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What sketches about teachers show on the last call? Humorous scene for the Day of Teacher "Choice of Profession", video. Action I. "Main Instinct"

The teacher's profession faces every person. At first he meets her in the form of a student, then - as a parent. Therefore, about teachers like almost all people. And without them can not do!

Funny scenes about teachers and lady parents

Oh, I got all the teachers this notorious Little Johnny! But, as it turns out, his parents are not inferior to him in knowledge, resourcefulness and self-confidence. Therefore, ridiculous scenes about teachers and lady's parents will successfully fit into school holiday scenarios.

Scene about Vovochnaya Pope and his exercise physical education

This miniature is quite suitable as a scene on the teacher's day. Funny stories related to incomprehensible parents - What can more cheer teachers? The plot of this scene begins with the fact that the school is Languchly dad with a bandaged head and on crutches. It requires the director of monetary compensation for injury, since in the clinic he does not give a bulletin with payment. The director is surprised: "Why should the school pay for a broken head?"

Yes, not a school, and your physical education teacher! It also forced children to do the exercise, which I also tried to perform, standing behind the door of the gym - And here is the result!

What demanded such an impossible Andrei Petrovich from children? - The director is surprised.

He told them: "Children, raise right leg! " I also raised my right leg. And he says: "And now raise left foot! " I tried to raise my left foot, holding my hands behind the windowsill, but fell, hitting my head about the floor ... and my feet were stuck in the heating battery! Just amazing how more of your children did not cripple!

Miniature "Anna Ivanovna from Kazan"

Success funny scenes about teachers written in classic styles. For example, it may be a miniature, something resembling a "fairy tale about fisherman and a goldfish."

Voya lived with his parents

Right near his school.

They lived there for five years and two months.

Vovochka went to this school,

And parents regularly visited meetings.

Once the father appeared to the meeting,

Look - the teacher is all in Tour.

And the father teacher asked here:

What happened, Anna Ivanovna?

Responsible to the father of the teacher:

Mount bitter we have an adventure!

Commission came to school,

Attended the lessons different.

So they looked into our class, yes ...

Surprised everyone, I will not hide, Little Johnny

Simply, you can say, completely shook!

He stated an honest commission,

Like, I love extource without memory,

Called "myths from Kazan" ... yes ...

About the legend he did not mention

Even clarified: they say, in Kazan

These myths wrote mythologists -

Indigenous Kazan residents.

Here the father was surprised at large:

What are you unhappy, Ivanovna?

My son told you such a compliment

And you do not like to taste!

So the occupation is extracurricular

It was very different!

There not only about myths were speech,

And also about SKA-Oh-NI!

And here quite from anger father:

If you yourself, Anna Ivanovna,

A native is the city,

What is called today Kazan,

This is not an argument, alas,

Attack a child with a claim!

How did you come from that

What, as if, was born in Kazan?

So you yourself said, they say, in the lesson

We study myths. And - with Kazan I!

The teacher grabs his head and scream: "Oh!" Runs from the scene. Vovochno dad shrugs and goes to the other side.

Old man Hottabych - And was he?

You can submit scenes for the day of the teacher's day, in which an ancient folio will be used with hieroglyphs in it. You can get it from a bottle that the Wolf catch in the sea. All in the hall will be expected to expect Gina, and here ... and the lolk will also be surprised - in the book, it is very differently written!

And you can still release Gin on the scene along the scene on the day of the teacher. Funny commandments that Old Man Hottabych will surely laugh all the teachers and disciples! Although foliants for reading in a purely teacher's circle and on a common holiday with students should be, all the same, different.

"Commanded with a young teacher from experienced colleagues" with a demonstration

Funny scenes are very creative will be held if the rules that enter them will not only be read, but also play. For example, it may look like that.

Presenter (experienced teacher):


Division, Tamara Stepanovna!

And more specifically, Natasha, how?

Shovel, Tamara Stepanovna!

Okay, Natasha, God with them, with worms ... And call me ten animals that live in Africa.

Four crocodile and six monkeys!

Everything, Natasha, my patience is over! Come on your diary, I will put a two in it!

And I don't have it now ... I took it on Vasilisa for a while. She will scare their parents today.

Miniatures on the plot of jokes about Lovoch for the boy

How much will it be twice two? Tanya, answer!

Five thousand, Mary-Bath!

Wrong. What do you think, Petenka?

I think Tuesday!

You do not think at all, Petenka. And if you think, then not with brains ... Little Way, maybe you know the right answer?

Of course, Mary-Ivanna! Twice two will be four!

Quite right, smartly you, Little John! How did you guess?

So if if from five thousand to take away Tuesday, then it turns out four!

The second scene can be built on the conversation of the Vovochka with his parents. Mom is sainted son what was today at school. Vovochka proudly replies:

Mary Ivanna praised you for friendship!

What is it like? - asks an surprised mom.

She said that "Well, Little Johnny, thank you very much to your parents, I have been working for me! And she also asked everyone to say, there are native brothers and sisters. I first answered!

What did you say?

Well, so I said that I am the only child in the family! And Maria Ivanovna wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised his hands to heaven and happily exclaimed: "Thank you, Lord!"

About how to invent plots miniature for school holidays

All stages are displaying reality. They do not need to invent them at all. Just just carefully watch children and teachers and write down everything funny cases. Nobody will write better than life itself.

According to the tradition that prevailed in each of the Russian schools, on the day of the teacher, all classes prepare their original performances. Long until October 5, a festive date, initial, middle and older classes prepare dancing and scenes on the day of the teacher. Funny, humorous speeches guys and this solemn day is interpreted by reading unusual school stories, stories about the lives of teachers of the team, personal congratulations of each of the teachers and the presentation of flowers and small, but always such pleasant gifts. Come up with or find on the net or book Scene for the day of the teacher ─ the decision of the individual, accepted by the Schoolchildren themselves. High school students, disciples of 10-11 skills, can prepare a dance or scene on the day of the teacher without the participation of teachers and parents. Primary classes necessarily help representatives of the parent team, senior comrades in school, teachers, leaders of music teams and a music teacher.

Funny humorous scenes for teacher's day - video

The most favorite scenes, long-awaited performances on the day of the teacher, are small humorous ideas. In ridiculous performances, children take part with a big hunt. In these mini-productions on the day of the teacher, negligent students are usually ridiculed, unnecessarily strict and picky teachers, formidable parents, school order, assessments system, exams ... In principle, all that somehow refers to the topic "School" may become a beautiful topic For improvised cheerful scenes. Often the guys stage well-known literary works.

Funny Scene for Teacher's Day "Othello and Dzentameron", video

For example, two young actors participate in the scene on the day of the teacher "Othello and Dzentameron". Dzemameon ─ the school teacher absorbed completely with his work ─ absolutely does not understand the claims of her husband Othello. The same, reproaching a disordered wife in the absence of elementary food in the refrigerator, first gently she advises to buy something to eat, go to the store. Dzentameon's wife does not respond to claims; And, a hungry spouse, Holochlo is thrown into the wife of a teacher who is too busy with his students. For this formulation requires only two people, but they should be the most artistic guys.

Humorous scene for the day of the teacher "Choice of Profession", video

Participation in this scene, on the day of the teacher, can take several students. The specifics of the formulation such that the number of actors should not exceed 7-8 people: the guys are simply confused in words. Less than 4-5 participants, the number of actors will reduce interest in a funny production. Before the start of the speech, the guys are built in a row. The first of them begins to tell in verses or simply in their own words the advantages of the profession chosen by him. At the same time, he should actively gesticulate, depicting himself in the work on the selected specialty. The task of the next participant of the scene on the teacher's day is the same, but closer to the end of his performance, the first actor again begins to actively report all the advantages of his work. The third actor tells about his profession, showing the movements of himself in work. All spoke in front of him praise the merits of their activities. As a result, it turns out very funny, mesh, but excellent work.

Humorous Scene "Funny Double" for Teacher's Day, Video

To make this staging for the day of the teacher, preparation is required. The topic can be chosen any. The whole "salt" here ─ correctly selected dubbing of actors. Guys only depict situations from school Life, without forgetting it is ridiculous to gesticulate, articulate, behave as if they ourselves utter text. At this time, recording, cutting phrases from movies, cartoons, popular songs, poems. The guys get "other people's" voices, and in the end everything comes very funny!

Interesting scenes on teacher's day for high schools on video

Preparing scenes on the day of the teacher, the guys from senior classes can present fantasies from their future family life, Particular politicians, popular singers and artists. Schoolchildren can portray future life each of the class students. For example, an actor playing the role of a dudeller can show how in the future the Mount-student is arranged to work, becoming the same grief-employee. One day from the life of the school "botany" after the release to portray will also be fun and interesting. In a popular scene, the "control" can not even try to portray something. The situation when "hit" the test, and you do not know anything, known, every student. Most likely, the guys will know themselves and will change something in their lives in time, and they will help them do it, of course, teachers.

Music Scene for the Day of the teacher for senior classes

For the day of the teacher, high school students can prepare a musical scene. Excellent solution For a fun scene will be the female images to boys, and girls entrust male roles. On the day of performances in a musical scene, the actors do not utter words themselves. For this, there are cuts from songs with words corresponding to the playful situation. The main thing for the day of the teacher is emotional on the scene.

Scene-parody of the teacher's day for senior classes

Particular performances of popular artists are easy and fun. Picture on the "Clip" scene to the famous song is ridiculous for everyone, including for senior teachers. Teacher's Day ─ Happy holiday, Therefore, on this day, all the performances should be with a notch of humor, with an enthusiasts, jokes.

You can also bury the best performances on Eurovision!

Merry scenes on teacher's day for primary classes on video

Unlike high school students, schoolchildren in primary grades There are no need to memorize complex and long scenes. That is why students of grades 1-4 on the teacher's day is better to distribute small texts of short performances. Excellent idea It will prepare one big performance on the teacher's day, consisting of mini-sketches. Better, if it is anecdotal situations, parodies to school and parents, on their classmates.

Scene "Lesson for Parents" for the day of the teacher for junior classes

In this formulation, on the day of the teacher's student primary classes Place the scene from the life of parents and their children. The son of trying to distract the "ancestors" from their favorite watching TV and advertising, asks the older sister to spend time together, but parents seriously convince the child that their classes are extremely important. As a result, "Dete", no one needs, "rolls" to the bottom. Words for actors can come up with the same or use the texts submitted by the parties to the production.

Dance for Teacher's Day: Perfects Grade 5 (Video)

Preparing the speech on the teacher's day, the guys from grade 5 can choose a dance. Staging dance K. festive DayAs a rule, the senior comrades of the five-graders are engaged in, their parents or the guys themselves visiting ballroom and sports dancing. Dance can open a concert in honor of a solemn day or become part of a big concert.

Dance directions The day of the teacher guys and the director choose themselves. It may be a contemp (modern dance with elements of theatrical stage), disco, rock and roll, beautiful ballroom dance, hip-hop. The main thing when choosing the number ─ its entertainment and, of course, the availability of movements for young dancers. The performers can use their artistic talents.

Musical numbers and dances for the day of the teacher from the 10th grade (video)

Schoolchildren engaged in dance studios and just enthusiasts put their dance for the day of the teacher.

High school students, student 10 classes, can be portrayed in a dance stage from school life or simply present the views of the audience beautiful, elegant ballroom dance or waltz.

October 5th to see the concert, expect to see from students elementary school, 5-10 classes of dancing and funny, humorous scenes on the day of the teacher. Of these, both on bricks, and there is a bright, unexpected discoveries of new talent guys, a solemn concert for teachers and guests of the school.

Interesting and funny scenes for schoolchildren. Scenes about school and about teachers.

Scene for schoolchildren.

Dear teachers!

(Play from school life)





Part 1

Leading(from students): Dear gathered! Our archiving solemn meeting I propose to declare open! Today on the agenda one problem: decide what we do next to the school.

pupils(from the place): right! How much can you endure!

Leading:Because we do not comply with the main law of school life - "I need to learn to be fun!". The word for the report is provided to the main trash class Zaitsev.

Zaitsev: Why do I walk? Because my body requires sleep. And in comfortable conditions. I'm not poured on the desk. And then, there are such idiot teachers who will be at the most inopportune moment. I personally think it is a disgrace!

Lisitsyn (from the spot): You do not wake up, so you are lying on your neighbors! I believe that, on the contrary, the main problem is that in the lesson too boring! There must be loud music, disco there, something like that!

Leading:I will ask to comply with the regulations! And you, Lisitsyn, do not stick out, until you gave the floor. Go on, hares. What are your constructive suggestions?

Zaitsev:I have such constructive offers. Since we are forced to go to this school, should create human conditions. Although clamshells, or put! And please, protect against all sorts of foxes. Let them in another wing do, since they need music and rumble! I personally do not need.

Leading:So you are for separate learning? There is a rational grain in it. Secretary, write down: clamshells and separate learning. Who wants to add essentially? Morovkin!

Morovkovkin: I personally do not like what our health suffers in school. Do you know statistics? Solid scoliosis and gastritis. Lisitsyn Rights - if not dancing, so the pool would have done in the assembly hall, or something. And you need a normal human restaurant with a normal healthy food so that the stomachs are not coffin. Kebabs there, ice cream. Chebureks. The list can then be compiled.

Leading: I think there are no objections. (Refers to the secretary.) Recording: Restaurant instead of the caneground, swimming pool instead of the actual hall. I would add the tennis table to each class. Who is next?

Retrootes: We are not talking about. In the end, it's all the periphery. We come to school and sit in it the best 11 years of your life, and for what? What are we taught? Dear fellow! Sad I look at the current education system. It is terribly far from the people. So: Attention! At school, it is necessary to urgently open additional courses on extremely important disciplines. They will be studied and really necessary for the survival of the student things. For example: the best way To write off, the best way to distract the teacher in the lesson how to unwind parents for money, how to bring the school burden to a minimum how to spend school time nice and with benefit.

Leading: I personally, I respect the Encotov, that he knows how to think not only constructively, but also within reality. Since we will still be forced to serve this period, you need to spend it with minimal losses. Secretary, Speech by Enotov I ask you to write almost literally! I suggest everyone attending to think about leisure, in which disciplines we really need. So. The next question is. What do we do with teachers? Goshkin will speak with the presentation.

Goshkin: I really observed here, but they are, in kind, there are generally obsessed. Any rubbish await everybody, I had a dad yesterday, an Analgin floor packaged after my math challenges tried to solve. My mother then knocked pressure. And yell something! And what to yell? Well, I blurted out yesterday that Vilnius is a breed of Kangaroo, so what, who is bad from this? I suggest everyone who yells and tasks to the house, drive out of school.

Koshkin: And who will remain? You, Goshkin, the wrong principal. It is necessary to work with the material that is. Do not drive out, but to re-educate!

Senkin: And they feel sorry for them! We also have to suffer! You, Koshkin, especially! Who yesterday in the dining room in my compote Tarakana threw? You yourself are still re-educated and re-educate!

Goshkin: Ha! Sorry! You spare yourself! They are generally our class enemies, you can say!

Leading:Let's do without class segregation, please. Go on, Senkin.

Senkin:No, really, you just think. By 8 am every day. Especially do not walk, because in adults on this score still strictly troubles. We tolerate them one for a lesson, they are us - thirty immediately. Imagine, Goshkin, that you would have for 45 minutes with thirty teachers to communicate! Horror! Here only from Redkina with Fedkin, you can - not only yell, but also to bite! This is any of us, just that they are on the head of the portfolio - and for fifteen minutes you can relax. And teachers such methods are prohibited.

Koshkin: And my father says that everyone chooses his destiny. Nobody voted them to school in school. Unlike us, by the way. Since they came, let them suffer.

Senkin:Good to talk! And she, maybe there was a snotty girl when her parents persuaded to go to the ped. You know, what ancestors come?! Especially do not argue. And now old to learn in a new one, but nothing else can. Won your milf is a cleaning woman, what does it feel about it all his life?

Koshkin: And where is she going with the three children? She may, let's learn, but who will contain it?

Senkin:So teachers. Sometimes they broke out, and now suffer from the last strength. And we, in turn, should show humanity and do not get angry as you, Goshkin, and find ways to establish relationships and influence gently, delicately.

Leading: Okay, Senkin, everyone understood. You are smart, in short, your task is to organize studies on the study of teachers and the correction of their behavioral stereotype.

Swallow: Or maybe we have a vacation at all? Let him resist a little, at the same time.

Leading:They would be happy, and who will allow them? They have attendance, the program.

Swallow:What are we, ourselves can't hold a lesson? Let them slowly wobby to school, try on the back of the paper, and we will all read what is there. And let them relax at least a week-another. And then on some and really look hurt - such dropped, the madhouse cries.

Leading: Personally, I do not mind. Who agrees? We write. And how do we present them?

Senkin: Yes, come up with something!

Leading: Okay. I believe that today's assembly we spent with benefit. Will be working.

All go.

Part 2

On stage two - Lead and Senkin.

Leading:Dear teachers! We are terribly happy to congratulate you on the upcoming day of the teacher! In this solemn day, we want to tell you about how hot we love you and how grateful to you for all that you are doing for us.

Senkin: Dear teachers! We know how you are tired on your hard work. Therefore, we have prepared a surprise. We are in a hurry to delight you! You do not need to prepare for the next two weeks! Because we will lead them for you ... We! And you are quiet and peacefully will be resting on the backs. How the most lazy your students.

Leading: And we promise not to shame you, do not cause your parents to school.

Senkin: Do not clutch your heads unbearable tasks.

Leading: Do not find fault with your appearance.

Senkin: You can even be late!

Leading: And skip classes!

Senkin:No, we, of course, will try to be interested in our classes. But I will not catch it!

Leading:And we wish you all:

Everything (in turn):

- Happiness!

- Health!

- Energy!

- courage!

- Have a good mood!

- Caught pupils!

- Responsible parents!

- Loyal administration!

- Optimism!

- And big salary!

Everything (Choir): Happy Holidays!

Boys come out in lush skirts, dance kankan and sing a comic song on a melody from operetta.

Without school, it is impossible to live in the world, no.

In it, the happiness of life,

In it, destiny dawn.

Teachers are taught here

Me, you, you, me.

We are connected with the fate of one.

Since childhood, we come here with you,

School replaced the house

We go here every day.

We will congratulate you on this holiday

From the heart and soul now

We will play and sing

About how fun we live.

We will play and sing

About how fun, how happily live happily.

Scene for schoolchildren

Theatrical presentation of the Ring Show

On stage two teams. Before one plate, on which "parents" is written in large letters, before the other - Teacher.

Leading: Attention attention! Our microphone is installed at the parent meeting N-th school. Teacher team against parent team. Who will win? So, dear fans who are sick for? Yes, their parents, but also a pity teachers ... So, they started!

1st teacher: Dear comrades parents! We invited you today then to report new disgraces secured by your children.

1st parent: Dear teacher comrades! Our houses are standing next to your school, and we see with our own eyes that you allow yourself your disciples.

2nd teacher: Your children.

2nd parent: Your disciples.

3rd teacher:Interestingly, who brings it from the house frogs and makes them squat in the lessons?

3rd parent: And who forces children to cut at home the legs of the chairs, allegedly performing homework By work?

4th teacher: And what if all your homework are you doing for your children?

4th parent: Specify stupid tasks and want children from it to you!

5th teacher: Yeah, but what are you wise! And who for a good mark of children gives prizes? Interestingly, just how much of our fives is your pay?

5th parent: And our calculations with children do not concern you.

6th teacher: Have you seen your children made with the walls of the school?

6th parent: And who taught them them?

7th teacher: And sloppy!

7th parent: Yes, you look at your school! And in general, it has long been time to organize parking. And then you come for the child, I have nowhere to put the car.

8th teacher: That's about, long ago it would not hurt to assist the school in the landscaping of the territory.

8th parent: Your disciples ...

9th teacher: Your children!

Leading:Stop, draw, the question remained open.

The new school year is for schoolchildren exciting. What is a wonderful feeling of adopting a new start, meetings of old friends, and progress that goes moving up from class to class. What kind school time without holidays, draws and scenes ? We selected for you the most successful about teachers and guys. They will help you make life more interesting.

School Scene on the day of knowledge

Scene on the day of the teacher - the battle of teachers. 5 people participate.
With a good game without clamping, the ability to show is ridiculous, this script for the teacher's day will be if not the best, sometimes simple dressing in diapers looks funnier, but we have another task) that most interesting, unlike the rest and thoughtful.

Host: So we start the transmission, the "Battle of Teachers" - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this complex task. We hurry to warn, we have everything honestly and without a support, attaining, tips and footsteps.

To fulfill the task, a teacher of junior classes Ivanova Maria Ivanovna is invited. Marya Ivanovna You will have to enter the class today and will force the student of the third grade Sidorow Vasya to give a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give a diary.
Student: do not give.
Teacher: Sidorov Open your briefcase, give the diary.
Pupil: I have his grandmother before going to read it.
Teacher: Vasya let's give a diary, and then in the journal two put.
Vasya: And for what?

Host: Unfortunately, time left.
We invite the second teacher - Petrova Peter Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily give a diary, and I will give you a candy.
Pupil: I have a father director of the Konfat Factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in the corner!
Pupil: And what did I not see there?

Host: How not regrettable, but this task did not have time to fulfill the second teacher. We invite our third candidate Sidorov Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why do you not give the diary to teachers?
Pupil: I forgot at home (slides from the desk)
Teacher: Give a diary, please
Student: neot. (uncertain)
Teacher: I call Father (pulls out the phone, pretends to choose in contacts)
Pupil: (takes out a diary on which I sat) my mother on the diary, only the father is not called! those.

Host: As our transfer showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental care it is very difficult. The cooperation of teachers and parents gave the result this week - which will be the next battle, learn tomorrow.

Scene about schoolchildren and policeman

The schoolboy comes into the office. At the table is a policeman.
Policeman: Kostya Igoshin? Come on. Now we will conduct identification. From this, a lot depends, you understand?
Schoolboy: Understand
Militizer: Look carefully, do you know anyone?
The student looks carefully. Only he is shown (it is not clear who he identifies it).
Schoolboy: (sad shapes head) No.
Police: (indignantly) look attentively! Maybe all the same learn someone?
It turns out that the schoolboy passed along the walls with portraits of great Russian writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy ...)
Schoolboy: Nea
Militizer: Even Pushkin do not know! For the second year, Igoins!

Scene for younger school

Vovka: Listen, I'll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took the folder in the mouse and went to Uncle Yura, Momka ordered.
Andrei: Ha ha ha! True, ridiculous.
Vovka (surprised): Why is it funny? I still did not start talking.
Andrei (Khokhalo): folder ... under the mouse! Well invented. Yes, your folder under the mouse and does not fit, he is not a cat!
Vovka: Why "My Folder"? Folder - Papin. Did you go wrong from laughter, what?
Andrei: (winking and knocking themselves on his forehead): Ah, I guessed! Grandfather - under the mouse! He himself says, and teaches. Now it is clear: the folder of the papin is your grandfather Kolya! But in general, you have come up with it - funny and with a mystery!
Vova (offended): What is your grandfather Kohl? I wanted to tell you something quite different. I did not listen, but laugh, you interfere with. Yes, my grandfather was sent out, planted under the mouse, what a storyteller was found! I'd rather go home than talking with you.
Andrei (himself, remaining one): And what is he offended? Why should I tell funny stories if you can not laugh?

Scene from school life about teacher and student

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down a small story that I give you a predictory.
The student goes to the board and is preparing to write.
Teacher (dictators): "Dad and mother scolded the war for bad behavior. Vova was silent to blame for himself, and then gave a promise to correct."
The student writes under the dictation on the board.
Teacher: Perfect! Emphasize in its story all nouns names.
The student emphasizes the words: "Pope", "Mom", "Vova", "Behavior", "Vova", "Promise".
Teacher: Ready? We defined in what cases these nouns are standing. Understood?
Pupil: Yes!
Teacher: start!
Pupil: "Dad and Mom". Who? What? Parents. So, Padent Page.
Scolded whom what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So, the case of a nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. It can be seen something did something. So, the "behavior" is the case of hardware.
Vova was silent to blame. So, here at the "Vova" case of the accusative.
Well, and "promise", of course, in a dutiful case, since Vova gave him!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out the original! Nesi-ka diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark would you suggest to put yourself?
Pupil: What? Of course, a five!
Teacher: So, the top five? By the way, in what case did you call this word - "five?"
Pupil: in the proposed!
Teacher: in the proposed? Why?
Pupil: Well, I suggested it myself!

Scene about literature lesson

Class. Board. Children are sitting in the classroom. On the board number.

Teacher: So, today we will talk with you about the novel Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"! Pichuzkin!
Pichuzkin reluctantly gets up because of the desk.
Pichecin: Marya Vladimirovna, I did not read
Teacher: And what did you do?
Pichecin: (Many) I ... watched a "spider man" ...
In the Class Boy
Teacher: Maybe Schieglov will tell us about the image of Raskolnikov?
Scheglov also reluctantly gets up because of the desk
Scheglov: I, too ... I looked about spider ...
Teacher: Good !!! And what attracts you in this "spider man"?
Pichuzkin: Well ... they shoot it
Scheglov: ... and then Batz - Web! And everyone won!
Teacher: Shoot! Web! Do you know that the image of a person-spider takes a special place in American animation of the end of the twentieth century. The Volgutyment of the New York Rounds interrupts the classic phrase: "A spiderman is going to us!" The forces of evil becomes opposition to our hero. Besides the fact that the Spiderman is a dispenser, he is a mutant to the brain of bones, which he, by the way, is not! Critics determine the character of a man-spider as "decisive, solid, American"! Unlike Drama Chukovskgo, our spider with human person, and nothing human, as well as the scope, he is not alien! This makes it flirting to sput the skyscrapers, where the hero is towering over the bustle of the megapolis hero himself asks the question "Creator I trembled, or a person who is able to love and forgive? !!"
Children listen to mouth open
Teacher: Record the topic of the next essay: "Pokemonovshchyna, or who will live well in Japan"!

Merry mini sketches about teachers

Rings call. Teachers are departed in the class for the parties as students. It includes a student who represents himself as a teacher.

Student. Well, who is ready to answer?
Physical education teacher (pulls hand). Can! Can!
Pupil (surprised). Gym teacher?
Physical education teacher. No, I go out.
Student. Sit! Ta-AK, as always there are no volunteers. Then we will answer ... Teacher geography.
Geography teacher. Why am I right!
Student. Well, Miklukha-Maclay, tell us where the Black Sea flows. Do not prompt! Do not know? Shame! Third twice in a row! Very bad.
Physical education teacher (pulls hand). I want to go out!
Student. What for?
Physical education teacher. And I'm on the ear. (Whispering.)
Student. Again, lean from lessons? For fun starts gathered? Will not come out, Alexander Petrovich! We now have mathematics. Mathematics - Queen fields.
Mathematic teacher. Not fields, but sciences.
Student. I know better! Answer Lyudmila Pavlovna, what is the sum of square cathets?
Mathematic teacher. What cathets?
Student. Do not know? Maybe you and did not hear anything about square hypotenuse? Two, Lyudmila Pavlovna, two! Come tomorrow with parents! And you, Valentin Nikolaevich, that shine, everything is in order with chemistry? Answer at what temperature will the straight angle boil? Do not know? Your Troika ordered to live long! And you blurred the control, and you are bad with alkalis. So your Bit card. For the second year!

Scene about upset students

Lead 1: In one settlement N, was a school.
Leading 2: And the school students really did not like the teachers.
Lead 1: Learn is forced, with duty bored, the five will not surret.
Leading 2: And the school students decided to behave badly in the lessons - teachers will be bored and will go away.
Leading 1: Once upon a time they came to the class and says ...
Cool Mom: What do you do, do not duty in the class for a week already, you can not cope with you.
Pupils: And we do not want us to be taught and we will do everything we want.
Cool mom: Apparently it will not work for me to cope with you, I have long been invited to a higher paying job, but you did not want to quit.
Leading 2: Cool mom's village on a foreign car and flew away, far away.
Lead 1: And the children are noisy
Leading 2: Even the director cannot calm down ... I thought the director and invited the whole class to myself on a conversation.
Director: I have to warn you that you will most likely stay this year without certificates.
Pupils: Do not have right!
Director: No teacher wants to work with you, everyone says - better dismount.
Pupils: Well, okay, we will move to another school.
Lead 1: Send students to another school. Yes, and there they did not accept them .., everyone already knew about them.
Lead 2: Pupils came to the Minister of Education, their rights to defend.
Minister: I know about your problem, reported.
Pupil: So what? Why so far we do not learn, we need certificates and teachers do not blame us.
Minister: The fact is that there is only one school consonant to accept you, the rest refuse, they say firing, and we have so many teachers for a replacement, even if you take out from abroad (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.)
Pupils: Is the school far?
Minister: Yes, not very, take the address from the secretary and go.
Lead 1: We went to school students new.
Leading 2: unfamiliar
Pupils: Yes, if we do not want to remain without certificates you need to suffer a little here.
Director: Good afternoon, glad to meet, is it a class of an abandoned school?
Pupils: Who are you? And why from abandoned?
The director: Abandoned, because the teachers work their favorite was abandoned and now they get more and calmer them there, and the school stands without teachers, and students on other schools were driving. And I ask me to call me on you and named after
And this is your new instructor.
Instructor: Well, quickly stop lying on! Push up number once, in our educational institution Iron discipline. Pressing number two! We repeat - in our institution Iron discipline! And so forty times, the countdown went ..time! (Students do push-ups and repeat iron discipline in our institution

The concert of the song "I love you, my Krasnodar" (SL. And MUZ N. Tananko)


Krasnodar is a huge city with many schools in which on this day, all the teachers celebrate their professional holiday - the day of the teacher. And among this set of schools there is one - our. How Motherland is one, his own, unique for those who dedicated her life, gave a lot of spiritual strength and health, for those who do not think of themselves in this world, for you, teachers! For you, the sun is shining dazzling on this day, and only bright autumn flowers are revealed for you, the trees are dressed in gold and purple, and the world opens their eyes on this day only to look at you and admire you. And in this little Hall With great love we perform a romantic dance exclusively for you!

Executed dance

Who are they? - students. Who are we? - Teachers. Without them there is no point in us. Without us, they will not pass. So, we bring to your attention a performance in three actions with a prologue and an epilogue "To continue the conversation on the topic" We and they ".

It will talk about

What to be teachers

Perhaps and honorable

But hard, just horror!

We are now singing

And you decide for yourself -

Laugh without laughing

Or maybe stupid. In the main roles, the most creative personalities of our school, whom you will certainly learn at first sight.


In the epicenter of spiritual darkness,

Where the hearts are cold not to read

There is hope - they and we

So, there is a chance to win!

It means on these craft days

You can give people heat!

There are in the world we and they

So, the world is lucky again!

And soul fire retarding

People will again be again people

Because we are and they.

For each other - they and we.

/ Music sounds, the curtain rises. On the scene, the situation "teacher" /

Leading: We are the first!

Scene"Sowing in teacher"

/ Three teachers sit at the table, are engaged in their affairs:

the first checks the notebook, the second - physical education teacher - inflates the ball, the third dorms /

Leading: Three teachers day

Talked about their own.

First: / breaks away from notebooks /

And we have gas. This time!

There is enough money to us barely. These are two!

Look at the salary! These are three!

Second: So do you have gas?

First: Yes!

Second: And we have a plumbing! Here!

Third: And from our window

A bunch of garbage is visible.

Second: Yes from our window

Also visible, but a little.

First: I cooked dinner yesterday.

In the soup threw, all that was!

It turned out at least where -

Salt, laurel and water!

Second: Listen, you live cool!

Eat or drink sweetly!

First: Oh, I do not know, the girl,

How can I live with such a salary?

I will come out with grief I am in the courtyard.

Sharp the ax, / zamahuza /

And ... I'll try in the morning

Soup cook from the ax!

Second: / appeals to the third /

What, ballob, silent?

Quietly so sit?

Third: Oh, the girl, I'm silent.

Because I want to sleep. / Yawns /

Second: Where did you have all night?

Why didn't you sleep?

Third: In that, girls, and the thing -

At the table was sitting all night.

Second:Have you ever met guests?

Third: Not! Dictates checked!

First: Is there a job on the "five"?

Third: God with you! What are you! What are you!

If you want, here, look!

First: / Watch dictates /

As usual "two", yes "three".

Second: Well, of course, well, still!

They are not up to study!

First: Do not ask the house

Second: Delive!

Third: What to do to us, sister?

To teach them to learn!

That would be beauty!

Second: This, girls dream!

First: What to do?

Third: Just live.

They are, as it is, love.

Well, okay, I have time!

I go to 9 "a".

Second: Wanted good luck to me!

I'm leaving in 5 "d"! / Opiva leather gloves and helmet /

First: Well, I will stay alone!

I already have two "windows"! / offers second boxing gloves /

Want, on, my put on!

Ahead of the hard day!

Both teachers leave, one remains and continues to check the notebook. The skeins are slightly rushing, so that the notebook inspecting the notebook was in the center of the scene /

Leading: And now - they!

Music Scene "Cute My Teacher"

/ The student stages a song on the "Accountant" motive from the repertoire of the group "Combination" /

In my native school, I go to learn again

In a short skirt and in leather coat,

After all, I am an ordinary girl - a student,

Although it does not say anything!

Towards me in my sweatshten dimensionless

There is a teacher, and in the eyes of a dumb sadness!

With his salary, he did not become a millionaire!

Teacher he is simple. Yes, let him!

Chorus: Teacher, my dear teacher.

Here it is what! So simple!

Teacher, my dear teacher.

Forgot about fatigue and peace!

Teacher, my dear teacher!

Here it is what! So simple!

Teacher, my dear teacher!

But you are the most expensive!

Mileu teacher does not know in the life of the place!

Spread the stacks of notebooks on the table!

Candy will eat, throw jacket to warm up.

And it will only think about me.

The working day has long been completed.

But only the school leaves it in no hurry!

And every day, and every hour, and day, and at night

For us the soul of the teacher hurts!

/ Curtain descends /

Action I. "Main Instinct"

Dossier / Reads music from k / f "17 moments of spring" /

Landscaped bagels. Student 7 "a" class. True Orien from Owl "yelling." a brief description of: Hooligan, Walk, Dweller. Always punctual. Fences for each lesson strictly for 15 minutes! In the links that flashes it, comes daily and hourly! For the appropriate behavior, there has a reward - bruise under the left eye of the II degree and a bump on the top of the I degree. Lasting for a lesson, as usual, for 15 minutes, Vovochka bagels slowly walked along the corridor, thinking about the plan for further action, until his attention was attracted by a strange, the familiar smell. Vovochka boldly went on the smell!

/ Curtain opens. On the stage interior of the school canteen.

On one of the tables lies a bun, wrapped in shiny packaging paper. The student sings a song, beating her. /

Song "Ah, what a bun"

/ on the motive "Ah, what a woman" from the repertoire of the Frestyle group /

In a school little buffet.

The very mile in the whole light.

Pier strolling poor fellow.

And on the table opposite

You lie, overflowing,

In packaging paper.

What happened to me suddenly?

The bag fell out of the hands,

Skilled head empty.

I b it!

I do not see anything around.

I'm moving closer to her,

Different smell nose sick.

The aroma is so manit

And my brains are my fog.

Oh, how sweet in it is Tone I!

How close we are, here's it!

From the table and to the table

Only the hand stretch! ..

Oh, what a bun, what a bun!

I b it!

/ Comes out another student with a cup of tea, comes to a bun, turns around and starts eating, teasing Labing Bublikov /

Eat another you, I know!

After all, he bought for tea.

And only silent saliva I swallow me!

Burns in breasts strongest fire -

Not mine you, not mine!

So why do you want me?

Where I have strength to find

Stand calmly and leave

And forget the dream of your empty? ..

Oh, what a bun, what a bun!

I b it!

Immersed in his sweet dreams, Vovochka Bagelov did not notice how time flew.

/ Rings Call / "Call!" - thought Lovochka and slowly headed for the class!

/ curtain descends /

Action II. "Where we are not,"

or "Tale of Liturbian class"


Where we are not with you at that moment

Only because we are here

It is always better for some reason ...

Just ask you to take into account

That in those places where we are not, by the way,

Also not sweet now ...

"Where we are not." Well, if shorter -

"The fairy tale about Lithoons Class."

/ Curtain rises. On the interior scene classroom room. Two parties: Last Bageliks are sitting on the back, on the first - two student - Petrov and Sidorov. Petrov is a terrible hooligan, Sidorov - Lazy and Sonya. Sidor snores lying on the desk. Petrov this is very indignant. Teacher at the table Something monotonically reads /

Picture I.

"I'll kill you, sidor"

/ The student who acting the role of Petrova beats a song on the motive "I will kill you, the boatman" from the repertoire of Professor Lebedinsky /

Petrov:Dorming the tricky class is our backward.

Poor teacher reads tired.

Sit at the lesson. And the topic about AIDS.

And on the left of the sega, it snores loudly.

And then I pushed him by my shoulder and quietly said:

"I'll kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I'll kill you, Sidorov! "

Teacher:Petrov, can be honey, please?/ continues to read /

Petrov:What are you dripped in the nose?

And he stored everything and so smiled!

I look at the "alarm clock". Soon the call!

I am new topic Not at all.

And then I grabbed him for breast and shouted:

"I'll kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I'll kill you, Sidorov! "

Teacher:Petrov, I asked you, hiding!

Petrov:Yes cho you, in kind! Slightly, so Petrov!

And drinks, they say, and smokes, and hits the boys!

I did not leave the growth, the mind is not rich!

I am a difficult teenager and this is glad!

Teacher:Petrov, I do not understand what can be rejected here?

Petrov:And the fact that everyone is afraid of me when I start to yell:

"I'll kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I will kill you, Sidorov!

I'll kill you, Sidorov! "

/ Petrov comes to the teacher, the teacher in fear moves to the side. At this point in the class enters the Deputy Director for Educational Work and Teacher of Physics /

Deputy. Director: What's the matter, Petrov?

Petrov:Sorry, I got excited!

Deputy. Director: Sit into place, Petrov, and always remember that ...

/ Deputy The director performs a song on the motive "I am ingenious detective" from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians" /

I will pick up

I do not need help!

Any test

I will stand alone!


Hardy ox

And Nyuh, like a dog.

And the eye, like an eagle!

I'm all hooligans

Fear like fire!

And seeds in pockets

Do not hide from me!

Stop any fights -

Usual things!

After all, Nuh, like a dog

And eye, like an eagle!

Commander Parad

Madly I love,

And if necessary,

I shave everyone!

And know the gabbs -

Strict I, but not evil!

And scent, like a dog,

And eye, like an eagle!

Deputy. Director: Clear, Petrov?

Petrov: Clear! / Rings Call /

Deputy. Director:Everybody's Free. And you, Little Johnny, Lady!

/ All go away. The scene remains Lovochka and the teacher of physics. They sit at the first desk and begin to put experiments, overflow the fluid in test tubes /

Poor Vovochy was again waiting for trouble, this time in the person of the physics teacher, who, with a striking, who did not understand the understanding persistence, tried to introduce into the brain, Bublikov, and consolidate the most difficult information in it, which did not resist in the brain, and simply the nature took her own, and The brain of Vovochka Bublikov categorically rejected this most valuable information. With this sad fact, neither the teacher could fight, nor the Labovoya bagels. Did not help even the combined efforts of both sides, and then unanimously was taken unique the right decision - Walk along the path of least resistance. And the movement began.

Picture II.

Scene "Bai-Bai, Vova!"

/ Teacher physics performs a song on the motive "Bay-Bay-Bai, Dogs" from the repertoire of the Kabarean Duet "Academy" /

I'm sitting with a new top

And two hours to him Dolblyu-Yu-Yu-Yu.

We are tired of both, and whims of Vova.

Do not hump, my Vova, and then kill!

Chorus: Bay-Bai-Bai, Vova,

Major son!

In the lessons Vova

Sleep without rear legs!

At the desk of Vova covered so cool

And smiles in a dream-e-e-e-e!

And dream of carrot juice

And two plates Olivier.

Wova wakes up, looking harsh

And Issues - Nor GU-GU, GU-GU-GU!

Tomorrow and I will start everything again!

Oh no! I can not do it anymore!

Chorus: Bay-Bai-Bai, Vova,

Major son!

Fuck, Vova,

Sleep without rear legs!

/ Finds Vova and tiptoe leaves. Vova sleeps on the desk /

The curtain is descended

Action III

"If you want to be healthy"

Leading:The teacher of anyone at work a bunch of cases

But it happens sometimes that the teacher got sick! ..

Curtain rises.

/ On stage Double interior: On the one hand, the scene is "Teachers", on the other hand, a room in the House of Teacher. In the "teacher's" sitting several teachers, at home - one teacher in a bathrobe, with a gathering on his head picks up the phone number. There is a call. The teacher in the "teacher" raises the tube /

Picture I.

"Well, how are you doing?"

/ Teachers perform a songon the motive "All well beautiful marquise" from the cartoon "Old Plate" /

Patient Teacher: Hello - Hello, Oksana, dear!

Well, how are things going?

I call you to say that I remember,

That I completely went to bed!

And everything hurts. I do not sleep at night!

There is no urine to go to school!

School teacher:

All is well, the excitement is in vain!

Take, Lyudmila, do not pain!

We have everything calmly and fine

Except for the little things!

Your eagles fence broke

And from the owner escaped!

And the rest, I assure you

All right! All right!

Patient Teacher:

Oh my goodness! You just do not hide!

Let it be hard!

I ask you, tell God for

What else happened there!

School teacher:

Your eagles broke the window,

Floors duty not soap!

Such bad things:

Two tables were stolen!

And someone stools dragged,

Night received a two

And the Shestakov rided the lesson,

And Ivanov broke the flower,

Running from class cigane

And immediately the leg turned up!

Girls of Sidorov beat,

But soon I received

Vasilyev girls pushed,

And the tablet fell from the wall,

And then the director passed by

And in the office of all started,

And they spawned them in the fluff and dust!

And in the rest we have

All is well, Lyudmila, do not worry!

All is well, everything is fine!

/ The sick teacher faints, then rises sharply and with a cry: "Girls, I already go!" - runs away from the scene, then appears in the "teacher" /


Yes, it happens that sometimes

We can not cheat.

And it happens ...

We offer to see.

Picture II.

"Who is to blame", or "what to do?"

/ In the "teacher" runs with tears in his eyes Teacher of Physical Education. In the hands - the ball, on the neck - whistle /

Physician physics: No, it is uniform, or rather shapeless disgrace!

Teachers: Why is formless?

Physician physics: Yes, because everything is without a form! How can! Are these children? Doesn't! These are not children!

Teachers:Verochka, dear, calm down! Never mind! Do not worry on trifles!

Physician physics: Brought !!!

/ Teachers perform a song on the motive "Duet King and Princess" MUZ. Gladkov

from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians" /


Oh, you, poor my physical training!

Well, look, how the figure was stood!

I care for you enclosure!

Physician physics: I want nothing!


Calm down, this is the usual thing!

On, here, drink the coffee chaff!

Do you want, tomorrow I will teach them all?

Physician physics: I want nothing!


You have a contrary!

Want, buy sports equipment?

Want - Tennis, you want - all on the ball!

Physician physics: I want nothing!

All teachers leave the scene, soothing physical education teachers. At this time, the "song of the court" sounds ("What the children now, the right") MUZ. Gladkov, SL. Y. Entin from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians" /

The curtain is descended



Well, it's time to return to the topic again.

Everything is clear: here - we are, here - they!

The holiday will end, start up again,

Infinite weekdays.

And in the battle for children's souls

Today we are not alone.

All having: eyes, mouth and ears -

We often think - who are they?

And they with caution beast

Watch us - who are we?

Like us, to the last belief,

What happens between us in the winter.

Like two pieces of a single body

We are not given to each other without each other!

And success will end the case

If we and they are at the same time!

Leading: So, in conclusion again - we!

/ On the stage all teachers who took part in the performance are published /

First teacher:

That's all. And Song Sveta.

There is nothing more to watch.

Finally, three vests

It remains to go nuts.

Second teacher:

And in the finals of the speech,

So to speak, "on the bed",

The most important, without a doubt.

Final poem.

Third teacher:

Oh, school, school dear!

Problems, difficulties, errors ...

We have such a profession -

Change sadness on smiles!

Fourth teacher:

We have such a profession!

And nowhere is not going anywhere!

In the soul of the teacher plays

Sings and rejoices childhood!

Fifth teacher:

It does not leave her

And does not get old to death.

We have such a profession!

You believe us for the word.

/ All together execute a song on the motive "nodules" from the repertoire of A. Apina /

We fell in love with school we guessed!

And teachers always dreamed!

We blindly blinded our kids.

Well, what happened, then loved!

The nodule will start, the nodule will unleash

If it is sometimes difficult for us - it just seems!

Everything is related to the nodules tight!

I have problems, you have others!

But there are no problems such that they were not solved!

If only we have left the profession!

This is our life - disciples and school!

This is our role - all the time to be fun!

This is with you - Teachers of Russia!

Thank you! Interestingly, exciting and easy! It began to understand what it means "to create, it means to facilitate the thought!" Creative success!

  • #1

    Thank you very much for your creativity !!!