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New Urengoy where. New Urengoy from Height: Gas Capital of Russia

Flag of New Urengoy

Coat of arms New Urengoy

Country Russia
Subject of the federation Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
City District town New Urengoya
OKATO code 71 176
Coordinates Coordinates: 66 ° 05'00 "s. sh. 76 ° 41'00 "in. d. / 66.083333 ° С. sh. 76.683333 ° C. d. (g) (O) (I) 66 ° 05'00 "s. sh. 76 ° 41'00 "in. d. / 66.083333 ° С. sh. 76.683333 ° C. d. (G) (O) (I)
Automotive code 89
Chapter Ivan Ivanovich Kostobriz
Based 1975
City of S. 1980
Center height 40 M.
Official site
Timezone UTC + 6.
Telephone code +7 3494
Population ▲ 104 144 people (2010)

New Urengoy is a city in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region, the largest city of the district, one of the few Russian regional cities, superior to the administrative center of its subject of the Federation (Salekhard) both in terms of population and industrial potential. The city is located on the banks of the River Evo-Yah, the tributary Poura. The Tamchara-Yah and Sedhe-Yach rivers flow through the city and divide it into two parts - North and South.

The population is 104.1 thousand people (2010). As the production center of the largest gas-duty area, the new Urengoy is an unofficial "gas producing capital" of Russia.


There are 4 city-forming enterprises in the city - Gazprom Mining Urengoy LLC, OOO Gazprom Mining Yamburg, OOO Gazprom Podronremont Urengoy LLC and Urengoy Drilling Branch LLC Gazprom Drilling LLC, as well as other enterprises of ROSPAN INTERNESHNL Achimgaz, Sibneftegaz, Nortgaz, Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk and others - which are included in Gazprom, account for 74% of the total gas produced. OJSC "Urengoysky River Port", which accounts for almost 80% of river transport, has dozens of river tractors and ferries.


The population of New Urengoy in different years:


  • New Urengoy Airport

Photo Gallery


  • Novoorengoy Multi-Profile College
  • branch of Tyumen State University
  • Yamal Oil and Gas Institute
  • Novourengoy Technical School of Gas Industry
  • branch of the Russian new university
  • branch of Tomsk State University of Management and Radio Electronics


In 1949, on the order of Stalin, the construction of the Salekhard's transpolar railway began to start in the indoor tundra - Igarka. The road was built with tens of thousands of people who, for the most part, were concluded by Gulag. At the former factory, Urengoy builders planned to stay for a long time. However, after the death of Stalin, the work was cooled, the road to the beginning of the 60s turned out to be no one and was called the "dead". The image of this branch until recently could be seen on the railway track scheme, which was located on one of the walls of the Tyumen railway station.

About the 501th and 503th construction projects were not mentioned for a long time, but the work of the builders was still not in vain, he helped the seismic surveys and the drillings to open the Urengoy deposits, helped to equip them with a faster pace. In January 1966, the seismic station V. Tsybenko, who was the discoverer of the Urengoy structure, took the barracks of the abandoned camp of the prisoners of the 503rd construction.

New Urengoy - The city in Russia, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the first largest city of the district, one of the few Russian regional cities, superior to the administrative center of its subject of the Federation (Salekhard) both in terms of population and industrial development. The city is located on the banks of the River Evo-Yah, the tributary Poura. The Tamchara-Yah and Sede-Yach rivers flow through the city and divide it into two parts - North and South. The territory of the urban district is surrounded by the Purovsky district from all sides.

Population - 115,092 people. (2015). As the production center of the largest gas-duty area, the new Urengoy is an unofficial "gas producing capital" of Russia.


In 1949, on the order of Stalin, the construction of the Salekhard's transpolar railway began to start in the indoor tundra - Igarka. The road was built with tens of thousands of people who, for the most part, were concluded by the Gulag. At the former factory, Urengoy builders planned to stay for a long time. However, after the death of Stalin, the work was cooled, the road to the beginning of the 60s turned out to be no one and was called "Dead". The image of this branch, until recently, could be seen on the railway track scheme, which was located on one of the walls of the Tyumen Train Station.

About the 501th and 503th construction projects were not mentioned for a long time, but the work of the builders was still not in vain, he helped the seismic surveys and the drillings to open the Urengoy deposits, helped to equip them with a faster pace.

In January 1966, the seismic station V. Tsybenko, who was the discoverer of the Urengoy structure, took the barracks of the abandoned camp of the prisoners of the 503rd construction.

On June 6, 1966, the brigade of Master V. Semi-Panova drilled the first exploratory well, and a new unique field of natural gas was appeared on the geological map of the country - Urengoyskoe.

On September 22, 1973, a symbolic peg was scored at the site of the future city with a sign "Yaghelnaya" - the one was called the village at first, and on December 23 an autocolon arrived for the construction of the city. On June 19, 1975, the drilling of the first operational well was completed.

On August 18, 1975, a state registration of the village of New Urengoy occurred. On September 25, 1975, the construction of the airport began, in October the first technical flight was committed.

In 1976, the first children were born in Novy Urengoy - the lights of Popkov and Andrei Basilev. On September 1, 1976, the first school opened, and 72 student sat down for the parties.

In January 1978, the production association "Urengoyagazdobycha" was formed. On April 22, 1978, the first gas installation of comprehensive gas training was handed over to Urengoy, industrial operation of the Urengoy field began. May 30, the first billion cubic meters of Urengoy Gaza is produced. On April 30, 1978, the fighters of the All-Union Tropus Komsomolsky Detachment named after the XVIII Congress of the Congress of the Wlksm.

The village has developed rapidly, gas production volumes grew, and on June 16, 1980 he was assigned the status of a city titled New Urengoy, district. Despite all these dates above, the city day is celebrated, as in most other cities - in the fall. More precisely, in September, first weekends, while the year of the foundation of the city is considered to be 1975.

In 1983, the construction of the Urengoy - Pomara - Uzhgorod gas pipeline was completed, and since 1984, gas from Urengoy began to enter Western Europe.

On November 5, 1984, a working village of Korotovoevo was transferred to the administrative subordinate to the City Council, on May 10, 1988 - the working village of Limbiaja.

Municipality The city of Novy Urengoy is formed in accordance with the Law of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated January 5, 1996 No. 34 "On the municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug".

According to the Law of YNAO No. 107-CJSC dated December 16, 2004, the village of Korobalovo and Limbieta stopped their existence as administrative-territorial units and became part of the city of New Urengoy, with the result that the city turned out to be one of the longest in the world - more than 80 km.

In December 2012, the city's authorities introduced a bill on entering the city due to the high level of crime and the activities of terrorist organizations, actually making a new Urengoy closed city, as it was with the appearance of the city until 1991. The real reason was the restriction of both the internal migration of the population and the external (from the countries of the former USSR). This measure acted only (!) 5 months and was canceled mainly under numerous business attacks. After that, an option was invented with a row based in New Urengoy. Under the influence of this measure, the criminogenic situation went to the decline [ the significance is not specified 126 days] .

A television

  • Russia 1 - 3 channel
  • Channel One - 5 Channel
  • Yamal - 8 Channel
  • TNT, TRK "Sigma" - 11 Channel
  • Nord-TV - 21 channels
  • NTV, Urengoyigazprom-TV - 24 Channel
  • STS - 29 channel
  • Yamal Region - 34 Channel
  • TVCentr, Triya "New Urengoy - Impulse" - 41 channels


  • 87.8 MHz - "Retro FM"
  • 88.3 MHz - Radio Chanson
  • 88.7 MHz - EUROPE +
  • 89.1 MHz - "Autoradio"
  • 89.5 MHz - Radio Record
  • 89.9 MHz - "Our Radio"
  • 101.3 MHz - Radio Yamal
  • 101.8 MHz - "Hit FM"
  • 102.3 MHz - Radio Sigma
  • 102.8 MHz - "Road Radio"
  • 103.3 MHz - "Russian Radio"
  • 104.0 MHz - Radio Lighthouse
  • 104.4 MHz - Radio Dacha
  • 104.8 MHz - "FM humor"
  • 105.7 MHz - Plan (Radioset LLC)
  • 106.1 MHz - "NRJ"
  • 106.5 MHz - Nord FM
  • 106.9 MHz - "Love Radio"

Territorial division

  • Areas:

Northern residential part, Northern industrial, South residential part, Western industrial, Eastern industrial industrial complex

  • Microdistrics:

mKR. Aviator, MKP. Armavir, μR. East, MKP. Friendship, MKP. Road workers, μR. Krasnogradsky, MKR. Mirny, MKP. Polar, MKR. Installers, MKP. Hope, MKP. Optimists, MKR pleas, MKP. Creators, MKP. Soviet, μR. Student, Finnish residential complex, MKP. Enthusiasts, MKP. Jubilee, MKR. Yagel, 1,2,3,4, SMP-700.

  • Quarters:

kl A, Kl b, Kl g, Kl d, Kr E, Kr g, Klch Krymsky, Kl South, Northern communal zone.

New neighborhoods:

mKR. Don, μR. Caosen, MKP. Star, MKP. Olympic, MKP. Rainbow, MKP. Builders, MKP. Tundrov, md. Cozy.

  • The villages, which are part of the city:

p. Limbieta, p. Koroshaevo, para. Urals, p. MK-126, p. MK-144.

New Urengoy is the middle city in YNAO, located on the Sede-Yah and Evo-Yuha rivers, 452 kilometers from Salekhard. The area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement is 221 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

In the summer of 1966, the Urengoy Field of Natural Gas was opened on the site of the modern city.

In June 1973, the village for Gazdnoy Gasovikov was founded. In June 1975, the first well was commissioned. In the same year, the village of Novy Urengoy was founded and the airport was started.

In September 1976, 72 students adopted in the village of the first school. After 2 years, the organization "Urengoyagazdobycha" was created.

In the spring of 1978, full-fledged production began and comprehensive gas preparation at the Urengoy field.

At the end of May 1978, the first billion cubemeter of blue fuel was mined in Novy Urengoy.

In 1980, the village of Gazovikov was transformed into the city of district value.

In 1982, a railway was laid through New Urengoy, which was bound by a city with other parts of the country.

In 1983, the Main Export Gas Pipeline "Urengoy - Uzhgorod" was built, according to which a year later, gas began to export to European countries.

In the 1980s, Korobulovo and Limbiajaha were transferred to the submission to the urban council of New Urengoy.

In 1996, the city of New Urengoy was created in accordance with the law of Number 34 Yareno.

In December 2004, the development of a pess gas field began. In 2005, perpetual flames and the first city fountain were opened on the 30th anniversary of the city.

In 2006, a memory area was opened in the student district of the city.

Industrial enterprises: Gazprom Mining Urengoy, OOO Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, Sibneftegaz OJSC, OOO Severneft-Urengoy, OJSC "UrengoyMontazhpromstroy", OAO NEVNEFTEGAZPROM, Urengoyskaya GRES.

The city has Ekaterinburg time. The difference with Moscow time is quoted +4 hours MSK + 4.

Phone code G New Urengoy - 3494. Zip code - 629300.

Climate and weather

In the new Urengoy, the continental climate prevails. Winter is very frosty and long. The average January temperature is -20.7 degrees.

Summer is cool and short. The average temperature of July is +17.1 degrees.

The total population of the new Urengoy for 2018-2019

Data in the number of population received from the service of state statistics. Schedule Changes in the number of citizens in the last 10 years.

The total number of residents for 2017 is 113.2 thousand people.

Data from the graph show a stable reduction in the population with 117,000 people in 2007 to 113254 people in 2017.

The following nationalities live in the city: Russians - 64.1%, Ukrainians - 10.8%, Tatars - 5%, Nogai - 2.6%, Kumyki - 2%, Azerbaijanis - 2%, Bashkirs - 1.7%, Chechens - 1.1%, Belarusians - 1.1%, Moldovans - 1%, Chuvashi - 0.6%, the rest - 5.5%.

For January 2018, by the number of residents, New Urengoy occupied 149th place out of 1113 cities of the Russian Federation.


1. The center center "Helicopter" - a modern shopping center complies with all Russian standards. There are various restaurants and cafes in the shopping center.

2. A borehole - the monument is set in honor of the first well, which was drilled on June 6, 1966.

3. The first train - the Lokomotiv TEZ-3003 was installed on the 30th anniversary of the new Urengoy in front of the railway station building.


A regional airport is located 4 kilometers from the city with major cities of Russia.

In the new Urengoy there are three railway stations connecting the city with Yamburg, Salekhard, Noyabrsky, Cogalym, Surgut, Nefteyugansky.

Public transport is presented with 9 bus routes.

Buses are regularly sent from the city's bus station

Perhaps you had to hear about such a Russian city as a new Urengoy: someone was traveling there, and some live on a permanent basis today. However, if you ask a person to tell about this settlement and even show its location on the map, most will fall into a stupor. So that this does not happen, in this article we will tell you everything about New Urengoy: what area it refers, where it is located, what is his story and what the tourists and indigenous people can turn their attention here.

One of the cities of Western Siberia: General reduction

The city of New Urengoy - what area does he apply to what region? To Tyumen, which, in turn, is an integral unit of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The city of Novy Urengoy is the largest population in the district and one of the few who overtake the administrative center of its subject both by industrial potential and in the population of the population (it is a comparison with Salekhard). The city considered in this article will be from the last 450 kilometers to the east; With Moscow, it, located in relation to the capital in the north-east, shares 2,350 kilometers. In addition, residents of the city of New Urengoy, unlike Muscovites, live in another temporary belt: So, the new year and other holidays are the first traditionally meet 2 hours earlier. About 116 thousand people live in the city today. Being a key link in the largest gas-duty area, New Urengoy, the location map of which will be presented below, is unofficially referred to as the country's gas producing capital.

Surrounding area

On the map, New Urengoy is located on the banks of the Evo-Yah River, which is the influx of Pura. In the city, 2 others are 2 others: this is gray-yah and Tamchara-Yah, conditionally dividing the settlement on the northern and southern parts. The territory of urban areas from all sides is surrounded by Purovsky district and very wetlands. Total New Urengoy (what area is the city and what its general modern situation is already described above) covers an area of \u200b\u200b113 square kilometers. By 60 kilometers of north it is already beginning the northern polar circle.

Climatic conditions

So, if what kind of area, the new Urengoy is, it is now clarified, it is time to go to the analysis of the provisions that have more practical importance for a person - for example, what is the situation with weather and average temperatures? The climate of the city can be characterized as sharply continental. What does this mean? Since this locality is at the intersection of 2 climatic belts of the forest tundra zone, subarctic and moderate, there is a harsh winter, the duration of which reaches 9 months, and a cool summer, which is delayed on average only for a period of just over 1 month. Important factors that have an impact on weather conditions and forming a climate situation include the presence of permafrost, the proximity of the city to the sea, as well as the continuous circulation of air atlantic masses. The average temperature of January is -21.7 degrees, June - +9.1; In this case, the relative humidity of the air is 78%, and the average speed of wind streams reaches only 3.4 m / second. Frequent temperature differences in New Urengoy (the map of Russia helps to analyze all the formative climate and factors) are accompanied by blizzards, bursts, snowstorms. Most of the plain locality of the settlement is abandoned by ice permafrost, which in summer thaw just to a depth of 1 to 2 meters!

Start history

It is a pity that the facts about the development of cities and, in particular, the new Urengoy, on the map of Russia are not indicated - and the places are not enough, and the purpose of these reference books is different. Few people will take care of studying the historical formation of this particular settlement, and very in vain! The history of the city opens a lot of interesting things: from the very beginning she was closely intertwined with the development of the Urengoy gas field, open in June 1966. However, in fact, the roots of the formation of the city must be sought even earlier, namely in 1949, when the construction of a transpolar railway track began on the order of Stalin, the construction of a transpolar railway route began to walk along the Salekhard - Igarka route. To linger on the former Factory Urengoy to builders' plans, most of them relate to the rest of thousands of camp prisoners sent to laying the road, was not. However, Stalin died, construction work turned out to be rolled and forgotten, built paths were called "dead", but for Urengoy it was a swivel milestone: it was unfinished once the railway rates helped the drillings and seismic surveys to open the deposits in these lands and quickly to equip them. In January 1966, the opening of a new Urengoy structure was already held here. The first-line team of the seismic station V. Tsybenko, which took the barracks of the once abandoned camp, where the prisoners of Gulag had previously lived.

Further way

Subsequently, active mineral extraction continued here: in June 1966, Master V. Semi-Panov, with his brigade, drilled the first exploration well. It was after this that a footnote appeared on the country's map, indicating a unique natural gas. September 1973 was marked by the fact that there was still a peg with a sign and a symbolic inscription on her on the spot with a sign and symbolic inscription on it: "New Urengoy" (where the city is located, we, descendants, are now known). In December, the construction of a familiar Russian residents today began. The village developed rapidly, which was associated with the growth of the activity of the gas produced in it. In 1980, the new Urengoy, who was not previously considered the city (which area belongs to this place and what his historical formation is, everyone will be able to answer everyone) finally got the long-awaited status and is now called the city of the district value! Since 1984, gas began to export to Western Europe with the use of the Urengoy - Pomara - Uzhgorod built in 1983 by the use of the gas pipeline built in 1983.

In November 1984, the Korotovo village was crossed into submission to the new Urengojoy and representing its urban council, and in May 1988 - P. Limbieta. As a municipality, New Urengoy was formed only in January 1996, with reference to one of the relevant laws of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in 2004 the aforementioned villages ceased to exist as independent administrative-territorial elements and became part of the city of New Urengoy. As a result, the city with a length of 80 km turned into one of the longest worldwide!

Serious measures

An interesting fact is that in 2012 the city actually turned into a closed, given that no actual legal grounds had existed for this. Entry to the city could be carried out only on a special pass. Such decisive measures needed because the crime rate on this territory was approaching a critical high value. Here, various terrorist organizations actively acted, and therefore the situation had to be solved in an emergency. There is also an unconfirmed hypothesis that such practices of the throughput system was introduced to regulate the migration of the population, the restrictions on the internal and external "yield economic" of residents. Whatever it was, such a system in Urengoy, the name of which is translated from one of the local Nenets laws, meaning "Libele Place", lasted about six months and then was abolished.


A new Urengoy, which is a sufficiently young city, manages to show an extraordinary industrial potential. So, within the location of the settlement, 3 whales of the gas industry are located, each of which is a subsidiary of Gazprom: Tyumenburgaz, Yamburgazodoye and Urengoyigazprom. Their share accounts for about 74% of the total gas produced in the country! Construction work on the resumption of railway routes of communication is carried out by the Yamal railway company. 80% of river transport falls on the Urengoyki river port, which has tens of ferries and tractors.


From key places in Novy Urengoy, a map with the streets of which will be offered further, you can allocate the museum of fine arts, commissioned in 2015 multifunctional, modern and technological station, the largest fountain in the extreme north, visually resembling a sail. On the roof of the "helicopter" shopping center, which is set aside in the amazing eye color scheme, visitors can see the layout of a real aircraft coalcast. Monuments and temples are also located in the city - real examples of architectural art and architecture (for example, built in 2015 the Epiphany Cathedral, which is the highest building in the city).


There are many universities a few universities in the New Urengoy, including:

  • branch of the Moscow State Open University;
  • branch;
  • branch of the Tobolsky State Pedagogical Institute. DI. Mendeleev;
  • branch of Tomsk State University of Radio Electronics systems and control systems;
  • branch of the Moscow Open Social University (Institute) and others.

As can be seen here, in one of the cities of the Tyumen region, you can not just live, but to do it successfully: learn, work and build plans for the future.

New Urengoy is the largest settlement in YanaA. Surprisingly, in its size, he surpassed even the capital of Salekhard district. On the map of New Urengoy from the satellite, it is possible to consider that the city is located on the banks of the Evoyach River, and two more water arteries - Tamchara-Yah and Sede-Yah, divide it into 2 parts. The city is only 60 km from the border with the Polar Circle, so in the summer here at night is always light.

The emergence of the settlement is associated with the development and mining of gas. On the territory of the modern city, which can be considered in detail on the map of New Urengoy with schemes, in the middle of the last century there was one of the camp of the Gulag. Baracks of an abandoned camp and occupied in 1966 geologists and seismic explorations to conduct studies of the subsoil of this territory. The gas field was found, and the city of Gasovikov began to be built on the site of the camp.

The construction of the city in many ways facilitated the ruled railroad built long before this, which is reflected on the map of New Urengoy by districts. Actually, next to the railway station and began to appear first houses for natural gas miners.

New urengoy map with streets

In two parts - South and North, the city is divided not only by rivers, but also automotive and railway highways, as well as taiga forest zones. More than 10 years ago, the towns of Limbiajaja and Kortchaevo were included in the city, which were removed from the main settlement by more than 70 km. In fact, they are areas of the city, but remoteness does not allow residents of the towns to fully use the infrastructure of the Gas Capital. To better understand the structure of the city, you can contact the map of New Urengoy with the streets.

The railway station is located on the border with a broom. The Transsiba railway connects the city with Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Ufa and other large settlements of the country.

Inside the city, urban passenger buses run. On public transport you can get to remote settlements, as well as come to the airport, which can be found on the New Urengoy map with streets and houses in the southwestern part of the city. With the southern area it connects the street of the trunk.

The main streets of the city:

  • 26 Congress of the CPSU;
  • Commercial;
  • Named after V.Ya.Petuha;
  • 70th anniversary of October;
  • Peace;
  • Friendship between nations;
  • Gubkin Avenue;
  • Leningrad Avenue.

The southern and northern part of the new Urengoy connects Gubkin Avenue, which passes through the Sede-Yah river along the automotive bridge.

Map of New Urengoy with houses

South, old part of the city from North is distinguished by the fact that it contains most of the administrative institutions, as well as the more developed infrastructure. If you look at the map of New Urengoy with houses, you can find here:

  • Post office;
  • Hospitals and clinics;
  • Pension Fund;
  • UFMS;
  • Departments;
  • Banks;
  • Museum;
  • Central Square.

Along the streets and prospectuses of both districts built high-altitude multiple houses that create microdistrict with their own kindergartens and schools. Find any object, a residential building or an institution will help the New Urengoy map with house numbers. In the "capital of gas" there are very few wooden houses and low-rise buildings, but disappear in the eyes in the demolition process. The construction of modern residential complexes is actively underway here, which allow Gasovikov to live as comfortable as possible.

The city has developed an infrastructure of the education system. On the detailed map of the new Urengoy you can find:

  • 38 kindergartens;
  • 27 schools;
  • 6 technical schools;
  • 7 branches of universities.

Local residents are attractions: local residents include:

  • Steel of the new Urengoy;
  • Fountain sail;
  • Church of Seraphim Sarovsky;
  • Memory area;

Especially interesting here are winter holidays of the peoples of the North, which are arranged on the Sede-Yah River. Here you can ride deer sledding, taste a delicious venison or fish, to participate in national games and festivities.

Economy and Industry of New Urengoy

The population of the district is not in vain calls the new Urengoy "Gas Capital". On the territory of the city there are offices of the largest mining companies. You can see their location on Yandex maps of New Urengoy. The giants of the gas mining industry form the basis of economic stability and prosperity of the region. In addition, there are large energy companies, such as Urengoyskaya GRES and Tyumenenergo.

Great contribution to the budget of the city makes enterprises of the food industry, which are released:

  • Bakery products;
  • Milk products;
  • Smoked and dried foods;
  • Gas water.

Trade is also actively developing in the city. Currently, more than 400 large and small stores, 6 markets, about 40 restaurants and cafes are functioning.