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Where it is better to stay on Sri Lanka. Best Sri Lanka Resorts Description

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Indian Peninsula. total area 65610 sq. Km, length from north to south 445 km, and from west to east 225 km. In the center of the island there is a central mountain range.

The average height of the mountains is 1000-2000 m above sea level, but separate vertices rise above.

The highest point of the island - the Mountain of Pidurutabal has a height of 2524 m. However, the most famous peak adams are known (2243 m).

Usually on weekdays, shops are open from 9:30 to 17:00, and on Saturdays from 9:30 to 13:00. Addresses of stores that the Sri Lankan Ministry of Tourism can be found in many guidebooks in the island.

In addition to tea, which, by the way, is allowed to be allowed to export in the amount of more than three kilograms, traditional souvenirs are considered to be products from silver, copper. These products are manufactured in the Kandy area. Also in the Kandy area are also made beautiful pottery. They are painted mainly in red tones, decorating various patterns. In the south of the island, various daisies of demons make.

The oldest folk craft includes wood carving and the manufacture of various fabrics. Sri Lanka is famous for the rich selection of precious and semi-precious stones, silk.

Give tips not necessarily. However, the receptionist in the hotel or the waiter in the restaurant will be glad to several additional rupees.

It is recommended to wear lightweight cotton clothes, a headdress. Be sure to go sunscreen and lotion OT. sun burns. There are no strict clothing requirements in the country, but one should not attend temples in shorts, in clothing with open back and shoulders, and at the entrance to the temple you need to remove shoes.


Equatorial, with the seasons of monsoon passing.

Almost 95% of all sediments falls on the summer rainy season. The remaining months are pretty dry. Only in the northeast of the island is rained in the fall, when Northeast Monsoon passes above Ceylon.

The air temperature on the island is practically not changed and round year Equal to 26-28 C. In the mountains of the central part of the island of the island, and in the coldest point, the mountain resort of Nuzara Elia, located at an altitude of 1880 meters above sea level, about 15 S.

Sri Lanka high humidity Air, and it is felt when leaving the aircraft when it seems that it is a warm, "bath", a jet of air.


Official languages \u200b\u200b- Tamil, Singal and English. The total population of 15 million people. According to the ethnic composition, the country is multinational, the population consists of Singalov, Tamilov, Burgers (descendants of Portuguese and Dutch) and Mavrov (descendants of Arab merchants).


From Monday to Friday, banks are usually open from 9.00 to 13.00-15.00. During the holidays, they do not work on Saturday and Sunday. The exchange of money is allowed only in banks and in organizations that have received permission. The list of these organizations includes most hotels.


Left-sided movement.

Sri Lanka resorts:


Ambalangoda is a colorful port town in the south of Sri Lanka. Located on the very shore of the ocean, 122 km from international Airport Colombo. This picturesque corner is famous for the whole island not only by its beaches, but also handicraft traditions.


Rest in Talle is less popular than in other regions of Sri Lanka. The thing is that there are no large entertainment centers and famous attractions in this small resort.

Almost all the Sri Lanka coast consists of sandy beaches. And most of the surface is a wavy plain height from thirty to two hundred meters. The most expressive transition from the plain to the mountains can be observed in the south-east, at the same time on the northern part this transition is very planned. The beaches are very diverse, but of course luxurious, different in the wave, landscape, the depth of coastal waters, and even by the rating of the famous magazine "Forbes", because it was here that they were noted as the best beaches Asia. Most choose bog west Coastwhich is located south of Colombo. The most famous resorts of this part of Sri Lanka: Negombo, Maravil, Kalutar, Waddow, Geruvell, Khugala, Hikkaduva, Tangalle.

Bentota - Bentota City located in the southwest, there are some of the best beaches. The coast is built up with hotels on any wallet, from budget hostels to luxury luxury class. Here you prefer to rest in love with couples, newlyweds and just lovers of relaxing rest. Even here they love to ride lovers of the active view of the water, because it is located here a large number of Centers where water sports are taught, as well as you can take equipment for hire. It is quite realistic to stroll through the deserted beaches, if desired, you can take a boat for hire and will go upstream of Bentotes - rivers, it flows directly into the ocean. Bentota is diverse, types of local unique, luxury and exotic merge together.

TangALLA - Tangalla This is an old city who retained his charm of the once Dutch colony of the eighteenth century. It is the south of Sri Lanka and the beaches in this area are beautiful in the country. There are four beaches in the local district - Medavetia, Palliakaduva, MEDILL, GOOBOKOKKA. Tropical greenery pyshn, palm trees are hanging on the water, the warm sea and excellent weather almost all year round. Infrastructure is well developed, there are restaurants and shops, offering the entire range of services you need. The city is located far from Colombo, at a distance of 195 kilometers this causes the fact that there is a small number of tourists, for a couple of kilometers you can wander through the desert coast. The place is chosen by people who love privacy or VIP - persons who do not want to meet on vacation with tourists.

UnaVantuna - Unawantuna - the beach is called as well as the village in which it is located, the village itself is located along the highway, which goes to the side of Halle from Colombo, the airport is 164 kilometers. In this place is the beach of indescribable beauty, semicircular, is among the top ten beaches of the world according to the Discovery Channel. Blue lagoon with incredibly transparent water, as well as the area is protected by a double coral reef. Safe and pleasant bathing, because the depth of all is six meters, and the water is warm throughout the year. An ideal place for divers, a wide variety of fish and sea turtles, reefs, sunken ships, for example, the crashing hundred years ago British steamer "Rangoon".

Eco-tourists tend to be in Unavatun, they are waiting for hiking in tropical jungle tropical, as well as nearby Rain Forest Reserve Cottava. If you are going to relax on Sri Lanka with kids, be sure to go to Unavatun, because the ocean warms up the whole year and the minimum temperature is 27 degrees.

Mirisa - Mirissa has an individual atmosphere of rest. In this area, organized rest is practically not developed. If you go on your own Sri Lanka, choose this area. Housing is easy to find on arrival, already in place, there is a place in a hundred kilometers from Bentotes and thirty kilometers from Unavatuna. That is, this area can be simply arrived at the excursion if you do not stop on vacation. Moreover, in Marissa from November to April, you can admire the blue whales. They are so closely suitable for the shore, which will not be difficult to admire these huge marine inhabitants with a sightseeing vessel.

Cogalla is a popular place among divers. Nature is unique: coral reefs, golden sand on the beach, impressive size freshwater lake and many nearby islands, and undoubtedly evergreen tropics. There will be no problem to rent a boat, catamaran or bike. Directly from hotels organized transfers to diving centers. Popular sea walks with the ability to watch whales or dolphins. It is interesting to visit the closely located Buddhist temples on the Lake Islands. From Colombo Kogalla removed at a distance of 136 kilometers, but also has its own small airport.

For me, these places are interesting and picturesque, but interests in all are different, perhaps a brief description will help you, I will be glad to help.

Hi friends. Today I will tell about the beaches of Sri Lanka. About when it is better to go to this beautiful in all respects for tourism a country. There are also national parks of nature and protected by UNESCO ancient monuments of culture and architecture, and incredible beauty of mountain landscapes with tea plantations and, of course, beaches. After all, Sri Lanka is the island.

You can go to Sri Lanka at any time of the year and with different goals. The country has many hotels with fresh pools and spa treatments where you can enjoy the rest and do not depend on weather mood. You can go to Sri Lanka as yourself and through a travel agency.

In the article we briefly spoke about the roads, weather, features of the country.

The time has come a detailed story about the beaches of the island, about their advantages and minuses, about what you can see and where to go close to the beach.

Sri Lanka with beaches are lucky. You will not need, such as in India, ride more than a day and a half by train to get with Goa's beaches to Varkala beaches. On Sri Lanka, completely different distances. Everything happens faster and more pleasant. The south-west of the island is straight pricked by the beaches, the distance between which in time takes from 15 minutes on the Tuk-Tuku up to 2 hours by bus. You will just need to choose suitable for yourself.

Important! When choosing a beach on Sri Lanka, you must remember three things: the season, geographical features and infrastructure of the island. At different times of the year, monsoons blow on the island. In coastal waters, high waves rise and swimming is simply impossible. Hotels on time stop their work and wait for winds of wind.

In October, November, December, January and February, you need to choose the beaches of the south-west coast. It is about them today's story.

If you have plans to relax on the sea from May to September, then it is worth thinking about the east coast of Sri Lanka.

You can open a card and poke your finger into any beach of the southwestern part of the island. Storms and huge waves there will not be there. We give top popular places that prefer to visit tourists. With them, we recommend starting familiarizing with the beach Sri Lanka. So that you feel easier to navigate, I will describe the best beaches of Sri Lanka from the west to the south. These beaches are equipped with good infrastructure. On them big choice housing, cafes, restaurants, entertainment and attractions.

Beaches Sri Lanka on the map


The beach is closest to everyone located to (7 km), which, in turn, is 30 km north of the capital. The beach is suitable for those who want to immediately plunge into the Indian Ocean, relax from the flight. Or vice versa, to relax from exotic travel around the island and gain strength before a long flight home.

Long sand stripe Negombo Beach - Wide. There are many places, but unfortunately, umbrellas and sun beds are offered mainly to those who stopped in the coastal hotel. Independent tourists need to be or negotiated with the hotel, or think about.

All hotels are located along the coast. The choice is big. There is more expensive, there is cheaper, there is a closer to the shore, there is away. Find accommodation to your taste is very easy.

  • More expensive and near the beach - Hotel Snahelo
  • Slightly cheaper, but not worse - hotel Holiday Fashion Inn.
  • Budget Guesthouse - BLUE ELEPHANT Tourist Guesthouse

From attractions next door: You can visit the Murutzhala Reserve (Muthurajawla), in which about 200 species of plants and animals live. The main historical values \u200b\u200bof Negombo are old Dutch Fort and the Church of the Virgin Mary. For diving lovers, there is a sunken ship and coral reefs.

Pros: Close to the airport and capital. Large selection of housing, cafes and restaurants.

Minuses: Many tourists and locals, the beach is not very clean. You can find a quiet and clean place, but sometimes it is not easy.

On the island we met people, gladly spent their vacation only in this place. It is a little incomprehensible to us. We would not have done our whole vacation only in Nembo. Maximum one day for relaxation and forward to the adventures of Sri Lanka.

Mount Lavinia

The next beach is located 12 km from Colombo and 45 km from the airport, in the same city of Mount Lavinia. This beach is also strategically suitable for those who are going to travel along Sri Lanka or the opposite, relax before departure home. In our route on the island of Mount Lavnia, we made the starting and return point, plus here we left the winter things in the hotel. Before departure to the Motherland took.

The hotel is a house with separate rooms for tourists. It is inexpensive, conveniently located. The owner is sociable and will gladly answer all questions on Sri Lanka. Even helps to make a route. For those who choose a place of rest, and a convenient point of arrival and departure, we can recommend this hotel. Beach 2 minutes walk.

Lavinia Mount Beach is a wide and long sandbag. Umbrellas and sun beds are in hotels. Sunset in the water is fast. Changeable current here. You can face ripping currents (they are also called - jacking currents). The thing is unpleasant and for beginners is dangerous. Keep track of local vacationers - if you see that in some places they do not bathe, most likely there during the course. Do not go there.

On the beach we met both foreign tourists and many local residents with children, who were built with multi-tiered live pyramids with enthusiasm, climbing each other on the shoulders.

Mount Lavinia The historic town built by the British. From the preserved buildings there is a hotel Mount Lavinia Hotel.. Previously, it was a governor's house, built for the mistress of the governor of Lavinia. Hence the name of the resort itself.

What to see: Zoo Dechville, Lake Bolgoda, where 45 species of fish are inhabited, about 160 types of migratory and waterfowl fish.

Pros: Much less people than in Nembo

Minuses: Rip flows, waves, on weekends and holidays come down many local.

As I wrote above, the beach of Mount Lavinia chose from strategic considerations: Leave winter things for the whole trip, swim in front of a long route to the center of the island. I would not stop here for a long time.

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The resort is located 80 km from Colombo and offers tourists a chic long beach with golden sand. Infrastructure is well developed. The beach is considered romantic, because Popular among lovers. It often stops newlyweds and spend a honeymoon.

Benton is in a place where the Ganga Ganga river flows into the Indian Ocean. Therefore, the resort is divided into two parts. Calm cape in the north - Paradise Beach, and South Beach where all entertainment, cafes and restaurants are collected.

The resort is the largest center for water sports and diving club. Here you can rent water skiing, catamaran, scooter, canoe, surfboard.

  • Stylish 5 star hotel on the coast - Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
  • Hotel cheaper - Ocean Of Life Ayurvedic Resort
  • A budget option - Dimuthu Tour Inn.

From attractions: Inspection of the ruins of the Galapata Vihara complex (Galapata Vihara), a waterfront on the Bentota Ganga River. 3 km from the resort there is a Turtle Farm. It is worth going here - you will see how small funny turtles are bred.

Pros: Wide long beach, quiet calm rest, poor

Minuses: Waves, small selection of cheap housing, cheap holidays. Bentota is considered expensive resortSo it is preferred to attend people with prosperity.


This is our favorite beach. We have long chose the resort and decided to go to Hikkadawu. And they did not lose. Hikkaduva combines an excellent beach strip, a large selection of housing, developed infrastructure and entertainment.

In the northern part of the city there is a railway and bus station; The market where you can buy fruit and seafood.

Large selection of umbrellas and sun beds you will find on the beach of Narigama, next to the hotel Ritas Hotel. and Blue Moon restaurant. In some places, even large double fuckers with a roof.

On the beach you can rent a surfboard and a small board for pokatushek on the waves. Waves by the way there are, but you can swim with pleasure.

Less waves in the lagoon near the hotel Coral Sands..

In the evening on the beaches are arranged party parties. The situation is relaxed and friendly

On the coast a large selection of housing from 5 stars to guesthouses. Ocean's noise is heard at night, sometimes there is noise of parties. For those who want to sleep at night in silence, we offer to search for housing on the second line, for the road. We lived in.

From entertainment: 50 meters from the coast there is a coral reef, a good space for snorkeling. You can also take a surfboard and catch the wave. A turtle sailed in the lagoon. You can try to feed them.

Pros: Large selection of housing, cafes, restaurants, shops, a large wide beach.

Minuses: Not noticed

On the beaches were noticed both independent travelers and batch tourists. We recommend this beach for a long stay.


An ideal place to relax with children and for the elderly. Thanks to the lagoon there are practically no waves. An occasion of water is light and pleasant.

The infrastructure is developed, there is cafes and restaurants along the entire coast. They offer sun beds and umbrellas. There are various shops and diving centers.

  • Cozy hotel on the seashore - La Veranda Di Serena
  • Hotel cheaper, also on the coast - Rock Fort Hotel.
  • Budget Guesthouse - SAM "S Guest House

From Unavatuna to easily reach the city of Galle, where Fort is located on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

From entertainment: You can do snorkeling, diving (there are some sunken ships and coral reefs), fishing from the boat.

Pros: Ocean without waves, beautiful nature


The small resort is located 12 km from. Cogalla has a five-kilometer beach. There is a good selection of hotels from 5 stars to Guesthouses.

Tourists with children, lovers, newlyweds, diving lovers are loved here. Diving centers are working on the coast

The feature of Kogalla in the lake of the same name. He was chosen by birds, fans of ecotourism and pilgrims, who seek to visit the ancient Buddhist sanctiors, once built by hermites.

  • Coast Resort - South Lake Resort.
  • Hotel cheaper on the lake - Madoldu Eco Resort.
  • Budget hotel on the first line - Rainbow Surf Beach.

Entertainment: Who is interested in life and the history of Sri Lanka, can visit the Museum of Folk Art and Culture.

Pros: Quiet cozy resort

Minuses: Waves

Next for the Crack Beach - Veligama. Located in a picturesque bay with golden sand. The waves are 300-400 meters from the coast. There are a wave of surfers. The wave beach almost does not reach.

Hotels are standing along the entire coast. The choice is big, on any wallet.

  • Good hotel 5 stars on the shore - W15
  • Hotel cheaper on the coast, with swimming pool - We Escape.
  • Budget Guest House Villa - DIAMOND HOUSE.

The peculiarity of the resort is the fishermen famous for the whole world who catch fish sitting on large thick sticks. They climb on their seals, sit on the crossbar and fishing. Caught fish can be bought. Fishermen are a kind of show for tourists. By the way, the beach is offered for a small fee to try to act in such an exotic way.

Another feature - near the beach is the Taproban Island (Taprobane) with a small hotel.

From entertainment: Stroll around the city, on his streets you will meet colonial mansions, Buddhist Dagoba, Catholic Churches.

Sight Cities - carved from a three-meter boulder figure of the death of death (Leper King).

We recommend for a holiday for 3 and more days. Nearby is Mirissa Beach. You can stop at Veligam for 1 night, examine it, after going to the neighboring Beach of Mirissa and inspect it. Then choose from these two beaches for a long time.


Beautiful beach in a lagoon with an excellent sunset. There are waves in the main lagoon. In the third lagoon (the most distant) waves are not. Get together better there. You can even swim from the mask, to do snorkel.

In the morning, the fish market opens in Mirissa. If you want to eat the freshest fish, get up early and go to the market.

From attractions: Entertainment as such in Mirissa no, only the sea and the sun. There is a small rock with a sightseeing platform. The nearest landmark is Fort in Galle.

A plus: quiet and peaceful

Minus: Little shops

because of little choice Entertainment and excursions here perfectly roll on the beach and swim. It seemed to us that more than 6-7 days on the beach there was nothing to do. You need to explore other beaches.

Beach in Tangalle seem endless. Wide sandy braid stretches a few kilometers.

There is no such developed infrastructure on the resort as on the hikkaduve. Mostly tourists go here for the sake of deserted beaches, which are somewhat in Tangalle. In the northern part of their two: Medaketiya Beach - the safest beach for swimming and medill (Medilla). In the western part of Goyambokok (Goyambokka) and Pallikaduva (Pallikaduwa).

Waves in Tangella have. Sometimes because of them, it is generally impossible to go into the ocean. We recommend the beach next to the hotel Eva Lanka.. There is a less calm bay.

From entertainment: Visit Mulkaryigal Caves (Mulgirigala), National Parks Yala, Breata, Kalametei Reserve. View like turtles lay eggs (from April to September) on the West Beach Rekawa (Rekawa). At the hotel, book an excursion to walk to the place of migration of whales.

Pros: Deserted beach, few people close to Yala National Park and other natural reserves.

Minuses: Waves.

Sri Lanka Beaches without waves

The southeastern part of Sri Lanka island is surrounded by the Indian Ocean and is quite different from the European resorts known to us. It must be remembered that the waves will always be here, at any time of the year. IN winterSince October to March, waves less.

From the resorts that I listed above, the waves are least on the Beach of Unawatuna (thanks to the natural bay), Mirissa (in a certain lagoon), Veligama (not throughout the beach). There are waves on the hikkaduve, but they are not terrible, with the exception of storm days, and we met little. We just learned to communicate with them.

How much is the rest on Sri Lanka, you can find out.

Yours faithfully,

At any time of the year, the best Sri Lankan resorts can host tourists from different countries. On this island you can relax in winter and summer, but at the same time each resort has its own highlight and its specification. Therefore, we will look at the resorts of Sri Lanka Description, which will help you choose the most suitable for your holiday.

You can find the value range of tours to Ceylon from the article: the price of a ticket to the islands of Sri Lanka.

Hikkaduva It is "Mecca" for divers and young lovers of night club life. This is one of the most popular resorts Islands with a well-developed tourist infrastructure and a magnificent wide beach. The diving season and the beach season begins in November and lasts for April. This is the best period for recreation with children. When immersing up to 40 meters, you can see a few sunken ships.

On the beach hikkaduva there is a rental of equipment for diving and courses for beginners. For those who are not ready for immersion can book a walk on a boat with a glass bottom. At this resort, corals are considered the most beautiful in all of Asia. Hikkaduva is also a refuge of surfers and here from November to March, extreme lovers from around the world come here. At this time, the wave height can reach more than four meters.

Nightlife at this resort just boils and therefore it is more considered youth than family-friendly. Today, Hikkaduva is a long chain of luxury hotels, hotels, budget hostels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and shops that stretched 4 kilometers to Colombo. There are always a lot of tourists here and you can hear the speech in Russian everywhere, so in many hotels you can meet Russian-speaking service staff and guides.

Unawatuna It is a small fishing village, which is located in a beautiful blue lagoon on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, protected from monsoon with double coral reef.

In 2004, Discovery Channel Unavatuna Beach included the top ten in the world.

It is pleasant to swim here and safely, as the depth of the sea is only six meters and the water temperature is high throughout the year. But this resort is mainly choosing people who are looking for privacy and relaxing rest, not chic hotels and nightclubs. Basic here is a beach vacation. With children, they usually do not go here, as the hotel infrastructure is developed very weakly.

Divers will be able to see in Unawatun beautiful reefs with beautiful multi-colored fish and sea turtles, as well as sunken ships, one of which is the British steamer "Rangong", which was crashed another 100 years ago. In Unwatun, eco-tourism is very developed, as there are many hiking routes in tropical jungle and close to the beautiful Rain Forest Reserve Cottava. Also nearby is the stone temple of Yatagal Rajamaha Vihara, which was built 2,300 years ago. And just 5 kilometers there is an ancient Fort Galle.

Colombo - This is the unofficial capital of Sri Lanka (official Sri-Jayavarendura-Cott). The city is located on the west coast near the mouth of the Kelany River, where the president's residence is located. This millionaire has long become for the residents of Sri Lanka the actual capital of the island.

Colombo is a special value for tourists, since for many decades has been greatly interest among the connoisseurs of exotic unique nature. This city choose lovers of sightseeing holidays, as the beaches here are a bit, and they are all practically deprived of infrastructure. Mostly in Colombo you will not find cheap good hotels, as even the cheapest guesthouse will cost you $ 25 per room. In the most expensive hotels, such as: Taj Samudra, Hilton, Trans Asia, Lanka Oberoi You will have to pay from $ 500 per room and higher. In Colombo there beach hotels And the most closest resort of Matzlt Lavinia, where you can sunbathe and swim in the ocean is south (a pair of kilometers from the city).

Therefore, tourists choose Colombo only as a temporary recreation point, which is limited only to visits to attractions and shopping hiking.

Bentota It is the most romantic resort that is located in the southwest Sri Lanka, in the Galle district. In addition to beautiful beaches, many interesting places, such as: the skipping reserve, the ruins of the Buddhist temple complex of the 12th century - Galapata-Vihar. This resort is known for its palm wine, as well as water sports: diving and surfing.

The beach, located on the long sandy spit, is one of the most beautiful in the world, so it is a favorite bridal site that they want to spend the most romantic honeymoon. Dear hotels offer the most high level Services, and Little Beaches are a relaxing holiday and comfort. Here a quiet beach holiday can be combined with active. For beginners, Bentota divers is an ideal placeSince transparent water, where there are practically no currents, allows you to see the most beautiful coral reefs and various representatives of the flora and the fauna of the Indian Ocean. Many choose this resort for recreation with children.

Vadduva - This is a small quiet resort, which is located 35 kilometers from Colombo. Here are the plantations of coconut palms, rubber and cinnamon. In this area, palm wine and vinegar are produced, as well as coconut fiber products. Waddow choose lovers beach holidaysSince there are beautiful sandy beaches, whose width reaches 60 meters.

Since all hotels are built on the beach far from each other, then the rest is provided with maximum silence and comfort. This is one of best places For recreation and relaxation, since this resort has many spas, wellness centers and other medical institutions, where various Ayurvedic procedures are offered, therapeutic procedures, as well as yoga and meditation. This resort is focused on beach and recreation holidays.

Koggala Located in the south of the island and is perfect for a relaxing holiday. There is a beautiful beach, which is considered one of the best in Sri Lanka, and which stretches for 5 kilometers along the Indian Ocean. The unique nature of the coggala, golden sand on the beaches, coral reefs, a large freshwater lake Evergreen Tropical forests attract tourists from all over the world.

The active holidays on the koggal is intertwined with active and excursion. At the resort you can take a bike, catamaran, boat for rent, do diving, windsurfing, sailing, make boats, watching whales and dolphins. Rest with children on Koggal will be interesting and varied. The dry season lasts here since the beginning of May to the end of October.

Kalutara Located in the southwest of Ceylon on the Kalu-Ganga River. Previously, it was a trading center with various spices and spices, and today it is modern resort town with great opportunities for classes various species Water sports and excellent beach holidays. This resort offers windsurfing classes, water skiing, kite surfing, underwater hunt, diving, etc. And Kalutara offers an interesting excursion along the Kalu-Ganga River, which is covered with impassable mangroves. Here is a large number of expensive hotels and clubs. This is a beautiful family-friendly resort with children.

The main historical landmark of the city is the huge round Buddhist Temple of Kalutar Vihara, erected in 1960 in the south of the city near the bridge. Inside there is 72 pictures on which the Buddha's life is captured, as well as a large panoramic windowFrom which the entire city and river are visible.

Galle It is the third largest city resort Sri Lanka, which is located in the south-west of the island and is considered one of the main tourist regions of the country. But meanwhile, the beach holiday here is a little developed and the most closest regions where you can sunbathe and swim in the ocean, are Unawatun and Hikkaduva, which are 5 and 10 kilometers from the city.

A sightseeing holiday prevails in Galle, so the majority of tourists come here for a few days in order to join the culture of Lankans. The main attraction of the city is the Dutch Fort of the 17th century period, which UNESCO organization has been on the World Heritage List.

In the very center of the island, there is a beautiful mountain of Sigiria among the ever-green vegetation, at the top of which the city was built. The Lion Rock is one of the main attractions of Ceylon and is protected by the UNESCO World Organization. This city is surrounded beautiful gardens With fountains and is as if between the paws, the throat and jaws of the lion to which steps are leading. If you hit Sri Lanka, then Sigirus must be visited. But for this you will have to overcome the difficult rise in narrow stairs and go through the hanging bridge over the abyss.

Summing up can be said that all cities represent a certain resort value for tourists. But the best resorts are: Southern, Western and Central Cities, located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and, therefore, among them we can call such as: Unawatuna, Hikkaduva and Vadduva.

For a relaxing holiday, tourists choose Koggal and Bentot, and those who want to enjoy a beach holiday, sports and night entertainment - Hikkadawu. Northern and Eastern regions They cannot boast a widely developed tourist and hotel infrastructure, so usually visitors make an independent voyage to this part of the country in order to inspect the main attractions of the North-East Islands.

Sri Lanka is really a unique island in all respects. This is not just a country of absolute exotic, the birthplace of tea, elephants and coconut palm trees. This is something more: here you can detect the last island of relict forest; Not far from Kandy to see the dormant, inhaled dominates; Here you can look at the ancient cities, lost in the jungle ruins of the palaces and Buddhist sanctoes; Here you can also find the forests overgrown with dense lianas and ... sided by the crocodiles of the river. Already enough so that all this is the goal of a separate trip, right? Well, the beaches of this island stretch infinitely, and will need at least a month to turn around them ... So when and where it will be best?

Sri Lanka round year Wet roast or at least a warm climate, although not everywhere the same - the relief and the length of the island from the north to the south strongly affects the climate of the island. The average annual temperature on the plains is about +29 - 31 degrees (seasonal oscillations are very insignificant), in the mountainous part of the country, the temperature holds at about +16 - 24 degrees. The temperature of the water in the Indian Ocean all year round is +25 - 27ºС.

Rainy season falls for the period from May to September (southwest monsoon) for western and southern coast and S. october to April (northeast monsoon) for eastern coast.

From here I. best time For beach holidays in the country: october - April for South and Western coasts and may - September for Eastern Share. According to the experience of their own travel, Bamba Club notes that this division is very conditional: at any time of the year, on any coast of the island, there is always enough sunny days a year for a comfortable pastime on the beach.

To stay on the beach

Trinomale (Eastern Coast): May - September.
Popular Hotels: *, + *, *, Chaya Blu 4 *

Vadduva (West Coast): November - Mart
Popular Hotels: Serene Pavilions 5 *, Siddhalepa Ayurveda 5 *, The Blue Water 4 *, Villa Ocean View 3 *

Kalutar (West Coast): November - Mart
Popular Hotels: Royal Palms 5 *, Mermaid 3 *, Avani Kalutara 3 *, Hibiscus Beach 3 *, Tangerine Beach 4 *, The Sands by Aitken Spence Hotels 4 *

BEREVELLA (West Coast): November - Mart
Popular Hotels: Eden Resort & Spa 5 *, Lanka Princess 4 *

Bentota (West Coast): November - Mart
Popular Hotels: Bentota Beach (Cinnamon Beach) 4 *, Vivanta by Taj Bentota 5 *, The Surf Bentota (Ex. Lihiniya Surf) 4 *, Club Bentota 3 *, Serendipity 4 * (Ex. Avani Bentota)

Ahungalla (southwest coast): October - April
Popular Hotels: Heritance Ahungalle 5 *

Galle (southwest coast): October - April
Popular Hotels: AMANWELLA 5 *, Cantaloupe Aqua Boutique 4 *, JetWing Lighthouse (Ex. Lighthouse Hotel & Spa) 5 *, Unawatuna Beach Resort 4 *, Weligama Bay Resort 4 *

Coggal (southern coast): October - April
Popular Hotels: The Fortress 5 * Boutique

Dicwell (southern coast): October - April
Popular Hotels: Villa Jayananda 3 *, DiKwella Village Resort 4 *

Tangalle (southern coast): October - April
Popular Hotels: Eva Lanka Hotel 4 *, Tallalla Retreat 4 *, Ranna 212 4 *, Palm Paradise Cabanas 3 *, Buckingham Place 4 * Boutique, Turtle Bay 4 *

Places of mandatory visit with the country

The lifting on the "lion rock" will require a lot of strength. But it is worth it: from the top will open an amazing view of the surroundings, and on top of the rock you will see the ruins of the Palace of Cassa (V century AD), chopped pools and terraces.

Anurapura - the oldest capital of Sri Lanka. The exact date of the founding of the city is unknown. But archaeological excavations Sri Lanka confirm that the first settlements of the person in the area belong to the V century to our era.

"No drop, falling from heaven, should not get into the sea, without having benefited a person," the philosophy of those times when Polonnarva was the capital of the state. Kings built here a complex irrigation system, and to this day, artificial lake, canals, pools are preserved here.

Madly beautiful alpine landscapes create unique landscapes, without which the trip to Sri Lanka is unthinkable.

The trip to Kandy will like the lovers of cultural property. A special atmosphere is felt in Kandy, which attracts not only travelers who are in the spiritual search, but also ordinary people who dream of seeing milestones of Sri Lanka's stories.

Walk through the Royal Botanical Garden in Prani should be included in the program necessarily. It is not just a garden where more than 4800 plants have been planted from around the world, but also just very beautiful place - Favorite place of the promenade at the citizens themselves.

Pinnavel is the biggest elephant nursery in the country. Moreover, it contains the largest amount of elephants in captivity.

The cave temple complex in Dambulle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The one who loves nature and wants to look at wildlife in the natural environment of their habitat, can go to one of the national parks of the country. The largest on Sri Lanka is the Park Yala, which is located in the southeast of the country, leaving the beautiful coast of the Indian Ocean.

Observations for whales and dolphins in the open ocean.