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How the cylinders with gas should be stored. Rules of operation and storage of gas cylinders. Gas cylinder transportation rules

Help sort out storage at the enterprise of gas cylinders. What is it allowed to store in one special cabinet. The company has cylinders with oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, acetylene, propane.


To organize the correct storage of gas cylinders, you need to know the following.
Gas cylinders should be stored in a warehouse, or in a special place specifically (subject to a number of conditions).
According to "When the storage and operation of gas cylinders" (App. First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation V.A.Yanvarev on May 21, 2004):
3.3. Gas cylinders should be stored in single-storey warehouses with light-type coatings equipped with ventilation, without attic rooms. The walls of the warehouse must be carried out from non-combustible materials; Windows and doors must open out. The height of the warehouse must be at least 3.25 m; Lighting must be performed in explosion-proof design.
3.4. The floors in the storage room must be carried out from materials that exclude sparking when they hit with metal objects. Floors should be laid out at least 0.1 m from the ground level.
3.5. Acetylene, oxygen cylinders and cylinders with liquefied gas must be stored separately. Cylinders are installed in a vertical position with screwed caps and plugs on the fittings of the valves.

3.6. Cylinders need to firmly fix with clamps or chains and protect against sunlight and exposure to heating devices and devices.
3.7. Gas cylinders installed in the room should be positioned at a distance of at least 1 m from the heating radiator and at least 5 m from the source of open fire heat.
3.8. When a screen device protecting cylinders from heating, the distance between the cylinder and the heating device can be reduced to 0.5 m.
3.9. The distance between the cylinders and the safety screen should be at least 10 cm.
3.10. It is necessary to set at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the door and windows of the first floor and 3 m - from the windows and doors of the basement and basement floors, as well as sewer wells and cesspools.
3.11. It is not allowed to accommodate cylinders from spare (fire) exits from the premises, from the main facades of buildings, in drives with intensive traffic movement.
3.12. Store combustible materials and produce work related to the use of open fire (blacksmith, welding, soldering, etc.), in a radius closer than 25 m from the cylinder warehouse is prohibited.
Pot R O-14000-007-98 "Position. Labor protection when storing materials "regulates the following:
"Warehouses for storing cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases can be open, semi-closed, closed and placed no closer than 20 m from production, administrative and warehouse buildings, not closer to 50 meters from residential buildings and not closer to 100 m from public buildings" ( § 3.132.).
The rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation (approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390), for example, section XIV. Storage objects:
355. When storing gas:
a) the windows of the premises where cylinders with gas are stored, they are painted with white paint or equipped with sunscreen non-combustible devices;
b) when storing cylinders on the open areas of structures, protecting cylinders from precipitation and sunlight, are performed from non-combustible materials;
c) fuel cylinders should be stored separately from cylinders with oxygen, compressed air, chlorine, fluorine and other oxidizing agents, as well as from cylinders;
d) the placement of group balloon installations is allowed in deaf (not having openings) of external walls of buildings. Cabinets and booths, where cylinders are placed, are performed from non-combustible materials and have natural ventilation, eliminating the formation of explosive mixtures in them;
e) When storing and transporting cylinders with oxygen, it is impossible to make oils (fats) and contact the reinforcement of the cylinder with oiled materials. When the cylinders with oxygen cylinders are manually not allowed to be taken for valves;
e) Gas analyzers should be installed in the premises to control the formation of explosive concentrations. In the absence of gas analyzes, the head of the organization must establish the order of selection and control of the samples of the gas-air environment;
g) when the gas leak is detected from the cylinders, they must be removed from the warehouse in a safe place;
h) to a warehouse where cylinders with flammable gas are not allowed in shoes, shot down by metal nails or horses;
and) cylinders with flammable gas, having shoes, are stored in a vertical position in special nests, cells or other devices that exclude their fall. Cylinders that do not have shoes are stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 meters, and the valves should be closed by safety caps and be treated in one direction;
k) the storage of any other substances, materials and equipment in the premises of warehouses with flammable gas is not allowed;
l) Warehouses are provided by natural ventilation.
Resolution of the Gosstroita of Russia dated July 23, 2001 No. 80 "On the adoption of construction standards and rules of the Russian Federation" Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements. SNiP 12-03-2001, p. 9.4. Safety requirements for storage and use of gas cylinders:
9.4.3 Cylinders with flammable gas, having shoes, should be stored in a vertical position in special nests, cells and other devices that exclude their fall.
Cylinders that do not have shoes must be stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 m, and the valves must be closed by safety caps and are treated in one direction.
9.4.4 Empty cylinders should be stored separately from gas filled cylinders.
9.4.5 Gas cylinders are allowed to transport, store, issue and receive only persons who have passed on handling them and having a corresponding certificate.

9.4.8 When operating, storing and moving, oxygen cylinders should be ensured by the protection of cylinders from contact with materials, workers' clothing and versed materials having traces of oils.
9.4.9 Gas cylinders must be protected from shocks and actions of direct sunlight. From heating devices, cylinders should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m.
9.4.10 When interruptions in the work, at the end of the work shift, the welding equipment must be disconnected. Hoses must be disconnected, and in soldering lamps the pressure is completely removed.
9.4.11 At the end of the work, gas cylinders should be placed in a place specifically reserved for storage, excluding access to unauthorized persons.
In addition to the listed regulatory documents, the requirements of the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety are also followed by the rules of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities that use equipment running under pressure, "section XII" Additional industrial safety requirements for examining and operating cylinders ".

According to these requirements in the enterprise using gas cylinders, should, along with, be:
1) developed and approved by the head of the organization's instruction manual for all types of cylinders, regulating the order of their filling, storage, transportation and use;
2) Plan (project) Placement of equipment Taking into account the requirements of FNP and the requirements of fire safety standards for:
placement (installations) of gas cylinders on places of consumption (use) as an individual balloon installation (no more than two cylinders (one worker, other reserve) of each type of gas used in the process), placement of group balloon installation, places of storage of the technological reserve of cylinders ; 3) A project of a warehouse for storing cylinders (developed taking into account the requirements of FNP and fire safety standards) filled with gases - if the cylinders are stored in stock.
Chapter 16 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-ФЗ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" regulates the requirements for fire-fighting distances between buildings, structures and buildings.
In accordance with these requirements and the general plan of your enterprise and the warehouse (room, booth) should be placed for the storage of gas cylinders.

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Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 09-10-2001 72 on the approval of intersectoral rules for labor protection at electric and gas welding ... relevant in 2018

2.17. Requirements for the storage and operation of gas cylinders

2.17.1. Gas cylinders should be stored and applied in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the device and the safe operation of pressure vessels.

2.17.2. When storing cylinders in open venues, protecting them from the effects of precipitation and direct sunlight should be made of non-combustible materials.

2.17.3. Ballons with flammable gas having shoes should be stored in a vertical position in special nests, cities and other devices that exclude their fall.

Cylinders that do not have shoes must be stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 m, and the valves must be closed by safety caps and are treated in one direction.

2.17.4. Empty cylinders should be stored separately from gas filled cylinders.

2.17.5. Gas cylinders are allowed to transport, store, issue and receive only persons who have been touched by treating them and having a corresponding certificate.

2.17.6. When operating, the storage and movement of oxygen cylinders should be ensured by the protection of cylinders from contact with materials, workers' clothing and versatile materials having traces of oils.

2.17.7. Gas cylinders must be protected from shocks and direct sunlight. From heating devices, cylinders should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m.

2.17.8. When interrupted in work, at the end of the work shift, the welding equipment must be disconnected. Hoses must be disconnected, and in soldering lamps the pressure is completely removed.

2.17.9. At the end of the work, the gas cylinders should be placed in a place specifically reserved for storage, excluding access to unauthorized persons.

9.3.1 In electrical welding devices and sources of their power, elements under voltage must be closed with feet devices.

9.3.2 Electrode holders used in manual arc electrical welding with metal electrodes must comply with the requirements of GOST to these products.

9.3.3 Electric welding installation (converter, welding transformer, etc.) must be connected to the power supply through the switch and fuses or the circuit breaker, and with an automatic shutdown of the welding transformer, an automatic shutdown of the welding transformer should be used.

9.3.4 Metal parts of electric welding equipment that are not under voltage, as well as welding products and structures for all the time of welding must be grounded, and in the welding transformer, in addition, the housing grounding bolt must be connected to the editorial winding clamp to which the return wire is connected.

9.3.5 Steel tires and structures can be used as a reverse wire or its elements, if their cross section provides safe under the heating conditions, the flow of welding current.

The connection between individual elements used as a reverse wire must be reliable and run on bolts, clips or welding.

9.3.6 It is forbidden to use wires of grounding network, pipes of sanitary networks (water supply, gas pipeline, etc.), metal structures of buildings, technological equipment as a reverse wire of electric welding.

9.4 Security Requirements for Storage and Application Gas Cylinders

9.4.1 Gas cylinders should be stored and applied in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the device and the safe operation of pressure vessels.

9.4.2 When storing cylinders in open venues, protecting them from the effects of precipitation and direct sunlight should be made of non-combustible materials.

9.4.3 Ballons with flammable gas having shoes should be stored in a vertical position in special nests, cities and other devices that exclude their fall.

Cylinders that do not have shoes must be stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks. The height of the stack in this case should not exceed 1.5 m, and the valves must be closed by safety caps and are treated in one direction.

9.4.4 Empty cylinders should be stored separately from gas filled cylinders.

9.4.5 Gas cylinders are allowed to transport, store, issue and receive only persons who have passed on to handle them and having a corresponding certificate.

9.4.6 The movement of gas cylinders must be made on specially intended trolleys, in containers and other devices that provide a stable position of cylinders.

9.4.7 The placement of acetylene generators in drives, places of mass finding or passing of people, as well as near air intake places with compressors or fans is not allowed.

9.4.8 When operating, the storage and movement of oxygen cylinders should be ensured by the protection of cylinders from contact with materials, workers' clothing and versatile materials having traces of oils.

9.4.9 Gas cylinders must be protected from shocks and actions of direct sunlight. From heating devices, cylinders should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m.

9.4.10 When interrupted in work, at the end of the work shift, the welding equipment must be disconnected. Hoses must be disconnected, and in soldering lamps the pressure is completely removed.

9.4.11 At the end of the work, cylinders with gas should be placed in the place specifically allocated for storage, eliminating access to unauthorized persons.

Appendix A.

List of legislative and regulatory legal acts,

Which are referenced in these standards and rules

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3702).

2. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 12, 1996 No. 10-FZ "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3).

3. The Law of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1993 No. 5151-1 "On Certification of Products and Services" (Vedomosti Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 26, Art. 966).

4. Convention 148 of the International Labor Organization of 1977 "On the protection of workers from the professional risk caused by air pollution, noise and vibration in workplaces." Ratified by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 29, 1988 No. 8694-XI (Vedomosti Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988, No. 14, Art. 223).

5. Convention 155 of the International Labor Organization of 1981 "On Safety and Hygiene of Labor and Productive Environment". Ratified by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 11, 1998 No. 58-FZ (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 15, Art. 1698).

6. Convention 162 "On Labor Protection When Using Asbestos". Ratified by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2000 No. 50-FZ (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, №15, Art. 1539).

7. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2000 No. 399 "On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 22, Art. 2314).

8. On the new standards of extremely permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually. Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 1993 No. 105 (meeting of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 7, Art. 556).

9. The list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, in which the use of women's labor is prohibited. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 No. 162 (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 10, Art. 1130).

10. The list of hard work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, when performing the use of labor of people younger than eighteen years. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 No. 163 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 10, Art. 1131).

11. Regulations on the investigation and accounting of industrial accidents. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1999 No. 279 (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 13, Art. 1595).

12. Rules of the Rights of the Russian Federation. Approved by the decision of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 (meeting of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 47, Art. 4531; meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 45, Art. 5521; legislation meeting Of the Russian Federation, 2000, №18, Art. 1985).

13. Rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 18, 1998 No. 51, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 6, 1999 No. 1700 (Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, 1999, No. 2).

14. POT RM-008-99 Interdisciplinary rules for labor protection during the operation of industrial transport (floor-leather wheeled wheel transport). Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 7, 1999 No. 3 (Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2000, No. 1). The state registration does not need (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of December 30, 1999).

15. On the conduct of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 10, 1996 No. 405, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 31, 1996 No. 1224 (newsletter of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 2).

16. Rules for conducting a state technical inspection of vehicles by the State Inspectorate of the Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Approved by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on March 15, 1999 No. 190 (newsletter of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 1999, No. 18-19). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 22.04.99 No. 1763.

17. Instructions for the transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes by road on the roads of the Russian Federation. Approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the FDS of Russia on May 27, 1996 (newsletter of regulatory acts of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 6). Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 8.08.96 No. 1146.

18. Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road. Approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of August 8, 1995 No. 73 in coordination with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 18.12.95 No. 997.

19. PB 10-382-00. Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes. Gosgorthkhnadzor of Russia approved on December 31, 1999 No. 98. Do not need state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of August 17, 2000 No. 6884-ER).

20. PPB 01-93 **. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. Approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on December 14, 1993 No. 536. With ame. No. 1-3 and add. (from 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999). Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 27.12.93 No. 445.

21. Sanpin Work with asbestos and asbestos-containing materials. Approved by the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of June 28, 1999, they do not need state registration (a letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of October 25, 1999 No. 8737-ER).

Appendix B.

Terms and their definitions


The document on the basis of which is given to the definition

1 Legislation of the Russian Federation on Labor Protection

It is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal laws acts of subjects of the Russian Federation

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation" of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ

2 Production activities

The aggregate of the actions of people with the use of equipment tools necessary to transform resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction and provision of various types of services

3 Safe working conditions

Working conditions under which the impact on working harmful or hazardous production factors is excluded either levels of their impact do not exceed the established standards

4 labor protection

The system of preserving the life and health of employees in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other events

5 Working conditions

The combination of factors of the production environment and the employment process affecting the performance and health of the employee

6 Dangerous production factor

Production factor, the impact of which to the employee can lead to his injury

7 harmful production factor

Production factor, the impact of which to the employee can lead to its disease

8 workplace

A place in which the employee must be or in which he needs to come in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer

9 Employer

Organization (legal entity) submitted by its leader (administration) or an individual with which the worker is in labor relations

According to the Federal Law "On Professional Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities" from 12.01.96 No. 10-FZ

10 worker

An individual working in the organization on the basis of an employment contract (contract), a person engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities, a person learning in an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher vocational training

11 Certificate of conformity

Document issued by the rules of the certification system to confirm the compliance of certified products to the established requirements

According to the Federal Law "On Certification of Products and Services" of 06/10/1993 No. 5151-1

12 Air pollution

Any air pollution by substances, regardless of their physical condition, which are harmful to health or dangerous in another

According to the ILO Convention 148 "On the protection of workers from professional risk caused by air pollution, noise and vibration at workplaces" (Article 3 A). Ratified 03/29/1988 No. 8694-xi

Any sound that can cause hearing loss or be harmful to health or dangerous in another respect

According to the ILO Convention 148 "On the protection of workers from the professional risk caused by air pollution, noise and vibration at workplaces" (Article 3 b). Ratified 03/29/1988 No. 8694-xi

14 Vibration

Any vibration transmitted by the human body with solid bodies and which is harmful to health or dangerous in another

According to the ILO Convention 148 "On the protection of workers from the professional risk caused by air pollution, noise and vibration at workplaces" (Article 3 s). Ratified 03/29/1988 №8694-x1

Appendix B.


For the production of construction and installation work on the territory of the organization

Mountains ______________ "__" __________ 200 _

(The name of the organization, the existing enterprise or the object under construction)

We, the following, representative of the organization ________________________________

(F.I., position)

representative of the General Contractor (Subcontractor) _____________________________


(F.I., position)

the present act on the following.

The organization (general contractor) provides a plot (territory), limited by coordinates, ____________________________________________________________________

(Name of axes, marks and drawing number)

for production on it _____________________________________________________

(Name of works)

under the guidance of technical personnel - a representative of the General Contractor (subcontractor) for the next time:

the beginning "_____" ___________ End "______" ___________

Before the start of work, it is necessary to fulfill the following activities that ensure the safety of work

Representative of the organization (general contractor) ___________________


Representative of the General Contractor

(subcontractor) _____________________


Note - If it is necessary to conduct work after the expiration of this Act and tolerance, you need to make an act-tolerance for a new term.

Appendix G.

Borders of dangerous zones on the action of dangerous factors

G.1 The boundaries of dangerous zones in places over which cargo moves with lifting cranes, as well as near the building under construction, are taken from the extreme point of the horizontal projection of the outdoor smallest dimension of the movement of the cargo or the wall of the building with the addition of the greatest overall size of the moved (incident) cargo and the minimum departure distance (incident) cargo when it falls according to Table G.1.

Table G.1.

Height of possible

Minimum departure distance of the departure (subject), m

falling cargo (subject), m

transferred by crane

falling from the building

Note - For intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the height of a possible drop in cargo (subject), the minimum distance of their departure is allowed to determine the interpolation method.

G.2 borders of hazardous zones, within which the danger of electric shock is valid, are set according to Table G.2.

GOST 26460-85

Group L19

Interstate standard

Air separation products. Gases. Cryoproduks

Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage

Air Separation Products. Gases. Cryogens. Packing, Marking, Transportation and Storage

ISS 71.100.01

Date of introduction 1986-07-01

Information details

1. Designed and introduced by the Interstate Technical Committee of the ICC 137 "Oxygen"


Change N 1 adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of 28.05.98 N 13)

For making changes voted:

Name of state

Name of the National Standardization Authority

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

Gosstandart Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


the Russian Federation

State Standard of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Home State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

5. Restriction of the validity of the Discontinued Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council on Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. Edition (March 2004) with a change in N 1, approved in November 1998 (IUS 1-99)

This standard applies to gaseous and liquid air separation products - oxygen, nitrogen, argon, neon, crypton, xenon, as well as gas mixtures based on these products with other gases and establishes rules for their packaging, marking, transportation and storage.

The standard does not apply to calibration gases - standard composition samples, as well as in terms of packaging and marking, for gases intended for metrological purposes.

This standard does not apply to stationary installed tanks and vessels intended for storing gases and cryogenic products.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).



1.1 Gaseous products for separation of air are filled with steel cylinders of small and medium volume according to GOST 979, as well as large-volume cylinders according to GOST 9731 and GOST 12247, stationaryly fortified on a car and trailer (autocipients).

1.2 The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted, the content of the inscriptions and the color of the transverse bands must correspond to Table 1.

Table 1

Name Gaza

Coloring cylinder

Text lettering

Color lettering

Color strip



Nitrogen of special purity

Nitrogen of special purity

High purity nitrogen

High purity nitrogen

Nitrogen of increased purity

Nitrogen of increased purity

Argon raw

Argon raw


Argon high purity

Argon high purity




The black

Oxygen of special purity

Oxygen of special purity

Oxygen of increased purity

Oxygen of increased purity

Medical oxygen

Medical oxygen

Oxygen obtained by electrolysis of water

Electrolysis oxygen







Neon high purity

Neon high purity

Gas mixtures without combustible components based on:

nitrogen, crypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon

The word "mixture" and
name of components, starting with the gas base (with the highest volume fraction)

Blue with oxygen in mixture



The word "mix" and the name of the components, starting with the gas base (with the highest volume fraction)

Yellow in the presence of toxic components in a mixture

Gas mixtures with combustible components based on nitrogen, crypton, xenon, neon, air, carbon dioxide, argon with a volume fraction of a combustible component:

until the maximum permissible explosion-proof concentration (PDV) according to GOST 12.1.004


over PDVK


Yellow in the presence of toxic components in a mixture

The inscriptions on the cylinders are applied around the circumference by a length of at least 1/3 of the circle, and the strips - throughout the circumference. The height of letters on cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 dm should be 60 mm, and the width of the strip is 25 mm. The dimensions of the inscriptions and strips on cylinders with a capacity of up to 12 dm should be determined depending on the side surface area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinders.

The color of the newly manufactured cylinders and the application of the inscriptions is carried out by manufacturers, and in the future - filling stations or test items.

The color of the spherical part of the cylinders, distinctive stripes and inscriptions are repaired as needed, providing good distinctive signs of a cylinder on a fill product.

1.3 The average volume cylinders used for filling with technical gases should be equipped with VK-86 and VK-94 valves on the regulatory document.

The average volume cylinders used to fill with high and special purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them, should be equipped with membrane valves of the KVB-53 type.

The average volume cylinders used to fill with the argon of high purity, the nitrogen of particular purity and high purity and the oxygen of particular purity, can be equipped with VK-86 and VK-94 valves.

Small volumetric cylinders must be equipped with membrane valves such as a sq-1m.

Cylinders used for combustible mixtures must be equipped with valves of type BB-55, BB-88 and WBB-54 on a regulatory document.

Side fittings of cylinder valves filled with high purity gases, gas mixtures based on them, as well as mixtures containing toxic or combustible components, should be sealed with metal plugs.

1.2, 1.3. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.4 After filling the cylindon cylinders, xenon or krypton-xenon mixture of cylinder caps must be sealing.

1.5 Preparation of cylinders and auto-associates and their filling of gaseous products of air separation and mixtures of gases are performed in accordance with the technological instructions (technological regulations) approved in the prescribed manner.

1.6 Nominal gas pressure at 20 ° C in cylinders and autoysipients must comply with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for each product.

When filling the cylinders and autoxypients with nitrogen, argon and oxygen, their storage and transportation in the temperature range from minus 50 to plus 50 ° C, the gas pressure in the cylinder must comply with the required application.

Filling, storage and transportation of filled cylinders at temperatures above 50 ° C is not allowed.

class not lower than 1.5 - for high purity gases, as well as gas mixtures based on them;

class not lower than 2.5 - for technical gases.

Before measuring the gas pressure, the filled cylinder must be set down at a measurement temperature of at least 5 hours.

1.8 When filling the cylinders xenon, the mass of the product in a filled cylinder should not exceed 0.7 and 1.45 kg per 1 dm of the cylinder for operating pressures of 9.8 and 14.7 MPa, respectively.

1.6-1.8. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.9 It is forbidden to fill the cylinders with gases that do not correspond to the marking of the cylinder, and conduct any operations that can lead to contamination of the inner surface of the cylinder.

1.9A When transporting by rail, automotive and river transport, small volume cylinders must be packed in the platforms according to GOST 2991, types II and III, manufactured according to GOST 15623 and GOST 18617. Cylinders should fit in the boxes horizontally, one-way valves with mandatory gaskets between cylinders that protect them from strikes each other. The laying material must be inert with respect to oxygen. The weight of the cargo in each box should not exceed 65 kg.

Small volume cylinders transported by all types of transport, and medium-sized cylinders transported by rail and river transport are formed into transport packages according to GOST 26663 and GOST 24597 using attachment tools according to GOST 21650 and pallets according to GOST 9078 and GOST 9557.

(Introduced additionally, meas. N 1).

1.10 Liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon are poured into transport tanks on a regulatory document intended for the storage and transport of cryogenic products, and in transport gasification installations on regulatory documents.

Liquid technical oxygen and nitrogen are also poured into cryogenic vessels on the regulatory document.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

1.11 The amount of cryogenic product poured into the transport tank must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation for the filling tank. The amount of product in the tank is determined by the fluid or weighing indicator.

1.12 Device and operation of cylinders, autoysipients, cryogenic vessels and tanks that are subject to the rules of the device and the safe operation of pressure vessels approved by Gosgortkhnadzor, must comply with the requirements of these rules.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

2. Marking

2.1 Transport markings - according to GOST 14192 with the application of the manipulation mark "Bear from heating".

Marking, which characterizes the transport of cargo, according to GOST 19433 in accordance with the classification of the products shown in Table 2.

table 2



common cipher group

Danger signs (Drawing number in GOST 19433)

UN serial number

Nitrogen compressed

Argon squeezed

Nitrogen liquid

Argon Liquid

Oxygen compressed

Liquid oxygen

Crypton compressed


Neon compressed

Gas mixtures based on inert gases:

with inert gases and carbon dioxide


with a volume fraction of oxygen:

over 23%

with toxic gases with a mass concentration of toxic component:

to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) according to GOST 12.1.005

over PDK

with combustible gases with a volume fraction of a combustible component:

up to the maximum permissible explosive concentration (PDV) according to GOST 12.1.004

over PDVK

with toxic and combustible gases with a mass concentration of the toxic component to the MPC and the volume fraction of the combustible component to the PDV

over MPC and / or PDV

Gas mixtures based on oxygen with toxic gases with mass concentration of toxic component:

over PDK

Note. On large-sized container or container, the railway vehicle should be a sign of danger, the UN serial number, as well as the emergency card number during transportation within the country.

2.2 Transport markings are allowed not to apply with automotive cylinders.

2.3 Signs and inscriptions on railway tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon must comply with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods operating on railway transport.

2.1-2.3. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3. Transportation

3.1 Gases and cryoproducts are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation of goods operating on the transport of this species, the rules of the device and the safe operation of the pressure vessels approved by the Gosgortkhnadzor, as well as safety rules during the transport of dangerous goods by rail, approved by Gosgortkhnadzor.

Products not specified in the alphabetic lists of the rules for the transport of goods of the railway office, but allowed to transport on analogues, is transported in accordance with the current additions and changes to these rules.

Dangerous goods are transported by road in accordance with the safety instructions for the safety of dangerous goods by road.

3.2 Filled ballons, as well as empty cylinders from under mixtures based on inert gases with toxic gases (subclass 2.2) and with flammable and toxic gases (subclass 2.4), transported by the railway to the cavities in covered cars or containers. Small and medium volume cylinders are transported in transport packages.

3.1-3.2. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.3 For mechanization of loading and unloading and consolidation of transportation by road, medium-sized cylinders are placed in metal special containers (pallets).

3.4 Small and medium-sized cylinders are transported by river transport in closed cargo premises of ships and in universal containers on the decks in accordance with clause 1.9a.

Cylinders with gas mixtures having classification ciphers 2211, 2311, 2411 and 2221 are transported in quantities that do not exceed 500 cylinders per ship.

Premises in which gas products can accumulate should be equipped with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation and air control devices according to GOST 12.1.005.

3.5 Technical gaseous nitrogen, argon and oxygen are also transported through the pipeline. Pipeline painting - according to GOST 14202. The gas pressure in the pipeline is measured by the GOST 2405 pressure gauge, the class is not lower than 1.5.

3.6 Cryogenic air separation products transport:

railway transport - in special railway tanks of the shipper (consignee) admitted to transportation;

automotive transport - in transport tanks for liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon on the regulatory document, as well as in cryogenic vessels on the regulatory document and in automotive gasification plants on regulatory documents;

air transport - in transport tanks on the regulatory document and in cryogenic vessels on the regulatory document.

3.4-3.6. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

4. Storage

4.1 Cylinders filled with gases and gas mixtures are stored in special warehouses or open areas under a canopy that protects them from atmospheric precipitation and direct sunlight.

Joint storage at open areas of cylinders with various product separation products, as well as jointly with cylinders filled with combustible gases, subject to separation sites for storing cylinders with various product separation products from each other by non-corrosive barriers with a height of 1.5 m, and from sites for Storage of cylinders with combustible gases - non-aggravated protective walls with a height of at least 2.5 m.

Appendix (mandatory). The dependence of nitrogen pressure, argon and oxygen on temperature when filling, transporting and storing cylinders


Temperature, ° С

Operating pressure of the balloon, MPa (kgf / cm)

Gas pressure in cylinder at filling temperature, MPa (kgf / cm)


Note. When filling the cylinders, as well as storage or transportation of filled cylinders at temperatures exceeding the gases specified in the table, the pressure of gases in the cylinder should not exceed:

at a temperature of +40 ° C -

15.0 MPa (153 kgf / cm)




14.7 MPa (150 kgf / cm)

19.7 MPa (201 kgf / cm)

19.6 MPa (200 kgf / cm)

at a temperature of +50 ° C -

15.7 MPa (160 kgf / cm)

14.7 MPa (150 kgf / cm)

20.6 MPa (210 kgf / cm)

- the storage room of cylinders should be one-storey, not to have attic rooms, have a lung type roof; The height of the premises must be at least 3.25 meters; The room must be divided into compartments in which no more than 500 cylinders of 40 liters with combustible gases and not more than 1,000 cylinders with non-combustible gases are allowed; compartments must be separated by partitions with a height of at least 2.5 meters with passages for people; Each compartment must have a separate way out;

- the warehouse must have natural and artificial ventilation in accordance with sanitary standards and lightning protection;

- walls and partitions must be from a non-burnable material not lower than 2 degrees of fire resistance;

- Windows and doors should open out; Window and door glasses must be matte or painted in white;

- floors should be smooth, with a non-slip surface; For cylinders with combustible gases, the floor should be from the material exclusive sparking;

- On the walls should be posted instructions, rules and posters to handle cylinders.

Operation of cylinders

When operating cylinders, it is forbidden to spend completely in them. The residual gas pressure must be at least 0.05 MPa.

The release of Gaga from cylinders in containers with less operating pressure should be made through a gearbox intended for this gas and painted into the appropriate color.

The low pressure chamber of the gearbox must have a pressure gauge and a spring safety valve, adjusted to the appropriate allowed pressure in the container in which gas is powered.

If it is impossible due to the malfunction of the valves, release the gas from the cylinders at the point of consumption of cylinders, they must be returned to the filling station. The production of gas from such cylinders on the filling station is made in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

Film stations are required to maintain a filling magazine, which indicates: the date of filling, the balloon number, the date of examination, the mass of the gas in the cylinder, the signature of the person filled with a balloon.

If the cylinders are filled with various gases on one station, then each should be a separate filling log.

Filling should be made according to the instructions developed and approved by the Organization in the prescribed manner. Filling must comply with the standards specified in the rules.

Gas cylinders should be firmly strengthened and tightly attached to the filling ramp.

It is forbidden to fill the cylinders from which:

- expired sentenced examination;

- expired for checking the porous mass;

- damaged cylinder body;

- faulty valves;

- There is no proper coloring and inscriptions;

- there are no installed stamps;

There is no overpressure of gas; Filling such cylinders is made after preliminary after the preliminary verification in accordance with the instruction of the organization that filling.

Slipper of the shoes and rings for the caps, the replacement of the valves should be made at the points to examine the cylinders.

The valve after the repair associated with its disassembly must be checked on the density at operating pressure.

It is allowed to produce nozzle of shoes on cylinders only after the release of gas, retracting the valves and the corresponding degassing of cylinders.

Cleaning and painting filled cylinders, as well as the strengthening of the rings on their neck is prohibited.

Before use:

- Callery to install vertically and secure the chain or clamp; The oxygen cylinder is allowed to lay the oblique - so that the valve is above the shoe;

- unscrew the cap and the plug of the fitting; make sure that the oxygen cylinder (as well as on hand and overalls) no traces of oil or fat;

- short-term (1-2 seconds) turning the handwheel to half a turn of the fitting to remove moisture dirt from it, etc., standing behind or on the side of the fitting, without trying the gas hand;

- to attach the hand-nut of the gearbox;

- Tighten the gearbox with a key;

- when the acetylene reducer is connected, monitor the installation of the clamp;

- Remove the adjusting screw until the pressure spring is completely released;

- to attach and reliably fix the hose;

- slowly turning the handwheel by 0.5-1 turnover, open the supply of Gaga from the cylinder;

- rotation of the adjusting screw to install the working pressure;

- Check the tightness of the connections:

a) close the gas flow valve on the burner (cutter);

b) twist the adjusting screw to the complete release of the pressure spring;

c) after a small increase in pressure, the working manometer arrow should stop (the pressure should not increase);

- Break in the work or her ending:

a) with short-term breaks in the work, only the burner valve, without changing the position of the adjusting screw;

b) with any malfunction to immediately close the valve of the balloon and release the gas from the gearbox;

c) stop the gas selection while reducing the pressure to the residual;

d) Close the valve of the cylinder, screw the cap, the cap and hand over the empty balloon to the warehouse.

Frozen valve or reducer warmer only hot water or steam, use of open fire prohibited;

It is forbidden to sharply open the valve, the gas jet electroses the neck of the balloon and the gearbox, can cause their ignition and explosion, immediately overlap the valve and release gas from the gearbox.

It is not allowed to find in the workplace more than one cylinder with propane-butane.

It is forbidden to work propane-butane in wells, ads, trenches.

At least 1 time a quarter check the safety valve forced opening (pressure lifting until the trigger).

Systematically checking the gas leakage of soap emulsion.

Cylinders are not allowed to operate:

Reducer:with a fully twisted adjusting screw, gas passes into the working chamber; damaged thread of the cape nut; defective one or both pressure gauge; The pressure in the working chamber after the cessation of gas supply rose; Failing safety valve.

Manometer - Clear.

Valve:there is no plug of the fitting; the presence of traces of oil, fat, dust; Not turning the handwheel; Gas leakage observed.