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Where is the Peninsula Yamal? Popularities Peninsula Yamal. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Distinctive features. To the Yamalo-Nenets district, the words of the songs of Marina Khlebnikova are well suited:

Cold warming and mounted home heat

You will buy me the palace, and I will leave back again

And I will be from white and white snow nice

Indeed, despite the long winter, snow and frost, in the life of the inhabitants of YanaA there is a lot of pleasant. This is the northern romance, high salary, good social protection, low environmental pollution, relatively low level of crime. No wonder in 2013 New Urengoy He became the second, and Noyabrsk - 13th in our ranking of the cities of Russia, most suitable for life.

Stella "Polar Circle" in Salekhard. Photo by tanihiola (

Serious Mastering of the Land of Yamalo Nenets autonomous District It began with the late 60s of the last century. In the years, modern cities with developed infrastructure have grown here, where harsh, but romantic people lived. Thanks to the gas production in the north and oil production in the south of the district, as well as highways transporting gas and oil, it has become one of the most economically developed regions of Russia.

In addition to the workers on gas and oil tower, scientists go here. The indigenous population is the Nenets (Samoyed) - a very interesting people, with their culture, customs, beliefs. The cities have historical and local history museums, documentaries about the peoples of the North, and their spiritual leaders-shamans, the carriers of the wisdom of past generations of these peoples are removed. Despite the city's 21st century located nearby, many tribes continue to live like their ancestors of one hundred and two hundred years ago: they lead a nomadic lifestyle, engaged in hunting, fishing and deer breeding.

Geographical location. Yamalo-Nenetsky autonomous District Located in the north of West Siberian plains and is part of the Ural Federal District. The northern coast of the district is washed by the water of the Kara Sea. The Yamao Peninsula is especially allocated on the Yamal Peninsula, all the eastern coast of which is washed by one of the largest bays of the Arctic - a rude lip, a length of about 800 km.

The neighbors of the district are: in the East - Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the south - the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, in the West - the Republic of Komi and the Nenets Autonomous District of the Arkhangelsk region. Most of the INAO is located behind the polar circle. The entire territory of the district belongs to the districts of the Far North.

The largest river Yanao - Ob. Other large rivers - Nadym, Taz. District landscape is quite diverse. In the West, these are the eastern slopes of the Ural Range, in the north - Tundra, turning into the Festourprise as it moves to the south.

Population Yamalo-Nenetsky District - 541.6 thousand people. 70% of them are people of working age. The region is characterized by a very high birth rate and low mortality. Natural population population +11.4 people. per 1000 inhabitants.

Nadym: "And on deer - better!". Photo by dim.kapishev (

Russians make up 60% of the population of the district. In second place - Ukrainians (9.37%), on the third - nonsense (5.89%). The population is constantly growing at the expense of migrants who come here in search of high-paying work. And at that time, others who have already earned enough money, leave YanaA, moved to the south to Tyumen or Moscow / St. Petersburg. No wonder Yamal is called the Russian Klondikek - here they go in search of good luck, and those who are lucky, return with the triumph back.

Crime. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is located on 28 locations in the ranking of regions in terms of crime. Of course, great money attracts criminals of all the masters, especially the HGG. No wonder than the new Urengoy decided to make a closed city. In addition to other problems, it is worth noting the drug trafficking. It is especially developed here, and the level of drug addiction in the northern cities is very high.

Unemployment rate In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, one of the lowest is 0.58%. And the average salary is one of the highest (63132 rubles) But even here the distribution of wages by industry is uneven. There are those where this value is below 20 thousand rubles per month. And the highest salaries in the YNAO - in the field of mining of fuel and energy minerals (who would doubt!) - 93 thousand rubles. and in the production of petroleum products - 92 thousand rubles. per month.

Cost of real estate In YNAO - one of the highest in Russia. At least, in the new Urengoy, it is 103 thousand rubles per square meter. meter. To buy here the most simple one-room apartment, it is necessary to lay out at least 4 million rubles. In the suburbs of the city, prices are significantly lower - about 1.8 million rubles. Two-bedroom apartments in the city are much more expensive: 5.6 - 9 million rubles, "treshki" 7 - 12 million rubles.

Climate The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is stern, sharply continental. Cold Arctic air masses from the north are easily come here, and the wet air masses from the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean do not reach. The average temperature of January -20 ° C, but frosts reach -30 ° C, and even up to -50 ° C. Summer here is a short - 50 days, but the temperature can reach + 30 ° C. The amount of precipitation in the summer - 140 ... 150 mm. Thanks to the dry climate, frosts are transferred much easier, which you can not say about the heat.

Cities Yanao

Salekhard. - The administrative center of YANAO, is close to the sign of the river Ob to the Obska. And although this is not the largest city in the region (the population is 46.6 thousand people), the story about the cities of the district will begin with it from him, after all, the capital. Translated from Nenets, its name means "the city on the caulation". We do not know how the city on the Polar Circle will be on Nenets, but also such a name would be quite suitable for Salekhard, thanks to its location.

The History of Salekhard begins from 1595, when the Cossacks founded the Obdon Ostrog here. Large industrial enterprises There is no, so that with ecology in the city everything is fine, as with purity on the streets. But with the Internet there is problems here - it is quite expensive, since I have not spent fiber else. According to Rostelecom statements, the quick Internet will come to Salekhard in April 2014.

- The biggest city of Yanao, gas capital Russia. The population is 116.5 thousand people. New Urengoy is considered one of the best cities for life in Russia. Here, some wonderful ways have connected a high level of salaries and social protection, a good ecological situation and a low level of crime. Of course, the climate is what spoals the whole picture of the new Urengoy, turning the city from Paradise in the Ice Hell in winter. But it can be used to this, because the heating is good here, and the gas around is like the same snow. It was in Urengoy that the largest gas-producing enterprises included in OAO Gazprom are located in Russia. From some on, the new Urengoy is a closed city, which makes it possible to improve the criminogenic environment.

(Population - 108 thousand people) - the second largest city in the YNAO. Founded in 1976, located in the south of the district, on the border with the KhMAO. The basis of the economy of the city is the oil production enterprises, as well as enterprises for gas production and maintenance of oil and gas highways. Today, Noyabrsk is developing as a tourist center. There are many attractions, including the largest in the Tyumen region, KhMAO and Yanao Cathedral Mosque.

Nadym (46.8 thousand people) - This settlement was known since the end of the XVI century. After the revolution, the reindeer-produced state farm was created here, and since the 60s, gas began on these lands. It was from him that the development of the natural wealth of the North of Western Siberia began. Thanks to the gas field "Medvezhye", a small village turned into a whole city, with modern high-rise buildings, where the races on deer sleds are arranged on the wide streets in winter. Nadym is considered one of the most beautiful cities of the Far North, in 2002 he received the title "The most comfortable city of Russia". Today Nadym - the center of gas-gas and gas transportation in the YNAO.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO) - the distant northern region, harsh and beautiful, the land, on which the traditions of indigenous peoples closely intersect and achieve modern science. It is unique, in it bizarrely combine the severity of the northern climate and the kindness of local residents, the stupidity of the polar sun and the generosity of the northern nature, the endless whiteness of winter days and fantastic paints of autumn.

Yamal has always attracted travelers and scientists with its uniqueness, natural and cultural wealth, clean air and the primacy of nature. But in order to see all the beauty of Yamal, you need to give a trip a lot of time, and in our rapid century it is very difficult to do it. With this site, everyone will be able to make a virtual, but exciting journey to the world of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

(Outdated - Samoyed, Yuraki) - the self-session people in Russia, inhabiting the Eurasian coast of the Arctic Ocean from the Kola Peninsula to Taimyr. Nenets are divided into European and Asian (Siberian). European Nenets are resettled in the Nenets Autonomous District of the Arkhangelsk region, and Siberian in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Tyumen region and in the Dolgan-Nenets Taimyr Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Small groups of Nenets live in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the Komi Republic.

Of the indigenous small peoples of the Russian north, Nenets are the most numerous. According to the results of the 2002 census, 41,302 Nenets lived in Russia, of which about 27,000 lived in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.
Traditional occupation - large-scale reindeer herding. On the Peninsula, Yamal several thousand nonsense reindeer herders holding about 500,000 deer lead a nomadic lifestyle. The housing of the Nenets is the conical chum (me).

The names of the two autonomous districts of Russia (Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets) mention the Nenets, as the title nationality of the district; Another such district (Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous District) in 2007 was abolished and transformed into the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Nenets are divided into two groups: tundra and forest. Tundra Nenets are a majority. They live in two autonomous districts. Forest Nenets - 1500 people. They live in the Pur River Basin and Taz in the south-east of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District.

lucky baby from the hospital

Due to the presence in the territory of the Sayan Highland tribes, whose tongue was still in the recent past. The Selfish, Stallenberg suggested that Samoyed Sayansky Highlands are descendants of the self-major zone, where they were the aborigines that from the north part of the Samoyloy, under the influence of some reasons moved to South, settling Sayan Highlands.

Fisher's theory - crash
The opposite point of view was expressed by the historian Fisher, who assumed that the Northern Peaces (ancestors of modern Nenets, Nganasan, Entsents, Selkups and Yurakov) are descendants of Samoyed tribes of the Sayan Highlands, who advanced from Southern Siberia to more northern regions. This is the assumption of Fisher in the XIX century. It was supported by a huge linguistic material and justified by Castrene, which assumed that in the first millennium N. e., in connection with the so-called great movement of the peoples, the self-name tribes were ousted by Turks from the limits of the Sayan Highlands to the north. In 1919, the researcher of the Arkhangelsk North A. A. Zhilinsky spoke sharply against this theory. The main argument - such a relocation would require a sharp change of type of environmental management, impossible in short time. Modern Nenets - reindeer breeders, and peoples living in the Sayan Nagoras - farmers (about 97.2%)

Khanty is the people, since ancient times, living in the north of the Russian Federation, mainly in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts. Khanty is not the only name of this people, in the West, it is known as an essay or Ugra, but more accurate self-confusion "Khanty" (from the Khanty "Kantha" - the person, the people) was enshrined in Soviet times as official.

In the historical chronicles, the first written mention of the people of Khanty are found in Russian and Arabic sources of the X century, but it is known that the ancestors of Khantah lived in the territory of the Urals and Western Siberia already in 6-5 millennia BC, subsequently they were displaced nomads in the land of Northern Siberia.
Typically, Khanty are people of low growth, about 1.5-1.6 m, with straight black or dark brown hair, dark-skinned skin, dark eyes. The type of person can be described as Mongolian, but with a cut eye of the right shape - a little flat face, the cheeks are noticeably issued, the lips are fat, but not complete.
Culture of people, language and spiritual world Not uniform. This is explained by the fact that the Khanty settled quite widely and various cultures were formed in different climatic conditions. Southern Khanty was mostly engaged in fishing, but they were also known agriculture and cattle breeding. The main classes of the Northern Khanty were reindeer herding and hunting, less frequently fishing.

Khanty, engaged in hunting and fishing, had 3-4 dwellings in different seasonal settlements, which changed depending on the season. Such dwellings were made of logs and put it directly to the ground, sometimes they pre-knocked out a hole (by the type of dusts). Khanty-reindeer herders lived in the plague - a portable dwelling consisting of the poles put in a circle, fastened in the center covered on top of the bark (summer) or skins (winter).

Khanty with antiquity revered the elements of nature: sun, moon, fire, water, wind. Also, Khantov existed a chaotic patrovers, family deities and patrons of ancestors. Every family had his own totem animal, he was read, considering it one of the distant relatives. This animal could not be killed and eating.
The bear was honored everywhere, he was considered a defender, he helped hunters, guarded from diseases, resolved disputes. At the same time, on the bear, unlike other totem animals, it was possible to hunt. In order to reconcile the spirit of the bear and killed his hunter Khanty arranged a bear holiday. The frog was revered as the keeper of family happiness and the assistant of the fever. There were also sacred places in which the patron sieve lives. At such places, hunting and fishing was forbidden, since the patron himself guards the animals.

Before this day, traditional rituals and holidays reached the modified form, they were adapted to modern views And timed to certain events (for example, the Bear holiday is carried out before issuing licenses for a bear shot). Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

It is known that the people of Komi live on the northern lands from 1 millennia to our era. The name of Komi comes from the self-configuration of the people - Komi Voytir, which means Komi people. Komi are often called Zyryanov, the Word of Zyryan translated from the Komi language means living on the border. As a result of the gradual settlement, the people of Komi were conventionally divided into northern (Komi-Izhemtsy) and South (Sysolites, Priluses) Ethnic groups.
Komi mainly live in the territory of the Komi Republic, part of Komi lives in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District.
The Komi language (Komi language, Komi-Zyryansky language) belongs to the Ural language family. The basis of the writing of Komi is Cyrillic. In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, telecasts and printed publications in the comi language are published.

Usually, Zyryan have medium or slightly above average growth (about 165-170 cm), the correct body. A low, slightly flatted face is framed with dark or black hair, a widespread, eyes gray or brown. Closer to the south of Komi meet blue eyes And blonde hair.
North Komi were reindeer herds, hunters and fishermen, South Komi engaged in hunting and fishing, knew cattle breeding and agriculture, but until the 18th century it was rather utility industries. In the 18th century, due to an increase in the production of fishing animals, there was a sharp reduction in their numbers, since that time cattle breeding, reindeer herding and agriculture became the main classes of Komi.

Komi lived in villages and villages located on the banks of the river. At home they tried to locate along the river in one row. Northern settlements were located at considerable distances from each other and consisted of several houses. In the southern settlements it could live to several hundred people, often such settlements were formed due to the merger of neighboring villages.
The housing served the cutter rectangular huts with a high dump (the lower floor, most often non-residential), covered with a single-sided roof. In the yard were household buildings and two-storey hhel.
The clothes of the southern Komi in style and Crow resembled Russian clothing. Women wore shirts, sundresses, fur coats; The male wardrobe consisted of a shirt, dish, caftan and fur coats. The difference from Russian costumes was in the colors used colors and features of the finish. Northern Komi was often wore clothes characteristic of the Nenets. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Sellockups are the most small people of the North of Russia. According to the results of the last census, the number of Selkups is only about 1,700 people. The largest number of people of the people live in the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the North-Western Territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Tomsk region.
The official name of the people - Sellokups - was approved only in the 30s of the 20th century, it comes from self-sizing the northern ethnographic group and translated as a forest person. However, this is not the only self-adhesion of the people, the southern seglocks called themselves the crumple (Earthy man), the Obskiy - Syesubep (Taiga Man).

Sellocks belong to the Ural small race, this means that in their appearance there are mongoloid and European-like features. Selkups are dark straight hair, brown eyes, a bit dark skin, the nose is small, strongly bent in the nose, face most often flat.
Selkup language belongs from the Ural language family. Selkups for a long time There was no writing, the first attempt to create writing on the basis of Cyrillic to refer to the 19th century, but this attempt did not have much success as the Russian alphabet did not allow correctly passing the sound of the language.

The second attempt took place in the 30s of the 20th century, as a basis received Latinets, published a large number of educational literature in the Selkkup language. But in just 7 years, in 1930, Selkup writing again moved to Cyrillic because of what a big confusion began. Currently, Selkup is practically not used in printed sources, folk crafts, family communications, folklore remain the main spheres of language applications.
Traditional Selkup classes are fishing and hunting. Northern Sellokups were engaged in reindeer herding, mainly as auxiliary industry (transport, skins, etc.).
The southern seglocks were able to produce ceramic products, processing metals, weak canvases, achieved great success for blacksmiths, grown grain and tobacco. These industries were actively developed up to the 17th century, when they were ousted with better importing goods.

Sights of Yanao
The sights of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District are peculiar and can cause a smile in a person unfamiliar to the life of the region. For example, here you can see a monument ... Komara. The veteran in the extreme north is a person who not only survived the polar night, but also suffered a terrible test in the form of mosquitoes, which are especially evil here. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
The list of attractions of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is another sculpture dedicated to the animal: at the entrance to Salekhard there is a 10-meter monument to Mammoth. The region often detect the remains of these extinct animals. Here were found 9-ton beaws, and a century later, scientists were excited about the perfectly preserved Mammoth, whose age approaches 46 thousand years.

In Yamal, the beautiful River of Juriei flows, which finishes his way, falling into the Kara Sea, namely - in his Baidarats.

Through jurisi, an intricate four-kilometer bridge on piles is built - a local architectural landmark.

In the village, a new port can be visited by the largest "natural refrigerator" - a complex of ice underground caves. The length of the tunnels exceeds a kilometer, behind the caves constantly care, which allows them not to lose cold ice glitter even in the summer.

The Yamalo-Nenets District is famous for its natural zones, in the area of \u200b\u200b13 reserves and two reserves - Verkhne-Tazovsky and Gydansky. The territory is dominated by the Taiga sites, and the second is famous for the tundra "lunar" landscapes. The Upper-Tazovsky reserve is one of the largest natural parks in Russia, there are reindeer and unique condo-Socivinsky beaper.
On the territory of the Gydan Reserve are the most beautiful Peninsula of Mail, deer, even, as well as the islands of the Kara Sea. There are a lot of "red-born" fish, animals and birds: a sturgeon, a polar bear, an eagle-white boosten, a walrus, narrow, seal and many others.

Of all the reserves of the region, the Kunovsky Park, located in the Shuryshkar region of the region in the floodplain of Obi and Maly Obi, is of the greatest interest. It contains an incredibly rare white bar - a special kind of crane, which is listed in all the red books of the world. In the reserve you can observe many other types of migratory feathery.

One of the main archaeological monuments of the Yamalo-Nenets district is the Nadym Site - the remains of the settlement of the late XVI-early XVII centuries found in the city of Nadym. Children's toys from wood, tin decorations and copper, hunting skiing and much more were found here.

The oldest of the preserved buildings of the district center were erected in late XIX. century. These include, for example, small single-storey buildings on the street of the Republic and Music and Drama Theater. In the center of the city in the early 1990s, the Nikolskaya Tower of Obdorsky Ostrogen was renovated - a monument of wooden architecture of the end of the XVI-early XVII centuries. It adorn the double-headed eagle, from the tower there is a descent to the river semi. It is believed that Salekhard was laid at this place.

For more than twenty years in Nadym, the Ecological and Methodological Center "House of Nature", where you can get acquainted with the nature and ecology of the Yamalo-Nenets district, as well as with the ethnographic heritage of the indigenous people of the region - Nenets.
In Noyabrsk, you can visit the first children's museum in Russia, in most exhibits of which you can play, and some even do it yourself. The museum has a winter garden and a children's workshop, from where, among other things, you can go to a virtual journey through the exhibitions of the world.

You can visit the Znamensky Chapel of the Cross-shaped Znamensky Chapel - one of the most interesting in the district. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Sacred Places of Yanao
1 settlement (sacrificial place) Ust-semi. Salekhard. Located on high indigenous terrace. Semi, approximately 2 km upstream of it in p. Ob. 0.2 km to the yos from the Aviator Sport Complex building. V c. BC. By III century. AD B.C. Adrianov 1932.

2 mangazee settlement Krasnoselkup district.
R. Taz, in the mouth of the river. Mangazeic. 8.5 km north of Sidorovsk. 17th century AD V.N. Chernetov

3. A complex of objects of ethnic culture in the northeast bank of Oz. Small musician Purovsky district, northeastern lake shore Small musician.

4. The cult place "TAZEZNZYAHAH-HEHE" Yamal district, the left bank of the river. Yuri, 3.9 km west of the track of the designed railway.

3. The cult place "Lamizento-Syo" Yamalsky district, on the waterstell of the Lamzento-Syo rivers (3.5 km to the west) and I-Yaha (11.5 km to the east) between Lamento Lamers (14 km south) and Savta- That (12.5 km north).

4. Holy place on the left bank of R. Sayah Yamal district, left indigenous bank r. Sayah, coordinates S.Sh. 70 ° 23 "02.7", V.D. 068 ° 35 "06.7"

5. Sanctuary of Nyakharjah, Uralsky district, r. Nyakhaihaha, coordinates S.Sh.69 ° 25 "34.3", VD68 ° 23 "07.9"

6. Sanctuary Syddailato Priuralsky District, North Coast of Lake Sidypelyto, Coordinates S.Sh. 69 ° 19 "34.5", VD68 ° 15 "04.0"

7. The complex of constructs of the cutting type in the der. Khanty-men Shuryshkar district, der. Khanty-men, Natural Park-Museum "Zhijun" Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Upper Taza Reserve
The reserve is located on the West Siberian Plain, in the Krasnoselkup district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Russia. Its length is 150 km from north to south and 70 km from west to east. The territory is divided into two forestry - Pokolskoye and Tazovskoye, bordering among themselves the water-protection lion along the left bank of the Ratt River.
The reserve was formed in 1986 to preserve and study the natural complexes of the district, unique to the West Siberian Plain and characteristic of its elevation - Siberian Urals. The territory of the reserve is important for the protection of a declining population of the Taiga Reindeer, promising for the reacmirmatization of the Sosvinsky beaver.

The animal world of the Upper-Tazovsky reserve is characteristic of North Taiga, however, he is not sufficiently studied. From large animals are the Bear, Elk, Rossomach. The latter is rare, but constantly. Wolves come here from the tundra rarely. On the upper pelvis during the migration comes. Fox are found along the valleys of rivers.

In the Upper Tazovsky Reserve there are 310 species of vascular plants, 111 sheets of moss, 91 types of lichens. Forests with a predominance of pine in the reserve make up 59.4% of the forestry square. Meet the areas of river terraces. Darky forests occupy not such large areas, but they are more diverse in their composition. They prevail cedar and fir with admixture of fir. The shrub tier is represented by a richness, juniper, rowan. Mokhovoy cover solid or almost solid, places there are leafy lichens, which gives the intercess of the Northern appearance.

On the territory of the reserve registered 149 species of birds. It has about 310 species of vascular plants on its territory. In the fauna of the reserve there are about 35 types of mammals. There are 20 species of fish. The world is represented by such types of animals and birds, like a brown bear, caressing, sable, dehumaria, tetra.

The main attraction of the Upper-Taza Reserve is a relatively rare-resistant pine forest bors with richest jellyts. The reserve is the largest reserve of valuable fur animals - sable and ermine. Consists of one plot of 631.3 thousand hectares; It stretches from the north of the South 150 km, from the east to the west - 70 km.

The climate is continental, with a long cold winter and a pretty warm summer. The amplitude of the minimum winter and maximum summer temperatures reaches 100 degrees. The average duration of the smokery period is 83 days. The reserve is located in the zone of a lack of permafrost.

For the rivers of the Upper-Tazovsky reserve, a moderate course, a large toastness, the presence of numerous sandy shames and relatively tall shores is characteristic. In some areas of rivers there are dumps. In the valleys of rivers, the processes of sissets and fading of high banks are coming. The main river of the reserve - the River Taz is one of the most important Rivers of Western Siberia such valuable species of salmon and sigan, like Nelma, Muksun, Sig, Chir, Pel'l, Tugun. It begins at the Upper Taza Hills. Here they originate and other rivers flowing through the territory of the reserve, such as Golkologo, Ratt, Kellog.

On the territory of the Upper-Tazovsky Reserve there are two types of lakes, differing in genesis - lakes of glacial origin and floodplain origin. The formation of the first is associated with the processes of the formation of sea sediments by the erosion of the sushi sections with glacial waters, they are located on interflunes and have usually rounded the form. The floodplain lakes are old days of rivers, as a rule, an elongated shape, a small width, with shafts and or orst bottoms.

On the "ancient" floodplain terraces, which in places are found on the average and lower course of Ratta and the rollers are common. Ancient on the swamps is rare, pine and birch. The shrub tier is rare, consists of the birch of the dwarf low-speed Yves. Against the background of continuous moss cover, Cassandra is dominated, boiled, cranberries, blueberries, cloudberry, a sabelnik, the essay of the coat, the cannis.

Ecological tourism:
The reserve has developed an interesting environmental trail, there is a small museum of nature and a visit center.

Mysterious hole on Yamal
Scientists explore a giant hole in the ground that appeared on Yamal. Funnel with a diameter of 60 (and according to other data - and up to 80), the meters found last week (July 2014) - it was accidentally noticed from the board of the helicopter. On the Internet there were already all sorts of versions of its origin. Scientists have to find out whether it is the result of man-made impact or falling the cosmic body.
Some media suggested even that the funnel appeared as a result of alien intervention. But for accurate definition The reasons for its appearance need to take the soil samples. According to Russia 24, it is still impossible, since the edges of the funnel are constantly creepy, and it is dangerous to approach it. The first expedition has already been on the spot, and about what scientists saw there, the chief researcher of the Institute of Cryosphere Earth of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences Marina Labman said.
"No traces of your stay with some technique there are simply no," she said. "You can assume something fantastic: a hot meteorite fell and everything molded. But when the meteorite falls, there are traces of charring, that is, high temperature. Ah There are no tracks in order to affect the high temperature. The traces of water flows are visible, there is some cluster of water. "
According to the portal " Russian newspaper", Scientists consider several versions of the education of this hole. The version that this is an ordinary quarrel failure is unlikely, because the funnel surrounds the soil emissions. If the meteorite shave is formed in the land, then such a powerful blow could not remain unnoticed.
Executive Director of the Subarctic Scientific and Training Polygon, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Anna Kurchatov suggested that there was not a very strong underground explosion here. Probably, gas was accumulated under the ground, at a depth of about 15 meters, the pressure began to increase. As a result, the gas-water mixture broke out, throwing ice with sand, as if a plug of bottle with champagne. Fortunately, it happened away from the pipeline or gas production and processing facility.

The reindeer herders of the Tazovsky district of Yanao discovered the second funnel, externally similar to the "bottomless pit that became famous the other day 30 kilometers from the Bovanenkovskoye deposit.
The new funnel is located on another peninsula - Gydansky, not far from the coast of the Taza lip. The diameter of the crater is much less than that of the first, approximately 15 meters. The other day in its existence was convinced by the deputy director of the state farm Mikhail Lapsui.
However, talking about opening as such is not necessary. According to nomads, the funnel appeared in late September last year. They just did not betray this fact with a broad publicity. And when they knew about a similar phenomenon on the next peninsula, they told about it to local authorities.

"Hole" on Yamal could appear due to marsh gas
Mikhail Lapsui confirms the identity of the Gydan and Yamal natural formations. By the way, and for the distance from the polar circle, they differ little. Externally, except for sizes, everything is very similar.
Judging by the ending the upper borders of the soil, it was released on the surface from the depths of the perplexed rocks. True, those reindeer herders who call themselves a phenomenon are argued: over the site where the release occurred, first there was a haze, then a fire outbreak was followed and the land shuddered.
At first glance - speculation. However, the Executive Director of the Subarctic Scientific and Training Polygon, the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Anna Kurchatova, is not to mention this version of the emission, as an explosive mixture is formed when mixing methane with air in certain proportions is formed.

Sacred Places in Yamal

Sacred Places in Yamal
Despite the many generic sacred places in Yamal, Taimyr and in the Nenets Autonomous District, there were central religious places for the entire Nenets Ethnic Sheet, such as the Balvanian Nose on Vaigache, Kozmmin Rosetok in the area r. I carried (Nenets Autonomous Okrug), Jav'mal Heha (Yamal), Sir Iri (Fr. White), Minisa in the Polar Urals.
The most revered among the Nenets were two idol stones on Vaigach - Wesoko and Khadako (old man and old woman). The island of Nenets was named "Heabid NGO" - Sacred Earth. The sanctuary of the Wesco is located at Cape Dyakonov. One of the first descriptions of this sacred place left Skipper Stephen Borurou in 1556, he noted that the sanctuary was located about 300 idols, made roughly and primitively, sometimes they were just sticks with cuts that indicate their eyes and mouth. The mouths and eyes of idols and some other parts were smeared with blood. In the "Notes" Jan Guygens Wang Linshotten We find the description of Cape on the southern shore of Vaigach, on which about 300 idols stood [Linshotten, 1915].
In 1826, Archimandrite Veniamin, who gave the activities of the Mission for the appeal of Nenets (Samoyov) of the Arkhangelsk province to Christianity visited the Sanctuary of Wesco. By order of Veniamine, the Sanctuary of Wesoko was completely destroyed, and idols burned down. Despite the complete destruction of the most revered sacred place, the Nenets have repeatedly made it to restore it. In 1837, Biologist A. Shrenk, who visited about. Vaigach, reported that Samoyed himself elected place for sacrifices near the Cross, erected by the Mission of Archimandrite Veniamine, and again set her wooden idols here [Schrenk, 1855]. A. E. Nordencheld, who visited Vaigach in 1887, also wrote about nonsense idols with a bunch of deer horns and skulls standing at the top of the cape in six-hundred meters from the cross [Nordencheld, 1936].
In 1984-1987 Under the leadership of L. P. Khlobstin, a thorough archaeological study of this cultural facility was carried out. In 1986, the Arkhangelsk Arctic Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the leadership of O. V. Ovsyannikova examined the monument of the spiritual culture of Nenets - the Sanctuary of Kozmmin Rosetok ("Harw under" - the road to larch thickel). In 1986-1997 Research on the guidance of P. V. Boyarsky under the leadership of P. V. Boyarsky was conducted on Vaigach. Based on these materials, a map of the sacred places of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was created.
The main shrine of the Nevel-Hehhe mother of Idol is in the north of. Vaigach in the upper river. Hehaiha, between Lakes Yangoto and Hehto. Judging by V. A. Islavin and A. A. Borisova, the highest rock with a crack, resembling a female sign, Nnetsa called "Nev-Hege".

In the XIX-XX centuries. An active interest in sacred places on Yamal is manifested. In the work of the "Peninsula Yamal" B. Allows gives a description of the sacrificial sites of Jav' Mal Heha, the places of worship of various births living in Yamal.

A lot of time and strength gave the study and description of sacred places Ethnographer-researcher V. P. Evbabov, who organized a scientific expedition in conjunction with the Ural Committee of the North in 1928-1929. According to Tundra Yamal. They are fixed mainly all the major religious places of the Nenets. He also managed to visit and describe the main shrine of Nenets Sir Iry (White Old Man) on about. White. Nenets call him an island of White Old Man (Sir Iri NGO). From ancient times, this island has been a kind of goal on Yamal.
In July-August 2000, with the financial support of the administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, an ethnographic expedition was held in the Yamal district. Its purpose was to study, fixing and collecting information about the sacred and ritual places, the description of historical and cultural monuments, sacred and cult places, national burials (certification, accounting, recommendations for establishing the boundaries of security zones and creating a map of sacred places).
The collected materials are processed, analyzed and compiled a map of sacred places. Many points indicated on the map are examined by the author personally. Some designations of sacred places are recorded from the words of informants living in a given territory.
Sacred place Sir Iry is located in the depths of the island of white, 25-30 km from the Sagliva of Malygin. It, apparently, is not visited for a long time and seems launched. In the center of the sanctuary there is a figure with a height of about 2-2.5 m. Around lying on different sizes of the log, maybe it is an idol. The time and weather did their job, some of them collapsed under the influence of water and wind. Figure Sir Iri is made from round tree, the master diligently processed the facial part, the neck and the transition to the shoulder belt, are scheduled small size Hands, apparently, in this place were the bumps of a tree, which facilitated the master to the task. We often had during the expeditions of Yamal to see a similar figure in the sacred nars of the Nenets. At the same time, Sir Iry's figure was always dressed in Malitsa, however, in the descriptions of researchers and travelers, we do not find references to such an attribute of this image. Although the informants argue that in the sacrifice to Sir Iri, they put on the skin of the sacrificial deer (Khan You) (Ya. Ya.) Or Bear (Sir Vark) (Hoody V.).

According to the stories of informants, in the holy place of IBlebahampherty (about. White, Cape Malygin, 15-20 km from the strait) were held sacrifices of a polar bear or white deer. The skin of the sacrificial animal wrapped the central figure of Sydue (idol). With our examination of this sacred place of fresh sacrifices, it was not found, but the remnants of the shocking and skin were lying around. Many white bears and deer skulls were scattered around the altar, and a whole mountain from Cherepov was folded near the central figure.

The sacrificial place Yamal Heha is the place of worship and sacrifices of seven births living on the Peninsula Yamal. According to reindeer herders, any person may come here independently of the genus and tribe. Seven generic sacrificial sites are located at a great distance from each other. The central sacred place is about 2.5 m in height and several meters wide. All sacrifices were found sacrifices. On each sticking different sizes of the idol figures, there are small fresh cut Siyadi, and the traces of blood of blood are visible on their faces, and the sacred poles (Sims) are discovered, they are tied with different colors of the flavors of the fabric. Not far from the altars are visible traces of the fire and burnt lamps.
Sur'nya Heha I am located 25 km from the village. Sunay-Sale for a small river Harwuta. The basis is five larchs. Under them are several chests (lars). Everywhere hanging horn sacrificial deer, ribbons different colorsMany dishes. According to the legend, which the villagers told, at this holy place sometimes the hostess appears and scares people who came not for the sacrifice, but for balobiness. Women are generally prohibited here to appear.

Sacred Nart Harwut Heha Han is located on the high bank of the Harwut River. Apparently, it costs here for a long time, since part of it left underground. NARTA Three-spirited, gray-greenish shade, in some places thickets with yellowish-white moss. In Nart, there is a casket, the right side of which is broken. The boards from the Lart and the pieces of Berest are lying around, perhaps the cult items were wrapped before it. In NART, a cult sculpture of 50 cm in size was found. The facial part is clearly processed, the neck is indicated, the figure is narrow and worked less. During the sacred narts examination, two more cult sculptures were discovered: one about 25 cm, most likely men's (the figure was destroyed by time and there are no clear contours), the second is about 30 cm, a more complicated processing, the front part is very clearly worked out, the neck and shoulder part are designated . Most likely, this is a female figure, because the lower part of the body is worked in very detailed: legs, waist. The master is not without interest in the study of female genitals.
Heabida That Hehe I am located 15 km from the village. Syunay-Sale, on the high bank of the Big Lake. Previously, this cult place was very often visited by reindeer herds, distilled herds of deer from the Hen side on the summer pastures on Yamal. But a few years ago, this place was partially destroyed (a large larch was demolished by a tractor on which many sacrificial skulls hung). According to the stories of informants, not far from the broken larch grew up small, and the Nenets began to bring sacrifices to this place. Traces of sacrifices, tugs of deer, colored flasks of fabrics were found here. A very modest sacred place, no bulky pile of sacrificial skulls, as it happens on the North Yamal.

During the expedition, new, previously unexplored religious places were discovered: Limbya Ngudu Heha; Nyarme Hehe I; Sarmik Yara Heha I; Munoma Yama Hehe I; Guard Sale (mouth r. Mordyach); Yasavei Hehe I; Tombie Hehe I; SI'IV SERPIVA HOY (r. Turmaakh); Charotto seds (river. Yurieuri, Yamal); Tirs sleda (Verkhovye R. Yakhadyyakh); Varning Yakha Heh I (Varngeto district); Labaii then (Verkhovye R. Sebessyha).
In the entire territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, generic nonsense borons are scattered. Many travelers and researchers described the Nenets burial and disposal methods [Zavalishin, 1862; Zuev, 1947; Bakhrushin, 1955; Gracheva, 1971; Homich, 1966, 1976, 1995; Sousa, 1994; Lehtisalo, 1998]. Since ancient times, Nenets tried to have cemeteries (chalter ') in generic territories near summer pastures. Usually it was dry places and high hills on the shore of the lakes, rivers. In Yamal, we discovered the burial of various forms. These are burial in Kaldanke (Hoi Ngano), the sharp ends of which are processed by the size of the shape; burial in the deck, in the elongated forms resembling a barrels for salting fish; burial on narts, in facilities, similar to wreckage of ships (large boats); In facilities, similar to sacred narts (with lars), maybe so burned shamans in ancient times.


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Kushelevsky Yu. I. North Pole And the land of Yalmal: Travel Notes. - SPb.: Type. MVD, 1868. - II, 155 p.
A brief report on the journey to the Yamal Peninsula: (Cheat. In total. Syric. I. R.G. O. 19 Feb. 1909) / B. M. Zhitkov p. 20. Checked February 15, 2012.
Evbala V. P. in Tundra I-Mala. - Sverdlovsk: Gosizdat, 1930. - 68 p. - 5,000 copies.
Vasilyev V.I. Historical legends Nenets as a source in the study of ethnogenesis and the ethnic history of North-Masonia peoples // Ethnic history and folklore. M.: Science, 1977. P. 113-126.
Vasilyev V.I., Simichenko Yu.B. Modern Taimyr Selfiest Population // SE. 1963. No. 3. P. 9-20.
Golovanov A.V., Zaitsev GS, Profitsky, Yu.P. History of Yamal. Tobolsk; Yar-Sale: Ethnographic Bureau, 1994.
Dunin-Gorkavich A.A. Tobolsky North. M.: Liberey, 1995. T. 1.
Evaven V.P. On the tundra of Yamal to the White Island. Tyumen: IPOS SB RAS, 1992.
Zhitkov B.M. Peninsula Yamal / Zap. IRGO. T. 49. SPb.: Type. MM Stasyulevich, 1913.
Kurilovich A. Gydansky Peninsula and its inhabitants // Soviet north. 1934. No. 1. P. 129-140.
Lar L.A. Shamans and gods. Tyumen: IPOS SB RAS, 1998.
MINENKO N.A. North-West Siberia in the XVII - the first half of the XIX. Novosibirsk: Science, 1975.
Obdorsky Edge and Mangazea in the XVII century: Sat. Documents / Avt.-Cost. E.V. Vershinin, G.P. Squealing. Ekaterinburg: "Thesis", 2004.
Photo S. Vagaev, S. Anisimov, A. Snegirev.

The stern northern region is beautiful and distant. These definitions fully belong to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. On this earth, indigenous people live on the customs of their ancestors, and the rich subsoil is developed by modern technologies. Yamal always manifes travelers with his unique appearance. Here the most surprising ways of the sunbarriness and nature of nature, the severity of the climate and the pleasing of local residents, the fantastic autumn palette and the silent winter whiteness. Scientists love Yamal for cultural wealth and unique nature. Therefore, bye, come to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (the capital of Salekhard) in order to enjoy clean air And closer to see the beauty of remote corners of our big country.


Russia is beautiful and rich in Russia: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is the black pearl of the northern part of our country. And he takes a lot of any little - 770 thousand square kilometers of West Siberian plains. The district includes: Gydansky and, of course, Yamal Peninsula. Most of the district spread over the polar circle. From the north of YANAO is washed from the south to the Khanty-Mansiysk district, Eastern neighbors - Taimyr and Evenki JSC, bordered from the West with the Arkhangelsk Region and the Komi Republic. The relief of the YNAO can be divided into plain and mountain. All three peninsulas are chosen by small rivers, hollows, ravines and swamps. The mountain range stretches for two hundred kilometers a narrow strip along the Polar Urals. The climate of Yanao is sharp-continental, severe, divided into three zones: the northern strip of West Siberian lowland, subarctic and arctic. The population of about 500 thousand people at a density of less than one person per square kilometer.


Vegetable cover in the YNAO has a pronounced latitudinal zonality. Five landscape zones can be distinguished: Northern Taiga, Forestandra, Shrub, Mokhovo-Lichetic and Arctic Tundra. In the northern, the Arctic strip, the vegetation is very scarce. Here you can meet only mosses, lichens and sump. Small bushes and disintegration are already growing in Mokhovo-Lichennikova Tundra. In the next zone (shrub tundra), dwarf birks and willow, along rivers - berries and mushrooms. There are many swamps and small rivers in Festour. Dwarf birchs, larchs, small spruce grow here. In the most southern zone of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Taiga, many lakes, swamps, rivers. The whole area is covered with dense light and dark and dark forests.


If the INAO's floral world is sufficiently scoop, then the animal is rich and diverse. Thirty-eight types of mammals inhabit the five climatic zones of the district. Most of all guests here are predators and rodents - by fourteen species. Five names of lastonous, three - insectivores, two - hoofs. Twenty types of fur animals have an important commercial value.

Useful natural fossils

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (the capital Salekhard) is famous for hydrocarbon reserves. About 78% of the total reserves of Russian oil and gas are concentrated here. YNAO - the largest world resource base of hydrocarbons. Developments for the extraction of valuable raw materials are conducted at the Nakhodka and Urengoy Gas, Yet Purovsky, South Russian, Yamburg oil fields. About 8% of the total mining of "black" and about 80% are "blue gold" annually produced in the YNAO. Chromium, molybdenum, tin, iron, lead, phosphorites, barids and other minerals are mining.

Indigenous peoples of the Yamalo-Nenets District

Today, twenty peoples live in YanaA. But truly indigenous people are Khanty, Nenets, Selkup and Komi-Izhemtsy, who lived in this territory from time immemorial. The rest settled only in the second half of the twentieth century. This is due to the development of the era Soviet Union Territories of the Far North.

Khanty: This people sincecrall lived in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets JSC. Culture, language and customs of this people are very inhomogeneous. This is due to the fact that Khanty settled on a fairly extensive territory and therefore became somewhat scattered.

Nenets inhabit the extensive territory of Russia - from to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. This people migrated from Southern Siberia in the first millennium of our era. He applies to the self-education group.

It is known that it lives in this territory from the I millennium BC. This people are divided into the northern and southern Komi. The first time for centuries were engaged in reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. The second were hunters and fishermen.

Sellocks are the most numerous people of the North. Celkups were engaged in traditionally fishing and hunting. The representatives of the people who lived at higher latitudes still bred deer.

Administrative center

The capital of YNAO is the city of Salekhard. It is located on the bank of Ob (on the right side). The city is located on the Polar Circle (the only one in the world). The population is about 40 thousand people. Based in the city in 1595. At first it was a small Ostrog called Obdorsky. After half a century after the foundation, permanent residents appear here. From 1923, the village Ozdorsk becomes the center of the Obdor district of the Ural region. And in 1930, Selu is assigned the status of the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Three years later, Obdorsk was renamed Salekhard. Nowadays, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the capital of JSC in particular, develops a fairly rapid pace. There are many enterprises in the city: "Yamalzoloto", the river port, a fishing substrate, "Yamalflot" and others. The city opened the Yamalo-Nenets District Museum and Exhibition Complex, which employs an exhibition center, a local history museum and a scientific library. Even in Salekhard there is a District House of Crafts - the State Budgetary Institution of the Culture of the Yamalo-Nenets JSC. In the capital of YNAO many branches of various universities. It should be noted that the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (Capital Salekhard) experiences great problems with Internet access. The fact is that there is still no fiber-optic network in the region.

Cities and Areas of the Yamalo-Nenets District

In the composition of Yanao seven districts, eight cities, five and forty-one rural administration. Areas of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Yamal, Shuryshkarsky, Tazovsky, Purovsky, Uralsky, Nadym and Krasnoselkupsky. As mentioned above, the population density is very low. Despite the huge territory, very few cities have the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Cities: Noyabrsk (97 thousand), New Urengoy (89.8 thousand), Nadym (45.2 thousand), Muravlenko (36.4 thousand), Salekhard (32.9 thousand), Labnyangi (26, 7 thousand), Gubkinsky (21.1 thousand inhabitants). Some YanaA cities will be described in more detail below.


Gubkinsky's city (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) in 1996 became the city of district and was named after the Soviet geologist it was located on the left bank of the River Pupupur in two hundred kilometers from the Northern Polar Circle. This city was formed as a basic center for the development of oil deposits. Because Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District), mainly specializes in the oil and gas and processing industry. The city has a good job with young people: sports and cultural centers, a school of dancing work, there is a sound recording studio. Junior has the opportunity to get an education in his hometown.

Muravlenko. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Based in the city in 1984. Received the status of the district in 1990 was named after Engineer-Oilman Muravlenko Viktor Ivanovich. Basic urban budget is replenished at the expense of oil industry enterprises. In Muravlenko (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) there is a radio and television company. Newspapers are available: "Our city", "Kopeika", "The Word of the Oilman".

Noyabrsk. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

After new Urengoy Noyabrsk - the second largest population in the YNAO. The date of the foundation of the city can be considered 1973, when the first oil well was drilled on the site of this Novembersk. Two years later, the first migrants flew here, which, mostly, consisted of workers. In 1976, the village of Noyabrsk could be found only on the karts of oilmen, and already in 1982 the village was assigned the status of a district city. Oil and gas and developed very well. There are more than thirty companies on this field.

The capital of Yamal Salekhard was the final destination. Our motor ship arrived here at 12, the plane to Moscow is five with kopecks. Total three with something hour on a sightseeing tour of the city. The taxi driver was a little surprised by the request of the excursion - tourists here in general, rare, and in the end it turned out interesting. The city is small and for the review view of it there was enough time.

Salekhard was founded in 1595 by the Cossacks under the name of the Obdon Fortress or Ostrog. Obdorsk - translated from the naschah northern peoples denotes the "O Oskih Beach". The city is located exactly on the Polar Circle and at that time was the most northern Ostrog Russia. TO beginning of XIX. The century fortress has lost its defensive importance, and the strengthening disassembled - Obdorsk became a small provincial village of Berezovsky county. And in the royal, and in Soviet times, Obdorsk was a popular place of reference. In 1923, Obdorsk became the district center of the New Ural Region, and in 1930 the Yamalo-Nenets National District was formed, and Obdorsk became its capital. In 1933, the village was transformed into the district village of Salekhard (translated from Nenets - "Sellion to Cape"), which in 1938 appropriated the status of the city. Thanks to the colossal oil and gas fields, today YNAO is one of the most economically prosperous regions of our country. In addition to the oil and gas industry, reindeer herbalism has been developed traditional for the northern peoples - today's population of deer in the district reaches 700 thousand, and a lot of nomadic reindeer herding farms.

Interestingly, like Khanty-Mansiysk in KhMAO, Salekhard - Although the capital, but not the largest and industrially developed city of the region. The 50,000 Salekhard takes only third place in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the population, much inferior to the "oil and gas" New Urengoju and Noyabrsk (and there, and there are more than 100 thousand people). Salekhard's companion is the village of Labytnangi, located on the opposite bank of Ob. Labnyangi - the final station of the Northern Railway line and a large transshipment port on Ob. Between Salekhard and labnyangami acts ferry crossing.

1. In that place on the cauldron, where the first Russian settlement was founded 420 years ago, today I was recreated by the Much of Obdor's Ostrog - which he was in those distant years.

6. Petropavlovsky Cathedral - the first stone Temple of Salekhard. It was built in 1894 and was preserved to the present day in almost the priority form.

7. Modern Salekhard is approximately such as the majority of economically secured northern "oil and gas" cities. Most of its new building, modern architecture, many cultural and leisure facilities, and old houses are renovated and are given under the general architectural look.

13. In Salekhard there is a mosque, one of the northernmost people in Russia. For a mosque - the corps of the Yamal Multidisciplinary College.

14. National Library of YNAO.

15. Modern urban building.

16. One of the unusual architectural objects of the city is the rendering bridge "Torch" through the Shayanka River, open in 2004. A two-storey restaurant is located on the bridge peil.

17. "In the fairy tales of the ancient Yamal, in the songs of new generations - everywhere there are grateful people honored with deer!"

18. Not far from the guy bridge on the Far Coast, the Shaitanks are administrative buildings of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This "government quarter" was built quite recently - the INAO administration moved here in 2009.

20. The next door to the construction of a new Cathedral of Transfiguration Cathedral is underway.

21. Salekhard is located exactly on the polar circle. In the place where the road to the airport crosses the breadth of 66 ° 33`44``, a memorable sign is installed. Posted and thought how many times have I been on and for the polar circle? Now I consider - in 6 travels on the north and 1 time in the southern in Antarctica.

22. Near the sign of the "Polar Circle" is established a monument to the 501th construction site, laid off the forces of the prisonered transpolar railway from Salekhard to Igarka. In the forests and tundras, the remains of the bars of prisoners were still preserved from Salekhard, the smelting of the railway canvas and even old steam locomotives. These places can be viewed within the framework of a separate three-day journey. In the future, if I return to Salekhard, I will try to go there ...

Meanwhile, the project of the transpolar railway is actually alive - albeit not in such a format, as it was in the time of Gulag. In essence, some of this road from Plague and Vorkuta to Labytnang - acts; On the opposite shore, the current railway from Urengoy is built on the opposite shore from Urengoy to Nadym, is about to start active work on the northern latitudinal move, which will contact Nadym and Salekhard approximately on the route of the former 501 building. In recent years, the bridges of the bridge bridge across the Ob in Salekhard again activated. The bold projects of the construction of the road and east of Urengoy to the shores of Yenisei are voiced in the Igarka area, and even more bold - to Dudinka and Norilsk to tie the Norilsk Industrial District on land from "Big Earth". Will it ever build ever? I think that they will build - not soon, not tomorrow, not in the foreseeable future, but I think that someday will be built - because the direction is strategically promising, modern construction technologies Stepped far backward compared with Stalinar times, and the presence of many unfounded deposits in these deaf northern places is a very serious incentive of the development of transport infrastructure. Of course, this is not tomorrow and not in a year ... But maybe years through ... at ..., retired, will bring a trip from Moscow to Norilsk by train? :)) It would be damn interesting! In the meantime, we look out into the distance to the trimbed rails and the lives of the 501st construction site ...

25. Next, the road passes the airport and leads to ferry crossing Salekhard - Labnyangi and Salekhard - Priobye. The first associates Salekhard with the opposite shore and the railway station, and the second - 630 kilometers on Ob to Priobia, where the nearest highway road associated with the common road network of the country comes to the river. A huge mammoth has a huge mammoth on the high shore and a memorable inscription in honor of the 420th anniversary of the city is posted.

28. On the Salekhard - Labytnangi is very lively - ferries through Ob are one after another.

Here, oh, sick, torn on both sides, narrows up to two kilometers and turns to the east. In this target, for many years it is planned to build a huge bridge, which will connect Salekhard with the country's railway network and which will pass the car and railway latitudinal northern highway. The question of the Salekhard bridge is for many years, since the time of the 501th construction, and with different degrees of activity pops up from time to time in certain circles and instances. Recently, conversations about the bridge were again activated - in some of the engineering solutions, for example, it is planned to use the experience of the Kerch bridge erected now. But is the future question.

33. And now on the Obian shores, the Great Siberian River is quietly and a wide stream carries its waters to the Kara Sea among the harsh North Taiga and Forestandra. Hence, before the start of the River delta, a little more than a hundred kilometers, and to the basic science of Obi in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nadym Bar - 280 kilometers. A year ago I had a chance to visit Altai, in the most upper reaches of the river, and now we are not far from her mouth ...

The journey ends - by storing on the banks of Obi with the crossing, we are going to the airport where the plane is already waiting for us. It was great! Thanks Sergei kitv For as always, an excellent company! And ahead is certainly a lot of other travels, because in the light of so many interesting places where you should go! :))

When people suffer from unbearable heat in Central Russia, the inhabitants of Yamal enjoy the cold. Despite the harsh weather conditions, very good people live here who gave this place their name. The Yamal Peninsulas they refer to the "edge of the Earth", since it is so translated from Nenetsky his name.

History of Cold Yamal

The first mention of the Yamal Earth is dated to the XI century, but the Novgorod merchants managed to get there before. Their mention of the northern lands were fantastic. Travelers told about proteins and deers who fell on the ground, like raindrops with clouds. From this point on, the popularity of Yamal began to grow.

To finally conquer rich northern lands, Tsar Fedor sent a campaign in 1592. A few years later, the Cossack squad was created by the strengthening of Obdorsk. Today, everyone knows this place as Salekhard - the city, which is the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets district. After the northern lands were conquered and switched to Russia, the rapid increase in the power of this state began.

Russia, Yamal Peninsula. Location

The North and Cold Peninsula of Russia is located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets District. In size, it ranks fourth, is washed by the Kara Sea from three sides, as well as Baydarack and Ob Lip bays. The last lip separates the main part of the mainland from the peninsula.

The vegetation world here is only the tundra and forest tundra areas. Floer make up low shrubs, mosses, trees, lichens and herbaceous plants. Animal and floral world are very poor here, but there are a lot of fish.

The peninsula is famous for its unsurpassed cold beauty and indispensable lands. Believe me, the spectacle is impressive. From all over the country, guests come here to look at this area. Impressions are sometimes so strong that people who came for six months are decided to stay here forever.

Yamal is located behind the northern polar circle, it strongly affects its climate. Summer on the peninsula can be compared, rather, with a thaw, since the temperature is +6, although in the tundra in July it can reach 30 degrees Celsius.

The land on the peninsula is permafrost, where the tundra is represented as a swampy plain. On Yamal a lot of small lakes that are suitable for economic activity. There are valuable breeds of salmon fish.

Now you know where the Yamal Peninsula is located.

The local climate is strongly affected by health. Of course, the northern people have their own diseases, such as the frostbite of the upper part of the lungs.

Scientists identified one very curious moment, which is directly connected to the north. Everyone who lived in the peninsula of Yamal more than seven years of people expands cardiac artery. This change affects the psychosomatic state of the individual, as a result of which a person becomes more hospitable, kinder, responsive and gentle. In such difficult conditions it is impossible to survive, remaining a wolf, so there is nothing surprising in change.

Treasure of permafrost

Peninsula Yamal Many call gas cylinderBut the inhabitants of this comic nickname do not take offense. They only correct, saying that their autonomous district is the gas heart of Russia. Gas here really so much that he even goes to the surface.

Here photos of the funnel were made, the diameter of which is 60 meters. This natural phenomenon made this place famous, but did not surprise specialists at all. Such funnels are very often appearing in permafrost, containing a large stock of natural gas. It is this place that the Peninsula Yamal. Photo of the famous funnel in front of you.

Reindeer years and fisheries were considered the main sectors of the economy. The billet of the fur increased with a rapid pace. However, as soon as the district was formed, there was a completely new branch to develop - crop production. People began to grow feed root roots, potatoes and vegetables.

Administrative territorial device of the peninsula

As part of the autonomous district, it is listed:

6 urban settlements;

6 urban districts;

36 rural settlements;

7 municipal districts.

Popularinsula Peninsula Yamal


New Urengoy;




Tarco Sale;


The largest settlements are:

1. New port;

2. Yar-Sale;

3. Salemal;

4. Cape Stone;

5. Panayevsk;

Urban Types:






Old Nadym.

Peninsula Yamal is partially populated, complete development is complicated by climatic conditions.

Population of the Peninsula

Quite a long time, the district was practically deserted, exclusively hants, nonsense and the Selkup tribes were dwelling here. They were engaged in hunting and reindeer herding and conducted a nomadic lifestyle.

The situation began to change from the 20th century, at this time the development of the natural riches of the district began and the population was gradually began to increase.

Population size:

1926 - 19,000 people;

1975 - 122,000;

2000 - 495 200 people;

2012 - 539 800;

National Structure (in Percent):

Sellocks - 0.4;

Khanty - 1.9;

Nenets - 5.9;

Tatars - 5.6;

Other nationalities - 17.5;

Ukrainians - 9.7;

Russians - 61.7.

It should be noted that the Yamal Peninsula is the only subject of the Russian Federation, where the natural population increase has been preserved. This fact takes place in all settlements, cities and districts.

The birth rate here is much higher than all-Russian, and mortality is much lower. This is a very good indicator. The number of population is constantly increasing, and at the expense of natural growth.

Peninsula Yamal is the territory of permafrost and unsurpassed landscapes. This is an amazing land that will not leave anyone indifferent. All who at least once visited Yamal, will surely come back here.

To date, Yamal is considered a stable, dynamically developing region. It is a solid foundation for socio-economic development, which is very important for the northern regions, and for the country as a whole.