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"Wheel of Life" - methodology for analyzing and planning life. How to make a wheel balance wheel? Balance wheel. Coach himself

How important is it to keep balance in your life? Do we often think about it? However, the skew to some straight can lead to the collapse of the entire system. When the financial side of life is chromas, it is very difficult to move in spiritual development. If the person is all dedicated to the family, to the detriment of his interests, this as a result leads to quarrels and misunderstanding. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the areas of life, observing the balance. This will help you wheels Balance.

Make your life harmonious

To understand how the individual area is influenced by the movement in life as a whole, you need to evaluate all areas with "Balance Wheels". This tool allows you to see the distribution of the energy that a person spends on solving life tasks, to hold self-analysis and look critical on weak spots. How harmoniously pays attention to all areas, a person in life is moving so smoothly as a wheel on the road. Hence the name. If the wheel is a curve, then it will be shaking, like on Ughab.

Take advantage of the online application below to evaluate the quality of your wheels Balance And clearly observe how you "rolling" in life, and perhaps simply stand still on the spot.

Balance Wheel Designer

Instruction: Pull for the slider with a mouse, exposing a rating from 1 to 10 for each sphere. At the end, click the Start button and observe the efficiency of the wheel movement.

A more flat wheel rolls far, the curve is stuck at the beginning of the way. So people with unbalanced life spheres become slow and cannot move away. If the wheel is small, but energy is evenly distributed, the path will be much longer. A person with such a balance wheel will move, albeit even in small steps.

You can also independently build the balance wheel using the template below.

The modern world sometimes dictates the wild living conditions and work with which no person can cope with. In the pursuit of everyone we miss all right away, and this leads to problems spent nerves and the feeling of dissatisfaction. Get rid of such a feeling allows the balance of the balance in all spheres of life. Utopia? From some side, yes, but there are techniques that allow you to be achieved, then approach the ideal.

Wheel of life: What is it?

"Wheel of Life" or "Wheel life Balance"This is a divided circle divided into segments, with which you can appreciate how balanced your life is balanced. It is due to this function the scheme and received such a name.

The exact same name also has an exercise, during which the wheel is compiled. It has gained wide popularity and is regularly used at trainings and in coaching groups. The advantages of the method are obvious:

  • maximum speed. On average, the exercise takes 10-15 minutes;
  • an obvious visual result. The wheel makes it possible not only to think about imbalance in life, but also to see his visualization;
  • opportunity self-use. The exercise is easily remembered and can be repeated without coach;
  • efficiency as additional tool Planning. The finished result makes it possible to understand in which direction a person needs to move on.

If the "Wheel of Life" is desired, it is possible to make a coach or a psychologist. The technology is extremely simple and requires only a piece of paper and a quarter of an hour of free time.

How to make a "wheel balance wheel"

In order to create a "Wheel of Life Balance" you will need:

  1. Determine the areas that will be divided with the wheel.
  2. Draw a circle itself, split lines inside for 10 elements.
  3. Fill the circle, evaluating satisfaction in each of the spheres.
  4. Analyze the result.

Life Balance Wheel - Template

It is important to take into account several little things that will allow you to get the most complete and high-quality result.

We choose the spheres of life

Choosing spheres or areas of life that you will use in a task - one of the most important points. You need to take into account all important aspects Own life, but at the same time not to choose too many items for analysis.

Most of the coaches are recommended to distinguish from 6 to 9 shares when drawing up a circle. The easiest way to take 6 and 8, since most of the templates are calculated on such a number of elements. But if you're important to add something else, you should spend time and draw the "wheel of life" by hand.

Some not only choose unique spheres, but also represent them in different ways. There is no right path here, since the exercise should describe your life. The most popular variants of the share in the "Wheel of Life" are considered:

✔ Sphere-area. This is a classic solution. Most often, health, career, family, recreation, creativity, personal growth, hobbies, finance, business, friends, etc.

✔ Sphere roles. The specific type of wheel, where areas are described through the role of a person in a particular matter: wife, mother, athlete, girlfriend, daughter, head, colleague.

✔ Combination and other options. Some more convenient to sign a part of the share of spheres, and some are roles. Many include in significant specific life moments: communication with nature, self-realization, vital energy, brightness of life.

If you have time to think, you can organize a small brainstorming, during which all invented options will be recorded. After that, select the most important areas from the list.

Fill over the "wheel of life"

When the spheres are selected, it's time to fill the "wheel of life". This is done as follows:

  1. Each sector on 10 equal parts From the center to the edge of the circle and sign the area name next to the sector.
  2. Choose one of the areas of life and think how developed it is. The assessment is set on a scale from 1 to 10. 0 can be put, but it is not very convenient. In addition, if you generally thought about this area, then it has a value for you and any developed.
  3. Make a value in the "Wheel of Life". You can fill in two ways to: paint the entire sector to the desired division, or note the number on the dividing strip between sectors. In the first case, the result will be more bright and memorable, in the second - more visual. But for the desired effect, it is necessary to connect points on the bands.

What to do with the finished "wheel of life"?

Analysis is an important stagewithout which no exercise will have effect. The purpose of the analysis in this case is to determine how to make a wheel circle, and not angular (especially good angularity is visible if you used the mark on the lines). If you have no angularity and all areas are developed equally well, you can consider yourself a happy person.

Working with a finished wheel can be done in three ways:

  • "With the world on a thread." You look at all areas, think what you lack in each of them, and try to make these improvements. Such option will suit For those who have a minimum gap between areas. This means that you have enough time;
  • work with the weakest area. This approach is recommended that one of whom one of the spheres is very much, it is especially relevant in situations when you appreciated something per unit;
  • work with two three most important areas. A compromise option that allows you to direct efforts into several most important areas. It is recommended to adhere to if you cannot reduce attention to the most advanced areas of life in favor of others: a person leading several projects at work will simply be able to abandon them immediately. But he may not waste the time of rest, but to pay attention to the hobby in his free time.

Determine the areas with which you will work is the easiest way as follows:

  1. Look, where the time is the strongest. A strong failure in one place inevitably pulls down everything else.
  2. Think in which area you want to improve life. If you pay the family time, but you can't get satisfaction, it means you need to spend time on this sphere and figure out what's wrong there.
  3. Evaluate which sphere as much as possible on all others. Finance can help significantly move into a hobby, in love relationship (Play a wedding or diversify leisure), etc.

When the sphere is defined, it is important to put a goal that will help advance in this area. Use SMART technology, as it allows you to most clearly define your plans.

"Wheel of Life" is often mentioned in modern books By self-development. But especially recommended to read next work:

✎ N. Morrokov - "Breakthrough! 11 best practitioners on personal growth ";

✎ Technique of a life balance wheel in Coaching: I. Pintoshevich - "Act! 10 Commandments of Success. "

"Wheel of Life" is effective exercisewhich allows you to quickly evaluate your life and draw conclusions from the information received. Coccies are recommended to do it regularly to see the dynamics and track changes. If you are not sure what you want to change in life, try making a wheel, and new horizons will open!

- highly powerful tool knowledge. Not only around the world, but also himself. No wonder they say: "It is better to see once than hear than a hundred times." Mondering for this, we have already acquainted you with the method of Tony Busen. Today it will be about another visual instrument - the wheel of life that everyone can use in order to analyze its life from the point of view of the balance - equilibrium of its individual aspects.

What is the wheel of life

In the life of any person, such periods occur, when some one lesson or region, he pays attention to maximum attention - work on an important project, preparation for admission to the university, etc. This is a positive quality if you are capable of. But it happens on the contrary: all the time and the forces go to something one, and the rest is rejected and ignored. And it's not about the week, month and even a year. Someone so much time pays for work and money, which loses or not at all acquires a family. Someone, on the contrary, pays career not enough attention, and remains at the average position, although due to their talents and knowledge could achieve much greater.

Whatever the examples in this respect, the essence of one - for happiness and full-fledged life, a person needs harmony, the ability to find a balance. This is told about this and this is taught numerous spiritual practices. But for rethinking, controlling and analyzing your life, it is not necessary to start moving the mountains of thematic literature right now. The exercise "Wheel of Life" allows you to get a material for reflection and look at your life "from the height" and without all this.

Draw your own wheel is not a lot of work. All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. It is much more difficult to interpret it correctly. IN social networks For a certain time already "walks" the post about the wheel of life as "exercise for 1 minute". But in fact, everything is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Create a picture and identify important "axis" for you really will not take time. But to be honest with you, rightly appreciate your life and, which is equally important, to understand, in which direction to move on - the task is not from the lungs, but quite sat.

Wheel of life is an effective and effective technique that is even patented in the United States, and is applied by many coaches for personal growth and. With external simplicity, such a method of organizing reflection, allows you to clearly look at the problem, see the imbalance and understand how to achieve equilibrium. The main trump card here is a visuality that cannot be achieved when trying to analyze your life, applying the kitchen conversation technique.

Create your wheel

The image itself can be drawn by hand or download a ready-made pattern and work with it in graphic editor or print. At the same time, this tool can be used not only as a wheel of life, but also as a wheel of work, studies, etc., in other words - detail and sharpened under the specific area. Another advantage of this method of visualization is the ability to apply not only to search for a balance, but also to control the progress of execution or achieve goals. Thus, you can understand at any time and, if necessary, remind yourself what has already been done, and what has yet to succeed in global business.

To better understand how the technique works and what should be included in the "axis" of your wheel, we will look common example Wheels of life.

Wheel of Life

An image of a simplified traditional presentation with the characteristic axes you can see at the beginning of the article. The technique is extremely simple - for each option, you need to put the appropriate assessment of the current position of your affairs. Scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is low, 10 - high. For example, things at work in you are good, you get a high salary - it means that these two areas will be, allowing 8. But there is not enough time to rest and for communication with friends, you feel its disadvantage - 3 and 4. Identifying The same principle is the rest, you will get a kind of chart-performance of life and can understand what you have to work on, and what is enough just to maintain normally.

Strict recommendations on how much "spokes", and with what values \u200b\u200bthey should be, no. In our example, we tried to cover the main topics that, one way or another, worry every person and ask those questions that will help you correctly put the assessments. At the same time, it is obvious that at certain stages of life, their meaning may not be so important, so you can make the necessary edits in your wheel.

Work / Study

As if we did not want to, but work or studies occupy one of the main places in our lives. And in the exercise it is important to appreciate them correctly. Not from the point of view, "I study or work, it means that the highest mark", but on the principle of satisfaction, the ability of work to disclose your talents and provide needs.

A family

Having come home after work, you sit down at the computer and continue to work, turn on the TV and watch your favorite or spend time with your family, say everything in the world with your wife / husband, play with children? Any family psychologist will tell how important it is for happiness.


The same important part as the work. To reveal the degree of satisfaction, answer the following questions. Are you enough to rest in order to work productively? Doesn't you have a sense of constant fatigue, do you effectively relax?


Do you care about your health? This regard should imply a complex of efforts -, regular trips to the dentist, etc. There may be no static assessment here by default, so every time you should evaluate yourself in a new way.


Do you communicate and do you spend time with to the extent you would like this? Or every year those who call you for a birthday less and less? The question itself is a bit exaggerated, but the essence you must understand and appreciate this aspect of your life to put honest.


Cognitive needs are one of the steps known to all the pyramid. The desire to improve in a professional and personal plan is the characteristic of a mature person, striving for the movement, the development of oneself and their abilities, finding ways to establish a versatile, effective person.


The hobby can be the type of leisure, and the way self-development, and the method of maintaining itself in shape. Often those who are broken between work and the house do not find time on such classes. And in vain. Remember, for example, how much joy in childhood you delivered to run in the courtyard in football with friends.


The aspect associated with the work, but not always on her dependent. You can do your favorite thing, but not to earn enough. Honest assessment of yourself in this regard will push the search for the solution: additional employment, the change of place of work, etc.

As mentioned above, the wheel can be made more narrowly controlled, for example, to assess the provisions of work / career affairs. In this case, your "axes" can be: salary, relations with colleagues, growth prospects, free time, etc. Evaluating these parameters, you will get a picture of your current position and you can make the appropriate conclusions.

Many people of life may seem no more than a theoretical tool. And to some extent will be right - the technique serves as a kind of reminder, and not by the method of solving. But, having learned to use it, you can get out of the usual framework for the assessment of your achievements in a particular area and follow not only the balance sheet in terms of finding the status of affairs in life, but also follow the fulfillment of tasks that lead to it.

People tend to regret the past and worry about the future. All these negative experiences interfere happily live in present. As a result, we lose our most valuable resource - time. In order to return everything to its place and begin to exist in harmony with it and its plans, the wheel balance wheel should be activated.

Concept of coaching

Coaching - english termdenoting a specific type of training. In this process, the person - the client - sends and accompanies the coach. He is a specialist who helps others in any problem situationswhere you need to start moving towards the goal. According to the content of the work, it is very close to both trainings, but there is no such profession separately. Coucker can be engaged in both the personal questions of a particular person and the professional activities of a company or organization. Coaching can be defined as the art of its own development and achieve results.

Life balance?

Coaching has many techniques for implementing the tasks supplied by the customer. One of its methods is the analysis of the most significant life-significant spheres. It is customary to allocate the following areas: career, finance, health, friends and family, familiar affairs and house or space, entertainment and recreation, personal growth, spiritual development. You can choose any other items important for a particular individual.

So, the life balance wheel is a fairly effective coaching exercise that will help:

Decide on the current events of your life;

Clearly allocate desires and needs;

Make plans for the future;

Evaluate the degree of their personal and professional success;

Make conclusions that contribute to positive changes in life.

The main components of life

Consider in more detail typical categories included in the life balance wheel. Self-realization is one of the main highest needs of a person as a person. And she manifests itself in:

1. Health. When we are talking About full life, physical shape and good well-being should be in the first place. Caring for yourself and your future also manifests itself in attention to his own body.

2. Family and friends. In loved ones you can draw strength, they are part of you yourself, your support. Communication, relationships and all sites have strong influence per person, to a large extent, determine his own views on life.

3. work. Employment not only brings income, but is the necessary side of life, where the skills, abilities and talents are manifested. An important part of the balance is material satisfaction and favorite business.

4. Daily events. It is not anywhere from life, but at the same time home obligations should not be in a burden. This needs to be given a reasonable amount of time that is enough to keep your home in order and clean.

5. Rest. As soon as his free time appeared, you can go to nature, meet with friends, just relax for calm music and get away from the city's noise. To gain strength and switch from active everyday days will help any kind of creativity - knitting, drawing, making postcards, etc.

6. Personal and spiritual growth. Without self-improvement and development, a person cannot exist. It is impossible to stand still, enter into life a variety - get new knowledge, gain experience.

Draw your own life balance wheel

It may take an hour or more to the whole process. But in any case, it is not necessary to hurry, you need to spend this time with benefit. Having postponed foreign affairs, you focus only on yourself and on the understanding of what the wheel of the life balance is what its elements.

First, you need to take a white sheet of paper and depict a circle on it, dividing to eight parts. Then we subscribe which sector to which area of \u200b\u200blife is about, and give them overall rating On a 10-point scale. Evaluation criterion - degree of satisfaction (from work, family relationships etc.). It is better for clarity to use colored pencils or markers that can be shaped with a certain zone in the figure.

Second Exercise Exercise

The proposed task can also be performed using a specific computer Program. So, the life balance wheel in Excel is as follows. Previously need to write on paper the names of spheres and received numerical values. We specify the number of sectors in Excel Table Graphs. Next, click on the "insert" in the dialog box and select the "petal diagram" or "circular histogram". The most important thing is to introduce the data and do not forget about their signatures, so that it is more clear what is shown in the picture.

Interpretation of the result

All presented fields are connected. If they represent an equivalent development, then the necessary harmony appears in life. We can say that if, let's say, you are successful in your profession, which brings good incomeBut health leaves much to be desired, then, most likely, the work takes too much strength. It is necessary to revise the schedule, to pay more time to rest. A spiritual area may suffer, and in contrast to it actively develop the cultural and entertainment side of life. Then the person is also inattentive to himself - not interested in his inner world. Balance is violated, which in turn leads to negative experiences and further apathy.

Benefit from such a method

Wheel of the Life Balance - strategic so can be called it differently. This means that your life is in your hands, and everything goes exactly in this way, because the person himself put such goals in front of him and chose such a scheme of action. Wheel of the Life Balance only shows what you have achieved on this momentAnd also leads to the conclusions that you need to change to a more complete implementation of your potential or solving current problems in any areas.

A complex approach

The life balance wheel (or value system) is an excellent way to streamline and structure your life due to the fact that there is a sufficiently detailed assessment of those areas where a person is manifested. The more serious it will be related to the process, the more likely the positive effect. After the drawing is ready and made up the opinion about the areas of life, it is advisable to answer for themselves to a number of questions that will help to figure out whether the balance is in your life. Which sectors have low indicators and why? Does your current state of personal and professional life satisfied? What can be taken to greater harmonization of spheres?

In the future, when interacting with the coach, you can use the life balance wheel. The program of his work is just auxiliary in terms of permission. of different kind Problems and questions, both independently and with a specialist. Need to understand chief Principle: know little, you need to act to really change something. Now in your hands, the data with which you can work - set goals, schedule perspectives and, in the end, build a new life.


Dear readers, probably, each of us thinks about harmonious life. At each stage, we can rethink the values \u200b\u200bthat it is primarily important for us that you can do on how to work on yourself. On my blog, I often raise our topics internal filling And just such a job. I believe that true health comes to what lives in harmony with the world, with himself, who can give their love to relatives and close to our children, who lives a full-fledged life.

Today, the guest of my blog Anna Rogozin will tell us about the wheel of the life balance and about our development in each sphere. With anosh, I have already acquainted you. On the blog was an amazing article and not so long ago there were articles and about me very pleased with your response to Anna articles. I am very interested in all the topics that I discuss on the blog. Many of you have listened to the webinar Ani "Formula of Happy Mom." I wrote very warm words about this webinar.

Today we will continue with you a conversation on a very important topic about the life balance. I convey the word Anne Rogozina.

Life balance or development in every human life sphere

One of the key tasks of any mom is to be in harmony with you and with the whole world immediately. Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to be the support and the center of the Universe for your child. How caressing will find confidence if the mother is confused, and the dad frowned? And so day to day. Yes, the balance is difficult to achieve, uncertainty and some dissatisfaction is constantly present. Thousands of questions are tormented, millions of problems are deprived of sleep, and what to say about self-esteem ,, if even reflection in the mirror is critically curved!

Do you know yourself? Then this reason is not upset, but buy a stylish notepad, a good handle and a beautiful cup. Exclusively for myself and as a sign of the new, interesting stage in your life. Then you need to pre-work with your family. Explain home that you need a little time for yourself. You can send it to send a husband to walk with a child in the park. If the kid has grown and already a schoolboy - let them go together to additional classes or to visit the grandmother. You can find the place itself, but where no one will disturb you and nothing will distract.

To feel happy, mom needs to have enough time for all important things for her. Otherwise, its quality of life deteriorates at times, self-esteem suffers and the desire to do something is completely disappeared. Let's see where problems are hidden, and which sphere of life requires itself close attention. The result of the work done will be a clear understanding of what is currently happening to you and what measures to take first.

Wheel of the Life Balance. Human life spheres

Further will have to work seriously. If you just draw the wheel and hang leaves for a prominent place - the benefit will not be any. In addition to the drawing, it is necessary to paint in detail what and how to do so that the angular figure acquires the outline of the circle, and life has become harmonious and balanced.

Open a notebook and blacks on the first leaves a beautiful big circle. Now we determine the most significant areas of life and divide the circle to the desired number of sectors, we apply the scale from 1 to 10 to the segment from the wheel.

You can close the sectors in different ways, but we offer to take the following categories as the basis:

  • His health and your family;
  • Beauty external and internal;
  • Career / his own business;
  • Finance;
  • Children;
  • Personal development;
  • Self-education;
  • House and comfort in it;
  • Relationship with loved ones;
  • Rest, travel, dating with new people.

Wheel of the Life Balance. Template

Here's how it will look like this at the beginning:

And then the most interesting begins. Brew a cup of tea and thoroughly "Right" in yourself, reflect, think. What and in what area do you have "not so"? What confuses you? What would you desperately wanted to change in a separate segment?

How to work with a life balance wheel?

Evaluate your satisfaction of each life of a 10-point scale . What will you mean 10, and what is just 1? For example, in the field of health for the 10th, you can take what you want to see yourself in six months, a year, five years. How will you eat, or what are the indicators you leave. All purely individually.

Be honest. Do not comprehend yourself, do not embellish and do not idealize. Reflect the real picture by putting the point inside the circle at the level of the score you defined on the scale. Having finished the analysis of all areas, connect the points with sections, fuse each piece of the sector in any color from zero to the selected level, and look at the result.

The figure received inside the circle a little reminiscent of a rovy wheel? Do not be surprised, most often it happens. At this stage of work, determine several spheres of life, changes in which the maximum will affect the improvement of the situation within the entire wheel. Where is the largest imbalance? Here from these areas and start work. At the same time, you can deal with 2-3 sectors, and the rest will start changing yourself or require a small adjustment from you.

Work with each life balance sector

For example, choose the health sector. Suppose it is he is in a deplorable state. What can be done here, because you need to have the strength on everything planted, to raise children? Kids take an example from parents and it is very important to instill a good one, the correct habit of care of your health.

First, we define personally for yourself that we equate for 10 points and where we are currently at the moment. To the category "Health" can be attributed: my health and my family (many moms do not share these concepts, right here at will), appearance, activity, energy, power, weight, sport, sleep.

What do we need to do to achieve the goal?

  1. Find information on the power system of interest and revise the diet to tomorrow.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Get up 20 minutes earlier on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and make charging through the bodyflex system. To do this, find and download lessons.

Temporary gaps In the Plan, specify small. Optimally - month. Then see how your balance wheel will change, and register your actions for the next month.

Secondly, switch to your desires and sensations. Do not think about how others will perceive your desire to change. This is only your desire, only your dream.

Visualization of our desires

To help for work on this sector, be sure to look for inspiring pictures. They will help to visualize your aspirations and desires, will be wonderful to encourage actions.

On such pictures accurate short phrases Push your desires, and in the format already performed. For example, "I will lose weight by 5 kg" - it is incorrect, but "I lost 5 kg" - wonderful! Refuse to use the negative particle "not" and any negative statements. It will not be possible to get right away, correct yourself and such a manner to express your thoughts will go into the habit in the near future. Remember that good habits and skills are formed about 20-40 days. One of the main points of the whole process - you should be morally as comfortable as possible.

Do not forget to praise yourself!

In addition to the life of a life balance and all actions related to improving the quality of life on important areas for you, take the rule to praise yourself. Written! Get used to everything to do in writing.

You can start separate notepad "My Achievements" Or separate half of the one in which you started working with a life balance wheel. Record everything that you are well done today, which was able to achieve what happened, how difficult to you were given the first month of work on myself, but you coped and continue. These recordings are intended only for you, they greatly raise self-esteem and form a resistant self-confidence, and still maintained at the moments when everything goes wrong. Believe me, they will too!

Julia Cameron "Path of the Artist". Book to help us

In conclusion, I would recommend one wonderful book, which is not so famous and not so readable, as I would like, but extremely useful. It is necessary to read in it if the first pages do not exactly like you, promise yourself to finish reading about the middle of the book. And you definitely stop.

So, Julia Cameron "The Path of the Artist." Let you not be confused by the name, each of us becomes an artist in working on yourself. And it does not matter how much before that we considered themselves a creative person. Moreover, having decided to "skip" in itself and improve the quality of life, to reach a new, more comfortable level, we all become very creative and resourceful people. So why not?

From this book, take exercise called "Morning Pages" . Precisely because of him I recommend this book. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes, but works wonderful. You will always want to fulfill it, and it will be a great help in your work on yourself and your successful future.

You know, I have long wanted to implement one project that will give powerful support for mothers and strong knowledge, while I wanted to create something much more than just a community or group. I want every mother to be a holistic person, so that everything has time, found himself in life, rejoiced every day and life was really very bright and filled! And for this you need to be harmony in all spheres of life. It is so important for every mother. I understand it very much, because herself always sought and strive to this.

So, I want to tell you in detail about the new big online project for mothers - University of Modern Mom .

This is a closed educational club, where every month we will work on improving life in important for us, mothers, directions:

  • Health is your family health.
  • Cozy house, order.
  • Beauty internal and external.
  • Career / Career
  • Self-education
  • Personal development (work on yourself)
  • Finance.
  • Relationship with love
  • Rest, travel, entertainment, traditions.
  • Communication, dating, communications.
  • Creativity, Creative

Monthly worked with one sphere of mom's life. Each topic is considered through the efficiency and expansion of internal borders. 1 topic - 1 month.

The sphere of the first month - the health of mom and its whole family

Interesting communication, belonging to the community of developing mothers, invited speakers every month - professionals each in their theme, and more of the mass of advantages.

All this awaits you very soon! Join now!

The opening of the club will take place on October 23, 2015

More information about the club, all privileges for its members, as well as options for subscriptions can be viewed here. Also, on this link you can register to receive interesting information from the club.


Good luck to you! Harmony in the shower, happiness and joy every day!

I thank Anyu for the information.

And for the soul, we will listen to today Michel Pépé: La Vision Du Coeur Very nice all. Give yourself a mood.

see also










