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Rosreestr cadastral map online. What is a public cadastral map and how to use it correctly

Each land plot located on the territory Russian Federation and having an owner, is supplied with a cadastral passport. This document is the basis for the legal consolidation of the boundaries of the site among those surrounding it.

But before the cadastral passport is issued, it is necessary to accurately determine the boundaries of the land plot. As a rule, the contact lines of the specified site and other land plots are considered as the border. The document indicates the shape of the boundaries and the area of ​​the entire plot, and also contains an appendix that includes a plot of the land plot with all its features.

Definition using Internet resources, types of maps

If you have any transactions with real estate, have arisen about the boundaries of the territory, or there are other circumstances that require immediate clarification of the boundaries of the site, you can resolve the issue using one of the Internet cards.

Public map

The easiest way to determine the boundaries of the desired site using a public cadastral map. It was created by Rosreestr specialists and it displays the latest data on the sites and their boundaries.

Users are given the opportunity to see what a particular territory looks like, while the new site makes it possible to impose a scheme directly on the map, which will make it very clear to see the allotment and its boundaries. Now Rosreestr makes it possible to use the following types of cards:

  • Yandex maps... There is also Yandex.Map on the Rosreestr website, on which you can also see the boundaries of the site and find it by the cadastral number. It differs from the previous one by a more convenient Zoom and the presence of both a schematic image of the territories and satellite images.
  • Google maps... Allows you not only to view a diagram or a satellite map with marked boundaries of territories, but also gives you the opportunity to look at appearance area as if you are standing right in front of it on the street. It is precisely the opportunity to conduct a virtual trip around any city that Google Maps are famous.
  • OpenStreetMap... The service positions itself as created by the users themselves. It does not show cadastral marks, but it gives an excellent opportunity to see photographs of the plots that are added by the project participants. This can be of great help if you intend to make a land purchase and are just looking at real estate right now.
  • 2GIS... Initially, the service contained information about buildings and city organizations, but later joined the Rosreestr program and provides its own schematic map.

Important! All the described services have one function: to familiarize users with the type and boundaries of territories. The only difference is in the visual presentation of information, so everyone is free to independently choose which card to use.

How to determine step by step instructions

To find out the boundaries of your or the site of interest to you on the cadastral map, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Follow the online link The most complete and up-to-date information at the moment is displayed here.
  2. In the upper right corner, right on the map, there is a window in which the user must choose the most convenient map for you (Yandex satellite, Yandex map, OpenStreetMap, Google map, Google satellite, 2GIS).
  3. If necessary, check the boxes "Show cadastral boundaries of parcels" so that the map immediately displays a grid of cadastral boundaries by parcels, as well as "Thematic map". By checking the box next to this item, the user is able to select the criteria for displaying the map that interests him. The following thematic maps are available here:
    - by the form of ownership of the sites;
    - by the cadastral value of the plots;
    - at the cadastral value for one “square”;
    - by land category;
    - on the permitted use of sites;
    - by territorial zones;
    - by zones with special conditions for the use of territories.
  4. Having configured the necessary map parameters, you will need to enter the data about the site. To enter the address of the site or its cadastral number, two windows are provided at once. One is located in the upper left corner of the map, and the other is directly above it. If you do not know the exact address or the correct cadastral number of the property, you can find the required territory by the cadastral quarter.
  5. By clicking the search button, you will be taken to the desired site.
  6. Left-click on the selected area on the map and get comprehensive information about the territory: the area of ​​the site, its coordinates, form of ownership and much more.

Additional functions of the public cadastral map

Good to know! The developers of the cadastral map provide an opportunity for smartphone users to download an application for mobile device or tablet. It has the same functions as the “full-fledged” program, but adapted for use in smartphones.

The public cadastral map has convenient tools that make spatial search for a given land parcel much easier. For example, it is possible to calculate the area and determine the distance between points. For the convenience of work, you can save the found information in Excel format.

Possible options for obtaining information

To get an official document indicating the boundaries of the site or its cadastral value, you need to contact the cadastral engineers. These specialists can be contacted:

  • in the offices of the Cadastral Chamber;
  • on the Rosreestr website;
  • in the branches of the MFC in your city.

In the appeal, you need to indicate your data, provide an extract from the house book or a document on the ownership of the site or another document that is the basis for issuing you a paper on the cadastral value or boundaries of the site.

Which is easier: contact the cadastral engineers or independently look at the necessary information on the map at the address?

Developers from Rosreestr have tried their best so that users can easily find information on each site. But if you need an extract from Rosreestr on the state of the land allotment, a cadastral plan or other official paper that will be attached to the package of documents involved in real estate transactions, you will have to contact a specialist.

You can use the official website of Rosreestr for personal purposes, for example, to make sure that the data on the map has not lost its relevance, as well as to find out the cost of the site or determine its boundaries.

Advice from lawyers on defining the boundaries of memory.

All real estate objects, including land plots, are subject to mandatory entry into the state register. To check whether the site is registered, to whom it belongs, and to find out other information about it, it was previously possible only in person in the territorial offices Federal Service cartography. Since 2010, an online service has appeared on the Web - the public cadastral map of Rosreestr. Initially, the resource was not particularly useful, since the database was not updated regularly, and the portal did not always work adequately.

After carrying out the relevant work, the functioning of the service was significantly improved, and therefore it became much more convenient to use the card online, rather than contacting the specialists of the executive service directly.

This service is absolutely open to every user. He stores not only graphic diagram location of real estate objects in the Russian Federation, but also cadastral information. After improving the portal and regularly updating the service, it became possible to find out the following information about the objects:

  • General characteristics;
  • cadastral number and price;
  • exact coordinates;
  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • terms of use of real estate;
  • square;
  • serving territorial body.

Externally similar to Google Maps, the public cadastral map of Rosreestr still has special functions and does not plot a route. She is assigned to search for specific objects according to the available data of a citizen.

What is the purpose of a cadastral map?

The main task of the online map is to provide information about real estate and land plots to all categories of the population. Purchase and sale, exchange and surveying are no longer complete without such an important process as preliminary verification of documentation with the official data of the service. Of course, electronic information does not replace paper documents, but it allows you to verify the accuracy of the information provided and not fall for the bait of scammers. It is very important that the online portal also allows you to check information on neighboring plots. When buying a house or land, this moment is especially important, because if there is a protected object nearby, then, most likely, construction or other specific type of activity will be prohibited on the purchased territory.

Submission of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr to a separate electronic resource made it possible to relieve the burden on the employees of the executive body. Also, the activity of real estate agencies with their clients has been greatly simplified. To check the information, you do not need to register, there is no need even to know the exact address, because, being able to read the map, you can easily determine the location by the nearest objects. Just a few clicks will allow you to get the information you need, but only on the registered ones, i.e. entered in the register, real estate objects of the Russian Federation.

Those citizens who are not familiar with the principle of working with electronic cards terrain, too, will be able to figure it out pretty quickly. The cadastral map is exactly the same version as the book atlas. It depicts Russia with its current territorial and administrative divisions.

its only difference is that you can choose a substrate, as well as bring objects closer, which you cannot do with a paper edition. In addition to a specific zone, users can also familiarize themselves with neighboring areas.

Features of the cadastral map

For more than five years, the functional service has been helping citizens and professionals to learn information related to real estate around the clock. At the same time, the user does not need to make an appointment in advance, send official requests and perform other manipulations. In order for the public cadastral map of Rosreestr to become a real assistant, it is enough to have a computer with Internet access. The client does not need to have special knowledge, because the service is within the reach of everyone who knows how to use a regular card.

The most invaluable help is provided by the online card to such specialists:

  • lawyers;
  • geodesists;
  • realtors.

The work of people in these professions is directly related to real estate, land plots. Therefore, such a quick and simplified method of obtaining information significantly reduces the preparation necessary procedures checking the object and the owner. Despite the fact that the information is in the public domain, it does not violate the rights of homeowners, since the data is not a public or private secret. It is also impossible to commit criminal fraud with the property, using only the information indicated on the online map.

Thus, the ability to use the card online saves time not only for specialists, but also for ordinary citizens, as well as directly for employees of the executive service.

How to work with a cadastral map?

You can get to the page with the public cadastral map of Rosreestr either at, or from the official portal by clicking on the corresponding link. All information is relevant, now it is updated every two days, which makes it possible for any citizen to quickly and on time receive the necessary information online, without fear of error. Outwardly, the service is very similar to the well-known Google maps, because the same substrates are used. Regular card allows you to see the names of cities, streets, house numbers and land parcels. Here, the user is also provided with the cadastral number of the site and the aforementioned characteristics.

When you click on a specific area from above in the search line, the background will be loaded

then you can see a list of objects registered in the area on the map on which the mouse was clicked.

After clicking the Select button, an information window will appear, which will contain additional information, including:

  • special conditions of use;
  • total area;
  • date of entry into the register;
  • date of amendment, etc.

You can find absolutely any real estate object that the user needs on the map. The main thing is that it is registered and included in the service. When working with a resource, a citizen will see a special field in which one of the items must be entered to search:

  • cadastral number;
  • indication of longitude and latitude;
  • the exact address.

If the citizen doesn't like the faceless standard view public cadastral map of Rosreestr, then he can easily change the background of the service. To do this, you need to go to the settings in the menu designated as "Card Management". It offers the user the following options:

  • lack of backing;
  • standard administrative map of Russia;
  • orthophoto coverage;
  • images from space from the EECO and Esri companies.

The last two substrates are most preferred, as often only the approximate location of the property is known. Then real photos with street images will really come in handy. High-quality and modern images from space from two leading companies will help to understand the location of the object of interest to the client.

As for the RF map and orthophoto, the substrate data also have a cadastral division along with the administrative one. This information is indicated in the block of information about a specific property or land plot, which facilitates the identification of the responsible territorial district and regional executive body.

At the same time, the block also contains information about when the last changes into the card itself or documents. Such data is indicated specifically so that the citizen understands how relevant the information is, and whether there have recently been any changes that the owner could have kept silent about.

Inconsistency of information in documents and on the resource

Information in official real estate papers and in the public cadastral map of Rosreestr may not coincide, but this is very rare. The main reasons for this data inconsistency may be the following:

  • lack of re-registration under new legislative norms;
  • no changes were made to the service.

Any of these points was a fairly frequent "guest" when the portal was still under development. Now the resource has been modernized and similar errors have been eliminated. If a discrepancy in the information is found, it is worth either waiting 24 hours for the database to be updated, or sending an official request to the territorial authorities, because, perhaps, the citizen was faced with fraud.

If the object is absent on the service, then the client should ask a reasonable question whether the property exists at all, and whether it is properly registered. Any fraud, due to the fact that the map became public, has become almost impossible.

The cadastral map is applicable if you urgently need to find out information about a land plot or other real estate. Round-the-clock access to the service allows you to use it at any convenient time, without leaving your workplace or cozy home. To obtain public information, you no longer need to send official inquiries. Also, the map helps to accurately determine the administrative affiliation, if doubts arise in this matter. This question important for sales and purchases and other commercial and legal transactions.

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr has several more advantages:

  • preservation of history;
  • the ability to print.

Thus, the user can "travel" through the objects considered earlier, as well as print out specific data about one or more real estate objects or land plots that are of interest to him. This eliminates the need to re-enter data or rewrite information, allows you to send a fax or electronic copy to the mail.

The public cadastral map of land plots is an electronic cadastral map of the Russian Federation, which is posted on the Rosreestr website. Its purpose is to obtain primary information about the required land plot. This map displays all the land accounted for up to 2017, information about which is stored in.

A public map of the registered land plots of the Russian Federation was created and posted on the Internet in 2010. The main purpose of the cadastral map is the availability of cadastral data for a wide range of people (employees of geodetic organizations, lawyers, realtors, ordinary citizens).

In accordance with Russian legislation, information from the state. the real estate cadastre is publicly available information that was previously difficult to obtain (it was necessary to stand in long queues in order to obtain the necessary information about the land plot of interest). A public map created and published on the Web made everything very simple.

What information is available to citizens online when using a public cadastral map?

  • General information about the real estate objects of interest.
  • Accurate information about the cadastral division online, about territorial zones, about the administrative-territorial division of the country, about zones with special conditions for the use of the territory.
  • and see its limits in the cadastral quarter, view adjacent plots registered in the cadastre.
  • For the selected land plot, you can get information about the branches of the territorial Rosreestr serving the territory of this site.
  • On public map real estate objects are displayed with certain marks - "registered object", "previously registered object" or "temporary".
  • You can see the map of Russia, space images, digital topographic maps.

What information about the land plot can be obtained using the public map of Roskadastr?

  • Fixed cadastral number for the land plot.
  • The address of the location of the site, which is included in the state. real estate cadastre.
  • Fixed status of cadastral information (registered plot, previously recorded plot, temporary plot).
  • Date of registration of the site for cadastral registration.
  • What category of land does the land plot belong to?
  • Type of use of the site.
  • The area of ​​the site is in accordance with the documents of title.
  • Land ownership.
  • Cadastral value.
  • Which organization or cadastral engineer put a specific land plot on record with the Cadastral Chamber.
  • Date of the update of the data on the land parcel on the Public Map, as well as of the update of the information on the cadastral district.
  • Service subdivisions of the territorial body of Rosreestr (names of subdivisions, their addresses, reception phones).

In addition to information about the land plot on the cadastral map, information about capital construction objects has recently appeared. This information includes:

  • cadastral number of the capital construction object registered;
  • location of the object indicating the address entered in the state. real estate cadastre;
  • date of setting on the state. cadastral registration;
  • type of ownership;
  • completion date of construction;
  • commissioning date;
  • the cadastral value of the capital construction object;
  • the status of information about the capital construction object;
  • area (in accordance with the documents);
  • number of storeys (ground and underground);
  • wall material;
  • the inventory cost of the capital construction object and the date of its determination;
  • name and TIN of the performer;
  • the last date of updating the data on the capital construction object.

The public land cadastral map also provides useful information on territorial zones and zones that are endowed with special, by types and types of zones, as well as the details of the documents in accordance with which the zones are established or changed.

Further, on the map, you can get the necessary information about the borders by administrative-territorial division, that is, you can get acquainted with the list of documents that regulate the passage of a certain section of the border, with the name of the bordering units. The name of each administrative-territorial division, its type, OKATO code, the name of the capital, the number of settlements and municipalities, the number of Rosreestr offices on the territory.

The public map of Rosreestr provides information on the cartographic basis of the cadastre: name, type, source, date of update, links to metadata that are published on the SDI Geoportal.

The list of possibilities that can be obtained by using a public cadastral map is wide. If necessary, you can always get general useful information about the land plot, however, you must understand that this information is only indicative in nature, therefore it cannot be taken as strictly documentary. Hence, this card allows you to obtain information about a land plot of a primary nature, that is, to which quarter a certain land plot belongs, whether it is registered with the cadastral authorities or not, what are its and, accordingly, the cadastral numbers of neighboring land users. And by ordering a cadastral extract for a land plot, the applicant will receive extremely accurate and up-to-date information.

User questions:

  • Hello! Please tell me why the data of the cadastral map for the value of the land plot in the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region, do not correspond to the official data? And, in this regard, how reliable are other map data. Thank you

In order to get information about a land plot earlier, you had to personally visit the territorial body of the cadastral chamber, where, upon request, you could be given out on the plot: cadastral number, address, exact coordinates, area, to which category of land the plot belongs, and other interesting you information.

Since 2010, for ease of use and speed of information processing, Rosreestrom has created an Internet resource in the form of a public cadastral map ▼, where data and an extract about the site can now be obtained and ordered in just a couple of minutes.

What is a public cadastral map?

Public cadastral map is an Internet resource in the form of an online map (geographic information system (GIS)), created by Rosreestr to obtain information about a land plot, for internal use and for owners. The official public map of Rosreestr is available online on our website above or on the official website

A unified public cadastral map of land plots was developed in 2010. Its purpose is to facilitate the search for cadastral information about a land plot. Before the appearance of the service, data could be obtained only with a personal appeal to the territorial authority - the cadastral chamber.

What can you find out using the Rosreestr public cadastral map?

Using the cadastral map of Rosreestr, you can find out:

  1. Is the land plot worth in the cadastral register?
  2. Who owns it.
  3. Cadastral number and price of the plot.
  4. General characteristics, exact coordinates, area.
  5. Terms of use of the site.
  6. The name of the serving territorial body.

Since its inception, the service has been updated and refined. Now it has become the simplest and most convenient alternative to contacting officials. The advantage of the card is its complete openness. Anyone can get the data of interest. In its interface, the Public Map resembles Google Maps, which makes its use convenient and familiar to the user.

Why do you need a cadastral map?

According to Law No. 221-FZ, any land plot must be registered in the cadastre. Otherwise, it will be impossible to draw up the title deeds, which immediately makes it impossible to carry out any real estate transactions.

When conducting real estate transactions, there is always a risk that the seller will provide incomplete or incorrect data. Their verification is one of the main stages in preparing for the purchase of land. The appearance of cadastral data in the public domain has greatly eased paperwork, as well as reduced the risk of getting caught in a fraudulent transaction.

The advantages of using a public map are obvious:

  • Obtaining complete and reliable information about the land plot of interest. This minimizes the risk of being involved in a fraudulent or illegal transaction, since you will find out online the cadastral number of the land plot at the address, and all its characteristics.
  • Getting information about neighboring plots. It is very important to know information about neighboring areas. For example, a land plot on the map according to the cadastral number you are interested in is located next to a protected area where construction is impossible.
  • Reduction of red tape and speed of obtaining the necessary data. Previously, information could be obtained from the territorial authority, which took time. Now all the information can be obtained at once.
  • Ease of use. Unified cadastral online map easy to use. In order to get the required data, you do not even need the exact address of the property.
  • Check and find out the cadastral number of the land. You can get a cadastral number and the necessary information about the site in a couple of minutes, as well as order a cadastral extract online.
  • History preservation and printability. Thanks to this, you do not have to enter the cadastral number again if you decide to look at the data on the site again. If necessary, the information can be printed.

The service is an image of Russia with territorial and administrative divisions, plotted by the boundaries of land plots. Parcel boundaries are displayed on the map by default. You can clear this check box if necessary. In order to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the object, it can be zoomed in.

The map is useful for representatives of those professions whose work is in one way or another related to real estate issues. It is actively used by realtors, lawyers, etc. to receive cadastral extract about the land plot and real estate objects (houses, apartments).

How to use the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

For, to find information on the site, you need to enter on the cadastral map of Moscow and the Moscow region in the search window: the cadastral number of the site or its address and click on the button " Find a plot"▼.

To find information on a site in online mode, use the official public cadastral map below from the Rosreestr website.

Official public cadastral map of Rosreestr of Moscow and the Moscow region

By default, a public online map has the same background as the Yandex-map service, indicating streets and large objects, which makes it very convenient to navigate on it.

Optionally, you can choose a different substrate. To do this, just click on the desired option.

To search for information about the land plot you are interested in, you need to enter its cadastral number in the search field, if you know it or the address of its location.

After that, a window with basic information opens:

  • Cadastral number
  • Land category ZU
  • Address
  • Plan area

For more information, you can click on the link " View available documents»And order in the window that opens the necessary extracts about the cadastral plan of the land plot and its objects from Rosreestr.

The search can be carried out not only by the cadastral number of the territory. In the search box, you can enter the coordinates of the site, its address. If for some reason you do not have this data, you can easily find nearby objects, focusing on the map. By clicking on a site of interest, you will receive information about it.

Sometimes the data on the card and paper documents do not match. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • The site was not re-registered in accordance with the new law.
  • No recent changes have been made to the service.

If a discrepancy is found, you can check the information again in a day. If the information has not changed, you need to submit a request to the territorial authority - the cadastral chamber.

Inconsistent data may be an indication that you are being misled and you are faced with fraud. You should contact the territorial authority even if the object is completely absent on the map. It either does not exist or is not legally registered.

Video: How to work with a public cadastral map

Information about land plots and real estate has always been relevant for certain categories of citizens. And before, in order to obtain the necessary information, it was required to personally visit the cadastral service, write a corresponding application, wait a few days and come for the result. Recently, when access to the public cadastral map of the Republic of Dagestan was opened, information has ceased to be so difficult to access. Now it can be obtained online at any time of the day and this is the indisputable advantage of the resource.

The services of the site, where the public cadastral map of the Republic of Dagestan is posted, is in demand by lawyers, surveyors, realtors, as well as everyone who needs information about a land plot and a real estate object. These can be individuals and business representatives.

How to use the card?

One of the most useful functions of the map is visualization of the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and other regions of the Russian Federation. Thanks to this, any user will be able to study in detail every piece of Russia, but at the same time they will not have to spend a lot of financial resources on travel or directly assistance from experts providing information about the territory of the state.

The public cadastral map of the Republic of Dagestan is relevant for individuals wishing to invest in land plots or real estate. The resource will allow them, without leaving home, to choose the best options for purchasing. To do this, the card provides all the necessary information, including:

  • cadastral number of the object;
  • area and exact address;
  • subdivision to which the object belongs.

There are two search options - fast and advanced. If you know the cadastral number, address or coordinates of the object, then this is the first search option. According to the cadastral number of the object, the user of the public cadastral map of the Republic of Dagestan receives information about the cadastral district, cadastral district, quarter and the site itself. Using various functions of the resource, for example, scale, a citizen can appreciate the location of the object, the neighborhood. Here you should pay attention to the presence in the area industrial enterprises which are not the most the best way may affect your health if you purchase a residence. A detailed overview of the territory will allow assessing the condition of the roadway and the presence of road junctions. All this will contribute to the choice the best option for purchase.

Thanks to the public cadastral map, the user has access to information about the object of the Republic of Dagestan, which is recorded in the Federal Register, including:

  • the status of the object and its area;
  • cadastral price and form of ownership;
  • time of registration and characteristics of the object.

Another advantage of a public cadastral map is the ability to put marks on those objects that seemed interesting to you in the process of studying and you would like to compare them in order to determine the final decision. For the convenience of users, the function of viewing the history of visits is also provided. If necessary, a map of the site of the Republic of Dagestan can be printed on a printer or entered into a navigator or phone. If desired, the client can change the image: an actual map of the area, a public cadastral map and images taken from space.

Information on the map

Public cadastral map - Republic of Dagestan

Information from the public cadastral map will be of interest to entrepreneurs wishing to expand their business. Especially for them, information about capital construction facilities of the Republic of Dagestan has recently been opened, the information includes the following:

  • date of registration and area;
  • number of storeys, both underground and aboveground;
  • time of completion of construction and commissioning and others.

Information about the cadastral value, which is the basis for calculating tax, is also important, this will allow businessmen to assess their capabilities in acquiring or renting an object. It is important to note that the information presented in the public cadastral map of the Republic of Dagestan is constantly updated, which makes it reliable. When a choice has been made in favor of two or three options, you should call the local branch of Rosreestr and clarify the information. Contact information is provided on our website.

Our site offers other services as well. Users can order an extract from the USRR, a certificate of cadastral value and a passport. And for this you can take advantage of online opportunities. All information provided by the resource is reliable and official.