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Review Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the joy of fans of Deus Ex and Mount of those who waited for something new. Blockbuster on the evil day. Review of the game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

There are games, which can not be two opinions. Regardless of how you feel about the genre, to the project developers, to the platform chosen by them - in general, anything, the release of such a game is an unconditional event for the entire game community.

Deus EX.: Human Revolution - just from such. Long before the release of the game on the forums and records began to appear, the authors of which expressed doubts whether the new team would create something worthy of a brilliant primary source. But, despite the wary relationship of Deus Ex fans, all concerns are dispelled as morning fog, it is worth only to spend in the company with the "human revolution" at least half an hour.

What is it about?

Tread of the revolution

By old tradition In Human Revolution, many characters - not those who seem at first glance.

In the yard of 2027. Before the events of the original deus ex a quarter of a century. Nanotechnology - for the most part theoretical art, but humanity has already begun to "improve". At the advanced war for the bright future, Sarif Industries is located, the owner of which, David Saron, became one of the main pioneers for the development and production of mechanical aggregation.

From the laboratories and workshops of SARIF are prostheses for all occasions. Mechanical handsEye apples with built-in cameras, artificial hearts, lungs, legs - company specialists except that the brain has not yet learned to replace the prosthesis.

But any action is fraught with opposition, any revolution already contains grains of counter-revolution. So the activities of Sarif Industries caused extremist groups that fight for the preservation of the purity of the human race. One of these combat cells on one day attacks the company's office and suits the real massacre.

One of the many victims of terrorists is becoming a newly hired security specialist Adam Jensen, the main character Human Revolution. He, however, lucky somewhat more than the rest, - Adam stayed alive. True, for this, doctors had to stuff his body of expensive electronics, but the easier it is more convenient to find Jensen to find organizers and actors of the terrorist attack. Find and revenge.

Like this?

Eye like an eagle

In fact, to such confrontations it is better not to bring. Moreover, on the other side of the barricades - Detroit Police.

Contrary to the fears of fans, the developers of Human Revolution cost the source of respectfully. Like the original Deus EX, it is a mixture of first-person shooter and role-playing game With a focus on the nonlinearity of solving game problems.

Fans of shooters will probably have to taste the manifold of weapons and upgrades for him. RPG fans will enjoy an extensive role-playing system that allows you to adjust the gameplay in accordance with personal preferences. And everyone together will be delighted with a huge number of tools, upgrades and abilities that provide you developers.

In general, in the game of the game, the feeling appears, as if nice 2000 was returned, and ION Storm studio was working on the project - the creators of the first deus ex.

For what to love?

New Divine

Human Revolution turned out to be an order of magnitude more spectacular than the source.

Finally relax when, after completing the first full mission, you are on the streets lit by neon floors. Immediately recalls how in the first part, the New York catches were investigated, as was looking for workarounds to imperceptibly get to the hotel captured by terrorists. And most importantly - as the spirit captured from the feeling of freedom and from what is around - a real living world, full of opportunities.

Here at the beginning of the game there is even a similar mission. Only instead of the hotel is a police station, and instead of terrorists in masks - dozens of cops, for any reason weapons are missing for weapons. And, as in the first part, many problems arising in the task process can be solved in several ways. You can cut the optical camouflage with a little, stocking with chocolates regenerating energy and slip past the police by friendly ghost. You can spend the glasses of upgrade to hacker skills, and then you will open any door, and any computer with secret information will take you for the owner. In the end, you can arrange a bloody bath with Pharaohs, although this is not a very elegant solution (and the legally in the plot is too much).

Naturally, the repetition of the developers passed did not limit themselves - there are many new things in Human Revolution. For example, the shelter system. There were concerns that constant rearings from the first person will be annoyed in the third, but they were not confirmed. Switching the camera is perceived absolutely normal, and the ability to cuddle to the wall, watching the guard passing around the corner, is great for the atmosphere. Feel yourself a character of a futuristic spy film.

The same thing - with famous achievements. They look completely organically (and brutally entertainment) and do not break the gaming balance. The fact is that the same energy is consumed to conduct deadly reception that feeds your numerous augmentation, therefore, receivers can be shown only in the most extreme cases.

Well, about how Human Revolution looks and sounds, you can write poems. Composer Michael McCann was especially worthy. Remember, how from the main topic DEUS EX goosebumps fled on the back? In the Human Revolution effect the same, only sounds everything much cleaner and combed. As, however, there should be - after all, tracker music was used in the original.

What to hate?

Iron heart

Agent Denton could not.

The most difficult task is to find real deficiencies in the new Deus EX. It is so good and so masterfully balances between the loyalty to the traditions and accumulated over 11 years by new gamedizaine techniques, which are simply not noting the shortcomings.

Well, except that a little strange to observe Jensen's supermann outcomes and compare them with the original Deus Ex. Jay-Si Denton Many of these tricks did not even dream, and it is assumed that it was equipped with much more advanced electronics.

But this is the only complaint that we have to Human Revolution.


It would seem, it would be difficult to find two more dissimilar games than Deus Ex and Crysis. But if you look around, general features are found. The modification of weapons, a certain freedom of choice, in the end - high-tech combat technique, as if brought by passing car time.

Deus EX.

Naturally, you can always get the original game again. Over the years, she has grumbled a little external charm (still the engine is already elderly), but the soul did not come absolutely. Do not believe? Check out.

Time and practice have shown who here actually - Release of the outgoing summer. Made with love Little pieces of the same old old lands were at times more interesting than 18 quintillions of the same planets, which in practice only 5 (blooming jungle, stone ball, snow tundra, scorching desert and an acid-toxic rock). Of course, it is possible to argue in a voice that the flight in the infinite space and the plot adventure with Stals / Shooting / Khaki is two completely different experiences.

No one interferes with the fact that Hello Games is an indie studio of 60 people (including outsourcing), and Eidos Montreal (creators of our current experimental) is a large office, numbering hundreds of employees. But life is generally unjust, and now we are not talking about the conditions of creating a game or another, but about how much pleasure it will bring to the end user, that is, we are with you.

Before proceeding to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, in short, we will dwell on one important issue for each resident of the former Union: Value for Money, because we are all interested not only what we get, but for what money? Infinitely wise Japanese from Square Enix - one of the last in Steam, who still conducts over-soft policies in relation to the CIS countries. Only 1299 rubles. For a new aaa class: such on the Gabe platform is almost not left, everyone strives to contempt at least two pieces. So, we were distracted by moving directly to the topic.

Historical realism

Another three more important warnings. First, you like it or not, but here 100% the subjective opinion of the author, preferring cyberpunk and sometimes a bit skeptical of fantasy. Secondly, along the narration, very small spoilers are possible. Third, the most impatient we strongly recommended Immediately scroll to the section "And now about the game."

Did not scroll? So listen to the same. The first thing I want to tell is - this is the amazing historical realism of the world mankind divided. Of course, the scripts will be played not so fast, but it looks quite logical. In 2017, representatives of mega-kopoding will receive the right to enter the UN Security Council. Well, what to suffer? Why pretend that politicians allegedly independent of big business are engaged in issues of wars and peace? It is better to abolish annoying intermediaries.

By 2029, almost all news companies will be collected in a single conglomerate - Picus Media. The beautiful face of Eliza Kassan will tell you all the latest news in the key that arms the largest transnational corporations. Well, if in one of the European capitals, the entire water supply system was randomly poisoned - it is better to leave for the scenes, in order not to sow panic among the population.

As it should be, Picus has True Competitors - for example, Czech samizdat. But you can only download the revolutionary sheet on the naked tablet, and the audience is narrowed to thousands. And Mrs. Kassan will every day inspire billions of a person: hide from the image of this brunette with an intricate hairstyle can only be seeded or in a ventilation pipe.

By 2029, the US economy will significantly weaken - without the aggregated states will have to be disadvantaged. After the incident of 2027, the rich countries of the Middle East will be affected by the tangible countries - there was the largest number of modified workers, and with very powerful implants intended for construction. Recall that in 2027, a special signal for several hours turned all the aggressed people into the bloodthirsty maniacs who do not control themselves, after which the faith in cyber-future there was a little so staggered.

Russia in the world of Mankind Divided transformed into the Russian federal community, providing more freedoms to the regions. The catastrophe of 2027 was able to survive with small blood, since we always treated with a retrograde suspicion, and there were few of them. Now (in the sense, in the alternative future Deus Ex) Russia with its help natural resources With ease, it affects the weakening Europe, including with the help of mafia - own, and from the territory of the former CIS.

Czech Republic B. real story A communist neut has just dropped the first to reset, and began to adopt progressive Western ideas. Therefore, in Mankind Divided Prague convened cyborg from all over the world as soon as the technology was invented. Now you have to deal with the "problem of the AUs". So far, they have created separate expectation zones in the subway, separate toilets, and a document system that cannot be obtained.

The police spend the raids, and those who do not have papers are immediately sent to the excavation, regardless of social status - be it a talented engineer or a regular seller. You have to live cyborgs in the golem of the city - this is a real cyberpank antioticopia, in which the rules of poverty, the skyscrapers from tin containers always obscure the sun, and drug neuroposin, preventing the rejection of implants, do not find and day with fire.

The whole world is measured in anticipation: the UN, it seems, until it calls such an appeal with the aggregated inhuman. If Prague comes from hand, cyborgs will drive around the world in reservation. Well, there and to strangle quietly - yes, even by the same blankets with PCOS. Fortunately, rich historical experience in humanity is available. Billionaire Nathaniel Brown, without waiting for any UN resolutions, is already building a fenced "paradise on Earth for the aggregated" somewhere in the sands of Saudi Arabia ...

Who in this epic conflict will be Agent Adam Jensen? Defender of oppressed cyborg - their fellow? Or is it still a faceless representative of the majority law? This is to solve players.

I would like to say that in the world of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has a desire to read each e-book, each Picus or Samizdat newspaper, every letter in the jacket computers to draw even more knowledge like those listed above. In the same Skyrim reading rather rapidly rates: you begin to be confused in fictional dragons, deities, heroes and events. But here ... here is something completely different! You read and think: "Aya da Eidos Montreal, Ai Yes Sukina Sons! But right, right hundred times, hell! World history may well go about this path. "

Bravo, Eidos Montreal: Build so frighteningly realistic option of the future - great achievement, without any joke. This is not a shadowrun you, in which they simply stacked skyscrapers, rains, corporations, guns and implants ... And, well, even an elves with Orcs awakened in addition.

And now about the game

After a little such entry, we will assume: let's say you did not play in Deus EX (2000), nor in a relatively recent Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and here, taking into account this, we will conduct a story.

Mankind Divided is a mixture of a shooter, stealth, a hacker simulator and an adventure, in which you need to really think over your words and their consequences (which is called, "answer for the bazaar"). And the implementation of all components is at the height: it was not added any of this just for a tick, just to get out.

Let's start with Stals, for this is how the game should pass perfectionists, recognizing only the hardcore levels of complexity and ideal endings. Why? We give one example (so that everything is not completely used). There is an episode in the game, in which the Prague Police displaces Interpol and the organization of the TF29 to which Adam Jensen works from the crime scene. Corrupt cops want to destroy the evidence.

Jensen need to penetrate the bundled station and imperceptibly to paint the evidence. The keyword is "imperceptible." And we just killed all the cops and took what you need. Upon return, the head of the TF29 was cursed in a creepy manner, and the media wrote that the heartless cyborg terrorists hit the second time in the same place. Of course, this will be the consequences.

The ideal steals will always be able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed - the benefit, Jensen instruments for this abound, up to almost complete invisibility (which, though, is terribly eagerly eager for the battery). For felt non-Lady Supostats there is a self-equipped electric shock TESLA; For turrets, laser barriers, mines and cameras - remote hacking.

By the way, Stals is significantly simplifiable by a dynamic view of the 3rd face: the viewing point moves when sticking to walls and runs between shelters. Who played in The Division immediately understands what we are. The huge plus is that Deus Ex forcibly does not impose you a secretive passage. For example, in one of the side missions, you can kill all police officers in the area, and they will not endlessly repaid as in GTA. In another Side Quest, you need to kidnap a person from Logov Bandits. Instead of abduction, you can - you guessed correctly: to shoot all the gangsters and simply make a disconnected body.

Even if the pallet began, Adam has another chance to save the life of the attackers (this is necessary, for example, if you feel special peace of mind with kyborg, and they run on you with shotguns and machine guns). To do this, the game provides non-leaves of weapons - for example, a rifle shooting tranquilizer charges.

Well, if you are used to walking in the mountains of the corpses, and leave the regular bandit, who gave you a UEBOK in a lively, who didn't want to strike at the last syllable, as a kolobok) - you don't want a classic arsenal from the assault rifle, gun, shotgun, and so on . All this can be modified - to fasten the muffler, reduce the return, unlock the new fire mode. The functionality of the weapon changes directly on the go: for example, a 4-fold sight and a silencer can be attached to the assault rifle, a slightly to pump damage, a maximum of stability, and activate the shooting on one pool. Then your faithful machine will be a worthy substitute for a cumbersome sniper, which is almost half of the inventory.

And, of course, the worst weapon, more powerful any rifle or grenade - Jensen himself. We have already talked about the shocker Tesla, but the agent can also shoot a "typhoon" in the area around him, or to nail the unfortunate enemies to the wall with high-speed graphite rods, synthesized directly inside the aggreated hands. Which, by the way, you can pro-write, in order to populate the refrigerators and break the walls, Aki Za Peri Hulk. Well, the module of the painless landing "Ikarus" allows Jensen to cut down the enemy, having gone somewhere below.

But not all implants are intended for battle. Many are for Stals and hacking. For example, the radar can be pumped so much that it will show even the sound of your own steps. Important moment: All implants simultaneously include, since the experimental causes the overheating of the system (that is, Jensen himself, and the reluctance is melted by our hero). The concept does not bother: for example, in the area without special heights you can turn off the "Ikarus", and completely forget about it.

Hacking is a fascinating mini game. Going out of the center of the capture, it is necessary to occupy the data points to get to the key node that unlocks the computer, opens the door, etc. First, everything seems simple, but then the presence of firewalls, antivirus programs and powerful viruses turns the hacking of electronic systems into an interesting test of reflexes and intelligence.

With hacking, shooting and stals everything is clear. But there is also another type of implant - social. The usual conversation in the presence of such augmentation of the brain is transformed: you have a visual interface that analyzes the identity of the interlocutor and its psychotype. That is, in your head, there would be a Consilium from Freud, Jung, and at the same time and all other famous psychologists, and this cohort gives you advice, how to lead a further conversation.

And the help of a psychologist you will surely need, because the characters in Mankind Divided are very colorful. A large-sized emigrant from the former USSR fighting for the rights of cyborgs, the head of the secret agency, who has to lead a double game and with colleagues, and with the highest boss, the Boss of the Georgian Mafia, the Prophet of the Church of the Machine God, who wishes for anything to download consciousness of followers to the global Network ... And I would like to tell about all the plot magnificence more, but these will already be frank spoilers.

Couple words about graphics

If you do not want to join the crowd of people, wearing the forums: "Bad optimization! Return the loot! ", Listen to the Council - our and developers. For example, the NVIDIA GTX 970 card is still considered worthy. But Eidos Montreal Black Pishes - Smoothing MSAA and Graphic Presets Very High and Ultra only For cards that have more than 4 GB of memory! So do not try on the mediocre computer to cut ultra and MSAA 4X, and then complain that you did not warn you.

The author, who played in Deus Ex Human Revolution, declares with full responsibility: graphics in the mankind divided compared to the previous part I took on thousands of miles forward, and it looks quite worthy even on the details of High (and without this MSAA urokomine).

Well, to avoid all these grades, there is an option of console VIP communism. Why communism? And because everyone has the same graphics. Well, with VIP everything is clear: on PS4, the new Deus EX is almost 3 times more expensive than in Steam.

Stone bags and steady vigilance

It's time to go to criticism. And it is quite expected: well, it is difficult, difficult even with the modern development of technologies to make a normal megapolis in the game (if it is, of course, not a GTA clone). The Prague of the Future remained completely the same as Detroit 2027. This is not a city, but rather, a labyrinth. Of course, the "Stone Bag" is an exaggeration. There are also beautiful small squares, and attractions, and worthy architecture ... But there are too few people, the biggest streets resemble the alleys in real lifeNo highways and traffic movement.

In some thief, such a city hub is perceived completely normal: it is clear that in the Middle Ages a special city is not in the way - something climbed into the fortress walls, the roof above the head does not flow and okay. But after all, in Laura Deus Ex is made a special emphasis on an unprecedented construction of construction, and how else maybe if two gastarbayters are able to raise a steel container? However, we are still concluded in a concrete labyrinth, and about the freedom of Watch Dogs in combination with steep quests of Deus EX itself remains only to dream.

The second point is an overly realistic STELS, sometimes harmful game. The enemies in the mankind divided see you from afar, the semicircle of vigilance and anxiety (as in Far Cry) is filled very quickly. One psychodow, the sacotists no longer want to lose you out of sight, and if you hide you still managed, then return to standard patrol routes extremely reluctantly.

In a five-story building on a single shot runs down security with 4 floors. You are slow and true, leaning around and using implants, dig a whole crowd of enemies, running between two and three shelters. And then go 4 empty floors, hacking the doors and collecting objects. This is, frank, a little boring lesson. The only fade is on the 5th floor with bare hands to strangle a lonely guard, which has been rested at the moment of general alarm.

Flight of Ikara

As in Greek myth, Deus Ex Mankind Divided sometimes trying to take off too high to the sun itself. Then wax wings are melted, the feathers fall out and the spectacle is not the most beautiful. But developers - honor and praise for the attempts themselves touch the slipping star. As we have already spoken more than once, Cyberpunk is a scarce genre: even 16-bit indie projects like DEX will come on bentless. And here - the game of the AAA class, yes, it also made, which is called, with a soul. Agrotes the average life expectancy Specialists in cybernetics and bio-engineering have not yet learned, the technology of loading consciousness into the global network is currently no. So if you consider yourself a fan of Cyberpunk and are not going to wait for the perfect game of the year of EDAK until the 2077th, in no case Do not miss Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

+ Excellent Cyberpenka Setting

+ A variety of gameplay

+ Stern moral choice, Philip K. Dick approves!

- Labire-Labin

- too realistic stealth

- long loading of the city's districts

This week a release of one of the most important projects of this month was held - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. And then, it's time to tell about the game in detail. How interesting and a variety of new adventures of Adam Jensen, how cool were all new gameplay bells, read in our review.

In my understanding Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Just had to get up on the top of the best games of 2016, stand out from a huge and gray mass, to become a star of dull skysclagon of the current gaming industry. However, everything is difficult with that. No, the game is still good, but so many years have passed, and there has been little, very little. Someone will arrange this, someone will pay from the broken overestimated expectations. Someone, like me, sighed quietly after passing, but still smile and will not regret a lot about what took the game.

So I wanted to make a review Deus Ex: Mankind Divided As much as possible, explaining what will have to expect from the game, without Diffirb and there is no problem from where there. So let's get to the skeleton of the game and recalculate the bones!

Two-ends stick

Scenario B. Mankind Divided Stick about two ends. Eidos. We decided to continue the old history, while practically completely chopping relationships with it. Surely, if you are a fan of the series, then remember the "incident" in Human Revolution After which the carmented came from the coils and began to show aggression. IN Mankind Divided Two years have passed after what happened and the inhalation of distrust, confrontation between people and aggressed, reached apogee, in the center of which was our hero Jensen, now working for Interpol.

As you can see Eidos. They did not bother, and moved all the pop-modern problems of society to the game: refugees, racial division, the nasty human nature, and the backs are laughing, the Major Barshi from Wars, secret corporations.

And it seems that everything is fine here, I think it is exactly what fans waited, all sorts of illuminates and conspiracies in place, but ... as often happens, "but" recently. After the first chapter, which is just forcing you to buy popcorn, so interesting here the tie, the plot starts to jump with gallop. As if the Arabic hill, jumping over the heads of the newly introduced characters that appear to disappear, and the thistle from strange moral elections is sweeping around.

The most sad thing is that scriptwriters are waiting for us on the finish. Eidos.So that the friendly company spits us in the face of the cheapest from the ending, without listening to the fans, the main claims of which, by the way there was a lack of influence on the ending of the game and their number. Yes, yes, there are only two of them: a and b, and choosing b, I then managed to do what, as it would be confused.

Not at all this is waiting for the successor of ideas Deus EX. from Ion StormWell, at least new system Little Girk dialogues seeks your desire to somehow, albeit locally, affect the world.

At the same time, in the neighborhood there are excellent additional stories that are "excellent" reveal the world and his mood. Yes, somewhere 70% of them are typical "kill and bring." But Deus EX. It is the game where it is interesting to do. First of all, due to the variability of passage, be it stealth, a fight or a persuasion. In the second place because of thorough geimdizayna, thanks to which every room looks interesting: here it lives a bodybuilder, and here, apparently, a lover of kittens.

The remaining 30% will be remembered for a long time, pain, despair and joy, complex moral elections - all this is included in the kit Mankind Divided. Sorry for the spoiler, but I will forever remember the mission where I had to choose between two lives: a young girl, so beautiful, but insanely tortured and frightened, or a decrepid old man with his granddaughter. Damn it, the choice was given to me through my teeth!

If we summarize, it turned out well, crumbled the main history, minimum of intrigue, but at the same time raised the interesting topic, which, however, very often gives the cheapest militants of the 90s. But all this completed really interesting sidew quests. On 7 points they worked, anyway. Why 7, and not, say, 8? Yes, because the game turned out to be a little short for the AAA project, I passed it in 20 hours, having missed a sufficiently small number of secondary tasks. For the draining of the second half and for the lack of bright heroes and twists, get - lay down.

Stunning Prague, which rapidly boring

Gamedizainers rushed to help the script. Prague with all this gothic old-European buildings, churches, bridges adjacent to futuristic elements of architecture - creates an incredible atmosphere. Especially for the "cyberpunk" genre, where we are accustomed to see Hong Kong, New York and other "more suitable places".

Finally, the developers got rid of the yellowness that was so annoyed in Human Revouliton., gray-blue overflows of the city please the eye. Everything is worked out, the apartments differ in the decoration, even in the sewage you can find love for details, but there is one "but". Noticed? Here it becomes too much "but"! Unfortunately, Prague here is the only place (yes there is also a couple of locations - the Alps, Dubai, but there we are locked in modest boxes), which really clings and because the city is one - everything has time to bump enough.

I think we are directly waiting for a couple (thousand) DLC, however, these are realities of modern igros. And I will complete this paragraph with a spoonful of honey, all the "combat" locations are worked out on perfectly, they are multi-level, stuffed with secret and secret locations, you can safely realize a bunch of your playing ideas!

From claims, as you understood, only not a large number of locations that expect from the AAA-game of this level, however, everything else is very and very high level! I first spit in my hands grade 8, but ... Prague is so beautiful, tempting that I just could not do not put 8.5.

Stupid enemies lie all stealth

So we came to the gameplay. The most flexible and difficult place to evaluate. I will start with the most important disappointment - it artificial Intelligence enemies. For AI, I cursed the first part, so stupid were enemies, I curse for AI and second.

The enemies do not see closely, fly by flocks, get stuck in shelters and shake their heads. Stupils, where do so many stupid people come from here ??? This completely spoils the playback of Stels, who wondered to descend the guards who knocked in the packs and walking in a circle? Eh, ... But Stealth here could be very good, with all these remote hacks and hacker acceptors, with a bunch of secret climbing and multi-level system. However, who liked the gameplay Human Revouliton.That will be happy here. The game is felt in the same way, and pleases that the developers did not go to the industry and abandoned corridors, useless QTE elements.

As before you are not limited to here in choosing the style of passing, levels are thoughtfully multi-level. You can go ahead together with new lethal augmentation, and you can hack a turret and arrange a "disco" to the music of the bullets. Or are you a cloofeliner with experience? You can not enter the battle at all, deftly making the drawers. Well, or, as it comes out in most cases, combine all styles in your own saltwriter. And it is huge, just a huge plus! Now there are so many corridor games that such freedom is painted by adding a stubble relaignability to the main advantages.

There are several innovations here. These are new aggregations that look cool, sink powerfully, became remote, as a nano-blade and hacking. But in the aggregate, they only reduce so low difficulty, so I advise you to start at Hard. For example, there is a Slow MO, which is quite believable: the augmentation "accelerates" a parasympathetic nervous system to speed up decision-making. Energy indicator was recycled: the division was removed into separate blocks, the automatic replenishment was added with time. True, the use of aggregates still reduces the energy bar, which can be increased only by cellular battery.

The second innovation is an opportunity to upgrade weapons. Here comes not only about all sorts of modules (silencers, etc.), which were in Human Revolution. With the help of various parts, we can increase damage, capacity, rapidity. I. appeared different kinds Cartridges: from armorbonic to EMF, which switched on the fly, allowing the same weapon to serve in a number of various situations.

If it were not for AI and the difficulty, I would calmly put it and 9. Seriously, play it very interesting, but without rivalry it is sometimes rolling into the despondency. Therefore, firm 8, ladies and gentlemen!

Finally, I leave graphics. In my hierarchy, this is definitely an important element, but not the most critical. Yet we play more, but do not look. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Not enough stars from the sky, it is not climbing the top of Graphic Everest, he simply shows a good picture, pleases the huge spectrum of special effects. Just look at what the working titanic armor looks like.

Lovers of this element of the game will not find here PBR, full reflections, but still graphic pulled out well, work on the engine was and stupid to deny it. The only one, even the engine and processed, all the same, its physical component causes a bunch of negative: stuck enemies, a bunch of bugs with drawers, all the same problems from Human Revolution. Add here and poor optimization under PC.

The sound and soundtrack remained, which is simply beautiful, borrowing the main motifs from the previous part. A pair of melodies already inhabit my player, which is a rarity for the current OST. I rarely return the sound in the assessment, it is important, it is necessary, it makes the atmosphere, but to allocate for this a whole estimate affecting the middle ... it's stupid. Well, the schedule pulls to strong 7.5.

As a result, we have solid 7.8 points. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided It is unlikely to claim the title "Best in 2016", but this is a very strong project. Which fails the absence of new elements, the average plot and stupid Ai. But play B. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided I still advise everyone, the question is only how much do you like this to take it for the full cost?

In Material: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Blockbuster on the evil day. Review of the game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Skin color, religion, sexual orientation, the level of wealth - the society will always find a sign that follows someone to despise, coherent, hate. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided raises the topic of discrimination, while remaining all the same thoughtful and diverse action. Let five years ago we saw almost the same thing in Human Revolution, the gameplay formula is still perfect.

Deus Ex is one of the "smart" games, although in screenshots it seems that this is another stupid shooter about robots and people. In fact, the series has always allocated a deep plot and to the smallestly worked atmosphere, which makes believe in the reality of what is happening.

In the world of Deus EX widespread implants, which are implanted into humans. We are not about silicone breast or lips. Augmentation is improvements for the body that affect certain abilities, help in everyday life and work. Snipers will like a modification on the hyperopia with a thermal imager and night vision, the loaders do not need to sit in the gym for hours to carry gravity, "you can simply establish augmentation that increase strength and endurance. Almost every person found a way to improve something in his body.

We once again play Adam Jensen, who became augle to unwittingly: He almost died during an attack on the creation of implants, where he worked as a special agent, and modifications were single way Save the hero. It was at the beginning of Human Revolution.

The situation in the world turned upside down. Previously, people without implants were considered outcasts. After the events of the last game, everything changed: the Augy was on the backyards of society. It is difficult for them to find work, passersby at best, simply turn away at the sight of a person with modifications, special wagons are allocated in the subway, the police often check the documents without any reasons.

Although one formal reason for inspections was found: the world shakes the terrorist attacks and there are suspicions (but not evidence) that they are satisfied with the grouping of people who are fighting for the rights of the Avs. In short, the prehistory is very similar to some real episodes. However, the game began to develop before the events of 2015-2016, so it's not worth looking for a hidden meaning. Large incidents were before.

An investigation leads Adam in Prague, where, upon arrival, the hero immediately happens another explosion. Clear with the search for the organizers cannot be: terrorists whoever they could have seriously diverged and keep a whole world in fear, and people with implants suffer most, because the hatred of society is growing. The hero give cards in hand and let go of Prague to narrow streets.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided passes in the open world: Brody on the streets, read e-books, look into other people's apartments. The territory is needed not to simulate life as in GTA, but for freedom in choosing routes. Tasks in DEUS EX pass three to four ways, and everyone will differ radically from others. This is a series of series, which well affects the playability and maintains interest in action.

Observation and ability to search for workarounds - the necessary conditions For success in Deus Ex. Suppose you need to penetrate the building. The main entrance is the guards that their species clearly give to understand - it's better to not surpass here. You can just get the weapon and kill them, raising the alarm to which the remaining thugs will run away. And you can do much smarter.

We go around the perimeter building and see a cracked wall. With the help of a special implant, we pierce it with a fist and find ourselves inside. Near the room with a securiti, if you go to visit - immediately score alarm and start shooting. Turn on special vision - for cardboard boxes Ventilation grille is found. We climb there and, bypassing the crowd of fighters, find out right right door.

Passing the task is retended, with surprise, detect that it was possible to act quite differently: if you pull out the guards from the supervisory item and hack the computer, turning off the turret and laser grid, then you will pass by another route. Or try to hack mail on another leptop and get there code from the desired door instead of hacking it for a long time, risking to get on the eyes.

Mankind Divided gives a lot of options for passing, and look for different ways - the most interesting thing is in the game. Cry the assault rifle and shoot everyone is a boring way, however, he has the right to life. True, with one reservation: Deus Ex is absolutely nikudny. The project hints in every possible way that it is better to act secretive. Oddly enough, it is easier to fulfill the tasks: the guards are talked, and the hero has a weak supply of health even after pumping the respective aggregations.

But the stealth is excellent. It is necessary to calculate the intervals between the blind zones of surveillance cameras, memorizing, which way will turn the guard and how many seconds, to hide the bodies in dark corners and have all the time on the striking. The signal response is perceived as a personal defeat: after all, he tried to go unnoticed, and did not come out, somewhere did not notice the guard or camera.

Alas, when raised alarm, I want to load the last save and pass the level fragment is secretive, and not to arrange a shooting range. A boring pallet, interesting shootout does not develop, the enemies are given by the number. Deus Ex is still stealth action, not an explosive fighter. It pleases that from unbearable bosses from Human Revolution now got rid of: to kill strong opponents was a ternary torment, especially if they were invested in secret, not fighting skills. Now the problem has disappeared.

Methods of passing levels depend on the aggregation that you open and improve. For example, the most convenient way lies through locked on code Castle a door. The current level of hacker skills does not even allow to start hacking, so you need to look for another, more complex route. Or a tunnel with a poisonous gas - without the upgrade of the lungs, Jensen almost immediately falls, and with an improvement calmly passed. Sometimes you scold yourself that when distributing points I chose not those modifications that are needed right now.

In addition to different roads, the game offers a non-linear plot, which has enough difficult moral dilemmas. Just go to search for a possible terrorist, how does a message come about a meeting of suspicious persons, on which it is necessary to attend - what in this case to do? Or pass to departure from Prague for AUGs. We meet two people, whom he is needed, and both will almost certainly be exiled in a terrible place, where people with modifications now live. The trouble is that Multipasport is only one person. And in case of help, take his latest money from a person? After all, you worked, helping him, but the hero of the quest in general without means for life will remain.

Some solutions strongly affect further events. Side tasks, as in Human Revolution, little. But their study and attention to the details are worthy of the best praise. Each task is an interesting mini story, which is not so simple, as at first it looks like. Secondary quests are best done immediately: sometimes they become unavailable with the plot.

The game is withstanding in the color scheme of the last part: the yellow-black palette prevails. The graphics are quite modern, compared to the Human Revolution made a big step, which is easily explained - for five years "Iron" has been significantly updated. Only the rollers have led, especially the animation of movements: in the era of the Capital Motion Capture, seeing the emotions of the face with periodically opening mouths are already unusual.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided turned out simply improved version of Human Revolution. In this case, this is good: the past part turned out to be incredibly successful and the developers did not break anything. I would like a full-fledged living city, imputed animation and a little more innovations, but also the current level of the game is extremely high. For the atmosphere and accessible features - 8.5 out of 10 from

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Before we move on to Mankind Divided, I would like to say a few words about the previous parts of the series.

Deus EX.

The original game came out already in this distant 2000 and was a breakthrough in many aspects, but the main thing was probably a breakthrough with ultimative selection freedom.The player had no restrictions, practically, given the technical limitations of the start of zero, in how he could fulfill the task. Dialogue, blackmail, murder, hacking with penetration or attack from the front entrance. Testament Warren spectrum, ideological inspirer The games were that each charm was supposed to have at least three solutions. This approach diversified not only the plot, but also a gameplay. Random actions and solutions influenced what is happening as much as long planning. The edge of the eye discovered, the previously not observed loophole turned the suicidal task into rapid penetration, and so in everything. The feeling of comprehensive freedom was supported and spacious levels of hubs, each with their atmosphere and their orders.

The plot was large-scale. The whole game, her story and the atmosphere were permeated with a classic cybard, and in his darkest manifestations. This is the story that everything is bad and most importantly do not make worse. Not a gift for all endings in the game bad, there is no one that can be called good. One way or another, humanity turns out to be in a disappointing position, the scale of what is happening in DeUS EX has always been struck.

The history of the original game has always been about humanity and his paths, in the global sense, less personal, more important and irritable. While the beds are about humans, their personal drama and solutions.

After 16 years in Deus Ex, you can still play the sake of history and gameplay. Yes, the game is very outdated technically, but the atmosphere and how it all works, fascinates until now. I remember Hong Kong and hellish cuisine, remember the growing pressure as it approaches the end and the shock from the ending. Separately, it is necessary to emphasize the beautiful and creepy soundtrack, which was shot in the head for a long time.


Well, you most likely know that many do not like to remember this game. In 2003, and later in our country and not only, the only way to play Invisible War was a PC port curve. And all because first of all the game was done for the very first xbox.

INVISIBLE WAR - a game that no one remembers, even those who passed it. It is not remembered as the original, it has become less "that very deus ex." But it was right only in part. Yes, the game did not look as beautiful as at the announcement stage, hello Ubisoft, but she still had a great visual style and execution.

Many things that caused indignation from fans then, now in a variety of games are the norm. For example, for pumping augmentation, it was necessary to use one kind of resources, while in the original for each needed its own. In new parts, remind, the resource for pumping is also alone - Praxis.

And this in the game is full. Many of its simplifications and even the strange architectural logic of many levels go from the principle that stood at the head of the corner still in the original - "there must be at least three ways." But the erection in the Absolut of this principle crossed with technical restrictions of the console and time. Locations were less, but there were more. Levels simply cut into small pieces. This beat the illusion of freedom.

But I can't say that the game is bad, rather uneven. Many ideas were excellent, the plot was not such a chain, as in the original, and the places were launched. The game was quite respectful in relation to the original, but the plot was a weak place.
Although, if you reflect the binding to Deus Ex, there are excellent features and ideas in the project, but many "for something else". And they laid them in essence, one developer - Harvey Smith. Beautiful man who made two of my favorite "modern" games: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and DISHONORED..

In fairness, nevertheless, according to most Invisible War failed, the game ruined the consoleorence and many technical flams on the PC. In the eyes of many, there was only one "correct" deus ex.Until a certain point.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

After the announcement of the game, the first thing I wrote to Chat Friends was: They returned the glasses. There is an old joke that the problem of Invisible War went from the lack of glasses from the main character.

After the first wave of the Universal Haip, when details, gameplay and screenshots began to appear, many began to wonder what actually happens. Another visual style and references, a different principle of stealth, mechanics of lighting gave way to understandable shelters and hidden surplus. Fears for compliance with the "letter and spirit" of the series fastened to many. At best, a new Invisible War was expected, I didn't want to think about the worst. Fortunately, everything was mistaken.

The most striking change was that classic cyberpunk both in terms of atmifers and in terms of the perception of the world, for the most part gave way to a mixture of "real" cyberpank and noura. We recognize the world around the hero, and, not believing that the augmentation is advanced much stronger than in reality, it is practically not distinguished by the fact that it scares more than a hopeless classic cyberpunk of the original. Noir, I got up like a blade - detective story and the investigation of Adam was perfect for the motives of classic Noura, and weave with a cybard gave rise to crazy and steep visual images and moments.

I'll be back to the thesis, which is written above - unlike the original, the history of Human Revolution is more personal and less large-scale, in the end, by our hero, Adam Jensen, moves first of all the love and desire to save the favorite from the paw terrorists. And the end of this part of the plot of course forced many players to beat in the attacks of righteous rage. As far as this corresponded to the spirit of the series, the occurrence was as unexpected. Many missions player passes guided by his own sense of justice or rage. History often have a non-obvious solution, and go to smoke to the balcony for making specific decisions during the passage was normal for me. Nevertheless, against the background of a personal drama of people, the place for the fate of mankind is still left. Yes, this aspect is much less large-scale than in the original, but the problems of humanity are not so global yet, at least it is not so obvious.

The name, or rather the subtitle of the game, actually hints on the essence of what is happening. A new world order and new foundations are built around. Evolution through the revolution. Faster, above, stronger, bypassing centuries. Humanity no longer evolve in the usual understanding. In the new world and to a new future, we are drawn by a technical revolution, large-scale, evil, incomprehensible to many. Why grow a new handIf you can attach steel and break through the walls. Augmentation designed to improve humanity, to produce revolutionary changes in people's lives, become the first swallow of the new world and split the world of the current one. Iron hands, legs, eyes and other limbs.

Armenitated people, especially such as Adam, are like robots, and many seem dangerous. They seem symbol that humanity is not going there. In the original Deus ex there are agents similar to Adam - with iron limbs and similar aggregates. And how evil applies to the hero that stuffed with dumps, technically perfect, but looks like a person, it has always been like a simple envy. But after HUMAN Revolution, and especially after Mankind Divided, it can be perceived differently - these are people who have passed through the revolution.

And if we see the most beginning in Human Revolution, then in Mankind Divided - already the height of the opposition.

When for the first time you turn on the new Deus Ex, the first thing that offers to make a game, it is to watch a 12-minute roller about the events of Human Revolution in order to refresh the memory of "old men", and for a short excursion of newbies. True, the reality is such that Mankind Divided is a direct continuation of the last part, and the depth, understanding and immersion in the new completely depends on whether the Human Revolution player passed.

But not HR is one. The game consistently and mercilessly falls on the player events and names. And many of these names are directly related to the original Deus Ex.

The revolution started in HR is now in full swing. The incident is the moment when all the "Auges" (the abbreviated name of all aggressed in the game) in the world fell into an inexplicable rage and began to cripple themselves and loved ones, divided society. From the new path for humanity, the aggregation turned into a symbol of rage and danger. In some countries, aggregated was exiled to ghetto, more reminiscent of the concentration camps. For them, there were separate wagons in the subway, suspicion increased, the failures of cooperation, mass dismissal, not to mention the permissiveness of the police in relation to Augam.

It is in such a world that the new part starts. Humanity is looking for his way, part opposes the aggregation and artificial evolution, and the part develops their stubbornly. Before the events of the original Deus Ex, 23 years left.

As is now accepted in such games, we start immediately into the thickness of the events completely grained Adam. The first mission not only serves as learning, but also on the example of a small segment shows the basic principles of DEUS EX: MANKIND Divided. And the main principle of the game, as before - permissiveness. You can do absolutely everything within the framework possible in the game, just the combinations have become more. During the history and fulfillment of tasks, there are no failed options, or rather, they will not stop the story, forcing the game to restart. Each solution and executed / unfulfilled task leads to certain events, each player occurs its "real deus ex". After a brief, but taking training, the player goes to the main location where the game will develop - in Prague.

Prague ... Prague meets us with the Sun and Eastern European architecture. Prague meets us with huge apartments with a TV in the whole wall. Prague meets on hatred and discrimination.

This is the first Deus Ex, the events of which occur at the light of the sun. The contrast between the peaceful view of the city, warm slightly faded colors and creaches around terrible events and gives a fresh atmosphere and the dynamics of the world Deus Ex.

The affordable territory of the city, although not huge as in many RPG or the adventures of the next assassin, but pays a lot of interesting stories and locations. Piercing everything and the whole spirit of freedom fascinates. But in the abundance of opportunities there is a small problem - players try to take up everything at once.

But the game is simply literally created for all types of players. Do you like to follow the plot? Here is a marker, keep it to him! Want to study everything? Forward, we do not hold you, return to the plot later!

The main thing is to decide how to pass the game. Moreover, the game actively inclined to repeated passage. Do not try to cover everything at a time, otherwise you can stand for a long time to get stuck next to the first quest.

The abundance of paths and opportunities is used not only to facilitate the life of the player and creating interesting situations, but also for simple reloading. Not every ventilation leads in useful place, not every locked door or safe hides something valuable. Very unobtrusive game reports that we are in a simple city, and the neighbor in the apartment is unlikely to have a supernova sniper rifle or deposit Praxis, around full ordinary people With ordinary lives and problems. Nevertheless, the game does not prevent the neighbor to climb into the apartment and try to penetrate the empty building, just to see. I repeat, you are free to do what you want, it's your time and your resources.

Gameplay vision is still Human Revolution, but with three important changes.

First, in the context of the thesis "Here's the game, do what you want" the developers brought to the mind shooting and as a whole mechanics responsible for rushing in terms of the level of destroying all living things. Levels are literally clogged with opportunities to transform everything around at Michael Bay's show.

Secondly, bosses actually removed from the game. Now they are simply slightly stronger than ordinary opponents, often on the same level with Adam, but everyone, even the final, can be cut out with a standard set of stealth skills, which was problematic in HR. This by the way allows you to go through the game almost without a single murder.

Thirdly, Adam has been expected to have completely new augmentation - they allowed them to saturate the game with new features in all aspects. For example, "Titan" turns Adam into an absolutely invulnerable machine for any attacks.

The atmosphere, the situation in the world and so on is all of course well, but I understand that many worries the plot. It is quite good. I think everyone will agree that it is often difficult to keep intrigue in the bed. We already know what the world will come, we know more or less who survive, and who will die.

Mankind Divided with its task copes. Part of the plot turns is obvious, part known initially, part of the player is creating himself, and part is surprising. From this point of view, MD turned out to be balanced, although it is worth noting that for those who will strictly follow the plot, some things will not be so obvious, but the roughness of the feed is more obvious.

As for the focus of history, it is still more about a person than about humanity, although the balance displacement has become more noticeable. Adam accepted himself as auga. The phrase from the first part: "I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS" is still relevant, but slightly changed its shade. The hero's look at himself and Augs changed, and he was interested in the fate of his people. Many actions of Adam remaining behind the scene before the game began, dictated by the fact that he wants to provide peaceful existence for the aggrees. As the witness of the beginning of the incident, he fully realizes that there are no guilt of influence in atrocities and madness. And his goal is to bring them at least stability. That is what Adam's advocated to become a double agent. As an interpol employee, he also cooperates with the organization of the team of Jagernaut - a group of hactivists trying to stop the Illuminati. The dynamics of Jensen relations with both organizations and the development of some plot aspects are being built on the double game. Two mutually exclusive quest for a similar situation is normal.

The game has three endings: excellent, good (satisfactory) and bad. Perhaps they are more, but in order not to run away the extra spoilers, I tried this not to find out before the game is still a time.

The Final Games is such "to be continued". In fact, no matter how much of the endings on the basis of your solutions it turned out, change something globally in this time it will not work. Adam only came up to a source of problems, and much still hidden from him. And do not forget what to destroy and bring to clean water The illuminates will not work, at least all exactly, because before the events of Deus EX for another 23 years. I have a suspicion that the plot will eventually go along the path of the alternative universe. Time will tell.

In the game menu, in addition to the main part there are two more items where you can continue to play. Place for future DLC: Jensen stories and BREACH mode. The first DLC turned out to be a simple mission in a closed complex, which explains the masterpower nuances of the main story. Breach talks about the adventures of hackers and hacking servers. In essence, this is an asynchronous competitive mode, the action of which occurs in virtual realityBut has a gameplay of the main game. The mode is equipped with microtranscations and a complete set of modern freege.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided can not be called an innovative game, almost everything that is in it, in one or another, there was still in the first Deus Ex, and which was not, added to HR. The innovations with an open world and daystream play the atmosphere and again expand the concept of "all and even more opportunities." But in essence it is an ultimative assembly from the favorite and working elements of the series. Let there be anything new in the game, let the schedule and the animation are not more than the "norms", but the way she is caught in, notes such comments aside.

- I. never Asked for this ...