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If you want to change the life where to start. Features of male self-esteem. What if my ego begins to interfere with what I do

Terry Sarew

Greetings to you, dear my readers! Today we will talk about a very important and interesting topic, about how to change your life. To be honest - I am insanely glad to your attention to this issue, because a person who wants to change his life is a real living person who has innovative thinking, optimism, courage and the power of will, with whom it is very nice to communicate and work. Such a person is committed to the best, for the sake of interest and development, and does not hold for the old because of fear of new. I myself like this - I do not like to hold on the old one, I don't like conservatism and I can't stand in front of all new, so I donate this fear in myself and boldly watch forward, in an unknown, but damn interesting future. I like everything new, I love change and even more I like to be the initiator of these changes, what and you are going to teach you in this article, because if life changes anyway, then let it do this thanks to, and not contrary to our desire. So in this article friends, we will definitely find a common language.

So, in order to understand how to change your life, you need to ask a question about whether we should change it at all? That is, why do we need to act initiators to change in your life? Here we must understand the following: regardless of our desire, our life will still change in the worse or best side, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the circumstances. The only question is whether we will control these changes, as far as possible, or be forced to adapt to them, experiencing stress due to fear associated with these unwanted, and often unexpected changes. So life your friends, in any case, is constantly changing, just most often these changes pass unnoticed for you, because they occur gradually. And sometimes they shock people with their surprise, as well as unusual and novelty, and people do not always succeed properly under them to adjust, in any case, immediately, because of the unpretentiousness to them. Therefore, we need to change our lives with you, including that someone else will be changed for us. We ourselves should manage our own life so that it suits us, so you need to think about her change constantly, even when I don't want to change anything. No need to be afraid of what is natural and inevitable for this world. And the world is constantly changing, for him changes - this is a natural process and inevitable, so it must be treated completely calmly. And then, as I wrote above - to change my life and change it with it yourself - I wonder!

Take friends, your attention on how many people, on the one hand, want stability, calm, definitions, comfort and confidence in the future, and on the other, they want change, novelty, something unusual and interesting, they want some Surprises are preferably pleasant, and in some cases, even not very pleasant, but exciting. How is it possible how can you want mutually exclusive things? And it's very simple, it is only from the point of view of linear logic stability and changes are mutually exclusive, but if you look at these things wider, if you think not logically, but in parallel, allowing the simultaneous existence of both of these processes, then we will see that the whole thing is in control And managing a person with changes in his life and in what they lead, and not in the desire or unwillingness of a person have them in their lives. We, mostly, of course, need pleasant, positive changes, and if possible, controlled by us, then we will be glad that our life changes - for the better. No one will give up the best, even to the detriment of good, if it becomes exactly to know that the best is actually better. Plus, the way of life, based on constant changes, by itself is quite interesting, it allows a person to experience a lot of unusual sensations to which we all strive, so even in cases where everything is good and calm, people pull to ensure that Something to change. We are born in order to change this world, this need is laid in our genes, so pulls us to this. And if you also teach a person to constant changes, then he will strive for them and will be glad to them, no matter what, even the most negative consequences from these changes. But at the same time, for some reason, we still pull to some stability and certainty. I wonder why?

And the thing is that we were taught to be afraid of change with you, we were tested to the fact that you need to live a familiar life of life, in which everything is clear and everything is clear, and for for long years There are practically no significant changes that would force us to adapt to new conditions, to learn something new, change themselves, in accordance with the new requirements that make life. Therefore, most people live in a psychological swamp, which drives them into a hibernation state, making their lives so monotonous that they are practically all their everyday affairs on the machine. Agree, there is no need to keep vigilance when everything goes in your life every day everything goes on the scenario you usually, when you even don't need to think about what you need to do today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. House-work, house-work - this chain of repeating events in a person's life is familiar to many, and she is only of different kind Public rituals are diluted [Holidays, various traditional events, weddings, funerals, and so on], and in general, it is precisely such - for long years. I even know such people who have a chain of the following way: a house-work-work-work-house. And it's not even that they work a lot, a lot, but in the fact that they don't like their work, she is not interesting for them, and she absolutely does not develop them. It is asked how to live such a life? Only being in a hibernation, no longer. Healthy mind healthy man Just can not withstand such a life, he will go crazy. And why live, friends, why turn yourself into zombies and live an unnatural life for a normal person? After all, such a life, she, let's say it is meaningless. People can live so hundred and two hundred, and a thousand years old, and do not even notice how time flies, because the gray and monotonous days in their lives will be laid on each other and develop in the year and decades of monotonous, the same type, often gray and Absolutely meaningless life, the purpose of which is to maintain itself unchanged. But why? Why do you need such a life? That is the question. Really in order to just live? Do you think there is no alternative to such a lifetime, you think you will not survive if you live otherwise? How to survive!

Thus, friends, most importantly, what you need to do to change your life is to abandon stability, calm, definitions, predictability, and in general, from the automatism of your life, for all these are unnatural and unnecessary things that make the unnatural state of your condition Mind. You need to abandon all these stupid habits that you cultivate and choose, as part of yourself. The keyword here "refuse." You need a refusal - the rejection of everything that has long come tightly into your life, but it's time and that you can change! Without failure there will be no change - you need to release out of your hands, to take a new one, for both in the hands at the same time will not work. Do not be afraid of losses, do not be afraid of unpredictability, do not be afraid of the unknown - believe in your ability to take more of what you have now and from what you can refuse. And boldly refuse the old for the sake of the new - just so you change your life.

And how to give up stability, calm, definitions, automatic action, habits, if they keep you dead grip? After all, it is not so easy to do - a person is difficult to refuse something and to part with something, for him it is a very painful procedure. For this, friends, you need to stop living in fear, and as already mentioned above - start believing in your abilities! And to believe in them - they need to be developed. If you have not developed professionally and personally, then, of course, you will not have any faith in yourself, for it, this faith, just not to rely on. You will be afraid of change until you make yourself a strong, independent, self-confident personality, due to work on yourself. And this work is no one bothers you to do.

So it's enough to be afraid, it's enough to shake in front of the unknown, before change, before all new, wake in yourself - a person researcher, a familiar person, a man-opener, a person-conqueror, a hunter man, a fighter man and a man of the Creator. No one, no one bothers you to make yourself like this - work on yourself, develop yourself, increase your professionalism, study new activities for you, which are in demand in society, increase your competitiveness, and then no changes will be scary to you. Do not be friends, creating trembling, not for you this role, since you are reading this article. Become a man, in the full sense of the word, who boldly looks forward and is not afraid of anything. Remember - you have nothing to fear! All your fears are illusory. You just believe in them, so they scare you. No stability you need! You need change. Stability is needed by those who trades it, turning people in their slaves through fear. And you stability and constancy - do not need! Refuse them. And in order to finally get rid of fear before changing and instability, so to say, finish it - you need to be the initiator of change in your life, you need, as I call it - to strike first, since the best defense is an attack, and in our case we are even We will not defend - when they themselves consciously change their life - we will command it. Boldly go to meet fear, and you overpower it! Throw everything old and take all new - your strength and will is your right! When you give up from everything, from the whole old and unnecessary - you have nothing to lose. And the person who has nothing to lose is nothing to be afraid! The main thing is that you have you yourself - all you need in this life.

You just think, dear readers, which means for a person - to abandon everything that he is used to, because it means - wake up, to reveal the eyes to reality and begin to behave in accordance with its current state, in accordance with its features and Taking into account your real capabilities and needs. This is a conscious approach to life, it real lifenot life in a dream, like those who are used to get used to. Life should change to be life, otherwise you exist in your time segment and do not even understand - why did you live in general. So do not be afraid - refuse everything you get used to, then you can get a new one, even more interesting life! And your abilities defining your opportunities, I am sure enough for you to get more and better. But nevertheless - do not forget to develop them. We live at such a time when the world is changing faster than people.

The next thing you need to do is to change your life - to design your future. You need to understand - what and why are you going to change in your life, you have to decide what you want to come to not go blindly. I noticed many times, including on my own that the more the person dreams and plans, the more desirable for him are various changes in his life, the initiator of most of whom he himself is usually and acts. Today we are difficult for us to be ahead of time, for the world, as I said, changes incredibly quickly, but nevertheless it is possible. To do this, you need to dream, plan, fantasize, rather than trying to keep up with other people, copying their lives and their ourselves. Your dreams and fantasies are energy that will allow you to move to a dead point and start acting if these dreams and fantasies are very bright and beautiful. Understand the more bright pictures in your head that will be possible options Your beautiful future, the stronger will your desire to start doing something right now to make these pictures with reality. People with poorly developed imagination is difficult to imagine something that is not yet, therefore, when this appears, they are not only surprised, but they are afraid of it. And that is why any changes in their lives are perceived very painful. But the imagination can be developed, this is not a problem, you only need to put such a goal in front of you, and then yourself or with someone else to start implementing it. And when you can imagine something new, which is not yet in your life, but what you would like to see, you can find and way / ways to come. After all, to change your life, you need to at least think about how it should be after these changes. And she should become better, much better. So do not limit yourself in fantasies and desires.

Think right now and imagine - what's new you want to see in your life, and most importantly - from what you are ready to refuse it from the old? And then, ask the other question - what needs to start doing right now to see it to create it to come to this to get it? For example, would you like to change the place of your residence, or perhaps you would like to change your work? Why not? Is it really the place where you live now is the best in the world? And your job is that the work that you dreamed of all my life? Just do not say that you are accustomed to all this - because there is nothing worse for the "living", conscious person than the habit. This is the next I. last stepwhich you need to do to finally get rid of fear of change and change your life. Let's see what it lies.

There are friends, one very an important rule Life that sounds like this is not used to you! It is especially impossible to get used to comfort, for the comfort is very harmful to people, he deprives them of acute perception and ability to think. If you want to live - really, and not as a plant, not like a car, not like a biorobot - you need to learn to get used to it. It is difficult, I understand, not in vain say that the habit is the second nature. And yet, for a person, changing something in this world as natural as it is used to something. So why not get used to the need to constantly change something? Friends, your life you need to change not in order to improve it, but for the sake of the changes themselves. You can change your life and to the worst, or not get anything from your changes, no one is immune from this. Will this mean that these changes were unnecessary and even harmful to you? No, it will not. Changes are needed anyway. And that's why. The fact is that a person has an adaptable instinct that helps him when necessary, adapt and adapt to any conditions. This instinct helps us survive. And the stronger the person is developed this instinct, the more viable it will be. And so that the instinct develops - it should work, that is, used. And so that he worked, it should be needed. And so that there is a need for, you need to change your life as often as possible, even if the feasibility of these changes is doubtful. Therefore, even unsuccessful changes in life will benefit you, because they will become a kind of workout for you. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to change your life - you need to be prepared for any changes, to any changes, to any results, both positive and negative. In general, I am convinced that any changes are always for the better, just people do not always realize it, especially in the context of time.

Also, friends should always be remembered that if you do not have attachments, it will not be suffering. Therefore, if you do not like to suffer - do not bring anything. Change your life more often, strive for a new and better, and in your life there will be more joy and happiness. Here, in fact, all you have to do to change your life. It seems, everything is simple, agree. But some efforts will have to be attached. And I'm sure you attach them.

Generally change your life - it is profitable and interesting, because when we do it, we, as I already wrote above, really live, we feel reality, we feel the process of life, we are preserving a vigilance when we face new, we think, adapting to New Life, and, therefore, we are improving. Therefore, changing their life, we change ourselves, and by changing ourselves, we change our life - the investigation replaces the cause, and the reason for the investigation. Everything is interconnected. And do not forget friends if we ourselves do not seek to change our lives, then she will begin to change herself that she does, forcing us, forcing us. And it is so unpleasant when your life begins to change without yours, so to speak, permits. And even not so much is unpleasant, as awful, because, in the end, who is the owner of your life - are you, or someone else? If someone else runs your life, then you simply have it. You do not live, but exist if you do not manage your life, if you allow other people to manage it. Hope you do not allow this, and live your life as you want it, because your life is your life!

There is a time when you get tired to put up with your laziness, weaknesses, stupid! I want to take and become a new person who does not complain, performs the promised and strive for the better. How to change yourself to radically and be ready to always grow to a new maximum? How to heal free and joyful life? Why are I Questions "What can I do" and "How can I achieve success" are so important? What is the success? From this point on, the full reboot of the image of thinking begins. It is enough to read the article, and you will begin the first steps towards success with the greatest self-dedication.

How can you change yourself

When comes new stage life? With the arrival of fundamental changes that the old habits are displaced. How does this happen? The desire to change yourself arises when life in the root ceases to arrange a person. The willingness of growing to a new level, and not to experience your own potential comes to many. Each you need time to fully realize the value of my own life. Some may require a personal mentor who will give motivational "kicks". Some themselves simulate the road to the top of the personal "Everest."

And yourself, if it does not feel the importance of any change? So it has not yet come that moment when life becomes unbearable, and everything around is awry. According to psychologists, the moment "w" (or complete "g") in life either completely scoring a person in a deaf angle, or radically changes his image of thinking. At work, constant conflicts pay little, health has deteriorated from this ... But the person continues to go along the same way. Overweight prevents elemental to bend ... But the person does not slow down appetite.

How to change yourself for the better when there is no emotional breakthrough? You need to feel the sharp need for a cherished goal, otherwise the solution will not be accepted. It is important to apply the rule: "After the cessation of internal experiences, it is important not to calm down and go to the selected scenario to the new goal." What's the point? Take the final decision and change yourself comprehensively, without arranging the drama "Oh, how to be?", "I can not", "I will not come out"!

How to change yourself for the better

Before considering the steps "How to change yourself completely" consider the example of the life situation in which millions of people are. It demonstrates the ability of a person to adapt to any situation and not to stop on the way to a better life.

The life of the girl rolled down the slope - at that time she had not worked yet, had a 2-year-old daughter, and life proceeded to a small patch of her husband. Gradually, marriage went to complete collapse due to constant scandals, reproaches, distrust. In the situation of depression, the girl loses many buddies, colleagues, and her housewife status aggravated the picture of the world. The last drops were periodic hiking husband "on the left". On the wave of an emotional explosion, it takes a sober decision - divorce. Already tomorrow the husband became former, and his things dispelled with him through the front door.

And yourself in such a situation when with you small childNo work, there are some debts? The girl takes the will in a fist, ceases to live thoughts about parting, severe fate. Three days later, the unemployed housewife for the first time goes to work with full luggage enthusiasm.

According to her, she drew the strength from the thought of the bright future. It is important that the girl did not spend a free minute to empty things. She managed to combine the house, work, raising her daughter and still study literature on motivation. Soon she had no trace of debts. On the wave of an inner energy, she restored their former connections with friends and met many open people.

How to change yourself when it all became in place? Feel the need to move even above! After such a turning point, the girl began to feel depression. The chain of shocks, the search led her to a new stage of life. For more than 7 years, it does not work on the boss, engaged in remote work on the Internet, constantly travels.

She said: "Look frustration, stress, full of collapse, never lower your arms. Change yourself through a strong push in personal growth. Life will never remain the same, but only fill all the missing puzzles. " Everyone in life happens situations from which you want to close and not go out. Never do it! No matter how difficult the person has a biography, the truth remains his desire to get out of barbed wire.

Change the way of thinking

"Change the direction of thoughts is to change the life of unrecognizable!", - With such a motto you need to join the new stage of its history. Realize that in thoughts the habits, character, situations may not, may not be. Some people see the world In the dark colors, and others - they see the meaning of their existence and do not go on trifles. Thoughts in the head are attributed to the situation, and the situation - makes a person stand or move.

Start reading a lot of useful literature

Yes! Read books about personal growth, autobiography of cult personalities, psychology, and not to watch glossy magazines and solve crosswords. And ourselves when the mind is simply degraded? Once a week to give time on one book. Over time, the personal collection will be filled, and the volume of knowledge will turn into new achievements. It is important to draw information that is selectively - not everything is suitable under specific situation in life. Working on literature is important in detail, finding secrets to solve the dispute, psychological barrier, of another increasing moment.

Get rid of destructive habits

Of the habits are built, and over it is already worth thinking. The desire to change yourself more than watching your favorite programs, photos in Soc. networks? It is worth limiting such detrimental factors that pull the valuable time. To guarantee the habit, it is enough to apply the practice of "21 days". This technique aims to neutralize the influence of unnecessary actions on lifestyle. How to change yourself physically? Work out the habit to periodically play sports. How to feel the tide of strength and start being active? Refuse to admit alcohol, smoking, do not eat harmful food, enough to drink clean water and fully sleep.

Invest in your future

How to change yourself for the better financial plan? Learn how to manage the means. The scheme of effective redistribution of money described Robert Kiyosaki in his books. To quickly accumulate for the purchase of real estate, car, education is worth postponing only 10% of total income. it golden Rule Solves the eternal challenge with money. The habit of spending everything and not take care of the future lives in many.

Investments in yourself - the best contribution to a confident future. Do not save money for trainings, self-education, literature. Personality is the most worker asset. Knowledge is always highly valued, and the ability to win is priceless!

Do not postpone everything for later

Emergency care can not even wait for an extra minute when the human health is. Such an example acts in practice when we conceive a irrevocably improve the lifestyle. How to change yourself if you postpone important things to a long box? Nothing will come! Habit (again about them) to give a slack and do tomorrow never works! Self-controlling and discipline is important here. You can try the "whip and gingerbread" rule. If you fulfill important things first, it is even better to make them in a compressed period - you can go to the movies on your favorite movie. If you go shopping, and then in a hurry to make a task - Week without walks with friends. It really works!

Expand the horizons and communicate with successful people

The behavior of a person, his thinking and character depends on the environment. What is in the head and is reflected in reality - the merit of the surrounding people. The one who is constantly communicating with whiskers, evil, pessimists, is not enough chance to succeed. How to change yourself for the better with successful people? It is worth limiting the influence of "destructive" people, as immediately comes the ability to soberly reflect. Acquaintance with interesting personalities that are more successful for several levels? This is the secret of many novice entrepreneurs, lecturers!

Positive thinking - the basis of development!

Under the press of universal pessimism, fear for any changes is born absence at all start all! Change yourself to positive side You can, if you do not perceive the world negatively. The rule is "easier simple" and it works with an incredible force!

You are great men who read the article! How to change yourself? Start take the situation in the hands and act despite the obstacles. Are you satisfied with your life? If the article was useful, share it with my friends in Soc. Networks! Thanks for the support!

How to change yourself? If you set yourself as a question, then it means that you are already a very mature person. People more often ask how to change other people or circumstances.

Only an adult and a reasonable person understands that any changes in life begin with changes in themselves.

This is really big luck to understand that the management of the circumstances of his life begins with changes in itself.

How to start changing

Put the goals

Change yourself - a decent solution. But where to start? Before changing ourselves, you need to understand what kind of targets you are striving. What do you want to see as a result of your changes? After all, you can spend a lot of effort, and then turn out to be displeased result.

Objectives that may require changes are very different, for example:

  • Make a dizzyer.
  • To start a family.
  • Find health and beauty.
  • Come high position in society.
  • Create sources of passive income.

But it must be borne in mind that to achieve this or that goal will require certain qualities:

  • For example, qualities needed to create a family woman: kindness, tenderness, desire to take care of children, meekness, obedience, loyalty, devotion. And if the girl puts himself a goal of creating a family, then it will benefit her to change and develop these qualities.
  • If the goal is to build a career, other qualities will be needed, such as purposefulness, assertiveness, determination, strength.
  • Of course, you can develop all the qualities in a little bit with an indefinable goal. But with this approach, attempts to change with the high probability will quickly go to a dead end. Since the actions in the absence of a goal do not bring much satisfaction, hence it is lost to move on.

Therefore, it is very important before you begin to change, put a goal. One "I want to change" is not enough to transform yourself. Changes begin with a choice of purpose. This is the answer to the question: "Why start the transformation yourself?"

Search for imitation examples

The next step in changing itself will be the search for people who have already achieved similar purposes.

Knowing the end point in which you want to get, you can try to look for your own way. But it is necessary to understand that such a search takes for a long time And very often does not lead to anything. Sometimes it looks like an attempt to invent your writing and language.

It is much easier to explore examples of the development of those people who were in a similar situation and were able to change it. It is very important that they can overcome it successfully. An example is desirable to take not one and not two.

  • Biographies of successful people

What can be taken as an example? Great option - biographies. , in one or another sphere, sometimes write books, about how they overcame difficulties, as changed.

Reading biographical books helps to identify the features of the person who contributed to the achievement of the intended goals by change. Choose books, the authors of whom could say with confidence: "I changed myself completely and received decent results."

  • People around you

Sometimes examples can be seen in life. For example, a girlfriend, which has not yet been a personal life for a long time, but then she changed herself and gained family happiness.

Or a colleague who first occupied a minor position, but then. Watch people who want to seek what they want. Mark their qualities, feel free to ask for advice.

  • Lectures, trainings

Listening and visiting trainings too a good option meet necessary people. Sometimes the leader of such trainings is a successful personality, which is ready to share experiences on how to change. And in the past, passed through great changes.

  • Psychological literature

Reading and helps to change yourself. However, not all books will be useful.

Therefore, learn the reviews and try to learn as much as possible about the author's life. Not all authors of psychological literature are worthy of being an example of how to change.


If faith is not unacceptable for you, you can read or listen to the lectures of the chickens. Among them are often people who have knowledge of how to completely change, and are good examples For imitation.

Studying someone else's experience

The next step in self-improvement will be the study of the experience of people who were able to change the course of their lives. Studying their experience can systematize it and understand how to change to become similar to them and achieve goals.

Read books, attend trainings, study biographies, collect maximum information from someone else's experience about how to change yourself.

Do not rush to the ohwow with your head. At first, there may be some things not understood. That is, there will be no understanding for what you need to do this or that thing, how to apply it and why it is needed. Do not spish, gradually enter into your life what is close and understandable.

  • For example, if you decide to become a person leading, I started it immediately from Monday to Tuesday next week There is a big chance to throw it.
  • Why? Because with the arrival of thought "I want to change" a person rushes to change everything and immediately. That is the newly-handed follower healthy image Life begins to get up at 6 am, to do charging, there are vegetables and fruits, instead of the usual dumplings, throws smoking and misses the adoption of alcohol at the nearest birthday.
  • As a result, after a few days or weeks, such a way of life becomes unbearable. Man returns to the old habits. Question: How to change? " Now it worries significantly less, there is a sense of disgust to changes.
  • Studying someone else's experience, jump to him gradually, with understanding. If you are going to get up early, stand up tomorrow 30 minutes earlier. After three or four days another 10 minutes. Gradually bring the time of the lift to the desired. This should be a habit, and not violence over yourself. And before doing something very important to understand why you need it.

Where to look for support and how to save motivation

Solving the question of how to change yourself, it is very important to remember that motivation and strong desire to change the inalienable satellites of progress.

Naturally, the desire to change over time will increase, then fall. Sooner or later, the first mocked will pass, the motivation will decrease. Be sure to make the situation on the path when it seems that there is no progress.

There will be situations when it seems that the changes are not at all the way that they do not bring you to the intended goals. Sometimes there may be a strong desire to quit and return to what was.

But remember what to tell the phrase: "I changed myself completely, I achieved success!" Only those who still reached the end, those who coped with all the difficulties, survived heavy moments and those who have not surrendered.

To cope with difficult situations arising from the path of change, create conditions for yourself to help not quit started. What kind of conditions is it?

Right attitude to failures

In the process of change, there will be no longer a success and failure. It is important to relate to failures. No need to edit yourself for each slip.

Failure is also good. Because it gives food for reflection and analysis. She helps to understand their mistakes and not to make them in the future.

If you are not mistaken, then you most likely do not learn. Each slip pays equal or even greater the opportunity. Learn to see opportunities and lessons in failures.


Without a good environment, which will divide your goals, it will be impossible to change. There are no such people who never have doubts. Very few such people who can resist the surrender to others for a long time. In order to survive the periods of doubt, the rejection of society, it is necessary to have support for like-minded people.

It is not necessary for such people a lot, but at least one should be. Since the support of the one who share your aspirations and beliefs can change everything.

Tracking progress changes

  • Motivation is lost due to the inability to sense progress. The solution in this case will be a diary or any other way to fix the current state.
  • Return from time to time to the old records about yourself, to see that changes are still occurring.

Possible obstacles

Often a person saying: "I want to change" and a beginner movement in this direction is perceived by those surrounding in the bayonets.

Do not worry, with the question: "How to change, if the surrounding do not support me?" Each faces, which decides to go through, change and develop.


For example, someone in the company threw a drink and no longer uses alcohol. Usually similar statements cause stormy reaction. Since it is easy to throw it, it is impossible to drink. For this you need a very good reason, for example, a disease or pregnancy. Otherwise it is impossible.

The surrounding people are usually afraid of change, they do not share your desire to change. It is possible if you do not take off your way and achieve good results, over time, the same people will see the question of how to change themselves.

But so far they will react with a large probability of a negative or wary.

Personal properties that prevent change

In addition to people, changes prevent character traits, such as laziness, fear, indecision. Old favorite habits also brake progress:

  • For example, a person is engaged in his health, mastering healthy diet, physical exercises. But here begins his attack laziness and old habits. Seeking tasty in the evening, skip the workout.
  • Drink such desires away. Create conditions in which bad habits And the character traits will be difficult to manifest. Then, with time, you gladly tell me: "I changed myself completely."

Many of us, faced with life difficulties And problems, think about the question of how to change life, starting all over again. However, one thing is to want to do it, but completely different - to make a conceived. Consider in this article the most simple ways Such changes.

Why does the desire arise to start all at first?

The fate of a person is full and joys, bright events, and adversity, difficulties. It happens that a person gets used to fighting difficulties and successfully does it. However, there are often situations when people are simply not able to cope with the psychotrauming situation in which they found themselves. And then they begin to think about how to change their lives. This question is not easy, but the person who asked him can answer him. How to be in the situation of life journey?

I had in a state of life deadlock, it is important to understand that it became the main reason for the situation in which you got. Causes can be the most diverse: from external to internal. It may be troubles for work that are related to the fact that you are craving for career growth, but the years are batching in one position, low-paid and discerning. You want diversity in work, and forced to spend 8 hours a day in a stuffy office along with boring and petty people, doing what you do not like.

These may be family troubles, associated with the fact that you have lost and affection, and respect for your marriage partner. You try to rebuild yourself and save the family for the sake of children, for the sake of your joint past, but you understand that you can not do this. From here comes a feeling of longing and dissatisfaction with your destiny.

Thus, it is impossible to simply find a solution to how to change life without understanding these depth mental problems. Without a careful appeal to the world of your own conscious and unconscious, nothing happens here.

Perhaps your present today is far from joyful, but this does not mean that it will always be so. Life - Actually, the thing is extremely changed, so your today's joy can be both your grief, and vice versa. How to change your life? This is the question, the answer to which should be sought in the depths of your heart.

In order not to indulge in the feeling of longing, you need to look for something good in today's day. Neh, you want to change, something must be left. Affectionate sun, friends loving relatives. Look for what is significant for you in the present, and appreciate this gift.

Council third. If you decide to change something, think carefully and seriously your steps

If you still decide that without changes, your life is now impossible, rationally think over all your actions. After all, the question of how to change your life for the better is very important.

Decide what you have to do to implement your dreams: Change work, and maybe get professional retraining, break family bonds or create new family and so on. There are people who find a way out of the crisis in the fact that they take to raise the baby from the house of Baby, and there are those who go to a long business trip abroad.

However, remember to find a solution to how to change life, from the first attempt may not work. For this you need a long and difficult work on yourself and above the circumstances of your life path.

You are very difficult to change something in the well-minded order of our existence, so you with due diligence must calculate those consequences to which life will lead to a certain decision. After all, it is not enough to just tell yourself: "We change your life for the better." It is important to understand what you need to change, how and what will happen when you do what they have conceived.

For example, a woman is 33 years old, who is married with an unloved man, understands that it is tired of family life. Despite the fact that she has a child preschool ageShe decides to break her marriage because his further preservation seems absurd. However, after a painful divorce and division of property, as well as determining the place of residence of a child with her, this woman flows into an even deeper depression. She understands that her desire to re-become the mother is already impossible, the former spouse now seems no longer so tedious, and life alone without a partner seems to be simply unbearable.

Therefore, before performing fateful deeds in life, it should be understood that the phrase "Create life for the better" should actually realize, that is, you should really improve, and not worsen your life situation.

Council fifth. Or maybe all this is just an age crisis?

It happens that the person falls into the deepest depression, he feels unnecessary, tired, lost its meaning of his being. The picture is generally completely impossible. A person decides that in his life something is wrong, he thinks about how to change his life for the better, something radically changes, however, having passed through certain tests, he understands that nothing has achieved: longing in The soul as it was, and remained. And it is impossible to destroy it, nor alone, you can only live with it, and it hurts to live very much. What to do in such a situation?

In such a situation, you need to think, and perhaps the condition of a person is the manifestation of the age crisis? Let's try to answer the question of what are such crises.

A little about the middle age crisis

In this case, we are interested in a crisis, which is called middle-aged crisis. By the way, psychologists believe that this crisis manifests itself at any age of a person, someone starts at 28 years old, and someone is manifested only after 40.

What does this crisis show itself? In the fact that a person on average 33-38 years old begins to suddenly understand that it goes in vain to live. Despite the fact that he created the family and reached certain career heights, it means nothing for him. He could not find his answer to the question of how to change the life in the order at which expected in his youth.

And man begins to rush. He is looking for something new, that he would shut his inner longing and gave meaning to his being. Often, women at this age give birth to another child, to which they are different than their previous children. Men at this age due to the crisis can leave the former family and decide on a new marriage. Part of people forever leave their former profession, part of people can be captivated by alcohol or other means of calming the soul.

However, do you all bad middle-aged crisis?

It is impossible to say that this crisis has purely negative consequences. For some people, he becomes a kind of litmus paper, which shows that there is something wrong in life. Many want to change thoughts, change life, and the crisis of this age period helps them to do it. He points out where the reason for the problem is, helps to establish that there are some flaws in the fate of a person and correct them is not too late. As the famous Soviet psychologist L. S. Begotiy, the age crisis is a reason to look at himself in a new way. It was during the period of maturity due to the onset of this state in humans formed certain neoplasms in the psyche, which allow him to change something in his fate.

Change your life: where to start?

This question is simple, and complicated at the same time. As a rule, they are asked by people who are still at a crossroads: it is necessary to change something, it is clear. But how to change how fundamental should these changes become? These questions remain open. Let's try to answer them.

People who have changed their lives admit that the most difficult was the first step towards a new reality. For example, someone dreamed of all his life higher educationBut life circumstances did not allow this to do in his youth and youth. And this man came up to the 40-year-old line, he has a profession and worthy earnings, but in his soul remains insecure, believing that he is missing something. Having decided to go to the Higher Educational Institution, such a future student is afraid of a lot: how to look at him his loved ones and friends, what will he be in the student environment, etc. However, shifting the situation and finding at least one semester in high school, such a person feels Himself the winner: he was able to change thoughts, change life, achieved what he dreamed of all his youth and youth.

Or another example. A woman of thirty-five years old has dreamed of a child, many years have been treated from infertility, but did not reach the goal. As a result, she began a protracted and severe depression with suicidal thoughts. She met a man who wanted to connect his life fate. A woman in front of the marriage has long thought for a long time, because he has lost hope to become a mother. But, deciding on this step, six months later she learned that she was waiting for the child. The joy of the appearance of the baby was eclipsed by all her sorry, she found the meaning of life and realized that her desire, expressed in the phrase "I want to change my life," she came true, she was able to shift his fate in the positive channel.

But how to find strength for positive changes?

As a rule, it is very difficult for the strength for such positive changes. After all average age - This is no longer the time of youth when many of the problems seem insignificant. After a thirty-year-old turn, it is difficult to change, you need to force yourself to believe that the joy is necessarily waiting for you somewhere around your Being.

Want to change your life for the better? Where to start, do not know? Reply directly. You need to start with a holistic analysis of the whole life path. After conducting such an analysis independently or together with psychologists or with great close, we must adopt a fateful solution: what exactly needs to be changed?

And after all thinking to start your new way. Most likely, at the beginning of the way it will be very difficult, new solutions will be with difficulty, but should not be omitted. If the feeling of longing and meaninglessness of being is completely tortured you, then it is just important to try to stay every day with a smile, rejoice in the trifles of life and, licking into bed, thanks God for giving you another day of life. Gradually, circumstances will help you take a new reality.

And finally, let yourself give last Council On the topic: "Change life for the better: where to start?" In spite of everything, educate life optimism. Believe in your future, sincerely consider that you need people around people, look for yourself constantly affairs and care, so as not to indulge in sad thoughts. Fight with external circumstances, do not lower your hands, do not lose faith in yourself and that a happy star is being behaved in life, and all the tests only strengthen you and give a precious life experience.

And therefore, if you decide to yourself: "I want to change my life," change it, go ahead, and everything will be fine. It is worth only to believe it. Dare!

All knows the fact that we manage our life exclusively. And all that we have achieved, and what gets in this life - our merit is completely. From this follows the other conclusion: the whole negative, which surrounds us, occurred only in our fault and because of our solutions or actions. However, despite our knowledge, until we have a very fact that we have the opportunity to change everything. Therefore, in this article, we intend to tell and convince you to change your life for the better - it is very real, no matter how terribly and impracticable it is.

5 simple steps how to change your life and yourself

Our team of authors of the Internet magazine site believes that there are five basic steps on a fundamental change in yourself and your life. It is from these steps to start if you decide to change in your life.
In addition, we would like to warn you about the difficulties that will most likely have to face: you will not be understood, you will be advised to do everything otherwise, you may have to try to stop, and the main thing you ourselves will not be particularly opposed to this, as you will be able to believe In the reality of possible better changes. Therefore, before changing your life, believe me, your own strength, and most importantly in the final success!

So steps to a better life:
  1. Build an imaginary best future and build a detailed plan for its embodiment. Start any changes are needed from a dream. Each of you must have their own dream, and the target for which you will live, work and change yourself. The dream should be so strong that for the sake of it you can wake up early in the morning and take it for work, for the sake of it you will not stop after failure. Try to paint your future best life: What and how it will take it every day. For example, describe what clothes will be on you, in which house you will live, and what person will be with you next. After the goal is, try to figure out and paint in detail on the sheet paper step by step or tasks that you need to perform. For example, we have a dream to live in Canada. To do this, we make an approximate plan: to study emigration options to Canada, collecting necessary documents and collecting money. Then start each of the points to implement. So, and change your life for the better.

  2. Touch the real changes. You can not change your life for the better, changing some trifle in it, such as buying a professional camera or a trip to the sea. The goal should be more global and concerned most of your life. For example, you can change the work, place of residence, attitude to life, etc. In addition, your desires should be real, and not the desire to learn how to fly in the air.

  3. Change your circle of communication. In many respects, changes will depend on the circle of your communication, if people around you will support, help and in every possible way to help your improvements - then everything will turn out. If the surrounding will envy, heal the situation, do not believe in you and speak all sorts of nasty to your address, then of course no changes will occur. We can immediately tell you that in 95% of cases the circle of communication will have to be changed anyway, since if you are unhappy now, it is kind of wine and the surrounding people too. They can be direct culprits in this and indirect, for example, be indifferent to your life situation. Therefore, start communicating with successful people, good and those who believe in your potential changes. The rest of the people are better not to talk about their plans at all, just stop contacting them and everything ...

  4. Find strength to climb after falling. Of course, in the structure of a successful and happy future, constant problems and failures will arise. In these difficult moments, it is impossible to give up or give hands. You need to "climb from the knees" and continue to go across your best life. Be prepared for such difficulties. Look for support among people close to you. Be bolder and more stubborn, because your happiness needs to still achieve, which would not be worth it.

  5. Start act right now! Do you know what the best time to start your changes?! RIGHT NOW!!! Want to change yourself and your life?! Then we immediately begin to change, do not wait for the right moment, it will never be and not, but this does not mean that you need to sit and wait for it. The faster you "starter", the faster will come to the goal - to your best life.