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Mandrel for sharpening drills self-made. Drawings of fixtures for sharpening drills with their own hands. Specificity of devices

A sharpening device swells will come in handy in any farm. After all, work with a stupid drill is one torment. The mechanism can be made with their own hands using unnecessary and outdated details.

Rules for sharpening drills

Cut can be sharpened on special sharpening disks, manually or on machines. Before starting the work, carefully examine the ripples: if there are serious defects on the surface, you need to start sharpening from a coarsest abrasive. If the tool fasten a little, use the convection disk.

When draining manually with your own hands, you need to execute the rules:

  • hold one hand for the shank, the second to regulate the working end;
  • cutting edge processing the side of the sharpening disk;
  • at first one side is drawn, after which the drill is neatly turned over and the second is processed.

During treatment, it is important to maintain the initial form of drill and the direction of cutting edges. It is necessary to ensure that the tip of the tip is not biased from the center, otherwise the tool will deflect the tool during operation. If after sharpening the angle of cutting edges of the neodynaks, the operation of the drill will be poor quality. This is determined by the template made by hand, or on the eye: the form of the tip should be a cone. To avoid mistakes, edit better on specialized devices.

Types of grinding equipment

The homemade apparatus is provided for the drainage swell from various metals, cutters, taps, mills, centers, cutters.

The equipment can be:

  • specialized - processes the only type of tool;
  • universal - used for any kinds of cutters and rolled.

Homemade mechanisms are more often related to universal domestic type. Industrial machines are powerful, work with large instruments. There are no homes in such need, they are noisy, occupy a lot of space and energy consumption.

Household suitable for sharding the rolled small and medium diameter, they are compact and economical.

Production machine for sharpening

To bring the machine with your own hands, you must prepare:

  • electric motor;
  • grinding disk;
  • toggle switch;
  • stand;
  • electrocabel;
  • head.

All components with their own hands are placed inside the case. It will make a job safe and comfortable. There should be only an electric motor pulley on which a grinding disk is worn. The machine is fixed in stationary to the workbench, so the place must be chosen in advance.

  • place the electromotor in the desired location, on the table, mark the points of fasteners;
  • drill holes for fastening bolts;
  • return the electric motor to the place and screw it to the workbench, the clamps from thin metal strips are suitable for attachment;
  • install the protective housing;
  • on the pulley of the engine, put on the grinding circle.

It is advisable to choose the engine with an elongated pulley, otherwise it will have to deliver it. First put on the washer, after which the circle. If the pulley and disk are dispersed transition bushing. Side sleeve is done threaded holeThe additional fastening bolt is screwed into it.

Power for homemade machine Suitable engine OT. washing machine. Do not pick the engine with high turns, since the drainage swell occurs at low speed.

Now you can connect the electrical component: toggle switch, engine and connect them with a power outlet.

Additional devices

Made with their own hands Additional devices will make work at sharpening the drills more comfortable and accurate.

Template for checking. The pattern is cut out of a thin (1 mm) soft metal (aluminum, copper). The template identifies the corners at the tip, the duration of the working edges, the angle between the work edge and the jumper. As the rear corner sharpening drillsand the template to check is almost impossible, the alarm angle is evaporated. Cut the template before the first use of the drill.

Guide. This is a small prefix, which is made from the metal strip and with the help of the bolt is fixed on the housing. During operation, the drill is placed on the guide and sum up to a grinding stone.

Coromet. On the stand, which is described from above, sharing the hooking angles are applied. You can cut off part of metal vehicles with corner marks and attach to the stand. It is necessary to cut off part with angle of more than 30 degrees, since when sharpening smaller is not used.

Device facilitating sharpening rolled. It is a fixed bed and a power in which holes are provided for inserting cutters. different size. Holding can be removed. The bed is performed from a 50 mm board, the rail is attached to it at an angle of 32 degrees. Rake sets a power tool under the necessary angle. The holder is cut from the bar with their own hands, the surface of which is removed at an angle of 65 degrees. The beveled part stacked to the rail. Holding and rail mounting angles depend on the type of sharpening.

Multifunctional mechanism

Sharpening drills will be easier when using this mechanism. The device consists of:

  • roller sled;
  • guide;
  • shaft;
  • transportation;
  • kartridge drilling.

The guide should be made wide enough, the transportation is attached to it. As an axis, the turn is the bolt inserted into the provideding hole. The guide and movable plate are placed on the rotary part. On its surface, the axis is fixed, the tube, on one side the axis ends with a cartridge for drill, on the other - handle. Moving the thrust plate is provided by a threaded axis.

From the bottom of the thrust plate is the limiter (it is the pointer), which simultaneously indicates the desired displacement angle and fixes in the desired position.

The mechanism works as follows:

  • the drill is fixed in the cartridge;
  • the stubborn plate will stop under the necessary angle;
  • the tool rotate along the longitudinal axis using the handle;
  • correct angle;
  • overrind the cutter by 90 degrees and processed the second half, reaching the marked angle.

Sharpening rules on a homemade machine

  • During processing, rolled, both shoulder should be identical. This means that the drill will be smoothly into the hole and perform a quality drilling.
  • Before launching the machine with their own hands, securely secure the grinding circle on the pulley.
  • Primary processing do disc with a large abrasive. When you notice a burr on a drill, the disk should be changed to a thinner.
  • During sharpening, constantly hold the desired angle.
  • The circle should rotate only in one direction, by the blade.
  • Do not overheat the cutter, during processing it should be occurring periodically. Do not dip the superheated tool in cold waterThis contributes to the cracking of the metal.

Several variants of fixtures for sharpening swelling in videos.

If you are constantly dealing with sharpening hard blanks, the surface of the drill will be unreasonable. It fills, it will be very hot and in the end will lose former strength. All this is a consequence of "release" of metal. That is why such a tool needs periodic sharpening with special devices.

How to make homemade fixtures for sharpening drills, which templates for this exist and what you need to prepare for work, you will learn from our article.

Features sharpening drills

Drills - these inexpensive devices, especially if we talk about those that are widely used for household needs. However, if you have the opportunity, then after blunting it is better to sharpen the tools than buying new ones.

There are factory devices designed for sharpening, but when you purchase them, you will spend greatly, and this does not fill out savings when you fail to acquire new tools. That is why there are a lot of masters collect machines for sharpening with your own hands.

It is worth noting that the bluntness concerns the metal drills, since the wood tools are practically not subject to this, except in cases of use at high speeds at a resinous billet. Also sharpening is not subject to Winged tips on stone or concrete.

But the metal drills are many accurate by all additional devices With their own hands, but the accuracy of such work is not always perfect, so it is desirable to use at least minimum mechanics.

How to make a fixture for sharpening drills with your own hands: learning video

To make such a device yourself, you will need a means of control (template). No matter how the drill is not sharpened, the accuracy is checked by a special template.

Simple black metal drills have an angle of edge from 115 to 120 degrees. If the metal is the other, then the angles of sharpening will also differ:

You can prepare immediately multiple templates Depending on the listed values \u200b\u200band, according to them, to perform sharpening with your own hands. The same drill can be applied to different types Billets, you only need to change the corners of the vertex of the workplace.

A simple but very convenient drainage device is sleeves of different sizewhich are attached to the base. You can make them yourself, relying on special drawings. Remember that the tool in the sleeve should not hang out, and the quality of drilling can worse, even if the error is only one degree.

You can make a large clip based on aluminum or copper tubes depending on the typical parameters drill or take a bar from soft material And it's a lot of holes in it. In the sharpener it is very important to put a comfortable girlfriend, thanks to which it will be possible to move the fixture for sharpening at the desired angle and keep the stop.

Listed fixtures for sharpening are manufactured by a lot of decades in a row and are still demanding. For assembly sharpening machine You can take an oak bar instead of a corner.

The simplest machine for sharpening can be collected by simply installing a workbench or table opposite the side part. Even such a simple device provides high quality and accuracy of work.

Features of sharpening on a simple device

On the Internet you can find ready drawings Devices for sharpening drills, or to write them yourself, but for this it is necessary to understand the principle of working with a drill.

During work absolutely forbidden Move the drill move around your axis. If it is checked at least per millimeter, it will be spoiled, and you will have to re-process a short distance.

After the end of operation, the drill must cooletAlso perform measurements templates. The edges should be perfectly symmetrical up to tenths of a millimeter. This is especially important if the drill has a minimum diameter.

The sharpening may be accompanied by such errors:

How from the primary means do it yourself collect a grinding machine for spiral drills on metal?

For the basis of the device, you can take any grinding machine that is able to work properly, there is no axis beating, and it keeps turnover under load.

The task looks like this:

  • the girlfriend is obliged to strictly stand horizontally on one axis with the rotation of the emery;
  • the design should be safe, reliable and durable;
  • it should be provided with the ability to sharpen both manually and semi-automatic;
  • the shape of the girlfriend should contribute to the free omitting of the drill shank to the desired angle.

No specific parts for the manufacture of this device are not required, almost everything you need have every homemade master. Billets are processed bulgarian, welding or sharp.

For the semi-automatic mode, the swinging stop is assumed, so you need to make a loop connection. Accurately pick up for lack of lights Bolt holes, bracket and tube.

The playground should move vertical axisSo that you can change the sharpening angle of drill. This axis can be fixed, and the girlfriend must swing, relying on the horizontal axis that when sharpening it provides the necessary articulation.

Support plate It is performed from a metal for 4 mm in thickness, and the main parts of the design must have a thickness of 3 mm, respectively. It provides its high strength. A girlfriend with emitted housing is connected rigidly. It is impossible to attach it to the protective casing, so you screw the bracket by metal "cheek".

To the support plate, then we screw the sequence plate itself for the drill with a thickness of 5 mm. In it for fixing the drill during processing is powered paz triangular form.

The design has an angle of rotation of 90 degrees, which allows to ensure attar different methods . Starting from the Leontheva method and ending with the clamp at a certain angle and the creation of an acute angle of the edge due to the crumis of the emery.

Drill during processing will not only firmly stand in the grooveIt will also be possible to feed it along the groove to the abrasive, and the angle of sharpening will not deviate. Thanks to partially exceeding the plane of the support plate above the axis of the disk movement, you can achieve necessary form Sharpening the head of the edge.

Before performing work, the drill should press the plate And put the cutting edge parallel to it. The alignment on this is over and can be brought to the sandpaper and tool. Sharpening need to be performed slowly and gently, carefully monitor the angle.

Thanks to this homemade tool achieved high accuracy sharpening And practically does not need a pattern. True, you will need time to install the machine and adjust the angle, then later you without difficulty quickly uatch the drills in the right amount.

But if you need to sharpen the boring, equipped with a carbide nozzle, then you can attach the swinging plate to the fixed angle. To do this, under the axial nut lay a few washers.

Application of emery circle in a homemade tool for sharpening

For universal grinding work, white circles based on electrocorund are mainly used. They are used for sharpening shovel, axes, knives and metal blanks.

In order to process carbide drills or high-speed metal, it is necessary to take abrasive green circles based on silicon carbide with marking 64c. But under household needs enough circle grainy by 25n.

Sharpening drills requires smaller fraction in the area from 8n to 16n. Remember that eathes on the basis of silicon carbide during operation are very hot, so the drill in contact with such an abrasive can not be kept. Let the metal cool after 2-3 approaches and cool it in soda water.

Edge quality depends on direction rotation abrasive. The working surface is obliged to run on the cut (go from top to bottom).

Peripheral the surface of Eataka When processing is obliged to be smooth. It can be edited by an ellubo-based nozzle. If the disk has a small diameter, the use of pliers in which the elbus cutter will be held.

So, we looked at how at home can be collected and use adaptations of different difficulties in order to sharpen drills and not only. Choose suitable option You can depend on your domestic needs.

Fixture for sharpening swelling with your own hands homemade Master With periodic execution of the drilling with withstanding a certain accuracy of diameter, rigid sizes in the axes of holes.

Sharpening machine - buy or make?

Make with your own hands. Buying equipment will save time. But there are a lot of questions on the combination and installation of additional devices. Economical Chinese masters on household appliances They put unreprofitable corps, fencing from cliffs.

The machine for sharpening swells with their own hands, we will start with the selection of the engine. Try to purchase an electric motor 0.5-08 kW. Power value indicative. Twisted to Ø 20 when sharpening a large load does not create. Applicable even the low-definite motor of the edition of the 60s: the durability is guaranteed - then they did on the century.

Confuse weight? But the workbench and the bracket, if you mounted on the wall, will be less sensitive to vibration. Do not chase turnover. The sharpening of the faded swells is rarely required, and the usual, from the R6M5 alloy and the like, on the stone with a rotation of less than 900 turns will not be plugged.

Requirements for sharpening device rolled:

  • Accurate centering of the engine shaft without radial beating.
  • The ability to install additional protective covers.
  • Provide the installation of the unable massive base for the engine mounting, additional devices.
  • Installing a height adjustment, changing the angle of location in a horizontal plane, a gap adjustment with a stone.
  • Take care of the installation of the folding safety screen from the unbreakable transparent material.

We collect the machine for sharpening swelling with your own hands

Rehend critical to applications: "Assembled emery from waste, which was lying in the garage under their feet." Universal sleeve S. planting Moz Under the grinding circle Ø 32 by ordering a tonary professional. Detail will be made from alloy steel.

The accuracy of the sliding landing will exclude the beat of the new abrasive. I do not put the key. Screw M4 with a spinal head will enter the keyway through the threaded hole in the sleeve. Reliability of fixation is verified.

Left stone fixation thread, self-tasking. The reference side of the engine and the clamping washer are performed Ø 50-60 mm. For security reasons, on both sides of the abrasive, safety gaskets from a paronite, plastic, birch plywood are put.

The rotation of the circle is allowed only from top to bottom with a reservoir.

The side surfaces of the emery circle are not intended for processing, thinning threatens the breakage of the circle.

Bearing, except for the function of the support, will hold the fixture for sharpening, the horizontal engine - to eliminate the beyon, alignment of the cylindrical surface with a row, angular guides - for sharpening hand tool Under the desired degree.

Casing at abundance cutting tool And it is advisable to install a multifunctional emery to install with a folding side lid on the hinges: the installation of the cup will require a greater width, change the grinding wheels of other graininess and hardness should not take time.

Do not do without fixture for sharpening

Processing steels, viscous materials on great depth leads to the bunge of the cutting edge of the drill. The cutting speed is reduced, there is overheating of the working part, the chip extraction is disturbed. The tool breakage happens more often at the output from the part.

Sharpener rely on experience and hardness of the hands. Our task is to learn how to copy the factory sharpening of the drill with the help of a high-spirited snap. Remove the head - science is not good. Restoring the ability to cut in will start with duplication of the plane of the cutting edge.

Homemade adaptation For sharpening, the ripple should be simple in execution and convenient to use. The necessary conditions For sharp snap:

  • Saving the orientation of the drill when the position correction is free.
  • Arbitrary change in the angle of the spatial position of the instrument.
  • Easy installation and dismantling design.
  • Safety use.

Sharpening device with your own hands

Rotate the fixture by 90 0 is carried out only towards yourself. With respect to the axis of the incoming cylinder of the abrasive, the negative angle of the guiding plate is unacceptable. The playground of the girlfriend acts as a protective stop.

The guide plate is selected from sheet steel with a thickness of 5-8 mm. Along the upper plane, we feed the angular groove. The deepening where the drill will be resting on the machine.

Amateurness with a girlfriend is admissible in case of substitution of material on thick textolit. Then suitable manual frezer. A sample is required without deviating depth and directions, otherwise the accuracy of the operation to restore the cutting edge of the drill is not achieved.

The convenience is that with the longitudinal movement of the drill on the groove area of \u200b\u200bthe support increases due to palm contact with the guide plate. Turning the drill when contact with sharpening, an arbitrary change in sharpening angle does not threaten.

The support plate bears from the bottom of the bushing. Usually it trim the pipe. After welding inner diameter Calibrates rave. In size of the tube we select the bracket and bolt. We order twisted 2 nuts with a cylindrical surface with a free fit into the tube.

Check and self-control

Finish the bracket last. Its position will predetermine the functionality of the sharpening device for spiral rolling. It is time to spend a test sharpening. Touching the abrasive above the center of the shaft circle axis, correct cutting part, Ring at the expense of the hinge - processing the head.

Common mistakes when sharpening:

  • Billing drill due to difference in the length of the cutting edges.
  • Asymmetry of cutting edges.

In the first case, due to the displacement of the axis of the drill, it becomes complicated to the cerination point. The hole diameter will exceed the drill diameter. Thin drill breaks. The diverseness of the cutting edges leads to premature depreciation of the edge involved when a slowdown in work.

How to make a right sharpening. We order a tokary with an inner cone. Break it on a steel sheet. We rest in the shank in the cone, leave the risks on the metal with the puffs of the side edges. Did not coincide? We refue to optimum.

Video: Device for sharpening drills

You need to have the drills always sharpened, and the special machine in the afternoon with fire will not delete even in specialized stores? And make a machine for sharpening drills with your own hands. You can easily handle the assembly of a simple design if you have at least a little experience in working with basic instruments.

Homemade Machine

Device for sharpening the drill may be greater value in household as with the help this device You can independently sharpen the drills of any diameter and type. In addition to the manufacture of a special unit, you will need an electric motor with a grinding stone.

Main materials:

  1. Metal plate with holes - 1 pc.;
  2. Bolt or hairpin 70x15 mm;
  3. A set of washers;
  4. Corner - 30x30 or 40x40;
  5. Plates - 3-4 mm thick;
  6. Shplot - 30x1,5 mm;
  7. Clamps.

In addition to the materials you will need tools for them. mechanical processing and compounds, in particular electrical welding and Bulgarian.


  1. Electric welding.
  2. Drill.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Hammer with shock beacons.
  5. Special clamps 2 pcs.
  6. Spanners.
  7. Pliers.

Manufacturing process:

1. Production of the mounting plate

The mounting plate is made of metal lining with holes with a thickness of about 3-4 mm. On the one hand, the part is cut off by 3 centimeters, while during the cutting required to save the finished hole. The cut part will be needed for the manufacture of the next part of the grinding device, and the large element for the lining during the installation of the product on the table.

2. Corner for fixing drill

The element is designed to fix the drill during sharpening. It is manufactured by cutting a part of a regular corner of 30x30 or 40x40. The total length varies in the range of 60-90 mm, while the extreme part is trimmed at an angle of 60 degrees to give the desired level of the plane.

3. Fastening for a locking corner

Sliced \u200b\u200bpart with a hole from the plate is connected on the other metal plateAt the same time, the elements are superimposed on each other are welded with electric welding to the corner. For welding, it should be cut on the plates of a mounting cut to install items and rollery.

In the connected parts, a hole is drilled along the diameter of the bolt or stud, and the parts themselves are thoroughly cooled from all sides to give stiffness.

4. Bolt welding

Bolt or hairpin is designed to fix the corner. The element is welded at an angle of 75 degrees to the main plate. During the yard, the lower plane should be taken into account, if necessary, remove the slag to eliminate the skew of the product.

5. Fastening the washers to the bolt

A bolt washer is set at a level of 25 mm from the uppermost part. The approximate diameter is 30 mm. The element is welded using electrical welding in the desired design position in compliance with all levels by plane.

6. Hole in the heel

In the absence of a hole for the installation of a pin in the bolt (hairpin), it is required to make it with a drill and drill the desired diameter. Due to this technical element, a fixing corner will be fastened. The diameter may be different, but the main condition is reliable fixation.

7. Far for drill

It is made of a metal bar and a special hiking clamp. The bar is welded to the locking corner from below. The clamping mechanism is mounted on the rod, while on the device should be equipped with a special cup-stop for drill.

The system is mounted on a grinding table and fixed by additional clamps.

Video: how to make a fixture for sharpening drills.

Sharpening machine from a drill

This method is available to anyone. To do this, you will need a drill. Perhaps not immediately from the store of the store, but already morally outdated and you are not used. She will act as a motor.

It must be fixed on the bed, insert a sleeve or a finished circle or a universal fine-grained disk into the cartridge. Everything. Turning on the drill, you get a rotating abrasive, which is about which to sharpen the drill is one pleasure.

Very simple sharpening solution. However, do not forget about the fixtures for sharpening the drill that fixes the stuffed element relative to sharpened.

How without much work and skills to sharpen the drills with the right angle of sharpening? Unfortunately, many of us do not get the first time. This adaptation is very simple in design. Therefore, each of you can repeat it. Many know that the verge of bolts and nuts have the same angle as the standard sharpening drill. This will use it. We will not weld two nuts together to get the right pattern. The design is a bit different.

To start, you need any nut. The larger diameter, the greater the diameter of the drill can be sharpened in it.

Nut has 6 faces, 2 of which we need. Take the caliper and from the edge of the nuts mark 4 mm. I turn the nut on the contrary and make a mark from the edge, which is one and a half mm more than the first. We make a triangle from 2 sides. Cut with a hacksaw or a grinder. It turned out a nut with propyl nuts.

We weld another one. The device is almost ready. He lacks the washers that we throw in the middle. Also need a bolt, it twists in a small nut.

The nuts in the nut have different depth, which differs by 1.5 mm. This is a little difference. Insert the rods, fix, apply a ruler. The gap between the ruler and rounding is less than the left than the right. That is, the device has a certain angle. Where the clearance is less, the master put the mark.

The work of the mechanism of the device

Take a flat not sharpened drill, place in the device. Where there is a label, the drill must be placed, as shown in the photo and video. Fix the drill so that it looks out a bit of the faces. From the work side there will be a sharpening drill. In the specified example, you can clamp with a diameter of up to 8 mm.

When we start to negotiate the edge of the drill on the emery, there is a guide in the form of the rib plane nuts that sets right corner sharpening.

This is a cool device for those who cannot pick up the right angle.

The video shows how to set the tool with respect to the emery circle. From 6 minutes, you can see how drill processing occurs.

Alexander Polulyakh.

In addition to this video tutorial, another self-delicate device with bolts and nuts.
