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Impulsive character. Impulsive type of personality



Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949-1992 .


Watch what is "impulsive" in other dictionaries:

    Impulsive, impulsive, impulsive; impulsive, impulsive, impulsively (book). Incoming, irresistiblely caused by some impulse (in 2 meanings; physiol.). Impulsive actions. || Pusty, acting under the influence ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Caused by unconscious insurmountable motives. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. The impulsive involuntary, caused by impulse. one; The inclined to act under the influence of a sudden motivation ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Nervous, involuntary, gusty dictionary of Russian synonyms. impulsive adj., Number of synonyms: 5 involuntary (15) ... Synonym dictionary

    impulsive - Aya, oh. Impulsif, E ADJ. 1. The inclined to act under the influence of direct motivation; gusty. About a human. Bass 1. 2. Conditioned unconscious, irresistible motivation; involuntary. Impulsive action. Bass 1. Impulsiveness and ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    Impulsive - Impulsive ♦ Impulsif is not able to withstand its own impulses. For impulsive man They are too strong, and he is too weak for them ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponvil

    impulsive - Aya, OE; veins, VNA 1) The involuntary, performed not fully consciously. Impulsive movements. Impulsive act. It was a semi-awareness of the briefness of human life: the youth is typical impulsive it is compressing the heart (I. Novikov). ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Arr. 1. involuntary, sudden; reflex. 2. Pulse caused by pulse [Impulse I 2.]. 3. acting under the influence of unexpected impulse, pulse [Impulse I 2.]; gusty. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

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The impulsiveness of behavior can manifest itself in the form of uncontrollable (or poorly controlled) consciousness of proportions of motor or speech activity. Impulsive behavior It may be accompanied by a critical attitude towards him when, after the attacks, the patient regrets that he could not resist. In more severe cases, the critical attitude towards such behavior may be lost.

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Impulsive behavior can be painful nature (that is, to be a manifestation of mental disorder), in this case you need a doctor's help

Impulsive behavior control disorders

Implementing impulsive behavior control disorders - Impulse Control Disorders (ICDS) - a category that is widespread in Western scientific literature, in our country, specialists use the term violation of situational control or impulsive behavior. This disorder should not be perceived as some kind of separate disease or diagnosis. This is a term that denotes the presence of the same type of symptoms. The symptoms of this state will be described below.

These disorders (symptoms) are included in the context of general mental disorders in which patients and their environment, as a rule, note a significant deterioration in social and professional activities, as well as they can entail both legal and financial difficulties. Medical studies have shown that the loss or violation of situational control over the behavior manifested by impulsive behavior can be good to treat, however, with such a problem, few people appeals to the doctor, believing that it is either a characteristic feature, licentiousness or manifestation of whims and poor education.

Species of impulsive behavior

Exist different kinds impulsive behavior, for example:

  • Impulsive hot temper (pulses break or twisted);
  • Impulsive sexual behavior;
  • Impulsive change in food behavior;

These disorders are characterized by difficulties in resistance to the momentary motivations, which are excessive and / or always deliver trouble to the patient himself and for its environment.

Impulsive behavior disorders are quite common among adolescents and adults, carry a significant reduction in the quality of life, but effectively treated with behavioral psychotherapy and pharmacological therapy.

The purpose of this review is the provision of a clinical picture of mental disorders, which may include syndrome of impulsive behavior, including diseases of the neurological spectrum and the consideration of actual data for pharmacological treatment of these disorders.

The main characteristics of interactions control disorders

Despite the degree of influence of common clinical, genetic and biological features on the development of impulsive control disorders, the mechanism of disorders occurred is not entirely understood.

Many impulsive control disorders include basic qualities:

  • repeating impulse behavior, despite the unfavorable consequences;
  • lack of control over problem behavior;
  • irresistible desire or state of "traction" to impulsive behavior or participation in such situations;
  • at the moments of the manifestation of impulse behavior, a person is satisfied.

These features led to a description of impulsive control disorders as behavioral dependencies. Some specialists often consider such symptoms as compulsive behavior. Although this connection has not yet been fully studied, but there are some differences in the definition of these concepts.

Impulsiveness - is defined as a predisposition to a fast, natural reaction to internal or external stimuli Excluding negative consequences.

Compulsiveness is defined as the performance of repeated, obsessive actions in order to reduce or prevent concern, disaster, danger, etc. These actions do not give pleasure or satisfaction.

These types of behavior disorders are rather treated as opposite. Compulsiveness and impulsivity, however, can be manifested simultaneously, in the context of the same mental disorder, thereby complicating the diagnosis and understanding, including the treatment of violations of certain forms of behavior.

The impulsivity as the quality of the personality is the tendency to act spontaneously, according to the first impulse under the influence of external circumstances or emotions.

The reader will immediately understand the essence of impulsiveness on the behavior of N. S. Khrushchev at the exhibition of works by the avant-gardeists, which he visited in 1962. Khrushchev survived the hall three times. His movements were very cutting. He, he was rapidly moving away from one picture to the other, he returned back, and all the people surrounding his people immediately farthed back, taking each other to their feet. From the outside it looked like in Chaplin's comedy films. Then he froze and broke out with shouts: - Listen, are you pederasts or normal people!? These are pederars in painting! So I would like to ask, they are married or not married; And if married, would you like to ask, do they live with his wife or not? This is a perversion, it is abnormal. What kind of faces? What do you not know how to draw? My grandson and then it will draw! What it is? What are you guys or pederasts damned, how can you write like that? Do you have a conscience? Does it cause any feeling? I want to spit! How are you, such a handsome young man, could write so shit? Who will fly on it roasted, which you want to show? Who! Flies that are thrown on Padal! Here they know, huge, fat. So flew! Pants need to drop with you. Are you a normal physically person? Are you a pederast or a normal person? These are pederasts in painting. All shit observed; Oslay art.

The impulsive person does not bother himself thinking, how to do, it does not weigh all the "for" and "against", he spontaneously, immediately, on the first internal impulse reacts to the stimulus and, often, it is equally repeatedly repeatedly repents about expressed or deed. The impulsivity is not related to the decisiveness - the advantage of a human nature. Combines their fast and energetic reaction, but decisiveness implies a thinking of a situation, an analysis of the feasibility of actions and adoption optimal solution. In impulsivity, there is the same close connection with composure, like the North Pole with South. The impulsivity is self-control with the opposite sign. She is close to mindless simplicity.

Often, the impulsivity is confused with quick-tempered, because it also prone to explosive reactions to stimuli and the algorithm of action in these qualities. The difference between them is that hot temper is a trigger for anger, malice, irritability, in a word, is associated with a purely negative emotions. The impulsivity is happy to contact with the emotions of joy and happiness. It manifests itself in neutral from the emotions of the situation. For example, it is necessary to make a decision on some kind of production or personnel question. Everything except impulsiveness is sitting at the meeting and think about how to do. And here the impulsiveness offers inadequate solutions and completely incredible candidates of applicants for the released posts.

The impulsivity is a greedy two-way, no time between the action and opposition. The impulsivity is instantaneously implemented by karma. He did not stole, walked, and then in prison. Not. Stole - to prison. In boxing there is such a training projectile - a pear. Bey and, if you do not believe, immediately get the answer. The impulsivity is implemented on the principle of this pear. She stole the right to choose. At the same time, she likes to explain their acts by randomly arising circumstances, loves to shift responsibility for an insurmountable fate and evil rock. One cracker complains: "Every time I go out of prison, no one helps me, instead there is some guy and fuss in my hand scrap."

The impulsivity is a bad actor who does not know how to keep a pause between its inner pulse and replicas. A person has the right that he has no way to take away - this is the right to choose how to react to an irritant. He told you a tram cham some kind, a reasonable person will take advantage of his right choice, will think how to respond to this situation. Get tempered or start competing with Ham, who is overwhelmed, or just climbs into a fight. In the police protocol, they will be recorded: "The arguments ended, so silently fought." The impulsiveness, following its emotions, or rushes them to dispose, or will help one of the parties.

An ordinary person considers his impression from all sides, misses it through the mind, that is, it analyzes, compares, evaluates and, finally, makes judgment about him. The impulsive person is superficient, his first guess instantly without thinking becomes a ready-made solution. The head, commander with such a galloping, hysterical thinking can be calmly destroyed his subordinates. Not actively analyzed, an impulsive person will go as donkey for carrot, there and then that he captured. The girl, as a future supermodel, promise "Golden Mountains" on the podium, and she does not notice inconsistencies and contradictions in the actions of their employers. Hears and sees selectively - sees only what is important for her in this moment. Once in a Turkish public house, it understands the danger of impulsiveness and nonsense, but sometimes too late. The impulsivity does not own the planning skills, it lives in the present and diminishes the value of the future. At the same time, impulsiveness is inherent in a sharp practical mind that can successfully cope with short-term issues, he grabs the essence of the problem on the summer and can respond quite right on it.

Let's go back to Khrushchev as a bright presentation of impulsivity. According to D.T. Shepilova, the former USSR Foreign Minister, the impulsiveness of Khrushchev found an expression in hyperactivity: "He constantly rushing somewhere to go, to fly, swim, to act, be on a noisy dinner, listen to honey toasts, telling jokes, sparkle, teach - that is, to move, blot. Without this, he could not live like a vain actor without applause or drug addict without drugs. " The impulsivity of Khrushchev was also manifested in his impermanence, for which the former deputy chairman of the Ministerial Council of Ministers paid attention to his memoirs. Novikov: "One of the minuses of the personality of Khrushchev is inconstancy. He could promise one today, and tomorrow - to make another. The statesman has no right to do so. "

The impulsiveness is a tobacco glass with a surprise, her trick carelessly and get acquainted with a feature. If there were monuments of character qualities, impulsivity would have stood on uncontrolcity and reflectority. Impulsivity advise to count ten times up to ten, before something to blame or start acting, they say that it is necessary to postpone the decision and consult with necessary people either refer to the insufficiency of information, but it rarely listens to the councils.

Peter Kovalev

For example, a man can walk down the street and throw a stone into the window. He explains his act to the fact that it just wanted to do it. Also, a person may not understand what this should not be done, but it feels that "nothing" cannot be done with him, justifying his behavior. That is, in this case, he really does not want to do anything with him, and such justification uses to shift responsibility to anything that is "stronger" him. For example, a man stole a bag with a woman, and already in the investigation declares that he did not plan to do this, but the bag so "successfully" looked, which was simply could not resist.

The actions of the impulsive personality are very fast (the time between the occurrence of desire and its satisfaction is very short), spontaneous (it appears very unexpectedly and also disappears) and unplanned (the person did not plan to perform it).

W. ordinary person The whim occurs when it corresponds to the main desires and targets of a person, and thus stimulates it to further actions. For example, a woman who loves to dance, accidentally saw an announcement of the speech of the beloved team. She had a sharply wanted to get to him, and when he satisfied this whim, she had a desire to do more seriously dancing, which was a stimulus to sign up for a dance school. This incentive helped get excellent results in classes. At the impulsive man, the whim remains a whim, it does not stimulate it to achieve great goals and not "woven" into the structure of basic interests. For example, a desire to buy a car occurred, and the person instantly satisfies the ego, and then the purchased purchase is almost all the time in the garage, because a person is easier to ride public transport or taxis.

This happens for the reason that impulsive people are very little interested in others: they have no good friends and blisms, work does not give much pleasure, they also think about the future and dream and dream of not much, the cultural side of life does not capture and do not interest. This is exactly the main cause of impulsiveness. An ordinary person in the occurrence of impulsive whima compares it with the most popular desires and if they are spent, it finds the strength in themselves to move inconvenience from unsatisfied with a momentary whim for something more. For example, if a person wanted a car at the date, but at the same time he has an even greater desire to build a house, he will think that this money can use this money to meet the dreams (invest in construction), and will travel on public transport . And for him it is not a problem, because focuses on a more global goal. The impulsive person, due to the lack of such purposes, cannot transfer inconvenience and therefore it goes on its momentary whim.

The positive side of this type is some spontaneity, which can generate new and original ideasWhat can not always be achieved only with the help of intelligence.

The impulsive personality is not used to critically analyzing events. If the decision-making scheme of an ordinary person is: the impression is the analysis of information - a comparison of different options, the choice of the best is the action, then the impulsive is as follows: the impression is the action.

Such a person sees in the surrounding only that he impressed and captured but it does not notice negative Party These things. It is very easy to cope with these problems and tasks, but relative to its future it can be helpless. Such people have something to be happening at the moment, they do not look into the future, do not compare the present actions with the results. For example, ordinary peopleBefore entering into a marriage for some time, they study each other, and are already being solved for a serious step. But impulsive people can be so captivated at the first meeting to others that after a few days to run into the signature, and then, not being ready for family life, after a short time to submit on Ra z.waters.

A impulsive personality is a person who can be creative, to quickly make decisions, but often these decisions are not objective and not thought out.

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Strengths of impulsive man and work on errors

Greetings, my dear readers! Have you ever met such people who very quickly change their opinion, it is easily moving from joy to anger, and their smile is instantly replaced by ruffles? What does impulsive person mean, what is his strengths and weak sides And how best to establish contact with such a person? Today I will answer all these questions and tell me how you be if you suffer from your impulsivity.


Most often, if you are telling "he impulsive man," then you will initially relate to it with a slight touch of negative. Why is this happening?

Because the impulsivity is more related to the negative assessment: unreliability, ambiguity, quick temper, irritability, and so on. But we will talk about the shortcomings later. Let's try to figure out the strong sides of a impulsive person.

Impulsive character allows a person to quickly make decisions. After all, most often such people quickly respond to external circumstances. Thus, we get a person who will be perfectly adjusted under a rapidly changing atmosphere.

Fast decision making, in turn, develops intuition, which strongly helps in life. Agree, a person with a more developed intuition is more likely to succeed. What skill can be compared with intuition? Perhaps no.

You immediately recognize what emotion is experiencing a momentum. You met such people on the face that nothing is written and it is absolutely impossible to understand what they feel now? With a impulsive person, this can not happen.

If he is angry, then you will understand it perfectly. And the better you understand other people's emotions, it is easier for you to communicate with a person. Therefore, when such a person is angry, you can simply not approach him at that moment. And wait until he comes in a calm and balanced state.

Impulsive man bad liar. To perfectly lie, you need to possess composure, calmness. The emotional person will surely miss and will not bring a lie to the end. Therefore, most often such people do not even resort to lies. Suspicious manipulations will be clearly visible in their behavior.


However, with all its strengths, impulsive people have a number of problems. Making impulsive actions, a person can make a mistake due to the fact that he thought poorly, did not consider all the options possible consequences. Rapid decision making unambiguously helps, but not in all situations.

Such people are dangerous to their lightning change of mood and not always clear who is the cause of anger or sadness. The person subconsciously seeks to order, constant. Therefore, communication with similar emotional people can annoy and output.

Emotional people and the truth often summarize. You agreed to meet, everyone prepared for it, spent time, strength, and maybe money. But the person did not come, just because he had changed his mind. Insecurity, perhaps the strongest minus impulsive person.

With such a person, it is very problematic in a romantic relationship. Today, he is in love without memory, and tomorrow they are angry with a trifle, after a couple of hours is offended, and in a second it kisses hard.

It is simply impossible to predict the behavior of such a person. And this again does not fit into the desire of a person to sequence and constant.

If you are such a person and it bothers you, then you should not despair. Everything can be changed, change and become more calm. If emotions interfere with your life, then be sure to read the article "How to Be Emotionally Sustainable".

Do not believe that you can change yourself? Then for you I have another article: "How to change yourself and your own character."

How to interact with impulsive person

Understand the impulsive person is not as hard as it may seem at first glance. There are things that bring it out of themselves, there are those that bring joy and happiness. And since he does not hide his emotions, then the observant person will quickly understand what exactly should not be done or talking.

In communicating with an emotional person there are also its advantages. For example, such people more often agree to adventurous proposals, they are more readily performed trip around the world Or go with you in the mountains. But also to abandon the venture, they can easily at the last moment.

Do not pin down large hopes For a promise such people. Their mood will change, they can change their mind. Therefore, listening stands, but not to trust entirely and completely. After all, it all depends on the mood and emotional state.

But an impulsive man rarely acts as an aggressor, in contrast, for example, from mentally unbalanced. If you got the second option and you absolutely do not understand how to interact with it, then you will use the article "Who is such a mentally unbalanced person." Communication with such a person is necessary with special caution.

Impulsiveness is not bad and not good. It has both positive and negative moments.

If you are an impulsive person, then you have the opportunity to use your strengths, but at the same time do not forget about working on your weak parties.

Do you quickly make decisions? What can you withdraw from yourself and how fast will it happen? Do you easily forgive the resentment? Do you think yourself with an emotional person?

Best wishes to you!

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Elena Zenkova, psychologist

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What is impulsiveness

In his life, each person meets people with different characters. Have you been able to deal with a person who hit his impermanence? Such people tend to tend to change their opinion rather quickly, they are characterized by instant mood swings.

It would seem that he just smiled and stayed in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit, as suddenly something affects his mood, and aggression and discontent appear. These people also affect their lightning solutions. What is explained by this behavior of a person? In psychology it is called impulsiveness.

The impulsiveness is a peculiarity of a human character, manifested in the inclination to make decisions without thinking of the consequences. Impulsive people are guided in their behavior not mind, but emotions and temporary circumstances.

More often such behavior entails only negative consequences. This is due to incontinence, quick-tempered and sharpness, which are often manifested in such people. In other words, it can be said that impulsive actions are actions committed without taking into account the consequences without prior delimitation.

Some people confuse impulsiveness and determination, this is a very common misconception. However, the difference between these two states is great. Decisive individuals are firmly confident in their solution or action, this confidence also applies to the result of their activities.

Impulsive individuals differ in the fact that they first commit actions, and after thinking about the consequences. In such a way, it is intended to be disappointed in the end, as a result of which they may experience repentance or even more complicate the current situation.


For each person, it is sometimes typically impulsive, but for some individuals it becomes the norm of life. Impulse states have several varieties and may also testify for some psychological diseases:

  • Pyromania - attraction to arson.
  • Kleptomania - thrust to theft.
  • Food impulsivity - manifests itself in various interactions with food.
  • Game is a predisposition to gambling.

This is only part of the psychological states when the human mind cannot resist its desires. Impulsive solutions are often a consequence of a weak self-control. Distinctive features Such people are increased activity and explosive.

These are bad interlocutors: the conversation with such people is complicated and often does not have a certain topic, as they tend to quickly switch between different topics. Asking the question, they do not wait for the answer and can speak for a long time, even if they no longer listen.

The impulsivity differs in situations in which it occurs:

  • Motivated - in this case it is called stressful situationsWhen even quite adequate people can show an unexpected reaction to the circumstances. This happened with each, and it does not cause concerns.
  • Incredited - when strange and unusual reactions to what is happening becoming the norm for this person. In this case, anomalous behavior is not an episodic and repeats quite often, which leads to some psychological diseases.

This condition is possible both in children and in adults. However, for children, psychologists do not define it as a diagnosis, since children are not always inclined to think about their decisions and take responsibility for them. But in adults it is already a deviation from accepted behaviors.

Very often impulsive behavior can be observed in adolescents. This is quite explained: various stresses at such critical age are more often the cause of unreasonable behavior. It may also be emotional arousal or overwork.

Sometimes such a state of teenagers cause artificially, the reason for this is stubbornness and the desire to show independence. Impulsive states in adults are a psychological deviation only if they manifest themselves very often and the person himself is not capable of self-control.

Pros and cons

The impulsive state in many causes a negative attitude. This is due to the fact that people identify the word "impulsivity" with such concepts as irritability, unreliability, hot temper. Of course, these properties may accompany impulsive manifestations, but this state has its strengths:

1. Fast decision making. It is not necessary to confuse it with determination, but this is the positive side of the impulsive state. Such individuals are prone to quick adaptation. Usually they are indispensable in situations when circumstances change quickly and need to make decisions, adjusting to them.

2. Intuition. This condition also develops intuition. Each of us would be happy to have an intuitive character or have a number of such a person. Intuition is a very strong side of character that helps us in life.

3. Explicit emotionality. Impulsive states imply a person's openness. Such individuals do not hide their emotions. This can also be attributed to positive features. The better you understand the emotional state of a person, the easier it is a relationship with him. The impulsive person will never shift hidden intentions.

4. Truth. Perhaps this is the most important positive moment in impulsive condition. People inclined to impulsiveness are rarely lick. Lies are more peculiar to those who have a calm and reasonable character. With increased emotion, it is difficult to hide the truth. Any manifestation of falsehood is very undesirable for a impulsive person, as sooner or later, emotions will take up and he will express everything.

Impulsive states have a number of benefits as we have understood. However, along with this, they are connected with a number of negative points. These include frequent errors. Taking fast solutionsThe person makes hopeless actions, which more often leads to errors.

The minus of the impulsive state is that the individual is often changing the mood, and will never understand that they are being running at the moment and what to expect for the next moment. And since each individual seeks to order and constant, emotional person is the cause of discomfort.

This is also manifested in relationships: with such people it is difficult to experience romantic feelings - he loves you and adores, it is angry because of small misunderstandings. Since it is impossible to predict the behavior of a impulsive person, then it is very problematic to adapt to it.

However, communication with such a person has its advantages. This is a very adventurous personality, and you can be sure that you will always get support in unexpected decisions. Also open emotionality of such a person can help you learn how to capture many factors that affect his mood, and in the future to use this for their own purposes.

At the same time, it should not be unconditionally trusted to him: impulsive people tend to change the opinion and do not always hold promises. It is necessary to remember that the impulsive individual will never act as an aggressor. If you encounter an emotional aggressive person, then most likely, this is a mentally unbalanced person.

The impulsivity cannot be bad or good. This is a state that has as positive sidesand negative. The impulsive person must use their strengths and pay a lot of attention to work on their weak features.

And the most important advice

  • The impulsive man is.

    The impulsive person - who is this?

  • Impulsiveness (lat. Impulses - push, motivation) - the peculiarity of human behavior (in sustainable forms - a character line), which consists in the tendency to act on the first impulse, under the influence of external circumstances or emotions. The impulsive person does not think of his actions, does not weigh all the "for" and "against", he quickly and directly reacts and often as quickly repents in his actions. From I. should be distinguished by decisiveness, which also suggests a quick and energetic reaction, but is related to the situation and the adoption of the most appropriate and informed decisions.

    The impulsivity is the character line, the tendency to act without sufficiently conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or by virtue of emotional experiences. As a age-related feature, I. manifests itself mainly in children of preschool and younger school age, which is due to the insufficient formation of the behavior control function. Under normal development, such a form I. is quite optimally adjusted in the joint games of children in which the execution of role-playing rules requires the containment of their immediate motivations and accounting for the interests of others. playing, as well as slightly later - in learning activities. Upon reaching adolescence, I. can again manifest itself as an age peculiarity associated with an increase in emotional excitability. I. promotes the spontaneous emergence of conflicts with others in situations, objectively not conflict. For diagnosis, I. use special tests and questionnaires, for example. Test J. Kagan and Questionnaire I. Aizenka.

    Impulsiveness - painful form Conduct at which the actions of the patient are committed in connection with insurmountable entry, prompting, proceeds violently, automated, are not controlled by consciousness.


    A brief intelligent psychological and psychiatric dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008.

    Vocabulary practical psychologist. - M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

    Psychological dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.

    Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-EvroNova. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003.

    Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.

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    Impulsiveness - what is it? How to understand that you are an impulsive person?

    We are all different people: some consider granted and comfortable weighing every living step repeatedly, others are able to take serious, which determine the course of the lifetime of the decision on the fly. In a wide range of bright human character traits, impulsiveness is distinguished - this is a specific personality to speedy and rapid acts, when only own motives, emotions, circumstances and people are taken alongside the basis.

    Surely, each in his own surroundings met such a person: he does not think of his actions, speech, decisions, instantly reacts to the circumstances and actions of other people, but this hasty often makes him repent in his own behavior. The impulsivity is characteristic of children - preschoolers or young school children can not give an adequate assessment by their actions, and therefore they are not much bothering over their thinking. For adolescents, impulsiveness can be the consequence of increased emotional and hormonal excitability. The impulsivity of adults is manifested in neurosis, overwork, affect condition and in certain diseases.

    The impulsivity is an action on the first impulse, based on emotions.

    The impulsivity is different and, depending on the degree of manifestation, is able to deliver a slight inconvenience to its owner or become a real problem of his life and environment. Impulsive behavior varies from the easy manifestation of discontent, spelliness of solutions and the rapid return of self-control to painful impulsive manifestations:

    • kleptomania (thrust to theft);
    • gambling (attractions to gambling);
    • fetishism and other manifestations of impulsive sexual behavior;
    • anorexia or, on the contrary, overeating, etc.

    Pulsive man

    Weigh all "for" and "against"? - No, it is not about a impulsive person. And he is still not even a fleeing thinking of his actions, and this factor is distinguished by impulsive person From the identity of decisive. In both cases, there is a quick and energetic reaction, that's just for impulsive people, it is rather with a minus sign than plus, - as fast as they do, they repent in their rash and inexpedient acts.

    How to understand that you are an impulsive person? There are several signs that determine the manifestations and inclination to impulsiveness:

    • previously imperceptible in the environment, things and people begin to annoy;
    • emerging neurosis, stress, the inability to cope with its own excited psychological state;
    • "Get off from the floor" - now is not a problem at all;
    • mood differences - from melancholy to unreasonable aggression;
    • after a successful manifestation of a rapid act or caused by the impulsiveness of actions, a person feels satisfied.

    Impulsivity rarely arises by itself - she always has causes

    Psychologists note the manifestation of impulsion, as a sign of problems unresolved in childhood. Too strict parents, prohibitions, the requirement of an active child of restraint and tranquility will further turn into a discrepancy between the external brought up and internal natural, and have every chance to go to the spiritual, they are rich in the emotions of the person.

    If impulsiveness begins to create serious problems that a person cannot cope with own forcesIt is recommended to apply for specialized help. Psychologists and psychotherapists will be able to professionally assess the patient's condition, and questionnaires and tests specify the problem. With obese a person, impulsivity certainly must be struggling: it lines relationships with others and increase the quality of human life. With serious problems and in accordance with the impulsion caused by the causes of medical professionals, the individual (under the personal characteristics of the patient) method of treatment will be recommended.

    Female impulsiveness

    If you look at the gender sign, the women are mostly impulsive and this is explained: emotional, without sufficient conscious control, they drive their own impulses without logical planning of consequences. This applies not to every girl or a woman: some reasonable ladies when buying a fiftieth blouse are placed twenty even twenty, and, for example, his own baby in the stroller adds a woman a sense of responsibility, forcing mommy to work on himself.

    Women's impulsivity is short-lived, it is difficult to get rid of it at all, but it can be learned to control

    Women - creatures are emotionally, rather than men, and therefore more susceptible to psycho-emotional state, which is impulsiveness. For women, and for any other person, impulsiveness can create considerable problems at work, in close relationship, in raising children - negative impulsiveness requires "to release steam", and therefore a impulsive person (regardless of gender) is recommended to understand the reasons The emergence of this state and learn to own them.

    How to get rid of impulsiveness?

    If you do not pay attention to the first signs of impulsivity, it is in short time It will turn into a stumbling line and will become a stumbling block in relations with other people - they are not interested in the cause, they see only unpleasant manifestation. What to do with impulsiveness and how to get rid of it? We offer frequent ways:

    1. Removal nervous tension And the struggle with stress: meditation, yoga classes, SPA-procedures and massages, pleasant hobbies, sports and visiting the pool, even shopping - everything that will allow you to return the emotional state in the same direction and will not allow the genu impulsiveness to break out the outward.
    2. It is recommended to put specific achievable targets for the end time: you need repair in the apartment, but there is no money? - repair the apartment gradually; Once going with a child in the water park? - The walk in the nearest ski park will become a successful alternative; "Delivered" relatives and friends? - Disconnect the phone after 21 hours and enjoy a pleasant movie or book.

    3. The impulsivity is capable of manifesting themselves due to a banal lack of time: the infinite requests of relatives, the requirements of the authorities that require attention to their attention - where is all this to find the necessary time? And that's even a focusing woman turns into a waded monkey, which is once even in the mirror to see. When is it here to sit down and calmly think about the affairs of the urgent? In this case, healthy egoism will help:

    • relatives can be safely explained that they themselves are able to choose a new leash for a dog in the store;
    • with the boss, we will not argue much, but an adequate superior person will listen to healthy arguments and take note;
    • there are no children to the side, but for them for sure there will be an interesting lesson who can take children's brains and hands at least for a couple of hours.

    4. Love relations and impulsivity - the concepts somewhat peacefully adjacent exactly until the moment develops the latter and hysteria. Psychologists in such cases are recommended to repel from the root causes (lack of attention and sex, the fear of losing such close man etc.) and talk with a partner about the emergence of problems in relations.

    Men emotionally fat-skinned, and the fact that the woman seems like a hurricane over his head, for them - only a little black tucca is far away above the horizon

    5. Find the pathogen of the problem that causing this condition: it certainly has, and when it is eliminated, the emotional background will become calmer and balanced, and the rationality of thought and actions will not make himself wait.

    In any case, it should be remembered: impulsiveness is not a disease with a critical diagnosis, but an emotional and mental state of personality, which may occur under the influence of circumstances and the environment in each. The impulsivity depending on the situation becomes defense or goes into an attack and aggression. She suddenly arises, and just as suddenly leaves. It is easily provoked, but obeys control if working on its own behavior.

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    Impulsive impulsive

    People weak and impulsive can be often

    there are sincere, but rarely come true.

    John Cherton Collins

    The impulsivity as the quality of the personality is the tendency to act spontaneously, according to the first impulse under the influence of external circumstances or emotions.

    The reader will immediately understand the essence of impulsiveness on the behavior of N. S. Khrushchev at the exhibition of works by the avant-gardeists, which he visited in 1962. Khrushchev survived the hall three times. His movements were very cutting. He, he was rapidly moving away from one picture to the other, he returned back, and all the people surrounding his people immediately farthed back, taking each other to their feet. From the outside it looked like in Chaplin's comedy films. Then he froze and broke out with shouts: - Listen, are you pederasts or normal people!? These are pederars in painting! So I would like to ask, they are married or not married; And if married, would you like to ask, do they live with his wife or not? This is a perversion, it is abnormal. What kind of faces? What do you not know how to draw? My grandson and then it will draw! What it is? What are you guys or pederasts damned, how can you write like that? Do you have a conscience? Does it cause any feeling? I want to spit! How are you, such a handsome young man, could write so shit? Who will fly on it roasted, which you want to show? Who! Flies that are thrown on Padal! Here they know, huge, fat. So flew! Pants need to drop with you. Are you a normal physically person? Are you a pederast or a normal person? These are pederasts in painting. All shit observed; Oslay art.

    The impulsive person does not bother himself thinking, how to do, it does not weigh all the "for" and "against", he spontaneously, immediately, on the first internal impulse reacts to the stimulus and, often, it is equally repeatedly repeatedly repents about expressed or deed. The impulsivity is not related to the decisiveness - the advantage of a human nature. Combines their fast and energetic reaction, but the decisiveness implies a thinking of a situation, an analysis of the feasibility of actions and the adoption of an optimal solution. In impulsivity, there is the same close connection with composure, like the North Pole with South. The impulsivity is self-control with the opposite sign. She is close to mindless simplicity.

    Often, the impulsivity is confused with quick-tempered, because it also prone to explosive reactions to stimuli and the algorithm of action in these qualities. The difference between them is that hot temper is a trigger for anger, anger, irritability, a word, is associated with negative emotions. The impulsivity is happy to contact with the emotions of joy and happiness. It manifests itself in neutral from the emotions of the situation. For example, it is necessary to make a decision on a production or personnel issue. Everything except impulsiveness is sitting at the meeting and think about how to do. And here the impulsiveness offers inadequate solutions and completely incredible candidates of applicants for the released posts.

    The impulsivity is a greedy two-way, no time between the action and opposition. The impulsivity is instantaneously implemented by karma. He did not stole, walked, and then in prison. Not. Stole - to prison. In boxing there is such a training projectile - a pear. Bey and, if you do not believe, immediately get the answer. The impulsivity is implemented on the principle of this pear. She stole the right to choose. At the same time, she likes to explain their acts by randomly arising circumstances, loves to shift responsibility for an insurmountable fate and evil rock. One cracker complains: "Every time I go out of prison, no one helps me, instead there is some guy and fuss in my hand scrap."

    The impulsivity is a bad actor who does not know how to keep a pause between its inner pulse and replicas. A person has the right that he has no way to take away - this is the right to choose how to react to an irritant. He told you a tram cham some kind, a reasonable person will take advantage of his right choice, will think how to respond to this situation. Get tempered or start competing with Ham, who is overwhelmed, or just climbs into a fight. In the police protocol, they will be recorded: "The arguments ended, so silently fought." The impulsiveness, following its emotions, or rushes them to dispose, or will help one of the parties.

    An ordinary person considers his impression from all sides, misses it through the mind, that is, it analyzes, compares, evaluates and, finally, makes judgment about him. The impulsive person is superficient, his first guess instantly without thinking becomes a ready-made solution. The head, commander with such a galloping, hysterical thinking can be calmly destroyed his subordinates. Not actively analyzed, an impulsive person will go as donkey for carrot, there and then that he captured. The girl, as a future supermodel, promise "Golden Mountains" on the podium, and she does not notice inconsistencies and contradictions in the actions of their employers. Hears and sees selectively - sees only what is important for it at the moment. Once in a Turkish public house, it understands the danger of impulsiveness and nonsense, but sometimes too late. The impulsivity does not own the planning skills, it lives in the present and diminishes the value of the future. At the same time, impulsiveness is inherent in a sharp practical mind that can successfully cope with short-term issues, he grabs the essence of the problem on the summer and can respond quite right on it.

    Let's go back to Khrushchev as a bright presentation of impulsivity. According to D.T. Shepilova, the former USSR Foreign Minister, the impulsiveness of Khrushchev found an expression in hyperactivity: "He constantly rushing somewhere to go, to fly, swim, to act, be on a noisy dinner, listen to honey toasts, telling jokes, sparkle, teach - that is, to move, blot. Without this, he could not live like a vain actor without applause or drug addict without drugs. " The impulsivity of Khrushchev was also manifested in his impermanence, for which the former deputy chairman of the Ministerial Council of Ministers paid attention to his memoirs. Novikov: "One of the minuses of the personality of Khrushchev is inconstancy. He could promise one today, and tomorrow - to make another. The statesman has no right to do so. "

    The impulsiveness is a tobacco glass with a surprise, her trick carelessly and get acquainted with a feature. If there were monuments of character qualities, impulsivity would have stood on uncontrolcity and reflectority. The impulsivity is advised to count ten times to ten, before something to blame or start acting, they say that it is necessary to postpone the decision and consult with the right people either refer to the insufficiency of information, but it rarely listens to the Soviets.

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