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Potted knife with their own hands drawings. All about knives. Folding knife manufacturing procedure with their own hands

To date, it is not entirely difficult to buy a folding knife to buy a folding knife, since such goods are not only represented in a huge assortment, it is also sold in many retailers, as well as on Internet sites. But despite this, every day the number of people who want to make folding knife with your own hands. It is due to the fact that homemade folding knives are unique and the person can most arrange it under its preferences. Moreover, in the process of self-making a knife, a person can use any materials that will allow you to make a safe and durable adaptation.

Before you begin to independently make a folding knife, you need to clearly decide on the following indicators:

  • what will be the form of the future knife;
  • what material will be used for its manufacture;
  • what kind of design will have a future knife;
  • what a knife design will be.

Folding knives do it yourself Can be made of any material and have any form, the main thing to adhere to the manufacture of installed standards. Selecting the materials for the knife must be preferred by the longest and durable material. For the blade will suit stainless steel With high hardness or damask steel. Preceded, most people prefer precisely stainless steel, since it is easier to make a knife and, unlike Damascus, it has become a resistant to corrosion.

In addition to the materials, it is necessary to prepare tools that may be required in the process of performing the work. It is worth noting that in the manufacture simple option The folding knife will need the simplest girlfriend tools. Special attention is worth paying the choice of material for the handle, since it should be not only reliable and durable, but also convenient for use. That is, you need to correctly think over the shape of the handle so that it is reliably fixed in the hand and did not slip. Deciding with the most convenient form of the handle, you need to choose the material from which to perform it is most convenient.

Production of folding knife can occur using such materials for handles like solid rocks natural tree, stainless plastic or metal. Well, of course, planning independent manufacture The knife must be thought about the mechanism of its folding. Moreover, the knife mechanisms need to be treated with extreme caution and think through everything for trifles, since the incorrectly performed mechanism can cause injuries in the process of using a knife. Before starting to start work on making a folding knife, you need to make sure that all necessary materials Prepared.

Mock of folding knife

So, if a person is interested in the question, how to assemble a folding knife, then make it possible even without having special skills. The main thing in this process is to take into account all the settings installed and adhere to all the rules for performing such a process. The first thing to do is starting with the manufacture of a knife is to perform an outline of the future tool on paper. You can also use special graphic editors. Most. optimal options To cut the template for the future knife blade is a cardboard because it is more durable than paper. Moreover, from the cardboard you can cut all the components of the future knife, after which it can be copped with a cardboard blade and a knife with a nut with a nut, for this in the cardboard you need to cut the hole under the axis. This approach will help to understand how proportional to the elements of the knife are, and how the manufactured device will be closed.

In addition, the execution of a cardboard layout of a knife will help properly apply the shape of the heel of the blade, and this part is known to be extremely important for a comfortable and practical use knife. Find out how the reference part of the heel can look like folding knife with your own hands video. The video will help make sure that the blade's heel is really correct and has the necessary angle of the bevel, the angle of 7-9 0 is optimal. After that, it is necessary to perform a sketch of the linear lock of the knife, as it is known, it is based on three points, which form a triangle. Each point of linear lock has its own purpose:

  • to install a swivel pin;
  • for mounting a corkstorn;
  • contact zone of support planes heel blade and clamping plate, that is, a stopper.

It is worth noting that it is the lateral force of the pressure of the stopper fixes the blade in a closed position, there are no other elements of such a function in this design of the knife. That is why it is extremely important to build a small steel ball from the bearing into the stopper, it will become an additional locking of a closed blade and secure the use of a knife accordingly. It is very important to correctly select the location of the ball lock, since it depends on the functioning of the entire knife lock.

Note on the cardboard layout of the blade and the lock spring, the location of the ball lock, you need to make sure that it will be tightly placed there, and it will not interfere with the folding of the knife. After that, you need to decide on the fasteners that the dice will be pulled. It is not recommended to use fasteners with big heads and have them too close to the edge of the handle. It is determined by the fact that it may later be necessary to establish a spacer or tubular racks between the mounts.

Folding knife manufacturing procedure with their own hands

After the cardboard layout of the future knife is ready and all its elements comply with the standards, you can start making the device itself. At this stage, material for the future knife and tools can already be prepared, which can be useful in the process of its manufacture. As already indicated, optimal material For the manufacture of a knife blade, a stainless steel is considered, since it does not degrees, even if the moisture falls inside the folds.

For drilling holes in Kaleno, it is best to use drills on ceramics or glass. It is very important to carry out drills on small revolutions, applying a little effort. If you come to the process of drilling holes in the workpiece is irresponsible, then you can simply erase the drill without achieving the desired result. In order to prevent the omit, it is necessary to constantly control the level of its heating and often cool the part.

As for the dice, it is better to use titanium for them, because even having a small thickness, this material has high strength indicators. In addition, Titan has a slight weight and is not subject to corrosion, which is also important for the folding knife. Processing titanium and giving him fit formIt is also recommended to work on small griefs of the grinder, you can even use the handheld with metal.

In order to make folding knifeThe next thing to do is to cut the circuit contours of the corkscrew, which will be located at the bottom of the dice. In the estimated place of the end of the dice, it is necessary to drill the holes of diameters of no more than 2.5 millimeters, such holes should be 3-4 pieces. After doing the holes, they need to be connected and starting there hackstone. The next step will be the dummy line, but performing this procedure it is necessary to leave a small margin that delete during the setting and checking of the finished knife.

As for the bottom dice, it often has the same dimensions as the top, but there is one difference, in the lower rash it is necessary to perform a special recess, under the hole for opening a knife. Another distinction of the upper and bottom dice is the diameter of the hole hole. In the bottom, the holes should be performed under the screw thread, while the diameters of the holes in the upper cry must have a screw diameter. After all the details were cut out and all holes are drilled, you need to do or pick up two small washers. The most optimal are pucks from bronze or fluoroplast. Such washers will act as bearing, and attached to the axis of rotation of the knife.

The next stage of the manufacture of the knife will be its immediate assembly. Do it need it alternately:

  • insert the axis into the lower plate;
  • put a lock pin;
  • install the puck;
  • put the blade and collect the knife together.

If there are some inaccuracies in the assembly process, but they need to be eliminated, for example, if the knife details do not match, they need to be adjusted at the place. After the knife is assembled, you need to install a corkscrew ball. To do this, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corkscrew spring, it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 millimeters, that is, it should be less than its ball. The average size of the bearing ball is 1.5-2 millimeters. The injection of the ball into the lock plate is made with the help of vice, while it should perform on the surface, approximately half a million.

After the ball is installed, it is necessary to determine the place of its contact with the wedge, for this it is enough to close several times and open a knife. On the blade of the knife after that, the trail will remain, retreating from the edge of a 0.3 millimeter track, it is necessary to do a small well, in which when closing the knife is closed the ball. In order to set and check the functionality of the knife lock, it is initially recommended to assemble a device without an upper dice. If everything works properly, you can completely collect the knife and check its operation already in the folded state.

That's all the knife is ready. How it becomes clear, make Folding automatic knife with your own hands It may take some time and patience for this.

Read 4208 Once (a)

Jackknife - great tool In the pocket of the man and not only. It must be taken with him, going to the campaign or just in nature. With the help of the knife, you can not only cut the sausage or open beer, but also protect yourself from enemies. And more often the enemy does not turn out to be a man, but an animal, for example, a dog or even a fox. In this instruction, we will look at how to make a good simple folding knife with your own hands.

For the manufacture of a knife, the author used pretty a professional set of tools, he needed an electrolybiz and other tools. But it is not necessary to despair if you have skillful hands, such a knife can easily be done and ordinary manual tools. The locking device of the knife is also performed simply, all parts are manufactured manually. So, proceed.

Materials and tools that used

List of materials:
- high carbon steel (which can be hardening);
- pins (steel or brass);
- material for lining (wood, plastic, and so on at will);
- epoxy adhesive;
- spring rod (for the manufacture of spring).

List of tools:
- ;
- drilling machine or drill;
- clamps;
- Bulgarian;
- vice;
- paper, pencil, scissors for the manufacture of template;
- sandpaper;
- oven, oil for quenching.

Knife manufacturing process:

Step one. Template
First of all, the author manufactures the template, including all internal details. For those who have already made a knife at least once, will not make a lot of work to make such a pattern. You need to think over the locking mechanism, it is done as a lever with a hook.

Step second. Cut the blank
All parts of the knife author carries out sheet steel. The fixing mechanism consists of two parts, one part holds the spring, and the second is a lever with a hook, which holds the blade.

For the manufacture of the handle, you will need to sharpen two identical parts. All items, including blade, the author cuts with a grinder. IN hard to reach placeswhere the grinder does not bring up, we make a lot of transverse propilov, and then we gradually cut them out.

For the manufacture of the blade, it will take steel with a high content of carbon, in America it is customary to use steel 1050, in Russia the most common brand of steel for the manufacture of knives can be considered steel 65x13. Good steel, which can be hardening, is widely used in the manufacture of tools. You can also use steel from the old cutting disk.

When cutting the blanks for the manufacture of the handle, collect them on the pins or just on the bolts. Now polish the contour product, in the end you will get two identical parts.

Step Three. Grinding
We proceed to a thinner processing of blanks, namely grinding. Here we will greatly help the ribbon grinding machine. We bring the items to the ideal, and at the end we can pass by a hand with a file where you could not get a machine to the machine.

Using grinding machineYou also need to withdraw the scones on the blade. The author fastens the blade to the special adaptation and starts work. The main criterion here is the symmetry of the bevels.

At shutdown, the author handles the details manually using emery paper. The next step is for us hardening, before that, do not forget to drill in the blanks required holesSince then it will be problematic.

Step fourth. We descend the blade
To keep your knife for a long time sharpening, blade must be hardening. Since we have a blade small sizesIt can be easily warm up to the desired temperature with the burner, as the author did. Kalim metal as long as steel will no longer attract a magnet. If you approach more professionally to this case, then for each steel there is a clear heating temperature.

When you warm up steel, lower the workpiece into the oil. It is quite suitable for spent oil from the car, as well as vegetable. After cool the workpiece, go through the metal burner to burn the oil. Now the steel can be checked if it is not taken with a file, it means that the hardening has passed successfully.

The next step by hardening is the metal leave, otherwise the steel will be very fragile. Home oven is suitable for vacation. Place the blade in it and warm it for about an hour at a temperature of 200-250 degrees Celsius. Then give the oven to cool in the closed state with the knife inside. Vacation produced! Now the steel will spring, and the blade will not break at high load.

Pitch fifth. Go to the assembly of a knife
After quenching, polish the blade to the brilliance, since after heat treatment it will change color. Now the knife can be collected. Lubricate all the inner parts motor OilSo that the knife does not rust out of the inside. Now we collect everything on the pins. Pads are glued using epoxy glue.

Hold the handle with a good few clamps and give the glue to dry completely. Epoxy will usually dry about a day.

When the glue is completely dry, we produce the final grinding. First, the product is processed on the grinding, and then manually using sandpaper. At the end, bring the handle to the perfect smoothness with the help of shallow sandwich.

The variety of types of knives does not allow to run out the subject of their manufacture own forces. The knife is the perfect assistant not only in household, but also on hunting, fishing and on other hiking conditions. Someone is likely to need a knife for a rigid self-defense. But it is better to try to avoid using a knife as a weapon of self-defense. There are less dangerous for the life of a person and more so to speak legitimate self-defense. But life is life and never know when, how and what it is necessary to defend it. Hiking I. hunter knives It is convenient to wear in the sheath, but in urban conditions, the tessel will look quite wildly on the belt and naturally attracts close attention to law enforcement agencies. Therefore, there are folding knives that are comfortable to wear trousers in his pocket. We are making this today and we will deal.

Naturally buy a folding knife will be much easier, but people who do not chase for simplicity come to this site, and try everything to do everything. The article is familiarizing and focused on readers who already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe manufacture of knives, so the description is given quite short; But on photographs you can understand almost every step of work.

For the manufacture of a folding knife, we will need a titanium plate, although you can also use a stainless steel or any other good steel. Naturally, everything begins with the manufacture of a template whose shape you later translate to the steel strip.

To begin with, we will make liners handling folding knife. Delay the shape of the liner on the titanium plate and drink it with any tool available to you. Next Make it rough processing Liner older excess metal on sandpaper and files. We manufacture a second liner. To do this, we apply the finished liner to the metal strip and we drill two holes. Cut into them the threads, fasten the liners with the helns without a hat and cut the second liner using the first as a template. Next process paired liners on sandpaper and files, approaching as close as possible to the contour line of the liner.

The turn of the manufacturer of the blade of the folding knife and the back of the handle. We act in exactly the same way: templates, transfer to the titanium strip, drinking and processing on the sandpaper.

Drills in the liners of the hole for fastening the knife handle back. We collect a knife and look where there are inconsistencies, gaps. If necessary, we refine these places, seeking the perfect combination of all parts of the folding knife.

We dress the second liner and drill additional holes for fastening the knife back. You can fasten the parts of the knife handle with the help of special screws after cutting by the tumbler in the thread holes. The screws are convenient because, if necessary, the knife can be easily disassembled and perform any refinement. All holes under the screws are fragmented by a larger drill so that the screw hat is not exhibited above the surface of the liner.

Next, we drink two upper and two bottom metal lining knife handle. Glue them on the liners with the help of a superclay. Now drill holes for screws through liners in metal lining. Holes in the lining should not be through. Now put the knife in the bath with acetone to dissolve superciles.

We remove the facial holes of the metal linings of the folding knife and cut the threads in them. Fresh lining linters with screws. Customize the lining, under the form of a liner is the excess metal on the sandpaper.Next, we produce the final grinding of the knife handle.

From the inside on the front metal lining drills the recesses under the blade axis, the drill, sharpened under a stupid angle. For the axis, we drag the support screws on turning machine. Cut the thread with a raid.In the back of the handle drinking the cone ( dovetail) PAZ for a plate spring.

All metal parts of the folding knife we \u200b\u200bwill quarrel using homemade Horn or gas burner.Middle of the lining We will produce from any affordable material: tree, bones, plastic, plexiglas, textolit, etc.

We drink and do the plate, configuring her shape. Work requires accuracy, so make fitting medium lining, slowly and periodically trying it. After that, drills in liners blind holes for fastening wooden lining. And cut out L-shaped slots.

It remains for the castle. Drills holes for the lock at each end of the liner. We connect them to a slot. Then we make a cross-section and get a M-shaped slot that forms a blocking plate. We tempt it gas burner And reject three, four millimeters.

In the corner of the lock plate, the hole drills and the metal ball is inserted there. The rear of this locking ball is becoming flush with a springs plane.Cut the screw axis, making it rectangular shape. Milling slot for the screw in the liner housing.Bottling the back of a knife handle back on both sides. Grind metal parts of the handles of the handle. Making the backs on the blade of the folding knife.

We collect a knife. But the axis dresses a thin washer, the blade, another washer. Then the second liner is put on. Insert medium overlays, snapping them in L-shaped holes. We twist the screws with a flat special key.

Pictures: Egor.
Additional video: Sergey

How to make a fold.

You decide to finally make your folding knife. It is right. In any case, this process gives me great pleasure, and the result inspires new creativity. Try. You will not regret anyway. Someone clever once said: "It is better to do, and then regret what to regret that I did not."
Since you have already decided, it means that you have some kind of design.
Suppose you have chosen a linear lock (Liner Lock), and this is one of the best knife locks, if not the best. It contains a minimum of details, which means it has a maximum reliability.

A little story.
The modern "linear" castle was invented by Michael Walker in 1981. The most important thing is Michael, it created independent system Locking blade having only one spring. The lamellar spring of the lock not only blocks the blade in the open position, but also provides its reliable fixation in the closed. In addition, this lock allows you to open and close the knife with one hand. This invention in the full sense of the word changed the appearance of a modern folding knife. Honor him for it and praise.

Make an outline of the future design on paper or in some graphic editor. For example, it turned out:

After that, I recommend cutting the blades and handle patterns from cardboard, cutting hole hole under the axis and copold the knife model with a nut with a nut. Now you can check how the knife closes / opens.
Choose the location of the retaining pin and check if its blade heel does not cling when folding.

Choose the shape of the heel blade. This part is very important for the normal functioning of the knife, it should be calculated with special care. Please note that the supporting part of the heel, which will be in contact with the plate of the lock, should have a straight line 7-9 ° required for the "sample" of possible backlash.

The operation of the linear lock is based on three points forming a triangle - the strongest figure in nature. These are these three points: a swivel pin, a locking pin and a contact zone of support planes of the heel blade and a stopper (pressure plate).
The transmission of the compressive force from the spring selects longitudinal backlays and leads the entire system into a rigid stress state.
In addition to the strength of the side pressure of the stopper itself, there are no elements in the design of the lock, which would be fixed by the blade in the closed position.

For this reason, a small hardened steel ball from the bearing is additionally mounted in the stopper, which is a closed lock in a closed position. Entering the jack of spherical shape on the heel of the blade, this peculiar retainer, using the force of the curved plate, holds the blade in the closed position from the spontaneous opening. Correct location This ball retainer is very important for the functioning of the lock.

Mark on the mockup of the blade and the retain spring this place and check if the ball for the dimensions of the blade appears in the folding.

Determine the location of the screws tightening the dice. Do not forget about the diameter of the fastener heads, which you will use to build a knife. Do not place holes too close to the edge of the handle. There may be spaced between the dies, or tubular racks are set - to solve you.
Well, the general geometry of the blade and dies is defined. It's time to move to the manufacture of a knife.

First of all, select Materials.

For blade, a stainless steel is preferred, because When moisture gets inside the folds, moisture, not so easy to remove. Consequently, if there is something rust - it is delayed.

If there is a thermist, able to work with high carbon alloyed stainless steel, then you are big lucky in life (at the level of happiness). If not, you will have to work on the tempered material, and this is not easy. For drilling holes in a Calen Metal, I use drills on ceramics and a glass with a sweep tip. The work must be rigidly, on small speed, but carefully. You can finish the drill. And, of course, follow the heating of the part. Be sure to cool, otherwise it will be released.
Remove the desired mold blade. I used the blades from the Professional Master series several times. They are slightly expensive than ordinary cuceries of this company, but made from Sandwick 12C27 or from 1.4110 from the cereal. This is steel.

For the dies, I recommend titanium, since it is sufficiently durable at low thick and has sufficient rigidity and spring properties. In addition, Titan is easy and not at all rust. Titanium processing has some features. With titanium should work at low speeds. For example, a plate of 4 mm I could not sink with a grinder, and with a hand with a manual metal - easily, though long. Threads in titanium need to slowly, with oil, every 0.5-1 turn back to return.

To cut the circuit of the lock spring in the lower cry, in the place of the alleged end of its end, drill 3-4 holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm, connecting them, I get there a hacksaw blade - and forward, not in a hurry, almost to the hole under the axis (in this place I also recommend drilling a small technological hole for a clear end of the propyl). It remains only to be powered by a stopper act. Here it is necessary that the stock remains, which is then removed when "setting up" the castle.

The second, the top, the plate has exactly the same dimensions (as a rule) as the bottom, but it should provide a recess under the hole for opening a knife.

All mating holes should be drilled by a package. Start with holes under the axis. Do not forget that the diameter of the holes under the fastening screws in the lower drench should be under the thread, and in the top under the diameter of the screw.

So, everything is carved and drilled. Choose, or do yourself, two washers from fluoroplast or bronze, which will be used as a bearing on the axis of rotation (folding) knife.

Insert the axis into the bottom of the groove, put a lock pin, washer, blade, and fold the future knife. If something does not match - pon the size of the place. It is necessary to do it very carefully and carefully. Remember Zhvanetsky: "One careless movement: And you are a father."

Well, everything matches everything!
On the locking spring of the bottom dice, mark the place for the ball and in this place drill a hole with a diameter by 0.1-0.2 mm smaller ball diameter. I use balls with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 mm, from the bearing. Then in the vice (laying a piece of crawled metal under the ball, otherwise it will "fit" in the sponge of the vice) insert the ball into the lock plate. The ball should appear out of about 0.5 mm (the thickness of the washer on the axis between the blade and the shock). Next, with the help of a marker, you hover the place of the blade heel, where the ball will move and fold the knife several times / decompose the knife. A clear track from the ball will be visible on the blade. Rates from the place where it (next) ends 0.3 -0.5 mm drill the well into which the ball will go in the folded knife position. Carefully remove the plate in the right direction.

Collect a knife without an upper dice and pigere the lock (you have a stopper cut with a margin). Do it very carefully (remember Zhvanetsky). As soon as the castle "clings to - stop. Collect the knife completely, with the top shuffer and try folding it several times / decompose it, attach the effort (as if you cut something). Do it several times. And set aside everything until tomorrow. Speak with the thought that you made a knife.

The next day will definitely find what to finish. Bring the castle to the Condition. The locking plate should not reach the upper end of the sequencing of the heel of the blade, otherwise it will "fall out" already up to the top dice and swap the castle.

If the spring was too tight (depends on the thickness and brand of the applied material), it is necessary to cut down the recess in its foundation so deeply so that the pressing force to open the knife is optimal (here each one is selected "in sensations).

Congratulations! You got a beautiful knife. And the main thing is yours.

Sincerely. MetroLog.