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Full characterization from practice to law student. Characteristics of a student who did an internship at the enterprise

Educational institutions and organizations that, in accordance with concluded agreements, provide places for internship, periodically have to compile characteristics for students. In educational institutions, this responsibility is assigned to the curator or dean, in the company it is the head of the practice from the enterprise.

Characteristics for a student, depending on the source of the request, are internal and external. The first includes documents that are used in the institution itself for transfer from one specialization or faculty to others, for awarding or imposing a penalty.

External recipients of this characteristic are other educational institution where the student is transferred, the military registration and enlistment office when passing the commission, the future employer, to which the student is registered, etc.
The student's characteristic is an official document drawn up in the institution, it contains information about his academic performance, personal and business qualities, participation in various circles and sections, as well as about his scientific activities.

There is a characteristic for a student, which is filled in at the enterprise, place of industrial or pre-diploma practice. It is necessary to inform the educational institution about the student's knowledge and the success of its application in economic activity organizations.

A sample of drawing up a general characteristic of a student

This document is drawn up on the letterhead of an educational institution, which must contain the name of the institution, details, address and contact numbers.

After that, the name of the recipient who submitted the request for drawing up the characteristic is indicated.
When filling out, the student's personal data, year of birth, date of admission to the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, group are indicated.

Then information is entered about the student's progress, his ability in certain subjects, the attitude to the educational process, discipline is characterized. Here you can talk about the student's participation in scientific and social activities, awards and certificates. It is also recommended that you provide your GPA.

The characteristic should contain data on the student's personal qualities, his attitude towards teachers and other students. At the end of the document, the date of its preparation is filled in, and it is signed by the curator and the dean of the faculty indicating their positions and personal data. The characteristic is certified by the seal of the educational institution.

An example of drawing up a general description of a student from the place of internship

According to the curriculum, students at a certain time must consolidate the knowledge gained while working at the enterprise. These places are provided either by the educational institution itself, or by the student himself.

After completing the internship at the enterprise, a characteristic is drawn up, which is then applied by the student to the production report and the diary of its passage.
It is desirable that the characteristic is filled in, which should contain its details.

The introductory part indicates the name of the educational institution where this document is sent. After that, the full name is filled in. trainee, faculty, specialty and group.
The profile should contain information about the type and duration of the practice. There are several types of them: introductory, production, pre-diploma. Information about the duration of the practice can be taken from the referral to the organization or the diary of its passage.

Further, the manager from the enterprise must fully describe the student's duties and the list of works that he completed. In conclusion, the compiler of the characteristic must draw a conclusion about the acquired skills and abilities. Mention should also be made of the trainee's personal and business qualities. After that, the final grade of the student is indicated.

The document is signed by the supervisor of the practice from the enterprise and the head of the organization, after which it is certified with the seal of the enterprise. It must be registered in the journal of outgoing correspondence and have a number.

Below is an example of a trainee profile, you can simply copy it into your text editor and edit it to suit your needs. This "fish" will be most useful to the trainee.

Trainee characteristic example


3rd year student of the AT-08-2 group of the Faculty of Mechanics

GOU VPO Bratsk State University,

Department of Automobile and Automotive Economy

Ivanov Sergei Igorevich.

Ivanov Sergey Igorevich passed industrial practice in the automotive workshop of the Keramzit Limited Liability Company from June 06, 2012 to July 05, 2013 as a car mechanic of the 3rd category. Ivanov S.I. from LLC Keramzit was carried out by the mechanic Andrey Eduardovich Tsimkin.

During his internship, Sergei Ivanov has established himself as a disciplined and responsible employee, as well as a knowledgeable specialist. According to the program, he performed such tasks as daily inspection Vehicle before going online, Maintenance undercarriage, execution Maintenance No. 1 and maintenance service No. 2 of KamAZ 5320, GAZ-3223, Toyota Majesta vehicles. In addition, he participated in the maintenance of garage equipment.

In the process of practice, Sergei was trained in safety rules when carrying out locksmith work, acquired the skills to use locksmith's hand and mechanized tools, practical skills in planning and carrying out TO-1, TO-2, and studied the organization of the work of a recycling warehouse of spare parts.

The assigned work was performed by a trainee with high quality... Sergey discovered great independence and a good knowledge of the device of cars, only in the most difficult cases seeking help from a mentor. Workplace kept clean and tidy. They also showed a careful and responsible attitude to tools and equipment. Violations of labor discipline, as well as safety regulations and fire safety Sergei did not allow it. I filled out the diary of industrial practice in a timely manner, in accordance with the actual activities carried out and the program of passage.

With the collective of workers of the auto workshop of Keramzit LLC, Sergei developed normal working relations, he showed himself to be sociable a cheerful person, erudite, well versed in technology. He actively and conscientiously participated in the cleaning up of the territory. He treats senior comrades and the leadership with respect, listens to advice.

Based on the full implementation of the practice program and in the absence of any complaints, the administration of Keramzit LLC considers that Ivanov S.AND. for passing the internship he earned an "excellent" mark.

Mechanic: A.E. Tsimkin

Director: A. A. Korolsky

Characteristics for a student at the place of practice in management

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice in AOOO "Simferopolskoe" in the specialty "Management of the organization.

Student Novikova Irina Andreevna underwent practical training at AOOO "Simferopolskoe" from 19.01.09 to 13.02.09.

She has proven herself to be a disciplined, executive and proactive student; conscientiously and responsibly treated the execution of orders.

In her work, she can be characterized as a strong-willed, assertive, purposeful person who has necessary knowledge in his field and quickly assimilates new information. Actively strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. She is attentive to criticism of her work, capable of drawing the necessary conclusions.

During the implementation of the production program of practice, the student was interested in the opinion of experienced workers, and used the data of the necessary consultations received by her when writing the report.

According to the program of industrial practice, she studied and analyzed all Required documents.

During the internship, the student acquired new practical skills and consolidated her theoretical knowledge.

The head of the practice from the enterprise at the place of practice is the chief accountant.

Characteristics of a student from the place of industrial practice, an example, an accountant

Characteristic for a 4th year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" NAU Ivanova Diana Ibraimovna, who had an internship at ZAO "N-Pobeda" of the Soviet region of the ARC

Diana Ibraimovna Ivanova underwent practical training in the person of an assistant accountant of CJSC "N-Pobeda" from 03.03.08 to 14.03.08.

Throughout the practice, the student showed herself from a good side. I followed the rules of the internal daily routine established at the farm, did not violate labor discipline. Conscientiously fulfilled all the duties entrusted to her. She mastered the full cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department, kept records and registration of accounting documents.

During the period of internship, the student acquired practical skills in conducting financial and managerial accounting in a production environment.

Hardworking, punctual, responsible, accurate, purposeful.

The chief accountant is the head of the place of practice. Date. Signature. Seal.

Characteristics of the student from the place of accounting practice

Characteristics of the student from the place of practice of the chief accountant of CJSC "Burliuk" to the 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" of the NAU Tsurkan Sergei Valerievich, at the place of practice.

The student came to practice on time, worked with diligence, persistently obtained the necessary information. I carefully studied the provided data, accounting registers. I delved into the specifics of accounting directly at our company.

The trainee showed deep theoretical knowledge of the necessary issues.

I learned well in practice the questions noted in the individual practice plan.

Tsurkan Sergey showed himself as a diligent student and left a good impression.

Chief accountant supervisor at the place of practice.

Characteristics of a student who underwent industrial practice in economics

Characteristics for a V-year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management Diana Yuryevna Babayan did an internship at the SEC "Georgia" from March 29 to April 9, 2010.

During the internship, the student showed herself with better side, having established himself as a modest, tactful, well-mannered, inquisitive, active, executive and hardworking person.

During the internship, I performed all the tasks given by the economist or accountant of the enterprise in a high-quality and timely manner.

She showed great interest in innovations in the organization of labor and its payment, organization of the work of structural divisions.

She actively cooperated with the specialists of the enterprise, mastered the provided material correctly and efficiently.

I studied the necessary documents: the Charter of the SEC "Georgia", the collective agreement of the enterprise, the internal regulations, the business plan for the development of the enterprise, the main legislative acts on the activities of agricultural enterprises.

Industrial practice showed D.Yu. Babayan as good specialist in future.

Head of practice from the enterprise, Director of SPK "Georgia" ________________ Khasitashvili. IN AND.

Characteristics of the student from the place of practical training in agronomy

Characteristic Student Litvinova Natalya Konstantinovna held the position of assistant foreman.

During the internship, she showed herself as a responsible, executive, qualified employee.

Natalia showed interest in the work, delved into the essence of technological operations, carefully and efficiently performed all the proposed work.

She studied all the features and tasks of the foreman's work, showed organizational skills.

The signature of the chief agronomist T.V. Merkulov

Characteristics from veterinary practice per student


Trainee student Afanasyev O. E came to practice in JSC "FRIENDSHIP NARODOV NOVA" poultry processing plant from 18.04.16 to 13.05.16 inclusive. During this period, O. Ye. Afanasyev showed himself as a competent, proactive worker who knows how to use in practice the knowledge gained at the Pribrezhny Agrarian College. The orders of the leading veterinarian of the poultry plant were carried out quickly, accurately and conscientiously. At the same time, he showed interest in the work of a leading veterinarian and a pathologist.

I got acquainted with the work of a veterinarian, a pathologist and all the documentation with which they work (forms, magazines, etc.). On time he fulfilled all the instructions of the head of the practice, strictly adhered to the rules of the internal labor schedule.

Shows initiative, communicative, takes on any tasks, clearly and on time fulfills them. According to the results of implementation, reports to the head. The workplace is organized correctly.

With the employees of the poultry plant he supported friendly relations, not conflicting. Easily comes into contact with people, in any situation was respectful in dealing with others.

During the internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking and responsible employee.

Mastered types of work, quality, independence, interest, initiative.

The main type of work performed by OE Afanasyev was to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination on the line for slaughtering broiler chickens. He was also involved in the autopsy of broiler chickens. Showed high interest and initiative to work.

Labor discipline and safety precautions - I strictly adhered to the internal labor regulations, safety regulations and fire safety regulations.

Special remarks and suggestions from the head of the practice - During the course of the practice, he showed himself as an active, attentive, hardworking, and responsible employee. In the future, continue to strive to improve their acquired skills and acquired practical and theoretical knowledge.

Practice score - excellent.

Date "13" ______ May ______ 2016

Head of practice from the organization (position) (signature) (Last name, I.O.), seal, date.

The description of the practice report is one of the mandatory documents that must be attached to the report (along with the diary). It is required in case of passing industrial or pre-diploma practice, and is not needed for the report on the fact-finding.

The initial purpose of the document is to motivate students to take an active part in the internship process, to demonstrate their knowledge and skills with positive side... And the head of the practice from the enterprise, according to the results, draws up a characteristic that will have an impact on the assessment. It was supposed to be some kind of form of control of the trainee due to its inaccessibility for the university. But, in recent times, managers are increasingly entrusting the writing of characteristics to the students themselves. Many have difficulties, because you need to describe your own works positively and, at the same time, objectively.

We propose to consider the features of drawing up this document, what should be written about and how best to do it.

Structure of the characteristics of the practice report

The description should be informative, but short. Standard volume is 1-2 A4 sheets. It must be certified at the enterprise. Mandatory signature of the head of practice or director of the company, date and wet seal.

List and order of information in the characteristic:

  1. Internship base data- name, address and telephone number of the company. If possible, fill out a description on the company's letterhead - this information is already indicated there.
  2. Document's name"Characteristic" in the center.
  3. Trainee Information: Name, course, faculty, group, period of practice.
  4. Obligations at the enterprise... It is necessary to describe the student's job responsibilities during practice within the framework of his specialty (they can be duplicated from the introduction).
  5. Knowledge and skills... Description of the student's level of training as a specialist and new skills acquired during practice. You can write about the achievements in the solution specific tasks if there were any. Fortunately, negative points do not need to be included in the characterization of the enterprise practice report.
  6. Personal qualities... You need to write about such traits as responsibility, punctuality, discipline, attention to detail, etc.
  7. Grade... She follows in conclusion. This is the main element of the characteristics of the enterprise practice report. The supervisor will indicate how much he assesses the student's efforts and this assessment will be taken into account when submitting the report. If a student compiles a characterization independently, the grade must be previously agreed upon.

A sample characteristics for a practice report will allow you to visually assess the specifics of working on a document.


Despite the fact that the characteristic is a separate document and is not included in the report, it should be formatted accordingly. It is best to stick to the same style as the practice report.

  • Traditionally, 14 pt Times New Roman font. The details of the company, the name of the document and the fields for the marks of the manager can be highlighted in bold.
  • Line spacing is 1.5. Separation into paragraphs with indents is mandatory. The left margin should be wider, because the characteristic will be attached to other documents.
  • The presentation style is business-like. Any errors are unacceptable. Remember that the testimonial is written about you, but it is written on behalf of the company, even if you wrote it yourself.

Is there a benefit from practice-based characterization for you personally?

  • Firstly, if the practice was serious and solid, and not "for show" and you showed yourself on a good side, you may be invited to work in the same company.
  • Secondly, the characteristic is also called a letter of recommendation and you can use it when looking for a job after graduation. When there is no experience, practice in a reputable firm and a recommendation can be an important advantage. You just have to take care of the duplicate characteristics.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with an example of the characteristics of a practice report, and our specialists are ready to help with the preparation of this important document. Do you want to order?

Internship is a necessary element in educational program any educational institution - a student of a college, technical school, university, institute must pass it. The characteristics of the student from the place of practice allows you to evaluate the student's work outside the walls of the educational institution and find out the opinion of the potential employer about the intern as a future specialist. This document is handed over together with a ready-made practice report and a diary. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

Characteristics of an internship student: how to write, where to get

In the course of passing production, and especially pre-diploma practice, the trainee studies the activities of the organization "from the inside", his goal is to determine whether the volume of his knowledge is sufficient for independent work? He must demonstrate his knowledge and skills to the head of the practice from the organization, who, replacing the teacher, will state in the characteristic his opinion about the student, and also evaluate it from the point of view of a potential employer - after all, the student demonstrates, one might even say "advertises" himself as "ready" specialist - will he be valuable as a staff? The trainee student's characteristic must be written by the head of the practice, which can be the head or the employee appointed by him:

  • Department head;
  • team leader;
  • consultant;
  • chief specialist, etc.
But the student can write it himself, and if the head from the organization agrees with the praises of the trainee in his address, he will sign the finished characteristic. It is desirable that the characteristic be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization (enterprise) indicating the address of the organization, organizational and legal form:
  • MBOU, etc.
Contact phone numbers are indicated in the form or in another document confirming the student's internship and containing an assessment of his personal and professional data.

It does not matter in what specialty the student is practicing - accounting, or he is a future lawyer, psychologist - the required minimum level of requirements in the characteristic must be met

Job description of the student

The trainee must complete the tasks of the head of the practice from the teaching staff of the educational institution. For the sake of completeness, we recommend using scientific literature, be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations adopted by the organization: the regulation on the department, job description... The following phrases can be written in the characteristic: "the duties of the trainee included conducting contractual work at the enterprise: drawing up sales and purchase agreements office furniture, performing work on the repair of a warehouse, rendering services for the repair of furniture, compiling responses to written requests from citizens, filling out forms ".

It should be borne in mind that the practical skills of a lawyer and an accountant will be different.

When assessing the job duties of a physical education teacher, it is advisable to say about the level of his physical fitness and how it helps him when communicating with schoolchildren - after all, he can motivate them by his example. If a student is a future teacher primary grades or educator, then as a feature it can be noted high level his culture - after all, this is important in educational process teaching children.

Any organization that has established office work requires its employees to properly draw up documents. If a student took part in the execution of somehow documents related to the activities of the organization - this should be noted, because employers are waiting for ready-made specialists who can draw up financial statements, write statements of claim, fill out magazines and perform other paper work

Characteristics of the theoretical knowledge of the student and the practical skills acquired by him

In the characteristic of a student, his characteristics are given from the point of view of the employer: the ability to apply the existing theoretical knowledge in practice, the assessment of the student's qualities as a potential employee.

Example: " In the period from "___" _______ to "___" _______, Ivanova Irina Ivanovna did an internship in the specialty at Romashka LLC. The trainee demonstrated a high level of theoretical training, correctly applied the existing knowledge in her work. Advised on legal issues, guided by the current legislation. The student strove to improve her practical skills. I learned how to write statements of claim and responses to them.

She is tactful and polite in the team, and conscientiously treated all assignments. Possesses high efficiency. She did not admit violations of labor discipline. She has established herself as a responsible and disciplined employee, striving to improve her theoretical knowledge, supported by practical teachings. She fulfilled the plan of industrial practice in full.

She independently provided consultations and made legal decisions in strict accordance with the legislation. The recommended score in case of a positive defense of the practice report is "5 (excellent)".

Assessment of student work

The characteristic that the student will bring from the place of practice should contain an assessment of the quality of the work. It is possible to get an "excellent" mark from the teacher only if the head of the practice highly appreciated the work.

If it is indicated that the trainee took part in the direct activities of the organization - this will be considered an additional plus

So, it can be indicated that a student studying to be a lawyer took part in a court hearing or in the preparation of a claim, a claim, supported a legal transaction or received applicants as an assistant to a lawyer; student - psychologist - in working with people; future specialist in the field of economics, accountant - in the preparation of quarterly reports.

In conclusion, the head of the practice must give the final mark to the trainee: "The recommended mark is" 5 "(excellent).

Requirements for the registration of student characteristics

There are no uniform design templates - the main thing is that it reflects the real practical activities during the practice.

In order to identify a student who is given a characteristic from the place of practical training, it is necessary to indicate:

Next, you need to specify data that allows you to identify the place of internship (its organizational and legal form, name, department), as well as the head of the practice - position, department, last name, first name, patronymic.

Considering that there are different types practice, respectively, it is desirable to indicate a specific type, the date of its beginning and end.

And what did the student do during the practice? It should be noted what exactly the trainee did during the internship in accordance with job responsibilities employees of the department.

And now the most interesting thing is that the head of the practice from the organization must assess the trainee from a professional point of view:

  • his personal qualities;
  • the level of training available;
  • acquired new practical skills;
  • the ability to apply your theoretical experience in practice;
  • the communicative qualities of the trainee.

The form of the student's characteristics from the place of practice is drawn up by general rules- in Russian in printed text 14 in Times New Roman font with an interval of 1.5. It is advisable to write no more than 1 page of text.

For example, you can take our samples below, having entered your data in them. It is not recommended to download ready-made characteristics from student sites - they are all individual, a sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice can be viewed here, having entered your data there.

The correctness of the records must be confirmed by the signature of the head of practice from the organization and certified by the seal.

An example of a characteristic from the place of practice

In the attached files you can see a sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice.

Characteristics of a student trainee in primary school