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Cadastral number 7. Public cadastral map Rosreestr

An online service that provides ample opportunities for citizens of the Russian Federation in the information environment of the State Cadastre has been open for 6 years.

During this time, it has improved, underwent changes, but still remains a convenient user tool.

Basic rules for working with a public cadastral map of Rosreestr

First, let's figure out how to manage the service.

Follow these basic management rules:

  1. The map can be moved - to do this, move the cursor over it, hold and press the left mouse button, drag the object.
  2. You can change the size of the map. Use the mouse wheel, or the buttons "ctrl" and "+", "-", pressing them simultaneously, or find on the page a tool in the form of a line with the corresponding signs - increase, decrease the picture.
  3. It is possible to increase the size of the map and move it to the place where you double-click the left mouse button.
  4. It is also possible to enlarge a piece of the map. To do this, you should press "Shift", select a segment of the area, highlighting it with the left mouse button pressed.
  5. You can view the history of photos, objects and areas you viewed. After some time, map fragments are sent to the database. To do this, search the system for the extent history. You will be able to view the pictures of the cards in sequential order or selectively.

It is possible to manage not only the service, but also the content of the card itself.

In the toolbar, you can actually change the cartographic base:

1. Basic basis of the map

With this choice, you can:

  1. Switch on the card without the base by pressing the "no" function in the control mode.
  2. See the map of Russia provided by Rosreestr.
  3. Look at the map with orthophoto coverage.
  4. Get acquainted with the images of the terrain that were taken from space.
  5. See the names of geographical objects of the territory by selecting the function "labels on the map".

2. Thematic map

There are several such types of cards. To switch from one to the other, it's worth using a tool called Map Management.

You can also work with a thematic map like this:

  1. If you choose "no", you will have a regular basemap without a base.
  2. Using a large scale of the territory, you can select an object and familiarize yourself with its cadastral value.
  3. Also, on a large scale map, you can find out the type of permitted use of a certain piece of land, its category.
  4. The relevance of the information entered on the card will also be known.
  5. Find out the number of views for a particular county.

3. Additional information on the map

Thanks to the management service, you can add and select new information that you need:

  1. The boundaries of parcels of land, buildings and any other objects.
  2. Zones that are classified as territories requiring special conditions.
  3. Borders of territorial zones.
  4. The boundaries of the regions of the Russian Federation.
  5. Cartograms.

4. Overview map

It is necessary in order to use the new tools, but at the same time do not cover the current map image.

After selecting the functions, you can expand the overview window, you will see a map expanded to full screen.

5. Legend or design panel

There is also the possibility - to see stylistic design all objects that are available on the map. To do this, put a tick in front of the legend "Legend".

Some object data may not be available because the displayed layers have not been fully loaded.

There are other possibilities when working with the map. Let's talk about them:

1. Printout of a fragment of the map

By clicking on the print icon, a map will open in a new window, which was opened in the overview window. We recommend that you select the place, the territory that you want to print, and then click on the icon.

As a result, you will receive a text document with a picture, you can sign it with a comment.

Note, the date of the printout will be set automatically.

2. Distance measurement

There is a special icon on the toolbar.

By clicking on it, you can draw lines on the map and measure the distance along them. Lines can be moved, added.

The length will appear automatically in a new window.

3. Measurement of area

You can also measure it. To do this, select the icon located next to the length measurement, and use the same measurement scheme.

By clicking on the icon, you can get without much difficulty a link to the map opened in your window.

5. Adding objects

You can add any objects to the map yourself. The main thing is to take into account that the file format must be either kml or csv.

You can find out about other requirements on the service website.

Search for objects on the cadastral map of Rosreestr of Russia

The service invites users to find an object according to certain parameters.

1. Quick search bar

In the upper left corner there is a line in which you can enter some data about the object, then the system will automatically select the objects according to the specified parameters.

The panel can be collapsed and expanded, and the number of results that will appear on the window page can be configured.

To find an object, you should:

  1. Enter data from the cadastral passport, certificate. The format of the object number is as follows: "XX: XX: XXXXXXX: XXXX".
  2. Enter the address information of the object.
  3. Draw the coordinates of the point.

2. Advanced search bar

It is located in the same place as the quick search bar.

Hover the mouse cursor and select the required search parameters.

For example, you can find an object by:

1) Cadastral number

You will have to enter not only the number of the land plot or object, but also the name of the cadastral division, district, quarter.

2) Address

Here you should enter your region, the name of the city, settlement.

After you click find button, the system will automatically take you to the specified point.

What information can be obtained about objects on the public cadastral map?

Every Russian can get some information from the State Real Estate Cadastre. They are in the public domain, you can find out about them using the service card.

We will tell you what information you can get:

1) About the subdivisions of the cadastre, addresses, reception hours

2) About plots of land

These include:

  1. Number from the cadastral passport, extracts.
  2. Land area.
  3. Type of use.
  4. Category of land.
  5. Address.
  6. Cost (note, cadastral).
  7. Site plan. The procedure and procedure for land surveying
  8. Quarter layout.

3. About buildings and structures

Information about them can be as follows:

  1. Number.
  2. Price.
  3. Square.
  4. Status.
  5. Address data.
  6. Inventory data.
  7. Number of storeys.
  8. Type of ownership.

4. About the boundaries of territories and documents describing them

5. About the subjects of the Russian Federation, settlements

Here you can find not only the names, but also the OKATO / OKTMO codes.

6. About cartograms

This will include types, names, information about where and when the data was taken, links.

All of the above information will be provided for your reference. in new pop-ups .

For example, having driven the necessary data into the search, you have an object on the map. Hover over it, an information window will appear next to it, in which all the available information in the inventory service will be indicated.

Remember that the scale of the map must be large, otherwise you can only see the boundaries of the indicated territory - and nothing else.

Saving the information received and requesting extended information from the Rosreestr website

  1. Add the result you gave search system, To favorites"- click on the asterisk opposite the line with the result. You can add one object to this list, or several, or all. You can also remove the star from the document and remove it from the favorites list.
  2. Save the list. By clicking on the button with the image of loading or unloading file information, you can save the search results. The file format that will be saved on the PC is "csv". Thus, you can not only save the information, but also add your list to the system.

Each land plot located on the territory Russian Federation and having an owner, is supplied with a cadastral passport. This document is the basis for the legal consolidation of the boundaries of the site among those surrounding it.

But before the cadastral passport is issued, it is necessary to accurately determine the boundaries of the land plot. As a rule, the contact lines of the specified site and other land plots are considered as the border. The document indicates the shape of the boundaries and the area of ​​the entire plot, and also contains an appendix that includes a plot of the land plot with all its features.

Definition using Internet resources, types of maps

If you have any transactions with real estate, have arisen about the boundaries of the territory, or there are other circumstances that require immediate clarification of the boundaries of the site, you can resolve the issue using one of the Internet cards.

Public map

The easiest way to determine the boundaries of the desired site using a public cadastral map. It was created by Rosreestr specialists and it displays the latest data on the sites and their boundaries.

Users are given the opportunity to see what a particular territory looks like, while the new site makes it possible to impose a scheme directly on the map, which will make it very clear to see the allotment and its boundaries. Now Rosreestr makes it possible to use the following types of cards:

  • Yandex maps... There is also Yandex.Map on the Rosreestr website, on which you can also see the boundaries of the site and find it by the cadastral number. It differs from the previous one by a more convenient Zoom and the presence of both a schematic image of the territories and satellite images.
  • Google maps... Allows you not only to view a diagram or a satellite map with marked boundaries of territories, but also gives you the opportunity to look at appearance area as if you are standing right in front of it on the street. It is precisely the opportunity to conduct a virtual trip around any city that Google Maps are famous.
  • OpenStreetMap... The service positions itself as created by the users themselves. It does not show cadastral marks, but it gives an excellent opportunity to see photographs of the plots that are added by the project participants. This can be of great help if you intend to make a land purchase and are just looking at real estate right now.
  • 2GIS... Initially, the service contained information about buildings and city organizations, but later joined the Rosreestr program and provides its own schematic map.

Important! All the described services have one function: to familiarize users with the type and boundaries of territories. The only difference is in the visual presentation of information, so everyone is free to independently choose which card to use.

How to determine step by step instructions

To find out the boundaries of your or the site of interest to you on the cadastral map, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Follow the online link The most complete and up-to-date information at the moment is displayed here.
  2. In the upper right corner, right on the map, there is a window in which the user must choose the most convenient map for you (Yandex satellite, Yandex map, OpenStreetMap, Google map, Google satellite, 2GIS).
  3. If necessary, check the boxes “Show cadastral boundaries of parcels” so that the map will immediately display a grid of cadastral boundaries by parcels, as well as “Thematic map”. By checking the box next to this item, the user is able to select the criteria for displaying the map that interests him. The following thematic maps are available here:
    - by the form of ownership of the sites;
    - by the cadastral value of the plots;
    - at the cadastral value for one “square”;
    - by land category;
    - on the permitted use of sites;
    - by territorial zones;
    - by zones with special conditions for the use of territories.
  4. Having configured the necessary map parameters, you will need to enter the data about the site. To enter the address of the site or its cadastral number, two windows are provided at once. One is located in the upper left corner of the map, and the other is directly above it. If you do not know the exact address or the correct cadastral number property, you can find the required territory by the cadastral quarter.
  5. By clicking the search button, you will be taken to the desired site.
  6. Left-click on the highlighted area on the map and get comprehensive information about the territory: the area of ​​the site, its coordinates, form of ownership and much more.

Additional functions of the public cadastral map

Good to know! The developers of the cadastral map provide an opportunity for smartphone users to download an application for mobile device or tablet. It has the same functions as the “full-fledged” program, but adapted for use in smartphones.

The public cadastral map has convenient tools that make spatial search for a given land parcel much easier. For example, it is possible to calculate the area and determine the distance between points. For the convenience of work, you can save the found information in Excel format.

Possible options for obtaining information

To get an official document indicating the boundaries of the site or its cadastral value, you need to contact the cadastral engineers. These specialists can be contacted:

  • in the offices of the Cadastral Chamber;
  • on the Rosreestr website;
  • in the branches of the MFC in your city.

In the appeal, you need to indicate your data, provide an extract from the house book or a document on the ownership of the site or another document that is the basis for issuing you a paper on the cadastral value or boundaries of the site.

Which is easier: contact the cadastral engineers or independently look at the necessary information on the map at the address?

Developers from Rosreestr have tried their best so that users can easily find information on each site. But if you need an extract from Rosreestr on the state of the land allotment, a cadastral plan or other official paper that will be attached to the package of documents involved in real estate transactions, you will have to contact a specialist.

You can use the official website of Rosreestr for personal purposes, for example, to make sure that the data on the map has not lost its relevance, as well as to find out the cost of the site or determine its boundaries.

Advice from lawyers on defining the boundaries of memory.

To open the map, in the upper right corner, click Allow Blocked Content!

Most effective and fast way obtaining information about real estate in the Moscow region is a public cadastral map. It is available to anyone interested. Most often, real estate sales specialists, representatives of legal and construction organizations turn to her. Convenient search on interactive map Moscow region allows you to instantly find information on any object.

The public cadastral map is a unique software product developed by the Rosreestr authority. It is available 24/7 online and can be studied by every Internet user.

What can you find out using the map and what information it contains

All territories of our vast country are divided into cadastral districts. Their borders coincide with the borders of the administrative territories of Russia. Then they are divided into districts, quarters. The smallest inventory unit is the parcel.

Referring to the cadastral map of the Moscow region, you can find out the following information about those objects that have passed the cadastral registration:

  • cadastral number and address of the property of interest,
  • the area that was recorded at the time of registration with the cadastre authority,
  • cost according to cadastral valuation,
  • date of registration of the object and form of ownership,
  • the status of a plot of land.

The listed information is important in the implementation of a transaction for the purchase, lease or sale of real estate in the Moscow region. These data are required for drawing up a cadastral passport and other documents for a land plot.

How to use the cadastral map

There is a public cadastral map of the Moscow region on the general resource of Rosreestr. The most in a simple way find on it a plot of land or a building of interest - know its cadastral number and enter it in the search field.

After the system finds required element, it will automatically display it on the map. The number contains an indication of the county, district and quarter where the territory of the site that we are looking for is located.

If the exact number is not known, then you can find the object on an interactive map by address or visually. General information will be displayed for the required territory, indicating the number of quarters and objects. For each object, the belonging to a certain cadastral district is indicated (this is important information for those objects that are located on the border of the Moscow region).

Each object on public map The Moscow region is quite easily distinguishable due to the high level of detail. Dense building blocks do not interfere with seeing each building. High-quality detailing and topography make it possible to find and determine the cadastral boundaries of areas in the region and nearby territories.

Possibilities of the cadastral map of the Moscow region

The public cadastral map of the Moscow region is an open resource and is available to any user. Here you can find legal information on land plots, as well as other immovable objects of the Russian Federation.

The relevance and availability of information on the map makes it possible to track the latest data on the property of interest. The cadastral map is very much in demand for clarifying information about a specific land plot or property. Visually, you can determine its contours, boundaries and configuration, as well as learn general information... On the map it is easy to determine the belonging of the site to the district, district. If the site is not found, then it has not passed the cadastral registration and is not plotted on an interactive map.

Often, there is enough data on a property of interest in the Moscow region contained in a public cadastral map. After all, there is general information, which are in the USRN. However, in the card they are only for informational purposes and have no legal force. To get an official document, you need to request an extract from the USRN.

The simplicity and availability of the resource of the public cadastral map of the Moscow region made it popular not only among professionals associated with the real estate and construction market, but also among ordinary citizens.

When registering, buying, selling plots, houses, apartments, people often hear incomprehensible terms, and this complicates their actions.

So first, let's understand the definitions.

Any real estate object (for example,) should be put on, in other words, enter information about the object in the state register.

This information will confirm the existence of the object and will form the basis for the creation of a cadastral plan, i.e. a schematic image on which the boundaries of the land plot are marked. In addition to graphic information, the cadastral plan includes an object, information about its location and area, characteristics of borders, data on rights to it, information on border areas, and the purpose of the cadastre.

The system for collecting information on the boundaries of real estate objects, territorial zones, municipalities, entire regions and the entire Russian Federation is state cadastre.

Let's say you decide to buy a piece of land, immediately questions arise about its area, exact address, form of ownership, etc. This information is provided by the state cadastre and is available to everyone. The exception is information that is a state or other secret protected by law.

Main data source about the real estate object, contains information about real estate, registered rights and encumbrances to it. An extract is received in order to protect yourself when buying real estate.

General availability of the official resource

The availability of the material is carried out using an interactive search, in other words, a help desk operating in on-line mode.

Similarly acts public land cadastral map (PCC): An electronic cadastral map of the Russian Federation is posted on the Rosreestr website. Its purpose is provision of basic free information about all real estate objects listed in the State Register for 2019.

Ease of search on the card is that after entering the cadastral number or address of the property, the user will be presented with all the data that are in the state cadastre.

Quickly to get data it is possible about objects and land plots, about administrative-territorial units, zones with special conditions of use, capital construction objects, cartograms of the cartographic basis of the State Property Committee, about territorial and functional zones and administrative boundaries.

The material provided by Rosreestr is relevant, in demand by a wide range of users: representatives of authorities and municipalities, lawyers, surveyors, builders, ordinary people.

Although map information is considered publicly available, not all cadastral data are provided. If according to the Federal Law "On State Cadastre and Real Estate" they do not apply to open documents, access to them is limited.

The PAC is available for both computers and tablets and smartphones.

The reliability of the information received

In 2007, the RF law “On the State Cadastre of Real Estate” was adopted, at the same time the concept of “State Cadastre” was introduced, which was tied to the appearance of a public cadastral map.

The Cadastral Chamber of Russia is the official registrar of the country, and the PKK is an official public electronic document, on the basis of which documentary maps by regions have been developed.

But we must take into account that the provided information is indicative only , therefore, it cannot be perceived as strictly documentary. The fact is that the map is continuously updated due to materials coming from the AIS GKN of Rosreestr branches: the owners of sites change, new objects appear, the boundaries of territories are transformed ... Although the information should be updated within 3-5 days, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation information appears much later ...

Therefore, firstly, you need to keep track of the date of the last update of the data about the object. Secondly, remember that you will receive extremely accurate information only by ordering a cadastral extract for real estate.

What resources can be used

The PKK is located on the official portal of Rosreestr. It is also possible to download the map to a smartphone from the App Store or Google play... Tracking visits Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography has 50-80 thousand user requests per day.

On the websites of regional and municipal USRR, you can also find regional and municipal cadastral maps. For example: PKK of the Moscow region or a map of Crimea. The schemes of these maps are territorially specific and provide detailed information about the desired land plot, which is in private, federal or municipal ownership.

What information can be obtained

If you are interested in real estate object , you can specify its address, cadastral number, the presence of encumbrances, information about the area, about the time of registration, etc. It also contains the contacts of the local Cadastral Chamber and the Rosreestr body that controls this object.

The PAC allows you to quickly find the one you are interested in. land plot , view its boundaries and area, determine the address and cadastral number, cost and date of entry into the state register, check the form of ownership and status. You can even assess its location in a complex of adjacent lands, find out the coordinates of the boundaries, measure the distance of the site from a certain object.

An administrative-territorial unit is characterized on the map by: name, type, name regional center, the number of municipalities and the number of settlements.

Zones with special conditions of use territories, as well as zones with special conditions for the use of land in the PKK are determined by the following data: type, description, details of the documents governing the boundaries.

Buildings and constructions related to capital construction objects differ: type, current status, with total area, the number of floors, the material of the walls, the cadastral value and the inventory parameters of the building - this information appeared on the map recently.

Territorial and functional zones differ: type, description, details of documents regulating the formation of the boundaries of territories.

Cartogram of the GKN cartographic base characterized in the PKK: name, type, source of data, date of compilation, a link to the card index of information located on the Geoportal of the IPD RF.

Administrative boundaries differ: the names of those areas through which they run, and lists of documents that determine the plan for their passage.

Cadastral engineers working on land-surveying and technical plans can use a map to view a specific area in detail.

How to order documents

As already mentioned, in order to be 100% sure of the information, you need to issue an extract of the USRR. To order can be directly in the resource window. When ordering an application, you must pay the state duty on-line, provide the cadastral number of the site and your e-mail for feedback, a link to the document will be sent to you. There is another possibility - to get a paper version at the nearest branch of Rosreestr or GKP or by mail. The application is completed within 15 minutes. The supporting document must come to the applicant within 2 - 5 days.

The amount of the state duty is determined by the type of the requested document and the status of the customer. For individuals it is less than for legal ones.

For the rules for using the PPK, see the following video instruction:

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr is a convenient and easy-to-use Internet tool. It enables any resident of Russia to receive information stored in the state register of real estate and land cadastre. The card is a public resource, information that does not contradict the law on personal data is available to absolutely any user, from anywhere in the world, without registration.

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr contains all the objects that are entered in the geocadastre and for which the land surveying procedure has been carried out. The information is current and updated at regular intervals. The latest data on the object can be obtained by ordering a certificate or an extract through the services of Rosreestr.

Information from this resource is used not only by ordinary citizens. Municipal services, court authorities, banking organizations, insurance and real estate companies often turn to her. The cadastral map is also used in their work by cartographic services, in particular, geodetic, since the geodetic base of the country and topographic information are plotted on the map.

Not every resident of Russia still knows that such a resource exists and, moreover, how to use it. Therefore, information about what the public cadastral map of Rosreestr is, what services can be obtained using its resources, how to manage the interface, will not be superfluous. To start using the map, just follow the link of the same name on the services page of the official Rosreestr portal.

Purpose of the public cadastral map

Public cadastral map of Rosreestr

The Rosreestr card is used by individuals, state-owned companies, authorities and law enforcement agencies, commercial organizations. Most often they turn to her when it is necessary to conclude a transaction with real estate, draw up documents for land or urgently receive information about a separate land allotment. Among the most common reasons, according to which the public cadastral map of Rosreestr is used, note:

With the help of a public cadastral map, the user at any time convenient for himself, regardless of his location, employment, etc., will be able to find out the information he needs stored in Rosreestr. It is completely free, and for work you only need the Internet and a computerized device (phone, tablet).

For example, if a user who plans to buy land in a region has entered the portal, he should pay attention to the cadastral value of the plots. For land shares located even in the same quarter, this cost may vary depending on the area of ​​the site, land category and other features. The cadastral value necessarily appears in the documents for land and real estate and is the basis for calculating taxation when making a sale, donation, inheritance transaction. In addition, it is also taken into account when the annual property tax is calculated. Naturally, the lower the price, the lower the tax, that is, it is more profitable to buy inexpensive plots. On the other hand, it is not in vain that the cheapest land plots have such a cadastral value and are not a good buy in terms of the prospect of use or comfortable living. Therefore, the buyer must strike a balance.

Or another example. The citizen bought land, built a house on it and moved the whole family. And after a couple of years, a residential complex, a plant or a factory, grows nearby. And if, before buying, he looked at the purpose of the land according to the cadastral map of Rosreestr, he would have seen that nearby land for industrial use or intended for building.

Features of the cadastral map of Rosreestr

The main opportunity provided by the public cadastral map of Rosreestr is, of course, versatile information from the category:

  • cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • shape and size of vacant land plots;
  • the purpose of land and the types of their permitted use for land plots in Russia;
  • topographic and geodetic basis of the RF map, etc.

Using the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, you can:

  • check the data on any piece of land - where it is located, what form of ownership it has, who is included in the register, etc .;
  • find a free piece of land with suitable parameters (price, area, location) for purchase or lease;
  • get advanced information.

The last point is the so-called public cadastral map services, which are provided through the Rosreestr services section. Order by card:

  • a certificate of real estate on the site;
  • extract from the State Property Committee;
  • an extract from the State Register of Rights to Real Estate.

Such references are relevant when you need to get the latest data on an object (in case the web application has not yet been updated to newest version), get more information than is provided on the resource site in text format, or get this information right now.

Registration of statements and certificates is available after authorization. An extended statement (certificate) is provided online exclusively to the owner of the land plot or his representative, as it contains personal data. In other cases, a regular certificate (extract) is ordered.

Any document that is printed from an electronic service does not have a wet seal, so it must be certified if you plan to refer to it in municipal authorities or the court.

The interface of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

The basis is a map of the Russian Federation. On the portal of the cadastral map, it is divided into sections according to the cadastral division:

  • regions-subjects of the Russian Federation - along the borders coincide with the administrative-territorial division;
  • cadastral districts - as a rule, correspond to districts or regions;
  • cadastral quarters;
  • plots.

Legend and appearance of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

It will be easy for users to navigate by the map, as its interface resembles an ordinary administrative or topographic map of Russia. By default, only some objects are drawn on it:

  • boundaries of plots in the form of red lines;
  • water bodies marked in blue and signed in accordance with the established procedure;
  • plantations, colored green and appropriately signed;
  • names of settlements;
  • section numbers.

Symbols adopted on the public cadastral map of Rosreestr correspond to the topographic and geodetic designations approved by GOST. If a satellite image is used as a background for a map, it is a photograph, where the purpose and nature of the objects is intuitively clear.

In the process, the user can modify the public cadastral map of Rosreestr and add other objects to it:

  • additional boundaries;
  • forestry, forest parks;
  • special economic zones.

Thanks to this property, users at any time can receive visual extended information that will allow them to resolve the issue with which they turned to the service faster and more efficiently.

What can you do with the card?

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr is interactive resource... Therefore, it is easy to handle it. Using the map, it can be scaled up and down, for which site visitors can use three mechanisms:

  • wheel computer mouse;
  • zoom in and out buttons;
  • the combination of keys "Ctrl" + "+" and "Ctrl" + "-" on the computer keyboard.

In addition, the map can be moved around the screen to refer to one or another part of it. To do this, hold the image with the left mouse button and move it. The functionality also allows you to simultaneously move and zoom. This action is carried out by double-clicking the left button of the computer mouse in the place of interest on the map. In this case, the scale is selected by the system independently, taking into account the diagonal of the user's monitor.

If the map is viewed from a smartphone or tablet, control is carried out through the gestures adopted on the device.

Map menu

The menu of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr is located on the left side of the screen. When collapsed, it is a visual pictogram. Intuitively clear images and tooltips will not confuse even a user who is visiting the site for the first time. The main sections of the menu:

  • search - finds objects by their characteristics (cadastral number, address, coordinates), and in the search results, you can open an information window and view available information about a plot of land from Rosreestr;
  • objects at a point - opens a window of information about a land plot from state registers by clicking on it;
  • map management - shows additional objects on the map (you can add or remove borders, geodetic base, territorial zones, buildings, roads and other objects on the map), the item "Thematic maps" "paints" the territory in conventional colors by specific parameter(cadastral value, land designation, etc.);
  • drawing - allows you to draw your own areas on the map and other objects of different geometric shape(points, lines, polygons), creating your sketches for future use;
  • measurements - measures the distance between objects on the map, the area and perimetry of the territory, both already indicated and previously drawn with your own hands;
  • favorites - sites marked with an asterisk can be downloaded as an excel file;
  • map print - selects a map area for printing to a printer (borders can be changed);
  • reference information - provides information from the PPK, instructions for using the map, as well as copyright and information for developers;
  • feedback - creates a form with which you can ask your questions, leave a complaint or comment (authorization is required).

How to use the public cadastral map of Rosreestr?

To start using the Rosreestr cadastral map, you do not need to register or perform other actions. It is enough just to go to the Rosreestr website in the services section and follow the link "Public cadastral map". Using the card is completely free.

To perform actions on the map and receive government services, the menu and navigation buttons are used.

How to search for information on the map?

The first most frequent action that almost all guests of the web resource perform is the search for a land plot. It can be done in several ways.

Land plots on the map

The simplest option is when you already have a cadastral passport of the object on hand, that is, you know its cadastral number. You just need to enter it into the search bar and click the "Find" button next to it or the Enter key on your keyboard. The public cadastral map is scaled up and self-centered on the screen so that the area of ​​interest is centered.

Similarly, the search for a land share is carried out if the cadastral number is unknown, but the coordinates of the object are available.

Search for a parcel by county

If there is neither one nor the other, you will have to search by address. In this case, the data is entered into the search string in the following sequence: subject of the federation, region, district, city (settlement, village). In the search results, you can see a different number of sites, you need to click on the one of interest.

The most inconvenient option is if you only know approximately where the land plot is located. Then you will have to go to the desired quarter and look for an object by outward signs by zooming in and out sequentially looking at parts of the map. For clarity, it will be useful to add a background to the cadastral map - satellite images of the territory (menu "Map management").

Another way to find out information about a land share is to click on it using the "Objects at point" menu. A pop-up window with text information, links and a tab for government services will appear under the cursor.

Opposite the sites in the search results, there are 2 pictograms - an asterisk and an exclamation mark. The first is used to add an object to favorites, and the second is used to complain about incorrectly displayed information.

Viewing general information

As soon as the user has selected a certain land plot on the Rosreestr cadastral map, a window appears on the left (or next to the cursor), where all the data of interest to him are collected.

The appearance of the window consists of two tabs - informational and with services. In the first one you can read:

  • cadastral number of the site and the quarter to which it belongs;
  • the physical address of the object;
  • the exact area of ​​the site;
  • the cadastral value of the site;
  • the purpose of land;
  • type of permitted land use;
  • the date the information was entered into the cadastre;
  • the date of changes to the inventory;
  • Name of the engineer who worked on the site.

This data allows land owners to control information about their property, and those who only wish to purchase a plot can choose the most suitable option... In addition, the information helps owners (present and future) to protect themselves from fraudulent transactions, land grabbing, improper taxation, etc. The cadastral number uniquely assigns the object to one or another local authority of Rosreestr, where the owner of real estate or land needs to contact for paperwork.

  • a certificate from the State Register of real estate, which is located on the site;
  • extract from the State Property Committee;
  • extract from the USRR.

As a rule, they are needed when drawing up documents for land and real estate, mortgages, insurance, in litigation. By clicking, the system will redirect the applicant to the Rosreestr website in the services section, where it will be necessary to fill out a special form.

To the right of the request form, the user will see a menu that contains all the services that Rosreestr provides online - inquiries, statements, inquiries, etc. Here, in the services section, you can track the execution of your request.

  • KK plan - the plan of the cadastral quarter, where the site is shown in the land-surveying system of its region;
  • KU plan - plan of the cadastral site, is a callout from the cadastral map, where the site is shown to scale, with boundaries and orientation along the cardinal points corresponding to the map;
  • cadastral block search - finds parcels within a block.

The QC and CU plan are displayed in a separate tab (window) in the form of a plan that can be saved to electronic media ( HDD, USB flash drive) in one of two graphic formats.

In the header of the information window, the cadastral number of the site and its address are displayed.

How to take measurements?


The functionality of the Rosreestr cadastral map allows you to make measurements on it. The user can measure the distance between points, from point to object, area and perimeter of the delineated area. Calculations are made by the system automatically, the results are displayed under the cursor immediately in the form of a distance in meters or an area in square meters.

To measure objects, go to the "Measurements" menu.

How do I save site information?

All data, both graphic and text, can be saved to your computer.

In addition, users can save for themselves links to areas of interest on the map. To do this, use the compact menu on the right side of the screen (below). It makes it possible to get a link to the object for copying, posting on a blog, and also share it on popular social networks.

Printing a section of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

Card printing

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr allows you to print any of your sections to the printer. Actions for printing a land share:

  1. go to the "Print" menu;
  2. choose a sheet format (A3 or A4);
  3. specify the scale in the drop-down list (scales according to GOST);
  4. specify the orientation of the sheet for printing (landscape or portrait);
  5. if necessary, adjust the location of the print area marked with a green rectangle by moving it to the required place;
  6. give a print command.

The system provides for adding a comment to the picture, the date of the printout is set automatically.

Useful properties of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

It is always useful to know the hidden functions of a resource. The public cadastral map of Rosreestr is no exception. There are a number of possibilities that will facilitate and simplify the work with the resource, as well as help to learn more about the site.

Search for the exact address of an object on the public cadastral map of Rosreestr

With the help of a search, it is easy to find out the address of any plot and property on the cadastral map. To do this, the user needs to select the "Address" object in the drop-down filter of the search line, and then click on the object of interest on the map.

Adding your own object to the cadastral map

You can add your own objects to the public cadastral map, for example, plots that you plan to rent or purchase, real estate, etc. for this, you need to generate a file in csv format, where you specify the characteristics of the object in the form of a table. Then the user must go to the Favorites tab and upload the file to the Public Cadastral Map web application of Rosreestr.

How to find the coordinates of a plot by cadastral number?

Sometimes there is a situation when the cadastral number of the plot is known, but its coordinates are not. If you need to know them, the user must do the following:

  1. enter the cadastral number in the search bar (by setting the filter "Plots");
  2. click on the search results, thereby selecting a site on the cadastral map;
  3. look at the search bar - it will contain the geographic coordinates of the object.

Sorting plots by cadastral value

The Map Management menu is very useful, although at first glance it doesn't seem that way.

Map management

The section of thematic maps is of particular interest to users. It helps to visualize the information contained on the map using different colors... Thematic maps available:

  • by cadastral value (total or per square meter);
  • by the purpose of the land;
  • by the type of permitted land use;
  • by the form of ownership;
  • by the date the information was entered.

Thus, the service provides a tool with which it is easy to find cheaper land, check its purpose, when it was occupied, etc. For example, if you buy or lease a plot with a lower value than those that are nearby, you can significantly save on taxation. And having paid attention to the purpose of neighboring lands, we can assume that there will be after a while: one more private house, high-rise building or production.

Checking the site before purchasing

By checking the land plot before buying or renting on a public cadastral map and Rosrestru, the user protects himself from fraudulent activities, as well as problems and troubles in the future. If there are plans to make a deal with a specific site, you should find it on the public cadastral map and see:

For the most up-to-date information on land plot, it is recommended to order certificates and extracts from Rosreestr, where the latest information is always reflected. When buying land, it is advisable to ask the owner to receive such a certificate in an extended version, and for greater reliability - with a wet seal. Such a certificate will necessarily indicate all owners, encumbrances, etc.

How and why to order an extract from the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

It should be immediately recalled that using the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, only an electronic version of extracts can be ordered. This option is suitable if you do not need to provide an extract to state, judicial, law enforcement agencies, to a bank, but you just need to make sure that the data is up-to-date. For example, such a certificate can be ordered when selling real estate in order to show it to the buyer or to check if the real estate is "clean".

The statement contains information such as the owner's name and surname, type of property, characteristics of the object, when and by whom the rights to the object were registered and when changes were made. In addition, the extract indicates if the land or real estate is seized, encumbered or under arbitration or court cases, and also whether it happened in the past and how many times.

Through Rosreestr, you can order both urgent and non-urgent, as well as a short and extended version of the statement. The latter option is available only to legal owners or their representatives, as it contains personal information protected by the law on personal data.

To order an extract from the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, just click on the corresponding link on the "Services" tab of the public cadastral map, and the system will redirect the user to the Rosreestr portal. In the window that opens, fill out the information request form and indicate in what form it should be issued. The electronic statement is provided online and free of charge as a link to an online document. A paper statement is received at the territorial office of Rosreestr, which serves the site or property, at the MFC or by mail. You will have to pay a state fee for a paper statement.