redevelopment Project. If in small cities the project cost is from 2500-3000 rubles, then in large can reach 40,000 rubles and more.