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How can an individual entrepreneur provide hairdressing services? Hairdresser from scratch? Is that possible

Guide to opening an economy class hairdressing salon, where to start, the required equipment with an indication of the cost of 1 workplace, required personnel and much more.


A hairdressing salon as a type of business has a number of indisputable advantages: it does not require large investments, is not afraid of competition, is not subject to sharp fluctuations, does not require licensing and the collection of a large number of permits, and is quite cost-effective.

How to start opening a hairdressing salon?

First of all, you need to decide on the scale and format of the future enterprise:

  • Small establishment economy class providing the population with inexpensive hairdressing services. Such establishments are designed for 1-2 working chairs and are usually located in residential areas of cities.
  • Salon, in which the range of services provided is much wider, and additionally offers cosmetic procedures and nail services. They work in a higher price category.
  • Elite, characterized by a high level of service, an individual approach to the client, the presence of highly qualified craftsmen, incl. stylists and image makers. Such establishments are usually located on the central streets of the city, providing visits to clients with higher than average incomes.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the potential income of prestigious hairdressing salons is quite high, they do not always have the opportunity to remain profitable (including due to expensive rentals), and under certain economic conditions and market conditions, they may not be in demand at all.

According to experienced specialists, it is the creation of an economy class hairdressing salon that is the most viable business project and the most reliable investment object.

Defining the concept

A business project begins with setting a goal, which is to open an economy class establishment for 2-3 seats, providing the following services:

  • haircuts - simple, model;
  • creating styling and hairstyles;
  • hair care procedures;
  • hair coloring;
  • hair curling;
  • shaving.

At the start of business, such a basic range of services will suffice. Gradually, as it develops, it can be significantly expanded.

We register a business

V general case opening a hairdresser, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur or as legal entity in the form of a limited liability company.

For a number of reasons, the most the best option organizational and legal form in this case is individual entrepreneur. Why?

  • First, potential consumers of services - individuals.
  • Secondly, with approximately the same level of opportunities for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, the degree of responsibility for the actions of LLCs is significantly higher.
  • Thirdly, registration of an LLC is impossible without a minimum authorized capital, drawing up constituent documents, the presence of the required attributes - legal address, checking account, round stamp, etc.
  • And, finally, individual entrepreneurs have fairly easy accounting and low tax rates.

In the event that several people decided to combine their efforts and finances to open a hairdressing salon, then the most suitable form would be an LLC.

As for the OKVED codes, the following will suit you:

  • 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons” - the group includes: washing hair, cutting and trimming, styling, tinting and coloring, straightening and curling hair, trimming beards, shaving, cosmetic facial massage, make-up, pedicure, manicure, etc. ...
  • 52.33 - “Retail trade of cosmetic and perfumery goods” and 52.13 - “Other retail in non-specialized stores ”, if the hairdresser plans to sell cosmetics and skin and hair care products.
  • 85.14 - “Other health care activities” and 93.04 - “Fitness and fitness activities” - are suitable for business expansion and include activities to improve physical condition a person and ensuring comfort (solariums, baths, saunas, weight loss and slimming procedures, massage rooms, etc.)

Features of taxation

It is worth noting the changes in tax legislation that came into effect on January 1, 2013 and related to the provision of hairdressing services to the population by individual entrepreneurs. From this date, they can voluntarily apply one of the following taxation systems: UTII, STS, and also switch to the patent system PSN (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.25.13 No. 03-11-11 / 31).

In general, for hairdressing salons, taxation in the form of UTII is more profitable. However, if the alleged annual income will be more than 900,000 rubles a year, it is more advisable to purchase a patent, the cost of which is calculated by the formula: Estimated annual income from a hairdressing salon * 6%.

Thus, for the city of Moscow, the cost of an annual patent for hairdressing services will be equal to 54,000 rubles (Law of the city of Moscow dated October 31, 2012 N 53 “On the patent taxation system”).

It should be noted that PSN can be used exclusively by individual entrepreneurs, while average number employees in the tax period should not exceed 15 people.

Required permissions

A hairdressing license is not required for the operation of a hairdressing salon. However, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for public utilities.

  • According to the current legislation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584), prior to the start of hairdressing, it is necessary to submit a notification of the start of entrepreneurial activity to Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The equipment, premises, conditions of the hairdressing salon must comply with the requirements of SanPiN This is also monitored by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The hairdressing salon must comply with all established fire safety regulations.
  • Hairdressers must have medical books.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable for the owners of a new hairdressing salon to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, which will confirm the safety of the services provided, their compliance with all norms and standards.

Requirements for the premises of the hairdresser

The choice of the location of the establishment must be approached very thoroughly, because the income of the hairdresser directly depends on this. The optimal place for opening an economy class establishment is in sleeping areas. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the availability of utilities and electrical networks, for its compliance with the requirements of fire supervision and SES.

The footage of the room is selected at the rate of 6-7 m2 for workplace... In addition, it is worth providing a waiting area, a bathroom and a small area for staff. Thus, 40 sq.m. will be enough to accommodate an economy class hairdressing salon. - an area comparable to the size studio apartment... However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to place a hairdresser in residential apartments, with the exception of cases of transferring them to a non-residential fund.

When creating a technological project, it is worth calculating and planning all the necessary zones. On its basis, a project is formed engineering communications(electricity, water, sewerage, ventilation). And, in conclusion, they make up a design project.

As a rule, repairs will have to be carried out in the selected room. In this case, one should carefully approach the choice construction company and draw close attention to the clauses of the contract for the implementation of repair work.

Required equipment

Not a lot of equipment is required for a small hairdressing salon, but do not forget - it must be of high quality. You should choose professional equipment designed for salons: household equipment will fail, since it is not designed for significant loads.

For work you will need:

  • Equipment and appliances: hair dryers, dryers, hair clippers, armchairs with a hydraulic mechanism (according to the number of jobs), one sink equipped with an armchair.
  • Tools: combs, scissors, clips, curlers, razors.
  • Interior items and furniture: wardrobes, bedside tables, mirrors, sofa, Coffee table, armchairs or several chairs for the waiting area, hanger, computer table.
  • Textile products- towels, capes, napkins, uniforms or workwear.
  • Cosmetics and consumables.
  • A computer.

Pick up hairdressing equipment specialized companies that provide services for a complete set of salons can help. In addition, there are quite a few online stores where you can independently choose everything you need for your hairdressing salon - from equipment and furniture to professional cosmetics.

Check out suppliers of beauty and hairdressing equipment.

How much does it cost to organize one workplace?

Let's calculate the cost of a hairdresser's workplace using the example of a popular equipment supplier Image Inventor LLC:

Name Qty. Price
Sink "LENA" Frame: metal. dimensions(LxWxH, mm): 1200x730x940 1 RUB 11895
Trolley 07-VIP67 Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 370x310x860. 1 RUB 3100
Hairdresser's chair "Alex" pneumatic Overall dimensions (LxW, mm): 600x580. Lifting mechanism: pneumatics. Base: five-ray chrome. 1 RUB 5700
Dressing table "Sapphire" Overall dimensions (HxWxD): 1740x660x300 mm. 1 RUB 3050
Hairdressing tools 1 RUB 8,000
Total: 31,745 rubles

If you add to this list related hairdressing products, such as bowls, brushes, gloves, curlers, clips, brushing, rubber bands, etc., it turns out that the minimum cost of equipment for one hairdressing place is about 40,000 rubles.

Expendable materials(paints, shampoos, balms, etc.) are bought, as a rule, on the basis of 3 months of use. These costs are estimated at approximately 20,000 rubles.

Total for the equipment of one workplace requires investments of about 60,000 rubles.

Personnel requirements

For an economy class hairdressing salon you will need:

  1. administrator,
  2. 3-4 masters working on a floating schedule,
  3. accountant (part-time or outsourcing).

A universal way to find good master does not exist. You can prefer young specialists or opt for more experienced ones, while it should be borne in mind that the latter will most likely cost more. You can search for employees by advertisements, via the Internet and by recommendations. Of course, a successful choice of specialists is an important component in deciding how to attract clients.

The salary of a hairdresser is usually set at the rate of 20-40% of the proceeds. It is necessary to formalize labor relations with employees and remember that everyone working in a hairdressing salon must have health books.

It is also worth considering the following feature of the business: regular customers, as a rule, want to be serviced by a certain master, therefore, in the event of the dismissal of a specialist, the salon will most likely lose the clients served by him.

Franchise per topic:"Strands in order" public hairdresser, investments of 0.5 million rubles, payback period of 7 months.


Hairdressing is the treatment of hair by dyeing, cutting, styling or extending hair to meet the needs of the client and make his appearance fresh, well-groomed and beautiful. Hairdressing technology is a whole art, the fruits of which are amazing images. A professional hairdresser is constantly growing, improving his skills and knowledge, attending competitions and trainings. A really good hairdresser will always advise his client what adjustments are needed in his appearance how he can hide flaws and emphasize advantages with the help of a well-chosen color or haircut.

The scope of work of the master hairdresser includes many different directions, each of which requires specific knowledge and availability necessary tools... In particular, these are:

  1. A haircut;
  2. Coloring;
  3. Styling;
  4. Creation of hairstyles;
  5. Children's haircut;
  6. Head massage;
  7. Hair treatment;
  8. Lamination, keratic hair straightening;
  9. Hair extension;
  10. Weaving braids, afro braids, creating dreadlocks, etc.

The profession of a versatile hairdresser is believed to include proficiency in all of the above techniques. However, as a rule, it is very difficult for a master to be sprayed on all kinds of services and improving all skills at the same time, so he tries to achieve high level professional excellence in at least one or more.

What can be a master hairdresser?

Hairdresser stylist make-up artist- a more complex concept, emphasizing the fact that the master has taken courses in stylistics and make-up. In the course of his work, a hairdresser stylist must do what almost every person dreams of: to choose exactly that haircut, that hair color, sometimes very unexpected, which will make a person bright, cheerful and beautiful, will create the basis of his image. The services of a hairdresser stylist are valued much higher, since a small number of masters decide to improve their skills in creating new images. This takes time and money. Therefore, truly professional hairdressers with excellent taste and sense of style become stylists.

Hairdresser colorist Is a person who specializes in hair coloring. He knows which paint is best for whom, so as not to damage the hair, what intensity the shade is necessary for your face, figure. In the course, colorists are taught various combinations of colors, creating smooth transitions, the effect of burnt hair and much more. interesting ways highlight the owner of the hairstyle. Hairdresser make-up artist usually specializes in weddings and evening looks. It is very convenient, by making a call to the hairdresser at home, to get a make-up master in one person.

owns the techniques of all men's hairstyles, from classics to sports or "like Dima Bilan's." He will be able to choose a haircut for young people that will emphasize masculinity or add stylish and bright notes to the image.

Hairdresser for children- this is a separate group of craftsmen, since not every craftsman will be able, with patience, to cut a child jumping or crying in a chair. A children's hairdresser must be able to interest the child. Today, special hairdressing salons are even created for kids, where the hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a TV with cartoons, and the chairs are made in the form of cars or fairy-tale characters.

How are prices for hairdressing services formed?

The cost of hairdressing services depends on the level of the salon, the experience and skill of the hairdresser, the cost and quality of the cosmetics and equipment used. Hairdressing services at home, as a rule, are an order of magnitude lower, since in this case the cost of renting the premises is not taken, utilities and many other factors. If you have a personal hairdresser, whom you completely trust your own hair, then you are a real lucky one! For those who have not yet found one, but want to change the image, we advise you to turn to the online virtual hairdresser program, where from the photo you will select a haircut, styling and hair color, which the salon master can then create.

In the sphere of rendering services of a domestic nature, such a business organization as an individual entrepreneur prevails on the territory of Russia. Various bakeries, car washes, dry cleaners and hairdressing salons are just right for this form of business. The provision of hairdressing services can be carried out in several ways: a beauty salon, a small universal or children's hairdressing salon, the provision of such services at home. However, in any case, such activities are aimed at obtaining benefits in monetary terms, and, therefore, must have an appropriate legal status.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to provide hairdressing services only after registration with the Federal Tax Service. Of course, there is a great desire to save time and money and not go through the procedure, and in the future and not pay taxes and fees. The temptation is especially great if a citizen is doing this work at home. It should always be remembered that if government agencies are interested in such an "entrepreneur", in addition to the fine, you will have to pay the entire amount of tax payments that "came up" during the work. Do not be lazy to formalize relations with the state and clients properly.

When registering, indicate the appropriate OKVED code, which allows you to engage in such work. Taxation of this type of activity is carried out using the UTII system or by acquiring a patent. That is, when registering, it will be offered by default general system(OCH), but the entrepreneur can immediately go to the desired one. UTII and a patent when deducting 6% of profits has a fairly low tax burden: you do not need to pay VAT and personal income tax.

Next, you need to draw up a competent business plan for the implementation of your business. An individual entrepreneur can provide hairdressing services both in rented and in personal premises and even at home. If a small or large salon or hairdresser is to be opened, employees will undoubtedly be hired. The employment relationship between employees and the entrepreneur must be formalized accordingly. It is necessary to conclude with each of them labor contract, fill in work book... At the same time, it is important for an individual entrepreneur to register with the social insurance fund in the person of the insured in order to make further contributions for all employees. The same procedure must be followed in a pension fund. Compulsory pension insurance for employees is the responsibility of the sole proprietor employer.

Personnel production of an employer-entrepreneur must comply with the legislation, in particular, Labor Code... All TCs of employees of a hairdressing salon or salon must be completed, certified by the seal or signature of the individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to issue orders for the recruitment of new employees. This will save the individual entrepreneur from misunderstandings during possible inspections by state bodies, since the latter have the right to require the provision of all documentation, including personnel.

If a citizen independently provides hairdressing services at home, he may, of course, not register in this status. But in this case, he is deprived of the opportunity to issue checks to customers, to receive benefits from the state. If the client contacts the Rospotrebnadzor authorities with a complaint, entrepreneurial activity without registration, it will be disclosed, which may lead to troubles in the form of penalties or even the institution of a criminal case if the IP client has suffered significant damage, for example, to health.

For the rest, an individual entrepreneur can provide hairdressing services completely without restrictions. If the salon also provides medical services, those workers who perform this work may need to obtain a license. A medical license is issued only to persons with appropriate education and qualifications. The license expiration date is indicated. At the request of clients, individual entrepreneurs or other employees of the salon must present it to the client.

An important point for an entrepreneur in hairdressing is staff recruitment. Needless to say, the more experienced and educated the hairdresser's masters, the more customers the owner of the establishment can count on. The place of business is also of great importance. Salon in the city center, near shopping centers, institutions will bring where big profit... Although in the sleeping areas there will be demand for hairdressing services. In general, as long as people, especially women, do not stop taking care of themselves, opening a hairdressing salon can bring an entrepreneur significant profits and recoup all costs in a short time.

To order inexpensive hairdressing services, use the YouDo service. The site has registered professional hairdressers who provide their services at home for women, men, children and retirees at favorable rates.

What is included in the work of the master

When there is no time and opportunity to visit a hairdresser, the way out of the situation will be a master who comes to the house.

A private stylist provides various hairdressing services by performing:

  • womens model haircuts
  • male haircuts
  • children's haircuts
  • evening styling
  • wedding hairstyles

You can call a hairdresser at any convenient time to any address in Moscow. If you are planning festive events, together with the services of a stylist, you can order the services of a make-up artist who will do professional make-up.

You can find and invite a professional around the clock, and he guarantees a checkout without delays.

The cost of services depends on factors such as the complexity of the haircut, the urgency of the order and the need for additional services (coloring, styling).

How to order services

If you need a professional hairdresser, fill out an application on the YouDo service. Indicate the type of services you need and the time of arrival of the specialist. Craftsmen who are ready to come and provide inexpensive services will leave their responses.

Compare hairdresser prices and experience by viewing the profiles on the site. After reading customer reviews, or using the rating system, you can search for proven specialists.

Another point is that not everyone can choose the right image and know how to express their individuality. Besides, modern woman just doesn't have enough free time to think about your image. And the provision of hairdressing services in Moscow salons greatly facilitates this task.

Short hair or long curls should first of all have a healthy appearance, be elastic and shiny. Of course, the listed parameters also depend on general condition a woman's health, but a hairdresser can also do a lot.

Prices for hairdressing services are varied and the choice is wide. Everyone can choose a suitable option.

Hairdressing services in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Today, naturalness is at the height of fashion: natural colors, neat haircuts and soft styling with minimal commit use. It emphasizes the natural beauty of the hair well. Popular hairdressing services (price list, novelties): hair glazing, "bio" haircut, hair lamination, keratin straightening.

Hair glazing

One of the most recent advances in hairdressing is the hair glaze method. This procedure gives the hair a well-groomed and shiny appearance. The hair glaze procedure is performed by a specially trained master, and the effect lasts up to seven to eight weeks. This method is suitable for both natural and colored hair, moreover, you can select any color for colored hair. Natural hair is covered with a colorless shiny film.

Hair type does not affect the ability to glaze. The procedure can also be used to paint over gray hair, but only on initial stage when gray hair is less than 30%.

Studies have shown that hair glazing is absolutely safe and even useful methods... All the means used for its implementation are made from natural ingredients and, in principle, do not contain harmful ingredients.

Prices for hairdressing services, in particular for hair glazing, depend on the length of the hair and the level of the salon. On average, it costs from 1600 rubles. up to 3500 p. In hairdressing salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Provision of hairdressing services: "Bio" haircut

Another technique that has appeared relatively recently is the "bio" haircut. The technique for performing such a haircut consists of two stages. First, the hair is washed and a special nourishing mask is applied to it, which contains a large number of useful microelements. The mask is kept tightly wrapped for up to 20 minutes for its deeper penetration.

Prices for hairdressing services, in particular the "bio" haircut procedure, on average range from 1100 rubles. up to 5000 p. and higher, depending on the salon and the quality of the cosmetics used.

Lamination of hair

The provision of hairdressing services includes a hair lamination procedure. It consists in covering the hair with a breathable, long-lasting protective film that contains moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. Laminating agent is essentially a colorless dye and does not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. Outwardly, it looks like a viscous and transparent odorless liquid. Thanks to its special properties, the lamination agent envelops each individual hair, fills in all irregularities and delaminations and does not stick the hair together. Thanks to such a film, the hair becomes 10-15% thicker, more elastic and smoother. After hair lamination, styling takes much less time and hair is protected from high temperatures (blow-dry, ironing, direct sun rays). In addition to all of the above, the film has an anti-static and light water-repellent effect. The effect lasts about 4 - 6 weeks and directly depends on the initial condition of the hair, the products used for hair care and the frequency of shampooing. Hair lamination is absolutely harmless and has a healing effect.

Hairdressing services: the price for hair lamination ranges from 1600 rubles. and higher. Hair length, the materials used for lamination and the skill level of the hairdresser play the most important role in determining the price.

A type of lamination is the so-called biolamination. The procedures are almost identical, but the difference lies in the means used. For biolamination, more expensive and high-quality cosmetics are used. According to the available data, this type of lamination is even safer and more effective, it allows the hair to breathe fully.

Hairdressing services: price for hair biolamination - from 2000 rubles. for short hair and up to 5000 r. for long hair.

Keratin hair straightening

Hairdressing services (Moscow, St. Petersburg) provide an opportunity to carry out the procedure for keratin hair straightening. It is perfect for those women who are tired of naughty, curly hair. It is harmful to constantly use an iron to straighten your hair, and it takes quite a lot of time. Such a procedure is carried out in the salon. The basic principle of straightening is the use of synthetic liquid keratin, which penetrates into hair defects and fills them. Then, under the influence of temperature, the keratin folds and turns into a protective shell. This protection gives the hair shine and smoothness, and also makes the hair thicker.

Prices for hairdressing services, namely for keratin hair straightening, range from 2500 rubles. up to 6000 r.

Standard hairdressing services

The provision of hairdressing services in a standard set includes the following:

1. Haircuts for men, women and children. The expert will help with choosing a hairstyle suitable for the face shape, style of the client and the type of his hair.
2. Hair dyeing (including coloring, highlighting) can be carried out with dyes of different quality and composition. The price of the procedure will depend on this.
3. Hairdressing services (Moscow, St. Petersburg) allow braiding, which is now at the peak of its popularity. There are a huge number of their types and forms, and the more intricate the idea, the more expensive the cost of such a hairstyle will be.
4. Hair styling never loses its relevance. Wedding, graduation, anniversary, corporate party and many celebrations where a woman should look perfect. Various curls and loose hair are in fashion.

The prices for hairdressing services indicated above vary greatly in salons and depend on the skill class of the specialists and the level of the institution itself.

Image services

The provision of hairdressing services in salons is also represented by so-called image services, which include manicure, nail extension and gel polish, pedicure, eyelash extension, piercing and all kinds of tattooing.

The price for image services fluctuates within a very wide range. Pricing is influenced by both the location, the experience of the specialist, and the means used to perform the procedure.

For example, you can look at the Internet prices for hairdressing services of any of the salons in Moscow.


The provision of hairdressing services is not limited to haircuts, curls, lamination, etc. Today it is very common to carry out additional relaxing procedures in salons. These are all kinds of massages, aromatherapy, spa treatments, facial cleansing, light therapy and many different techniques used to improve the complexion, skin condition and relax the client.

How to choose a good salon

The provision of hairdressing services can be strikingly different in two similar salons. When visiting a hairdressing salon for the first time, you should pay special attention to the staff and the cleanliness of the room. You should not use the services of dubious institutions, because this is primarily health. Since almost all procedures can injure the skin, there is a risk of infection. That is why special attention should be paid to compliance with the rules for processing tools. The client has every right to ask for certificates for carrying out especially traumatic procedures (tattooing, piercing, etc.), as well as to see how the instruments used for haircuts, manicure, etc. are processed and sterilized.

Hairdressing: price plays a role! If the prices in the salon are very low, then you should think: what are they saving on? Most often, this is the same sterilization, the quality of raw materials (paints, masks, shampoos) and so on.