Repairs Design Furniture

How to open the production of stretch ceilings. Business idea: how to open the production of stretch ceilings

Fran Studio is large-scale production stretch ceilings in Moscow. We occupy a leading position in terms of quality of products, customer service and supply volumes to the regions of Russia. Working on the market for more than 12 years, we managed to conquer the trust and respect for customers - wholesale and retail.

The production of stretch ceilings is the main, but far from the only direction of activity. FRAN STUDIO, among other things, is carried out by installing stretch ceilings, developing and implementing new technological solutions, sale of components and equipment designed for both production and installation of stretch ceilings.

Benefits of production FRAN Studio

  • European equipment and materials from France, Germany.
  • High production facilities in Moscow.
  • Operational launch in the production of stretch ceiling of any complexity.
  • Fast and proven delivery schemes in the Russian regions.
  • A large assortment, continuous availability of products in stock.
  • Customer support at all stages of interaction.
  • Increased period of warranty on all products.
  • Large volume and low prices.
  • Favorable stocks and discounts.

Learn more about the production of Fran Studio

Fran Studio stretch ceilings are made exclusively from European materials. We work directly with all famous plants from Germany, France, Italy. Among our suppliers are companies such as Pongs Textil, Renolit, Alkor Draka, Elbtal Plastics, CTN, Malpanesa and others. We guarantee the origin of the materials and let it be independently check everything.

Special attention to FRAN Studio is given to product certification issues, compliance with quality and safety standards, advanced training and improve business processes. Choosing stretch ceilings manufactured by Fran Studio, you can be sure that you have made the best choice!

Stages of production of stretch ceilings

  1. Building drawing, shrinkage calculation, design of the future ceiling.
  2. Disproving material, spike if necessary.
  3. The welding of harpoon around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling for fastening.
  4. Apply photo printing if necessary.
  5. Quality packaging.

Terms of production

Thanks to the large stock of production facilities, Fran Studio can provide minimal production time even during periods of peak loads. Usually the production period does not exceed 2 days. This indicator may increase depending on the complexity of the order. Terms are calculated in advance, and their exact compliance is the main advantage for our customers.

Perfect repair is an integral part in the interior. Using stretch design Allows you to give the ceiling impeccable appearance. The canvas hides the defects of the draft surface, hides communications. With a harpoon installation system, you can easily dismantle the cloth and access the wiring. To guarantee our customers the highest quality, we opened the stretch ceilings our own production. Permanent control and compliance with all raw material storage rules allows you to maintain the status of the best among all. Stretch ceilings Own production helps to maintain punctuality in order execution. By making an order from us, you do not overpay the intermediaries, stretch ceilings our own production near the head office of the company.

Production of stretch ceilings Moscow

The shop is located at: 32-km km of the Moscow Ring Road TC Cene Town on -2 floor. The building has excellent system Air conditioning. So that no material has lost its original qualities and properties, in the room is observed. temperature mode. The production of stretch ceilings Moscow has huge racks that fit hundreds of square meters of future ceilings. The goods are ready to go to the customer at any time. The production of stretch ceilings in Moscow is guarded around the clock and monitored video supervision.

Production of stretch ceilings prices

It is much more profitable to order installation directly. The price will not include spending on excess logistics, resale and other related expenses, it turns out qualitatively and inexpensive. Production of stretch ceilings prices do not bite.

Production Tension Ceilings PVC

We have our expensive two-way TSF machine for harpoon welding and high-frequency current films. All manipulations are carried out on it, including Spike two cloth. Also, the production of PVC stretch ceilings has a compressor for a pneumatic tool selected to industrial equipment.

Stretch ceiling manufacturer

Cleaning cutting provides a special platform, which is located at an altitude above half of human growth. Dust and dirt particles do not fall on matter. Ready product Packaging. Stretch ceiling manufacturer takes care of the entire production cycle.

Production of stretch ceilings in Moscow

In our team there is always a warm friendly atmosphere, so it's easy to work easily and pleasantly. This factor has a positive effect on general work out, we make work qualitatively and inexpensive. The production of stretch ceilings in Moscow works daily and without days off.

In the impeccable appearance and reliability of stretch ceilings, millions of Russians who have established modern designs in their apartments, shops, offices do not doubt. Nevertheless, there are a lot of work to the installers, because the quality of our housing is known to everyone, and the capital and redecorating - The procedure that could not be avoided by anyone, even the owners of apartments in new buildings. Modern finish Forever frees from the need to put in order to the ceiling surface.

Who can you install a stretch ceiling? It can be anyone - familiar master, assembly brigade. You can easily install a simple design - it's not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. But in any case, nothing happens without the participation of the local or All-Russian factory of stretch ceilings.

The design of the modern stretch ceiling consists of a frame and a canvas stretched in it. The frame is made of aluminum or plastic Profileenshrined around the perimeter of the walls. The procedure for its installation is simple and is largely like making a frame for the suspension drywall or panel system.

With the web everything is much more complicated. Most tension ceilings are produced based on a polyvinyl chloride film. As a rule, its width is one and a half meters. IN last years on the russian market There was a PVC film of Chinese production width up to five meters. However, its range is small due to the fact that the wide web manufacturers have not yet learned to pigmate qualitatively. The main mass of the canvas is manufactured by assembling with tDC machine Of several cuts of the material.

The most practical way to attach the canvas in the frame is called harpoon. The tension of the material is achieved due to the fact that room temperature A cloth is 7% less than the base ceiling, and before installation heats up to a temperature of + 70c. At the edges of the canvas in the manufacture, harpoon is welded, which fixes it in the grooves of the mounting baguette. The cooled film is stretched, and the surface becomes absolutely smooth.

Thus, in the factory of stretch ceilings, the main event occurs - the manufacture of the canvas, ready for installation in the frame frame. Everything else is a matter of technology. It follows that the business of stretch ceilings can be divided into two interrelated directions - production and installation.

Who is the dealer of stretch ceilings

In each Russian city, you can find a firm engaged in installing stretch ceilings. As a rule, it is a dealer large company. There are, however, and ordinary entrepreneurs performing installation orders ceiling structures. However, the dealer is more reliable and promising in view of the constant technical, information and consulting support from the enterprise. Important importance is that cooperation is organized on a mutually beneficial basis. The dealer is always offered special prices for materials and components. His applications for making webs are carried out in strict accordance with the contract. It is not at all necessary that the dealer and the company are in the same city, the region. An example is the Moscow Tension Ceilings Factory, which develops its dealer network for more than ten years. Her dealers work not only in Moscow and the region, but also throughout Russia. Moreover, in many regional centers Middle abroad countries local entrepreneurs have concluded contracts with a factory.

The essence of the dealer is as follows:

  • Having received a request, the object is sent to the object a technologist. His duty not only to draw up a drawing of the future stretch ceiling, but also to coordinate its design, to offer the client a directory to select the material of the canvas.
  • Drawing in e-mail Or personally goes to production. There is made by a canvas and a convenient delivery means are sent to the address specified by the dealer.
  • Having received a canvas, installers in the day agreed with the customer and an hour arrive at the object and set the design. Everything ends with the signing of the execution of work. After that, the dealer automatically assumes obligations under the warranty service of the stretch ceiling.

As you can see, nothing is particularly difficult. The dealer needs an office in which a sufficiently constant presence of at least one manager. The assembly brigade consists of two people. The number of brigades depends on the number of orders. The measurer may be either separate full unit, or compatibility installer. The team turns out a small but business when right organization develops successfully.

Factory of stretch ceilings

Own production of stretch ceilings is a serious business. If a dealer for a complete configuration of one mounting brigade is 30,000 rubles enough, then in order to launch production in the factory, you need a serious investment.

  • First of all, you need industrial premises For workshop, warehouses, office.
  • In the workshop main tool - Twic two-way machine. It is on it that the canvas is made and the welding of the harpoon edge. You can buy an import or domestic machine, new or used. On average, it costs about 350,000 rubles. The machine must be equipped with an air compressor, and this is about 15,000. Approximately the same amount will go to purchase and connect power cableAutomation.
  • In the workshop, in warehouses and the office need furniture, shelves, racks, tables for packaging, office equipment and another one more little things.
  • To start own production stretched ceilings need at least required minimum vinyl cloth of various textures and colors, fabric material, plastic and aluminum profile, harpoon, inserts. Naturally, do not do without packaging material. The minimum set for the first time will cost at least 100,000 rubles.
  • The factory produces a web not only for dealers, but also for their own needs. Therefore, the state must have installers installed to execute orders. The tool kit for one brigade costs 30,000 rubles.

At first glance it may seem that the creation of its own

The demand for this type of ceilings is stable. To compile a business plan, it is important to explore competition in your area, find reliable suppliers and conclude preliminary contracts with dealers.

Basic risks

Due to the popularity of tension ceilings and the possibility of their installation at any time of the year, it is not observed. All risks are connected only with the quality of materials, your work and the range of services. Do not save on wages - invite qualified professionals. Also, choose the supplier carefully. The presence of certificates is required.


Minimum workshop area - 50 m². Necessarily the presence of modern ventilation system and power supply 380 volts. Premises for production can be rented in any area with low rental rates.

To the office requirements above. It should be located as close as possible to the center or business districts. Proximity to public transport stops is important, the availability of parking and separate entrance From the front side of the building. If potential customers will experience difficulties with the search for your office, count on large profits Do not.

To receive orders and install demonstration stands enough small premises 15-20 m² area. But too closely will cause suspicion of visitors. In this regard, it is important to observe a reasonable balance.

You can rent an office and workshop in one room. The separate location of these premises is more beneficial in terms of the cost of renting and prestige, but in this case, transportation costs for the delivery of orders may increase.


Business at the production of stretch ceilings implies the welding of the PVV film into the cloth under the size of the room. The minimum list of equipment consists of the following machines:

  1. Single-Piece Machine for Welding Clean high frequency (TWH) costs from 120,000 rubles. But it is better to immediately purchase a two-piece model. Its productivity is much higher, the average cost is 365,000 rubles.
  2. Air compressor With the volume of the receiver of 50-100 liters. Cost - 20,000 rubles.
  3. Tables for cutting and for feeding a canvas machine, racks - 80,000 rubles.
  4. Exhibition stands, furniture, computer, printer and other necessary office supplies. Cost - from 60,000 rubles.
  5. Layout electric power, Installing automata and Uzo - 20 000 rubles.
  6. Special software With staff training - from 30 000 rubles.

In total, about 600,000 rubles should be planned for the purchase of equipment. Something you can get cheaper. For example, extensive stands or furniture. The computer can be brought from home. But something in your region is more expensive. Do not forget about unforeseen expenses.


The production of stretch ceilings is characterized by simplicity and low labor intensity. All technology is reduced to processing PVC Films on TSF machine.

Initially, on the table, the canvases are cutting specific sizes. This uses a special program that allows you to accurately withstand the size of the sides and the diagonals of the future ceiling. Standard PVC film width - 1.5 and 2.2 meters. To obtain the canvas, the required segment width is welded on the TWH machine.

The next step - harpoon is attached to the glovenic cloth around the perimeter, with its help the stretch ceiling is attached to the basis of the structure. The finished ceiling is neatly folded and packed into the film.


The costs of initial procurement of materials are about 100,000 rubles. The starting kit is as follows:

  • Several types of PVC films, harpuna and baguettes.
  • Presspanp - Special cardboard, which is used for welding on the TSF machine.
  • Vilaterm. It is needed for sealing seams. The most chassis diameter is 40 mm, but should be in stock and others.
  • Packaging materials (film, cardboard, tape).


3-4 people are enough to work in the workshop. One employee is responsible for working with a computer and cutting of the canvas. 2-3 people are engaged in welding, harpoon and packaging. Although at the start, in the absence of large number Orders with work can handle 2 people. It all depends on production volumes. Despite the simplicity of technology, it is important to have qualifications and experience.

The office of the office can provide one person. His duties include working with customers and ordering orders. If orders are a bit, measurements in customer premises can conduct one of the masters working in the workshop. If your workers are constantly engaged in production, you need to hire a measurer.

Clients are much more convenient to receive all services in one company - meant and the installation of tension ceilings. It is better to immediately organize the brigade of workers who will install the structures. This will entail additional costs of organizing a business, but profitability will be much higher.

Documents and licenses

By registering your enterprise, you can choose IP or LLC. IP works on a simplified tax system, but in case of bankruptcy, you risk all property. Registration of the LLC and the maintenance of calculations for the financial statements for taxation is much more complicated. But your risks are limited only to shareholder equity. Your OKVED codes:

25.23 - Production plastic products for construction work;
- 52.46.7 - retail building materials;
- 52.61 - Retail sale of individual orders.

The production of stretch ceilings is not subject to licensing. But for your benefit, you should conclude a contract with manufacturers or official pVC providers Films and other materials. On its basis, you can get certificates for products. Their presence will allow you to work with firms engaged in the installation of stretch ceilings, and increase customer confidence.


Product sales can be carried out on two channels:

Directly to the client. If you have a brigade of installers in your state, the average cost of 1 m² is about 400 rubles.

Sale of ceilings dealers. This method implies cooperation with installation firms from the part. In this case, the average cost of 1 m² is 200 rubles.

To attract private clients, advertisements should be announced in local media. Outdoor advertising in your case is also effective. It is impossible to do without the company's website. Do not spare funds on its popularization, place ads on local platforms and any construction forums.


The cost of manufacturing 1 m² ceiling is about 110 rubles. If there is a two-way TDC machine and 100% loading, you can produce 3750 m². Suppose 60% of the products are implementing through dealers of 200 rubles and 40% directly to the client of 400 rubles. Your profits for the month will be 638,000 rubles. After paying taxes, wages and other current spending net profit within 350,000-400,000 rubles.

In starting investments on the organization of a business in the amount of 700,000 rubles, payback occurs approximately 4-5 months.


The production of stretch ceilings is characterized by high profitability. Investments pay off in a short time.

To make high-quality, as in the photo, stretch ceilings producing them requires a spacious modern workshop with good lightingwhich provides the necessary temperature and ventilation. On the equipment should work well-trained personnel.

Features of the production of stretch ceilings

Mass production and installation of tension ceilings originates in the second half of the 20th century. So there was a new branch providing services in the field of design and repair of premises. From a technological point of view, the manufacturing process is quite complicated, it requires expensive equipment for the production of stretch ceilings, since the PVC thickness of the film is from 0.15 to 0.35 millimeters, despite the way that the weight of one "square" material reaches from 180 to 320 grams.

Polyvinyl chloride canvas withstands huge loads. So square meter Films can hold 100 liters of war, which is similar to the weight of a person. Vinyl is easily stretched, quickly takes its original shape, this material is shockproof. But PVC film has a significant drawback - it can be damaged by stitching and cutting items.

Technology production of tensioned canvases

The production of film for stretch ceilings is a chemical process: polyvinyl chloride granules are mixed with UV and thermal stabilizers. After that, add various additives, a pigment substance and plasticizer. The composition is then heated until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is rolled into the film cloth.

If the technology of production of stretch ceilings is not respected, the PVC film appears characteristic, the material flaredness increases, and shrinkage qualities are reduced. True on the properties of the film covering affects not only his chemical composition, but also the equipment on which it is manufactured. The machine for the production of stretch ceilings (PVC films) is called calender.

Through the first couple of such machines, polyvinyl chloride in liquid state is, thus, the width and thickness of the material is generated. The following two pairs are responsible for the structure and texture of products, and besides this regulates the adherence to the uniformity of the PVC film thickness.

To the exit, high-quality stretch ceilings were obtained - production should be configured to manufacture the product of the same name - in this case, the film. For its rental, you must configure the rolls in a specific mode. With a frequent rechailization, this adjustment will be done constantly, and this will certainly lead to loss of quality and accelerated equipment wear. If only the products of the same name is produced, then the setting is carried out as needed.

There is another significant moment, which significantly affects the quality of the polyvinyl chloride film - the threading process of the heated mass - it provides for the removal of large particles capable of lowering the strength and smoothness of the material.

Often, when stretched ceilings are made - manufacturers ignore this technological stage due to increasing the cost, which ultimately affects product quality.

Welding the canvas

The machine for the production of stretch ceilings is required to cook

There are several reasons why welding pieces of material:

If all the stages of the design of the room: production - the film - the stretch ceiling is made in compliance with the technology, to break the material on the seam cooked into a single web material is practically not possible.

Stretch ceiling russian production high Quality have barely noticeable seams. Therefore, by what better equipment For, the end result will be more impressive.

When consumers choose fabric stretch ceilings - manufacturers The place of welding makes almost inconspicuous unlike glossy canvases, for which the seam becomes a serious problem. It is also a hindrance for photo printing, so when applying images, the connection is made by furridge inside.

To make stretch ceilings with photo printing you need to have available special equipment - Widescreen color printers, and it is worth it quite expensive. The printer will allow you to apply the picture you like or even a photo of myself a loved one.

Sequence of tension ceilings

In recent years russian manufacturers Stretch ceilings provide customers with a wide range of products. At the order formation stage, the consumer selects the color and texture of the canvas, then the premises are made, on the accuracy of which the final result depends, this is especially true for two-color structures or a ceiling with photo printing. With incorrect, strip deformation of lines and images can not be avoided.

According to a variety and quality, stretch ceilings production Russia is significantly inferior to European brands, but despite this circumstance, enjoy in great demand and the main reason for their popularity is affordable price. IN lately You can find good domestic stretch canvas, although the film is a bit thick of imported material. They are much cheaper than stretch ceilings production Germany, France or Italy.

The next stage of the manufacture of the canvas is its cutting, while its dimensions are determined using a special computer ProgramSince it must be less than the actual ceiling surface area by 10% -15%. If necessary, the film is welded on, after which the harpoon fastening is welded around the perimeter.