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What is a lie. Meaning of the word Lie in the philosophical dictionary

Lie- deceit, deliberate distortion of the truth,. According to the explanation of the holy fathers, a lie can be a thought, word or life.

The liar is the enemy of the soul. He comes in like a bazaar bazaar with a fake bill in your name. Some can only be trusted as long as you see them new company changes them. Like water, they boil or freeze depending on the ambient temperature. Many do this because of a lack of principles. They are like a weather vane, rotating with the wind.

Knowing their real face is as difficult as taking measurements from the moon. They believe in what is best. They always sail with the wind, no matter where it blows ... They really want to become good comrades, so they are friendly, enter into communication with everyone. Experienced people advise to beware of those whose fatherland is in the realm of lies. They are like rowers who look one way and ride the other.

The devil led to believe that wealth and property make a person happy, that success is determined by cars and houses, that freedom is the ability to do what you want.

Do what you want! It is being imposed. Debauchery, life without fetters, without restrictions, without complexes. All this is a repetition of the past. History knows such behavior and consequences. The apostle Paul describes the moral life without covering it with pictures of forests and African jungles. He speaks about the real life of the cultural centers of that time, the moral character of civilized people.

Long before the Apostle Paul, the first philosophers appeared near Ephesus, they began to think that the mind had awakened, and a country of unlimited possibilities had opened up. But the flower fell off, the fruit ripened, the content turned out to be bitter.

What was the mighty Roman Empire, which, having conquered Greece, promised law, order, prosperity. Both Rome and Greece fell, consumed by untruth and moral decay.

"An abomination before the Lord is a lying mouth" (). The one who is close to God, walks immaculately, does the truth, speaks the truth in his heart, who does not slander with his tongue, does not harm his sincere, does not accept reproaches against people ().

Any false testimony that harms the innocent is called perjury. The one who practices this will not go unpunished, "whoever speaks a lie will not be saved" (). By this means, the Devil wants to turn a person into a weapon that damages the glory of God. Someone said that sin has many tools, but a lie is the lever that sets them in motion.

This should be brought to mind more often, because a person is constantly in an environment of false conclusions and conclusions. To deceive means to be deceived and mislead. Distrust, doubt and irreparable harm to reputation are sown. In all cases, one must learn to refrain from jumping to conclusions until the final information is available.

People have suffered a lot from hasty decisions and promises. Those who remember when the ideologists of communism suggested that Stalin was at the same time a great politician, the greatest strategist, the greatest linguist, scientist and philosopher are still alive. People believed that a simple man who had been imprisoned in the past for robbery was "infallible." After his death, the same people were told that Stalin was the greatest mass murderer in history.

This lie has gone further. In 1959, a party without partners declared that in five years the USSR would overtake and surpass the high material standard of the United States. Secretary General Khrushchev said that "the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism." He promised to show "the last priest" in the country on TV. Fraudulently promised the creation of a brotherhood among the peoples by the communists.

Telling the truth is the best policy. A person can be intellectually developed, cultured, understanding art, painting, music, but have a subdued conscience and be blind. Culture does not free from sins. The first requirement that the apostle Paul makes is to reject lies. The duty of the Orthodox is to speak the truth. Lies should be overcome, remembering that sophism, resourcefulness do not bring any benefit. Christ is the Conqueror of lies. He redeemed humanity from sin, and we need to strive to increase the truth.

Despite the shortcomings of the world, the desire for good remained in people. No one has yet succeeded in preventing the penetration of good divine thoughts into the world. Alienation occurs due to ignorance and bitterness. Ignorance must be treated not from the head, but from the heart. Ignorance and bitterness go together.

FROM Greek hardening means: hardened skin. A heart that has sinned a lot becomes callous and insensible.

There are cases when people lie with insatiability and do not notice it, committing a sin zealously and with interest, often referring to Pushkin's Herman that "our life is a game", a person is looking for opportunities to lie. To do this, he captivates others, seducing and, if necessary, threatening.

Unfortunately, we have to observe that some intellectuals are clouded in mind. The life of those who considered themselves enlightened is empty, with unsatisfied searches. It becomes clear the need for prayers in the morning hours. As long as the mind is not occupied with the untruths of life, one must turn to God for help, clearly understand the eternal divine plans. Then there will be fewer quarrels over trifles, stumbling blocks, falls. When a person does not read morning prayers, he seems to say: “Lord, this afternoon I will do without You,” and here lies through. It is impossible to do without God. Praying in the morning, a person draws up a program for the whole day, raising his eyes to the mountain: “Our Father, who art in heaven”, then expresses his needs: “give us our daily bread today”, tries to think about himself and others: “And leave us debts ours, just as we leave our debtors.” At the end of the prayer, we ask for our protection: "deliver us from the evil one."

Yes, life is in danger without prayer. Prayer introduces into the heavenly sphere, purifies thoughts, strengthens faith, and delivers from lies. It is very important to fix this mood for a long time.

Satan inspires that self-will should replace all authority. The Lordship of God is rejected as not in keeping with the spirit of the times. Hence the causes of discord. Some give their lives for money, for property, for a lot of things like that. Some are simply sophisticated, trying to reach the "height". It is no coincidence that a dog from a children's cartoon advises: "if you don't have a tail, wag a smile."

But people still have a desire for goodness. There are people who are able to see, to recognize the craftiness of the spirits of evil. The enemy is trying to shake the views of the Orthodox believer. To some he says that the teaching is too limited, primitive; others - too strict and inapplicable in life.

The Lord helps to detect lies and deceit and protects the Orthodox in the fight against wrong views. Any betrayal and deceit destroy the trust in people, the family breaks up, the work team breaks up, the partnership stops. Some lie so much that they do not notice it, and when they come to their senses, they begin a new phrase with an insert: “to be honest,” showing that what was said before was not entirely true.

Discussing an important topic - the fate of an extraterrestrial soul, I recalled Montaigne's aphorism: "Death is taught by those who teach to live."

Rain of separation from the death clouds
Whipping at the door of every soul.
He will teach people to die,
Who will teach them to live right.

On the day when in the world
The shadow of death will fall on us,
Who teaches life who teaches death
Michel Montaigne says.

Closer to God, it will be better
Let's move away from the father of lies.
Only he will teach you how to die
Who will teach Orthodox to live.

Often life is interrupted by chance,
Therefore hurry to Christ.
He teaches people how to die
Who will teach them to live by faith!

Live for God while working for others
So that the coming day was not terrible,
Death teaches, who teaches life!
The thinker Michel Montaigne is right.

Lies and deceit have no price and no purpose, except for one thing - to carry out satanic plans in life, pushing aside any thought about eternity, about God, about decency in general.

And people who believe and think talk about earthly life and the transition to eternity.

"Bulletin of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra" No. 7-8 (40-41) 2007

Lies as a psychological phenomenon

The phenomenon of lying is widely studied in psychology and psycholinguistics.

There are many author's definitions of lies: J. Mazip offers a complex integrative definition of the phenomenon. Deception (or lies) - a deliberate attempt (successful or not), to hide and/or fabricate (manipulate) factual and/or emotional information, by verbal and/or non-verbal means, in order to create or maintain in another or in others a belief that the communicator himself considers false.

O. Fry: A lie is a successful or unsuccessful intentional attempt, made without warning, to form in another person a belief that the communicator considers wrong.

D. DePaulo proved that lying is a very common communicative phenomenon in everyday life, which includes a variety of situations and tactics of lying. The author proposes a three-factor model of lies, which includes the following components: content, type and referent. The content of a lie can be emotion, action, justification, achievement, and fact. By type of lie is: a direct lie (untruth in pure form), exaggeration and subtle lies (omitting important details). The referent of a lie is the one about whom (or what) the lie is told (self-oriented and other-oriented).

Sometimes a lie is called the unintentional creation and retention of an opinion that the transmitter may consider true, but the inconsistency with the truth of which has been proven, confirmed and known, but for this case the term " delusion" is more often used. P. Ekman defines a lie as "a deliberate decision to mislead the person to whom the information is addressed, without warning about his intention to do so."

Lying as a psychiatric phenomenon (pathological lying)

In general, pathological deceit (pseudologia fantastica) is understood as a falsification of a very complex structure, extensive in time (from several years to a lifetime), which is not caused by dementia, insanity and epilepsy. The need to draw attention to oneself and inspire in others an unfair sense of respect for one's personality is combined with an overly excitable, rich and immature fantasy and moral defects.

Many researchers consider pathological deceit as an essential attribute of severe mental and "social" illnesses. For example, Dick and his colleagues classify drug addicts and alcoholics, people with narcissism, psychopathism and sociopathy as pathological liars.

Canadian psychologists Victoria Talver (McGill University) and Kang Li (University of Toronto) conducted an experiment to study the consequences of authoritarian and liberal parenting methods. The results stunned scientists. It turned out that strict rules and strict requirements force a person to learn to lie. And the more authoritarian the method of education, the more skillful lies. The essence of the study is to observe children of primary school age, some of whom are brought up with authoritarian discipline, while others are quite liberal. Psychologists created various game situations, conducted surveys and interviews individually with each child. The results obtained during the scientific experiment unequivocally showed Negative influence authoritarian system on children. Fear of being punished for the slightest offense pushes children to lie, improves the skills of pretense. In the future, such a person may turn out to be an unproductive worker who covers up his misdeeds with a clever strategy of deception. Lying is severely punished in many cultures, and in some countries there is a similar law.

Types of lies

  • Exalted
Exalted is an exaggerated statement usually found in advertisements or campaign materials, such as "our powder washes flawlessly clean", "candidate N is the only hope of democracy", etc.
  • Lies due to outdated information
Examples of such lies are letterheads and business cards that contain an outdated address or phone numbers; a billboard of a bankrupt company that has not yet been removed, etc. Often not perceived as a lie, since such information was initially reliable. Lies due to ambiguity of information- a type of misleading, in which information is given in an ambiguous form, allowing more than one interpretation, while only one of possible interpretations is true. Sometimes it is not perceived as a lie, because the information provided contains the correct answer. However, more often than not, the ambiguous message is structured in such a way that it encourages the listener to choose the wrong interpretation. (An example from a textbook on the history of the ancient world: “If the king goes to war against the Persians, he will crush the great kingdom” - it is not clear which kingdom: Persian or his own.)
  • False rebuttal
False rebuttal- correcting the correct information to deliberately false, convincing the interested party that the previously reported information was erroneous, although in fact they were true. Often combined with other types of lies, as it can pursue different goals.
  • Pathological lie (lie without cause)
pathological lies- an unmotivated lie, a lie for the sake of the lie itself. Although this species lies and is called "pathological", it remains debatable whether psychopathology really takes place here. It has not been conclusively established how much a pathological liar can control his lies, and, therefore, whether such a person can be considered fully capable and whether he can perform certain social functions (for example, be involved in court as a witness, act as a guarantor in financial transactions, etc.) . P.). There is a hypothesis according to which pathological liars believe in their own lies, which brings pathological lies closer to children's lies and suggests that pathological lies are just children's lies that have been preserved in a person until adulthood. However, this has not been proven. Practice shows that the vast majority of pathological liars are quite sane and able to answer for their words.
  • self-deception
self-deception- a specific type of lie, which consists in the fact that the subject of a lie is also its object, in other words, a person convinces himself of the truth of a deliberately false judgment. Suppose a student who has poorly prepared for an exam inspires himself that he is well prepared (in the depths of his soul, realizing that this is not so). Self-deception is based on wishful thinking. According to a number of psychologists, self-deception is a psychological defense mechanism in cases where the recognition of the truth can injure a person mentally or cause moral discomfort. Some psychiatrists compare self-deception with pathological lying on the basis of belief in a deliberately false statement. From the point of view of philosophy, opinions about whether one can truly deceive oneself differ greatly, which is why some doctors and philosophers avoid the word "self-deception", replacing it with the word "self-hypnosis".
  • Involuntary lies ("innocent" lies, naive lies, inadvertent misrepresentation)
Involuntary lies- involuntary misrepresentation associated with the speaker's belief in the truth of an erroneous statement. For example, a child is convinced by his parents that a stork brings children, and tells his friends about it, who want to know where babies come from. Often such a lie is a consequence of the fact that the speaker himself was deceived by someone. Therefore, such a lie is sometimes called "innocent" (because the blame for the lie falls on the one who told the speaker false information) or naive (as a sign of the speaker's naivety and gullibility, repeating someone else's lie). In most cultures, unintentional lies are not considered "real" lies and are not frowned upon. So, if a witness who gave false testimony in court was in good faith mistaken, he is not held liable for perjury.

Lies and Emotions

The quality of a lie is closely related to the emotions the liar experiences (Paul Ekman):

  1. delight in "swindling" - a feeling of omnipotence

noble lie

The policy of the "Noble Lie" was also advocated by Plato, who in the work The State suggested that in an ideal state the philosopher-kings would spread lies in the name of the common good.

In the modern world, a similar philosophy is promoted by Leo Strauss and his followers and other supporters of Neoconservatism.

see also

  • Linguistics of lies
  • Khlestakov



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Dike, C., Baranoski, M., Griffith, E. (2006). What is pathological lying? The British Journal of Psychiatry, 189, 86.
  • McCornack, S. (1992). information manipulation theory. Communication Monographs, 59, 1-16.
  • DePaulo, B.M., Kashy, D.A. (1998). Everyday lies in close and casual relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 63-79.
  • DePaulo, B. M., Kashy, D. A., Kirkendol, S. E., Wyer, M. M., & Epstein, J. A. (1996). Lying in everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 979-995.
  • Fry, O. Lies: three methods of detection / O. Fry. - St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign, 2006.
  • Selivanov, F. A. Mistakes. Delusions. Behavior / F. A. Selivanov - Tomsk: Vol. university, 1987


Lie- this is a belief spread by a person consciously, while knowing that it does not reflect reality. The concept of lie is defined by Zh. Mazip as a deliberate attempt to hide or fabricate information in order to create an opinion in others, which the author considers false. The meaning of the word lie is closely connected with the ancient Slavic language, the Old Slavonic “lie” and Ukrainian “lie” originated from it - identical words.

To avoid deception, not to become a hostage of psychological scammers, it is useful to be able to identify lies. This explains the increasing interest in the mechanisms of lies today. The works of Professor Paul Ekman, who also created courses in which students can learn to identify deception by emotions in 32 hours, are extremely popular. According to his research, the beloved series “Lie to Me” was also filmed.

The method of hardware research of veracity was also popularized - testing on a device - a "lie detector". There are 3 methods of polygraph interviews: civil - 3 hours, military - 7 hours, the technique of special services - which is still a secret.

What is a lie?

For a variety of reasons, all people try to hide the truth, and we will try to highlight the main reasons for deception.

What is a lie? This is a widespread communication phenomenon. Sometimes they lie in order to feel more significant - a person plays a certain role that allows him, without possessing certain positive qualities, to ascribe them and enjoy his fictional image.

The second reason is that deception brings some benefit, which will become impossible if the liar reveals his own. The desire to defend personal interests and at the same time understanding that the achievement of goals will be difficult if they are openly designated makes a person contradictory and forces him to resort to a distortion of reality. The liar is trying to make his lie very streamlined or even invent something that does not exist, giving one for the other - thanks to which he will quickly get a benefit. Unfortunately, at the same time, few people think about the consequences, leaving them for later. And since often the same workarounds are used to solve the results of deception, a “snowball effect” occurs that makes a person a pathological liar. The more skillful the game, the longer the legend will last, but sooner or later acting skills fail and failure inevitably follows.

The concept of a lie in psychology is endowed with an unambiguously negative meaning, since it has a destructive effect on the psyche and, in general, on the whole organism. Having lied once, a person is forced to constantly remember and maintain this image, literally "enter the legend." Certain areas of the brain are constantly in an overstrained state, as a result of which other mental processes and the emotional sphere suffer, exhaustion occurs. In the body, a lie forms clamps, with which a person sometimes continues to live all his life. Thus, a person closes the way to his true self and violates psychological health.

pathological lies

Majority healthy people lie, keeping a logical chain and clearly understanding the goals they want to achieve through deception. In this case, the distortion of reality is often insignificant. But there is also the so-called pathological lie. It is characterized by a distortion of reality without any obvious need, in any trifles, it becomes automatic. For example, such a person tells his wife that he will come home at one time and return at another. At work, he guarantees the performance of the task on the agreed conditions, but does not comply with them. He lies to friends and associates to get their attention, lies in communication with the opposite sex, wanting to please. And on this petty lie, which has already become commonplace, his whole life is built.

At the heart of pathological lies is a great need to get attention and feel important, backed up by a strong fantasy. Myth-making and the subtle feeling of people as the audience of their lies is both a talent and a way for a liar to survive in society. He intuitively understands what everyone needs, and is ready to promise it without a twinge of conscience. Often pathological lying in words is accompanied by actions for reinforcement: for example, to create the appearance of success, a person rents an elite car or reserves a table in an expensive restaurant.

Pathological lies in psychology are sometimes considered as a consequence of organic disorders of the brain or congenital mental illness. However, it can also be a consequence. Here it is born as a way to adapt in society and strengthened into a strategy of behavior. Most often, the reason is in the early object relationship between the child and the mother, in which the mother does not accept reality and the child as he is, punishes or ignores him for his natural manifestations of himself. The child learns from the mother the message: "The way you are - I don't need you." And he begins to create his own legend, losing touch with reality more and more. The proverb “lies and does not blush” applies precisely to such liars who themselves believe in their lies. Even on a lie detector, vegetative manifestations of deceit of such a person are often not detected - he is in agreement with himself, believes in what he invents, and lives this story when he is trusted.

A striking example of a pathological liar is Leonardo DiCaprio's character in the movie Catch Me If You Can. Here is a classic scenario of the life of a deceiver - he receives not only the benefits of his lies, but also the punishment that comes as a result of his own personal deep convictions. He knows that he is lying, and tired of the endless emotional overload, he unconsciously seeks to be caught, caught in a lie. The hero internally surrenders, begins to make mistakes one after another and flirts with the investigator. Punishment is at the same time a détente, a relief, even if it appears in the form of a prison, a broken car, a broken leg...

How to work out this problem? A person must realize his lie, then he will be able to master his behavior and even partially choose the punishment, which in any case will come according to the unconscious scenario embedded in this mechanism. Such self-chosen punishments include religious penance and its counterparts in secular life - charity, physical overload, self-destruction, retirement. A symptom of the approaching punishment is a feeling of guilt, tracking which you can correct the situation, including with the help of psychotechnics that allow you to speak, breathe, prescribe, draw the problem. And as a result, get control over the situation.

Types of lies

There are about 20 common types of lies that reveal the meaning of the word lie even more fully: silence, half-truth, ambiguity, substitution of concepts, exaggeration and understatement, embellishment, bringing to the point of absurdity, simulation, fraud, falsification, hoax, gossip, slander, flattery, twist, bluff, artificial empathy, polite lie, white lie, self-deception. Let's consider them.

Silence is a deliberate concealment of the true state of affairs.

A half-truth is a distortion of a piece of information, which is also not the truth.

Ambiguity - ambiguity, the deliberate creation of the effect of a "double bottom" of the message, which does not allow the correct interpretation of the information received.

The substitution of concepts is the issuance of one phenomenon for another, the intentional error in the thesaurus.

Exaggeration and understatement - a distortion in the assessment of the severity of the phenomenon according to some criterion.

Embellishment is the creation of a more attractive image than in reality.

Bringing to the point of absurdity is a deliberate gross distortion of information, inflation. Usually accompanied by an emotional game and does not allow the use of the reported information due to its apparent unreality.

Simulation. Here the art of acting comes to the aid of the liar, akin to acting. Simulation means acting out a fictional situation without actually experiencing the one being demonstrated.

Fraud is a deception punishable by law and aimed at obtaining profit or taking possession of the property of the victim.

Falsification is a substitution with the aim of presenting a fact or object as true, original. This type is often found in the production of copies of goods that are outwardly similar to the original, but differ from them in a number of characteristics.

A hoax is an invention of a non-existent phenomenon, for example, a mermaid.

Gossip is the transfer of information about a person without his knowledge. The distortion of reality occurs due to embellishment, conscious or unconscious misinformation, and usually many links in the chain of information communication - the effect of a “broken phone”.

Slander is a slander, dissemination of deliberately false, discrediting information about a person.

Flattery is the presentation of his positive personal qualities to the addressee in an inflated size or the attribution of non-existent virtues.

A twist or, as Paul Ekman called this type of lie, “a confusing subterfuge” is an excuse, a trick that allows you to twist and get away from the truthful answer. Women often resort to this type of lie.

Bluff is the creation of the idea in the addressee that the liar has something that he does not actually have. Frequent gambling.

Artificial empathy - false emotional participation in the experiences of the interlocutor without true inclusion in them.

A lie out of politeness is a socially determined type of lie that forces a person to distort reality in order not to go beyond the limits of decent in society.

A white lie is the most justified, positively perceived type of lie. Here the speaker deceives in order to obtain significant, generally recognized benefits that will be acquired by one, often more weak person, or several or even all participants in the communication.

Self-deception is a lie in front of oneself, a voluntary misleading of oneself. Often associated with an unconscious desire for circumstances to turn out differently, a belief in an alternative, more favorable reality.

Lying is the ability to deceive another person. While no one likes to be deceived, we have all fallen victim to this unpridetable skill. Surprisingly, lies are quite recognizable. Just pay close attention to the body language of your interlocutor.

What is a lie

Lie is a deliberate concealment of the truth. From the point of view of psychology, a lie is an oral statement containing information that is incompatible with actual events. The definition of lying, therefore, shows it as a conscious, deliberate act aimed at recipient fraud information.

And although many people believe that deception of loved ones, in matters of little importance, that is, the so-called little white lie, is a completely normal and innocent thing, but, in accordance with the definition of a lie, it is always a fraud, that is, a manifestation of dishonesty and dishonesty towards others.

How to understand that someone is lying

When you lie, our body has the task of hiding the truth, which makes us feel uncomfortable and tense. In this regard, with our body language, we reveal hidden intentions.

Here lying symptoms:

  • Redness on the face.
  • Desire to scratch the body.
  • Lack of eye contact with the interlocutor.
  • Constricted pupils.
  • Overexpression of the body.
  • Strict facial expression.

Lies can also betray way of speaking. IN stressful situations increases the rate of speech, volume and tone of voice. A lying person very often does not finish sentences and is faced with the problem of expressing thoughts - he speaks chaotically and indistinctly.

Why do we lie to other people

We lie in order to achieve a certain goal. Simply put, people lie to get some benefit- for example, material, social or political.

According to psychologists, lies are often resorted to people with low self-esteem who are trying to raise their importance in the eyes of others. It happens that you lie for noble reasons, for example, we do not tell the child about a serious illness, because in this way we want to protect him from great mental suffering.